SamChapter 6B free porn video

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After a couple of blocks, I felt better. I even remembered to ask Jim and Bud why it seemed that the other boys had been avoiding me when I expected just the opposite.

They looked back and forth at each other before Jim answered.

"I think it's that you are so gorgeous that they are afraid to try to talk to you. I mean, you are so far out of everyone's league that it just isn't funny, you know."

I was still puzzled. I asked, "But why am I 'out of their league'? I'm the same girl I was last week. Well, three weeks ago. Well... maybe I'm not." I thought about all the changes that I had been through in the past month and especially over the last weekend. Had I changed that much? I had figured that it was just my new breasts that made me different, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had changed in just about every way it was possible to change.

Physically? That was the obvious part. Mirrors had become an essential part of my life. Without them I simply could not see the lower two-thirds of my body. Yes, they are that big.

Mentally? Certainly. And not just the powers that I was still learning about. I had changed in some fundamental way as a result of the pain I had undergone and the trials I had been through. I had goals and responsibilities that I had never even dreamed of having before. I had done things that I had only seen in the movies or read about in fantasy novels. I had gone from being a prisoner of my mother's psychosis to being a heroine. It was still a heady feeling to think of myself that way.

Sexually? Last week I was a virgin. Since then I had made love to members of both sexes. The girls were great. Bud was fantastic. If that wasn't a profound change I didn't know what would be.

Emotionally? I felt like I had grown more emotionally than any other way. The things I thought were important to me before seemed absurdly trivial now. Cheerleading was the best example. Before, being on the squad was the high point of my life. Today, I had walked away from it as not being relevant to who I was or what I needed or wanted. I had to choose between spending time jumping and shouting in front of hundreds of fans to whom I was merely side-line entertainment, or learning the skills that would enable me to save lives and protect others from harm. The comparison struck me as funny and I laughed. Neeka smiled and hugged me around the shoulders as we walked. She had probably been following my thoughts and knew what made me laugh. When I looked at her, she nodded. Finding Neeka, more than anything else that had happened to me had had the greatest affect on who I was becoming. You have no idea what it's like to know that the person next to you knows every thought that goes through your head. If they don't run away screaming in terror it validates you as a person. It tells you that you are one of the good-guys, not some crazy wacko who should be in a padded room in a quiet facility away from normal folks. Neeka knew me. The real me. As long as she stayed with me I knew I was a good person. That knowledge made all the difference in the world.

I was a new person all the way through. I was so relaxed around other people that I was making a new friend every day. More than one a day, if I counted Sheriff Bob. I decided not to count him as a friend yet, though. He was a business associate. To him, I was a politically-convenient resource he could call on to pull his ass out of hot water. Already, if not for me he would probably be bound and gagged in the trunk of his own car, wondering if his SWAT team would shoot him or his wife while trying to bag his kidnapper. I did have that advantage in our relationship; someone who called themselves his friend might promise to come to his aide when he needed them. I had already come to his rescue in the dark of night without even knowing who he was. He said he always paid his debts; and that one would be accruing interest for a while.

The main difference was that I wasn't the slightest bit scared of people any more. Knowing that you can't really be hurt has a way of liberating you. I tried to remember the last time I had been intimidated by someone, but the only one I could recall was my mother — my biological mother. Even she had lost her hold on me. Once I understood her, our roles had reversed and I had become more concerned with her well-being than she with mine.

Bubba and Leon had scared me at first, but it was more over what they might do to my friends and family before I could stop them. Once I knew I was strong enough to beat them, they held no real terror for me. If those two didn't scare me, then there wasn't likely to be much walking around on two legs that could. Knowing that I could pound someone into sand if they pissed me off bad enough had a great deal of influence on how I related to people.

I stopped stock-still on the sidewalk as something we had learned about in History came back to me. It was a section on feudalism than included the term 'noblesse oblige'. Roughly, it means that if you are lucky enough to be in a better position than someone else, due to factors outside your control, then you have an obligation to behave kindly and generously toward those not as fortunate as you. At the time, it seemed a silly, elitist idea, right up there with 'droit du seigneur', which meant that the lord of the manor got to screw the brides of his underlings before their husbands did. Was I operating out of a sense of noblesse oblige? It certainly looked like it on the face of things. It's unsettling when something you think of as purely academic and irrelevant suddenly turns out to apply to you. I had always thought of History like Latin and Algebra, as subjects that I was forced to study because they were part of the curriculum. I never expected any of it to become, you know, 'real'. "All we learn from History is that we learn nothing from History." I was proving Hegel wrong.

