Disaster ReliefChapter 17 free porn video

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Back at home, I saw Jennifer taking the tags out of her clothes. She asked, "Do you think I ought to do this? Sarah is very convincing."

I thought a minute and then said, "Yes, I think it will be good for you and your cause."

"Sarah says we'll start traveling tomorrow. Is that right?"

"Hey, Sarah is in charge. Do what she says until you get bored or tired. Maybe you can become totally independent after her tour."

She ran to me. "Sometimes, I just want to go to my room and cry." She held on tightly.

In my sultan role, I said firmly, "Go with Sarah. Crying won't help you any more. Come back when you have won victory. You're selling a prize property and you have the exclusive listing. Do it."

Her eyes were wide with tears when she said, pointing to her body, "I will sell this property. I know how to do that."

I sat with her for another thirty minutes as she cut tags out of her new clothes. She said, "I just blew two thousand bucks at the mall. I hope I can make it back."

I took her to the shower before bed and rubbed and scrubbed and teased and all the other things I do in the shower. I managed to get her off three times and by the time we went to bed she was limp. I rubbed her back and shoulders gently until I felt her sleep. She literally fell asleep. One minute she talked, the next minute she breathed deeply, out of it.

I wasn't sleepy, probably too charged up from the day's events. I put on my shorts, went to my office, and opened the Al Jazzera site to see what had happened. The English Language bar at the bottom of the page still talked about negotiations. I worked for a while when I became aware of someone in my doorway.

Brianna leaned back against the jamb, pushed her breasts out, and stroked her belly. She whispered, "Hi, Jordan. I miss you."

I motioned for her to sit on my lap. "I miss you, too, sweetheart. I'm proud of you for doing all of that work." I kissed her. "There. I hate it that you're stuck with a bunch of adults working all the time and not running around with your friends."

"Cathy and I have been working on it. This house is such a crazy mess that I can't invite anyone over. We want to go to a party with guys who are over fifteen on Friday. You see Cathy. She's kind of hot, don't you think?" She chuckled.

"She is, but I want so much for you to find boys in your age group so that you don't become Cinderellas."

"Dad, I love you, but most guys my age are not cool. I'll bring Bobby over to meet you and then you can say. Cathy has permission to go if I can go, too." She stroked my chest, looked up with her beautiful eyes, and said, "Please don't be jealous. I still want you, too."

How do women learn those tricks that put us all in limbo? If I say she can't, I'm jealous. If I say she can, I worry about someone getting into her pants, which is what she wants. She's doing exactly what I asked her to do. She's right. I'm jealous and sending mixed messages. Oh, Jesus!

"Bring him by and I will talk to him."

"Please don't give him the daddy lecture. I know how to handle him. If I want him, I will take him and your lecture won't help. It will just embarrass me."

"I'll try not to embarrass you. What did your mother say?"

"That you'd be jealous, just like I am when you're with her."

She rotated her shoulders, let her robe drop away, and put her bare breasts against my shirtless chest. She whispered, "Mom's asleep. Rachel is driving on the freeway, and I'm here. Take me to bed?"

I said, "As soon as I call Rachel to be sure she is okay, your chances are about 100%."

She pressed her hard nipples against my chest as I hit Rachel's number on the speed dial. When Rachel answered on the fourth ring, she said, "I know you're calling me to say that you miss me, asshole. Thanks. I'm right between two large trucks and I can't talk much. You still have one free comment today."

Brianna took the phone and said, "We love you, Rachel. I'm here, just like you said."

"Here I'm driving on this damn freeway thinking nice thoughts about you and that little tart is sitting on your lap. I'll bet she is half naked."

Brianna said, "Listen, coach. I follow instructions. Don't blame me."

Rachel laughed and said, "Look, gotta' go. Traffic. Bye."

Brianna asked very softly, almost a whisper, "Jordan, will you come to my bed?"

In her bed, she was on fire. I guess she and Cathy had been talking or sharing experiences, but Brianna simply dripped. When I had my face in her crotch, I could see the tiny pearl drops of liquid ooze out of her labia. I licked each one up and waited until the next. She struggled with my head and moved her hips, but I just licked each drop. Had the lamp been at a different angle, it wouldn't have been so much of a turn on, but she drove me crazy. My soft licks and teases had the right effect. Her hips moved crazily and then her spasms began.

