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Special Note: This is a sequel to my story 'Magically Maid'. I highly recomend you read it first. Magically Requested By Garath Xion: "Dude, that is just lame," the man named Reeve said as he watched his roommate Ken carry in a small stuffed panda bear. Ken was a collector of stuffed panda bears. He just liked them that was all. Though to Reeve it was a sign of being a nerd and to him that was a lame way to be. Ken just sighed inwardly. He had been through this before. Whether it be his collections, his anime, or his videogames Reeve always found something to rag on him about. Ken wasn't just into anime and games. He actually had a small weight set in his room in which he used quite often. The result was he had a fairly nice upper build and that was about the only thing Reeve approved about him. It had been three months since Ken had moved out of his parent's place into a place of his own. He was currently working a part time job while trying to get into college. He knew it'd have been easier to stay at his parents till he actually managed to get IN to college, but he just couldn't wait. He loved his mom and dad, but recently they had been driving him crazy. So the first chance he got he moved out. Sadly that was into this apartment owned by Reeve who he had met through a friend. Reeve was fair in the rent and buying food, but was a nightmare in everything else. He was into only two things, Cars and girls. Though he wasn't in any sports he did respect people who played them, and dus was the beginning of the torment for Ken. See Reeve didn't think anything else was worth interest, so every time Ken did ANYTHING he had to listen to Reeve open his big mouth to rant about how he was wasting his time with such things. Many times Ken had told Reeve to just back off and let him like what he liked, but those efforts had proven futile. Reeve never gave up, and Ken realized he probably never would. Tonight was no different of course. "Reeve not now," was all Ken said as he crossed the living room to get to his own room. The living room was decently sized for the apartment they lived in. It was just a mere two bedroom, one bath. The front door opened into the living room, giving you a shot of the kitchen right in front of you. Next to it was the dinning room, and to your right were three doors. The middle one was the restroom while the other two lead to the bedrooms. Ken's was the one in the far corner of the dinning room. So he had to go pretty far to reach it, which gave Reeve plenty of time to mouth off. "What's the matter? In a bad mood again? What do you get PMS like a women or something? Hey speaking of women, maybe if you stopped doing lame crap like that you might actually GET one," Reeve shot from the couch as Ken walked by. Luckily before Reeve could get anymore off, Ken managed to get into his room. Reeve was a jerk about these things sure, but at least he never knocked on his door unless it was important. Ken was actually rather good looking. He was about five foot eleven, decently toned muscles, short black hair, and bold blue eyes. The problem was his self esteem as it seemed to be with most guys his age. Or so he thought. He just didn't think it his place to be bothering girls about dates. Nor did he really know what to say to get one. Not that he wasn't interested. In fact he had joined a couple of online dating services as well as actually attempt to ask one or two out, but they never really amounted to anything at all. Unfortunately, this only re enforced his feelings on being a bother. Reeve of course, as if some divine law had commanded it, was six foot 3, shaggy blond hair, charming green eyes, and was just slightly more muscled then Ken himself. He unlike Ken could get a date whenever he wanted. Unfortunately Ken knew it was because Reeve kept pretending to be people he wasn't. As much as he wanted to argue this point to Reeve however, he had enough trouble getting ranted on by him to muster the energy for such an argument. Placing his latest purchase on his shelf he debated on how hungry he was at the moment. It was already seven o clock at night now after he had gotten home and he had forgotten to pick up a sandwich on the way back. He could go see what was in the kitchen but that would mean dealing with Reeve again. What he really wanted to do was load up his computer, which he had hooked to his TV, and watch one of the latest anime episodes he managed to download. Thus giving him a great chance to relax. However if he was hungry then this wouldn't work out that well. In the end his growling stomach made up his mind for him, so out of his room he came to search for food. No sooner had he taken one step out did Reeve continue his assault. "Wow actually coming out for once. Not going to jack off to cartoon characters today?" he asked. "Shut up Reeve," Ken said sighing as he looked through the cabinets and the fridge. Much to his dismay he found signs of food pretty scarce. "I finished off the last of the leftovers about an hour ago," Reeve called from the living room, "so if you're looking for food you're kinda outta luck." "There were at least three bowls left of that stew!" Ken cried back, "You couldn't save me at least enough for one?" "Hey it's not my fault you didn't pick something up while you were out," Reeve merely said shrugging, his eyes never leaving the TV. Ken was pretty upset now. Reeve had a habit of doing this to him as well. It was true he was good at BUYING food, but not rationing it. If Ken knew anything he knew this would probably end with him going back out. "So what am I suppose to eat?" Ken asked already knowing the answer. Sure enough, Reeve said as predicted. "Hey you've got a Jack in the Box two blocks down, That seems like a good start," With that Reeve stopped paying attention to him. Ken sighed once again and walked back out the door. There was no point in arguing with Reeve. He never won. Many times he had thought about going back to his parent?s house, but the thought of him 'crawling back' disturbed him. This was just one of those things he had to overcome, no matter how painful it was at times. Still Ken didn't know how much more of this he could take. The place had been a mess before Ken had moved in, and in the time he had been living there he pretty much had become the maid. Just once he'd like it if Reeve would do something to help him out. But dreams didn't normally come true in this world, and with that he gave himself to his journey to get something to eat. After he fed himself, he'd worry about his home life again. After gathering up his keys and his wallet he was out the door, mulling over the days events in his mind. So lost had he become in thought that he almost didn't see the woman heading past him on the crossing of the sidewalk until it was too late. As it was he startled her enough to the point she dropped her bags of groceries. As Ken saw the various cans roll everywhere he silently thanked the heavens she hadn't been carrying any jars, otherwise he'd feel even guiltier then he did already. Still it would figure she'd have groceries. Isn't that always how it went on TV? "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he repeated a few times trying to catch some of her escaping cans. The women merely smiled kindly. "It's alright, I can tell you didn't mean it, and these things do happen," she said grabbing what she could. As Ken got a good look at her, he realized just how strange this woman appeared. Her hair was snow white, falling down to the small of her back. Though while he only got a glimpse of them, her blue eyes looked rather youthful and energetic, though it was somehow clear to him that she was a rather old women despite all this. Ken was amazed though, he would of sworn she was no older then twenty-five! "Yeah I just was lost in thought, guess I should pay more attention to where I'm going huh?" Ken said embarrassed while handing her what he had managed to gather up. The women took them gratefully. "I could tell, it seems you are pretty troubled," the women said straightening her bags back to how she had them. Ken merely nodded. "Yeah, roommate troubles, nothing life threatening though," he said admiring her beauty. He knew she was old, but he couldn't help but be amazed at how stunning her looks were. He bet she had been a heartbreaker in her younger days. He was more concerned about his grumbling stomach though. Try as one might, the stomach isn't something you generally argue with. Still he wasn't about to leave without making sure this women was ok. Even now he was making another scan of the area to insure they had picked up all her dropped groceries. "Ah roommate troubles hey?" The women said as she nodded, "That seems to always be the trouble, it wasn't too long ago that I helped a neighbor of mine with roommate troubles. But I'm ahead of myself. My name is Lilly, Ms Lilly, but you can call me Lilly. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Lilly had extended her hand as she said that. He was a little startled by her introduction. He hadn't really thought she's strike up a conversation after he had almost bowled her over. Still it'd be rude not to introduce himself now, and with that he took and shook her hand in greeting. "I'm Ken," he said. The women nodded as if was expecting that name. That seemed rather odd, Ken thought. Did he look like a Ken or something? "I'm sorry if it seems I'm being nosy, but what's the trouble with the roommate?" Lilly asked after their greeting. Ken had planned to excuse himself to continue on his trek for food, but somehow found himself relating his story to her. "He seems like he could be a good person, but he's too stuck up on the notion that people who don't play sports aren't achieving anything. Well maybe not exactly like that but close. He just always leaves the place a mess, leaving me to clean it up, and has no consideration for me at all. I'm out here now heading to the Jack in the Box to get a bite to eat because he cleaned out all we had. Just once I'd like him to at least TRY to be considerate!" he said before he knew it. He couldn't believe he was talking his problems over with some old women he had just met on the street. If it wasn't for the fact she looked so kind and understanding, he may have been more freaked then he was. "Sounds like he's just out to fulfill his own needs. It'd be nice if he'd help you with a few of your own though wouldn't it? Like food," Lilly said smirking as Ken's stomach made an annoyed groan. Ken blushed, feeling embarrassed. He had to admit, having Reeve help him out would be great. He could have driven him to the restaurant at least. But there was no point in asking. Ken knew the answer. "Well anyway, looks like I shouldn't hold you up any longer, though for helping me out and talking with me, I'd like to give you a small gift," she said reaching into another one of her bags. Ken wanted to protest, but he had watched enough anime to know where that would probably lead. True this was real life and not some anime, but he didn't think the result would be any different. So instead he watched as she pulled a white Lilly from the depths of her bag. Ken found it kind of amusing. Ms Lilly carrying a lily. "I'm glad you didn't try to say it wasn't necessary," she said as she handed him the flower. He took it without resistance. "You would have found I wouldn't take no for an answer. I'm always happy to spread some flowers around. They are a beauty not many appreciate anymore." Ken nodded in agreement before saying, "Thanks." With that the women known as Ms Lilly bowed to him, (which he returned) before heading off to a place unknown. He stood there watching her leave, occasionally waving to her as she'd turn back and wave herself, until she turned a corner out of site. As soon as she had, Ken felt like something had let go of him. He shivered for a moment trying to figure out what just happened. It was like she had somehow MADE him tell his story. Normally he would have never done such a thing like that, I mean who would? But it was as if her entire being forced him to be open and honest. Well he didn't think she was evil or anything, but the entire ordeal still left him shaken. He then remembered he was holding something. Looking down he was reminded of the single white lily she had given him as a present for their chance encounter. It was all wrapped up in a small bit of white cloth to protect it. Only the very tip of the flower, namely the petals themselves, were visible at the top. He briefly considered ditching the thing in the nearest trash can due to how freaky this whole thing seemed to be, but he really did like lily?s, and what possible harm could a flower do him? It didn't seem to have