Blue Lagoon - Book IIChapter 30 free porn video

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Back at the ranch (the mansion), so to speak, Jane, Leniki, and Johnny decided to just loll by the side of the pool, and plan the rest of their vacation. Leniki kept an eye on her mother and brother to see if they seemed any different than they had been before their arrival at the estate. They were joined at different times by Allison, Amy, Kathy, and Nathan. Allison had advised the rest of the family to give Jane and her family as much freedom and privacy as necessary to get their bearings.

The only difference Leniki noticed was that Johnny kept looking at his mother strangely and occasionally the two exchanged what one might call 'meaningful' glances. She also considered that it was all in her mind from having seen them entwined so closely in bed that morning when she had gone to see if they were awake. She also noticed that her mother seemed to be very careless in unduly exposing her vagina in front of Johnny when she sat down or lay down to take the Sun on the verandah.

When any of the Sanderson crowd showed up, her mother would close her legs or, at least, act more demurely in their presence. Again, Leniki figured her mother felt comfortable in front of family but not in front of others. Since her concern was not conducive to healthy thoughts, she decided she was just being paranoid and should get back to enjoying their 'vacation'. They had been talking about taking a hike up to the cabin. The Sandersons had been so emphatic about its virtues as a fun spot.

"You know, Mom," said Leniki, "Jeannie and Kaneki seem to be having a lot of fun with Emmeline and Hannah, so we don't have to do everything as a family. Maybe we could go up to the cabin and stay overnight with just two or three of us at a time. They say it houses two to four just fine, and they have built a swing out over the waterfall pool. We could take food up and use their barbecue. It would be like camping with all the conveniences of civilization."

"That's a nice idea, Leniki," Jane answered enthusiastically. "You, I, and Johnny could go up there, and Kaneki and Jeannie could go with the Sanderson girls if they are willing."

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather just go up with Johnny?" Leniki said without thinking.

"Why would I want to go without you too, Leniki?"

Regretting her question, Leniki tried to sound as if she didn't mean anything by it by saying, "Oh, I just thought you might like to have some time alone with Johnny seeing how he's in college now."

"Leniki," that's ridiculous. He still lives at home and I see him all the time, or at least when I'm home and he's home at the same time." Jane wondered if what she and Johnny had done was somehow apparent.

Now it was Leniki's turn to blush. She was ashamed at her suspicions, and resolved to drop such thoughts immediately. She wondered what would have happened if Johnny had slept in her bed. Would he have cuddled with her like that? She certainly wouldn't do that with her sisters, but then, they weren't boys. Was she having these naughty thoughts because of her exposure to so much nudity? Maybe if she had grown up as a nudist, such things would not occur to her.

"Uh, I guess since I've been away, I forgot about that, Mom. Of course, we three can make the hike and have a good time. I'm the one who hasn't seen either of you for a while. That'll be fun. When do you want to do it?"

"I guess we should ask Allison. I still feel like I'm imposing on her, but she insists we treat this like we were at a luxury resort and she is the host anxious to please. I have to admit that this is fun. I haven't had a vacation in years."

The Sanderson girls, Kaneki, and Jeannie had returned earlier. They were upstairs getting their hair trimmed. They giggled and laughed all the way through the cutting and shaving. Afterwards, there were many poses in front of the bedroom mirrors, including how they looked when they sat down. They could have been getting permanents to surprise a boyfriend from the way they were acting. There was a lot of "whaddya think?"

With a little trepidation they came back downstairs after agreeing to say nothing about what they had done. They would simply wait to see if anyone noticed. Again, that was akin to showing up with a new hairdo to see if it made a difference. Kaneki and Jeannie hadn't had this much fun for a long while. At least it was different from their daily toils as college students.

They strolled out onto the verandah where Jane and Leniki had been joined by Kahoku and Lanikai. Nobody appeared to notice the change in Jane's other two daughters. Just when Jeannie was about to say nobody had paid any attention to their new coiffures, Leniki could be heard drawing in her breath in astonishment.

Not wanting to garner additional attention from the gathering, Leniki squinted at Jeannie, then glanced down at her sex, then back up to her eyes. Jeannie grinned, and nodded toward her sister, Kaneki. Leniki followed her gaze and her eyes widened as saw Kaneki's equally bare pussy. By this time, both of her sisters were grinning back at her as if they had pulled off a real coup. Leniki rolled her eyes, but grinned back at them.

When she had the chance, Leniki told her mother she ought to see the new haircuts Jeannie and Kaneki had gotten. Jane looked at her daughter as if she were daft since she hadn't noticed any difference in their hair. Leniki had fun adding that "they don't just grow hair on their heads, you know."

On seeing what Leniki was talking about, Jane almost laughed out loud. "My goodness, Leniki, this place has really gotten to us. They don't look half bad. Maybe we oughta do it too. I'm a good shaver since I've done it many times on my patients. You wanna? I'm feeling naughty since getting here."

Leniki was really feeling a closer relationship to her mother at this point. Here her mother was working hard to support them all, get them through college, and had sacrificed for them all for so long, and she was having fun. She wasn't the serious woman she had always imagined. She had a sense of humor and was willing to try new things. So, Leniki agreed to do it if her mother did.

