Disaster ReliefChapter 11 free porn video

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I packed my stuff and headed for the airport. One of the benefits of living in a small town is you can get through airport security in a reasonable period of time. Then, when you change in Atlanta, you make up for the quickness, but it's more pleasant behind the security screen than out front.

When we flew out of Atlanta, I booted up my laptop and read about a hundred emails that described the anger in the fire ant hill I was about to enter. The company was moving to a performance-based system and the managers were all livid and apparently felt that their collective resistance would carry the day.

The CEO met me at Midway and took us in his limo to the restaurant. About eight people were sitting around the dining table waiting on us. He had phoned when I arrived and they knew we were coming. I didn't like these angry meetings, but it was how I made my living. The CEO had all of us served drinks and let us place our orders for food from an excellent menu. As we sipped, he said, "Jordan, they're all yours."

"Aw, shit." I looked at each of them and said, "Who wants to start?"

The first manager said, "I don't like these performance questions and indicators. It's too much work and no one will ever pay attention to them. We've been through these consultant bright ideas before."

I knew they had.

The CEO interrupted, "That's why they hired me. The Board wants to see improvements. This is my way to do it. You may be assured that we will pay more attention to these indicators than you want."

"Some of the things we do in my department can't be measured. I don't have indicators for them."

The CEO looked at me and I took it up. "That we haven't measured in the past doesn't mean we can't. I'm willing to look at these issues and try to find a way to measure them."

Another manager said, "We do lots of training. I have good indicators. We know exactly the number of hours of training we have delivered in the past years."

"Did it do any good? I mean what good things happened as a result of your training?"

"The employees were trained to do their jobs."

"Did they do better?"

"I know where you're going with that. We can't help it if the managers don't let employees use the training. That's out of my area."

"How do you decide what to train?"

"Oh, for God's sake! It's in the curriculum. We train what's in the syllabus."

"How did it get there?"

"We decided what to offer and posted the training schedule."

"I deal only in performance. Outcomes. Good processes lead to good outcomes. So, what ever got better as a result of training?"

I could see his temper rising in his neck. I said, "Do you know that there is only one-ONLY ONE-problem for which training is the solution?"

"OK, what's that?"

"Ignorance. The state where one does not know what to do."

They didn't like that answer. Professional trainers never do. I continued, "I don't know how to do the tango. That means I'm ignorant about the tango and if I want to do it, I have to go to class, hire an instructor, or buy a video."

I heard grumbling. Typical. "Now, "if" I knew how to do the tango and my girl friend wanted me to do it and I wouldn't, training wouldn't help. I know how, I just don't do it."

One said, somewhat angrily, "OK, you're being an ass. Why wouldn't you want to please your girl friend?"

Sometimes, when you cast your fly, there really is a trout in the stream. "I twisted my ankle and it hurts like hell. I have a physical limitation." I looked all around, "More likely though, the band is playing a foxtrot, and I only know how to tango. I mean, I know how to tango, it just isn't appropriate in this situation."

"Bring that down to reality for us."

"I can say lots of things, but the most likely is that the manager-the bandleader-- wants to run things his way and I'm being trained to do something else. I'll never get to tango."

Someone asked, "What else?"

"This one is critical. It's called 'consequences'. My girl has been asking to go dancing for a week and I take her. I want something besides dancing. She sends me home wanting. So, I realize that if I do what she wants, I don't get what I want. So, I stop trying."

"That's a little crass."

"Ever had an employee in a group who didn't carry his or her weight? I know you have, so don't lie."

They actually laughed. "What happens is that person learns to work the system so that he or she works less while others work more. It will go on forever if there are no clear consequences for poor performance."

"So, do we just fire that person?"

"Heavens no! Unless you have the best selection system in the world, and I know you don't, you have only one chance in three of doing better, one chance to break even, and one chance to do worse."

They served the dinner. That's where I wanted to end my thoughts for the evening. Tomorrow, we would work hard on finding adequate measures of performance. We would do it and that's why they hire me.

The CEO had a schedule for me the next day that would keep a middle schooler running. I thought briefly about my favorite middle schooler. By about four, I knew that I wouldn't make it home tonight without a long drive from Atlanta. I had one fleeting thought. Maybe I could go to Atlanta and drive over to see Rachel. No. She didn't ask.

