True Love? free porn video

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True Love? By Trish. It was pretty obvious from Mike's posh accent and confidently superior manner that he was from 'old' money but I did not hold that against him when a mutual friend introduced us. It was at the end of my foundation year and I was looking for somewhere to live, while Mike was looking for someone to rent his third bedroom. Oddly given our very different back grounds we got on well from that first meeting and soon struck up an unlikely friendship based on a shared love of cheesy B movie's, satirical comedy and science fiction! A year later when he finished his MBA and went to work for his family firm, Mike surprised me by keeping the house and his room even though he only used it a couple of times a term. When I asked him why, he said he spent enough time in hotel's at work and keeping the house gave him an escape in town from the 'bread head' business world he inhabited. This suited me perfectly as it meant I did not have to move. The house was in a nice area, had all the mod cons and was cheep by London standards. Even better was Mike's willingness to wave a month or two's rent in exchange for a some of my degree show work, which meant I could even afford to buy him a beer when he was around. Although we became good friends we did not socialise that much together as he tended to prefer hang around with his rugby and cricket club mates, while I was into a more arty scene. In Mike's world women were two a penny and for all that he was more than a little chauvinistic he was never short of female company but none of them lasted very long, mostly because they were not what he considered to be a 'real' woman. May be it was due to his aristocratic background, or perhaps he just had a dated view of women but he was always moaning about how twisted it was that 'skirt' these days thought they were as good as men, and did not know how to behave or act like women! I was the polar opposite to Mike's 'one of the lads' macho personality. Having been brought up in one of the most deprived area's in the country by my 'working girl' mother, university for me was my way out and I was pretty single minded about getting a good degree. Being a bright if arty boy from a place where any sort of academic ambition in a lad was frowned upon, I had learned to be comfortable if not necessarily happy with my own company and until I met Mike I never had any close friendships. That's not to say I had ever been short of friends, but I seldom let anyone get close to me. Being an art student I had lots of female friends and had always got on well with girls even though I was not seen as much of a catch, but that did not bother me, because I had a secret girlfriend... my feminine alter ego! All my life I had been plagued by a liking for the feminine things. I don't know exactly when the desire began but it started with wearing my mothers panties and stockings, then as I got as little older it slowly progressed to dressing up fully when ever she was out. The opportunities at home however were few and far between so it was not until I left home for university that I was able to really indulge myself. Over the years of my degree I slowly built up something approaching a wardrobe of feminine clothes. Naturally living in shared housing I had to be very discrete with my dressing and I thought no one knew about my 'feminine' side until a just after I graduated. Unlike the year before where Steve the guy who had been in the other room for the last two years had stayed the summer before going to Cambridge for his Masters, this year I would have the house to myself until Mike found a new tenant. Knowing that I would have the opportunity to really dress I had been looking forward to the weekend of the 23rd June all term because that was when Ned (Steve's replacement) went back to Ireland. Even better Mike had mentioned a week or two before Ned left that he did not intend replace him until next term, which meant I had the house to myself all summer! Since it was slap in the middle of the cricket season I felt pretty sure Mike would not drop in and believing I had the place to myself I had got myself all dressed up. I felt like I was in heaven as I spent the day playing housewife before making my dinner still dressed to the nines. After cleaning up my dinner I was feeling pretty pleased with myself and as I poured myself a glass of wine Mike walked in to the kitchen unannounced and caught me red handed! Getting 'busted' was one of my deepest nightmares. I felt sure that it would lead to ridicule and public humiliation but Mike's reaction took me completely by surprise when he said with a triumphant smile. "Caught you!" I nearly sent my wine flying all over the place as I jumped out of my skin in shock when I saw Mike standing there with a crooked grin all over his face. Whistling to himself as he eyed me up with an approving look in his face and said. "Not bad, not bad at all," as his eyes took in my carefully made up face, summer dress and heels adding, "So we meet at last?" All I could say was, "Oh my god!" "No just me!" Mike leered pulling a can of beer from the fridge, adding to himself as he popped the can open, "What a bloody day." I just felt like a rabbit trapped in a head lamp as he grinned and said, "You better sit down before you fall down!" I was still babbling, "Oh my god," and would have bolted if he had not grabbed my arm and pushed me into a chair before slumping down at the table opposite me. "No you don't!" He grinned, adding, "Oh and before you try to come up with some cock and bull excuse you should know I have known about your hobby for almost as long as I've known you, so drink your wine and calm down!" "You knew?" I gasped as his words sunk in. "Yeah!" He said with a nod before taking a long pull at his can. Finally collecting some semblance of rational thought I managed to croak, "How?" "Did I find out." He finished the sentence for me. I nodded almost falling into the chair. "I found your stash of clothes when that water pipe leaked, and I got to say you don't half brush up well Susie." "Susie?" I whispered horsely "Yeah... Susie," he grinned over his can adding. "I hope you don't mind but Stu doesn't work for you looking like that, and anyway I've always thought you looked like a Susan to me, so that's what I'm going to call you from now on." "Oh?" I said, shakily lifting my glass and emptying the glass in one. The last few minutes had not gone anything like how I had imagined being busted was going to end up! Plucking the bottle of wine from the table Mike topped up my glass saying in a friendly tone. "Look Susan, chill out and relax I've been wanting to meet the real you for most of the last two years and now I have." He had a huge cheesy grin on his face as he added, "Now tell me when did you start?" "Um er, when I was a kid years ago." I mumbled struggling to make myself talk. Having spent most of my life hiding my transvestite urges it was not a subject I felt comfortable talking about. Mike however did not let me evade his questions and little by little he eventually he prised from me my story. How I had started dressing, if I had ever been out, what it did for me and how it made me feel. By mixing and matching questions about my dressing with questions about my childhood, he skilfully talked me down to semblance of calm before he changed the subject completely and asked how my job hunting was going? Shrugging I told him that I had sent off lots of application forms for 'real jobs' but had no success as yet and was pretty much resigned to going back to university for a post graduate certificate in education. "I could see you as an art teacher, but I think you'd probably hate the job." Mike laughed. "Probably," I nodded, "But its better than waiting tables or going in the civil service." "You know if you go into teaching then, you'll have to be careful about," Mike waved a finger at my clothing, "Because it would probably count against you in a CRB check." I did not really want to think about that, and instead asked him if he still loathed working for 'the family' which made him laugh and say. "Yeah! So I'm not any more, well not for the company anyway! The whole business was starting to drive me daft. I worked it out that for the last year or two I've been spending almost a third of my life either on an aeroplanes or kicking my heels at airports for no other reason than to chase money, while having to be nice to people I despise. Anyway after a truly horrid week spent with some real bastards I decided that the corporate lifestyle was not for me, so I quit!" "So what you doing?" "Well I'm still on the board obviously, which is why I had to come up to town today, but since the start of the month I've taken over managing the families property estate." Mike told me crushing his empty can and tossing it the general direction of bin. With a grin flickering on his lips he leant back in his chair and glanced at the wall clock, adding as he opened the fridge for another can. "What with mother passing away last year, and Dick her land agent about ready to retire, when Uncle Roderick said that we'd have to appoint a new estate manager. I realised the job was my perfect escape from the company. After a bit of squabbling we came to a deal that let me take over the estate with out interference from them, and in return I'm allowing him and my cousin Robert run the company." I did not even know his family had an estate and said. "Estate?" "Yeah, the family owns a small hunting shooting fishing estate in Scotland, some land up on the Pennines and a fair chuck of Devon, between Tiverton and the coast. Its mostly heathland, farms and the like," Mike said, "Along with the most of the land that surrounds what was the family pile. Grandfather leased the house and the formal grounds off in the 60's and it's now a posh hotel and leisure complex." "Wow!" I said astonished. "Mind if we carry this on after Battlestar?" Mike said standing and walking into the front room adding, " The repeat is on the telly and I missed it on Tuesday." "Okay." I nodded standing and automatically smoothing my skirt as I picked up the can that missed the bin huffing at his untidiness, which made him joke that I would make someone a cracking wife one day! During the third advert break, Mike suddenly grinned at me and said handing me his empty can, "Do us a favour Susie and get us another one." "Get your own," I laughed. "Well I would but you're the one wearing the dress," Mike teased, "And that makes you the girl here and as far as I can tell Susan," his eyes raked over me approvingly. "You are a quite evidently all girl!" He grinned and gave me a wink, "And since this place has never been kept this clean and tidy, a house proud one at that. So I am sure you'd prefer to be the perfect hostess and get me a beer!" "Chauvinist!" I laughed doing as he asked, and oddly getting a thrill from acting as the 'girl.' "Guilty!" He chuckled, "But I'm sure you'll forgive me," as I came back with his refill. "Thanks," Mike said taking the can as he added with that crooked grin of his, "Babe!" "Babe?" I laughed to hide my sudden discomfort. "If you think I look like a babe then you've had to much too drink!" "Its in the eye of the beholder?" Mike teased. For the next hour or so Mike made a few subtle and unsubtle teasingly chauvinistic comments about how my choice of dress dictated my role. When I look at what he said now I can see that he was using humour to basically test how I perceived the feminine gender roll and being honest like most transvestites I had a very traditional view femininity, which was just what Mike wanted to hear. Completely oblivious to where he was going I walked straight into an idea that had been kicking round in his head for long enough for him to have thought about it. He waited until it was getting late and I had most of the bottle of wine inside me before he musingly commented. "You know now I've finally met you as Susan, it's given me an idea if you're game for it?" The wine and his positive reaction had relaxed me enough to have almost forgotten that this was the first time he had ever seen me dressed and I said with a half smile, "What idea?" "Well for one, I think your should start living as Susan full time at home." I blushed and admitted that I had been planning on doing that until he got me a new house mate in mid September. "Don't worry about that." Mike said with a grin, "Because I'm not going to in the foreseeable future, so what do you say?" "Well?" I half blushed, "If you don't mind and give me some warning if anyone's likely to come round." "Oh I don't mind!" Mike gave me a mock leer. "Now you said you've never had the bottle to dare go out dressed?" "Yeah," I