Lionel, Lord Of The Jungle free porn video

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LIONEL, LORD OF THE JUNGLE by Jason "Ooooooggg, yahoooooooo!" With the ease of an animal born to it, Lionel Lord of the Jungle moved through the lush forest canopy of equatorial Africa with practised elegance, huge biceps bulging, sinews stretched, fine toned muscles rippling the entire length of his near naked, glistening body. In a mode of travel unique to him and the lesser primates he swung effortlessly from trailing vine to trailing vine to cover in a few minutes a distance that would take a whole day for men marching on foot. Having spent a full day chasing gunrunners and slave-traders while carrying vital vaccines and packets of condoms to outlying districts, the Lord of the Jungle was at last on his way home. On the outskirts of a native village the master of aerial agility gave a last kick with his legs before leaping down to hit the ground square on his feet. "Ouch, shit! I'm gonna bust my heels one day if I don't start wearing sneakers." Solemnly he stalked down to the village where Boy was waiting to greet him at the door of a hut built of mud and woven grass. Boy was pubescent, slender and extremely beautiful and like Lionel he's was naked save for a small loincloth. "Is dinner ready Girl?" asked the Lord of the Jungle. "Don't call me Girl. I ain't a girl." replied Boy indignantly. Lionel twitched slightly. "Huh! Oh sure. I tend to forget that when I think of you. Any grub on the go?" "Nope," replied Boy, "Lady Janet took the afternoon off to go up river and see Chief Zimmerframe's golden horn." The Lord of the Jungle's partner, Lady Janet Greybrick, was an English aristocrat who'd rejected a life of sumptuous luxury to live in a mud hut in Africa with an uneducated, penniless deadbeat who had the table manners of a chimpanzee. The deadbeat often had trouble with her independent attitude. In fact she was still so hoity-toity he couldn't understand what she said half the time. Lionel grunted. "Damn that golden horn. Every time Janet goes to see it she don't come back with anything but a fat smile on her face. After pondering for a moment he thrust out his chin. "Nuthin' cookin' huh! Looks like I'm gonna have to find a goat carcass an' skin it, gut it, an' cut it into convenient sized pieces. Then maybe I'll be able to trade it for a carry-out from Mrs Mbelogo's hut." He looked grim. "God, I hate that woman's carry-outs. They allus taste like baboon turd." "Mrs Mbelogo's carry-outs ARE baboon turd," said Boy. The Lord of the Jungle nodded. "Yeah, but it wouldn't be so bad if the goddamn bitch weren't so tight with the chilli sauce." Putting off making an immediate decision Lionel turned and put a friendly arm about his young companions small shoulders. Boy was an orphan he'd taken in when he began to develop and start to look cute. "Well, while Janet's away I reckon it's a good time to do - erm - say a few things to you. It's useful for us guys to chat together man-to-man now and then when there's delicate issues to discuss, don't you reckon?" Boy looked up at him doubtfully. "I watch you and Janet screwin' in the corner of the hut every night, Lionel. Are you finally gonna explain to me about fuckin'?" Lionel twitched again. "No, nothing like that. I was gonna say you need to swap your meagre little loincloth for a new one. Purple went out of style months ago y'know. You'd be better off wearing turquoise or lemon-yellow now." Avoiding any further attempt at rapport with someone who was cleverer than he was, Lionel stormed in through the door of the hut and gazed in satisfaction at the large chair in the centre of the straw-strewn floor. "Ah, the catalogue people have delivered my new recliner; blue chintz upholstery and stainless steel frame. Not much for the termites to chew on there, eh?" "Looks a bit out of place in a mud hut," Boy remarked dubiously has he followed him in. Lionel pouted petulantly. "Out of place! Oh no, blue chintz is perfect. Almond would have been awful, and mauve really would have clashed." He sat on it gingerly and tested the pile of the padding by bouncing lightly up and down. "Pink would have been nice, but us guys like to leave some choice for the girlies." Satisfied that the item met with all his specifications he reached out and took hold of a brown paper package that had been left on the end of it. "No one's gonna call me stingy. I ordered a new soap dish for Lady Janet, and I godda special little prezzie for you." "A present?" Boy's eyes shone. "Yeah, something to brighten up the evenings in this neck o' the woods. A little black lacy garter belt an' a pair o' nylons." "I ain't a girl," protested Boy for the second time that day. The Lord of the Jungle's face contorted cynically. "Is that right? Well, you could sure fool me when you put on Janet's glossy lipstick an' electric blue eye shadow." The young lad clenched his fists and planted them on his hips. "I only do that 'cos some big galoot who ain't a million miles away keeps pestering me to do it." Lionel waved the critisism