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- 2 years ago
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I lay in bed. I had used my shorts to clean myself up a little. I could hear the shower running, so I knew Phee was in there. My mind was going a hundred miles an hour and I was actually a little scared about what would happen next. That's because I had no idea what would happen next, and the complete unknown is kind of scary.
I kept lying there after the shower stopped, and I heard her moving around in her room. I tried to figure out what to say to her the next time I saw her. Then, suddenly, she was there, dressed, looking at me lying on my disheveled bed naked.
"Lazy!" she accused, all perky and beautiful. She'd left her long, dark red hair down, and it framed her face beautifully. "I have to go do something," she said. "See you later."
Then she was off like a deer, running in the house, which she never did, and slamming the front door behind her, which she also never did.
She was always like that after sex, as it turned out. Of course I didn't know that then.
But that did have a big impact on me, because I did reflect on how relatively normal she was acting, after something that left me on the edge of a nervous breakdown. I had fingered my sister! I had sucked her nipples! We had traded spit for what seemed like hours, making out like I had always dreamed of doing ... except with various other girls. It was crazy!
And yet, she acted like it was nothing more than doing homework together.
Her acceptance of what had happened made it easier for me to accept it too. I had been weirded out by knowing I was a pervert, and yet Phoenix didn't seem to mind one bit. In fact, she didn't mind being one too. And her casual acceptance of that status made me question all this pervert stuff.
The fact of the matter was, I just couldn't conceive of Phoenix as a pervert. And if she wasn't ... then that meant maybe I wasn't either.
It was good that she took off like she did, and that nobody else was home, because that gave me the time to work out all this stuff in my head so that by the time she got back home I wasn't a basket case any more.
As it turned out, Mom got home first. She had a bunch of bags of material, and sewing supplies and stuff in the trunk of her car, and snagged me to "help her" unload it and take it in the house. Dad turned into the driveway while she was supervising me. Then Phee trotted up like she'd been chasing Dad in the car or something. She was breathing fast, but not gasping or anything. She was still stoked and happy and bubbly. She grabbed Dad's golf bag from him as he took it out of the car, and shot me a brilliant grin, as Mom and Dad greeted each other the way they always did, with an emotional, fervent hug and kiss. I had wondered for years why there was just us two kids, because our parents made no secret about how they wanted to drag each other into bed all the time. Actually, a couple of years later, my Dad explained that was why they were so strict about the "no going steady rule". They knew what it was like to be in love, and what people who are in love want to do.
I explain all this because the rest of the day was like that ... so totally normal that I almost forgot what had happened that morning. Of course our parents decided they needed a "nap" and disappeared into their bedroom. Phee came up behind me and slid her hands around to lay on my stomach. I felt her breasts press into my back.
"You want to know a secret?"
"Sure," I said, trying to decide if I should cover her hands with my own.
"One day when I was in the sixth grade, they did that ... said they were going to take a nap. You know how their door doesn't close right sometimes?"
She was referring to the fact that we lived in an 80 year old house, and the foundation had shifted a little. Depending on the humidity, their bedroom door either latched, or it didn't.
"Yeah," I said.
"I heard Mom make a weird noise and I went and looked through the crack in the door."
"They were doing it," she said. I felt her hips bump my butt.
I turned around and there were her dark green eyes, surrounded by all that beautiful dark red hair.
"We can't do that, Phee," I croaked.
She grinned!
"I know that, silly. But it was so beautiful, because I could tell Mom loved it so much. It wasn't weird at all. You know how most kids don't even want to think about their parents doing it? I loved watching them. I knew that someday I'd get to do that. It was the first time I got horny."
My hands slid up her back. No bra strap.
"So what happened?" I asked.
"They kept going, and it looked like he was trying to kill her, except I could tell she was loving every second of it. Then they finished, and he said he needed to wash the car. He got up. It was the first time I'd seen an adult penis. Mom got up too, and I could see his semen running down her leg. Did you know Mom shaves?"
I shook my head. The complete craziness of the fact that I was in a clearly amorous embrace ... with my sister ... while she told me my mother had a shaved pussy, made my knees weak.
"That's why I've always shaved," said Phee. "Anyway, they were acting so normal that I just knew doing that was normal too. And the way they kissed each other before I had to leave is exactly the same way they kiss each other in the kitchen, and I knew that all that was just part of being in love."
