Felicity Ch. 01 free porn video

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Chapter 1: Dog Park

My son had gone off to college and I had inherited his basset hound. He said his mother could not be trusted with his baby and I had to agree with him. The only thing she never neglected was herself.

We had been divorced seven years.

My son’s final argument in his plan to convince me I should take his baby was that the dog would get me laid. He knew that would be unlikely as the reason I was not active in the pursuit of pussy was the combination of gun shyness, (thanks to his mother), and just plain shyness.

An invitation to fuck had to be written and notarized before I was aware that I had been invited, he had once said to me, not entirely in jest.

I did get laid every once in a while although each time was a surprise to me. I was somewhat handsome, I had a sense of humor, I could dance some, I was polite, and I was clueless.

The dog would lead me to a brand new life.

I liked the dog well enough but I was living a quiet life with few responsibilities and was reluctant to add any. I did take her in of course, it was his mother or the pound and there was little difference there.

The dogs name was Sally and for a basset she was a bit small with a soft longish coat, blonde and white hair. She did very little vocalizing of any kind and was content to lie about all day just enduring life between meals. She was five years old and most of the puppy-hood was gone. She minded well and had always liked me. She had been at my home often so when she moved in there was little adjustment period for her.

There was a long adjustment period for me, however. Walking her twice a day regardless of weather was bad enough but carrying and using poop bags was a very a major adjustment.

Eventually I erected a fence around most of my yard. That and a long handled pooper-scooper made picking up after her much easier.

After my divorce I quit my job and moved to a small town by the sea called Felicity. I needed to relocate as I was embarrassed each time I ran across men my wife had fucked, which was often. She had re-married and was now fucking around on that husband, her ex-boss. Somehow he did not seem to mind.

I started a small software company that hit it big when major companies decided to bid against each other for an application we had marketed. Eventually one of them made a bid for my company I could not refuse. I became a very rich man, much to the chagrin of the ex wife.

My sudden wealth allowed me to be able to tell my son that he could go to any school that would let him in. He had been living with his mother while attending a community college but had now transferred to our enormous state university, hence the need for a dog keeper.

I bought a nice home close to the bay, it was elevated on pylons, had two-car parking underneath and an enclosed elevator to the second deck. It was on a private canal with my house being at the end. I bought a nice reliable car and a used classic Chris Craft cabin cruiser. I could have afforded much bigger and better but I was never one to show off. The major change in my life was that now I worked from home.

I liked the beach and I often took long walks there. The walk from my house to the dunes was only about ten minutes.

But Sally hated the beach. As soon as she saw sand she sat and could not be budged. Walking was the only exercise either of us had so I had to find an alternative.

A chemical company trying to convince our town that it was a good neighbor had spent a lot of good will money on several parks in the town, including what was the only dog park in nearly a hundred miles. Sally and I became regulars at the park.

At first we would go on random days averaging twice a week but then settled into a MWF routine. We were in the big dog section since she weighed over the small dog limit, but she was so low to the ground that most dogs towered over her and she felt intimidatedr. It got to the point that I kept her on the leash and we walked the perimeter of the enclosure.

On one of those walks we noticed a basset inside the small dog enclosure. A very pretty blonde lady saw us and said, ‘Bassets are welcome on this side. Everyone knows that the only time they throw their weight around is to lie down.’

Her smile and her voice made a big impression on me. Sally wanted to go meet a fellow basset immediately so we walked to the double gate and went in. I kept her on her leash at first but soon let her loose. The lady and her dog were camped out at a bench on a far corner of the enclosure where there were two benches at ninety degrees from each other.

On that Wednesday morning there were perhaps seven people and dogs.

The small dog enclosure was half the size of the big dog area and had doggy playground equipment for the dogs to go over, through, and around as they chased each other. It was five times more active than the big dog area.

Like a great ship in a stormy sea Sally made her way to the far corner where the lady and her basset were. When she arrived the dogs acted like they had known each other all their lives.

After rubbing their bodies against each other and a few licks of greeting they sauntered into the middle of the action and promptly sat. The other dogs seemed to want to impress them with their antics and high-speed action swirled around them. Their tails never stopped wagging.

