Millie's TransformationChapter 3 free porn video

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When Millie entered the room she shared with Tami she found her step sister laying in her bed, naked, with her right hand pinching one of her nipples and two fingers of her left hand exploring the depths of her pussy. Millie looked away and walked over to her own bed against the other wall.

"Come here," Tami said holding out the hand that moments before had been pinching her nipple. Millie hesitated while she considered the possible consequences of Tami going to her mother and complaining about Millie not doing what she was told to do, then stood up and walked over to Tami. Tami took Millie's hand and pulled her stepsister down on top herself.

"Let's fuck," Tami said as she slipped her leg between Millie's and held Millie on top of her body while she moved herself against Millie's leg. If she hadn't just been 'fucked' by this girl's mother, Millie would not have known what it was that Tami wanted. What choice do I have, Millie asked herself as she moved her hips in time with Tami's to amplify the stimulation they both received. Millie realized that though she was on top and not underneath, Tami had positioned her hands in much the same way as her mother had. Was it possible, Millie wondered silently, that Judith regularly 'fucked' her own daughters in the same way she just 'fucked' me?

Unlike Judith, Tami kissed and sucked on Millie's neck while they fucked each other, sending chills down Millie's spine and causing her pussy to start flowing with lubrication. Millie felt Tami's body pulse under her just like it had when she was rubbing her with the soapy sponge, a moment later her own body spasmed with another orgasm. Millie had never had three orgasm's in the same day much less all within one hour. Both girls jumped and came awake from a nap they had not even realized they were taking, by the loud knock on the door. They had napped still in each others arms.

"Momma wants everybody to come to her room to dress for the rehearsal," Balinda's voice could be recognized on the other side of the door, "that includes you Millie." Millie and Tami disengaged their arms and legs and climbed out of Tami's bed. Tami headed towards the door without getting dressed so Millie followed behind her. Balinda and Faye were already in the room with their mother when Millie followed Tami through the door. Millie glanced at the bed, she could still see the messed up sheets where she had been laying when Judith 'raped' her.

"Did you do this," Judith asked Tami as she held Millie's chin up and looked at her neck. Tami nodded her head and Faye glared at her younger sister. Millie had no idea what they were talking about until Judith released her chin and she could look at the mirror. On the sides of her neck were irregular angry looking red blotches. She had heard of hickys, and concluded that that is what these were. The four females gave Millie a lesson in applying make up, impressing on her that the next time she would be expected to do it herself. When they were done Millie was once again looking at the face of a whore in the mirror.

Every time Millie looked in the mirror and saw her short hair, the rage would flair up; every time her rage threatened to erupt, Millie would suppress it a little better; every time she suppressed her rage, she shattered a little more; and every time she shattered a little more, the emotional Millie pulled further away from the physical Millie who had to do all of these scary and disgusting things. Separating the 'real' Millie from the 'physical', 'slave' Millie was the only strategy she had to deal with the situation.

Judith and her daughters put their own makeup on then Judith gave each of them a dress to wear. Just like the baby dolls at breakfast, the dresses were all the same style and color; and just like at breakfast there were embarrassing differences between all the others and the one Millie was expected to wear. To Millie's eyes they all looked more like slips then dresses. They were made of light, clingy, slightly stretchy material that hugged the skin and molded itself to every curve, bump, and fold on their bodies. The tops were held up by spaghetti straps and the bottoms of the dresses came to mid-thigh. They were cream colored and slightly iridescent. The material molded to their nipples and was thin and translucent enough to allow just a hint of the color difference between the breasts and the areolas to show, as well as just a hint of the outline of their patches of pubic hair. While their dress came down to mid thigh, Millie's did not quit make it to mid fanny. The lower half of Millie's rear was left uncovered, and while her pubic hair was, mostly, covered in front, the dress fell just short of covering her pussy. Her dress was thinner and more translucent than the others. Not only were her nipples and areolas plainly visible, her entire naked body was only slightly obscured by the material of the dress.