"Now, Jordan. Don't wait."

The taste of those drippings thrilled me. Her aroma caused my head to spin. As I went up to kiss her, she grabbed me and inserted my erection. She pushed up and seated me to the hilt.

I looked in her eyes and she said, "I never thought I'd feel you in me again. So good. So wonderful." I love you, Jordan."

"I love you, sweetheart. I don't mean to ignore you, but I'm trying to hold everything together."

"When you're in there, I believe every word. I can't imagine not having you. So good."

Brianna was one of those girls that we used to call "hot pants." As we kissed and stroked, her breathing turned to panting. Her reaction to being kissed or touched was classic passion with lots of body movement. She couldn't hold still. Her movements and words during the actual encounter became even more dramatic. As I plunged into her, I could feel her hips lifting off the bed to meet each thrust. When I reached the end of my stroke she would moan loudly, "Oh, God!" Each moan became louder as she approached orgasm, at which time she literally squealed. Any resident deity would grant her plea as her prayer was widely heard.

When we finished and were cuddling, she asked, "Are you going to do Cathy and her mom?"

"Probably not. Why?"

There was a long pause. A long one. She said, "Uhm, well, I told Cathy how good you made me feel. Then, she told me that her mom liked you. Cathy surprised me when showed herself to you tonight."

"She shocked me, too. Brianna, please don't tell anyone else. Please. I have enough problems without child molestation."

"I'll tell anyone that you aren't molesting me. I begged you for it."

I winced. "That won't help. The only thing that would help is if you said that nothing ever happened."

We slept. In the middle of the night, I felt this hand on mine. Jennifer whispered, "Please come cuddle me. I miss you."

I went to my bedroom and grabbed her from behind and cuddled her as best I knew how. She sighed. "Good."

In the morning, she slept as I went into the bathroom and did my morning ritual of shaving, rinsing, and voiding my full bladder. I went back to bed and drew her back to me.

She rolled over, sleepily, and said, "Did you satisfy my little bitch in heat last night?"

"I hope so. Those satisfactions don't last long, as you know."

"I'm going away. Will you satisfy this old bitch this morning?"

"I'll try. Some needs are beyond my ability to satisfy."

She rolled over to face me and pressed her breasts against my chest in her usual manner of providing thrills. As she ground her mons into my thigh, she asked, "Do you think I should do what Sarah says?"

"I thought about her plan for hours and I believe you could do good for women. I think a clear focus and tough schedule will be good for you. I think the angle of the lost girl friend will play well, but Sarah is the PR guru. Honestly, I'm out of my league here."

She stroked my face and said, "Do you trust Sarah?"

"Strangely, I do. I checked her out as much as I could and she is what she says. She does PR for the brewery and is well thought of."

"Will I have your support?"

"Of course. I believe in your cause and I know that in marketing, you have to do things when the opportunity arises."

"If I go off with her, will you maintain the fort and still love me?"

"Jennifer, I can't imagine not loving you. That makes me want you here all the time. My conscience says that you need to do this TV tour. I hope."

She smiled and said, "Make me feel good. Sarah and I are leaving this afternoon for New York. We start the shows tomorrow."

During her conversation, I had been angling my cock to be at the ready for penetration. I slipped easily in. She said, "You know that you make me constantly wet." She came quietly, but after Brianna's turn earlier I couldn't.

Afterwards, we slept soundly. I knew that she needed to be held and I did my best.

Little curious Brianna came in before we awakened. She didn't knock and just cuddled up to me and asked, "Jordan, will you make my breakfast? I have to go to school."

She rubbed herself against me. I said, "Rachel was right. You are a little tart. Why can't you pour your own cereal?"

She kissed my neck and put her arm around me. "Please?"

Shit. Shit. "Yes, sweetheart, I will pour your cereal."

She pouted her lips as she had learned to do. "Will you put a peach on it?" Then, she rocked her pelvis against me.

"Coffee or juice?"

Her eyes grew large. "Oh, coffee. I have to grow up." She pulled me close. "Mom is going out of town. I hope I can make you forget her."

In the middle of breakfast, Sarah and Cathy came in. I made their breakfast and served it on the bar. Sarah said, "Jennifer and I are going to New York this afternoon. Have to do it while the interest is high. I hope you're okay with that."

