Dog Story free porn video

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Do you remember Love Story with Ryan O’Neil and Ali MacGraw? Well, this is a love story of sorts, this is Dog Story. No, Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, and Old Yella are not the dogs in the story, but it is a dog story, just the same. Think of this dog story as you would remember Dino on the Flintstones or Astro on the Jetsons. (Boy, I’m showing my age.)

Where has all the love in the world gone? I’ll tell you where it has gone. It has gone to the dogs and to the cats. Why? Because pets are non-judgmental and they love you unconditionally, that is, taking a giant leap, of course, attributing human characteristics to animals by believing that they can love. Yet, for the purposes of this story, that is, for me to entitle it Dog Story, it is about dogs and not about cats and, as I am firm in the belief that pets can love their owners, or so I like to believe, it is about dogs loving us as much as we love them. Okay, to the little bald guy drooling, there is no sex with animals in this story, so go to another category if you are looking for that.

Now, for those who want to read about cats, there are plenty of pussy stories on Literotica from which to choose (lol). Yet, even though I have a cat, (actually, it is my girlfriend’s cat) I am a dog guy and will always be a dog guy. I love dogs and am not ashamed to write that I love dogs.

‘Dogs! I love you, all of you, whether you are a Great Dane or a Chiwowa.’ There, I feel better now getting that off my chest. Ah, shit, I just stepped in, yep, you guessed it, dog shit. Oh, well, it is a small price to pay. ‘Honey, can you clean off my shoe, again? I stepped in dog shit, again.’

See? Loving a dog is never having to say you are sorry even when you step in dog doo doo. I’m sorry for writing that, but based on the novel Love Story by Erich Segal and the subsequent movie Love Story, I could not resist. Of course, Al Gore and his wife Tipper should apologize for claiming that Love Story was written about their torrid or, more than likely, tepid love affair. Hmm…if it had been about Al and Tipper Gore, wouldn’t Tipper have succumbed to cancer 40 years ago?

Anyway, I digress, after the woman or man who acts like they are so interested in you but who does not want to have a long-term serious relationship, after the girlfriend or boyfriend leaves you for another guy or gal because he looks like Justin Timberlake, she like Halle Berry, or has as much money as Donald Trump or Oprah or both, and your ex-wife or ex-husband takes everything in the divorce settlement, Rover or Bella or Otto or whatever is your dog’s name is still there anxiously waiting for you to return home, that is, if she or he did not get custody of the dog in the divorce settlement. Damn, was all of the above one sentence? Try saying that fast three times.

Sure, Literotica is about writing erotic stories, but you cannot write an erotic story unless you are in the right mind frame and a pet, in my case, a dog always makes me smile. I mean, if you cannot love a dog, man’s or woman’s best friend, actually, there was that bookie who loaned me $5,000 and never asked for it back, now that’s a best friend. Anyway, if you cannot commit to a dog, then you will never commit to a woman or if you are a woman to a man or if you are gay or lesbian to whomever. Hey, whatever floats your boat is doggone okay with me.

My first dog was a black, Scottish Terrier, appropriately named, Blackie. We did not have him all that long. He barked at, chased after, and bit the vacuum, and since my mother never wanted a dog and loved her new Electrolux, he was history within a few months. Yet, after she realized how much I loved dogs and wanted a dog, we adopted Hurricane, a Miniature Manchester Terrier. Hurricane was aptly named because he was heading east from Kansas to Boston and had a brother Tornado and a sister Cyclone. This 8 pound wonder had the heart of a lion and once attacked a German Shepherd by jumping on its back and biting at its fur covered neck.

I remember the German Shepherd giving me a look that I read, ‘Can you get this little dog off my back? He’s bothering me.’

We had Hurricane for 13 years until he died of natural causes. That was when I got Buster. Buster was a mixed breed, Poodle and Beagle, a Poogle, from the Animal Rescue League in Boston. Although he was the runt of the litter, he was the leader of his pack. He was mostly black except for white paws, white on the tip of his tail, white around his neck, and a bit of white on his head. He looked a bit like a small Border Collie. He was smart. We used to play hide and seek. I never had a chance. He always found me.

I had Buster for 13 years, too, until he was ready to go and I took him to the vet for his final shot. It is such a sad day when you must say good-bye to your companion for the last time. I’m tearing up now, writing this. I loved that dog.

