Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 5
- 3 years ago
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Allison was assigned the room in the hut where the girls slept, but she alternated where she slept the same as the girls did. The reasons any of them ended up in one room or the other varied from talking and falling asleep there to wanting the company of Nathan and Kathy, or sex was definitely desired. Sex was not reserved for bedtime, however. Any outing to the pools, any swimming, or any recreational activity was assumed to involve sex, albeit not necessarily the main purpose.
On one particular day when the family had ceased all labors to make a trek to the inland waterfall pool, Allison was momentarily alone with Nathan while Kathy and the girls were frolicking in the water. She was admiring the sinewy muscles and handsome lines of her son's features in silence. They had been resting on the rock edge of the pool after some pretty strenuous frolicking themselves. Even though Allison had seen Nathan's penis in all states, she was used to the rigid one, so noticed its flaccid state at this moment. It prompted her to ask him some questions.
"Nathan, dear," she began, "have you been thinking about what is going to happen when Amy and the captain get back and we all return home?"
"Sometimes, Mommy," he responded. "but, it all seems so far off, and it's hard for me ta remember what it was all like before, an' sometimes when I listen to ya talk about how we gotta hide ourselves makes it all a little scary."
"Oh, Darling, I wasn't saying you have to hide yourselves from anybody. It's just that you can't go around in front of others and say you are married to your sister and that the girls are your daughters. I know you and Kathy love each other very much, and I love you both dearly, but hiding your relationship is the only way we can make sure you all stay together. And, remember, I'm never going to leave you either. From now on, we are one, big, inseparable family."
"Well, if we couldn't stay together, I wouldn't want to go back with you."
Allison reached over and rubbed Nathan's thigh to indicate that she understood his feelings and he could depend on her to do it all right. She was being very motherly now. She truly wanted to know more about how he thought since the happiness of her children had become paramount.
"I want to assure you that Aunt Amy is back home right now getting a place ready for us all where we can live without upsetting the world. You know, I have a job, a business that keeps me busy, but I'm rich enough now that I could retire and let the business run itself. I promise I won't try to take over your lives or allow anyone to keep any of you apart, but the girls have to learn about the world and get an education. Life can't just be one fuck after another."
Right after she said that, she realized that was a very bad choice of words since Nathan just stared at her. The silence embarrassed her, so she added, "I didn't mean it quite that way, Son. I meant the world out there is different now--it's an environment requiring even more skills than you have so well passed on to your daughters. They need to develop interests that do not center around having sex. They are still quite young. You and Kathy are still young too."
Nathan had still not said anything which made Allison think she was making things worse as far as upsetting her son was concerned. She figured she may have made him think he would have to stop his intimate relations with everybody once they got back home. Still trying to repair any damage, Allison reached over to fondle Nathan's limp penis, saying, "Darling Nathan, don't worry about not being able to use this beautiful appendage whenever you want. None of us will want to stop either. I'm as addicted to it as any of the others, really."
Even though Allison had up to this point never reciprocated when Nathan ate her pussy, she felt compelled at this moment to show him her sincerity by lifting up and taking his penis in her mouth. Since it was soft, she was able to engulf nearly the whole member. Although she couldn't see his reaction, she heard him inhale in astonishment followed by the object in her mouth almost immediately increasing in size.
"Oh, Mommy!" he uttered as he spread his legs to accommodate her between them.
Allison wasn't sure what to do, but responded to his movements by bobbing up and down on his now rigid penis which more than filled her mouth. She had seen Hannah do this many times, so tried to imitate what she thought her granddaughter was doing. She couldn't believe how huge it seemed in her mouth even though she knew he wasn't that big. Maybe she had a small mouth. It forced her to concentrate on sucking mostly around the head. It was easier than she thought it would be. The more she continued, the less distasteful became the task. It reminded her of slurping on a popsicle, so she approached it on that basis.
"Oh, Mommy, that feels so good. I can't believe you're doin' this. I kinda thought you didn't like ta do this sort of thing."