nodded, I had already admitted that I had often wished I had the courage to experience being in public as a girl but did not have the confidence to go through with it. "Good," he gurgled, "Because I want to take you out dinner tomorrow evening!" "Dinner, no way!" I gasped. "Why not? You're the one who likes being dressed up like a woman and what could be better camouflage for your first public outing than dinner with a hunk like me?" When Mike called himself a hunk he was not understating his good looks. At 6'2 with cornflower blue eyes, thick sandy hair and a physique to match he could have stepped off a Nazi recruiting poster! "I couldn't?" "Yes you can!" He grinned, "Otherwise I'll end up going on the lash with the boys and you know how liable I am to engage mouth before brain when I'm out on the piss..." The threat was implicit in his tone. He knew that if my dressing became public knowledge it would kill any chance of me passing a CRB to work with children, which left me with not choice by to agree but I still tried to talk him out of it. "I couldn't, I'd make a fool of us." "No you wouldn't," Mike grinned knowing he had won. "You look smashing dressed like that, and I'm sure with a better dress, and a few enhancements you'll make a just the sort of decorative ornament I want on my arm." "But?" I yelped. "No buts!" Mike said firmly. I looked at him with my mouth moving but nothing was coming out. "Look I cannot afford to make a fool of myself any more than you can, so trust me okay. I'll treat you right, and get you a nice outfit, some sexy lingerie and a pair of heels. A better wig, blonde I think and some good quality silicone boobs." Mike said rubbing his hands together, "And if you still think you look stupid when you're all dolled up for me then I'll settle for just taking you for a walk round the park on the way to pick up a takeaway... but I know that won't be necessary!" Mike was not going to let me get out of it, and eventually I agreed to go along with his crazy plan if he promised to call it off if I looked stupid. "Marvellous!" Mike grinned, "I can't wait! I know you can look like a girl, and you'll just love being treated like a lady, and what the hell! You've already admitted that you enjoy being feminine just imagine the kick you'll get out of experiencing what its like to go on a date!" "Mike we're not going on a date!" I exclaimed. "Wrong word." He grinned. Later in bed I was in a state of shock and feeling rather panic stricken I ignored my usual hello kitty night dress and promised myself that I survived tomorrow I'd never to dress up again! It was promise I had made myself god knows how many times before and never kept but this time, I meant it! After hours tossing and turning I eventually fell asleep, and when I surfaced next morning Mike was gone. Recalling my promise I spent all day trying to paint myself calm debating what to do until Mike got home mid-afternoon. I quickly found out that my promise never to dress again was going nowhere when he bounded in and said pulling a face when he saw me wearing jeans and a scruffy paint splattered tee-shirt. "Why you dressed like that? I thought I told you to dress pretty in the house from now on!" I did not like the 'told' bit and I was about to tell him that I was quitting dressing, when he said with a big grin dumping a pile of garish bags on the table. "No matter, I've got you everything you'll want to look just right for dinner with me tonight." It was clear from the logo's on the bags that Mike had been spending! All the bags were from the most exclusive stores in the city and as much as I hated myself I could not resist the shiver of glee I got at the idea of me wearing a Julian McDonald dress and Jimmy Choo's! "I'll drop them in your room, while you go have a bath and shave your legs, here I got you these." He passed me a bag containing designer bath oils, and an expensive lady shaver, "Chop-chop Susan we don't have all day, its already gone three and we've a taxi booked to pick us up at 8.30." I felt a wave of panic threatening to overwhelm me, and spluttered, "Remember if I look stupid this is off?" "Uh huh?" Mike nodded unable to keep the grin of anticipation off his face as he picked up the bags and thudded up the stairs. Telling myself, that he was offering me the chance to do something I had dreamed of for years I did as I was told. For all I was almost shitting myself I did get a thrill as I slipped into the perfumed water and started shaving my legs and arm pits. After my bath I found hanging on my wardrobe door a gorgeous black satin dress with a tight above the knee pencil skirt. Under the dress sat on a shoe box was a pair of black spike heel stiletto shoes in my size. Along with the very sexy looking stiletto's was a second box containing a pair of strap sandals with a slightly lower and wider heel. Laid out on the bed was an expensive looking waist clincher with six hanging suspenders for that nipped in waist look he so adored, along with a matching bra and silky thong knickers set with a pair of sheer nylons to complete my new lingerie. Next to the clincher was a pair realistic breast forms size 36 C to fit the bra. The outfit was completed with a belt with a decorative buckle to tighten around my middle, and show my 'figure'. Sat on my chest of draws was a glass of wine, a high priced blonde wig on a polystyrene head, and a MAC make up kit containing everything I could imagine. It was the kind of outfit I had dreamed of wearing for years and I felt torn between the excitement of getting to wear such things, and the fact that when I did, I was going to have to go out in public with Mike! Through my door I heard Mike call, "Take your time Sue and don't forget to wear the nail's I got you babe." Oh god he called me babe again, which made my stomach flip with apprehension as he added thudding away. "I just love a girl with the kind of long nails that say I don't need to work. I'll be ready before you so when you're done come straight down and we'll have a pre-dinner drink!" I felt sick when I heard the glee in his tone, because there was no way that an outfit like this could be considered as suitable for walking round the park to pick up a take out. Hell the shoes alone would cripple me before I was even half way there! I cannot say that I was reluctant to wear the stuff though, but I was absolutely terrified as I rooted in my draws for my tight elastic 'cock coverer' panties and slipped them on to quell any risk of a cock lump before I eased the silky knickers up my legs. Feeling like my body was buzzing with a mixture tangled emptions I clipped the matching bra round my chest and with my hands shaking like a leaf I picked up the breast forms. After my home made rice filled tights these were incredibly detailed and I slipped them into the cups blushing when the bra seemed to make moulded nipples look even more pronounced through the silky material. Forcing myself to calm down I told myself that if I was going to do this then I might as well as enjoy it and took a sip of the wine relishing the sensation of having boobs bobbing on my chest. God they gave me the collywobbles! Telling myself to relax I picked up the waist clincher and slipped it round my waist. Pulling it tight and settling it into place I carefully clipped the tiny fasteners closed. God it felt awesome, and I felt my cock hardening against the elastic under my panties as I arranged the suspenders so I could use the loo with out to much trouble. I was opening the packet containing the stockings when it occurred to me that the open toes of the shoes would show my toenails, which meant they needed painting. Sat on my bed I inhaled the heady scent of nail varnish as I carefully coated each nail with my favourite metallic sliver nail polish. When my nails were dry I picked up the stockings and again felt my cock fighting against the cover. I have always loved the feeling of nylon on my legs and I got a huge guilty thrill from knowing that Mike would be staring at my legs in them! Even though I was getting myself dressed up under duress and to please a man (a thought I quickly crammed into the back of my mind) I could not deny how much I was getting off on what I was doing as I watched myself slipping into the dress and tightened the belt. Leaving the shoes for now I went to work on my face. I am by no means an expert with make up but I have been wearing the stuff long enough to know how not to make a mess of it and feeling giddy with a mixture of excitement and apprehension I examined the result with glee. Thankfully the false nails came pre-painted in a glossy red colour because once they were on I doubted if I would have been able to paint them myself. With a little fiddling I put the shoulder length bobbed blonde wig on my head feeling a buzz of giddy delight at my very feminine reflection as I slipped into the killer heels and stood up. I was a little wobbly as wearing four inch heels was a brand new experience, but having worn my old three inch sandals I quickly found my balance as I turned to the full length mirror on the wardrobe and gasped in shock. "Wow!" I could not believe how good I looked, the tightly belted dress over my pulled in waist combined with my sensually bobbling boobs made it look like I had real curves and then it occurred to me that Mike had got me! There was no way he would let me get out of going to dinner with him now! I had stupidly done what he wanted! I had got myself all 'dolled' up and now I would have to face the consequences! Watching myself in the mirror as I anointed my wrists and neck with the expensive perfume I tried to push away the mounting feeling of dread. Stood there unable to pull my eyes off my reflection I dithered for what felt like an age before I forced myself to walk, well struggle down the stairs to face him. With my heart thudding in my chest I opened up the door, and walked out into the front room saying. "Well?" "Fuck me!" Mike exclaimed standing up. "Susan you look absolutely amazing!" He was wearing a very smart bespoke suit, crisp cotton shirt and a silk tie with very, very shiny shoes. "Hmm thanks, erm I think?" I blushed. "Let me look at you, give us a twirl?" Still a little unsteady in the heels I slowly spun as he wanted. "Wow, just a few final touches and you'll be the belle of the ball." From beside him he produced a couple of jewellery boxes telling me, "These were my mothers pearls." I felt a shudder of humiliation as his hands touched my shoulders and lifted my 'hair' away from my neck to fasten a string of pearls round my neck. Chuckling he spun me round to face him and asked me to hold out my wrists, which I did. Grinning up at me he fastened a slender ladies Rolex round one wrist and a matching pearl bracelet over my other commenting, "Pity your ears aren't pierced for the pearl danglers but we can get them done in the morning!" Grinning enthusiastically, Mike looked at our reflection in the mirror and said, "See you're the perfect height in those heels and didn't I tell you that you wouldn't look silly?" I blushed and mumbled something along the lines of, "Yes." Mike chuckled, and said, "Have a seat, and I'll fix you a drink, a strong one I think." Smoothing the skirt against my legs I slipped down onto the settee as he mixed me a super strength Vodka Martini. Handing me the very feminine glass, I hardly noticed the contents as I knocked it back, boy did I need that drink! "For gods sake don't guzzle like that in the restaurant Susie." Mike chuckled, already mixing me a second, "Or it will be a dead give away." "And my voice won't?" I said grasping at straws in a final attempt to talk him out of this. "With your accent probably not," Mike gave me a faint smile, "Because you don't have a particularly deep voice and if you speak quietly and keep your tone's light you'll sound awfully like Ruth Archer off the radio." "Oh!" "So just relax and it will be fine." Mike said giving my knee a reassuring squeeze through the nylon of my stockings. "Because tonight Susie, you are my girlfriend, and we're out celebrating getting engaged." "Mike!" I exclaimed as he sickeningly left his hand on my knee, which made me try to flinch away. Although he had to sense my disquiet he did not remove his hand, until he said, "Just one final touch I think," and before I could stop him he shoved a diamond ring onto my ring finger telling me, "Just so everyone who sees us will think you are taken." Before I could comment the door bell rang, "Ah taxi's here let go." Mike handed me a slim handbag, which contained nothing more than a powder compact, some lip gloss, two tampons and a packet of tissues. Giving me a wink he added, "No money of course, because tonight is my treat and anyway since for tonight you're my pretty