The Mindy Effect 2 free porn video

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The Mindy Effect: Part Two Patrick Loomis and Mindy Taft sat quietly in Dr. Taft's office at the hospital. The two teens had sunk into an awkward, interminable silence after the latest odd events in what had turned out to be the most bizarre day they had either ever experienced in their young lives. Still holding the fifty cent piece that had suddenly become so significant to the days events, Mindy finally broke the still. "Is that it? Are they all going to stuck like this forever?" Patrick sat silently for a bit. Finally, hitting the table he spoke up with a passion that surprised Mindy. "No! It can't be. I don't care what kind of weird magic, or wishes, or what ever the hell is causing this does; we can't just give up! We'll figure out what's going on and fix it. Somehow that old man granted three wishes for you; we'll just find a way to get another one to set things right." Despite her own bleak feelings Mindy smiled. Patrick's determination perked her up. "I guess we have to try." She did her best to give him a smile. Patrick laughed. "Who would have thought; three wishes!?!?! It seems so clich? the hell did we miss it for so long?!?!" Patrick shook his head. "Where did you say you tossed that coin in?" Mindy's brow furrowed as she dug deep into her memory. "I think I remember tossing it in a fountain at a park in Washington D.C...." She closed her eyes as she considered past events. "It must have been... ahhhh... God, at least seven or eight years ago. I was just a little girl." "Do you remember actually wishing for something when you did?" Patrick asked. Mindy shook her head. "No. I couldn't think of anything. I just remember wishing for a wish. The only reason I remember it is because my mother made a big deal about throwing a fifty cent piece in." Mindy smirked. "She felt that was waaaaay too much to waste on some as silly as wishing." Mindy frowned. "I wish I'd listened to her...I wish I had never gotten any wishes granted." Patrick tried to reassure her. "Don't blame yourself. I mean, for God's sake who could ever imagine they would have to worry about their wishes being granted!?!?! If we had to worry about whatever we said during the course of the day becoming the basis for something...something like all of this we'd be in a world of hurt!" Mindy smiled at Patrick. "Yeah...I guess you're right. Listen...about how I treated you this morning...God, about how I've treated you since I've known you...I just want to say how sorry I..." Patrick cut her off. "Don't worry about it. We've got bigger problems than whether or not one or the both of us acted like jerks or were rude or something. As far as I'm concerned it's all in the past. You're just as worried about fixing things as I am and that makes you okay in my book." Mindy smiled at Patrick. "Thanks." Patrick looked thoughtful. "The question is, should we tell anyone everything we know...or should we keep this 'wish' stuff to ourselves...I think your Dad and my Grandpa only picked up bits and pieces while we were talking in the hallway." "Normally I would worry about whether or not they'd believe us, but, considering that everyone in town seems to have had their bodies replaced with exact copies of mine I don't think they'll take a lot of convincing. Magic just became a lot more believable," Mindy said with a sad smile on her face. "The only thing that concerns me is saw how those people reacted when they saw you...they were real quick to point fingers." Mindy leaned back in her chair and crossed her pretty legs. Patrick did his best not to be distracted by it. "Uh, yeah. At least your last wish seems to have made everyone more calm...manageable. They listened to your father right afterwards." "'Calm down and try to understand,' I wonder how that wish will play you think it will last?" Mindy asked; she could kick herself for not just willing everyone to have their own bodies again. "I don't know...I hope so. We'll just have to wait and see," Patrick responded. "I think you're right about anger and blame though, we should keep the fact that any of this was the result of misspoken wishes to ourselves. We'll just tell them that that weird old man did it. Maybe your dad can help us look for him out there. He was just here in town this morning after all, he has to be nearby!" Mindy scratched her chin. "Yeah...he has to be...if we can find that guy we can see if we can make another wish...or just undo the ones I've made." The pairs conversation was interrupted by the door to the office opening. Heels identical to the ones on Mindy's feet clicking as they walked in on equally identical legs, Dr. Taft and Patrick's Grandfather walked into the room. Despite seeing it all day, Patrick couldn't get over the shock of seeing the effect of Mindy's mistaken wishes. Dr. Taft, his handsome mustached head incongruently grafted onto a sexy teenage girl's body identical to Mindy's, was still clad in a school uniform like hers. He looked at a clipboard he held in a pair of dainty manicured hands, a stethoscope hanging around his new graceful neck. Behind him Patrick's Grandpa Harold followed; his bearded, aged head attached to a body just like the Dr. and his daughter's. Apparently just having been examined by the good Doctor Patrick's Grandfather was in the process of buttoning up his new white blouse, having removed his new sweater and tie during the exam. He held the sweater and tie under a lithe new arm as he used thin fingers to close the buttons. "Well, upon examination the elder Mr. Loomis is just as thoroughly altered as everyone else I've looked at after today's...unpleasantness," Dr. Taft informed the teens. "His head seems to have diminished in size, making it proportionate to a new body; it's seamlessly connected to the neck of said body, a body identical to Mindy's in every way, save for being inexplicably fused to his cranium. Just like me I might add." Patrick's Grandfather chuckled despite the oddity of it all. "I've even got her appendix scar." "We all do Mr. Loomis, we all do," Dr. Taft added. "All I know is that nothing in my career, education, or wildest imagining can possible explain this...phenomenon." Patrick's Grandfather began putting his new tie back on. "I heard a nurse call it, 'The Mindy Effect.'" Mindy's face contorted into a sour expression. "That's cute." Dr. Taft looked at the two teens. "Tell me about this old man you encountered earlier again...maybe we can figure this out." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Patrick and Mindy recounted the events of the day for the two men, giving them all of the details they could remember EXCEPT the fact that the events had been triggered by Mindy's misspoken wishes. After a rather lengthy question and answer period, Dr. Taft finally leaned back against the wall, arms crossed, clipboard still in hand, and new sexy legs crossed. "Well...the only thing that is clear to me is that that odd old man you two encountered is the key to all of this. It's the only explanation improbable as it seems." Patrick stood up. "Yeah...he's the key. We have got to find him!" Dr. Taft looked among the three. "I'm going to head down to city hall. I'm supposed to meet with the mayor, fire and police chiefs to give them my medical assessment. They're all scrambling to deal with this...this..." he chuckled with now genuine humor, "Mindy Effect. I'll go there and fill them in on all of what you've told me. Hopefully they can organize a search and find this guy." Mindy stood up as well, suddenly looking a little hopeful. "Do you think they can Daddy!?!?!" Dr. Taft did his best to give his daughter a reassuring grin. "I'm sure they can...if he's as aged as you two described and on foot he can't have gotten far." "I hope so. Lord knows you're a very pretty girl Miss, but I would rather appreciate the view from a bit farther away," Patrick's Grandfather added, causing the three others to chuckle a bit despite their concern. "Well, with the reaction of that group earlier, I would prefer it if you two stay out of sight for now," Dr. Taft said as he pointed to Mindy and Patrick. "It's after dark now so you three should be able to get to Mr. Loomis's car without drawing any attention. Princess, you have them drive you to our house. Once you get there wait for me." Mindy walked forward and hugged her now equally tall Father. "We will... good luck Daddy." Dr. Taft gave his daughter a peck on her cheek and left the room. Luckily, Patrick, Mindy, and his Grandfather didn't have any problem making their way out of the building and into the parking lot. The three stayed as quiet as possible as they crept toward the car, per Dr. Taft's instructions. Although the sounds of his Grandfather and Mindy's high heels on the pavement were louder than Patrick cared for. Even after dark the three could see that the entrance to the hospital was mobbed. Groups of people, all of them with bodies identical to Mindy's, stood milling about; no doubt desperately waiting for answers. "They seem a lot calmer than earlier." "I wonder if the last...uh..." Mindy paused and looked at Patrick's Grandfather before continuing, "stuff...I said had something to do with it." Patrick nodded as he looked at the much more subdued, if still upset and worried looking people. "They do look like they're trying to 'understand'." Harold started the car, working the steering wheel with his new, lithe arms, and the brake and gas with his equally new high heeled feet. "Good luck with that. If they figure out some way to understand I hope they give me a clue as well." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the drive across town, Mindy directed Harold to turn down the avenue her home was on. Mercifully with darkness and the passages of hours the trio hadn't been forced to see other townsfolk reacting to the "Mindy Effect" along the way. The streets were eerily quiet; almost deserted. Patrick found himself wondering if the commotion had come to an end when Mindy made her third wish, for everyone to "calm down and try to understand." Harold whistled as he pulled his car into the drive. "Nice house you got there Miss. The Doctor seems to have done well for himself." Mindy blushed a bit. "Uh, yeah...we've been lucky I guess." The front door opened as the three walked up to it, revealing Mindy's Mother, her middle-aged pretty head now resting atop a "Mindy-Body" just like everyone else. She had a bit of a sour look on her face, her new arms crossed across her chest as she tapped one of her new high heeled feet impatiently. "Well young took you long enough to get here." Mindy looked a bit hesitant as she climbed the stairs up to her Mother. "Uh...hi Mom. You knew we were coming?" "Of course. Your Father called and told me everything." Sighing as she placed her hand over her eyes the woman muttered to herself, "I only hope he finds some way to fix this soon." Patrick's Grandfather smiled as he offered a dainty hand to Mindy's Mother to shake. "Hello Ma'am. Harold Loomis. I wish we could have met under better circumstances." Mindy's Mother did her best to return the old man's smile. "Likewise Mr. Loomis...likewise." Her smile faded as she looked over the old man's new hand, and glanced down at his body; a body now identical to her own. "Although I'm sure you understand what I mean if I say it feels like I've known you all my life...or the greater portion of you that is." She shook her head sadly. Turning on her heel to lead the others into the house she did her best to keep her short skirt from twirling up in the breeze. Looking at Mindy with a withering glance she said, "I wish I had been more insistent on you dressing a bit more modestly young lady." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A short while later, after Mindy's mother provided the three with cups of coffee, the four concerned people gathered in the living room. Patrick sat uneasily in an easy chair; doing his best not to stare at the three pairs of pretty legs around him. Mindy and her Mother sat on the couch, legs crossed demurely. Mindy's Mother seemed preoccupied with the short length of her new body's tiny skirt; patting it down frequently as she adjusted herself in her seat. Patrick's Grandfather sat off to the side, his new smooth knees firmly pressed together as he sat on a glider rocking chair. He lifted a small cup of coffee to his face with his new manicured hands every now and then. "If you don't mind my saying Mrs. Taft, you seem quite calm and collected." Mindy's Mother chuckled. "Believe me, Mr. Loomis, I wasn't like this this afternoon. After that purple light faded and I realized what had happened, I was in a state of near hysterical panic. Who could be prepared to suddenly find their body replaced from the neck down with one identical to their daughter!?!?! It boggles the mind. I ran around yelling like a madwoman for a while, then suddenly I felt this overwhelming sense of calm wash over me. I realized I had to stop acting crazy and do my best to find out what and why this was happening." Patrick and Mindy's eyes met. It seemed as if Mindy's last wish had been as powerful and long lasting as they thought. "I know what you mean Ma'am. I was close to losing my wits as well. Fortunately I was able to keep myself stable for the kids. Although I had a calming experience as well. When that mob let the lad go back in the hospital I started to feel more at ease," Patrick's Grandfather added between coffee sips. " long have you been home?" Mindy asked. "Oh, several hours. I drove home right after regaining my composure," her Mother responded. "Why haven't you bothered to change then? I mean...I know you don't like what I wear and it's obvious you have a problem with that skirt..." Mindy trailed off as she looked her fidgeting Mother over. Her Mother smiled sadly. " three haven't run into that particular aspect yet, eh?" The three looked at each other quizzically before the woman continued. Standing up on her stiletto clad feet, Mindy's Mother began walking from the room. "Follow me." As they followed her into the master bedroom, Mrs. Taft stood in front of the closet. Throwing the door open and standing back so they could get a look she laughed without mirth. "My wardrobe has changed as well." In the closet, neatly pressed and hanging on hangers, was a row of skirts, sweaters, and white blouses; all identical to the ones Mindy and everyone who now had a duplicate of her body were wearing. A rack held a series of ties, all just like the one around Mrs. Taft, Mindy, and Patrick's Grandfather's graceful necks. One the floor several black patent leather two strap mary-jane high heeled pumps just like all of theirs sat lined up; a balled up pair of dark blue knee socks seated in each left shoe. "All of your clothes have been replaced with these?" Mindy asked in disbelief. "It's even more than that dear...I tried to cover my legs up with a towel. I went to wrap it around myself and found that I just couldn't do it. I stood there for almost twenty minutes holding it up; all ready to wrap it around me for a slightly more modest look. It was as if my body wouldn't let me do it. Have any of you tried undressing?" "I took off the top and sweater earlier when your husband examined me..." Patrick's Grandfather added as he looked over the closet, "but, come to think of it, I put it all right back on again afterwards without even thinking about it." Mindy's Mother sat on the edge of the bed and lifted one of her long new legs up. "It's like a compulsion. You can't help but do certain things. Watch this." Pulling the shoe from her foot the woman looked as if she were going to set it on the bed. She held the stiletto there for several seconds, seemingly struggling to release it. Finally, almost in a rush, she slipped it back onto her socked foot. "I wanted to get these damned things off of my feet...I don't know how you walk around on them all day dear...and I found out I just can't do it! I always end up putting it right back on!" Patrick's Grandfather sat down beside her and did the same thing. Lifting a long smooth leg up, the old man grimaced as he removed a shoe, held it for a bit, and finally returned it to his foot. "Well I'll be damned." "You can't take any of it off?" Patrick asked with horror. "Oh you can for a bit...but only when your body lets you. When I had to use the restroom I was able to slip the skirt and underwear off," Mindy's Mother answered. "I assume, with all of the other ones in there, we're supposed to be able to change clothes at some point." Standing up she walked over to the closet and pulled open a drawer. Inside sat several neatly folded pair of panties just like Mindy's. Mrs. Taft pulled a small pink t-shirt out and held it up. Curling script read "Princess" across the chest. "Recognize this dear?" Mindy blushed a bit. "Uh, that's one of the shirts I sleep in." "Precisely. I believe that is whatever did this to us idea of pajamas. I believe when I go to bed tonight I will find I can take off these clothes and slip it and a pair of panties on. You wear that to bed all the time, right Minds?" Mindy looked at Patrick and blushed. "Yeah," she said sheepishly. "The only other article of clothing I found in the house was three button up wool pea coats like yours in the hall closet. I think that's the only foul weather consideration we get." Mindy's mother sighed sadly. She walked over to another set of closets. "Your Father's wardrobe is switched out too." Where Mindy had always seen her Father's suits and clothing neatly arranged, she now saw a set-up of uniforms just like in her Mother's closet. Mindy's face turned pale. " said three coats...a pea coat like