Lifting her mouth off his saliva glistening penis, Allison looked up at her son to say, "I just wanted you to know that I love you and will do anything to make you happy, Son," as she went back to her self-imposed task. She had begun this as a demonstration of her love and willingness to let them all continue their private lives as they saw fit. Now that she found it not at all distasteful, the sensory aspect began to run its course through her own body. She would later reflect that the idea of such an act on her part would have had her gagging or even throwing up, but this was actually pleasurable and excited her body.
Across the pool, the splashing had stopped when Hannah spoke up, saying, "Lookit over there. Gran' Mommy's doin' Daddy with her mouth. Gosh, she always told me she couldn't do that after she saw me doin' it."
"Yeah," added Emmeline, she's said the same thing ta me even though I told her it was a lotta fun."
"Well, well," uttered Kathy, "it looks like your gran' mommy has discovered another way ta get closer to your daddy." Kathy made a mental note to give her brother the best sucking he ever had that evening when they went to bed. Once again, she didn't analyze why she thought this way, but it was clear she did not want to be upstaged by her mother. Of course, she would not have been aware that Allison was doing it to preserve Nathan's faith in her willingness to let him and his family live as they liked; nor would she have known that she and the girls were far superior in doing that than her mother.
Even though Allison was beginning to enjoy what she was doing, it dawned on her as Nathan became more and more agitated, that he was eventually going to cum. Her libido took a dive at that point since she wasn't sure what would happen if he started to ejaculate into her mouth. Son or no son, the idea was nauseous. It was too late as she felt his penis swell in her mouth and the first jet of the mucous, viscous fluid splashed across her tongue.
It was more the idea than taste or texture which animated Allison. Her mind made her throat gag even though she could not taste anything. Unfortunately, she had to swallow or continue to gag. Somehow, she knew she had to control her thoughts Left to run free, her mind was going to make her puke. It was with almost superhuman effort that she overcame the tendency, and managed to swallow it all. Of course, it probably amounted to less than two tablespoons.
To complicate things, Nathan could not resist pushing farther into her mouth as he was coming so that the head was poking against her tonsils renewing her urge to gag. Allison began to panic. She pushed against Nathan to pull away from him and get her breath. Breathing was now primary so as she began to recover, she swallowed and tasted the residue of his sperm in the process. Her heavy breathing both through her mouth and nose allowed the full flavor of Nathan's ejaculate to register on her taste buds. Aside from the viscous texture, it was neutral as far as taste was concerned.
"Mommy," pleaded Nathan since he could see her discomfiture, "are you all right?"
Allison looked in her son's eyes, and tried to smile as if everything were OK. Realizing she had some cum on the corner of her mouth, she stuck out her tongue to lick it off which also required additional courage to make herself do it. Again, it had practically no taste, so she rolled it around on her tongue before she swallowed to make sure her senses were correct. She knew she should say something.
"You know, Son," she said while forcing herself to keep the smile, "I've never done that before. That was my first time so you'll have to excuse me for all my gagging. I'm sure little Emmeline does better than that."
"Oh, Mommy, you were wonderful. The very idea that my mother would do that for me makes me love you all the more. I know you like me to suck your pussy; do you want me to do that for you now?"
By this time, Allison had composed herself and could even see herself and questioned how in the world she ended up in a situation where she had just given her son a blow job and he was asking her if she wanted him to suck her pussy. The situation and the language seemed incredible. Why hadn't she questioned the fact that he had had his penis in her pussy at least 100 times since her arrival? Was it just because she had previous experience fucking, but had never even thought about fellatio until she found her family here? To Kathy and the girls, oral sex seemed to be as normal as any other kind of sex. In any case, her mouth was no longer virgin.
"Uh, no, darling Nathan," she finally said when she saw that he was waiting for an answer. "That's OK. I think I'm going to go back in the water for a while. She could not keep from thinking that she had to wash out her mouth even though she knew her mouth had a lot more germs than any semen he had deposited there. Why hadn't she thought about the fact that Nathan had drunk her own secretions not to speak of the couple of times she had squirted. Actually, she had thought about it the first time and hadn't wanted to kiss him afterwards. But, she had gotten over that after repeated acts of him sucking on her leaking cunt.
