Disaster ReliefChapter 4
- 2 years ago
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After dinner, Jennifer began, "I talked to Rachel on the phone and she is going crazy at home with her parents. She misses her weird adopted family. Actually, she misses you and Brianna. I told her that she could stay with us until her classes started. Does anyone object?"
Brianna and I exchanged strange looks. Jennifer looked very anxious and said, "I'm unaccustomed to having to ask permission to have a guest, but this isn't my home."
I said, "It is your home until you decide to move out. Of course you may invite guests."
"Any time?"
"As far as I'm concerned and as long as they don't disrupt our lives, of course. No overnight men. Brianna?"
"I loved it when dad came to take me out to dinner and stayed with us. Does that mean that I can invite him, too?"
Jennifer gasped. "Uh, well, I guess it is OK with me. Not really, but I understand your wish."
Brianna said, "You know, Rachel loves Jordan and is jealous of your position."
"Yes. We have talked about that at length. She said that we could resolve any difficult situations in a family meeting."
I couldn't resist. "You kind of like that wonder woman, don't you?"
"That was not nice, Jordan. Yes, I do and I have not adequately thanked her for taking over mothering Brianna when I was mentally disabled."
I said, "We certainly have the room and I know you guys have plenty to talk about. I am looking forward to seeing her." I pondered, "How often do you talk to her?"
She blushed again, "Every day. We have to keep up."
"You're OK with inviting my former live-in girlfriend to stay with us for a week? You're going to treat her right?"
"I have to. We're bonded because of what she did for Brianna. She practically kept me afloat when I was in that dreadful compound. I must have checked my email ten times a day."
Brianna chimed in, "I want to see her, too. Jordan, let her come, please."
"I call a vote. I agree. Since Jennifer proposed it and you encouraged it, I guess we don't have to count the ballots."
Jennifer said, "I know this is a shock, but it seemed like the only decent thing to do, and I want to know more about her. She's coming Christmas night, after she spends part of the day with her parents."
They both pounced on me. Brianna said, "Jordan, you can call family meetings, too."
"I'm not the one to turn over this canoe. Let's just see if we can get to the other side of the river before we sink." I had hugs from both sides. Real hugs, with little kisses on the cheek and neck.
I said, "I guess this was easier than your boyfriend problem."
Brianna replied, "Much, except my boyfriend possibilities are limited by age."
"Can't Cathy help?"
"When I told her the rules and limitations, she said she would work on it."
"So, she's going out there to find some guy fifteen or younger who wants to make out with you on your bed? There will be a line out the door."
She stood up and said, "I have some sense, Jordan. I am not yet a slut. I don't tell Cathy everything, asshole. I asked for someone special that I could take to a real concert and who knew how to dance."
Jennifer screeched, "Brianna! Your mouth."
I laughed. "Proud of you, girl!"
"She has a couple of candidates that I know from the bus, but who were too dumb to ask."
"I will tell you something very important, sweetheart. Listen! You do the picking. Do not hesitate to pick the good ones before someone else does. Call them. Invite them over to hang out. Let the other girls do the waiting. If they're important to you, we'll have a little party."
"You mean, I can just call some guy I like and ask him over? You'll have a party?"
"You have my permission. Historically, girls have been trained to wait to see who picks them. If you like someone special, don't wait for him to get up the courage. You're pretty enough to have your pick, but you do the picking."
She sat silently. Jennifer said nothing. Brianna said, "So, I just call him and invite him over?"
"Rehearse with your mother about what to say and how to say it and don't commit to anything. Sometimes, mothers call the first time if it is a party. You have to be in charge of you. We can always buy a few liters of soda and some chips and play music. If there's some guy you like, go for it! The first time, I think you might want to have at least one other couple, maybe two, so that it doesn't put anyone on the spot."
She put her hands on her hips, thrust them out, and pouted her lips looking at me, "Just maybe I will. I have someone in mind. Actually, I don't think you'd have to have a party to get one of them here."
I actually shivered when she said that. She was not subtle.
