Disaster ReliefChapter 19 free porn video

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Time flies when you're older, but two or three weeks after the swim meet, Jennifer was in my bed cuddled like in the old days. I liked her there, but I already knew that she was not going to be around too long. In the middle of the night, I went in to pee and returned to bed. Just as she snuggled back against my cool belly, her cell phone rang with its awful tone. It was across the room in her jacket. I suppose she was used to these late calls and slipped out of the bed to take the phone to the bathroom.

Minutes later, she came to me and said, "My God, that was Olivia. She had a message from the State Department that Charles is still alive. She will call again in the morning. Apparently, some kind of big negotiation is still going on. I think she said that their government had the leader of the insurgents in custody and said they would cut off his penis if they didn't let Charles go." She cried.

I poked a sleeping pill in her mouth and cuddled her back. It mattered little if Charles were alive or dead, given her schedule for the next week. She had to rest. She could do absolutely nothing about Charles. Finally, sleep overtook me as well.

Olivia's call came about seven the next morning and Jennifer went to take it. When she finished, she went immediately to the computer and called up a website from some group in Annistan. She recognized the name, but it meant nothing to me. Shortly, she called up a picture of Charles, who was blindfolded, but dressed reasonably in his career work clothes, the company name standing out clearly. The message bar running below the picture said that he was the object of negotiations. We took my laptop to the TV room and watched as the proceedings were shown.

Our President was having a news conference being carried live on the network. When they cut to him, he said, "I will never negotiate with or give in to ransom demands for illegally taken hostages. We will of course, always discuss options with responsible parties and identify possibilities where agreements might be achieved. Americans are in Annistan trying to restore electric power to the rural and suburban areas that will stimulate their economy."

When I took Business 101, it seems to me that 'negotiate' meant trying to find areas in which agreements could be reached. Oh, well, the people elected him; now they can live with him. God bless the rest of us.

I held Jennifer to me and asked, "Is that Charles?"

"Yes. I also remember that shirt."

Olivia called and talked to Jennifer for several minutes. When they finished, Jennifer said, "Olivia had to go back into the emergency room. They had bad accident victims and she will be out of touch for several hours."

Jennifer called Sarah and awakened her to look at the TV. Within a half hour, Sarah came in, looking like she had lost the hair-blowing contest. I never saw her looking unkempt. She took charge and then said, "Jennifer, if they get him out, we can double our income from the book sales. Jordan can write Charles' book and we'll have two of them out there."

While we were watching all this, Brianna slipped into the kitchen and made coffee as she started other food for breakfast. No one told her that it was the right thing to do. Within minutes she brought coffee to Sarah, Jennifer, and me as we were glued to the TV.

Sarah began to get the picture. She sipped her coffee and then said, "God, Jennifer, you have to go to the place where he comes home. Kiss him and rub against him. Later, we'll get his side of the story in a book and both of you will be on tour. This is magnificent!"

Jennifer asked, "What should I do?"

"Stay on the phone with Olivia. She will know first what is going to happen. If Charles gets out alive, we have to move quickly on it." She went quickly into executive mode, "Jordan, we may need to have Charles come here to his loving girlfriend in front of the cameras. Later, we'll make the book deals."

My gut felt queasy. In my mind, I wanted Charles out of there safely and quickly. In my heart, I wanted Jennifer and Brianna to be with me. By her motions and concerns, I suspected that Jennifer wanted Charles again and would continue more so if he came home. My emotional conflict caused me serious pain as we watched the TV.

After commercials, the network cut to some domestic issues in which a woman shot her boyfriend. She said that he had been in bed with her daughter and she was going to call the police. All I needed then was a story like that to send me to prison. Jennifer sat closer and Brianna came around to the other side. She said out loud, "Mom loves you and I do, too. We aren't going to shoot you." She tickled my face, "We like it too much here to complain."

Olivia called during a break at the emergency room and told Jennifer to go to a specific web address. We opened the site and saw a running commentary of Charles standing between two masked gunmen. Shortly, a group appeared from the side. The boss of the hostage takers demanded to see the penis of the prisoner to be exchanged. He pulled it out and it seemed to meet his approval. Charles walked off stage with three armed guards. The other man went into the background and disappeared.

The announcer said, "It appears that Charles Wallace has just been freed from captivity in an exchange of prisoners with the insurgents. We will watch to see when he gets into the government vehicle, and later when he boards the aircraft waiting to take him out of the country."

