Brenda.. free porn video

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Brenda knew she was in trouble. As she walked to her car, her fingers trembled as she reached for her car keys. As she pressed the button to unlock the power locks to her car, she wondered how bad it would be. Brenda felt an uneasy feeling deep within her stomach. She had been a terribly naughty girl and knew she was going to have to pay a heavy price.

As she put her car in reverse and backed out of the narrow parking spot, Brenda felt a small stream of cum trickle from her pussy. Not more than 20 minutes earlier, Brenda had been in absolute ecstasy. Mixed emotions flooded her mind. Pleasure, contentment, fulfillment, fear, guilt, shame: all intense emotions that made her mind spin with uncertainty. Brenda knew there was no way to hide this indiscretion and she wondered how she had gotten herself into this ordeal. She knew….

Brenda had met Jeff three weeks ago Friday when her and her friends had gone clubbing. The four of them loved to get dressed up and hit one of several hot spots in town. They would laugh and joke with each other about never having to spend money when they went out; without trying, guys would always offer to buy their drinks.

That Saturday night started out uneventfully. The girls were sitting at a table next to the dance floor when Brenda noticed him. She certainly wasn’t one who usually initiated conversations with guys. Brenda remembers him standing against the wall and she was unable to stop staring at him. He stood about 5’ 10” and she guessed he weighed around 200lbs. His black hair was cut short, almost a flat-top. He was dressed in a pair of baggy jeans and a skin-tight black shirt. His arms….she could not stop staring at his arms as his biceps were outlined by a thick bulging vein down the outside of his arms. Brenda was mesmerized by his long fingers and muscular forearms.

As she gazed at this handsome stranger, Brenda sat in disbelief as she looked up at his face and realized he was looking directly at her. She immediately began to blush and giggled to herself. Without thinking, her eyes immediately fell to the drink in front of her as she found herself trying to re-engage in the conversation with her friends. Although she had not been paying attention, she tried to play it off and shook her head in agreement.

“How long had he seen me staring at him?” she wondered to herself. Brenda fought the urge to look back in his direction although every part of her being wanted her to. This man had made her heart race and she felt like a little school girl as the butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Even more odd, she felt a twinge of excitement course through her thighs as she gazed at his fingers.

Brenda had allowed several minutes to pass before she glanced back towards him but felt disappointed when she had. He was gone. Brenda grew angry at herself for not making a move. Had she waited to long? Did he leave? Did he think she wasn’t interested?

Brenda snapped back to reality when the cocktail waitress nearly spilled the margarita in her lap. As she moved back, anticipating being covered in tequila, she felt a strong yet gentle hand on her shoulder. Turning around to see who was touching her, she felt the hand slide down her arm to her wrist then to her delicate, slender fingers. Whoever it was, his touch was electric…a warm sensation flooded her body.

Without saying a word, Brenda complied. She followed her requestor to the dance floor without question. As they worked their way to the dance floor, she felt his strong arms around her waist. He was much taller; her head only came up to his upper chest. Only then did Brenda realize a slow song was playing. Whoever this man was, he had a power over her she had never felt. She could feel his muscular chest pressed against her soft cheek as they slowly moved back and forth to the music.

Several minutes passed before either spoke a word. “I’m Jeff” he said. “Ummm…I’m Brenda” she replied. “I’m guessing you saw me staring at you?” she asked. Jeff laughed for a second then replied, “Yes, but don’t worry because I was too!”

After slow dancing to several songs and getting beyond the normal ‘introductory’ information, the two found a table in the back of the club. She felt so comfortable around him; almost as if she had known him forever. She learned they attended the same school and even knew some of the same friends.

As much as she wanted to yield to the intense passion she felt, Brenda had never been the type of girl to hook up with someone on the first night. It wasn’t her style although parts of her body were screaming for her to break the rules tonight.

Before she left, Brenda got Jeff’s phone number and they agreed to talk on Sunday.

Over the course of the next couple weeks, Brenda secretly talked to Jeff every day. Although she liked Jeff, she knew a relationship was impossible. Brenda belonged to someone else. In fact, Brenda wasn’t looking for a relationship and prior to that Saturday night, wasn’t “looking” for anything. However, since meeting Jeff, Brenda found herself overwhelmed with a deep desire to have this man fuck her. She couldn’t recount how many times she found her own fingers exploring her body when she closed her eyes and thought about Jeff. Every time she did, her fingers always ended up deep inside herself and always resulted in intense orgasm.

Day after day, Brenda fought back the forbidden desires that consumed her…until that Friday. Unable to keep fighting, Brenda called Jeff at lunch and told him to rent a suite at the Plaza Grand. The two arranged to meet at the bar at 7:00 PM for drinks.

Getting caught was not an option although she did not know how she could hide this. As she showered and applied make-up to her stunningly beautiful face, she found herself convincing herself she was willing to pay the price. She had to have this man inside her. It would be worth the cost if she was caught.

Brenda arrived five minutes early and found Jeff sitting at a small table in the bar. He had already taken the liberty of ordering her drink. She was so nervous her hands trembled as she sat down.
Sensing her apprehension, Jeff placed his hand on hers to reassure her.

Although Brenda had not fully explained her current situation, she had told Jeff she was involved with another man. Brenda refused to divulge too much information. In fact, not even her closest friends knew everything about her secret life.

“Come on” she said taking Jeff’s hand, “let’s go. I can’t wait!” Brenda stood and followed Jeff to the elevator. As the elevator doors closed, she caught her reflection in the highly polished brass that decorated the walls. Dressed in a short denim skirt, high heels and a tight white shirt, she wondered if she had dressed to “slutty” for the occasion. No matter, she thought. Her clothes would not be on long enough for it to be of concern to anyone.

As the elevator doors closed, Brenda stepped towards Jeff and placed her lips against his. The two embraced in a passionate kiss. As emotional as she felt, Brenda knew she had to keep her feelings in check. Tonight was not about passion; it was solely sexual lust.

Brenda took Jeff’s strong hand and placed it under her short skirt to allow him to see she was not wearing panties. Jeff knew exactly what to do. His middle finger slid softly between Brenda’s pouting pussy lips and caressed her tiny clit. She felt his finger slide past her silky softness and enter her tight hole. Jeff continued to kiss her soft lips as his long finger inched deeper and deeper into her. As he did, he rubbed the palm of his hand against her wet clit. Brenda felt her knees weaken as he skillfully assaulted her young pussy.

Moments later, the two found themselves standing at the edge of the bed in this luxurious suite. Neither spoke a word. Brenda stepped back and seductively removed her shirt exposing her perfect breasts. Her nipples protruded into the air and her perky breasts hung beautifully. Brenda reached forward and began to unbuckle Jeff’s belt. As she did, she felt his strong hand exploring her chest. Firmly yet gently, he cupped each breast in his hands and as he massaged her. As Brenda unzipped his pants, she helped Jeff step out of them.

