Disaster ReliefChapter 16 free porn video

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The TV network reporters came. Even some newspaper people were outside; five or six of them. Jennifer looked composed and quite pretty in a blue dress. She looked like a woman someone would want to come home to.

The TV reporter said, "We're here in Albany, Georgia to talk to the girl friend of Charles Wallace, the American hostage being held in Annistan. Jennifer Allen was with Wallace in Annistan for a period in the fall.

"Jennifer, what can you tell us about your time in Annistan and why you returned without Wallace."

She spoke clearly. "We lived in a foreigners' compound isolated from the local people. We noticed that more and more security guards were deployed in and around the compound. Some of my friends thought it wiser to leave in the likely event that the insurgency would begin terrorist activity. I agreed with them and returned."

"Why were you there?"

"To be with Charles and to attend functions where having an escort was important."

"You lived with him, then?"

"We shared an apartment."

"Why didn't he come with you?"

That surprised her. She paused to formulate her answer. "Our government put heavy pressure on his employer to keep him there to complete the power project. He knew much more about it than anyone and the government didn't want to bring someone new in. They urged him to stay for two more years and he finally agreed. I couldn't stay."

"His daughter hopes that someone can intervene to prevent his execution. Are you optimistic?"

"Intervention by local responsible leaders has been successful before. I can't give up hope."

"Thank you for talking with us today."

Just then, a reporter from a local newspaper asked, "How did you know Charles Wallace? He's from Pensacola and you live here?"

"I lived in Pensacola before moving here. I met him there."

"What brought you to Albany?"

I knew the question was innocent. The reporter was looking for a way to make the hometown look good. Jennifer came through, "I don't see what that has to do with Charles Wallace."

A woman reporter from an Atlanta paper smiled and asked, "It doesn't. We just like to make our stories more interesting with details about people. Do you have children?"

"Yes, I have a daughter. She attends Robert E. Lee School."

"This house is owned by Jordan Edwards. Are you a relative of his?"

I dreaded the next few questions.

"No, Mr. Edwards let us live here when our home was destroyed in the hurricane last summer. We are his houseguests."

Rachel drove in while the interview was in progress. She came over to me and wanted to know what those people were doing here. I explained briefly.

"Did your daughter go with you?"

"No, she stayed here with a young woman I hired to look after her."

"May we talk to her?"

She smiled and paused. "No. I think I have answered all the relevant questions about Charles. Please excuse me, I need to get back to work."

When we went inside, the reporters and TV people departed. I heaved a huge sigh of relief. Cathy and Brianna were watching the TV. I said, "It will be a little while before they put it on."

Cathy said, "I want to see Mrs. Allen on TV. She looked pretty when she dressed up. I'm going to call Mom."

About two hours later, I heard, "Coming up in the next hour, we'll have interviews with the daughter and girl friend of Charles Wallace, the American contractor being held hostage in Annistan."

We watched the interviews with Olivia and Jennifer as they were edited into the program. They left the open questions in such a way as to portray Jennifer as a mystery woman.

I said, "You looked and sounded really good. I hope Charles gets a chance to see you." I hugged her, "They'll be back tomorrow, too."

Everyone knew that tomorrow was the last day of the ransom threat. Either they received their million Euros or they would execute Charles. Watching TV caused all of us to be terribly uncomfortable. As we watched, I remembered a guy I used to play golf with who had invested in a satellite dish to watch foreign programs and racier porn. I could watch Al Jazzera live if he was home and log on to their website at the same time.

I called him and told him of my problem. I didn't want Jennifer to watch Charles beheaded. Nothing good could come of it. Nothing. I knew that there was an 8 or 9-hour time difference, so I had to get about my errands early. I figured that they would show the event in prime time in the U.S. I made the plan.

Jennifer still wore her dress with an apron as she prepared our food. Brianna and Rachel helped, but Jennifer didn't want me to see her face. I made her a Scotch Old Fashioned to drink as she cooked and she seemed to enjoy it. As we sat down to dinner, I noticed that Cathy was still with us. Didn't matter. If she made Brianna feel better, so much good for that. I served the wine to those eligible. Rachel had been unusually quiet. I asked, "Are you okay?"

She smiled, and said, "Yeah. This isn't my best day." She nodded to Jennifer who was looking into space.

"I know. We're the lucky ones. To think she might have been taken, too."

