Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 10 Ruko s Rubber Clinic
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Hello, my name is Freya and I work in a Veterinary Clinic in a small village in Holland. My job is to assist the veterinary surgeons in their research work with animals. They deal mainly with dogs and I care for the animals when the clinic closes in the evening and at weekends.
I love all the animals and would do anything for them, but my favourites are the dogs. The current research involves dosing the animals with human genes to try and help with human reproductive problems. What this means, in reality, is that they are using the dogs to substitute for humans by giving them hormones and gene therapy to make their bodies emulate human bodies. It's much easier to get a licence to experiment on animals rather than humans. One of the research experts explained that the male dogs are now capable of fertilising a human egg and the female bitches are capable of conceiving and bearing human babies after they have gone through the program to 'culture' them. They are soon to try and create the first baby to be born to a female dog in the whole world, although the scientist who confided in me said they have already proved it works in the kennels and aborted the foetus after 4 months due to ethical problems.
Apart from my real love of animals, I have another reason why I devote my life to them... I have sex with the male dogs and would do this job for nothing just to enjoy the orgasms they give me.
I find that the best time to have good sex with my dogs is dependent on my menstrual cycle. The odour from my vagina always excites the male dogs, I suppose it reminds them of the smell of a bitch. If I'm having a period my vagina gives out an especially strong odour and the male dogs see that as a signal to fuck me. When a dog bitch is in heat her genitals become blood-filled, swollen and give out a higher amount of odour. The bitch will then, when given a chance, turn her back to the dog, to show the dog that she is ready to be mounted. The male dog will then often sniff at her vagina and lick at it for some time. After some time he will mount her. This procedure works the same with women. When a dog smells my scent he will approach me and start to sniff, after that he will try to lick me.
I always get a large dog with a good size penis as a thick penis provides more friction on my clitoris. I love the bone that a dog's penis has running through it. When it hits my clit or my cervix it never fails to excite me. Because when it comes to dogs, the size of the penis is irrelevant compared to the way it's built. A dog's penis looks completely different when compared to a humans. Instead of having a foreskin like the human, its entire shape is like the tip of the human male, that means reddish, and very sensitive to touches. The lack of foreskin, means instead that they have a 'coat' in which the entire penis withdraws when it's not erected. This coat is furry, and hides the penis which is much larger than the sheath is, and when erected it draws back, and allows the penis to push out and enlarge. Instead of having the familiar and sensitive 'mushroom', like the human, it is pointy at the tip, then growing larger after 2-3 cm. The entire penis is as sensitive as the human's tip. When a dog gets aroused his penis erects and leaves the protective sheath. Unlike a human the dog creates the sperm while his penis is erected, and he is aroused. Another thing that differs is that the dog's penis will ejaculate during the entire sex act, from the first moments of erection to the end of the intercourse, this makes the intercourse more pleasurable. But the most important feature, is the one that makes the sex act most exciting, the dog's KNOT... When a dog enters the bitch and starts his humping motion in her vagina, he also starts coming instantly. But after some time, when the male dog reaches 'real orgasm' then the base of his penis will swell. The male dog will then try to push this knot inside the bitch's vagina. Once inside he will not move any longer, instead he will keep a constant pressure to assure that the knot is really inside. During these seconds the knot will start swelling even more inside the vagina to such a size that it won't be able to extract. During this time the dog will start to ejaculate even more intensely inside the vagina. The knot's function will then be to keep the mating couple together for some time. The reason is to ensure that the sperm is deposited deep inside the vagina and to increase the chance for insemination. Many women only have sex with dogs because of this feature.
Making love to a dog can be very simple, as they are always ready for you. However I have these items handy when the itch starts, just to make my pleasure even greater and to make it good and safe for me. I put socks, on my lover's paws to prevent them from scratching me. But, most importantly, with these dogs, I wear my Contraceptive cap and spermicide, to prevent inadvertent pregnancy!