‘I miss you, Buster.’

After Buster, I decided that a mutt was a much better dog to own than a pedigree. So, I returned to the Animal Rescue League and adopted Brandy. Brandy, Dachshund and Shepherd, was a funny looking dog that the rescue had difficulty placing. Imagine for a second, a dog that looks like a German Shepherd, ears, coloring, and tail, but has an elongated body with short little legs. My brother used to call him Low Rider. Yes, I wondered that too, which the father was, the Dachshund or the Shepherd.

After Buster died, I did not want another dog. Yet, I was miserable without a dog. Still, I went a few years without the responsibility of having to care for a dog and not missing the early morning and late evening walks in the cold, the rain, the sleet, and the snow. Then, my mother died and I was depressed.

Of course, I am not equating the death of my dog with the passing of my mother, but my dog and my mom, at the time, were the two that took up most of my thoughts during the day.

Brandy, because of her personality, devotion, and loyalty was like my mother reincarnated. She was a fabulous dog and she loved me. I only had to put my hand down and wherever that dog was, she would come to me and lay at my side. Never have I had a dog so docile, gentle, and obedient as was Brandy. She helped me through the loss of my mother. It is so comforting to have a dog to pat and to love when you are feeling sad. The addition of that dog to my family at that time was uplifting, to say the least.

They say the good die young and Brandy was definitely good because she died prematurely, at age 8. The vet told me because of the mix, Dachshund and Shepherd, that she had some developmental problems with her back and internal organs. For me, I will never have another dog as sweet as was Brandy.

Again, it was some months before I could bring myself to getting another dog. I was heart broken at the loss of Brandy. Then, one day, missing having a dog so much, I called the Animal Rescue League on of all days, a Sunday. I did not expect them to be open on a Sunday but, rescued animals need care 24/7 and they were open.

‘Do you have any small dogs?’

Living in an apartment in Boston, even though I would love to have a Great Dane, a Doberman Pinscher or a German Shepherd, it would not be fair to the animal.

‘We have a Miniature Pinscher.’

Not really wanting another pain-in-the-ass pedigree dog, but liking the idea that the Min Pin resembled the Doberman in appearance, albeit, miniature in appearance, I drove over to see her. I knew, once I saw the dog, that I would take her home. I am such a sucker when I go into the animal rescue league and see all those dogs in cages. I feel bad for them and want to take them all home.

‘Sir, you cannot take all of those dogs home with you. Sir, step away from the cage. Sir, don’t make me whip you with this dog leash.’

On the way there, certain that I would adopt her, I thought of different names to name the dog. I was running the gamut of cute female names through my mind when I thought of some of the
names of the characters in my novels. That was when I thought of Roxanne, the main character in my first novel. From there, I decided to name her Roxy.

I took my two daughters with me and as soon as they let the dog out of the cage to run around, she ran over to them and never left their side. The dog was 2-years-old and I did not even consider that she already had a name until they told me the name of the dog and it was, yet, you guessed it, none other than, Roxy. Now, that was weird. Now, I know that I am not psychic so this must be fate.

At this point, since fate had intervened, this dog was, without doubt, coming home with us. We had Roxy for 13 years when, suddenly, it was her time to go, too. Roxy, although another pedigree and a miniature pedigree at that, was a good dog but had all the pain-in-the-ass idiosyncrasies for which miniature dogs are hated and/or beloved.

Yet, again, I was without a dog, only, this time, I was separated from my wife and moved to the other side of the state with my newly found girlfriend. Although, she has had dogs in her life, Golden Labs, which to me are more like stuffed animals than real dogs (okay, I can hear all the lab owners now who will surely send me e-mails telling me how great their dogs truly are), she has a cat and is, now, more of a cat person than she is a dog person. Still, cats are no dogs, you dog lovers know what I mean.

Okay, just allow me clarify my comment about Labs. Yes, they are real dogs and great dogs but, geez, they all look so much alike, don’t they? That is one dog that needs just a wee bit altercation to their gene pool, don’t you think? …And, have you ever seen a mean Lab? They all have the same calm loving personality of a…stuffed animal. Perhaps, if someone put a little Pit Bull in there, we’d have a real dog. (I’m in trouble, now.) C’mon, you know what I mean. Labs are the only dogs that will walk beside you without wearing a leash. Try that with a Terrier and see how fast he runs away from you.