The rest of the day was spent playing tennis, swimming, eating, drinking, and enjoying the friendship of others. Everybody was having fun, and Kathy commented to her mother that she was glad they had been invited here for a vacation. She was happy Jane had at least one son whose age was closest to Hannah's. She wondered if he had already committed himself to one of his sisters, but she hadn't noticed any unusual affection with any of them. In fact, he seemed closer to his mother than anyone else.

As far as Kathy was concerned, brothers and sisters were made for each other first. After that, it could be anybody. Her mommy had said that meeting other people and learning society's rules was necessary for her girls to get ahead. So far she was pleased with all the people her mother had enticed to live at or visit the estate.

In the late afternoon, most of the people had drifted off to be alone or do their own thing. Jane indicated to Leniki that this might be a good time for them to go upstairs to imitate Kaneki and Jeannie in the no-hair department. They decided to use Leniki's room so as not to disturb Johnny who had gone upstairs for a nap. Leniki thought they might mix a drink to take up with them to give them some fortitude.

The mother and daughter were giggling about what they were about to do. Since Jane had experience with her patients, she figured she should do Leniki first, and then, if Leniki wanted, she could do Jane. They were feeling very naughty now. She got some scissors, a bowl of hot water, shaving soap and a razor out to put on the bedside table. She spread towels on the bed and had Leniki lie down on her back and spread her legs. Again, lots of giggling.

Jane was half way through the operation when Johnny came to the door looking for his mother. They did not hear him enter the room. Johnny was astounded at the scene.

"My God!" he said aloud causing his mother and sister to turn their heads toward the door.

"Mom," complained Leniki, "tell him to bug off. He can't watch you do this. He'll see everything."

"Goodness, Leniki," laughed Jane, "as if he hasn't already seen all of you. What are you worried about? He's your brother, not a stranger or Jack the Ripper. Go ahead, let him watch, and I'll let him watch you do me. After being here for two days, there shouldn't be much left he hasn't seen."

Leniki realized her mother was just trying to be a free spirit instead of acting like a moral referee. Since she liked her more in free spirit mode than being the strict mother figure, she concurred by saying, "Well, OK, but he can't laugh or make any snide comments."

"I won't laugh, Leniki," Johnny said hoping he could stay. To reinforce that, he added, "You're a very beautiful woman, and if you're all doing what I think you are, it should make you look even better if that's possible."

"Now, lift your butt, Leniki so I can put a pillow under you. Then pull your legs back and spread them out wider so I can see what I'm doing," Jane said once they had all agreed to let Johnny stay.

Johnny was looking intently at his sister's pussy being pulled, pushed, and spread as his mother ran the razor over it to scrape off all the hair. After almost a minute, he looked up at Leniki's face. She was staring back at him as if evaluating his reaction.

"Well," she said, "have you gotten enough of an eyeful?"

"All I can say, Leniki, is that you are going to look very nice when Mommy's finished," he answered. Then he saw her glance down at his penis. It was standing up.

Jane looked up to see Leniki staring at something. She turned in the direction of her gaze to discover how much Johnny was enjoying the show.

"Oh, don't worry about it, Leniki," she giggled, "he just can't help admiring the view. Boys really can't control that aspect of their anatomy sometimes, but don't take it as an affront. Allison told me that the other males here have the same problem and nobody pays it any attention. They consider it a compliment."

In actuality, Johnny was embarrassed, but knew there was nothing he could do about it. He hoped his mother's words had placated his sister somewhat. This was too good a show, and he wanted to stay. She was still looking at his penis.

"Gosh, Johnny," Leniki commented, "you've gotten to be a big boy. I guess I should stop thinking of you as my LITTLE brother."

Now Johnny was really embarrassed since he had become the object of attention. He turned to look at his mother who had stopped her shaving of his sister's vagina. She was grinning at him. He grinned back. It was that knowing look again. The whole scene had had its affect on him--two naked, good looking women involved in shaving each other's pussy. If anything, he got harder no matter they were his sister and mother.

Leniki did not miss this exchange which caused her to think once more about her suspicions. However, the situation had had its affect on her as well, so the thought did not bother her as much as before. In the meantime, Jane finished up and used a wet towel to clean the foam off of her daughter's vagina who then went to see what she looked like in one of the bedroom mirrors.

Asking no one in particular, Leniki said, "Whaddya think?"

"You don't have to ask Johnny," Jane answered, "I think his anatomy has already spoken." This brought a laugh from everyone.

"I'll go get a new bowl of hot water, Mom, and be right back."

Jane rearranged the towels on the bed over the pillow and lay back down on them to await her turn. She looked up at Johnny who was staring at her.

"Are you sure you want to watch your old Mommy get a shave, Johnny?" she asked.

"You sure aren't old, Mommy. I didn't get hard by just watching Leniki. I think you know that. I been thinking about you all day. I can't wait for bedtime. Is that all right for me to be that way?"

"You flatter this old thing, but if it makes you feel any better, I've been thinking about you too."

Leniki came back into the bedroom with a steaming bowl of water and another wash cloth.

"Are you sure you want this lecher to watch you get your shave, Mom?" asked Leniki as she made ready to repeat the whole process.

Jane grinned and said, "I think I'd like him to watch, but he may not show the same enthusiasm as he did when watching you. I'm not exactly a young chick, and what you do to me may not turn out as well."