I had the CEO's admin schedule a flight for the next day. He graciously invited me to dinner, but I respected his space and told him to go home, I would be fine. I called Jennifer to say I'd be home the next day. She said, "As I told you before, we're fine. You know it's close to Christmas. I hope you can get home with all those travelers."

Christmas was not one of those things that mattered much to me. When the kids were home, we did all the traditional things, but we didn't compete for the most outrageously decorated house in town.

"I think I'll be home around four if there's no delay. I forgot about the holiday."

"Where did Angela store her Christmas stuff? Maybe I'll put out a wreath and some lights. Brianna hasn't had anything nice for a while."

"They're all in the attic. There's a pull down staircase in the upstairs hall."

"I'm sure I can find them."

"I'd like to bring her something. What size jacket does she wear?"

"She's an eight, but buy a ten. She's growing."


"You don't have to buy anything for me."

"My hotel is right across the street from one of Chicago's best department stores. They are screaming sales. I can't resist."

"OK. I'm a medium. A ten."

"See you tomorrow."

I went across the street to the department store where I had bought many presents before. I went quickly to the leather department and found both of them nice jackets at closeout prices. I even bought a sport jacket for me. Then, I went back and bought a leather one for Rachel. I wished I could see her in it. Not many days in Albany when one can wear leather jackets, but they do look good when you can. If I had known Jennifer better and she was going to stay, I could have bought many other nice things for a pittance. I didn't. If she stayed, I would next time and I knew that there would be a next time.

Did I tell you that it gets damn cold in Chicago in December? The wind hurts bad if you stay out long. I didn't bring much winter stuff, but I did walk over to Michigan Avenue and look at Centennial Park. I walked back to the Palmer House and sat in a lovely old bar. Having a Scotch, I reflected that the past six months of my life thrilled me. If Jennifer stayed or left, I would have had the experience, although I would always worry about Brianna without me to guide her.

The Limo to the airport was on time. Flights were on time. I arrived in Albany to feel a beautiful fall day. The temperature must have been about 65 with a soft breeze. Forty minutes later, I drove my truck into the garage. I sat a minute and wondered if I'd ever be able to live in a large city. Fascinating, but way too much hassle for me.

I felt very anxious as I walked in the door. I had no idea what those girls were going to do. As I walked in, Brianna yelled, "Mom, Jordan's home!" She came running to me. I hugged her and she said, "Not the same here without you."

Jennifer came in from the living room and smiled. She hugged both of us and said, "Welcome home. I see you survived the cold."

"Survived is all I can say."

I saw that they had put out some decorations and the artificial tree with lights and tinsel. They put the miniature tree on the breakfast bar. I said, "I see you found the spirit in the attic."

"We had a nice time doing all this. Even Cathy came over to help." She laughed, "That's an interesting child."

I laughed, "OK, I'll bet ten dollars I know her first question?"

"You would lose. It was her second question. 'Are you going to live with Jordan and keep Brianna here?'"

"I lose. I'm dying to know what her first question was."

"Did you really put up all these Christmas things?"

"That's Cathy. She always gets right to the point."

"We have things mostly under control. We have food and I have my car and all the contraband I couldn't take to the Middle East. I'm almost over my jetlag, although part of that might be depression."

Brianna took my hand, "Come on, Jordan, and see the tree!"

They had decorated it and put presents under it. Reminded me of my former life. I felt completely emotional for all the reasons I mentioned and said, "I think I need to go up and get myself together."

I spent an hour going through the hostile email from my client, but some of them were beginning to turn around. Thinking about production problems made my tears go away. I loved having those girls here, but I had no clue about their plans. I had no Rachel, either. I stretched out on the bed, lying on my belly and just enjoying the moment. I must have slept.

I felt Brianna's hands stroking my back and she leaned over and whispered in my ear, giving me a little tongue and a few gusts of air that sent chills through me, "Jordan, darling, dinner is almost ready. Do you need help?" I turned my head to look up, and she kissed me.

I staggered up, held her for a minute, and went in to wash my face and go down. As usual, Jennifer had made a fine dinner. Why do I say, "As usual?"

Jennifer said, "You pour the wine, and I'll do the rest."

She had cooked a pork roast to perfection and served up a medley of vegetables and some nice sourdough rolls. I saw Brianna looking very happy.