away, swung up his legs and stretched out. "A guy should be allowed some recreation. Damn it, I work all week without even Sundays off, an' when I get home that darn woman o' mine still expects me to help wash the dishes. Work an' worry, that's all I got" A sudden frown creased his brow. "Don't be in a hurry to grow up, kid. It's a jungle out there in that rain forest." Boy blinked. "Er yeah, I guess it must be." "So many trees a guy can't get an even suntan, and so hot you're stuffed without a decent deodorant. Choose the wrong one and the mosquito's have you for breakfast. Worst of all, there's not a flushing toilet anywhere." He sighed deeply. "Swingin' through those damn trees is a nightmare. Grippin' those vines all the time ruins a fella's manicure, and tonight I banged my goolies on a tourists head on the way home. Near snapped his neck an' nearbroke my balls." Boy at last showed some concern. "Gee whiz! You're wedding tackle is the source of countless peoples fantasies, you can't risk having it damaged. Do you want to strip off your loincloth so I can take a look?" Lionel nodded. "Yes, good idea, and take off your own loincloth so I can have a look too. And - er - let's see if the garter belt fits you." (Cut to stock film footage of black men pounding drums and modestly dressed native women performing traditional ethnic dances - Annnd stop!) Back in the hut Boy put on a cute winsome expression as he posed to reveal himself wearing his recently provided suspender belt and stockings. They were the only items of clothing he wore, and Lionel nodded with approval as he made a survey of an hairless groin and a smooth sugar-stick pillowed on a soft, wrinkled little pouch. "Your doin' all right, kid. That fat little flute of yours will play many a fine tune when your older." To ease Boy's tardy mood Lionel himself had slipped on a pair of stockings and a suspender belt from Lady Janet's clothes chest, a gesture he believed that didn't harm his image of Lord of the Jungle since he possessed something like a boa-constrictor slumped over a bag of apples in his lap. Boy moved thoughtfully forward to hold the bulging under-hanging fruits in his hands. "How does that feel?" "Mmmm! Better. Rather nice, and it doesn't hurt at all. You sure have a healing touch, kid." "And if I roll 'em around like this?" asked Boy as he lifted the heavy sack. A simple caress initiated an immediate reaction. Lionel's cock swelled rapidly to full erection, big and strong, with its underside marked by an artery as thick as a rope. "Ooooh, yeah! Zambezi-easy, that's good." "Makes your dangle go thick and stand up," remarked Boy as his fingers explored the vastness of the man's rammer, following the thick vein on its under surface all the way down to the root. "Sure does, my little pipsqueak. It loves your thoughtful attention." "This kind of attention?" Boy asked has he took a full handed grip and rolled the sheath of foreskin down over the bulbous, purple tip and gazed at the flaring pee-hole. "Oooooh, wow, oooh, yeah! That's rather lovely." "'Spect you'd like me to kiss something better. You usually do." "Good idea. A fine idea." The tip of Boy's pink, wet tongue smoothed delicately around the slavering, plump summit of Lionel's rearing cock before he gripped the base of it with his fingers and slid the top portion into his mouth. Lionel groaned, but Boy wasn't finished. Drawing a lung full of breath through his nose he pushed his mouth down until the fat tip of the vast gland hit the back of his throat, then he slowly dragged his lips up again.Lifting his sweet mouth away he pressed the shiny, wet head of the man-cock against his sun-tanned cheek. "Was that okay?" he asked. "Yeh, yeh. But concentrate more on the top end. That's where the nice feelings hits me best." Boy promptly put the lump of steaming, hard meat back into his mouth, and the Lord of the Jungle squirmed, revelling in lewd sensation as his cock sawed in and out. After a few moments he put his hands on the back of Boy's head as the youngster's lips began to increase their speed of movement. "Yeow, wow!" He moaned wildly as his hips gave an almighty upward heave and his cock ejected several strong pulses of cream. Boy's eyelashes fluttered and a whinny of surprise squeezed out from his throat. At that moment the Commissioner of Police came bursting through the door. He was a tall, thin man with a grey moustache and usually he was calm and composed, but at that moment he looked extremely agitated. He gave a swift glance at Boy who was rising up and wiping a puddle of spilt sperm from his chin with the back of his hand. "Sorry to intrude while people are still eating, Lionel, but we have a crisis. I've just heard that fifty Warimi tribesmen and a couple of white ner'do-wells are planning to cross the rope bridge at the chasm and plunder the incredibly old and mysterious Secret Sacred City of Antiquity on the other side. What shall we do?" Lionel climbed from his recliner, stood straight, sucked in his abdomen and puffed out his chest. "Leave it to me commissioner. This is the kind of job