Prisoners free porn video

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Disclaimer: There are erotic images and behavior described within, combined with a fucked up situation and horrible death. No sunshine and lollipops here. If you don't think you can handle it, then why the fuck are you still reading this? Prisoners By Wolverine Grant awoke nude in a metal cell across from his friend, Thurman, who was still unconscious. Grant tried moving his right arm only to find it shackled to the smooth metal wall. His legs were in a similar predicament. Grant didn't try to move his other appendages for the shackles pretty much guaranteed he'd get the same exact result. Thurman stirred, awoke, looked Grant over, and then tried what Grant had tried. He looked at grant again and shrugged. Their eyes wandered away from each other after that as neither liked looking at the nude form of the other. "Any theories?" Grant asked, keeping his eyes locked on the wall to his left. It and the wall to his right both had parallel grooves all the way across. Thurman kept his eyes locked on the wall to his left, and made the same observation. "I have no theory. I can't remember anything except going to bed," Thurman replied. "Same here. This is probably the strangest thing I've ever been a part of." Thurman nervously snorted in response. The two jumped as metal whirring sounded behind both of them. Both men looked down, trying to look behind them, but the metal "belts" securing them to the wall around the waist prevented positioning their eyes to see exactly what was going on. Grant realized what it was as soon as he felt an incredibly hard prick in the small of his back. He yelped and then the sting disappeared as the needle withdrew back into the wall. Thurman didn't yelp, but instead let out a oomph and flinched. After both men had been pricked by the unseen needles, a brief buzzing sounded from the ceiling. Thurman and Grant looked up to see an intercom. "Hello, gentlemen, I am glad you are both awake and inoculated so we can get this show on the road," said a voice from the speaker." offer you no name, but I am the one responsible for you being here, and the moderately painful shots you just received. You are to be part of my very sick game." "Who are you?" Grant asked. The voice from the intercom chuckled. "I said I offer no name," the voice responded. "What's your game?" Thurman asked. "Who said I offered answers?" mused the voice. "Well, you certainly like to talk," Grant said. "You are right about that. And since the anticipation is something I will most definitely enjoy, I will fill you in on your situation," the voice elaborated. "You both have been injected with a different chemical. Thurman...yes, that's right I know your name. I've been following you for a while. Six two, two hundred sixty pounds, brown hair, grey eyes, mother was a hooker in her early days, though I'm sure you didn't know that, and your father was one of her clients, though she told you he was a deadbeat who ran off and never paid child support. Your first kiss was from a girl named Heather Le Beau. That's enough. Thurman has just received the chemical that makes a woman of a man. Grant, you have received a hybrid of every sexual stamina enhancer on the market. You're about to have an erection that just won't go away, and if it takes enough time for it to, I'll be happy to give you another dose." "Wait, wait, wait. A woman of a man? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Thurman asked. "Now here I thought you were fairly intelligent. I did put that in plain English didn't I? The chemical running through your veins will over the next hour to day turn you into a female as fast as it can work you over," the voice responded. Grant snorted. "Bullshit," Thurman replied. "I guess you'll just have to see. But here's what you can expect: in the next few moments, part of the chemical will speed up your metabolism, cell reproduction, and any other process of your biology. While this is taking effect, my chemical will introduce virus of my design that will tear through you like wildfire, making you into a healthy, horny, delightfully dim-witted, young woman," the voice explained as Grant and Thurman looked at each other in confusion and horror. "If your body doesn't get your companion's sexual urges going to match his erection, then the pheromones you're going to be pumping out will. I designed those so well that no one can resist. Then as the walls slide closer together along the track you've no doubt noticed, you'll get closer for a better position to fuck like there's no tomorrow, which there isn't for either of you." "Dude, you are insane," Grant said. "Oh yes I am. I assure you I very much am. In fact, this is all for my sexual benefit. I'll be watching from my center of operations and masturbating whenever the fancy strikes me. I do find this oh so very exciting," the voice replied. "Enough talk now though. I am getting a dry mouth." "You shit head, let us go," Thurman said. The intercom buzzed and then was silent. Thurman looked at Grant and frowned. "I don't think we're going to live," Thurman said. "Fuck living, what if what he said is true? I really don't want to fuck you man," Grant said. "What? You can't be serious. That's probably the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. I, I'd