The dog starts coming almost instantly when his penis erects. At the beginning the spurts are very slow and the amount of liquid is very small, but the more aroused he gets the more liquid will he produce. When I'm prepared to let him enter me, I find it's wise to have a big towel under me so that his semen wont stain the carpet or sheets. I should add that these dog's sperm CAN get you pregnant! Therefore I take my usual precautions to prevent that problem. I can't take the Pill so I have to use a contraceptive cap which I fill with spermicide and have to leave in position for at least 6 hours after love making has finished.
There are several positions in which I can make love to my dogs. Each position has an advantage, but it's good if you know something about all positions, that is which one gives the most pleasure, which one is where the penis enters you the deepest, or which one where my clitoris is mostly stimulated and the most important, in which position I am likely to end up in a 'tie' with the dog.
The missionary position is probably the most used position through time. In the missionary position the woman lies on her back and the man is above. The missionary position can also be used when making love to a dog, it gives the woman a chance to supervise the entire session and to see the entire process. The missionary position can be performed in bed or on the floor. If the dog is a big one, it's good if you have 1 or more pillows, the big 'hard' model is preferable, which can be placed under my body. By placing them under my buttocks, the lower part of my body will be in such an angle that the penis can be inserted easily into my vagina. When in position you guide my lover's penis, to make it easier for him to enter you, and when he is inside you I just try to relax. The lubricating semen of his will make it extremely easy, and within a few seconds he will start to make the so familiar 'humping' motions. What is interesting and enjoyable is that the rhythm is pretty fast and the session is very wet. During the entire session the dog will come inside me, lubricating the walls of my vagina. But when a dog approaches 'real' orgasm his penis will start to swell even more, especially the base of his erection. This is the moment to decide whether I should let him get in a tie with me or not. If I don't want to then I try to push him away by grabbing gently around the base of his penis, however it's the tie that makes it extremely pleasurable, and by not engaging in a tie with my lover, I wont get the ultimate feeling. If I let him keep humping me his penis will swell even more, and suddenly he will stop with his entire shaft inside me, and at the same time I feel the warm semen spurting inside me, his penis pulsing. The amount of semen in each jet increases, and the watery and transparent appearance of it is changed into a more whitish liquid which reminds me of human sperm. In a few seconds his penis reaches such a size that the base of it will be up to 3 times the diameter. The base of the penis that has swollen to such a size is located just inside my vagina. The knot will be in my vagina and I feel my body is completely filled. A dog's body temperature is very much higher than a human's, therefore I can feel the heat of his warm seed spurting deep inside my me, and due to the pressure caused by his enlarged penis, it will soon spread in my entire abdomen. The knot means that nothing will leak out. After a minute or two I will feel his penis swell even more, and I sometimes panic at some point when I think that he will swell to such a size he will split my vagina. The enlargement comes slowly and the vagina accommodates to the size easily.
