A Chance Encounter Part One Rewritten free porn video

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A Chance Encounter Part One

(Jeremy’s POV)

I pulled my truck into a parking space outside of the coffee bistro I’d heard about from Peter, one of my childhood best friends. Looking at the building it didn’t look like much, so I just shook my head and hoped that he was right.

“Doesn’t look like much.” My best friend and co-worker Theodore says, from the passenger seat.

“Well, Peter did tell me it didn’t, but that the inside and the food makes up for it.”

“That’s good ‘cause I’m hungry.”

I laughed as I opened my door. “Theo you’re always hungry.” Getting out of the truck, I shut the door and stretched. Even though the place wasn’t that far from the base I’m still getting used to being home and doing normal things. Like driving.

Looking over at Theo, I see him doing the same thing as me. “Come on, lets go. It’s going to be a long drive to Colorado.”

(Ava’s POV)

“Oh my God, Marie come quick!” Aélita my best friend and business partner hollered from the front of the store.

With a sigh I got up from my desk and walked towards the front. “What is it Aélita, I’ve got to cook this morning because Jane called in sick and Michael is on vacation. So, I won’t be able to come running every time you holler at me today.”

When I walked through the door that separated the kitchen from the front of the Bistro, Aelita was leaning against the counter by the register, and looking at me over her shoulder with a mischievous grin on her face. “Look what’s about to walk in the door.” She said nodding her head in the direction of the front door.

Sighing I looked and what I saw left me speechless and I could feel my mouth starting to salivate at the gorgeous specimen that were about to grace my little Bistro with their presence. Two of the most gorgeous men I’d ever laid eyes on were stretching as they got out of a massive jacked up and blacked out Silverado. They both appeared to stand around six foot four or five and looked to be around 195 o pure muscle. Both had what appeared, at least from this distance, to be a military approved undercut. Except the driver had jet black hair and the passenger had sandy blonde hair. There was a ruggedness to their appearance, mainly because it looked like they could use a shave if they were military. The driver, who was my main focus, as well as the passenger wore dark blue jeans, a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled to their elbows and black tactical boots.


“That’s what I’m saying. I mean I know we’re close to the base and all, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone that fine come in before.” She replied with a sigh while fanning herself with one of the menus. Standing up straight she turns around and looks at me directly, that mischievous, smile back on her face. “So, which one do you call dibs on?”

“WHAT!” I gasped, pretending like I would never think of such a thing. But I can’t hold the act for long and start laughing. “Have I ever told you that you’re a slut?”

“Yes, at least once a day. But I still love you baby doll and you still love me.”

Laughing I turned around and started to head back into the kitchen to get ready, once in the kitchen I grab my apron putting it on and leaned over the counter next to the grill to look through the serving hatch, “By the way, the driver is off limits.” I could hear Aelita’s laugh as I stood up to continue preparing the kitchen for the day. Not to long after that I heard the jingle of the door and knew it was time to get to work. I loved my job.

(Jeremy’s POV)

Looking around at my surroundings, I smiled to myself when I glanced through the window of the Bistro and see two stunningly beautiful women ogling Theo and me. I typically notice everything that happens around me, mainly because that’s what I’ve been trained to do. “Hey Theo. It would seem we have an audience.”

“I noticed that as well.” He said with a chuckle coming to stand at the front of the truck waiting for me to get to him. When we started heading for the door he asked, “So, which on would you call dibs on if you could? The blond or the redhead?”

Glancing at the two women again, I took in their appearance. The blonde’s hair looked bleached, and honestly, I hated the look, but it fit her, almost as if it were natural and not from a bottle. All I could see of her body was from the waist up though since she was standing behind the counter, but what I saw was beautiful. She appeared to have about C cup breasts. Which is not a bad size, just enough to fill my hand. She was earing a spaghetti strap shirt and her hair hung loose around her shoulders framing her face on one side and tucked behind her ear on the other. The redhead though, I could see her full body and I love what could see. She had curves in all the right places and what appeared to be double D breasts. She was also wearing a spaghetti strap tank top as well as jeans that hugged her body like a second skin and sneakers.

When I got to the door, I reached to open it looking over my shoulder I looked at Theo and said, “The redhead.” Before opening the door and walking in.

Right as you enter the Bistro there’s a sign that says Please seat yourself. Looking around the space, I see a booth that is in the corner against the wall and has a window on the side. It would have a perfect view of the room. Having to always be on my guard I like I like to sit where someone isn’t able to come up behind me as well has being able to see most if not all of the room. Heading over there I take a seat with the wall at my back. Theo follows and sits down across from me.

A few seconds after we sit, the blonde walks over to us. Setting a couple of menus down in front of us she says, “Hello there, what can I get you fine gentlemen this morning?” she says in a sultry voice.

I can’t help the twitch of my lips, “I would love some coffee please.”

“Same.” Theo says as he glances over the menu.

“You got it.” She says walking away.

It doesn’t take her long to come back with two mugs and a coffee pot. Setting the cups down she asks, “Will you need room for cream?”

“No thanks.” I reply and Theo agrees.

“No problem.” she says pouring the coffee into the mugs. “So, do you know what you would like, or do you need a few minutes?”

“I know what I want, how about you Theo?”

“I’m good.”

“I would like the steak and eggs. Steak medium rare and the eggs over medium.” I tell her closing my menu and handing it to her.

“No problem, it comes with two sides. People usually get hashbrowns and pancakes or toast.”

“I’ll have the hashbrowns extra crispy and white toast with strawberry jelly.”

“Sure, there should be some jelly packets in the holder over there but if there isn’t let me know.” She replies before looking at Theo, biting her lower lip and undressing him with her eyes. “And for you gorgeous?”

“Hmm, I think I will have the chicken and waffles, with some bacon and sausage patties. Then I think I’ll top it off with a slice of that chocolate cake I saw in the fridge by the register as we walked in.”