"You're in charge. Make it worth her while and contribute to the cause of freedom."

She blushed. "I think I know what I'm doing. I hope I do. Even if we don't make a million, it will be good for her."

When she finished eating, she said, "I guess I should go get Jennifer. I'm her servant until this is over."

When she left, Cathy came over and whispered, "Do you like my mom?"

"Yes. I think she's a good addition to Jennifer's friends."

"I hope you like her more than that. I think she likes you."

I finally sent Cathy and Brianna off to school. What a relief. They insisted on pushing me too hard. Hard? Shit.

As Sarah and Jennifer came down with their bags, Sarah said, "I think we'll go out of Atlanta. A longer drive, but when she comes back she will be a celebrity. I'll have to figure out how to get her home."

They both stood in the kitchen looking delicious. Jennifer came to kiss me sloppily and said, "Wish me well. I'm overwhelmed with all this. I hurt for Charles and I fear that I'm doing the wrong thing."

"You can't help Charles. You can only help women who are in a crisis being held in captivity. You can do this." I kept her close, "Call me if you want to talk about anything. I'm here." I kissed her as she pulled her large rollaway bag out the walk.

Sarah came to me and said, "Wish me well?" I hugged her and then she kissed me. "I'd like to come home, too." She turned away quickly.

I waved them farewell and hurt inside for Jennifer. I liked her here. I didn't know what to think about Sarah after what Cathy said. I went to work. Sometime this morning, Rachel would arrive with Olivia and we would decide what to do next. Actually, Rachel would decide, but I would at least approve. Apparently, I began to lose control of my life when I saw Brianna and her mother twitching up the sand dune to the toilet the first day I met them. Maybe it was when Jennifer came out of my tent and stretched her glorious body while I watched. She didn't even do it on purpose. Did she? When they agreed to come home with me, I was really taken. Then, when Rachel moved in, chaos reigned supreme and I was happy most of the time.

Around noon, I heard the garage door open and I went down to meet the new arrival. Rachel ran to me and kissed me hard. "Hi, asshole. This is Olivia. Are you going to feed us?"

I greeted Olivia civilly and said, "How are you feeling? What would be good for you?"

Rachel said gently, "He does nice hugs. Let him."

Olivia came to me and I held her for at least five minutes. She cried softly. All the while, Rachel was making lunch from the leftovers. When Olivia pushed away, she said, "Thanks. I don't even know what to do next."

I said, "You can stay here and we'll be with you. You can go see your mother. You can go to New York and be on the TV with Jennifer, who is working for women's rights internationally."

She sniffled. "I need to call the State Department and give them my new contact. They have my cell, but they want a street address, too." She shrugged, "I suppose they need to know where to deliver the body." Then, she cried.

Rachel served us. I was hungry from all the emotional events this morning. Olivia ate her meal, more or less. Rachel snuggled next to me. I learned later that she had been on counseling duty all the way from Birmingham and she was tired. Dealing with Jennifer's relationship with Charles and having her father dead weighed heavily on Olivia. She was tall, maybe 5'9" or so, had short brown hair that wasn't well done, and brown eyes with just the slightest wrinkles around them.

After lunch, Olivia stood, stretched, and said, "I have to go to my mother. I think she is in worse shape than me."

I hugged her and said, "Would you take a nap before leaving? I think you'd feel better." I didn't wait for an answer. I led her to the bed and she stretched out and slept for two hours. Time flies. She awakened around three.

She came to the kitchen looking bewildered. I made coffee and she gradually seemed to regain consciousness. After the second cup, she said, "Thanks for the caffeine fix. I have to go."

"Please wait until Brianna comes home from school. I want you to meet her. Fifteen minutes?"

"All right. Listen, I have to thank you for getting into my life. Rachel was a godsend." She seemed much more coherent.

My beautiful girls came bouncing in from school and saw us in the kitchen. Brianna was quick. "You must be Olivia. I'm glad you came."

She went to offer her arms and Olivia hugged her. "Thanks." Cathy patted her back.

Olivia reached for her keys and said, "I'm off to deal with my mother. I'd rather not see her, but that's what daughters are for; dealing with bitchy mothers. She thinks that Jennifer seduced Dad and took him away. She will never acknowledge that she drove him out."

