Tumblr Sex
- 2 years ago
- 30
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When I got to Ronnie's house, I thought she wasn't there at first, because I knocked and nothing happened. I was about to leave when the curtains moved, so I waited. Finally she opened the door about a foot. She had on a thick robe, but it wasn't closed tightly, and there was a lot of cleavage. I knew it wouldn't be anywhere near acceptable to stare at that, as delicious as it looked, so I got my eyes off of that and put them on her face. She was just staringt at me and I thought she was going to yell at me, or tell me to go away, but eventually she opened the door wider, in an unspoken invitation to come in.
It was hot inside, and I wondered about that thick robe until I heard the click-clack of her wind up swing and saw Timmy sleeping in just a diaper as the swing rocked him endlessly.
"What do you want?" she asked, as I walked farther into the house.
I had no idea what I wanted. I didn't even know why I was there. What had been on my mind all day dithered in my head.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
She didn't answer at first, and when I turned to look at her she was looking off out a window, like her mind was somewhere else. Then those blue eyes swung to me.
"I'm a big girl," she said. "I'll be fine."
"Oh," I said. Now what did I do? I had no idea. "I just want you to be okay," I said, kind of uselessly.
"Thank you," she said. "You're always so polite."
I know you're supposed to feel good when an adult pays you a compliment, and I knew if my mother had heard that, she'd be beaming. But all that did was embarrass me.
"I'm sorry," I said. One of her eyebrows rose just a fraction. "That I ... um ... looked at your pictures," I explained.
"My pictures," she murmured, looking away again. Then she looked at me. "They're not my pictures, Bobby. They might be of me, but they are nothing I'd want to claim."
It was pretty obvious she was still down in the dumps. Of course that seemed perfectly normal. You didn't just get over something like she had been through like it was a broken fingernail. And I could imagine how hard she'd been trying to forget it, even moving away and stuff. And now it had all been brought back. I remembered her comment about them being where everybody could see them.
"It might not be as bad as you think," I said, without thinking it through first.
Now that eyebrow went way up.
"And just how is that possible?" she asked. Her voice sounded so cold that the robe seemed perfectly natural.
I got jittery, and when I get jittery I kind of run off at the mouth.
"I'd been looking at sites like that for like a year before I found those," I said. "So they're pretty old. I didn't look to see if they had been reblogged, but I haven't seen them anywhere since then." It suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't been looking at tumblr sites for probably four or five months. Once I had those pictures, I didn't need any others. "But maybe not..." I finished lamely.
"What do you mean ... reblogged?" she asked.
So I had to explain how each picture usually had comments about it, and some of those comments were about who had reblogged the picture at some other site. That's how pictures became popular. They got copied all over the place. You saw the same pictures at lots of sites.
"It's kind of like going viral," I said, artlessly and without thinking. "Those are usually the best pictures."
I realized she was staring at me as I said those last words.
"Sorry," I said, automatically.
"Come with me," she said, imperiously. She cranked the winding handle to Timmy's swing and then started for the bedroom she had turned into her office, and didn't look back. By the time I got moving and actually followed her into the room, she was already sitting at her computer tapping keys.
Her doggy style picture suddenly filled the screen.
What the fuck?!
"Show me what you mean," she said.
"About the reblogging," she said.
I stared at the screen. Then I realized she must have found that picture herself, and bookmarked the page it was on.
"How'd you get that?" I asked, confused. She must have sifted through days worth of thumbnails to find that.
"I sent it to myself in an email from your computer," she said. "Show me!"
Suddenly I understood. I had bookmarked that page, and the other pages with her picture on them. Then, to make the PowerPoint presentation, I had just selected the pictures on those pages. She had decoded all that, found the original page. She had then sent the link to that page's location to herself in an email.
I reached for the mouse and moved the slider down, revealing the list of people who had liked this picture, or reblogged it.
It was a long list.
It was a very long list.
There were literally dozens of lines that said, "(insert stupid name like '[email protected]') reblogged this photo." I didn't have to explain again. She caught on quickly. Even as I stood there, leaning over her shoulder and breathing in how good she smelled, her hand knocked mine away from the mouse. She copied the link for 12_inch_dick.tumblr.com and opened her browser. She pasted the link into the address bar and, much faster than my computer would have, the site popped up and the screen was covered with thumbnails.
This particular guy was into anal.
"This is disgusting!" she growled.