Cathy, never to be left out of the conversation, said, "Mr. Edwards, I'm glad you're keeping Brianna and Mrs. Allen. I would miss them both."

When Rachel went to the kitchen to carry some dishes, I went out and said, "Anything we can do to keep her mind off this mess. She's really tight inside and I know she is in pain."

Rachel replied, "You and Brianna take care of the mess and I'll take her up to see if I can do anything. Sometimes she talks to me when we're alone." She went back and took Jennifer's hand and said, "Come with me."

They went off upstairs. Brianna said, "Come on Cathy, we need to clean up." They made no complaints about doing it.

I went to my office to see what I might find on the Internet. I found a site in which the conversation revealed that negotiations were indeed underway with the militants for Charles' release. Negotiations, yes. Progress, little. The phone rang. I answered on the first ring. It was Olivia.

"May I speak to Jennifer Allen?"

"Hold on and I'll get her."

I opened the door to the guest room and found Rachel holding her and massaging her scalp, talking softly. Jennifer looked relaxed. I said, "Jennifer, will you talk to Olivia?"

"Of course." She picked up the phone and Rachel and I went to the den.

Rachel said, "I think she's resigned to the worst case. She understands the odds. Even if he is rescued, she doesn't know what she wants to do with him. Until he left the country, he was a good match for her. She felt abandoned when he left. Daniel essentially left her alone for years and then Charles signed on to be away for two years. I think her picker is broken."

I agreed. "I can feel her hurt sometimes. Little wonder that she is depressed."

She took my face in her hands. "I know you wanted her for your girl after you rescued her. Lots of guys would throw her out for going off with Charles. We are the only stability she has right now and I hope you can hang in there."

"I plan to. I knew when I offered my home to her that it would not be quick or easy. Too many documented stories to ignore, where people got tired of their refugees. Fortunately, she does more than her share of the housekeeping and Brianna is a trooper. I'm glad to have them. She does not owe me love in exchange for her room."

Jennifer came downstairs about fifteen minutes later. She said, "Olivia saw my interview on the TV and was curious about my relationship with Charles. Apparently, he hadn't told her about my being in Annistan. She doesn't know anything new except that negotiations are underway with the kidnappers." She went over and flipped the channel to the news program. The latest offer was that the government would free ten prisoners in exchange for Charles. No ransom would be paid.

I finally talked her into watching a movie. Shortly, all of us were either on the couch or the floor watching Titanic. I chose it because it had drama, beautiful people, and was a long one. Everyone had seen it except Jennifer, which made it even better. I had both Jennifer and Rachel cuddled next to me. Out of the blue, I realized how lucky I was having these two and Brianna in my life. Rachel almost left. She will next time. I didn't know about Jennifer.

After the film, we went up to bed. I dragged Jennifer by the hand until she gave in and came along. I laid out a sleeping pill for her. "I'd like you to take this tonight. You will have a hard time getting through the night."

"Jordan, I know my situation has thrown bad Karma across this house. I'm sorry that it happened. If you'll make love to me and I don't go to sleep right afterwards, I will take the pill."

Who could turn down such an offer?

When we were in the dark she said, "I watched those beautiful people on that ship before the disaster and they made me wet."

"Did you want to fuck DiCaprio?"

"Me and about fifty million other women. How many homely, lonely, horny women out there do you suppose wore their fingers out or ran their batteries dead watching that DVD?" She cuddled next to me, "And, did you want to fuck Kate Winslet?"

"Me and about a hundred million, more or less. I still wanted her from an earlier movie."

Jennifer actually laughed. "Oh, I'll bet she could get you up in a hurry. You might even score her in the back of that car on the boat." She giggled, "Did you take her panties off?" She was stroking my limber cock.

"In my fantasies, I did all the above."

"Did she like what you did?"

"She said so."

"Do you like what I'm doing?"

"Every time you touch me is magic."

"I think I'd like this in me now. I want to sit on your belly and just feel my pussy grind against your bone and boner."

She spent easily twenty minutes grinding against me and having one orgasm after the other. I entertained myself by grasping her jiggling breasts and pinching her nipples. She dropped her head to my shoulder and whispered, "Thank you. That was what I wanted. I'll make it up to you. Hell, maybe you'll even have something left for Rachel or Brianna."

She rolled over, I cuddled her, and she was soon asleep. No pill tonight.

In my dream state, I heard knocking on my door. "Come in, Brianna. Next time, don't even knock. You wake your mother."

