Melissa the hypnotic fucktoy
- 3 years ago
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Melissa: Big City Girl? Part#1
(MM/f, n/c relec, humil, spank)
By: Jake Olive
Authors note: The story and characters are entirely fictional. This is my first attempt at this type of work. Please provide any feedback to: [email protected]
Something really had to be done with Melissa. Here Paul was on what should have been the greatest day of his life and he had a problem; What to do about Melissa. Paul Stanford was by all accounts a successful young man. Only 27, his quick mind and ease of leadership had made him one of the fastest rising executives in the Midwest. This morning, he had been called into the Regional President’s office and he was told that he was being promoted. The company was going to be transferring him to New York City. Of course the promotion meant more money, but even more importantly, it put him on track to succeed the CEO of his growing international company. Few who knew Paul doubted his rise to CEO, Everyone at corporate knew the Midwest wouldn’t keep him for long. Paul loved the Midwest but he also knew at some point he would have to leave it. And yet here he was, on a day that should have been about celebration, and Paul drove home thinking only about what to do with Melissa. Paul had married Melissa right out of college. She was only 19 but she was also the most beautiful girl in town. She was 23 now and in some ways he had outgrown her. Melissa Stanford was a contradiction; on one hand she was still horribly immature and on the other she was bright and could show great resolve if it suited her purpose. In the end however, immaturity was her resounding feature. Paul had hoped she would grow up and he was disappointed at her lack of progression. She was an only child and her parents had spoiled her horribly. Her daddy’s money, her great looks and then Paul’s job had made it all very easy for Melissa to never leave childhood. She never went to college, she was incapable of saving money, she made poor choices and she was professionally a bit of an embarrassment to Paul. When he was required to bring her to work related events, he would often catch his peers rolling their eyes at her and looking at each other knowingly. The other wives would talk to Melissa as if she were a child. When Melissa was engaged in conversation she rarely strayed far from celebrity gossip, reality TV and the things that educated people typically tend to find below their station. Nobody at work took her seriously. The other problem that Paul had with Melissa was that she had grown increasingly pretentious based solely on Paul’s career success. Paul had an ease of manner and a command of leadership that well exceeded his 27 years. Melissa however tended to act as if a member of the social elite because of her marriage to Paul. It had been yet another embarrassment to him and he thought that New York City would only amplify this problem. Nobody liked a woman who didn’t know her place, and in spite of his success; Paul needed a sweet and unassuming wife. Paul thought about his problem hard, but he knew in his heart it was only a problem because he loved Melissa.
Paul Stanford was a naturally gifted strategic thinker. He knew instinctively that this would be the best time to leave her. He would obviously meet beautiful woman in New York and he could easily afford to send her alimony back in Missouri. They had bought the house with money he had made in bonuses and Paul did not mind giving it to her. His best earning years were in front of him he was very sure. Paul and Melissa had no kids and he knew that leaving her before he took the new job would definitely be best. Paul was at a crossroads in his life and he knew it. These are the kind of times that great leaders make hard decisions. Paul was just such a leader. These were the thoughts that were on his mind as he turned into the driveway on Tuesday night. Paul entered the house and was immediately met by his wife. He had made a mistake by calling her with the news of his promotion and he was quickly forced to face it. Melissa talked for five minutes about New York, she talked about living in Manhattan, buying an apartment, Central Park and about all the people she had already told of Paul’s promotion to the big city. Paul listened to her then said unexpectedly and with great resolve, ? I have decided to go to New York City without you. Your attitude and your immaturity are something I can no longer tolerate.? Melissa stood motionless and stared at her husband. Melissa was immature, but her mind also moved fast and she was quickly running through her options. Paul continued, ?Melissa, the success I have had is due to both recognizing opportunity and seeing things as they truly are. I love you but I can no longer have your immaturity in my life.? Paul walked to the wet bar to made a drink. ?If I must leave you behind, now is the time to do it.? Paul took a long drink and watch his tough words strike his very young wife. ?I will see a lawyer tomorrow and have a settlement drawn up. It will be fair, you may have the house and I will pay you a good monthly sum. You can have a lawyer look at it before I leave for New York City thirty three days from now.? Melissa stared at her husband in horror. Tears began to creep down her cheeks. She understood Paul well and was and she knew he was being very serious. She had been married to him for four years and had seen his cool emotional detachment before, but she had never been on the wrong end of it. Melissa Stanford was facing down a man she knew well; and she was scared. Paul Stanford had given her everything but he was also a man who was capable of taking everything away.
As Melissa stood crying in her kitchen she understood quickly that this meant everything in her life would change. She knew she would have a house and some money but she would be little more than an uneducated girl from eastern Kansas who was once married to a big shot. This was not a reality she was prepared to face. Her mind whirled as she looked for the right words. Melissa stood just a little over five foot three inches tall. She was 23 years old and physically; she was in the prime of her youth. She was in great shape, she had small (B cup) breasts that were well formed and quite nice. Melissa’s also had a round and well muscled butt that came more from good genes than any hard time at the gym. Her light brown hair surrounded a face perfectly formed, she had full lips and big brown eyes. Her great beauty was one of many reasons that she never grew up; she never had to. But Melissa’s good looks were not helping her now as she looked at her husband. Melissa wanted Paul, she wanted New York City and at 6:52 in the evening on a Tuesday in late September everything was unexpectedly on the line. ?I will change? Melissa said without emotion. ? I will be who you need me to be, I will grow up however you feel I must.? There was a long pause while Paul looked at his wife. Melissa finally said, ?no bullshit.? Paul mixed a second drink. Her response had reminded him very clearly of the respect he had for her in spite of her overall lack of maturity. He knew he married her very young and he acknowledged that he played a role in allowing this to continue for so long. ?Let me think about what that really means. We can talk tomorrow? Paul said finally. He poured the rest of his drink down the sink and walked from the house. He would be gone all night.
