A Visit To Dr. Bevertail's Clinic free porn video

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My Visit to Dr Beavertail's Clinic

1. The Weekend Before

My regular doctor referred me to the beavertail clinic after I had a majorbout with what my doctor referred to as sexual depression. He told me thatI needed to experience more sexual activity than the "missionary" style andto add some "kink" into my life.

Let me explain a little about my self so you the reader of this journal understandwho I am and where I come from. My name is Danielle "Dani" Smith (last namechanged to protect my privacy). I am 29 years old, measurements of 34c, 28,33, and 130 lbs. I am a recently widowed after 11 years of marriage and nochildren. My problem started about three months ago while dating I was unableto obtain an orgasm, not that the men I was dating at the time didn't try,but it was like all their attempts lead nowhere I would get excited and enjoywhat they were doing, but I could not reach my release. It is for this reasonmy Dr referred me.

My first visit was nothing out of the normal, just a complete physical, takingblood samples, height, weight, and some body measurements like you would expectfrom a dressmaker getting your measurements for the first time. I was scheduledfor my next appointment two weeks later.

Well two frustrating weeks passed, I arrived at the clinic at the prescribedtime. The nurse escorted me to a room with a desk and chair and a stack ofpapers. The nurse had me sit down and start filling out the papers. The firstfew were the normal stuff personal information, medical insurance forms, medicalhistory, family history, then came the questionnaire the first part was askingme what different words mean and boy did some of the words shock me othersI did not have a clue as to what they were.

Here are a few of the words I remember, cunt, asshole, butt plug, bondage,analings, fisting, enema, denial, whitehead gag, pony play, bdsm, topping,water sports, scat, bottoming, all in all there must have been a thousand words.The next set of questions were about my sexual experiences, if I has triedthis or if I had fantasized about it, if it repulsed me, of if I didn't havea clue as to what it was. I won't go into all that it had but it took me threehours to finish all of the paperwork.

I then met with Dr. Beavertail, and was surprised to find out that the doctorwas a lady. She went over my medical records and test results from my firstvisit. She asked me a few more questions about my health and proclaimed I wasa healthy female that needed to learn to let my hair down. She then scheduledme for another appointment the next day to go over the paperwork I did today.

I returned the next day and was promptly shown into the doctor's office.I was left in there for about 30 min and looked at her credentials on her wall.WOW I thought to my self, cum de laud from Yale school of medicine, loads ofawards and special classes. She finally came into the office and greeted meand had me sit in a leather chair and she sat across from me with my file anda notepad.

Dr Beavertail started to explain to me that I had became bored with sex asI knew it and that I needed to learn more about my body and needed to experiencethe wild side as she called it. She asked me if I would be willing to undergoa special treatment at her clinic in the high dessert in New Mexico. I askedwhat the treatment entailed and she went over some of the treatment and thatI would enter treatment voluntarily but once entered I would be made continuetreatment till the end. She also explained that I would not be permentaly harmed,or marked in anyway. She stated she had an opening starting this followingMonday but I would need to be at the clinic by 6 pm on Friday and would remainthere for two weeks. I was given two hours to give my answer one way or another,she said it would be a vacation that would expand my experiences beyond mywildest dreams, and that I would come out a new satisfied woman.

It was 2pm when I left the clinic on Wednesday and I was to call back by4pm that afternoon as to if I would "under go"the treatment, it was a harddecision to make in a short time. I said what the heck and called the Clinicat 2:59 pm saying I would. They said all I had to do was to show up at theairport on Friday morning with only the clothes on my back and my id, theywould take care of my work, I would have to tell my friends I was going toa see a sick aunt.

I arrived at the airport and went to the ticket counter and the attendantsaid she gave me my ticket, directing me to my gate after checking me in. Theflight to Taos was uneventful. Upon arriving in Taos, I saw my name on a cardheld by a driver; I approached him and asked if he was from the Clinic. Hestated he was and that we were expected there by 6pm. We went out of the airportand he opened the door to a limo that must be a football field long. I enteredthe limo and there was an envelope on the seat with my name on it.

We left Taos heading south toward the Mexico border, I opened the envelopeand read the letter inside, and it was a welcome letter to the clinic and whatwould be expected of me over the next two weeks. It also said this was my lastchance to turn back; I just had to tell the limo driver that I wished to returnat any point during this trip to the clinic, up to the time we made the entranceto the clinic grounds.