anything dangerous concealed in it's wrapping, and he still didn't think the women to be evil. He made up his mind to keep it and continued for the Jack in the Box, only making a small detour to pick up a vase. * * * "What the hell?" Reeve said as Ken walked back through the door holding a vase with the single lily placed in it. "You go out for what a little over an hour and you come back with a flower? Do you just have a lack of masculinity or something? I mean seriously." "Ha ha, it wasn't planned ok?" Ken said passing Reeve up to hurry and get to the kitchen sink. He had decided to eat his food at the restaurant rather then bring it home and allow it to get cold. The problem with that was, while he had gotten a vase for the flower first, he hadn't filled it up with water for fear of it becoming rather hard to handle having to carry around a large container filled with water. So he had left it dry hoping it wouldn't be too bad for it till he got home. He did recall that Ms Lilly had the thing just sitting in a bag waterless after all. "Some lady dropped her bags and I helped her picked them up so she gave me this as a thank you," he said unwrapping the flower and dropping it into the now water filled vase. The cloth he merely placed on the counter. He'd deal with it later. "Wait. A girl? Thanked you? It's unlike you to make progress. Tell me you at LEAST asked for her phone number," Reeve said as he watched him place the vase on their dining room table. Ken almost laughed. "No way, she was like eighty," he said heading back to his room. Reeve just sighed. "Figures," he said thankfully just turning back to the TV. Ken closed his bedroom door behind him, cutting his roommate out of his life for at least a few moments. He sighed deeply just glad to be back in a place he could consider his sanctuary. After dealing with Reeve, and meeting the odd Ms Lilly the only thing he wanted to do now was recuperate. Settling down into his torn, yet still functioning computer chair, he flipped the computers switch and waited for it too boot up, while at the same time hitting the power button for his TV on its remote. A few quicker button presses was all it took to set up the television for computer display. It wasn't long before his system had finished its start up sequence and he was browsing his fan subbed anime for anything to watch. After a several minutes he gave up. He just didn't have anything he felt like watching at the moment. Instead he figured he'd check his DVDs. That's when he saw the case sitting on top of his normally neatly lined row of anime DVDs. Maburaho, a series he had borrowed from a friend. He had forgotten all about it until now. "Guess I know what I should be watching," Ken said chuckling to himself as he popped a DVD into his player. After that he just let himself get lost in the show. It was pretty interesting from what he was seeing. A world where everyone had a magic count, but you could only cast the number of spells your count was. The main character was a guy who only had a spell count of eight, giving him a rather hard time at school and with life in general. As was the par for most anime shows like this, that all changed when a pink haired girl from his past comes back into his life with the full purpose and intent of becoming his wife. Anime hi-jinks ensure afterward. As Ken watched he began to feel lonely. It was sadly common when he watched these kinds of animes. It was your typical harem anime. Nothing too special but he was enjoying it anyway. Though it always brought along with it questions he hated asking. The main character of this anime was similar to himself, or so Ken would like to think. He obviously couldn't cast magic like the guy in the anime could, but their personalities shared some similarities. This always lead Ken to wonder if he'd be in a similar situation if his life were an anime. He supposes it was only human nature to feel such a way. He just hoped this didn't make him a bad person. There was no denying it though. He'd love it if some cute girl would come into his life much like The girl, (who he found out was named Yuna) did to Kazuki's life, (which was the name of the main male character he had been comparing himself to). Not to be his wife or anything, but it'd be interesting to have a cute girl interested in him. That kind of thinking though was just plan silly and he knew it. You didn't just get a girlfriend, you had to go out and find one. Still it was fun to dream. His dream was interrupted though by a rather upset stomach. He groaned. Thanks to buying that vase, he had only enough money to buy one hamburger. No fries or drink, and the burger had been a small one at that. Guess his stomach needed more then that to be happy. Not like he had any choice. He'd get up early and pick up a big breakfast before heading to work. He had some emergency money stashed away in this room somewhere. Too bad he didn't grab it earlier. As the anime played on, he began to really wish he had at least a sandwich. Plain Boloney would do... * * * As soon as Ken had shut his door upon finishing with that flower of his, Reeve had gotten up to grab himself another soda from the fridge. He sighed as he passed the flower on the table. It would figure that the first girl Ken would talk to would be a senior citizen. If he'd stop wasting his time in his room with games and anime he might actually have a better shot at getting a girlfriend then he thought. Reeve hated how Ken wasted the potential he had. He could probably be a great sports player, or skateboarder, or something. Reeve knew that if Ken would only put his mind to it he could really turn his life around. I mean why watch fake people do fake things that one would never be able to do themselves? It was so much better to go out and do something that people respected. If there was one thing he believed, it was that if you didn't have respect you didn't have anything. He only hoped he could get Ken to see that like his family had shown him. As he walked back past the table carrying his cola, he decided to inspect the flower a bit. Wouldn't do either of them any good if some insect had hitched a ride. As he looked it over, he couldn't help but give it a small sniff. It definitely was a pleasant aroma. Reeve snickered at the thought that had crossed his mind. "Nothing like a women's touch to brighten up the home right?" Reeve said silently to himself, "Leave it to Ken to do something like that." He was about to continue on his way when something about the flower caught his eye. He couldn't quite believe it, but it seemed that the flower was... closing is petals like a mouth? He peered closer, and sure enough the flower had closed the opening in its petals, much like it was some kind of round mouth. As he watched the flower petals seemed to inflate themselves like a balloon. The mouth though remained sealed. "What in the-" Reeve began right before the mouth reopened sending the cause of the inflation into Reeve's face. The inflation turned out to be a build up of pollen which had just been fired rather directly into Reeve's face. He stumbled around a bit dropping his unopened can of cola while he coughed and sputtered, attempting to get the intruding substance out of his nose, mouth, and eyes. He wasn't sure how he had managed it, but he found his way to thewater and attempted to gargle out as much pollen as he could. He had still inhaled a large portion of it since it had been shot literally into his nose. He desperately hoped he wasn't allergic to it, or that it was some sort of poison. After several moments of just standing there not feeling any different however, he decided it must have just been a strange fluke of the flower and that he was fine. One thing was for certain however. There was no WAY the flower was staying now. He marched right over to Ken's door in order to demand they throw the thing, before he found that his body had stopped. Confused, he tried to push himself forward to no avail. Scared that the pollen may have affected him after all he tried to make it to his room to get his cell phone and call 911. That was until he realized he had bounded over to his door without problems and that if the pollen had been preventing him from moving. Obviously this act would be impossible. He carefully tested moving his arms, legs and neck into various positions before coming to the conclusion that he was fine and not at all paralyzed like he had thought. Calming upon realizing this, he once more headed for Ken's room. Only to find he couldn't reach it before his body refused to move once more. This time he didn't panic even though he was still frightened at what was going on. Trying to think rationally he attempted to march in place and found that he could with little effort. He then tried to move his arms around, which also came easily. As he stood in place attempting to move each body part he could, he found that his body responded in the same manner it always had. So once more he tried to take a step towards Ken's door and was once again meet with no response. Well it was clear that he wasn't paralyzed. Yet if he tried to go near Ken's door his body would stop moving. It was almost like hitting an invisible wall. So why could he not go there, if nothing else seemed to affect him? "Because Ken doesn't want me to bother him," he suddenly thought. He blinked at that. Where had that thought come from? Why also, could he not bother Ken just because he didn't want him to? What did that matter? He wanted that freaky plant gone and there was no way he was getting close to it again. But no matter how hard he tried he just could not make himself go near Ken's door. He had been about to give up when a new thought suddenly entered his mind. "Ken would like a bologna sandwich." Then before he knew it, he was walking into the kitchen and pulling out some bread from the cupboard. What was he doing? Why was his body acting on it's own like this? This was really beginning to scare him. Had the pollen done this to him? Had it been some sort of alien spores that were taking over his body? He mentally slapped himself for that thought as his body moved on towards the refrigerator. He was beginning to let his mind be clouded by that fake crap Ken watched. There were no such things as aliens he told himself. Though that still didn't explain why his body was moving without him commanding it. He couldn't figure out why, but he suddenly found himself relaxing. After a quick brainstorm he guessed it had to have been some sort of side effect from the pollen. It must be making him feel clam so it could make him do it's commands without too much interference from him. Commands which were apparently to make a bologna sandwich for Ken. At least he assumed it was the pollen making him do all this. He just couldn't think of what else it could be, and well being sprayed by it in such an odd manner was far too strange to be a coincidence. As he opened the refrigerator he scoffed. This was going to prove impossible as while they had some bread left over, he knew they didn't have anything to put ON it. Unless you wanted a mayonnaise sandwich. Much to his surprise however, was the fact there was a package of bologna sitting on the second shelf of the fridge when he opened it. He pulled the package out and put it on the counter next to the bread along with the jar of mayonnaise they had. After grabbing a knife, he went to work making the sandwich, only stopping long enough to grab some mustard for it. Once he had put everything away, he put the sandwich on a paper plate. As he did so, he coughed shaking some stray pollen from his hair. He only hoped none had made it onto the sandwich. He was too busy walking toward Ken's room to really see. As he got near the door this time, he could only wonder if he'd actually be able to open it. He still couldn't grasp what was going on, but he knew that he had to deliver this sandwich. Whatever was going on, it was making him do it no matter what. He knocked once and waited. After a little while he heard the TV mute, or pause and a rather irritated, yet trying hard not to let it show in his voice, Ken say to come in. He found that this time he was able to open the door without problems. The very thing that had seemed impossible to do only moments before was now as easy as breathing. He glanced around on habit upon stepping inside the room. On Ken's TV was a picture of some pink haired anime girl hugging a guy. It would figure he was watching that crap. Normally he would have made a comment but this time he felt compelled to only say what he was there for. More of the pollen at work he'd bet. "Hey turns out we had some bologna, and I figured you'd want a sandwich," he said as he handed a rather shocked Ken the plate. Ken merely