I didn't know what to say, but that didn't matter, because she leaned in and gave me a not-quite-chaste kiss on the lips. Not a long one, but not a peck either.
"I peeked on them several more times after that," she said. "Whenever I could. It was only two or three more times before I got too chicken about getting caught, but I saw them do other things too. And I watched how they acted when they weren't in there, doing that. They acted like they kept telling us they wanted us to act toward each other."
"What?" I blinked several times.
"You know... 'Be nice to each other!' and 'Give your brother some respect!' and stuff like that." She sounded remarkably like our mother as she said that. It was strange.
"Okay," I said. I still wasn't sure what was going on, except I knew she was trying to tell me something.
"So they kept telling us to love each other, and I couldn't help imagining that as including what they did, because they loved each other."
I finally got it. She was telling me she'd had feelings about ... me ... for a long time.
"You're kidding!" I know my eyes had to be as big as plates.
"I knew it wasn't normal," she said. "Except that it was normal, because they were doing it all the time, and I was sure I knew how they felt because I did love you. You were the only guy besides Daddy I knew would never let me down, and would always love me, no matter what happened."
"I never knew," I said.
"Of course you never knew," she laughed. "I'm not stupid. I know what the rest of the world says about things like that. But that didn't change the way I felt when I looked at you."
"But you yell at me," I pointed out.
"Well of course I do. Sometimes you're a complete bonehead and need to be yelled at."
I realized how good it felt to be in this embrace, with our lower halves pressed together. Of course that made me think of other things that involved lower halves being pressed together.
"So what now?" I really meant that. I had no idea what to do.
"Well ... I know we can't do what they're doing in there," she said, bringing her face closer to mine. "But we can do what we did this morning. At least sometimes."
She could tell I approved, because something else started pressing against her lower half.
"Tut?" she said, her lips just brushing mine.
"I've been horny for so long, but I couldn't do anything about it, because I knew you'd be horrified. But then you caught me taking that picture, and the look on your face wasn't horrified at all. It almost killed me to see the girls playing with you like that. I have years of horniness for you to catch up on. I'm going to want to do a lot, but you have to make me stay in control ... okay?"
I swallowed. This was not my little sister in my arms. This was a hot chick. But it was also Phee ... who was my little sister. I know it's circular logic, but that's what was going through my mind.
"I'm the big brother," I said, making my voice go deep. "You have to do what I say."
She kissed me then ... the kind of kiss I'd yearned to be able to have for years ... the kind of kiss you get in dreams when you're a teenaged boy. She pulled back with a smile on her face that got me even harder.
"Yes sir," she said softly.
Of course she had put "control" in the wrong hands. Thankfully, she was well aware of that. She was going through her own dream-come-true phase, that involved saying things like that to the man she considered her lover. We were kids! What else would you expect?
But she was also very intelligent, and she knew better than to leave her fate in my hands completely. So after another steamy kiss, she pushed me back and said, "I'm as horny as I was this morning, which isn't good, because if you weren't such a gentleman, I'd have lost my virginity this morning. So I'm going to go spend some private time in my room. Do not disturb me. Is that clear?"
I nodded dumbly, because I was already imagining what Phee would look like, lying naked on her bed, fingerfucking herself, or maybe using a clandestine dildo or something like that. And before I could even begin to flesh that little fantasy out, she was gone.
Which meant I had to flesh that fantasy out lying on my own bed ... on my side ... staring at the eight by ten picture I had of my sister ... naked.
I came like a volcano, and it didn't take very long.
And then, because I'm the other kind of person, who wants to lie around and be lazy after sex...
I took a nap.
Now I know it sounds like this has all been set up to suggest that Phee and I got frisky every chance we had. But that's not the way it was. I think we both knew how special ... and how dangerous ... all this new touchy-feely stuff was. We might not have known what long term romantic entanglements were like, but we knew what a long term emotional entanglement was like, and what it felt like to add romance to that. I knew what I wanted to do with her, and she had at least alluded to the concept that she might want the same things. And, since it was clear that getting what we wanted could be a very bad thing, and might ruin the happiness we had just discovered ... we both wanted to make sure that didn't happen.
For that reason, there was much less hanky-panky between us than you might think. I know there was a lot less than I thought there would be.