During the tie the dog might start to lick my face, the reason a dog does this is to show his appreciation, to his mate that he has been chosen to make her pregnant. What I have to check before I end up in a tie is that I don't really know how long I will be in a tie with the dog. 'Normal' time for being in a tie is about 5-15 minutes. However it's not unusual to find dogs which end up in a tie for 30-45 minutes, especially the bigger dogs. I can give you an example, with a lover I have been in a tie for about 4-5 minutes which is the shortest, but with the same dog I have been in a tie for over one hour. Therefore I have to be calm and have more free time than I would when making love to a man. This is the main difference in the sex act between a man and a dog. A dog wont leave you after he comes, instead he will remain hard inside you, coming all the time he is in you. It's important that I don't have to suddenly go to the kitchen to take something out of the oven or similar. When the knot has swollen in such a size it reaches it's maximum my vagina will probably be full of his seed, as a dog produces about 2-6 times the amount of sperm a man does. The missionary position gives me maximum clitoral stimulation. But I also get stimulation of my clitoris and breasts by his fur, and it feels extremely exciting having his humping body in contact with my naked skin. When the knot is just inside my vaginal opening my labia will pout out, making the clitoris protrude from between my vaginal lips. This gives me an excellent chance to masturbate. It often doesn't take more than a few touches due to the fact his knot is pulsing inside me, stimulating the clitoris from inside to induce multiple orgasm. My body will be flooded by orgasm after orgasm, my vagina twitching and squeezing my lover's penis uncontrollably for several minutes. During the later part of the tie I will feel my lover's penis start to get smaller, and I will also feel that his spurts aren't as powerful as earlier. The liquid will also consist of less sperm and a more clinging substance. The Scientists explained that the reason for this is to 'close' the entrance to the womb, to create something like a plug to hold the sperm that has entered inside it. This plug has the function of assuring that a high amount of the dog's sperm will remain inside the womb and to make a pregnancy possible. However, because I could become pregnant, I have to rely on the latex rubber of my Cap to prevent semen from entering my womb. I had once decided to try anal sex with a dog and for this reason I had left my Cap out, feeling that even with my anus full of dog sperm, I would be safe. However, as it turned out, the animal I had sex with that night appeared to know what was what on a woman, and no matter how many times I adjusted my position to take him anally, he pulled back and came forward again to try and take me vaginally. In the end I had to return him frustrated to his kennel, as he would not follow my plans for sex that evening,
I think it was because of that night that I tried a more risky form of sex with my dog. I don't know what got into me that day, it was a Saturday and I was alone in the Clinic. I had taken Major, a large Great Dane for an extended walk and I took him back to my room. As I reached for my Cap and the can of spermicide I suddenly had the urge to ride bareback! Putting the Cap down on my bedside table I adopted the 'doggie' position but 'chickened out' when I saw the dog's erection develop. I could see pre-come leaking from the tip of his penis already and I knew it was dangerous. However, the urge wouldn't go away so I compromised and put on a pair of panties to protect myself. Bending over the bed again I watched Major approach me. Shaking with anticipation I saw his erection build again and he ran forward to take me. He began humping at my pantie covered backside and his pre-come stained the material. I knew I wouldn't be satisfied without full penetration and in a moment of madness I reached back and moved the gusset slowly to one side. My heart was pounding as he tried to connect with my unprotected sex organ. Then he connected and penetrated my first inch. I panicked and tried to back out of the whole thing but his next two humps forced his all eight inches of his penis fully inside me and the weight of him pushed me down on the bed. It was as if he knew I was capable of conceiving and he seemed determined to 'do' me! All I could do now was wait until he ejaculated and pray that it was the wrong time of the month for me. In the corner of my eye I saw my contraceptive Cap on the bedside table. It was useless now as the dog come almost immediately and I felt him thrusting the contents of his testicles deep inside my womb. He quickly slipped his knot inside me and rapidly expanded it to complete my treatment! I was tied to him for a full hour and as he licked my neck and the side of my face he almost appearing to be gloating at his conquest. I got lucky that time as I started a period two days later. To teach him a lesson I forced him to lick my period blood and baited him for failing to impregnate me. The trouble is that I was left with the urge to have risky sex with these dogs and I decided to keep a cutting from an advert from an abortion clinic in case I weakened and a dog managed to fertilise me.
It can be very stimulating to feel a dog's penis in my mouth, to see it so close, to feel his seed spurt. One day I know I'm not going to be able to resist the urge to take a dog's knot in my mouth. It's desperately dangerous as the erection will be down my throat and the knot will be trapped in my mouth. It will definitely prevent me from breathing through my mouth and it will leave only my nose to breath with. I may have to breath this way for up to an hour if the dog's knot persists.
The scientists have also managed to isolate the canine pheromone which causes a bitch to go on heat. I stole a syringe of this fluid last week and sprayed my knickers with half of it one evening after hours. The effect was staggering... Every male dog in the place was affected. Wherever I walked the dogs developed erections in their cages and clawed at the wire to get free and at me! The sensation of power was overwhelming as I strutted through the kennels causing mayhem!
