Disaster ReliefChapter 15 free porn video

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I guided her to the sofa, turned her shoulders, and held her as tightly as I could. She cried for a while. Stopped, then cried again. She looked up, "I don't think you know how much emotional support she gave me when I was over there. Raw, basic, emotional support. She loved my daughter and cared for her better than I could, at the time."

I just hugged her. She said, "I know that you love her. Brianna does, too. She did more good for Brianna than I ever could have." She breathed three or four times, "Now, we have to work it all out for ourselves." She dropped her head back to my chest. She sat up again. "She walked into my life and I felt like I had a new sister or daughter. When she told me that she loved me and called me Mom, I almost broke down."

We sat there for twenty minutes before Brianna came in. She looked at her mother and then hugged her. She whispered, "If you want to, you can go upstairs and cry. I'd like to use Jordan for a few minutes."

The crassness of the remark, or the absurdity of the situation made Jennifer perk up. She said, "No, Brianna, I believe it is my turn with Jordan. We're in pain, here. Go make breakfast."

Brianna made a nice breakfast. She could do it all, now, and didn't complain. I noticed that she started to wear her wedge heels with her jeans when she cooked, just like Jennifer. She looked good in them, too.

We enjoyed the fresh fruit and melon she sliced to go along with our bagels and ham. No one mentioned Rachel for the rest of the day. We went to the mall-I thought I had been cured of this disease-and they had a nice time. Jennifer made a good dinner. When they cleaned up, Jennifer said, "I'd like a family meeting."

As honorary chair, I opened the meeting, "Jennifer, you have an issue?"

She paused, started to talk, and then paused again. We waited. "When Rachel was in charge, we all knew what to expect next. Now, I just want to sleep with Jordan like a normal woman." I had never seen her so uncertain.

Brianna said, "Does that mean that I can't have him, too?"

"Brianna, we all had too much cheer Christmas Eve for our own good. We made some bad decisions. I can't believe I offered to share him with both of you. I think I let my own daughter down." She looked perplexed.

In her strong assertive voice, Brianna said, "You may have had too much cheer, but I didn't. Do you remember telling me that you couldn't watch me every minute? You can't. I like to have sex and I like it with Jordan. That was the best night of my life and I want to have another one. Maybe I'll find someone else, too. I already did it back home while you were working."

This discussion was going only to a bad ending. I didn't want Jennifer on a big guilt trip when she was trying to recover. I said firmly, "Listen, both of you. It is not possible to plan the past. Maybe we'd do it differently if we did it again, but what is done is done. Perhaps I should not have agreed to go along with that scheme you and Rachel hatched, but I did." I looked at them both. "As long as we keep what goes on in here to ourselves, we need not worry."

"You don't think I'm an awful mother for permitting my daughter to sleep with you?"

"I believe that Brianna will have sex when she wants to. We all know that. In my opinion, having the two of you talk about it honestly and respecting the other person's feelings is wonderful. It is rare. Giving her your blessing is even more important. Now, she can be completely open with you.

"You do know that Rachel encouraged her and even coached her technique. I hate for Brianna to hear mixed messages. I'm sure that my past reluctance made her somewhat insecure and that had nothing to do with her charms."

Brianna came over and joined our hug. "Mom, I didn't mean to be nasty. I know you love Jordan and that he wouldn't hurt either of us. Don't worry so much." We clutched for several minutes in our hugpile.

"My loves, we will share my bed until Brianna finds-Brianna soon finds-an appropriate boyfriend. Soon. Brianna, soon."

Brianna piped up, "Does that mean I get to sleep with both of you?"

Jennifer actually giggled. "Not so pushy there, eager one. We'll work out a schedule or something. We're not doing threesomes, either. I don't want you dependent on Jordan for your social life. It closes too many options." She sighed. "Maybe I will get some advice from wonder woman. I mean, look what happened to her when she took up with him."

There was never a doubt that we missed Rachel, although we avoided talking about it all the time. Soon, Brianna would return to school and we would resume a welcome routine. Jennifer and I located some other people to carpool the swimmers. One night, after dinner, Jennifer called for a surprise family meeting. As usual, my palms sweated, although the last few had been productive to all our mutual satisfaction.

She opened the meeting by saying, "I had a long talk with Rachel today. She has a big problem. Either the department changed its mind about her, or she misunderstood. When she talked with her adviser, she learned that the scholarship money does not start until September. She can start classes now, but she can't afford to be there without the extra help."

I asked, "Where is she staying?"

"Right now, she's staying with a hometown friend and looking for a suitable place. Tomorrow, she will check back with the state university here to see about a spring schedule. She knows that she can find the classes she wants here if they are open."

"She usually doesn't make mistakes like that. I'm betting that the university screwed up."