"Yeah, I stay away from places like this," I said, like that would get me off the hook for masturbating to her pictures. I realized she didn't know I did that, and reminded myself to watch my freaking mouth so as not to give that fact away. I was already in enough trouble.
She abandoned the mouse and her doggy page popped back up.
"July fifteenth," she muttered.
Her fingers tapped again, and suddenly the new site was back. She knew some kind of keyboard shortcuts to do things that was lots faster than the mouse. Again, she showed how quick a learner she was by finding the month tab, which displayed the last year's worth of months. She clicked on March, and a new set of thumbnails showed up. She moved the mouse to hover, and the date of the photograph was displayed.
She paged down, checking a photograph now and then, until she got to the middle of the month. Then she just paged down, slowly scanning each one.
There it was! It was in the upper right corner of the page.
"Shit," she muttered.
"Go to August," I said, on a hunch.
"Because if he really liked that picture, he'll keep moving it from month to month, to keep it current."
She looked up at me. I realized her robe was gaping open, and I could see a heck of a lot of the inside of her right breast.
I got caught staring.
She snorted and pulled her robe closed.
"Sorry," I said, automatically.
"Sure you are," she said. "You're a male. I should expect this from you."
"Look," I said, a little more loudly than I should have, most likely. "I really am sorry your feelings are hurt. I can't help looking, but I'll try not to from now on, okay? I really will."
"Feelings got hurt," she muttered, looking at the screen again. "Like he has any idea."
I realized she was talking to the monitor, and just kept quiet as she found August.
"Now page down slowly, like you did before," I said. "You're looking for the same picture."
It wasn't there. She tried September, October, November and went through December too. That picture wasn't in any of them. Neither were any of the other two.
"See?" I said. "The last time it was popular was six months ago. Plus there are tens of thousands of these sites, and the likelihood that anybody you know even looks at these sites, is next to nothing!" I said, filling my voice with hope.
"You did," she pointed out, turning those blue eyes on me.
"I'm a pervert," I said before I thought it through. "You don't know any perverts."
"I didn't think I knew any perverts," she said, but it was clear she was arguing with me. "But I was obviously wrong!"
It was pretty clear that she wasn't going to forgive me. I felt a little sick that I had hoped she would. I didn't really deserve her forgiveness, after all.
"I know," I said. "I wish I hadn't found them, or used them. But I can't wish that away. I'll just get going. I just wanted to see if you were okay."
"What do you mean 'used them'?" she asked, swiveling the chair to face me.
"What?" I felt panic seize my chest.
"You said you shouldn't have used them," she reminded me. "What did you use them for, Bobby?" She stood up. "Did you show them to somebody else, Bobby?" I saw what could only be epic rage gathering on her face. I had never seen her really angry about anything before, but I suddenly realized that I never wanted her really angry with me, because my instincts told me she was the kind of woman who would go to any lengths to even a score.
"No!" I yipped. "I'd never even think of letting some other guy see them!"
She stopped, and stared at me. Her face calmed.
"You're telling the truth," she said, examining my face. Her hand came and impossibly strong fingers gripped my chin. "You didn't show them to anybody else."
"No!" I agreed, happily. "I wouldn't do that."
Slowly she removed her hand. I felt like working my jaw back and forth, but resisted the impulse.
"Why not?" she asked, suddenly.
"You're a boy. A teenager. I'm sure you have lots of horny teenaged male friends. Most boys in your position couldn't show them around fast enough!" She peered at me. "So why didn't you?"
The answer to that was that I was jealous as hell of those pictures. She was mine! And nobody else was about to see her like that.
Of course I couldn't very well tell her that.
"Um ... it wouldn't be right?" I suggested, hopefully.
Her eyes, which had gone a little glazed for a few seconds, cleared up and got back to freezing me, deep down inside.
"You never answered my question, Bobby. What did you use those pictures for?"
I didn't answer.
"You had them in a looping slideshow," she murmured, her eyes going out of focus again. "It was actually going when I activated the laptop."
That was because, earlier in the evening that New Year's Eve, she had danced with me while my mom and dad danced. And I had gotten a monster boner, of course, so I had slipped off to my bedroom to take care of that. And I had used the obvious (and my favorite) pictures to do that with.
But it was actually unthinkable to tell her that!
Her eyes cleared. That eyebrow went up.
"Of course," she whispered.