Brenda again stepped back and slid out of her skirt. Left clad in only her heels, Jeff had removed his shirt and was sliding out of his boxers as she looked back at him.

Brenda smiled as she saw him. His body was perfectly chiseled. Large pectorals, six-pack stomach, bulging arms, thick muscular legs and the longest penis she had ever seen. Jeff’s cock must have been 10 or 11 inches in length and it sagged low under its’ own weight. Brenda reached outward and wrapped her tiny hand around his manhood. As she did, she felt the huge vein bulging from the top of his beautiful cock.

Brenda dropped to her knees and moved her mouth towards him. Sticking her tongue out, she slowly licked the sweet drop of pre-cum on the tip of his cock. Brenda looked up at Jeff as she opened her mouth. As she did, she felt his large hand on the back of her head guiding her mouth forward.

Brenda began by slowly licking the tip of his cock then up and down his long shaft. She felt him breath heavy as her warm tongue teased his large cock. After a few moments, Brenda slowly began taking as much of his huge dick into her mouth as she could. Slowly at first, she began to work his cock in and out of her mouth, feeling his hips move back and forth as she did. As she did, she could see his muscular stomach flex with pleasure.

Although she could only get 8 or 9 inches into her mouth, she knew it was enough to drive him wild. After a few minutes, she pushed him onto the bed. As he sat down, Brenda crawled between his legs and began to assault his cock with her lips and tongue. Her head moved up and down as she sucked his massive cock.

Brenda felt Jeff nearing orgasm. Not wanting this forbidden interlude to end to quickly, she removed her mouth and lay down beside Jeff. Knowing exactly what she wanted, Jeff knelt at the edge of the bed and pulled Brenda towards him. She felt his strong hands around her legs as he effortlessly pulled her petite body towards him. Brenda willing placed her legs in top of his massive shoulders.

Jeff had wanted to do this since the moment he saw her. He stared at her gorgeous pussy for a moment before moving his hand to her tiny lips. Brenda felt a jolt of electric excitement throughout her body as his long fingers parted her pussy lips. Jeff leaned forward and slowly licked her now-swollen clit. As he continued to keep her spread apart with his fingers, he slowly and expertly slid his tongue up and down her sleek pussy, tasting her wetness and feeling her warmth. Brenda’s breathing increased as her secret-lover caressed her young pussy with his mouth. She felt his facial stubble on her firm thighs as his face moved back and forth to savor her taste.

Jeff then gently clinched her sensitive clitoris between his teeth and began to run his tongue back and forth across the swollen tip. This sent an erotic chill deep inside her. As he did, Brenda felt him slide a long finger deep inside her. Deeper and deeper, she felt his finger gently probing her insides. As he did, he softly curled his finger upward and began to stroke in and out of her. The combination of his assault on her clit and his probing finger, Brenda felt the excitement building within. She began to buck her hips in eager anticipation to meet each of his finger-strokes. Pressing her hips down then allowing them to spring upward with a sensual rhythm, she felt her climax building.

“Stick another finger inside me” she begged. Compliantly, he did. His large fingers were barely able to get inside and the thought of how she would be able to accept his large cock was more than she could take. She felt a shocking wave race through her body as she came and felt as if every bit of the sensation was culminating in her tiny clit still clenched between his teeth. Jeff maintained his oral assault on Brenda’s pussy through the orgasm. Brenda tried to pull away but Jeff instantly put both hands around her hips, his long fingers against her lower stomach. He pulled her body tightly into his face and slid his tongue deep inside her. The taste of her feminine moisture was intoxicating. Jeff began to fuck her tiny pussy with his talented tongue sending Brenda into wave after wave of orgasm.

Louder and louder Brenda began to scream with intense pleasure. This seemed to only arouse her lover more as he lifted her hips off the bed and began to attack her pussy from a different angle. Every so often, Jeff would remove his tongue and place it against her tiny ass hole, pressing just enough to allow the tip to break into her tiny hole. Brenda would press her hips into his face. Jeff knew what she wanted and worked his tongue deeper into her ass. This was the first time she had ever felt a tongue this deep in her ass and the sensation was overpowering. Brenda screamed as she came. She felt her hands on Jeff’s head as she pulled him forcefully into her thighs. Jeff had reached over the top of her thighs as was rubbing her clit back and forth as his tongue continued to violate her tiny ass.

Brenda threw her head back and forth as she felt him at least an inch deep in her. She could take no more. Brenda grabbed Jeff under the arms as if trying to lift his massive body upright.

She didn’t need to speak. Jeff knew it was time. It was time to take what he had longed for. Jeff stood and Brenda watched in amazement as Jeff spread the pre-cum from the tip of his cock, ensuring he full erection was lubricated. The moisture glistened in the light.

Jeff stepped forward and placed the tip of his massive cock at Brenda’s tiny opening. He slowly ran it up and down her pussy, parting her soft lips and easily gliding along her silky lips.

Jeff then placed his head against her opening and gently eased into her. Brenda felt her tiny walls begin to stretch and the lustful hunger within her grew. Jeff began to slide into her….two inches, then three, then four, then five. As he did, he slowly withdrew to allow their wetness to fully cover his massive cock before he slid back in, five inches, then six, then seven, before repeating the process.

As the eighth inch entered her, Brenda felt her tiny pussy nearly stretched to its’ limit. Her muscles flexed around his long, thick shaft as Jeff gave her a moment to get used to him being that deep.

Slowly, he began to stroke his cock in and out, each stroke effortless with their natural lubrication. Each time he dove his cock inside her, she felt her lips stretch around his thickness. Brenda loved the feeling of his massive cock pushing deeper and deeper into her. Her hips moved with his strokes and she felt the a****listic desire almost choking her throat.

“Fuck me hard Jeff. Hurt my pussy with your cock!” she commanded. Jeff began to pound his massive cock harder and deeper into her. Brenda felt his balls smacking her in the ass as he fucked her tiny pussy. Brenda could feel his massive legs slamming into the back of her thighs as he fucked her. She felt her pussy wrapped tightly around his dick as he fucked her. Sweat began to drip from his chest and fell onto hers. Brenda massaged her breasts as her lover fucked her.

After a few minutes, Jeff withdrew his member from inside her and rolled her onto her stomach. He then pulled her back until her feet touched the floor. As she turned around to look t him, she felt a large hand on her back. He pushed forward on Brenda until she her chest was flat against the bed, her legs straight and her smooth ass sticking up. She felt Jeff press his cock into her and he placed his strong hands on her tiny waist.

Jeff wasted no time. He began to fuck Brenda feverishly, his hand wrapped around her hips pulling her into him as each stroke slammed into her. Brenda shrieked aloud with each stroke, moaning over and over “Yes, yes, yes, oh my god, yes.” She heard Jeff grunt as he pounded her. “Your pussy feels so good” he moaned.