I do not know why it is this way, but it’s pretty universal in America for people to look askance when an older man is with a younger woman. There are lots of terms for it. Cradle-robber. Chester the molester. Dirty old man. Sugar daddy. Those are for a heterosexual relationship where the man is older, but there are dozens of other names for other kinds of relationships. We won’t go into those. My point is that American society looks down on May-December relationships and I don’t know why. If...
When I got to Ronnie's house, I thought she wasn't there at first, because I knocked and nothing happened. I was about to leave when the curtains moved, so I waited. Finally she opened the door about a foot. She had on a thick robe, but it wasn't closed tightly, and there was a lot of cleavage. I knew it wouldn't be anywhere near acceptable to stare at that, as delicious as it looked, so I got my eyes off of that and put them on her face. She was just staringt at me and I thought she was...
What do you do when you find out your daughter and the young man you think of as your son, are lovers? I'm really asking that question, because I had no idea what to do. It had been going on literally for years, and there was no way in the world I could pretend my kids weren't just as normal as pie in every other way a person could evaluate them on. Their grades were fine. Their social relationships were good, allowing for the fact that they had orgies in my daughter's bedroom. And let's...
The girls had snuck into the bathroom and peeked, of course. I found out from Frankie, later. And that's because Frankie demanded that Phee invite her over for a "private sleepover" the next week. I had forgotten all about what Denise had said about how eager Frankie was. Frankie was so un-eager verbally, that that's all that had ever sunk in. To be honest, when Phee told me "Frankie wants to come over, so be ready," I still didn't believe we'd have sex. And I was sure I was right...
Now I know the majority of readers would think that I’d hop right on that bandwagon and let a beautiful young woman ‘experiment’ with my raging boner, especially since such boners developed, occasionally, because of the girl in question. But let’s be reasonable, here. Thinking about committing even a minor form of incest is a big step and while my sister had had a month to get “normalized” to the idea of playing with her brother’s prick just to get a little experience, all I’d done was...
I saw my daughter lying there, freshly and well fucked. But there was something unreal about it too. "Wow," panted Amber, her eyes clear and untroubled by guilt. "I didn't believe her. I was wrong. She was right. You're incredible." "What the fuck?!" I gasped. "Don't be mad, Daddy," she said, panting between each word. "I couldn't help it." "What are you talking about?" I asked, also having trouble talking because I was so out of breath. She put a finger on my lips ......
All movement stopped again. Voices died down. Phoenix said, "Really?" sounding surprised, and a smidgeon happier, so I thought I had eked out at least a partial victory. "Absolutely," I said. "All your friends are ... um ... inspiring." Don't ask me why I chose that word. Then things got weird again. "But not me," said Phoenix. "What?" "I'm not ... inspiring," she said. Her voice was flat. In case any of you readers out there are males in your early teens ... this is the...
You couldn't lock the bathroom doors from the outside. I fully expected Danni to come storming in with murder in mind ... but she didn't. In fact, they left me alone the rest of the night. This is not to say I couldn't hear them, but it was strange, because they honestly didn't sound any different than they had on other nights. I mean I could hear voices, but not what was being said, and those voices kept speaking until I finally fell into an exhausted sleep. They obviously hadn't been...
It was spooky. When Beth asked what came next, all four of them turned to look at Phee. I was not to find out for another month why that was, but it was weird, that's for sure. She looked past them at me, and said "If you guys want to go on like planned, that's fine with me." The girls turned back to look at me. Danni said, "What do you want from us?" I blinked. "I thought it was the other way around. I thought you had questions, and I was supposed to try to answer them." "You...
Danni's eyes were red when they came out of the bathroom, but she was calm again. She didn't look at me. "I think that's probably enough for tonight," Phee said. "No fair!" chimed Beth. "I agree," said Denise. "Hasn't he caused enough trouble?" suggested Phee. "Only for you and Danni," said Frankie. "What's that supposed to mean?" asked Phee, darkly. "Nothing," said Frankie breezily. "But he's ready, and Denise and Beth want to try it." "Why are you so sunny...
You wouldn't think that a teenaged boy who was facing five naked teenaged girls would consider himself to have problems. But I did. In fact, I had several problems. First, I was having palpitations of the heart, which was pounding and dancing in my chest, making me worry that I might set some kind of record for being the youngest person in the world to have a heart attack. Second, they had stipulated that, if they were going to be naked, I had to be naked too. They had also demanded that I...