have to be an idiot on drugs to believe that." "Oh yeah? Look down then." Thurman's eyes tentatively crept downward along the shape of Grant's body, which wasn't a pretty sight with him being hairy, a dude, and slightly overweight, to the man's crotch, which wasn't too pleasant a sight either. "Big deal, he shot you up with some Viagra, and he probably hit me with some kind of psycho drug that'll make me hallucinate, and then I'll say dirty things to you, which he'll beat off to or something. Then we die." Grant nodded slowly, and frowned. It was obvious the guy was holding back tears. Death was a hard thing to face. Thurman tried to hold his sobs in too. He didn't want to die either, and he certainly didn't want to look gay for some maniac who claimed to be filming and masturbating at the same time. "You feeling weird?" Grant asked. Thurman nodded. "Guess his stuff is kicking in. You can tell I'm sweating from there?" "Yeah, the light isn't too bright, but you're practically dripping. I hope he intends to give you some water if he's gonna keep us around for hours." "Yeah, well, we're dead anyways, so it probably doesn't matter." "Dehydration vs. a quick blow to the head? Yeah it matters." Thurman gagged and twitched in his shackles. Grant's eyes perked up. "What the fuck was that about?" "I think he overdosed me on crack or something. My perceptions are slowing down, and I'm having back spasms. Plus, it felt like my intestines were going to jump straight up through my body and out my mouth for a second there. I think I'm going to die from something much worse than dehydration." Grant let out a nervous chuckle. "I wonder what he's got planned for me." "Hopefully something much better than this. I honestly feel like I'm dying. I feel weaker now too." Thurman said all this with exhaustion running rampant in his voice. "Well, you better loosen up then." Grant said. Thurman looked down and found that he was straining at his restraints, with his weight shifted onto his toes. Thurman willed himself to relax and gently rest his feet on the floor. "Thanks. If I start acting weird, just notify me. I'd like to keep kicking as long as I can." "Can do. Thinking of a way out?" "Not yet. I'm not thinking too clearly right now. I'm awake, but there's this fog setting in." "Maybe it's that horny young woman he spoke of." Thurman laughed. "That's not funny, but comparatively it's the most laughable thing about this." "You ever thought about a door? How did we get in here?" "I don't know. There's probably a hatch somewhere." "But where? I don't see one. There's not space." "Maybe he built it around us? Obviously this guy has a lot of money to have set this up, and he could've kept us sedated for weeks as long as he fed us. Those vents by the speaker are probably the only connection we have to the outside world." "You're skinnier," Grant stated blankly. Thurman looked puzzled at him and then down at his own body. Indeed he was skinnier. By a lot in fact. He could actually see his abs, and his skin had definitely tightened along his ribcage. Had he sweated all that off? No wonder he felt so foggy! He was dehydrating quickly! "Fuck man, he's sweated it off me. Fuck you man!!!" Thurman bellowed. "It's his shit, I'm telling you. It's working you over like he said." "Let off of that okay? It's not helping." "And you are?" "Yeah I am." "How? By bitching?" "Shut the fuck up, Mr. Gullible." "Mr. Gullible? Just because I believe a guy rich enough to do this could possibly come up with something that could turn you into a horny bitch so he could masturbate and watch?" "Yeah, that's pretty damn gullible. Oh Grant, oh Grant, let me suck your dick. Stick your cock in my love hole Grant!" Thurman said in his girlish voice. "I'm serious. I believe him, and that doesn't make me gullible." "Yeah, it does." The walls groaned, causing Thurman and Grant to jump. They slowly moved toward each other. Where there had just been 15 feet of separation was now about 12. Thurman looked at Grant and shook his head. "That doesn't prove shit. He also gave you a boner. He probably wants us to go gay and then sword fight with our dicks." "Why would gay people do that?" "I don't know. They're gay. A lot of what they doesn't make much sense. Point is, I'm not buying into his man to woman shit." "Say that now, but I really don't want to fuck you man." "Me neither, so stop bringing it up." "I mean..." "Just shut up Grant. No more talking until we've got a plan to get out of here." With that, the two looked down at the floor in bitter silence. The next ten minutes slowly rolled by, sapping more and more of Thurman's concentration. His head kept wandering, and his body felt more and more like it was being ripped apart slowly. "If we can get to those vents, we might be able to squeeze through one, and then crawl out." Grant suggested. "Like an action movie? I don't know if that works in real life." "It's worth a shot isn't it?" "I suppose. But how do we get out of these shackles?" "More thinking?" "I guess." Thurman and Grant thought some more. 5 minutes rolled by, and then 10, and then 20. Grant said nothing to Thurman about the man's withering manhood, or the small little bumps that had began to form behind Thurman's nipples, which were beginning to look puffy. Thurman would