mine was in the hall closet?" she asked her Mother. "Yes," Mrs. Taft answered. "But my coat was in my room..." Mindy trotted out of the room on her high heeled feet. The three others followed behind. Throwing her own closet open Mindy found the same neatly arrayed collection of skirts, blouses, sweaters, ties, and stilettos. "Everything else is gone. It's just several changes of this outfit." She turned around and looked at the other three horrified. "It's me too...My's me too..." The pretty teen sat down and slipped one of her own high heels off. To her horror she found herself just as unable to part with it as the others. As she began to cry her Mother sat down next to her and hugged her close. "It's okay dear...your father and all of the authorities in town are working on fixing things. They'll figure this out and reverse it somehow." Patrick put his hand on his Grandfather's new slender shoulder. "Don't worry Grandpa, I'm sure we'll fix this soon enough." Mr. Loomis gave his grandson a grin. "I wonder if my clothes are all gone'd be a shame if I lost my lucky shirt." The brief silence was ended when the sound of people entering the house echoed down the hall. "Honey! Mindy! Mr. Loomis! Patrick...where are all of you?" Dr. Taft called out. As the four people walked out into the living room they were greeted with the sight of a large group of people. Dr. Taft stood in the lead, with the Mayor, Police chief and a few officers, and the Fire chief behind him. Patrick sighed. The Mayor's black middle aged balding male head, the Police chief's grizzled beady eyed white head complete with his officer's cap, and the chubby cheeked red headed male head of the Fire chief all sat atop the same uniformed sexy body that everyone else had. Everyone but him that is. The two police officers, one black and one white, looked to be in their late twenties. Each wore the same policeman's cap as the chief. Patrick could also tell that each of the police wore a utility belt with a gun, holster, and night stick on their new hips. "Hmmm...they can wear hats and belts...apparently their bodies don't have a problem with those accessories..." he thought to himself. Every one of them men wore serious dire looks on their faces. "Did you find that old guy yet?" Mindy asked breathlessly. The men all looked at each other with a twinge of disappointment. "No...not yet. All of my other officers and the fire department are out looking for him though," the chief answered in a gruff voice. Looking at Patrick a slightly annoyed look crossed his face. "He's the kid that nothing happened too, eh?" Patrick slumped his shoulders. He hated the stares hew was getting from all of the men. They may not have said it, but he felt like they were accusing or blaming him. "Yes...but like I said, he had nothing to do with causing this. He's just an anomaly. It may have skipped him because he was there when the old man did this...this...whatever it is." Dr. Taft motioned to the gatherer's bodies. "The Mindy Effect," one of the young cops added. Mindy looked more than a little annoyed. "Have you called the state police or anyone? Maybe they can broaden the search area?" Mrs. Taft asked. The mayor shook his head sadly. "I'm afraid that's impossible. For whatever reason, this town is totally cut off from the outside world. We can't make calls out, connect to a computer, or do anything to contact anyone outside of city limits. In fact we can't even physically leave it!" The chubby cheeked Fire chief spoke up. "There's a bizarre purple fog outside of town...any time we try to drive out we emerge heading back towards the town in the direction opposite to that from which we entered it. A few of my guys tried driving out for several hours earlier and couldn't make any headway." Patrick looked at Mindy. "Purple fog? Just like in the hallway when that old man talked to us!" "Have you been crying dear?" Dr. Taft asked Mindy, his fatherly concern flaring up. "Yeah...the whole wardrobe problem just freaked me out a bit," the young woman answered him. The Doctor looked puzzled. "What do you mean?" One of the cops spoke up. "She's talking about how you can't change out of this little number," he said, gesturing down to his new sexy little school uniform. "You can sit there, think about it, but you just can't do it." The other cop added his two cents. "Yeah, me and a couple of the boys went to Shop-Mart to see if we could get more appropriate know, something other than these hooker heels..." he said pointing down to the spikes on his dainty new feet. Mindy grimaced as the man continued, "We stood there holding some sneakers and sweat suits for almost an hour and none of us could make ourselves put any of them on." "'s behavioral as well..." Dr. Tate said to himself as he tugged at the skirt he now wore. Looking up to Mindy he asked, "And you can't change as well?" Mindy looked sadly to her Father. "No. I'm just as stuck as all of you." The Police chief let out a harrumph. "Not quite least you still have your noggin on your own body. Some of us have been sex- changed." Mrs. Taft looked to the men. "Have any of you checked out your closets at home yet?" All of the men looked at each other and shook their heads no. She sighed and started walking out of the room on her new legs. "Follow me, I'll show you what to expect." As the group followed the Mayor and Police chief crowded next to Mindy and Patrick. "The Doctor gave us the run down on what happened, but we want to hear it from the horse's mouth. What happened to you today exactly? What led to all of this madness?" the Mayor asked. The chief grabbed Patrick's arm, his new fingernails digging into the boys skin. "Yeah...and don't leave a damned thing out. What the hell happened!" Mindy and Patrick looked at each other nervously before they started to tell their tale once more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Be Continued... Again...

