Sheena Jungle Queen Ch 02
- 4 years ago
- 41
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Our project was meant to preserve the African jungle, The irony of tearing down a stand of old growth forest to set up the satellite data links we would need and the structures to house our operation was lost on none of us. We justified it by the fact that once our buildings and antennas were up we would be able to monitor wildlife over a broad area, spot poachers in record time, and preserve the habitats of large numbers of species both threatened and endangered.
We had support from several African governments. Our main opposition was poachers who didn’t like the idea that we would cramp their style, so we were had and armed squadron of Black Water ops to protect us. That seemed to do the trick, but someone kept getting into our compound and causing mischief. It was not major damage, a caterpillar truck might be vandalized or stakes marking construction sites would be broken or moved. It was more an irritant than a real impediment to our operation. We eliminated poachers from the suspect list as they, if they had been the interlopers, would have slit our throats while we slept or torched every earthmover and smashed all the electronic equipment. We knew it wasn’t the locals because we had bent over backwards to be accommodating towards them. No, it seemed like the work of one guy, unsure of his aims and purposes.
We could not figure out how the intruder was getting in. We had erected a barracks and laid the foundation for our main building. A storage shed sat between the two. The mysterious comings and goings seemed almost supernatural. The guards never saw or heard anyone. It was like we were being visited by a ghost. Jokingly, Bryers suggested Tarzan. We asked the locals, all of whom were mum and awed to silence about our enigmatic visitor. At last one of them, in a reverent whisper, said something about a ‘golden queen’ but would say nothing more. We were completely mystified.
It was only when we moved the security and infrared cameras around that we got our answer. Our visitor was not a he but a she. She was gorgeous, flowing blonde hair, trim athletic figure, huge tits and unbelievable legs. She was clad only in a cheetah skin and was armed with a bow and arrow and a Bowie Knife. She could not have been past her early twenties. We knew that we could not report this to headquarters back in Kinshasa, because they would have thought that we had lost our minds or were all succumbing to jungle fever. One thing did puzzle us. As she made her nightly circuits, of our campsite she spied on every sleeper in the barracks, for some reason, returning time and again to gaze at me during the night. On more than one occasion she stroked my hair and patted my face while I slept.
‘Bob’s got a girlfriend!’ the guys teased. But night after night she visited. Despite the fact that we knew she was getting in, our security guys could never catch her. Our security chief was pissed, primarily by his spectacular failure. He heard it good and loud. ‘If some chick can get in here, you KNOW that the poachers can too! Halloran, you have to stop this NOW!’
Our security chief doubled down in his efforts to catch our exotic interloper. I for one would not want to piss off Halloran, he is ex-military, still wears the buzz cut, and is linebacker huge. He has muscles on his muscles. We wanted her taken alive. Although she was armed with the bow and knife, she never used it against any of us. We also thought it bad PR to kill a woman, especially since we were mostly environmentalists working to preserve life. That was fine with our security guys, as most of them had had their fill of killing in their former jobs in Iraq or Afghanistan. Once you’ve seen civilian casualties, you really did not want to see another dead non-combatant.
For the next two weeks our beautiful stranger eluded our every plot. None of her damage was insurmountable, but it was delaying our operation. We had to make up some really convincing lies to our bosses about our little problem to keep her existence secret. Finally we were woken in the middle of the night by Halloran’s exultant voice through a bull horn.
‘Success, gentlemen! Please fall in at the storage shed.’
We spied her behind the bars where the ammunition was stored, mad as a hornet. She was spectacularly nude as Halloran pawed through her cheetah skin. Next to our security chief was her knife and bow. Her beauty was almost unreal and we horny, lonely collection of guards and scientists stared open mouthed at her. The anger in her eyes departed when she saw me, ‘Pretty man!’ she said.
Halloran wore a shit eating grin, ‘Our little flower child knows what guns can do, she complied when I cornered her and aimed my AK-47 at her. I do not exaggerate, tracking her was harder than tracing the Taliban amongst civilian population centers. Its a good thing we had an impromptu jail to throw her in.’
‘Halloran,’ said our chief, ‘You didn’t have to make her strip.’
‘Oh I didn’t did I? Take a look at wat I found on her.’ Halloran pointed to a cluster of objects. ‘Bow and arrow, surgically sharp knife, In the bag around her waist I found several small, river polished stones and a garroting wire. Under her skimpy costume, around her hips I found the sling for the rocks. I have no doubt that she’s as skilled with that sling as the legendary King David She could probably take down a charging water buffalo with no problem. Imagine what these rocks could do to our skulls.’