Jennifer sobbed. Brianna came to hold her. I held her. Sarah came to hold her. Sarah whispered, "I think your man is out of there. Our State Department people wouldn't have been there if there was to be bad news. Now, we have to find out where he's coming home and go there. You have to greet him like a long lost lover." She laughed. "My God, this is so good!"

I said, "I think they will keep him in the military Landstuhl Regional Medical Center near Kaiserslautern, Germany for a few days before they return him. That's where they take the injured troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. You will be able to talk to him when he arrives there."

Sarah said gleefully, "Now, you can go back on the TV programs as a couple reunited and we can get a book from Charles, too. You can travel together to signings all over the country. Everyone will have to have a copy of each book. Later, it will go paperback."

Jennifer sniffled and said, "I thought he was dead. Now, I see him alive. I can't believe it."

We watched the happenings both on the laptop and on the TV for a couple of hours. Sarah said, "Jennifer, are you cool with all this publicity and activity?"

"Yeah! I love the attention. After the hurricane, I was a nothing for several months and now I feel that I have some control over my life. I can profit from my terrible experience."

"Do you think Charles will want to participate?"

"I will be able to talk to him when he is in the hospital. However, he is a caring person and if there is any good to come from the TV and book activities, I think he will want to be a part of it." She sighed. "He didn't go over there just to make money. He was on a life mission to help forgotten people."

As I guessed, they flew him to the hospital near Kaiserslautern. For the next two days, we watched the TV and checked the news on the laptop for later developments. Sarah, Jennifer, and I were in the kitchen planning the future when Jennifer's cell phone rang.

She answered it, and then looked shocked. "Charles! My God, how are you?" Then she went into the other room. We could hear her talk but not what she said. Five minutes later, she returned.

She actually laughed. "He's alive and well in the hospital. He told me that they inspected his colon with an x-ray or cat scan to be sure that the captors hadn't inserted a bomb while he was asleep. I'll get to talk to him more tomorrow." She beamed happiness.

Sarah grabbed her and they hugged for several minutes. Then, Sarah said, "Well, when you get over the 'I love you' stuff, get back to business. We're in the fish business here. If we don't use our advantage within three days, it will smell bad and we will have missed it."

My gut clenched when I heard the 'I love you' stuff. I didn't want her to leave, but life has funny ways of teasing you. Just when you think things are working out, Murphy knocks at the door. I felt guilty. I sure as hell didn't want Charles dead.

The next day, Jennifer talked to Charles for an hour before he had to do something at the hospital. When she was through, she said to Sarah, "Charles is enthusiastic about the publicity. He thinks it will support his cause. He's thrilled to have Jordan start a book. He thinks he's coming home in a couple of days. They want to make a big deal of it at the White House."

Sarah danced around the room. She said, "I think we've done it, girl. We turned disaster into lots of cash just when we needed it. What are you going to do with your money? You must have lots of checks."

Jennifer looked as if she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. "Uhm, well, I haven't been to the bank. My bank is still marginal in Pensacola."

Sarah said, "Jordan, take care of this. I'm sure you have a broker or financial planner who can take her money. Go get your checks, Jennifer."

Like a schoolgirl who hadn't done her homework, Jennifer went guiltily to her room and brought back a stack of checks for expenses and fees. I downloaded a power of attorney form and filled it out. I could get these checks into the bank tomorrow.

Sarah went to work on her contacts at the State Department. Interesting that since she became famous on TV, it was much easier to get through to the right people to set up the homecoming. Olivia and Jennifer were to be admitted through security at Andrews Air Force Base. She then arranged for three nights in Washington at one of the prestigious hotels, compliments of the management. Everyone had loved Jennifer on the daytime TV shows and Sarah was working on getting Jennifer and Charles an interview on Larry King.

During our planning meeting, Sarah said, "I want to have a news conference at Andrews before Charles arrives. After he is here, I want him to come back to the briefing room and answer some questions. Here is a list of questions I want him to answer when they ask him. If they don't ask, I will prompt him to say more."

Jennifer looked over the questions and said, "I think he can handle most of these. I will go over them with him when we talk."

"I will limit the amount of time we have. I want to leave so many unanswered questions that they'll have to talk to him again. That will give us time to set up some national TV interviews. Tell him to look good and be as smooth as possible. As you well know, they like good looking people to be guests on their program."