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Mindy Chapter 6

Mindy Finds a Way to CopeA couple of weeks had passed since Mindy’s trip to New York with her father… she went to work with him every morning but only worked for four hours, three days a week… she had two hours of her College classes every day in a comfortable training room in the corporate suites along with four other fellowship students. After class she would call her father’s executive assistant and arrange for a ride back home… there was always a company messenger making runs around town so...

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Porkin MindyChapter 3 At the End of the Trail

Nothing much happened for a couple of days after the session with Mindy in the garage. I couldn't help watching her all the time, though. Every time I saw her face, I remembered how she looked with my prick between her lips, especially the way she had looked up at me, clearly delighting in the feel of my rod in her mouth and the pleasure she was giving me. I sneaked looks at her firm, teenage tits and remembered how it had felt to touch them. I looked at her legs and remembered how she had...

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Porkin MindyChapter 4 Bathroom Bonk

After that, Mindy and I fucked as often as we could, including a number of times when we really shouldn't have taken the chance. We were both horny as hell and ready to go at a moment's notice. I screwed her in my bed one Saturday night after I came home from a date. She sucked me off in the garage again while Mom was fixing dinner and Dad was expected home any minute. She taught me to lick and suck her, too, and I quickly got to like it after some initial misgivings. One Sunday, while Mom...

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Porkin MindyChapter 5 A Bird in the Bush

The next opportunity Mindy and I had for sex didn't turn out the way I expected. We had arranged to meet at the park, each leaving separately with different explanations of where we were going and when we would be back. I had said I was "going to shoot some hoops" at the park, and Mindy was going shopping at the mall with her friend, Crystal. Instead, we met at the playground. There was a place I had discovered where a cluster of bushes concealed an open space big enough for two but...

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Porkin MindyChapter 2 Mindy Bribes Me

Mindy sat up on the bed, her arms wrapped around her knees, and looked at me. "Jeez, Willy, you scared the shit out of me," she said. "What do you think you're doing, anyway?" Mindy had always been a supporter of the "best defense is a good offense" school. But I wasn't going to let her get away with it this time. "Don't give me that crap, Mindy," I said. "I was there because I was pretty sure what you were up to, and it looks like I was right. What the hell do you think you're...

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Porkin MindyChapter 6 DriveIn DiveIn

Ronnie and Susan Modine picked up Mindy and me at just after 7 p.m. on Saturday evening in their family's Chevy sedan. We were going to the drive-in, and the show was set to start at 8 p.m. I had called Susan the same day Mindy had told me about her arrangement with them. At dinner, Mom and Dad apologized for making plans for me and told me that I wasn't obligated. I acted the part of The Noble Son, assuring them that I didn't mind chaperoning Mindy on her first official date and that...