zone out for long periods, which Grant could tell by his breathing. Thurman would breathe normally, then rapidly for a long time, then slowly and deeply, and finally back to normal. If Thurman noticed any of this, he didn't say anything to Grant, and Grant said nothing to keep from angering his friend. The intercom had probably spewed a lot of bull, and Grant was probably wrong to believe it like Thurman said. "Hey, remember that time in 4th grade when we formed the 'Mafia'?" Thurman asked. Grant chuckled. "Yeah, that was pretty advanced for kids our age." "We charged sandwiches for protection. But here's my question: protection from what? If we'd beaten anybody up, we'd have never seen another sandwich in remedial school." "I don't know." Grant and Thurman laughed. They cut it off when Thurman's laugh cracked into a higher pitch. Thurman stared at the ground and frowned. "Does it hurt?" "Yes." Thurman's voice cracked again, and he let out a nervous groan. His eyes were full of shame and embarrassment. "It hurts so much. Every part of me is on fire, and my nipples feel like they're a mile from my chest. I know it's getting faster, but is it really that bad yet?" "I can definitely tell you're growing boobs, and your skin's a lot darker." The walls groaned again and 12 feet became 9. Thurman looked at Grant possessing bangs that hung closer to his eyebrows, which were definitely becoming, with the rest of Thurman's eye, a definitely more exotic shape. "I'm sorry I called you Mr. Gullible." "It's all right. I'm sure this is going to make up for my embarrassment." "It's going to more than make up for it, you son of a bitch." Thurman looked daggers at Grant and then looked back to the ground. "What? Come on. Don't get..." "Don't you dare say pissy. I'm not a girl yet." Grant bit his tongue and looked back up at the vents. He studied them. One on each side of the intercom. They probably hooked back up into one tunnel just above the intercom wiring, and then it shouldn't have been that bad of a crawl out, given they weren't too far from the surface...given that they were underground. Each one was located in either man's "area" with the air aimed at them. Grant could feel the cool breeze. It was the only peaceful thing about this. "We can probably make it through there if your arms shrink. You can crawl..." "No, I'm not leaving now. If what he said is true, my head's going to be gone in a bit anyways, and I don't want anyone to see me like this." Thurman's voice was husky and female now. Grant heard a low whine and saw Thurman fidget. "Well, you can go kill yourself out of shame, but personally I'd like to live." "I doubt he'll let me get away with that." "Stop with the negativity! First you knocked down my acceptance of his fucked up plan, and now you're naysaying everything I say." "Shut up! Just leave me alone. I don't want to talk right now." "Well, I do. We have to. You've gotta slip out of your shackles, and then find a way up." "My arms are still too big, and they may stay that way. I have no idea what that faggot likes in women." "Then just wait for a good fucking honey because that's all that's coming with that attitude." Thurman's head snapped up and he stared with intense fire in his eyes. His eyes briefly closed and Grant heard a squishing from the other man's abdomen. Thurman's eyes snapped open and he trembled with anger and pain as he continued to stare at Grant. "You bastard," Thurman said before beginning to fidget. Grant could see the man's genitalia begin to rapidly shrink smaller than it already was into a small patch of fur between his smooth thighs. "I'm not...uh...your honey yet. Uh...Don't you ever call me that again or I'll...uh...kill you." "Thurman calm down. Relax," Grant said with concern in his voice. Thurman screamed as his manhood disappeared with a sickening squish. At the same time, Thurman's hips cracked loud enough for Grant to hear it. The walls groaned and 9 feet became 6 feet. Thurman continued to scream as his body's change sped up. Bones cracking became the percussion to back up the screams. Thurman's shackles became tighter as he lost height. This picked him up off the ground as he hung from the arm shackles. The metal belt holding him in place had come lose, probably released by remote, which left the changing Thurman free to buck if needed. Despite the stretching the shackles were doing Thurman desperately tried to keep his thighs together and keep his new womanhood from view. The cracking slowly stopped as Thurman's skeletal structure stopped its reshaping. Thurman panted and moaned as he looked at Grant. Grant gasped at his friend's new face. A few minutes ago, it had been good ole' Thurman looking at him, but now it was a Hispanic girl looking back with brown eyes and pouty lips. Thurman's hair had lightened and crept down around his face, which made Thurman definitely look like a girl. Sweat rolled down her heaving body and dripped off the end of her Venus mound. Thurman looked ashamed at his new found frame, and tears began to roll from his eyes. "Please...