Early on Wednesday, Charles called and said he would arrive at Andrews AFB Thursday afternoon about five. I could tell that Jennifer was about to pee in her pants from excitement. Sarah and Jennifer would arrive in Washington before noon, get their bags stored at the hotel, and get out to the air base in time to set up the news conference.

Thursday, I watched TV as the aircraft pulled up to the parking space, still making too much noise for the reporter to say anything. Important service members were also on board. They held Charles back until the families of the military people had greeted their returning troops. He came down the stairs looking fresh and walked across the tarmac. Olivia ran to him and he hugged her for a while. Jennifer then ran to him and hugged both of them. Charles kissed Jennifer like he was a movie star. My gut cringed.

I didn't see Brianna come in behind the couch. I heard her sob and she came around to my arms. She said, "I'm so glad he's out, but I don't know what's going to happen to me. I think Mom still loves him."

"She does. She's going with him on an extended book and speaking tour. I know Sarah will do well for them."

"You love her, too?"

"Brianna, I love you and Jennifer and Rachel. You all make my life rich. Charles was in her heart before I met her and I think he is still there."

They cut to the news conference. The anchor said, "XBS now has an exclusive interview with Charles Wallace and Jennifer Allen. You may remember when they first took Wallace hostage, we interviewed his daughter, Olivia, and his girl friend, Jennifer Allen. Both of them said they would never give up hope."

Actually, that's not quite what they said, but I'm not going to correct him.

A local reporter then took charge of the briefing. "Charles Wallace, what can you tell us about how you were taken and treated?"

Charles explained how he was just getting off work late in the evening. The rest of his crew had left the job site a few minutes earlier. He put his laptop in his car and started to drive away from the site. He didn't have an escort and no one expected him to need one since the area was fairly peaceful. He described the rumors of an upcoming wave of terror from the insurgents, but he felt safe, given the nature of his position.

"You were surprised to be taken? You didn't think it would happen?"

"Shocked would be more like it. It came out of nowhere. No warning. I thought we were safe."

Sarah sat on the front row with a placard that said, "No." It meant that he was supposed to dodge the question and answer it later.

Question. "What kinds of things did you think about when you were in captivity?"

"Staying alive. Wondering if the government would do anything about it. As you know, contractors take their chances in dangerous situations."

Question. "Did you think about escaping?"

"Constantly. I wasn't smart enough to make an effective plan. Even if I could get out of the house I was in, I still had no means of getting anywhere. I don't speak the language."

"Did you think about your daughter and girl friend?"

"Of course. All the time."

"Did you ever expect to see them again?"

Sarah held up the "no" placard."

Charles ignored the question and pointed to another in the rear. "Did you believe they were going to execute you?"

"Yes. I had no reason to believe anything else. I've seen Al Jazzera."

Just then, Sarah stepped up and said, "I think that's all for today. We'll get him to talk more at another time. Now, he's had a long day and a long flight. He needs rest."

Charles stepped quickly back from the podium and joined with Jennifer and Sarah as they made their way through the crowd. As they walked to the waiting car, they heard cheers and applause from the remaining crowd.

I said to Brianna, "Well, that went well. Sarah managed him well."

She asked, "Where's Rachel?"

"She's been working on exams and let Jennifer and Sarah take charge of things when she couldn't. For all that I know, she might even go on a date."

Brianna was quick, but she had learned to be subtle. "Will Sarah and Mom be gone for a few days?"

"I think so. Charles is going to be a celebrity."

"Will Rachel go home to her parents over the weekend?"

"She says she has to settle some issues..."

Brianna laughed. "So, unless I do something wrong, I might get to sleep with you!"

"What about Bobby?"

"You have Mom and Rachel. Maybe even Sarah. Why can't I have you and Bobby?" She snuggled her head under my arm.

I shrugged. "In for a penny, in for a pound."

"What does that mean?"

"As you said, Rachel, Jennifer and maybe Sarah."

"You did Sarah at the swim meet, didn't you?"

"Did you do Bobby?"

"Bobby wasn't very good. Maybe he'll get better. Was Sarah good?"

"Love, I'm in a corner. Proper men don't talk about their nights with other women."

She brightened. "Well, I'm glad. I know those women know much more than I do. So, you won't tell anyone how naïve I am?"

"You're perfect."