Now, back to the story, I was without a dog for about a year before I started yearning to make another commitment to dog ownership. Yet, wondering if I should buy another pedigree or adopt a mutt, all the different breeds with the qualities of each breed ran through my mind in a blur.

Fortunately, I found the best of both. Quite by accident, I stumbled over a relatively new breed, less than 100 years old, a Rat Terrier. Rat Terriers are considered a pedigree and are recognized by the United Kennel Club but not yet recognized by the American Kennel Club. They have the loving personality of a mutt without all the health issues of a dog not genetically altered. Albeit, being a terrier, Rat Terriers are a little energetic, okay, they really are a handful. Geez, Polo can jump six feet up from a stand still. I gotta get him in obstacle course competition. He is a natural.

Rat Terriers are bred from mating the standard sized Manchester Terrier, sometimes called the Black and Tan Terrier, with a Whippet. Early Rat Terriers used Manchester Terriers with Fox Terriers, which is why so many of them have black heads and white, stocky, muscular bodies with short legs. Yet, my Rat Terrier had the prerequisite Manchester Terrier with a Whippet but also had a bit of Italian Greyhound.

I found this dog on the Internet from a breeder in Vermont. Once I saw his photo, I fell in love with him. Appropriately, since he was part Italian Greyhound, the breeder had named him Carmine but I knew that if he was my dog, I’d name him Polo. He just looked like something that Ralph Lauren would create. Those people who are not familiar with Rat Terriers mistake him for a Jack Russell Terrier, but the differences are huge.

He has chocolate brown over white with tan markings and, are you ready for this, green eyes. Never have I seen a dog with green eyes. Most dogs, of course, have brown eyes. I have seen some dogs with blue eyes, Huskies and Blue Danes, and even a dog with one brown and one blue eye, but never have I seen a dog with green eyes.

He is a handsome animal, so handsome that every time I take Polo to the dog park, people remark on his striking lines and beautiful body. He is very streamlined looking with his barrel chest, tiny stomach, and long muscular legs. He looks like a miniature race horse. He has a narrow body like an Italian Greyhound with long delicate legs like a Manchester Terrier and he is fast like a Whippet. I love him.

And that…is my love story, er, Dog Story.

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Dog Sex Aftermath

A Swingers Aftermath (The morning after a dog had fucked me) I sat in the kitchen, feeling so bad at 9am, nursing a hangover and sipping coffee, Carol then quietly came in too, pouring herself a coffee from the pot and she sat down. She didn't speak for ages, but then, looking closely at my face, she looked around theatrically, touched my hand gently and asked in a low confidential tone something on the lines of, 'How I was feeling about it now, the next day.' When I started to mention my...

3 years ago
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Dog Pound

It was a ridiculously hot night. ?She needed to escape her tiny, airless apartment as she was beginning to feel like a rat in a cage. ?Rubbing the back of her neck she quickly realized that being outside was not going to find her any sort of relief. ?It was like stepping into an oven.The humidity was toying with her, people went insane in heat like this didn’t they? ?A soft sigh from two plump lips as she can feel her thin pink tank top sticking to her skin already. ?She tugs at it impatiently...

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Dog Show GirlChapter 2 Dog Eat Dog

Through the years, if historians ancient and modern are to be believed, there is hardly a creature--bird, beast or fish--that has not been used for man's sexual gratification. We have already referred to the Roman arena spectacles, wherein giraffes, leopards, mandrills, bulls and boars were involved in the action. It is also recorded that Roman ladies of that time enjoyed running snakes up their vaginas in the warm weather for a cool, refreshing fuck. In ancient Egypt both men and women...

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Dog and His BoyChapter 7 Meet The Enemy

Vikki looked troubled. "My Mother ordered me to tell you everything. Those three aren't going anywhere in a hurry so let's just sit out here and I'll begin as soon as your mother comes back outside." Vikki sat on one end of the porch swing and patted the empty place next to her, indicating she wanted Greg to sit close beside her. Greg sat in silence. He realized this was not a time for his usual smart remarks. His mind was on overload. Linda came out just then. "I heard what you said....