I could not help but stare at our alluring visitor. She was tall and phenomenally well built. Her legs were lithe and muscled like a dancer. Her entire body seemed to be coiled sinews ready for action. It was obvious that she was a white woman but she was sun bronzed everywhere. Her skin was flawless and smooth and her breasts youthful and ripe with the most amazing and succulent looking nipples. Aside from a gold ringlet about her left arm, her only adornment was a thick honey colored muff at the juncture of her legs. She seemed completely devoid of embarrassment and made no effort to hide her considerable physical charms from view.
My eyes met hers and for the first time our prisoner smiled. I could not believe how much more gorgeous the change in countenance made her. I smiled back and she nodded at me. Our silent communication did not go unnoticed by the other guys present.
‘Who the hell is she?’ asked our chief.
‘There’s no ID on her,’ replied Halloran. ‘She whined plenty when I captured her but she’s been a virtual clam since I got her behind bars. The first time she said anything since I locked her away is when she praised Redburn here.’
When Halloran pointed to me the girl again said, ‘Pretty man!’
The guys all got a chuckle out of that. As their laughter terminated Halloran finished examining the cheetah skin and handed it through the bars back to his prisoner. The girl slid the garment on as though she were the only one in the room. The skimpy outfit clung to her every curve and did little to hide the arch and allure of her fabulous breasts. It did a good job covering her downstairs though.
Our chief approached the cage and asked a series of simple questions. It was clear that she heard him and I had a sense that she understood Frank’s words but her cobalt blue eyes stayed cold and her features became rigid. After a while it became obvious that the only thing she was paying attention to was Me! I didn’t know how to react. I’ve been told that I am a handsome guy by more than one beautiful woman but I really never followed up on it. I’m an ecologist for whom human female biology is largely a mystery. Oh I’ve gotten laid lots of times but my relationships had all vaporized when the women In my life realized that I was incapable of any meaningful conversation. I love to talk about nature and biology but nothing that women care about. Even female scientists have dumped me because I am so shy and noncommunicative around them. Part of the appeal of this current assignment was that it was
stag. I could read and research and toil and try to forget my overwhelming loneliness. There would be no women present to remind me of my many relationship failures.
Finally Frank, our chief, said to me, ‘You seem to have a rapport with her, Redburn. You try talking to her.’
I licked my lips, gazed into her spectacular eyes and asked, ‘Who are you?’
Her voice was melodic and every bit as beautiful as she was. ‘I Sheena.’
‘Yes, I Sheena, this MY jungle. Only bad men cut down trees and hurt forest. You must go!’
I thought up a reply. ‘Sheena, we are scientists and friends of the jungle. Yes we will be cutting down some trees to make way for our equipment but when our building is finished we will be able to save many animals. We will make it much more difficult for poachers to operate. We will save elephants, zebras, and everything else.’
Sheena seemed to drink all this in. ‘You stop bad hunters?’
‘Yes, Sheena, we stop bad hunters, or at least do a much better job than has been done so far.’
‘Your men have guns, evil guns.’ she shot a contemptuous look at Halloran and continued, ‘Sheena think you lie!’
‘I am not lying. Sheena.’
‘You very pretty man with honest eyes, Sheena wants to believe you. Me no trust the others.’
I then explained in detail the nature of our operation. I don’t think she understood words like ‘drones’ or phrases like ‘remote sensing’ or ‘preventative policing’ but I made it clear that we were a force for good and that we would replant the trees we tore down in another part of the jungle. I used the words ‘good men’ quite often. I ended with,
‘Sheena, some of us were soldiers but we are all honest men. Where do you live?’
‘Not far away.’ Her eyes then lit up and she asked, ‘Would pretty man like to visit me?’
I didn’t know how to answer that. Frank leaned over and whispered in my ear, ‘Tell her yes, Bob, if we figure out where she lives we can keep an eye on her and know when she is nearby. Then we can be on guard and she won’t destroy our camp. We sure as hell can’t keep her locked up.’
‘I would like to visit you, Sheena.’ I replied sincerely.
Sheena looked at Frank, eyed me and said, ‘This man your chief?’
‘Yes, Sheena, he is our boss, the man we report to, our chief.’
Sheena addressed Frank directly, ‘You let me go. Me take pretty man. If pretty man speak truth I will be able to tell, Sheena knows ways to find out if man speak truth that those from beyond the jungle do not.’
Sheena’s question practically drained all the oxygen from the room.