Allison went back into the pool and joined the renewed frolicking of her daughter and grandchildren. She was unaware that they had viewed the whole episode, until Emmeline whispered in her ear, "Daddy tastes good doesn't he?"
Later, while they all made their way from the waterfall back toward the hut, Emmeline fell down and twisted her ankle. The adults all concurred that she hadn't broken anything, but Nathan said he would have to carry her the rest of the way. Initially, he tried holding her in his arms, but that became too tiring for him. She may have been only about 10 years old, but she was 5' 4" tall and weighed a good 100 pounds. Hannah spoke up after they had made several stops for Nathan to rest.
"Hey, Daddy, remember when you carried Emmeline on your shoulders to the fall when she was little? Whyn't ya carry her that way again?"
"Well, maybe that'd be a good idea, Hannah. Why don't you and Mommy help her get up on my shoulders and I'll try that again. Maybe we can make better time."
Nathan got down on his haunches, and the women helped Emmeline straddle Nathan's neck, and then helped him stand up. He may have been a strong young man, but he certainly wasn't into bench pressing, so he needed the help until he was standing. Emmeline looked like she was on stilts. She had a big, fat, bare pussy, the lips of which he could feel spread across the back of his neck. They resumed their trek.
After about 30 more minutes of walking, Nathan stopped in a small clearing, declaring a rest stop. He announced that this would be a good time to pee or whatever since he wanted to make the next leg non-stop. The women helped him down to his knees and then lifted Emmeline off his neck which was smeared with pussy juice. Emmeline had obviously been aroused by her vagina rubbing against Nathan's neck. Kathy and Allison held her while she peed.
Nobody tried to hide or conceal the act of urinating. While Kathy and Allison squatted to take their turn, Hannah announced that she was going to do it like Daddy. She had become quite proficient over the years in doing it standing up. She went over to stand beside her father, and facing the same direction, pushed her hips out in front and spreading her lips with her fingers let loose at the same time as Nathan. Everybody got quite a chuckle out of watching what looked like a pissing contest. Hannah finished first, so she reached over and swirled Nathan's penis to make circles with the last of his stream.
Allison wondered if there was ever any end to the things her family would come up with that she had never seen before. She had always thought she was a liberated woman, but her kids were making her think she was a babe in the woods. What was worse was that she was no longer shocked or surprised by anything they would do. In fact, she had been turned on by watching everyone urinate, and especially by the peeing contest. To them, it was just having fun while peeing.
After hoisting Emmeline onto Nathan's shoulders once again, they started the last segment of their walk home. What would have normally been a journey of 1.5 hours ended up being a little over two. Emmeline's jiggling back and forth on her father's neck had gotten her excited once again. Nathan could feel her juices dripping down his back like sweat. He could hear her low moans as she began to come. He was certain of it when he felt her squeeze both legs around his neck and grip his head at the same time. He knew how her cunt would grab and squeeze his penis when she climaxed, but did not realize that it could even make the lips of her pussy contract as well. It was like her cunt was kissing or sucking on his neck. He wondered if that was the same with all women.
Finally, they arrived at the hut. Kathy and Allison helped Emmeline into the hut to lie down. They reported that she had gone to sleep almost as soon as she was on the bed of leaves. They wondered why she was so tired since she hadn't had to walk back. Allison surmised that it was the result of her twisted ankle. Nathan smiled, but answered that she was probably right.
It was decided that they would have a light supper consisting of some of the bread Allison had baked the previous day along with the last of the strawberry jam. When Allison went down to the cave to retrieve the bread, she thought she would look for some white wine to go with it. She loaded several bottles along with the bread and jam. When she got back to the hut, she was met by Hannah who saw the bottles of wine.
"Oh goodie, Gran' Mommy! It looks like we're gonna have a treat tonight!"