"Oh, don't be silly, Mom," Leniki countered, "you are one of the best looking women here, and if Johnny doesn't stay at attention through all this, then he's a poor judge of beauty." Leniki giggled at the prospect of her little brother keeping his erection for the next 15 or so minutes. The whole affair was so outrageous and out of the ball park of proper behavior that she had begun to enjoy it immensely. She was glad she had discovered she had such an adventurous, naughty mother.

By this time, Johnny was more comfortable so crawled on the bed so he could see the action up close. This hid his erection from Leniki's view, but his mother could still see it. It didn't matter since Leniki was not proficient at this and was paying close attention to avoid nicking any tender spots. He was alternating his eyes from her pussy to her gaze which seemed to always be on him. Somehow, this became an even more arousing situation than before.

The combination of having her pussy manipulated to ease the task of the razor and viewing Johnny's erection wavering in the air had gotten Jane wet. She hoped that the foam would hide her arousal from Leniki. She wanted to take hold of his penis while this was all going on, but kept her cool. She couldn't do that in front of Leniki.

Finally, Leniki said, "I'm done." She leaned back at which time she also checked to see whether Johnny still had his erection. She could have sworn it was even bigger than before. Not being very familiar with penises, she thought Johnny's was big even though it was not quite 6 inches long and 2 inches in diameter. For the first time, she wondered what that would feel like in her. She had had some furtive experiences in college, but those were not really more than one night stands in the dark.

Jane did as Leniki had done before her, and went to the mirror. She turned to Johnny and said, "Whaddya think?"

"God, Mommy," he gulped, "you are every bit as beautiful as Leniki."

"Yeah, Mom," contributed Leniki, "if you were worried that you wouldn't get the same salute, look at him now."

That was followed by nervous laughter on everybody's part. A week ago, none of them could have imagined participating in such behavior together, let alone traipsing about nude together with people who had been total strangers before, including being nude in front of each other. Now, here they were--mother and daughter making innuendos about son/brother Johnny's erection paying tribute to the beauty of their vaginas. The nervous laughter acknowledged that they were walking on dangerous ground, but no one seemed to be able to change the direction they were headed.

Leniki didn't want them to leave just yet. Since she and her mother had already finished their drinks, she suggested she go get refills and asked Johnny what he wanted. He said he would drink whatever they were drinking, so Leniki went back downstairs to get the drinks. The late afternoon had suddenly turned into an exciting, if naughty affair.

While Leniki was gone, Jane turned to Johnny, and said, "You poor boy. You must be suffering terribly by now after everything you've seen. I wish I could help you get some relief, but Leniki will be back shortly. Mommy appreciates your 'standing up' for me.

Having said that, Jane took hold of his penis and lightly stroked it up and down making Johnny place his arms around her for support due to the exquisite sensations her hand and fingers were causing. At that point, Leniki came back into the room with a tray holding a bottle of gin, a bottle of tonic plus ice, limes, and glasses. What she saw confirmed in her mind that she had not been wrong in her earlier suspicions.

"Oh, Leniki, welcome back," uttered Jane as she slowly removed her hand from Johnny's penis. "Uh, I guess we were too effective in keeping Johnny in this state. He was hurting so I thought I could make him feel better by trying to rub away the ache."

"Sure, Mom, and the North Pole is on fire," Leniki said with no little sarcasm. She set the tray down and began to prepare the drinks.

"Oh, come on, Leniki, haven't you ever heard of a male getting blue balls?"

"Yeah, I guess we did get him a little overheated, didn't we?" Leniki had to admit with a giggle. She handed them both their drinks. "I'm sorry, Mommy, I guess I've gotten a little jittery from all this. That's why I need a drink."

Johnny interceded to say, "Well, it's true. You two did get me all hot and bothered, and it left me in a painful state. Don't blame Mommy, she was just trying to make it feel better."

Leniki swallowed half her drink, then said, "OK, don't worry about it. I was just kidding. I don't know what's happening to all of us since we got here. I seem to be doing things I would never have done before, and what's worse is that I don't mind. Maybe that gin and tonic will help you, Johnny. It works for me."

"You know there's only one thing that will help him," commented Jane. "He's got all that fluid built up from watching, and he can only get relief by releasing it. That's why they call it blue balls."

"I don't remember THAT class lecture in nursing school, Mommy," Leniki said as her sarcastic nature resurfaced.

"Well, I happened to take a lot more classes to get my advanced degree and license for being a physician's Assistant, my dear. But, I didn't have to go to school to learn all of that. However, I'll agree with you that something seems to have happened to all of us since we got here. Maybe we just don't know how to deal with all this nudism. Jeannie and Kaneki shaved their hair, and now you and I did it. So, it's not surprising that Johnny has been infected with whatever it is too, right?"

Leniki poured another round of gin and tonics. She admitted that they had all been affected as if there were something in the air to cause them to lose their inhibitions. Johnny noted that despite their attempts to explain why this was all happening, nobody was doing anything to change the situation. Instead, his sister was serving drinks while parading her freshly shaved pussy in front of him and his equally bare mother. The sight did nothing to solve his problem since he was harder than ever.

By this time, they had tossed down more than a few drinks which blurred whatever issue had initiated the discussion. All that remained apparent was Johnny's erection which had become the subject of conversation. Both Jane and Leniki kept eyeing it while making references to it in innuendos, euphemisms, and crude remarks. The gin and not the atmosphere was at fault in this case.

"Can you imagine," Leniki asked rhetorically, "Johnny going downstairs to supper with us in his condition? Everybody will think we've been teasing him with our new hairdos." She laughed at her attempt to be funny.