fianc?, your man is going to take care of you." I tried to cheer myself up and call him a chauvinist, but all what came out was choked unintelligible noise. Trying to quell my shaking hands I hung the bag over my shoulder shuddering as Mike slipped his arm around my waist and guided me out. Beside his tall strong manly form I felt barely dressed and very vulnerable when he ran his hand possessively down the back of my skirt following the line of the suspenders stretched over my arse chuckling, "Just checking!" As he led me out to the waiting taxi, whispering, "Sit in the taxi bum first and spin your legs in unless you want to give me a suspender and stockings show!" Even though I was wearing four inch heels he was still a half a head taller than me, which was both a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing because it meant I looked right dressed beside him, and a curse because it meant that I was just the right size to cradle under his arm in the back of the taxi! "Where to guv?" The driver asked Mike. "The Embankment by Westminster Bridge," Mike said as we pulled away with me praying that we did not see anyone we knew. I was terrified that I would be recognised and felt sure that the evening was going to be one horror after another for me and there was nothing I could do about it! All I could do was sit there with Mike's arm around me as he cheerfully told the driver that I had just said yes to his proposal as the taxi whisked us into town. "Relax darling," Mike said as he helped me from the taxi and escorted me along the embankment towards the restaurant. Darling? I felt a weird shudder at his comment, and for a split second wondered if he meant it before deciding that he was just yanking my chain! Taking a deep breath, I said, "Where are we going?" "Nightingales," Mike answered, "I though that since its your first outing it might be best to go somewhere that has dim romantic lighting rather than one of the better lit places!" "Shit!" I cursed in the silence of my head. If there was one thing I did not want to hear it was that we were about to have dinner in a place I knew thanks to the girlie gossip magazines I liked to read was famous for its romantic atmosphere! "You know I don't think I've been this excited about taking someone to dinner in years! I've dreamed of taking you out dressed pretty much since I found out that you liked to be feminine, and now at last I am honey," Mike said, "Don't you feel the same?" "Not really," I said struggling to walk in the tight skirt and heels, "I'm shitting myself, and can hardly walk Mike!" "Oh I don't know Susie, wearing those four inch heels and that skirt has given your walk a very sexy wiggle?" "Mike!" I sniffed, "I'm serious I don't know if I can do this!" "Look all you have to do to get through tonight with out anyone guessing is to act like you want to be with me," Mike said with an encouraging smile. "Just behave kind of like you did last night, and hell you enjoyed yourself then?" He snickered, "Well you did once you had enough drink in you to calm down, and the same will be true tonight!" "I'll try Mike," I twittered feeling like I was about to burst into tears. "Look Susie I can't afford to make a fool out of myself any more than you can so please relax and trust me. I would not ask you to do this if I did not think that you looked really good, and if you just believe that yourself you'll both pass and enjoy tonight which is what a real girl would be doing just now, after all we're supposed to have just got engaged babes." Logically I knew that he was right, which made it even worse! So long as I acted like we were a real couple I should eliminate the any chance of giving myself away. Although Mike was fulfilling one of my longest standing dreams to be out in public as a girl I really did not want to do it and then it got worse as Mike took hold of my hand. I wanted to pull it free but he tutted warningly. "Engaged remember?" Before I could respond a gust of wind blew off the Thames, making my skirt brush against my stocking covered legs! It was a sensation I had never felt before and it felt weirdly good, even though it also scared the crap out of me as it reinforced the simple fact that I was in public, with no money and dressed like a girl... Jesus I was terrified! It was like Mike had taken control of everything and I was just along for the ride unable to do anything about what happening. I did not like how helpless and vulnerable it made me feel. It was like my life had spiralled completely out of my control and it was not a feeling I liked. "Mike, please?" I half cried, "What if someone we know sees us?" "In this place?" He laughed, "No we both know can afford to eat here. Look Susie so long as as you act like any other girl out with her boyfriend for dinner, all anyone will see is just a good looking bloke and his girlfriend having a romantic Friday night with her," Mike said, squeezing my hand, "Just relax and be that girlfriend." "But?" "No buts! If you go in ashamed because you're feeling like a man wearing a dress, then people will realise that you're a man in a dress." Mike stated, "If you go in acting like a girl who's just got engaged to the man she loves, then people will see you like that. Its all about perceived gender so if you behave like a girl in love anyone watching will see you like that." "Oh?" I said feeling my heart thumping like a hammer in my chest. "Look I'll say it again, I would not have talked you into doing this if I did not think that we could pull it off, because I know that the only way someone will guess what you really are if you give yourself away." "But I don't now how to behave like that?" I wailed. "Yes you do! You were doing it last night," Mike said. "You're just not seeing that, and are thinking to much about what we're doing rather than just letting things happened like you did last night!" He nodded at a couple walking towards us, "Look at them. Think about how you are standing with me and then look at how she is concentrating her attention on boyfriend, you were doing the same as she is last night and can do it tonight if you just relax and trust me okay?" "Yeah." I whispered. "Please Susie relax and just be yourself, hell you like my company so act like you do... Try not to think to much about what we are doing and just enjoy it and it will be fine." He stopped, and looked me in the eyes saying, "I know you can do this Susan, if you'll just see yourself as my girlfriend and then people seeing us will see you like that!" He chuckled, "Because I can assure you that you really do look like a sexy looking girl and one I'm not ashamed of on my arm." Even with my mounting my emotional confusion, the sheer thrill of being dressed to the nines and in public, combined with the fear of actually being seen by others, and the discomfort I felt about Mike's increasingly possessive behaviour made the walk to the restaurant both gut wrenchingly scary and thrilling! Trying to do what Mike suggested I was now clinging on his arm praying that I did not give myself away as he said to the receptionist. "We have a table for two booked for nine in the name of Appledore?" The receptionist check the bookings book and said looking at Mike, "Of course Mr Appledore, if you would like to follow me your table is ready?" Jesus I was scared when I saw how busy the place was. I felt sure that someone was going to point me out and shout 'look at the drag-queen' or worse as the receptionist led us into the dimly lit restaurant. "Ah Mr Mike!" A camp looking Frenchman in a dinner suit minced towards us waving the receptionist away excitedly calling, "How nice to see you again." "Hello Jacques," Mike said shaking his hand. "An who is zis pretty lady?" Jacques said dripping with Gallic charm as he smiled while undressing me with his eyes! "This is my girlfriend." Mike said giving me a squeeze. "Susan." "Enchant? madame." Jacques said taking my hand and kissing the back of it, which really freaked me out! Thankfully we were almost at the table and Mike covered my disquiet saying. "Hands off Jacques, we've just got engaged!" "Tr?s bon!" Jacques said as he held my chair for me saying excitedly reverting to his own language. "Et vous ?tes venu au chez Jacques pour c?l?brer votre enclenchement ce soir oui?" "Oui o? autrement?" Mike answered him in flawless French. "Bon Mr Mike." Jaques said. He had that air of French superiority and I could not help but smile as he clapped his hands and called in French as he handed us a menu, " Henri! Le champagne pour Mr. Mike et sa dame, vite, vite!" I fixed my eyes on Mike and whispered, "He's a bit OTT isn't he?" "Jacques, yeah." Mike laughed and said, "Feel any better?" "Not really." I said with a forced smile. "Well you should because you've just past the first and hardest hurdle, and," he snickered. "You turned more than one head when we came in and got a few blokes in here kicked by their wives!" The service was impeccable and moments later we had a glass of Champaign each. Giving me a cautioning look as I lifted my glass, I took a sip and placed my glass down. Giving me a faint nod of approval Mike whispered taking hold of my hands, "Don't be obvious about it but look round and see how the other women in here are behaving towards their men Susie, see how they are making him the centre of their attention, look at the way they are sitting seductively, and smiling as they speak?" I nodded. "They are all flirting with their dates and that's how you need to be acting, okay?" "Yeah," I nodded looking in his eyes and smiling at him, "I'm trying." "I know," He said with an edge in his eyes as he added, "Try harder, you're here as my girl and any girl who has hooked an engagement ring off bloke like me would be deliriously happy, and you need to act like it before everyone reads you?" "Yes Mike," I whispered. "Another good idea would be to call me sweetheart or the like," he grinned, "Try it when the waiter come to take the order?" I knew what he was saying was right and regardless of how I felt about it I had no choice. I had to act like a woman who was interested him, or like he said I would give myself away. It was not easy to pretend that I was in love with Mike and captivated by what he was saying, but I tried. Although at first I swung between abject terror to almost enjoyment, after Mike got a couple of glasses of bubbly down me I began to get used to the overwhelming sensation of feeling like I was dressed for display and little by little the thrill of being in public passing as a girl began to build. Having never had a really posh meal before I was astonished by the service, but wrapped up in my own fears and worries I hardly tasted the food. It was pretty clear to me that Mike was enjoying every moment my feminised company which dredged up that scary question I asked myself earlier about his sexual tastes? I had heard all the stories about public school boys, and Mike had been packed off to boarding school aged seven. I knew because he had told me that he had spent pretty much all his adolescence in a boys only environment. Making matters worse was having met a few of his old school 'chums' I knew from deflecting the passes at me that many of them were unashamedly bi-sexual! Asking myself if Mike might have some of the same inclinations just added to my woes! I tried to shove those questions back into the depth of my mind but it was hard to keep them from coming back because it was clear from how he was treating me that even though it was torture for me, he was loving showing me off as Susan! I had no desire to be with a man and I just hoped he had been telling me the truth that his behaviour was just an act to provide me with camouflage so I could pass more easily because scarily I was getting to really enjoy being treated like a lady. Hell I was even batting my eyelashes at him and doing that Lady Di thing where girls look at men who interest them through their eyelashes and fringe. I think Mike liked that as much as I liked getting called Miss by the waiters and the novelty of having the doors held for me. All in all the whole evening was in a strangely frightening way one hell of a thrill ride! By following his suggestion and watching how the 'other girls' behaved I quickly realised that all I had to do was fix my attention on him, laugh at his jokes and smile a lot as I let him talk. I may not have wanted to do this but I'll admit that by the end of the evening I was not having to pretend I was enjoying having dinner with Mike. Neither was I feigning any interest as he told me how much he was enjoying his new job and his plans for the family estate. I might have been enjoying myself but it was still more than a relief when he at last he called for the bill, and told me the taxi would be coming