‘Sheena,’ replied Frank, ‘Bob is one of my men, he has work to do here.’
‘You no give me pretty man to test,Sheena will escape and cause you many problems. You no catch me a second time.’
Frank looked a Halloran who replied, ‘Frank, I got damn lucky to catch her this time. I put her in with the ammo because it was the most secure place I could find. My men will have to turn in their weapons when their shift ends and sooner or later we are going to need fresh bullets. If we open this gate, she’s gone faster than a gazelle on crack. We can’t leave her in there, as there are no sanitation facilities, and I am very leery of turning her over to local law enforcement, whatever she is, she’s no poacher. However, I have no doubt that she is quite deadly. A smart soldier makes allies when he can. I’d much rather have her on my side. She is as stealthy as a ninja, if she turned bad and wanted to kill us all, I seriously doubt that I could stop her.’
Frank and Halloran turned to me and I felt the eyes of every man in the room upon my neck. Our chief did not mice words. ‘Look, Redburn, we need to get back on schedule. Sheena, whoever or whatever she is, has put us behind the eight ball. If we get a couple of peaceful days we can catch up and probably even get ahead of our time table. I can divide your duties between Bryers and Chang. Now I can’t order you to go with this woman but I would strongly encourage it. I doubt she will slit your throat. I can’t say she feels the same way about the rest of us. Wherever she lives it can’t be far away. If you are not back by the end of the week, I’ll have Halloran’s men tear the jungle apart until he finds you.’
‘Its a big jungle, chief’ I replied. But then I took another long look at Sheena. She smiled and nodded at me and I had never seen anything as beautiful in my life. I nodded back at her and thought to myself, ‘There are far worse ways to die.’
I turned, met Frank’s intense gaze, and said, ‘I’ll do it boss. It seems the logical thing to do.’
The men applauded. Some called me a ‘lucky bastard’ and others called me ‘dead man walking.’ Frank shushed them at turned to face the jungle queen.
‘Sheena, if you promise not to harm Bob and also promise to return him in five days, you can take him away to ‘test.’ You will find that he is a truthful man, as are the rest of us. Once Bob convinces you that our intentions are good and good for the jungle, we would ask you to leave our work site alone. We will also not bother you or try to capture you again.’
Sheena nodded avidly and smiled, ‘Sheena agree! You let me go now and I come tomorrow noon, take pretty man. Have him back in five days.’
Frank thought a moment, turned to the security chief and said,’Turn her loose Halloran, escort her to the gate and give her back her gear when you get there.’
He then looked at Sheena and said, ‘This man will take you to the gate. You get your weapons back when you leave.’
Sheena threw Halloran a withering look but made no objection. Five minutes later she was gone. Frank took me aside and impressed upon me the need to learn everything I could about Sheena. He also impressed upon me the need to impress her. ‘She obviously likes you, Bob, make the most of it. The last thing we need is her pissed off and out for revenge.’
I did not sleep very well that night. Part of me was apprehensive, another part of me was really turned on. Sheena had the finest body I had ever encountered. I wondered just how deep her interest in me was. Was I just a ‘pretty man’ or did she see something more? There is not much privacy in the barracks but I was able to find a quiet place to jerk off. After that I slept very well.
The next day, Tuesday, dawned hot and still. In the distance we could hear the jungle birds and the calls of wildlife. After breakfast we worked hard through the oppressive heat to make up for some lost time. Frank and I went over my duties with Bryers and Chang. Most of my work was in the preliminary stages so they would not have to strain themselves to much to encompass them. I packed a small duffel bag with things that I thought that I would need. I was on tenterhooks, watching the clock hands creep around the dial to noon.
With a war whoop, Sheena arrived right on time in the middle of our compound. No one had seen her scale the fence. She was carrying some objects. She called out, ‘Where pretty man?’
I exited the barracks and strode towards Sheena with my duffel.
‘Ah, here pretty man! Come.’ gushed Sheena as she indicated where I was to stand.
Sheena led me to a post. Before I could react she had my hands lashed above my head and tied to the pole. Before I could process what was happening, Sheena Began cutting off my clothes with her knife!
Frank, our chief approached her, panic in his voice, ‘Sheena, what are you doing?’
‘Your man search Sheena. Sheena search your man.’ she continued oblivious to the many eyes focused upon her.
In moments my clothes had been shredded and I was naked as the day I was born. The involuntary nudity and the presence of Sheena so close caused me to become erect. No woman has ever complained about the size of my equipment and Sheena seemed no different. I could tell that she liked my body. I really believe in physical fitness. I may be a lab rat but I always t
ook to exercise like it was second nature. Even here, away from many of the comforts of home, I found time to lift weights and perform crunches. Sheena ran her fingers down my chest to my navel. She took a step back and dropped something at my feet and cut me loose.