She folded her arms under the breasts she had only moments ago covered securely. The robe gapped open as her arms squeezed her breasts. I managed to only glance at the deep cleavage and then look away. I knew, deep in my heart, that she knew. I don't know how I knew that she knew, but I knew that she knew and there was no getting around knowing that.
"I'm sorry," I whispered, automatically.
"You need to go home now, Bobby," she said. Her voice was level and calm. There was no pain in it, but I knew she was masking that. She knew I was a pervert and she would never talk to me again.
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What do you do when you find out your daughter and the young man you think of as your son, are lovers? I'm really asking that question, because I had no idea what to do. It had been going on literally for years, and there was no way in the world I could pretend my kids weren't just as normal as pie in every other way a person could evaluate them on. Their grades were fine. Their social relationships were good, allowing for the fact that they had orgies in my daughter's bedroom. And let's...
The girls had snuck into the bathroom and peeked, of course. I found out from Frankie, later. And that's because Frankie demanded that Phee invite her over for a "private sleepover" the next week. I had forgotten all about what Denise had said about how eager Frankie was. Frankie was so un-eager verbally, that that's all that had ever sunk in. To be honest, when Phee told me "Frankie wants to come over, so be ready," I still didn't believe we'd have sex. And I was sure I was right...
Now I know the majority of readers would think that I’d hop right on that bandwagon and let a beautiful young woman ‘experiment’ with my raging boner, especially since such boners developed, occasionally, because of the girl in question. But let’s be reasonable, here. Thinking about committing even a minor form of incest is a big step and while my sister had had a month to get “normalized” to the idea of playing with her brother’s prick just to get a little experience, all I’d done was...
I saw my daughter lying there, freshly and well fucked. But there was something unreal about it too. "Wow," panted Amber, her eyes clear and untroubled by guilt. "I didn't believe her. I was wrong. She was right. You're incredible." "What the fuck?!" I gasped. "Don't be mad, Daddy," she said, panting between each word. "I couldn't help it." "What are you talking about?" I asked, also having trouble talking because I was so out of breath. She put a finger on my lips ......
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You couldn't lock the bathroom doors from the outside. I fully expected Danni to come storming in with murder in mind ... but she didn't. In fact, they left me alone the rest of the night. This is not to say I couldn't hear them, but it was strange, because they honestly didn't sound any different than they had on other nights. I mean I could hear voices, but not what was being said, and those voices kept speaking until I finally fell into an exhausted sleep. They obviously hadn't been...
It was spooky. When Beth asked what came next, all four of them turned to look at Phee. I was not to find out for another month why that was, but it was weird, that's for sure. She looked past them at me, and said "If you guys want to go on like planned, that's fine with me." The girls turned back to look at me. Danni said, "What do you want from us?" I blinked. "I thought it was the other way around. I thought you had questions, and I was supposed to try to answer them." "You...
Danni's eyes were red when they came out of the bathroom, but she was calm again. She didn't look at me. "I think that's probably enough for tonight," Phee said. "No fair!" chimed Beth. "I agree," said Denise. "Hasn't he caused enough trouble?" suggested Phee. "Only for you and Danni," said Frankie. "What's that supposed to mean?" asked Phee, darkly. "Nothing," said Frankie breezily. "But he's ready, and Denise and Beth want to try it." "Why are you so sunny...
I lay in bed. I had used my shorts to clean myself up a little. I could hear the shower running, so I knew Phee was in there. My mind was going a hundred miles an hour and I was actually a little scared about what would happen next. That's because I had no idea what would happen next, and the complete unknown is kind of scary. I kept lying there after the shower stopped, and I heard her moving around in her room. I tried to figure out what to say to her the next time I saw her. Then,...
You wouldn't think that a teenaged boy who was facing five naked teenaged girls would consider himself to have problems. But I did. In fact, I had several problems. First, I was having palpitations of the heart, which was pounding and dancing in my chest, making me worry that I might set some kind of record for being the youngest person in the world to have a heart attack. Second, they had stipulated that, if they were going to be naked, I had to be naked too. They had also demanded that I...
I waited for something to happen until I finally fell asleep, lying on my bed. I had even put on "the shorts" in anticipation. What woke me up was someone turning my reading light off. But my eyes had been closed, so when I opened them, they were adjusted to the dark, and I could see two forms hovering over me in the dark. They were female forms, because they both had long hair. "Shhhh," came off of Phee's tongue and lips. Hands found my shorts in the dark. I lifted my hips to...