I examined my revelation even closer. Had I actually just drawn a parallel between my life and something I learned in school? Was this me, standing on the sidewalk in my school clothes with my bookbag, thinking about the philosophical basis for my view of morality and how it applied to correct behavior in social settings? I was a socially-deprived high school girl whose main concern up to this point in her life had been how to sneak out on a date or how much make-up I could get away with wearing.

Suddenly, something really scary did occur to me; something that explained why I was having all these strange thoughts. I understood for the first time that one of my mental powers was increased intelligence. I was actually getting smarter.

My classes today had seemed effortless, almost boring. I thought back and remembered that they had been getting easier for a week or so. I had attributed it to my enforced study regimen, but as I mentally reviewed my homework sessions, I remembered each chapter of each book, each exercise and each math problem I had done. I found I could recall each conversation I had had with every person almost as if I had a video machine in my head. My memory for the last week or so was nearly photographic. Although that term was probably misleading. The mechanism of memory was more likely to be holographic in principle than... STOP THAT! "Jeez, Louise," I thought, "Was this what it meant to be smart? To drown in digression? To endlessly overanalyze every thought? And wasn't I doing it again?" "GAAAAAAA!"

I hadn't been aware of saying that last bit aloud until Bud said, "Are you all right, Sam?"

"No! I mean, yes. Oh hell. Get me home before my brain melts and runs out my ears. I'm having an argument with myself and I'm coming out on the losing end." I remembered a moment ago making a play on words with Georg Hegel's famous quote. I was in deep doodoo. Any minute now I might be emailing Stephen Hawking to debate his position on the nature of spacetime.

"God!" I thought. "How do you turn it OFF!"

I looked at Neeka with desperation in my eyes. She said, "Your brain sounds like an engine racing with the transmission in neutral. You need a problem to apply all that intelligence to. I mean 'to which you can apply all that intelligence'. Shoot! I'm absorbing it from you. Being in your head is gonna make me smarter too. 'Intellect by association' — what an idea! You need to remember that your brain can be a lethal weapon, too. Don't point it at yourself.

"OK, your choice is either work on a problem or stop thinking. You were asking why boys weren't all over you today. Did you think about that before?"

"Yes. I decided to table the subject until I could conduct field interviews and collect some hard data."

"You mean talk to these bozos? You think they are a representative sample?"

"No, but they are the only boys who could be motivated to tell me the truth."

"Very well. Why not continue the research?"

"An excellent suggestion, Doctor Morgan." The research subjects were looking pretty lost by now. They knew we were talking about them, but they weren't too sure if they would like being research subjects.

"As I was saying before I got distracted, why am I 'out of their league'? Jim?"

"Well, the more beautiful a girl is, the more the guy feels that he has to be worthy, you know?" Jim said.

Bud jumped in with his two cents. "Yeah, and if you get brushed-off by an OK looking girl, it's bad. But if you get turned down by a real fox, it's humiliating."

"So the better-looking a girl is, the less likely she is to get a date? What's wrong with this picture?" The male ego was a truly convoluted thing.

"Good-looking girls go out with good-looking guys. It's like a law or something," Bud said.

"Well that explains you two," I said.

"Hunh?" Jim said, with an echo from Bud right behind.

"Well, I'm attracted to you. Neeka is attracted to you. The Hendersons are too. I think we're all above average in the looks department and we all think you two are a couple of righteous hunks." That got nice smiles from both of them. Flattery will get you everywhere when dealing with the male of the species, I noted. In fact, stroking a boy's ego was probably even more important than stroking his cock. I remembered how all that stuff I had said to Bud in bed this morning had really got him going. His ego kicked his cock into overdrive. I had always heard that boys thought with their genitals, maybe there was something to that. If I could solve the riddle of the male sex drive, that would be a problem worth studying. Finally, something on which to focus my new intellect!