I bent and realized that the objects she had dropped before me were a leather loincloth and and leather vest. Beet red, I pulled them on. While I was adjusting the loincloth Sheena slid something around my neck. In an instant I understood it to be a leather collar and leash! My hands went to my neck and Sheena read my thoughts.
‘Pretty man must earn trust. Sheena not foolish enough to bring animal that she can not control into her hut.’
Some of the men witnessing our little encounter were laughing so hard that they had tears streaming down their cheeks. Sheena appeared puzzled by that for a moment before she smiled at me, tugged on my leash and made a move to lead me out of the compound. When I bent to gather my duffel, Sheena slapped my hand away. Not knowing what else to do I fell in behind Sheena. The view I had of her amazing ass was spectacular. I was so caught up in gazing at her lithe form that I lost track of the apparently roundabout route we paced until after the jungle closed behind us.
I knew that Sheena had led me on a circuitous route because there is no way her hut could be this far from our compound. At last we entered a minuscule clearing and my wondering eyes beheld a tree with a hut nestled in its branches. Next to the hut, a pond and a small stream. It struck me as a most lovely place. The trail to the hut had been very dusty and hot. Both Sheena and myself were drenched in sweat and coated with grime.
‘We bathe before we enter my hut.’ stated Sheena to me very matter of factually. She led me over to the pond, stripped off her cheetah skin and faced me. Once more I was amazed at the incredible loveliness and suppleness of Sheena’s body. Not even a ton of dust or sweat could detract from her beauty. After a moment I reached for the stay of my loincloth but Sheena gently slapped my hands away.
‘You my guest. I bathe you.’ she said as her fingers began to work on the lacing of my loincloth. The touch of her soft. gentle hands had me erect even before the brief amount of time it took her to remove the garment. Her eyes focused on my manhood and she said,
‘Everything pretty about you, Pretty man.’
‘Sheena, my name is Robert or Bob, if you want to you can even call me Redburn.’ I stated, a bit flustered.
Sheena gazed up at me as if considering my words before she replied.
‘No. You pretty man, so I call you Pretty man. We bathe now.’
Sheena removed the last of her weapons but kept them close by. She took my hand and led me into the crystal clear pond. From a rock she collected some of the natural soap that the natives manufacture. I can not express the utter delight that followed. Sheena lathered me head to toe, working the soap into a lather with her strong, yet supple fingers and skilled hands.She cooed over me like she was washing a puppy or an infant. When her hands went to work on my groin and her hands soaped up my cock, I almost shot a load all over her. When she was satisfied that I was thoroughly clean, she tied my leash to rock by the pond and saw to her own bathing. I realized that my life had reached one of its hight points as I watched the grime and dirt vanish and reveal her even golden tan. She looked so fresh, so young and so beautiful. Never had I been so mesmerized. More than once I pinched myself, convinced that I was still abed and dreaming.
Once Sheena was clean she allowed me to remain lashed to my rock while she washed out her cheetah skin and my loincloth and vest. Making a point to bandy her knife and bow an arrow at me in a threatening manner, she led me up the ladder into her hut. My leash was immediately lashed to the center support of the hut and Sheena hung up our brief clothing on a wash line.
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This is my first submission to this site and if you like it please leave a comment so that and I get to know your feelings. Any suggestions are also welcome in form of comments. all dialog are in Hindi while the narrative is kept in English according to your comments I would come up with complete Hindi or complete English version as soon as possible. Now enjoy the story. I hope you enjoy the experience like I did. Another summer day in Delhi and the mercury was shooting above 40. Sheena was...
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Friday afternoon I joined Camilla at Laura’s home. Our good girlfriend had invited us to have tea and to kiss and tell for a while.There we found Sheena, a blonde bimbo with perfect curves and a very slutty smiling face. We were all around our late thirties; but the stupid bimbo was just barely legal.After having some drinks, the whole conversation centered around sex toys and sexy outfits or anything that had to do with sex. A week ago Laura and me had done some good purchase at the mall,...
Hey all ISS readers !! Friends I am back with my another adventure. Jo log meri story 1st time padh rahe hai unhe me bata du ke aap mere story ke previous chapters jarur desi sex adventures – part 1, sex at Sheena’s home – part 2,Kaamasutra sex with sheena part-3. Now im writing the Kaamsutra sex with sheena part 4. Me apne bare me fir se bata du ke me ek handsome, fair, tall, medium body age 19 ka boy hu. My tool length is 7.5 inches . I love sex, and I even love it more when I do...