Paul drove to the Sheraton out by the sports complex and checked in. While he knew he could leave her and never look back (much), he wondered if he had underestimated Melissa. He had dinner in the room and watched the late news. Melissa didn’t try to call his cell phone once. Paul respected that, it showed a little maturity. He spent a fitful night thinking about his future and thinking about Melissa?.no bullshit.
Wednesday night Paul came home. He and Melissa went out on the back deck to talk. Melissa had spoken with a lawyer earlier in the day and she learned what she had already known. She could probably keep the house and get a decent amount of cash from Paul but that is not at all what she wanted. Paul had already said he would give her the house anyway. Melissa wanted Paul, she wanted the shopping, the hair salons, the vacations, the nail places, the tanning beds and she wanted to live in New York City. Paul was correct, Melissa was pretentious and she knew she would fit in New York City beautifully. Plus she had already bragged to her friends that she was going. How could she tell them that her husband left her and went to New York to start a new life without her. Melissa was too proud for that, she was ready to strike a deal at almost any cost; if only he would make that possible. ?I have thought about my role in your maturation process and I have decided to give you a chance to make a change? Paul said as he was taking a seat on the patio. Relief flooded through Melissa, she knew it was very possible she could have lost the whole game right here in the first frame.? I will grow up and be the woman you want me to be? she said with a happy determination. ?you are the woman I want, but I need you to grow up fast? Paul said evenly. ?I will leave for New York City thirty days from Saturday. I am going to use those days both to evaluate your behavior and to help you grow.? Paul looked directly at his wife. Melissa looked directly back. ?I expect your behavior and your attitude to change. I am tired of the shallow pretentious woman you remain at 23, I need you to grow up Melissa.? ?You won’t be disappointed in me.? Melissa said with great relief. ?we will begin on Saturday? Paul said to his wife. ?Bring it on big man.? Melissa said playfully. Paul tried not to smile but lost the battle. Melissa rose and moved toward Paul. She dropped softly to her knees, removed his cock from this suit pants and began to warmly give him a blowjob. Paul tilted his head back and looked at the boundless Missouri sky. ?She may have a chance? he thought to himself. He then watched his pretty young wife suck his cock while he finished his drink. ?but she better be willing to change, thought Paul? bullshit.?
By Saturday Melissa had resolved herself to put up with Paul’s plan to change her behavior. She was unsure of what Paul intended to do but she knew she really didn’t have any choice. They would leave in thirty days and she could leave this cow town forever and move to New York City. She still loved Paul and felt confident that she could get through this and her marriage and her future happiness would be saved.
The first day of Melissa’s rehabilitation began like any other. She went shopping and then had lunch with her friends at the Plaza. At about 4:00 Paul told her to tidy up the house and take a shower, he said that they would have a visitor stopping by early in the early evening. He did not provide her any guidance on how she was to dress and he did not tell her what to expect. She knew that Paul’s attempt to change her behavior may be ready to begin. She cleaned the house, took a quick shower and decided on a pair of jeans and a simple white tee shirt. At 6:00, she was upstairs watching TV when she heard the doorbell ring. Soon after Melissa could hear the sound of a second male voice coming from downstairs in her entry hall. ?Melissa, could you come down here please?? she heard Paul call after a couple of moments. She felt a knot in her stomach as she moved towards the stairs. From the top of the staircase she could see a man that she recognized. The tall male standing near her front door was a man that worked at the local supermarket. She certainly did not know his name but she had seen him working at the store many times ?Does he want me to work at the grocery store? God, how humiliating would that be,? Melissa thought. She descended the stairs with as much dignity and grace as she could muster. ?Honey, this man’s name is Mike Hayward and he has agreed to help us.? Melissa shook the man’s large hand and they moved toward the living room. Once they were all seated, Paul began, ?Melissa, I have explained our problem to Mike and we have discussed his role in helping you change your behavior.? Melissa blushed slightly. ?As you might know, Mike works in the produce department at the grocery store right down the hill from our house. Mike and I had a long discussion on Thursday over at the store and he has told me he is very familiar with dealing with girls like you who have grown up without any real discipline. Together he and I have developed a plan that will be part of the maturation process that you and I discussed on Wednesday.? Melissa sat there numbly listening to what her husband was saying. ? Mike is going to come by our house every morning at 6:30 am, just before his regular work shift begins and he is going to spank you.? Melissa was suddenly so overwhelmed by what Paul said that she sat frozen. He continued, ?As a department manager, he works every day but Sunday and I think it is best if we keep your discipline lessons on a regular schedule. I will typically be here when he conducts your morning spanking but if I must work early or go out of town then I will expect your daily spankings to continue without any break.? Floored by Paul’s words, Melissa finally spoke, ?Are you seriously suggesting that the man from the grocery store come by my house everyday and spank me?? Melissa said weakly, ?I am not suggesting it, I am mandating it as a part of the rehabilitation of your attitude. You were never held accountable as a child and I think it will be very worthwhile for you to receive the kind of discipline other children received as they grew up. Mike here has been good enough to agree to provide you the discipline that your father did not. I believe it will result in humbling you quite nicely.? Mike sat rooted to his seat afraid to do or say anything that might stop this fantasy from proceeding. His heart was in his throat as he listened to Paul speak, he looked only sparingly at Melissa. Paul had good command in front of a group and Mike was dutifully playing his role in this strange meeting. When Paul had approached Mike at the store he was naturally suspicious of his