Chanel Camryn indian porn

2 years ago
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Taking Camryn

Camryn gets to explore her need to be taken.Camryn settled into her cubicle for another routine Thursday. Or at least she thought it would be routine. As she sipped her first cup of coffee, she noticed a small envelope taped to her computer screen. She pulled it off and opened it. “I have been watching you. I know you better than you know yourself. By the end of this day, you will totally belong to me. Today, you will be given several instructions. You will follow each one of them or there...

3 years ago
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Taking Camryn

Camryn settled into her cubicle for another routine Thursday. Or at least she thought it would be routine. As she sipped her first cup of coffee, she noticed a small envelope taped to her computer screen. She pulled it off and opened it. “I have been watching you. I know you better than you know yourself. By the end of this day, you will totally belong to me. Today, you will be given several instructions. You will follow each one of them or there will be consequences. You and I both know that...

4 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 6

As I’m driving home, I’m dreading seeing Ethan right now. I know he’ll be awake, and after eating Taniyah, watching her cum and tasting every bit of it, I’m aching for my own release. Aaaand since I’m crossfaded, even looking at him could be bad. I drive slowly, cruising the wet streets. The clouds finally let out and it’s sprinkling rain. When I pull up to the house, I see a light on and sigh. At least Nicole isn’t here. I drag myself from my Nissan and walk to the door. Coming through to...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 34

I peel off my leggings as Ethan undoes his pants, both of us grinning at each other. He was taking me to dinner, but our hunger for each other surpassed the need for food. I started teasing him while he was driving, so he found a deserted road and parked. I'm surprised by how spacious his car is when I maneuver myself onto his lap with him in the driver seat. I'm ready and wet thanks to his hand a moment ago, and I line myself up with his dick. I lower my hips, feeling him create a space inside...

2 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 9

I hear the front door open and look at the clock on the stove. It’s 4:30 p.m., which means I’ve been dicking around on my phone for almost an hour. I’m sitting on the island counter in the kitchen, wearing the clothes I changed into when I got home from the gym, my comfortable light jean shorts and a muscle tank top. Ethan walks into the kitchen and I give him a once-over. He’s his usual stunning self in a long sleeved knit shirt with the sleeves rolled up and dark denim jeans. “Hey,” he says....

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 12

We don’t move for what feels like forever. My mind is going back through all that’s happened since I woke up. This is nuts, did I really just hit her? When my adrenaline subsides, I remember my own injury and touch my face finding more blood.Now I’m feeling it. Ethan finally turns around and faces me. His expression is hard, but he takes my hand. “Come here,” he says, pulling me into the kitchen. I’m still too stunned to stop him, so I follow. He swiftly picks me up and sets me on the island....

3 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 8

Ethan never ceases to surprise me. With my wits thoroughly scattered, I fumble in my reply. "W-why?” He leans in a little closer, seeming pleased with himself. "You'll see," he says cryptically, and without another word, opens my door. I quirk an eyebrow at him but don't bother asking. Driving home, Ethan's mood has largely improved in the last hour. It's hard not to absorb it myself. Part of me is worried about his comment, but what have I to complain about? I already know I won't say no to...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 3

Surprisingly, I didn’t have trouble falling asleep. As I laid there in my bed, staring at the white ceiling, I knew I could go one of two ways. I could think about what I’d done. Every detail. Every touch, every kiss, every look. Every deceitful, pleasurable moment I could bring to light, and really contemplate my actions. Our actions. Or I could just... be numb. I chose the latter. I’d never done anything remotely close to this. Not that I’d had to think about it before, but sleeping with a...

2 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 19

His skin beneath my fingers, I trace feather light patterns on his firm chest. My head is next to my hand as I listen to his heart beat, the steady rhythm of his breathing. His arm is wrapped around my body, relaxed and comforting, and somehow protective. Always protective. I want to be no where else. “What happened tonight?” Ethan asks in a hushed voice. “Some of the best sex I’ve ever had,” I reply in a subdued mumble, and my head on his chest slightly jostles from his quiet laughter. ...

2 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 4

“Let me fuck you before I leave,” Ethan says, his mouth at my ear. We fucked for the first time last night, and it’s apparent he hasn’t had enough. To be honest, I haven’t either. I hardly slept, my dreams were vivid pictures of the two of us. So when I feel my cheeks get hot and slightly nod my head, he wastes no time finding my mouth. His arms wrap around me, pulling me as close as possible, and my hands are around his neck. After a minute, he pulls my hands away from him and turns me...

1 year ago
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Chanel No 19

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” - Coco Chanel The evening begins to descend upon me as the shadows shift closer and closer to my work space. I am aware of the inevitable event that is about to unfold and the irritating feelings of lust about to commence as my fingers shakily press my keys in efforts to finish my work. The warmth in my pussy scorches with intense desire and pulsates- hungry for fulfillment only obtainable by one woman.I exhale raggedly and focus...