There are good reasons why they don't let you have a driver's license until you're sixteen. Your judgment is flawed before that. Actually, they hope your judgment isn't still flawed, when you turn sixteen. There's more and more science that suggests young people should not be allowed to make serious decisions until they're in their early twenties. But of course that would never do. There would be an uprising of all those young people if they were required to wait until they had a whole...
I'm not a poet or anything, but some things that happen in your life make you think in poetic terms. When Danni sank down on me and my penis dug deep into her belly, it was like she painted the room in splashes and wide swaths of astonishment. Not the least of those who were drenched with that paint was me. "Ohhh shit," she grunted, as I felt the tip of my cock hit something hard inside her, just like was in Phee. The pressure around my cock was even tighter than Phee had been. It was, in...
When I was in Mr. Killeshan's English class, we read a lot of stuff. I don't remember any of it except the poem by Robert Burns titled, "To a mouse". There's more in the title than that, but I can't remember it, except it has "plow" in it. It's pretty long, but I remember this one line really well. It was: "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley." It's English, though there are a bunch of words like "agley" that none of us could understand. Mr. Killeshan...
There was a lot of talk when I walked in. Sometimes two or three were talking at the same time. It was pretty obvious they were upset, so I just let them all vent. They were angry. I was going off, halfway around the world if the Marines did what they told me they'd do. I would be gone for years. I would be sent to Afghanistan and be blown up. My plane would crash. Marines crawled through swamps, and I'd get bitten by a poisonous snake and die. You get the idea. Danni and Frankie had been...
I say I had just bought a ranch, but of course there was still the paperwork to do, and the loan for me to get, but Jake said he had faith in me to get my part done. His answer to a real estate contract was to scrawl on a piece of paper: "I, Jake Franklin Peters, sell my ranch, located eight miles west of Simfoo, California, to Thutmose Charles Robinson for $500,000.00, to be paid in one lump sum by the bank of his choosing." Then he drew four lines; two for us to sign on, and two for the...
Frankie only stayed three days. She said she had a job that she'd taken on contract before she knew I was back, and she had to go do it. I suggested I needed the rest, and she smiled happily, patting her tummy. I actually got hard in my pants. That's what she did to me. "Call your sister!" she yelled as she got in her rental to go back to the airport. "I will," I said. "She's the only one that will talk to you right now," she yelled. "Why?" "Because you didn't call any of us...
It had gotten over much too quickly, of course. And not just because I got sex every night I was there. It was great seeing everybody. I hadn't realized how lonely I'd been. Being in the military is strange in a way non-vets can't possibly understand. You live elbow to elbow with strangers, and yet you depend on each other for your lives. Intense friendships are born, but then the friends are sent to different parts of the world from each other. There is no permanency in the relationships....
They all changed into jeans and T shirts, with the exception of Frankie, who was already dressed that way. They used my room to change, and a couple of times I saw Jake look longingly at my door. I knew he was imagining being in there and watching as good looking young bodies were bared, and then reclothed. I grinned. He needed to be careful what he was wishing for. I wouldn't put it past Frankie to actually give him a tumble. As to how he might actually react to that, her present condition...
When Danni and Denise got back, there was general horseplay going on in the stock tank. No soft parts had been stroked yet. Not in the sense Frankie had been talking about. Or maybe they had. All three girls had tackled both of us men, trying to dunk us and such. And in situations like that, a man's hands might accidentally touch something soft. Same for the ladies, for that matter. But it was all still just play, though Beth did sneak a pretty good kiss while Phee and Frankie double teamed...
It was a lazy day. The work was done, and they'd already seen the sights. It was too cold to go swimming without working up a sweat first, which nobody was interested in doing. At the same time, it was a beautiful SoCal day. College girls are full of energy anyway, and used to there being a full schedule of things to do. So it wasn't odd that they were a little restive. Denise asked Jake for a blanket, and a direction to walk in that might yield "something pretty to look at." Beth said...
I went back to school, and wrote a lot of emails. Phee called me fairly regularly, and the other girls called too. To be honest, they talked to Jake as much as they talked to me. That was a lot, in both cases, but it was fair to say he had actually entered their circle of friends. In an odd sort of way, he really was one of the girls. I was not to find out until years later that every time Frankie called him, the first thing she asked was, "How's your soft parts?" We worked on the house...