4 years ago
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Dog Training

I came home to my new puppy. I was always bouncing around from place to place as a kid so never had the chance to own a pet. It was the first thing I did when I got my own place. Rex was already a couple of years old, still a puppy, but trained. At least, that's what I thought. It didn't take long for me to realize he wasn't exactly housebroken. After some chewed shoes, and some new stains in my apartment I was ready to flip. I started to research how to train my puppy. Of course I...

2 years ago
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Dog Training at Hargreaves

This is a fantasy story and all the locations, characters, corporations, facilities and practices herewith described are fictitious and stem from the author's imagination alone.Dog Training at Hargreaves.Julian Hargreaves looked disdainfully at the latest intake of patients for his up-market Institution in the foothills of the Anderson range in Malvern County, they came as ever in SUV's, the road far too tortuous for Limo's, every one pampered and preened like they were attending a Hollywood...

3 years ago
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Dog toy

After I caught my most recent girlfriend cheating on me, she left me. We had just got a a black Lab puppy the week before. She didn't want the puppy and left it for me. This story starts when he was about 3 months old and I was watching him furiously fuck his stuffed beagle. We would wrestle with it, he would shake the hell out of it and every once in a while he would hump it. I thought this was funny as hell as he would mount the beagle from every angle and hump away. He was too young...

1 year ago
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Dog island

It was a hot and muggy day that Steve, my husband, and I arrived at our friends’ house. I really looked forward to our visits with Joyce and John on their delightful private island in the bay, but the boat trip was always long and, today, it was particularly hot. Joyce, a gorgeous lady in anyone’s book, greeted us. John was off somewhere doing some chores. The welcome was reserved, almost cool, I thought, but it helped to offset the rowdy greeting we received from Jake and Fluff,...

3 years ago
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Dog Bitch To Gloryhole Hooker

Introduction: I push my wife to explore her darker fantasies and take her to back room of a sleazy adult bookstore. My wife and I had reached a point in our relationship where we needed to find new sexual territory. We started to play around with domination fetish stuff. After a while we found that she really got off on humiliation and being degraded. So I started giving her orders to tell me her fantasies and she did her best to obey. At first it was all tame and some of it for my amusement...

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Dog MomChapter 2

After a longish delay, so sorry. Here is Part 2 ... more to come! The Show Must Go On? The next morning, I woke with the oddest aftertaste in my mouth, and realized that my bellyful of canine semen the night before must have had a strange reaction in my stomach. It wasn’t unpleasant, just different. The first cup of coffee washed it away, and I felt fine. I did some housework, some work work (I worked from home back then, and had the flexibility to pretty much work as much or as little as I...

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Dog lovers cuck

We started dating, long distance at first (she lived “close”, but it was a few towns away), but I eventually got a job in her town and we rented a house together and got a dog. To this point we still hadn’t done anything with a dog yet, we had just talked about it and watched some porn together and had sex with each other. She told me about her experiences. She grew-up in a rural area where everyone had a few acres, mostly with horses and such. They had two female dogs and one of their...

3 years ago
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Dog LoversChapter 3

David and Goddess were waiting for me near the covered bridge, which was very real and very old. It had been turned into the centerpiece of a small park just outside of town. I thought my new friend would be more comfortable hanging out there than he'd be watching me pack my things. David needed a little time alone. "Hey!" I smiled at the sixteen year old boy as Shadow, my boyfriend and three year old black lab, bounded eagerly past me. Dogs love parks. "Hi, Ms. Sands ... Uh, Julie."...

1 year ago
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Dogging TalesChapter 5

Sunday morning and I walked to Victor’s and saw him waiting by his car. King was with him and he asked me if I was OK and recovered from yesterday? I replied of course, and asked him where we were off to today? “Well let’s see if Angela turns up and if she has her dog with her. I know a place about 30 minutes from here called Stanborough, near Milton Keynes. It’s a dogging area with secluded parking around a big lake” “Dogging area! What, you mean a place where people walk their...

4 years ago
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Dog and His BoyChapter 11 The Power Of Purple

Late in the afternoon of the following day, three bicycles were delivered, complete with shrouded motors. They looked like motorbikes of the future. Steve checked the first one out and nodded his approval. Greg and Vikki took the other two out for short rides through the woods. Greg yelled at the top of his lungs, filled with the joy and excitement of being alive as he and Vikki used the trees for an obstacle course and ducked back and forth as they traveled at high speeds between the trees....