Maybe, Millie thought as she fought back tears, just maybe when daddy sees me in this he will realize what a monster Judith is and how wrong it would be to marry her. It was only as she turned from the mirror that her mind put together and connect the dots between the baby dolls at breakfast; the inappropriately erotic matching bride and bridesmaids dresses they had tried on; the matching 'please fuck me' dresses they had just dressed themselves in for the rehearsal; and finally Judith's statement when she was threatening to kill her in the bathtub '... I'll send Tami in to comfort him... '. Millie's knees almost collapsed when she realized that, if he wasn't already, her father was going to be having sex with Tami, Faye, and Balinda, not just their mother. Millie wondered if she was the bribe needed to make Faye go along with having sex with a man. Millie's next thought stopped her dead in her tracks. If the others dressing in these matching slut costumes means that her father is or will fuck them, what does it mean that Judith is dressing her the same way?

"Hay, what's the matter?" Balinda said after colliding with Millie.

"No... nothing," Millie stammered as she started walking again. Her dress seemed to be diabolically designed so that whenever she tugged at the bottom trying to pull it down far enough to cover her exposed pussy, the top would be pulled down off her breasts.

As Judith drove them to the rehearsal, Millie's mind twirled it tight circles going over and over the connections she had just made and trying to fit them into what she knew of her father. Nothing about what was happening seemed to fit. Nothing that she had learned about her dad from living with him for fourteen years fit with what she saw and experienced since he had met this woman. How could this vile, evil woman have enthralled her father in this way? Was it really as simple as him liking the way she performed oral sex? Could he really be so anxious to fuck Judith's daughters that he would abandon every standard of decency? Had she so misjudged the man who raised her? Millie had no answers, but the contemplation of the questions kept her mind off the hand between her legs. Millie was jerked back to the current reality by the feel of a warm, wet mouth sucking on her right nipple. She looked down, the hand between her legs was attached to Faye's arm and the mouth sucking on her nipple belonged to Balinda.

Millie hated her body for responding to her abusers, more than anything Millie wanted to turn off the nerves coming from her breasts and pussy so her body could not be controlled so easily. As hard as she tried, Millie could not stop the moan that seemed to fight its way up from her lungs as if it had a mind of its own. Tami turned around, and Judith looked at her in the rearview mirror.

"What a total lesbo slut," Tami said scornfully, "she couldn't wait to climb on top of me and start fucking when she came into our bedroom." Just as Millie opened her mouth to protest the truthfulness of Tami's claim, Balinda firmly nipped Millie's nipple with her teeth and Faye pinched her clitoris. Like a Pavlovian dog responding to a bell, a louder, lustier, moan escaped Millie's mouth instead of the words she intended.

"Look at that," Judith added still watching in the rearview mirror, "she moans like a whore making a porno movie as soon as another female touches her." Millie could find no words to adequately describe the depths of the humiliation she was feeling. When they arrived at the hall where the rehearsal was to take place, the evil gang of four rushed Millie from the car and into the building as quickly as they could and ordered her not to pull at the bottom of her dress. As Millie stood just inside the door, painfully aware of her erect nipples and the puffy, lubricant covered pussy lips peeking out from underneath the dress, everyone turned to look at her. Besides her father, there were several women and an older, dignified looking man with a beard who Millie was to learn was the celebrant who would perform the marriage ceremony. Millie could feel her face burning with embarrassment.

"Stop that," Judith hissed, slapping Millie's hands away from her exposed pussy, "if I've dressed you to display some portion of your anatomy, don't you dare cover yourself." Until Judith slapped her hands away, Millie had not been aware that she was covering herself. It was just a natural response to having people, including her father, looking at her naked cunt. Millie tried to move behind Judith and her daughters when her father separated himself from the small group of people at the other end of the hall, and started walking towards them. The other four females closed ranks behind Millie and would not allow her to hide.

"How are all my beautiful women?" Nick held out his arms like he intended to hug them all, then stepped back and looked more closely at his daughter. "You really look good enough to eat when you give up your baggy clothes. I think you and I both owe Judith a big thank you for making you dress like the lovely young woman you are."