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been such an asshole, but please...I need you. I need a friend. It hurts. Talk to me Grant. I hurt so much, and my head is everywhere. "I'm right here buddy. Just relax. And I think I've got a way out." "No, please, just talk about old times. I don't want to think about this anymore." "You gotta! I want out of here. And then maybe we can reverse this." "No, by the time we got out, I'd be what he's turning me into and I don't want that. I don't want to remember this. Please, just talk about old times," Thurman said. Thurman's eyes, which he'd shut in the middle of a grimace, opened and stared into Grant's. "Please, for me." "Alright," Grant replied, the voice and beauty of his companion overthrowing his will to keep pressing. His friend was much weaker now from what this stuff was doing, and psychologically she was definitely a she. With this came emotions Grant could understand ruling her, and also feelings came to Grant that said to protect her from harm. This was doing wonders to both of them, and Grant shivered internally at the thought of the sicko watching them beating off to it. "We were talking about the "Mafia" earlier, right?" "Mmmmhmmm," Thurman strained with her eyes closed. Her voice was a mixture of pain and anticipation now. "Go on. Keep talking. It helps to get away from here." "Well, there was that kid who worked with us. Vinnie right?" "Winnie actually. Pussy name, so he tried to act tough." "I think we called him Vinnie because we wanted to sound more mafioso." "I think you're right." Thurman let out a long moan as her now dark nipples became erect in the cool air of the cell. Her small bumps slowly gained more weight, causing a fit of moans from Thurman as her nipples were thrust even further from her chest. Grant came looking at them. How he'd love to suck on them...but no! He wasn't going to think about that. He wouldn't play that bastard's game. "But what...about...Vinnie?" "That kid was so tough. He once took on 4 kids at once in a scrap." "Big muscles for a little guy. I wish more guys were like that now." "Thurman!" Thurman bit her lip and let out a slow breath. "Sorry, go on." "But I remember the worst memory of my childhood finding out he wasn't so tough after all. Physically tough maybe, but inside he was a pure coward. I remember he'd always rat us out for extorting someone, and then we'd have our sandwiches taken away. So we had to relegate him to muscle status." The walls groaned again and 6 feet became 3. Grant could smell, and practically taste Thurman. It was such a good smell. He was becoming drunk off her. His head stretched forward unconsciously so he could lick that perfect face of hers. Even her clinched shut eyes were still exotic and erotic. And those small, surely sensitive tits of hers begged to be grabbed "Thurman, you gotta concentrate and stop putting those pheromones out buddy." "I'm not your buddy anymore, I'm your honey," Thurman said lightly and erotically. "Thurman! Do it! I want to fuck you so bad it's killing me, but we gotta fight it. I won't have that guy win." "I can't. I don't know how to control them," Thurman said. She moaned again as her tits became very small mounds. "And you're using too many big words for me now. He did make me stupid." "Concentrate. Think about the past. Remember Mrs. Young? She was the one who always cracked down on the "Mafia." You remember her?" Grant looked expectantly at Thurman. Her eyes slowly softened and then opened. She looked at him up and down. "Remember?" "Mrs. Young?" Thurman's voice screamed sex now. Her smell probably gave it that extra push, but damn was it erotic. Grant came again, splattering her stomach with a splash of his hot seed. She looked down and watched the semen slowly run down her stomach and then back up at Grant with a dreamy smile on her face. Oh how he'd love to stick! He was drunk on her smell and her looks, but that could be overcome. "Remember! Just remember with me. She always cracked down on us and the other boys and got Vinnie to rat us out." "I can't have you misfiring like that. The sex won't be as good. I want you in me so bad right now. Fuck my love hole Grant. Make me cum as you recharge." Stay with me buddy! Please! I don't want this. I'm so horny and your so hot, but please I don't want this! And neither do you!" "Oh but I do." Thurman crotch was lifted as far out as she could get it, and juices dripped from her waiting lips. "Fuck me!" "Thurman..." 3 feet became just enough for Thurman's nether-lips to grasp Grant's meat and push the two intimately together. Their shackles released, and Grant slid his arms around her as she desperately began going at him. "Not like this man." "I'm not a man anymore silly. You're in me. Now fuck me like I know you can lover." Thurman breathed these into Grant's ear. Grant thrust once and then twice before shaking the thoughts off. "Come on, you can do better than that. Fuck me til I can't walk straight. Let all the other bitches on the street know you love your woman." Grant thrust once more and then when he realized why they weren't going to live to see tomorrow he gave in and began returning her thrusts vigorously, causing her to scream with glee and passion. They fucked for hours, neither thinking about their confinement anymore as one was too horny to remember and the other was too dumbed down to care, until the air, which had ceased to enter the chamber when the closing walls had cut them off, was all used up. The ceiling lights died and all was silent in the metal cell. THE END