Hello Everyone!!!This is the first time I’m writing about this incident and posting it online. I have changed the names in order to protect identity. I’m Raj, 23 years old, working in an IT company. I am writing my experience first time so please forgive my mistakes may be this story will be long but it’s a true incident none of the thing is fake except the names.With the onset of my teenage, the hormones in me never were silent. The changes in my throat, pubic hairs, armpits, mustache, beard...
This is a sequel to "Sheena" and was done without the permission of the original author, Jennifer Lorissa-Leigh. My attempts to get in contact with her have been unsuccessful; if anyone knows how to reach her, please let me know. That god forbid that made me first your slave, I should in thought control your times of pleasure, Or at your hand the account of hours to crave, Being your vassal, bound to stay your leisure! O, let me suffer, being at your beck, The imprison'd absence...
It was Lawton himself who provided the means for Dooley to get even. They had been making slow progress through the jungle, when the Brit called a halt. Then, ignoring the rules he had set for the others, he took advantage of a few moments alone with Sheena to remove her halter and lick her splendid nipples. He didn't know he was being observed by Akbar and Gene, who quickly reported the news to Dooley. To make matters worse, much worse, for Lawton, Dooley had bugged the Brit's satellite...
Hi my dear ISS fans, I am Shanu back with the final episode with Sheena Di. I understand that I have taken time to complete the story, but at last I could. I kept on busy with some of my horny fans in satisfying their urges. Today I am sharing with you all the experience of having sex, body to body with My Teacher, who really taught me the great lessons of Sex and the secrets of Woman to satisfy all the urges. I always keep 100% secret of the female with whom I was in touch. So please mail me...
Hi my name is Rahul am from Mumbai this is my true story, please if u like my stories send your feedbacks to my yahoo id I am 19yr old single guy studying in some college in Mumbai, and love to live to the fullest. The incident I am telling you today is a real one and happened just few days back. Ye story mere or mere sister ki hai ki kaise maine apni sister ko choda. Mere ghar me mere mummy papa ke alava mai aur meri 21 saal ki bahan sheena hai,wo bahut hi khubsurat hai, bil kul katrina jaisi...
Mera Naam Vinod haa . (mail id: yunghel) se apnee nett dostto (hot gals ) see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Mereee apneee hot and horny readers see ek appeal haa- padnee see pahlee boys apnaa lund pakad lee aur hot gals apnee chut mee unglee dal lee takee story padne mee zyadaa maza aayegaa aur jab story ekk garam...
Dear All, Hey I am Shaanu. I am back again. I know that it’s a long time I was out of touch with ISS. As I was quite busy with my Job and was busy again to satisfying some of the horny, needy and beautiful females. In between I visited to Mumbai on the invitation by one of my female fan and it was areal fun over there. She was 42 years of age with great assets. I stayed there for 4 days and in these 4 days she showed me the paradise. Also I was busy in chat with one of the other fan from...
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SupernaturalThe jungle was a living, breathing, heartbeat that pulsed in his ears and slicked his skin with fine blood-filled scratches. Ben Collins batted at a slithering tendril of a vine that skimmed his cheek, ever cautious of the snakes that filled both the air above, and the ground beneath his feet. Glancing up into the canopy of leaves and creatures overhead he could still feel the eyes. He was being watched. He had known for awhile. His hunters' instincts whispered he had become the hunted. He...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt’s 1880 and America is still recovering from its Civil War and trying to come back together as a country. In an effort to help unite the country once more and rally the nation to one purpose, Boston University decided to embark on an expedition to search for the fabled Amazon capital, Choque Cota somewhere in the deepest regions of the Amazon jungle…Dr. James Anderson was an anthropologist and the head of the university’s Archaeology and Antiquities Department. So the university had put him...
Love StoriesTaylor remembered the first time she met Duke. She had grimaced at how beaten his face had looked. His nose, with strange, odd angles, appeared to have been broken several times and his jaw seemed out of alignment with the rest of his face. The skin covering his face was a mottled collection of colors and scars that had to have come from fighting and war. The usual ebony coloring was laced with lines running up and down both cheeks in an array of scar tissue that hinted at stories she wasn’t...
