500 AnniesChapter 5 free porn video

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"Good evening, listeners. This is Barbara Barnes, host of the newly syndicated Book Report, on PRI, coming from WORD, 86.7 on your dial.

This is our very first broadcast, and I can't think of anyone I would want to be my first guest more than Joe Williams, author of '500 Annies, and 'Average Joes', both best sellers. His series of interviews with me eighteen months ago actually was the catalyst for launching my new program. As you may be aware, the program got us two PRI awards and a Peabody. The rest, as they say, is history."

"Speaking of history, we're repeating it somewhat. The interview is coming to you live from Alumni Hall, and we're in the middle of our fall pledge drive. Once again, all proceeds from his appearance will go to the station. Also again, he has donated 500 copies of his latest book, 'Average Joes', to the pledge drive. And as before, they are all autographed."

The place was packed again. Joe could never understand why people thought he was so interesting. He and Barbara were on stage, two stools and a spotlight, just as before.

"Good evening, Joe. It's so good to see you again. How have you been since we last met?"

"I'm fine Babs[he had learned she preferred to be called that], How are you? I understand congratulations are in order. How does it feel to be a newlywed?"

"Wonderful! Listeners, I don't know if you're aware of it, but I recently wed Mike Perkins, my engineer. It's been three glorious months so far."

There was a smattering of applause.

"Joe, I need to confess something. After our last interview, I took your words to heart. I gave Mike a copy of your book, a big kiss, and told him to read it. He did, then we did. Get married I mean. I owe you a debt of thanks."

He grinned.

"Nonsense! I'm sure he would have figured it out eventually. But still, glad I could help."

"Speaking of newlyweds, how's your wife Maria?"

"She and the kids are doing fine, thanks for asking."

Smoothly transitioning into the meat of the interview, she asked him how his new book was doing.

"Oh, it's doing great. It's not as powerful as '500 Annies', but it's still a good read, and it is a bestseller."

"Yes it is, I enjoyed it immensely. Did you know both books are required reading at some colleges?"

"No, I didn't Babs. I know both books got some very nice reviews."

Babs had done her home work.

"Indeed they have. Cosmo, Vanity Fair, Modern Woman, and a host of other female oriented magazines gave them high marks. Cosmo said and I quote: 'These books should be read by anyone who has ever been in or is in a relationship, and that pretty much describes the adult population of the world.', end quote.

"Mens Health, GQ, and most other male oriented magazines echo these sentiments. Oprah raved about them on her network. You were in the running for Times Magazines' Man Of The Year last year. Has this affected you when you go out in public?"

"It did a little at first, but where my family lives now people barely notice. They're a lot more likely to notice my wife and daughters, all very beautiful women. Some people know who I am, but to most I'm just that retired guy who lives in the old Jeffers place. I love it. Sometimes there's an advantage to being average.

"Was writing "Average Joes" easier than your first book?"

"Actually, it was a lot harder, for a variety of reasons. I never intended to write again, I thought I said all I had to say with the first book. 'Average Joes' was my wifes' idea."

Maria went home with my ring on her finger. I was a little apprehensive about the kids' reaction, but they were, to quote Mickey, 'cool with it'.

Cassie and Tina called and asked if it was too soon to start calling me Daddy. I almost choked on my tears and told them it would make me very proud, but check with their mother first. Her response was I might as well get used to it.

The promotional tour was finally over. To paraphrase an English poet, 'I shook the dust of Europe off my shoes', and returned home.

Home was kind of an interesting term. I leased a four bedroom condo in Chicago because Maria didn't want to move the kids out of school before the end of the school year, and refused to actually live with me until the wedding.

My publishers were after me to write another book while the first was still so popular, but I really wasn't interested. I was snuggling with Maria one night, she and the kids spent almost every weekend at our condo, when she asked me if I had considered it.

"Not really. I don't think of myself as that kind of writer. "500 Annies' was actually a fluke, a combination of circumstances that can never be repeated. I don't have the imagination to write fiction, and can't think of anything else that interests me."