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Happy End Teil 4

Happy End – Teil 4Huhu liebe Fangemeinde. Bei diesem grausamen Wetter habe ich mir nun endlich mal vorgenommen Euch weiter zu erzählen, und hoffe Euch gefällt auch diese Geschichte. Ich bin natürlich total neugierig auf Euer Feedback.Mittlerweile möchte ich mich nicht als xhamster Yunkee bezeichnen, aber dennoch konnte ich mich hier schnell einfinden, schnell „Freunde“ finden, und das ein oder andere nette Gespräch führen. Zu Hause war bislang alles beim Alten geblieben, was nicht heißen soll,...

4 years ago
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Pool fun pt 1

Karen Miller's entire body shuddered as the powerful jet from the hot tube washed over her pussy. She sat directly on the nozzle, feeling the intense stream of hot water part her labia and stimulate her clit. One hand cupped her bare breast and the other ran up and down her thigh as yet another orgasm built inside her. On the deck next to her, an empty wine bottle and the last glass of wine sat neglected. The wine always made her horny, and after one glass she had retreated to the backyard to...

3 years ago
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Unique Family Reunion Chapter 1

Here I stand. In front of God, the world, and everyone with my mother bent over her great grandmother’s tombstone with my cock buried deep inside her soaking wet cunt. How the hell did I get here? *My name is Brandon and I was a nineteen-year-old college student at a university in northern Illinois. I’m from a small town in the southern end of the state where my mother lived. At 5’10 and 150 lbs I was fit enough to be on any team I liked, but I wasn't into sports, I was too busy either studying...

3 years ago
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Leaving the Friend Zone

It was right after my university degree. I got a job as a journalist for Sports Illustrated in Boston. I was single during that time and was always thinking about fucking my best friend. Her name was Lisa. She was a Latina. Her hair was shoulder length and black. She had nice 38DDs(knew it from shopping with her) and an ass to die for. Well but there was no chance into getting her. She was engaged to this guy called Mike. So i already gave up on getting and tried to focus on other girls until...

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Johanna 2

Like millions of other American high schoolers, I took the SAT placement test. I did very well, and my guidance counselor was optimistic that I would get into a very selective college. The offers started coming in the Spring semester, and I got into all of my “safety” schools, as well as my “realistic” schools. Late in March, I finally got the acceptance from my top choice, a world-famous university in Boston. I sat with Mom after dinner one day with all my college options.“Your top choice is a...

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THE STORY The story is about John Tracy a high school student who lives in a small town with his mother. John’s mother Jennifer is a schoolteacher at his high school and her main subject is science and biology. One day a very unusual accident gives John powers that he soon relies he can use to subdue anyone he wishes. With his newfound power he begins to explore a world of endless possibilities. MAIN CHARACTER INTRODUCTION John Tracy (Our protagonist) Age: 18 Height: 5,10ft (178cm) Weight:...

Mind Control
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HorseplayChapter 14 Dissolution

Neil staggered into the stable on time, ready to get done and hit the sheets for the morning. Andrea was on duty. She took one look at his bloodshot eyes and sent him to the storage shed to pick through the leather for useful bits. It was something he could do without having to standup. His speculation about Leah's whereabouts were answered quickly. She arrived and located him as he was trying to move old furniture out of the large steel shed to reach the boxes of broken leather in the...

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A Fan Wrote to Me

Jerry had made three mistakes today. First was taking a break at work to read porn and wank in a john. Second mistake Jerry made was picking that story. Not a very long or a particularly well written story but something about this tale, and the way the writer described the events in slow detail, got Jerry hard. Harder than he had been in ages. He was horny like back in his school boy days, skipping class to hid out in the gym showers and bend over for the football team. The QB had a partially...

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The PresenceChapter 9

Beth and Jill held each other for the longest time. “Jill, I ... I don’t know what came over me. I have never had an urge like I just experienced. I have never had an interest in another woman ... sexually I mean. And then just looking at you the lust hit me and what to do. Seeing your ... ass presented out like that was such a turn on and then when you told me to go for it, something took over and I did what I never thought I would ever do and Jill, I hate to admit it but I ... enjoyed it....