soon. "Told you," Mike grinned as we walked out into the cool of the night, "That you could pass." "Yeah, you did," I blushed, "And it was fun." May be it was because we had more than a few drinks or just the fact that I had got used to being Susan in public but as we walked along the embankment to the taxi I was feeling much more relaxed about being outside dressed as a girl. So much so that I did not even feel that alarmed when Mike slipped his arm round my waist again as I clacked along beside him. "Did you enjoy yourself Susie?" Mike asked. Nodding I grinned up at him and said. "Yes. I might have started out as one the scariest things I have ever done but I can also say its also been probably the best night out I have ever had!" I paused thinking about it for a moment before adding. "Thanks for tonight Mike, its been amazing!" "Told you so!" He laughed, "And like I said I would not have asked you to do it if I did not think you could pull it off honey." Perhaps it was because I had just spent a wonderful night dressed to the nines in public but I did not feel anything like as uncomfortable as I had earlier when cradled me against his shoulder in the taxi home. Even so I still got a sudden blast of terror when I saw the streets were busy with people heading home from the pub as the taxi turned towards the house. Preying that non of the neighbours saw us getting back, with me dressed up hanging on Mike's arm when he steered me up to our door. For all that it had been a wonderful night I would be lying if I did not admit to feeling a tremendous wave of relief as Mike closed the door behind us. That relief did not last long though, because just inside the door and before I could react he used a move on me that I had seen him pull on real girls before! With a triumphant grin he quickly turned so he positioned himself with me back against trapped against the door with his arms on either side my body. All of a sudden I felt my guts turn to water certain that he was about to kiss me but instead he said. "That was a lovely night Susan. Now we are really alone, tell me the truth did you enjoyed it as much as you said you did?" "Yes!" I squeaked, "It really was fun Mike, thank you." "Good then you won't object to doing it again, or this," and then before I could stop him he leaned forward, and gave me a kiss! Trapped against the door I could not escape as his lips met mine. I could not dare to look and see his face in mine, so I closed my eyes and felt a shiver of self disgust when I felt my body betraying me as my cock reacted to his gentle kiss! Stunned I barely heard Mike snickering as he broke the kiss and let me free, "Mm you taste lovely sweetheart!" "You kissed me!" I gasped. "Yeah!" He chortled. "And I've been wanting to do that all night darling!" "But I'm not gay!" I whimpered. "Neither am I!" "But, you kissed me?" I repeated stunned. "Yeah I did!" "But why?" I said, more to myself than him. Mike grabbed my hands and said drawing me into the front room, "Because you are a girl, and before you get all huffy with me, I could tell you enjoyed it!" "But I'm a bloke?" "You aren't to me," Mike grinned, "Well not tonight anyway!" His words sent my head into a whirl of confusion that rendered me speechless, and before I could put my thoughts into some semblance of order Mike said poring me a large Baileys, "Nightcap?" I needed a drink and nodded. "Good!" Mike pushed me onto the settee and thrust a the glass into my hands. I hardly tasted the large baileys and ice he gave me as I blabbed in confusion, "But you kissed me?" Mike chuckled as he settled down beside me saying, "Hush!" With a pat on my knee. "It was only a kiss for gods sake!" Shocked, I found myself answering his questions about how I had felt when we were out. Grinning Mike kept me talking with a series of probing questions that forced me to see just how much I had enjoyed being out with him as his girlfriend. Eventually Mike called an end to the night with a second kiss as he said, "Goodnight honey." With my lips still ringing from his parting kiss, I stumbled into my bedroom and undressed feeling like my world was spinning out of control! I felt completely twisted up inside about enjoying the thrill of appearing as his girlfriend and the shocking reality of being kissed by another man. The whole business sent my head spinning with questions and worries and I was on autopilot as I removed my nails and washed the make up from my face in the bathroom. In the background I could hear Mike going to bed and it was a relief that by the time I looked like myself again I could hear his snores though the wall. With my hands shaking I half expected to find him in my bed, but thankfully he was not, but he had been in my room because sat on my pillow was a long clinging satin nightdress and matching wrap with a note from Mike saying "I want to see you wearing this for me in the morning!" I hardly slept a wink that night even though given the amount of and mixture of booze I had consumed I should have gone out like a light! Instead I spent the night wrestling with my worries. I felt sick about enjoying that lingering kiss, and the pleasure I had got from being treated as a real woman... God I felt confused, and troubled, so troubled that I was out of the house for just after eight. As I crept past his room all I could hear was his snores, and it was a relief to get some air as I walked aimlessly round for hours trying to sort out my mixed up emotions. Dreading going home I eventually got back around lunch time and got the shock of my life even though Mike was not in. Apart from my interview suit, one shirt and tie along with my good pair of shoes and the things I was wearing all my male clothes had vanished from my room! Mike was back only a few minutes after I found out, and as I exclaimed furiously! "What the fuck have you done, where are my things?" "Well since you are going to be Susan for me at home from now on I gave them to Oxfam!" Mike said with a triumphant grin plonking himself on a chair as he added. "You won't be needing them! I told you that from now on you're Susan! Now get out of those ridiculous clothes, fix your face and get something pretty on, or do I have to put you over my knee and spank you until you do?" "You wouldn't dare!" I exploded back at him. Before the words were completely out of my mouth Mike grabbed me by my arm and yanked me over his knee, saying. "This is for your own good Susan," and started spanking me with his hand. Telling me I was going to be his girl for him, and look pretty and feminine like he wanted, he kept whacking my bottom until I was kicking, crying and begging him to stop, which he did to ask. "Now are you going to be a good girl Susan or do I have to carry on this?" "I'll be good." I sobbed feeling humiliated with my bum stinging with pain. "A good what?" He growled. "A good girl!" I cried. "Good and your name is?" "Susan." I sniffed. "And what are you going to do?" "Look pretty and feminine for you!" "Good girl." Mike chortled, "Now say thank you, and go get dressed! I think that black skirt of yours with that red top along with your waist clincher and stockings will be just perfect. Oh and make sure to do your face up pretty, because I'm taking you for that walk round the park." "Thank you Mike." I sniffed still bent over his knee with my head in turmoil. "I did not enjoy having to discipline you Susan, but I will not tolerate such wilful disobedience from you." Mike said. "If you had not been so naughty and gone out with out telling me where you had gone, and then shouted at me when I got home, I would perhaps have waited a while before making my decision." "Decision?" I said sniffing back the last of my tears. "Yes, dear," Mike smiled triumphantly, "Its clear from your outburst earlier that you have some misguided ideas about your place in this house, so I have made up my mind that as of this moment and for the foreseeable future, certainly until next term, I'm going to have to insist that you live as my kept woman!" "Kept?" I blubbed. "Yes. Kept, meaning I will provide for you and take care of all financial issues, while in return you will look, think and behave as Susan unless you would rather I told the gossip columnist from Heat magazine who saw us having dinner last night that I was escorting my transvestite lodger on his first public outing?" "No... Please, I'll do what you want." I sniffed. Seeing that he had won, he pulled my wallet from table saying, "I will put this somewhere safe as you won't be needing it for a while! I will arrange some temporary documentation and bank account in your new name for the housekeeping allowance. I think Susan Mary Lane has a nice ring to it, now get dressed Susan and we can get past this unfortunate incident." Leaving me sobbing on the kitchen floor, Mike walked off whistling cheerfully. Feeling disgusted with myself for not fighting back, I eventually stumbled up to my bedroom with my bum still stinging from his spanking. With my mind in turmoil I transformed myself into Susan asking myself how on earth I was ever going to get out of this? Making matters worse for me was the black skirt and red top combination he selected was one of my favourites and with my new false boobs and the waist clincher it looked really good on me. I was doing my face when he walked in and picked up my remaining male clothes saying, "Oh and Susie make sure you wear your new sandals, because your days of flats are over. I won't have a my kept woman wearing anything less than three inch heels!" With another new handbag over my shoulder and the diamond ring again decorating my freshly red tipped hands Mike led me from the house this time in broad daylight telling me with a chortle in his plummy tone, "You know if a girl walks out with a chap twice it tells him that she really likes him?" I scowled. "God I love how you look when you get annoyed at me dear! It's a real turn on for me and makes me want to either spank or kiss you into submission." Before I could stop him he spun me into his arms and gave me a kiss in the street, slap in front of our house. "Like that!" Snickering that if anyone saw such a stiff response to a kiss from someone looking as pretty as I did, it would be a dead give away. Mike twisted the knife as he chortled, "And easily guess that you're really a boy!" "Oh god!" I moaned, feeling like I was trapped between the humiliation of discovery or having to seemingly enjoy being part of what felt to me like a homosexual act. I had no choice! I either played the part of his girlfriend or gave myself away and of the two choices, the thought of facing the ridicule that would come my way if my crossdressing became public knowledge was worse than having to hold hand and let myself be kissed by Mike! Taking his time Mike led me towards the park, again reminding me about how my body language towards him would cue people to my gender and that the only way I was going to get 'read' as a transvestite if I gave myself away! Unlike the night before it was impossible to hide in the shadows and as we walked up the road I felt like I was awash with adrenaline. Mike of course was just enjoying himself as he held me close while quietly telling me to just relax and enjoy being out as myself. His words did not at first make even a dent in the terror I felt about being in public as Susan in broad daylight. However little by little they did slowly start to chip away at the fears that for most of the first half hour threatened to overwhelm me. As with any sunny summer Saturday the park was busy with people, especially around the caf? next to the bandstand. Although I was starting to calm down Mike was astute enough to sense that I was not yet ready to face such a public place, and contented himself with walking me round the park. Keeping up his quiet encouragement we walked round for nearly an hour before he decided I was calm enough not to freak out on him when he took me for a coffee. "Mike," I whispered nervously as we walked towards the caf?, "People are looking at me... Oh god they can tell?" "Relax! They're not reading you honey," Mike said quietly with a smile, "Look at their expression's Susie." As usual Mike was right, because as I looked at the two lad kicking a football I recognised their look and it made me feel both elated and sick! I was being graded, and they did not really care that I could see their meat market expressions as we walked past. Hugging me closely Mike whispered into my ear. "I assume you saw their expressions?" I nodded. "And what expression was it Susie?" "The cattle market one!" I said in an uncertain tone. "Correct babe. Now if they thought you were a bloke in a dress or a tranny they would have been laughing at us rather than checking out your legs and tits with such