I waited for something to happen until I finally fell asleep, lying on my bed. I had even put on "the shorts" in anticipation. What woke me up was someone turning my reading light off. But my eyes had been closed, so when I opened them, they were adjusted to the dark, and I could see two forms hovering over me in the dark. They were female forms, because they both had long hair. "Shhhh," came off of Phee's tongue and lips. Hands found my shorts in the dark. I lifted my hips to...
There are good reasons why they don't let you have a driver's license until you're sixteen. Your judgment is flawed before that. Actually, they hope your judgment isn't still flawed, when you turn sixteen. There's more and more science that suggests young people should not be allowed to make serious decisions until they're in their early twenties. But of course that would never do. There would be an uprising of all those young people if they were required to wait until they had a whole...
I'm not a poet or anything, but some things that happen in your life make you think in poetic terms. When Danni sank down on me and my penis dug deep into her belly, it was like she painted the room in splashes and wide swaths of astonishment. Not the least of those who were drenched with that paint was me. "Ohhh shit," she grunted, as I felt the tip of my cock hit something hard inside her, just like was in Phee. The pressure around my cock was even tighter than Phee had been. It was, in...
When I was in Mr. Killeshan's English class, we read a lot of stuff. I don't remember any of it except the poem by Robert Burns titled, "To a mouse". There's more in the title than that, but I can't remember it, except it has "plow" in it. It's pretty long, but I remember this one line really well. It was: "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley." It's English, though there are a bunch of words like "agley" that none of us could understand. Mr. Killeshan...
There was a lot of talk when I walked in. Sometimes two or three were talking at the same time. It was pretty obvious they were upset, so I just let them all vent. They were angry. I was going off, halfway around the world if the Marines did what they told me they'd do. I would be gone for years. I would be sent to Afghanistan and be blown up. My plane would crash. Marines crawled through swamps, and I'd get bitten by a poisonous snake and die. You get the idea. Danni and Frankie had been...
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Frankie only stayed three days. She said she had a job that she'd taken on contract before she knew I was back, and she had to go do it. I suggested I needed the rest, and she smiled happily, patting her tummy. I actually got hard in my pants. That's what she did to me. "Call your sister!" she yelled as she got in her rental to go back to the airport. "I will," I said. "She's the only one that will talk to you right now," she yelled. "Why?" "Because you didn't call any of us...
It had gotten over much too quickly, of course. And not just because I got sex every night I was there. It was great seeing everybody. I hadn't realized how lonely I'd been. Being in the military is strange in a way non-vets can't possibly understand. You live elbow to elbow with strangers, and yet you depend on each other for your lives. Intense friendships are born, but then the friends are sent to different parts of the world from each other. There is no permanency in the relationships....
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Looking back on it, it would have been obvious to a blind man that Danni would show up too. I mean four of the five were already there. And under circumstances that suggested they might live there together for some time. And they had even told me there was "a plan". Of course I thought that plan was short termed, and ended when I joined the Marines. I was wrong. I found out about the plan not from Phee, who I was closer to than any of them. And who, let me just mention, was the actual...
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We had breakfast, during which time I tried to explain how I felt about all this. It was like talking to a brick wall. Lori’s response was, “We’re just having a little fun, Bobby. Don’t take things so seriously.” I insisted on going out and drove them around town, showing them this and that. It was silly because I knew they weren’t interested in where the Sonic drive in was, or the ATM I used. For most of it they just nattered on like girls do. Cassie did tell me to stop at Walgreens, saying...
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When you're a teenager, and a beautiful older woman says she's had some sexual fantasies about you, it's sort of a big deal. I realized I had stopped breathing when I kind of leaned, and almost fell off the couch. I was lightheaded, but I could focus enough to keep from falling on my face. Her hands were suddenly on my shoulders, stabilizing me. "I told you it was complicated," she said softly. "That's not complicated," I said. "That's just crazy." I was thinking about how...
Ronnie had taught me how complicated life can be. That was good, because my life got more complicated. It wasn't that birthday kiss. Not really. At least I don't think it was the kiss. I had been looking forward to going off to college. I had an acceptance letter from K-State. I had been accepted into the engineering program. It was a five year program, so maybe that's part of what complicated things. And I had been looking forward to the girls at college. Except I was pretty sure that...