The two veiled lovers continued their torrid sexual ravishing of one another. As Jeff fucked Brenda, she felt him plunge his thumb into her tiny ass. The naughtiness of his probing was tremendous and it sent Brenda into an intense orgasm. A wave of female ejaculation gushed from her pussy and ran down her muscular legs. Brenda felt herself go weak. If not for Jeff’s hands and his massive cock inside her, she might have fallen down.

Jeff stopped long enough to turn her around and lift her up. Brenda’s arms were wrapped around his neck and Jeff reached down to lift her legs. Brenda instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips and she felt his cock slowly enter her once again. Jeff then walked to the door; Brenda wrapped around him, his cock deep inside. Jeff pressed her back against the wall and began to viciously fuck Brenda.

Jeff was fucking her so hard she wasn’t sure if she felt pain or just intense pleasure. In either case, her pussy begged for more and she did her best to move her hips with his.

Within minutes she heard Jeff, “I’m gonna cum, I gotta pull out.”

“NO! Cum inside me” she commanded.

Jeff did not ask her if she was sure. Hearing this sent him over the top. Brenda felt him swell inside her. Her fingernails dug into his flesh. He was stretching her pussy to it’s’ limit. Within another stroke, she felt him explode.

His cock pulsed as the first load of cum coated her insides. She could feel the warmth of his cum. Jeff continued to pound her, pulse after pulse his cum filled her insides.

Jeff finally stopped and the two held each other for a moment, their sweat glistening in the light.

As he removed his cock, Brenda felt his cum running down her inner thigh.

Brenda did her best to clean herself up. Knowing she could stay no longer, she quickly dressed without saying much. As she left, she simply thanked Jeff and gave him a kiss.

“We can’t do this again. If he finds out, it will be too dangerous!”

Pulling onto the highway, Brenda knew what had gotten her into this situation. Lust; Uncontrollable lust: an uncontrollable lust that she would pay for. Brenda knew her thighs were sticky from his cum. She knew she smelled of sex. She knew her pussy would smell of her lover’s cock and would be red and swollen from the pounding it had just received.

“Fuck him” Brenda thought. “My Master will have to accept it!”

As Brenda pulled into her driveway, the reality of her actions began to sink in. It was now 11:30 PM and she was supposed to be home by 9:00 PM. She was also supposed to have called him at 8:00 PM to check in as she was required. This would have been difficult for her to do since she knew she had a cock buried deep inside her at that moment.

Brenda trembled with fear as she walked through her front door. As she did, she saw her Master sitting on the couch. Brenda did not speak.

“Where have you been?” He asked.

“Me and Tiff had a drink and were talking. I lost track of time!” she replied.

“Okay” her Master replied.

“May I please take a shower Sir? I smell like cigarette smoke.” She asked.

“Yes you may. First, come gimme a kiss.”

Hesitantly, she complied trying not to let Him sense her hesitation.

Brenda walked towards him and stopped as she reached the couch. Bending down, she pressed her lips against His.

With lightning speed he was upon her. His muscularly calloused right hand was around her throat and he was standing ominously over her. Fear paralyzed her as he spoke.

“I spoke to Tiff about 45 minutes ago. She has been home all evening. Why do you find it necessary to lie to me?” he asked.

Brenda could not speak. Her wind was being cut off from the enormous pressure around her tiny throat. As she tried to gasp for air, she felt her Master’s fingers slide up her skirt to her pantiless crotch. She felt as her Master slid a finger into her sticky cunt and quickly remove it. He then raised his hand and commanded her to open her mouth.

“Taste this!’ he ordered.

Brenda opened her mouth and gently wrapped her lips around his fingers.

“What is that?” he asked angrily.

As he awaited an answer, Brenda felt his grip release. Brenda gasped to inhale a few breaths as she answered.

“It’s cum Sir!” she answered shamefully.

“I don’t remember giving you permission to fuck. Am I mistaken?” he asked.

“No Sir. I am a dirty slut and I fucked without Your permission” she answered.

“You know what happens to naughty girls who disobey the rules, don’t you?” he asked.

“Yes Sir. I must be punished and I should be punished harshly.” Brenda answered.

“Go shower and wait for me in the bedroom” he directed.

“Yes Sir” she replied as she got up to walk down the hallway.

As she turned from her Master and took her first step, Brenda felt his arm wrap around her neck from behind. Her Master tightened his grip and drove her body towards the arm of the large leather couch. Brenda soon found herself bent over the arm of the couch, her abdomen pressed down hard into the soft leather. She felt her Master drawing her skirt over her smooth, firm, tanned ass and over her curvy hips. Brenda felt the rush of cold air as it made contact with her wet pussy; a pussy still wet from her lover not an hour earlier.

As she felt herself being pushed down, her Master grabbed a handful of her silky brown hair and wrapped it in his hand. Within another second, she felt her head being pulled backwards.

Focusing on her head, Brenda was oblivious to his next move. Without warning, his cupped right hand struck her exposed ass letting out a loud crack. Searing hot pain coursed through her ass cheeks and immediately reddened. Strike after strike, her Master spanked her tiny ass with his strong hand.

As quickly as the spanking began, it stopped.

“Go wash yourself!” he ordered. As she walked away, she felt the stinging pain on her tiny ass cheeks.


After Brenda dried herself off, she walked to her Master’s king sized bed. Brenda took her place at the end of the bed and awaited her Master. Within moments, she heard the door open as her Master entered.

“Naughty Brenda! Why did you betray my trust? You little slut…why’d you fuck this man?” he asked.

“Because I am weak and I could not resist. In my weakness, I wanted to feel his cock inside me Sir.” Brenda answered.

“Did he fuck you good?” her Master asked.

“Yes Sir…but not as good as You do!” Brenda said confidently.

Brenda stood before Him, totally naked. Her body shivered from a combination of fear, anxiety, and her wet hair from the shower moments ago. Her nipples stood erect as she eagerly anticipated the very long night ahead of her. Brenda wanted to smile but knew she could not.

Her eager anticipation quickly turned to fear when she saw what her Master had in his hands. Of all his devices, the leather binding straps he held in hands were the most formidable.

Her Master stepped forward and grabbed Brenda by the wrist. As he began to place the strap over her hand, Brenda yanked her arm away forcefully. If her Master was going to bind her, He was going to have to fight her for it. Once again, He grabbed her wrist and again, Brenda pulled away.

Brenda saw the frustration in His eyes as she stepped backwards. Within a split second, he was on her. He stepped forward and lowered his shoulder. Skillfully, he placed his shoulder in her abdomen and lifted her off the ground. His strong arm was wrapped around her tiny waist as he drove her onto the bed. As she landed, she felt his weight crash down on her. Releasing his hold on her waist, her Master grabbed both wrists and effortlessly pinned her arms above her head. By this point, He was straddling her, his nude body against hers. Brenda knew the struggle was exciting him. She felt his burly grip tightly holding her wrists together. With his free hand, he gently caressed her chest. Brenda relaxed for a moment and looked up at his muscular chest.