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Kaylees Wild Weekend

Message from the author: This story is quite long and has long build-up before the sex begins. So…if you’re looking for a quick, dirty read, you might want to skip down to the middle of the story.  Thanks.   Kaylee’s Wild Weekend “This is going to be the best weekend ever!” Kaylee exclaimed as she reached over to turn the radio up, raising the volume to an uncomfortably loud level. “Okaaaay,” Heather said dismissively, pushing her friend’s hand away and turning the volume back down. ...

3 years ago
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Inner Secrets

I sighed with relief as I watched my Mum get in the blue ford car with her mystery date. I grinned as it was time to light some candles in my bedroom for Alexia arriving any minute. We'd arranged for her to come round at 3pm and it was time now. I quickly grabbed up the bag of scented candles from the medicine cabinet in the bathroom then dashed up the stairs to my bedroom and placed the candles around my double bed. I stared back in admiration at how pretty I had arranged them as I lit them....

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Three Generations Bertha

Chapter 1 "Whoa?!" Jessie said as she sat by her desk, holding the bundle of papers that she'd just read through, not believing that her grandmother Dannie had been completely crazy. She'd always been a little mysterious and as she'd gotten even older she'd talked mostly in riddles but Jessie would never have guessed that she was crazy-crazy. The reason as to why Jessie was sitting there reading these notes was because my mother, "Granny Dannie" as we called her, had just...

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An Officer and a Gentleman1777

‘Oh, oh!’ Caroline, Lady Dunsmore, moaned as the feeling swept over her. ‘No more, please. Let me breathe.’ Her lover rolled off of her. ‘My dear Jeffrey, you are insatiable.’ ‘No more than you, my dear,’ replied Jeffrey Tremaine, Major in the King’s Household Light Cavalry and first son of Edmund Tremaine, Lord Dunsmore. ‘You want it as much as I.’ Caroline threw her naked leg across his. ‘Yes, yes I do but not all at once. We must take a break at times.’ ‘Yes, mother. Whatever you say.’ ...

4 years ago
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She has a dick

I'm John. just an 18 years old typical guy. I go work out from time to time, which keeps me fit, but I'm still no where near bulky. You can actually say that I'm skinny. I never thought about dicks. Thinking about it now is simply weird. I don't know. I just love women. Although I'm a virgin. It's kinda shameful when I think about it. Although I had a couple chances, but I never actually done anything with a girl. I'm virgin in everything actually, mainly cause the unknown scares me I guess. I...

2 years ago
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The Doctor Is Always InChapter 4

Circumstances and shifting schedules conspired to keep us apart after that. Anita started P-school two weeks later, eight days after her mom's funeral. At the same time, I was assigned to a three-month rotation at one of the other hospitals in the residency program. I'd be working rotating shifts. What with paramedic classes, studying for paramedic classes, and working the late shift on the detox van to earn a living, Anita hardly had a moment to herself, let alone find the time or energy...

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Jess was standing on a podium in a slightly chilly classroom, sunlight was pouring in the nearest window, shining over her small, firm right breast. Her nipples were erect, and goosebumps appeared over her arms. As always, it was a mixture of the temperature and her arousal. She stood at 5′ 3′, looking over the class that was viewing her nude form, taking in her body, and forever immortalising her beauty on a canvas. At 24, she felt more alive than partying had ever made her. Just another ten...

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"Hey, bro! There is a late night industry pool party going on at Wilderness tonight. You know the place. The waitresses are all really stacked and gorgeous. Mario insists his girls have boob jobs. Remember? Let's head over tonight."Paul answered the phone in a half dazed state setting down his video game control stick. Boredom had started to take over. He was between women and his time was too liquid. Ever since buying into the restaurant franchise that had taken off like wildfire, he had all...

Group Sex
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The Ghost Lover

The Ghost Lover Mr. Marten and his wife were returning to Boston from a business trip to Chicago. They were the only ones in the coach. They could feel the vibrations as the train rolled along the hilly terrain. Mrs. Marten looked out the window admiring the beauty of the rolling countryside as they passed hills and valleys of lush green, interspersed by buildings and farm houses. Mrs. Marten was a beautiful woman. She had a lovely face with brown eyes and full lips framed in auburn hair that...