The lady remarked that it was the first time her dog had gone to the middle, she had always just circled the enclosure. I was just as surprised at Sally as she had always shied away from commotion. I quipped to the lady that two bassets make a formidable fortress.

I very much liked her laugh too. I sat in the bench to her side and immediately looked at her ring finger, there were wedding rings there.

‘Just as well,’ I thought to myself. ‘There is no such thing as love at first sight anyway.’

She seemed to be assessing me. I think she looked at my ring finger. There was nothing there for her to see.

Our encounter switched from casual to proceed with caution in the blink of an eye. On my end of the problem I was not about to start anything with a married woman yet I desperately needed to make a good impression.

She appeared to be having an internal argument with herself, possibly the same one I was having (although very unlikely).

Our dogs broke whatever it was between us by actually breaking into a run, virtually unheard of in bassets. They were having such a good time and the lady and I were enjoying their play so much that Sally and I stayed twice our normal time.

The dogs eventually made their way towards us looking exhausted. I put the leash on Sally as the lady put the leash on her dog, Harriet. As she did I glanced in her direction and nearly fell off the bench. The woman’s sundress top billowed out as she bent over and I had a full view of her braless breasts, nipples and all.

She may have realized what had happened and as she stood she was blushing furiously.

So was I.

We walked our dogs out of the park and headed to the parking lot. Sally and I escorted them to their car. The lady and I nodded and smiled in farewell. We had not spoken since her accidental flash.

The following Friday Sally and I went to the park and were disappointed to note they were not there. Sally spent the entire time looking for Harriet. I admit I spent most of my time looking for Harriet’s owner.

The following Monday they were there. As soon as Sally saw Harriet she was eager to get in the enclosure and go to her. Harriet was galloping towards us as soon as she saw Sally. They met in the middle and after a few licks with their impossibly long tongues they wandered off together to say hello to the other owners and dogs.

There were only half the owners and dogs as there had been the previous Friday so it was a calmer scene.

Harriet had a similar motle
y colored long haired coat as Sally did. My son had told me it was a different breed from regular bassets and were smaller and quieter. The quieter part was what led us to the breeder.

I again walked to the far corner and sat across from the blonde. She was wearing jeans and a pull over blouse with closed collar so I knew there would not be a flash of tits for me today. We exchanged greetings and silently followed our dog’s travels. They came to us for some petting and she remarked about how quickly they had formed a bond.

I mentioned that when Sally and I had come to the park the previous Friday she had spent the whole time looking for Harriet.

She noted that when they had come to the park the previous Saturday Harriet spent her time looking for Sally.

We each made a mental note on the other’s schedule but made no further comments.

We did manage to chat some, mostly about the other dogs and their owners. Like me she had inherited her dog from a kid. Unlike me the kid and the dog lived in her house in the first place.

The conversation was slow going until we each had to go and pick up dog poop from our respective dogs.

I made the remark that Sally’s poop was bigger than the Chihuahua that had followed her around the previous Friday.

She laughed and added that the size of their poop was just another thing that endeared bassets to their owners.

After discarding the bags we walked around the enclosure and petted the other dogs and said good morning to their owners which were either housewives in their forties to sixties and one man in his seventies. I was then forty-four. My companion fit in the forty-ish housewife group.

We returned to our corner and she made an obvious move for me to sit on the bench with her.

As I sat I congratulated myself for picking up on the invitation and I shivered at the thought of what the consequences would have been had I missed it.

For the rest of that morning we chatted constantly but all of it was over things that had nothing to do with us personally.

We suddenly noticed that our dogs were not in our field of vision and got up to search for them. We found them sound asleep inside a hollow barrel placed there for dogs to run through. We agreed that it was probably time to go.

As she bent over to fasten the leash she blushed. I blushed while looking quickly away. She was wearing a blouse with not a hint of cleavage but the memory of the previous occasion was strong.

Sally and I walked them to their car and said our goodbyes.

It took most of the day for my face to let go of my smile.