"So how should I go about getting a boy to talk to me?" I asked. If I could get some practical advice, I could have a starting point for a series of experiments.

"Just say 'hi'." Jim said. "It doesn't take much. If I guy knows a girl is interested, that's all he needs."

I couldn't believe it was that simple. If I picked a boy out and went over and said 'hi', he would feel empowered and talk to me. Otherwise, I could stand in a room full of boys and the only ones who would talk to me were the ones with egos already so inflated that they were the last ones I wanted to be around. That type only thought about themselves, only talked about themselves; they were totally one-dimensional. So the interesting boys were the ones that I would have to approach. This was a really screwed up system. At least it was weighted in the girl's favor. I could pick and choose.

I remembered Bambi telling me that men would throw themselves at my feet. My problem was that I wanted them standing on theirs, not groveling at mine. But if all I had to do was tap them with my magic wand to get what I wanted, perhaps that would be enough.

Bambi also told me I was a goddess. I did not want to be a goddess. I wanted to be normal. I chuckled at that. 'Normal' was completely out of the question. I was going to have to work to come to terms with the new me. I knew that, but I was learning that it was going to be a lot harder than I thought. Everything seemed strange. It was like I had moved to a new world where everything I thought I knew was wrong and I had to learn how to act all over again.

Neeka left us at her house to tell her mother that she was home safe and Bud and Jim and I walked on to ours. Bambi was waiting to talk to me, so the boys went off to get a start on their homework. I got the impression that them attending to homework before doing anything else was a habit they picked up from me.

"You look troubled," she said.

"I made an unpleasant discovery on the way home."

She waited patiently. I could talk about it or not. I decided it was something she needed to know.

"I found a new mental power. One that in hindsight should have been predictable."

"You're getting smarter." She said, nodding.

"How did you know that?"

"Listen to yourself. It's obvious every time you open your mouth. Last night when you were talking to Bob Foster he had a hard time relating to you at first. What he has seeing and what he was hearing didn't fit. Once he accepted that you were some kind of female super-spook he was able to cope."

"I just tried to talk his language."

"And did it so marvelously well that he thinks you must be the product of some secret government program to breed super-agents. That's why he dropped the questions about you. That's why he decided it would be healthier for him not to know. You remember when he talked about 'who you work for'? He thinks you are here to get some seasoning in field-work before your agency calls you back in."

"Holy shit. 'Pardon my French'."

"He thinks I'm your control. You should have heard him on the phone today when I called to follow up on your requests. It was all, 'yes, ma'am' and 'yes, Mrs. Reynolds, I'll get right on that'. He even mentioned 'inter-agency cooperation'. The man has completely forgotten that I've known him and his wife for years."

"I just wanted to impress him."

"Oh, you impressed him all right. Look what came by courier while you were at school." She handed me a leather wallet. When I flipped it open there was a badge and an ID card inside. The badge said Special Deputy. The ID was for Samantha Kramer and the photo was the one from my school yearbook.

"He said this was the easiest way to guarantee you would get full cooperation from other law enforcement agencies. Flash this and they will know you are a brother officer."

"Does this mean I can arrest people?"

"You bet. Although I think your arrangement calls for someone in the Sheriff's department to get the credit for any arrests you make. That way you won't have to appear in court when they go to trial.

"He said he could send you some handcuffs and mace and even issue you a firearm if you wanted, but he thought your methods were likely to be as effective as any hardware he could provide."

Something about him mentioning my 'effective' methods raised a flag. I asked, "Did he say anything about the kidnapper from last night?"

She looked at me hard before she answered, as if she was afraid of my reaction to the news. "He's in the hospital. The doctors are trying to reconstruct his knee. It's 50-50 whether he will keep the kidney."

I took a deep breath. I remembered that I had not even been tranced when I did that. I had hit him too hard both times. I might have killed him. It would have been easy. I needed to learn control before I got into any more fights. Until I learned to use my abilities effectively I would be a loose cannon. No wonder the Sheriff was so cooperative. He had seen me nearly kill someone with just my little patent-leather mary-janes.