"I'm sorry, honey," Jane interjected, "that we have made you so uncomfortable. Does it still hurt sweetie? Leniki's right that you can't go downstairs that way."

"Well, uhm, I guess I could go somewhere else and take care of it. I sure can't walk down there like this, and it's never gonna go away as long as I'm around you two. Man, I never imagined in my wildest imagination that I could get so turned on by my sister and my mother. You guys are something else."

"How's that for a compliment to our feminine charms, Leniki? Are we going to get him all riled up and then leave him to his own devices? What's family for if we can't take care of our own? What do you think we should do, Leniki?

The gin was speaking for all of them now. However, it had only removed inhibitions, not the ability to realize what they were doing. Even Leniki understood that her mother was maneuvering them both into doing something that would cross the line, but in their condition that step did not seem as gigantic as it might have otherwise. At 24 years old, Leniki was experienced enough to know all they had to do was get Johnny to ejaculate and his dilemma would be solved.

Another aspect of blurred thinking was that Johnny's dilemma had superceded the fact that they were all related or that he could take care of it by himself. And, there was Jane's comment that family helped family if one of them had a problem. Another aspect was that both women knew they had caused the problem in the first place which, under the circumstances, required them to resolve it. Unknown to Leniki, Jane had already tasted the forbidden fruit last night, so this was no big step to her.

"Well, Mom," Leniki said in response to the situation and her condition, "I'll help if you will. And, Johnny, don't ever say I never came to your aid. Sit down."

Johnny sat down on the bed. With his sister on one side of him and his mother on the other, he put his arms around their shoulders while they both lent a hand. He could hardly believe this was happening to him. Never before could he have imagined such a scene. While one ran her fingers up and down the shaft, the other fondled his balls. He was in Heaven, and didn't want it to stop. He wanted this dilemma to last, so tried to think of other things.

He need not have worried. The gin had blunted his ejaculatory ability. After several minutes, he realized that he was not anywhere near an orgasm. Also, their hands were causing an uncomfortable friction on his penis. So, instead of having to concentrate on something else, he started giving them instructions on what felt good, better, or best. He kept saying it would help if there were some lubrication.

Leniki saw her mother insert some fingers into her vagina, and then smear the juices on Johnny's peter. Touching her brother's hard penis had sent shivers up her spine causing her to secrete as well, so she did the same. She was amazed at how wet she was. The lubricious feeling of her fingers smearing the juices over her own cunt reminded her that she was bare down there now. They now had him well lubricated, but he remained as hard as ever.

"Oh God, people," moaned Johnny as his arms hugged them closer, "that really feels good now."

"Can you come, Son," asked Jane, "or do we need to do something else?"

"Maybe if you let me suck your nipples, it might help me get there."

"Help him out, Leniki, and I'll take care of things down here."

Leniki didn't question anything as she got up to position herself so Johnny could reach her with his mouth. At this point, she wasn't worrying that the lips and tongue on her tits were those of her brother. It felt so good. She had never been so sexually excited. It was a game of upping the ante. Each new touch or effort resulted in further arousal. On her knees beside him, it was difficult to do more than offer him her right tit. The other one was crying for equal treatment.

"Mom," cried Leniki, "let's all get up in the middle of the bed. It'll be easier."

Without a word, Johnny laid back and scooted farther onto the bed with Leniki and Jane crawling behind him. From the side, Leniki moved up and over Johnny's upper torso so he had access to both of her breasts. Jane continued to stroke his penis with help from her own secretions. Now Johnny not only had access to both his sister's breasts, but could move one hand over her shoulder and the other over her backside. She anteed and he called.

Johnny was so involved in this breakthrough with his oldest sister that he was hardly aware of his mother's manipulations. Of course he could feel that, but his senses had been dulled by the gin. It felt great, but he was not going to come any time soon. For that he was thankful because he was in paradise and wanted to stay in it for as long as possible. How could this not get even better?

With just a little effort, Johnny was able to move the hand he had massaging Leniki's buttock to underneath her to cup her vagina. It's bare, warm, wet surface felt fabulous in his palm. With a little more effort, he was fingering her cunt without missing a breath in sucking her tits. She was moaning and squirming.

Leniki was lying at a 45 degree angle to Johnny which allowed Jane to see what was taking place. She had wanted to get together again with him, and this only fueled that desire further. Leniki was face down and away from what Jane was doing. Jane moved to make desire a reality as she changed her position. She moved up and over his erection which caused her to be over Leniki's back, but it could not be helped. She was compelled like a madwoman as she came down, sliding his penis up into her cunt while pressing her tits against Leniki's back.

If Johnny thought he was preoccupied with Leniki, the sensations around his penis told him otherwise. That most incredible place of ecstasy which he had visited for the first time last night had materialized again. Even Leniki sensed that her little brother was distracted. At first she thought she had caused this until she felt her mother's breasts on her back. It did not take but a moment for her to imagine what was happening.

Thoughts of other things have a habit of popping up at the strangest moments. Leniki could not see, but was sure her mother must be trying to get Johnny to ejaculate by other means than her hands. This then reminded her of seeing them entangled on the bed together this morning. When she felt the repeated bounce of the mattress in rhythm with tits pressing on her back, she was sure of what was happening. Instead of being upset, her body responded by pushing down harder against Johnny's probing fingers.