The following Wednesday Sally was so eager to go to the park that we got there well before ten. Harriet and her owner pulled into the parking lot right behind us. The very pretty lady explained that her dog was so eager to go that she had to cut off her exercise routine. She was wearing sweatpants and a light short sleeve sweatshirt

I replied that my dog had been telling me to hurry all morning.

We went to the far corner as the bassets tried to keep up with a pair of Jack Russell terriers, an impossible task for all dogs but especially pitiful for bassets.

We sat together and resumed our conversation from the previous Monday but we now included some personal revelations.

Our first revelation to each other were our names, hers was Janice. I told her mine was Ben.

We talked about our children, (she had three daughters, I told her about my son), and I satisfied her unspoken curiosity by volunteering that I was in the computer business and worked from home. She said she worked from home too.

Her oldest daughter was a teacher with an almost three-year-old daughter and her youngest was starting her first year at our enormous state university where my son was. That daughter was the official owner of Harriet. She filled in details on the youngest and oldest daughter but she did not say anything about her middle daughter.

I found that curious but did not ask.

After we picked up after our dogs we again walked around the enclosure saying hello to the other owners and petting the other dogs.

Janice introduced me to a friend of hers called Lydia, the owner of a feisty Pekinese named Sasha. Lydia was in her work clothes and was eating an early lunch. She was a lawyer and told me that it only took her ten minutes to go home and pick up her dog and be at the dog park. She much preferred lunch there than at her desk.

I was pleasant and tried to be as engaging as my shyness would allow before Janice and I continued our walk until we reached ‘our’ bench.

Too soon for me and maybe for her too, our dogs sat at our feet, ready to go home, eat and sleep. After we parted I kicked myself for not asking when she would return to the dog park.

Contrary to what many people think bassets are very intelligent dogs. Sally may not have known it was Friday but she knew it was a dog park day. I was going to skip that day and go Saturday so we could both have the company we wanted but she insisted so we went.

Janice and Harriet were there, waiting for us.

Our dogs started an enthusiastic romp and almost knocked me down before I could make it to the bench. Janice was laughing at the three of us as I collapsed next to her.

The dogs were now chasing each other across the mostly empty enclosure trying to get a very old border collie to join them. His owner walked over to us and asked if our bassets could be a problem for her Barney.

We assured her they were gentle creatures and when we looked at them all three had followed her at a leisurely pace. I stood and offered my bench seat to the lady as I asked her to visit with us.

I had seen her and Barney before in the big dog enclosure. She was a very pretty lady in her mid-fifties I guessed, short and slim. She had struck me as a lonely person hence the invitation to join us. Barney had come to me to be petted each time at the other enclosure. He knew Sally and me.

Barney also weighed over the small dog limit but he definitely needed to be on our side. He was too old to handle any challenges. I had not done more than nod and smile to the lady up to that time.

She protested a bit saying she did not want to intrude but by that time I was sitting in the other bench with Barney’s head on my lap. The woman smiled and sat next to Janice. She commented that Barney had not gone up to a man to be petted since her late son. Barney had been his present to her before he went off to war.

Janice smiled and said her Harriet had not presented herself to any man since her late husband. They agreed I must be a special person.

I was already blushing when it sunk into my brain that Janice was a widow. I did not know what to do or say so I stood up and mumbled that I did not have to put up with abuse from an ancient dog and after petting Barney I walked to the water fountain followed by the slowest moving dog pack in the history of the planet.

We walked around the perimeter and by the time we made it back to the corner Barney, true to his breeding was making a gentle and futile attempt at keeping the bassets in line.

As soon as I sat on the bench all three dogs jumped up with me and made themselves comfortable around and on my body.

The ladies burst into a fit of giggles.

I ordered the dogs to get off me.

That was greeted with a yawn from Sally as Harriet’s head plopped on my lap.

The giggles turned into honest laughter. I extended my put-upon act a little longer for them.

Barney looked at his owner and gave her a soft bark while wagging his tail. He jumped down and put his head on her knee, his tail swishing the ground behind him.

‘I guess it has been a while since you heard me laughing,’ she said to Barney as she petted him lovingly.