"Why don't you write about relationships? You seem to be good at it."

"Already done that, honey, and frankly the thought of having more women tell me their life stories doesn't appeal to me anymore."

"Who said it had to be women? Ever wonder what guys think?"

"Not really, I imagine they all think like me."

She sat up in bed and pulled my face into hers."

"That's where you're so wrong, my love. I've never met a man who thinks like you do. I doubt if you can find one who does. You're one in a million, maybe a billion, and that's probably why I love you so much."

She started kissing me and all thoughts of conversation fled my mind.

But the next evening, when they had all gone back to get ready for school the next day, and I was rattling around in that big condo by myself, I thought about what she said.

What if she was right? After all, my first book taught me I didn't have a clue what women thought, what if I was wrong about the guys.

I met with the publishers, just to kick the idea around. They got so excited it was unreal. The next day they had a contract ready and a very nice advance check. They wanted me to have it done in six months, but I had it amended to a year. I wanted to do it right.

It would still be a lot faster than the first one, but I was experienced now, so it should be easier, right?


The first four interviews had me thinking I had made a serious mistake. Women are for the most part far more articulate than men, and are much more comfortable talking about abstract concepts like relationships.

Men, apparently, are much more closed, less likely to 'share', especially with another guy. I got a lot of 'shit, bro, you know what I mean' when I actually had no clue.

I was complaining to Maria again, and again her insights were dead on.

"They don't open up to you because you are a guy. I bet if a woman did the interviews, you'd get a lot different results."

"Have I told you lately how much I love you? You're a genius."

I was twirling her around the kitchen while the kids laughed.

The next Monday I checked with the publishers and they thought my plan had merit.

Maria was an assistant editor, and did a lot of fact checking and research. She would be perfect.

I went back home for a few days a month to check on my house and see my old friends, but when I walked into Harrys' this time I was on a mission.

I had asked Annie and Chad to meet me there, and asked Harry to have one of his part timers there to watch the bar. We met at Janes' table.

After we exchanged greetings and caught up with each other, I explained what I wanted.

At first they didn't know what to say, but after some more discussion they agreed to do what I asked on a trial basis.

I needed women to do the interviews. They would be my researchers, writers did this all the time. I would listen to them and collate the data, just as before, but with three interviewers it should go much faster.

Of course, they would be paid, and paid well. Anne wanted to protest, but I told her if she didn't take the money, someone else would. She didn't know I knew things were tight for them. Chads' company downsized, and he had to take a reduction in pay just to keep his job. They had two kids in college and could use the money.

"I don't feel comfortable sending you out alone, so I want Chad to accompany you, staying in the background. Of course, he will be compensated for his time. Do them on the weekends, it'll be a lot easier to connect. And you'll have to travel. I've found you don't get as much honesty if they know you."

"Here's a recorder, and a credit card in the name of my corporation. I had incorporated at the urging of my accountant and lawyer. Put everything on it, everything. Meals, lodgings, drinks of coffees you may have to buy. It will go on my expense sheet, and I can deduct it off my taxes. Don't go cheap on me either, the more you spend the bigger the deduction."

I turned to Jane. I was a little worried about her because of her disability, but she would be using her mind and not her body.

"Jane, are you interested? Same deal as Annie, but work it around Harry."

I had already talked to Harry and he thought it was a good idea, and not just for the money, they were doing all right. Funny thing about a bar, when the economy is good, people drink to celebrate, when it's bad, they drink to forget. Either way, the bar makes money.

He wanted to do something to get them both out for awhile, he thought they were stagnating sitting in the bar all day.

We talked for a little, ironing out details. Before I left they wanted to know why I picked them instead of professionals.

"I don't want professionals, I want people with an open mind. Professionals will analyze what they think you want and try to get it for you, you guys won't."

"Bedsides," I said grinning, "You're partly responsible for all this. Think of it as cleaning up a mess you helped make."