"I thought about her problem for hours before I told her that she could live with us if she comes back. What do you think?"

Brianna said, "I want her to live here. I didn't want her to go."

I said, "I can call my daughter to see if she knows of any good living situations, in case she decides to stay." I paused, "As far as her living here, I'm sure that we can work out a satisfactory arrangement for all of us."

Jennifer replied, "I guessed that both of you would like her to come back. I certainly do. I would have two daughters for my best friends."

Later, Jennifer and I were lying in bed talking. I asked, "Are you sure about this living arrangement? I don't want you to be the least unhappy."

"I have to grow up and think in new ways. My old ways floated away in the storm. If I get really unhappy, I can leave."

"I would prefer that you didn't think that way. If you get unhappy, we'll work on the problem."

"I like that better. I don't want to leave anytime soon. What about you?" She stroked my hair, "You picked up two desperate women and took them in until they got back on their feet. You and your girlfriend made them feel welcome." She giggled, "Now, I think both of them like being here on their backs."

"Although Rachel and I were very close, it didn't seem right. We just couldn't get away from each other. The day I found you, I made a big decision. I've always gone down there to help. I read about others letting people stay in their homes. There are always problems, but I decided to gamble. From that day forward, I thought I had won the lottery. Then, when we lived together for a while, I didn't want you to go."

"I could feel your caring and I was in a terrible conflict with Charles. He was very angry and jealous that I lived with another man, no matter how platonic. I couldn't go live with him because there was no place for Brianna to be. I did not tell him about our lovemaking. He could not have understood and I had no reason to hurt him."

"Rachel far exceeded my expectations. She told me she was trying out for mom and essentially took over Brianna. They were very cute together. Although I hated it when you left with Charles, but I felt that I had to honor my commitment. That was for me, not for you. My empty life filled with people I cared for and each day, I appreciated what I had."

"Within a week after I arrived over there, I knew that it had been a mistake to go. Charles was kind and loving and we had some good times, but I was effectively a prisoner. I was accustomed to moving and shaking and being a part of the community. I had far too much time to think about my situation and being here with you, and Brianna's plight. Rachel and Brianna kept me afloat with their email and the few phone conversations we had. I hated to admit that she was right about my needing to be here and cared for when I came home. I don't know what I would have done if I had to take Brianna out into an apartment or even where I would have gone."

"You still love Charles, don't you?"

"I couldn't just turn it off by getting on an airplane. I had real hope for us until he decided to stay for two years. I had to free myself." She sniffled. "I read about those wives of old sea captains who had to wait it out for long months alone. I felt bad about leaving him, but I guess I just don't have the right stuff to live there. I hated it when Daniel left me alone all the time and I still loved him."

"How are you feeling about Rachel's living here and working out our family problems?"

She rolled over and put both arms around me with her hard nipples against my chest. She kissed me enthusiastically with a lot of body movement. "The only family problem I want to work out tonight is the fact that I'm needy. I need you to love on me real good."

That brought about a lengthy tongue dueling, body writhing, genital-rubbing session that caused both of us to breathe faster. I don't know where else her fantasies might have taken her, but right then she made it clear that she wanted to be here with me.

She whispered, "Would it make you feel sexier if I called you 'asshole?'"

"Any thing that turns you on, slut."

"I like being a slut around here." She put her tongue in my ear and sent shivers all over my body.

I returned the favor and knew exactly where she liked it. She started wiggling her hips and letting out little soft moans. I felt her reaching for my cock. Before I knew it, she rolled on top of me and said, "I think I'd like to feel this inside right now. I've never been needier."

"Take what you want."

She took it inside and I agreed that she was ready. She must have been looking forward to this for a while. She brought her mouth down to kiss me and whispered, "I just want to enjoy the feeling for a minute. Lie still."

"I'll try. You tempt me, slut." I rubbed her smooth butt and tickled my finger around her anus. I wet it with pussy drippings and teased it more. I could feel her muscles clench, which caused her vagina to squeeze me at the same time. I pushed my finger in about half way and whispered, "Lie still." I knew she couldn't.

"Now I know why she calls you 'asshole.' Just keep moving it and I'll try to be still."

Three slow thrusts with my finger caused her hips to rock slightly and then much more roughly. When she pushed to get more power in her knees, I pinched her nipple with the other hand. It was a stretch to keep my finger in her ass as her movements became more rapid, but I managed. She soon went into spasms. "Oh, God, keep it up."

I followed instructions and began hip movement of my own, trying to go sideways instead of up and down. Her spasms continued for several minutes. After a big one, she said, "I'm about over. Roll me over and take me."

After we finished, we clutched on our sides until she said, "Problems? What problems? I don't have any. I like it here. I can be in denial about anything."