appreciation!" He chuckled took on an innuendo laden edge as he added. "Oh and that couple we passed earlier, well the woman gave you that dagger look after she saw the meat market look her man gave you." Oddly since the cattle market looks made me feel sick, hearing Mike tell me that other men were admiring me as a girl was almost reassuring. "While they," Mike nodded at a bloke and his girlfriend walking towards us. "Are more interested in each other than me and you, so relax." "That's easier said than done," I whimpered. Mike chuckled lightly and squeezed me to his side. "You did it last night and I know you can do it today." "Promise?" I asked feeling afraid of what might happen inside the busy caf?. "Yeah." Mike said. "Trust me, and if it helps look at it this way. We both know you look good as a girl and you're with me. Now." He grinned and gave me that superior smirk of his adding, "I'm not blowing my own trumpet here, but even you must admit that I am a good looking bloke." I blushed nodded. "Good," He grinned, "Now when people see a bloke who looks as good as I do sweetheart, they expect such a bloke to have a pretty girl on their arm." He smiled, "In this case, you!" "But I'm not a girl am I?" I whispered. "They think you are." He nodded to a couple of lads who were obviously girl watching, "But if you are really worried that someone might read you all you have to do to make sure that you are accepted for how you look babes, is to just wrap those arms about my neck and give me a kiss, right here on my lips." I felt ashamed of myself, but at that point I was preprepared to day anything to make sure no one guessed so I kissed him! "Mm," he purred clapping his hand on my skirted bum as he guided me into the caf?, "Thanks babe!" I guess I did not really start to believe him until I noticed a couple of barely dressed girls of about my age who had seen me kiss Mike. Out of the corner of my eye I could see them giving me an envious look as he sat me down at a free table. It was pretty obvious that they were checking him out, and as he went to get the coffee's, I was able to lip-read one of them say to the other as they ogled Mike, "Pity he's taken... Lucky bitch, he's hot!" Sat there while Mike was getting the coffee I thought about the last couple of hours since we left the house. Although I did not like how he had forced me out into public during the day I knew that I was feeling was something approaching glee mixed in with my embarrassment about being dressed as a girl in public. The two girls who had been eyeing Mike when we walked in, were still looking hungrily at him when he rejoined me and all of a sudden I felt an urge to mark my territory. I'll be honest as I surprised myself by kissing him a second time as he passed me my latte saying, "Thank you darling!" The gesture clearly surprised him, and as I lifted my lips from his all I could see was him grinning from ear to ear! "Someone's starting to having fun?" He teased with a lewd grin which had me blushing round my coffee. I soon came to regret kissing him spontaneously, because he took my willingness to kiss him in the caf? with out him telling me as permission to kiss me when and where ever he felt like it. As Mike predicted just like had happened the night before I was starting to get over the shock of being in public. Sure I was still not that comfortable about being out as Susan but I was feeling a little more confident about my ability to pass convincingly. Even so by the time we headed back toward the park gates the whole experience had settled me down enough to start enjoying the sensations of being a girl in public. Sensing that I was getting into it Mike gave me a grin and said leading me into town, "How would you like me to take you to get your ears pierced Susie, and then we can head home?" As much as I hated myself for it I was starting to feel a weird sense of gratitude about him making me do this! Being dressed has always turned me on, and I'd be lying if I denied that being dressed and made to behave in a feminine manner was not a turn on for me. As we walked into town that erotic edge which had always been part and parcel of my dressing was starting to displace some of my remaining embarrassment. It probably helped that I was starting to come to terms with the fact that as Mike was not giving me any choice about being Susan that I might as well enjoy it. Deep down I cannot say I was that unhappy about how the walk panned out, even if if did mean by the time we got home I had two holes punched in each earlobe containing large golden studs. I had wanted to get my ears pierced for years but always bottled it out of fear that it would give me away and catching sight of the gold in my ears was kind of exciting. That's not to say that when we finally got home and Mike closed the door behind us that I did not mean it when I said feeling relieved. "God I'm glad that's over!" Even so there was a feeling delight about having actually been out in daylight that left me floating on a sea of adrenaline and eroticism! "Don't worry sweetheart," Mike assured me. "You'll get used to it eventually." His words sent a weird chill of both fear and excitement through me as they were a pretty clear indication that he was serious about this, and had every intention of keeping me as Susan for a while. "Mike please, I'm not a girl I've a life to lead," I babbled, unable to control my tongue, "Yes I get a kick from passing as a girl and last night and today has been an amazing experience for me, but please end this...." "Shush!" He said putting a finger over my lips, "I know you're not a real girl, but you are close enough to the kind of girl I want honey! You're intelligent, naturally shy and mostly compliant to my desires." "Only because," I did not get any farther as he said firmly. "I am talking Susan! And I know that regardless of how much you are complaining about all this deep down you have a desire to be feminine and pretty with out any of that modern 'girl power' bullshit about being equal to a man! After all if you felt like a real man that you never would have started dressing in the first place!" "What do you mean by that?" I said. "I mean you want to be feminine. You like wearing heels, and dressing in skirts, nice dresses and spending time on your make up or have I got you wrong?" "Well no but?" I said, putting the kettle on. "No buts honey, because I don't care that your femininity is genetically challenged or that you lack the physical advantages a real girl has, because if you'll let me I can help you fix most of those problems." That shut me up for a while and we were half way through a coffee when I asked again. "Please Mike stop this," I hated the begging tone in my voice. "I like being a bloke and don't want to be a girl all the time..." "Don't you?" Mike laughed, "You could fool me babe I've watched you very carefully for the last day or so, and putting it bluntly you are a better person dressed." "What do you mean by that?" I half growled. "I mean that you are a more complete personality." Mike mused, "When I first got to know you it was pretty clear to me that you always kept people at arms reach. It was like there was a part of your personality hidden away inside." I sat there looking at him unable to speak. "We've known each other for what coming up three years now?" I nodded. "Ish?" "And I've learned more about your back ground, personality and what make you tick in the last 48 hours than in the rest of the time we've been chummy, and you want to know why. Well that's because as Susan you are prepared to communicate rather than just talk." "Oh!" That shut me up because annoyingly he was right! I did feel more comfortable now I felt able to openly express my feminine side, even though we were discussing something uncomfortable as my transvestism! With only the sound of the Cricket coverage we sat in silence for a while before I hesitantly asked, "Mike why can't you find someone else?" "Honestly," He grinned. I nodded. "Okay, well this might shock you but you asked." Mike said with a blush, "I think I'm falling for you sweetheart." I froze at his words hardly noticing his arm slipping over my shoulder until it was there and then as I tried to squirmed away from him he held me close. "I want you in my life more than you could ever imagine..." If took me a few seconds to free my tongue. "Bollocks!" "Jesus how to put this?" Mike said shaking his head, "That did not come out right but it's not bollocks Susan." "Look I liked you before all this, but I never had feelings for you until I met this you the other night, and I've got to say what I saw was hot!" "But I don't feel the same Mike, I'm not gay and don't fancy men," I said feeling myself tearing up again. "Neither do I..." Mike smiled, "But I guess I've never seen you really as a bloke Susie. Look let me try to explain." He paused as if working out what he was going to say before adding, "Now I am not taking about physical or genetic gender here, but emotional and psychological, okay?" I nodded. "Now I've been thinking about this for years and it in light of what I've learned about you in the last day or so, it become pretty clear to me that I've always perceived and to a degree related to you as a girl. Lets face it you have always been the one who looked after the house, and performed the traditionally female tasks, and this is really just an extension of that!" "But I don't fancy you!" I said. "May be not..." Mike said, "But I think you could, because like it or lump it you've clearly enjoyed being out with me as Susan, correct?" "Well, yes last night and today was fun, I'll not deny it." I said. "Now I am a man, correct?" I nodded. "Good so it would be fair to say then, that last night you enjoyed going to dinner with me as Susan?" "Well yes..." I said feeling myself getting boxed into a corner. "Now would it also be fair to say that even with everything it took to get you out earlier that you did enjoy walking round the park and having that coffee with me?" I nodded, unwilling to say anything in case he twisted it to suit his views. "So therefore we can conclude that when you are out with me as Susan and being perceived by others as a girl is something you enjoy, correct?" Mike said. "Well." I stuttered, "Yeah course I like being taken for a girl, I'm a tranny." "Okay so even if we ended this now and by that I mean me taking you out as my girlfriend, would I also be correct in saying that you'd probably want to go out with me again as a girl?" "Well yes," I said wondering where this was going. "Then what are you complaining about." Mike grinned, "All I am asking you to do is something that in truth you want to do but don't have the balls to do on your own..." I felt my face burn red and nodded. "Then we are in agreement," Mike stated with a broad grin. "The motivating factors might be differing for why we both want this but the outcome is something we both want, and that is you behaving and appearing in a traditionally feminine roll!" I felt a little queasy when I realised that he was annoyingly right, and I sat there for a while trying to see a way out before I eventually admitted. "Well yes, but that still does not hide the fact that you're forcing me into this!" "Forced is perhaps a little harsh honey, sure I pressured you but the most important fact is that deep down you want to be seen by people as a girl. After all you could have locked your door and refused to come out yesterday or made a mess of your appearance..." "Yeah and you would have blabbed about me to all your rugby mates!" I snapped. "Would I?" Mike said with a smile, "Who knows? I have no evidence, no photographs to back up my claim it would be just my word against yours, and if you had thought it through, you would have seen that!" I tried to add something but Mike carried on. "However you didn't and that tells me that you want me to push you to do this, because all I've done is motivated you to do something you already wanted to do, or am I wrong?" "You spanked me into it!" I yelped. "Yeah I did," he grinned, "And it was fun, but I'll also bet that it made you feel incredibly girlish didn't it?" I blushed! "And when you did not fight back when I put you over my knee told me that somewhere inside your head told you like me forcing you to be a girl!" "Well... um," I floundered unable to see a hole in his logic. "May be, I don't know?" I said not wanting to think about that in case it was true. "Look all I am trying to do is help you live something you've probably dreamt of for years," Mike said, "And all I am asking in return is you try dressing and acting like the kind of girl I've always wanted on my arm. I'm not asking you to sleep with me, that will be your choice all I want to do is explore the concept of our friend