stared at him for a few moments like the world had come to an end. Reeve was rather annoyed at that. What? Did Ken think he was incapable of doing something nice? Though come to think of it, he couldn't remember when the last time he HAD done something like this was. He usually was more concerned with getting Ken to give up this anime crap and get a real hobby. Ken meanwhile seemed to snap out of his befuddlement. "Uh, Thanks Reeve," Ken said placing the sandwich upon his computer desk. He then looked around his room a bit seeming to search for something. "He is thirsty," Reeve felt himself thinking. Immediately he felt the need to go get him a soda. "Hang on, you probably need a drink. I'll get you a Mountain Dew," Reeve said without thinking as he headed back to the kitchen. Behind him he heard Ken say thanks in the same befuddlement he had heard in his voice earlier. What was going on? It seemed like every time Ken wanted something he was forced to go fetch it. Wait that was it! He realized as he opened the fridge to get the can of soda. Whatever that pollen had in it, it was forcing him to do whatever Ken wanted. He couldn't enter Ken's room earlier because Ken's desire to not be bothered had stopped him from doing just that! Then when Ken got hungry he had sensed it and went to prepare exactly what Ken had wanted to eat. But what about the bologna? He knew for a fact that hadn't been there before. So how had the fridge contained it? Better yet, where did this can of Mountain Dew come from? He thought Ken had grabbed the last one this morning. He pondered this as he headed back toward Ken's room. Something odd was going on here. Something that he couldn't explain. Perhaps this was the work of Aliens after all. When your body suddenly begins to move on its own, along with you gaining the ability to 'hear' your roommates desires, there aren't many explanations for it. Reality wasn't working as it was suppose to, and therefore one's mind can become rather open very suddenly. He supposed the only thing that was probably keeping him from freaking was the fact whatever had gotten into him was still forcing him to remain calm "Here ya go," he said tossing the can at Ken who caught it quickly. They both sat (or in Reeve's case; stood) there staring at each other for a few moments before Reeve felt that Ken wanted him to leave. So, tossing out a quick later, he left the room just barely catching Ken's own later as the door shut. Once he was back out in the dining room he no longer felt compelled to do anything he didn't want to. Testing himself, he found that he once more had full control over his body. A quick test proved that he still couldn't bother Ken though. Apparently since Ken seemed to have all he desired at that time, Reeve was free to do as he pleased. He'd have to wait until Ken wanted company before he could talk to him about the flower. He'd throw it away himself, but was still too freaked by it to go near the thing. Making sure to stay as far from it as he could, he walked over to his dropped coke can and picked it up. He moved back to his spot on the couch and tried to relax drinking his soda while watching the tube. At least until he felt that Ken was willing to have company. Thanks to the calming effect of the pollen, he was able to think this through logically. The first thing he thought about doing was running away. But where would he go? The police? No way would they believe him. Besides, he hadn't known Ken long, but he didn't think that he'd do something like this. Or could he? Wait, if it was Ken who did this, wouldn't Ken want him not to suspect him? Reeve didn't trust instinct that much, but right now it was telling him that Ken was innocent. For once he decided to just accept that and move on in his thoughts. So then if Ken had been telling the truth earlier that meant it had to have been that lady Ken had met and gotten the flower from that had done this to him. But why? What purpose could she have to do this? His head began to pound right after that. He barely managed to place the soda can down before his vision became fuzzy. Gripping his head with his hands he tried to clear it. Was the pollen killing him? Was he going to die? He really hated the fact that he was being forced to stay calm during all this. Then, during the mist of the headache he began to collect random thoughts in his head. It was as if information had been hidden in the recesses of his mind, and it was only now pulling together to allow him access to it. He now knew that it was indeed the pollen that was behind all this. The lily had been a magic flower prepared just for him. He would do whatever Ken desired till the spell wore off. Though when that would be he hadn't been given. He also knew that this new found information had been programmed into the spell in order to help the effected understand the situation. He was being punished. But for what? What had he done that gave her the right to do this? He couldn't wait for this spell to wear off. Yet as it was he was still feeling too calm to get worked up over it. He was stuck. He knew he wouldn't be able to run as the spell prevented that. He could knock Ken out, but it was clear to him now Ken didn't even know this was going on. Reeve wasn't a bad guy. He really did care about Ken's well being. That was why he was constantly trying to get him to give up living in a fantasy world and go out into the real world. Of course he highly doubted Ken felt like being knocked out. So that would most likely cause the spell to prevent that anyway. The entire ordeal was making him feel dizzy. Staggering, he made his way into the restroom attempting to use the cold water from the sink to clear his head. At any rate he was stuck doing whatever Ken desired for who knows how long. Couldn't be too hard considering the most Ken would want had already been given. So what more could he possibly want? * * * Ken finished the sandwich Reeve had given him rather quickly. He could have sworn something was a bit off about it (the sandwich) in general. It was almost like it smelled like a flower. In fact for a second he could have sworn he saw some sort of pollen on the plate... His head began to feel dizzy as he thought about that, making him loose track of his thoughts. Pushing what he had been pondering aside, he drowned the rest of the soda, now trying to grasp just what the heck was going on with his roommate. Reeve never did things like this. NEVER. So why now? What had happened that he had decided to show some consideration today? It was almost like his encounter from earlier. Was there something about that? The same dizziness hit him and he shook his head to clear it. No that type of thinking was silly. He was looking a gift horse in the mouth and he wasn't the type of person to normally do such a thing. Deciding to just let it slide and continue watching his anime. He found himself really enjoying the show as it went along. Kazuki had quite the harem going on, which was typical for an anime, but he wasn't bothered by it. Well not bothered in the typical sense anyway. The fact that in animes nice guys always got the girls did bug him a little bit, but only because he hadn't had any luck with girls himself. After all, despite what Reeve thought, he had been trying to ask a few girls out that he had seen at the college he was trying to apply to, but as always never gotten anywhere. While he watched he thought back to another anime he had seen called Girl's Bravo. There had been a girl in that anime he had taken quite a shine too. This of course annoyed the heck out of him being that she was a fictional character. He really hoped it was a just human quirk to end up having a crush on a cartoon female. He supposed it wasn't really just the girl though, but more the 'type' of girl she had been that had gotten to him. Her name was Kohomei. She was the shy type, and seemed so fragile. She had also been very smart, athletic, and Kind. But he had to admit it was the shyness that was most likely the main focus of his attention. Maybe he liked her because he'd feel like he was protecting her at times, and therefore actually needed by someone? It was pointless to try and figure it out now, he decided while sighing. He never got anywhere when he let his mind wander like this. What was worse is as usual, he had also completely lost track of where he had been in the anime because of it. Rewinding the scene on the DVD, he found himself thinking of that girl Kohomei once more. Perhaps it was rather lame of him, but he really wished he could spend some time with a girl like that. Just to talk, or so he tried to fool himself into thinking. The truth was he'd probably want to do more, but he'd settle for someone to just talk to at the very least. "Yeah if only," he said sarcastically to himself as he hit the play button. "I need to stop wishing for the impossible..." * * * Reeve dried his face with a towel after finally getting his head to clear up. He was even more pleased that the headache seemed to have subsided. As he put down the towel, he took a long look at his reflection and sighed. What was he going to do about this? Was he really at fault for this to have happened? "Ken wants company from a girl," He suddenly thought. Huh, so he was even picking up those kinds of thoughts was he? He even knew the type of girl Ken wanted company from as well as what she looked like. What was he suppose to do about this one? Go out and find her on the street? Then again if the spell had made bologna and soda where there had been none. Would that mean he'd just happen to find a girl like that as soon as he stepped outside? Well he supposed he'd find out as soon as his body began to move on its own again like it had the first two times he had gotten a command. However this time his body wasn't making him move anywhere. In fact he didn't even feel compelled to do anything. That was odd. Guess that was just a desire that was too big for the spell to handle. Too bad Ken, Reeve thought as he straightened up. Looks like you're not going to get lucky in that way. He chuckled a bit at that before reaching down to scratch his right leg. It had really begun to itch just then. Irritated he also began to scratch his left leg, as it had begun to itch just as much. What, was the pollen giving him a rash now? He lifted his pant leg trying to find the source of itchiness, half expecting to see a large red rash all over it. While there wasn't any rash on his leg, something did seem to be strange about it. It only took him a few seconds to realize it, but his leg was completely void of leg hair! It looked really weird and slim that way. He was quickly distracted from that by a dull throbbing in his hips and butt. It was like some inner burning was flowing through it. He silently grunted in pain as he rubbed his hips, hoping to stop the pain somehow. Was it his imagination or had they gotten wider? His butt also felt oddly different then it had moments before. The dull burn had begun to crawl up his stomach to his chest. Feeling dread he lifted his shirt to see his muscles seemingly melt away into smooth soft flesh. Not even the command from the pollen to remain calm could keep him from panicking now. Frightened, he made an effort to pull off his shirt before he felt his arms begin to itch much like his legs had only moments before. Forced to give up on the shirt for the moment, he attempted to scratch his arms, only to feel the itch suddenly manifest on his scalp. Too busy to worry about that, while still trying to get his arms to stop being irritated, he tried to ignore it as his head seemed to gain in weight. By now he was not only panicking, but was very confused as to what was happening to him. Taking a chance to look into the mirror he gasped. His reflection had changed ever so slightly. Instead of his shaggy blond hair, he now had long black hair that went all the way down to his ass. Not only that, but his eyes seemed to be changing color. His vision blurred for a moment and by the time it came back he saw that they had indeed been changing color. They had gone from green to blue! Something was happening to him all right! But what? In his panicked state, he just couldn't sort his thoughts out long enough to grasp the obvious answer. This is when the spell apparently decided to force him to realize what was happening with its next two changes. As Reeve watched he could see his face begin to soften and change. It was becoming less rugged and more....cute? The reality of what was happening had slowly begun to creep into his mind. The revelation came with the next burst of itchiness that followed the next alteration. His chest had been struck with the seemingly invisible rash that had ravaged the rest of his body. Now he did ditch