I kept quiet during the trip which took about 2 hours before we turned offthe main highway. The gate to the clinic was a huge wrought iron gate withtwo beavers facing each other, the gates slowly swung open and I knew I wasat the point of no return, the driver said his first words to me since we leftthe airport, and they were "do you wish to continue or should I turn back,miss? I responded with continue please. He then started moving forward throughthe gates toward the clinic, the clinic was a massive Victorian looking mansion.We pulled up to the front of the building and he opened my door as a nursecame out and greeted me.

Boy did they have this thing timed it was 5:59pm according to the clock onthe wall of the lobby. The nurse introduced her self as Judy and that I hadarrived just in time for dinner and asked me to follow her to the dinning room.We went down a short hallway and into a typical dinning room of any bread nbreakfast. The meal was excellent a Yankee pot roast, with potatoes, carrotsonions and fresh baked bread with water and cran-grape juice to drink.

After dinner I was shown to my room and asked to set the combination of thesafe in the room to a number I could remember but would be hard for someoneto guess, I entered in my numbers 6 of them the date I received my degree infinance. The nurse then told me to put my purse overnight bag, and all of myclothes, underwear included, into the safe and lock it; I would find my clothesfor the day in the closet. With that she left the room. I was wondering whatI got my self into. I tried to open the closet but it would not open, thatis when I noticed a sign on it stating that the closet would not open untilthe safe was packed and locked.

I undressed all the way and placed my purse, overnight bag, my folded clothesinto the safe and closed it, as soon as it was closed I heard it click andthe clock on the front started counting down the days I have remaining in treatment13 days 23 hours and 30 minutes. The safe would not open until the timer reached0. I opened the closet and there was two packages, a cup, a toothbrush, toothpaste,and bar of soap, towel, and washcloth. I picked up the packages one said nightof arrival, the other said sleepwear.

I opened the package for night of arrival and inside was several items ofclothing, a pair of black exercise shorts, a white bikini panty, a black sportsbra, and a white tee shirt. With a note stating I was free to do what I wantedto tonight and a list of things I could do, there was a TV room, a exerciseroom, a spa, a library and I was free to bring any book back to my room toread, a snack bar where I could get a snack or drink if I wanted, also a pool,if I was so inclined and swimwear would be provided in the locker room.

I decided to go to the pool and take a short swim. I followed the directionsgiven to the pool and entered the locker room. There was a matron there thesaid to give her what I was wearing. I undressed and handed her my clothesand she handed me a package. I opened the package and inside was a red onepiece swimsuit, I put this on. I went through the door that said pool and wassurprised at the pool room an Olympic sized pool with a hot tub and sauna onone end of the room. I swam several laps and relaxed in the hot tub for a while.

I returned to the locker room, and the matron gave me a towel to dry offand requested the swimsuit and towel to be given to her before I would receivemy clothes then. So I removed the swimsuit and dried off and handed both thesuit and towel to her and she handed me a package, in side the package wasa dark blue thong panty, a white pair of cotton shorts, a dark blue lace bra,and a white cotton button up shirt, with a note to do some reading, suggestingseveral short books, the story of O, the sleeping beauty books, Karma sutraor to ask the librarian (in bold letters). I proceeded to the library and askedthe librarian as to what she would recommend that I read. She handed me a booktitled The Erotic Adventures of Janet . She then suggestedthat I go to the snack bar and try the midnight special. I was hungry so tookher up on her suggestion and went to the snack bar and ordered the midnightspecial.

It was Pita bread stuffed with taco meat, lettuce, cheese, sour cream, andsalsa, with a large strawberry shake. I sat down and ate while reading thefirst chapter of the book. The book is about an English lady that visits theFar East and falls into one encounter after another, each one more excitingthen one before it. After I finished the snack I returned to my room and satin the large overstuffed chair and continued reading, the book, wishing I couldhave some of her adventures and glad I didn't have others although I was wonderingwhat it would feel like to have some of the stuff that happened to her doneto me.

When I stopped reading to use the bathroom, I was over ¾ of the waythrough the book and found out it was now 1am on Sunday so I decided to getready for bed, I brushed my teeth and used the toilet put my clothes into thebin that was provided, and opened the package marked sleepwear. It turned outto be a silk and lace teddy in emerald green with a thong back.