She went up to make a phone call in private. Jennifer said, "Good luck! I think I know who she has in mind." She kissed me playfully. "I have the same guy in mind."
I had to ask. "Are you happy with all of this?"
"My life before the hurricane was dull. Even when I had good lovers like Charles, it seemed dull. I went to work. I sold property. I made money. I put it in the market. I came home and I was bored stiff with my situation and didn't see how to change it."
"You seem to be thriving in chaos?"
"I thought that rock-solid concrete slab my house was built on was my anchor. It washed away. It's gone. I'm free. I can live anywhere I want to, with anyone I want to, and do anything I'm big enough to do. When I was cooped up in that damn Middle East apartment, I listened to some of Charles' motivational tapes and finally decided that I really was in charge of me. I can choose to live my life differently."
"I can tell that you're over your jetlag. You have reconnected with Brianna much better than I hoped. You act like you want to be with me and not just because I have a house. I see big changes in your outlook."
She sat on the couch and put her arms around me as she held my face. "I moved my clothes to your closet. That means that I intend to be with you until you throw me out. Now, to answer your first question, I'm damned happy here. Get used to it."
"I will enjoy every minute and be delighted, but I won't get used to it."
"I had quite a revelation on the treadmill today. Halfway through my program with my brain running on full oxygen, I let myself accept the idea that you love me. It was that simple. I had to accept it. You couldn't have put up with me if you didn't. Five minutes later, I was no longer jealous. I freed myself of that and that's how I will function."
"What will you do with Rachel?" I suddenly thought, "I don't have anything on the tree for her as a present. Can we go to the mall?"
"You mailed her jacket from Chicago and she loved it. Yes, we should get her something. I'm sure Brianna wants to go as well."
Brianna said gleefully, "Did I hear someone say we were going to the mall?" She came to sit close to us and kissed my face.
I said, "Go put on your slut clothes. We have about two hours of endless shopping. I have nothing for Rachel when she comes tomorrow. Unless you think Santa Claus would mind, maybe we could open our presents after she gets here."
Brianna wore her thigh length denim skirt, wedge heels, and a scoop top with a few inches of belly showing. I would have to watch her. Looking like that, she would be a prime candidate for the vice squad. They bought Rachel some nice clothes and a new MP3 and stockings and I think they might have included some racy panties and bras, but they didn't show me. They got her some gift certificates to stores and I felt better about the prospect of her coming.
I said, "Brianna, go stand over by the coke machine and just look around for a minute." She looked at me quizzically and then went.
Two minutes later, three young guys approached her and offered their services. She parried them nicely. Then, a plainclothes female officer came up and started talking to her. I walked over and said, "Brianna, if you've finished shopping, we should go home."
She said, almost breathlessly, "OK, Dad."
The officer blended back into the crowd.
On the way home, she asked, "What was that all about?"
"Sweetie, you look like a tart. Pretty, shapely, and walking around the mall without packages. The officer was trying to make you as a hooker."
"I didn't do anything wrong!"
"No, but the officer doesn't know that you are real. They work hard to weed out the others. She was over it, when you called me 'Dad.'"
They were quiet, and then they said, almost in unison, "I'm so glad Rachel is coming. I hope she likes my gift."
We watched all the silly Christmas stuff on TV. I sat between my girls for easily an hour. I said, "What are we having for Christmas dinner?"
The room was deathly silent. Jennifer finally said, "I'm sorry, Jordan. I was so screwed up, I didn't plan anything." I could see her tears. "I just can't seem to get organized."
Brianna looked like she had been whipped. They both looked awful.
"There's time. I'll go to the market and get a turkey to smoke and a bunch of other things."
Jennifer braced up and said, "We will go with you. We screwed up."
She bought a feast. I had a nice sirloin to cook and a turkey to smoke. They made all the other decisions. We had an interesting exchange at the checkout. Jennifer insisted on paying. For some damn reason, her card didn't work. Brianna elbowed her way by me and scanned her card. It was approved and she signed the slip.