Allison realized Hannah was not talking about bread and jam. They all knew the effect wine had on Nathan's system. After those first times when Nathan had gotten a perpetual erection after drinking, Hannah and Emmeline told her that they knew what had happened and even tried to duplicate it on another occasion. It was like nonstop sex those times when Nathan had serviced five females most of the night. Yes, that had been incredible. After today's experiences, Allison was not averse to some further fun.
"Go get the bottle opener, Hannah. Let's see if this wine is still good," Allison said with a wink.
"I'm so glad you're my gran' mommy, Gran' Mommy," responded Hannah as she went to get the opener with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Allison opened a couple of bottles, found the wine in good shape, so poured everyone a cupful. Kathy and Hannah broke the bread and began to spread the jam. They toasted, ate, toasted some more, and ate some more. Emmeline was still asleep. She had truly worn herself out. There were just the four of them. They toasted Emmeline and wished for her quick recovery. Toasting and conviviality became de rigueur for the rest of the evening.
None of this had been planned. Kathy caught on that her mother and daughter had hatched some sort of conspiracy, but was not objecting since she was having fun. She had even forgotten that her mother had made a big leap in her relationship with Nathan that afternoon when she saw her sucking him. Allison had tried to tell some jokes, but found that her kids were totally out of it. They didn't get the punch lines. She would have had to make up something relating to their life on the island for them to be really funny, and she was lacking in that regard.
After they were into their third bottle of chablis or chardonnay, it no longer mattered whether they got the joke or not. Everybody laughed anyway. They were also speaking in risqué terms about sex. Nathan's tongue had become loose enough that he related how he knew why Emmeline had gotten so tired by telling the story about her climax from riding on his neck. That elicited the story from Hannah about how Emmeline had peed down her daddy's back many years ago when he was carrying her the same way to the same waterfall.
Hannah, who knew what she wanted to do, was seated next to her daddy, and was not shy about her intentions. She had been playing with his penis in plain sight while everybody was talking. It was erect and obviously ready shortly after Hannah began to massage it. The eyes of the other females present frequently were on Hannah's manipulation of the appendage. The combination of their voyeurism and the wine served to enhance the libido of both Kathy and Allison, but they deferred to the younger girl. The axiom that "liquor is quicker" was, indeed, the operative phrase this night.
Nathan was not unaware of the effects the wine had on him. He knew from previous experience that he was going to be involved in an orgy lasting a long time if he was lucky. Since his objectives were his sister/wife, daughter, and mother, it never occurred to him that he was immoral, perverse, or unfaithful. It was the pursuit of the happiness obtained from sexual pleasure. He had learned with Kathy that to always have more of a good thing, he had to provide as much pleasure as he got. In fact, he got as much pleasure doing that as in having an orgasm.
Kathy was a little different in her approach to her brother/husband having sex with others. First, with their daughters, it only seemed logical since he was the only male. Sex had become a mainstay of their lives, and was considered the most pleasurable act they could indulge in, so why should they deny it to their children. When their mother showed up on the scene, there was initially some hesitation on the part of Kathy, but when she realized her mother posed no threat to her possession of Nathan, she gave in. To Nathan, he was simply being nice to his mother no less than he was to his daughters.
It was on this basis that the evening began. Jovial, then risqué behavior was followed by outright sex if one was to put an order to the affair. Kathy and her mother let Hannah have her way first since she was practically a teenager and her hormones were running over. From previous experience they knew there were going to be many opportunities on this evening. Allison paid particular attention to Hannah as she fellated Nathan in preparation for him to enter her. She realized she had not done well on her first attempt that afternoon, and knew she would do it again. She needed pointers.
Nathan and Hannah were in a 69 as Kathy and Allison watched. Hannah had already been brought off several times and was finally calling for him to put it in her; that she couldn't wait any longer. She was like Kathy in that no matter the number of orgasms, it wasn't complete unless he also filled her up and she could come that way as well. By this time, both Kathy and her mother were hotter than a pot bellied stove stoked to the maximum.