"Cathy knows that you and Sarah had a good time. She said Sarah was happy."

"Well, Let's make dinner before we talk too much. We had a nice time before, didn't we?" I took her hand. "Sarah and Jennifer are in Washington. Rachel is with her parents for the weekend. Where is Cathy?"

"Cathy is in the hot tub. What are you going to do with us?"

"Before dinner, you give Cathy a shower and rub her like I rubbed you with the oil. Make her feel good. Then, we'll make dinner. Later, she may stay in your room tonight and you may come to my room and we'll sleep."

"I hope we can do more than sleep."

"So do I. With men, you never know."

After their shower, both of them came down to help me with dinner. Or, maybe I helped them. Brianna now had about six sets of detailed instructions on what to make for dinner. They weren't complicated recipes, but they always tasted quite good. I loved watching them move around the kitchen in their tight jeans and wedge heels looking grown up. Some day, I have to get them to cook in their schoolgirl outfits being nice eye candy.

Brianna took my hand and drew me to the couch. She motioned for Cathy. Both sat close to me. Brianna asked, "Dad, why do boys only like girls with big boobs?"

"You and Cathy certainly don't have to worry about that problem."

"Boys stare at them all the time."

Cathy nodded, and said, "One of the girls on the swim team has small breasts, and she is jealous of Brianna and me." She looked at her chest. "They just grew. I didn't have anything to do with it."

Brianna asked, "Do you just like women with big ones?" She thought for a minute. "All of the women you hang with are large. Why?"

"I'm going to try to answer your first question, although it isn't easy. If you haven't already had some of this in school, you will soon. Human behavior is governed by two strong influences: genetics and culture. Genetics first. I have seen TV specials on sexual development and also I read a number of research studies on the question." I saw Brianna's eyes rotate back in her head. "Pay attention. These will be on the test."

She laughed. "Okay, I was just thinking."

"Anyway, these researchers went all over the world and showed photos of naked or barely clothed women to males in a number of different cultures-from primitive to highly civilized. They asked questions about which of the photos the men found most desirable. The photos had been enhanced to look like the women in their communities or region. Skin and hair color, facial shape, height, and other features."

Cathy laughed. "I'm learning to use PhotoShop. I can make myself look really big."

I laughed. "You're dangerous, Cathy. Anyway, men all over the world chose women who fit about the same ratio of breasts, waist, and hips. They preferred women with larger breasts, smaller waists, and wider hips. They established that these choices are more than learned preferences. The researchers speculated that the women were chosen because of their estimated childbearing potential."

Cathy piped up, "I read on the Internet that the French prefer smaller breasts. Is that right?"

"I don't know. I've heard that, too. However, play like it is true. So, why would French men have those preferences?"

Brianna said, "Maybe they don't want babies?"

"I don't know. I'm guessing that it is cultural. They have learned from their society what desirable women look like."

Cathy said, "Well, I know that boys in this culture don't have that preference."

"If you look at the magazines on my shelf upstairs, you'll see that American men do like full breasts and hips. That's what the magazines publish. Few of those women look like the skinny fashion models we see on the TV strutting down the runway."

Brianna said, "I don't think I could ever look like that. I'll never be a model."

"Maybe not a world class runway model, but many local stores have their own models and I think you and Cathy could do nicely if you went to modeling classes."

Both said loudly, "You do?"

"It's hard work, but I think both of you have the figures for it. You will only look better as you get older."

Cathy reflected. "Uhm, what you're saying is that boys don't have a lot of choice in what they prefer or like to look at."

I laughed. "No, they do have the choice of looking you in the eye before sizing up your breasts, though. Believe me, that requires practice and a lot of determination. We can't help it that we like to look at shapely women." I looked at them in the eye, "Now, just for fun, the next time a boy's eyes dwell on your boobs, poke him on the shoulder and say, 'Hey, after you enjoy the show, I'm up here, ' and point to your eyes."

Brianna giggled. "I will if you will, Cathy."

"Maybe. I'll think about it."

Brianna said, "Tell me more about modeling classes."

"Look in the phone book for models. Call the numbers to see if there are classes. Remember that you have to fit this in with school, swimming, and any social life you might want. You don't have a lot of spare time."

"Once you find them, I can talk to them about time and their prices. You won't know if you like it until you try it."

She had an evil grin. "That's what I keep telling Cathy."