I was a little nervous explaining my idea[actually her idea] to her. I did it over lunch at one of her favorite restaurants, a little place I found by accident that specialized in Cuban dishes. She said it reminded her of when she was a child and her Mom would cook the dishes her Dad liked so much. I mentioned how much we liked it in an interview and business picked up tremendously. The owners loved us. Our picture was displayed prominently on their wall, with the owners. I had a hard time paying for meals, and finally told Antonio if he didn't let me pay I wouldn't come back. That scared him enough to back off.

She loved the idea. She would still be employed by the publisher, but I would be paying her salary. The kids loved it too, because when we traveled on the weekends we almost always took them with us.

Things worked out pretty well as far as travel. My agent and lawyer got me a really good price for the movie rights, seems three studios were in a bidding war for them. The winning studio was going to film it in Toronto, it was much cheaper, sadly, than in the U.S., and they hired me as a technical advisor. Mostly it was to assist the screenwriter understand what I was going through and thinking at different times during the writing of the book.

To be honest, I was extremely uncomfortable with my life being made into a movie. Still couldn't understand why anyone thought a guy like me would be interesting.

Anyway, it meant I would be spending at least two months during the summer in Canada, and Maria and the kids were going with me.

Babs interrupted the narrative when he mentioned the movie.

"What did you think of the movie?"

"I thought it was very well done, they didn't deviate much at all from the book, mostly because the screenwriter, a brilliant young man, thought the story was good enough on its' own."

"Did you like the casting?"

"I thought it was brilliant. They deserved the Golden Globe they got. I figured they would Hollywood it up with extremely attractive actors but they didn't. Later I found out there was a lot of infighting to get parts."

"It came down to John C. Riley or William H. Macy to portray me. Either one would have done an excellent job, but what was more important to me was they had that 'everyman' look, not classic Hollywood leading man type. I'm sure either one would have been great, but Mr. Macy was spectacular."

"Amy Adams was a surprise as Annie, it wasn't a very big part, and she is a very attractive woman. They dressed her down a bit, but after all, the original Annie was, and I guess still is, an attractive woman."

Babs started to ask if he had any contact with Annie since she last talked, but thought better of it.

"What did you think of Selma Hyack playing the part of Maria?"

"I loved it, both are very attractive ladies. They actually became friends. You have no idea how surprised I was one day to walk into the house we had leased to find them in the kitchen cooking together, not to mention how blown away the kids were."

He stopped for just a minute.

"I guess what surprised me most of all was the fierce competitions for the cameos of some of my interviews."

"I heard Sally Fields threatened to actually kill people to get the part of Annie 337. Beyonce Knowles surprised me with how good she was as the abused Annie, but the newcomer they got to play Annie 499 surprised everyone with her performance. It led to several very good roles for her later."

Babs interjected once again.

"let me run some numbers by you. It was the top grossing film of the year. It won Golden Globes for casting, screenwriting, best supporting actress for Ms. Hyack, best leading man for Mr. Macy, and a tie for best cameo between Sally Fields and the newcomer Jannie Pruitt."

"At the Oscars, it was nominated for movie of the year, best actor, best supporting actress, screen writing, and casting.

Ms. Hyack won, Mr. Macy was just barely edged out, and the screen writer and the casting directors all won. I understand you and your wife were there."

"Yes, just another episode of unreal happenings in my life. It was funny, Maria was dressed to the nines, and she was stunning. I had on a tux, and didn't look too bad myself, but on the red carpet and at the after party they ignored me and wondered exactly who she was. She was embarrassed, but I thought it was funny."

"I watched the show. She was stunning. How did it feel being one of the presenters?"

"Again it was unreal. I only did it as a favor to the director, and I was really happy when Bill got it for best screenplay based on my book."

"Any plans to make 'Average Joes' into a movie?"

"I don't know. The same studio that did '500 Annies' optioned the movie rights, but I have no idea if they're going to do anything with it."