story. Paul had very professionally spoke of the needing an older man to teach his wife a lesson and while Mike had doubts about Paul on Thursday, he was losing those doubts rapidly. Mike was 52, divorced and he lived with his younger sister in a small trailer forty five minutes from town. Mike obviously felt his prospects for ever touching a nubile young woman like Melissa had long since vanished. But here he was sitting in the middle of an odd drama that may put this pretty brunette over his lap. Mike Hayward was awash with a strange and surging lust. His instincts told him this could actually happen. He had seen Melissa many times at the store but he never could imagine he might see her naked, much less spank her ass. When Paul spoke next, Mike stole a quick glance at Melissa and could tell by the look on her face that she may be powerless to stop her spanking from occurring. Paul continued on, ?you are to meet Mike at the front door daily, move a kitchen chair into the living room, remove all your clothes and climb over his knee. The front blinds are to remain open as they are now, if our neighbors wonder why the man from the store comes by, we should allow them to see. I have asked Mike to spank you between twenty five and fifty times or as he sees fit. After he is done, you are then to thank him, walk him to the door, kiss him on his cheek and tell him goodbye. Only after he is gone may you again get dressed. This part of your rehabilitation will last for the entire thirty day period we discussed. I have told Mike that if he wants to bring a friend or someone over to watch your spankings he may, but for the first week I prefer him to come alone. I want to get your discipline sessions off to a good start and feel it would be best if neither of you are distracted until we get a good solid routine going. He also may take a few pictures of you after your spankings. This will be for his personal use and he will do with these pictures as he wishes. You will continue to shop at Mike‘s store. He will likely discuss this situation with people at the store and he will probably share the pictures he takes of you with some of them. This will be an important part of humbling you and forcing a change in your overall attitude.? Melissa felt ill. She had thought she could submit to her husbands demands but had no idea that this is what he had in mind. She thought maybe if she cut back on the shopping and the television he might be satisfied, but this? seriously? ?OK, I think the best time to begin is now? Paul said with an easy and practiced command. ? Melissa, go get Mike a chair from the kitchen and return to us.? Melissa rose slowly not knowing if she would be able to continue forward. She walked into the kitchen and came back dragging a hard backed chair. She left it in the middle of the room. ?Melissa, please remove all your clothing.? She looked imploringly at her husband in one final effort to make this stop. He looked back at her blankly. Paul knew the beauty of the body she was about to reveal and while he spoke coolly and evenly, he could hardly wait to see Melissa naked in front of the grocer. He had always thought her body was like a fine piece of art and he secretly felt that it should be seen by others so it could be properly appreciated. He watched her open humiliation as she reluctantly unsnapped and stepped out of her jeans. She pulled her white tee shirt over her head and stood before the two men in a black bra and a red pair of thong panties. ?Mike, why don’t you take a seat in the chair.? Mike quickly stood from the sofa and walked rather awkwardly to the chair. He sat down and for the first time since he arrived and he really looked at Melissa . What he saw was a clearly distraught young woman standing nearly naked before him. Melissa was looking only at her husband. She was clearly overwhelmed and she was unable to fully process the other man in the room. ?It’s time for us to begin Melissa,? Paul said calmly. Melissa reached behind her and unclasped her bra and looking downward she dropped both bra and panties to the floor. As Mike watched the young woman remove her final articles of clothing he felt a bolt of heat flash through his body. Of course Mike had seen beautiful young woman before, but never a woman quite like this. Melissa’s smooth skin and firm body had the full bloom of youth upon it. He only vaguely remembered girls shaped like this from his early twenties. Her breasts were not as large as all the fake breasted girls he saw often at the strip club, but they were shaped perfectly, they were firm and they sat high on her chest pointing slightly upward as if to validate her considerable youthfulness. Melissa’s pussy was lightly covered with dusting of brown hair that was cut quite tightly. As the grocery clerk sat in the kitchen chair he could not yet see her ass but the slight broadening on the front of her hips provided him with good evidence of the treasure that may lay behind them. Melissa looked at her husband and waited. ?Melissa, lean over his lap.? Melissa moved toward the stranger in her living room and lowered herself over the man’s legs. She held her head low which raised her butt a little higher than she had intended. Melissa rested stiffly on the man’s lap and waited. Mike looked at Melissa’s bottom that now lay out before him. It was perfectly round and a little larger than her small frame might have suggested. He looked at Paul for direction. Paul saw his pretentious young wife spread over Mike’s lap. Her position looked slightly uncomfortable and it appeared that she was trying to hide her face. Paul was a man who had always been routinely able to accomplish things, yet the scene he had constructed here surprised even him. An older man he barely knew was now sitting in his expensive living room about to spank his naked young wife. He was becoming aroused and he felt blood beginning to surge to his penis. As Paul began to once again speak, Mike slowly began to caress Melissa’s young bottom. ?Mike, go ahead and start whenever you like, my wife needs to be spanked very soundly. Melissa has never received the discipline required of a proper and courteous young lady and she needs your help. She and I are both counting on you to help her see her place. Melissa lay with her arms outstretched and her palms on the floor. She could no longer see Paul and as she looked back at Mike’s white socks and black grocery store shoes, she began to more fully consider than man that was about to spank her. It was a heavy middle aged man grocery clerk on whose lap she now lay, like a fresh cut flower. She felt the stranger rubbing her bottom with his large and callused hands and she waited. ?Smack? Mike began suddenly and without