Cathy quickly hopped up and pounced on Brianna, pinning her to the couch. "Shut up, you. I'll get to it when I'm ready." She tickled her until Brianna yelled for mercy.

After they made truce, we watched a movie on TV, all sitting on the couch snuggling. The movie had scary scenes in it and that made them come closer. Felt good to be the protector of the innocent from the bad guys on the TV. When the movie was over, I said it was bedtime and they both went up to get ready. I went to do email and check some market indices. Brianna came to my door and said, "Can we go to bed now?"

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Memorable Night With My Filipino Friend

This is a story about a wild night with a ‘friend with benefits’ of mine. Something about me. I am Raj, 6 feet tall, average body, and 6.5-inch thick cock. I am 30 years old and at the time of this incident, I was 26. I was working for a startup in the Philippines and living in Manila. I had met Tina around 6 months back via Tinder and had mind-blowing sex with her. We stayed in touch after that and became good friends. I shifted to Singapore for a couple of months and then moved back to...

3 years ago
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Felix becomes Felicity Chapter 6

FELIX  becomes FELICITY Chapter 6 ..I put the gingham dress on that fit well and completed the ensemble with the shoes and cardigan. I looked like a fully grown woman in a school girl outfit. My breasts seemed to project and fill the dress with the buttons on the front tight. The fabric belt pinched in my already slim waste and the skirt part of the dress flared slightly emphasizing my hips and bottom. The cardigan was short and tight fitting.  Umm I thought I look pretty hot, I giggled and...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love By Paul1954 It was Monday again, at 6:53am on a cold and frosty, December morning and Frankie Carbonara was still lying in his bed. It had been over twenty minutes since his alarm had gone off, and he was trying to think of one good reason why he should not just stay here in his warm and cosy bed. It hadn't been one of his better weekends. On the Friday he had been dumped by his latest girlfriend and, what had made it worse was, she had waited until he had taken...

3 years ago
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Dressed to Thrill Part 1

Introduction: a secret desire Dressed To Thrill Part 1 It was only a matter of time before my wife discovered what I am, and I discovered her need to dominate and control me. We worked different hours and I was often in the house alone which only encouraged my kinky tendencies. When she was away or had meetings she would get up and go to work early and I would stay home until it was time to go out later. It began innocently enough I suppose with looking at things on the internet and whilst my...

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They say there is a very fine line between stupidity and bravery. As I sit here staring at all the explosions in the distance, in the middle of a forest, I realise I may have already crossed the point of no return. My name is Barry Barnes. I am 28yrs old and I can easily be described as your everyday person. I have no particular skills and no academic knowledge. The one thing that defines me is my bigger than average dick and complete obessesion in women and mages (sometimes both). Since I was...

1 year ago
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BoundGangBangs Britney Amber Britney Amber is Gettin8217 Pumped

Britney Amber is new and naive at her local gym. She starts to do some stretches before working out and keeps to herself. The other guys at the gym can’t help but stare at her hot smokin’ body. One of the guys, Stirling Cooper, asks if she’d like some pointer’s on how to stretch properly. Although reluctant at first, Britney amuses Stirling and lets him show her something. Britney is then suddenly surprised to be surrounded on all sides by the other guys at the gym. They...

2 years ago
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My Fathers Slut cont My Brothers Slut

The next morning as Mallory headed downstairs she could hear the usual family chaos going on in the kitchen, a sound she had lived with for as long as she could remember. The twins were dressed and ready for school and her parents were on their way to breakfast with friends, which left Mallory to lounge around the house before she had to leave for her first class. She indulged in the quiet before guilt nagged her into cleaning up the breakfast mess and straightening the house a bit. She was in...

4 years ago
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Local Affairs 2 Beyond the Call of Duty

New Zealand weather is notoriously changeful, and by the time Greg awoke on Saturday morning it had completely changed from the previous day’s torrential rain that had played a part in precipitating his sexual encounter with Andrea Hemsley. It was a glorious Christchurch summer morning, and brilliant sunshine already flooded the kitchen as he pottered preparing his breakfast of coffee and toast, his head still full of memories of her. It was not just her awesome sexuality that preoccupied him....

4 years ago
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Three Hour Tease

We had met on-line a couple months ago, after exchanging e-mails at first, then just lately phone numbers and after a few conversations, Gail and I decided it was time to meet. I was extremely nervous, as this would be my first meeting with someone that I had met through an on-line dating service. We met at a bar that I sometimes go to for happy hour, which was also convenient for her. Well, we had a blast. All the correspondence really paid off. Turns out we were both nervous but that quickly...