"Sexy you mean," Judith said just loud enough for Millie and her daughters to hear as she took Nicks arm and, turning him around, started walking him back toward the other end of the hall, "she's already seduced two of my daughters."

"Oh, really?" Nick asked looking back over his shoulder at the four identically and slutilly dressed females walking behind them. "Which ones?"

"Now, now, let's let the kids have their little secrets. Just be glad all my children are girls or your young daughter might not still be a virgin." Millie heard a chuckle coming from her father that sounded almost lustful, she couldn't believe that her own father seemed to be happy about his fourteen-year-old daughter having sex, even if it was with another female.

The double doors slammed open and the seamstress rushed in with dresses on hangers held high up off the floor with both hands over her head. Judith and her three daughters turned and, squealing like little girls on Christmas morning, rushed back down the isle to meet her. Millie followed them with considerably less enthusiasm. She wasn't getting a dress, but anything was better than hanging out with the group talking to her father. Millie wasn't sure what was upsetting her more, that her soon to be stepmother was forcing her to wear a dress that completely exposed her pussy and outlined her breasts more obscenely than if they were naked; that her father seemed to approve of the ultra slutty dresses in general and seemed to not notice at all that his daughter was walking around exposed in this way; or that he completely ignored, or just plane didn't notice, that her long hair was gone. Millie had been sure that Judith forcing her to cut her hair would have gotten an angry response from her father. Ignoring the group at the other end of the hall, Judith and her daughters stripped naked and then tried on the wedding dresses without even pretending to hide themselves from view.

"This," Judith said, holding up a tuxedo that the seamstress had brought to the hall with the dresses, "is for you, you're going to be the ring bearer. Now take off your dress so you can try it on." Millie looked pointedly at the group milling around her father; most of whom were complete strangers to her.

"Oh, puh-lease," Judith said in a mocking tone, "you think any of them care if your naked or not? You think you're going to look any more like a whore naked than you do wearing that dress?" Millie could feel her face once again turning red from humiliation and her eyes filled with tears as she pulled the dress over her head then put on the tuxedo. She quickly discovered that there was no shirt with the tuxedo, just phony shirt cuffs that slipped on her wrists, and a phony shirt front that hooked around her neck and waist. Her nipples rubbed against the inside of the phony shirt front and, even after putting on the trousers and jacket, Millie felt naked and exposed.

"OK, girls, save it for the wedding," Judith said as she stripped her wedding dress off and pulled the tight, stretchy, slutty dress back on. Judith's daughters and Millie followed her example. It took Millie a little longer to get out of the tuxedo and by the time she gave it back to the seamstress, her dress was gone. Looking around, with panic rapidly threatening to choke her, Millie noticed Tami's grin and that her right hand was behind her back.

"Give me the dress," Millie could hear the demand and the panic mixed in her voice. When Millie lunged for the dress behind Tami's back Tami tossed the dress to Balinda. Millie tried to cover her nakedness as she moved toward Balinda. When Millie got close, Balinda tossed the dress to Faye.

"Please," Millie begged looking into Faye's eyes while she walked toward Judith's middle daughter. Millie felt crushed when Faye, of all people, tossed the dress back to Tami.

"I can't help it," Faye explained with a shrug, "I like having you naked." Millie looked over at Judith pleading with her eyes for her soon top be step mom to do something, not that she really expected her to. Tami held the dress out to the almost hysterical naked girl then, just as Millie reached out to take it, Tami tossed it over Millie's head back over to Faye. Millie tried to decide if she should continue to run in circles trying to get the dress away from her tormentors, or if she should just collapse into a sobbing naked heap on the floor.

"Come on girls," Judith said with an amused chuckle, "stop your games, we have a wedding to rehearse." Judith's three daughters followed her to the far end of the hall. Millie had no choice but to go along with them making grabs for her dress as they walked.

"We're going to practice walking down the isle," the celebrant announced, from the other end of the hall. Millie managed to snatch her dress from Balinda's hands and pull it over her head just as the celebrant indicated for her to start walking. Millie pulled at the bottom of her dress trying to stretch it to cover her crotch, and wondered yet again why her father would let these people do these things to her.