Unable to resist the feelings any more I let myself into a cage with three German Shepherds in it. Instantly I was faced with three huge erections as they sniffed voraciously at my crotch. I was soaking wet with the effect it was having and all the dogs' attentions. They all but forced me to my knees and I hastily let myself out of the cage and returned to my room. I couldn't risk being gang raped by three dogs that were capable of inseminating a woman. Back in my room I frigged my fanny to orgasm, but still I was not satisfied. I knew I would weaken and so it turned out. Fitting my Cap I went back to the kennels and immediately they caught the smell the sleeping dogs awoke. That stuff was incredible! I let myself into an empty cage that was linked to a cage with the three Alsations. I got down on my knees with my backside towards them and watched as they clawed and the wire between the caged in a frenzy! I looked wistfully at the latch locking the gate between the cages and then in a moment of madness I reached up and opened the gate just enough to let one of the dogs in. It was all I could do to stop all three from forcing their way into the cage with me. Snapping the gate shut the lucky dog that had got in mounted me instantly and his leaking penis soon found its way to my sex lips. I was facing the other dogs through the wire as their partner fucked me mercifully, coming in me continuously. The outside dogs licked their lips and howling in anticipation of gang raping their 'bitch'! I knew that after this dog had done with me that I wouldn't be able to resist letting the other two in to fight over me. All the dogs wanted to have me that night. The current dog formed his knot in me and the others calmed down seeming to know that I was temporarily 'out of action' Taking my chance I undid the catch on the gate and they rushed to sniff and lick me. Two huge alsations waited for me to become free to fuck again. I was their bitch and they were now in control! As the first dog's erection wilted and he slid out of me the other two fought and snarled to be next. I shut my eyes and waited for the victor to take me. I didn't have to wait long as the black and brown male connected with me and pushed viciously into my slit. The greasy liquid from the last tenant helped his penetration and he humped liked the end of the world was due. He was a large dog and I felt him touch my cervix with the spurting tip of his bony penis. A wave of panic swept over me again as I feared that the latex rubber might not hold out. My period was two weeks ago and I was definitely due to ovulate. His semen joined the rest and the knot formed within me. I took the opportunity to frig my swollen clitoris to a massive orgasm whilst the third dog stood behind me as if in a queue. Ten minutes later he was inside me and supplying another huge dose of dog semen. It ran down my inner thighs like milk!
Crawling to the gate , I somehow managed to get out of the cage and lock the dogs in. I lay gasping for breath as I felt my battered crotch. Three frantic dogs had taken me and didn't I know it. Back in my room I lay on the bed and felt my slit. There was at least a pint of semen inside me and I knew my Cap would have to stay in place for all of the next day. As I drifted off to sleep, however, I felt that urge to take the dogs bareback returning...
The following month, I checked my diary. Ovulation was imminent and the urge to take a dog bareback was beginning to overwhelm me. I fished out the advert for the abortion clinic and rang the number. I asked how much it cost and how soon I could be done. The receptionist told me that it was 300 guilders and there was a two week waiting list. I checked my bank account and finding I could afford it, made my mind up. The dogs were going to enjoy this evening! I booked a two week break from work, a month from now, just in case I 'took' and waited until the last member of staff left. I then I put on a black waspy and stockings leaving my backside exposed. The dogs would require full access to my lower appendages! Shaking with anticipation, I kept asking myself if I would go through with it or 'chicken out' at the last moment. Looking for ways to delay my visit to the kennels, I sat on the toilet and urinated nervously. Then I wiped my sex lips and reached for the half syringe of dog pheromone... I squirted a generous amount of the wonderful dog juice on my vulva and then I was ready... I knew that when the dogs smelt me, they would be as well! Slipping on an outrageous pair of high heeled shoes I strutted down to the kennels with my fanny and backside exposed to the cool air.