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The Mindy Effect Part Four

The Mindy Effect: Part Four The ride to the high school had been relatively uneventful for Patrick, his Grandfather, and the policeman who was their designated escort. While his Grandfather and the policeman carried on a conversation about the Cleveland Indians and their prospects toward the end of the season, Patrick sat in the back seat of the squad car in silent worry. Despite his Grandfather and the policeman's reassurances, the young man was overwhelmed with a sense of...

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Porkin MindyChapter 8 Talking It Over

The next day, Mindy wanted to know everything. I was watching TV in my room when she stuck her head in the door. Mom was outside, puttering in the yard. Dad was in the den, "watching" TV through his eyelids. "Well?" she asked, arching both eyebrows. "Well what?" "So what happened when you two bunnies scurried off to the bushes?" Mindy said, stepping into the doorway and leaning against the frame. I didn't say anything. I was all mixed up inside -- proud of my exploits with Susan,...

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Hungry For Mindy

The amateur erotic writer posted a personal ad on alt.dolcett, alt.torture, alt.sadistic, and other newsgroups: > Mad scientist ISO young beautiful woman to > practice surgical experiments on. I will > open up your chest and abdominal cavities and > poke around inside you; maybe remove some > stuff and move other stuff around--just to > see what happens. Understand that I am not > a doctor and have no access to anesthesia or > antibiotics. The pain will be...

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MindyChapter 4

[/u]Mindy’s Trip with her FatherMindy knew she woke later than her usual morning hour… but this morning she was aware of the electronic buzz of an alarm clock that wouldn’t stop… Mindy reached out blindly toward her nightstand and felt someone else in her bed… which startled her to near consciousness...forcing her to open her eyes and try to focus...the person next to her slowly took an identifiable form, it was her father, and he was sleeping. She could now hear his heavy deep breathing and...

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Mindy Proves Shes Not a PrudeChapter 2

Mindy giggled to herself after her ex left several messages wanting to find out about her shenanigans with his brother. He told her about their naughty threesome and now was interested in why they always had simple sex. In Mindy’s mind her boyfriend was simple. He just wanted her to suck his cock and slip his dick into her cunt. He never wanted to do anything more than that. Perhaps, it was because Mindy was just bored. They did go out for many years and he never suggested anything more than...

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Mindy And Me Continued

As I was leaving Mindy’s home that first day we met when she had taken me to Melba’s grave site, Mindy said, “I hope we can stay in touch and see one another again soon”. I said, “I’d love to, but staying in touch may be difficult because I’m married and if you call me on the phone my wife will be able to see your name and phone number and wonder what’s going on between us.” Mindy said she understood, but that perhaps we could stay in touch through E-mails. Since my wife doesn’t even know how...

Group Sex
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Introduction: little mindy went to get her brother but got something else instead IT was getting late and Denise was worrying about her son Roger. He was 18 but Denise still thought that being out past Midnight was too late. He told her that he was going to a friends house. She knew that it must have been Freds house. Denise paced the room and was just about to grab her keys and go search for them when the phone rang. It was her brother in-law who had just brought her sister to the hospital....

4 years ago
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Mindy and Me

Mindy and Me   Mindy turned out to be very much like her mother Melba had been. Of course Mindy was much younger than Melba had been, but she was wonderful company and she was hungry for sex because she was divorced with no "friend with benefits" in her life at that time. So, we were compatible with one another from the very first day we were together when she took me to visit Melba's grave and then invited me to visit with her for a while at the lake home she had inherited from Melba in order...

Straight Sex
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The Mindy Machine

With a side business of building BDSM gear, Guy was making a nice little side income. His most popular item was a Sperm Sponge harness: a rather complicated item of straps, rings, and buckles that the slave wore on her head with a cock-ring pressed tightly to her mouth, and another collection of straps, rings, and buckles that he Dominant wore on his hips with that same cock-ring pressed tightly to his crotch at the base of his cock. With such a garment, a man could wear a woman's head with...

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Mindy the Maid

The beat up old car chugged up the driveway with labored putters. Mindy peered through the windshield in awe as she soaked in the view. She had driven passed high gates that opened up to grand lawn filled with perfectly trimmed hedges that guided the path. Every few feet was met with an elegant hedge statue of figures in classical poses as if they were part of an old art painting. The path eventually circled a large fountain that was just before the front entrance. Here, the young blonde was...

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Mindy Holmes Epilogue

Mindy Holmes: EpilogueMindy did find success in the corporate world. She rose to prominence quickly… first as a scholar with acknowledgements from many renown universities and intuitions that she had attended and then received degrees and citations of honors from… all proudly framed and displayed throughout her large corner office in the penthouse suites of her fathers corporation. She was the undisputed Second In Command and the heir to the kingdom when the appropriate time came. She was in...