She said, "I was making breakfast when Cathy's mom came. She's downstairs and wants to talk to Mom. She's all dressed up."

Somehow, we dressed and staggered downstairs. Sure as hell, there sat this knockout woman in business dress having coffee at the breakfast bar. She had on a blue blazer, khaki knee-length skirt, three-inch navy pumps, and a silk scarf tie on her oxford blue shirt. She was the grownup version of Cathy. To say that she was a typical beautiful blond with blue eyes would be like saying that the Mona Lisa was a painting of an interesting woman. Beauty, poise, and savvy seemed to emanate from her being. She knew her role well.

She went to Jennifer. "I know it's early, but the wolves will be at your door all day. If you approve, I will be your spokesperson today."

She didn't hesitate. She didn't even act as if it were negotiable. "I will be your spokesperson today."

Jennifer looked at me for guidance. What the hell do I know? I said, "Listen."

"Cathy has told me more than I think she should have, but I watched the news. Then, she told me you were here waiting." She held her head back, sighed, and then said, "It will be a hard day."

Brianna refilled Sarah's coffee. Sarah went on, "I know I'm being pushy, but you are in pain and I want to keep them from you." She paused. "I'm a professional PR type at the local brewery and I have lots of experience dealing with the media. Are you okay with that?"

I asked, "Why would you?"

"Because I know how. Second, you guys take my daughter to swim meets. Third, you've never complained about her staying over. She eats here often. You never asked why."

The room was quiet. Dear little Brianna made breakfast for all of us and never once complained. I filed my reaction for later use, but she had abandoned her youth.

I was eating my blueberry pancakes when Sarah said, as she ate hers, "Okay, when we finish, we need to have a meeting. Cathy says you call them 'family meetings.'"

I remembered that Brianna and Cathy went to school today. Thank God! Rachel had classes and issues to resolve with her department.

When the scholars departed, we moved to the den. Sarah was in charge of the meeting. No doubt. She said to Jennifer, "We need to have a long talk. Tell me the truth. You tell the truth to your doctor, to your lawyer, and forever to your PR person. Do not ever leave me hanging out there."

Jennifer looked baffled. I said, "Go upstairs with Sarah and talk about your TV interview. It's important."

Jennifer said, "All right, let's go."

Sarah asked, "You got pills? She's gonna' need them when she sees that guy's head chopped off."

I almost threw up. Sarah said, "I'm going up there to dress her and rehearse what she is to say. Can you control her?"

"I've never tried. This situation is new for all of us. Cathy came down here to swim and we became friends. Brianna likes you and Cathy. Jennifer usually takes my advice, but I don't try to control her."

Sarah stiffened, and then said, "I'll do my best to keep them off her. Won't be easy. She is raw, sad, international meat for the paparazzi, and the reporters will be all over her. Beautiful woman mourns lost mate. They will have a feeding frenzy on her." She looked at me brightly. "Any real friends in the fence business?"


"I want a four foot fence put around the front lawn. Then, they'll have to stand back on the sidewalk and deal with the sheriff. Get that done. Got any video stuff?"

"Sorry. It's too old."

"Borrow some so that we can document what happens."

Things happened. We had a fence. Jennifer bared her soul to Sarah, who reminded her again that she must never conceal anything from her PR person. Actually, we were almost prepared when the newsgroups arrived early afternoon.

Sarah officially opened the gate so that reporters could put their microphones on the porch on their stands. I heard her say, "Yeah, I know it's primitive, but this isn't the White House. Do your best."

She handled them politely and comfortably. She handed out an information sheet. No one was upset. I sneaked into my office and called my friend who had been watching the Al Jazzera network.

"Any news?"

"Yeah, they say they're going to behead him at about 0200 Zulu. They've given us a preview of the TV stage set with the chopping block center stage."

I went downstairs and took Sarah aside. "My contact on the network says they'll do the beheading at 0200 Zulu, which is about six local time."

Good old hard Sarah cried. She said, "Up to now, my worst moment was when they found three teenagers drunk and dead against a tree with a twelve-pack of our beer in the car. The TV showed it all." She sniffled until she could get tissues, then she squared her shoulders. "I will be okay."

The world watched. I was on my computer, connected to the Al Jazzera site. Sarah was with Jennifer upstairs holding her, tuning up her makeup, and making sure that she could say the right things. She then came downstairs and went to her makeshift podium on the front porch.

