Disaster ReliefChapter 4
- 2 years ago
- 31
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When Jennifer and Sarah returned late Friday night, they both were exhausted. I offered them the hot tub and they took me up on it instantly. Shortly, I saw Jennifer escort Sarah to the tub in their robes.
Later, Jennifer brought Sarah to the den where I was watching some mindless movie. I offered them a drink and they accepted happily. When we were all seated back in the den, Sarah said, "I may have created a monster. Jennifer went over so well that she is sure to have many more appearances and they will pay better as she moves up the chain."
I said, "Hey, girl, you're now a celebrity. Does that mean we'll have cameras all over the place?"
Sarah replied, "We'll try to control it, but if she gets more famous, they will be after her. Now, we have to figure out how to get the book done."
I told her, "You send me the tapes and give me all the emails between Jennifer and her friends and I will start a draft. I organize and do technical stuff well, but we'll have to have a good female human interest person to make it real for the audience."
Both of them squealed and came to kiss me on the cheek. They sat beside me on the couch. Sarah said, "The first draft is the hard part. After that, good editors can make it readable."
Jennifer said, "Are you sure? That's hard work."
I replied, "I'm aware of the amount of work, but I want to be on the team. You guys go out there and promote it."
"How long will it take?"
"I'm setting a goal of one month. We'll see how it goes. I'll give you an update in a week."
Sarah said she would look in her library and see if she could find some examples of successful books that exploit peoples' misfortunes. Both agreed to provide me the information. I downloaded and had them sign a standard release form to let me use their emails and any written correspondence Jennifer exchanged through the diplomatic pouch while she was away.
As we wound down our evening, Jennifer came to me in the kitchen and said, "I think I'd better sleep in the guest room. I need to rest and you make me want to do things other than rest. I'm so excited over this book that I may not sleep easily. Sarah says that we're probably going back on the road again Monday or Tuesday." She chuckled. "I'm sure there will be a line outside your door."
"I think you're wonderful to go though this struggle. I only hope it will do some good somewhere."
"I didn't plan it. However, it has given me a focus in my life that I lacked after the storm. I'm getting better at it. I think it will work out. Writing the book will be a great achievement. I really look forward to my next appearance." She sighed deeply. "The downside is that I spend a lot of time talking and answering questions about Charles. Sometimes I cry."
I offered to drive Sarah home and she declined since her car was in the driveway. As she walked out with Cathy, she said, "This is going to get interesting. Better than I thought."
I noticed Brianna hanging around. She asked, "Where's Rachel?"
"Either on a date or at her study group or both."
She smiled broadly. "My turn?"
"Absolutely. You come with me."
She went quickly to her bathroom and retrieved her toothbrush. She came to my room, stood by the sink, and undressed slowly as she watched for my reaction. Even with her beautiful body, she was still self-conscious. I saw a blush creeping into her face.
"Brianna, look at me. You have a beautiful body. I never get tired of looking at it."
She said softly, "How could you? You don't look at it often."
"I'm looking at it now, just waiting to feel it next to me."
She relaxed. "Thank you. I'll just be a minute."
We both brushed our teeth and finished up in the bathroom. I pulled the covers down and welcomed her with both arms out. She devoured my mouth with hers. I noticed that she kissed with much more passion and skill than before. I whispered, "What fantastic kisses you give me. I like what you do with your mouth." She began to be aroused. "I love feeling the strong muscles on your back. Your shape is beautiful, with or without clothes."
She snuggled in and asked, "You don't think my shoulders are too big?"
"Sweetheart, if I were a sculptor, I wouldn't change a thing. You're gorgeous." I stroked her butt. "This ass that follows you around may be your most impressive feature. I always want to feel it and watch you walk."
She wiggled. "Thank you. I love to hear you tell me." She put her mouth next to my ear and whispered, "I don't know how for sure, but I'd like to use my mouth on you like you do on me."
"You may do that anytime-uhh-almost anytime you like." She was literal and I feared she would take it that way.
She took me in her hand, tentatively at first, and then put most of it in her mouth. She moved her tongue all around and caused little twitches as the blood slowly filled my dead cock. When she felt her results, she put more movement into her efforts as she went toward her goal. By the time she had it fully erect she bobbed her head up and down as if she were more experienced.