1 year ago
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The Lab parts 115

Hi This is only the third story I've ever written. It's still incomplete, like the second story I wrote. There's not a lot of graphic sex in it, and it takes a while to get going. I hope you like it. I really have no idea whether I can write, which is probably why I do it so slowly, but I hope there's someone out there who gets something out of it. Feel free to archive or otherwise distribute, provided it (and this preamble) is unedited and no fee is charged for access. ...

3 years ago
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The Road Worker Part One

I didn't catch the road workers name so I started to call him Big Lad.It was a Friday afternoon and I was feeling fucking horny so decided to do a bit of cruising at a cottage a few miles away. It was a warm day so I put my shorts and t-shirt on, the shorts were of a gym type, very flimsy and left little to the imagination. I'd been hanging around for an hour or so, I'd had a bit of a play with an older skinny blokes big cock then decided to go home. I started to walk towards my van when a...

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Cheryl was withdrawn the following morning at brunch in the dining room. She’d barely spoken to Drew as they had showered, dressed, and prepared for the day. “What’s on today’s agenda?” Drew asked, trying to lighten the mood. Cheryl glared at him across the table. “You want to just tour around the island?” he suggested. “Or, maybe you’d prefer to spend it by the pool? This is our last day, you know.” Either she hadn’t made up her mind or was merely intent on making him feel uncomfortable....

Group Sex
2 years ago
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LA Shopping Experience

Stuart Thomas looked out his window. The sun was bright so he had to squint a little. The LA smog hung like an ugly and unwanted chandelier. He hated LA. He couldn’t understand what people saw in this place. It was too crowded, too polluted, too many stuck-up women. He’d been here for two years which was one year too many. His firm promised him that after one year he’d have his pick of offices. He chose San Diego with its beautiful beaches and close proximity to Baja. When the time came for...

3 years ago
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Love at Lunch

You are already at the lobby by the time I get there. I look at the clock on the wall of the reception - 1:03pm. It's been a full week since I last saw you and you look completely dishy, even more delicious than I remember, a stud standing out in the crowd of stiff businessmen and prudish career people. You're wearing a casual white cotton t-shirt, loose black pants and a smile that knocked me off my feet and makes all the shit of the work worth living through. Even in that simple do, you...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Shona River Lexi Layo Take A Turn

Raul Costa watches across the room as Lexi Layo and Shona River plan to double team him. When they beckon him over, he opens his arms to accommodate two hot fillies. They all exchange kisses as they set the mood, but it’s not long before Shona and Lexi are on their way down to their knees. Pulling out Raul’s hardon, Lexi and Shona put their hands and mouths to work sharing their treat. They combine their efforts to stroke and suck, ensuring that Raul is hard as a rock for the...

3 years ago
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Frosh Week at Hayes High SchoolChapter 5

Thursday I opened my locker to find another package with my name on it. Inside was a brief note detailing Dress Code for the day and a small ball of bright red yarn measuring ten feet. The note read: Victor, Today you will remove your underpants or panties but keep the rest of your clothes on. But beneath them you must add the attached yard. You will do so in the following fashion: For girls: wrap the yarn about your waist, tying knot to secure it, then thread the yarn behind and up your...

3 years ago
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I give straight friend help by way of first time m

My name is James, when I was in my late 20's I had my first male encounter and really enjoyed it, eager for more. The one thing I really wanted was to have a guy bareback me but not willing to let just anybody have me.Some time later I went to a bikers party, was more like a club get together than a wild bikers weekend,this is where mine and as you will read, my buddies desires come to life!I had gone for the past few years with a long time buddy from high school, John, both of us always...

2 years ago
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Call Boy Service At Chennai

Hi all I am Karan from Chennai I am a call boy aged 29 strictly only for aged women’s above 32 to 50 so women who want my service can mail me to The payment depends upon the services you need from me. Going to the story once I got a call from one number the voice was very sweet and matured she inquired about my service . She told that she want complete body massage with mouth and hand I accepted she asked me to be ready and stand near Vijayanagar bus depo by 5 pm she told she want full night...

