Disaster ReliefChapter 14 free porn video

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The day after Christmas, I rolled over to find this delightful woman/child sunlit in my bed. The one I fucked last night until she claimed she had enough. I wondered if I could ever reconstruct that beautiful evening as I sat in my cell with the big guy in the next cell with a hard-on staring at me. She was up on her elbow looking at me with her hand on my chest. When I finally pried my eyes open and gazed into her green blue eyes, she smiled, caressed my chest, and said, "Good morning, Jordan."

I drew her to me and held her naked self against my willing body and poked her right in the belly with the morning stiffness. When she felt it, she said quickly, "I can't right now. I have to go to the bathroom." I guess it must have been her first time to wake up with a hard-on sticking into her crotch.

I kissed her gently. "I can't either, sweetie. You go ahead."

She was obviously not through with me. She kissed me again and went quickly to the bathroom. I followed her. "Jordan, don't just watch me pee."

I watched. "Why?" Then, I looked at her and said, "Open your legs so that I can see."

She put her hands over her face, opened her legs, and I watched the stream bubble in the toilet for a few seconds. When she finished and wiped herself, she came to me and said, "Why did you make me do that?"

"Was it very unpleasant?"

She waited. "Well, no."

"Sometimes people make little intimate gestures to excite the other person. You did."

I teased. "Turn about's fair. Would you like to watch me?"

She blushed and shook her head. I said, "Okay, give me a minute." I finished my morning draining.

My prior experience told me that women who had been pleased the night before might just be wanting more in the shower. I said, "Would you like to take a shower with me?"

She hesitated. "I had never been completely naked with a man before I got in your hot tub. I almost couldn't do it. Last night, I was nervous, just like now. Rachel said that I might feel that way and that if you asked, I should take a shower with you." She giggled, "She said that if you didn't ask me, I was to ask you."

"Do you want to? Don't do it if it makes you uncomfortable."

"I'm trying to be as good as Mom and Rachel. I want you to give me a shower." When she smiled at me, I knew that she had made up her mind to endure.

So, I took her in with me. "Let me show you why I think it is fun to save water together. Do you want a shower cap or do you want me to wash your hair?"

"Do my hair."

I held her back to me as I pulsed the showerhead around her head and shoulders to get her hair wet. Then, I put on the shampoo, and piled her long hair on top of her head as I massaged the foam in. I kept it sudsy for a couple of minutes and then rinsed it out. She moved her butt against me while I was washing her. She was into the spirit of cleanliness! When it was clean, I turned her around and pressed her to my chest. I leaned against the wall and parted my legs slightly so that I could move her pussy against my thigh.

I said, "Put your arms around me and let your head back. Rub your wet pussy against my thigh."

In that position, I could nudge and she could feel the slippery thigh against her clit as she moved. She caught on immediately. I massaged her scalp as I felt the gentle rocking of her mons against me. I took my time to knead her head and distribute the conditioner. By then, she moved with more determination against me as her soft moans began.

I took the showerhead down to rinse her hair from all sides and I think the pulsing sensation on her head and scalp contributed to the intensity of her rapid movements against my thigh. She had both hands around my butt pulling me to her when she erupted with several quiet moans. When she finished, I said, "Okay, sweetheart, you can open your eyes."

She almost gasped when she said, "I like your salon a lot better than 'Bedazzled.'"

"For the rest of your spa treatment, madam, I want to apply the soothing oil." I sprayed the oily water on her and gently rubbed my hands all over her back, butt, breasts, and thighs. When I felt her breathing harder, I rotated her body so that I could get one hand on her breast and the other on her clit, holding her tightly with her butt in my belly. Within a short time of stroking her engorged clit, she exploded again. I can think of no other word. Her shriek must have alerted the EMTs two blocks away. I held her until she regained her equilibrium.

I whispered, "Baby, you have a beautiful butt. When you wear your jeans, I can barely contain myself."

She turned and kissed me. "Do you really think so?"

"Yes, I think so. So did all those guys at the concert." I spanked her beautiful butt hard and said, "Go out and tell the competition what it was like."