"You're doing that very well, pretty girl. Since you've made it hard, be careful of your teeth. Teeth are fine when it's soft, but not after you made it stand up."
She went back to moving her head. I said, "I love what you're doing, but I'd rather finish inside you than in your mouth this time. Is that okay?"
She stopped and smiled sweetly. "I'd like that better too. I don't get enough of you in me."
"You want to be on top?"
"Yes, I need to learn how." She threw her leg over my belly and fished around for my cock. I helped. When she had it seated properly at her entrance, she said, "Now, all I have to do is sit on it." She gasped as it slipped completely inside her. "Just like that. Yes, just like that." She began pitching her hips and holding her clit against me. It was usually the man on the hair trigger, but she erupted in spasms within less than a minute with a loud moan of pleasure.
I said, "Yes, just like that. You sure know how to make a man feel good."
She smiled broadly and slowly began the second leg of her journey. This time, I had both breasts in my hands pinching her nipples as I squeezed my handfuls of glorious flesh. She looked in my eyes for another minute, then picked up the pace noticeably as her head pulled back to look upwards. When she convulsed again, I pulled her to me as she recovered and whispered, "Sweetheart, I didn't get my little feast tonight. Would it be okay if I put my mouth on your pussy?"
She grinned. "I'd like that a lot."
I did my dreadful duty by putting her butt on a pillow and sucking her engorged vulva into my mouth. Since she was already at a high degree of arousal, it took no time to get her hips moving vigorously against my face. She came again before I moved to her clit. I let her rest for a minute and then flattened my tongue against her magic place. Within seconds, she began shifting her hips to get movement. I let my head move in my best attempt to hold my tongue completely still. It worked for a minute, but she became so vigorous that the contact moved enough to cause her to come again.
She breathed heavily. "So good. You make me crazy. I can't stop and I'm afraid to go on."
I moved up her body and lifted her hips to make a clean entrance all the way to the end. She pounded my back. "Go on. Go on."
I held still until her movements again caused escalation. When she came, squeezing me tightly and repeatedly with her strong vaginal grip, I knew my time was upon me. I gasped, "This is it, love." Four powerful spurts later, I fell on her and tried to get my breath.
When we disentangled, I wiped us both off with a hand towel, just enough to keep from being gooey. I pulled her to me and ran my fingers through her hair. When I could see into her eyes, I said, "You are wonderful, sweetheart. I love you."
She grabbed me tightly. "You make me crazy waiting for you and even crazier when we're here." She put her hand on my face. "I love you, Jordan."
I cuddled her into my spoon. Within ten seconds it was morning. I slipped away to the bathroom, closed the door, and shaved. She slept soundly as I put on my sweats and slipped out to go to the kitchen. The coffee was ready. I reflected on the evening and that beautiful child in my bed. Brianna came down an hour later yawning and trying to wake up.
I took her in my arms and held her until she looked up and kissed me. She yawned, "I wanted to wake up with you, but thank you for letting me sleep."
I poured her coffee and had my arm around her as she sat on the next stool. I heard Rachel's voice, "Well, isn't this just cozy. I couldn't find you last night, Brianna. Did you sleep well?"
Brianna blushed. "Well, I-uh- was with Jordan."
Rachel teased. "I go out on one date and come home to find you in bed with my guy. What am I going to do with you?"
She had Brianna a little off balance. She quickly said, "I'm proud of you girl. I hope he was good to you."
Brianna paused, relieved. "Yeah, he was good to me. Very good."
Rachel laughed. "What's cooking this morning? I'm hungry."
Brianna must have felt guilty. "I'll fix something. What do you want?"
Rachel joined her and they soon produced fruit, scrambled eggs, ham and English muffins. They were back to their good-natured teasing as they prepared the food.
When Brianna went to the bathroom, I asked Rachel, "Get any last night?"
Rachel even blushed. "Could have, but didn't. Not quite ready for him. He's definitely interested. Even without a pussy ration, he asked me out again."