3 years ago
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Chanel Ethan and Taniyah 10

The ‘not party’ kind of feels like it turned into a party. A half hour later it’s everyone from dinner plus Chandler, her friend Monica, Stephanie, Louis and Louis’s friend Eugene. And shit’s bumpin. Music plays in the living room, some people are in the kitchen, some are downstairs playing video games and the rest are sprinkled in between. I’m sitting on the kitchen counter again, still dressed in my dinner clothes, chatting with Taniyah, Jake and Kyle. I see the front door open to my left,...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Chanel and 18

I get home and walk into my living room, dropping my bag, keys and phone on the couch. I can’t believe what I just fucking saw. I know I’m not official...with either one of them, but part of me feels betrayed. I wouldn’t have given a shit if Eugene told me he wanted to see Taniyah, but he deliberately tried to keep it from me since the moment they were sitting on my own fucking couch. She could have said something, too. Perhaps I’m overreacting, but damn, they could have at least told me out...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 11

I'm laying on my back, Ethan’s kneeling low in front of me with the heels of my feet on his shoulders. I'm fisting the blanket greedily while his fingertips dig into my hips. "Come on Chanel," he says through gritted teeth. The angle he's entering me is deep and harsh and I love every bit of it, but I haven't had enough, though I know he's trying to get me off. If I let him keep pumping into me at this pace, I know I won't be able to hold on. I open my legs and curl my body inward so I can...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 7

Kissing, licking and biting and hair pulling and cumming and... fuck. Yes that too. Fucking. Two more times last night. I’m glad it’s finally my lunch hour. Between my thighs is now very tender, and the soreness keeps reminding me of Ethan. After we were both thoroughly satisfied, I decided to drag myself to my room. He offered to set an alarm before Nicole got home, but I refused. We both decided now wasn’t a good time to risk her knowing. I honestly never want her to know. And after the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Chanel and Taniyah 5

The moment I come home from work on Thursday, Ethan is there, watching hockey. He’s sitting on the couch and turns his head when I enter. He smiles at me. I shut the door and make my way downstairs without returning the gesture. I can’t say I’ve been super friendly since Ethan fucked me senseless on the kitchen island. When I got out of the shower that morning and heard Nicole’s muffled voice upstairs, I felt different. I needed to cut ties with all the possible drama. I wasn’t insanely close...

3 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan

It's creeping up on 12 a.m., but we're too into our game to go to sleep yet. My roommate Ethan and I both work in the morning, but our nightly ritual of XBox 360 and bud was hard to break. We only smoke at night. After a day's work, there's nothing like winding down with a bowl and some Call Of Duty. He was ahead by one kill, I was catching up quick with limited time. "God damn it!" "I told you not to go with that gun," he says with conviction. I mock his comment with a sour face. Smug...

1 year ago
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Chanel 17

I sigh heavily and finish taping up the last box. I didn't think I had that much shit, but the eight large, full boxes suggest otherwise. After Eugene dropped me back at Aaliyah's --after our daring stunt in the hills-- I decided to head home and start packing since I'd be paying the deposit on my apartment tomorrow. I changed into some jean shorts and a tight tank top while I packed, and it took me most of the day, but it's done. I flop onto my bare mattress and stare at the ceiling. I feel...

2 years ago
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Chanel and Eugene 16

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buuzzz. Jesus fucking Christ, where is my phone? Fumbling with shit on the coffee table, I snag the annoying, vibrating device and silence it. I lean back into the warmth and Eugene wraps an arm around me. Buzz. Buzz- fuck. I find my phone again and look at the screen. Shit! I clear my throat and answer the call. "Hello?" "Hello Chanel, it's Jessica. Did you still want to meet at 9 this morning?" I pull my phone away and check the time on the screen. 8:27. Awesome. "Yes, I...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Chanel And Eugene And Aaliyah And Dylan 15

“We’re going to be remodeling soon,” is the third thing out of my boss’s mouth when I get to work. “Remodeling? When?” I ask a little surprised. When does that ever happen? “In a few of weeks. We’re re-doing the main floor, so we’ll be closed for a few days. It’ll bring in more business when it’s done,” Angela says with coffee in her hand. “So, I won’t be working?” I ask, hanging my jacket on the coat rack. “Nope. But you’ll be paid anyways, it’s a non contracted upgrade." She smiles at me...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 2

I wake up on Kyle’s chest, his fingers lightly tracing my back. “I was hoping I’d get to say goodbye before I left. Now I think I’m running late," he says but makes no effort to move. “You should have woke me up sooner, I would have showered with you,” I reply getting to a sitting position. We’re both still naked, and I pull the sheet across my chest. “Fuck. Maybe next time.” He winks at me and I watch him climb out of bed and get dressed. He’s looking really good. Better than I’d realized...

2 years ago
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Chanel And Ethan 36

All it takes is a rap on the door from his hand and my insides respond excitedly. The moment I open my front door, the sight soothes my erratic pulse, and I smile. My boyfriend is nearly an entire foot taller than me, his broad, muscular body contributing to his intimidating look, his dark hair just long enough to pull on, groomed facial hair, green eyes, and a cocky smile on his face. "Come here," Ethan growls, and grabs me, kissing me hard. Six days. The number echoes in my head as I taste...

3 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 32

Puerto Rico with Ethan was surreal. I had such an incredible time, even the flight home was less melancholy than I anticipated. That could have been because our invisible wall still hadn't returned. It could have been the time alone finally bringing us closer, or something as simple as we just felt like it. Whatever the reason, Ethan and I couldn't leave each other alone. He held my hand and kissed me without batting an eyelash, in front of everyone, nearly the whole way home. It sounds really...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 30

It's been more than an hour since we started, and I haven't lifted a finger. The moment Ethan said 'squirt' I wasn't sure what to expect. His only real directions were that I do ... nothing. I desperately want to squirm, but remain open and placid as his hand starts pressing on my abdomen, his fingers inside me still ruthlessly fucking my front wall. "Shit," I hiss. My excitement is unparalleled. I've never had my g-spot stimulated so hard for so long, and the rhythm is growing into something...