At precisely six o'clock EST, Charles was marched to the center of the stage and his head forcibly lowered to the chopping block. I could see every detail on my computer. His arms were stretched to his knees and his legs held down by one of the captors. Unless I'm mistaken, I distinctly saw him give the finger to the captors. I'll have to watch the replay.

These scenes had yet to appear on the U.S. news programs. I watched as the huge sword went through its arc and heard the dreadful thunk as the screen went to black.

I called Sarah on her cell phone and told her what I knew. She reacted at first and then seemed to drop back into her official mode. She said, "Come down here."

When I saw her, she said, "I want to put this issue down as quickly as possible. There was always a chance they would postpone the execution. Then, they could have talked to Jennifer. They didn't. We don't want those TV people out there for two weeks. So, I will go out there and say who I am and tell them that it's all over. Jennifer is in mourning."

When she went back to the podium where the microphones were, she said, "We have been notified that Charles Wallace has been executed. It will be on the Arab network soon. Jennifer is devastated and her physician has given her a sedative. She will be better tomorrow. This time is hard for all Americans who seek to aid countries in need."

She put her head back. "Charles Wallace went to Annistan to get the power system back into operation. Farmers and citizens on the outskirts of the cities also need electric power to care for their crops and families. He dedicated himself to restoring electric power to those unfortunate country dwellers who had little hope. He risked his life to bring them hope. The world will miss dedicated engineers like Charles Wallace."

Question from reporter. "When will we get to interview Mrs. Allen?"

"When her physician says that she is able to cope with the trauma. I believe it will be a while." They had several more questions about details that Sarah handled without a glitch.

Back inside, Sarah breathed deeply and collapsed on the couch. Cathy went to her and said, "Mom, when Jennifer has a big problem, she lets Jordan rub her back."

Sarah stretched out on the couch and said, "I don't ever remember being this out of sort. I feel lifeless." She slept.

The phone began ringing. First, someone wanted to talk to Jennifer about a TV show. I took numbers. Some publishing agent wanted a book exclusive. The house was in a frenzy wondering what to do next. I began to appreciate the benefits of an unlisted phone number.

Jennifer came downstairs wearing her trademark jeans, knit top, and four inches of beautiful belly showing. Brianna made coffee and we sat around waiting for the next event to happen. Jennifer showed signs of fatigue and her eyes puffed with tears still running down. I put my arms around her and held her to me. I whispered, "Would you like a drink?"

"Please, Jordan. I have some pills, but right now, I think Scotch would be better."

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I convinced my wife to join the INFC so we could find another couple to share our nylon fetish fantasies with. We set up a profile with our preferences - looking for a mature nylon centered couple who enjoy the good life - fine dining at upscale restaurants; traditional cocktails; old school RHT nylon stockings or ultra sheer pantyhose. Must be fit, height/weight proportionate, attractive, well dressed and impeccably clean. Hubby welcomes other cigar smoking men.We also search the site and we...

4 years ago
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SurvivingChapter 3 Contact

He ran directly at me and launched the spear, screaming wildly. I threw myself sideways to avoid the weapon, shrugging my rucksack off and bouncing to my feet in one motion. I don't know which of us was the more surprised at the situation, probably me, because he had reacted first. Having now lost his weapon, he seemed to recalculate the odds, turning tail and fleeing back the way he had come. After being attacked with a spear, adrenaline was suddenly coursing through my body and I took off...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 39

We were both crying as I read it, and Deb rested her head on my shoulder. I paused for a moment after the second paragraph and saw she was looking down. “It’s OK Deb, you can read it also. You know how we felt about each other.” I know we were both crying softly when I finished, and I put it into the envelope. “You’re not mad, are you Pete?” she softly asked. “Actually, no. A little hurt, but I also understand. And thinking on it, I think she’s right. This is hard on me, and I know it was...

2 years ago
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Chubby Kavitha My Neighbor We Had A Great Day

One day, done with my work returned to my flat, got freshen, and started to watch tv, got bored and went out to see the climate, standing in the balcony I have seen a lady coming towards me and stood beside me, she asked about myself I introduced and she introduced herself as, kavitha, she is a married one, married before two years, but still looking gorgeous and awesome, no words to explain about her figure out and out amazing structure she has. May be 32-36-38, looking damn hot. She said that...