Jennifer said, "Welcome home, landlord, cheers." She clinked her glass, as did Brianna. Then she said, "What do you do in Chicago that allows you to shop in the department stores?"

"I was supposed to come home last night, but the meetings went late, so I stayed downtown in my favorite old hotel, the Palmer House. The department store is right across the street."

She bubbled up, "Oh, take me sometime." She caught herself and said, "Forgive me. That was out of line."

Brianna said cheerfully, "Oh, I know him. He'd take you anywhere."

The table was silent as the inside of a tomb. I couldn't stand it, so I said, "Want to go to Chicago? I'll have to go back soon."

Jennifer said, "That's very kind after my inappropriate outburst."

Brianna said pleasantly, "Oh, Mom, if you want to go, Jordan will take you. Who will stay with me?"

The table was quiet again. Jennifer cut a piece of roast and served some vegetables on my plate. I poured the wine. She said, "You know that I'm not together. Even when we were-uh, close, I felt confused."

"Brianna is right. If you like, I will take you to Chicago when I go. If you don't like, you may stay here. You may stay here until you get your life together, but please consider Brianna and her achievements here when you decide."

She just cried. "I know. I know." Brianna went to hold her.

After dinner, I said," Thank you for the delicious meal. You spoiled me when you were here before. I felt like an honored guest."

She was still sniffling, "OK, Jordan, please let me do this clean up. I have to do something to earn my keep. Brianna will help. Go do your work."

I saw that I had an email from Rachel. "How's the old chick? You making any progress?"

"Go to your IM."

"K. So what?"

"She's confused as hell. Maybe I need to get her to a psychologist and some therapy. I can't handle her emotional crisis."

"Asshole, you are far more perceptive than I could imagine. You can't just order her to do that."


"I'll try. No promises. Did you ever love me?"

"That's dumb. Every moment of every day since I laid eyes on your beautiful self in that auction. If you doubt, then you are dumber than I thought."

"I knew. Every day, I knew. I'm lonely at home and I don't have to work 24 hours a day, so there is some spare time for--well, for excitement."

"With that hot wet thing you have between you legs, I can't imagine your being lonely."

"I doubt that you'll understand, but I've had two of those hard things briefly-and I mean briefly--in my body since I came home. They belonged to guys I was taken with in high school. Maybe I should have said, 'since I didn't come at home.'"

"Don't give up. I believe in my heart that some guy will love you for you."

"Fucking optimist!"

"Don't give up!"

I went back down to see if Jennifer had made the coffee and set the machine. I had to be sly, since I didn't want her to know I was checking. Fortunately, I saw the little green light and knew she had made it. I went over to the TV and searched the channels.

She came over and sat beside me. She said, "You told me you'd hold me when I needed it and I wonder if you might do it again?"

I patted the couch and put my arms out for her. She came in and put her head on my shoulder. Fifteen minutes later, Brianna came down and saw us. Instead of running her mouth, she whispered, "Is she OK?"

I shook my head and she went on about doing her things. Jennifer lay on my lap for easily thirty minutes before she could recapture herself. When she did, she looked at me and said, "I feel good to be home." She put her head right back under my arm and cried.

I patted her back and massaged her head. I put heavy fingers into her back and she murmured pleasantly. I said, "You just get comfortable and get yourself back together. No rush."

She tightened her arms. "Thank you. I don't know how you put up with me."

"Because I said I would. You needed a safe haven. I've been at this long enough to know it would not be quick and easy."

I felt her arms tighten again and knew that she was in emotional conflict. "Thanks. I'm just not myself. I can't seem to get in control." She held her head back and I saw the tears running down her face. I pushed the tears away with my fingers and heard her sigh.

"When you can, tell me what you would like. I know you have struggles inside."

"I'm going to get myself together starting right now." She pushed back and looked at my wet shirt. "Take it off and I'll wash it. You shouldn't have to put up with this crap."

"When people need a place to be and I can help, it isn't crap. I volunteered."

I held her for a few minutes more and then she said, "I should go up to bed. Thanks for caring and making me feel OK."

I started to say it was OK, and then she kissed me. "Forgive me, but I wondered if you'd like that. I've been wanting and I'll bet you miss your girl friend."

"Make no mistake. I like to kiss you. I do miss Rachel. She made, and honestly, continues to make my life special."