With a chuckle the blond nods and reads back our order, both of us nodding to let her know it was correct. “Okay, if you gentlemen need anything before the food comes out don’t be afraid to holler, my names Aelita.”

With that she walks away and heads towards the serving hatch where she slides our order through to the cook.

(Aelita’s POV)

“Oh my God Marie, both of their voices are so sexy.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” She replies taking the order slip from me. Glancing at it her eyes grow a little wide. “Damn, they sure do have an appetite.”

With a chuckle I nod, “Yeah they do, but they’re hot as fuck.”

“You’re not going to fuck one of them, are you?”

“No promises. I plan to offer because it’s been a minute since I’ve had a good lay.”


“You called.” I reply before grabbing the fresh pot of coffee that just finished brewing and heading over to the men. “Ready for a top off?”

“Please.” They both say.

Topping off their mugs, I ask if they need anything else then head back behind the counter when they tell me they’re good for now. As, I set the pot down, the door jingles and one of our regulars walks in the door. “Hey Mr. Hall. I have your order ready. Let me just go in the back and get it.”

“Thank you Aelita.” He replied with a small smile.

“No problem.”

Walking into the kitchen I head over to the walk-in fridge and grab his order. He’s been coming here practically since Marie, and I opened our doors. He used to come in every Saturday with his wife, but she died from cancer last year. He still comes in and gets her favorite treats every Saturday before he heads to the cemetery to visit her. He’s said he doesn’t eat it himself that his son and daughter usually meet him there and they have a picnic together.

Walking back up front I hand him the bag. “Marie said to tell you that this one is on the house.

“Aelita, you know I can’t let her do that.”

“Yes, you can. She also said to tell Mrs. Hall Happy Birthday for her and that she misses her.”

I watch as tears start to gather in his eyes. “Thank you, I will.”

After he walks out the door, Marie rings the bell indicating that the food is ready. Going over I take my order pad out of my apron and write a message on it before tearing it off and placing it with Theos order slipping my order pad and all three slips back in my pocket. Gathering the plates up I head over to their table plastering a big smile on my face.

(Jeremy’s POV)

“How long are you planning on staying in Colorado before heading up to see your own family?”

“I’m not sure. The last time I spoke with my folks it didn’t end well.” Theo replied.

“I remember. However, I think they may come around when you tell them you’re planning on retiring.”

“But that’s just it, they should support me regardless of what I do for a living. So, what I didn’t go to college and get a business degree like they planned so I could take over my fathers’ company. I never wanted that life to begin with.”

“I know I know.” I replied, glancing towards the counter when I caught movement out of my peripheral. “Looks like our food is ready.”

A moment later the waitress, Aelita think she said her name was, walked up to the table and started setting our plates down in front of us. “Is there anything else you guys need?”

Looking out at the spread, I double checked the caddy carrying the jelly to make sure it had strawberry. “I’m good.” I reply.

“I think I’m good as well.”

“Okay, well if you need anything again don’t hesitate to holler.” She says, then hands us our tickets before walking away and heading back into the kitchen.

I turned my attention to my food and started to cut into my steak when I heard Theo inhale sharply. Looking up at him I saw him sputtering and grabbing for his coffee. “You good?”

“Yeah,” he says after taking a drink. “Food just went down wrong from the sharp inhale of breath I took.”

“What was that about?”

Theo looked over at me with a cocky smile, handing over to be one of the tickets the waitress had given him. Reading it I saw it said:

If you’re down to have a little fun. Meet me out back by the stirs when you’re finished. -Aelita

“I can’t take you anywhere, can I?”

“Hey, I don’t know about you but after being deployed for two and a half years I could really use a good lay. I don’t care how cruel that sounds either.” He said as he started to shovel food into his mouth.

I just shook my head and continued eating my food at a moderate pace. Once he was finished, he handed me some cash and asked me to settle his bill and get his slice of cake to-go. “Just remember, I’m not bailing you out if anything goes wrong, I’ll leave your ass here to deal with the consequences.”

“What could go wrong, I’ve got protection and on top of that I’ll more than likely never see her again.”

“Just be Careful.” I reply as he walks away.

(Marie’s POV)

After I’d finished making the order for the two men, I got to work preparing things for the lunch crowd that usually came in. There was a fresh batch of muffins in the oven, and I’d just put the finishing touches on the soup of the day, that should be finished by then. Wiping my hand off on my apron, I grabbed a sanitizer bucket and started filling it with ice and water.

As I was walking with bucket over to the grill Aelita walked in.

“I’m going to take my break early. Mr. Hall already came in and picked up his order and Theo and his friend are the only other ones out there.”

Sighing. I dumped the water on the grill before looking over at her. “What are you up to Aelita?”

“Hopefully, I’m about to get fucked.” She replied with a huge grin on her face.

Grabbing the grill scrapper, I pointed it at her and said, “Slut.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She grinned then headed out the back door.

Turning back to my task I started to scrap the water off the grill pushing it all towards the built-in trash hole. When I was halfway finished cleaning up I felt like someone was watching me, glancing up trough the kitchen hatch, I saw the driver from the truck standing by the register watching me.

“Can I help you?” I ask.

“Your waitress left before I paid.”

I smiled with a slight roll of my eyes, typical Aelita. “Give me a couple minutes to finish up.”

“Take your time.”

With a nod I focus my attention back on cleaning the grill. Once I finished wiping it off, I toss the rag I was using into the dirty bin for the cleaners to pick up, before heading to the sink to wash my hands. After I’m finished, I push through the door and walk up to the register, trying my hardest not to undress the man standing before me with my eyes.

“Sorry about Aelita, but I have a feeling that you’re just as used to that behavior as I am.”

“Yeah, I am actually.” He says with a chuckle handing over two order tickets, and I can’t help but agree with Aelita as I take the tickets from him, his voice is sexy, kind of gives me Sam Elliott vibes, but not quite as deeply husky. “Just put it all on one tab. And since Theo didn’t make it to his slice of chocolate cake would you mind boxing it up to-go”

“No problem.” I reply and start to ring up the orders.