His strength and power was tremendous and Brenda remained mesmerized by the control He had over her.

As he reached for the leather binds, Brenda again struggled. She was able to free a hand and tried to push Him off of her. As she did, He placed his right hand around her throat again and squeezed. Brenda felt herself unable to breath. It did not take long before she felt she might lose consciousness but she was coherent enough to notice his fully erect cock as it lay against her tight stomach.

Second after second, she lay motionless waiting for Him to release his grip but that moment did not some. Brenda began to fear he may not release her. As she struggled to breath, Brenda saw thousands of tiny flashes, almost star-like images in her vision. Brenda tried to wiggle free of his grip but could not. Her free hand grasped his massive forearm in a last attempt to free herself but she could not move his arm.

The next thing she knew, she was choking in air as her oxygen-deprived lungs struggled to fill. Gasping in precious air, fear swept through her as she realized her hands were bound tightly by the leather straps.

Opening her eyes, she felt her Master gently kiss her lips.

Brenda knew what was coming and she trembled all over. Her Master gently lifted her from the bed and carried her to the large wall across from the bed. The wall was bare except for a few large iron hooks and loops bolted to the wall.

Reaching the wall, He let her down and allowed her to regain her balance. As Brenda stood before Him, He took hold of the leather straps and began to raise her arms above her head.

Brenda resisted by balling both hands into fists and began to club her Master’s chest.

Brenda was striking Him so hard she saw red welts appear on his tanned chest. Although she struck Him as hard as she could, it had little effect.

He reached down and blocked her next strike. Grabbing the bindings, he yanked her arms above her head and wrapped his arm around her waist, lifting her up slightly. As he did, he placed the loop of her binds over the sturdy iron hook on the wall.

As he released his grip on her waist, Brenda was left hanging from the metal hook, the balls of her feet barely able to touch the ground.

Brenda knew how vulnerable she was at this point. Her Master stepped back and looked at his little Brenda. She was so beautiful. Her toned and muscular arms stretched above her head, her tight abdominal muscles flexing as she breathed. He noticed her perfectly curved hips, her neatly trimmed pubic hair and her muscular legs as they strained to support her weight. Physically, she was perfect.

Brenda watched as her Master knelt before her and placed a wide leather ankle collar around her right leg, then her left. Each ankle collar provided about 8 inches of slack but not enough for her to mount any kind of offensive attack. Brenda stood helpless before him.

In the time she had served her Master, she had only been subjected to this punishment once. The memory of that indiscretion brought back many memories. Pain, discomfort, humiliation, pleasure, orgasms; all intense and all vivid in her imagination.

Her Master stepped forward. Brenda felt her heart race. As he did, she felt his erect cock press into her stomach and felt the moisture of his excitement . Her Master slowly ran his hand down her stomach, caressing her. He saw the tiny hairs raised from her fear, from her excitement. Lower his led his hand until it brushed the closely trimmed strip of dark pubic hair.

Brenda felt his finger as it parted her tiny lips. Her Master began to rub her softly, gently, lovingly. She felt her womanhood stir to life as he slid his finger up and down. Brenda felt Him slide his two middle fingers inside her. Although she was already soaking wet, the cum from her lover earlier had been washed away during her shower.

As he slowly inserted his fingers into her, she felt him begin to rub her clit with his thumb. Soon, she felt his fingers fucking her tiny pussy as he rubbed her clit. Brenda tried to fight the excitement; an excitement she knew would weaken her legs and cause her arms to bear the weight of her tiny frame.

As hard a she tried, she could not fight her arousal. Her Master knew how to touch her. He knew what she liked. He knew what made her wet and what made her weak. Brenda slowly rocked her hips back and forth as he teased her tiny pussy.

Brenda could not contain her orgasm. Her body tensed as the powerful wave encompassed her. Her Master continued finger-fuck her but this time, there was a twist. He stepped into her and grabbed her throat once again. His fingers continued to plunge in and out of her, his thumb continued to ravage her swollen clit. Brenda was nearing orgasm as she felt herself unable to breathe once again. His hand felt like a vice as it constricted around her neck. He had completely shut-off her supply of air.

Brenda felt a lustful burning building deep inside her tight pussy. The intense orgasm-in-waiting was coupled with oxygen deprivation. Just as she came, he released his grip and allowed oxygen to flood into her lungs. She felt his strong fingers fucking her as she came again. Her head was dizzy from the lack of oxygen and his work inside her. She struggled to hold her weight upright as she screamed in ecstasy.

Brenda felt him remove his fingers. As he did, he placed them inside her mouth.

“Taste that! What does it taste like?” He asked.

“It tastes like a bad girl Sir!”

“Tell me what happened today!” he ordered.

“No sir! I cannot. I am too ashamed” she replied.

Obviously, she had not learned her lesson. Her Master lifted her up and released her from the hook. As he did, he walked her to the bed and sat down. She felt her Master place her across his muscular legs with her round ass exposed to him. He pulled her farther across his lap until her breasts dangled free. He looked down on her and soaked in the beautiful contours of her muscular back. Her Master maintained His grip on her straps, her hands still bound. He traced his finger down her spine and gently along the crack of her small ass.

Without warning, he once again began to spank her. His hand was cupped as her struck her equally on both tiny cheeks. The stinging sensation was overwhelming. She felt the searing pain as he struck her ass again and again.

Her ass was red from the discipline. She soon felt her Master’s hands exploring her pussy once again, strong fingers probing in and out. The same hands that had just inflicted the stinging pain were now softly caressing her, soothing her.

Brenda felt his hands gently massaging her ass and her back, firmly moving upwards to her shoulders. Her hands remained bound as he stood and lifted her onto the bed.

She lay still as he walked to the other side and fastened her hand bindings to the bed frame. He then walked back to her and fastened her ankles to pre-attached straps on the bed. Brenda was once again at his mercy. She was bent forward over the bed, her legs standing upright and her torso flat against the ground. She sensed him behind her.

“You’re going to tell me every detail Brenda!” he ordered.

“Yes Sir I will!” she answered.

Brenda felt him kneel behind her ass he buried his face into her pussy. Brenda could not contain her excitement. She felt him insert his tongue into her slit and begin to lick her silky soft lips.

“Tell me!” he said.

Brenda began to explain in detail her evening with Jeff. How she had sucked his cock. How he had fucked her. How he had stretched her pussy to it’s limit. How he filled her with his cum. How she felt his cum running down her thigh and how her pussy ached as she drove home.