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You told me he likes to have his mates for you meet in the nude. So we can do one of two things. He can get a room for you for my sexual work, or he can bring you to me and survey my place and leave. Once you are ready I will bring you to him for his pleasure. You WILL be more than ready, and from what you tell me he will enjoy. You will drink at least two liters of water on the way to my place. Don’t think of releasing, I will be the one for that to decide. When he delivers you, I will...
Part 1. The nurse pulled down my boxers as she looked over at my moms undivided gaze towards my uncircumcised cock. when my boxers hit the floor both ladies took a moment to pause and giggle amongst themselves while they alternated looking at my foreskin then back up into my eyes. my mom started blushing when the nurse lifted up my penis with her index finger right at the tip by the bunched up foreskin. The nurse looked back at my mom and told her that my foreskin looks tight. She then went on...
IncestRuby slung her beach bag over her shoulder and wandered down the paved pathway that led to her parents’ backyard. A trio of butterflies floated past while trees and lush plants overflowed from raised garden beds, creating a shady oasis from the summer sun. She drew in a breath and let it out in a contented sigh. If it hadn’t been for the two storey house looming over her, it would have felt like walking through a tropical rainforest. She pushed open the side gate and stepped from the enclosed...
Straight SexDescription: If I had not seen it I would have not believed it if someone told me. There she was on the evening news, and with some guy who was NOT ME. If I had not seen it I would have not believed it if when someone of the told me. There she was on the evening news, and with some guy who was NOT ME; not only was it not me it was an old boyfriend who had abused her to the point of putting her in the hospital. She had told me she was going to see her sister in the U.P. (for those of you who...
That evening after they ate, both Mary and Lou sat on the dirt before the fire, their backs supported by Mary's sitting log. The sunlight had finally softened and twilight shadows were beginning to fill the air. Their relaxed conversation was about nothing in particular. Mary made certain to keep a degree of space between their bodies so as not to arouse the discomfiting feelings that seemed to present themselves at Lou's slightest touch. The goats were docile and quiet, only bleating off...
Bob and I used to work together, so I had socialized with he and his wife Ellie on a few occasions. One hot, humid, foggy summer evening, while I was watching TV, the door bell rang. I wasn’t expecting anyone. It was Ellie, dressed in very short cut-off jeans and a halter top with no bra. I could see her hard nipples through the halter material and her tits were almost hanging out. Ellie had short, light brown hair, was cute and had a nice, slim body, she had to be in her early thirties. I...
I can’t tell you, as another could, if her eyes danced with pleasure, or even what color they were. But I can tell you how long her legs were, and how soft and supple her curves felt under my hands. I can tell you how cool and silky her long hair was, and about the sweet murmurs of delight she uttered when we touched. And I could go on and on about her delicious scent- a heady mix of vanilla and lavender over the fresh aroma of soap-scrubbed skin. Everything about her left a permanent imprint...
I have been asked many, many times why I like bottoms so much. I thought I’d right a bit about what I find so nice about the world of bottoms and answer a few other questions along the way.Well I guess I should start at the beginning. I saw someone very early on in life having their temperature taken. Until then the bottom had only been a thing that had things come out of it and this was the first time I realised that things could go in there. I then made it a cause to find out just what people...
I have always been a fan of massages and always read stories about massages to wives, ladies, see videos about them and always had a fantasy of learning how to do an intimate massage and more importantly practicing them on someone. I never imagined at any point in time that this fantasy would turn into reality. So, let’s get to the story now. I am an athletic guy, play football, badminton regularly, so it was one of those weekends when I had a football match and was totally exhausted after...
August 28, 2000, On the road to Cincinnati, Ohio “So, what’s the big secret?” Liz asked as I nosed my BMW into southbound traffic on the Dan Ryan. “Something from my past which might come back to haunt us,” I replied. “Well, not just mine, but Joyce’s, too.” “Deborah knows about this?” “And Eve. In fact, Eve knows more than Deborah for a reason I’ll explain.” “Does this have to do with you and Joyce dating and being lovers?” “Sort of, but it really started with her cousin Larry. He and...