"If he's as great as you say he is, he probably keeps a few fuck buddies to keep the pressure off."
"Stop jerking my chain, asshole. I thought of that. Anyway, I can't hold out much longer."
After breakfast, Jennifer called a family meeting. I was surprised to see Sarah and Cathy participating. I didn't know when they became family. Even Rachel seemed taken aback.
Jennifer opened the meeting by saying, "It appears that I will be traveling considerably more than I thought for the next few months. Sarah will go with me part of the time. I'm wondering if Rachel will continue to be the responsible parent while I'm away."
Smartass Rachel said, "Jordan said if I couldn't baby sit for you, he would approve my going back to lap dancing. It pays well and I'm good."
They all chuckled, but Brianna and Cathy both seemed shocked. Jennifer said, "Well, I can't pay that well, but maybe we can make a deal."
Sarah said, "I'll kick in, too, since I'm hoping Cathy can be part of the family."
In two hours, we settled our arrangements and everyone seemed to be happy with the developments, particularly Rachel, who got a nice raise. She came to me and whispered, "If you really want an audition, I'll do my best."
Cathy stayed with us most nights while Jennifer and Sarah were on the road. Rachel and I resumed sleeping together on those nights. I worked hard day and night to get a draft of the book ready to go to the rewrite editor. It must have been about three weeks later that Sarah came to me one night and said, "Well, I think I have coached Jennifer to the point that I don't have to travel with her all the time. Thank God I can be home for a while."
She took Cathy home and left Rachel and Brianna with me. As Rachel snuggled against me before our lovemaking session, she said, "Brianna and Cathy have an important swim meet coming up in two weeks and I can't take them. I have too many projects. You're elected."
"Won't be the first time for me. I can do it. Give me the details tomorrow and I will make a plan."
As I lay waiting for sleep, I thought I had re-entered a strange world from many years past. I had done all this before and even knew which motel to reserve for the meet. I wondered if they still did the meets the same way. Next day, I booked two rooms, one for the girls and one for me, although Brianna seemed distressed that she couldn't share my room. She never quits pushing.
Jennifer and Sarah were in and out three times before the meet. They had been to the west coast, Chicago, New York, Washington, and Miami. I knew they were getting very tired of the intense schedule.
After dinner one night, Brianna surprised us. "I want a family meeting."
The entire group assembled in the living room and Brianna opened with, "My father is coming to stay with us tomorrow night. Jordan and Rachel said he could come any time." She breathed, "Mother, I don't want you to make a scene. He cut back on drinking and I liked my last time with him. I miss him."
Jennifer was obviously surprised. "When is he coming?"
"Tomorrow in the afternoon. He's taking me for a drive after school and then to dinner later after we shower and dress."
Everyone stared at Jennifer. She finally said, "Okay, I won't make a scene, but I'm not taking any of his crap."
Rachel said, "I'll be here to referee. If you foul him, I will take you out of the game. Same for him. He was very nice last time."
I was surprised at the comfort expressed at the meeting. Just as Rachel said, we were getting better. I was happy not to be the patriarch as I had been in my earlier life. l spent my professional time working on teamwork and self-initiated improvements. With a little coaching and support, people responded much better than when they received the hard-line top-down approach. Although I did have to give strong coaching to Brianna about boys and Rachel about her life, for the most part we worked well together.
The next day, Jennifer went out about two. Brianna and Cathy came home after school and were more than their usually bubbly. Brianna came over and said, "I talked to Dad. He's taking Cathy and me for ice cream in a few minutes.
Daniel came shortly and we exchanged cordial greetings. He always seemed to be able to put people at ease. He took Brianna and Cathy off to the mall, laughing as they went to his car. I felt quite happy that she had reconnected with her father.
Jennifer returned after five, obviously having just come from the hairdresser. She looked stunning with her red lipstick and nails. I complimented her on her beauty and she smiled-maybe it was an evil grin.
She said, "Thanks. I'm going to a business meeting and need to look my best." She started upstairs, and then paused. "Jordan, will you and Rachel have a drink with Daniel and me after while? She said she'd be the referee."
When Cathy and Brianna escorted Daniel back into the house, they took him to the guest room. I invited him to cocktail hour at 5:30.