"You're right about the costume. I'm going to need something rugged to work in." It felt funny thinking of it as my 'work'.

"I called Mr. Morton first thing this morning." She said. "I decided not to beat around the bush. I told him you needed a super-hero costume; a real one. He was quiet for a very long time. Then he asked if you wanted a cape with it. I told him that was for the fictional characters; that we were talking about the real thing. I told him that this was extremely confidential. He was offended. He told me that all his work was strictly confidential. Then he asked if it needed to be bullet-proof. I told him it needed to be as impervious as possible and as light as possible and as flexible as possible. He promised to have some designs for you to look at tomorrow when we go back to pick up the rest of your wardrobe. When I hung up he was quit excited. I'm still not sure he believed me, but he seemed genuinely enthusiastic."

I brightened right up at that. I had forgotten about all the new clothes I would be getting. The bulk of the clothes we had picked out had either had to be altered or assembled from scratch.

"Do you think Morton will be able to come up with something useful? Doesn't he just do sexy clothes for large-breasted types, like us?"

"Don't underestimate Mr. Morton," she said. "He's been in business for quite some time and he has a few tricks up his sleeve. For instance, I know he does a lot of work for some movie studios down in Miami. One-off costumes are a staple item for him. Many of them are quite, ah, outlandish."

"I didn't know there were movie studios in Miami."

"They're mostly direct-to-DVD and mail-order companies."

"You mean pornography?" I was shocked and appalled. Well, titillated and intrigued, anyway.

"I do mean pornography. That's what Morton means when he says 'confidential'. He doesn't dare let on to his society customers than he also sells clothes to porn stars and exotic dancers. He can do both because his shop is state-of-the-art computer-operated hardware. He makes most everything to order, except for the few racks he has up front. No stock means no warehouse, no insurance, no inventory tax, no guessing fashion trends. Do you remember how he measured you?"

"The computer with the cameras? I thought that was kind of high-tech for a dressmaker."

"It's the key to his business. He showed me his back room once when I told him how surprised I was that he was able to produce custom orders so quickly. He's rather proud of it."

"So that's what he meant when he said he could get a better fit on some of the clothes that I thought fit perfectly already."

"The things he makes for you will all fit like a glove. That's why I think he's the best choice to do your costume. He can do it fast, we know it will fit, and his specialty is unusual or unique clothes for women with figures like ours."

"Great! I can't wait to see what he comes up with."

"After that I called around to see about martial arts training. You would not believe the number of karate, aikido, judo, kung fu, bushido, kendo and ninjutsu academies there are just in the city limits. After talking with a few of them I had almost decided that you would be better off taking several different classes to see what would work best for you.

The last man I spoke with seemed to have the best solution. His name is Xaiolong Li and he teaches a style of Kung Fu he called Jeet Kune Do." She tried to pronounce each syllable as she had heard it. It sounded funny hearing her trying to imitate a Chinese accent.

"I don't know much about Kung Fu, but it seems to me I've heard of that style. I think it was in a movie — no, I saw it in a TV program on that guy who was in all those movies, Bruce somebody."

"Bruce Lee. Yes, you may have seen a biography of him. I remember seeing a few of his movies when I was younger. If I remember right, he was responsible for the slow-motion photography film technique you see so much of in movies now."

"Was he a director, too?"

"No, he was just so fast that that was the only way they could get him on film."

"They had to slow the film down so they could see him move? Jeez, how good was this guy?"

"Good enough so that 30 years later he is still revered as one of the great masters of the art, apparently. Anyway, Mr. Li teaches this Jeet Kune Do style, which he says combines the best elements of all the other styles into a more practical form. He said that the emphasis was not so much on form as effect. I gather you don't want to spend weeks trying to learn to stand like a crane or move like a snake?"

"You gather correctly. I just want to be able to have enough control so I don't hurt someone any more than necessary."

"Then your first class is Wednesday afternoon right after school. He is about three blocks out of your way coming home, so you won't need me to drive you over there every day. It's the old mattress factory on River Street. Do you know where that is?"

I nodded. Bambi had certainly been busy making all these arrangements.