‘That was the hardest I have laughed in ages myself,’ said Janice.

‘Well I have never felt so insulted,’ I said bringing back the fit of giggles that returned to full gale laughter when Sally licked my face. I put on my ‘shocked and appalled look’ milking the laughter longer. Even after the dogs left us for a stroll everything I said or did the ladies found it humorous.

I was on a roll.

If there was one thing that bassets could tell from simply the rotation of the earth it was lunchtime. They put an end to the scene when Harriet and Sally walked up to their respective leashes and yawned. It was time to go.

The lady had a difficult time snapping on Barney’s leash so I helped her with that.

‘Arthritis,’ she said. ‘Too many years holding pieces of chalk.’

Janice’s eyes went wide in recognition. ‘You are Mrs. Shaw! My husband admired you. He was a science teacher at the intermediate school. He always wondered how you got the kids that drove him bananas to win all those science fair contests.’

‘Thank you dear but all I did was make banana splits.’

That line got me laughing as we walked out of the enclosure. Janice and I walked Mrs. Shaw to her car and before she got in Janice told her that we were at the dog park every MWF morning and to join us when she came.

Mrs. Shaw said something about intruding but I said to her, ‘You can’t intrude where you are welcome.’

She smiled broadly and pointed to her cheek. I looked to see if she had something on it but Janice covered for me by giving her a kiss on the cheek. Blushing with embarrassment I soon followed with my own kiss.

We waved goodbye to her and I walked Janice to her car.

She said, ‘I will not be coming here on Saturdays anymore. It’s too crowded and I prefer the people and creatures on Monday, Wednesdays and Friday’s, between 9:30 and 10:00 AM.’

I know I was blushing through a wide grin when I said, ‘Me too.’

After she got in her car she rolled down the window and pointed at her cheek. I gave her my best, softest kiss.

That Saturday morning my son Matt called to inquire about his dog. I gave him a full status report and he was pleased that Sally had a buddy. He asked pointed questions about Janice and I gave him some details although not the one about knowing what her breasts looked like. He seemed to be happy for me too.

That Sunday I went to one of my favorite bay front restaurants for a late lunch. There were two restaurants and each had decks overlooking the bay. I waited for a table by the outer rail and ordered as soon as I was seated. I knew their menu and normally asked for the fried oyster and fish platter and a Dos Equis. After gazing at the horizon and the birds for a while I looked at the diners on the deck of the adjacent restaurant.

Janice was there. Her back was to me but I was sure it was she, plus she was having an animated conversation with a young lady that looked just like a younger version of herself.

I wondered which daughter it was. I was sure her youngest was at school and knew her oldest was married with a kid.

I concluded it must be the mystery middle daughter.

They seemed to have finished their meal and were waiting for the check. When the server came to them the daughter took the check and fumbled with her purse. The young lady that was their server blushed brilliantly enough for me to see it from thirty feet away. Her eyes were glued to the daughter’s chest.

I noticed that the daughters blouse had billowed out in the sea breeze. The server was looking into the blouse, her eyes likely feasting on the daughter’s tits.

A credit card was eventually produced and handed to the server. As soon as she went into the building Janice swatted her daughters arm as they both burst into giggles.

They managed to compose themselves before the server returned. The daughter made some point about the bill as the server leaned over and looked down the blouse some more. Janice put her hand on her forehead and looked down at the table, shaking her head.

Eventually the two girls decided they could not extend their play any longer and the tab was signed. The copy of the tab was handed to the daughter in such a way that I just knew there was something written on it. As the server walked away the daughter showed Janice the slip before carefully placing it in her purse.

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Wie ich zum Sex und Lecksklave wurde

Als ich mit 55 in den Vorruhestand ging fiel mir fast die Decke auf den Kopf und ich konnte bei einem Freund einen kleinen Aushilfsjob bekommen. Ich machte da Botengänge, Kopierarbeiten, Post und eben was so anfiel bei einem Unternehmen. Dabei fiel mit eine Frau auf, die mich immer mehr ansah und ich immer öfter zu ihr sollte um für sie auch arbeiten machen musste. Sie hieß Edith und war eine attraktive Dame mitte 30. Wir waren uns auf Anhieb sympathisch und sie hatte eine enorme, erotische...