warning, smack, smack, smack. ?My god he is really fucking spanking me? thought Melissa. smack, smack, smack, Mike continued his work aggressively. He was surprised at how firm her bottom was, the naturally firm muscle of a young woman’s bottom was something quite a few years back in his memory. He felt his pace speed up and he watched as Melissa began to squirm from side to side under his firm and steady blows. He alternated between her checks and then watched with delight as her firm ass danced in front of him. He continued spanking her harshly as he had been instructed. Paul watched from beside the sofa as the spanking continued. He could see clearly that his wife was willing to do whatever he asked in an attempt to keep the marriage together and it encouraged him. Melissa’s current level of discomfort and humiliation delighted him greatly. It was a nice payback for embarrassment that her behavior had often caused him. He was getting surprisingly turned on watching his wife’s spanking. For a quick second he thought about taking out his cock and stoking it, but he quickly dismissed the idea as being beneath him. Paul had decided to say nothing and leave this part of the evening to Mike. The duration of Melissa’s discipline was at Mike Hayward’s considerable pleasure. As he watched the hard spanking continue Melissa began to cry. Fifty five spanks in, Mike had lost count of the spanks and he could not hear Paul’s young wife crying. Mike was now lost in his own world and he was on the edge of losing control with Melissa. The spanking continued unabated; smack, smack, smack, smack and after 73 spanks Mike stopped; perhaps worn out by his own exertion. The room fell silent except for Melissa’s sobbing. Nobody moved for at least a minute, Paul watched his naked wife crying over the man’s lap. Mike continued to run his hand all over Melissa’s now very red bottom and occasionally he would look toward Paul in the hope of receiving additional instructions. ?You may now get up Melissa,? Paul said as he continued to drink in the scene. Melissa rose and stood next the man from the grocery store and carefully wiped her eyes and nose with the back of her hand. She was now completely unaware of her nakedness. ?Mr. Hayward will be here every day with the exception of Sundays to continue with your spankings? Paul continued. ?He did an excellent job here tonight and I think this should be representative of all your future spankings. You need to be spanked very soundly if we are going to get you corrected in thirty quick days. You now may walk Mr. Hayward to the door. Mike stood slowly and made little effort to conceal the thick erection throbbing in his work pants. The three of them walked toward the front door. It was again quiet and Mike felt like he should say something. The rather dull man considered saying ?thank you? but it did not seem quite appropriate to him. He continued to remain silent, afraid any action might change his luck. As they reached the entry hall, Melissa could feel the cold tile under her feet and she was reminded of her nakedness. She decided to try and cover her breasts as best she could, but her red bottom remained on full display. ?This may have been a little awkward tonight, but I think the two of you guys will get into a nice routine before long. Give Mike a kiss on the check and thank him for the spanking Melissa. You will see him again on Monday.? instructed Paul. She did as she was told but had to strain a bit to kiss the taller man. As Mike leaned down for the kiss his hand accidentally brushing against Melissa’s naked breast. He looked at Paul and said, ?If you want, I can come by on Sunday’s too. I don’t live that far away and I would be happy to spank her then. ? ?That’s a good idea Mike, this way Melissa can really get into a routine.? ?No problem man,? Mike replied clumsily taking care not to make any eye contact with Melissa. Mike then opened the door and walked out into the warm Missouri night. When he heard the door shut behind him, Mike smiled broadly at his amazing good fortune. He didn’t understand exactly why Paul was asking him to do this, but he could always recognize when good thing when it fell into his lap. Mike knew he needed to find enough money to buy a digital camera. His life mission was now to do only two things; spank little Melissa for the next thirty days and make sure he could remember it for the rest of his life. Jerking off had been his life’s work and Melissa would now be his crowning achievement. It was very important to this simple man that he capture Melissa’s face and body fully. When he arrived at his car, he took his thick cock from his pants and immediately resumed the important work he had began long ago.
Behind the large oak door Paul held Melissa is his arms and he listened to her cry loudly, as if she were a small child with her first real taste of discipline. He had put her through a lot tonight but she still had much more that lay ahead of her. A smile grew on his face as he listened to her continued cries. He was confident that he had put Melissa on the right path and that together they were on the way to establishing a marriage he could be proud of. It was beginning to look like this little brown haired girl from Kansas might make it to the big city after all.
Introduction: Warning: Melissa was like a lot of young girls her age that had kissed and felt up her girlfriends as a curious child but never thought much about sex. It was mostly just a natural curiosity to inspect other girls bodies to see if they were like her or not. Her family lived in Birmingham, England. Her parents bought a semi-detached home in a nice residential neighborhood. The homes were the latest thing in their day. She was an only child. In every way she was an average sandy...
kissed and felt up her girlfriends as a curious child but never thought much about sex. It was mostly just a natural curiosity to inspect other girl's bodies to see if they were like her or not. Her family lived in Birmingham, England. Her parents bought a semi-detached home in a nice residential neighborhood. The homes were the latest thing in their day. She was an only child. In every way she was an average sandy haired blonde child. She was proud of her hair and kept it...
Ted loved his afternoon jog. Not only did it keep him in shape, but the path he usually took was always filled with gorgeous young women and girls, most of whom used jogging as an excuse to show off their firm, sexy bods. They were invariably clad in tight, skimpy running shorts and even tighter tee-shirts, leaving little to the imagination. The sight of so many pretty young things bouncing along the path usually made Ted hotter than the exercise itself, and by the time he got home to his wife,...