a Lord of the Jungle does best. It's what I'm here for." With a single energetic bound, and then a couple more, he leap to the door. "Shouldn't you get properly dressed first?" the commissioner asked, observing the stockings and suspenders with a critical eye. Lionel paused. "Huh! Oh sure. Is there a telephone cubicle around here?" The commissioner frowned. "Isn't getting dressed in a telephone cubicle one of Superman's gimmicks?" "Yeh, so it is. He wears such lovely tight fitting suits too, I often get carried away thinking about 'em. I've always fancied being the Caped Crusader." Boy sighed. "Batman is the Caped Crusader." The lad's muscle-bound, naked mentor gave a snort of contempt. "Bah! Johnny-come-lately's all of 'em. The Lord of the Jungle was the first and original super hero." He then gave his prodigy a searing look. "No time to dress, lad, we've a Secret Sacred City of Antiquity to save." Appreciative of the display of female clothing being displayed the commissioner fondled a rising bulge in the front of his trousers and slyly winked at Lionel's youthful partner. "You should call yourself Barbara or Joanna, Boy. No need for you to go on the kind of dangerous jaunt Lionel as in mind. There are plenty of things you could be doing around here. Hang around and I'll help put your hair in bangs." Boy gazed up at him with a look of mild reprimand. "I always see you on Tuesday evenings commissioner. Don't go wreckin' my schedule, I've just spent all afternoon carving it on a tree." To the Lord of the Jungle he said. "We'll have to walk Lionel? I can't swing through the trees like you do." A rare light of cunning gleamed in Lionel's eyes and he smirked. "To hell with walkin' an' swinging through trees. I've got a jeep parked down by the river, so we're ridin'." Boy was aghast. "But Lionel, you were found as a baby in the forest and raised by apes. You can swing through the trees like a monkey, but you can't drive." The Lord of the Jungle smiled derisively. "Never let things like that get in the way of a good story, kid. Come on, let's go." (Cut to stock film footage of vast herds of wildebeest careering over the African savannah - Annnd stop!) As the jeep rumbled along the narrow jungle trail Lionel cursed as he missed a gear. "Darn it, I shoulda known better than put on Janet's high-heel slingbacks. They're crippling me." He gazed over at Boy with some concern. "Yer dick's still stiff, kid" The lad nodded. "That's on account of me being stuck with a lousy lover who never finishes things off right." Lionel pursed his mouth. "I'll snap the bastards neck for yer when we get back Boy, but right now I don't want you to sit so close. I'm pretty new to these newfangled jeep-thingies an' your prick looks too much like the gear-stick." They'd only gone a mile before they had to pull up for a red light at a jungle crossing, and Lionel growled with annoyance. "Ain't it allus the same? Every time you need to get somewhere fast the damn lights are against you." He wrapped his hand around Boy's cock, and while he was jerking it he watched a fat old mama carrying a bowl on her head waddling down the trial on the right. When she reached the junction she swung towards them. "Mrs Mbelogo, don't you ever indicate when you turn off the trail?" chaffed the Lord of the Jungle. "Sorry boss, m'mind was on other things," the woman replied. "Hey, yous two guys is dressed up sweet. You goin' to a pardy?" "We've got a date with danger." declared Lionel loftily. As she approached he sniffed suspiciously at the noxious aroma wafting down from the bowl on her head. "You been out collectin' baboon shit fer carry-outs?" The woman grinned, showing a set of tombstone teeth. "Nah, the baboon's are all pooped out around here, but I found me a heap o' rhinoceros dung today so I's gonna try a new recipe - Rhino-crap dumplings, with edgar rice." "Sounds - er - interestin'." "Top-notch grub." She stepped closer to get a better view of Lionel's hand pumping Boy's cock. "Careful how you handle that thing, Lionel. Boy may be only a kid, but his lil' carrier-bags hold enough whitewash to paint a ceiling." Her smile broadened as she gazed at the youngsters face. "Y'll have to come over an' see me agin soon, honey, I'm a'thinkin' o' redecoratin'." "Sure Mrs Mbelogo" Boy panted, "I'll come an' visit as long as you promise not to offer me supper." The lights flashed green to go, and forsaking all niceties Lionel shoved Boys cock into first gear, put his foot on the accelerator and sped across into the trees. Then he had to gun the motor and struggle for several minutes to get the jeep back onto the road. "Damn, damn, damn!" cursed the Lord of the Jungle. "Hey, will you take it easy?" Boy grimaced, "My dick don't do reverse." (Cut to stock film footage of a lion pacing back and forth, snarling and roaring to a crescendo of tom-tom's. Annnd stop. As usual it's got nothing to do with the story). When they arrived at the rope bridge over the chasm they were met by fifty fierce armed tribesmen led by two rough looking white men carrying hunting guns. On recognising Lionel the natives shrieked in terror, threw down their spears and ran off, but the two white men, one ugly and the other just plain sneaky looking, stayed to level their rifles. "Who the hella you, fellah?" asked the ugly one. "I'm Lord of the Jungle, so be afraid," Lionel's voiced boomed loudly. "Afraid!" Ugly looked at Sneaky, then back at Lionel. "Afraid o' some nudey, pervy puddin'-head out on a joyride? No way. You may have frightened the natives with your freaky looks Lord of the Jungle, but you'll have a tougher time scaring off a couple of hard-nosed bullets." Lionel glared. 