his shirt noticing only slightly that his arms were devoid of not only hair, but the muscle he had once had as well. Reeve could only look dumbfound at his now very feminine appearance as he watched his body seemingly 'grow' a pair of c-cup breasts complete with perk little nipples. It was too late for him to check the lower region when he felt the horrible dull burn flare into an intensity there for but an instant. Still shaking despite the calming aspect of the spell managing to kick back in. He reached down to discover that his male member had indeed been taken from him. The spell hadn't wanted him to find a girl to keep Ken company. The spell wanted him to BE the girl that kept him company! Reeve had never felt so scared in his life. Only the spell doing it's best to keep him calm prevented him from loosing it completely. He didn't even register that a white bra had appeared over his cleavage. Nor did he notice his underwear becoming a pair of panties along with his pants becoming a blue skirt. He stood unblinking at the incredibly cute girl he had become in the mirror. She reached down, against her will, to pick up her shirt, which she barley noticed had become a white blouse. Once she got that on, she reached into a drawer to pick up a small yellow ribbon, in which she used to tie her hair up. Having it jut into a ponytail off the top left of her head. Looking a bit at her new self in the mirror, she had to admit she was very cute. Heck she wouldn't have minded spending a night with a girl like this herself! Wait, herself? She? Why had she suddenly begun to think of herself in a female manner? The answer came to her almost as quickly as she could ask the question. Because Ken had wanted to spend some time with a 'girl' not a guy pretending to be a girl. As soon as this became clear to her, she felt herself moving on her own towards Ken's room. Looks like the spell was kicking in again. She was about to walk into Ken's room like this! She hadn't even had time to take much more then a breath. She wondered what would kill her first. Embarrassment or fear! Having no time to think that over, she knocked on the door... * * * Ken paused the DVD as he heard another knock on his door. Did Reeve want something else? He wasn't sure he wanted to see that again. He was still getting a weird feeling from what had happened earlier. "Come in!" he said expecting Reeve to come in to offer to take the plate or something. He really couldn't think of anything else his roommate would be bothering him for now, unless his kindness earlier had all been some kind of trick. Though how could giving him a sandwich and soda be used against him later? Instead of Reeve opening the door though, what he got was a very pretty, and very timid looking girl! Ken just balked as his brain shut completely down. A girl this cute shouldn't just appear out of nowhere and knock on his door. This wasn't an anime. Though it did seem eerily similar to the anime he was watching. She looked really familiar too. In fact he could have sworn she looked just like- Another wave of the dizziness hit him just then. He jerked his head in a sneezing motion for a brief instant trying to get his vision to clear up again. He couldn't remember what he had been thinking about just then either, but he didn't think it was important for him to forget like that. He had to deal with this person anyway, who was looking around his room in bewilderment. "Um..." The girl spoke in a rather meek manner before she managed to say, "Hello" "Uh, Hello," Ken said in almost the same manner. "Can I help you?" He figured that was a rather lame thing to say, but he really couldn't think of anything better. Besides, the girl was making him feel really weird. But in a good way. It suddenly occurred to him that he must have dozed off during the anime and this was all just a dream. After all it WAS what he had been thinking of moments before he had apparently drifted off. Except that wave of dizziness had hurt... And everyone knew you couldn't feel pain in dreams... Now he was REALLY confused. Meanwhile Reeve hadn't been having any better of a time getting through this herself. She had knocked on the door under the spells command, but as soon as she had entered, she found herself in control again. Standing in front of Ken like this had left her feeling very vulnerable. What if he tried something? Could she fight him off? No, she scolded herself. She hadn't spent that much time around Ken when she had still been male, but she knew enough that he'd never do such a thing. She stood there trying to figure out what her next move should be knowing all to well that attempting to escape the room would most likely be met with failure thanks to the spell. Unable to come up with anything else she simply blurted out a hello. She blushed at the way she sounded now. She sounded so cute and shy. She felt that way too. She would never act like this if she had still been male! The darn spell was really causing her to be a completely different person! "Uh, who are you?" She heard Ken say a bit after he had stammered a hello back. She had felt a little better that Ken seemed to be feeling as awkward as she was right now, but he had just asked a question she didn't know how to answer. She doubted she could answer truthfully due to this spell, so what? She wasn't sure she wanted to admit to being Reeve either anyway. He'd NEVER live it down! It would be the embarrassment of a lifetime! "I'm Komei," she blurted out rather surprised at herself. She had no idea where the name had come from in her mind, but it was the first thing to reach her mouth. Frantically trying to pull together a lie, she ad-libbed to the best of her ability. Thankfully the spell seemed to make everything she said sound very truthful. "Reeve went out with my older sister Kacy," she said blushing the entire time. Ken was obviously looking at her with interest, and it was making her feel really weird, "I had tagged along thinking we'd all watch TV or something, but they decided to go out for the night leaving me here. I uh, heard noise coming from this room so I thought I'd introduce myself." She couldn't look at Ken anymore. She wanted to scream and run from the room, but she couldn't. Ken listened to the girl's story as he tried very hard not to stare at her in an inappropriate manner. She was EXTREMLY cute, and he just couldn't help by feel some immediate attraction to her. Though this was your typical lustful kind of attraction a person could feel, and he wasn't about to let such a feeling have any leeway. She seemed very shy, so he also wanted to make sure he didn't scare her. There was something very weird about her story though. Something that he felt he should notice. Try as he might though, he just couldn't place his finger on what seemed so odd about it. His head began to feel that dizziness again, and so he abandoned worrying about it, opting to introduce himself instead. "I'm Ken, Reeve's roommate," he said giving a small wave and smile. "Welcome to my room, it's rather... odd I know, but I love it all the same." Komei looked around seemingly to take in the surroundings before smiling slightly. "It's rather cute," she said. "Uh I guess I'm interrupting you, so perhaps it'll be ok if I just watch the living room TV? You know so I can wait for my sister to come home. She's sorta driving..." He nodded feeling good about the compliment she had given his room, as well as bad for hearing that she had been pretty much been abandoned by her sister to wait here. 'Must not be a very good sister,' he thought briefly to himself, but didn't let the thought stay long. He had after all, never met the sister, so it was unfair of him to judge. Again came that nagging that something was odd about that story, but if he tried to focus on it he knew that dizziness would come back. So he just didn't think about it. "I'm sure it'll be ok, I don't think you have another option right now anyway. Sorry this happened.." Komei shook her head dismissingly. "Oh it's ok. My uh, sister can be rather absent minded at times. I'm sure she just didn't think this through." "Yeah it also doesn't help that Reeve can be rather dense when it comes to others feelings." Ken nodded before he said, "But don't let it get to you. He's not a bad guy." 'Komei' flustered at what Ken had just said. Was that really what he thought about her? Or 'Reeve?' She had only been trying to help him out. She figured that if she had gotten Ken to give her permission to leave she might have been able to get away, but after hearing this she wanted to know what else Ken thought of 'Reeve'. She did take some comfort in his comment about not being a bad guy though. That's when the idea hit her. Being as Ken was, she knew he wouldn't do anything if she showed she wasn't interested, so why not spend some time with him like this and get him to tell 'her' what he thought of his roommate? Perhaps she'd also have some better luck in getting him to change his ways in this form. All in all, it was worth a shot. First she'd have to figure out a way to stay in the room or attempt to get Ken to follow her into the living room. Acting impulsively she saw the cartoon or 'anime' he had been watching before she came in and quickly blurted, "What are you watching? It looks interesting." Actually it really did look a little interesting she realized. There were these large monsters attacking this blond girl. She had never been all that much into this anime stuff, but occasionally something would catch her eye. She just never put any effort into finding out anything else then a quick glance. After all she should be over cartoons at her age. She mentally blinked at how that sounded to her with her mind changing all the 'he' and 'his' to 'She' and 'her'. It was almost like she had been female all along. It made her rather uneasy. "Oh this is Maburaho," Ken said feeling a bit excited that she might like the show. He didn't know many people who had the same hobbies he had, and if she was into anime he may be able to make a friend. Of course a small part of him was already trying to make him imagine her as more, but he told that part to shut up. As he explained the show to her, her eyes seemed to brighten. She really did seem genuinely interested. She had also settled down on the edge of his bed as he went on to tell her about the premise of the show. Her interest never fading. "You watch anime?" he asked breaking off from his explanation. She seemed caught off guard by this question and flustered again. "Uh, N-no, I haven't really watched any, but it seems really interesting..." she said looking down. She looked so cute when she did that, he wished he could hug her. He wouldn?t of course. The first thing he desired was for her to stay clam, and you don't go hugging someone you just met no matter HOW cute they happened to be. Though her interest in the show gave him a sudden idea... "Well want to join me in watching? I can move it to the living room if you'd like..." There he had said it. If she accepted then that's all he'd ask for. Being able to just spend some time with such a cute girl would be enough to salvage this day. In fact forget salvage, it'd MAKE his day! She smiled, filling him with hope. "That sounds good, but this bed is rather nice to sit on. I don't mind watching it in here," she said with a smile and a teasing look toward him, "Unless you think having a girl in your room is going to make you feel all funny." "H-Hey!" Ken said blushing himself, but before he could protest any further she just laughed. "I'm kidding! Kidding! You don't seem like a bad guy at all. I trust you." She smiled again. Still feeling a bit flustered he continued the DVD having told her pretty much what had happened before this part in the story. It should be enough for her to jump in at any rate. Komei smiled as her plan came together. (Not even realizing she had begun to mentally think of herself as that name) She was not only fulfilling the request of the spell, but getting some information out of this as well. She watched the rest of the episode with Ken thinking absently about how to ask him about 'Reeve' though it was getting really hard to. She had actually found everything he had told her about the show to be very interesting, and really did want to watch it. Which was why she was having trouble trying to focus on anything else. The show was drawing her in. She had never let herself really watch one of these before and found herself loving it. She was also feeling other things that she couldn't place her finger on just yet. She felt different then she had as Reeve. Well she suppose she would since she was a girl now, but it wasn't just that. There was something else. She seemed so much more relaxed, and it wasn't just