It was a big event for the assembled staff, the introduction on Monday afternoon of their new boss. Something of a surprise too. Not so much the arrival of a woman to head up an otherwise all-male department (the 21st century, after all, and besides they already knew that a newcomer called 'Melissa Reynolds' had been appointed) but more her age and appearance. Melissa looked to be no more than late twenties, young for such an exalted position, and she was strikingly attractive. The new Head...
Recently her husband had been distant too. Melissa knew it was from the way she was treating him. It was funny she had been mean to her husband from her own mistake. He had said some words back that were harsher than usual. They had been in this fight for weeks. Tonight, was going to be the night they made up. She had dressed the part short skirt, black stockings, silky panties and black patent pumps. They still were trying for a baby and Melissa was in the middle of her cycle. She was...
Melissa had been a good student. Too good. She spend all of her time in highschool working on her classes that she rarely dated. She really didn’t have the time to spend with boys. She wanted to receive a scholarship so badly that her studies became her main interest. Needless to say, she remained a virgin all through her highschool days. And her straight A average were proof that she had better plans for her life than getting fucked. It wasn’t that she wasn’t desirable....
Junior year Summer had finally ended and it was back to school for junior year. I was excited to see all my friends and all my favorite girls every day. Walking through the halls was just a festival of hugs and kisses and stories of what everyone did over the summer. There were some exciting stories too! It turns out I wasn’t the only one who had such an amazing summer. On the other hand, being back in school meant that I didn’t get to spend as much time with my girlfriend Jamie. Jamie went...
Junior year Summer had finally ended and it was back to school for junior year. I was excited to see all my friends and all my favorite girls every day. Walking through the halls was just a festival of hugs and kisses and stories of what everyone did over the summer. There were some exciting stories too! It turns out I wasn’t the only one who had such an amazing summer. On the other hand, being back in school meant that I didn’t get to spend as much time with my girlfriend Jamie. Jamie went to...
Melissa arrived at the school much early than she had to make sure she could set up the room to her liking. She was allowed past the guards and parked in the teacher’s lot. She felt funny returning to a school after she had been out for so long. Things sure had changed. Much tighter security now. All the doors had locks. Classrooms even had autolocking doors so no students could enter after the bells rang. The hallways were quiet as the classes were already in session. The sound of her...
I woke up sometime during the night and Mrs. Dean was sitting in a chair on the other side of Melissa’s bed. She was asleep and her head was down on her chest. I looked at Melissa and could see a very slight movement of her chest as the pump filled her lungs and then let the air out. I squeezed her hand and she squeezed mine. I leaned over to kiss her cheek and she squeezed me again. The nurses came in every few minutes and checked her vital signs. I moved back, but never turned loose of...
This true story happened a couple of years ago while were both new to living out our fantasies together. These experiences have made us stronger as a couple and we are deeper in love now than ever. After we seduced and fucked Dana, a young African American woman from her office, Melissa and I began to plan our next experience together. Melissa nervously decided that she was ready to fulfill her fantasy to be fucked by a strange man, preferably a younger African American man. We...
Almost as soon as her brother and mother left that morning, Melissa had begun to work on her father. She went to her room and selected the tightest top and the briefest pair of shorts she could find, leaving the bedroom door open while she changed, in the hope that her father might see her changing if he happened by. Taking off her nightdress, Melissa surveyed herself in the full-length mirror. She was going to make her father notice her body. She may not have much hair on her cunt yet, but...
When Melissa got home from her lustful encounter with Ted in the woods, her mother, was in a foul mood. Helen Harvey was usually strict with her children and getting home late after school was something she didn't tolerate. "And just where have you been, young lady?", fumed her mother. "You should have been two hours ago!" "I had to stay in after school, Mom.", she lied, "That stupid Mr. Hoskins gave me detention." In addition to being the usual reason for being late, Melissa knew...
“Danny, get that floor jack over there and jack the rear end up. We’ll get those wheels changed,” Patch told me. “Melissa, grab that air hose over there on that reel, and pull it over here so I can use the impact wrench on the lug nuts. I knew they were going to be rusted. I sprayed penetrating oil on them yesterday.” Melissa jumped like she’d been poked, when he called her name to help. But she grinned and ran across the shop to get the end of the air hose from the hose reel. She walked...
Stopping the car, I looked out of the window at the house to my right. It had a small driveway with a BMW parked in front of the garage, there was enough space for my car next to it. I checked the number of the house a second time. The entranceway definitely said 23 Ravencroft Road. I kept looking in awe at the house. I couldn’t believe that Melissa had landed herself with such a wonderful place. I bumped into Melissa and Greg in a local pub while I was visiting my parents some while back. I...
Group SexCarrie arrived at Melissa's house, carrying several different dresses on hangers. "I just couldn't decide WHAT to wear," she laughed as she tossed the choices onto Melissa's bed. Standing in only her short, black silk robe, Melissa grinned at her best friend. They loved getting dressed up and going out together. Carrie's cool blond looks perfectly complimented Melissa's olive skin and dark hair. Together, they drew lots of attention as two beautiful, petite women, one brunette and one blond....
Group Sex“Hi Mom... “Hi Dad, I’m home.” Mom and Dad were sitting in the living room, both were dressed for bed. “Hi Danny, how was the supper at the Deans?” Mom asked. “It was good. I talked to Mayor Dean some, he’s a really neat man. I just never knew him before. I met, Helen ... Melissa’s older sister who cusses so much. She apologized for talking to me so bad the other day. She even told me that if I ever get rid of her sister, call her.” I laughed, they did too at that. “Well get your shower...