She said, "I guess she helped Brianna, and I always liked to have her emails when I was in that dreadful place. She expressed herself well."

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Well I’ve just had the longest flight I’ve ever had and it was only 8 1/2 hours and I was with my darling wife but not a word was spoken.If you have read our previous stories you will know we have played about but always together and never without the other one not knowing (well apart from a few minor excursions with the neighbour god rest him)We were on holiday in Barbados for a fortnight and nothing much had taken place well I don’t think so anyway, a bit of gentle teasing and flirting.It was...

4 years ago
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The escort 4 A fashion show

You may remember how a few days after my assignment with Geoff and Anna, the couple in their mid-fifties, Rosie (my Madame, as I was beginning to think of her) sent me a picture by email; it was of me straddling Anna's face. Geoff must have taken the picture while I was unaware but it looked amazing: my black-stockinged legs astride her face, my red choker looking so slutty, as Geoff's cum dribbled from my cunt onto her waiting tongue. The picture captured the moment that his sticky strand...

1 year ago
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Whatever It CostsChapter 34

It was Tuesday morning when she started driving back to her work just to resign. We would be visiting the place together next weekend with a van, but now she just wanted to get things started. I had suggested to her that she should just give her notice and leave, but she had insisted that she must also give some explanation to her boss. After all, he had helped her a lot after her mother's death. I complained that she was too good a person, and kissed her goodbye before starting my own cycle...

4 years ago
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Ohh fuck me teacher

I returned to my seat still shocked at what just happened. When class was over i went up to his desk and asked him what he wanted to talk about. He waited til everyone had left the room and said, " Racheal, i am crazy about you! everytime i just think of you or hear your name i start to get hard. please racheal let me in you!" i was very shocked by this and just stood there. I had had sex a lot before he asked me this and i loved it even if they guy had a small cock. I had heard Brett had...

2 years ago
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Home For Dinner

This is the second story written in collaboration with Alphamagus. We are enjoying it enough to make it a series, assuming you enjoy it as well. Juliana and Robert were both foodies. They ate out frequently but also enjoyed shopping for food from various market purveyors and then cooking together. Dinners during the week were generally simple, given the long hours that both of them worked. But, on the weekends, there was more time to experiment with their culinary repertoire. Their kitchen was...

3 years ago
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Mr R teaches me a lesson

This is my first story so feel free to leave constructive criticism. I have always enjoyed older men, they seem to satisfy my urges better than any other could and, as of late, I found myself increasingly attracted to my lecturer. My lecturer was middle aged at late thirties and yet still held his youth in his well-proportioned body and broad shoulders. He had a dark tan which was always perfectly complemented by his formal shirts as if he were teasing us, daring us to undress him. He had an...

2 years ago
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BrideChapter 6

I did put them on her, but while I did it, I licked from her clitoris to her anus, she moaned, then giggled and pushed me away, "Stop it you bloody sex maniac" she laughed, "Or we'll never get to the pub" then she moaned in protest when I did stop! A typical Saturday night, the pub was full, almost to bursting so after fighting our way through the throng to get to the bar, we stayed there squashed against each other There was a gleam in her eyes as she looked round the pub, I think...

3 years ago
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sissy owner p2

The morning after daddy made me into a sissy , i realised i was her 4th sissy white boy to be trained by himCyntia was back in the morning knocking on my door waking me upI look at her holding some weird thing to me and lift her dress to let me see what is wasshe was wearing one, turning around letting me see the plugged and locked toy buzzing in her by the weird belt''daddy keeps us locked and ready for his cock , we are going to have breakfast and he wanted me to help my sister''''dont worry...

3 years ago
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True Indian story

Hi friends, I am from India, the country field with traditions. But unaware whether they are true or not.. At the age of 19tn when I was doing my first year, I always loved to visit my uncles place in India we are loved by our uncles. Actually my uncle was married late, he had a love affair, but the family forced him to marry with some other girl. My aunty was great today she is old ( Uncle is civil engineer and aunty is a teacher). So after there marriage when I visited there place. I...

1 year ago
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GirlsTryAnal Chanel Preston Kira Noir The Anal Babysitter

Chanel Preston has hired Kira Noir to babysit. When Kira arrives at the house, Chanel tells her she’ll only be a couple of hours and that she could watch TV in her bedroom to pass the time. Chanel leaves the house and drives to work. When she calls her receptionist on her way to the office, here receptionist tells her it’s actually Sunday and the office is closed. Chanel has been working so hard she forgot what day it was. She turns her car around and heads back home. Meanwhile back...