The next morning, the two children were tired upon awakening. They were invigorated, however, when they remembered they were returning to the waterfall. There they could relax and bathe in fresh water once again. They figured that the hike to follow the stream from the pool would be easier than spending the day hauling boxes up to their new campsite. So, they were looking forward to it since they would be foregoing much heavier work. They took only some small cans to fill up with water which...
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There was no doubt that Hannah's insistence on being included in her parents' sexual bouts, whether as voyeur or participant, had added spice to those events. She was the apple of their eye, and despite her age, seemed to be older than she was. She was very clever in pleasing both her parents when she participated. She had become a cupid nymph. A consequence to Hannah was that her limited participation served to increase her interest in the act of coitus. She would achieve orgasm by...
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When Nathan and Kathy were informed by Allison that he had most likely impregnated Kathy, but had definitely made Hannah with child, Nathan did not know quite what to think. Allison was more concerned with Kathy's reaction, however. It did not seem to bother Kathy that she, herself might be pregnant. She was not too happy about Hannah's announced pregnancy. Allison expected that, but after talking with her, was confused about why she was upset. It wasn't because of Hannah's age since...
Lanikai and Kahoku woke up the next morning in the same bed. They were not suffering from any hangover since they had not gotten totally inebriated the night before. However, they had consumed enough to rid themselves of any inhibitions which led them both into their first encounter with incest. They could remember everything which left no doubt that they had taken a step which could not be undone. They were not shocked about their behavior. They were both adults with previous sexual...
While Allison and Kathy prepared supper, basically by opening cans and jars, the girls headed to the cave, enjoying their conspiracy talk about getting everyone in the mood for lots of fun by making sure there was plenty of wine to drink. They even talked between themselves about how their daddy seemed to be able to handle them all and then some thinking of Grand Mommy and Aunt Amy. When they returned to the hut with their arms loaded with bottles, Kathy looked at them as if they were out of...
The pretend couple continued their strange, new ablutions in the recently discovered waterfall pool. Hannah was somewhat confused by Nathan's attention to her anus while leading up to the deep cleaning portion of the ritual bath. He had never done this to her before, and she had received thousands of baths from him since a small child. Of course, he had washed her anus during the course of the bath, but had never stuck his finger in that place. Hannah was relieved when he said he would not...
It had rained during the night. The roof had done fairly well, just a few places where it dripped. Unfortunately, one place was right on Darcie and she let Mike know in no uncertain terms that he wasn't up to snuff as a builder. 'Oh well, ' he thought. He patched up the roof with additional palm fronds. Breakfast was bananas. The fact that there were banana trees proved people had been here before and planted them. He wondered if there were still people, maybe on the other side. How long...
Nathan's words had both calmed and irritated her at the same time. In her mind, he really sounded rational and grown up, but it also seemed he had challenged her to not look even though she thought she was in the right. At first, she went along with what he had said, and didn't look at him sitting just a foot or two from her. But, the temptation was too great and she took to heart his saying she could look all she wanted. While they ate and gathered up the things to take with them, Kathy...
They continued to lie motionless in the sand with Nathan's body on top of Kathy while they both let the new, arousing sensations continue as his penis wormed its way up along her slit in the process of engorgement. They could both feel what was happening. Either one could have stopped the event, but were so awed by the combination of their affection for each other and the instinctive reaction of their bodies that they could do nothing. The siblings remained that way with their eyes locked...
Kathy allowed him to examine her any way he wanted. She propped herself up on her elbows so she could look down between her spread legs where he was already staring intently. His countenance was that of someone trying to figure out what he was looking at. Then he tentatively moved both of his hands up to her vagina, placing a thumb on either side of her slit, and separated the lips. Having her brother do that, and spend so much time staring into her depths excited her as well as made her want...
Amy was imagining it was all a dream. For once, she was able to control what was happening. She had latched onto the penis of this Adonis, this god with the two sirens, and would have her way with him. The two sirens could not object, because it was her dream. "She's not gonna let go, Mommy," uttered Hannah as they all settled down onto their floor bed. Nathan wasn't sure what to make of it all, nor did Kathy. They had had a good deal to drink as well, and not really being used to it,...