"Then this is where you ought to be."

She leaned up on her elbow and stroked my chest. "You say that you love me, and Rachel, and Brianna. Is that possible?"

"No. Yes. I guess I'm strange, but I believe it is true."

"I'm caught in the same dilemma. I believe it is true for me, too."

"I don't have a dilemma. I want you all."

She poked me softly. "I think you do. I feel it. Since I have deep feelings for both girls, I find it strangely possible to share." She paused for a while, "I do have a dilemma because I have chosen to live here and I know that Charles will still be in my mind. He would not share me." She kissed my cheek, "I felt guilty before when you and I had sex and almost ruined it. I don't feel at all guilty now that he has abandoned me. Makes it so much better."

"I can live with that. In my dreams, I thought you and I would ride off into the sunset. That was back at the beach in Pensacola. Now, I feel empowered in my life. I know you loved him first and I can feel love for me creeping in. The sun hasn't set."

"I still have to find something good to move my life forward. I have to have challenges - things I can do to earn my living and make me feel that I'm doing something. I feel like a vegetable."

I ran my hands over her breasts and belly. "No, you don't!"

She laughed. "Smartass. Okay, hold me!"

She kissed me. "Somehow, I think we'll get back to normal when Rachel comes back. We have our roles and routines and that will be most welcome. Well, normal for us. I'm sure others might find it interesting."

She snuggled her butt into me and we both slept instantly.

I awakened in the sunlight with her cupped in my spoon with our mixed juices still running out of her making a mess. I held her close and reveled in my incredible fortune that these women loved me. I'm sure I could have flown off a cliff and made circuits around the valley without my hang glider.

As I pondered kissing the back of her neck and licking her ears, I heard a frantic knocking at the door. I said, "Come in, Brianna. What's wrong?

"Mom! Mom! Wake up. They've kidnapped Charles. Come see it on the TV."

Uh, oh. She didn't say "Chuckie." Something bad happened.

She came over to the bed in her little nightie and grabbed Jennifer. "C'mon, you have to see!"

Jennifer awakened and slowly went to the bathroom to pee. Then she put on her robe and went with Brianna. I followed in her footsteps and put on some shorts and a T-shirt and went to the den.

When I arrived, there was this crude video showing a man facing the camera with his hands tied behind his back looking hostile. The announcer was saying dramatically "... Charles Wallace, an American contractor working in Annistan, was kidnapped today and taken hostage. No word on the conditions for his release have been forthcoming. More video will be available in the next hour. In weather news, snow seems likely in..." Brianna clicked the mute button.

Jennifer was sobbing. We sat together in absolute silence. Brianna cuddled under my arm and Jennifer put her head on my shoulder as she gradually quieted her sobs and cried softly. After she stopped crying, she said, "We kept hearing that the insurgents were getting more daring. I noticed that we had twice as many soldiers or police in the compound. Several of my friends were preparing to leave on the next plane. They made me think seriously about leaving before I decided."

We sat in silence, just hugging as the other dreadful news of the world kept playing in mute. By now, we didn't need commentary. We knew what was going on in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel.

Later, one of the lovely CNN news reporters or anchors interrupted, "We have breaking news about the American hostage in Annistan. Members of the Holy Jihad are demanding release of specific prisoners and one million Euros ransom for the release of Charles Wallace. They gave a three-day deadline for their conditions to be met."

Jennifer just said, "Oh, God, no!"

A few minutes later, the phone rang. I picked it up. "Hello, asshole. Let me talk to Jennifer."

I gave Jennifer the phone and she just listened. I could hear words coming from Rachel, but couldn't tell what she was saying. The call went on for about half an hour, all the time we were watching for new developments.

Finally, Jennifer said, "Thanks, Rachel. I'm glad you called. You always make me feel better." She hesitated. "When are you coming?"

She handed me the phone and went back into her withdrawn mode glued to the tube. I went to my computer and logged into several instant news sites, some of which were broadcast and some were not. I gleaned a few more details online. Basically, the jihadists objected to the American company doing business in Annistan, particularly in the south where the oil was pumped. In addition to their threats to execute Charles, they also claimed that they would disrupt the oil supply.

Within the hour, we saw everyone's favorite Secretary of State standing in the Hall of Flags in the State Department sternly reading a prepared speech, scolding the jihadists and demanding the release of the American citizen. As soon as the Secretary finished, questions from reporters filled up the time slot. After the commercial, programming went back to normal, with only brief mention of Charles' fate the rest of the time we watched.

When I hear those PR-type threats, I always wait for the "or else." I listened carefully, but the Secretary did not mention anything resembling an "or else."

We switched the set to mute and she said, "What can I do?"