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True love

New writer, 20 years old, and not very confident. Please leave any comments but please leave all feedback positive. (M/F, romance, preg?) True love is a hard thing to describe, you feel it but unless you’re a poet or damn good with your words putting it down, expressing it, sometimes showing it just escapes you. My name is Jesse; I’m 20, strawberry blond hair, 5’10, with broad shoulders and, about 180, average in just about every way. Soft features and a strong urge to take care of those...

3 years ago
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True Love

 ???????????????????????????????   True Love ????????????????????????????           by                                  Night Writer    ?????????????????????????????  I - The Dream  "Lie still Blair, and I won't hurt you." She stands over you - she in her smart charcoal jacket and slacks, you nearly naked, stretched out on your bed in black bra and panties, wrists burning from the handcuffs fastened through the heavy headboard. You can see in her green eyes that she's serious. A...

1 year ago
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True Love

True Love By Margaret Jeanette Mary Simons was babysitting her fifteen year old brother. She was seventeen and their parents were gone on another one of their week-end retreats. They often took three-day week-ends. Her mother told her to make sure to clean the house well while they were gone. She was picking up the living room and wondering why she had to do it all by herself. She wondered why Jimmy, her brother, didn't have to help. All he did was sit in his room and play...

2 years ago
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True Love

True loveTags : Author : Hi Hi Book : Slut Mother Story : Slut MotherMy Secret GardenMarriage HelpThe ActressbrothersSafe HavenA Beautiful JourneyTrue loveEating cum from my prosititute mother's assholeWhite Whore for Black CocksHouse of Debauchery IIGina becomes a ProstituteHouse of Debauchery IHow My Mother became a ProstituteMotel MamaSlut Mother, The New LessonSlut Mother Gets it up her AssSlut Mother Gets Married Part 2Slut Mother Gets Married Part 1Sluts and...

1 year ago
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True Love

Daniel was 18 years old. Ever since meeting his girlfriend Tiffany, he never bothered looking at other girls. She was profoundly beautiful, and had a figure that makes people wonder why she wasn't in modelling. Strawberry Blonde hair as soft as silk to touch, which smelt like daffodils in the springtime. Her skin from head to toe was as soft as her hair, and her hair covered her breasts when she stood naked infront of her mirror. She had a perfectly flat stomach, which arched down from her...

First Time
3 years ago
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True High School Love

I arrived at school that day, on time, ready to go. The faculty introduced us to themselves. We were also asked to introduce ourselves. At that moment, I saw her. Her wonderful black hair complimented the curves of her body. It was an almost black brown color, and wavy-straight. She was a rather pale girl, with a clean, smooth, and innocent looking face. Her lips were a medium red, but they looked very kissable. She had brilliantly white teeth, as I recall. She was about 5’5” in...

3 years ago
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True Love

"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends." (2 Corinthians 13:7-8) "Mommy, tev me another story!" Alicia demanded, pulling her blanket up to her chin, and fixing her mother with her large, expressive eyes. "But I've told you so many already!" her mother exclaimed, tucking back a strand of hair from Alicia's face. "Pwease?" Alicia begged, with all the innocence of a three year old. "Oh, okay then," her mother relented,...

3 years ago
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True Friends and Family

True Family and Friends A Winnisimmet Tales Story By Efin Copyright 2015 Looking In Publications All rights reserved This book is a complete work of fiction. Any possible similarity to another work is completely coincidental and unintentional. Situations are made up based on the author's own feelings and are in no way based on reality. This book...