3 years ago
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Newlywed College Biology Teacher Ke Sath Sex

Hi ISS family, this is Raj. I am 28 years old and from Pune. I am a merchant Navy officer, so adventurous life and lot of positive hawas. Thoda introduction de deta hu pehle. In village we have good property, so whole family is settled in village and I joined the merchant navy. After 12th, I came to Pune. School se hi mera padhayi mein kam aur bodybuilding mein zyada interest tha. Life kaafi happening hai meri. Agar mujhe positive response mila to I will share more of my interesting stories. Ye...

1 year ago
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How I Became A Sugar Baby

I stepped out of the pool into the cool night air and wrapped my robe around my incredibly thin body. I looked at the lake and walked into the large house that I was now living in. I went through the enclosed back porch and into the living room area. Jim was sitting in the recliner as usual watching Thursday night football. I waited for a commercial and stepped in front of his chair and opened my robe showing him my beautiful thin body with my small tits and well-shaved pussy. Then I turned...

4 years ago
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Hospital Fantasy Fullfilled

This is a true story. Written with the permission from the person involved but i changed the name so that it'll protect her privacy. Please dont mind the grammer as im not really a writer by profession. hahaha.A few years ago, i was hospitalized due to my knee surgery. busted it when i met with a bike accident couple years before that, and the usual saturday night futsal sessions just made it worst. since im insured, so what the hell, lets fix this thing..Anyways, after i'm done with the...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed MotherChapter 4

"I could use another drink, Lonnie," Cylvia Oliss said. She glanced at the young wife, smiling cat-like to herself. I don't need one -- and by the way she's having trouble keeping steady, she doesn't need another, either -- but she's going to! "No... no I better not," Lonnie said. Her head was spinning from the unaccustomed heavy dosage of alcohol which had been fed to her. Fed by her own hand and the alternate turns at mixing by her best friend. On an empty stomach, the liquor went...

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Teri and Tom

Being on display in public is an interesting experience! Especially when you know someone out there is examining you but you can't see them. But that is what Teri and Tom had requested. They are somewhere in this place looking at me, judging. Am I worthy, sexy enough? Teri and Tom are a cuckold couple in their forties. We had hooked up through a website/email invitation. She had though my profile was hot and my photos sexy. But she also wanted to see me in the flesh, in a public place. I had...

4 years ago
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Dating Service Dilemma

Hello, my name is Jessica and would consider myself to be a successful woman. I am vice-president of an accounting firm, have my very own house, and just bought a new jaguar. All in all, I'd say I was doing all right for myself. However, the one thing that I am lacking is a man. I am a very independent woman and a slight feminist, but most women have that need to be held by a loving husband. However, my lack of a man is not because I'm not good looking. At 28 I'm no model, but I still...

4 years ago
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Your neighbor knows my name

"C'mon bytch. Hurry up." Connie screamed at her friend Lisa as she struggled with her luggage, dragging her bags up to the check-in counter at the Luxor Resort. She was a tall, lean, deep chocolate woman with high cheekbones, big brown eyes and a full gracious mouth. She had her hair done in short twisted braids. Lisa huffed and puffed as she came up behind Connie with her bags. She was shorter, thicker and caramel-skinned, with huge 46DDD breasts. She sat her things down, out of breath.Both...

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my best friend2

My name is Jonathan, and this is my story, I’m seventeen years old, 5 7” 58 kg , brown sandy hair and brown eyes and I have more than average looks but I’m kinda shy and tend to mainly hang out with my two best friends. Jimmy who was basically the brains of the group, he was two months younger than myself but taller, he was 5 9” 59 kg with a similar build of muscles. However, the girl and beauty, if I may add, was Becky, 6 months younger than me, 5 4” and a body that made up for her height...

1 year ago
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Food Fetish

The day is warm and sunny as I drive up to your house - perfect for the picnic we've been planning for weeks. I tap the horn, and you come running out of the house. As you cross the lawn, I take advantage of the opportunity to watch your breasts bounce and your body gracefully sway under the lightweight blue dress you're wearing. This is not without effect - when you reach the car, my cock is almost poking out the leg of my white shorts, and the bulge created by its length is plainly visible....

4 years ago
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Ice For The Athlete

I went to the batting cages yesterday. The fastpitch softball station serves the ball at sixty-five miles per hour. I donned the blue helmet provided, strapped on my black leather batting gloves (the only time I ever wear leather, since they don't make 'em in any other material), and chose the bat from the bat rack that I thought was the least disturbingly shaped. They have some weird bats at this place, most of which look and feel at least fifteen years old - heavy, dense, slow, with sweet...