"Let's hope they do. If it's half as good as the first, it will be well worth watching."

Turning back to the original topic of the actual writing of the book, she asked him what, in his opinion, was the major difference between the writing of the books.

"As I said, this one was a lot harder. Men don't vocalize as well as women. So as I listened to the interviews I tried to hear what wasn't being said. It's kind of funny, while women expect men to read their moods and emotions some times, men seem to think women should actually know they love them. Where the ladies are seeking constant affirmation of their love, men take it for granted they shouldn't have to say anything, because a woman just knows."

He laughed.

"I tell you Babs, if humans didn't have such a high sex drive, we would have disappeared off the face of the planet thousands of years ago."

There was a ripple of laughter from the audience.

"I'd have to agree with you on that one, Joe. I've only been married three months, and already it's like pulling teeth to get him to say he loves me."

She turned and faced the side of the stage, where Mike had his equipment set up, and stuck her tongue out. The stage crew hit him with a light, and he looked like a deer caught in the headlamps of an oncoming car.

"Glad I don't have that problem, I'm happy to say 'I love you' often."

"Whether he'll admit it or not, Babs, we men like to hear it. And I think you just proved your point."

Babs was looking at Joe, and didn't see Mike get up and approach her. He grabbed her head, planted a deep kiss on her, and smiled. Then he took her microphone.

"I love you, Barbara Barnes Perkins, and will until the day I die. There, now it's recorded for posterity."

Babs lost her professional demeanor and blushed, before smiling. Joe was the only one close enough to see the moisture in her eyes.

The crowd roared.

Joe was chuckling as Mike repositioned the microphone.

"Thanks Mike, glad we cleared that up. And Babs, promise me you'll leave that in when you rebroadcast this."

"Are you kidding? I'm gonna have it put on my phone as his personal ringtone."

More laughter.

"Would you like to take a few questions from the audience, Joe?"

"Sure. I always get surprised and sometimes it's fun."

Soon they had a stage hand going through the audience with a wireless mike.

The first question, from a woman roughly his age, was about his marriage.

"I've seen you new wife, she's quite the beauty. Do you ever compare her to Annie?"

He reflected for just a second before answering.

"Wow, so much for easy questions. The answer is no, I don't. It would be an exercise in futility. Annie was quiet the last few years, and was never demonstrative. Maria is vocal, and likes to touch. We're almost never together when we're not holding hands, rubbing shoulders, or brushing up against each other. If she doesn't like something she lets you know pretty quick, and if she does she lets you know even quicker. Usually, I know exactly where I stand with her, whatever's on her mind usually comes out her mouth. I like that, it makes my life easier."

"Annie and I were together in our youth, when Maria and I got married she was just shy of forty eight, and I was fifty four."

"To actually compare them I would have had to have parallel experiences with them, and I didn't. I'm glad actually, the memories I have of Annie, good and bad, can't compare to the memories Maria and I are making."

"Well, damn, I guess I did just compare them."

The woman smiled.

"I remember reading something you said about her being half Cuban and half Irish, both groups known for being temperamental at times, does she have a temper?"

"Yes she does, but luckily I've only experienced it once, and that was enough. We've talked about that episode, and I feel sure it will never be repeated."

After the Christmas break, Maria returned to work. The women almost immediately noticed the ring, and they loved it. The fact that she was in Italy when she got engaged added an extra dimension of romance to the story. Plus, she had announcement put in her hometown paper, and the Sun-Times put it into their celebrity column.

My lawyer didn't find out I was engaged until March, when I stopped by to sign some papers. I told her in a few months I'd probably be changing my will, my family was about to get a whole lot bigger and I wanted to make sure everyone was covered.

Instead of congratulating me, she went ballistic.

"You did what? Why didn't you call me first?"

I couldn't understand her.

"Why should I have called you? Did I need your permission to fall in love?"