2 years ago
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Community Service

The tall, young man sat upon his horse and gazed down the trail that he’d been travelling on. The trail was steep and rough and it wasn’t the best road for anyone to journey on, especially someone in a wagon. A man with a good team of mules and years of experience could navigate it but he’d have to do it slowly and carefully. For a homesteader it was suicidal. Still it was the only route up out of the valley and down into the foothills of western California and out of necessity people used...

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The SparkChapter 16

After a week off with no exercise as I traveled with the team over spring break along with the aftermath of the accident, I was ready to get back into my normal morning routine running to school. The problem was that the accident became a small national story, a bigger regional story and unfortunately with five dead including two students out of one town and one high school the news was devastating. Rounding the hill that shielded the house I found out how big the story was as I could see a...

2 years ago
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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 7

It hurt to be around Gloria, but the problem with not being around her was that that hurt too. I was miserable all day long. I wasn't hungry, and when I did eat something, I couldn't taste it. I yelled at Suzy, when she came in to ask if she could borrow one of my Forgotten Realms books, which I had been collecting for years. That got my mom on the rampage, because Suzy cried when I yelled at her. My dad had been napping on the couch, and he woke up and wanted to know what was wrong. He...

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Santas Special DeliveryChapter 9

I woke in the night with a raging piss hardon, and fumbled my way to the bathroom. When I got back she was awake and her hands and lips were waiting for me. She pulled me on top of her this time and we made short, violent love. I made sure she came once, and then gave in to temptation and let myself cum. We fell back to sleep still in each other's arms. The next thing I knew Timothy was poking me on my bare shoulder. "You lied to me," he said accusingly. "You are my mother's...

2 years ago
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Mother in Law Helps OutChapter 4

I woke up the next morning to a very pleasurable sensation - my cock was being licked. Laying back with my eyes still closed I enjoyed the sensation, just like yesterday morning when Lea woke me with a fantastic blowjob. Then I realised that something was different, my cock was being licked from opposite sides. I opened my eyes to find that Lea and young Jane were crouching either side of me, and licking opposite sides of my cock. "Hmmmm ... I thought that would get your attention" Lea...

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Am I Gay

When I was young I used to hitchhike as I had no other mode of transportation. I came from a very poor background and hitching gave me the means to get to jobs and other places I needed to go. I was grateful for the lifts and always thanked my benefactors. When I grew older and had the means to buy a car, I made it a practice to pick up hitchhikers as a way of paying back for all the rides I received in my youth. One day I picked up a young hitcher on my way home. “Where are you heading,” I...

Gay Male
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Perfect Programmer

Perfect Programmer ***** I used to think programming was the neatest thing in the world. From theday I first saw a computer, in sixth grade at school, I knew I wanted to be aprogrammer. My dad got me a portable in 10th grade, and I took every computercourse offered in high school - a total of four - and majored in it in college.I got a job with a small consulting firm right out of college, and I loved mywork. Then, I got an offer from Uni-Tec that I couldn't refuse. Four times mysalary,...

4 years ago
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Mom And Maid Ki Ek Sath Chudayi

Hello friends mera name Vicky hai and main Ludhiana se hoon and main 29 years ka hoon and meri height 5’7″ hai and mere penis ka size app 6″ hai and meri body type athletic hai and main ek businessman hoon and mujhe sex ki bohat bhookh hai jis se maine apni mom ko bhi chod dala. Aap sab ko bina bore karte hue story par aata hoon meri maid ka name Asha hai and woh bohat hi sexy hai and uske boobs ka size 34 hai aur kaise usne mujhe meri mom ke saamne hi seduce kiya aur kaise maine apni maid ke...

3 years ago
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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 7

When I got to the kitchen, I found my entire family just waiting there. A mango sat cut up on a plate for me along with a little sticky rice. A pot of coffee had been brewed and so I poured both, some coffee and a small glass of OJ. With that, my breakfast was complete. They were all awaiting news / gossip and they were going to be very disappointed, at least as it came from me. I did instruct Abbey and Mitch to get Anabel situated on the third floor and assist her in bringing over any of...