All the while she continued to talk, her Master continued to taste her young pussy. His tongue darted in and out as she felt his excitement build. Brenda found it hard to speak as her breathing was getting more and more heavy. She writhed her hips back and forth as her Master darted his tongue deep inside her. Despite her shower, he could still smell the musty aroma of sex in her pussy.

Brenda came in an intense explosion of lust, passion, and sheer sexual pleasure. She knew he could smell and taste Jeff inside her. She knew how turned on her Master was by his naughty Brenda’s action.

As her orgasm continued, Brenda sensed her Master standing up. She turned around to see him squeeze some lubricant from a bottle onto his cock. He body tensed as the thought of her next punishment flashed through her mind.

Brenda was unable to free herself from her binds. She felt him squeeze the lubricant onto her tiny asshole and work it inside with his finger. She felt his cock as it pressed against her tiny ass. She tensed as her Master pushed his cock deeper and deeper into her tight ass. Brenda winced at the painful pleasure. She felt his cock enter deeper and deeper. As soon as he was inside her, she felt him begin to fuck her in her tiny ass, harder and harder.

As He did, He reached around and put both hands around her throat. Although he did not cut off her airway completely, he was squeezing her throat. Harder and harder he banged his hips into her. Tighter and tighter he held her throat. Brenda sensed his orgasm nearing. Knowing she needed to breath soon and knowing the only way she could breathe was for her Master to cum, Brenda tighten her muscles around his cock and drove her hips into his. She rocked back and forth, meeting each stroke.

Soon Brenda felt him explode inside her. His cock throbbed as he emptied himself inside her. As he did, he collapsed on her, his cock still pulsing inside her.

“Did you learn your lesson?” he asked.

“Yes sir” she answered. “But I’m gonna fuck him again…”


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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 5 Trying to Collect

I hadn’t wanted to admit it to Alicia, but I was nervous. Walking into Lottery Headquarters to collect a fortune was new to me. Granted, I had read the process on the Lottery Commission’s web page, but reading it and doing it were two different things. It took a lot longer than I had thought. First, I had to fill out several forms. Then I had to wait while the lottery official reviewed the forms. When he said everything looked good to him, he congratulated me, and told me it would take at...

1 year ago
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Carl Naked in School Beths StoryChapter 1

I've seen the journal Carl kept about his week "in the barrel," as it has come to be called at Central High - the week a student has to spend in the nude. As you may have noticed, I'm prominently featured in it. I thought you might be interested in my side of the story. Not that I have any serious issues with Carl's version. I think he did wonderful job. Oh, he made me seem awfully "giggly," at times. It seems every third paragraph I'm giggling. I do not "giggle." Ick! Not that...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking TrapChapter 3

Donny rang the doorbell at Deanna's, thinking, well the hell is she? "It's Sunday, for Christ's sake, she is normally home, and she said that Chad fishes on Sunday mornings." Donny could not help himself. He did feel badly for poor Chad, but the lucky guy was getting to marry Deanna! Donny had little experience in sex, due to his small penis, so he did not understand the alpha male's urge for multiple partners. Donny was leaning more in the sub direction; he was perhaps a little too...

1 year ago
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Kissin cousins and more pt 5

I was sitting down stairs watching a football game at halftime Uncle Bob went to get us something to drink. Pam sitting in a chair leaned over and asked me just how did you meet Nancy anyway? I though about it for a few seconds when just about that time Uncle Bob returned when I said I'll tell you later. After the game Pam and I stayed to watch a movie while Uncle Bob and Aunt June played cards in the next room. Pam sat next to me on the couch so I could talk in low tones.I told Pam that I met...

3 years ago
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The Sword of Noatlag

I stood up so I could get a better look around my new home. It was a dark purple mist that was behind something glass looking, while the floor was a deep navy blue. The walls domed up, into a central point easily a hundred feet above my head. To my left was a giant projection, showing the inside of a large green tent. Directly in front of the camera was a table a sandwich and some papers on it. The camera moved, and a hand reached out from the camera and picked up a new pen to the camera's...

1 year ago
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Kamesh Ki Uljhan 8211 Part I

Hi friends this is Kamesh again before narrating this new story I would like to thank the members of ISS family who spend their valuable time to e-mail me and giving precious suggestions for my previous story “Kamesh Ki Bhabi” I have gained many e-mail friends after posting my story in ISS. I became a regular reader of ISS and gone through many stories. After getting good response and feedback for you guys I got motivated and started...

3 years ago
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Sensual Sadist

I woke in a daze before my alarm even went off. I remembered the details of last nights chat. The address, time, and details of the meetup. No word from him this morning though. I was already worrying while trying to decide what skirt to wear. I slipped on a tight, black, high waisted skirt with a tight black crop and some chunky heel boots that were a little too tall for this mornings walk. Ken seemed to be a weird combination of mysterious and forthright while also being blunt and...

2 years ago
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I Was a Modern CavemanChapter 4

(Spring Year Two) Spring announced its arrival with the crackling of our frozen stream and the reappearance of tiny buds poking out of the snowy soil. The girls and I had been cooped up for far too long, and we all felt a rush of spring fever. Although it made no sense at all, one day we all trooped down to the river and had a cold water bath. It was like we were washing the old winter away along with the filth and tight quarters. It was also cold as hell, and didn't last long at all until...

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Wife Fucked By My Friends

This story relates way back to 1996 when I got married to Rittu who was a beautiful girl and within four years of constant fucking with her she blossomed into a ripe lady in fig of 36 34 38.We used to experiment in all kind of sexual positins and even she used to take all my cum in her mouth. Berfore my marriage I had two dear friends named Happy and Raminder.We used to drink fuck whores together in my flat but after my marriage to rittu this all stopped and I was not in touch with...

2 years ago
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The Picnic

After a little while of sitting and me fingering your tight pussy, I kissed you. My hand held the right side of your face, and pulled you at first reluctantly into the kiss. Soon you were kissing me with as much passion as I felt for you.I nibbled your bottom lip, drawing it into my mouth, and kissed your chin, down to your neck. I kiss up to your ear, and nibbled your ear lobe.Reaching down, I pulled apart the top of your blouse, your bra already loosened, both breasts beautifully exposed. I...

3 years ago
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Episode 87 Lola and Sam

Please remember this Episode is entirely fictional, following on from Episode 86. Mary dropped me off at Heathrow Airport terminal 5 for my BA flight to Denmark and the unscheduled Sex Therapy conference. I leaned in through the Tesla model 3 driver’s window for a brief kiss: “take good care of my baby” then looked into the back seat where my daughter Sam and her new best friend Alia were quietly tribbing. Sam managed a brief “bye Mum – you’ll knock ‘em dead in the practical sessions” before...