"Ow!" She put her head on my chest with that gorgeous wet hair hanging around everything. "I had a great time. I don't want to tell them."

"You must. Women need to know."

"Will they be jealous? I was." She wiggled her breasts against me. As she was drying, I saw her looking at her pretty round butt in the mirror as she ran her fingers over my handprint.

I said, "We'll see how far the family meeting concept can go."

When I finished drying her, she wrapped a towel around her hair and then put on her new bra and panties. She put her leg up on the chair and gave me a sultry look out of some magazine. It was cute, but not compelling. I said, "You really are beautiful, sweetheart and I like your undies."

She saw herself in the mirror and said, "Thank you, I just love them. They make me feel so sexy."

She stood close, touching me as I put on some jeans and a pullover and reflected on the absolute wonder of the experience. I'm sure that it was her first time to have that many different ways of lovemaking and I felt really good inside that it had been thrilling for her. Of course, I was indifferent to the superb experience.

"Why do you think your mother went along with your wishes last night?"

"My father taught me to be assertive, so we had a talk after you left. I told her that she could stop me from having sex with you or anyone else only if she stayed with me all the time. Since both of them had started having sex about the same time I did, I think they understood."

"You said that to her?"

"I asked her if she was sorry that she had sex at 14. Rachel, too. Both of them said they were not sorry."

"You drive a hard bargain."

"I read some stories on the Internet about mothers and daughters and how hard it is for parents to stop their kids from doing it. Some of them said that younger girls should have older coaches. So, both Mom and Rachel said they had older guys to do it with when they were my age."

"I'm thrilled that you can have honest discussions with both of them. I don't think many mothers and daughters can tell each other everything. That will save everyone a lot of heartache. I just hope Jennifer is still okay with it today."

"After our talk last night, I think she will be fine." She put her arms around me. "I hope you don't feel bad this morning."

"I admit that I'm a little uncomfortable, but I can't plan the past. We'll just have to move on."

"Jordan, that was the best night of my life. I feel so happy that I could spend it with you. You held me close and I could feel you breathing and your warm skin against me." She kissed me. "I just loved it."

I opened the door to escort her to her room. She still had her arm around me. She said, "I have to go in and get my clothes. I'll be down in a minute." There was no one in her bed. Then, she said, "Oh, I took them off in Mom's room when they were dressing me."

She gently opened the door and peeked in. Her jaw dropped and she held the door open a little and pointed. There lay Jennifer and Rachel in a beautiful embrace with their hair scattered across two pillows sleeping soundly.

I whispered, "Be quiet. Don't wake them. They may be a little testy this morning."

Then I went down to start breakfast.

When Brianna came in, she came immediately to put her arms around me and kiss me with her fresh minty mouth. She stood there holding me. When she looked into my eyes, she asked, "Did you know what they were doing?"

"No, but I'm not shocked. They both needed comfort last night. We all have a little trouble with this new arrangement."

"Will they be okay?"

"In time. We'll talk about it today. Are you?"

She squeezed harder and giggled, "Well, when I get my way, I'm always happy." She peered at me with those clear blue green eyes, "Do you think that they... made out with each other?"

"I don't know, but their sleep position told me that they felt very close. I wouldn't be surprised."

She kissed me with a lot of tongue. I had forgotten the sex insatiability quotient (SIQ) younger women have when they've just had a good night. Rachel wore me down the first few times we slept together and I could feel that Brianna was ready again.

"Are you jealous of Mom and Rachel?"

"No. They both have needs to be close to someone. I know that Jennifer invited Rachel to show gratitude and caring for all the support. Sometimes those feelings can lead to a high degree of intimacy." I kissed her and said, "How could I be jealous of them when you were with me? Now, love, let's rattle some pots and pans."

"What does that mean?"

"It's a line from an old blues song. It means get cooking. You make coffee and I'm going up to shave before I scar your face."