3 years ago
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Freshmen Dorm Room Sara and Angie Part Three

“Maker her cum! I want to see her cum!” Sara and Angie both heard and opened their eyes to see five other girls standing, watching them sexually interact with each other. However, Angie did not stop sucking Sara’s clit. She kept on sucking and flicking and Sara kept on moaning. The first thing that went through Sara’s mind was that being caught was, indeed, invigorating. Obviously Angie felt the same way also as when she noticed they were being watched, she sucked and flicked her clit even...

2 years ago
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Sissy Bully

Sissy Bully - by: Alana I'm 6 foot 2, 16 years old, and I play Varsity football. I drive a motorcycle. I'm almost the best looking guy in school. I have seven girlfriends, two of them for intercourse, and the rest give me blow jobs. I'm very close to having a football scholarship to college. I'm tough. There's only a few guys in school can beat me up. Yeah, and I also put on my sister's dresses every chance I get, also her pantyhose, her bra and her slip. I don't know why...

3 years ago
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The Drive through the Valley

Introduction: This is Part 4 of the Business series. The private dirt road from the ranch back to the main highway led through the scenic Washoe Valley. The gravel track crossed through various ranches and side roads. Bruce drove and Carla looked at the fields around them. Suddenly something caught here eye and she asked Bruce to pull over. He looked out into the pasture and saw a band of ponies and a few smaller miniature horses, some no larger than the size of large dogs. On one of the ponies...

3 years ago
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Diavolo Ch 12

Finally. Thought I’d never finish this chapter, and I did at three in the morning. I’m dead tired so please excuse the errors. I know. inexcusable, but if i hold it to edit then it won’t post Tuesday or Wednesday. I had Type O Negative’s ‘Love You To Death’ on a loop as I wrote this chapter. its a Gothic-y sexy ballad that kept me in the right mind frame for Gabriel and Abby’s story. Hope you all enjoy it and vote and/or comment. your comments and support (votes) are what keep me motivated to...

2 years ago
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Perfect First Date

This short story was written as a fantasy for Wicked Kitty. I hope all enjoy. * This will be our first date we have, not yet met. We have had correspondence on the computer through email. We have learned a little about each other. We know what each other likes. The foods we like. The places we like to go to. What turns us on. We feel that it is time to meet and get to know each other further. You find yourself home getting ready for the evening. As you shower and scrub your body it tingles...

3 years ago
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Spicing up the act Part two The bondage

Spicing up the act. Part two; The Bondage. We fell back on the bed, totally exhausted. It had been yet another marathon sex session, only this time, it was as Jason and Annie. We were celebrating our third wedding anniversary and after a celebratory meal at the local pub with friends and family we had retired to the family home where we ended up in the bedroom. We were exhausted, but not so exhausted that we couldn't manage it twice. We had also promised each other that if we...

1 year ago
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Brians Adventures Ch 12

Chapter Twelve: Rialtige The next morning came all too soon if you ask me. I was quite content to hold Jealile late into the morning but yet we knew that we had to get moving. The day would not wait for anyone and the road was calling us ever onward towards Kincaid. The sun was up and climbing ever higher by the time we were ready for the road. As you can imagine it takes some time to hitch the wagon, load it, and then arrange the equipment, supplies and personal stuff in it just so. Of course...

2 years ago
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The End and The Beginning Ch 02

I pulled her up, the smell of her own arousal was filling the room. I pulled her into an embrace, feeling her breasts push against me, feeling my wet member squash against her stomach. We kissed, and I could taste the residue of my seed and my flesh on her. We turned and I lowered her gently into the armchair, perched close to the edge of the seat. She looked on curiously, unsure of what I intended. I eased her shoulders back until she was slouched in the chair, and then lifted one of her legs...