Sara had just turned 20 and was new to my wife's office. She had moved to the area for the job and had only been here for about 5 or 6 months when this encounter occurred. Sara was of Vietnamese decent and she is petite with very large breasts. Sara's hair was black shoulder length and her legs seemed to go on forever. Her personality was very bubbly and she had a terrific smile and was always happy. She is a person that you would want your son to marry. Melissa and I set our plan in...
We started this encounter by soaking in our hot tub for quite awhile. Melissa made us drinks and then more and more drinks. I was pretty buzzed and she led me to our bedroom. Melissa sat on the edge of the bed and began to suck my cock, as she did she slowly massaged around my ass dragging her fingernail across my anus. I have to admit, there are a lot of nerves there and when they are stimulated, it felt great. Melissa laid me on the bed and began to kiss my nipples and rub my cock, as...
Melissa and Brad had been dating since her sophomore year at college. Brad being a year ahead of Melissa moved back to his hometown to manage his father's business. At first he emailed and texted her everyday. Melissa knew in her heart she was going to marry him someday. Suddenly his emails and texts became scarcer and when they spoke on the phone he seemed distant and evasive. Something was wrong. Despite having planned a trip to visit her family during spring break, Melissa decided to make a...
Melissa There are moments, in an otherwise unhappy life, when it all seems to go right. Perhaps the stars and planets align just so, or fate’s roll comes up a double six, or it’s just plain dumb luck, but it seems that at certain moments the world just arranges itself so that, for once, I win. The day I met Melissa was a day like that. She was absolutely stunning, she was absolutely fascinating, and best of all she was absolutely interested in me. That last is rare indeed for me, but the...
Jane is in her mid forties, about 130 lbs, 5' 6" with blonde curly hair. Her tits are C's and they are very nicley shaped. Jane has never had children and she got divorced about two years ago. Jane lives in Colorado and we haven't seen her for about ten years, although she and Melissa talk aleast weekly. They were roommates in college and have always stayed close. We met Jane at the airport and she greeted us both with hugs and kisses. Jane still looked like she was in her late...
Jane is in her mid forties, about 130 lbs, 5' 6" with blonde curly hair. Her tits are C's and they are very nicley shaped. Jane has never had children and she got divorced about two years ago. Jane lives in Colorado and we haven't seen her for about ten years, although she and Melissa talk aleast weekly. They were roommates in college and have always stayed close. We met Jane at the airport and she greeted us both with hugs and kisses. Jane still looked like she was in her late...
I agreed and we ended finding two 18 year old guys named Bruce and Billy that would help fulfill her fantasy. Bruce was a tall thin kid with a cock about 9 inches and Billy was short, but his cock was huge and long. This kids cock was every bit of 10 inches and very big around. We agreed to meet them at a hotel one night and they knew I was going to film the fuckfest so Melissa could watch it later and they were both cool with it. Melissa and I got to the hotel and she showered and shaved...
My wife works with several single women and she has been slowly planting seeds in her office. During the weeks since we have agreed to bring a woman in to our playtime, we have taken some prospects out to dinner with us to get to know them without them knowing we were planning to seduce one of them. We had discussed how we may be able to get one of them back to our house and get them in to our bed. I kind of became fascinated with a young African American woman she worked with named...
It had been two days since I'd had my cast removed. My leg was weak, and I had to use a walking stick to move around for any length of time. The hospital had advised me to have physiotherapy, to help build the strength in my leg back up, but I didn’t want to be travelling back and forth to the hospital, more so because I didn’t feel comfortable driving yet. So I arranged for some home physiotherapy, this was after I had spoken with Melissa, she knew a certain person who was quite good at...
Melissa By Margaret Jeanette Mary and Jim Simon were making love. It was an ecstatic time. Mary achieved orgasm and Jim came almost immediately after. Mary said, "That was good enough to do again!" Jim answered, "Yes, that was super. The timing was almost perfect." They continued their play. Mary worked Jim's penis but it wouldn't get hard. Finally Jim said, "It's no use, I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow night to try again." Mary told him she had an idea. She...
Melissa Won't Let Go. By Tanya H. -5- MELISSA. Hello knees. I said that a lot, on the train to York - but only inside my head and only every time I looked down and saw my knees bared by that dress. Bared knees didn't really sit within my lexicon of smart, or even smart-casual; which man would wear shorts to something where a smart dress code applied? Though my knees weren't actually bared - in case you disapprove of bare-legged women - they were demurely concealed by the fine...
Now, Melissa have done many things together and we decided to pick up a transsexual and see what happened. Melissa dressed in one of her hot little dresses and skipped wearing panties or a bra. She also suggested that I also skip wearing underwear and wear a pair of thin pants that would accentuate my swollen cock. We arrived at this rather large club and I was a bit nervous, I must say. We sat at a table and it didn't take long for people to approach us. I was approached by several young...
We went about setting our plan to action. We had bought a really nice video camera just a few weeks before for the purposes of filming our encounters with those who were willing to do so with us. We decided to try a dating site that was designed more for sexual encounters than dating. We posted on the site and immediately our inbox was getting mails from everyone from single guys, girls to couples. We decided to contact a few of the guys who after some research we found were close, but...
He fixated on her perky, jutting nipples. Shoulders hunched from carry on luggage and attaché/computer case, ample but firm breasts jostled erotically against the thin, silk blouse. Smooth, tanned legs speared into the feminine vee of white shorts. Curly ringlets of bright red hair framed the pretty, dimpled face and she smiled at him. He smiled back. A quick glance around the Phoenix airport concourse acknowledged that he was not the only red-blooded male checking her out. The only glitch...