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The King and His Forbidden Destinee Part 1 Official

The storm was calming to him, therapeutic almost, yet he for sure wanted to get off of the roads as it was becoming dangerous to drive with the strong winds, and heavily pouring rain. Ten minutes into his drive he noticed a woman walking on the side of the freeway, he was no fan of picking up strangers, but it was dangerous out, the least he could do was offer her a ride. He slowed beside her as she walked slowly, her arms were crossed and tucked to keep herself as warm as she could, as she...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 79 The Last Risk Of Freeze

May 14, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Start talking!” Melanie demanded when I sat down in her office about an hour later. “There isn’t much to say. Katya found the information for me when I asked her to look into several things about Brandon Littleton, Kevin Lomax, and John Milton.” “Do you know more about him?” “A LOT more. I don’t think you want to know.” “Probably not, but I’m your criminal defense attorney, and even though San Antonio doesn’t have you involved in this, you know the CPD...

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Doc Ch 08

When I awoke, I was still disoriented. Had what I seen in the sweat lodge been right, or was I just dreaming? I’m not religious, but whatever it was I had seen, it seemed to answer most of my questions about what I was doing here. I went to find Grandpa and found him sitting with Red Cloud. I approached them and asked, ‘Uncle Henry, can we walk and talk some?’ Getting up, he followed me down by the river. I tried to ask him about what I had seen in the sweat lodge and found that I couldn’t...

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Julie 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! Julie was anxious to be fucked again by her brothers and her father but was disappointed when her father called and told her that he wanted her to go visit her 74 year-old grandfather at his house across town. It had been over a day since she had those three giant cocks in her and she was nearly sopping with desire. Julie put on a T-shirt and Jeans over her bra and panties and put her long red hair into a ponytail. Useually when she was asked to go...

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First Time I Had A Cream Pie

The first time I had sex with a woman, and my first Cream Pie, (it happen just like this, as I remember every nasty exciting detail) I was to baby sit for a friend of my mom's, I was to watch her two c***dren for the weekend while she went to Palm Springs. I went over after school so she could get out of town early. When I got to her house she was there, and she told me she made other plans, that her k**'s were at her sister's for the weekend. She also told me...

4 years ago
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Abbie and the night out

It was finally Friday. I couldn't wait to get out of work and into the car. Living this far apart from my girlfriend Abbie was difficult. But today was the start of the weekend so I was in a good mood. As it was Friday, it was also a lunch time finish which was even better. As soon a as my work was filed away, I jumped in the car and began the long journey down to Banbury from Leeds. I arrived at Abbie's parents' house about 6ish. Abbie is only 18 so still lives with her folks. We'd met via...

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Athos Ch 03

Now with the reader’s permission we will leave Agnan to his dreams and travel to a young couple at an Inn not far from Berry. As they checked in the innkeeper noticed the woman had an unusually pale completion with dark hair, she was slim but muscular and appeared to be of rank, her dress was a pale pink with gold thread on the edges odd few butterfly patterns, she was well-spoken with the grace of royalty yet she was not dressed as royalty nor of any high rank, the innkeeper assumed she was of...

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Animated World

Ah animation, worlds unrestricted by any of the rules of physical reality. Impossible deeds, mind bending magic, and stunningly beautiful women are all common place within the many varieties of animation. However there is generally a distinct lack of sex in these worlds. Which is a pity because whether it be the world of cartoon, anime, or video game there are almost always very, very sexy characters. So let's go ahead and add the sex shall we.

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Amazon A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I was born in Morocco into a Moroccan Jewish family. My family had been living in Morocco for many generations after my ancestors were driven from Spain by the Christians. I have always considered myself to be North African. My family were had been involved in growing flowers and I was brought up in a town called Migouna. I spoke Arabic and Berber as my native tongues, French, and I also spoke English. My mother had been educated at a...

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Teacher Pt 2

I was propped up on my arms, Sumin nude beneath me in all her teenage glory. Her hair was still damp in places where, just a few minutes before, my cum had splattered her after she received her reward for her first blow job. It had been a fumbling thing on her part since it was her first time, but I had no doubt she would apply herself to the study of oral sex with thet same enthusiasm she applied to most of her other subjects. Her hand reached down, stroking my erection that had never gone...

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Becoming his cuckquean

After the birth of our last baby sex between my husband and me had gotten a little stale. Small quickies when we had the chance provided we both weren’t too tired. We’d always been very sexual people. One night my husband walked into the bedroom as I was just getting into bed “I think we should have a threesome” he announced This wasn’t the first time we’d invited another woman into our bed. We’d tried it twice before when we were younger but I didn’t realise he was still interested in other...