"I'm not sure. If you know any Members of Congress, get in touch with them. They can always find out more. I can call my representative. I used to play golf with him, but he isn't on any important committees."

"I have a couple of people whose campaigns I worked on."

"Does Charles have children or other relatives?"

The implication of my question caused her to cry again. She sniffled, "I'm not a relative and have no right to know anything."

"Do you know his wife or children?"

"Not really, being the other woman. I think his wife lives with some guy over in Destin and his daughter lives in Birmingham."

Brianna's tone was totally flat. "His daughter, whose name is Olivia, works at the University Hospital in Birmingham. I don't know who his wife lives with, but maybe I'll remember."

I went immediately to the Internet and found the directory of the hospital. With some difficult probing, I located one Olivia Wallace who worked in emergency. I took the contact information to Jennifer.

She said, "What do I say? Like, I'm your father's girl friend and did you know he's in trouble?"

"That sounds like a good opener. Just do it."

After several rings, a woman came on the line and said, "This is Olivia."

"Olivia, my name is Jennifer Allen, I am your father's girlfriend. Have you seen the news this morning?"

I could hear her response. "No, I worked all night on a bad accident. What's going on?"

"Charles has been taken hostage in Annistan."

"Oh, God, I knew those people would be the end of him. Let me get out to the TV and I'll see. Did you say, 'Jennifer'?"

She repeated her name and telephone numbers and said, "You have to be a relative to get information from the State Department. I'm looking on the Internet, but it isn't giving me inside information." She gave Olivia her email address.

She put her head against the back of the couch and drew deep breaths. She kept repeating, "I knew it. I just knew it. Those people who left before me knew more. That's why they got out."

I held her and said, "When Olivia calls, be sure to get her contact information and ask her to call the State Department and get in the information loop."

"Would you talk to her? I'm not sure I can take in all the information."

"Sure. What would you like to do right now?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'll go take a shower and get dressed. Sitting here watching commercials won't do anyone any good."

I gave her one last hug and she went up to her shower. Brianna sat closer to me and asked, "What will happen? What will happen to her? What will they do to Charles?"

"I don't know, sweetheart. I'm totally baffled by those people."

"Why do they want Charles?"

"Terrorists attack symbols from western countries. Charles was an engineer trying to help get electric power to people who didn't have it. Religious fanatics of any group commit acts of horror in the name of God. They believe they're doing God's work."

"How can their God be our God? Will the Army will rescue him?"

"No. They can't go in there. Far too risky, both militarily and politically. We're supposed to be at peace with Annistan." I paused. "All religious fanatics believe they're doing God's will, no matter whose God they worship. I'm not sure who our God is, but I'm sure that dreadful things have been done in his name."

My cell phone rang. Rachel asked, "How is she, Jordan?"

"Looks bad for her. She's in shock."

"I'm coming home as soon as I can get packed. I can't leave my mom in that situation without helping if I can. Who knows what she will need?"

"Be careful out there. The weather isn't good for your speed."

After a few minutes, I went up to get ready for the day with a shower and the usual. Jennifer was lying on the bed looking at the ceiling with her wet hair on a towel. When she saw me, she asked, "Those vermin are going to kill him, aren't they?"

I couldn't put a happy face on it. "The odds are not in his favor. Sometimes they make a deal, but giving in to kidnappers and ransom demands goes against stated policy."

"Can I do anything? Anything at all?"

"Unless you're a good friend of Ross Perot or someone like him who is willing and able to fund a rescue, there isn't much you can do. We're all helpless."

"What did Ross Perot do? I thought he ran for president and lost."

"He engineered a rescue of some of his company's people held prisoner in Iran. It was quite a story many years ago. I think they made a movie and a book about it."

"Will Charles' company do anything?"

"Call his boss and see if they will keep you in the loop. You must have met others at those parties while you were away who might know something."

She leaped off the bed instantly. "Thank you for the idea. I know who to call." She found her underwear and jeans and dressed quickly. She went to the area where she worked and took out an address book. I went to the shower.

Sometime later, I went downstairs. Brianna fixed my breakfast and sat with me while I ate. She said, "I'm worried about Mom."

I hugged her. "So am I, girl. So am I." I saw concern in her eyes. "Take your mother some coffee. She's on the phone up there. See if she wants anything to eat."

When Jennifer came downstairs, she said, "Well, Charles was unlucky. One of his colleagues escaped just minutes before they captured Charles. The company is in the process of bringing everyone home. Things have gone badly for their contract and they can't do the work they went over there to do on the electric system. I mentioned Ross Perot, and the guy just laughed and said that if they had that kind of money, they could hire soldiers of fortune to go get him."