Rachel came to me and said, "Lover, I'm glad to see you. Counseling her is a hard task when you're driving. I think I'm gong to sit in the tub and try to relax. Join me?"

Brianna asked, "Rachel, may Cathy and I join you? We had a hard first day back to school."

Rachel laughed. "God, that's the flimsiest excuse I ever heard, including some of my best. Come on."

I thought I'd play a little. "Good for you, Rachel. You guys can boil out all your issues. I'm going to do email."

Brianna's jaw dropped. "For God's sake, Jordan. Don't stay away. Cathy is my friend."

We sat naked in the tub. Rachel cuddled next to me and Brianna snuggled against my other side. Cathy watched. I said, "Would your mother approve of this?"

"She'd be more okay if she were here. She's a little envious that Brianna and I get to be here with you."

After a while, Brianna and Cathy stood up completely naked. Both of them waved fingers at me. Then, they left. I asked Rachel, "Do you think Brianna puts Cathy up to those tricks?"

"Asshole, you are so dense. Brianna schemes all the time. That's why I have to supervise you."

I guess they had gone up to plot against the boys they were trying to capture. These girls were young, but not immature. They both were tall, shapely, and almost grown. Pictures of them would have brought tons of money on the web. Brianna called after a while to say that she was eating leftovers with Cathy and would be home later.

Rachel said, "Did you miss me?"

"Why are you so insecure? I love you. I miss every day that you aren't with me.'

"All those others hit on you and you don't even ask. You don't flirt."

"I flirt with you and pinch you when I can. I love having those champion breasts in my hands."

"I surrender. Just checking. I still feel hot when you kiss me."

After our shower and I dried her off, I asked, "Why don't we go to dinner. You deserve a reward if you're up to it."

She squealed, "You mean just us?"

"I'd love to take you if you trust yourself to be alone with me."

She giggled. "I don't trust you, but I'll be happy to go anyway. I have to take risks." She threw her arms around me. "I haven't been on a date with you for a year."

She wore a short pretty skirt and sweater combination, a silk scarf around her neck, and her high-heeled leather boots. She had brushed her long hair to a shine and put on just enough makeup. I gazed at her. She said, "I have to wear this scarf. With a short skirt, I look too top heavy."

"You look gorgeous. The scarf sets off your eyes, too."

We went to an upscale traditional American restaurant not too far from home. She ordered a filet and I ordered one of their patented charcoal broiled spicy chicken breasts. I said, "Now that you're legal, order a glass of your favorite wine."

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The hike (part 1) The hike was a long time coming. Roy first met Samantha a few years ago, he couldn’t remember exactly when. It was an online meeting, he bumped into her in a chat about heaven knows what… in those days he was just bored most of the time and wasted quite a bit of time surfing and chatting. For some reason he couldn’t put his finger on they exchanged email addresses and kept in touch. It became apparent that they shared a passion for the outdoors. He was into just about anything...

4 years ago
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Losing Virginity Through Fantasy

Hi readers thanks for the good response on my previous one and for the new readers let me introduce myself I am Vishwash(25) 5’6 height, software engineer from Hyderabad. Without wasting any time I will come to the story, this story is about how it started and ended with a great satisfaction for both of us, and the heroine of this story is Priya her age is 24 and skin tone is white with curvy structure prefect measurement (34-27-36) and most I like her lips, juicy and pinkish color and crazy...

1 year ago
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The Magic of BellsChapter 14

"Wake up ... wake up..." Four year old Karen woke. A voice. A voice had been in her head. A person, too. She had never heard the voice, but knew the person. Had never met the person, but still knew and loved her. Loved her unquestioningly the way all little girls love. So, naturally, she had to do what she said. Karen slid her feet over off the bed, dropping them down onto the rug. It was dark out, still, but her My Little Pony nightlight was more than bright enough to keep her safe. Her...

4 years ago
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EdenChapter 65

If anything, the pace of that progress was even faster over the next few weeks. The scientists were gathering an immense body of knowledge about both the planet and the aliens themselves. After hearing Meiersdottir's description of the mating process Heisinger and Komosaki were avid for a first-hand view; the Edenites showed no hesitation about allowing them entry to the nest to witness not only that but an actual hatching. "It's unlike anything on Earth," Heising­er reported afterwards....