I got into the bed which was a standard hospital bed and quickly feel tosleep. I awoke the next morning at the alarm going off at 8am (dang presetalarm clocks). I tried to stay in bed but it would not turn off until I wasout of the bed. I went to the bathroom and took off the teddy and used thebathroom brushing my teeth and combing my hair. I then retrieved the packagemarked for morning.

My attire for this morning was a full cut leotard, with self bra and panty,and a pair of tennis shoes. A note in the package informed me that breakfastwas served till 10am today and I was free till lunch time.

I went to the dinning room and was served a stack of pancakes with Vermontmaple syrup, two strips of bacon and orange juice. I returned to my room toread the rest of the book and finished it around 11am. I returned the bookand the librarian suggested that I check out the exercise room.

I went to the exercise room and a matron greeted me, and suggested I trythe recumbent cycle, I followed her to the cycle and she helped me get on it.It had a large padded seat with a ridge along the center like you would seeon a tractor to hold you on the seat. It had a three point strap for your waistand between you legs.

I started peddling and discovered that the seat vibrated against my crotch,sending a very pleasurable feeling up through by private parts. The matrontapped my shoulder after what seemed like a short time, it was now 12:30 Ihad been on the cycle for and hour and was drenched with sweat, and anotherbodily fluid, she helped me rise and directed me to the shower.

In the shower room I stripped and turned on the water and stepped into theshower, still in a daze from the "bike ride". I washed up, turned off the waterand stepped out of the shower, the matron was waiting for me and handed methe next package. I opened it and there was my "afternoon" clothes, they consistedof a sheer white thong that did not cover my bush, (not that I was that hairythere I did keep it trimmed) a matching bra that only covered the lower partof my breast, a pair of black velvet shorts and a mid-drift strap tank top,and a pair of sandals.

By this time I was famished, but had missed lunch in the dinning room soI had to go to the snack bar again, I had a burger and fries, with a orangesoda.

Judy found me while I was in the snack bar, and suggested I visit the spaand have a massage from Kathy, it did sound interesting so I went. I arrivedat the spa and asked for Kathy, she said that was her and she was expectingme. She escorted me to a private room and told me to undress and put my clothesin the basket, and to lie down on the table face down. I stripped and lay downon the massage table placing my face in the opening provided. My breast fitinto two depressions in the table and my arms seemed to fall into depressionsalong my sides, and my legs slightly spread fell into similar depressions,it seemed that the table was made for my body.

Kathy came in and turned on some ocean sounds, and dimmed the lighting. Sheasked me to just relax and go with the flow, and I felt a warm thick liquidbeing poured on to my back in a s motion down to my buttocks then one streamdown each leg. Kathy then started rubbing the liquid in which smelled likeeucalyptus. The lotion she used started to warm my skin and was tingly makingme feel energized. She spent a lot of time on my back and legs but very littletime on my buns. She asked me to turn over and she repeated the process onmy front side, leaving me shining with oil like a wet seal.

Kathy escorted me to the shower and gave me a crystal clear bar of soap toways with I showered and came back to the massage area, Kathy gave me a packagewhich were my before dinner clothes. The clothes if you could call it thatwas a white spandex swimsuit / exercise suit, the front a v down to the bellybutton, the bottom was high cut legs with one inch strip at the sides, anda thong back. A note inside the package suggested that I take a nap till dinner.

Up till that time I did not feel sleepy but the suggestion sounded good,I returned to my room and lay down and was out as my head hit the pillow. Thealarm woke me up at 6pm on Saturday. A note was on the floor by the door statingdinner was going to be in the large dinning room and the theme was a beachparty, well it was, in every thing but the beach, all of the guest at the Clinicwas dressed like I was and the buffet was loaded with all kinds of seafood.Judy and Kathy organized several games, a limbo contest and a conga line toour rooms.

Even though I had taken a nap I was tired and a little sore from the exercisethis morning, so I got ready for bed, tonight sleep attire was a white babydoll with matching panties. I awoke again to the alarm going off at 9am.