“I’m Jeremy McBride, by the way.”

“Marie Sullivan.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Marie.” He says handing over his card.

“Same to you.” I say with a smile swiping the card and handing it back to him. While the computer works on processing the payment, I walk over to the dessert fridge pulling out the chocolate cake. Cutting it I place it in one of my fancy dessert boxes and walk back over to the register with it. “So, where are y’all headed?” I ask while I grab the receipt that printed out and handing it over with the boxed-up cake slice.

There’s a silence that falls over both of us as Jeremy appears to decide on what to say. “We are headed up to Colorado, to see my family. Theo’s going to stay with me for a little bit before eventually renting a vehicle to head up to Montana to see his.”

“That’s nice, are you from Colorado?” when he nods, I ask, “What brings you to Kempner, Texas then. That’s a long way from home.”

He chuckles. “It is. I’m in the Army.” He pauses as if to decide what to say next. I can’t help but start at the way he worries his lip between his teeth. “Theo and I just got back from deployment. We’ve been gone for two and a half years. Both of us are either hoping to either get a different MOS, which would hopefully lead to fewer deployments, or we’re going to get out.”

“Oh wow. That’s intense.” I say with a sigh. “There’s nothing really intense like that for me. I’m not from here either, I came here for all the wrong reasons, but I can’t really complain because it led me to being able to own this place. I know the outside doesn’t look promising, and I’m saving to be able to fix that, but hopefully the food changed your mind of the place.”

“It sure did.” He replies with another chuckle. “I think that was one of the best steaks I’ve ever had.” He adds with a wink.

I can feel myself blush as I soak in his words at the same time, I feel a rush of heat flow through my core. God what I wouldn’t give to be able to let go and be as carefree as Aelita sometimes, but I’m not that type of person. I need a connection with someone before I think of becoming intimate with them. “Thank you, I really appreciate that.”

(Theo’s POV)

After leaving Jer at the table, I leave out the front door and start making my way around the building towards the back. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I can’t help but feel a little nervous. It’s been over two years since I’ve been with a woman. I really don’t want to embarrass myself.

Walking around the corner of the building, I come to a stop when I see the gorgeous waitress sitting on the steps waiting. She really is stunning. When she notices me standing there, she smiles and stands up with a little wave. Waving back, I return the smile and started walking again. As I get closer to her, I can see her smile grow and the obvious lust that appears in her eyes.

When I’m standing right in front of her, she takes a step up on the stairs so that we’re eye level. “I’m so glad you decided to take me up on my offer.” She whispers in that same sultry voice she used earier.

“It was a hard offer to refuse.”

She grabs me by the shirt and pulls me in closer, and her head starts to descend towards mine. Without missing a beat, my hands tangle themselves up in her gorgeous blonde hair. At the same time her lips met his and she started kissing him a passion that took his breath away.

For several minutes, we stood there and attacked each other’s lips. Our tongues dueling for dominance before retreating briefly. With a ragged breath I broke apart from the kiss and started deeply into her smoky grey eyes.

She was staring back at me her breathing just as ragged when she says, “Let’s take this upstairs.” Grabbing me by the hand she turned and started leading the way up the stairs. Pausing briefly to open the door.

As soon as the door closed behind us, she pushed me up against it and started kissing me again. Her teeth sinking gently into my bottom lip as her hands started to undo the buttons on my shirt. When she was finished with the buttons, I shrugged out of my shirt letting it fall to the floor. Placing my hands on her hips, I swung us around so that she was now the one pinned against the door. Nudging her legs apart I placed my knee between them right up against her hot pussy. I started to work my hands up her tank top caressing her sides as I went and when I reached her luscious breasts, I cupped them massaging them through her thin bra all while I placed open mouthed kisses along the underside of her jaw.

Reaching her ear, I gently sucked the lobe into my mouth before biting down gently, causing her to release a long moan of pleasure. I stopped massaging her breast long enough to grab the hem of her tank stripping it off her quickly. Raking my eyes over her cleavage I leaned forward and placed open mouth kisses where the skin of her breasts hung over the top of the bra.

When she started to grind her cunt against my leg, I lifted my head and smirked. “You’re a naughty one, aren’t you?” I ask, before reclaiming her lips not giving her a chance to answer.

I could feel her start to fumble with my belt attempting to undo it. But I wasn’t ready for that yet. Stepping back, I released my hold I had on her against the wall. She looked at me questionably, “Not yet, I want to see you first.”

She smiled at me and walked over to the bed. On her hands and knees, she crawled up onto the bed looking over her should and asked, “Are you coming or what?” before she flipped over and sat at the edge of the bed leaning back on her hands.

Not needing any more encouragement, I stalked towards her. Reaching for her shorts when I got to her, she lifted her ass off the bed allowing me to slide them down her silky-smooth legs. Tossing them to the floor I grabbed her by the face and crushed my lips to hers.

I feel her sink her nails into my back lifting her hips and grinding her pussy against my raging erection. Kissing her felt so good and along with her grinding herself against me I felt like I was about to cum in my jeans. Needing a distraction I trailed kisses down her neck towards the top of her breasts, while sliding my hands under her and unclasping her bra. When I got it unhooked, she quickly pulled it off and threw it over my head.

I gently cupped her breasts in the palm of my hands massaging them until her nipples started to peak. “I love how responsive your nipples are to my touch.” I say in a husky voice.

“That’s not the only thing responding to your touch.”

I felt my cock twitch at her words, I was so close it was unreal. I started to roll one of her pink buds between my fingers which elicited a small gasp from her.

“Yes, Oh my God yes.” She cried out.

Leaning over I took the other bud into my mouth and swirled it around with my tongue while sliding my other hand down her taut stomach to her core. When I reached her mound, I started to rub her clit through her lacey panties, before sliding my hand beneath cupping her pussy in my hand and sliding my middle finger through her wet folds. “You really are a naughty girl.” I say against her nipple, bring my hand up I place it against her mouth curious as to what she’ll do.