3 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 24

I’m not sure what I had expected, but it certainly wasn’t this. I start to have a small panic attack and look over to Ethan with wide eyes. “You can’t take me to Puerto Rico,” I say as a statement of fact. He steps away from the line and leads me a few feet to give us privacy. This must have been the reaction he was waiting for. “I understand if you don’t want to go with me,” Ethan says sincerely. And he’s telling the truth, I can see his face accepting my resistance. “It’s too much,” I...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 22

The day following the incident at the movie theater, Ethan and I text each other nonstop. The only pauses in communication were obligations at work on both our ends. However, I got off before him, and would have to impatiently wait to hear from him between messages. He wanted to see me earlier, but responsibilities at work kept arising. It’s now nine thirty at night when my phone finally beeps again. Guess what? He asks me. You’re gonna die of old age before they let you leave? I guess in...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Chanel and Ethan 21

From the moment Ethan dropped me off at home after I gave him road head, until he called me today after work, time seemed to drag and lurch simultaneously. Between falling half way asleep imagining he was still in my throat, to touching myself when I was in the shower this morning, you could say I was slightly preoccupied. I would catch myself thinking about him and time would slip away unnoticed. I started to realize how detailed my thoughts were becoming and I’d have to mentally force myself...

2 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 20

On the way to get food, Ethan and I ride alone, arguing whose aim was better. We meet his friends and get in line to order, all of us stained with neon colors. I stand next to Ethan, not bothering to look at the menu. I already know what I want. In ‘N’ Out is my favorite cheat food. Michael comes on my other side and bumps his arm into my shoulder. “I still can’t believe you shot me in the ass,” he teases me, and I laugh recalling his answering squeal. “You almost got me in the face. That...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Chanel and Eugene 14

Eugene? I send a text to the number Eugene called me from before. We agreed on Saturday for our date, but with my aching insides, I’m not so sure I want to wait to see him. I set my phone on my chest and close my eyes. When my phone quietly beeps, it’s up to my face in a flash. Chanel? he replies, and I grin. Did I wake you? No, just lying down. Everything ok? Yeah. I can’t sleep. Me either he replies, and I bite my lip. Why? I ask. Had a good day, a lot to think about. he replies, and...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Chanel Number 5

I've been flirting with this lady for some time and she is extremely hot. Not a slapper, or available to anyone, a classy girl with a hot body, who knows what she wants and doesn't settle for second best,And we arranged to meet in a hotel. She sent me a pic, so I would know what she looked like but it was kind of dark and indistinct, but when I walked into the bar, I looked around and the only person it could possibly be was this sexy blonde, with a great figure and long, slender legs, wearing...

1 year ago
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Chanel No 19

‘In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” – Coco Chanel The evening begins to descend upon me as the shadows shift closer and closer to my work space. I am aware of the inevitable event that is about to unfold and the irritating feelings of lust about to commence as my fingers shakily press my keys in efforts to finish my work. The warmth in my pussy scorches with intense desire and pulsates- hungry for fulfillment only obtainable by one woman. I exhale raggedly and focus...

3 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 25

We spend the rest of our layover wandering through the airport, looking in gift shops and drinking Starbucks. We joke around and make fun of each other. We even make fun of other people when we find a bench and sit, waiting for our connecting flight. I feel buoyant and carefree, and I’m so fucking glad I said yes to coming. We haven’t even made it to Puerto Rico and I’m having too much fun. Leaving everything behind, just the two of us. As we’re getting on our next plane, something occurs to...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 23

I wake up in the dim light of my bedroom. Ethan’s arm is draped over my body as he spoons me from behind and I smile. I snuggle my way deeper into his hold, my ass pressing into his dick. Before sleep can find me again, though, I feel like I’m forgetting something. I look at my alarm clock and curse under my breath. I somehow manage to turn under Ethan’s arm to where I’m facing him. He looks so peaceful and images of last night flicker in my vision. He seems like someone more innocent than the...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Chanel watches Aaliyah and Dylan 13

Over ten hours later, Aaliyah and I are at Stephanie and Louis’s house. I haven’t been home since I shut the door on Ethan’s face. As dinner is being made, I ponder for the thousandth time today how my morning started. After Nicole took her shot, I was ruthless on her. At the time I didn’t care, and the memories I have of her face haven’t diluted at all. If only I had blacked out, I wouldn’t have vivid images of her bloody face running through my head. Good God, and my behavior after that...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 3

Surprisingly, I didn’t have trouble falling asleep. As I laid there in my bed, staring at the white ceiling, I knew I could go one of two ways. I could think about what I’d done. Every detail. Every touch, every kiss, every look. Every deceitful, pleasurable moment I could bring to light, and really contemplate my actions. Our actions. Or I could just… be numb. I chose the latter. I’d never done anything remotely close to this. Not that I’d had to think about it before, but sleeping with a...

2 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan

It’s creeping up on 12 a.m., but we’re too into our game to go to sleep yet. My roommate Ethan and I both work in the morning, but our nightly ritual of XBox 360 and bud was hard to break. We only smoke at night. After a day’s work, there’s nothing like winding down with a bowl and some Call Of Duty. He was ahead by one kill, I was catching up quick with limited time. ‘God damn it!’ ‘I told you not to go with that gun,’ he says with conviction. I mock his comment with a sour face. Smug...