'Pervy pudding-head!' His face contorted. Angry, affronted and indignant he sprang up to beat his fists on his chest. "Ooooooggg, yahooooooooo!" "What's all that racket for?" enquired Sneaky. The Lord of the Jungle looked abashed. "Oh nuthin'. I just stood up too quick and banged my cock on the steering wheel." Carefully he clambered out from the jeep, then straightening up he marched gamely, fearlessly, stupidly towards the two dangerous desperado's. "Now just listen here you fellahs, you could soon be in serious trouble unless you change your ways." Ugly grinned, showing a row of broken teeth. "Oh yeah! How d'yer reckon that?" "I can tell by your appearance neither of you have washed or shaved for several days, and poor personal hygiene can quickly cause all kinds of health problems in an equatorial climate." "This guy's a loony, let's fill him with holes," growled Ugly. Sneaky smiled sneakily. Nah, let's just lose his balls. Let's take out one each." Lionel came hobbling to an uncomfortable halt in his ill-fitting high heels as a pair of gun muzzles panned down, and suddenly he wished he'd paused earlier to put on the khaki shorts Janet had given him to wear on Sundays. Just as fingers were squeezing down on triggers, Boy climbed out from the passenger side of the jeep and walked around to the front, and there he posed sideways on, hands on hips, one knee jutting slightly forward, young cock at full erection with its foreskin drawn all the way back to expose a dark pink tip. Peering along his shoulder his lush eyelashes fanned up and down and he gave the two wastrel ner'do-wells a scintillating look with hooded eyes that was pure seduction. "Don't ignore me, boys," he piped cutely. "I may be young, but I'm hot for tough-guys who stink of sweat." The men's trousers tented out magnificently as they gaped in astonishment, and a drivel of saliva ran down Ugly's chin. While their attention was diverted Lionel was able to step forward and yank the guns from their hands, and then with an upward swing he brought the butt end of the weapons up to clack on the side of their heads. When both Ugly and Sneaky had collapsed into a single untidy heap, Lionel turned to his young companion. "Thanks for the timely help, Boy Wonder. I'd have ended up a soprano forever but for you, and a squeaky voice would play havoc with my career as Lord of the Jungle." "I'm not Boy Wonder, Lionel," his companion protested, "Boy Wonder is Batman's sidekick, and his real name is Robin." The Lord of the Jungle sucked his teeth. "Damn it, I should have suspected something like that. Them quirky dudes in silly suits get all the best lines." At that moment the commissioner came panting along the jungle trail, busily filling his pipe with tobacco. "You got here quick, commissioner." "Yeah, I thumbed a lift with a lorry load of ivory poachers. All okay guys - as long as you ain't a elephant. Pretty generous with the old wacky-baccy too." He took a moment to put a match to his pipe as he studied the two unconscious men on the ground, then he puffed out a billow of blue smoke. "That's thirty-six times you've saved the Secret Sacred City of Antiquity from being plundered this year, Lionel." The Lord of the Jungle gazed serenely across the deep chasm towards the mysterious Secret Sacred City of Antiquity on the other side. The colonnades and terraces along its primary avenues were now clogged with lichen and moss, while creepers and vines laced the ancient crumbling towers of its temples and palaces, the domes of which seemed to glow golden in the evening half-light. The city was a unique, timeless monument to an unknown race of people who had once lived, worked and died in central Africa during in an era yet to be defined by science. "Yes, and I broke a fingernail when I grabbed those owlhoots guns this time." he said gravely, "But I guess it was worth it. There are too few beautiful things left unspoilt in this world commissioner, and it's important to keep this one untainted until Disneyland comes to Africa. Then we can sell it as a ready-made feature and go live in Bermuda." The Lord of the Jungle turned to his young partner. "We've done our job here, let's go home, Boy. Your backside and I have a date with a bowl of coconut oil." Boy made no effort to move has he felt Lionel's beefy hand gratuitously stroking his bare bottom. "Coconuts don't grow in Africa," he said. Lionel scoffed lightly and chuckled. "Have faith in Hollywood, Robin. If coconut oil is needed, it'll be there."