The group of six naked beings headed off up the beach to the closest swimming hole. Allison and Amy had backpacks since they wanted to take all their modern necessities with them which included soap, towels, shampoo, deodorant, and all the other items they thought necessary. They offered to carry the food, and drinks. Allison had raised an eyebrow when she saw Amy add a bottle of wine, but Amy just said, "Well, you know, the hair of the dog that bit you, and all that." Allison just...
The constant rain ceased lashing the island sometime during the early morning hours. The wind had slacked off, but it was still powerful enough to cause a high sea state. All five women had taken repeated turns during the night to be calmed. It kept Nathan very busy going from one to the other with a hug, a kiss, and deep penetration. It had not seemed unusual to him that his mother and Amy had joined in in wanting to be soothed as well, although he noticed they seemed to want to slide back...
When the full impact hit Soroya of what had happened while Nathan gave her the massage, she was truly embarrassed. She had allowed herself to be guided by her baser instincts. It had to remain a secret between her and Nathan. Soroya was having a problem looking Nathan in the eye when she was around him after that afternoon of delight. He, however, remained polite and respectful which made it difficult to believe she had actually done those things with him. Kathy and Allison did not seem to be...
Sunday was a flurry of activities and meetings. Allison had Amy draw up two contracts which were identical for the Kaheaku siblings. She wanted them to go back to Honolulu knowing that her offer was not just talk. To be truthful, she was sincerely happy to have them as permanent tutors which solved a major part of her strategy for integrating her family back into society. Education would not only teach them the three Rs, but she would make sure that Soroya's two children helped her with...
The Sandersons and the Kaheakus may have had similar inclinations in the way they lived, but that, by itself, did not lead to any immediate conjoining of activities. Just as people on a nude beach do not engage in sexual play just because they are nude, these two families were still reticent about becoming involved in any kind of joint intimacy. The word had been circulated that Kahoku and Lanikai were closer than just brother and sister, and that both were just as close with their parents....
Allison and Soroya went back to watch the younger people dance. Most people had arrived at a stage of inebriation where silliness was the predominent feature of their behavior. Emmeline had started it by asking Kahoku to dance and then leading him out by his penis. Thereafter, the women did the asking and led their partner onto the floor in the same way. The practice drew laughs each time. At first, since there were seven women and only three men, there were always female kibitzers on the...
The fact that Jane Olohana, the midwife, had stayed overnight and then joined the two families for breakfast in the nude was a major event. Of course, everyone knew her and some were aware that she had helped in the subterfuge regarding Hannah's baby, Erik. So, it was a shock to most of them when it was announced that she had come to warn Allison that there would probably be an investigation by the local social welfare office regarding suspicion of incest. Everybody, except Jane, knew that...
Nathan volunteered to take Jane, Leniki, and Johnny up to the cabin with them riding in the wagon pulled by the tractor. That way, he could take more supplies up to store there. He also invited Kahoku and Lanikai the opportunity to ride along so they could see the cabin since they had not been up there yet. Emmeline whined that she wanted to go too. Hannah wanted to as well, but she figured there were too many people around for what she wanted to do, so she declined. Emmeline got her way and...
Kathy went quickly from the bedroom full of sleeping Olohanas to the kitchen where Nathan was looking for places to put the supplies they had brought up with them. "Nathan," she said with much enthusiasm, "I think our worries are over. They're all sleeping tagether in the big bed--all five of 'em. Come on an' take a look. Ya won't bother 'em. They're out like lights." Given the state in which he had left the younger Olohana sisters, he wanted to see this. They went back to the...
When the time arrived for the Olohanas to depart, it was with sadness. They agreed to return at vacation time, and Jane said she would be back on weekends with Johnny and Leniki whenever that was possible. Kaneki and Jeannie would have to wait until summer vacation when it was agreed they could spend it on the estate, and help with the planning for the island trip the following summer. Allison and Amy began to spend more time contacting their agents in Manila to begin activating their plan....