3 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 4

“Let me fuck you before I leave,” Ethan says, his mouth at my ear. We fucked for the first time last night, and it’s apparent he hasn’t had enough. To be honest, I haven’t either. I hardly slept, my dreams were vivid pictures of the two of us. So when I feel my cheeks get hot and slightly nod my head, he wastes no time finding my mouth. His arms wrap around me, pulling me as close as possible, and my hands are around his neck. After a minute, he pulls my hands away from him and turns me...

1 year ago
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Chanel and Taniyah 5

The moment I come home from work on Thursday, Ethan is there, watching hockey. He’s sitting on the couch and turns his head when I enter. He smiles at me. I shut the door and make my way downstairs without returning the gesture. I can’t say I’ve been super friendly since Ethan fucked me senseless on the kitchen island. When I got out of the shower that morning and heard Nicole’s muffled voice upstairs, I felt different. I needed to cut ties with all the possible drama. I wasn’t insanely close...

1 year ago
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Chanel and Ethan 19

His skin beneath my fingers, I trace feather light patterns on his firm chest. My head is next to my hand as I listen to his heart beat, the steady rhythm of his breathing. His arm is wrapped around my body, relaxed and comforting, and somehow protective. Always protective. I want to be no where else. “What happened tonight?” Ethan asks in a hushed voice. “Some of the best sex I’ve ever had,” I reply in a subdued mumble, and my head on his chest slightly jostles from his quiet laughter. ...

3 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 2

I wake up on Kyle’s chest, his fingers lightly tracing my back. “I was hoping I’d get to say goodbye before I left. Now I think I’m running late,’ he says but makes no effort to move. “You should have woke me up sooner, I would have showered with you,” I reply getting to a sitting position. We’re both still naked, and I pull the sheet across my chest. “Fuck. Maybe next time.” He winks at me and I watch him climb out of bed and get dressed. He’s looking really good. Better than I’d realized...

2 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 24

I’m not sure what I had expected, but it certainly wasn’t this. I start to have a small panic attack and look over to Ethan with wide eyes. “You can’t take me to Puerto Rico,” I say as a statement of fact. He steps away from the line and leads me a few feet to give us privacy. This must have been the reaction he was waiting for. “I understand if you don’t want to go with me,” Ethan says sincerely. And he’s telling the truth, I can see his face accepting my resistance. “It’s too much,” I...

3 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 28

I wake up feeling surprisingly good. After last night I thought for sure I'd be out of commission for just about anything, but when Ethan and I get to the hotel gym, I feel great. I still can't believe he tied me up. I had never been tied up before, but I really liked it. He is so ridiculous, and dominant, and gorgeous. But mostly ridiculous...and I really like that, too. I frequently catch him watching me as we train. When he helped me with core exercises, I really thought he might try to...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Chanel Number 19

In the lift, she made me kneel and she pulled her panties to one side and with both hands, opened her lips as she pushed my face into her wet slit. It was running with juice, and I stuck my tongue as deep as I could into her as I felt her juddering with her first orgasm.When the lift stopped at the f******nth floor, I quickly got to my feet, and as the door opened, a group of middle aged couples were standing waiting to take it down again.As we got out, I just knew that they would be able to...

1 year ago
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A Hallowe en Tale

We sat around the classroom waiting for our tutor group teacher to turn up. I liked this aspect of 6th form life, along with the awe-struck looks of the younger kids, being able to lounge around in the warm, while the rest of the school shivered in this year's unseasonably early October frosts was cool. Of course it would have been better if we could have stayed in the 6th form centre, but registration was due to be called and so we had to hang around waiting for Mrs. Wolf to deign to come to...

2 years ago
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Dreams of the Chinese Room

Dreams of the Chinese Room The oversized room was decorated in a tasteless mishmash of New Mexico pueblo and Chinese restaurant.  Paper globe lights cast a comfortable glow over the room, filling in any shadows left by the muted sunshine coming through gauzy curtains which skirled in a lazy, sensous dance from an inflow of cool breezes through the open windows.  The walls hung with tapestries in a Chinese fire drill of colors — the floor of dark, polished wood showed through the gaps between...

3 years ago
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Miss Downey Meets Her Form Class For The First Time Chapter Two

This was it. The time had come.Helen Downey walked down the corridor of the Sixth Form block with the Head of Sixth Form, Nicola McNamara. The older lady was the Head of St. Katherine’s Girls’ Sixth Form and had spent time during each of the previous two inset days helping Helen sort anything out that she needed.“They’re a lovely form class, Helen. All nice girls who are generally high achievers. You’ll get no problems from them and they will look after you, I’m sure.” Mrs. McNamara looked back...

1 year ago
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Running Partner

It just so happened that one of my guy co-workers had a wife who was also a runner. We had met several times at a paved path near near my work and completed training runs. She was very athletic and could hang with my pace, so I enjoyed the company. One weekend she invited me to come to her house for a run, as there were some good trails and hills near where she lived. Not that it mattered to me at the time, but her husband was out of town on a business trip. I drove to her house and we...

2 years ago
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My First BBC

There was this younger black guy that came I where I worked and bought supplies for his company. He always would duck in my office, sit down and talk, while the counter guy’s got his stuff ready I always loved it. I got laid off as they closed the store I was working at due to being slow (oilfield). After that hubby and me would see him occasionally at the gas station in a neighboring town, he would always make it a point to come over and talk (especially when hubby went in to pay). It had been...