1 year ago
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True Fortune Casino

Are you looking for an online casino that you can play until you can’t click or tap anymore? Well, you might as well check out True Fortune! It’s yet another of the numerous online casinos that have become popular over the recent past years. With COVID-19 fucking up everyone’s shit, this industry has only grown in numbers and popularity.Nobody wants to get infected trying to win a buck at a physical casino. Besides, the older adults that frequent casinos shit in their pants while sitting there...

Betting Sites
1 year ago
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A Colleen In Clover

A Colleen In Clover (rushed re-touch from 3/8/99 version. Happy St. Pat's!) by Dee Eon "Gee, that's a stupid idea, carrot top!!" scoffed Paul atop his farm's log fence with me. "None's gonna make a St. Patrick's Day parade in Four Clovers 'cause there ain't any Irish here--'cept you 'n your folks! There's just Poles n' Czechs 'round here!" "Americans don't mind celebrating St. Pat's in stores!" I retorted sourly to my eighth-grade American schoolmate and neighbor. "Sure, the...

3 years ago
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Sommer Loven

Madison Tyler wiped sweat from her brow and stared for the hundredth time at her cell phone. She willed it to have a signal. ‘What? Your boyfriend so insecure you have to call him every hour, sugar?’ said the man with deep Texas drawl. The one man on the face of the earth that Maddie would give anything not to be stuck in an elevator with. All right, so being stuck in a five foot by five foot cage suspended forty-two floors above Houston was a nightmare enough. What had she ever done to...

2 years ago
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In The Cover Of The Clovers

"The Devil made me do it." Have you ever heard anyone say that? You're probably thinking whoever said that is just using that as an excuse to get out of trouble. You could be right, but on the other hand... it could be I really did make them do it. That's right, I'm the one and only Devil. Pleased to meet you, by the way. I would shake your hand, but, you know, the Corona virus thing. Being the Prince Of Darkness doesn't mean I have to have bad manners. Good manners or not, I've been...

Mind Control
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Return of the Ultimate LoveDolls

The client, heir to a banking fortune in Canada, nodded impatiently as he perched on his chair in the showroom.. He was young, he had speedboats and vacation houses and girlfriends and more money than he knew what to do with. Which suited Max just fine, because his firm catered to exactly such clientele. Max pressed a button on his desk. The door opened, and a woman trainer escorted the man's custom-designed LoveDoll to stand in the center of the room. The young man blinked. "She's so....

2 years ago
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The Ultimate Lovedoll

"Yes, Christina?" Lydia Dunn asked, without a loss of her legendary self control. "I don't recall us having an appointment." Christina weathered the stare and marched right up to her boss's desk. "I want to know why my investigation of the XTC Doll Company has been shut down!" she exclaimed. Lydia Dunn arched her eyebrows. "I was prepared to tell you during our normal staff meeting this afternoon. I saw no point in continuing this fishing expedition of yours. I would also...

4 years ago
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first time horselover

A lady fantasizes about a horse cock and then gets the real thing. *** I am a 38 year old woman who was raised on a farm in the deep south. Ever since I saw one of our horses fucking a mare, I have fantasized about a horse fucking me. I am married and my husband has no idea of my cravings for a horse cock. I love to masturbate and do several times a week. At night when my husband is fucking me, I let my mind wonder to my secret fantasy, me being fucked by a huge horses'...

1 year ago
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“Oh Amy, my love!! The show is begun!” I hurried to run a brush thru my hair, I hit a snag and cursed. I, like many others, love my long wavy hair, but maintenance is not its main asset. “You are going to miss out on all the fun!!” I picked up my favorite lipstick, but pictured having to go to a restaurant with a horrible red rush job and said screw it, leaving it on the counter. “Hurry, hurry, hurry, mascara on one eye, no rouge, hurry, hurry, hurry,” my satanic boyfriend, Dan, chanted. I...

3 years ago
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Beneath me I could feel her. Her breath such a silk as it caressed my neck, the tender kisses falling from our lips to meet each other’s bodies, our necks. She paid close attention to there, just gently letting her kisses touch against my skin and running them up and down my neck. Then she turned her attention up to my face, the kisses, so sweet, connecting with my cheek and meeting my lips in the softest of ways felt like a bliss that shouldn’t ever end. Our lips parted and she entered me with...

2 years ago
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Her Tongue Tasted of Rye Whisky and Cloves

Cheaters never prosper, they used to tell me. I’ve made a life of cheating, and while I wouldn’t say I’ve prospered,  I wouldn’t complain. My wife never really understood me. Hell, I never much understood her. But over the years, we managed to develop an ‘understanding’. We don’t pry too deep into each other’s affairs, business or otherwise. I still remember the first time I broke those solemn vows to love no other but my lovely, frigid, back-biting, bitch wife. I mostly remember that girl’s...

3 years ago
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Wife in Loverland Part One Journey to Loverland

My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...

1 year ago
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Her: Hey babe!My phone vibrated noisily with the incoming message. The colleague who was standing at the front of the room shot me a glare but quickly got back to his presentation. I hurried to switch the phone to mute and debated putting it down, face-down on my folder just to make a point.But then, the presentation was so very, very boring and that particular colleague was a bit of an ass.So I opened the messenger.My girlfriend’s ‘hey babe’ was accompanied by a gif of two brown bears sitting...

Mind Control
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The Lovelace

Within this world there exists a powerful force, a force fuelled by passion, pleasure and love. Known as the Lovelace, it grants the world the power of magic and blesses our lives with its presence. Blooming forth from the hearts of the truly happy, the Lovelace exists inside all of us, filling us with energy and happiness. Said to have been born in ages past from the wishes for a shining future, it has ended war and strife, stopped pointless crimes, ended prejudice and brought the races of the...

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John and Doe membuka pintu warnet. John and Doe mulai membuka windows dan membuka irc. Di IRC itu John and Doe mendapat kenalan seorang wanita. Wanita itu memberi no hp nya.Wanita itu bernama Mia, berumur 23 tahun.

2 years ago
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Hush Butt Plug from Lovense

I bought this plug and got it a few days ago, I charged it up, put it in me, turned it on, and it turned me on. It’s got several settings and you can also control by Bluetooth with your phone. I wore it around the house for about 4 hours, changing the vibration settings. There are a couple settings I really like, the low constant vibe, and the high pulsing vibe, where it pulses every 2 seconds. I usually keep it on low when I’m sitting around, but the pulse is awesome when walking around. I...

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BBW Senior Loverrr

I'm walking across a dealer parking lot looking over the new cars when I spot her.She was older and she was on the heavy side. She walked with a bit of a limp thatwas probably due to the wearing her feet and knees take from carrying the extraweight.As she came toward me I see her straightening out her blouse down over her pantson one side, then switching her purse to the other arm to do her other side. Thenshe straightens her collar, all the while taking glances at me. The lady wants to...

3 years ago
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A history of my inflatable lovedolls

My very first sexdoll was a Sex Teen Love Doll. A company called PABO distributed free erotic catalogs in the students residences mailboxes and there was an offer for a 'starter pack' containing an inflatable lovedoll, some sextoys, some lube and an erotic comic. I was so excited to have a girl I could fuck anytime I ordered one by mail in 2001. She was kinda expensive for her quality but at that time I didn't know better. She was ugly but fortunately I could draw her a more beautiful face and...

2 years ago
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The Neighbour Who Had It All byTheTitLover

Alan had been watching his new neighbour for months now, picturing her naked every time he saw her. She'd moved in a while back, and he'd been immediately struck by her beauty. His first glimpse had been while she helped the removalists by hefting some of the smaller boxes inside alone. She had a Mediterranean look, with a dark olive complexion, dressed in a pair of loose beige slacks and a country style red shirt, knotted together at the bottom with rolled up sleeves. Her copper coloured hair...

1 year ago
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Twink Sissy Cocklover

So I had given my little spy twink what he wanted, and he wanted more! I had caught him looking through my basement window while I was stroking and brought him inside to choke him with my Cock and feed on his young Cum. He did not disappoint and after getting his tight ass fingerbanged while I sucked him off, he was in desperate need to have my thick shaft buried deep inside him as well! He had already fed on my hot nectar and having my seed pulsing into his tight little ass is a gift that will...

4 years ago
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Newly Weds LoveNest

Rob and Yvonne were so happy to at last have found a suitable house to rent. Their marriage was just a week off and they'd been beginning to despair at the possibility or finding something affordable.Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden."Hello," a cheery voice called out.They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking, bald headed man in about his sixties, he had a...

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The Pranksters Deed Dedicated to the lovel

He is but still rather young in years. The hangover from his 27th birthday was still fresh in his mind even though it was now almost two months past. He was always seen as the joker in school and he loved making people laugh. Cupid came knocking on his door about two years ago and even though his parents frowned at the fact that the love of his life was 42, she was his world. He understood that there would be instant responsibility as she had two k**s but he did the best he could. Even though...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 4 Luna Lovegood

Harry was lucky there weren’t any lessons the following day because he didn’t leave his bed at all. Ron had slowly accepted the lie that Harry was in love with Cho and forgiven him for hurting Hermione. Ron now thought Harry and Cho had broken up and accepted that his best friend wanted to stay in bed. Ron was a great friend.Cho sent him several owls, each letter more desperate and more tear streaked then the last. Harry read them but couldn’t bring himself to reply. The message was pretty much...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood

Luna took her wizard’s wand in hand and began stroking it firmly while rubbing her palm along the sensitive place just below his piss slit. The blonde had already cast the appropriate charm to ensure his prick would act as if lubricated so she was in no danger of rubbing his skin raw. Harry’s tool hardened approvingly of the blonde’s efforts. The couple were no stranger to each other’s bodies. Indeed the pair had done everything but penetrating intercourse. With a serene smile on her lips...