When she takes my finger into her mouth and sucks her essence of it, I let out a growl of approval before standing up straight. Gripping her panties in one hand I quickly rip them off, “I hope those weren’t a favorite.” I say kneeling down in front of her and throwing one of her legs over my shoulder for better access to her glorious pussy. “Look how wet you are for me. Does it turn you one to have a stranger kneeling between your legs.” I ask before dipping my tongue into her core and slurping up the juices that were dripping from her cunt. God, she tasted like heaven.

I growled my approval moving my lips to her clit and sucking it into my mouth. As I attacked her pussy, she grasped my hair in her hands effectively bringing me closer and started to grind herself against my mouth. She starts moaning loudly and mutter incomprehensively which I take to mean she’s close, so I bring my hand up and slip two fingers inside of her as I swirl my tongue over clit and then rolling it between my teeth. Curling my fingers, I start to thrust them into her making sure to hit the sweet spot that make her mewl out. Lifting my head, I look up at her and see she is now clutching the comforter in her hands as she starts to fuck herself with my fingers.

“Oh god Theo, I’m so close.”

“That’s it fuck yourself on my fingers like the naught girl you are.” I say as I start to fuck her faster with my hand. “Cum all over my hand so I can lap up your sweet juice.”

At the last moment right as I feel her muscles start to contract, I take her clit back into my mouth and suck hard, she screams, and I feel the flood of her juices cover my hand.

With a grin I lean back on my haunches, watching as she rides out the rest of her orgasm. Only removing my hand from her when she stops convulsing.

Standing up I look down at her, her hair is plaid out over the comforter, and she is breathing heavily and staring at me with hooded eyes. “God.” I whisper. “You’re so beautiful.”

She gives me a small smile, still trying to catch her breath. Reaching into my back pocket I pull out my wallet, finishing a condom out. I toss the condom on the bed next to her and my wallet onto the nightstand. Leaning over I undo my boots standing straight again I start undoing my jeans as I toe off the boots. Taking the boxer briefs and jeans in hand I pull them down to my ankles and kick them off to the side.

Aelita smiles when my erection springs free and I watch as she grabs the condom ripping it open. Grabbing me by my dick she pulls me closer and places the condom at the tip before she uses her mouth to slide it the rest of the way down my shaft.

“Fuuuuuuuck.” I groan out which makes her giggle. Grabbing her by the hair I tear her away from my cock. “You think my reaction was funny?”

She smiles and nods. With a growl I crush my mouth against hers lifting her into my arms repositioning us on the bed. Breaking of the kiss I lean back on my haunches stroking my cock.

“Fuck me, Theo.”

“I plan to.” I reply positioning my cock at the entrance to her pussy. I insert the tip before pulling it our and sliding it across her slit to coat it with her juices. Slapping it across her clit. “You like that?” I ask when she moans. She nods, so I slap her clit a few more time before placing my cock at her entrance again. Slowly inserting just the tip again.

Leaning over I giver a quick kiss before placing my lips just under her ear. “You ready for this?”

“Just fuck me already.” She growls.

With a smile, I slam my hips forward sliding the full length of my shaft inside of her. God, she’s tight. It feels like heaven. Tentatively I pull my hips back till I’m almost all the way out before quickly sliding back in. It’s goes on like this for several minutes. Sliding my cock inside her pussy, the noise of our hips slapping together.

I could feel her start to shudder again as she approached another orgasm. “Yes, yes, yes.” She started to say. “That’s it right there Theo. Oh God. I’m going to cum. Harder.” She screams.

Picking up the pace I start to pound into her with short, measured strokes. On every downward stroke she grunts. When I feel my balls tighten with my own impending orgasm, I start talking dirty to her hoping it will set her off. “Are you going to cum all over my cock naughty girl?”

Pulling me closer she wraps her legs around my hips and clings to my back digging in her nails. “Yes.” She gasps.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, I’m going to cum all over your cock.” She screams. “Oh god. Oh God. Oh god. I’m going to cum.”

“I’m close.” I pant out, wanting to give her enough time to tell me where she wants it.

“Don’t you fucking stop, fuck me till you cum.” She moans out.

Breathing deeply, I continue to pound my cock into her trying to hold onto my own orgasm until she goes over the edge. Just as I’m about to bring my hand between us to rub her clit, she screams out and I feel the muscles of her cunt clamp around my cock forcing my own release. With a groan I thrust forward and hold myself against her. Collapsing against her I try to catch my breath rubbing my hand down her side I can feel her body still shaking with her own release and her muscles are continuing to convulse milking my seed from my shaft into the condom.

When I feel my balls relax and my cock starts to shrink, I slip out of her and roll to the side of the bed, still breathing heavy. “That was fucking fantastic.” I whisper more to myself than to her.

She turns to look at me leaning her head against her hand. “Yes, it was. And as much as I’d love to go take a shower and go for round two. I need to get back downstairs. The lunch rush will be in soon.”

“Yeah, Jer and I need to hit the road if we don’t want to be on the road till the early hours of the morning.” I reply. Sitting up, I cup her face, bringing my lips to hers I kiss her gently before retreating from the bed and going into the bathroom to clean up, grabbing my pants and boots along the way. When I come out, Aelita is already dressed and waiting for me on the couch in her small living area. Walking over to the door, I snatch up my shirt and put it on.

“Will I ever see you again?” She asks. Glancing over at her I see that she looks hopeful but judging by the tone of voice she used I can tell she isn’t expecting to ever see me again.

I don’t want to lie and tell her we’ll see each other again so I’m honest. “I don’t know. Probably not.”

“Thank you for not lying to me.” She says with a smile. “I wasn’t expecting to ever see you again, but that was some of the best sex I’ve ever had in my life so I would be lying if I said I wasn’t wishing for a repeat sometime down the road.”

Taking her hand, I pull her into my arms. “I feel the same way.” I tell her before kissing her again.