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Hello everyone, I m Vijay a regular fan of this site, and I submit stories regularly too This story happened in pune….I want the doctor to read this story too… It happened 1 year back, I was 24 year old and was back in pune for my last year engineering exams when I fell sick, I went to the best hospital in hadapsar, and as soon as I entered the hospital’s clinic, I saw her, her name was Pooja, she was busty, with very good figure, huge boobs of 36C or DD, I just kept staring at her boobs and...
IncestHello My self Zaid 22 this is my first story of first sex . It was the story of last 4yrs when i was working the clinic at that time i was 18yrs our regular patient was there she was having wound on her right foot which required dressing(Patti to be changed) with her, her daughter used to come with her, she was 16 whitish in co lour large boobs height 5″,s her wound was smelling badly when she came and sat daily they used to come on 1 o clock on that day they came & doctor was going to come...
"How did the rest of your stay there go?" Riku asked, "I read the part you wrote today and that seemed pretty traumatic." We'd arrived back late the previous day. Shelumba told us the Major was rather annoyed as he'd sent a proper car for us but that had perforce to go via the cablecar station and the dirt road to the camp. We'd made an early start and had turned off that road on to the contour track before the car reached us. "The Major wanted to see you before he went away for a...
Michelle's Visits to the ClinicChapter I The cab stopped in front of the large brownstone building and Michelle gotout and paid the driver. She walked up 6 steep steps and rang the bell. Asshe stood waiting, the snow and wind blew in her face. For a brief moment Michelleturned and considered getting back in the cab and going back to her hotel.No, this time she would do it. This was the time she had been waiting for.She had a three-day lay over in Chicago and she did not have any other...
If you have not read my other “Dogging” stories here is some back round info. I am a ex stripper and exhibitionist who loves to suck cock and fuck outside where there is a chance to be seen by others. Dogging combines technology with swinging, cruising, exhibitionist and voyeurism. To wit: Couples, single men, women and strangers watch exhibitionist couples who've met on the Web have sex in cars or outdoors in parks, hiking trails, forest, country roads and sometimes they join in. We have...
Sara was sitting at the staff desk of the Bangladesh rehabilitation clinic watching the other staff getting ready to leave for the night, Sara had trained as a nurse and at 18 was on duty all night in the 20 bed unit housing teens with drink problems, the unit was a high level secure unit with each of the lads in a cell on their own, all that was in the cell was a bed fixed to the wall with a blanket attached to the bed, the part that Sara loved was that the lads were naked at all times, it was...
I looked down at myself and saw that I was completely naked. I saw my well-built body and my seven inch cock. I stood up, leaning against the bedpost, nearly falling over. Then I felt something hanging around my neck, not tight enough to be uncomfortable or stop my breathing, but enough so that it fit snugly and I couldn't take it off. It felt like leather, with a piece of metal attached to it. I stumbled over to the mirror and looked at my reflection. I looked at my dark brown hair and blue...
Introduction: A simple lactation job goes horribly wrong Pt 1 I walk into the clinic and am greeted by the receptionist. I have a 2:30 with Dr Green I announce. You must be our new lactator were you told not to express for 8 hrs before you arrived? I nod my breasts swollen and sore. Ok just head down to room 204, remove all of your clothes and pop up on the bed. I thank her and head down to room 204. I am a lactation surrogate and have saved many babies from having to go onto formula. But...
Starting when I was sixteen years old, I began to be a very competitive swimmer. I was totally devoted to the sport, and my parents were very supportive. In the course of my training, my coach told my parents about an intensive six-week swim clinic outside of Munich. It was run by a young German couple in their thirties at their home. They were former Olympic swimmers and had a beautiful home that could accommodate six students who would rotate in and out for six intensive weeks throughout the...
Teenentering the room doctor had me disrobe no gown said normal for military clinic exami am on the examining table i have all my cloths off with me completely naked . the doctor comes in and asks me to lay on the table and scoot down to the end and put my feet in the stirrups. he ask me to spread my legs as far as i can then he push's legs back to were knees are by shoulders and butt pointing up towards ceiling with my ass and pussy wide open. He then left room for a min and had three new doctors...