She said aloud, "Mom, I thought you'd quit using that trick."
Jennifer blushed brightly. As we pushed our cart to the car with our many groceries Brianna said, "It's customary for parents to buy the food." I saw her snicker.
We watched some old tearjerker movie on TV. I sat between them and they both kissed me and made me feel-well, made me feel horny.
I said it was time for me to go to bed. Jennifer agreed. She said, "I have to be sure that you're safe to go to bed. I mean you have to brush your teeth and other things."
Brianna leaned up and kissed me. "Night, Jordan!"
Beautiful Jennifer slept with me, wrapped around me all night. So nice holding her and feeling that awesome naked body. When we awakened, I said, "Merry Christmas, darling!"
Her eyes were as bright as saucers. "I never thought. Well, I never thought I would feel this good, just lying here."
I said, "There are options."
"Brianna and I have taken a vow of celibacy until Rachel gets here. I don't like it, but I agreed."
I chuckled, "So, you're saving me for Rachel? Great!" Apparently, she had learned the rabbit punch from Rachel and said, "You will wait your turn."
Jennifer and Brianna gave me many kisses and touches during the day as I smoked the turkey. Once, Brianna came out to the deck and put her arms around me from behind. She said, "Could you kiss me? I want you to be my Christmas present."
She put her soft lips on me and said, "I would like to do that for hours, Dad. Think about me." She twitched her hips back inside.
I did a wonderful turkey. Jennifer and Brianna had made dressing and all the other fixings. Jennifer took some time off in the afternoon to take a nap. I went up to see her after a while and she was staring at the ceiling with her hands behind her head.
I asked, "Need anything?"
"No, I just need to get up and get started again. I felt very drowsy."
I became nostalgic when I put the turkey on the big plate and began to carve it. In an instant, we heard the garage door open and Rachel came in just on cue. I guess Jennifer talked to her while she was on the road and made the dinner for her arrival time. I was relieved that she arrived safely, since I didn't think she should be driving that fast.
She ran to me and said, "Oh, my God, asshole, I didn't know how much I would miss you!" She kissed me at length.
When she drew back, she kissed Jennifer immediately. "Hi, Mom! You are even better looking than he said and a lot better than those snapshots."
She stood in front of Brianna and said, "Yeah, OK, you're prettier than I thought you could be. I'm glad to see you." They hugged and kissed. Rachel felt her breast, "Still growing, huh?"
Brianna blushed and looked the other way.
Jennifer served Rachel's plate. I poured her a glass of wine and she drank it like coke. I filled it again. She let her shoulders down and said, "I love being with my new family on Christmas. Wow!"
To say that the conversation was exciting would be to understate it. I felt so-so-well taken care of. Rachel and Brianna bubbled around and came over to serve the dessert. I filled their wine glasses. We finished. Everyone applauded the chef. Finally, it was quiet and we were talking on the couch, with Jennifer on the chair and Brianna at my feet. I should have been suspicious.
Brianna said, "Thank you, Dad, for such a lovely day."
Now I really was edgy.
Rachel said, "I would like a family meeting."
"Oh, Jesus Christ no. I can't handle this today. For God's sake, it's Christmas."
Rachel kissed me softly and said, "It's the only way to make plans."
Rachel said, "I guess you're the chair, Jennifer."
"OK, what's your issue?"
Did I believe that this was arranged? Of course not! My girls would never gang up on me.
"I love this old fart and I came down here to sleep with him. You guys are cramping my style."
Jennifer said, "I know that you were here first, but you left. I sleep with him, now."
I kept searching my mind for the TV sitcom script that this exchange inspired. They could not be serious. Did I expect anything from Brianna?
Just on cue, Brianna jumped in. "Rachel said that we were all equal in a family meeting unless things get out of hand. Rachel, you had him for a year. Mom, you sleep with him like you're in heaven. I have had nothing! Nothing!" She was ready to fake tears.