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Office Cuckold Complete 4 Parts

Josh is cuckolded by his boss and coworker.Chapter 1Emma had just started in our office. She was the assistant for an executive, sharing his office, filing his paper, and doing other odds and ends. My office was next to his large corner office, so I was able to see Emma often as she walked past carrying a file or an envelope to be mailed off.Fresh out of high school, Emma was getting some experience in the real world before deciding what she wanted to do and going to school. She always wore...

3 years ago
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married life by Lucy part 3

Part three. Things were fairly quite over the next few months. I was now pregnant with our first c***d. We still went to parties even though I was 8 months pregnant, it was at one of these parties that I notice John showing a lot of interest in a young girl. She [Sue]was married to Dave he was the same age as myself [20] but she was only just 17. I saw John snogging her & they seem to get on really well. Dave asked me to dance but I didn't fancy him so I made an excuse about being pregnant....

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(My Revisited Tale of White Trash Family Sex) She wore very short cut-off jeans and a tank top without a bra underneath. At 13, Darla was very much impressed with tawdry things and any sensual diversion from the sweltering back road life she lived with her mother and brother in their house trailer down a sandy road. Now digging through the chest of drawers in her mother’s room, she was looking for the large silk scarf in which she knew her mom knotted and hid away her bag of stash. ...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Alexa Grace Sweet Treat

Alexa Grace wakes up to a note on her pillow from Ryan Driller. Nude and horny, she finds herself smiling at the sweet sentiment that Ryan expressed but unwilling to wait until later to have another round of fun. Instead, she tugs on a matching sheer bra and thong that hug her slender body. She puts on a bit of makeup and a pair of high heels, and then she goes down to find Ryan and take what she craves. Her first move is to pull out Ryan’s cock so that she can stroke and suck it into...

2 years ago
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My best sex with sanjay

My wedding to krishna was arranged shortly after i turned 26 years. I had just completed my mba from a well known college in bangalore. Krishna is an it professional in the united states and he had to return to us a few weeks after he wedding. It would take several months before i would be able to join him in the usa. I had been a virgin before my wedding. Many a time i had been attracted to a class mate or a friend. On one or two occasions i had have even let strangers i found attractive on...

2 years ago
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Beth 3Chapter 11

"Mr. Randahl, I'd like to speak to you." Oh, shit. What did Adams think I'd done now? "Yes, sir?" "In my office, Mr. Randahl." Oops, this was serious. Once in Adams' office, he sat down behind his desk and just stared at me. He was trying to psych me out, but I'd been through this enough times to be able to just stand there and stare back at him. Eventually he must have realized intimidation wasn't working. "Mr. Randahl, I thought I'd warned you about your behavior but you...

1 year ago
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The Actress and IChapter 7

As we lay on the couch, holding each other, basking in the enjoyment of becoming parents, the doorbell rang. "Hello anyone home," Sarah yelled. "We are in the living room," Shannon called back to her. "What is the matter with guys, why are you laying together like that?" She asked. We both looked at her smiling, not saying a word. "O MY GOD you're pregnant, your going to be parents," She shouted with joy. Shannon smiled at her and just shook her head yes. We got up off the...

3 years ago
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Krystal Marie Bearden 4

So, it's been awhile since we talked, what actually happened was that, we got into a fight again, another physical altercation and we hadn't talked because you called the cops on me, and I caught a D.V. case. I spent 3 months in jail , in the San Jose main jail. When I got released I went straight to J.S.I aka The Julian Street In recovery house, the one behind the San Jose Shark Tank SAP Arena. I waited maybe 2 weeks to call you, bc of the protection order- I stayed clear of contacting you, I...

3 years ago
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PalimpsestChapter 24 Employment Benefit the Third Ascension

Tuesday at noon Marta arrived at Joe's firm. She'd never visited before and realized immediately stepping from the elevator that it presented itself as the high class firm Joe had suggested. She smiled at the beautiful receptionist. "Laura I presume." "Yes. Have I met you?" "You shagged my fiancé," Marta leaned down and whispered. "Oh fuck!" Laura jumped back. "I'm sorry. It's just that me and Debra ... Oh shit!" Marta laughed making Laura look cross eyed in confusion yet...