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! Julie was going to her purse to retrieve her wallet so she could pay her brothers for helping her move into the aprtment that she had rented. The two 18 year old twin brothers watched their buxom redheaded sister walk across the room as they moved one of the last boxes into the kitchen. Her Double-D tits jiggled with every step and her round, firm ass looked as if it was made for fucking. Hank and Kyle had always had a thing for their sister who was...

4 years ago
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The Quest For The Kings MagicChapter 11

We climbed along the ridgeline, circling the quarry with its ghostly inhabitants. PteriDae just floated, but I had to hang on with both hands, my axe tucked back in its sheath, my feet feeling for toeholds. Gaku was springing along right behind the wraith, leaping from ledge to ledge like a young mountain goat. Blaster trailed along more slowly. The sun was noticeably lower in the sky by the time we reached the first of the cliff openings. Pteri passed by these, ignoring them completely. I...

2 years ago
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Going to a Bar

You see, six months ago, after getting stoned with some friends on my nineteenth birthday, we watched a porno where a guy was fucking a girl while taking a dick in his mouth, which led to us having a group wank session. A couple of mates disappeared into a bedroom for some personal one on one time, since then I’ve been a bit bi-curious. So, it’s been a rough week, at home and then at home. The boss gave me a grilling at work, so once work was over I headed for the first bar on my way to the...

2 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 79 The Stallion

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 116

Thanks to Alverez, I couldn't take the boys back to a room, so mid-way through lunch, I found myself getting a bit hornier than usual. My balls started to ache like they needed to be milked. Even my nipples began throbbing. My dick was just hard. Hard and in need of a good fuck. "So, I guess everyone knows about your little family, Eddie?" Alverez asked during a conversation lull. They had already explained the 'name' thing. "Yes!" Juan huffed. "They all know that we all sleep with...

3 years ago
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Camping friends and big changes

The fun nite we were looking forward to was, but it was also the beginning of big changes, fir both Debbie, and I.After Lisa told me to lick Debbie's pussy to prepare her for the first of many insertions, she pushed debbie down on the bed from where she was sitting and watching me eat her. As Lisa pushed her down she told Debbie to lick her pussy like she did a few days ago. This went on for a few minutes, then she abruptly got up, and told me to stop as well. Debbie was very aroused, her pussy...

4 years ago
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I was traveling on business when my flight was laid over at O'Hare for bad weather. The airline put me up at a airport hotel and told me it could be as long as 48 hours before they could get me another flight. I took a cab to a bar the bellhop recommended and sat down for a few beers and watched the Bulls. When I got up to take a leak and noticed a lovely brunette sitting by the door. She was about 5-7 with nice tits and lecherous smile. I got back from the head and looked for the brunette. She...

2 years ago
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First hand job

When I was in college I did part time jobs to keep afloat taking on just about anything going. I was mowing someone’s lawn one day when a head looked over the fence and this woman asked me if I could do hers. Of course I could! I told her I’d call round when I’d finished. I carried on with the work and when I’d finished I put everything away, collected my money and went next door. I rang the bell and waited and eventually she came out apologising for making me wait but she was just going out...

3 years ago
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Love and lies at the end of the world

Love, at the atomic level, is an electron. Whether an electron shared, given, or stolen, is not an issue, for these are human descriptors and electrons are not human. The chemical reactions that magically create the illusion of love within the human brain require the mass transfer of these virtually massless particles. Similarly, one may state that at a quantum level, love can spontaneously appear and disappear, pop impossibly into existence in a vacuum and then promptly and equally impossibly...

Love Stories
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Feels Like 16 Untitled

It was the first Friday after Spring Break. I played the sick card. Riva was throwing a party and I couldn’t bring myself to go especially on a Friday night. Instead, I stayed in Tegan’s room while she went. I said I wasn’t feeling well and insisted that she go in my stead. She begged me to go, I couldn’t. Spring Break was still too fresh in my head. I lay there in her bed for hours, trying to convince myself that I should just go to sleep. I couldn’t. For as much as I wished I could, I...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Our First Cuckold

I thought TGIF as I walked into the house after traveling all day. I found my wife in the bathroom just finishing up after a shower. I was welcomed with, “Yeah, my baby is home” that and a nice kiss and hug. She said “ I know your probably tired, whatya say we go out to eat and have a drink”?,…I said “that sounds good to me”. She turned to go back to the bathroom and let her towel drop to the floor, turned her head and said “ When we get back we’ll have some fun”,…not knowing what was really...