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Steph n bigthighlover

THIS STORY BY bigthighlover:I had been talking with this very beautiful sexy tranny from the southern part of the state for weeks and she told me she was going to drive up to Morgantown and check out the gay lesbian club Vice Versa on Saturday night so I decided to surprise her and be there I got there around 8 pm and got a table next to back wall in front of stage I could see from there desk the hostess set out and I watched for Steph to come in it was all most 9 pm and there she was walking...

3 years ago
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Chapter Seven XHamster Profil for Love2Bused

Chapter Seven Xhamster Profile for Love2Bused After a quick thirty minute ride we pulled into a parking lot that looked like part of a biker bar. Right away my pussy started heating up just thinking about being used by a bunch of bad boy bikers. When Harold parked the bike he turned to me and asked me if I was sure I was ready for this? Looking Harold in the eyes I told him I have to be ready for this. My entire future is...

2 years ago
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Chapter Five XHamster profile of Love2Bused

Chapter Five Xhamster profile love2bused It wasn’t long after that when Fred took me over to their frat house to meet with the guys. In the days leading up to this I kept going over and over in my mind what it was going to be like having men coming up to me and pointing their cocks at me and then jerking off in my face. I would imagining their cock heads being pointed so close to my face that I would be able to smell the pungent...

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Maggie Pintero was a beauty. The first time I saw her, she was wearing what I guess could best be described as a sundress, made of soft, light cotton with small pink and green flowers against a yellow background. Small cap sleeves, a low bodice that displayed the warm soft blush of her breasts, and a full gathered skirt that when she walked fluttered, whispering of the treasure beneath. I remember the dress so vividly because as a young man just graduating high school, our neighbor lady down...

2 years ago
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Wife in Loverland Part One Journey to Loverland

 My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...

Wife Lovers
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she jumps at my touch,are you here i ask ?turns to me her eyes look past me yes is the reply,i move away from her hand reaching for me always usessex as distraction with intimacy ,with talking in general. you thinking about him again it goes unspoken between us affairs are wildfires burning fast all consuming and over too quicklyi've done worse to her ,and come back empty and emotionally drainedpart of it is the sex and majority is emotional guilt justifying the great sexnew body to...

1 year ago
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Jilnar Jardalys Lesbian Lovefest

Hey, guys!By now you probably all know what a complete slut I am when it comes to cock. I LOVE cock! Nothing in this world is more important to me than cock. I crave it! Need it! Whenever I meet a man for the first time my thoughts immediately go toward his cock; how big it is, how it tastes, how good it will feel inside me &, most of all, what I need to do to have it!All my favorite masturbation fantasies involve many, many hard glistening cocks - especially those big, thick, long black...

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Jilnar Jardalys Lesbian Lovefest

Hey, guys!By now you probably all know what a complete slut I am when it comes to cock. I LOVE cock! Nothing in this world is more important to me than cock. I crave it! Need it! Whenever I meet a man for the first time my thoughts immediately go toward his cock; how big it is, how it tastes, how good it will feel inside me &, most of all, what I need to do to have it!All my favorite masturbation fantasies involve many, many hard glistening cocks - especially those big, thick, long black...

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Title: lovelylaura22Rating: NC17Summary: Not k**ding. I keep getting these emails in my spam folder from "lovelylaura22" with the subject "Looking For A F-Buddy??" Well, what if this was the real thing?Always Jan got these email messages in his "spam" folder. Always he immediately deleted them without a single thought.But as Laura's birthday got closer and closer, he imagined that one of them did contain the real thing, that it really was from the Laura Dianne Vandervoort that he was in so very...

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the true story of gs4love

for a long time I look at all the horny women here on the forum and rub my little willy in front of the monitor. Since no one can suffer me, my mother had always hung me as c***d sausages about the neck so that at least the dogs play with me. Now, I wanted to play along here so gladly and post also horny picture on the hamster. But from where should I take them? Not a single healthy woman wants to have me however. Therefore, I have ordered a whore from the lokal advertising. My Harz4 money has...

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Chatting with Eddie Glover

Chat Night Guest: Eddie Glover On Monday July 19, 1999 6 PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal I arrived a little late in the middle of a conversation... (*Anne-Mal) So did I miss anything good? (Eddie) I'm ready for my close up Mr. Demille! We were just speaking on the joys of computer freezes or lack thereof! (Carrie_g) It becomes the cruelest editor. :) (*Anne-Mal) At least you are forced to rewrite! (Eddie) No problem. I'm not nervous or anything. Really. :) (Carrie_g) I...

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sister lovex

This Story is pretty much true I came home early one time my parents where out but my bedroom light was on.I crept up stairs and looked through the crack in my door! What I saw has changed my life forever! My sister was laid on the floor with her legs up in the air totally naked playing with herself.I looked on eagerly watching through the crack in door and started playing with myself my phone fell out of my pocket. I bent down too pick it up and when I looked up my sister was looking at me. I...

4 years ago
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As long as I can remember I always had a hunger for a big hard cock. I'm not really sure when this all took place inside my body. I often wondered if I should have been born a female because I have female tendencies. It started when I was in the military that I had my first encounter with a big dick. I was staying in a hotel in San mataya with a friend and we were invited to a party. I was surprised when we got there that there was only men there. There was an...

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As long as I can remember I always had a hunger for a big hard cock. I'm not really sure when this all took place inside my body. I often wondered if I should have been born a female because I have female tendencies. It started when I was in the military that I had my first encounter with a big dick. I was staying in a hotel in San mataya with a friend and we were invited to a party. I was surprised when we got there that there was only men there. There was an...

1 year ago
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Walk like a man A story of the Apolloverse

James William Casey did not know what happened. All he knew was that he went to bed one night with his wife in the two storey suburban home and woke up in Point Place Mercy General hospital's intermediate care ward. The machines beeped and their sensors felt strange on James' now enlarged and bulbous chest. Carolynne, James' wife stood in the room and looked at him. She clutched at the wad of Kleenex in her hand and listened as the dr. whispered to her. When he stopped talking,...

4 years ago
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Her Tongue Tasted of Rye Whisky and Cloves

Cheaters never prosper, they used to tell me. I've made a life of cheating, and while I wouldn't say I've prospered,  I wouldn't complain. My wife never really understood me. Hell, I never much understood her. But over the years, we managed to develop an "understanding". We don't pry too deep into each other's affairs, business or otherwise. I still remember the first time I broke those solemn vows to love no other but my lovely, frigid, back-biting, bitch wife. I mostly remember that girl's...

1 year ago
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ShoeLove Preface I chuckloveinsta

Many think badly of shoe fetishists. Despite our opening up of society to the subject of sex and fetishism, we are for the most part very limited in what we subjectively view as "normal". But why is that so? Why is a man who finds only anal sex with a woman really satisfying any different from one who seeks physical and emotional satisfaction from a much more private and intimate object of his beloved? After all, let's think more about it - how long do we wear a pair of shoes on average? What...

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ShoeLove Chapter 4 Jana I chuckloveinsta

Some time passed after the ski camp, what felt like an eternity. Tamara and Marie winked at me more often during class, but nothing more happened. Neither could I - as usual - go into the girls' cabin during physical education classes, as we had swimming lessons for this grade. Unfortunately, it was in the municipal bathing complex, where it was almost impossible to get into the women's changing room without being seen. To make matters worse, there were also lockers with locks, no, my chances...

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ShoeLove Chapter 5 Antonia I chuckloveinsta

Each upper grade was allowed to go on a grade trip for one week. For most of them it meant being further away from their parents for the first time and being able to do what one wanted. In addition, you could choose where to go. There were different cities in Europe to choose from. I didn't really care which one I would take because I had already visited them all “privately”. So I simply chose it based on which other people would go with it. There was the group of the “cool” - those who mainly...

2 years ago
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ShoeLove Chapter 1 Sabine I chuckloveinsta

Her name was Sabine (name changed). A cute mouse, about 1.60 m tall, very thin and brunette. Always in the front row, most would say she was a nerd. Basically no one liked her either - she was the one who would gossip about every matter to the teacher. I had known her since 5th grade, together with Marie (name changed). But this is another story. Now it's about the typical wallflower Sabine. Even her style of clothing was inconspicuous, almost boring. She only wore jeans or denim skirts, but...

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ShoeLove Chapter 2 Ines I chuckloveinsta

It was a rainy winter day. New Year's Eve was long gone, but winter persisted in the rural area where our school was located.The school itself was actually quite nicely located, next to a river and a mountain with a small castle overlooking the panorama. A few weeks had passed since my last visit to the girls' changing room. At the moment I didn't even have the urge to know exactly what it was I couldn't pin down. Sabine hadn't really noticed it back then either. Sure - that the shoe was in the...

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