I went to the closet and got out the morning package and was suppressed asit was just pink bikini panties, a white bra, and grey sweats, with a notestating brunch was served 9am till 2pm and the day was for us to relax, ourfinal day before the Treatment, I had a leisurely breakfast and went to watchTV and met Susan in the TV room, we talked and discovered we had a lot in common.We were still chatting when dinner was announced.

Dinner was a Sheppard pie, and ice cold milk. Susan and I returned to theTV room as we were not allowed in each others room, and talked till 3am beforeretiring, the night attire was a yellow night dress and orange thong panties.

I fell asleep quickly and was again woken by the alarm at 7am.

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Sex in Clinic

Hello My self Zaid 22 this is my first story of first sex . It was the story of last 4yrs when i was working the clinic at that time i was 18yrs our regular patient was there she was having wound on her right foot which required dressing(Patti to be changed) with her, her daughter used to come with her, she was 16 whitish in co lour large boobs height 5″,s her wound was smelling badly when she came and sat daily they used to come on 1 o clock on that day they came & doctor was going to come...

3 years ago
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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 20 The Birthing Clinic

"How did the rest of your stay there go?" Riku asked, "I read the part you wrote today and that seemed pretty traumatic." We'd arrived back late the previous day. Shelumba told us the Major was rather annoyed as he'd sent a proper car for us but that had perforce to go via the cablecar station and the dirt road to the camp. We'd made an early start and had turned off that road on to the contour track before the car reached us. "The Major wanted to see you before he went away for a...

4 years ago
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Michelles Visit to the Clinic

Michelle's Visits to the ClinicChapter I The cab stopped in front of the large brownstone building and Michelle gotout and paid the driver. She walked up 6 steep steps and rang the bell. Asshe stood waiting, the snow and wind blew in her face. For a brief moment Michelleturned and considered getting back in the cab and going back to her hotel.No, this time she would do it. This was the time she had been waiting for.She had a three-day lay over in Chicago and she did not have any other...

2 years ago
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The Clinic

Sara was sitting at the staff desk of the Bangladesh rehabilitation clinic watching the other staff getting ready to leave for the night, Sara had trained as a nurse and at 18 was on duty all night in the 20 bed unit housing teens with drink problems, the unit was a high level secure unit with each of the lads in a cell on their own, all that was in the cell was a bed fixed to the wall with a blanket attached to the bed, the part that Sara loved was that the lads were naked at all times, it was...

3 years ago
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The Mages Guild Intercourse Clinic

I looked down at myself and saw that I was completely naked. I saw my well-built body and my seven inch cock. I stood up, leaning against the bedpost, nearly falling over. Then I felt something hanging around my neck, not tight enough to be uncomfortable or stop my breathing, but enough so that it fit snugly and I couldn't take it off. It felt like leather, with a piece of metal attached to it. I stumbled over to the mirror and looked at my reflection. I looked at my dark brown hair and blue...

3 years ago
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Lobster Fertility Clinic

Introduction: A simple lactation job goes horribly wrong Pt 1 I walk into the clinic and am greeted by the receptionist. I have a 2:30 with Dr Green I announce. You must be our new lactator were you told not to express for 8 hrs before you arrived? I nod my breasts swollen and sore. Ok just head down to room 204, remove all of your clothes and pop up on the bed. I thank her and head down to room 204. I am a lactation surrogate and have saved many babies from having to go onto formula. But...

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Munich Swim Clinic

Starting when I was sixteen years old, I began to be a very competitive swimmer. I was totally devoted to the sport, and my parents were very supportive. In the course of my training, my coach told my parents about an intensive six-week swim clinic outside of Munich. It was run by a young German couple in their thirties at their home. They were former Olympic swimmers and had a beautiful home that could accommodate six students who would rotate in and out for six intensive weeks throughout the...

2 years ago
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my exam at base clinic

entering the room doctor had me disrobe no gown said normal for military clinic exami am on the examining table i have all my cloths off with me completely naked . the doctor comes in and asks me to lay on the table and scoot down to the end and put my feet in the stirrups. he ask me to spread my legs as far as i can then he push's legs back to were knees are by shoulders and butt pointing up towards ceiling with my ass and pussy wide open. He then left room for a min and had three new doctors...