3 years ago
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Culture ShockChapter 3

Elaine enjoyed being kurious. She could be true to herself. That's what she liked most. The shy, mild-mannered virgin was much closer to her heart than the loud, slutty Naughtygirl. Whereas Naughtygirl 'took it up the ass with glee', kurious was more interested in actually getting to know people. She decided to 'retire' Naughtygirl. She didn't think she'd be missed, despite the attentions of Eight Inch Adonis and others. She was right. No one ever asked about her. Being right didn't...

2 years ago
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Brittany and ChadChapter 4

Finally, Britt kissed me hard and said, "Chad, thank you for what you have done. I've never been sure what would happen to me. Lately without you, I don't think it would have been good. I want all of this to work out especially you and me." I gave her a long, gentle squeeze that made her purr in my arms as I cupped a breast and thumbed the nipple through the dress and her bra. I said, "I want things to work out, too. You are a beautiful, nice person. You should be happy." She turned...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Pussy

My wife’s pussy is amazing and always leaves me wanting more. Her pussy is very sensitive to the slightest touch yet it loves to be manhandled and stuffed to the max. After over 20 years of wet pussy- splitting orgasms and kinky explorations she still opens up for more and more. When we were first together I would touch her all over when we would go to bed and quickly learned where her “hotspots” are. Her nipples are very sensitive and when I play with them she gets very wet very quickly. I...

3 years ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 6

George has had many erotic dreams over the years, though they were more frequent when he was younger. As the years pressed on, those dreams got fewer and fewer between. Eventually having an erotic dream became a rarity. This could be because even at sixty-five he was getting more pussy than most boys in college. Or it be because they just naturally disappeared or gotten less and less as he aged. Regardless, at the very least the intensity of those dreams did diminish as well. But now as...

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Jessie and the TornadoChapter 4

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was check my car. Jessie’s purse was gone. I noticed that her car was not in the driveway of her parent’s house, and one of her parent’s cars was also missing. I tried calling her cell phone over and over, but she never answered. I left a number of messages begging her to call. Now, all I could do was wait. Had she and her parents gone somewhere? Then why were two cars missing? I paced back and forth from one end of my house to the...

2 years ago
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Introduction: Naturist kid falls in love with cute girl. Hero baseball coach be my dad, he [b]11 LOOSE GOOSE After school the next day Jeff goes to Seans house again. After talking about the game, Jeff announces, Im going swimming, OK? Sure. So Jeff strips down to his undies and dives into the deep end. Soon Sean gets into his favorite old bikini. Jeff is delighted to see Sean join him without his pleading. Sean asks, How do you like your baseball uniform? Great! Real comfortable too. How about...

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Preparing for My Lover

I believe every woman should take the time to make her man feel like he is the man of her dreams, her fantasies, her hero. Preparing herself with loving attention and care in anticipation of the devotion she hopes he will shower upon her will only serve to enhance a wonderful enchanted evening. This story is dedicated to every young man who desires to awaken long-restrained passions in an older woman, to allow her to once again enjoy being a woman, generously showering her with loving...

1 year ago
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Interlude 2177

Twenty One Uuhhhhh … Another loud moan/gasp escapes from deep within her as he bottoms out once again. Ohhhhhh … The air is forced from her as she is once again impaled by his cock. ‘How did I get myself into this?’ The thought floats across her mind. A drop of drool falls from her lips, which are forced apart by the ball gag that wedges her teeth apart. The leather strap that holds it in her mouth circles around her head tightly. It is so tight that she cannot force the intruding mass...

3 years ago
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He Remembers Tracey Ch 08

One of the best things about college was the weekend. A few scholarships I had earned plus the fact that I had worked my butt off all summer long to pay for school, allowed me to take it easy during the semester. I took full advantage of my weekend time to hang out at the lake whenever the weather was nice enough. My grandfather had a small plot of land on a lake not too far from school. You couldn’t really call it a lakehouse in the classic sense. We had a boathouse just large enough to store...