4 years ago
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A very naughty wild crazy story fantasy from a f

I want to put a dog collar and leash on you an walk you naked in public like a bitch in heat. Walking you all over the park or street or neighborhood every one looking at you calling you a sick pervert a slut a dirty whore getting off by just looks alone. Exposing your soaked wet dripping horny cock craving pussy for every one to see how much of a perverted bitch you are. Your master ordering you to get on all fours and raise your ass as high as possible and spread your cum hungry cunt makes...

3 years ago
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Deborah Comes Over

                                                                 DEBORAH COMES OVER,                                                                                    by Barticlees   I knew she was hurting.  Hell, I was hurting too, but there was no way I was ever going to get back with that bitch.  We were getting a divorce.  It was in the works and she called occassionally.  She would be crying and bitching at me for something or other but I knew she was hurting.  I shouldn't have married...

3 years ago
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Maa Ke Saath Lesbian Sex Ka Anubhav

Hi friends,mera naam Sweta hai aur main aaj apne saath hue lesbian experience ko aapke saath share karna chati hun,jo mere aur maa ke beech hui thi..Hamara chhota pariwaar hai jisme main mummy aur papa teen log hi rehte hain.Main apne graduation ke part 1 mein hun aur main college mein padhti hun.Mere papa ek government servant hai aur maa ek houe wife hai..Main aapko bata dun ki mera koi boyfriend nhi hai.Main ek khusmijaj ladki hun aur humesha khus rehti hun. Main sex ke bare mein kaafi...

2 years ago
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The Coffee Shop Adventure

[For: edgrant....enjoy!]David and I had met through an on-line gay chat-site several weeks earlier, and we'd kept in contact nearly every day with various messages, and with a few photo exchanges between us.David was considerably older than I was (85 he had said), but he was an 'avid cock sucker', to use his words! Also, he had a particularly bad case of Type 2 diabetes, which, he explained, made it practically impossible for him to get, let alone maintain, an erection. So, he 'compensated' for...

2 years ago
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The Muslim Wife Takes Charge Of Her Family

Hey guys, I am writing after a very long time. Sorry, I was busy with my personal work and exams. But here I am back with another exciting couple sex story. For the first time readers, this is Ahmed, a 21-year-old male from Hyderabad who is very submissive to females and alpha males, who loves to be dominated, humiliated, cuckolded and wants to try BDSM. Guys, this is an imaginary story which I want to experience in my real life. I am an introvert and very submissive nature. I stand 5 ft 10...

1 year ago
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Chapter 3 FemDom pt2

on my knees, still very near the door to Mistress's place, and having just cum in a dish for Mistress, i awaited any further instruction, or demands.Mistress made her way behind me. when she was there she pushed me over so that i was on my hands and knees. Mistress reached between my legs with one hand grabbing the dish, the other finding its way to the base of my balls. Mistress worked a finger in between the ring she had ordered me to wear and my balls. Mistress gave the ring (and my cock...

3 years ago
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Scott and His sister Georgina

My sister Georgina is two years older than I am. When we were little we played together about as well as brothers and sisters ever do. We got along very well, though as we got into puberty, Georgina a lot sooner than me, our interests became more and more different. We stopped taking baths together when Georgina was seven or eight but I didn’t really think anything about it. By then I was taking more showers than baths anyway.Even when she became a teenager and had become very pretty with a...

2 years ago
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 31 Marketing my Charges

I felt exhilarated by the morning's court proceedings. Bill indicated that he had a couple of things to discuss with me so he and I adjourned to a cozy little bar not far from the courthouse. As soon as we had received our drinks and were getting comfortable he began. "Steph, I must say that I think the sentences you handed down this morning were fair. More than fair! In some cases even kind considering what these terrible people had put you through." "Thank you Bill. I appreciate that...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 44

We discussed where to go out to eat. Laurie was a little young to appreciate Perlione's or the country club. Jack suggested Home Town Buffet and told Laurie how she take her own plate around and put whatever she wanted to eat on it. That sold her on it and she started hounding everybody, asking "Can we go now?" every couple of minutes or so. Daddy finally got up after twenty minutes of this. "Honey, why don't we meet you over there? We'll take Laurie to the restaurant and get...

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names couigar 1

We will call her cougar and me tiger ok for this story We mat in a coffee shop in london ontario after we had talke don the internet for 2 months prier and got to know each other or so we thought . I met cougar in the early after noon and our eyes met and instantly we both heard a crash out side a car had hit an other one in the street out side the coffee shop and we looked at each other agian . We noticed that we had a conection here and I asked her what she would like to drink,...

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Seat 23E

Seat 23EI walked down the jetway reading the ads for global banking and its appreciation of different cultures. At the cabin door, we were greeted by a threesome of cabin crew, all smiling with their pearly white teeth as they checked boarding passes.“Seat 23E, just beyond the curtains,” announced the rather too perfectly coifed male as he indicated with his hand. Nodding my thanks, I shuffled after my fellow economy passengers towards the centre of the aircraft.Squeezing into my seat, the...

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We were both orphans, her by an act of God, me by an act of parental choice. Her last year of High School was spent with her paternal grandmother after her mom and dad were killed in a tornado. I spent my entire life living with different 'nannies' and 'governesses' because my parents were too busy to bother with the 'accident' they spawned. Yeah, I know. You're saying 'poor little rich kid' right now. Well, big deal. They say that money can't buy happiness, they're right. It only...