Leniki could hear her mother breathing heavily in between moans. It came out as "Umph, umph, umph" which was also in rhythm with the however so slightly bouncing mattress (it was a hard one). Johnny had gotten the picture of what she wanted with her own humping, so she was now fucking his fingers as her mother fucked his cock. He was still sucking her tits so she was getting a double dose except she also needed some clitoral stimulation. She no longer cared whether her brother came or not as long as he kept up what he was doing.

Leniki was beyond worrying about what anyone might think of her as she said aloud, "Johnny, move your fingers up to my clit, rub it too. It's the little knob a little higher up... yesss, that's it... rub it too."

Jane was already beyond any worry about what Leniki or Johnny thought as she slid up and down on his thick pole, but hearing her daughter give instructions to him was confirmation that all was OK in that regard. It became a matter of first things second since having their own orgasms seemed like a good idea en route to relieving Johnny's pain--the original idea. Jane was going to get there first.

"Umph, umph, umph... Oh, I'm gonna come... I'm comminnnnnng!" shouted Jane as she leaned her body down tight against the other two while also grabbing hold of Leniki's butt with one hand and her shoulder with the other as her cunt began its spastic dance around Johnny's unrelenting, non-regurgitating penis.

Ordinarily, the milking action of Jane's cunt would have been enough to set Johnny off, but all he could do was enjoy the ride. It felt fantastic making him want even more. As her paroxysm of pleasure subsided, leaving Jane motionless, Johnny turned his attention back to his sister. Through body movements, he indicated to her that she should shift herself back so that he could see her face. As she did, she lost contact with his fingers.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you keep going?" she said directly into his face.

"Maybe you could move around so I could do it better, like with Mommy." There, he had said it. It couldn't have been clearer that he wanted to fuck her too.

Leniki was so turned on by this time that she would have done anything to reach that climax which had been so close. She raised herself with her arms, pushing her mother up in the process. Then she twisted around to look back. She could see her mother still impaled on Johnny's thing. Returning to her position, she whispered to Johnny, "What about Mom?"

He whispered back, "I don't think she'd mind if you took over. Uh, you were both doing it together at the start. I, uh, still feel pain. She almost got me feeling better again, but I think she got tired. Why don't I just ask her if you can give it a try?"

"OK, Johnny, but hurry up, you've got me hotter than a fire cracker," she said as she slipped out of under her mother and back alongside the older woman's body still fastened to Johnny's pole. Jane could now lay all the way down on his body.

Jane smiled at Johnny, then said, "I'm sorry, honey; I tried to get you to come, but I did instead. Do you want us to roll over and you can try again?"

"That's OK, Mommy, you were great, but Leniki wants to give it a try. Is it OK if she does?"

Jane giggled and said, "That girl has amazed me today. Sure she can, but I'll be jealous if she gets you to when I couldn't."

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The Emerald Lagoon

My lovers are always surprised, sometimes even shocked, at the overwhelming strength and duration of my orgasms. I never reveal the true reason, that would truly be shocking.It was July 1st. We’d arrived at my grandparents' farm the night before. It was thrilling to be back in Transylvania where I grew up. My parents and I had left when I was eight to emigrate to the United States for a better life. Now, at twenty-two, this was my graduation present, the one I’d longed for. My memories of the...

Monster Sex
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Beside the Lagoon

THIS STORY is set mainly in New Zealand. CHAPTER 1 Roaming photographer Douglas Rogan, from a small coastal settlement in Massachusetts, had been trolling New Zealand for five months taking shots of unusual scenes or notable characters with the idea of producing his 7th pictorial book he aimed to call ‘Kiwiland Under Camera’. The tall, lean blond with inquiring blue eyes had been enchanted with the country and its people and wherever he went had been made to feel quite at home. He’d sent...

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Blue Lagoon Book IChapter 5

It had been a good day. It had been exciting with something new happening at almost every moment, so when they lay down to go to sleep for the night it was with anticipation of the morrow that would, perhaps, have even more exciting adventures awaiting them. They lay on their backs on their leaf bed with their feet toward the shore line so they could see the stars fairly high up on the western horizon even though the raft leaned over their heads. They could hear the sound of the waves out...

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Blue Lagoon Book IChapter 9

The siblings spent the next day hauling more boxes up to their cave. It was hard work, and they did not pause except to eat, drink, or relieve themselves. On the latter occasions, they admired and commented on the other's sexual apparatus, but did not tarry. It was as if they knew there was no urgency to succumb to momentary desires since neither one would deny the other familiarities later. In a sense, they were "saving it up." Anticipation had become part of their sexual lexicon. During...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 7

After they watched what must have had to be a major orgasm for Allison as she rode Nathan, Kathy indicated to the girls that they should leave. She was practically dragging them back with her to the hut as they kept asking questions. They didn't have any 'questions' about why their daddy was doing it with his mommy, but wanted to know why they had to leave. They had never seen such a grave expression on their mother's face other than when their father was in danger. "What's a matter,...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 10

After their extended discussion, mainly one sided, about changing their dress code and public behavior, Amy was pouring wine for a toast to the future. Nathan and Kathy were aware of how the consumption of wine had caused weird changes in their guests, and even themselves. Nathan had even had the intelligence to relate cause and effect to his own prowess last night. When he drank that stuff, he seemed to get into a loving mood with some kind of ability to satisfy every female who wanted to do...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 16