4 years ago
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My exam at clinic

My pelvic exam is broken up into three parts because each part is so different. The first part of it is my rectal exam & radiology studies of my lower colon. The second part is my bladder exam & x-rays of my bladder. The last part is my vaginal exam & ultrasound. I was told to give myself an enema before I came so I would be clean for the rectal exam. When I first got there, the nurse led me into a room with a special table called a proctology table. he told me to take off all my...

4 years ago
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Surprise at the clinic

I was at the waiting room in that clinic; hoping the replacement of my female gynecologist would be another woman. When i finally got called in, I was a little surprised to find a middle aged black man.He was tall and very broad. He was wearing shiny shoes; the way he was dressed made me think of the classic "pimp" style. He had a thick African accent, when he told me to take a seat and asked me few questions.Then he told me he wanted to examine me. I took off my jeans and panties but then he...

2 years ago
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Fertility clinic

No k**s so far. It did not seem to help with anything, still you could not get pregnant. So you and your husband decided it was time to see an expert. You had talked to two of your female friends who had gone for treatment and now had k**s.They both had gone to the same doctor. They told you that he had used a different method to get a woman pregnant and that you would enjoy his treatments.You signed up with Dr. Smith the next day. He had an appointment the next Wednesday. First appointment...

2 years ago
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Fertility Clinic

Dr. Masters sat in his big padded leather swivel chair at his big polished walnut desk. A clipboard lay in his lap, and he looked over the pages, studying the applications and reports. He would consign most of them to the staff, but a few he would personally check out. Like this one, he thought, looking at one of the applications. Hmm, Shellie Wright, twenty-four years of age, married, auburn hair, green eyes, five foot six, hundred and twenty-five; husband found to be sterile; wants a baby,...

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Baby Clinic

Baby centre. Evan shut the car door, and walked towards the entrance of the building. He noticed a woman walking towards him. They exchanged glances but did not speak. They entered the building together. How did I get here? Evan thought as the smoked glass door slid open automatically. He walked into the brightly lit foyer. A few months earlier, Evan sat at his laptop; as he did most nights, staring into the screen. He was exploring his fetishes, on line, just to while away the...

1 year ago
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The sperm clinic

When Karma got a job in a fertility clinic a young man came in and said he wanted to deposit his sperm. She handed him a cup and said to find and room and fill it."You don't understand, I want to squirt it in your pussy" he smiled.Karma looked at the handsome boy and whispered."Wait until I get off work and we will go to your house"Men jacking off behind closed doors made her so horny she she wanted sex. His name was Fred and he was waiting for her after she got off work."Have you been waiting...

Adult Humor
4 years ago
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Visitings the Dun Bare Bar

"The Dun Bare Bar, is slavery supported. Sexual slavery of cource, but most of the girls who serve there are unwilling. So. You won't talk to them, and you won't feel pity for them." He picked up a short black mini and a see through white shirt for her to wear and went about untieing her. "But Master, how do they keep the girls there unwillingly?" She asked as she began to get dressed. Underwear wasn't allowed and the skirt showed a bit of her pussy, and a bit more of her ass....

2 years ago
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Visite chez le meacutedecin

Tu es arrivée dans ma salle pour des examens de routine, surprise de me voir ici tu commences a entamer une conversation, après quelque minute pour expliquer le pourquoi du comment j’ai fini ici je te dis d’aller enlever ton pull et te mettre sur la table.Tu es assises dos contre moi, je commence à te faire les premiers examens, je viens poser ma main gauche sur tes épaules je te sens te crisper par le froid du stéthoscope, je te dis en souriant que tu peux te détendre. Je passe ensuite a tes...

2 years ago
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The Hidden Face 2 The Rubber Clinic

Preliminary remarks: - This is the continuation of my other story 'The Hidden Face of DoctorLydia von Sklaverei'. - As before, I would appreciate suggestions about the continuation of thisstory. Even if I have the plan of this story, I may be able to squeeze a fewideas in the plot. Anyway, there will be a third part in this story. - IMPORTANT: There are not many sex-scenes in the first eight chapters.They are focused on Barbara's body modifications. If you are looking for simplesex-scenes,...