"I also got in touch with the fitness equipment company. Would you believe they are going out of business already? Anyway, I was able to get a good deal on some mats and some other things that they had in stock that they were looking to liquidate below cost."

"What other things?"

"Let me surprise you. The mats are down there now. The rest will be delivered or installed by the contractor when he finishes redoing the room. I wasn't able to give the contractor much to go on. If you have any ideas now is the time to tell me about them."

Same as Sam
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Nicoles Cotton Panties

I'm not usually given to voyeurism, but this time I couldn't help myself. Nicole, my eighteen-year-old niece, had left her bedroom door open, and there I was, standing in the hallway outside watching her put on her nightie. The thin material of the night gown had tangled in her hair and was bunched up, covering her face. Concentrating on trying to separate hair and gown, and unaware of my presence, she was oblivious of the scene she presented. And a delightful scene it was. Even though I knew...

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College Prep 2

As the summer rolled on, Beth and I spent just about all of our free time with each other. My living situation hadn't changed with my ex so I spent as much time as possible with Beth. Our relationship was growing even though we both started it under the pretense that we did not want anything serious. She was going to college in the fall and I just got over a three year relationship. Beth received a letter from Georgia Southern University stating that a new policy had been recently implemented...

3 years ago
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Clean And Pure

Clean And PureBy: Londebaaz Chohan Sophia had always been very good with her English. The English teacher of her senior year at High School always depended on her to stand in front of the class and read couple pages from the chapter, keeping in mind the pronunciation, grammar and metaphors.Her both parents were very regular at church and when they found out that father Paul needed a volunteer to help him write and practice a speech for Thanksgiving day; they made Sophie to volunteer her time...

1 year ago
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What If I Told Him I Wanted To Give Him A Blow Job

We were dressed in T-shirts and shorts and sandals and Tom was on the couch and I sat in a recliner chair while we began watching the movie. The movie had something to do with an office guy messing with his secretary and then her with another office girl and the guy with the other girl and so on. Mainly it was about people getting naked and fucking each other. We watched the show and commented on the girls' ample tits and made jokes about them using dildos and stuff. A few minutes into...

2 years ago
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Origins Of Sarah Part 5 8211 Lesbians On The Flight

On the flight, Trudy told me her story and also explained what was expected out of me in this assignment once we reached our destination. She walked towards me and bent down on her knees. Since I was sitting, her head was at the same height as mine. She leaned forward and I knew that she was about to kiss me. I sank in and our lips met for the first time. It was like a dream. Her mouth tasted like roses and her lips like cherry. We kissed passionately for a few minutes until she let go of me....

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Body Work

Introduction: A couple spends the day at the shop where they work doing the naughty. Hey Greg, would you mind watching the phones while I go to lunch and run a few errands? Jerrys not coming in today at all apparently, said Veronica as she walked out of the office. An older, petite woman with gray hair and glasses, Veronica was the shops receptionist and the last of the three company employees. Sure no problem Veronica, said Greg casually. I kind of figured Jerry wasnt coming in today, not like...

2 years ago
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LeefsticChapter 33

It took three more days to return to our neighbourhood and as soon as possible Oaxaca began to transmit the high points of what she had found. This torpedo had come searching for one or more of our research ships. The torpedo had a wealth of information including some warnings of three additional races in our galaxy that were very vicious. All were very powerful and occupied a large areas of space and took exception to others leaving their own planets or wandering through what they...

4 years ago
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In Plain Sight An Escorts Story

Let’s get a few things straight right from the start. This isn’t a Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting where I’m going to stand up and tell everyone how many men I fucked and how much I love sex. It’s also not some ‘woe is me, everyone feel sorry for me’ story either. You see, I fully understand my decisions and even though you may not agree with them they’re my decisions. To be perfectly clear I’m not naive and I know how lucky I am to have navigated the potential pitfalls of the escort lifestyle....

1 year ago
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StayHomeMilf Alexis Zara Stimulus

Staying home with my stepmom, Alexis Zara, is driving me crazy. Watching her walk around the house has me dreaming of fucking her juicy MILF pussy. But the way I show affection is by playing pranks on her. I snatch her keys and shove them down my pants, I drop stuff on the floor to watch her pick it up, I even grab her stimulus check before she can get her hands on it! The only way she’s getting it back is if she lets me smash her MILF cooch like I’ve always wanted. I guess she doesn’t need to...