When I returned in a half hour, the three of them were moving around making breakfast. Each came to me in time and gave me a nice body hug and kiss. Jennifer said, "Get some coffee, and we'll call you. The paper is on the coffee table." I heard muted chatter constantly from the kitchen. Brianna came over and licked my ear as she whispered, "Breakfast, daddy."

They made me feel like some kind of sheik. They served; they gave me little kisses. It was bizarre. I asked, "Okay, what's going on?"

Jennifer cleared her throat. "We're happy. We feel that we have a family. After breakfast, I hope to have a family meeting."

I gasped. She leaned over to kiss me. "Was last night so bad?" She didn't look her best.

"No. Brianna is a delight."

"Enjoy your breakfast and then we will talk about the next few days."

I enjoyed my breakfast and the little hugs and kisses that came along while I was eating. We went to the den to have the inquisition.

Jennifer said, "I guess I'm chair. Does anyone have an issue?"

Rachel replied, "Well, I drove four hours down here in hopes of getting laid. Is that out of the question? I mean, I slept by myself."

Brianna looked at her quizzically. "Oh?"

Rachel giggled, "Well, in a manner of speaking."

Jennifer said, "Brianna?"

"Last night was my best night ever." She moved closer to me.

Jennifer said, "Jordan, I know that you don't think of yourself as God's gift to women. I think you just happened to meet three women who need you and you did what they needed. I mean, just being you. You outdid yourself last night."

"I have three very important women in my life for the first time in years. I hope I'm up to it. Go on."

Jennifer said, "If you were 20, we'd all want you to be 'up' to it every day, but to respect your age, we would like to share you for a week. She paused and twirled her hair, "Uhm, we thought we'd rotate, but Brianna really made her case last night. Rachel hasn't had a good one since she left."

"Brianna is a lovely woman."

"Would it be okay if Rachel slept with you until she goes back to school. Then, Brianna and I can sort of get caught up?" She looked blankly into space, "I do not believe I am saying these things, but I agreed."

In my mind, I know, from many past opportunities, that I'm not super stud. I loved that little bitch, Rachel, but she had needs that I couldn't fulfill.

I said, soberly, "If you guys have worked this out, I hope that you know that I love each of you. So, I will go to my quarters tonight and wait for the next delightful maiden to join me."

Brianna surprised me. She came over, put her tongue in my ear, and said, "Make it good for her, Dad."

Jennifer said, "Today, we three are performing the sacred annual ritual all proper women must endure. We're going to the after Christmas sales at the mall. It may take a few hours. You're on your own for lunch, but we'll take care of dinner."

When they returned, they were all excited about their success at the mall. Each of them kissed me fondly and said something loving. I know this is not a dream, but I'm still trying to figure out how I ended up here. Let's take a realistic inventory. I'm six feet, not bad looking, trim, able to run four miles, have enough hair to comb, and financially independent. I happened into the lives of these beautiful girls not by my own ingenuity. I did have empty rooms in my house, but who the hell can schedule a hurricane? I have season tickets to the Albany Symphony, a red pickup, and a nice pool. Rachel knitted this group together when Jennifer was in the Middle East.

They kept their word and served tasty leftovers with some fresh salad and vegetables. After dinner, of course I didn't feel any performance anxiety. I mean, who would? I decided to try my best and took a Cialis before getting into bed. Beautiful Rachel came over to me when she came in and said, "I really miss you, Jordan."

I knew that Rachel loved me. She used my name. I loved her. Life was that simple; except she had to get on with her life and I knew it. Right in the middle of all this guilt rumination, she said, "For God's sake, shithead, I know all that stuff you're worrying about. Make love to me like you mean it. I used to go away from you feeling totally satisfied and confused. I love satisfied best." She breathed heavily. "Oh, I'd like some of that licking that your little tart got. I doubt that she will get it better for a while."

We lay together kissing and stroking skin until I felt reconnected with her. We talked at length about her situation and how she was going to proceed with her career. She said, "I could have stayed here next semester and taken some good classes, but I thought it best to try to leave. I hope the department at Athens lives up to their end of the bargain."

"I do, too. Tell me, how did this rotation system happen?"