because of the calming spell. She guessed that since she wasn't Reeve at the moment, she wasn't bothering with trying to keep up any sort of image like she normally did. Though it scared her to admit it... She found it rather pleasant. It had never occurred to her just how much work she put into her 'image' as Reeve. She half began to wonder why she bothered so much with it if letting the image go was this pleasant. As the time wore on, she slowly began to forget the original reason she had been there and found herself just enjoying the anime as well as Ken's company. Yet if she was going to get him to change his ways, she'd have to do it before it was too late, so she quickly tried a plan of action, using what little of her desire to do so that was left. "So what hobbies do you have?" She asked, though she already knew, she figured that's a question one might ask in this situation. "Oh anime, videogames, collecting stuffed pandas.... Yeah I'm a geek I admit it," he said giving a quick wave around his room. "Why not try out for sports or something?" she said still hoping this tactic would work better coming from 'her'. "They just aren't my thing," Ken said sighing. "Reeve tells me I should take them up all the time, but I really think it's only because he thinks that all men should play sports. A belief I don't follow. It'd be nice if he'd be more open-minded about how others view things but..." He seemed to stop briefly as he thought about something. "Oh sorry, don't mind my rambling. And sorry to ask you a favor when we just met, but could you not tell your sister, or Reeve that? I don't want Reeve finding out and getting mad..." Normally Komei believed that she would indeed gotten more then a little mad at what Ken had just said, but felt the spell going to work again. Ken had wanted Reeve to be more open minded about how others viewed things, and since technically Komei WAS Reeve, she found herself doing just that. Perhaps if she thought about this through Ken's eyes... But how could she do that when she wasn't Ken? It would just do Ken good if he'd take up a sport wouldn't it? That's what she had believed, well when Reeve anyway. Did that mean she'd think differently as a girl? That shouldn't be right, the spell only made her LOOK like a girl. Sure she acted like one, but she wasn't thinking like one, not anything past thinking of herself as a she in order to pull the look off anyway. Her real personality was still the same; she hadn't changed the way she thought. That was right wasn't it? Yet then why was she in this room? Watching a cartoon with her roommate? She hated cartoons didn't she? She only paid attention to sports, cars and women. Wasn't that just the way it worked? Hadn't that been what she had learned being a man was all about? Though come to think of it, it's not like Ken WASN'T a guy right? Did it really make him any less of a man that he didn't play a sport? There were a lot of guys who didn't play sports that weren't any less of a guy. Why did she worry so much about it before? Why was she asking herself so many questions anyway? Was this the pollen at work again? "So uh, how well do you get along with Reeve?" she asked suddenly. She had wanted to hold off on to that one, but with everything that was going on, she'd have to hurry up. Ken sighed at the question. Did he really have such a bad impression about her? Or the 'real' her/him anyway? "Not so well, but I'm not sure I should say anymore. I don't want to accidentally break up your sister with him." Komei nodded. Of course he'd be careful. They had just met after all. "You can tell me, I'll keep my mouth shut," she said. Unknown to her, Ken once again felt the dizziness affect him, as if it was making him be open and honest with her. "Well like I said he isn't a bad person, he just does things that get on my nerves." "I-I see," she said trying her best to draw out the conversation a bit longer, "My sister can do some annoying things at times. I guess it's just natural..." "Maybe, but like I said he never gives up on trying to make me join a sport, or get into cars, or date..." Ken sighed again. "You don't have to do those things to be a guy, but that's just the way he was raised I guess. I'd love to get along with him. For example I always think he'd really enjoy a good anime, and I'm sure he could tell me some good cars to own, but he's so dead set that I'm not doing things right with me life that he just won't shut up about it and it drives me crazy! I can't just live my life and he his! NO, he has to direct mine like it's a play. What makes him think he has the right?" Komei's world froze. So that was it. That's how Ken felt. What was even worse was that it was true. She had indeed been like that while Reeve. Was it really because that was just how she had been raised? Or was it because she thought it her mission to direct his life on what she had thought was the right path? What had given her the right? It was Ken's choice to live as he saw fit. No one else?s. The only time she should have interfered was if his actions were harmful, and while she would have thought they had been this morning. She wasn't so sure now. She sat there silently stunned as the current DVD ended. Her mind having doubts of her tactics, and her life image in general, for the first time ever. Ken in the meantime was dealing with a crisis of his own. Having talked like this with Komei, he had gotten more and more relaxed with the idea of having a girl in his room. This sadly was bringing other thoughts into his mind he had been wrestling with more and more fiercely as time wore on. She looked so cute sitting there, but it seemed like something was really bothering her. He couldn't help but feel the need to do something. If only it wasn't so weird for a guy to hug a girl just because. He really wanted to hug her, but was it to cheer her up, or because of desire? He'd have to have faith in himself. He was a guy with the same desires as any other, but he'd not let those desires take control of him so easily. He would never hurt a girl like that. Especially not this one. Komei found herself feeling strange. Everything tonight had been so weird. She had been watching TV with a coke not three hours ago as a guy, and then before she knew it, she was a girl hanging out in her roommate?s room watching anime with him and analyzing her entire life. Thanks to the pollen she had managed to take it all in stride for now, but how long could the pollen possibly keep it up? Was it still working even now? As her body made her get up again, she got her answer. Before she knew it, she had walked over to Ken and hugged him! The act had been done so quickly, so flawlessly. It seemed that Ken was unsure of what to do for the first few moments, but then wrapped his arms around her as well. It was so warm, and felt so nice. She couldn't bring herself to care anymore about what was happening. It was just too much for her to process in just one day. Heck she hadn't even gotten a day! It had been more like a mere hour! As she sat there in Ken's embrace, it just didn't seem to matter anymore. It was like Ken was protecting her from everything that had been eating at her. She would never have expected Ken to be able to feel so strong. The feeling was so pleasant in fact, that she feared she'd loose what was left of her old self in the embrace, and though she didn't want to admit it. Almost wondered if that would be a bad thing... Soon after she picked up on another desire from Ken. She couldn't tell exactly what, but she could feel him looking at her. As she looked up into his face, the desire became clear. Tickled somehow, she closed her eyes once more as she slowly pushed her face toward his. Not even caring about the action she was about to perform, despite what it was... Ken didn't know what had come over him, or why he was feeling so bold. But after their hug he couldn't help but want to kiss her. Of course he hadn't been about to do it, but then she had looked up at him with those eyes of hers. It was like they were saying it was ok. Once she closed her eyes and began to close the distance between them, he couldn't hold it back any longer. He hesitated for only a moment more before touching her lips with his own. The feeling was immeasurable. It was like he had known her forever. It felt so great, that it just didn't seem real. Perhaps this was really all just a dream after all. His head did feel so light and free at moment that it was entirely possible. Perhaps he had fallen asleep while watching the anime earlier? Like he had thought before. Maybe he only thought his head had hurt during that dizzy spell. It'd make sense. This was rather all too sudden to actually be happening. Reeve would have told him about a date right? Who ever heard of the younger sister tagging along anyway? He vaguely remembered that dawning (or trying to) on him earlier. Yeah, that was probably it. It was only a dream he was having caused by the anime. But if it was nothing more then a dream. He sure didn't want it to end. When their kiss broke, he felt a new desire rising up. One he knew would probably show up at sometime. But this was a dream right? Did that mean she would be willing? But it still felt so real. He'd never had a dream this vivid. So again, what if it wasn't? He had just met this girl! People didn't just rush into that, or at least he was determined that HE wouldn't be such a person to rush into it. The thing about most humans however is that they desire the action of sex, as much as they desire to have food and drink, and as it is with humans, such desires as these never went away completely. He did want it. He wanted it BAD, but it wasn't like she would start taking off her shirt. As long as she wasn't interested, Ken knew he'd be safe. He'd keep control. For he would never force anything with anybody. He would never make someone do something they didn't want, and this was one girl he was beginning to care for in such a way that he knew he'd never be able to hurt her. Still, it didn't make him stop wishing. Komei began to feel one more desire from Ken as they kissed. Unlike the kiss, this desire was clearly written in her brain much like the ones before it had been. She could feel her face turn a shade of dark crimson at just the mere thought of what Ken was wanting. The spell wouldn't make her right? Though she already felt something odd with her breasts. It took her a few seconds to realize it since she hadn't HAD breasts before, but her nipples had started to become hard, causing the fabric of the bra to brush against it in a strange yet pleasant manner. She was getting turned on! Her body was getting turned on by being near Ken! This was sick! This was wrong wasn't it? She had been a guy! Or was a guy wasn't she!? Did this make her gay? Yet if she was a girl right now, and Ken a guy, did that make this normal? "No," She thought to herself. Nothing about this night was what one could call 'normal'. But it was very possible that what she was feeling right now could be. Try as she might, she couldn't think of herself as anything else but a nineteen year old girl instead a nineteen year old guy. This body was feeling aroused, and it was a guy that it was feeling attracted to. Not knowing what demon had possessed her, she felt herself reaching to Ken's crotch. Just as she had anticipated it was rather hard, and to her surprise (though she couldn't believe she was thinking about it) rather long. She felt Ken 'twitch' at her action. No doubt feeling pleasure from her touch. The desire to rub it with her fingers sprang to her mind almost instantly. A desire she felt herself fulfilling. Ken's body shook again. She began to feel a weird sensation coming from her newly acquired vagina. She had no doubt that if she probed it; she'd find herself getting wet. Her mind slowly began to shut down. You simply didn't change from a guy to a girl and just 'accept' it. Especially not with what 'she' was doing right now. She was trapped. She couldn't run away because the spell wouldn't allow her to. She couldn't stop what she was doing because Ken didn't want her to. Unless he did, she was about to experience sex as a girl. But the thing that scared her the most. The one thing that she just could not believe was coming from her, was the curiosity and desire to keep going on her own. The feelings she was getting from this were very pleasurable despite how wrong they should have felt. She was also feeling so much closer to Ken at this very moment then she had ever felt with anyone else. She was having trouble separating what were her own thoughts to that of the spell. Was she really WANTING to have sex as she was now? A girl and in Ken's room. Better yet was she really that curious as to what sex would feel l