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My Moms Obsession with Me

My Moms Obsession with MeI’m 24 now, and I’ve never told this to anyone. I want to tell it now, and get it out. I’m sitting at my mom’s personal computer so I can write down what all happened. Sometimes I remember more things, and now I can go back and insert them in the story at the right time they happened. I don’t want my wife to know I’m writing this, so I’m doing this at mom’s house.Dad left her years ago. A lot happened.Mom and I had a personal secret. I was about 11 when I remember it...

3 years ago
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AimeeChapter 7

Bethsany examined herself in the mirror. "I still look pretty good. Don't you think, Lilli?" "Yes, Miss," the tall brunette encapsulated in leather responded warmly. "Be honest, Lilli." "At your age, Miss, you will not bring in customers except for those with certain... desires, but no matter. I wish to have your body and health when I reach your wisdom, too." Bethsany turned around and stroked Lilli's face gently. "You say the right things, Lilli." She kissed the taller girl...

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StuckI guess it has been all my life.  My parents used a harness when I was in my crib or playpen because I would climb out.  In public I wore a harness and  leash if there were any crowds.  I was on a leash in the backyard, there was no fence and a lake close by.  It was that or I had to stay in all day, and I hated that.  They were trying to protect me and I always felt secure.When it was time for my orthodontic braces, Iwas 14 and really needed the braces, I saw a girl, about 10 or 11 years...

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“Do you like my new slacks baby?,” I smile as I pose with my legs apart. “Fucking sensational baby, I can’t wait to slide them off you.” “How about topless in the slacks, do you like that baby?,” I tease as I shrug off my blouse. “Fucking sensational baby, look at your nipples, you know how to turn me on.” “Does my ass look big in them baby?,” I ask as I turn my back to him and pose with legs apart. My ass is totally naked poking out of my backless slacks. “Absolutely fucking sensational...

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My Sex Desire With My Friend8217s Mom

This is my first story in Indian sex stories, I have personally read many stories from this site everyone was sharing there own personal experience so I through of sharing my personal encounter in this site.. Being my first story if you find any mistake or fault.. Please do support me by your valuable feedback at , if you any kind of emotional feeling to be shared please feel free to share those to my mail id.. Let me come to the story before that I wish to describe myself i’m 5’11 inch taller...

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As i set the dish in your hands, I kneel between your legs and begin to kiss my way up your legs, as i get closer and closer to your thong, your breathing becomes heavier and heavier. I tell you to keep eating because you got a long day at school today. While you try to keep eating the wonderful breakfast I made for you, I begin licking your pussy through your thong, getting you warmed up. Then I start to pull your thong down with my teeth and continue licking your pussy. At this point you...

1 year ago
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Uncle Bobs Carwash or Megan Gets Soaking WetChapter 1

Megan skipped along happily on her way to her very first paying job. Not counting babysitting, of course. She had eagerly been awaiting her 16th birthday so she would be old enough to work at Uncle Bob’s car wash. It was a big bustling business down on the bay by the beach, with 30 employees, almost all high-schoolers, and five lines in which cars could be washed, waxed and detailed. When a car came out of Uncle Bob’s, it looked brand new. Bob’s always seemed to be hopping. It was a loud...

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Having Sex With Virgin Senior Girl From College In Hyderabad

Hi to all ISS readers, this Santhu back again with another wonder full experience..Let me introduce myself for the first time who are reading my story I am Santhu from Hyderabad, my age is 24 with 7.5 inch cock and diameter of 2 inch . My height is 6.2 with good body and handsome face. I work for a MNC in Hyderabad as a software engineer. Any one interest in me ping to me This lovely incident took place in Hyderabad. When I am studying my b.Tech in one of reputed engineering college in...