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Developing love! For the next year, Christi and I saw each other almost everyday spending most of our time at friends and her house. Over time, our love grew to the point she would call me or I her every evening and we would talk until everyone had gone to bed and hours past that. I would slip out my bedroom window and we would meet at her house as she would sneak out of her window also and we would lie in her back yard beneath a hammock with a blanket she would bring. Things never went to...

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Ladyboy Secrets

LADYBOY DIARYby utubeslutforgive the misspellings but inocent words get sensoredby the auto censelessDiaries can be dangerous and have unexpectedconsequences if they fall into the wrong hands.Or the right hands ….Early Spring and that meant a visit from myAunt Becky and my cousin Susie.I loved Susie but she was kinda weird.She had mood swings like she had permanentPMS, very unpredictable.Otherwise she was very sweet.Crazy bitch.The...

1 year ago
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Youre a Black Mans Bitch Now

Dee wanted to dress provocatively for her first true 'date' with Vic. Dee looked at the dress she picked out. It was a body clinging black knit polyester, rayon, and spandex dress accented with rhinestones on the three-quarter length sleeves. It had a deep V-neck style neckline that plunged to the middle of her breasts. The banded bottom accented her haunch. The hemline was to the middle of her long, slender white thighs. Her choice was a U-plunge bra. The connection between the cups were low...

3 years ago
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The Black Queens TV Captive 2

An hour later, in the bathroom, the Black Queen showed me to a full-length mirror. "Take a good look at yourself, Jill Baby!" she laughed. I was almost unrecognizable. She had shaved all the hair from my body. Skin lotions and powder had given my flesh a silky, sensuous tone. My hair was set in feminine curls that tickled my ears. My eyebrows were plucked into a graceful feminine arch above shadowed eyes with long feminine lashes. My cheeks were rouged to a delicate blush and my...

2 years ago
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Girls Night Out

I am so excited, tonight is the night I get to kick back, let my hair down and just be me. I made plans to hang with a few friends. A little drinking, eating, and maybe going out to the club afterward. Just a girls night out. And getting laid as much as I can. I need to go to the store to get something sexy to wear. I go to the mall and find this cute black halter top, and some stretchy blue jean skirt. Now, time to go to the shoe store. Oh my! I found a pair of high heels to match the halter...

3 years ago
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Friends Forever Chapter 2

Years have passed since I last saw Ben. He moved from Michigan to Virginia almost six years ago, and the events that happened on that spring day back in 1998 are just a memory that helps get me off from time to time. It seems like every time Ben has been in town, something has come up and prevented me from meeting up with him. Tonight I was determined to see him, no matter what. I was lucky enough to have the weekend off work, but unlucky enough to be stranded at home without a car. I called my...

Straight Sex
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Samanthas Strip PokerChapter 7 Getting Distracted

I put my blind in as I looked at the stack of chips that represented the lion's share of the girls panties. "That's too sweet! For the first time in this game I've got more chips than you. I've almost got your panties, and pretty soon, I'll be after your 50 chip bra." I should have realized that I was in trouble from the smell of male and female musk that was becoming noticeable. I didn't care that I was strip playing poker with total jailbait. I just wanted to see her get naked, and...

1 year ago
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Emma Goodall Gets Humiliated

Emma Had just Striped done and jumped in the Show when a bunch of the Henchmen that work for Emperor Mavro show up out of nowhere as the Naked Emma Screams and tries to use the Shower current as cover the Henchmen grab her arms and teleport her to their base holding her arms done as Emperor Mavro comes and gives her Naked Body a view once overs. Take her to the City make sure they know that shes the Pink Ranger and show them how pathetic She is. Yes Master

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Wills new home Part 1

The Mother and son arrived in Brownsville at around ten at night, and both were excessively tired. The moving company had already come through and brought all their furniture and all that was left to do was to unpack clothing. But Will and his mother both went to bed, exhausted. The next day Will woke up at about ten, and went down stairs, dressed in a t-shirt and elastic gym shorts, he noticed three incredibly attractive girls in his kitchen talking to his mom. The girls warmly greeted Will...

1 year ago
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Chapter I I WAS BORN, BUT WOULD KNOW HOW TO SAY NO HOW, when or where, and therefore I allow the reader to accept this statement of mine and who creates it while you think. Another thing is also certain: the fact of my birth is not even an atom less true that the veracity of these reports, and if the intelligent student deepens these pages wondering how it happened that in the course of my journey through life -Or maybe I should have said I jumped for her endowed with intelligence, powers of...