A shiver of desire passed through me as I thought back to my afternoon encounter with Jamir. The salty aftertaste of Jamir’s semen lingered in my mouth and throat. I had never cheated on my husband before, and yet, beyond the guilt, I regretted that Jamir didn’t fuck me. How bad a woman have I become?When I got back to the hut, I found Jack inside. He was angry with me going to the river with Jamir, although he had no idea what happened there. Before he could start to question me, I had pushed...
Wife LoversShe followed him through the jungle, part fearful that something would jump out at her and part confident that this boy/man would protect her from anything that happened. When she had struggled after him, calling to him, cursing him, he never once turned to look at her, but he never seemed to get farther than fifty or sixty meters in front of her either. She had lugged the briefcase along, unwilling to leave it behind, until her arms hurt so much she had to stop and put it on the ground...
It wasn't difficult for the pair to fall quickly into a restful slumber. Both were tired, Penny especially so, and Boy knew they were safe from almost all predators. He knew that, by the time they wakened in the morning that the bats would have come back in small groups and would again be deep in the tunnel. He woke first, of course. His arms were full of soft, pliant woman. He rolled and pulled his arm out from under her gently, trying not to wake her. They would still have to walk until...
A caterpillar eats a leaf, and leaves slimy trails. A cricket heard some grasshopper hums, and I heard the leaves shuffle. "Where am I?", She asked. "You're somewhere in the tropic of cancer", i responded humblely... "What do you mean? somewhere in the tropic of cancer, ?" Jenny said, frustratedly. "Don't worry," I responded, "Eat some of this bread, I'll circle the island and look for fruit trees." She took the piece out bread out of my hands, and I journeyed off into the maze of the jungle. I...
EroticMy name is Yasmin Banks. I'm thirty two years old and I'm from South London. I had saved up a few grand to backpack through Southern Malaysia. It was something I had always wanted to do since I left college fifteen years ago. One thing after another had always prevented me from following my dreams. So, here I am, backpacking in Southern Malaysia with a tour guide. The magnificent and breath-taking views of the country made me gasp in astonishment. All beautiful greenery for miles around. And in...
SupernaturalPauhacutec grinned broadly, he had wanted a chance for a little payback after the humiliating incident at the canyon and now he was going to get the chance. Plus killing this strange yellow hair in front of everyone would add to his “reputation” around the village.He grabbed his spear and an extra one. He shoved the extra spear at Dr. Anderson and then walked back a few paces. They stood facing each other about fifty feet apart with the villagers in a circle around them another ten feet further...
Love Stories“This is not a good idea,” I mumbled to my husband for the tenth time in the last ten minutes.“For the tenth fucking time, Beverly, I think our guide knows where he’s going,” Jack barked while swatting flies from his face.The jungle was filled with pesky flies, big ones that stick to your skin until you swat them away. There were spiders and all sorts of ugly insects crawling around. The safari had been arranged to celebrate our wedding anniversary, but right now I wished we were anywhere other...
Wife LoversHello.Mein aaj aap sabko ek secreat bataunga, jo ki mera sex ka experience se bhi baahut aage tha.Toh aaj jo bhi mein bolu itna seriously maat lena, toh start karta hoon Baat us time ka hai, job bua unke ghar ko chod kar us budhe ke sath choli gayi thi, haamne uske baad kabhi bhi unke bare mein nahi pucha,toh job bua ur us budhe apne hawas ko sant karne ke liye bahut nayab kosis karte the ,use sun kar toh mein kabhi kabhi heiran ho jata hoon.Ye tub hua job unka pehla bachha gujar gaya,toh bua...
I am in love with a woman, name Geetha, she is very hot and beautiful. She has long sexy legs, perfect size juicy boobs, and her curve body so much silky and smooth one can mesmerize just by looking at her. And i am one of them, Geetha and I, decide to spend our vacation doing something crazy, full of adventure and of course filled with wild sexual fantasies. Geetha and I heads for a 3 days the Costa Rica jungle. That jungle is so dense and wild, that People says it’s not safe to roam there....
Clara was slowly regaining consciousness. Her pillow was so comfortable, it was warm, smooth, smelled of sandalwood, and was, moving? What the… Opening her eyes slowly, her gaze clashed with a pair of warm chocolate ones. They held a warm softness that had an underlying hint of determination. Looking lower she could see a mouth set in the hinted determination. Peering up at this huge strange man, who was walking swiftly through the forest with her cradled in his arms as though she weighed no...