2 years ago
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Make It Shine

Make It Shine Disclaimer: Victorious and all of its characters belong to Nickelodeon and Dan Schneider. Victor Vega was a common 16-year-old boy. He attended a normal, boring school where he wasn't very popular, but he wasn't a lonely guy, he was as normal as a boy can be. His sister, Trina, attended an art school called Hollywood Arts, where she could explore how "talented" she was. And Victor often imagined how funny would be to go to a school like that instead of the boring...

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Satellite Installation 2 by loyalsock

He caught his breath then suddenly felt a pang of guilt. "Shit, I'm's...ummm...all over you."Amy smiled, then shrugged, wiping the cum from her eye. "It's cool...I don't mind."Mickey grinned, then laughed "I wish my girlfriend was that accommodating." Amy frowned. "What? She doesn't let you...umm...cum on her?" she asked.Mickey sighed. "To be honest, she doesn't really" he felt uncomfortable using the word."Blowjobs?" Amy completed his sentence again,...

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Seal of Approval

First time I saw it I was in the showers after PE. One of the in-crowd girls showed it in an absolute too nonchalant way. Then again, how else could she show it, being so obvious to everyone there? She was the first one ever that I saw with such an obvious display. I remember not being shocked or surprised but merely intrigued, interested. Why would anyone make a choice to do that and in that way. It was obvious to the world and a permanent reminder to the person involved. Still I dare not...

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Honeymoon CruiseChapter 2

The largish car drew up on the quay next to the marina pontoons. The couple who emerged came as something as a surprise. Not their dress – they'd come from their wedding, so the suit on the man was to be expected. She had clearly changed as she was in jeans and a sweatshirt. But they did not appear to quite ... match. The man ... yes. They could see him as a week-end sailor. Fifty-ish, tanned and weathered, upright and fit-looking. But his wife ... could have passed as a teenager. If they'd...

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Durham Hooks into Delaney

The final applicant appeared before the interview board at 2.22. Eight minutes later it appeared all over for the opened-faced 32-year-old Durham Durham, he was ‘shown the door’. The other twenty-three applicants sweated on average thirteen minutes and nine seconds during which time they were questioned and challenged by the five serious-faced senior executives charged with appointing a special adviser on marketing to the President of Business America Jet Aircraft Corporation. An hour later...

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Fun at Church

So it was a normal sunday morning.. Me just 18, average/athletic body nice cock about 8 and a quarter, woken by my girlfriend playing with what woke her up with a poke. She is a bit older than me, brunette, B sized breasts covered only by her oversized t-shirt, going down her tight body down to her tight shaved pussy and long soft legs. I grab her sweet bubble of an ass, but theres no time for that much fun, ofcourse, sunday morning, its time for church. But today we have plans for a special...

4 years ago
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Tight Huh

A man picks up a hooker and tells her that he wants to see a sample of what he might get before he spends his hard earned money. The slut, feeling very confident spreads her legs and says, "Put your hand all the way in," which the man does. Impressed, the man is ready to plunk down the cash when she says, "Put your other hand all the way in too." Once both his hands are all the way in she says, "Now spread your hands apart." As the man attempts to spread his hands apart she says proudly, "Tight...

1 year ago
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Dirty Little Secret

Jenny had been at work all day. She had her own office where she labored as a massage ther****t. Once something she woke up excited to do, it had now become like any other job she'd had in the past.Her last client just left. Nice customer, but took a few minutes extra to leave as he kept asking for her number. Over the years, she had become used to it. She realized it was part of what comes with a job where your client is rubbed while naked. Even though it's just his back and he's under a...

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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 31 The Proposal

Final exams were difficult but after they were finished Dave was confident he had done well; he knew for a fact he had done his best. The evening after his last exam he sat down with Anne and they had a long serious discussion. She wanted to stay with him in his apartment while he finished the first summer session then move with him to wherever he was going to live after school was finished. They talked about it extensively but Dave, after all was said and digested, insisted that she go home...

2 years ago
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College life 7

*********Without thinking or asking why, I grabbed my shorts and bolted from Corey'sroom. I walked briskly down the hall fully awake, scared and saw Juanoutside."Thank goodness, maybe you can control him," Juan said.I opened the door and saw Scott and Jess with Kris in a headlock to keephim under control. I could see and smell Kris was well beyond drunk. Krissaw me and ran directly to me."I don't know these people. What are they doing here, Matt?" Kris said tome. His eyes looked possessed and...