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Magical Mathematical Symptomatical Mlpadventure Time

Bonnibel took a deep breath to steady her nerves. "This is the tricky bit." She muttered as a wisp of smoke rose from the tip of her soldering iron. "One false move and its BLAMMO time for all of Ooo!" As she made the final connection to the live circuit, she kept one eye on the Singularitron scope. If the readings went completely snazzo, she would have approximately ten fifteenths of a second to dampen the fields and shut down the system. The effort would be moot though. Her best time in...

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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 14

The following new character appears in last few chapters: Makhpia – Luta (Red Cloud) Two Wolves Called Jason, Lakota, Robert's older Brother t, 6'-0'', 200 pounds, 28 years old, jet black hair, gray eyes, a very rugged looking individual and the guardian of the Thunderbird spirit By late on the afternoon of my third day in the wild, I had reached a decision and reviewed it to ensure that all of the necessary points were covered. I was now ready to return to the house and those...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 21

We had just finished taking our seats and Lady Caoilinn had signaled for the first dish to be served when everything was interrupted by a long, loud, high pitched, agonizing scream that was suddenly cut off. I immediately sent out my Magical senses to determine what had happened. I didn't like what I found. "What on Earth was that?" Lady Caoilinn demanded in the sudden silence that followed the scream being cut off. Captain Sean Og was already on his feet and calling for the guardsmen,...

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Magic Ink VII the Fourth RealityChapter 4

Characters returning from Grace and Owen: Grace O’Malley, Heroine, former prostitute, 5’-2’’ tall, 110 pounds, 34D-22-34, 21 years old, alabaster skin, long flaming red hair, bright green eyes, some freckles, very cute, has a large but untrained Talent and little knowledge of Magic Owen O’Connell, Blacksmith, Grace’s lover and soon-to-be Husband, 5’-9’’ tall, 150 pounds, 25 years old, light auburn hair, gray eyes, quite handsome, has a large but untrained Talent and little knowledge of...

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Magic Ink VII the Fourth RealityChapter 15

The following new characters make an appearance: Mary Margaret O’Connell (Margie) Katie’s twin Sister, Margie and Robert’s Daughter, Born on the 18 of September 1907, 7 pounds, green eyes, flaming red hair, Siberian Tiger cub Mary Kathleen O’Connell (Katie) Margie’s twin Sister, Margie and Robert’s Daughter, Born on the 18 of September 1907, 7 pounds, green eyes, flaming red hair, baby Dragon Patrick Owen O’Malley O’Connell Grace and Owen’s Son, Born on the 15 of October 1907, 7pounds 8...

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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 8

The following new character appears in the remainder of the story: Mankato (Blue Earth) Two Wolves Called Robert, Lakota, Crendenor the Dragon, 6'-0'' tall, 185 pounds, 26 years old, black hair with streaks of auburn, gray eyes, quite handsome On transferring into the end of the corridor with the steel plate, I discovered that I was no longer alone. "There she is, kill her before she recovers," someone shouted, and this was instantly followed by a chorus of shots and their bullets...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 3

Robert reached into his back pocket and pulled out a map of campus. He rubbed his eyes and studied the map. Despite not sleeping well, he couldn't help but smile. The early morning crowd of students, bustling about to classes made him feel energetic. No more high school drama and worrying about who is dating who and what people did in their spare time. He could just be one of twenty thousand students and no one would give him a second look. He was truly free. Consulting the map, he...

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Magical Hearts chapter 10

Magical hearts chapter 10 During our last chapter, we found out that the kingdom of Izmira had not only ordered Raiders to capture slaves, but had infiltrated Edmonton one of the main cities in Cowan. I fear this is a prelude to war, the harbor there would allow them to bring in as many troops safely with as many ships they can bring. A small army could more easily defend the peninsula that Edmonton sets on as they wait for reinforcements. I briefed my father, who seemed to lose his appetite....

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Magic empire

Chapter 1 Co homeThis is my home? Although I saw the family's disposition through the crystal ball, I didn't expect it to be worse than I thought. I really wanted to turn around and catch up with the teacher and go back to the mixture of paper, medicine and metal. Go to the tower.I huddled in the chair, and my family’s eyes were like a liar, a rogue, a beggar, and many years of dreams shattered in an instant.When I was seven years old, I was taken by the teacher. He took me away with magic and...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 27

"Complications, Carl?" Seamus asked with a frown. "There were a number of cabins under attack also. Not everyone had gotten as far as the fort before the Shawanoes caught up with them, and they had holed up in some of the cabins near it. They needed immediate assistance, and we took care of that first after securing the fort. The Shawanoes broke off the attack, once we secured the fort and the cabins with Defensive Shells. We followed them, and eliminated the majority of them," I...