"Jennifer and I talked at length about our situation. Our only problem was how you might feel about Brianna, given your poor past performance. It was simple. We both knew that she'd be in bed with the first guy who treated her half decently. In her state of need, he wouldn't have to be very decent. We decided that we could take some of the pressure off everyone if we could talk you into giving her a nice experience."

"Everyone was okay with it?"

"We all felt the pressure Brianna was putting on you. I've been there. She liked a fellow who dumped her and you came along as her white knight. You treated her like a sensible adult, which is what she strives to be. She has no interest in being one of the cheerleader girls. When she found out she couldn't have you by wiggling her cute butt, she schemed. She even asked me about how she should do it."

So she just asked, "How do I get your lover in the hay?"

"More serious than that. 'What's wrong with me? Why won't he even touch me? Does he think I'm pretty at all?' All the uncertainties and fears we all have when we like someone."

"So, you left town and told her she could try me."

"I was on her side by then. She needs what I was getting. Love, caring, and really good sex. She got only two of the three."

"You put her up to the dress trick?"

"Yep. The hot tub, too. I even picked out the story for you to read to make you hot for her."

"You drove me crazy the first time I saw you naked. She had about the same effect. I almost gave in."

"Wish you had. She would have been a happier camper."

"I guess the change in my life has been too profound. I can't believe it."

"Mine has been better than I ever thought. Poor Jennifer struggles with having fucked you when she was still with Charles."


"She is letting herself accept the idea that she loves you, too. She almost did before she left and regretted going. Now, she fears that you will generalize her behavior and will think her a slut." She sat up, "You know, we are all sluts by someone's definition. If you want to keep her, you have to reassure her that you don't think of her that way."

"Talk about a double standard! I think it is okay to love you, Brianna, and Jennifer. I shouldn't be critical if she also loves Charles, who had her heart first."

"She took up with Charles to try to get over Daniel after their divorce. She still remembers how nice they had it together in the old days. You obviously love all of us. She loves Charles and Daniel and can't seem to have them or really get them out of her heart. Me? I have only you, and that's fine with me. I don't know how I would juggle three."

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“No, you heard me right. He does not want her to come for the week-long thing anymore; well, at least for the near future. He says he’s afraid she will learn to resent him if he continues to insist on it. I mean her staying there as usual,” said Penelope. “Jesus!” said Grant. “Was it something that Zoe said, did?” “No, just the opposite. She’s been so nice these last couple of months that he figured we’d done something, coached her, to be nice and I guess it was so obvious that he just...

4 years ago
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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 39 Executing Carlys Plan

It had been an exciting weekend ... the session with Maria all but convinced me that her only desire was to be touched and treated like a woman, rather than trying to leverage some sort of personal agenda. Even bigger than that was spending the important time with Carly on Sunday, and getting her agreement (and more) that we could continue to meet with and explore possibilities with other girls. When I got out of the shower and sat down for breakfast Monday morning, my Mom was already...

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The Pressure Relieving Boy

My mother, a slender blonde who was about to turn thirty-three, was working the front desk of a hotel. She was narrow across both hips and chest, and I guess it’s fair to say that I got my own unimpressive physique for a boy more from her genetics than from my father. We had never had a lot of money, and truth be told it didn’t help that my thieving father had leeched money from my gullible mother and left her in debt. Anyways, with him out of our lives, we were to get our own place once Mom...

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Picked up by truck driver

I was in my young teen when this happened.One late friday night I was walking back from town along the main road and I was all alone with no sign of movement anywhere, well that was until a set of head lights appeared behind me getting closer each seconds. They seemed to slow down as they got closer until I looked beside me to see this big 18 wheeler truck pull ap along side me and I looked up at the cab to see the driver winding down the window before sticking his head out to say hi.I said hi...

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Bildungsroman I

Bil·dungs·ro·manˈbildo͝oNGzrōˌmän,ˈbēldo͝oNGks-/ noun1. a novel dealing with one person's formative years or spiritual education.Chapter 1The Cardellos“Probably because when I was twelve, I watched my uncle fuck my sister Katie like five different ways till Tuesday, and then I lost my virginity the next night fucking her the exact same way.” That was my answer, after deliberate thought, to the question, “How did you become such a fantastic lay?” posed by Lucy Spellman not two weeks ago as we...