Looking back on it, it would have been obvious to a blind man that Danni would show up too. I mean four of the five were already there. And under circumstances that suggested they might live there together for some time. And they had even told me there was "a plan". Of course I thought that plan was short termed, and ended when I joined the Marines. I was wrong. I found out about the plan not from Phee, who I was closer to than any of them. And who, let me just mention, was the actual...
My sister and my cousin stayed in contact after that Thanksgiving holiday, and among other things, I was a frequent topic of conversation. That sounds pretty harmless, at least to a guy, but guys don’t understand the nuances of what I just said. One of the female social patterns men don’t pay much attention to is the one where two women talk about one man in particular. For a guy, it’s relatively simple. If two guys are talking about a particular girl, the conversation might very well go...
That was the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. It convinced me to call a halt to things before something bad happened, and I flatly refused to do anything else while I was home on break. Unfortunately, as I was to discover in the not-so-distant future, it convinced both girls to take other actions they’d discussed. Lori begged for a while, to the point that I told Mom and Dad I needed to go back to school a couple of days early to “get ready for my next semester.” That was...
It was easy, as it turned out. Lori’s pubic hair was curly and fairly stiff. Once I’d lathered her up and tried an experimental swipe at the top of her nest, the skin was exposed cleanly. I had to rinse the razor out a lot, but I’d brought a bowl of warm water to do that in, so it was no big deal. She strained to lift her head in the beginning, to try to watch. Cassie eventually stuffed a pillow under her head, but after a while she closed her eyes. “That feels... interesting,” she...
We had breakfast, during which time I tried to explain how I felt about all this. It was like talking to a brick wall. Lori’s response was, “We’re just having a little fun, Bobby. Don’t take things so seriously.” I insisted on going out and drove them around town, showing them this and that. It was silly because I knew they weren’t interested in where the Sonic drive in was, or the ATM I used. For most of it they just nattered on like girls do. Cassie did tell me to stop at Walgreens, saying...
The last line of the last chapter is what they call a cliffhanger. I used it just to get you to move to the next chapter but it isn’t really accurate. Not really. I didn’t really have a “world of trouble.” My parents brought Lori to Lawrence in late August, a week and a half before school started. They stayed long enough to help her take things in from the back of the car and take us both out to dinner at a Steakhouse in town students work at but don’t eat at because it’s pricey. Really...
When you're a teenager, and a beautiful older woman says she's had some sexual fantasies about you, it's sort of a big deal. I realized I had stopped breathing when I kind of leaned, and almost fell off the couch. I was lightheaded, but I could focus enough to keep from falling on my face. Her hands were suddenly on my shoulders, stabilizing me. "I told you it was complicated," she said softly. "That's not complicated," I said. "That's just crazy." I was thinking about how...
Ronnie had taught me how complicated life can be. That was good, because my life got more complicated. It wasn't that birthday kiss. Not really. At least I don't think it was the kiss. I had been looking forward to going off to college. I had an acceptance letter from K-State. I had been accepted into the engineering program. It was a five year program, so maybe that's part of what complicated things. And I had been looking forward to the girls at college. Except I was pretty sure that...
"I'll get it," I said. "No!" she hissed. "Don't answer it. Maybe he'll go away." "Maybe you should take Timmy to your bedroom," I said. "I'll talk to Jack." "Nooo," she said again. The pounding came on the door again. "Open up, bitch!" yelled a male voice. "Move it!" I snapped. She grabbed Timmy's arm and headed for her bedroom. I went to answer the door. I opened it. There was a pretty boy standing there. In the Army, there is a type of civilian male that is...
Not to put too fine a point on it, let’s say that when it came to having sex with Lori, we didn’t just jump right in. Things can be incomprehensible sometimes. Such as, say, when your sister confesses that, when she was fourteen, she had this fantasy about her big brother coming into her room in the middle of the night, and crawling into bed with her. I was naked in this fantasy, as was she, and I kept asking if she was awake. She was, but didn’t want to admit it for some reason. And when my...
One reason I’ve told this story is because it’s instructive in articulating the point that we often make life harder than it needs to be. Case in point: When Cassie finally did confront her parents and confess that she’d fallen in love with her cousin, her mother’s response was, “Well, you always did have a terrible crush on him. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised.” “I did not!” said Cassie, who made life harder on herself than it needed to be by saying what she thought she should...