2 years ago
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Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 1 "I'm going to kill you Taylor," Craig yelled at his brother after he hung up the phone. "Why the hell would you tell your teacher this? Now I have to go to a fucking therapy group." "I'm sorry." Taylor shrugged his shoulders. "I needed an excuse for why I was failing, or they would have kicked me off the lacrosse team. Since I blamed it on you not being able to watch me based on your issue, they let it...

4 years ago
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Hot Boy got Hot Aunty

Hello friends, I read this site regularly and I was very much impressed by some true stories in the site. I never had any sex experience with anyone before this. Therefore I decide to tell you a very truly incident which I can’t forget ever. It’s my first experience in my life and kindly bear with my story for any grammatical mistakes and suggests me of the mistakes, so that I can improve them in my future stores. My name is murali,29. The story took place around 6 years back when I was doing...

1 year ago
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The man of the house

"Billy your breakfast is ready hon" I come inside the kitchen from outback, having just finished the chores. And washing up. It's 7am and I started at 4am , it's a lot harder taking care of our small farm with dad out looking for work. He's been gone a couple of days now. Anyway let me describe our little family I am billy a teenager five foot six inches and built like a bull, growing up on a farm ain't easy. There is my dad Rob just over six foot and very broad and  lean, not very many...

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College sex story of a horny guy fucking his crush

Hey there everyone, I am yash sharing with you all my story about me and my classmate making wild love with each other. Hope you people enjoy ? .So there this girl “harushi ” in my class of B.TECH having a 30B-24-32 figure and as from measurements you can see she was a very hot piece of ass :p.We got a crush on each other from the moment we saw each other first time. Ya even I have an athletic body, which might be the reason. But being shy guy never had guts to talk to her still, had many...

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I Am My Aunt Anupamas Secret Lover 8211 part 1

My beautiful, loving aunt Anupama. After my mother, she has been the most important woman in my life. She is my mother’s twin. They looked so alike that I had confusion telling them apart till I turned nineteen. There were times when my mother had to go out. So she would call Anupama to come to spend the afternoon. I would spend hours playing with her, eating the food she cooked, and watching TV. I wouldn’t realize the woman on the couch with me was not my mother until my actual mother returned...

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Sharing Cindy Chapter 11 New Boss Louie Has Her

Introduction: Cindy and her new boss get acquainted. Sharing Cindy Chapter 11 Thank you to all who have followed along with me as I recount how my wife and I went from a young nave couple to an experienced couple who happen to enjoy it when my wife experiences sex with others. While it would be difficult for me to write down all of the adventures, I have been sharing some of the most memorable. I appreciate comments or Private Messages and will try to answer all questions. In the last story,...

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The Scullery Maids Tale

The little girl skipped down the forest path, her mother following close behind. She crested a little rise, and stopped short. When her mother caught up to her, they looked out over a fenced field planted with row upon row of blooming cotton plants. The little girl's attention was riveted on a group of tall, nearly naked Slave-men harvesting cotton. Two uniformed fieldwomen, shiny metal batons held casually in their hands, watched them from a short distance away. The little girl looked up at...

1 year ago
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a familiar stranger continued

Introduction: for some reason it didnt post it all…sorry My day started out as usual with me waking up to ny lab pacing around my room. This was her choice way of waking me up. I groaned a little and got up to take hee outside. I came inside and stepped into the shower. I trembled a little as the warm water began to run over my body. My girlfriend and I had been on a break for the past three weeks due to some relationship problems and being as faithful as I am I hadnt done anything to...

2 years ago
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A Continental Arrival the Business part 13

The travelers woke early at their Reykjavik Hotel. They showered and headed straight to the airport for departure. On the hardstand Janelle served some coffee while Inga and Gunnar finished the pre-flight inspections and handed over the manifest to the airport authorities. Janelle took their bags on board and served more coffee while they taxied out to the runway. The next flight leg to Europe was shorter, with a lighter fuel load. They leaped into the air with a short take off roll. The...

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The Day I Became A WereWoman

The Day I Became A Were-Woman By Jason Sommers I remember the day I became a were-woman, it was quite weird to be perfectly honest with you. It all started a couple of days ago as I was out hanging with my friends. We were in the movies when all of a sudden I felt a warm sensation in my crotch area. So I quickly got up and went into the washroom cause it felt like I peed in my pants, but when I pulled my pants down to investigate I received a shock as my dick was gone...