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Magic 101Chapter 4

I spent most of the afternoon calling, or summoning, I guess, some books from Pat’s library. Maggie’s suggestion had me wondering, and once I thought to look, it wasn’t at all farfetched. The search might have gone faster, and did go faster except I was transcribing as I went. I got quicker with my transcription spell though, and by the end of the day, could pull a new book and transcribe the readable portions in mere moments. In a book called ‘Fledgling Magic‘, there was a section about how...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 15

The sun was well up when I awoke the next morning. I was indeed loved. Gretchen was still in my arms, and Clare and Shannon had moved up against me. Clare was pressed against my back, and Shannon was pressed up against her little blond friend. I lay there for a time thinking about what had happened last night. It had indeed been an exceptional night, but I was worried. I had three women in love with me. Somewhere along the line, I had already decided to marry two of them. This, of course,...

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MagicChapter 57

Having nothing better to do, Sean walked down the path that led to the convenience store to pick up a soda. It was a nice Saturday afternoon and the weather had convinced him that it would be nicer to walk there rather than take his truck. Traveling the well worn path, he reached the junction that led off to Max’s house. Much to his surprise he found Max seated on a fallen tree trunk tossing pebbles across the path. After checking around to say hello to Clea, Sean realized that Max was alone...

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Magical Hearts chapter 12

Magical hearts chapter 12 The summer passes into fall as we prepare the fortresses on the islands denying their use by any raider of our kingdom. By the end of summer and the beginning of fall, a tower is on all islands that has shown use by Raiders. Justins old teacher has shared with us the enchantment for his gates. Now we need only watchers to summon our forces. We have gathered a few more hundred men. We may need to attack more than one group at a time. Because of Izmiras past treachery...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 7

Eli bounced up and down in the passenger seat while Cory navigated the dirt road as quickly as he could with his car lights off. "You sure you can drive safely on this dirt road in the dark?" Cory responded with a tone far more confident than his words. "Almost sure. I mean, I've seen it before." Eli groaned and steadied Cory's laptop as he swayed side-to-side. "I really don't know if I would have committed to this part of the plan if I had known that.' "Hey," Cory said...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 29

Seamus continues his Narrative: The following new characters appear in this chapter: Sarah MacKenna, Chandra Duncan's Sister, Seamus's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 100 pounds plus, 34C-20-30, 18 years old, long lustrous black hair, brown eyes, beautiful Duncan MacKenna, Oconostota Chandra's Brother, A & A's Husband, 5'-10" tall, 145 pounds, 16 years old, dark auburn hair, gray eyes, a very handsome young man I transferred Black Bear, the Ranger Lieutenant, and myself back to the...

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Magic 101Chapter 5

It was just before Halloween when I heard from Pat again. He had never bothered to tell me what the Council investigator had found, or even what the investigator had been looking for in the first place! It must have been because I was thinking of him, because the next thing I knew, I could feel him calling, scratching against my shields. I opened up a bit and... ‘Hey kid, Hank, you there? Hank?‘ he was blasting loud today, making my ears ring. Well, not, um, not ears, but whatever took their...

2 years ago
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Magic Dick

MAGIC DICKI watched as she entered the bar. She wore a little black dress, hemline mid-thigh. Probably in her mid-thirties: she sported perky small breasts and a trim figure. Raven black hair and porcelain skin. She was petite so had to struggle a bit getting onto the bar stool. I enjoyed the brief view of skin above her thigh-highs.I smiled at her and she smiled back. With one look we both knew what the other wanted, and it wasn’t each other. She was definitely a Coyote, in pursuit of young,...

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Magic Anime Network A Pocketful of Trouble

Magic Anime Network: A Pocketful of Trouble A Wish Fulfillment Story by Rugburn The Magic Anime Network is a mysterious place that can be accessed through a special converter box connected to your television. People enter their televisions and become anime characters on a series of planets dedicated to different genres of the popular Asian animation style. Many use this to enact their wildest fantasies; to become superheroes, or young teens in love. Others enact what might seem...

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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 7

I awoke the next morning a very satisfied and rested kitty. I instantly knew that it was morning even with no windows to see out or the fresh air of dawn to sniff. The remains of last night's meal, about twenty pounds of meat, were still there and I wolfed it down in short order before starting to clean my muzzle and whiskers, which I had neglected to do last night due to tiredness. Following cleaning up, some of last night's meal was anxious to depart, and I deposited my cat scat in the...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 55

The following new characters are introduced in the next two chapters: Savannah Collins Shannon's twin, James's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 105 pounds, 34C-22-34, 17 years old, blond hair, gray eyes, very cute Shannon Collins Savannah's twin, James's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 105 pounds, 34C-22-34, 17 years old, blond hair, gray eyes, very cute James's Narrative of his trip to Boston: I went north with Gwyn, Glanda, and their soon-to-be lawyer Husband plus a number of other Representatives to...

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Magical Girl Sex Kitten1

Magical Girl Sex Kitten Katie Kats was a pop idol with a secret. While most thought of her as a bright young girl and raising star, no one would have realized this reserved, young girl could magically transform into the Lolita, heroine know as Magical Girl Sex Kitten. It had all started when she was given the artifact known as Aphrodite's scepter. It was a gift from her publicist and she loved it. The young girl had even gone so far to fall asleep holding it at bed time. That...

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Magical Girl Sex Kitten0

Magical Girl Sex Kitten Katie Kats was a pop idol with a secret. While most thought of her as a bright young girl and raising star, no one would have realized this reserved, young girl could magically transform into the Lolita, heroine know as Magical Girl Sex Kitten. It had all started when she was given the artifact known as Aphrodite's scepter. It was a gift from her publicist and she loved it. The young girl had even gone so far to fall asleep holding it at bed time. That...

4 years ago
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Magic part 1

A week later, she got an email response from an older man entitled, Magic. “Hello Kandie, Are you as sweet as Candy, oh please tell me you are! I can tell by your pictures that you would be one delectable delight! I am looking for some sexy fun as I travel throughout the western part of the state. I go through your town quite often and would love to stop by and visit you sometime. I want to take you out to dinner and if we clicked, help you full fill some of your wild fantasies. ...

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Magic Part 1

Kandie just finished her profile on an adult date finding service. She decided it was time to add a bit of spice to her life. She sat back and wondered if she added just the right touch of sex appeal. She read the words again, Sexy older woman looking for sexy fun and excitement. Preferences are one on one sex, a bi-curious relationship and a fantasy called stranger-stranger encounter. “I can be traditional or kinky, depending on the mood I am in. When it comes to sex, I am in it for fun,...

First Time
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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 5

The following new character appears in the next several chapters: Franklin (Frank) Mahony Master Wizard, Celeste's boyfriend, 5'-9'' tall, 160 pounds, 22 years old, dark auburn hair, gray eyes Frank's Tale: I had heard rumors of creatures down in the tunnels under the headquarters building of the Wizard's Council that stole people's Magic if they ventured into the wrong areas down there. There were also stories of missing Wizards who had vanished trying to eliminate this...

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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 6

The following new characters appear in this chapter and the remainder of the story: David Strickland Master Wizard, President of the Council William Rittenhouse Master Wizard, Oldest Member of the Council, builder of the trap James Knox Master Wizard, Member of the Council, Master of Creatures Taylor Peale Master Wizard, Member of the Council, creator of the Magic-stealing creatures Ross King Master Wizard, Member of the Council, in charge of external security Neville...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 24

On arriving at the Hall for the evening meal, we were surprised to see a larger table set up and that several other guests were already there for the meal. The current conversations all stopped when we entered the Hall. "These are my house guests," Lady Feidhelm told the others. "The young man is Master Kellen O'Connell and the young ladies are the Mac Sweeney Sisters, Airmid and Almha, his Apprentices," she finished. "Kellen, these are my guests for the evening meal: Master Murchadh...

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Magic Ink VII the Fourth RealityChapter 5

Grace takes over the narrative: Margaret O’Connell and her Husband returned that evening after supper. As promised, she brought the wedding dress and a box of books, but she also brought two lamps with her. “These are Magic Powered lamps, which don’t require fuel or electricity to work. All that you need to do is activate the spell in them with your Talent, and then you can adjust the intensity of the lamp to the level that you require,” she told Owen and me, before demonstrating how to do...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 34

The following new characters are introduced in this chapter: Culann McCallister Blacksmith, Jillian’s husband, 6’-0” tall, 180 pounds, 21 years old, black hair, green eyes, handsome, a huge Talent Connor Gallagher Nora and Nola’s Uncle, D & C’s Husband, 5’-10” tall, 170 pounds, 20 years old, long auburn hair, gray eyes, a strong Talent Amelia, Anann, and Duncan returned the next day, Tuesday. When they were informed of the attack on Olive Hill, my Sisters were shocked that they had...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 9

"Oh Dear!" the Smith groaned in distress at the table. "What is it, my Sweet?" he asked, as he quickly rose to see what was the matter. He never did make it to the bedroom, as his wife led a small boy and girl out into the main room. She was followed by a girl a few years older than the pair of youngsters, and Clare and Cathleen. "Look at them, Henry!" the wife demanded, excitedly. "This morning, they could hardly hold their heads up, and now they are as well as you, or I. How could...