The four of us sat chatting through a couple of drinks. It became quickly obvious to me that Daniel was constantly checking Jennifer out. She looked her best ever in a cocktail dress that exposed part of her thigh and revealed serious cleavage. She appeared to get pleasure from his attention.
Brianna came in and asked him when they were going out. Jennifer said, "Daniel, we have numerous items of business to discuss. May I buy your dinner?"
Brianna looked shocked and I shook my head at her. Daniel smiled and said, "Best offer I've had in a while."
She turned to Brianna. "You can talk to him in the morning. I really need to talk to him about our disaster." She turned to Rachel and asked, "Did I do okay?"
Rachel laughed. "Yeah, mom, you did okay."
Jennifer retrieved her light white sweater and shortly went out the door with Daniel, both of them smiling. Rachel said, "You have her back here no later than eleven, young man. Do you hear me?"
We all had a laugh at as they walked out to Daniel's car. At ten-thirty or so, I went down to get some sparkling water. There stood Daniel and Jennifer in an extended fervent kiss, with both of them obviously enjoying it. I walked into get my soda and exchanged greetings with them before Jennifer led him upstairs. I would have been willing to bet that I knew exactly what they had in mind. Interesting development. I still had pangs of jealousy, but I knew I had to rid myself of those.
Rachel and I spent a loving night together. We were making breakfast when everyone came down in the morning. I knew that Cathy and Brianna didn't have school, so they must have been up early just to see Daniel, who sat very close to Jennifer.
Cathy saw them sitting close and went over to Jennifer. "You still like him. I can just tell by the way you look at him."
Jennifer was used to Cathy's unusual style. "Yes, Cathy, I still like him."
Cathy replied, "Oh, that's so wonderful."
Daniel took all three girls off to the mall as soon as it opened. Rachel said to me, "Well, asshole, what do you think is going on?"
"I think Jennifer likes him. Cathy was right. I'm guessing that he will ask her to come back to him."
"Will she go?"
I laughed. "Tune into tomorrow's episode of 'Albany's Wayward Women, ' and you'll find out."
"How do you feel about that, old man?"
"I'm accustomed to her running off with other men. I will miss her, but her world would improve if she can work things out with him."
"What about your sweet little tart?" She led me to the couch.
"They are her parents. She can go willingly or they can take her against her wishes if they choose. I'll miss her, too."
"Suppose they all go. When I go back to school in Athens, you will be alone again. I'm feeling that you won't like that after the excitement of the past few months."
"I was walking on air when I had you for a girlfriend and it was just the two of us. Now, you're here and my life has been incredibly enriched since they came and you joined us. I thought for a while I would have a house full of loving people. I can now see how it can all fall apart. I didn't even know I wanted to have a family again."
She snuggled close and whispered, "I don't want you to be alone, either. You're good for all of us. Why don't you move to Athens and live with me?"
"You know why. There will be real eligibles up there and I don't want you to miss any true options. You even have an advantage with the new guy here."
"I know all that shit. I hated being away from my new family when I was at school. I know you're right, but I'm not ready to leave, yet." She paused, "New guy? Well, he is okay. Not as good as you, but okay."
"No decisions have been made. I remember when Jennifer and I were having a deep conversation one night, she confessed that she still loved Daniel and had for twenty years. I'm enough of a realist to hope they can put it back together." I sighed heavily.
The TV network reporters came. Even some newspaper people were outside; five or six of them. Jennifer looked composed and quite pretty in a blue dress. She looked like a woman someone would want to come home to. The TV reporter said, "We're here in Albany, Georgia to talk to the girl friend of Charles Wallace, the American hostage being held in Annistan. Jennifer Allen was with Wallace in Annistan for a period in the fall. "Jennifer, what can you tell us about your time in Annistan and...
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After dinner, Jennifer began, "I talked to Rachel on the phone and she is going crazy at home with her parents. She misses her weird adopted family. Actually, she misses you and Brianna. I told her that she could stay with us until her classes started. Does anyone object?" Brianna and I exchanged strange looks. Jennifer looked very anxious and said, "I'm unaccustomed to having to ask permission to have a guest, but this isn't my home." I said, "It is your home until you decide to...