3 years ago
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Girl Scout

GIRL SCOUT By Annie James INTRODUCTION Adam stood patiently beside his father-in-law at the front of the church. He did not look around at the bridal party slowly proceeding along the aisle. He was pleased that Doreen's father would once more have a spouse to share his life. "It must have been lonely for him for the past twenty years as a single parent raising a daughter," he thought. "He was a damn good parent too, if the devotion that Doreen has for him is any criterion." Out of...

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A Game of InchesChapter 22

The following day, we returned to practice, once again watching film and having our individual meetings. The days were becoming regimented, much like they were in college. We had one day a week off, we practiced every day, then three hours in the weight room. The trainers had changed some of my routines, some changes I liked, some I did not. During that week of practice, after our day was over, I would see Josh head up the stairs while everyone else left the facility. Finally after the second...

3 years ago
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New Years Eve party millennium

On New Year's Eve 1999 (millennium eve) my mate had a party as his parents house in high Wycombe. They had a big place with a marquee in the garden and about 150 guests. I was 28 at the time and my mates and their friends were all a bit younger, as I was a mature student at the time.We had a really good night, which in fact carried on until about 5 in the morning for me and even later for others.Anyway, I fucked a couple of different girls that night.The first was a friend of a friend, let's...

1 year ago
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Cant Buy You LoveChapter 6

Todd read the piece of paper I had given him. It was a copy of the bill of sale for the ranch. “I won’t believe it until I hear it from Mr. Holland,” he said, balling up the piece of paper and throwing it at me. “Suit yourself,” I said. “You can call him if you like. If you want to work, I’ll continue your pay at the same rate you agreed to with Mr. Holland.” Slim had taken the news much easier. In fact, Todd’s reaction had caused a smile on his face. “Hey Todd,” Slim said. “Ever changed...

3 years ago
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Mommy Gives Me a Buttplug

"Are you almost done? I'm leaving soon if you still want to go." Debbie stood in her son's bedroom door smoking a cigarette while he lay on his bed jacking off. A loud porno was playing on his TV, some girl was getting gangbanged. She was a chubby brunette covered in tattoos, and caked in cum."Yeah...yeah...almost." David's cock was drooling precum as he continued jacking off. Long strands of stickiness had spilled over and dried on his hand. He was close to cumming though, he just needed...

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Cocksucker. I've been called many things in my time, occasionally in anger but often in the heat of lust, but that one is my favorite. Cocksucker. It's just so descriptive, so simple, so accurate. If you've called me that the chances are I've probably sucked you dry. My name is actually Tammy. I suck cocks. I'm an oral woman. I smoke too much, I talk too much and I chew gum too much. I love having something in my mouth at all times. I've both gained and lost relationships because of it. I'm not...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Jenna J Ross Kate England Panty Sniffing Weirdo

Teen Jenna J Ross is on a school trip and she’s not happy about sharing a room with the weird girl from school Kate England who hardly says a word. Jenna’s packed a suitcase full of fancy lace panties. When she leaves the room to take a shower, Kate starts sniffing them and really lightens up! She gets undressed and slips on a cream colored pair. When Jenna comes back in a towel she yells at Kate for touching her stuff. Kate hands her the burgundy panties and suggests that she put...

1 year ago
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Private Geishakyd Enjoys Outdoor Interracial

Geishakyd is enjoying a life of luxury in Private Gold, The Heiress and once again it’s time for her daily service as butler Jesús Reyes joins her by the pool for some Private style fun! A gagging blowjob serves as the perfect starter for this feisty little blonde as she gets a taste of BBC and warms up her pussy for a fuck. Then watch as Geisha spreads herself out on the deckchair for a hot 69 before going on to enjoy a spectacular outdoor interracial fuck that has her riding, grinding and...

1 year ago
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Girls Cum Together 3

Girls Cum Together 3 By DeeAnne The normal disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction containing graphic heterosexual, homosexual and transvestite activities between individuals of legal age. Please forgive any misspellings, grammar mistakes and or incongruities in the story and if they exist, I hope they don't take away any enjoyment you may have. The story is copyrighted by the author. This is the third installment of the story "Girls Come Together". It picks up on the same...

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