The TV network reporters came. Even some newspaper people were outside; five or six of them. Jennifer looked composed and quite pretty in a blue dress. She looked like a woman someone would want to come home to. The TV reporter said, "We're here in Albany, Georgia to talk to the girl friend of Charles Wallace, the American hostage being held in Annistan. Jennifer Allen was with Wallace in Annistan for a period in the fall. "Jennifer, what can you tell us about your time in Annistan and...
When Jennifer and Sarah returned late Friday night, they both were exhausted. I offered them the hot tub and they took me up on it instantly. Shortly, I saw Jennifer escort Sarah to the tub in their robes. Later, Jennifer brought Sarah to the den where I was watching some mindless movie. I offered them a drink and they accepted happily. When we were all seated back in the den, Sarah said, "I may have created a monster. Jennifer went over so well that she is sure to have many more...
Time flies when you're older, but two or three weeks after the swim meet, Jennifer was in my bed cuddled like in the old days. I liked her there, but I already knew that she was not going to be around too long. In the middle of the night, I went in to pee and returned to bed. Just as she snuggled back against my cool belly, her cell phone rang with its awful tone. It was across the room in her jacket. I suppose she was used to these late calls and slipped out of the bed to take the phone to...
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I was still quite innocent in the art of walking the Vegas strip after 2 a.m., which was littered with screaming fat chicks, homeless men, stumbling couples, and hookers. As I walked across a bridge beneath one of those blaring fifty-foot TVs, two black chicks approached me. “Hey sexy! Where do you think you’re going?” I’d never been too much into black girls, but a handful of TV stars have wowed me into busting a semi. On the top of that list is Jada Pinkett from Menace II Society before she...
Oral SexThe Goddam hurricane season seemed endless. This was the third time I had been down here volunteering for the relief agency in the past three months. I was hot, sweaty, smelled bad, and my feet were itching from some new fucking fungus. I saw no hope for having a shower anytime soon. Didn't matter, my shaver ran out of juice yesterday and I couldn't find any 120-volt circuit to plug it in. I had used more mosquito repellant in the last two days than in the last year. I went back to the...
I didn't set the alarm and slept until almost nine, very late for me. I guess that tent sleeping wasn't that restful on the hot humid nights, even with the extra large air mattress. I washed my face and put on some shorts and a T-shirt and went downstairs. Brianna was in the family room watching TV and talking to one of her friends on the phone. Jennifer was reading the paper at the bar drinking coffee. Both were wearing their freshly washed jeans and shirts from yesterday, but looking...
In the morning, we still had our arms around each other. She had her head on my shoulder. Her beautiful eyes found mine and she kissed me on the cheek. "Morning, Jordan." I held her to me and said, "Morning, pretty one. Nice to have you right here." I saw her brows furrow and she looked troubled. "Anything wrong?" She pulled back and said, "No, I just need to get started." She quickly left the bed and went to her room. That day, after getting Brianna off to school, she was on the...
After she left, trying to work did not help. I went out and swam a hundred laps to get my head in order. Then, I went to the computer and read dreadful stories for an hour. I ran three miles. Jennifer's face was always in focus in my mental viewfinder. I mowed the grass. It needed it. At 3:30, I sat at the breakfast counter and waited. I thought, "Brianna rides the bus every day. She doesn't need you to watch her come home." I heard voices in the garage and soon Brianna and Cathy came...
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MILFThis is a true story, probably the wildest thing that ever happened to me. It happened when I was about 19 years old and lived in Hamburg, Germany. At the time I was one of those willowy, thin guys, little body hair and a healthy appetite for sex but not much experience yet. At a young age I discovered how exciting it is when I fondled and fingered my ass while masturbating and I developed a real fascination with anal sex.At the time I used to visit a club ("disco" in those days) somewhere...
I work in a d**g store in town. And while I was working the dirty town pervert that everybody knows came in. He is in his lower 50's and he smells and looks like he hasn't showered in days. His grey hair was greasy and all over and his body was so sweaty and dirty I couldn't stand it. As he walked in he couldn't help but stare at me and he then went on to shop. When he finally finished he came up to the register to pay so I cashed him out. He continued to stand and talk to me. His breath...