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MILFJay and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jay had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie. There were times that Jay pulled his hand out as the movie was a good one that we both wanted to see. After a while, I reached up under my skirt, and pulled my panties down and off. I thought I would make it easier for Jay to get at my pussy. At one point Jay had to pull his hand out...
Hey Phil. As I mentioned we have had several adventures that are worth telling about. I'm glad you're all ears because I have absolutely no one else in the whole world I could tell about our nasty fun and sometimes you just gotta tell someone. This session is about a trip to Patrick's in the Gaslamp district of SD. It's really not that big of a deal, but it was really exciting for us. We got a room and went to Patrick's to listen to some music and be ready for anything interesting to happen. We...
Sissy to Be4 - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters Me: Robert; Wendy: My twin sister; Angela: Our younger half sister by my mother's second oyfriend; Doris: My drippy overworked mother who lets everybody walk all over her; Aunty Janet: My mother's pushy domineering sister; Harrie: Our friend from the next farm; Aunty Margaret: Harriet's Mother; Jessica: Harriet's older sister. ...
THE TELEGRAM 23rd of Rajab 1417 (December 5, 1996) Tariq arose early the next morning. The house was quiet. Samira was in the bathroom. The night guard slid an orange envelope undern the door. The telegram from Lahore read: MOST GRACIOUS SIR, I HAVE FOUND THE PROSTITUTE. CALL THE LAHORE MARRIOT ROOM 233. VASILLA. Tariq telephoned immediately. Vasilla’s slow, husky voice was refreshing over the static ridden line. Before Vasilla finished, however, Tariq ordered him to stay put. “Samira,”...
This week the cleaning service sent my way a hottie with a huge pair of tits and a big ass to go with them. Upon seeing her, I knew I had to do something. So once she accidentally got wet while cleaning the bathroom, I offered her some money to just clean naked instead. She agreed with some hesitation and soon she was cleaning my place completely in the nude. From there, it was hard to just watch her clean naked without getting turned on. So I had to pull out my cock and make her yet another...
xmoviesforyouThe day is cold, wet and miserable. I have finished my early morning shift and come home. It's the kind of day that would unable you to do anything. It's going to be a long day. I sit down and have my coffee and let my mind wander. It's been a while since I have had sex and I start to think about how good it would feel to have you in my arms. My cock starts to stir as my mind wanders. I need to release the pressure and desire inside me. I do my usual morning workout and get all hot and sweaty....
MasturbationShe gathered together a few items in a wicker basket for them to take with them. A bottle of red wine, two glasses, candles, a blanket, matches and the joint she had rolled earlier. She grabbed her long black velvet cape and he helped her on with it. He put on his long black trench. All set. "Oh, better bring my flashlight," She said. And they were out the door. It was a beautiful night. The moon was full and not a cloud in the sky, and it wasn't too cold either. They walked thru a...
It had been my guilty pleasure for a few months by then, though my hands were clammy and my heart beat like mad each time I could find the nerve to actually go through with it. Yes, it felt exhilarating, and it gave me the most intense orgasms of my short life, but I also felt depraved and carried a bad conscience afterwards. However, something about it was addicting.I was sure by then that something was seriously wrong with me, but hey, there were some other issues that couldn’t be denied...
LesbianI was home one Saturday with Monica, hanging out by the pool, watching her swim, but my brain was off in La La Land and I wasn’t even checking out her hot teenage body. Monica’s friends came over to swim. I tried not to be in the middle of things. It’s easier not to stare at cute teenage girls in wet bikinis if I’m in the house. I put drinks and snacks, out by the pool, then went to the den to watch College Football on TV. After about an hour the girls came into the den, and sat on the...
It took about about a week into the school year for me to actually get a really good chance to talk to Chris. Which was odd since we were partners in science class. On Thursday he asked if I’d like to eat with him at lunch the next day. At that moment I cursed the fact that Science class was after lunch. I was nervous sitting at the same table as the boy I had a crush on. I kept on looking into his eyes or trying to memorise his face. Had he always had that small scar under his left eyebrow....