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My Beautiful Bhabhi Sex Desire

Hi friends, mera naam jitu kumar hai meri age 24 hai aur main u.p ke ek town me rehta hun aur apne parents ke sath rehkar study karta hun. Mera village mere town se 50 KM. Door hai waha mere family ke ek brother ki marriage abhi 7 saal pehle hui thi , bhabhi bahut hi beautiful hain main unko hamesha se pasand karta tha . Abhi ek baar ki baat hai jab main apne village ek sadi me gaya tha jab main apni bhabhi ke yahan gaya us time unke yahan jada log nahi the waha bhabhi unki nand aur saas thi...

1 year ago
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The Power of Science Chapter 4 Claires New Life continued

Evan told Julianne about his ability, as well as what he did to Claire. He let Julianne enjoy using Claire, but she suddenly acted up and defied one of Evan's orders. Needless to say, she needed to be punished for her disobedience. ===== Evan dragged the rope lightly across Claire's skin. His cock was starting to get hard again. He leaned in close to Claire. "Let me show you what happens when you don't listen," Evan lifted her up and turned her around. He walked her over to his desk...

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Boarding with Jim at New Outlooks

This is a story for those who enjoy reading about forced hormonal feminization, not just guys dressing up in female clothes. It tells what happens when two young boys are send to a unique school where--much to the younger one's surprise--they undergo special physical and hormonal treatment programs. The younger one is given female hormones (against his knowledge, untl it is too late), his roommate is given male hormones that turn him into a super masculine stud, with predictable...

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The Submission

The contact was made via a personal ad. William had started the ad and she was the first to answer. He was longing to experience something special again after a long time. A little bit of a thrill, a little bit excitement. The following e-mail conversation was very fascinating for him. He liked her right from the start and couldn´t wait to meet her for the first time. From that moment on when he heard her smoky voice on the telephone he was hooked. He called her every day. And finally they...

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My Teacher

This is the story of the glorious night when my panty fetish first started. I am 18 and at my high school there is a teacher that i have had a crush on for a very long time. She is tall, medium length brown hair, beautiful legs, an amazing ass and the perfect (and i mean perfect) tits. Now this is where it really gets good, she is my best friends Mum. One night I went over to his house, she took us from the school back to the house where she immediately started downing a few beers. My friend...

2 years ago
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Laura part 3

"...And that's about it for this half of the term!" Mrs. Ford says, prompting everyone in the class to whisper excitedly and put away their textbooks. "See you all in a week!" "So cool!" Nicole enthuses as we leave the classroom. "One down, twenty-nine to go!" Suriya laughs. I force a laugh out of my mouth, but it's not a sincere one. Unlike virtually every kid in the school, though, I would give anything to be able to attend lessons next week. And it's not just so I can hang out...

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High Performance

The car had been beautiful before Marla had fallen on it. I had always appreciated mustangs, and so seeing the destruction of this one after the plummeting of her body was dreadful. I find myself wondering if the owner’s insurance policy has a clause covering damage caused by dead cheerleaders. It seems a little unfair and cruel to speak of Marla like that. I regret the thought but I can’t help it, it’s how I’ve always thought. She was someone special. She had a family and friends and she...

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The Blizzard

The Blizzard of The Century, or at least that is what the media was calling it.  It was snowing so hard that the hospital didn't let the day shift go home, that is how dangerous it was.  Not to mention the fact that the night shift couldn't get in.  I was working with one of the male nurses that I have an absolute crush on, which is kind of silly, since we are both pushing 50.  We have been out for coffee, and out on a date, and I have even met his parents, but we had never crossed the line of...

Straight Sex
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Becoming the Flyer Ch1

Stacey wasn’t sure her mom and dad would have approved of the “training” she was getting at this expensive camp her coach had recommended.  Her high school cheer coach also being the head of the camp was the primary reason she was here, along with her natural athleticism and mom and dad's money.  Coach Natasha had a fondness for her, to say the least, and made no attempts at hiding it.  Even with others around Stacey often found herself embarrassed yet titillated by all the touching, teasing,...