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Transgender and Spirituality

The earlierst presentation of a male with a female side, as far as I know, are the statues of Pharao Akhenaten. There are statues of this Pharao with wide, female hips. Historians think, that the emperor wanted to show his male and female side, to express that he is alone the creator of this country and he needs nobody else. So it seems it is only a political and religious statement! Akhenaten was the heretic Pharao, who founded a new religion in Egypt, the beliefe to the god Aton. He was the...

1 year ago
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Tainting The Couch

John grabs Kate by the waist and shoves his rock hard cock into her soaking wet pussy, while she is bent over the edge of the bed. He starts to pull out, when she shoves back on his cock. Still holding onto her hips, he pushes her back against the couch, pulls his cock out of her at the same time and tells her not to do that again. He puts just the tip in her and holds it there. She tries to push back but he holds her still. Just as she looks back at him, he shoves hard into her and holds it...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 224

This explanation is compliments of Gnostic ‎ God and IBM In the beginning, there was chaos and the Universe was without form and void. The Lord looked upon His domain and decided to declare His presence. “I be” he said, then to correct his grammar added “am.” If the Lord had decided to work on irregular verb conjugation first, this wouldn’t have happened. God would later curse the English language for its part, but in that moment IBM came into being. The Lord looked out upon the IBM He had...

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Laptop Fuck 4

He plunged his cock deep inside her hot mouth. She gagged and spit was flying everywhere. He had a fist full of her gorgeous hair and was holding her tight with the other arm. Skull fucking was what my man loved the most. He loves to grab my face and just slam his cock down my throat. I watched in anticipation as he threw her onto the bed. She looked delirious,as she gazed into his eyes. I thought she was about to pass out.He sat there on the edge of the bed, thinking of what to do next. I told...

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Kozhunthanum en soothum

My name is suguna, age 26, I am married. I am and my husband very closes in sex and we are very happy with one kid at coimbatore. I am a house wife and my husband is a busy business man. I want to narrate the incident in tamil. Please readers co-operate to me. My husband’s brother Suresh is living with his parents at Salem and he is studying correspondence course. Once he came for seminar class at Coimbatore he stayed at our house. His age is 19. He is a good boy. I like him very much because...

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mom is that you more

sliding my yooung hands up moms smooth warm soft thighs slowly...whispering...mommy?? just her slow deep my hands get close to her warm crotch...making me i slip my hand over her plump i rub her warm damp panties....and rub my hard young bulgerubbing her ...and mine..pulls her panties down...slowy...gently...nervously...heart I uncover her thick hairy bush...staring in my moms pussy....I can smell her hot wet...

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And I didn t even get her name

The wife was pretty, with a slim and fit-looking body, but it was the elder daughter who really caught my eye, she was about 14 and remarkably tall and willowy for her age, she stood about 5’8” and had an incredibly slender body which was just beginning to blossom into woman-hood, but to look at her she just took your breath away – she was by far the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, with gorgeous dark brown almond shaped eyes, perfect and finely chiselled features, long jet-black straight...

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Doctor rsquo s diagnosis lsquo GAY rsquo 2

Doctor’s diagnosis ‘GAY’ 2Doc HolidayI’m a man in my mid 50’s standing 5’10” at 220 pounds. My hair is salt & pepper and my skin is white with pink at the points of color; lips, finger & toe nails, nipples, & dick head.I had a new insurance policy through my work forced upon me, thanks Obama, but figured I would just make the best of it. Little did I know how this change would alter my life. The first visit was, well, like no doctor visit I have ever experienced in my 50 plus years,...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 30 Disappointments And Solutions

September – Year 1 Erin wiped away her tears and looked at her spouses. She stood and turned to slap herself on her ass, always a good sign. We all stood then and since we were naked it was easy to start fulfilling our promises. Erin took my cock in her hand and began to stroke it. I began to play with Lynn’s pussy and Lynn began to play with Erin’s. We kissed each other and all of us together. Soon Lynn was starting to thrust her hips on my hand and I was starting to thrust my hips forward...

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KristinChapter 51

When we returned home, it was time to enroll my new little sisters in school. The fact is that since it was already late May, we were really pre-enrolling them all for the following fall. Debbie and Enid were to be in the 9th grade while Maureen and Seana were to be in the 10th. And — surprise, surprise — I went over to the school along with Mom, Kris, and my four new sisters. Our reception from Donald Grimes, the principal, and Monica Cumberland, the dean, came as a wonderful surprise....

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His Object

Trees passed by the window. I watched them mix into a shade of green for many miles down the road. Soon they were bursting into brick, into building. Turning and changing. Kaki, red, and white. But my mind was not in this city. It hadn’t been for hours, and not for days. I lit a cigarette and watched the smoke escape from the cracked window. The smell lingered in the air and the taste coated my mouth. And for that moment my mind went counterclockwise. Almost like a silent movie, I watched it....

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The dark side of my Life 2 Becoming Keep

Mera college se ghar ka raasta ek ghante ka tha local train se.mai apni saheliyo ke sath jaaya karti thi par sab se aakhir me mera stop aata tha. hum ladkiya hansi mazak karte karte jaya karti thi.par aaj jo kuch bhi library me hua tha mai usse upset thi aur mere chehre par ye saaf dikh raha tha.meri saari saheliya mujhse puch rahi thi k kya hua…itna upset kyu hai?.par mai jhuta muskura rahi thi aur kah diya k thodi tabiyat thik nahi me dard ho raha hai..fir mai sochne lagi k is tarah...