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The Strange Case of Lord Derringford

THE STRANGE CASE OF LORD DERRINGFORD After my marriage, and the establishment of my new home, I saw less of Sherlock Holmes than hitherto, and as a consequence became less familiar with his activities. Consulting my notebooks, I see that I have details of few cases from that period of my life, so the case - the facts of which I am about to set down - was unusual. In one particular respect, it was extraordinary - so much so that its publication at the present time would severely...

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For my Lord

FOR my LORDIntroductioni am a slave! And this is my story. my Lord is my owner; He is a rich and powerful man who lives in The Netherlands. i am a 30 year old Irish woman, 5’ 8? tall, 34B/24/36 with pert and perky breasts, long dark curly hair and a neatly trimmed ?landing strip?.my Father was a strict Catholic and he would regularly spank me when i was a child; nothing sexual or abusive, merely because i deserved to be punished. However, my Father died when i was 14 and after that i ran wild;...

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Lord Cowie of Queenstown

Lord Cowie of Queenstown was the rather spoiled son of the Viscount of Queenstown. Lord Cowie indulged himself in his father's great wealth everyday. Having been sent down from university the errant young Lord Cowie was looking for anything to keep his salacious appetite, which was any sexual experience, satisfied. It happened one October morning when Lord Cowie had took liberty with the local milk maid,a beautiful girl who enjoyed the hard sex that Lord Cowie and herself partook of in the...

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Grfin Donatelle Mimi und Lord Perry

Gr?fin Donatelle, Mimi und Lord Perry Als der Verk?ufer im Antiquit?tenladen Gr?fin Donathelle den magischen Ring an den Finger steckte, f?hlte sie die Kraft des Ringes. Sie l?chelte den Verk?ufer an, als dieser ihr noch einmal die Macht des Ringes erkl?ren wollte. "Glauben Sie mir, junger Mann, ich kenne die Eigenschaften des Ringes. Ich habe ihn seit Jahren gesucht." Gr?fin Donatelle verlie? das Antiquit?tengesch?ft in der Innenstadt, um noch ein paar Eink?ufe zu machen. Heute war der Tag Ihrer Rache und ...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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The british Lord Part 2

Sara loved it when the Lord decided he wanted her bound while he fucked her sister. Sara hurriedly until Mathilda, almost pushing her out of the way, lying back against the ladder, her legs spreading willingly. She loved the feel of the metal cuff around her wrists, keeping her tightly bound to the wooden bar over her head. She almost came when the Lord put the whip on her stomach, part of it sliding down between her legs before it came to rest. It was so exciting, seeing the whip, but not...

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From Teen Bride To Hot Wife 3 The Lord and His Servants

While they make their way to the manor house, Joe begins to wonder why the fuck has he agreed to let Lord Dammartin spank his wife. Surely such a man will want more from a gorgeous woman like Caroline than to merely slap her arse a few times. Maybe he will want her the Etonian way— you know: perfect and back-door. Isn't that what they prefer— the old-school tie crowd? At the very least he'll want to see Caroline on her knees, his cock between her lips. Surely he will? Joe decides as long as he...