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Twelve CondomsCondom 6 Mindy Thursday Pick Up

Trash pick up at Sam’s apartment complex was early Thursday mornings. It had rained heavily the night before and Sam being the experienced voyeur he was knew what that meant. This morning all his neighbors would be pulling their plastic green cans to the curb for pick up. And if he was lucky that group would include a hot bodied woman or two for his viewing pleasure. Come dawn, Sam was awake and ready sitting naked in front of his upstairs window. Like clockwork, Sam’s neighbors filed out of...

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It didnt take long for her to get to Freds place. She looked at the normal sized home with a shabby lawn and heard loud music from coming inside. She walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. THere was no answer. After numerous tries she decided to walk in. It didnt take her long to notice that the house was filled with guys who all looked about 18 and they all were drinking. Mindy saw beer everywhere. She decided to ask one of the guys (who all had no idea she had walked in) where...

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Mindys mistake

It was a Saturday afternoon and I had just stepped out of the shower after sleeping late when the phone rang. “Hello!” I said. “Hi Mindy!” the voice on the other side said. I answered, “Oh, Hi Sherry! What’s up?” Sherry was my best friend. We can talk for hours about work, guys, shopping, clothes, parties, who got kicked off the model show, and too many other things to list. “Not much,” I said. “Maybe thinking about going to the mall. How about you?” “Want to crash a party tonight?” “Sure!...

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The Mindy Effect 3

The Mindy Effect: Part 3 Patrick was glad the that the little question and answer session the authorities had subjected he and Mindy too had come to an end. The sheer repetition of retelling the same tale over and over again had begun to wear his already frayed nerves down. The Police chief had been especially demanding. He couldn't help but get the feeling that the man had been trying to trip he or Mindy up; that he was trying to see if their story would change during the repeated...

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Mindys Christmas Camera from her Dy

It is a few weeks after Christmas and you get to be the fly on the wall as Mindy plays with her new Christmas present from her male parent!!! She decides to take some pictures to show her appreciation, but what subject would be suitable....? Become the fly on the wall in her bedroom before her male parental figure comes home from work and see what she has planned to share with him to express how pleased she is with his...

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Porkin MindyChapter 7 Back to the Bushes

"Damn!" I said, when our laughter died down. "Double damn!" said Mindy. "That guard sure screwed things up." "More like un-screwed..." Ronnie said. "What time is it?" Susan asked. I looked at my watch. It was nearly 10 p.m. "The movie's almost over," Ronnie said. "You guys wanna get out of here?" We all said yes. Ronnie started the car and Mindy hung the speaker back on its pole. Then, keeping his lights off, Ronnie quietly pulled out and exited from the drive-in. "Where...

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Neighbors Mindy

If somebody had ever suggested to me that, at the age of 55, I would belong to a group of sexual hedonists I would have laughed. Nevertheless, here I am, in a room full of naked, horny people, some of whom are almost young enough to be my kids. Life leads us down paths we never expect, though. Growing up in the Midwest I always sort of accepted that my life would follow the pattern: high school, some college, marriage and kids. That idea was pretty much unquestioned until they shot the...

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Aunt Mindy

Aunt Mindy, pt. 1 "Hey Ray!!! It's aunt Mindy.... she says you can borrow her house for a couple of days. Interested?" "Yeah! Great, tell her I would love to!" It was mommy on the phone with auntie. Auntie is about 25 and SO cool! I really get along great with her. I am 18 myself. Quit school cause I didn't like it. I still live at home but I do some PC and web consulting and stuff so I make some money. Mommy makes me pay my share of the rent, but I am saving for my own...

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Porkin MindyChapter 10 Turn About Is Fair Play

Nervously, I turned the knob on the garage door and pushed it open, then let Susan enter in front of me. She glanced around, taking the place in. The double mattress in the corner was just barely visible from the center of the garage. I tried not to look toward the sheets of plywood along the wall where Mindy was hiding. "Cool!" Susan said. I shut the door behind us, remembering to lock it. Then I took Susan's hand and led her to the mattress. We sat down together. "Like I said," I...

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Mindyrsquos Storyhellip An Apology

To all of you... To you frequent readers and contributors to xhamster… I owe you an apology for not following the examples I’ve noted in many of the posts on these pages… a sincere effort to record a fantasy or the memory of an event… and write about it in the best way possible for that contributing individual to express the pent up sexual arousal achieved by these memories or fantasies. I have enjoyed a stimulation or two from your stories… and applaud your sharing with any and all who would...