2 years ago
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nine inches and counting part 2

Slowly, I began to lightly kiss the big mushroom tip with my lips. Licking around the smooth fat top and down the sides I found licking to my liking. Then I put my lips around the head and began to suck. My lips barely circled him. As I slid him down into my throat I began to notice the new strange feeling in my thighs and groin and into my chest. Sucking this beautiful cock turned me on. I suck and licked him while he ate my wife who was sitting on his face. I must have been good...

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really mean it

“More chocolate cake?” She raises the knife and waggles it, the razor-thin blade catching the light. I glimpse my reflection as I gaze into the gleaming steel and smile. “Oh, no,” I say, pushing aside my dessert plate, cleaned of every last speck and crumb of cake. “I don’t think I can have another bite. That was great. Dinner was great.”“Really? You really mean that?”“Mm-hmm,” I say. “You’re an amazing cook.”She tilts her chin down and blushes, then she picks up my plate and brings it to the...

1 year ago
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Monika Ki Chudai Aur Uski Bahen Ki Bhi Chudai 8211 Part l

Hi friends yeh meri paheli kahani hai so please agar koi galati hobjai to maaf kardena mai iss regular reader hu aur bahut bada fan, bhi hu. Pahle mein story k characters ka intro deta hun mein Gujarat se belong karta hu mera naam Moksh hai age 22 body avg hai good looking hu filhall to business kar raha hu meine graduate ki he now about the heroin of the story name Monika age 20 color fair hai figure 36 28 36 hai ekdum maal hai waise to Monika mari mangatar hai hamari sagai arrenge thi. To aab...

2 years ago
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Bi Side StoryPart 2

*Another extremely TRUE story!!!*Days had passed since Romeo made me have sex with his best friend. We continued to have regular one on one sex since then. One afternoon, after we had sex he said to me "You know i thought it was hot as hell when Roger was fuckin u." I looked at him and said, "Yeah it was actually fun but i still like the one on one stuff. Remember? Im still gettin used to this whole bottoming thing." He looked over his shoulder at me while pulling his boxers up and replied,...

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A CFNM Trip to my Favorite Hot Springs

My latest trip to my favorite hot springs had a different, somewhat less exhibitionistic tone than my last two visits. Rather than doing my nude adventure weekend at the campground, where I was the only one naked and really pushing the limits a little too far, I drove closer to the springs and hiked in on the road, camping i*****lly right below the springs.I stayed dressed for the drive this time. That was a good idea, because I ended up having to stop a few times, and getting dressed would...

1 year ago
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Surprise Sex

Jane woke up tied to the bed with her arms and legs spread. She called for her hubby and he came in and smiled at her. He told her "Today is your sex day. Your body is going to be used all day in one way or another. I knew you would not agree so I tied you. Sometimes I will be involved and sometimes it will be some one else. I am going to teach you not to be such a cold prude. By tomorrow you will have done it all and more than once. First I am going to shave your pussy as bald is beautiful. So...

2 years ago
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A Little Story

Your loving tenderness means so much to me. I hope you can sense how badly I want you. So, as we lay facing each other I continue kissing you and begin unbuttoning your blouse. Our tongues twisted together. Pulling the left panel of your blouse over your shoulder. My cock grows, as does my urgency. I grind against your jeans and squeeze your arse to pull your pussy close. You continue to undulate your hips as my hand moves up your back to unhook your bra. The desire overwhelms you and you break...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Naomi Nash Case No 9031586

Case #9031586. February 20th, 7:43 PM. Suspect is a blonde adolescent female of average height. She has several piercings and some tattoos. Loss Prevention Officer reports observing her stealing on premises. He informs her of the crimes that she is suspected of, but she claims that he is mistaken. She attempts to convince him that she is innocent, but the Loss Prevention Officer takes matters into his own hands. The rest of this case is considered classified. Evidence logged on February 20,...

3 years ago
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A sex filled day

My name is John, and I live in the year 2021. I am 20 years old, and go to College in Middlesex. The world now is very different than it was in 2015. Now, it is perfectly legal to have sex with any girl, at any time. They are not allowed to say no, and you can manipulate them however you want. The only restrictions are that the girl must be at least 18, the girl must not be more than 7 months pregnant, and the girl must not have a special exemption card.

4 years ago
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Bad Boy

People expected things from Jason. His parents expected him to get good grades, not just good, but over the top, anything less was unacceptable. His teachers had come to expect quality work from him, his coaches expected him to perform to his fullest. He had been pushed from every direction to excell and perform at a level that kept the pressure on Jason all the time. He was intelligent enough to understand, they were looking out for his future. He felt that if he fell below those...

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We met on a plane A new adventure

This is another true story from my three month affair that I had with a woman I met on a plane.At the end of one of our encounters, we were laying there naked in a hotel room and she says to me, "I really want to try and hook up with another woman and I want you to be part of it." We talked about how we would accomplish this (swinger clubs, strip clubs, on-line ads) and decided on trying to put an add on Craigslist. We were both married so neither of us could get away for a weekend, nor could...