Sunita is 25 year old young and beautiful girl with the perfect figure of 36 26 38. Her complexion is very fair with beautiful big eyes and full mouth with pink lips. Her body is well maintained with Yoga practice. She has been married for 2 years now but living alone in Bombay as her husband has a job in Dubai and is there for about six months. She is a very sexy girl and misses having sex for such a long time with her husband away. Her body is craving for sex all the time and she is trying to...
Lovely Latina newbie Venus Vera ? returns for her 2nd Hussie?Pass appearance and this time we paired her up with Mr 13-Inch himself ? the one and only Brickzilla ?➕☝? for today’s update. After our talented director Johnny ?? Robins conducts the interview portion of the program ??? Venus gets her motor running by finger-fucking her very meaty vagina ? In steps Brickzilla’s cock ? followed shortly thereafter by Brickzilla himself ??♂️ along with a bottle of lube ?? for Venus’...
xmoviesforyouHello everyone of indian sex stories dot net, i am Samar. This is continuation of my previous story. So please read the previous part before reading this. Tabhi aap logo ko samjh aayega. So detail na dete hue. Direct continue kar raha hu. Jaisa ki abhi tak maine bataya, main Naina Bhabhi jo neend me ache se chod raha tha. Main abhi uske uper laita hua tha, or kiss kar raha tha. Main dusri baar uski chut me jhad gaya tha. Mujhe pata tha wo pregnant nahi hogi, isliye maine chut me hi daal diya....
My cock was already hard as I strode naked into our huge living room. I finally had the house to myself and I was going to take advantage of it. My dad had taken Bimbo-Barbie (a.k.a. my step-mom) to Tahoe for the weekend, and my step-bitch – sorry, step-“sister” – was off with her vapid pack of friends doing who cares what. She was only sixteen, same as me, but she always acted like she was one of the grown-ups around here and I was just some stupid kid. I walked around the living room, not...
TabooThis is the sixth chapter of Pramila bhabhi series. A month went by, tutoring Aman. Pramila’s teachings seemed to improve Aman, but the biggest test was when he gave the exam. When the results were finally out, there were cheers and happiness at Sharma Villa. For the first time after many years, Aman scores well in all subject but topped in Mathematics. Though there was a big party planned at Aman’s house, first he went to Pramila’s place in the chawl to thank his Math guru. Aman was sitting...
So this is a follow up on my first story, about my first time experience with a guy. So, it may be useful to go back to the last one and read it to get a better lead in for this one. But to summarize, Mike and I had a brief encounter one evening after we got back from the bar. After the encounter, we didn't talk about it and were a little standoffish with each other for a week or two. However, after a few normal nights out with friends, we sort of settled back into our normal friendship from...
My intention to leave for work earlier than normal to oversee a delivery of new stock was messed up by the discovery of a flat tyre on my car and, because I’m no good with these things, I ‘phoned Clive at the Mazda garage for help. He kindly offered to send a mechanic out later in the day to fix the problem and told me where to conceal the key but my main problem was how to get in to work. I then remembered that a neighbour of mine worked in the pharmacy in the same shopping precinct as...
Hi, Friends. I am Rinku Singh and I am telling about my life incidents started just 3 years back, while I was of 15 years and my elder sister of above 18 and brother 16 ½, we are from the higher middle class family, my father is having its own business, and my mom is a house wife and is engaged in social activities. Last week in the school we were given special classes for the sex, for which other Doctor/ professors were invited for the lecturers. In which they have giving knowledge about body...
IncestHe’d ridden miles. His horse was tired but he knew he had to find her. Having worked for her father on the ranch, he knew having become an entrusted friend that she had to know just exactly what had become of her father 6 months back. Angus rode into Triply, a midsized town in Northern Texas, and once he could find her he could sit and tell her just what had happened. See, Libby’s father, had become a rancher, and at that time was running a woman’s ranch back in 1846. It was aptly named the Bar...
Group SexHere i am going to narrate a true incident. As it is a true one, so i write only that happened. There were too many guests in our village house on one occasion. All were sleeping on the floor. My mother in law arranged her bed in a small store room near kitchen. My fil (father in law) and husband were sleeping in the front room with other male guests. When we go to sleep, one of the lady guest request my mil to sleep near her, so she went to sleep there and asked me to go to her place and so i...