2 years ago
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Ex Sex Chapter 2

The restaurant was pretty full but fortunately we didn’t have to wait. As the hostess walked us to our table I noticed that Sarah’s outrageously sexy outfit was in stark contrast to the conservative attire of the many businessmen we passed. This gorgeous young redhead was dressed to fuck, and she was a sight to behold. I noticed many eyes following her appreciatively then flicking to me with envy. I felt both proud and horny. My cock was still half hard and I was aware of its pleasant weight in...

3 years ago
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Lunarsquos eighteenth birthday

The year is 2037 and it’s my eighteenth birthday, my name is Luna Johnson. I’m by far not your average girl. And have had quite the interesting life. I was born September 4th 2019. My parents were extremely liberal. They were really involved with the LGBTQ. And they hated Trump. They believed that there was no such thing as gender. I was born Asher Johnson. Yes I was born a male. It was around my 4th birthday when all of my c***dhood friends were girls, it was just our neighborhood. So...

3 years ago
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My Naughty Boy Part 3

Even though I had just told him to leave my skirt alone, I could feel his hand push it a little higher. I heard him snicker to himself, as I felt his fingers start crawling up the inside of my thighs. Every touch of his fingers against my skin sent another little shiver running up my spine. ”Jake, if you don’t stop that right this second; I won’t let you lay your head in my lap.” Rising up, he looked me straight in the eye. “Awww Natasha, you know you love it when I touch you that way. But I’ll...

1 year ago
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BangBus Caitlin Bell They Needed Nudes

Caitlin Bell was into fitness. 5 days a week she went jogging until one day she caught the attention of a white van. That van approached her the guys inside pretended to hire her for a fitness video shoot with a nice pay. As promises of future payments could not lure her they kept adding $100 bills to the temptation. Once her cash threshold was met she gladly entered the van quickly the guys had her naked. Short time later Tyler Steel had his dick out and she was blowing him. Then he fucked...

1 year ago
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BangbrosVault Jade Hsu A Sex Freak

Today we have another hot blast from the past with Jade Hsu showing up to show us what she can do. She’s pretty shy at first but once she gets going, she gets GOING! We ask her a couple of questions to ease the nerves and she gets pretty wet when she touches herself. She then spots our boy Joey watching her masturbate. We get him closer to the action and have him eat her pussy out. She’s hesitant at first but she didn’t say no after cumming a couple of times! We take her...

4 years ago
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First Kiss Goes Too Far Part III

Still, I tried my best. I spent a lot of time with my friends; especially my best friend Shannon. Before the night of my first kiss, our entire lives had revolved around boys; where to meet them, what to wear around them, how to make them like us, etc. It felt different after that night but I wouldn’t let it show since I was determined to get my life back to the way it was. Nobody was going to know I wasn’t as innocent as I’d been. So, one of the things boys our age liked to do was...

4 years ago
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The little light in her room didn’t fall correctly on the figure. It wasn’t right. Angela thought to herself, “It isn’t... human!” The creature clawed at Angela with a taloned hand, gripping at her chest and turned its face to hers. Angela would have screamed; would have bolted or fought, but she was paralyzed by its gaze. Its eyes were red rimmed black. Its face was covered with bristly black hair, with pointed ears and a wide black smile full of jagged canines. She knew it was demonic...

2 years ago
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Making Of A Gay Prostitute

This is a story of my friend and I will be narrating from his view. And this describes how he became a slave to one man who made him a gay sex slave. This incident occurred when I am 18 yrs old.I usually watch porn but I never got interested in gay porn until then.I was going to college after my holidays and after I got down from my bus, I took an auto until almost midnight.The driver seems to be drunk but there are no other autos there at that time, I got into that auto.After going for some...

Gay Male
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Dosto ki madad se maa ki chudai 8211 Part 3

Karan – Bhai, tum dono ki mummy ka badan bhi bahut gadraya hua hai. Aur agar koshish ki jaye to tum dono bhi apni mummy ko chod sakte ho. Karan ki baat sunke mujhe aur bhi jayada josh aa gaya. Fir din aise hi nikal gaya aur hum log agle din ka intejar karne lage kyuki agle din Karan ki mummy aa rahi thi. Aur fir agle din dopher ko Karan apni mummy ko le aaya. Tab main aur Sahil kamre par hi the. Jaise hi Karan ki mummy aayi to meri aur Sahil ki nazar un par tik gayi. Karan ki mummy ne halke...

4 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

Ever since your surgery and the ensuing recovery you have had the feeling that you were getting older and less attractive. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your blond hair, green eyes, beautifully shaped face and luxurious smile are very alluring to many men. Believe me, I have observed others watching you and it is evident that they are interested. Being a breast and ass man, your breasts are still perky and touchable. Your ass still has a curve that many women who much younger...

2 years ago
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No Strangers Allowed in TombstoneChapter 5

Lucy thought Bat looked a little subdued when she entered the jail. He usually was quite loud and demanding just to show her who was boss. He told her to go upstairs. She surmised that something was amiss and was not surprised to see him appear at the door with his leather belt in his hand. Lucy quickly went down into the doggy position to give Bat good access to her rear end and lots of room to swing his belt. She had become a well-trained submissive after months of obedience training by...

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Cuckolded slowly more postdivorce taunting

My ex breezed past me like she used to own the place, the very picture of calm and sexual confidence. It was comfortably warm that Friday evening in the Atlanta suburbs. She was wearing what a guy might call a T-shirt except it was made with some kind of gauzy material. I suppose that makes it a blouse. Whatever it was, it was sheer and her nipples poked through sans bra. Her blue jean shorts were very worn and pale blue, the hems rolled up against her ass cheeks. Her long legs were toned and...

Wife Lovers
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Britney The Blackmail k

This is continued from Britney & The Old Man Britney just stood there stunned. she couldnt believe it. this young k** filmed her fucking his grandfather. she didnt even know anyone else was there. and now he was blackmailing her. and there was nothing she could do about it. she thought about it and figured it couldnt be too bad, the k** probaly just wanted a handjob and an autograph. the boy stepped into her house and told Britney she made the smart decision. he told her to strip and she...

1 year ago
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Sex With Neighbor Aunty With Ultimate Pleasure 8211 Part 2

After she laughed for my question, I again asked if I can kiss her hair. Then she realised that I was being serious and was in dilemma to say yes or no. I convinced her by saying I will not be saying it to any one and please accept it. She finally said yes, I was happy as hell and immediately asked her to close her eyes and started kissing her hair, I was kissing so vigorously, holding her hair from the root putting all hair on my face and kissing from neck, scalp to full bottom of hair. She...

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Courtneys ConversionChapter 15 Cooperation

My step father insisted that all four of us ride in a large town car together. We were headed out of state to attend my step brother’s wedding. Only three can fit in the back seat, so I sat up front while they sat in the back. My wife just happened to be in the middle. On the way I noticed some tension in the back and wondered if the same perverted thoughts going through my mind were also going through theirs. Thoughts of the last time they were this close to each other, the weekend we spent...