3 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 5 Early Arrival

BEN NOVEMBER 1, 2001, SENIOR YEAR When I returned to my house, it was after midnight. All was quiet but there was a light on in my bedroom and the door was open. Great. Someone was up. I walked to the room and looked over to find my mom sitting on my bed, holding my cell phone. She first looked at me with a withering gaze and asked in a deadly quiet voice, "Where were you?" I had never, ever, once managed to lie to my mother's face. She always knew when I was hiding something. So I...

4 years ago
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Two Sexy Sisters And Their Rakhi Brother

Tanya just could not believe what she was looking at. Her sister was being fucked by Rahul bhaiya while shamelessly moaning words like “fuck me hard bhhaiya”.Radhika was so loud that Tanya wondered if neighbours could hear. She felt angry. How could Radhika cheat her husband and more importantly how could she fuck her rakhi brother or sworn brother. She saw Rahul bhaiya grabbing Radhika’s boobs very hard and munching it in his hands while stroking deep inside her pussy and licking and biting...

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Doing the BabysitterChapter 2

He snuck her into the room, as she was tempted to say aloud, “Oh Daddy! Where are you taking me? Are we going to play pony ride?” Inside, “Sorry Lisa, I’ve only got an hour. I hate this. I’ll make it up to you somehow.” “Pay me.” “What?” “You heard, I’m your hooker. Pay me upfront.” He was already pulling off his pants. His wallet and keys were on the table. She reached over, picked it up, and pulled out all the bills. “Wow, you always carry around like 300 dollars?” She peeled off a...

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My Bi Journey Episode 1

I never fully embraced my bi personality until my 40s (I am 65 now) but it all started in school many many years earlier.In the summer if you didn't want to do athletics or cricket you were allowed to go cross country running - which really meant running a short distance into the country with a few mates, find somewhere secluded and sunbath. One day when I was about f******n 4 of us went and as it was a hot day as soon as we reached our normal spot we stripped to our shorts.Like all adolescent...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Cytherea Charly Summer If You Can8217t Beat 8216Em Join 8216Em

Caroline (Cytherea) is waiting around in a stunning dress, clearly planning to go out somewhere that night. But she looks frustrated as her husband, Joseph (Derrick Pierce), arrives home late. He’s a restaurant owner, so complains about his restaurant holding him up, but Caroline doesn’t seem to be buying it… especially when he hugs her close and she catches a whiff of perfume on his shirt collar… A few days later, Caroline gets ready to leave for a weekend with a friend...

2 years ago
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Between The HeartbeatsChapter 6A

Saturday, 5 July 03 0000 EDT Chegwidden Residence McLean, VA Finally everyone was tucked in and Ginger was back inside. Now AJ could strip down and crawl in to bed beside Jules. He secured the house and set the alarm. When he made it to the bedroom, Jules was on her side, facing his side of the bed, cuddled up with his pillow. He smiled as he watched her and undressed. Before he could remove his unbuttoned shirt, the house line rang shrill in the silence of night. He grabbed the extension...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Sarah Vandella Lexi Lore Mommy8217s Private Time

Sarah Vandella is sprawled out, naked and comfortable, in bed with her favorite vibrator in hand. It’s been SO LONG since she’s had some alone time and she’s going to enjoy every second of it! But her pleasure is short-lived when her step-daughter, Lexi Lore, bounces her way in, completely oblivious to her masturbating! Sarah quickly throws the vibrator under the pillow and buries herself in the blankets, though Lexi doesn’t seem bothered at all as she flops down on the...

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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 50

I gave the handle of the leash to Laura, and quickly grabbed Becky by the hair and pulled her head backwards to where her ear was right next to my mouth. This was so that she could clearly hear the instructions that I was about to give to her “Mistress”. “The cunt set the number by how many blowjobs that she gave tonight. That number is three. You will walk our little cunt on the leash so that she looks just like the little “Bitch in heat” that she seems to want to be. You will walk her all...

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