Hi my name is Jay. This story is about a trip I made to South America with a new friend of mine Her name is Joy. We are here for a few weeks of adventure and I couldnt be anymore excited. Today we arrived at the airport and caught a shuttle that drove us out into the jungle. As we drive through these dirt road paths the wind is blowing through Joys hair. I decide to take out my camera and take some pictures. She is such a gorgeous woman with her long dark hair. She is wearing a tight tank top...
Hi friends how are you… I hope you all are good. Aapne meri pichli kamukta stories ko like kiya uske liye thank you so much . Aise hi mujhe appreciate karte rahiye. Aapse request hai ki aap mujhe comments kigiye acche yaa bure. Mujhe sab manjoor hai kyunki mujhe acche comments mile toh mai or stories likhunga or ager mujhe bure comments mile toh mai apni aap ko sudharne ki koshish karunga. Kya gulti hui mujhse uske baare mai sochunga. Girls, aunties or sabhi se ye request hai ki aap mujhe email...
This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Jungle Hunt By Paul G Jutras As the final school bell rang, Paul leapt out of the second story classroom window and took off like a bat out of Hell. "Get back here!" Amy shouted from the window. "You're suppose to help me in detention, cleaning the classroom." "Cleaning classrooms are for losers." Paul shouted over his shoulder as he ran into...
Cat and Mouse: There's An Idol In The Jungle And A Mage Is In The Mist by Bluto WEEK 14 "Cat." "Huh?" "Cat, wake up, we're about to land." "Ahhh, why are you waking me just for that, Nightman?" "Cat, how many weeks has it been since you turned the Mouse into a baby?" "What?? Oh, I don't know.? What's today, Tuesday?? Oh, I guess it's been 14 weeks as of? today.? And I didn't change Mouse into a baby, Malato-Zu did!" "Forget about that.? Look at her, sleeping over...
JUNGLE QUEST © 2001, 2012 by Anthony Durrant I set sail on the transport ship Edward The Benevolent for Llendos for my health on a bright winter's day, and for the first part of the voyage we had smooth sailing. The view from the deck was excellent: I could see jellyfish in the water below where I stood "Flying fish off the port bow!" a sailor cried out. "Thank you, sir!" I shouted back. After about thirty minutes I grew tired and went to the...
After the Chief finished dumping his seed into me, Kara walked me back to my hut. My husband was not inside when we got there. I thought that he might have awakened from his drunken slumber and went for a walk to clear his head.Kara led me to the small bed, then she left. I laid there and thought about how the Chief took me over and over, using me like a fuck-doll, and I responded like a slut. His slut. He had fucked me so thoroughly that even thinking about it made me horny again. My pussy was...
Wife LoversThe expedition had stopped for the night and were busy setting up their campsite. Each person in the party had a task to perform to make it quick and easy to get the tents up, the fire started, and the gear stowed.As they went about their duties, none of them could know that just outside the ring of firelight, in the dusky jungle around them, evil forces were gathering. Silently, the enemy natives gathered and prepared to attack.With little more than a jungle bird call, the marauding natives...
Love StoriesAll the cameras continued to focus on his glistening black forehead. “I’ll repeat my question,” said the young reporter. He narrowed his gaze at the attractive white woman and gave a forced smile. “Please do.” Rachel enunciated the words clearly and concisely for the media filled hall. “You say there is no evidence of your army using chemical weapons against northern separatists groups, however why did you house and pay for the 3 top ex soviet research scientist who specialise in...
Greetings everyone, First of all, do not worry- the adventures of Jane, Lucy, and Charlie shall continue- at the moment, I am writing them in private and they shall return soon. Today, we will begin a shorter story based around a concept that may not exactly be new but I have enriched it according to this site. I hope you will like it. Even if you don’t, be sure to like and comment! I always love receiving feedback! -LadyDaisy ***** Jungle Girls Chapter 1: Welcome to the Jungle The jungle...
Hello Friends! I am Chahat Khanna. I am back again on this platform with another of my sexual escapade. Let me start with a brief description of myself. Chahat Khanna, height 5’7″, fair complexion, big eyes. I have been blessed with 34 size boobs and a 24 inches waist carved on a base of 34 inches with a glowing milk tone. Not boring you any longer, I will start with my story straightaway. So there was I standing all alone on a dark road surrounded by jungle with heavy rain falling over my...
Hey readers I am Vishal and this incident is about how my mom got gangbanged in a Jungle. I don’t believe in stories. I am Vishal an IT student 23 years old living in Ahmedabad. This is my 3rd post here on ISS. My other two posts are pumping my mommy and gangbanged Mom. Due to some issues my previous id was not working so I am using my new Id here. My Mom’s name is Amita. She is 43 years old and average looking lady neither skinny nor fatso. She is very loving. It’s been around 3 years I have...