Wife Lovers
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Lord of the Castle

Kathleen hurried up the stone castle steps to his lordship’s chamber’s, her arms full of fresh towels and linens. She knew she only had a few minutes before the banquet in the great hall downstairs was over to allow the drunken guests a chance to sleep off their mead before the stag hunt in the morning. Standing before the large oaken door, she rapped twice to make sure she would not be disturbing anyone then slipped inside to the bed chambers. She had only been in Lord Michael’s private rooms...

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The Late Hermit Lord of Validurm

The Late Hermit Lord of Validurm by Arcie Emm Seeing him trudge home along the barely existent path, his tattered, brown robe trailing in the dust, it would be easy to assume that he had failed in his declared mission. That assumption was correct, Learic, the second son of Emperor Burthin had been no more willing to listen to his entreaties of peace than he had been willing to listen to those of Madorn, or neighboring Samendolia, whose territory had shrunk significantly after the...

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The british Lord Part 1

Lord Chambers sat in the chair, his cigar burning in the ashtray on the table, a glass of sherry in his hand. He looked at Sara, his cock hardening as he remembered the last time she got down on her knees to blow his prick. She was a delightful girl and knew her station in life. He had given her a job as a chambermaid only after she had submitted to him, Lord Chambers enjoying stripping her naked before she sucked him off for the first time. She got the job right away and she had been...

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Lacy Finds A Nubian Spear fea Lord Zaire

Lacy glances into the 3-paneled mirror and a cute girly smile flashes across her face. She gently strokes her stringy below, shoulder-length shiny blonde hair. She bats her eyes then prances and preens before the mirror. The stretchy black and white stripe mini-dress clung to her curvy yet slightly muscular body. Black fishnet stockings, with small white bowties, highlighted her shapely legs which shrank down to her small ankles which fit loosely in a pair of shiny black leather, open toe 3’...

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Lord Princess and the Empire Part 2 of 3

I wanted to say thank to everyone who gave me input on part 1. I have tried my best to improve my grammar. I hope this part is easier to read. Feel free to email me any suggestions at [email protected]. Part 2 of Lord, Princess and the Empire William was confused "Empress, I don't understand. How can I replace Elaine? Unless you have a daughter I don't know of?" "I will let your mother explain the hows. I have come to understand that your sister Elaine would not be a good...

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Lord of the Legion

Lord of the Legion By: Lyrissa "Beware, mortal. Your doom is at hand!" the towering figure said in its deep, sonorous voice. The figure stepped out of the shadows and the flickering light of the lamps cluttering the laboratory revealed a tall male creature with a deep red skin and a pair of odd backwards-jointed legs terminating in massive hooves. He stood tall enough to nearly scrape the top of his ridged skull on the ceiling of the room despite how spacious it was, and the short,...

4 years ago
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Lord Oakes Daughter

She appeared to me as if an angel at Mr Marchington's ball at the great hall at Thrimby, I was at once bewitched and dangled helpless in her thrall, as I beheld an angel with ringletted golden hair, with eyes of blue and a merry laugh that lightened even my poor dour soul.And I was not alone, everyone else that claimed to be male and of the red blood lusted after this angel, the very epitome of beauty and grace, as she glided swiftly across the dance-floor in as swish of flouncing lace, as if...

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Lord Marchingtons Conquest

I looked around the sitting room, where my sisters and mother and the aristocratic and haughty Lady Marjory and the flame haired Rose her tall spoiled daughter, were all looking expectantly at me and I laughed. "Mr Harnsworth," Lady Marjory demanded, "What exactly do you find funny?" It was something my Father said many years ago, "John," he had said to me in his kindly manner as I stood before him many yeas ago as a child, "I fear that you shall have to make your own fortune in...

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Barbarian Queen Captives of Lord Arrakur

Barbarian Queen: Barbarian Queen:Captives of Lord Arrakur A story set in an alternate universe.We all know, that Amethea and her friends overcame all the trials and hardships. They triumphed over suppression, injustice, rape and torture.They defeated Lord Arrakur and ended his merciless rule. But what if... They failed? What if the capture of Taramis, Estrild, Tianara and Amethea was not the rebellions darkest hour, which preceded the dawn of victory? What if this was the beginning of a...