After we break off the kiss, we step apart and leave the apartment. Being the gentleman that I am, regardless of my reputation, I walk her to the back door of the Bistro making sure makes it safely even though it’s not that far between the door and the stairs. Along the way she asks me a few questions that I mindlessly answer.

Once she’s inside I make my way around to the front of the building heading for Jer’s truck. When I round the corner Jer comes walking out the front door. Wordlessly we both climb into the truck and head towards the highway.

“So,” Jer says when we’ve been on the road for about an hour and half breaking the silence in the truck other than the drone of the radio. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

Looking over at him, I decide to be honest. “If I weren’t who I was, and I was someone that did relationships. I think I would try with her.”

“I’m right there with you brother.” Jer whispers to himself, obviously not meaning for me to hear, but before I can question him he turns the volume up on the radio, effectively ending our conversation.

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment your opinion I can't wait to hear what everyone has to say!


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Betsys Creampie Rewritten

Lisa is sitting to my right. She is wearing a white blouse that buttons down the front and a pair of short pink shorts. The top few buttons are undone; the one in the middle of her chest is straining to hold her shirt closed. She turns towards me and leans forward to emphasize a point about her job. Her shirt hangs open showing a very noticeable tan line plunging between her breasts. The four-way conversation continues without much fanfare. I got up to get some snacks and Lisa follows me...

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Submitting to my Coach rewritten

My 8th grade boyfriend is the total opposite of him: immature, weak, and lacking confidence. Recently I haven’t been able to cum when we have been together, unless I fantasize about Mr. Johnson using his hands to excite me. Coach and I have gotten used to chatting a bit in his office after each practice, and its always pretty flirty stuff and so much fun. After changing out of my cheer-leading outfit, I’m sitting in...

1 year ago
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Theme Park of Doom Rewritten

Joel smiled to himself as he waited in line for entry, feeling that childlike excitement fill him up as he thought about all the things he would do, he had heard there was a new restaurant which had opened up in the park, he made a mental note to visit it, he had heard the burgers were excellent, “Unlike Anything you’ve ever tasted!” he hoped it lived up to the hype. When he finally reached the front of the line, he handed the man in the booth his ticket, which he had ordered a few weeks ago,...

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Betsys Creampie 2 rewritten

Jeff and Lisa were at the lake with Betsy and me again last weekend. A few weeks ago, Jeff had turned Betsy’s cunt into a large, sexy cream pie. Now they were back and I wondered what excitement was in store for her and us. It was rainy and very warm this past weekend. We spent most of the time on the covered back porch. Jeff had a beer while the girls drank their wine. No one actually spoke of last weekend. It was almost as if it never happened. Lisa never let on that her husband fucked my...

2 years ago
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sex story introduction and back story completely rewritten

Reader beware the following sex story’s contain in this book are of adult content and highly erotic contents scenes of graphic language and extreme sexual de***********ions these stories should only be read by Persons of 18 years and older, None of these stories can be copy and re-translated without express written permission from the Author. If you choose to read beyond this point all I can say is this YOU HAVE BEEN WARN! Introduction The following sex...

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Amy and Darleen rewritten

Copyright 2018 CHAPTER 1 It started a couple of years after my divorce. At first, I was not interested in dating as the divorce got nasty fairly quick. We were high school sweethearts who ended up getting married rather young. I grew up in a religious family and my wife didn’t. However, since I was working close to 80 hours a week for nearly 2 years, it led to the demise of our marriage. My grandparents were married over 60 years. Getting divorced really broke my heart and took its...

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A cruise to remember rewritten

I was 24 at the time and my husband is one year my senior. We had booked a seven day cruise that island hopped around the Caribbean. We were to visit five different islands during the week long trip. We were looking forward to getting away from the snow and cold and enjoy the sunny warm weather of the Caribbean. First, I must tell you a little about my husband and myself. If you have read any of my previous stories, you know that we have a very open relationship when it comes to sex. We...

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the creators chapter 3 rewritten

Authors note: this is the rewrite to chapter 3 sorry about chapter 2 double post. As always this story contains themes some people not like such as young, incest, mind control and possibly bestiality down the road. Thank you for reading my series thus far nothing much has changed in this chapter just a few word changes and some extra dialogue. thank you and enjoy and previously stated in the original chapter 3 there will be no sex in this or the next chapter so I can develop my characters and...

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Perversions In The Woods rewritten

I wrote this story a few years ago. It was originally called Perverted Kids. I have edited it a few times, and I didnt like that title, so now I call it Perversions in The Woods. Since XNXX allows you to delete and edit your stories now, I want to submit the stories that I have changed. Im sorry to keep posting but I am never happy with my storys and I always want to change them, and I want them all to be available on one link. Perversions In The Woods by Britney I was out on a jog one...

4 years ago
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my sexy cousin rewritten

Introduction: This story contains underage sex and incest so if you dont like either you might want to leave now. This is also my first story so helpful criticism is welcome. Sorry if there are any faults or things wrong I thought I got them all and sorry if I go from first to third person and back. This is the story of how I and my cousin Lucy ended up having sex. It all started one day at my nans when she came home from school on a hot summers day, this was when I first noticed she was...

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Tenjho Tenge Rewritten

You sigh as you enter your new high school, its pristine walls high looming dauntingly above you with every passing step... After ages of training, you have finally managed to perfect your family's personalized style of martial art - an obscure mix of judo, hapkido, and wudang. With your newly-sharpened prowess, it was easy to secure a spot in Tadou Academy, and equally easy to find yourself the center of attention among the freshmen. A young man soon approaches you, a chibi-looking girl...

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Episode 74 Jessicas Wedding rewritten

[A story inspired by the Sapphic Erotica video Juliette, Judit and Jessica a favourite of lesbians Jana-chen and Foureyes1234]Hi my name is Jessica; tied face down on our bed by my Domme Alexis. She is a tall, black, strongly-built lesbian who just about tolerates my additional need for cock, but won't allow anything penis-shaped in the flat. No strap-ons, no dildos, no vibrators longer than a clit-stim. She even checks the candles for any sign of sexual abuse. I wriggle out of the ropes and...