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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 46

"She finally got ya!" Sam said with a grin. He slapped me on the back and handed me a cold Sprite "Man, she's been after you since after Elissa died. She is horny as hell for you. Why don't you put her out of her misery? She's 18 and knows her own mind. Hell, I'd be proud if it was you that got her. Ever since 8th grade she's had her eye on you. I'm not certain, but she may even be saving herself for you. She only goes out in groups and doesn't keep a "Steady" boy. Says it's not...

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402 Wallys edukashun 5

Thursday Tuesday and Wednesday had passed with a very vanilla screwing, both nights he had had a bundle of homework so it was late before they started, Tuesday had been a simple night because she was feeling sore still and Wednesday, basically to prove he was not tempted to just impose himself anally, he had just wanted to have her over the table again! On each occasion she explained another aspect of this hobby, cuckolding, hot wives, swinging, domination, bondage, pain, b********y, dogging,...

1 year ago
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I Creampied a Stranger

Last night I went out with my friends in the city. We all me at a bar around 10pm. It was my friend Jacks birthday. We had been drinking for a while, making Jack do shots. At around 1 am he got really sick. I had been talking with this really cute girl. My friends were leaving to take Jack home. I felt bad staying behind but I was trying to score.The girl's name was Samantha. she was pretty drunk and kept calling me Jake. I didn't care I just wanted to get some action. I had given her all the...

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The Nightmare inside Chapter 3

Over the last week, Lori had taken two more lives. The first one after Jason had been a complete surprise. She had gone to the movies to distract herself and met a boy that had flirted with her many times. The pain and hunger in her stomach had been too much to deny and she went home with him. The next morning his death was on the news.The other one she didn’t even remember. She remembered that the ache was so bad she thought she was going to die. Her stomach hurt and she felt like she was on...

1 year ago
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Two Of Both Worlds

It’s weird how two unsuspecting people could meet and suddenly end up together in unexpected ways. It all started in high school with my long time and now ex boyfriend, Bill, and my long time and now ex girlfriend, Charlene, we called Charley for short. Charley and I have been best friends ever since middle school. We would talk about everything. The clothes we wear, the girls we thought was unpopular, the guys we screwed. We were like sisters. Well, sort of. I remember when I was having a...

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DreamsChapter 21

"I'm pregnant," Victoria announced to Josh one night after an intense love making session. Both hadn't relations in three days due to work, getting to the lawyer, and entertaining Art Rubenstein, Brie's intended. Victoria saw that both got along together just fine. Just as if they were made for each other like her and Josh. Victoria knew Josh was for her from day one. Only since he lusted for her, Josh didn't realize he loved her until later. "About time," Josh kissed her lovingly on...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 105 Finally

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy? Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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Foursome FMMM

Genre: Gay, Bisexual, Femdom, Gangbang, Intimate Male, CD/TG, Group Sex, Partner Swap, BDSMWe have been hanging out with a straight, couple we know. Mary and Justin are early 30’s, active and fun. Mary is naturally pretty, fit, brunette, breasts maybe a D, but her round ass makes her figure amazing. Justin is average height, dark hair, ripped abs and chest, and he is almost as sexy as Mary.After a couple of times coming over they had too much to drink and we let them stay the night. They had...

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Watching Anna Ch4

After our little trip up north I could see Anna was getting deeper and deeper into the whole swinging idea. She preferred to meet people for sex rather than go to a club or hotel and pick someone up. I agreed with her and we quickly became frequent visitors of swinging websites. We got chatting to a few other couples from various parts of the country and were making arrangements to meet up. During this time we were also receiving e-mails from Susan and John about future events at their hotel....

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My sisterinlaw 1st time

It all started when my sister-in-law came to visit for a few days, Laura always got bored of sitting indoors doing nothing so I thought I would let her come out with me, I was meeting up with some friends that night and relax in the garden with a BBQ and a few drinks, we was talking and having a laugh for hours, i went to go and get another drink and when i came back the conversation had change and got quite sexual, they all spoke about there fetishes and stories, note at this stage...

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