3 years ago
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Fertility Clinic

Dr. Masters sat in his big padded leather swivel chair at his big polished walnut desk. A clipboard lay in his lap, and he looked over the pages, studying the applications and reports. He would consign most of them to the staff, but a few he would personally check out. Like this one, he thought, looking at one of the applications. Hmm, Shellie Wright, twenty-four years of age, married, auburn hair, green eyes, five foot six, hundred and twenty-five; husband found to be sterile; wants a baby,...

2 years ago
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Latex Futa Nuns From HellChapter 10 Rukos Rubber Clinic

Jessica found herself on a balcony with a beautiful sunset fading into the distance. It cast an eerie orange and red light on all things. A gentle breeze tossed her dark hair about. Her nipples were erect, poking through the thick latex of her bodysuit and the elegant rubbery dress that provided a second layer of fetish attire. A balcony where? Where was she? Jessica looked around. She took in the behemoth building jutting into the sky behind her. The white marble, detailed carvings and...

3 years ago
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As I settled into bed in the guest room, I heard the faint rhythmic creaking coming through the wall from the master bedroom. My imagination and my cock both came to attention. The lovely wife of my friend had been very attentive to me all evening and the snug fitting clothing she wore showed off her attractive figure. Some of her comments had possibly been double-entendres, but I dared not presume anything. Of course I lusted after Celeste. I hadn’t been with a woman for months. My envy was...

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I arrived in Newcastle, at about five o'clock in the evening, and had decided that I would look for a bed and breakfast accommodation for the two nights I intended to spend there. My appointment was for 9.30 following morning but I had not planned on going out that evening. I drove down the row of terraced houses. The houses were fairly large, probably three-bedroom, and then I saw the sign I was looking for. In a window was small card saying, B & B. I parked the car and walked to the...

4 years ago
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Visitng mother in law

Nearly a month ago my wife and I drove to New England to visit her mother and b*****r and his f****y. She lived in an assisted-living facility that had a small number of guest suites for out-of-town visitors. We were booked for four nights. I wasn’t at all crazy about seeing my mother-in-law, she loved to talk and talk and talk and, well you get the idea. Plus, even though my wife and I are both in our early 50’s and have grown c***dren and successful careers, she treated us and her son who was...

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iVisit the Brilliance Bar

iVisit the Brilliance Bar (Takes place after "iHire an Idiot". Carly visits the Pear Store to see if there is more between Ashley and Freddie than him helping her with a sociology paper. But it seems that Ashley isn't interested in Freddie. Her interest is in someone else in the iCarly crew.)(Notes: The episode "iPearStore" where Freddie goes to work at the Pear Store takes place in season 6, two seasons after "iHire an Idiot" but I'm assuming that he worked there before then and that's where...

4 years ago
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Visitng mother in law

Nearly a month ago my wife and I drove to New England to visit her mother and brother and his family. She lived in an assisted-living facility that had a small number of guest suites for out-of-town visitors. We were booked for four nights. I wasn't at all crazy about seeing my mother-in-law; she loved to talk and talk and talk and, well you get the idea. Plus, even though my wife and I are both in our early 50's and have grown c***dren and successful careers, she treated us and her son who was...

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Visit From Her Dad

Introduction: My wifes dad makes his visit with a purpose When Nicoles dad, Frank, arrived at the airport, I was in charge of the kids, luggage, and being the driver. Nicole was dressed in a sundress without a bra or panties under it. The morning he was flying in, she took a shower and shaved herself smooth for him. Her stomach was a flutter with anxiety. She was more excited about seeing her father than our four-year old, which is hard to do. The kiss given to her father when she saw him was...

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Visit From Her Dad

The kiss given to her father when she saw him was deeper than I thought a kiss would be between a father and daughter. Frank took an arm and wrapped it around her waist while his lips locked onto my wife’s. He looked at me with a bit of a knowing smirk. Apparently, she had told him that I knew what happened when she was back there. I was carrying our newborn and rolling his luggage in front of Nicole who was holding her father’s hand. Frank was holding our oldest child. If you were an...

2 years ago
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Visit to Aunt Helena

Visit to Aunt Helena,A short story written by Mrs. Wanda NylonChapter 1It was in the days after my graduation that my mother came to me that she and my dad had come to the idea that it was better for my upbringing that I learned a bit more of the world, and that there was more then the 2 square miles of our farmhouse. My father worked for the local government and we had lived there for as long as I could remember.Well two days after my twentieth birthday my parents brought me to the train...

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