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Semper FiChapter 8

Carly indeed got her gang-bang, and it was hard to say who enjoyed it more. On the one hand, the men certainly loved fucking her sweet pussy and ass in turns, but on the other, Carly herself derived no small benefit and delight from being taken that way. Robert certainly did his part to give himself better odds of impregnating her, as he didn’t want to give up hope of that. He had been plenty generous with Billy in terms of letting him fuck and impregnate his concubines, but he still wanted...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Nickey Huntsman Unclothing My Stepsis

Nickey Huntsman is being pressured by her boyfriend to do sexual things that she is not really ready for. She confided in her stepbrother who offered to prepare her. At first this came off as creepy, but once stepbro started massaging her clitoris she thought that maybe this could be a good idea. This caused stepbro to become obsessed with Nickey, and she also kind of wondered what he looked like without clothes. They both then ended up getting naked and doing a little more than just fooling...

4 years ago
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Long Strange Trip

It’s been a long, strange trip and not one really in my control. I should introduce myself, I am Stephanie, though I used to be Stephen. I grew up as a boy, though I suppose I was always a little odd. It kind of started in my senior year of high school, shortly after my 18th birthday. I was home alone after school. My parents both worked and my older brother, Carl was off doing God knows what with his friends. Carl is about 6’ tall and 170 pounds and muscular. He is athletic and works out...

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Anal Sex With Fatima Again

It was a beautiful morning with the sun streaming though to herald a new day. I felt completely rested, Fatima was lying next to me and I could make out the rise and fall of her body as she breathed in and out. I eased myself from under the quilt and crept to the shower, ensuring I did not disturb her slumber. Once in the shower I soaped myself and gradually became more awake, as I did so I slowly became slightly aroused as I thought of all the sex I've had with her within 24 hrs , my penis was...

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Office Visit

Introduction: Visit to the Doctor **This is the first story Ive written&hellip, I have more in my head if it is enjoyed** Chapter 1 The young girl sat nervously in the office chair. Her long, brown hair falling down past her shoulders as she crosses and uncrosses her legs nervously while she waits for her name to be called. Her hands fumble with a magazine as she tries to calm her nerves. This was not the first visit the nineteen year old had made to this doctor. But after each visit, she...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 41

"I don't like involving Cassidy in this," Bryant said as he and Jan walked into his office. Bryant sat at his desk and Jan sat across from him. "She's a civilian." "A lot of police agencies do it this way," Holly said from the doorway. "I don't care if they do," Bryant replied. "Surely we have someone in uniform who can play that part. It's only for a web chat. How clearly can a person see on a computer screen?" "A lot of computers are high-definition," Holly said, shaking...

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My wife s Beautiful Friend

I flirt with one of my wife's friend on a very first meeting with her. I seduce her and she returns the favor. A detailed well buildup storyline. [email protected] You can also leave me a message on hangouts. Or write to me on skype id - kunal3436

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Sara Solaris on the swing

by penisbraceletOne morning, I've received a somewhat urgent message from one of my officers claiming that he have a woman in custody. A white woman. He also mentioned that she's spoken Germanic. This does heightened my curiosity. Suddenly, I already have a hard-on message from a dude that I don't give a flying fuck. Immediately, I called upon my limo shuttle and gone on our way. My limo shuttle busted and weaved out of the heavy hovering traffic high above.Thinking of what I'd just done a...

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My First TIme with Eddie

I'll begin this story by describing myself at the time of this memorable event. I was 17, 5'8", Latino, with a tight body, a young sizable cock, PLENTY of stamina, good looking, and at that stage of life where I wanted to sexually explore my options.My friend, "Eddie", was 5 years older than me, also Latino, slim, very good looking, and stood at about 6'1", and had, what turned out to be, one hell of a fine fucking prick!This was the very first time that I tasted another guys cock.....Eddie...

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What Lies AheadChapter 12

The funeral was the next day, so we missed one more day of school. I made a mental note to talk to Mrs. Polaski about all our missed days. I’m not sure how many days a student could miss before it becomes a serious problem as the girls like cheerleading, and I didn’t want to hurt their eligibility. The funeral itself was pretty small. No one Mr. Hollabrand worked with showed up; which, I guess, considering the implications of who he was working for and how that was involved in his death, was...

2 years ago
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Bonded LivesChapter 1B

Delinsilversworth If I knew then what I know now; I would have run, I think. As her eyes started to leak water and she threw herself at me, I knew not what to do. But I felt for her, though I knew not why. I curled around her and drew her as close as I could to me. Wyrms don't often weep tears but we feel deeply about things and can get very emotional. And believe you me there was a war going on. One part wanting to protect her like I would a youngling, another part wanting to run and be...

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myfantasy 58

i don't say a word as i get 2 my knees in front of you. i reach out & gently caress your swollen cock. it lurches spasmodically under my touch. i am getting very hot caressing your thick stick. i lean 4ward & slurp the head of your thick penis in2 my mouth. your eyes roll back in2 your head as you lean back in2 the cushion of the sofa. your swollen cock lurches in my hungry mouth. i can only take a portion of your tool in2 my mouth. i cannot believe that i am actually doing this. i am...