Same as Millie's Transformation
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Final Decision

Final Request We had been living together for 6 months. Things were great. Our sex life had been wonderful. We were willing to try just about anything. Brittany always was willing to dress as I requested. I loved to have her in 4" heels, garter belt and nylons. A short skirt with a belly shirt to show off her flat tight stomach. At night she always wore sexy lingerie. Brittany is 5"6, 110 pounds, 36C 22 34. Her legs are to die for and her long blond hair finishes the perfect...

2 years ago
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Time is Money

"We need to talk," Jill whispered as she slid fifty twenty-pound notes, into an envelope, pressed down the seal, and wrote JACK on the front. She laid the package on the breakfast table.Those words sounded alien in her head. If this were one of those romances she used to read, she would make a delicious supper, with excellent wine, and when Jack achieved the right grade of mellow, she would speak — but she knew the words would come out wrong, she would choke on them and upset Jack, and that...

Love Stories
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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk2Chapter 5

Elliott woke up to the sound of his phone pinging. Blinking against the warm light drifting in around the curtains, he reached over and picked up the phone. The first thing he saw was the time. It was later than he thought. On Sundays, he usually heard his mother get up and go downstairs, but not this Sunday. He hadn’t heard anything. They both must have slept later than usual, which was understandable after what had happened yesterday. As he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, he saw that the...

3 years ago
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Jaime and Chris Ch 02

I was dreaming … once again, dreaming about that nameless, faceless guy who made me feel as if I was the most precious thing on the planet. We were making love, and I was sitting on top of him, grinding my hips against his, my nipples hard as they rasped against his cotton polo shirt. Except, this dream was different from before, this time, I knew who he was. As I had this thought, I heard myself moan and realized that the rough material against my breasts was real. My eyes snapped open, and I...

1 year ago
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Country BoyChapter 3

Larry was in a quandary now. He had two projects started and, to him, they both had top priority. On the one hand, he really needed to get the house or cabin or whatever you would call it completed so he and Beth had a warm dry place to live during the winter. That project would take several days more work if he did it like he originally planned. He also really needed to get the dam completed and his generator set up so he could have some electric power. Of course he couldn’t complete the...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Mia Malkova VR 22959

Mia Malkova wants something special today: your dick…in her ass. Yup, anal sex with the one and only Mia Malkova and her big beautiful butt is what you have forward to look to today. So clear your schedule because there’s absolutely NOTHING that will top this! Just see how she stretches her thong up her ass crack and slaps her butt for you? It’s all part of Mia’s plan — as is her sloppy blowjob — to get you hard and ready for her asshole. Experience Mia in VR and BAM! Her ass will just knock...

3 years ago
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Is Internet Porn DESTROYING your marriage Chapter

Chapter 1Is Internet Porn DESTROYING your marriage? (that’s what the card on the wall asked)My story began a year ago at the start of summer. I’m Kathy, a social worker in my home town hospital. I went to school to become an RN but got pregnant with our first before graduating. I plan to go back some day, I hope.My husband Joe is a furniture warehouse factory worker. We have 2 teenage daughters, a nice split-level home, 2 good cars, Well mine’s a Chrysler mini-van, and what I thought was a good...

4 years ago
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Talk Show Three and Four

Talk Show - Three and Four A Fictional Transcript By Maryanne Peters TRANSRIPT ONE Joe: Hello, hello, and good evening. Welcome to "Tonight with Tanner". I am Joe Tanner and tonight my guest is veteran actor, Gerry Dunford. Welcome Gerry. Gerry: Thank you for inviting me on, Joe. Great to be here. Joe: Now I know that you want to talk about your upcoming movie, and we will, but first I think we have to talk a little about the hit show "Crossover", which you will be leaving...