Jessae Rosae and her stepbrother Peter Green have gone on vacation together. Their parents are coming, too, but the stepsibs arrive a day early. Jessae tries to start something with Peter when they arrive, smacking his ass and making it clear that it’s fine even if Peter thinks their parents would disapprove. Later, she comes out naked with some shots of tequila. Peter turns Jessae down and goes to the bedroom to take a nap. Jessae isn’t about to take no for an answer. She puts on...
xmoviesforyouA Story of the Cross By Roger and Phyllis 2020 The crew worked a late night and into the early morning to insure the life-sized icon of Christ on the Cross was erected and ready for the Sunday service. ”Phil!” cried out one of the work crew from the floor of the church, “be sure the nuts are tight…we don’t want the damn thing falling down like it did last time.” Phil was working up the high ladder affixing the icon of Christ on the Cross to the wall behind the pulpit. Good old...
I like to write short, too the point stories. I was 19 when I was approached by my manager (summer job) Linda about my sexual exploits. Since she was a cool gal, married et. al. I decided to share my single life with her. Linda would get all excited hearing my stories about previous nights and force me to share details. I did as I knew it made her excited. I even shared specific details around how I was fucked, how many times and how many times did we both cum. She loved the dirty details. I...
Group SexThis story is a collaboration between the talented Milik Redman and myself. I am happy and grateful to have had the opportunity to write with him. Philippe gazed at the leather bound documents with a trepidation he had not felt before. Oh, Mon Dieu! What am I doing? he thought to himself. He was usually a man of intellect and analytical certainty. The growing conflict between an action he knew to be wrong and the equally irresistible impulse to do just that had set his heart and mind into an...
Love StoriesRebecca had fallen on hard times. She had to put off school until she could afford it. So she decided to apply for the ad for a live in house keeper. It was at the house of Dr. Marshall Wilkins and his wife Shirley. They had a posh mansion with a huge gate around the enormous estate. Rebecca had heard of Dr. Wilkins. He was a radical psychiatrist, and had an extremely successful practice. She stood at the doorway with her heart pounding in her chest. She tried to slow her breathe so that...
In the back room of the sheriff's office, Clete and Priscilla sat watching the video tape they had made the night before. The rich, auburn-haired girl watched with a sneer of disdain mixed with triumph. Clete's mouth hung open in awe, awe at the sight of his huge genitalia and technique of his lovemaking and the beauty and grace of the young beauty he was fucking dog-style. In spite of his satisfying session with Desirée last night, he felt an instant arousal at sight of what he had...
When David met Holly, he knew his life was about to change. No longer would he be the grieving widower with a young son to bring up. Holly wasn't as keen on David, at first; but perhaps because she was a single mother with a young daughter, having avoided a marriage that she felt would be torture, a lifetime of payment for ten minutes of sexual frolic, she came around and agreed to be David's second wife. That they both had agendas for their childen's sake might suitably excuse the...
I am Prash, 5’6″, fair, athletically built. All this started in Bangalore.This story starts when I was 18, after finishing my college.Those days we, four close friends,experimented with most of the stuff:Smoking, alcohol, porn, chasing girls for fun, athletics, soccer, singing english pop songs on the stage.Girls were great looking with youthful bouncing boobs, short skirts revealing most of their lovely legs.I had this interest in athletics, soccer and martial arts.I was pretty regular to the...
Hi guys. This is Aathi with a real erotic sexstory happened few days ago. So let’s start with the story.There was one fine day, I was at Bangalore for my work. I’m from Chennai but I travel a lot for my work and other stuffs. I was bored after completion of my work. So I decided to roam around the city. I went to Phoenix mall to catch out some movie and have some good food. But none of the movie at that time seemed interesting. So I went to KFC and having my brunch. Suddenly I noticed someone ....