My pelvic exam is broken up into three parts because each part is so different. The first part of it is my rectal exam & radiology studies of my lower colon. The second part is my bladder exam & x-rays of my bladder. The last part is my vaginal exam & ultrasound. I was told to give myself an enema before I came so I would be clean for the rectal exam. When I first got there, the nurse led me into a room with a special table called a proctology table. he told me to take off all my...
I was at the waiting room in that clinic; hoping the replacement of my female gynecologist would be another woman. When i finally got called in, I was a little surprised to find a middle aged black man.He was tall and very broad. He was wearing shiny shoes; the way he was dressed made me think of the classic "pimp" style. He had a thick African accent, when he told me to take a seat and asked me few questions.Then he told me he wanted to examine me. I took off my jeans and panties but then he...
No k**s so far. It did not seem to help with anything, still you could not get pregnant. So you and your husband decided it was time to see an expert. You had talked to two of your female friends who had gone for treatment and now had k**s.They both had gone to the same doctor. They told you that he had used a different method to get a woman pregnant and that you would enjoy his treatments.You signed up with Dr. Smith the next day. He had an appointment the next Wednesday. First appointment...
Dr. Masters sat in his big padded leather swivel chair at his big polished walnut desk. A clipboard lay in his lap, and he looked over the pages, studying the applications and reports. He would consign most of them to the staff, but a few he would personally check out. Like this one, he thought, looking at one of the applications. Hmm, Shellie Wright, twenty-four years of age, married, auburn hair, green eyes, five foot six, hundred and twenty-five; husband found to be sterile; wants a baby,...
Baby centre. Evan shut the car door, and walked towards the entrance of the building. He noticed a woman walking towards him. They exchanged glances but did not speak. They entered the building together. How did I get here? Evan thought as the smoked glass door slid open automatically. He walked into the brightly lit foyer. A few months earlier, Evan sat at his laptop; as he did most nights, staring into the screen. He was exploring his fetishes, on line, just to while away the...
When Karma got a job in a fertility clinic a young man came in and said he wanted to deposit his sperm. She handed him a cup and said to find and room and fill it."You don't understand, I want to squirt it in your pussy" he smiled.Karma looked at the handsome boy and whispered."Wait until I get off work and we will go to your house"Men jacking off behind closed doors made her so horny she she wanted sex. His name was Fred and he was waiting for her after she got off work."Have you been waiting...
Adult HumorThis is a story about a guy I met while I was dogging in Clophill on the old A6 the main road from Barton to Bedford. The area is a well known dogging spot and is in a long off road lay-by next to some woods. During the daytime it is a rest area from the busy main road and trucks and cars can pull in for a while. There’s even a catering van and picnic area but after dark it is a great dogging spot. Cars are parked up in a long line and sometimes big trucks and vans are there as well, with...
It had been a long time fantasy for my wife, Anna and I. I love watching her getting fucked, and she loves having some stranger use her for his personal gratification, especially outdoors. So dogging was something we were bound to experience.For months we had read dogging stories and watched several internet movies of dirty wives and girlfriends turning up at local car parks to get fucked and covered in hot cum. We knew of several alleged dogging sites within a five mile radius of own home, but...
My wife, Loni, and I have been married for about twenty years. We have been swingers, done swapping, and most recently we have taken up dogging. We both love it! It started out when some swinger friends of ours suggested we try it with them. First my wife just jacked off some guys, then she let some guys cum on her chest. Then she went to blowjobs and swallowed. Then Loni fucked a guy and made him pull out and spew on her bush. Then she went for one guy fucking her and cumming inside. Then she...