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Lord Princess and the Empire Part 1 of 3

This is my first attempt at writing a story. I have put quite a bit of work into it. I hope you enjoy my efforts. I would also be glad for any input in improving my writing. If you would like to send me comments email me at [email protected]. Private Christopher Mills dunks into his commanders tent, A Colonel William Hamilton. The Colonel was sitting at his desk reading a report, dated for today 8-26-2059. He wasn't a huge man at 5' 9", 195 pounds, blue eyes, short stubby...

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Lord Reynards Fancy Ch 05

I’m overwhelmed and delighted by your amazing response to chapter four. I was a bit unsure how readers would respond to my psych out at the end, but it seems nobody minded and you found it as fun as I did. Please keep the comments coming, since this is still my first work of fiction. I’ve had extremely helpful advice from several readers that have improved the story, and I thank them! * The cold grew more bitter and the days shorter as Advent neared. The harvest and hunting had been...

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Lord and Master Ch 01

Friday, June 29 1861 Southampton, Hampshire, England The stranger sitting in the corner of her parlor wouldn’t stop looking at her. Broad shouldered, well dressed, chin length brown hair, his blue eyes tore over her in an assessing way. ‘Let us begin, sir.’ Elizabeth, her mother and sister, the stranger and his lawyer were gathered in the parlor of her home. She knew that the meeting couldn’t come of good things. They had had meetings like this one before, Gentlemen and their lawyers would...

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Lord Stanley Disciplinarian

Lord Stanley Professional Disciplinarian I recently transferred to England with the BBC and moved into a lovely apartment in a small town outside of London. My neighbour, Janine is a very nice attractive single lady and we were getting well acquainted but soon I would get to know a whole lot more about her. I do a lot of my work from home so I have a very flexible schedule so on a Monday morning feeling the need to release some sexual tension I walk down into the centre of town to a nice...

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Rebecca Lord

The offices of Marley Johnson Associates were unremarkable. The street they were in was nothing out of the ordinary; the small English town that surrounded the offices was similar to many other prosperous towns up and down the country. Marley Johnson was a medium size accounting firm. Business was good and as such the well-known local firm had no problem in recruiting local staff. One of those was Rebecca Lord, director of Personnel Recruitment. Rebecca hadn’t gone to university, one of the few...

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Book 3 RavlyrChapter 3 The Dispatching of Lord Barkley

Jacquilt and Stephen sat on the bench and watched Kat and Bitsy spread out the blankets and open the picnic baskets, as the men took off their jackets, rolled up their sleeves and started kicking the ball Rav had brought around. Hank felt like crying, he wanted to join in so badly, he started to walk back to the bench, his whole body seemed to shrink in defeat. Rav ran over picked Hank up and tucked him under his arm, laughing "where do you think your going, you can't go sit on the bench,...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

4 years ago
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Black Arrow Lord Ch 03

***Teaching the Samurai how to set up their weapons, Valdemar is surprised to meet the leader of one group, though they don’t get along all that well. 0_o ———————— When Valdemar and Kōichi accompanied the daimyo outside a little later, lord Maeda had many questions regarding Valdemar’s bow. He answered truthfully most of the time. When he was asked if bows such as his were what was in common use where the Dane was from, Valdemar found it a little tempting to answer yes. But he didn’t. ‘The...

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Lord and Master

Bella was a young girl of 18 and starting work for a lord and lady Digsbry, she had been in service for about 3 weeks when his lordship sent for her, arriving at the study door she knocked and waited “come in” she opened the door to a huge study, she had never seen this part of the house before closing the door behind her she curtseyed “you sent for me your lordship” “ah Bella it’s you sit down my dear” lord Digsbry was in his late thirties and had taken over the estate when his parents had...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Black Arrow Lord Ch 02

***So, … off to Japan. Not to a part that he’d ever really heard of, but one goes where the money is, after all. Valdemar learns first hand what Cor had been talking about regarding becoming known and trusted. In case you need to read it, the characters and placenames in this are fictional. 0_0 —————————- When autumn came, they set off, Valdemar along for the ride to learn the way of things. It would be well into winter by the time that they arrived. His mentor on the trip was the man...

2 years ago
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The Testament Of Jeremy Lord NorthamChapter 5

That evening I entered the library of the Manor house. It was large, larger even than the Woodhouse library. I assumed that the library was at least 500 years old and perhaps older. I knew from the servants that the previous Lord was a learned man and read much. Of course, with 500 years of learning and reading, he should have been such. Truth be told, I had been drawn to the library not in search of Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom but by Calliope, the Muse of Epic poetry and therefore, of...