You and never are walking in the wild, nature. It starts to rain and we have no shelter but just ahead is a lagoon a beautiful little water spot with a waterfall so we sit n watch it... I can see u getting wet but it's nice rain warm rain .. I can start to make out ur breasts n nipples so I sit behind you n start to kiss ur neck . We are soaked from top to toe . While I kiss ur neck and the top of ur back I start squeezing your breasts , pinching the nipples. I then use one hand and slide them...
Mike and Jenna walked back to the camp hand in hand. As they walked back, Mike remembered the night before. "You know, Jenna. I don't think you are the only one with thoughts about me." "Darcie?" she asked. He shook his head. "Emma?" she asked, surprised at the thought. He nodded. "Why do you think so?" Jenna asked not really believing him. He told her about the waking up, how she must have come to him since she was on his side of the fire and how she was humping against his...
When Jenna and Darcie returned with bananas, Mike and Emma were playing in the pool. "Come on in," Mike said. Jenna and Darcie dropped their stalks of bananas and splashed into the pool. Jenna was carrying one banana in each hand. "Would you like a banana?" she asked suggestively holding it close to her hips. Emma blushed but Mike laughed and said, "Absolutely." Jenna tossed one to him. Holding the second just as suggestively, Jenna said, "Emma, a banana?" Emma blushed more and...
James sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...
SupernaturalChapter Forty – The Third Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mmmf, Mf, mg, anal, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, mc, spank, uniform, voy The Triwizard Tournament was finally coming to an end; Harry and the other Champions had faced numerous challenges throughout the tournament and each of them had made it to the finals relatively unscathed. Harry’s lack...
Chapter Thirty-Two – Ancient History Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: ff, Mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy Hermione Granger was lying on her bed all alone with the Spellbook of Desires under her sheets. She had been reading through a few of the more wicked spells, including one which had something to do with the golden coins she...
Hello, My name is Krish from Bangalore. I am good looking and always want love, lust and much more ;) . I am going to write a few sex stories from now on which happened already and might happen in near future hope you guys masturbate a lot :D . I love sex and evening thinking about sex makes me hard. I am not so jolly type and not so gloomy type. This story is regarding how I made a girl who met online on facebook to sleep with me. Here we go.. I usually send random friend request on facebook...
Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...
Chapter Three – The Burrow Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, nc-cons, inc, magic Harry and Ron couldn’t stop smiling, even after the unfortunate and grisly attack the previous night by a group of Death Eaters. The Quidditch match had gone so well, with Ireland beating Bulgaria, and Krum catching the snitch. The unwarranted attack by a group of death eaters...
The idea behind this story actually came from an episode of a show I watched almost 10 years ago. I remembered it last night, and wrote it this morning. Comments, questions, or criticism can be directed to [email protected] or [email protected] The Sketchbook By Allison Voorhees I was drawing a portrait of Christy, my girlfriend, in art class. She was standing over my shoulder as I shaded the strands of honey-colored hair that ran down her shoulders. "Are...
Chapter Twenty-Seven – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Two – Afternoon Delight Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, grope, hp, magic, spank, unif Ronald Weasley had just had an exceptional dream; in it, Hermione had come to his bed in her slutty school uniform, tight floral panties and an extremely horny demeanor. His dream was so vivid, so life-like, that...
Chapter Thirty-Nine – Calendar Completed Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmF, Mf, ncon, hp, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy Fred and George Weasley had not studied once for the final year sixth year exams. Since starting their adult line of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, the twins had been too cooped up with making potions, having sex and earning loads of gold. ...
Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...
Chapter Twelve – The Feast Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, magic, spank, unif, voy It was October 30th, and the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students were going to arrive later in the afternoon for a feast and the introduction into the Triwizard Tournament. Fred and George Weasley had been very careful not to use the Spellbook of Desires too much since they...
Chapter Seven – The Restricted Section Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, hp, magic, preg, spank Draco Malfoy had just caused the entire Weasley family the greatest amount of embarrassment possible; after Ginny was fucked by three fellow Gryffindor students, the entire Weasley family was sharing the embarrassment of having a whore in the family. ...
James sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...