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balcony fuck

i knock at your front door again& when you open the door wideluckily, i am the only one in the hallas you are already completely naked& your cock is rock-hard & throbbing...i smile wickedly when i see your arousal& lean down as i slither my tongue out2 taste a pearl of your oozing pre-cum..." suck it !! " you groan " suck my cock !! "i bend my body down 4ward at the waist& my lips slide around your swollen glansas you take 2 steps back & i follow youwith your cock-head...

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davey dad and santa

DAVEY, DAD, AND SANTA"Davey!" my dad called from upstairs."What?" I yelled back, not taking my eyes off of the Christmas-day footballgame on the television."I need help!""Can't Mom do it?""She's already headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's to help get ready forChristmas dinner.""Okay, be right there."I flipped off the television and headed upstairs. Larry could give me afull replay when he stopped by later.*****"What's the big...?" My voice trailed off when I crossed the threshold ofmy parent's...

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Brothers Are ForeverChapter 4

Joe was going to have to work early every day through Wednesday, so Maria didn't push spending any more evenings in bed with him until that was over. As for the time she spent in Joe's bedroom late every afternoon, she figured what Pete didn't know wouldn't hurt him, especially since she made sure Pete got hot sex every night. It was Tuesday night, as she and Pete were both about to drift off to sleep, that she came to a shocking realization. She was really enjoying sex with Pete, and...

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Catholic Nun Strips Naked During Church Services

Prelude: An beautiful young woman is a Catholic Nun. One Sunday morning she is given the opportunity to conduct her own Church service. She has a fantasy about being naked on stage in front of the entire congregation so she can watch them admire her slender sexy body. This is her story. deleted

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Finders FeeChapter 4

After we finished I cleaned up and put everything away. What a laugh! Here I was finally a slave owner three times over and I was still doing all the work! They were sitting around in the common area talking about what they should tell their parents when I finished. In fact we did it right there. Sharon controlled the camera so all they had to do was say what they wanted and she put it in the correct message and after the girls gave her the addresses sent them. Aren't AIs wonderful? "So...

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Archika chud gayi

Hi doston this is Aryan from new delhi. Mian aap sab ka hardik swagat karta hun. Heroine se ab main bor ho chukka tha maine uski kai baar ki aur main ab kisi fresh chut ke intjaar mien tha aur yeh intejar mere school khulne ke baad khatam hua . Main in chutiyon mein bilkul badal gaya tha. Main toh bus kisi tarah se chut chodna chata tha. Ek din humari class mein bahut kam bacche the. To humari class dusri class ke baccho ke saath rakh di gayi. Hum log unki class mein jaake baith gaye. Humara...

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A nightmare for the night teenie

I knew a man, Alex who provided girls for a night. I wanted a threesome with a good slut as a birthday gift for Derek. Alex asked me to come to his office where he did show me his four available girls. I wanted the one who is raw, delicate, less experied with huge boobs and a big ass. A girl name Rose, an Italian teenager was a beautiful slut amongst the four. Alex asked the other girls to leave and he asked Rose to strip down her clothes. She was the perfect slut for us, big boobs, big ass,...

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Testing Grounds Ch 01

May 23rd, 2057 11:24 am PST Like a spy cloaked against its enemies, three small spiked shapes danced unnoticed by the neighboring cells floating in the culture dish. Dimmed light from the monitor lit Dr. Campbell's face while he watched the movement of the magnified sample. Computers hummed in the darkened room, providing power to the algorithms that automatically tracked and recorded the specimens. Dr. Campbell cleared his throat before speaking. "Allie, begin recording. Adenovirus Infection...

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Rome by The idea of this story was taken froma Paper back " those who are about to die salute you " in which the storywas told, authenticated by recorded roman text, of the Roman circus. I have taken it one step further and toldthe story in its own right Yes, a woman citizen was put to death,first having been raped in the arena by a jackass and earlier a blond teenagerhad been raped by a bull just as described, all for votes. What I have done is take a senators wifeand upgrade the...