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Magic part 2 the magic continues

“Hello Kandie, Hi, I see you posted your story. I hope that it will be as enjoyed being everyone who reads it, as it was obviously fun for you in writing it. I loved having my share of fun in inspiring you in writing it. Hmmm, I wonder if the seed of desire to fulfill that stranger/stranger fantasy has set itself. Perhaps some more stimulation to captivate your imagination and desires will further fuel it. I know you’re looking for fun and excitement, so allow me to excite you...

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Magical Hearts chapter 11

In our last chapter, we had designed a plan to create a magical Keep, one capable of shrinking down to size of a dollhouse, using the enchanted keep to return our people. Beforehand we were going to return the soldiers of a failed invasion, this would do two things provide a final test for the enchanted keep as well as move them to their homeland. Personally, I did not know if I trusted the Ruler of Izmira to do as we wished or keep his word. He could easily play the situation for the best...

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Magic Part 2

Kandie sat down at her computer and after logging on noticed an email from Magic. She had taken their erotic emails and turned them into an erotic story, then posted it on an erotic story site. She couldn’t wait to read his reaction to their story.“Hello Kandie, Hi, I see you posted your story. I hope that it will be as enjoyed being everyone who reads it, as it was obviously fun for you in writing it. I loved having my share of fun in inspiring you in writing it. Hmmm, I wonder if the seed of...

First Time
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 25

Mark's Narrative Continues: We didn't see Seamus or most of his people for ten days following dinner that night. Meagan and Maureen did appear for dinner a couple of times during that period, and they borrowed Dymphna for a time as Seamus and Carl had taken Dealla and Cessair with them. Having three Mages in the Ohio country put a strain on our one remaining Mage, Coleen, who was rather busy with two locations to take care of. Things on this side of the Ohio River had not slowed down or...

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Magic Box

Magic Box By Adrienne K. I looked at the box curiously. It was about the size of a shoebox and made out of some sort of grey stone. The box itself wasn't what intrigued me. On the top of the box was some sort of puzzle lock. The pieces moved, but the former owner had no idea how to open it. For five dollars, I figured it was worth finding out. The inscriptions on the side were worn down, but even if they were clear, I had no idea what they meant. They were written in some foreign...

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Magic Depot Changed My Life

'Magic Depot Changed My Life' Today I'm wearing Sally Cooper - DNA from the nearest Magic Depot superstore of course. I'm hoping that appearing as the popular newsreader will put my interviewee at ease, more than my normal male self would have done. I have arranged to meet her in Anna Miller's, where she works as a waitress. It's an appropriate venue. Anna Miller's is a restaurant that is a version of a chain of restaurants in Japan, that itself imitates western restaurants. So a...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 2

Cory shook his head. "You're incredible. I know I won't be playing video games for a little while." Robert snorted as he sat at his desk. "I'm not playing. I just missed my guild's PvP night. I'm one of the better players. I can't just ditch without an explanation." "Kind of missing my point." Robert logged into Aspect Realms. His character, a female Deviling Windwhisper he named Bluster, loaded onto the screen. People always asked him why he played a female character. Though he...

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Magic and Malice at the Movies The Conclusion

MAGIC AND MALICE AT THE MOVIES A GENDER SWAP TALE Rachel Rose Parker Mr Williams has trapped Joey in the job (and in his clutches) by altering her reality even further and all because Stephanie and she were developing their relationship in new ways... How are they going to find their way out of this nightmare and back into their old lives?! Sorry for the delay in posting, it's been a manic time, but in return for your wait, why don't you enjoy... THE CONCLUSION of Magic...

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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 8

Annie and Sara arrived at the printing plant just after 12:30. Sean and I were just finishing cleaning up the presses, and only needed to use a quick spell to clean ourselves up and be presentable. Annie and Sara were wearing jeans like Sean and I were, but had on heavy blouses and jackets rather than the "Magic Ink" T-shirts that Sean and I were wearing with our sneakers. They had also brought jackets for us. "It's a lot colder in Denver than it is here," Sara told us, as they handed...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 34

Final characters introduced in the story: Wolfgang Patrick O'Connell Mike and Gretchen's son, born 7 November 2053, auburn hair, green eyes Carl Michael O'Connell Pat and Petra's son, born 7 November 2053, reddish blond hair, blue eyes While Pat and I had been busy with our Wives and Sons, a bit of a brouhaha had developed at the University. It seems that some of the other Faculty members were jealous of our Parents and Aunts, and their position in what had become one of the...

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Magic Is An Art Not A Science

Magic is an Art, Not a Science By Bashful Albert stood next to the car as the final suitcases were loaded. Gary walked out and put a pillow in the back seat along with a headset radio. He stood there awhile, like Albert, scuffing the ground with his feet. It was a warm clear day, the beginning of summer. The two 14 year old boys should have been happy that school was over for nearly three months. Instead, they were both closer to tears than they would care to...

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Magic Returns Babe of the Day

Babe of the Day A Magic Returns Story April 1st, 2012 Christy sighed as she checked the clock once again. "11:15!" she muttered to herself. "Where could he be?" She peered out of the window beside the door of her house. It was a pleasant Ohio summer evening, the stars shining brightly and the moon illuminating the streets of her neighborhood clearly. Most of the homes were dark or nearly so, children long since in bed and parents heading that way. No cars were moving as she...

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Magic Returns Drafted

Drafted By Circe John Spencer yawned mightily as he waited for the scanner to finish copying his latest work. He glanced at the clock and sighed. It was past midnight, which meant that some of his fans would be already posting bets on the forum as to when or if he would upload the latest episode of his web comic "Justice for Hire." Finally the scanner beeped and a window appeared on his computer monitor. John leaned forward in his chair and smiled as he looked over the...

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Magic Part 3 Mesmerized

Magic stood in the darkness of his room. His mind was obsessed with a stranger he met through his email. Her name is Kandie; she seemed to walk out of his dream into his life. Oh god, he just had to have her! First, he wanted to drive her desires higher than they had ever been, then when they meet…..the magic would turn into pure ecstasy! He sat down and began writing her another enticing email.“My sweet Kandie, I found myself so wanting, last night, that I discovered myself standing there in...

First Time
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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 7

At home on Monday we all relaxed for a while except for the need to weed the fields and some maintenance on the new Tractor. Sean and I took Annie and Sara out to show them how to weed with Magic. They were surprised that they knew the spell, and at how easy it was to weed the large fields with Magic. Later our Moms took them out and introduced them to the herbal garden and weeding by hand because many of the herbs and other things growing there would be considered weeds by the Magic spell,...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 56

"Shannon, what are you doing?" Savannah demanded, standing in the hall behind us. Shannon's head came up off my chest, and she turned toward her Sister in a more determined way than I had seen before. "It's all right, Savannah. He will take us with him and will marry both of us," she told her Sister. Savannah gasped in surprise. "Really? Both of us? Are you sure?" she asked in a doubtful voice. "I told Shannon that I would marry both of you. I will be glad to have both of you as...

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Magical Hearts chapter 6

Loving and knowing my spouses heart: Chapter 6 In the morning a knock at our door awakens us, I only let go of Isabel long enough to pull the blankets up to Isabel shoulder. She turns her head to look at me. A servant enters the room, on a table, she places a tray containing breakfast, my stomach grumbles at the smell of the food. Isabel stomach grumbles in return, apparently our appetite heightened because of last nights activities. The servant bowing and says, The King request your presence...

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Magic City

Magic City By Mouse Standard disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction. This story uses the actual names of a couple of places and locations, but the resemblance ends with the name. Any other similarities between people and places are entirely coincidental. This story contains adult themes and attempts to describe acts of a sexual nature. If you shouldn't be reading this sort of material, please stop reading now. * Ebony swayed rhythmically between Jeff's legs. In...

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Magic Pill Adventure

Hello and welcome to my first breast expansion and transgender story. This story originated from some of my early BE Addventure posts. I am always working on it, so it is never really finished. However, if I waited until it was complete, it might never get published. ;) Anyway, I had a lot of fun writing this, and my goal is to pass on some of that fun to you. I hope you enjoy it. Many thanks go out to Adama, who is a wonderful proofreader and friend. Please send any comments or...

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Magic Medicine

MAGIC MEDICINE Christopher Halstead was at the end of his tether. He was only 50 years old but felt deep down in his soul that his useful life had come to an end. To understand why it is necessary to go back some twenty-five years. In 1992 Christopher married his childhood sweetheart Amy. He and Amy had grown up in adjacent houses; attended the same schools; and had had an unspoken 'understanding' from their teens. They only occasion they spent time apart was whilst they were at...

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