1 year ago
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The Wardrobe rewritten

The Wardrobe Copyright 2006 by Heather Rose Brown Paul was carefully inking his name to the sign-in sheet when he caught a whiff of a particularly clingy, musky perfume. Just as he was about to write in the start time for his shift, slender fingers ending in long, silver fingernails snatched the pen from his hand. "Thank you, Angel. I'll just be a moment." A silky strand of platinum hair slipped over Paul's shoulder as the intruding hand reached over his arm and scribbled the current...

1 year ago
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The Hidden Princess Rewritten

The Hidden Princess Brian felt his mother staring and turned to see her standing in the doorway. She sheepishly smiled, turned and continued down the hall. Money had lost its importance once she had won the lottery and now Brian and his mother were starting over in a new house without Him. The one who claimed to be his father. The furniture was already gone; they were doing everything new including his clothes (Which had been crated away before he could see them.). Carolynn was...

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Love Hurts rewritten

This can either go as a stand-alone story or become a series, it is completely up to you. Please give me your thoughts about it in the comments section. Any constructive criticism, ideas for sequence, and even grammar tips are very appreciated. Cheers, A2O ****** Love Hurts Part I "Alex... Being honest, I..." She blushed beautifully and looked down, ashamed, but the alcohol seemed to have given her the bravery to go on. "I think I'd like to try all of that. Going wild… Let somebody...

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Back in Time Day 1 rewritten

Andre went to prom with his friends, but it didn’t quite feel right. He was always a bit awkward, so getting into relationships was next to impossible for him. Spending senior prom without a date made him feel unworthy, so he looked up at the night sky and whispered. “If only I could have another chance with Lila. If only I could tell her how I felt back then. Maybe things would be different.” That night Andre went to sleep, and when he awoke, he could help but feel different. He seemed to...

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The Weekend Trip rewritten

My girlfriend, Patti, knew and somewhat tolerated my crossdressing. She would occasionally allow me to sleep in a nightie - but that was the limit. We were having Saturday morning sex - her favorite was to sit on my face while I satisfied her orally. Once she climaxed, she would scoot down, mount and ride me until I came. This time, after I brought her to a massive crescendo, she scooted down and mounted me, but didn't move. She looked down at me and said, "I have a surprise...

2 years ago
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Gamer of FutaMultiverse Rewritten

An infinite, never-ending black void... check. Can’t feel my own body, check. A blue text box hovering in front of me, check. ‘Wait, wait wait… Hold up, something ain’t right…’ It was at this moment, that I remembered, I died. Well, at least it’s not by a truck, that’d be too cliché. No, I died in a plane crash. What are the odds? It just so happened that a storm appeared right smack dab in the middle of the Pacific Ocean for no reason and somehow my plane is nearby. My last thoughts were,...

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Swms 4 the Fourth Edition Revised and Rewritten

“How beautiful; You two stayed together all that time.” - Heather Swartz- Sex with My Sister Joshua and Andrea set down the boxes just inside the door of their apartment. They had just moved finished moving in officially. It had only been six months since their parents had died, and now that they had executed the wills they had gotten the house on the market and sold it. Andrea was only five foot two. She was a skinny little thing with a nice body. She wore a tank top that showed off her flat...

2 years ago
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It was a pleasantly warm summer evening. The trees leaves around rustle in the light breeze, as wind chimes sparkle in the distance. The sun's just set, a beautiful stretch of pink and gold painting the wispy clouds in the sky as lights start to turn on, it being that time of day. Suddenly, a mailbox begins to rattle, shaking the metal casing, as brilliant light spills through the cracks, and with it, a package manifests. As quickly as the commotion began, it disappeared, only leaving the...

Mind Control
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My first encounterin a train compartment

My first encounter...in a train compartment.It was almost exactly a year since my 'Changing Room' incident that was revealed in my previous story. I was a year older, but was I any wiser? I'd been working away from home for the whole of my summer holidays and it was time to return there, and then within days back to school. I was 16 and had been 'sort of apprenticed' to a foreman in charge of refurbishing shops for the last 6 weeks. The job wasn't really the type most schoolboys got in their...

1 year ago
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Chance Encounter in Georgia Part III

The night in Adam's cabin had come to an end. I was disappointed. I never wanted it to end, I wanted to stay with Adam. Around nine, I started to get dress, I had a twelve hour drive back to Ohio. I looked at Adam, sound asleep in bed. I didn't want to wake him, but hoped he'd wake before I had to leave, maybe even convince me to stay.I didn't have to wait long, he woke up shortly after I did. He smiled as he propped himself up on the pillows. He said, "You know, I love that shirt, but you look...

Love Stories
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Encountering the EnergistsChapter 4 Another Brick in the Wall Part 1 thru Part2

Time Irrelevant: Within the Energists' Universe After reviewing the events surrounding my funeral and that rejuvenating period of rest with Kaleigh, I was once again ready to jump back into instructing the Energists. I performed a quick review of all the concepts I had previously helped the Energists acquire on this journey towards their becoming individual physical beings. Not surprisingly, all the Energists were able to articulate a solid grasp of that material. Several of the more daring...

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Chance Encounter With A Hot Punjabi Office Girl

Once again i will take you people through the pages of my sex life. It’s totally a chance encounter with a hot Punjabi girl in my previous office and it’s a real encounter started in office lift. Needless to say that Punjabi girl has an ass which every men wants to spank and fuck. Hot figure 36-30-38… hold your dicks guys because i know every one of you would love to remove her panty and spank her big ass before actually fucking it… ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It was a normal day, and i was...