3 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 6

"Good morning. Do have a seat and make yourself comfortable. I'm terribly sorry, I've kept you waiting but I've been told to get to the bottom of things and enquiries do take time to do properly, don't they? I'm Austen Neville from the Heralds' Office and you are Gunner Petra Yarrow? Good! How has the course been?" Neville looked expectantly at young Yarrow (she should still be in short dresses) for her reply. "The theory gets a bit complicated but working with the guns is...

2 years ago
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We agreed to meet

We agree to meet up. I am nervous. I know I like you. I am excited. But I …how will it be? Will it go further than I can handle? Will it go flat and embarrassing? We meet at a sort of coffee bar place that you have suggested and you are already there. Its just..nice. chatty. friendly. Almost girly. Before I order a cake and a coffee you suggest that we take a cake home to yours and relax. Your house is stylish and comfortable and you are welcoming and charming. I am relaxing in your company....

1 year ago
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Visiting a friend

I was sitting at home bored and lonely when I received a phone call from my Jeff. He is what I would call a friend with benefits. Sex with Jeff was great and lasted for hours, however the tone in his voice this time was much different. He told me to come over for a good fucking which I gladly accepted. I am 5'8 and 36c C breasts, curves in all the right places, round bubbly ass, brown hair and hazel eyes. Jeff is 5'10 with brown hair, blue eyes, baby face, well defined body and thick 8 inch...

Group Sex
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Slutty night out with the Mrs

It had been a few months since the Mrs and I had been out having fun. So we decided that we would go out Friday night to let off some steam. All week we had been sexting each other. So by the time Friday came round we were both hyper horny. While getting ready C asks what should she wear. And pulls out this really short skirt. And a thin black see through top.Instant hard in from me gives her the green light. Ones she is ready she comes down stairs, 6 inch heels holding her high. And the skirt...

3 years ago
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The DefencemanChapter 10

I woke up with Vicky still plastered on my side, but she had rotated so her back was to me. I escaped to go the washroom and hopped in the shower after seeing it was almost six thirty. After slipping my shorts back on I tiptoed to the bedroom and grabbed some clothes quietly. "Sweetie, I don't get to see Big Mike or your cute butt today?" a voice came from the bed. "Good morning Honey, sorry to wake you. And no, you can't see me naked again" I replied. Shall we meet for lunch at the...

3 years ago
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Bi MMF FemDom Cross Dressing Cuckold Part 1

I have these friends, a husband and wife. For the longest time, I've wanted badly to have sex with both of them. First I wanted just him, but I thought it would be even better if I involved both of them.I'm bi, but they don't know that. Anyway, after years of hanging out with them, I see how domineering she is over her husband - my friend. She really puts him down, bitches at him constantly and belittles him, in front of anybody and everybody. She's really mean, but she's mostly been nice to...

1 year ago
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Two nineteen year sluts go on all out fuck and suck binge I am one of the few girls who will ever admit this, but the truth is the truth. And my truth is that from the time I was 18, I was the biggest cum sucking, take it in the ass, pussy licking whore this side of the Susquehanna River. I’m not sure why, or what it was that caused me to have such an insane sexual appetite. I was normal in every way except for the fact that I grew up poor in a rundown trailer...

3 years ago
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My Hot Son

As we pulled away from the house I was happy that my husband was not going with us. It was just my sixteen year old son and I making a trip across the country in the car to see my sister. My husband and I have not been getting along for some time now and I really needed a break. My husband and I had not had sex in months and I was hoping to get a little at some point on this trip. I feel asleep thinking of cock and had sweet dreams. I awoke a few hours later horny as hell and looked over at my...

1 year ago
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Our polyamory life part 2

This is a true story. Please read Our polyamory life part 1.John, Carol, and I just had sex for the first time. We were in lust. The potential was jealousy, I knew Carol had a questioning look in her eyes. She had just fucked John while we were all in bed together. I told her I loved her and we had wanted it. After we had all calmed down we took a good look at each other's naked bodies. We had a threeway naked sticky hug. None of us was embarrassed we all loved what we had done. We stayed naked...