I've been sharing an apartment with Melissa for around 10 months. It started out clean, we were just helping each other out financially and then it turned into a friends with benefits situation. She had been pursuing a guy, got really close then he shattered her heart in a ruthless gesture: sending her a video of him fucking a girl he started dating to get her to stop. Upset and a wreck she broke down crying in my arms. That night was rough and we laid in her bed for a couple hours as she...
Melissa Melissa is a sweet girl who finds herself paying for the actions of her father in the most brutal way. She is kidnapped, tortured, and gang-raped on camera before meeting her end. More parts to come..Description The Blue Dragon was an organization that made its money by kidnapping innocent victims, raping, torturing, and finally killing them on tape then selling these films to the rich perverts of the world. Jack Crane, a distinguished detective has been chasing after this...
Melissa had been reading all about Roman history and the lifestyles of the emperors and their wives. She had long reached the part about the famous Valeria Messalina, Claudius’s third wife who apparently challenged a prostitute to a fucking competition and won. In those days, the wealthiest women were not short of men, but in this day and age, you could wait forever.Melissa had been waiting; four weeks to be precise and today was the day; the hour, rapidly approaching. She had posted a...
Hardcore[ For Melissa! ]My second time with Melissa was different from our first experience. The first one involved only her and I. I'd watched her fingering her pussy and having a number of obviously intense orgasms, while I, on the other hand, merely observed her and jacking off as I did---but that proved to be an extremely intense experience for us both.This second time Melissa was going to fuck three different black guys. I'd heard about her 'yard man' experiences before, but this time I was going...
Melissa's Story It was my duty, but I really did not want to do it, however I had no choice, and besides, it would, I was sure, have a very pleasant result in the long run. But I hate crying women, despise them. I knocked on the girl's door and let myself in without waiting. She was still in her bed, the covers loosely bunched about her hips and her luscious body nearly bare, dark hair spread widely across her pillows. But then the sun was barely up, painting her gold and red. I felt the...
“So, sweetheart, what are we going to do while the house is a man-free zone?” Robert had to visit his parents for the weekend at short notice; too short for the three of them to go together. Melissa had some commitments at college on the Saturday morning, and Sarah was reluctant to leave her by herself. It was not that she was not capable, but a lot had happened this last few weeks, and they all thought that some serious ‘girlie’ time was overdue. “Mummy, can we talk about sex please? Can we be...
TabooBreaking your leg has got to be one of the most painful experience’s imaginable. Not to bad if you have a partner to help you get around, otherwise, like me. You end up hobbling around, banging into everything. Bathing or taking a shower was a nightmare, you have to put you leg into a plastic bag, to stop the plaster getting wet, but trust me, trying to stand in a shower with one foot covered in a plastic bag is not easy. I even tried having a bath with my broken leg hanging over the side of...
Melissa Won't Let Go. By Tanya H. -4- ELIZA. My dreams came horribly full of men and cocks. I spread my legs, my mouth, my tits eagerly for them, hitched my skirts, pulled aside my panties; I made it easy for them to take me and fill me even as I hated what I did, what I lusted for. A passenger in my own humiliation. Awareness came back slowly - grey light of dawn or dusk, a weight of bedclothes on my body, a warning of peeing. Fear rode me too; that I'd open my eyes to some...
I was young and after serving in the military, I bought a motorcycle and decided to see the country that I had just spent 4 years protecting. I drove and had many cool experiences and then I landed in a small farming community in the Midwest. I was out of money and was able to get a job so I rented a room in the town with the intent of making enough money to continue my tour. One Friday night with little to do and not really knowing anyone, I went to the local Ice cream stand to get a...
Melissa grew up in Baghdad by the Bay (San Francisco). She had a normal c***dhood, all the normal sc****s, bruises, victories and disappointments. The geography of San Francisco eliminates back yards and playing with wagons and bicycles as a c***d because the hills are so steep. The climate is cold and damp enough to require everyone to dress up more. Hairstyles suffer because thick hair goes straight and fine hair curls up. You see far more hats and gloves in the Bay area than any other area...
Melissa grew up in Baghdad by the Bay (San Francisco).She had a normal c***dhood, all the normal sc****s, bruises,victories and disappointments. The geography of SanFrancisco eliminates back yards and playing with wagons andbicycles as a c***d because the hills are so steep. The climate iscold and damp enough to require everyone to dress up more.Hairstyles suffer because thick hair goes straight and fine haircurls up. You see far more hats and gloves in the Bay area thanany other area of...
My girl friend Melissa and I rented several adult movies one night, out of boredom. One of the videos was multiple scenes of different women being completely covered in cum from multiple cocks. Melissa became very excited watching these women with numerous guys jerking off all over them. After the video was over, Melissa decided that she wanted to experience that! So, it had been decided that I would find ten or so guys to jerk off on her, no sex, just cum. So, I headed off to the local strip...
Melissa Won't Let Go. By Tanya H. -1- JODIE. By the time the magistrates had imposed the restraining order on Melissa I had already moved away, down to the South West, after my bosses sympathetically arranged a transfer. I went to a bigger store in Plymouth, with slightly less money and responsibility, but they needed to make sure my personal life wasn't going to blow up again. Who could blame them? I hated having to leave my life and friends behind in York, but both were...
Melissa and Julie As I walk up the stairs to the slaves shared bedroom I hear a low moan comingfrom behind the door. Sneaking towards the door I push it open a fraction Ipeer through the gap, inside I see Melissa kneeling on the bed her arse inthe air and her face buried in the pillows with Julie behind her lapping ather pussy and arse. Frowning as I had ordered neither of them to cum todayas I had plans for the evening. Striding into the room I shout at the two ofthem, pushing Julie away and...