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Dog nights

I’m just an ordinary girl, mid-forties, teacher at a secondary school but wit a liking for the unexpected. I’m submissive, my current Master is Sam, we’ve been together for maybe ten months. Sam treats me well if a little bit left field I guess but I obey him totally.So the story goes…Cat thrown to the dogsI reported to Sam’s as instructed at 9pm on New Year’s Eve.Sam told me to come in, there was also another guy there name of Douglas, I was told that he was loaning me for the night.I was...

2 years ago
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Dog Daze

‘Ariel, don’t you dare pee on the bed!’ I smiled at my little joke. Ariel wouldn’t do that, of course. Ariel was my adorable, prize-winning Yorkshire Terrier, and she was far too well behaved for that kind of behavior. I had brushed her coat until it shined, and now it was time for our walk. I attached the leash to her harness and we made our way towards the front door. We stopped briefly by the full-length mirror and made a final inspection. My black hair was cut to perfection and I looked...

2 years ago
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Dog Show GirlChapter 5 Dog Show Girl

A young friend of mine, when he heard I was surveying the subject of bestiality, suggested that I check out a freaky chick of his acquaintance who had been known to perform wild stunts with a small dog at parties and other social gatherings. I looked into the matter and came across Julia, a beautiful twentyish fugitive from the love-generation. She had dropped out of high school and split from home at seventeen and in the two or three years since then had set some kind of world's record for...

1 year ago
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Dogging at your convenience

Kim read the e- mail again. Meet me in St Georges Park at 6pm, bring your collar, were going on a dogging adventure.Bill xxAs far as she knew the local park wasn’t a dogging site but she was excited about whatever game Bill had up his sleeve. There “adventures” had gotten more and more risky as the months had gone by and he had been concentrating on her humiliation side and exploring that avenue. Kim giggled to herself and made preparations to go and meet her wonderful Dom. She pulled up in the...

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Dogging With My Daughter

My husband had gone out of town to go hunting for a week so my fifteen year old daughter and I went to visit my sister Pam. Pam is a free spirit, 50 years old but she looks just like me which is funny because I am only 45. We are both slim, nice boobs, sandy blonde hair, overall a real nice package. My daughter, Kelly, looks just like us but a younger version. We arrived at Pam's, her husband was gone for the weekend also, and ate dinner and were sitting around drinking wine. Pam talked alot...

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Dog desire Chapter 4

Berny continued to lap away on Marie’s pussy and clit. Her moaning and groaning grew louder. Sliding her hands up under her T-shirt she fondled her breasts. Her eyes were closed and her head thrown back. “Oh God I want you so bad” she purred as she had her first dog-inspired orgasm. She pushed him away and immediately fell to her knees. I had already supplied a towel. Marie didn’t even have a chance to signal as Berny knew exactly what this bitch wanted. He quickly mounted her and began...

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Dog Lovers DiaryChapter 2 The Dog Sitter

November 1, 1966 Anyway, when the Verduccis sold their house next door and moved to Oregon, we got some new neighbours, the Baxters. Right from the minute they pulled up out front. I knew I was going to like them. For out thing, they weren't dried up old prunes like the Verduccis. Mr. Baxter, or Wally as he liked to he called, was about twenty-five and his wife, Lenore, was a couple of years younger. He was tall and tanned, blond and good-looking, a skier. Lenore was a very petite woman...

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doggone eating

Oh FUCK!  I’m burning up, my pussy can’t take it.  It hurts.How the hell did I get myself into this mess?  I’m so fucking horny, I don’t know what to do with myself.  I can’t touch myself, my clit hurts too much when I touch myself.  That alligator clip I was forced to wear all day yesterday really did a number on me.  I am still swollen and cut from it.  My nipples are still distended from the nipple clamps. They were tightened till I bled.  At the time I was too mindless to realize what they...

1 year ago
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Dog day afternoon

Brian and Beth’s sex life had slowly diminished over the years. Brian seemed more interested in work and more so now he was the council’s CEO. Beth was initially satisfied with sex maybe once or twice a week but Brian no longer spent time working her up. A frantic 10 minutes and then head for the shower. Beth would wait until she heard the water running and masturbate to get herself off. More recently she had online ordered a toy and when Brian was at council meetings or committee meetings she...

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