Group Sex
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Southbound Ch 0304

Chapter 3 A New Career ‘Okay, gentlemen,’ Leo said, ‘Here’s what I’ve decided. We will order one press now, along with a laminator and a pouch machine. Ralph, you indicated that the laminator and that one larger press were available almost immediately, correct?’ Ralph nodded. ‘The pouch machine comes from Japan and delivery is minimum sixteen weeks,’ Ralph confirmed. ‘The press and the laminator will be on site as soon as the preliminary work on the building is done. Luckily, there isn’t...

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Werewolf women of the SS part 8

1888 ParisLooking out over the canal a gorgeous black haired woman leans back in the carrage and takes a drag of her cigarette. A beautiful blonde walks up and opens the carrage door, Sasha must you always smoke says the blonde. Oh Mina you know i cant help it these things are about the only useful invention humanity has come up with since gun powder anyways, Sasha pulls the blonde close to her and kisses her passionately her eyes glowing blue. 1943 Stalingrad, As Diana awoke she clutched her...

3 years ago
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Gentle Persuasion

The first time I went to the little church in Georgetown, Guyana, I felt more than a little out of place. There were only about twenty people there and they all clearly knew one another. All but two of them were women.And all were black, because Guyana is one of those countries where slavery was everywhere and when it was abolished in the late 19th century, many of the plantation owners eventually left, but the workers stayed.They had been brought in chains from Africa, and Guyana was where...

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8 Other Peoples Hearts Ch 03

It was so good to see Micah again. Oliver loved all of his siblings and cousins, but Micah held a special place in his heart. He was just so easy to talk to, and Oliver was aware that talking was something that he needed to do. They were sitting out on the balcony of the dining hall drinking soda waters with lime. Micah didn’t usually drink in his racing season and Oliver had a surgery scheduled in the morning so neither of them really wanted alcohol despite the festive atmosphere. ‘This...

4 years ago
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Taking Me Ch 01

You watch me cook dinner in the kitchen from the doorway. I’m in a tight, tank top and loose, flowing skirt, no underwear or bra, and my hair let down for once. I feel your eyes on me and I look over to the doorway out of the corner of my eye, seeing you grinning with a lustful look in your eyes. I look back at what I’m doing trying to ignore what I know you’re planning silently to yourself. You slowly step towards me, wrap your arms around my waist, and start to gently kiss my neck. I let out...

1 year ago
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Anal Annie

Annie was not having a good day. It all began when her alarm clock didn’t go off when it was supposed to. Luckily she woke up on her own, albeit 30 minutes late. So she had to hit the ground running and scramble to get ready for work. Running behind her already tight schedule, she quickly dressed in the first thing she could grab from her closet and threw it on. Then putting on her nylons, she got a run in one of them! Great! She took them off and put on another pair and then slipped on her...

2 years ago
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Out Of Uniform

And so, sports day for this year is all said and done. Time to eat, or at least that was the plan. Scored me a massive plate of ribs with that new sauce. Gonna enjoy.......Wham! Now the great feast is all over me, like I just murdered someone. It's messed up that I can't enjoy some food, now I can't even get in my own car. Oh, but wait......I got my winter jacket and pants. It's not cold, in fact it's quite in the hundreds, but to get out of this current mess is better than messing up my seat....

Straight Sex
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CL Meeting

BABY MOMMA GONE…NEED ME A FAGGITThat’s what the title read. It caught Jeremiah Hall’s attention. He clicked to open it. The content read, ‘Looking for a faggit bitch to use tonite. Gonna use you as my cumdump, etc. I’m a thug that need a sissy ASAP. Hit me up. Five 55. Let’s fuck. 2 zero zero. Very soon slut. 56 want it now. Hosting at a motel. Seven. Call only. 5’The ad on Craigslist intrigued Jeremiah. So he punched the number in his cell phone and hoped the posting person would...

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End Of The World

By Maximillian Excaliber Introduction Have you ever wondered how you would spend your last hours on Earth? Now imagine that the world is going to be destroyed it's everyone's last hours on Earth. Where would you be when it happened? Who would you be with? What would you do? This is the story of one man and what he did when he found out that the 'End Of The World' was coming. I hope you enjoy it. Chapter One - "Restaurants" "Bruce, can you see that couple sitting in the...

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When the Levee Breaks

This scene is set in black and white. It is not darkened unnecessarily, nor are there the shadows and clouds of a storybook forbodance. Instead the day is bright and the lining, crisp, a scene accented only by the stray strands of sunlight filtering through a rustle of leaves. The outstretched fingertips of an early winter comb through the treetops as a slender boy no older than 15 makes his way across the forest floor. He resembles a character from a Tim Burton movie I knew as a child, a...