3 years ago
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Dreadlock Holiday Day 13

Day 13Sally turned to me as we both woke up and I held her in my arms as we kissed each other, “good morning.”She asked, “Did you enjoy watching me last night?”I nodded replying, “Mmm, I did. I was just surprised you fucked a guy who looked like a thug.”She laughed and told me, “A lot of women like a bad boy, it’s a women thing.”With that we got out of bed and got ourselves ready for what was our last 48 hours here in Jamaica.I waited for Sally to join me outside wondering what slutty swimsuit...

2 years ago
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Rendezvous IIChapter 32

Karen They want me to teach another class. I’m wondering if that should have an exclamation point or a question mark instead of a period. They want me to teach another class! YEAH! I done good! Good enough that there are seventeen guys 19 and older who want to participate in Flintlock 101, 1978 Fall Semester. They want me to teach another class? Why on earth do they want me to teach seventeen klutzes how to put together kit rifles? I didn’t succeed in my goals the first time. Nobody...

3 years ago
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Milk of Desire Chapter 3 She set me up for my first time

By EFon Chapter 3 : She set me up for my first time. I woke up to my mom calling me at my door to get up for school. I woke and wondered if yesterday was real or a dream. Oh shit! Why hadn’t I thought about it earlier? Two nights ago I thought I had dreamed getting my first blowjob in the night by a mysterious girl, but only my mom and sister were home so I chalked it up to a wet dream. But with my waking of listening to Jen fingering herself with my name upon her lips it was...

3 years ago
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Were Not Promised Tomorrow

Helplessness is not an emotion with which Red is intimately acquainted. He is familiar with foresight and planning, accustomed to being three steps ahead of everyone else, armed with layer upon layer of contingencies, cloaked in expertly designed exit strategies, and outfitted with an arsenal of influence. Being helpless is not a feeling he recognizes well. And yet, after replaying the day’s events in his mind, he can not, for the life of him, pinpoint where they had gone so very wrong....

4 years ago
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Secrets RevealedChapter 1

About two hours from home, I stretched in the leather seat. I could see that my wife was reading a book. In the back seat, my young daughter was watching her DVD—or maybe she was sleeping. Her head was down so I couldn't be sure. As I drove, I recognized the town names on the highway signs. Many years ago, during the summers while I attended college, I had worked in this area. One old billboard caught my eye. It had been painted on wood and obviously needed touching up a long time ago. Most...

2 years ago
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First Sight

First SightI'm an accomplished piano player for my age. I won't say pianist because I'm not that talented but I've had many years of training, starting with lessons at the age of five from my piano teacher mom. Mom is a stay-at-home wife who always supplemented our family income through piano lessons, provided (mostly) to the members of our parish which produced a fresh crop of students each year. For years, I watched Mom teach other k**s, from beginners to graduates just surpassing their...

1 year ago
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Learning to Forgetting to Love

Author’s note: It’s been a while since I posted a story, so I hope this gets the ball rolling again. This chapter sets up the story, but there’s also some sex at the end of the chapter. Thanks for reading, sk11. * Tom walked into the classroom and immediately froze in his tracks. All around him, students were quietly seated at their desks, each of them with a stack of papers face down in front of them. As he hurried to find an empty seat, Tom struggled to remain calm, obviously unprepared for...

1 year ago
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HogTied Casey Calvert Extreme Rope Bondage and Torment

Casey Calvert is at the top of her game, and is more than willing to let The Pope put her through her paces to prove it. Casey’s day begins with a brutal inverted suspension, with her body tethered to a piece of bamboo to keep her rigid. Her arms are bound and then pulled tightly behind her, along with one of her elbows being tied to one of her legs. Casey is completely helpless and has to endure everything The Pope throws at her. In the second scene, Casey is now tethered to a column by her...

1 year ago
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Sams Place

                                               Sam’s Place Mark was a black man from the east side of New York. He had recently moved to a suburb of Chicago. One day a friend took him to a certain night club in a shanty part of town. Since then, he had been visiting this pub more than usual. It wasn’t that he liked the beer they served or anything else about the place. It was just that he had an interest in a lusty little blonde dancer who worked there. Ever since she first danced closed to...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e17 Jolene Aarons 39

We’re tracking along a long residential street. Nothing particularly special about the houses, set back a couple of meters from the street, with low brick walls surrounding the small squares of grass that constitute their front gardens. All of them look essentially the same except for the colour of the window frames and front doors. We slow down and come to a halt infront of the one that looks just slightly different to the others – because it has a sign mounted on the wall that reads,...