Souvenir Paddles – III I suddenly heard voices coming from the direction in which she’d left. It sounded like the lady and at least one other female. Good grief!! This was getting deeper as we went along. I couldn’t imagine with whom she was speaking but figured I wouldn’t need to wait long to find out. I was right in this assumption. The voices were moving now, towards the room in which I knelt. As they grew closer, it sounded as if there were two girls speaking with my lady. As they entered...
Holiday Romance ? by: Rachel Edwards Part 1 The sun was scorching as I stepped off the plane with my parents. I was now 18 years old and my parents were treating me to one last holiday abroad before my, the best way to put it, coming of age. They were now resigned to what I was undertaking and were becoming more and more supportive of me. Thinking back to that first time trying on a few of my older sisters clothes all those years ago I had no idea what world was opening up...
Hi friends this is selva from Bangalore. This is my second sex incident in my life with my tenant Pooja(name Changed). She is around 40 years of age, whitish, smart , little short and chubby. Size 38-30-38. I used to stay in second floor alone and my owner used to live in 1st floor with her hubby who is a business man goes out of town regularly and her kid who studies 4th standard. Coming to the story, Pooja is a very beautiful women always in saree. From first day when i came to this house I...
My wife was right. She had trouble walking for awhile after her encounter. I could tell she was sore for about a week. She had never had a cock that big in her and she wore the guy out. Even though she walked funny she seemed happier then she had in a long time. I was still recovering from watching my wife fuck another guy. Not only did I watch her fuck his big cock, I saw him shoot his sperm in her unprotected. That wasn’t planned but happened anyway. I had posted the pics on the internet...
As it turned out, Karen only had to allocate six apartments, but she had to come up with seven more radios. AI promised to deliver them by tomorrow morning. Ed, Hank, and Shirli were the first three in line, so they got the available radios. Hank and Shirli were married with two children, George, 15, and Helen 12. The others were Tom (73) and John (16), traveling together. The others were Lois, Sue, and Albert. Ed and Lois partnered very early, and it wasn’t long before Sue and Albert became...
My name is John and I'm a Ph.D. student in the Math Department. I also work as a TA and tutor for Dr. Ling's Pre-Calculus class. And that's where I met Jennifer. Jennifer is short with red hair past her shoulders. She has a cute face and her glasses give her that cute nerd look. But her best feature would have to be her amazing rack even though she doesn't show it off. Still, she couldn't exactly hide it, either. The first time she came to me for help, I could barely keep from staring at her...
For the next several days, Pietro first tried having sex with me; I suspect so he could reestablish his rights to me before they were given to others. I wasn’t having it after he wagered my nude body with his friends. It was so rude and disrespectful to me, his wife, he didn’t deserve to have me. Next, he tried talking me out of fucking his friends. By Thursday, I’d had enough.“What did you think would happen if I spent a weekend naked with your friends, Pietro? That nothing would happen? That...
Wife LoversSamantha: “I always here him bragging to his friends about how he gets you off so easy.” Ashley: “Oh my god I can’t believe him. Wait till I tell everyone how small his dick is.” Samantha: “Are you serious!” Ashley: “No, I don’t have the heart; it’s just that I have needs and he can’t fulfill them.” Samantha: “Have you tried finding someone else.” Ashley: “I can’t cheat on Zach.” Samantha: “Well if he can’t satisfy you then no one can.” Ashley: “Well let’s say that I...
Chapter XXII The guys returned around 7 PM to find the four women sitting around a small table laughing and talking about things women love talking about, cloths, money and sex. When the guys approached Janice was the first to speak up. “Well look who decided to return,” she said getting up and walking over toward the three men, her 36D breasts bouncing as she walked. “We thought you guys forgot all about us.” “Now how could we do that?” Ed replied to his wife as she now...
The club closed at 2 AM ... House Chorale was still there. The pizzas were delivered by 2:45. 4 AM rolled around and most of Chorale's allies had taken their new charges and gone home. Cornelius and Newton were still there, as either was more than happy to take any potential troublemakers. By 5, Minerva, Hans, Andre and Puppy had taken their seven guests and gone home. All that were left were Karghold Newton's ten and Carol was trying desperately to get a read on the last three of them...