2 years ago
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A nice pick up at the Italian restaurant

I had been so terrible horny during that long week at my office.My loving Victor was so tired and stressed to fuck me properly and I really needed it…Wednesday I left my desk and went for some lunch at a nice little Italian restaurant.When I entered the place I did my usual glance before taking a seat. I noticed a middle age handsome black man and grabbed the seat next to him. That day I was wearing a mid-thigh dark blue business suit, black stockings and my favorite stiletto heels. But I...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Jessica Lynn Devours Cock and Balls

Blonde bombshell Jessica Lynn tries to prove to her man Niko that she’s got brains as well as a rocking hot body, but he can only focus on her mouthwatering 34D melons and cleanly shaved pussy. The buxom babe gives in to the stud’s longings and soon he’s eating pussy and tasting the sweet nectar. The Penthouse starlet now fully turned on hungrily devours Niko’s monster cock and licks his balls. Then the horny couple fuck in doggy style until he unleashes his load all...

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261, THE DATE THAT CHANGED MY LIFE(THE ORIGINS OF MY FETISHES?)Well, here I was, just off a flight from Cyprus, just back from a six-month military detachment, 21 years old, bronzed 6 foot 4 tall, and still growing, suntanned, hair bleached blond, and on leave for 21 lovely days. There was a group of about 200 of us and we were ready for home. Unusually we were on leave from the airport, and we each had a lumpy army suitcase, and a bulky kitbag. We were instructed not to wear our UN berets,...

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Keeping Company Ch 02

My deepest thanks go to NinaWild for taking on this marathon project. This story does go between past and present, but I do try to make it as easy as possible to understand as it does. ***** The Present… Mandy was already gone by the time Amy and I woke. We showered and dressed and I pulled the ‘do not disturb’ sign off the door on the way to breakfast. We were the last to arrive and the girls brought us up to speed on the gossip. Amy watched Mandy for a while before I gently tapped her leg...

3 years ago
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The Swap ClubChapter 13 Phil Collins

Debby and I couldn’t make the next party, at Dan and Cindy’s. We had gotten free tickets to see Phil Collins at the Coliseum and were going there, instead. Or I should say Debby won free tickets, which was a crazy story in its own right. She won them only about a week before, the Monday before the party and the concert. I had tried buying tickets everywhere, but the concert was one night only and had been sold out within hours of going on sale. Debby really wanted to go, but we resigned...

1 year ago
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BrattyMILF Mona Azar My Stepmom Needs Attention

Bigtit milf Mona Azar is feeling the urge. After checking out her balcony to make sure there are no eyes on her, she shimmies out of her dress and lotions up to settle in for some outdoor delight. That’s when she notices her stepson, Charlie, watching her through the glass door. By the time Mona makes it to Charlie’s room to confront him, he’s in the throes of jerking off. Mona can hardly believe her eyes, but her anger melts away as she internalizes the compliment of having a...

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Transformation in Reno Part 2

Transformation in Reno - Part 2 By DeeWet As I lay at John's feet on the floor, I worry about what I just did. Dressed in a red dress and petticoat, my feet in ruffled socks and black Mary Jane shoes, my white satin panties are wet and sticky between my legs. I had sucked my friend's cock. I can still taste his cum. The most worrisome part to me is that I loved it and can't wait to please him again. I can't describe the feeling of helplessness as I lay there with my wrist...

1 year ago
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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 3 Life as a Couple

The day after we returned home, one of the first things I did was to type a Letter of Resignation addressed to the software company where I worked. Later that day, I went in to work and cleaned out my office cubicle and desk. After saying goodbye to my coworkers, at least those I was friends with, I delivered my resignation to my boss. He was upset with me for not giving the traditional two-week notice. I let him know that I would have given him more notice, but I had no intention of putting...

2 years ago
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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 5 Earth Changes

Prediction and Concern turns to Reality: It was a comfortable sunny fall day near the beginning of September 2018 around 10:00 AM when the entire west coast of the United States dropped two feet. It was estimated that nearly ten million electrical transformers were no longer attached to power poles. Power west of the Cascades in Washington and Oregon and the Sierra Mountain Range in California was almost non-existent. The phone service was spotty at best. The one thing it did trigger was the...