4 years ago
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VacationChapter 38

Day Thirty-eight - Wednesday I woke with a long fat nipple in my mouth, nursing like a baby. Sue was smiling at me and said, "Happy anniversary, husband." "Imagine that, we have been married for a whole week already." I leaned up to kiss her, but she said for me to keep on sucking. She wiggled under me and pulled my very hard dick into her waiting pussy. Our lovemaking was slow and gentle, but the eroticism was so high that we both began coming almost too quickly. We kissed and headed...

1 year ago
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Sober Second ThoughtChapter 3

I awoke early, probably because of my evening nap the day before, and I was refreshed, happy and full of energy. A quick set of ablutions in the bathroom (which seemed to make my neighbours amorous again) and I was clean, dressed and ready to continue my journey. The sun was shining outside, and while the snow was still somewhat deep, it didn't look like it would last the day. With the storm gone, cell service was clear again, and my phone showed weather forecasts all the way from New York...

4 years ago
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Big Bush true story for bush lovers

I love BUSH…I had this cute ass Japanese girlfriend that was watching a baseball game with me and she decided to make a bet with me that my team would lose. I asked if you win what you want. She said dinner her choice and a massage; I said ok. She then asked me, and the first thing that came to mind was I wanted to see some old fashion bush, like 1960’s vintage bush. So I said if I win you have to grow it out for two months (no shaving) and wear a white thong bikini to the beach with your...

2 years ago
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My 8th Grade Math Teacher Part 1

Introduction: A students crush on her teacher and confession might be more Late at night I lay in bed touching myself Thinks about how I had a huge crush on my 8th Grade Math Teacher Mr. Kain who was 511 dark blond hair and light blue eyes. Myself just 12 with long blond hair hazel eyes 54 and how it all started It all started at summer school Where Mr. Kain was my teacher, at first I hated him I dont know why I just did but slowly that hate turned in to a crush. With the feeling of love in my...

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Enslavement of Ester

ENSLAVEMENT of ESTERI knocked on the back door. After several seconds, the door opened and there he was. When I saw him slowly glance up and down my body, I tingled with excitement. It reaffirmed my choice in clothing (absolutely nothing but very tight short shorts and a brief tie halter that I amply fill). It had been weeks since my husband had made love to me. I was extremely horny, and perhaps my sub-conscious was hoping that this good looking young stud would seduce me."I came to borrow a...

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She was Margaret Hes now Kevin

I remember lying in that hospital bed right after the operation, looking up at the ceiling and just thinking. Feeling as though a crocodile had just gone down on me, I was too nervous even to shift my position for fear of intense agony. Dr. Max had been in only once since I had woken up, to explain a few things to me with the help of his beautiful Thai assistant. I might have been shaken, scared, lost in pain, perhaps regret... but I wasn't. I was at peace, triumphant, having overcome...

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Lucys Husbands First Time

Lucy's husbands first time Part 1 "C'mon honey' time to wake up!" I heard my wife's voice ring out beside me. My head was groggy and I could feel a dull throb like a headache that was just beginning to subside. I felt as though I had a skin full last night, with a dry throat and a slightly queasy feeling in my stomach. "Hey, wake up... I need to talk to you baby!" I slowly opened my eyes, cringing at the sunlight streaming in through the open curtains of our bedroom window....

2 years ago
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Me Ranjana Sujata

Dear Friends this is Mannu from Gorakhpur . Again with a very different type of story and I hope you will like it . This story starts with my female frnd called Ranjana , who use to have sex with me as and when we both use to feel . She was a teacher in a school and she use to go for lesbo sex also . She was about 40 yrs. old and her statistics were 44/ 28/38 . Now we both are going to join with her friend teacher called Sujata and we all will enjoy sex in our best ways After reading my story ,...

4 years ago
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Erotic Proclivities 02 Summer Beach Fun

I wonder if she realized that it was her hat that caught my attention. It was the hat which she was wearing that sealed the deal for me. It was the summer of eighty-two and I was working at a private beach and tennis club in the Hamptons. The club was open for members only on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, from May through September. During the week the facilities were available for the small staff of us who worked there. I had spent the morning this Wednesday on the main tennis court with...


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