3 years ago
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when this sub got home from work

when this sub got home from work it found this e-mail. "We know what you are. you are a little submissive male slut. We can make your fantasies come true; e-mail us back if you dare." well, I mailed them back. "Come out to the old mall at 8pm, the one where Penneys used to be. Park in back. You will suck cock and pose for pictures. Wear a tee shirt and shorts, no underwear and no shoes. When you get there open the trunk of the car and stand facing it. Do not turn around!" when this sub got...

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School Discipline

It was so unfair! It didn't matter what Winona did, it could never be right. And she tried so hard. But whatever she did was judged to be wrong. Her parents thought so. Her teachers thought so. Her headmistress thought so. Her fellow school pupils all agreed. And her bum always had to suffer as a result. It was a rare day that Winona didn't get a spanking. And usually not just a spanking, but also a caning or a paddling. And every night when she went to bed, her arse was red, often raw and...

4 years ago
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Star Wars The Reign of Ashes

The galaxy is in ruins. A catastrophic collapse of order, in the wake of devastating war, has left scattered governments and cabals vying for sovereignty over what remains. Nearest the border of the galactic core rules the proud HAPES CONSORTIUM, whose Queen Mother Her Majesty Kesra Lo Mhie has ordered a furious search for her missing daughter, Pelira Vel. Intercepted in deep space, a small trading vessel is brought into royal custody, under suspicion of involvement in the lost princess'...

3 years ago
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My Telephone Whore Aunt

Hello friends this is Kunal again ( or )…from BHOPAl (m.p).. my previous story was GREAT BIRTHDAY ..I m 20. Well build and from a very good family. For photos of this story write me. This story is especially for my bhopali people! I hope it will seduce u…especially to aunts and to my bhopali sisters..!! Please write your comments after reading this… I used to stay alone in a house which had 2 floors. I was alone in my room and there was a family staying in the ground floor with husband wife...

3 years ago
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Fancy Dress Party

“Hi, have you got my costume for tonight?” I asked Amanda as soon as I returned home from my Honeymoon. “Well; there’s been a change of plan. We aren’t going as the Spice Girls after all. I’ve had to order you something special instead.” She laughed, before asking about my Honeymoon in Corfu. As she hung up we agreed that my new husband, Paul, would drop me at her house at 6.30. As I talked about my holiday I completely forgot to ask what my new costume was going to be. Later in...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Fucker

Before we start I want to tell you that this story features use of the game mode. It is recommended that you turn on the game (press start game) for their are scenes that can only be accessed with certain scores that would otherwise be unavailable if not enabled. __________ The light of the room clicked off plunging me into darkness. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, glad to finally get a break from bright lights. I stumbled my way to the unkempt bed, my feet slipping on some of the mess of my room....

2 years ago
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One Incredible Day

I have been having an open relationship with a guy named Nick. He’s 21, stunning, 6’5”, very muscular, brown hair and eyes. He graduated from university a few years early and currently works for his dad’s business empire. Nick lives in this lavish apartment in Central London overlooking Hyde Park and I spend most of my time there. When I’m there I usually cook, clean, train and study. Three or four times a week I spend the night at his and one morning I awoke to the sound of his alarm and...

4 years ago
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Meeting the Boss

I love reading these stories and always wanted to have an experience worthy of submitting. Before I get started let me introduce myself. My name is Kellie. I’m 24 yrs old, 5’5”, 119 lbs, with a 34c-24-34 build, and a firm round butt (not too big), topped of with medium length, dirty blond hair. I have been married for 3 yrs to my husband of 31 yrs. David is 6’00” tall and fit, a hard worker and a good husband, who also has a cute butt. We had just moved to the panhandle of...

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Dawns AwakeningSecond Awakening

The very next time Rowan was careless, I was careless too, but that was some way ahead in time. Within a few days of losing my virginity, I embarked on a series of experiments designed to stretch my pussy. It just seemed like the natural thing to do. First I used the smooth round plastic handle of my hairbrush, and after that came a bewildering array of phallic household objects. Once I was in the mood, I seemed to have no shame with regard to what I could use to do myself. I regularly found...

3 years ago
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Pretty Suburban Soccer MomPart 2

In the part of the big city, where the old neighborhoods have decayed, is a house that is owned by a group of men who use it for their hobby. It's not a nice hobby but these men are not nice. They know they're not nice. They enjoy being not nice. They're good looking men who dress well. They have money and respectable jobs and more than one pretty housewife and mother has returned the flirting smile of any one of these men as they push their carts down the aisles of a supermarket or be...

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