The day Nathan, Kathy, and their two girls boarded the launch with Allison and Amy to head out to the ship was an emotional one. Even when people leave homes for new ones in civilization, it is no different. This was the only world this little family had ever known. So, it was not only the idea of leaving, but it was also that they were facing the unknown. That new world was a mishmash of images, stories, myths, dim memories, and whatever else the mind conjures under such...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 19

Jacob and Soroya had very nice accommodations in one of the two guest houses. Each house had its own kitchen, living room, one bedroom, and a bath. Soroya wasted no time in doing what she had been thinking about ever since seeing Miss Amy's shaved vagina. She took pains not to cut herself, never having done such a thing before. The last time she had seen no hair down there was when she was a girl. She was 58 years old. After seeing the interest Mr. Nathan had in all those naked vaginas of...

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The Blue Lagoon

You wake up in your hotel bed in Reykjavik, Marcus is on his laptop looking at some of his gaming videos as you start rubbing your eyes and stretch. "Good morning sleeping beauty" he says after turning around to face you, his curly blonde hair and perfect green eyes gazing at you reminds you just how in love you are with him, when he took you to the airport and surprised you with a 8 day holiday to Iceland you almost squealed with excitement and now after an amazing trip you really can't...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 18

It was much later in the evening in their Manila hotel that the Sanderson group ate the supper Allison and Amy had sent up to their suite. Despite their nap, the earlier travel, subsequent activities, and now the meal had all taken a toll on their systems. They were a sleepy bunch as this or that individual faded into dreamland while trying to watch TV. Throughout the supper and while watching TV, Kathy and Nathan acted like love birds. Sated from the earlier sexual bouts, they contented...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 6

Nathan wasn't sure about what he was going to do or say, assuming the woman spoke English. At Kathy's urging, he would wear one of the necklaces she had left on their bed to indicate that he had found her gifts. He vaguely remembered frontiersmen offering gifts to Indians in the movies. This would be in response to her peace offering. By donning the necklace, he would show her that he accepted her offer of peace. The idea of donning any clothes never even occurred to him. Somehow, Allison...

2 years ago
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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 32

After Nathan had driven the tractor about a quarter of a mile away from the cabin, he stopped and looked back at Hannah sitting on the wagon bench. "Come on up here, Sweetie," he called. She slowly got up and traversed the distance between the wagon and tractor, climbing up to her daddy. He grasped and hugged her closely. After what had happened at the cabin, she felt better. That had been a trial for her. At 16 plus, she had sat back on the wagon thinking about their own life and...

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Paradise LagoonChapter 5

Mike was on the raft paddling to one of his favorite spots. He heard a funny buzzing sound. He scanned the sky and saw it, a plane. Joyously, he started waving wildly, shouting even though there was no chance they could hear him. The plane continued towards their island. Inside the cockpit, the co-pilot was scanning the island not looking for anything in particular. This island wasn't even on their charts. He saw the orange spot first, a color not usual in nature. "Hey Jock. Get closer. I...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 26

If Soroya and Jacob as well as Kahoku and Lanikai had spent time talking alone about what had happened the other night, they were doing it even more this evening after they separated once again. Both couples were in their respective beds as they discussed the latest revelations. The relationship between parents and children had changed dramatically in how they thought about each other. None of them would ever be able to look upon the other without thinking of the other, whether parent or...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 22

When Nathan and Kathy were informed by Allison that he had most likely impregnated Kathy, but had definitely made Hannah with child, Nathan did not know quite what to think. Allison was more concerned with Kathy's reaction, however. It did not seem to bother Kathy that she, herself might be pregnant. She was not too happy about Hannah's announced pregnancy. Allison expected that, but after talking with her, was confused about why she was upset. It wasn't because of Hannah's age since...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 24

Lanikai and Kahoku woke up the next morning in the same bed. They were not suffering from any hangover since they had not gotten totally inebriated the night before. However, they had consumed enough to rid themselves of any inhibitions which led them both into their first encounter with incest. They could remember everything which left no doubt that they had taken a step which could not be undone. They were not shocked about their behavior. They were both adults with previous sexual...

3 years ago
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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 11

While Allison and Kathy prepared supper, basically by opening cans and jars, the girls headed to the cave, enjoying their conspiracy talk about getting everyone in the mood for lots of fun by making sure there was plenty of wine to drink. They even talked between themselves about how their daddy seemed to be able to handle them all and then some thinking of Grand Mommy and Aunt Amy. When they returned to the hut with their arms loaded with bottles, Kathy looked at them as if they were out of...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 21

The pretend couple continued their strange, new ablutions in the recently discovered waterfall pool. Hannah was somewhat confused by Nathan's attention to her anus while leading up to the deep cleaning portion of the ritual bath. He had never done this to her before, and she had received thousands of baths from him since a small child. Of course, he had washed her anus during the course of the bath, but had never stuck his finger in that place. Hannah was relieved when he said he would not...

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Paradise LagoonChapter 2

It had rained during the night. The roof had done fairly well, just a few places where it dripped. Unfortunately, one place was right on Darcie and she let Mike know in no uncertain terms that he wasn't up to snuff as a builder. 'Oh well, ' he thought. He patched up the roof with additional palm fronds. Breakfast was bananas. The fact that there were banana trees proved people had been here before and planted them. He wondered if there were still people, maybe on the other side. How long...