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Other Places Other Faces The Pearl

Other Places, Other Faces: The Pearl by Raven Part I: The Pearl "Me sol hohny, Mister," cried the beautiful Thai girl. She couldn't have been more than 18 years old, but she had the breast development of a more mature woman. In fact, she had the largest, firmest, and juiciest tits that I ever saw on an oriental girl. It only added to her exotic air. It was a shame that the girl, Kiki, couldn't speak any English other than the few garbled words given to her by her...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt 17

Chapter 19 The drive back home was pretty uneventful, Lisa just sat behind the wheel smiling ear to ear. She had had an awesome day so far, making out with two gorgeous women and now she would spend some quality time with her sissy boyfriend. Marcy was very worried about that quality time. She hoped for sure that it wouldn't involve that dildo going up her ass. There was no way she could take that. She only ever had a finger up there. Pulling up in front of the house it was early...

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Wendy the Bisexual Schoolgirl First Time

This is a story about the first time I had sex with another woman. I was in my first year at Washington State University and I had moved into an off campus dorm to get away from my folks. I have a best friend named Wendy, who was in her third year of collage, her and I share several classes, and we went every where together, games, double dates, just everything. She has always been one of the most popular girls on campus. She is model material. At any rate, the day...

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Disaster ReliefChapter 15

I guided her to the sofa, turned her shoulders, and held her as tightly as I could. She cried for a while. Stopped, then cried again. She looked up, "I don't think you know how much emotional support she gave me when I was over there. Raw, basic, emotional support. She loved my daughter and cared for her better than I could, at the time." I just hugged her. She said, "I know that you love her. Brianna does, too. She did more good for Brianna than I ever could have." She breathed three...

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Indian Guy and Filipina Cleaner

It was 9pm in the night of a long hard day at the office, and although the end was almost in sight I was still bitter. The migration of our billing system to a new software had started off easily enough; but thanks to the sheer incompetence of the morons who I had the pleasure of calling my colleagues, I had the joy of looking forward to multiple nights in a row where I would be going home at 11 pm or later. So here I was, at my workstation on a Friday evening, the dim fluorescent lights of the...

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SeeHimFuck Kay Lovely Those Come Fuck Me Eyes

Tulsa native Adrien Lopez makes his industry debut this week here on See H?️M Fuck, and we paired the dreamy-eyed newbie up with the lovely ❤️ Kay Lovely for today’s update. After our stupendous director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get to know a little about the blue-green-eyed newb, Adrien starts to strip for Kay, who just had to inhale ?? some of that dick aroma. She gets HIM all lubed up ? making sure that fresh dick of his is slick & stiff. Kay ? sniffs and licks ? each of...

4 years ago
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A Book By Its Cover

== A Book By Its Cover == by RickD1960 Jim and Carol had just celebrated their 7th wedding anniversary, having been married in 2025. Their sex life was good, just not as frequent or as exciting as it had once been. Carol had not been very experienced when they wed. Jim was only her second boyfriend and her first boyfriend had not made it past second base. Recently Jim had begun to feel that Carol may have missed out on some valuable sexual experience by not having dated more before they were...

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Back with steve after lockdown

Well it has seemed like an age due to lockdown but back visiting my black lover steve but musnt complain as health and safety is paramount. Visited last saturday and cant believe the session we had. I prepared for hours to get ready as i wanted everything to be perfect and chose the outfit that steve likes as he insists on being my master and im his sissy faggot. Put on my thong with matching basque suspenders black stockings and a skin tight latex dress then heavy makeup with ruby red...

1 year ago
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CyborgChapter 3

So it was that day turned into day, which turned into weeks. Eric got used to his new job as healer. The aches and pains he had experienced the first few days, had disappeared. He was now used to the pace he set himself. It was just that he was now on roads and in areas that were so heavily traveled, that his pace was slowing. Eric was feeling rather annoyed. His combat car was being leap-frogged up, as hiding spots were found for it. But this last time, something had gone wrong. Some men...

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New Adventures with Mistress M ndash Part 2 nda

New Adventures with Mistress M – Part 2 – the airport play This part is following up on part 1 – read it if you havn´t. While part 1 was describing the fantasy part 2 just happened a week ago. All the writing, the asking for forgivness has worked.. I had to go on a businesstrip to the city where the goddess Mistress M. lives and works. We arrange that she comes and picks me up after the meetings. In the messages up to that event Mistress demands that I wear my lateximitated thong with a zipper...

2 years ago
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Education of Gillian A Chapter 2

When I got home, it was nearly 5a.m., and I was pretty exhausted, but I still called Kate W... "So Master, something tells me it all worked out," she said, sleepily. I had woken her. "Even better than I could have anticipated," I informed her. "The woman's a complete natural... Why don't you find out if any of the gang are in town... the guys... She needs more men than women... she's had too many dykey actresses, if you know what I mean... I've fixed a date for Friday, at the...

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Fair Trade

Fair TradeByMichele NylonsDavid Cashmore sat at the wheel of his Ford Explorer watching a geyser of steam erupting from under the hood; his wife Michelle sat in the passenger seat fuming. He imagined a similar geyser bursting from her ears; she looked at him contemptuously, what he saw in her eyes was beyond anger."You had to listen to your pals at the sports bar didn't you? 'Don't worry Chelle, it's a back road but it's fine and will cut thirty minutes off our journey.' Which numb-nut told you...

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My tution girl

Hi all! This is my first story in ISS, about an incident that happened when I was in my college days. First about myself. I’m a 23 yr old guy working in a big MNC, 5-6 moderately built but fair and with a look of innocence on my face. (Which I sometimes took advantage of ;) Before my intermediate I confess I was totally ignorant about sex. I used to think this was something really bad and I used to avoid people who used to speak anything related to it. Something happened then that would change...

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