3 years ago
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The Testament Of Jeremy Lord NorthamChapter 4

Mary was much more open with her affection for me after our tryst. Mrs. Bennett seemed also to understand that I was not interested in her older daughter and had attached my affections to the second daughter. Like a good General, she saw what opportunity presented itself and charged into the breach. In short, Jane was no longer pressed forward and Mary was. I noticed Jane looking my way a few times, but that passed as her mother took aim on a recent widower, a prosperous farmer, Mr. Owens,...

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Black Arrow Lord Ch 05

***The last chapter to the strange little tale. Check the tabs again, just sayin’. 0_o ————————- When they left the inn, the wind had turned into a vengeful banshee, moaning and shrieking, driving what fell from the sky hard enough to sting any exposed skin and obscuring everything that was more than perhaps a dozen feet away. The pair rode off together through the howling maelstrom, their heads hung as low as that of their horses, though Matsu could see that Valdemar looked up now and then...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Lord Marchingtons Staff

If truth be told I was dreading my return to Marchington Hall, my brother Charles the Fifth Baron Marchington was barely cold in his grave before I found myself dragged from service overseas to oversee his estate, though in truth it was no longer his but mine. He left his dear wife Marjorie, as frigid an ice maiden as ever walked England's hallowed turf, and her mother Deloretha, the perfect model for any artist wishing to depict a witch as ever walked abroad, and with an evil manner to...

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Lord Reynards Fancy Ch 08

I realize that this chapter is short, but I need to move past it to develop the story because it’s been stalling me. Such are the vicissitudes of reading amateur work on the web, I suppose! I hope you all enjoy the feast of 2 chapters after a famine, sorry my disability has been kicking my ass lately! Please vote and remember that I have a comment fetish. * Lilac’s knees and shins burned in agony on the stone floor as she woke, groaning to find herself still in the world and not heaven,...

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Lord Hort Part 2

Heh, thank you, loyal readers, for giving me feedback on my previous piece. To address some of the points people made, since I can't really do it elsewhere (skip to the story if you're not interested): Yes, the first piece was basically plotless. I wrote it because it was a 'fapping piece' and story wasn't really the first thing on my mind. Nevertheless, one has developed, and you get to see a little more of the storyline in this part. I appreciate the ego boost (when I read the...

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The Devils Jungle

 A work assignment had pulled Sai into going to a country that was starting to prosper but riddled with crime. The country that Sai was in led the world in murder rates and was a hotbed for all kinds of debauchery. Not trusting the drivers, Sai drove his own car which had malfunctioned in the middle of a road covered by forests. Hours had passed, the cellphone was not getting any reception, and so Sai decided to head into the forest and see where that would take him.“Damn hellhole,” shouted...

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Queen of the jungle

Leah stepped out of the elevator. Someone trained in reading subtle psychological tells would have immediately noted her repeated pursing of her lips, and the repetitive manner in which she clutched her handbag, while absently twirling fingers through her long, jet black hair. Of course that someone would have to be immune to her enormous sex appeal in order to observe the subtleties. The concierge looked up and smiled. It didn’t take much imagination or psychoanalytic knowhow to read the...

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Becky Part 3 War Comes to Lake PeaceChapter 6 Becky is Queen of the Jungle

For just a second, time stood still. The girls were electric with excitement as Becky’s enormous bicep trembled with power, seeming to grow as she stared down at Jake. The boys murmured nervously as Jake’s whole body trembled with fear, seeming to shrink as he stared up at Becky. Then she brought her fist down onto his face, sending a shower of blood and teeth across the ring as a sickening cracking sound filled the air. It was the most violent, one-sided display of power that I had ever...

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Her Husband8217s Friend 8211 Part 3 Full Moon Night In The Jungle

Welcome back, dear readers. I think I’m not gonna write series anymore. But don’t worry, if you wanna read a certain set of my stories as a series, I’ll do something for that too. You’ll not be disappointed to see that. Special thanks to Amit for asking me to write this story and the two that are gonna follow this story. I especially hope you and your wife will enjoy them all to the fullest. Now let’s get to the story. Story starts Amit and his wife Rachana ‘Rachu’ had known Sandeep, from Sri...

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