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Chance Encounter

1Chance Encounter        It was just a bit over two years since my divorce and I still hadn’t come completely to terms with it.  I was still looking for other answers.  Maybe I had dedicated too much time to advancing my career and not enough time to her, although my major goal there was always to be the best breadwinner I could be, and not aimed at feeding my ego with my success.  And I always tried to be very solicitous to her when we were together.  Maybe even over solicitous.  She had just...

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Ben and Ryan have a stoned encounter

It was a hot summer day. Ryan and I had both been hanging out with our girlfriends when we all decided it would be a great idea to get high that night. Ryan proceeded to call our marijuana dealer and organise a delivery whilst I entertained myself with talking to the girls. Whilst talking to the girls, I couldn’t help but glance at Ryan out of the corner of my eye. I was a closeted bisexual, and still am ‘til this day. I had always had a thing for Ryan. But who could blame me? He was so...

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Ben and Ryan have a stoned encounter

Introduction: Two boys fuck when high on marijuana This is based on a true story. Some names have been excluded. Some scenes are exaggerated to meet my fantasies but most of this really did happen. It was a hot summer day. Ryan and I had both been hanging out with our girlfriends when we all decided it would be a great idea to get high that night. Ryan proceeded to call our marijuana dealer and organise a delivery whilst I entertained myself with talking to the girls. Whilst talking to the...

1 year ago
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Chance Encounter 8211 Sarita Nimmo revisited

Chance Encounter – Sarita & Nimmo revisited This is the 2nd episode of Chance encounter. Thank you readers of ISS. The original story had over 1,00,000 hits. That was way beyond what ever I expected it to be. And it prompted me to put this second episode on paper. After few months, I went back to this small town where Sarita & Nimmo lived. I went directly to their house hoping to get the room of the roof for rent again. As I alighted from the rickshaw, I heard a shreik of joy from inside the...

2 years ago
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Encounters with Tom Sneak Peek and First Encounter

Now I’ve been shy about my body, its curvaceous and yes I’m a bit overweight for my 5ft6 frame, my arse is rounded, my breasts are very large and my thighs are bigger than I would like. However, its all me and so that’s that. Most sunny days I love to wander in the garden topless (at least) sometimes completely nude, smelling the flowers and settling down to soak up the rays. So, anyway, there I was one Saturday afternoon in early August laying naked on my sunbed when a voice comes...

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The Arranged Encounter Part 2 Setting Sail

A few weeks ago I had met David for the first time. After weeks of chatting that meeting was meant to build the final trust needed for him to share his wife with me, his beautiful wife of more than 25 years. The meeting went well, as expected. Men are drawn to trust and follow me. Women are drawn to trust and want me. I don’t say that out of arrogance, I’ve known I was a true Alpha male since I was 21. My early experiences both in my professional life and my sexual life helped me understand my...

Wife Lovers
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Encounter in the Lab Part two

Introduction: This story is the second story in the Encounter in the Lab series. Carol, an attractive older Lab Tech in a major North Carolina hospital suffers from a Hypersexual Disorder. In part one, Carol encountered one of her willing lovers, men devoted to satisfying her incessant hypersexual drive. As noted in the previous chapter, the story is fictional, yet based upon real people and genuine circumstances. Obviously, names and details have been changed or modified to provide anonymity....

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Chance Encounter

Chance EncounterIt felt so good to get inside, away from the heat. I knew I had to get some shopping done, which I hate, so instead of going early that Saturday morning, I'd procrastinated and put it off until mid-afternoon. The sun had been scorching, and the air conditioning had decided to pick today to stop working. Ugh. I was wearing a sundress; cornflower blue with tiny daisies adorining the bust. And of course, my flip flops. For 40+ years old, I looked damned cute. I walked through the...

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My Brother8217s Bride 8211 Part IV 8211 The Holi Encounter

Hi All, I am Akshay Ganna 36 years old with an athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show hidden desires, so I use it to the maximum of my advantage. I hope you have read the first 3 parts of “My Brother’s Bride” where I had some great sexual encounters with Bhavana, 22 year old who was going to be my cousin brother Vinay’s wife now and living in Pune. The first 3 parts were about how I made her compromise the situation and gift her virginity to me and we had a...

4 years ago
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Marine Zacks Group Encounter by Buck Jones

Chapter Sevenby Buck JonesZack Arranges a Group EncounterI told Gramp what I wanted. I wanted a controlled ****. I want to be tied up to a tree and guys and then maybe some girls come along… and they use my holes. The guys double fuck me… I could be d**gged or something. I just want to give up control to get what I want. I want sexual excess and sexual exhaustion. I don’t want to bleed or anything, but I wantto be lost in what’s happening. I want every action, every slap, every whack to work me...

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Life With AlphaChapter 9 Beta Bayonetta

Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...

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The Arranged Encounter Part 1 The Meeting

As I walked into the bar I was quickly able to pick him out. The trendy bar was full of 30-somethings and younger, and I knew he was my age. We were the only men in the place with graying hair. I walked over and he immediately stood and shook my hand. David quickly explained why the big smile. “I’m so glad you came, you wouldn’t believe how many men I talk to don’t show and when I return home I get some lame excuse.” I knew exactly what he was talking about having been on the receiving end of...

Wife Lovers
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Anna and Ramone Ch 02

Hi guys, Thank you for reading the story and also for your feedback. I hope you enjoy the second chapter as well. T-Wnjk ********* Present Day ‘Anna? Anna?’ Ramone called looking concerned. ‘What?’ ‘You’re crying.’ ‘Oh,’ Anna said while wiping her tears. ‘Excuse me Ramone.’ Anna bolted to her bathroom and locked the door. Her heart was beating furiously and she rested her elbows on her sink with her head bowed down. She didn’t dare look at the mirror for fear of what she would see....

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Anna and Ramone

I’d like to thank michchick98 for her help in editing my story. Any grammatical errors found in the story are purely mine. Present day Anna and Ramone were eating ice cream in her apartment whilst reminiscing of their time together. They’d been friends for 20 years now and although life had pushed them into different directions, they remained the best of friends. It was November and they were discussing their plans for Christmas. They’d both turned 30 in the course of the year and were...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 12 Ramone

Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...