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Blue Lagoon Book IChapter 2

Nathan's words had both calmed and irritated her at the same time. In her mind, he really sounded rational and grown up, but it also seemed he had challenged her to not look even though she thought she was in the right. At first, she went along with what he had said, and didn't look at him sitting just a foot or two from her. But, the temptation was too great and she took to heart his saying she could look all she wanted. While they ate and gathered up the things to take with them, Kathy...

3 years ago
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Blue Lagoon Book IChapter 4

They continued to lie motionless in the sand with Nathan's body on top of Kathy while they both let the new, arousing sensations continue as his penis wormed its way up along her slit in the process of engorgement. They could both feel what was happening. Either one could have stopped the event, but were so awed by the combination of their affection for each other and the instinctive reaction of their bodies that they could do nothing. The siblings remained that way with their eyes locked...

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Blue Lagoon Book IChapter 6

Kathy allowed him to examine her any way he wanted. She propped herself up on her elbows so she could look down between her spread legs where he was already staring intently. His countenance was that of someone trying to figure out what he was looking at. Then he tentatively moved both of his hands up to her vagina, placing a thumb on either side of her slit, and separated the lips. Having her brother do that, and spend so much time staring into her depths excited her as well as made her want...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 8

Amy was imagining it was all a dream. For once, she was able to control what was happening. She had latched onto the penis of this Adonis, this god with the two sirens, and would have her way with him. The two sirens could not object, because it was her dream. "She's not gonna let go, Mommy," uttered Hannah as they all settled down onto their floor bed. Nathan wasn't sure what to make of it all, nor did Kathy. They had had a good deal to drink as well, and not really being used to it,...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 9

The group of six naked beings headed off up the beach to the closest swimming hole. Allison and Amy had backpacks since they wanted to take all their modern necessities with them which included soap, towels, shampoo, deodorant, and all the other items they thought necessary. They offered to carry the food, and drinks. Allison had raised an eyebrow when she saw Amy add a bottle of wine, but Amy just said, "Well, you know, the hair of the dog that bit you, and all that." Allison just...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 12

The constant rain ceased lashing the island sometime during the early morning hours. The wind had slacked off, but it was still powerful enough to cause a high sea state. All five women had taken repeated turns during the night to be calmed. It kept Nathan very busy going from one to the other with a hug, a kiss, and deep penetration. It had not seemed unusual to him that his mother and Amy had joined in in wanting to be soothed as well, although he noticed they seemed to want to slide back...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 14

Allison was assigned the room in the hut where the girls slept, but she alternated where she slept the same as the girls did. The reasons any of them ended up in one room or the other varied from talking and falling asleep there to wanting the company of Nathan and Kathy, or sex was definitely desired. Sex was not reserved for bedtime, however. Any outing to the pools, any swimming, or any recreational activity was assumed to involve sex, albeit not necessarily the main purpose. On one...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 23

When the full impact hit Soroya of what had happened while Nathan gave her the massage, she was truly embarrassed. She had allowed herself to be guided by her baser instincts. It had to remain a secret between her and Nathan. Soroya was having a problem looking Nathan in the eye when she was around him after that afternoon of delight. He, however, remained polite and respectful which made it difficult to believe she had actually done those things with him. Kathy and Allison did not seem to be...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 25

Sunday was a flurry of activities and meetings. Allison had Amy draw up two contracts which were identical for the Kaheaku siblings. She wanted them to go back to Honolulu knowing that her offer was not just talk. To be truthful, she was sincerely happy to have them as permanent tutors which solved a major part of her strategy for integrating her family back into society. Education would not only teach them the three Rs, but she would make sure that Soroya's two children helped her with...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 27

The Sandersons and the Kaheakus may have had similar inclinations in the way they lived, but that, by itself, did not lead to any immediate conjoining of activities. Just as people on a nude beach do not engage in sexual play just because they are nude, these two families were still reticent about becoming involved in any kind of joint intimacy. The word had been circulated that Kahoku and Lanikai were closer than just brother and sister, and that both were just as close with their parents....

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 28

Allison and Soroya went back to watch the younger people dance. Most people had arrived at a stage of inebriation where silliness was the predominent feature of their behavior. Emmeline had started it by asking Kahoku to dance and then leading him out by his penis. Thereafter, the women did the asking and led their partner onto the floor in the same way. The practice drew laughs each time. At first, since there were seven women and only three men, there were always female kibitzers on the...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 29

The fact that Jane Olohana, the midwife, had stayed overnight and then joined the two families for breakfast in the nude was a major event. Of course, everyone knew her and some were aware that she had helped in the subterfuge regarding Hannah's baby, Erik. So, it was a shock to most of them when it was announced that she had come to warn Allison that there would probably be an investigation by the local social welfare office regarding suspicion of incest. Everybody, except Jane, knew that...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 31

Nathan volunteered to take Jane, Leniki, and Johnny up to the cabin with them riding in the wagon pulled by the tractor. That way, he could take more supplies up to store there. He also invited Kahoku and Lanikai the opportunity to ride along so they could see the cabin since they had not been up there yet. Emmeline whined that she wanted to go too. Hannah wanted to as well, but she figured there were too many people around for what she wanted to do, so she declined. Emmeline got her way and...