3 years ago
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Theres More than One Way to Skin an Angel

TRUST ME It's written in big, black letters on a piece of card stock. It's the second one I've received this week. The first one had three little words on it: I WANT YOU I called a friend of mine and told her what was going on. I asked her if any of our friends were pulling a practical joke, cause I wasn't finding it funny. I was a single, young, professional that lived alone and things like this gave me the creeps. The second note kind of confirmed my thoughts about a friend pulling a joke on...

4 years ago
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Video Shoot

Video Shoot: As a child I had been a huge fan of the J Geils Band video "Centrefold". That was a long time ago. I thought it was one of the sexiest videos I had ever seen. Now I had my own band and I was the lead vocalist. The difference with my band and the J Geils Band though was the other three members of my band were women. The band comprised of: Sheila on drums, she was beautiful but tended to dress like most male drummers, had long hair and really strong arm muscles...

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PenthouseGold Skylar Snow Texas Patti Skylar Snow Spreads It For a Good Time

When busty blonde Skylar Snow gets the thumbs up from girlfriend Texas Patti to give party boy Tommy Pistol a try, she takes one look at his big dick and is quick to get on her knees to give him a gagging blowjob. The veteran stud’s professional pussy licking and fingering gets the Penthouse starlet spreading her creamy thighs wide and shaved pussy soaking wet, priming her for the hardcore pounding to come…until a cumful is sprayed all over the voluptuous vixen’s mouthwatering...

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A Slut Like MeChapter 8

Downstairs we went, into the family room that thankfully has a door and a lock. I didn't really think we needed the lock, but I knew I wanted to focus on Megan and not be interrupted again. I figured Alan would give us our privacy and that Jason would be way more interested in his own goings-on to wonder what we were doing. "So, where were we?" I said, knowing full well where we had left off. "You had just told me that you had written stories," Megan replied. "And I asked what you...

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Quaver Ch2

QuaverChapter 2: The Amber Pearl of the OrientI was startled by a grumbling noise. I look around to find out that I forgot to lock tightly my casement windows.“It’s still raining.” I mumbled to myself.As I walk back to my bed, I was surprised to see my newly recruit muscle cub still on my bead. To think that he taught that I can never break him; he is still very naive. I climbed back to my bed; my hands are at the back of my head when my cub cuddled me. I can pill his lips pressed near my...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Lucie Cline I Can Make You Cum

Lucie Cline is having a problem making her boyfriend cum, so she turns to her stepbrother Brad Sterling for advice. Once she admits that she doesn’t have the right sex skills, she talks Brad into letting her demonstrate so he can tell her where she’s gone wrong. Kicking things off with a soft sweet blowjob, Lucie starts doing whatever she can to bring her stepbrother off. Brad is totally into it by the time Lucie has peeled off her shirt to reveal her tiny titties and rock hard...

4 years ago
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choice of a step mother Intervention part2

“I’ll cock something honey, come down when you are done” I said, not knowing what else to say, the practice of being a wife comes in handy when situations like this happen and your sub-conscious takes control. Barry just looked at me funny and left. I walked in all my senses, making up my mind to be strong about things, sat on the other end of the sofa with some considerable distance between us and said “We have to talk.” He didn’t reply, I waited for a minute gathering all the left...

2 years ago
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Swinging with Cecilia

Swinging with Cecilia My girlfriend Cecilia was not a saint girlie. She was bisexual, had sex with me from time to time and cheated on her loving hubby Peter also. Her lover was a giant, muscular and well endowed black man. She used to say his monster black cock drove her crazy every time he fucked her. One night Cecilia and I were lying naked in her bed, no loving husbands at sight, when she confessed me that she had always had fantasies of being fucked by my hubby Victor.“Go ahead, babe; I...

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Private Mickey Moor Horny Teen Craves DP

Mickey Moor may just be a teenager but in Private Specials, Teenagers Want it Up the Ass she proves that as far as sex is concerned, she is an experienced veteran! Mickey looks spectacular in lingerie, showing off her sexy body to Andrew Marshall and Nikolas and luring them in so she gets exactly what she wants, two cocks! This horny teen gets on her knees and gives an incredible double blowjob before taking turns sucking and fucking each stud with some nice anal and hard DP action that...

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Scott and Kerry Go Camping

The sounds of the soft snores of the kids as they sleep in the tent are intertwined with the sounds of crickets chirping and the faint cry of a loon as the sun slowly and reluctantly gives off it’s last bit of light as it disappears behind the horizon. We have our arms around each other as we sit on the beach beside a fire, warm, happy and very content after a full day of fun with each other and our kids. As we sit on the old familiar gray blanket, we look up at the stars, millions of them, as...

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Fantasies Do Come True 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, This is a story of how I met a guy above my age group and how we had a time of our life! We exchanged our strange fantasies and helped each other to fulfill them. Before starting my sex story I would want to introduce myself.. I am 23 years old living in mumbai.. I am top guy and love exploring different age group of guys! As usual I was on my look for a good fuck on an online dating site. I got a visit from a 35 year old man from mumbai as well and we got to talking.. He was going...

Gay Male
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Caught and Watched

I was round my friend’s new house last night, few beers, meet his new girlfriend and check out his new digs. We did our usual thing, sitting around, putting the world to rights whilst getting through a few cans until the early hours. His missus had gone out earlier, off into town drinking with her friend. She was hot, very hot, but really not my type. Tall, blonde and busty where I prefer petite brunettes. We hadn’t exactly hit it off me and her, just taking a mild dislike to each other, a...

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Sav In The Lav

I stuttered a hello and asked her what was going on. She told me that she was not the good innocent little girl that everyone thought she was. She was in fact a horny teen submissive and had wanted to fuck me ever since I arrived at school. She told me about how her little brother had found her masturbating to my picture and start blackmailing her. She told me how he told her to give me up skirts and wear those tiny little panties and eventually to wear none. He then moved on to using butt...

4 years ago
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Hypnotized into being a girl

Hypnotized into being a girl I could hear my cell phone ringing, but it was still early and I wanted to catch more sleep. But it just wouldn't stop ringing and was too far away for me to turn off without getting out of bed. So reluctantly I got up and answered it. I was glad I did because it was Luke. Although we had never dated, I had never felt closer to a man. "Hi Jess," he said and I immediately felt my happiness level go up another notch. "Could you do me a favour and...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 7

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]A bomb could have gone off in the inn and Jade West wouldn't have noticed, her entire world crashing down around her head and nothing but buzzing in her ears had turned her perception off completely.She didn't hear the screams and the sirens that were now growing to deafening levels. Nor could she see beyond those blurry red and tear covered eyes. And she could barely feel her body...