1 year ago
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Encounter With Big Spanish Girl Latisha 8211 Part 2

Hello Everyone, This is Rohan, back again with the second part of my encounter with big Spanish women Latisha, a bit about me again, I am 27, 6’1″ tall and athletic. I suggest you read the previous part to enjoy the current story even more. Here is the link Well after our encounter in the kitchen and in the sofa, we both were exhausted and sweating, it may have been a short session of 20 mins, but it got us both very horny and we both came like never before, our face was wet with each other’s...

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The Case Files of Cindy Masters Dyke DetectiveThis Episode A Chance EncounterPart 3

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Three This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Three Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it. I lay back on the weight bench and placed my feet behind the leg brace for a few chest flies. My eyes darted about the room like a fly looking for a warm beer. The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance...

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Me And My First Family Encounter Part Four

Me and My First Family Encounter. Part Four. Passion and lust.My first family encounter continues. If you have read part one, to part four of my true story posts, you will discover the true fact that I have been having real sex with my mother for some years before this next part of my TRUE STORY........ But things seem to have got far more hot between my hot horny sexy mother and me, much hotter in fact, since I was now at the age of 18.This evening I felt hot and horny, in fact I had been...

3 years ago
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Anish8217s Hot Encounter Poorva 8211 The Lonely Hungry Wife

Hello horny gentlemen and kinky ladies! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Anish, 28 years single man from Mumbai. An athletic built man. I am a regular reader of ISS and have submitted my previous experiences too. I would love it if you read them and let me know your feedback. All my submissions start with my name. Embrace yourself to feel the joy of my new steamy encounter. Set your dicks and pussies ready for an orgasmic journey. I request your pardon if you feel that the story is long. But...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 18 Ahh Kiyone

"Ok," Kiyone was saying evenly, halting as she was passing through and under the Torii. "Now repeat it back to me." "No touching, no button pressing, no lever throwing." Mihoshi sighed, taking the final step up. "No cable disconnecting, no tying or untying for that matter." She continued after pausing beneath the Torii's arch, reciting in a sing song voice complete with rocking her head back and forth in time with the meter of her words. "And if I see anything in my way higher than...

2 years ago
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Chance Encounter

Chance encounterAs I round the corner to the elevators, I see you standing there in front of the doors with a luggage cart and a cart with boxes loaded on it. As I step up near the doors, you look at me and half smile. You are dressed in business attire however I have to admit your shape is very attractive, not to mention your half smile.The door opens and you try to drag both carts into the elevator, the bigger cart gets caught in the door so I help you get it into the elevator. The door...

2 years ago
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Chance encounter

Chance encounterAs I round the corner to the elevators, I see you standing there in front of the doors with a luggage cart and a cart with boxes loaded on it. As I step up near the doors, you look at me and half smile. You are dressed in business attire however I have to admit your shape is very attractive, not to mention your half smile.The door opens and you try to drag both carts into the elevator, the bigger cart gets caught in the door so I help you get it into the elevator. The door...

3 years ago
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Chance EncounterChapter 9 Endings and Beginnings Part II

It was the middle of March. Paul found himself seated on an airliner next to Ted Wilson on their way to Chicago. They had two items on their agenda that day. First, was the signing of the dismissal agreement on the Peoria lawsuit. Paul's and Leonard Raines' plan worked to near perfection. A small flap developed when the plaintiff's side asked for a 'hold harmless' clause. It was due to Paul's mention of Harry Carmichael's company's losses on account of the suit. For that reason Harry...

1 year ago
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Simone The Schoolgirl Part One

I looked at her with new eyes. Her hair was hanging forwards and her sweet face looked so soft. I looked at her perfectly straight legs, slightly tanned. He thighs were full and her calves had a lovely roundness to them. She had a woman’s legs - not those of a typical skinny schoolgirl. I felt my cock starting to twitch and decided the best thing would be to get this over with a.s.a.p. I moved behind her, holding the ruler poised above her glorious behind. Simone The Schoolgirl (Part One) A...

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Persephone milks Pluto Part 2

Pluto was rudely awakened by a loud dinner triangle, ringing as Persephone walked down the stairs. “Time to eat up slave!” as she walked down the spiral staircase. Pluto had been locked into the large cage he had seen the night before. He was still completely naked, save for the chastity cage which very uncomfortably suffocated his penis. He looked up and his jaw nearly dropped. He had seen Persephone last night, but that was in a confusing, hazy daze. Now he had his full senses about him and...

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My Mom8217s Sexual Encounter 8211 Part I

Hi to all friends and this platform has given wonderful sexual stories. I have been a regular reader of the stories. I am going to tell real stories about my mom’s sexual encounters with an uncle living under our apartment, with his friends and also with my friend. Let me tell you about my mom how she is look in mid 40’s in 90’s, she is lovely lady with heavy figure but sexy) and lady of 2 pair of nice boobs heavy and huge ass. This by now is understood it’s an old story. She was a housewife...

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Surprise Encounter with the Boss Part 2

Kelly had been a wreck ever since the encounter with her boss Stan.  She simply couldn’t get the encounter out of her mind.  She was filled with a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from confusion, shame, fear and the most surprising and persistent to her… lust!  The encounter with Stan had been the best sex she had ever had and she hated herself for it.  Kelly didn’t know what to do about it either.  She knew she couldn’t tell her fiancé, Mark, but should she quit her job?  How would she...

1 year ago
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Boone The Early YearsChapter 07

The trip to San Francisco, California, goes at a faster pace than Boone likes because Peter, the trader, is pushing to get there and back home. Boone has little choice about matching Peter’s pace if he wants to get the extra money for hauling the goods. At camp on the night after the first full day Boone walks over to Peter and ask, “Is this the pace you’ll be keeping all the way to San Francisco and back to Arizona City?” Peter looks up at Boone from where he’s sitting as he says, “Only on...

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