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Workout Plan Gay

After dinner that night, I logged onto my computer to check email. I had a message from an anonymous source with the title, "Workout Plan."The email read:"Dear Cocksucker,I know you enjoyed your little escapade in the garage today, I could see it in your eyes. I also know you want it to happen again. Lucky for you, instead of trolling the streets looking for anonymous dick, I have exactly what you need. Take a look at the attached pics and try and tell me your mouth isn't watering thinking of...

2 years ago
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Cheating Is EasyChapter 4

The next day at work, they tried unsuccessfully to maintain a professional manner between them but time after time they would catch themselves grinning at each other. Of course everyone else in the office saw the same thing and they were each and every one of them glad. Mary was sitting alone in the Den with the lights down low. The TV was on but basically just for background noise. She has just finished the weekly obligatory phone call with Mike. It had now been three months since he had...

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New Career1862Chapter 9

I had left Ada in the stable since I figured on going back to the hotel that night. The Jimson place was about two hours out of town, so the sun was well up by the time we got there. The place looked about like you would expect after an unsuccessful Indian attack. There were soot marks on the adobe walls of the house where torches had been thrown against it, and the haystack was nothing but a pile of ashes. The barn was also adobe, so it was no more damaged than the house. Somehow, the...

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Winters A Bitch

Winter's a Bitch! - Lexi Hawke - Thank you for taking the time to read my story. As with many of my stories, there was an event that happened that the story is built around. This story belongs to my friend, Winter (not her real name). I also inserted myself into the storyteller since he was just an anonymous Craigslist poster (and Winter did not like the story told from her point of view. Maybe someday, I will post the story I wrote with her being the storyteller.) I did take some...

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I had to lose almost everything before I came to my senses, sitting there at the dining table with my boyfriend Todd – watching him gamble away everything he owned and, as it turned out, a few major things that I owned too. I never considered myself to be stupid, but much as a frog stays in water that slowly warms up to a boil without noticing what is going on, it somehow didn’t concern me when he stopped winning at poker and started to lose. It didn’t concern me that the new car I was...

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Corporate Ladder

Writer’s Note: Even though I’ve had three “editors” read this before I submitted it, and they liked the ending, I’m not sure I like the ending. So all of you “critics” out there give me some feedback if you have some ideas that could have finished better… I can only learn with Your Help… Thanks Sport 7777 This story has a little bit of everything. Erotic Couplings,Anal, Group, Lesbian, and it’s long with many chapters , so I put it in the novels/novella’s category. Sport 7777 THE CORPORATE...

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my best friend once introduced me to this single mom black woman. she lives by her self and i was over at her place and i fell asleep... she got up and went to work. when i woke up no one was home. So i searched through her stuff and found her homemade porn tape and i put it on the dvd player. i jacked off like 2 times for the day just watching her movie with passion. but while on my 3rd rounds. A strange woman opened the door and came in to the living room and caught me with my cock in my hand...

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My First Sex Encounter In Germany 8211 Part 1

Hi, friends. This is the sex story of my first sexual encounter in life away from a homeland in Germany. I am a simple 26 years old guy, who has come to Germany for studies. I I am having an athletic body and good looking.I stay in Hamburg and this story is from my first year in Germany i.e. 2015. After coming to Germany, it was a very strange feeling for me as it was the first time I was away from India. New place, new culture new people, so I was pretty alone at the beginning. But slowly, I...

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Finally happened My first BBC and more

I finally talked him into it. I'm 33 years old. I've been with the same guy since I was 14. My taboo fantasy was to fuck a black guy. I have a great sex life, my husband wasn't the typical white guy. 9 inchs long and about 3+ thick it was great. That's not what my fantasy came from. It was my family, my whole life I was told it was wrong; that I'd be disowned blah blah blah. So for me it was rebellious taboo that I so wanted. Well my hubby is a pretty open guy, heck I've been with...

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