IncestChapter 2: In the Jungle, The Mighty Jungle The other members of the expedition were back in their camp, recording all the various events of the day in their own way. John suddenly came back in the large tent. They were surprised, they were sure he was dead. ‘Hello, everyone. Thank you for waiting for me.’ he said sarcastically. ‘Ah yes, well, how’d everything go?’ Steve asked. At that point, John told them all exactly what had happened, making sure not to leave anything out. (Perhaps, in...
Mai pratik c.G. Se ye meri pahli story hai . Tou time waste na karte huye sidhe kahani pe aata hu. Mai 25 saal ka ek ladka hu ye tab ki baat hai jab mai chudayi k liye tadap rha tha . Girl friend se v brekup ho chuka tha , maine suna tha hmare city se 20 km. Dur ek jungle hai wahaa randiya bahut milti hai gao ki . Tou ek din mai aur mera ek friend udhar he ghumne chle gye randi ki talaash me par koi nai mili, aise he 5-6 din tak hum roz jaate par koi naimilti .Mai thak chuka tha aur chudayi k...
Feminized in the jungle By Sheena Sands Prologue "Mayday, mayday, mayday!" Those were the last words I recalled before blacking out. My plane, a plush Learjet 60 business jet had been cruising over the Amazon jungles of Bolivia, when everything went black. My name is Lou, and I was the terrified trainee co-pilot while the pilot, the attractive Captain Laura Lee had been on the controls. Our passengers included Cindy Striker, former supermodel-turned CEO of cosmetic...
At first, it had looked like an easy jump. Of course, the clearing was small, barely wide enough for an experienced parachutist to make a somewhat safe landing, but the tall mountains that surrounded the jungle of Biggo Cocko on all sides shielded it from the wind, and Lara's descent had been a piece of cake. This was a good sign: that jungle was renowned for being especially unforgiving, and a good, swift start was mandatory if she wished to complete her mission and be back at the pick-up site...
This is the story of a mom seducing her son in the jungle. Coming to the story my name is aryan and I live with my mom only as my dad left us when I was 7 years old.Now the heroine of the story is my mom rupa she is 38 years old having lovely body stats of 38-26-42, a figure anyone would die for, the men in our colony used to watch her booty and masturbate every day .She was very fair and 5’4 tall and had a well-maintained gym body. I was 18 years old and had an athletic body with a height of 6...
IncestThis work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Jungle Hunt: The Three Witches By Paul G Jutras An owl hooted from a tree limb as a coven of witches stood around a cauldron in the jungle. They chanted in an unheard mumble as they continued their voodoo like ways. One dropped a bat wing into the cauldron and another dropped a lizard. "This potion will freeze anyone stiff." Electra said to her...
Darren was a brotha on a mission. It was Friday night and the club lights were coming up and it was time to take someone home and this white chick he’d been talking to didn’t even put up the pretense of playing hard to get. Darren had more than Jungle Fever; he had Sub-Saharan Tropical Rain Forest Malaria and slutty white girls were his penicillin. The object of his affection smelled of beer, cigarettes, and hair spray. Her d**g-store eyeliner was smudged and all that was left of her...
Darren was a brotha on a mission. It was Friday night and the club lights were coming up and it was time to take someone home and this white chick he’d been talking to didn’t even put up the pretense of playing hard to get. Darren had more than Jungle Fever; he had Sub-Saharan Tropical Rain Forest Malaria and slutty white girls were his penicillin. The object of his affection smelled of beer, cigarettes, and hair spray. Her d**g-store eyeliner was smudged and all that was left of her...
WHEN IN THE JUNGLE...... ( This is Real fantasy and soon to be a video...,,I recokn readers check out some of pics relating to this story in picture gallery on same website)I was chatting on f'book when my dad came back from work.It was summer time .'honey we need to move ,I got transferred to Neyport, a remote village in west manchester',he said to mom. I don't know how their further conversation unfolded,but after a while mom came to me and said,'matt ,we need to move to new place ,you...
Hi guys I am Shivani from “brother made me slut” and “surprise at the farmhouse”, hope you guys remember me. So here is another story of another encounter that happened 6 months later after the farmhouse incident. As you all know that at the farmhouse I decided to be a slut, so there were a few encounters with Rakesh and Rinku a couple of times, by now my figure had changed to 36c 28 38. So I became sexier and now I knew what to do to earn a handsome money. A month later the farmhouse incident...