2 years ago
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Sniffing a Teens Butt

It was actually quite awhile since I had an opportunity to sniff some strange girls bum. It seemed the chances were few and far between, and when opportunity did present itself, I either wasn't alone or there were people around. Of course I wasn't really trying either, I was just keeping my eyes open for a chance encounter. I was almost caught off guard when the chance came around. I was in a deli that was very popular. They have great sandwhiches and hot food and at noon you can end up waiting...

4 years ago
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Fay Bargains

All characters are over 18. ***** It was a swanky joint. Had that classy, old world elegance that was long out of style. I tell ya, you walk through those tall wooden doors, it’s like stepping outa today and into a whole different era. Yeah, they don’t make joints like this anymore. Don’t help that I promised voters I’d shut ’em all down. I let the doorman take my coat. Snazzy fella, dressed up in his fancy tux. Ain’t that something. Better dressed than me, and I was the client. Yeah, I...

1 year ago
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Rachels New Life with a Loving Master

Rachel is meeting her Internet master today, after two years of just cyber roleplaying. They started when she was eighteen and he was twenty-five, so they are now twenty and twenty-seven. He is a muscular man of five foot six inches and she is thick and sexy. He likes her confident, bold attitude and doesn’t want her to lose that. He wants them to have equal respect in their relationship, but he is the boss for sexual purposes. She has decided that, if he asks her to live with him, she will....

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DownsizingChapter 3

That same evening... ... in fact, just at the moment when Shoran was starting to relax, a statuesque black woman was kneeling on a bed, introducing a youth to the pleasures of anal sex, in a large, brightly decorated detached house near the centre of the city, “Why must I put it in there Lettie?” Rob asked with a grimace and fiddling with his hard five inch cock. “Don’t you want to try something different baby?” she answered pleasantly, pulling her arse cheeks wide. Rob gazed at the...

4 years ago
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A Mothers Love Final chapter

The church was almost bursting at the seams as Garry and I stood together waiting nervously. Suddenly the organist burst into The Wedding March, and we turned around, there were gasps of delight from the invited guests as Shannon walked in on Colin's arm and defying tradition, mum's arm was through Brenda's.Apparently, Brenda knew the truth behind our marriages, but she and mum had become close friends, and the elderly lady had cried with joy when mum asked if she would give her away.Alf Jones...

2 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT Sugar

Wyoming Ute IGT, Sugar By: Malissa Madison We had three hours down time to ourselves, daffodil was with Fox and Otter visiting the other drivers of our family so wrapped my arms around my husband's broad shoulders, pressing my bare breasts into his back. Twisting his head he kissed my lips with a grin. "What would you like to do" "Well I kind of thought we might take in a show." I bit my lip sure he would say no when he found out. "Darlene, if you want to go to the Star Pilot...

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Matt Part 1

Hi, I’m Matt. I’m 16, white, about 5’ 11” and fairly toned. I’m not Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I have enough definition to feel good about my body. My cock’s about 7 inches long, and a little thicker than average. I’m also a virgin. Generally a regular 16-year-old guy. Apart from I have a little secret. I’m bi. I’ve been looking at porn since I was around 13. A few months later, I came across a gay video, and since then have been very interested in gay sex. I’ve developed a few fetishes...

1 year ago
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Fucking Auntie Again

100% fiction! I went to visit her for a week while her kids where away. i arrived at the airport and she was waiting there in her skimpy outfit. we got to the car and as soon as the doors shut she jumped on me. we kissed and i told her to wait until we got home. the whole ride home i fingered her as she grasped my chubby through my pants. We pulled in and scurried to the bedroom,pulling our clothes off along the way. her huge tits turned me on. she pushed me on her bed and fell to her knees....

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Brians Power Part OneFour Edited IMPORTANT INTRO

  At a young age, I was found in the woods.  I was taken in by the Innkeepers, a nice old lady named Fiona, and her husband, Thet.  They named me Brian, after they're son who died when he was a child.  They raised me until I was eight, until Fiona was struck down by a heart attack.  After that, Thet was never the same.  He still cared about me dearly however, because I was their son.  Because of his old age, he wasn't able to run the Inn alone anymore.  I helped him run it until something...

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