Wife Lovers
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House guest lV

Bob found it hard to keep the car on the road as Megan sucked his dick.After her shower Rebecca didn't bother to cover herself leaving the bathroom. She giggled to herself feeling naughty walking through her sisters home naked. Fixing a drink, she sat on the couch. Raising the glass, she let the condensation drip down on her tits. Unable to take it any longer Megan sat up and looked around. It was still dark out and she knew it would take another thirty minutes to go to work. Unbuttoning her...

2 years ago
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It was at the tail end of 2013 that I had my first experience with a mature lady. From then on, I've never looked back. I'm a 24 year old male from Scotland and I've recently been meeting like minded matures for passionate, no strings attached sex. It all started when I attended my friends birthday party in November. I was chatting to his mum and auntie about careers and holidays for a long while having a few beers and vodkas. The auntie left, and it was at this point the game changed. His mum...

1 year ago
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Sooby takes her first white man part 4

This is the 4th and last part of my story. Please read the other 3 parts. Sooby is a real person and she did fuck me almost as good as this story! God I miss her. Part 1 John loved Sooby’s tits and seeing them wet and cool with nipples as hard and long as any he had ever seen in his life, his mouth sucked and sucked on each one while his fingers cupped the nipples and tits! She held the blanket around her but she still was cold! Another shiver as John sucked her left nipple made him stop again!...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Venus Afrodita Kinky Anal Love Triangle

Venus Afrodita sizzles in the middle of Maximo Garcia and David Perry in this Hands On Hardcore extreme fetish scene. The gorgeous curvy ass’d Latina has gone from maid to slave when the boys put her on extra dick duties and she goes above and beyond to satisfy their kinky cravings. Dressed to thrill in bondage apparel, this gorgeous glamour model honors their every need. See her ass fucked and spanked in this raunchy MMF threesome feature where the sexy slut is manhandled just like she...

1 year ago
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My Changing LifeChapter 9 Leaving Town for Good

FSJ was a major crossroads for drugs. Unlike what was on TV, the reality was, most drugs coming into or going out of North America went through Alaska. Why smuggle things through an extremely heavily guarded southern boarder when you can go through a relatively unguarded north. Not only that, there are millions of uninhabited islands where secret bases can be established. There was Canadian pot and hash heading off continent. At the time, Canada was a world powerhouse in the pot and hash...

2 years ago
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Banged Manimegalai From Chat

Hi ladies and Gentlemen, This is my 1st story I am posting here on ISS, I have been an ISS fan for more than 5 years, now I got a chance to reveal my own true story, I am Deepak from Tamil Nadu, and here I am going to narrate a story of my own which happened 3 months before, I hail from a small town named Karur, I use to chat more than 7 hours a day, my ultimate aim was to fuck a lady, let’s come to the story; I am male of 24 years, slim with long enough muscle, ladies can get me at and also...

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Young Mr. Smith looked down at the beautiful young lady sucking his cock and smiled. It had not always been this way. Before he had changed and for some time after, he would have believed her to out of his reach. But now he had the power. Mr. Smith stroked her long blond hair softly as she three quarters of his shaft in her mouth. Her throat convulsed as his cock forced its way in. She gagged, he pulled out, and then she took him in again—even deeper this time. It was tighter than any pussy,...

Mind Control
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Giselle Montes 5300 15m

I don't care who owns it. As long as they allow for the glorious amounts of nudity on the platform, Twitter is and continues to be fucking awesome. As great as the many different porn sites that I have reviewed are, checking out the torrents of tasty women on Twitter certainly does put me in the mood. Not only do you get to see the sorts of smut they are interested in, you often get a flood of free previews of what they are into.I realized a long time ago that there are hundreds of hotties to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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a new Mistress

I’m a social alpha-male that loves being sexually submissive. Oh, I’ve been a Dom and thoroughly enjoyed it, but my first love is being subservient to a Domme. I had forgotten all the different ads I had placed, even forgotten what my profile said and all the shemale pictures in the profile photo album. I had a shemale lover before meeting my wife. She was a switch—we were incompatible, but the sex was great! Anyway, her message said: saw your ad and checked you’re profile. I live in...

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