"Like that would ever happen!" I exclaimed as I reached for the remote to turn off the television. I'd been forced by my girlfriend to sit through the whole of 'My Fake Fiancé' staring Melissa Joan Hart and some guy. At last, it had ended. The story basically involved MJH and the guy faking a wedding so that they would get gifts and money so replace the stuff that she had stolen and to pay off his gambling debts. Obviously they hate each other at first but end up falling in love. "What...
Melissa awoke, aware of two things. The sunlight, brightening the room despite thick curtains, was one. The other was the supple body of Stacey, who was wrapped round her, still asleep. The thin, oversized t-shirts they were both wearing did nothing to hide Stacey's curves, the soft firmness of her breasts or the hard, erect nipples that were tenting the material. Initially, Melissa was a bit disturbed by her feelings. 'I'm not interested in girls that way.' But she couldn't deny the...
"So, are you still having sex with your father?" Mark asked me again. I paused for a moment before replying, "Babe ... before I answer that question, I need to tell you what occurred after that weekend. Something really dramatic happened that changed my life completely. Then you will know it all, and I'll answer anything you ask." After he knows it all ... everything ... would I still be the woman he loved? Or just some perverted tramp? I worked up my courage and finished telling him...
This story took place a few years ago when I was 18. Up until that day, I had thought I was just a normal girl with an average heterosexual sex drive but it all goes to prove that if you allow yourself not to be tied to what is considered normal, then, anything can and will happen. My name is Joanna, I’m from central England, I’m about 5’6 tall, with shoulder length dark hair, hazel or green eyes, an English size 10 in clothes, with 34 ‘b’ cup boobs. I was on holiday in West Australia,...
I have written this quickly because I just have to get it out and I am horny and find it difficult to type while masturbating. One hand typing is not easy!I took a trip to a small town called Lillooet. There is a gorgeous lake called Seton where I spent all day Saturday of my visit soaking up the sun and enjoying the views. One view that I really enjoyed was a young First Nation girl who was beating the heat while swimming in the cool water. I watched her for a while, she appeared around 18...
Living in a college town, I've learned there's always plenty of eye candy, but also a general lack of experience to go with those young hard bodies. However, there's nothing I enjoy more than a young girl that seems so innocent until you've pulled their panties off, and then realize you've unleashed a monster...It was May, just a couple months ago, when I was out for a run by the beach. At the end of a 5 mile stretch, my mind was on a hot shower and a post-workout snack as I made my way through...
This story took place a few years ago when I was 18. Up until that day, I had thought I was just a normal girl with an average heterosexual sex drive but it all goes to prove that if you allow yourself not to be tied to what is considered normal, then, anything can and will happen. My name is Joanna, I'm from central England, I'm about 5'6 tall, with shoulder length dark hair, hazel or green eyes, an English size 10 in clothes, with 34 'b' cup boobs. I was on holiday in West Australia,...
ExhibitionismFrowning, Melissa picked up the envelope, untucked the flap and removed the single sheet of note-paper. "Darling girl. You have been, and are, a far better daughter than I could have hoped or deserve. This is just to say 'I love you'. Dad." 'Oh, Daddy ... what are you doing?' She stood still, looking at the few words. After a while she shrugged. 'Suppose there's not much I can do just now anyway... ' Suddenly uninterested in cooking, she put together a sandwich and clamped it into...
In the morning, Dennis and Melissa were the last to rise. It had been an exhausting night, and by the time they reached the breakfast table, their parents were almost finished. "Come on sleepy heads!", said Helen. "What time did you two get to bed last night... you both look like death warmed up!" "Don't worry, Mom," replied Dennis smiling at his sister. "We were both in bed REAL early... right Sis?" "Yeah, Mom!", smirked Melissa. "Too much sleep I guess." "Probably stayed...
Melissa had been sexually active since she was a pretty young age, by the time she was 16 she had already had several partners both male and female. She once had a threesome with her cousin (f) and a friend of theirs. It got her wondering how it would be to have multiple male partners. Now a normal person wondering this would just seek out two guy friends and go for it. But she was far from your normal girl. So what did she do you are asking yourself??? She started researching aka watching tons...
I was now on my first crusise on the ocean...I seen Melissa Gilbert up on the rail crying....I was running towards her when she jumped, I jumped in after her....Got hold of her and called for help but no one could hear me...we were adrift seems like hours with i see a small island and swim for it... When we hit the beach some time later and i got a fire going and gather some fruits and anything else i could find...I ask Ms. Gilbert why she jumped ship ? Well she said that her and Bruce had...
This story, while short and sweet, contains some bad words and veiled references to m2f transformation. It is based on a dream that I had. Hope you all enjoy it, BUT ONLY IF YOU ARE OVER 18 AND AGREED NOT TO POST THIS. It is for your personal enjoyment and is not to be rebroadcast in any form. Thanx, Karyn ________________________________________________ Melissa Virus By Karyn Amethyst Part one It was 3 am and I was getting tired. I had spent the last four days...
Melissa Won't Let Go. By Tanya H. -2- LORA. Wednesday came and I was due back at work. I could have called in sick, but what if there were no time limit on this? The bus into the city was crowded with men and women, so that was good. I hurried to the shopping precinct resolutely avoiding eye contact with anything male and got myself, still trousered, into the staff entrance of the store. Within two minutes of congratulating myself I was experiencing anal sex for the first time,...