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Professor Puma Lesson 2 Face Fucking

The day had come. I was finally going to taste his cum. All week we jokingly flirted back and forth about what we expected to happen on our next Sunday afternoon "sexcapades." It was time for me to finally live up to all the naughty innuendos I implicated. After driving around for what seemed like an eternity we finally found a spot where we thought we wouldn't get caught. I was so nervous. My biggest fear was being caught in salatious acts with someone so much younger than I, and having my...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 63

Hello Everyone, It’s been a minute, but I am Finally Free. I can go outside without worrying that I’ll cook. WHOOO HOOO! Due to Covid things have been kinda strange. Video conferences with my therapist and neurologists. Is it good news, bad news, or no news? A little of each. my sweat glands gave an effort. I actually sweated a little. Not the way I should have been. But, it’s a start. I’ve spent a lot more time with my came because I’ll randomly start falling over. I’m scared of doing a...

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Sexy Girl And Happy Outing

Hi All iam Rohith from Mumbai. This story is about the incident happened very near future which was actually dint meant not planned. But urge of both was the same but both feared to put it in front and take it forward. I am slim fair working in Mumbai staying alone at a company provided quest house. So got to be boring in the eve and sat and sun during week off’s . Reading ISS makes my day and accompanied …also at the same time trying to search for the like-minded people who live like me here...

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My first time with a girl

This is a true story, it happened 6 years ago when I was 18. The events take place the week after my last story. I woke up on Sunday morning after loosing my virginity in a gang bang. It was the day after the party. I was lying naked in bed with a slight hangover. And next to me was a beautiful blond girl, also naked. Last night we had been gang banged together. I didn't even know her name, or who she was. She was still sleeping. And I couldn't help looking at her. Noticing her beautiful blond...

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Just a Few More

The woman I knew as “Mistress Rebecca” helped me into the back seat of the van and then put a blindfold over my eyes. She wrapped the seatbelt around my shoulders and waist, and then I heard her get into the driver’s seat. There was soft jazz music on the stereo. She didn’t say anything. We drove for what seemed like an hour. We turned off the main road and Mistress Rebecca said, “It’s going to be bumpy for a while.”Finally, we stopped. I heard her say "Hi” to someone outside. The...

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Private Sapphire Lapiedra Seeks New Experiences

Brunette, sexy and amazing big tits, it’s of course none other than Sapphire Lapiedra, a busty beauty who comes to Private Specials, Irresistible Beauties 2 today seeking a new experience as she offers up her ass to Alberto Blanco for the anal fuck of a lifetime! Sapphire wastes no time getting down to business in this one as she gets straight on her knees for a sloppy deepthroat blowjob and titfuck to warm up. Then watch the rest of the action unfold on as she puts her...

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Just a SecChapter 11

The sex between Jennifer and Matt that night was slow and gentle; and definitely loving. The concerns about the possible level of noise resulting from their joining were unfounded. Any sounds coming from the two of them were limited simply to slightly-louder-than-usual sighs and moans. In fact, neither Connor nor Haley was disturbed, embarrassed, or even alerted by Matt and Jennifer’s sexual activities. But the low noise level was definitely NOT indicative of the level of pleasure and...

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PornWorld Shalina Devine Isabelle Deltore Lesbo BFFs Shalina Devine and Isabelle Deltore Seduce the Office Shy Guy

While hanging out at one of their apartments, BFFs Shalina Devine and Isabelle Deltore¬—who often love to lick each other’s pussy—invite the new shy office guy over because they’re also keen to suck and fuck his cock. When he comes over, he’s his usual shy self, but it doesn’t take long for Isabelle to make his cock hard by revealing her perfect pink pussy to his eyes. Although he’s embarrassed by his hard cock at first, it doesn’t take long for him to realize the situation he’s in and...

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The Interview

After a frosty, failed attempt at marital Monday morning sex, joint company directors Mr. Christian Lawson-Smith and Mrs. Naomi Lawson-Smith sat in swivel chairs in a miserable minimalist office, high up in the sky of London , on the sixteenth floor. They had no words for one another, each had retreated to lick their wounds concerning the misguided experience. Yet work must go on. Christian Lawson-Smith was 38, tall, broad, olive skinned but a pain in the ass to work for, he had zero patience...

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