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Brad went into his office and closed the door. He hit the speed dial on the telephone and heard the phone musically dialing the number. After two rings a voice greeted him and Brad identified himself and asked for Carl Samples, his old friend and his lawyer for many years. He was put on hold and the phone was silent for about two minutes. "Brad how's it going?" boomed the voice of Carl Samples, with that Texas drawl. "I was wondering when you would call. Ready for a round of golf, don't...
Daddy walks in on his step daughter getting fucked by a stranger. He is quick to scold the young girl. Violet Star told her step father that her pussy is all his, and that she will save it all day to bring home to him to use before Mommy gets off work. She clearly needs to be punished for disobeying. The man she calls daddy fills her young mouth with his cock and makes her work hard to show how sorry she is. Violet doesn’t let her step daddy down and does everything she can with her...
xmoviesforyouWhile Mandy browsed the net and started playing different popular tunes to get a feel for what she might like to dance to, Alexandria retrieved a warm washcloth from the bathroom. I stayed put so I wouldn't spread our mess any further across the bed. My sheets would need cleaning again. Alexandria knelt in between my legs, pushing them apart gently so she could clean me completely. She was gentle and thorough. Regardless, having a voluptuous and beautiful woman sitting so close to my...
Firstly thanks to all those who messaged and mailed on the id provided (changing the id to personal one going forward)…it was great receiving appreciation…. :) Well cutting long story short….readers can come to know about the details about us from the previous story… Well that was a great start to the trip…just loved it…. after that we just slept naked hugging each other in each others arms….totally satisfied…. Well…we did not realize when we woke up it was 10 at night and we were quite...
Today something great and very special happen to me. I saw my old lady neighbor pissing in her garden. About 5m far from me. I didn't seen her cunt, but saw her naked ass, and pussy over panties. There is a high grass, so she had to be in some middle standing pose. Her ass was in height of my cock. As she pose for fuck behind. I wank on her for about 15 years. I love her ass when she is bent down working in garden. It is most beautiful ass I ever seen. She never wear pants. Only skirts.I was in...
I don't know how many of you have read about the skiing vacation I took lastlast winter. It was a rather boring until my boyfriend Dave and his friend Jimdecided to do some very kinky things to Jim's girlfriend Cathy and me, ofcourse. None of the individual activities were new to me, but the combinationof things did get me very excited. Cathy on the other hand was quite innocentof these kinky entertainments. The vacation turned out to include her firstassfuck, her first time naked in front of...
Chapter Twenty-Four – The Potency Potion Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, cream pie, hp, magic, preg, unif Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes had become a household name among the horny students of Hogwarts; Fred and George Weasley had concocted a bevy of infectious and extremely potent sexual potions and spells that had profited them a considerable collection of...
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Wife LoversAs he, Cheri, and Rebecca waited outside Dr. Li's office, Tony reflected back on the first half of the week. Some progress had been made, at least on the personnel front. They had interviewed two candidates for the wheelchair rehab position and settled on George 'Go-Go' Collins. George was quite the character and didn't exactly have a perfect arrest record. He assured Tony and Tina that his moonshining (from where he got the nickname, not a certain type of nightclub) days had been over...
Chapter 2 Once Julie had shut the door Paul looked across at Elf. ‘I think they are lesbians’ he whispered to Elf. ‘I hope they are’ replied Elf. ‘I applied to be slave to a lesbian couple’. Paul’s suspicions were now proved. Why had Madame Crystal chosen him? If she was lesbian, she would not want sex with him. She would not be sexually arroused by his slavery……or would she? Maybe that was it. His train of thought was interupted by Elf. ‘Why are you here?’ ‘I put an advert looking for a...
Hope, Alaska is a small town that lies sixteen miles off a deserted stretch of Highway 9, which connects Anchorage to Seward. Not many people live in Hope because there isn't a lot to do there. The population doubles in the summer to a few hundred as the cottages and campgrounds fill up with tourists looking for a peaceful break. During the rest of the year, the town is quiet.As such, Theresa was a little surprised when I took the road to Hope in early May. Having just finished a day in Seward,...
SpankingJim finally gave into Kathy and agreed that it may be best for Megan to be on the pill, but still felt it was like an invitation to start fucking Ricky or any other guy she may be with, but knew that old saying of an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. "So, just when are you taking her to see the doctor?" "We're off the next two week for vacation, so I'll call and make an appointment for her, but first I have to have a good long talk with her and explain a few...
this story is not mine this sotory is of my friendWhen I was 17, I was living with my 24-year-old sister. She has a very high paying job as a fashion designer, and lives in her own house with a pool. I got kicked out of my parents house, so my sister let me move in with her temporarily until I get a job, and I get enough money to get back up on my feet, and get a place of my own.My sister and I have always been good friends, and have gotten along well throughout our whole c***dhood. We hardly...