Every wave that smacks into the side of the boat reminds me how grateful I am to be here. I breathe in the salt-infused air, relish the soothing sound of restless water, the way the breeze stings after making contact with the seaspray. I love it all.My eyes squint as they scan the thin line that separates the ocean from the sky; two shades of blue existing side-by-side. I would wear sunglasses against the glaring water, but don’t want to risk missing anything. The slightest flicker could be the...
First TimeI’ve covered Fap Fappy, but their forum deserves a little bit more attention than I gave it in my original review. It ain’t all too uncommon for an adult website to build a message board into their operation, but between you and me, they’re usually bullshit. The forum at FapFappy, on the other hand, is a hopping place. In the world of online pornography, a lot of activity typically translates into a lot of fapworthy content, and this joint is a prime example of the phenomenon.In case you missed...
Free OnlyFans Leak Sites"Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Fuck or Fortune! I'm your host Danny D!" A tall man standing at 6'1 says into the camera while holding onto a microphone wearing a red blazer, white dress shirt, black tie and a pair of black trousers. He's standing on a spacious stage in a fairly large warehouse. "Now for all our new viewers out there let me explain how this show works. Our female contestants try to complete any of our difficult challenges in order to new a grand prize of...
I recently experienced the most embarrassing moment of my entire life. I’ve always been into pornography and all that but it had never gotten me into any trouble until one day. I was at my house and I had just sifted through my younger sister’s lingerie drawer and grabbed the one pair of panties that she owned that really turned me on. They were the sexiest little thong I had ever seen and I had always fantasized about seeing my sister Sudha in them with her body pressed against mine.I slipped...
IncestAny resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Don't read if you are younger than 18 years old or not legally allowed to read adult material and all the usual disclaimers. Text in brackets [like this] is translated from barely decipherable lisp. A huge thank you to Oklaliz for the editing help. If you enjoy this, it is largely thanks to Oklaliz making it much more readable. Mistakes are mine, not his. This brings us to the end of Linna's story. Thank you to...
Another few weeks past, I’d messaged both him and her a few times about trivial things, just normal life stuff.Sitting at work again one day she messaged me and said would I like to meet for a coffee in the morning to which I instantly replied yes, and she replied great, I need to talk about some things, to which I responded ‘Sure not a problem’.The next morning we met up at a coffee shop and greeted with the usual hug and kiss on the cheek.Being the first time I’d seen her since I had my cock...
All that Stephanie was wearing under the lilac cover-up was the captain’s gold as she strode through the corridors of the hotel. The rings on the necklace bounced between her breasts, and the chain around her waist rose and fell with the movement of her generous hips. The gold around her ankles danced as she moved through the resort. Feeling the air moving over her skin felt so cool against her wet pussy and the droplets of fresh pussy juice that coated her inner thighs. Stephanie could...
DISCLAIMER1: All characters in this story are at least 18 years old DISCLAIMER2:: Read the synopsis and follow Chyoos guidelines. All the characters appearing belong to the creator of the Naruto manga, Kishimoto Masashi. All the events written here belong only to the writers! The world of Naruto has always been in a state of wars, most of the times conflicts were only lingering feelings, at other times they are openly fought out. Right now, the world is at the edge of another great Ninja...
An orgasm combined with ejaculation is more than a male orgasm, including fatigue and resting needs. Ejaculation occurs in several emissions, the number and intensity of emissions depend on each. Scientists disagree on whether all women have a G-spot and whether they are all capable of ejaculation. Among those with such an area, her size and sensitivity vary from woman to woman. ! A "G-spot" or rather a "G-zone" can be identified in most women. This requires inserting the fingers into the...
I was excited! More excited than I could ever remember having been in my whole life. After more than fifty years of existing in a life of pleasing my husband, family, relatives, friends and keeping up a facade of an ordinary working woman and mother, I was about to burst out, to shed my old life as a snake sheds its skin. This night I was about to do something that I could never have imagined, and I was buzzing with anticipation.Let me explain. A couple of years ago my life had reached a low...