5 years ago
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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 33

Kathy went quickly from the bedroom full of sleeping Olohanas to the kitchen where Nathan was looking for places to put the supplies they had brought up with them. "Nathan," she said with much enthusiasm, "I think our worries are over. They're all sleeping tagether in the big bed--all five of 'em. Come on an' take a look. Ya won't bother 'em. They're out like lights." Given the state in which he had left the younger Olohana sisters, he wanted to see this. They went back to the...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 35

When the time arrived for the Olohanas to depart, it was with sadness. They agreed to return at vacation time, and Jane said she would be back on weekends with Johnny and Leniki whenever that was possible. Kaneki and Jeannie would have to wait until summer vacation when it was agreed they could spend it on the estate, and help with the planning for the island trip the following summer. Allison and Amy began to spend more time contacting their agents in Manila to begin activating their plan....

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Rainy Lagoon

You and never are walking in the wild, nature. It starts to rain and we have no shelter but just ahead is a lagoon a beautiful little water spot with a waterfall so we sit n watch it... I can see u getting wet but it's nice rain warm rain .. I can start to make out ur breasts n nipples so I sit behind you n start to kiss ur neck . We are soaked from top to toe . While I kiss ur neck and the top of ur back I start squeezing your breasts , pinching the nipples. I then use one hand and slide them...

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Paradise LagoonChapter 3

Mike and Jenna walked back to the camp hand in hand. As they walked back, Mike remembered the night before. "You know, Jenna. I don't think you are the only one with thoughts about me." "Darcie?" she asked. He shook his head. "Emma?" she asked, surprised at the thought. He nodded. "Why do you think so?" Jenna asked not really believing him. He told her about the waking up, how she must have come to him since she was on his side of the fire and how she was humping against his...

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Paradise LagoonChapter 4

When Jenna and Darcie returned with bananas, Mike and Emma were playing in the pool. "Come on in," Mike said. Jenna and Darcie dropped their stalks of bananas and splashed into the pool. Jenna was carrying one banana in each hand. "Would you like a banana?" she asked suggestively holding it close to her hips. Emma blushed but Mike laughed and said, "Absolutely." Jenna tossed one to him. Holding the second just as suggestively, Jenna said, "Emma, a banana?" Emma blushed more and...

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A Shy Guys Notebook Part Two Following the Books Commands

James sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 40 The Third Task

Chapter Forty – The Third Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mmmf, Mf, mg, anal, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, mc, spank, uniform, voy The Triwizard Tournament was finally coming to an end; Harry and the other Champions had faced numerous challenges throughout the tournament and each of them had made it to the finals relatively unscathed. Harry’s lack...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 32 Ancient History

Chapter Thirty-Two – Ancient History Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: ff, Mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy Hermione Granger was lying on her bed all alone with the Spellbook of Desires under her sheets. She had been reading through a few of the more wicked spells, including one which had something to do with the golden coins she...

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Facebook To Fuckbook

Hello, My name is Krish from Bangalore. I am good looking and always want love, lust and much more ;) . I am going to write a few sex stories from now on which happened already and might happen in near future hope you guys masturbate a lot :D . I love sex and evening thinking about sex makes me hard. I am not so jolly type and not so gloomy type. This story is regarding how I made a girl who met online on facebook to sleep with me. Here we go.. I usually send random friend request on facebook...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires 1

Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 3 The Burrow

Chapter Three – The Burrow Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, nc-cons, inc, magic Harry and Ron couldn’t stop smiling, even after the unfortunate and grisly attack the previous night by a group of Death Eaters. The Quidditch match had gone so well, with Ireland beating Bulgaria, and Krum catching the snitch. The unwarranted attack by a group of death eaters...

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The Sketchbook

The idea behind this story actually came from an episode of a show I watched almost 10 years ago. I remembered it last night, and wrote it this morning. Comments, questions, or criticism can be directed to [email protected] or [email protected] The Sketchbook By Allison Voorhees I was drawing a portrait of Christy, my girlfriend, in art class. She was standing over my shoulder as I shaded the strands of honey-colored hair that ran down her shoulders. "Are...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 27 Rons Happy Birthday Part Two Afternoon Delight

Chapter Twenty-Seven – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Two – Afternoon Delight Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, grope, hp, magic, spank, unif Ronald Weasley had just had an exceptional dream; in it, Hermione had come to his bed in her slutty school uniform, tight floral panties and an extremely horny demeanor. His dream was so vivid, so life-like, that...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 39 Calendar Completed

Chapter Thirty-Nine – Calendar Completed Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmF, Mf, ncon, hp, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy Fred and George Weasley had not studied once for the final year sixth year exams. Since starting their adult line of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, the twins had been too cooped up with making potions, having sex and earning loads of gold. ...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 28 Rons Happy Birthday Part Three An Evening Snack

Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 12 The Feast

Chapter Twelve – The Feast Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, magic, spank, unif, voy It was October 30th, and the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students were going to arrive later in the afternoon for a feast and the introduction into the Triwizard Tournament. Fred and George Weasley had been very careful not to use the Spellbook of Desires too much since they...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 7 The Restricted Section

Chapter Seven – The Restricted Section Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, hp, magic, preg, spank Draco Malfoy had just caused the entire Weasley family the greatest amount of embarrassment possible; after Ginny was fucked by three fellow Gryffindor students, the entire Weasley family was sharing the embarrassment of having a whore in the family. ...

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A Shy Guys Notebook Part Two Following the Books Commands

James sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...

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