During Christmas break, Freddy proved to be Joe’s muse. That break seemed to open the floodgates of creativity, and Joe completed Dreamscape, his series of dreamlike sketches. They would read his dialogues fresh off the typewriter. And she would sketch what would become backgrounds for the scenes. And the collaboration helped excuse them being in his bedroom together, for her parents and his father. His mother knew what would go on, either at the beginning or the end, and often both, during...
Chapter 1: Dog Park My son had gone off to college and I had inherited his basset hound. He said his mother could not be trusted with his baby and I had to agree with him. The only thing she never neglected was herself. We had been divorced seven years. My son’s final argument in his plan to convince me I should take his baby was that the dog would get me laid. He knew that would be unlikely as the reason I was not active in the pursuit of pussy was the combination of gun shyness, (thanks...
“Bro, you here” came my sister, Kayla’s voice. A wicked idea crept into my mind. “Hey sis, I’m in my room and I need a hand with something...” I heard her running up the stairs, and smiled. She walked into my room, and stopped short, seeing me sitting at my computer naked, with an erection, and pictures of our mother with a cock in her mouth on my computer screen. As calmly as I could, I told her, “I taught mom her place in this family, now it’s your turn.” I told her standing up. She...
Begging for a hard huge black dickHome alone again; my loving husband on a business trip, a long one…Then I was sitting there, masturbating with my huge toys and finally I knew I had enough. I decided to get up, get dressed, and find someone to fuck... I really needed someone’s big cock driving into my pussy. I chose sexy black lingerie; a black rope halter top, a short black flounced mini skirt and some black fishnets with a red stripe up the back. I looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe...
"Jason I have already exsplained I can not love people so deal with it and move on" and then I put the phone down. Later on that night I went to a friends party where I was so drunk I could not even stand up. Then suddenly Jason was there to pick me up. Some guy that I did not even know was talking to Jason saying "I'm sorry, You was his last call so I just thought to get you to come help" Jason was looking at this guy and said "It's okay i'm a close friend" So Jason took me over his...
By: Anahitagarwal My husband never allows me to drive his new Honda Jazz fearing that I may damage it. This May, he was out of station for a conference, and I decided to take it out for a movie with friends. Since there was no parking space inside the multiplex, I decided to park it outside, as we were getting late. After the movie was over, and my friend left for her home, I was shocked to find my car missing from the scene. I was afraid that how my husband is going to react when he finds...
I missed the early ferry by half an hour and the next one wasn’t till 1:30, so I settled down for a three hour wait. “Settled down” isn’t really accurate, in fact, because the only vacant seat was in the middle of the room, with no back support, so there was no chance of dozing. I would just have to twiddle my thumbs and wait.This was in Guadeloupe, a French island in the Caribbean, and the ferry was to the smaller island of Marie Galante. There were plenty of people waiting with me and they...
InterracialFlashbulbs stung my vision amid the surging clamour of paparazzi calling her name as she strode from the premier along the red carpet towards me and the limousine. An effortless flick of russet hair above the straps of the crimson bodycon dress brushed off the reporters like tiresome mosquitoes. I swung open the rear door for her to enter."You," she addressed me, peeling off her Saint Laurent sunglasses, piercing chestnut eyes almost predatory. "Ride with me."It wasn't a question. Never...
Quickie Sex“Do you trust me babes?” “Of course I do!” “Then let it go then!” I’m not sure if you’re talking about the duvet or my inhibitions, not that I have many of those, not by the standards of so called ‘normal people’ as I like to refer to them. Anyway, I do trust you and I let go of both the duvet and my fears. “Tell me what you want” you say and my response is that I want to be everything you want me to be, to do and enjoy everything you want to take! That’s what really does it for me, I tell...
That Unforgettable Night I wake up suddenly in the dark, realizing while I was sleeping, my wife began giving me a blowjob. I don’t mean just your average sympathy BJ that many wives give when they are trying to just get it out of the way. It’s actually the most amazing BJ I have ever experienced and/or could imagine. I so badly want to ask her to turn on the lights, so I can see what my cock looks like in her mouth, but I know she likes the lights off. So I let it continue as is, in the dark.