LesbianHello readers my name is raghav. I am a 6ft tall guy with muscular body and fair complexion doing my batech from delhi. I like mature women more than girls. and m here with a fresh and real story, which is a 3 part of my story named “dost ki hot mami neerupa ”. If you have not read part-1 and 2, I strongly suggest to do so in order to enjoy this part. Please send me ur feedback and suggestions on In the previous parts I told you how I got indulge with neerupa in a seductive chat at parul’s...
ax396 is waiting for me in the classroom.? Clark has fastened him onto the display stand in the usual way:? the kid kneels on the frame, his knees and ankles strapped down and held impossibly far apart - the smooth bulk of his thighs straining.? His arms are manacled and held at wrist and elbow by spreader bars, then pulled far behind him and fastened down, forcing him to lean right back, pushing his chest and groin forwards.? Meanwhile, his plump, hairless balls are stretched tight -...
The intercom on my desk crackeled: "Melissa, come in here I need you to take a memo!" A knowing smile broke out on my face, I knew I would not be writing anything down. Nonetheless, I picked up my steno pad and pencil after all I must keep up appearances. What an appearance I made! All of the other girls in the office shot me nasty looks and tittered on behind my back over my daily appearance but I paid them no mind. Mr. Smith insisted that I dress and act the part of his personal...
With my partner working away for long periods of time, we have a open relationship, were we allow each other to have sexual experiences with others, to the point where my boyfriend sets me up in various encounters. This is just one of them.I was at work, when I got an email though from my partner, he told me not to go home but to go straight to the address he gave me, to meet a Mr Harris. The next sentence just said "he is going to cane you!".As I finished up at the office, I kept wondering who...
"We all witnessed, what happened yesterday. I'm afraid we will have to face some consequences," the captain opened the morning briefing. "But first things first. T'Pol, how are you and Trip?" "Doctor Phlox has sedated the Commander. He did not have much rest last night. The same is true for me. Vulcans can function for several days without sleep, but my emotional control is still ... unstable. I wish to ask for a day off-duty. I need to attend a task on the surface and spend the day...
Before Ruth left for the SS Kamp she was given new clothes. She could hardly believe it. She had not worn anything but the regulation dress, which was not at all becoming to her, since arriving at Kamp East. Upon receiving the dress she fondled it for a long time. It felt to her like silk, which it wasn't. She was also given a pair of high heel shoes, the first pair she had ever possessed. She practiced walking in them in the seclusion of her own cabin. The most unbelievable thing to Ruth...
Trust me, he says. What choice did I have in this position? The man was straddling my waist with his knees barely touching my sides, his shaft was pointing toward my rising breasts, his sac was just brushing my stomach. All I wanted to do is touch him, but he had my hands locked above my head and I couldn’t reach anything. All I could do was feel the heat emanating from his body. I tried to raise my hips but he wouldn’t let me do that for long. He just shook his head and lowered his mouth to my...
I woke up and ran with Peggy. We hadn't talked on Sunday as she had some family thing to do. I soon found out that she had more calls than I did. We had run for almost a mile when she said something that brought me to a dead stop. "David, I didn't realize what dating you involved. I think I need to break-up with you ... almost before we start dating," she said and then looked back to see where I was. "You're kidding me, right?" I asked hopefully. "No. I need to think this out...
White Slave boy in Africa part 2As left continued to slam his considerable girth and full length intoNickys rectum with increasing vigour, Nicky felt an odd thing happen. Theagony of having his anus stretched beyond it's limit started to subside alittle. Lefts cock was thicker at the base than at the tip and so as hewithdrew, Nickys anus was aloowed to relax just a fraction. In those briefmonents, as his rectum contracted, his body would relax also which gave anunusually pleasurable feeling....
Inspired by and dedicated to Sarah, my first fantasy-based story. It must be a dream. My awareness is fleeting and partial. I am warm, comfortable and content. The faint echoes of a dream linger just out of reach. Beyond warm, there is something else; the subtlest physical sensation that pulls me slowly but surely from my dream and into a state of blissful semi-consciousness. Something delicious – pleasurable – is happening to my body. I feel…what could I describe it as? Aroused. The sensation...
Straight Sex