Another true experienceMy name is Diane I am 46 years old 36c boobs and a nice bum, see my picsWith the COVID-19 keeping us all home I started to get bored sitting online talking to my sexy friends on xhamster and looking for something interesting to do I looked on the swinger site i use.I noticed a few of the men had dogging as their main interest, so I had a look to see what that was all about and boy was I pleased with what I saw.I put my webcam on and logged in to a Scottish dogging room...
Some of the Dogging adventures that we have participated in we did not tell anyone who my husband was, he was anonymous just one of the guys that showed up. Those are some of the most exciting dogging adventures we have because the guys do not know my husband is watching and participating. My husband say’s the guys treat me different, nastier and sexually erotic when they don’t know he is my husband. Now my husband wants to take it to the next step. He wants to hide and watch me with 2 guys...
Do you remember Love Story with Ryan O’Neil and Ali MacGraw? Well, this is a love story of sorts, this is Dog Story. No, Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, and Old Yella are not the dogs in the story, but it is a dog story, just the same. Think of this dog story as you would remember Dino on the Flintstones or Astro on the Jetsons. (Boy, I’m showing my age.) Where has all the love in the world gone? I’ll tell you where it has gone. It has gone to the dogs and to the cats. Why? Because pets are...
My life changed on a Friday, just after I'd turned eighteen and recently moved into a new life. That's how I liked to think of it. After leaving the modest village where I'd grown up, I'd moved to the modest town where I'd be attending community college. I wanted to be a graphic artist or something, I wasn't really sure, but I liked art and I was kind of good at it anyway. So those were the kind of classes I took while I worked part-time at Sears, dressing mannequins and putting up...
My friend Lane seems to always have terrible breath in the morning. I wonder why... Three or four times a year Lane and I would go camping in the mountains for a couple of weeks and have a good time fishing, hiking, telling stories and drinking beer. Sometimes we would go with a group of friends but most times just him and I would go. When Lane would fall asleep for the night he would be out cold. I never saw anyone so deep asleep. When we were in our teens we used to do all kinds of...
DOGGINGWe pull up in the car park by the reservoir, it's ten at night and everything seems really quiet. It's a hot night so I wind down the car windows to let in the moonlight.We'd been out drinking, but I got the driving job so I was perfectly sober, but my wife had had plenty to drink and was no doubt feeling a little horny.I put her hand on my lap as we kissed and without hesitation she had undone my flies and had my cock in her hand, starting to slowly wank it. After a few strokes I was...
DOGGINGWe pull up in the car park by the reservoir, it's ten at night and everything seems really quiet. It's a hot night so I wind down the car windows to let in the moonlight.We'd been out drinking, but I got the driving job so I was perfectly sober, but my wife had had plenty to drink and was no doubt feeling a little horny.I put her hand on my lap as we kissed and without hesitation she had undone my flies and had my cock in her hand, starting to slowly wank it. After a few strokes I was...
She wakes up, rolls out of bed and heads down stairs to make some coffee. She lives alone now her son has been gone and her husband divorced her. This house is too big for just her and her three golden retrievers. She lets the three big dogs sleep in the bed with her every night, taking up most of the bed. She pours herself a cup of coffee and heads back up stairs to get ready for work. Undressing to take a shower. The water is good and hot and as she washes herself, she gets...
Chapter I:It is safe to say that Alicia wasn’t expecting anything like this to happen over our three day weekend together. We had been planning the weekend away for months and finally it was here. It was mid-morning on Friday and I had just picked her up from her office. She is a VP of marketing for a bank and has a pretty fearsome reputation as a hard-driven woman in pursuit of success.As we drove to the house, ostensibly to pick up our things, she didn’t know that I had made alternate plans...
(Dog Show)Goddess Samantha is putting on an erotic filled Femdom party. At the beginning all six male slaves are placed in dog cages yet not considered to be worthy to be pets where about be participants in an event that was going taken place, "The Dog Show". It was an exciting event anticipated and enjoyed by the Ladies (except for the slaves who are the miserable dogs). It results in total degradation and humiliation of the poor participants and its particularly exciting when male slaves are...