2 years ago
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Tease Island

Tease Island The Early Season "The new boat comes today" M. Fulbright Penopskott commented toDawn as he squirmed on the bed. Dawn nodded, and continued her trail of flicksagainst M.Fulbright's suffering shaft. Dawn leaned closer, staring intentlyunder her platinum blonde bangs, as her pink nails painted to match her tubetop poked and stroked M. Fulbright's purplish shaft. "You betcha, M.,and you're making some nice change from it, huh?" Dawn looked right into M's eyes and licked her full lips...

1 year ago
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Friend Encourages Ravi To Feel Mother Anjali8217s Ass

Hello guys and girls, This story is of me, my friend Ravi, and Sam (names changed). There lived a middle-class family in Surat. Anjali was aged 39, with E-cup tits and a huge ass. Then there was her innocent son, Ravi who was aged 19. They had planned a trip to Lakshadweep and the beaches there, on the celebration of Ravi’s completion of his inter. They were leaving his father behind as he was busy with his office work. One day in the early morning, they started their journey. During the bus...

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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 14

Lindsey spent a very fitful Friday night. She again slept on the hideabed in Sonja's apartment, and Sonja could here her tossing several times during the night. Sonja felt sorry for her, but there was not much she could do but be a friend. The hardest part for Sonja was that she knew exactly what Lindsey was feeling. At Dex's holiday party, Amy had pulled Sonja into the singing, and she had been 'discovered.' Her parents were there, and their anger at her performance had taken a lot of...

4 years ago
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Hawaiian Baby Woodrose

It was a short walk from the parking lot to the entrance of the garden center, but far enough for Rose to have already started sweating. True, it was an uncomfortably hot morning, and the sun grew more merciless as the minutes passed, but the reason had as much to do with Rose as with the heat. She had dressed lightly for the day-- a thin polyester dress with a floral pattern, sandals, a broad-brimmed hat-- but at 44 she was not a petite woman, and it didn't take much exertion for a film of...

3 years ago
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A New Taste Part 3

A week later I serviced Nicks divine dick once more. He had the day to himself and inited me to his flat. The risk was an additional pleasure for him as was being completely naked. I was fully clothed as usual. He talked a lot as I slurped and sucked my way towards his satisfaction. He even took a call and shuffled me backwards towards his balcony window as he conversed about his plans. His friend had no idea that Nick was pulling my head on to his prick so that my lips gapped at the base of...

4 years ago
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Finding myself in a steamy situation

All I could see was this big hard cock. My eyes travelled from its big knob that was steadily being coated with more pre-cum, down its 7 inch veined shaft right to its shaven base where it met up with a muscular torso and large shaven balls. As I started to move my gaze up his body, over his well defined abdominal muscles and over his pecs I woke up. I was lying in the dark in my college dorm room, my cock was rock hard and I was desperate to blow my load. I listened and heard the deep...

Gay Male
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A New Year8217s Eve story involving family but not too close family

My twin nieces have kept my balls drained for a few years now, and nobody knows about it. Ever since I passed out one New Year’s eve and woke up to find Deanie and Debbie jacking me off into a glass of champagne, they’ve enjoyed the “fruit of my loins,” so to speak. I’m about ten years older than the twins and we get along well together. We have many common interests, which is why no one, including their folks, think it’s strange that we spend so much...

2 years ago
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How I Met Your MILFChapter 7

He did come to my house. Looking back on it now, he had to. By that, I mean we had been best friends for so long, that neither of us could think of a life in which the other wasn't there. Our lives revolved around one another. His choices, from his perspective, were to either go home, or to come to my house. There were no answers at his house. At least that's how he saw it. So he came to mine. I thought about trying to explain it to him myself. I thought we could go off to the woods on the...

1 year ago
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Julie 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Julie's pussy tingled as the cum that remained on her face dripped on to her . She was still on the floor, the place where her brothers had left just twenty minutes before. She was still trying to grasp what had just happend. Her brothers had fucked her face and pussy and she hadn't even tried to resist. In fact the second hanks cock had hit her lips she had begun sucking it for all she was worth. Julie was confused, not only had she moaned like a...

2 years ago
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Pretending Ch 02

Pretending Ch. 2 © 2009 All Rights Reserved Simon was frustrated over the next few days. Connie went to lengths to avoid him, although since they lived together, she couldn't avoid him all the time. After three days, frustration turned to a strange sort of admiration. It was impressive how she managed to see him for the barest minimum of time every day. She left early, came home late, then went straight to her room. He wondered when she ate, since she declined any invitations to eat with him,...

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