2 years ago
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The Alpha Challenges 4

Elvin was amongst the crowd. Megan had seen him earlier. His face had been inscrutable as he sat, elbows on his knees, hands clasped in front of his month. Charmaine kept her face tilted up to the morning sky, as she had for the last few minutes. The omega took a deep breath of air and closed her eyes. After a moment, she opened them and looked at Megan. This was it. Charmaine looked at Orion next and the Alpha got to his feet. The silence seemed to gain a weight, a heaviness that...

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DogStyle WivesChapter 7

Tom was sitting on the front porch, waiting for Sandy on the beach for their morning walk. He studied the sky and decided that it would be sunny the rest of the day; the brief shower that had passed over in the early morning had wet things good, but everything appeared to have dried out. He heard his mother come onto the porch, and he turned to look at her. Coral was holding out a raincoat toward him. He felt a momentary irritation; he thought he had outgrown the...

1 year ago
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In The Mirror I Saw Her

I was probably on my forth or maybe fifth pint of the evening - I wasn't exactly counting — and I had been staring down at the almost empty glass thinking that it was about time it was filled up again, but when I looked up to catch the barman's eye, I saw her reflection in the mirror behind the bar. How long she'd been standing there, I have no idea. But our eyes met the moment I raised my head. She looked somehow bedraggled, not her usual immaculate self that I'd been used to seeing in...

2 years ago
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I became Stephens sissy on that hot summer night a long time ago you see Stephen was my best friend since grammar school we hung out and played together since I could remember he was my best friend and I his we were inseparable until we got to be teenagers and met girls then we only hung out once in a while we were too busy trying to get some pussy you know those hormones were raging and we responded to the call anyway we both wound up marrying and then losing two girls his was a slut from day...

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Thomas meets Misty part II

Misty and Thomas finally fell asleep in each other’s arms around four am. Thomas woke up at about eight am and had to piss so badly he wasn’t sure he would make it to the bathroom. He rolled over from Misty’s warm body and ran into the bathroom to relieve his needs. While he was in there he showered and used her razor to shave. He wrapped a towel around his waist and came back into the bedroom. He saw Misty lying on her back in the big bed still sound asleep. His cum was gone from her stomach,...

1 year ago
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Yes Sir Ill Do Whatever you Want My promotion

Gene had turned out quite the manipulative fuck, blackmailing my boyfriend’s father into giving up a considerable amount of money to his enterprise, although he didn’t need any of it. He simply made me roll around in some of it naked. In exchange Gene offered to keep what he knew quiet. Later I found out that the break up phone call I received from my boyfriend days later was also initiated as part of the deal. I did cry, although I don’t know why. I was fucking Gene almost every day and...

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How I Met Melissa

I could feel myself glowing as we walked hand in hand into the dining room for breakfast and wondered if people knew I'd spent most of the night making love with the beautiful, and very self assured young woman on my arm.I'd woken at first light to find her propped up on one elbow looking at me and smiling."Hi," I said softly and touched a hand gently to her cheek, "You're looking at me?"An obvious statement, but she understood and kissed my hand."You're worth looking at, I've been like this...

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The Forced Slave

The Forced Slave The Forced Slave ????? The weekend was almost here.? Tillie had been deep cleaning her home all week long for the big gathering she had planned with all her friends.? She had her head stuck deep into a cabinet pulling out cleaning supplies so she could wash the shelf. ?She hadn?t noticed the dark colored van that had pulled into her driveway. ???? The strange man checked the door gently making sure that he didn?t notify anyone he was there.? He had been watching...

4 years ago
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Only a game

Damn dude you play like my ex gf play you so bad ahahah!taking away the controller and showing me how its doneAt my neighbor house playing video games and loosing as usual it was late , summer time , his parents out of the city, his sister away at a friend housewe got drunk for nothing, the rhum and coke way too hard for tonight plan, which consisted of playing games or watching tvHe made fun of me again after i died and started to say his exgf was bad like me but at least was cute playing in...

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FamilyHookups Avery Black Catches her stepson sniffing her panties while jerking off

Avery is walking through the house when she finds her stepson sniffing her panties & masturbating. She is appalled at first but after talking to him she gets a little turned on, he confesses he thinks about her when he jerks off. Avery isn’t getting any from her husband, so she figures why not get it from her stepson. She pulls out his cock and sucks him off then brings him to her room where she rides him hard & dirty. She shows him how a real woman can make you feel getting him blow...

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“THE SLUT WIFE GAME”Now that you’re cuckolded or a wannabe cuckold in training with your sexy hot wife or girlfriend, why not add a little excitement to your cuckold interracial lifestyle? Spice things up a bit and play “The Slut Wife Game” I created. HOW TO PLAY – “THE SLUT WIFE GAME” By the rules![/b]YOU’LL NEED A SMALL PAPER BAG, PEN OR PENCIL SET IT ASIDE.(We used a paper bag. You can use what ever you want for her to pick a number in)1, WIFE PICKS A NUMBER 1-10 FROM THE PAPER BAG. Write a...

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Behandlung beim Zahnarzt

Geschafft! Der Brief mit den Prüfungsergebnissen lag nach Wochen des Wartens im Briefkasten. Die Lehrzeit war beendet, alle Prüfungen mit Bravur bestanden. Zum Glück durfte ich sie aufgrund meiner guten Leistungen auch verkürzen. Dabei hätte ich in Theorie beinahe noch versagt, nicht weil ich unvorbereitet gewesen wäre, nein ich hatte während einer Prüfung Kreislaufprobleme bekommen und konnte mich nicht mehr richtig konzentrieren. Mein Arzt hat mir dann bei der Untersuchung am nächsten Tag...

2 years ago
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Crash Course In Psychology

Crash Course In PsychologyBy: Londebaaz ChohanBeing only a total of 9 houses on this dead end street block, everybody knew everybody and they at least had a mix family dinner once a week; meaning every family brought whatever they had cooked out to their back yard and they all enjoyed it together. It was a great tradition and it brought the best of everyone out for everyone else. In my case, Susan lived next to my parent’s house and she was so pretty that I was ready to give an arm and a leg to...

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Husband & wife confess their infidelities."When you were in Phoenix, ah...did you...damn it, this is difficult for me," Katy said.I shrugged. My business had failed six months before, and the first job I found took me to Phoenix for four months. Katy and our two c***dren couldn't relocate with me. She had a contract with the school board as a guidance counselor, and couldn't or wouldn't break her contract. My next job took me to Salt Lake City, and my family joined me when the school year...

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An Unsinkable LoveChapter 11

Danny: Danny looked at Lizzie standing there looking at him. On one of her hands her fingers were wet and a tantalizing aroma was leaking out of her wet cunt. I knew why her fingers were wet and what she had been doing. Danny smiled at Lizzie's display of innocence and winked at her. He then dropped to his knees and crawled forward grabbing the backs of her thighs. Danny licked her aromatic folds and then her hard clit. His hands held her upright as his tongue pleased her. Danny almost...

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