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Mindy and Me

Mindy and Me   Mindy turned out to be very much like her mother Melba had been. Of course Mindy was much younger than Melba had been, but she was wonderful company and she was hungry for sex because she was divorced with no ‘friend with benefits’ in her life at that time. So, we were compatible with one another from the very first day we were together when she took me to visit Melba’s grave and then invited me to visit with her for a while at the lake home she had inherited from Melba in order...

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Homer loves Mindy simmons

Homer Simpson falls in love with co worker Mindy Simmons who is very sexy she is attracted to him too Homer and Mindy are working together and she's flirting with him and he is so attracted to her he thinks about her naked in his dreams she's a young beautiful redhead with green eyes and red lips he wants to kiss her she feels like kissing him too he leans in kissing her she keeps kissing him then says to him Homer I'm in love with you he says me too Mindy they are in the hotelroom they are...

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A Few Notes from Mindy

Dear Literotica Readers: Some random thoughts, in no particular order, about my story that don’t seem to fit into my narrative but should help you know me better, which should help you understand the themes of my transition stories… Thank you to all of the people that have left me positive comments. I haven’t been writing the stories for public approval, however, the positive comments do warm my heart. As to those who have left negative comments, I don’t care about you. After all I have been...

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Mindy And Me Continued

As I was leaving Mindy’s home that first day we met when she had taken me to Melba’s grave site, Mindy said, “I hope we can stay in touch and see one another again soon”. I said, “I’d love to, but staying in touch may be difficult because I’m married and if you call me on the phone my wife will be able to see your name and phone number and wonder what’s going on between us.” Mindy said she understood, but that perhaps we could stay in touch through E-mails. Since my wife doesn’t even know how...

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Porkin MindyChapter 11 Mindys Story

I was 14 the first time I let a boy go all the way with me. It was Eddie Vance who did the dirty deed. Bless his little hard-on. God, we were so innocent. Like any schoolgirl these days, I already knew the gory details of sex in theory at least. Health education and scuttlebutt had seen to that. I even knew about blowjobs and getting licked, sort of, although we girls all agreed that it was maximally yukky. I'd discovered my love bump more than a year before, thanks to some hints from...

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Comfort Food for Mindy

Raindrops pelting the dorm window and sliding along the pane in a zigzag pattern reminded Mindy of her own tears. The soft yellow glow of streetlights and the quietness of the midnight hour settled like an unwelcome burden. Wiping her eyes stopped the flow of tears but not the reason for them. Mindy’s first semester in college was turning out to be filled with emotional loneliness. She didn’t make the women’s soccer team and the lengthy email she got from Rob made it clear he had already found...

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“Lies, Lies, Lies!” Mindy angrily thought to herself as she left the restaurant and got into her car. “I can’t stand myself.” She was sick with her life, and sick with lying about it. She had had what she supposed to be a perfect life, and imagined herself the envy of many. A husband who owned a successful office furniture business that allowed her to be a stay at home mom for her two beautiful girls, age twelve and fifteen. A beautiful mansion in an exclusive, gated country club. She was an...

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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 9 Mindy

Dragon Lady # 2 called me, “Cyrus wants dinner.” Cyrus Vandenberg. One of my Irregulars, the oldest one. In his mid-80s, creaky, cranky, but his mental acuity seems just fine. He’ll have some rumor to pass on, some gossip, some hearsay. “When and where?” “What am I, your bitch?” Click. Good point. When you’re part of the Bulldog Bannerman infrastructure, a measly private detective is several rungs lower on the accomplishment ladder. I called Cyrus, “Hi, it’s Winter.” “No...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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The Eternal Quest of One Mindy FuecherChapter 2

Brandy screamed in orgasm over and over as she writhed beneath him, struggling to get his cock even deeper into her sopping sex. Finally Min could take no more and stream after stream of hot cum hosed into the brunette hottie as her body shuddered with one final orgasm. BZZZT! BZZZT! BZZT! Min's hand slammed down on the alarm clock, shutting it off. He sat up, the dream still vivid in his mind. This will work so much better than hypnosis, he thought. I will induce a carnal urge that she...

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The Eternal Quest of One Mindy FuecherChapter 3

"Hello, Min, I'm the mind control fairy." Said the sexy, shapely blonde dripping rainwater onto his floor. "Excuse me, you're the what?" "The mind control fairy. Every few years the Powers That Be select the most pathetic person on the planet and grant him mind control abilities so that he may take charge of his life and fuck beautiful women." "You grant mind control powers just so pathetic guys can fuck beautiful women?" "Oh no, there's a multitude of things the powers can be...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites

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