"No, damn it, but you went into it naked. Now she's going to expect all sorts of things. Never mind, I'll word the prenup to take care of that."

"Why would I need a prenup? I intend to spend the rest of my life with this woman. If it does goes bad, we'll split up, she'll get fifty percent, and we'll go our separate ways. I can't imagine that happening."

She looked at me coolly.

"I bet you never thought your first wife would leave you after plundering your bank accounts, but she did, didn't she? And if you go into it without a prenup, if she gets a really good lawyer, like for instance me, she could end up with almost everything you've got."

That stung, a lot. I told her I would have to think about it. She did get me to agree to let her do some groundwork, and that I'd get back to her in a timely manner. Which I promtly forgot to do.

She was smiling that shark smile really good lawyers have when I left.

The work on the book was progressing nicely, the girls were averaging about fifteen a week, much faster than when I did it on my own. Both Annie and Jane seemed to be enjoying it, and both confided in me that the weekend travel was a big boost in their love life. I told them to stop before they gave me too much information, I hated to think I was financing mini honeymoons. Jane said she was disappointed, she had several nice videos she wanted to share.

"I can't walk well anymore, but get me horizontal and I can compete with the best of them."

I heard Annie shrieking with laughter when I hung up.

My happy little world crumbled in mid April.

I didn't see Maria Friday, I was told she took a day off. When she and the kids didn't get off the train at the normal time I didn't worry much, sometimes school activities caused them to run late. When the last train came and went I was past worrying. None of them were returning my calls.

Finally, about ten, Tony answered his phone.

"Where are you guys? Nobody's hurt, are they? Why hasn't anybody returned my calls?"

"We're fine, except for Mom. What did you do? She's been crying all day. She only let me answer to tell you not to try to call us for the rest of the weekend, and not to come up. You need to fix this Dad, I've never seen her like this. She said to tell you her lawyer would contact you Monday."

"Lawyer, why would I need to talk to a lawyer? Please son, get her to talk to me."

"We're all trying, Tina and Cassie have been with her all day, and now they're crying. I have to go. Fix it, Dad, please."

How could I fix it if I didn't know what was wrong. I spent a miserable weekend holed up in the condo, the silence mocking me. I didn't go to see her, but I called her cell and home phone until she shut them off.

Monday, I was sitting at my computer, trying to work and failing pitifully, when the phone rang. Hoping it was Maria, I grabbed it on the second ring.

"Mr. Williams?"

It wasn't Maria, damn it.

"Yes, who's calling please?"

"Mr. Williams, this is Rebecca Garza. I'm Marias' cousin, but more importantly I'm her lawyer. We find the terms of your prenup completely unacceptable, and I'd like to set up a meet with your lawyer to discuss it."

"Prenup? What prenup?"

"The prenup your lawyer presented to her Thursday afternoon. Are you telling me you don't know about it?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you. Can you fax me a copy? Good. I'll get back to you by four this afternoon."

Twenty minutes later I had the fax in my hand.

It was cold. If she cheated, she got nothing. If she passed gas and I didn't like the smell, out she went with nothing. If I decided I didn't want her anymore, I retained title to all wealth and possessions, and she got $1000,000, max. I needed to see my lawyer.

I nearly tore the door off her office when I got there. I threw the fax at her and asked if she was responsible for it. I think she had real fear in her eyes.

"Yes, you told me to look into it. You didn't get back to me, so I assumed you wanted me to handle it."

"You assumed wrong. If I lose her over this, I'll sue you for every silly little thing I can think of. You won't be able to work, you'll be too busy fighting me. As soon as one is over I'll think of something else."

She was definitely frightened now.

"Please Mr. Williams, I'm sure I can fix this. What do you want me to do? Whatever it is, consider it done."

For the next five hours, she listened and wrote notes. I think she wanted to object a few times, but thought better of it.

I told her I expected the finished draft by noon tomorrow, and then I was going to set up a meeting with Maria and her lawyer. She was not to contact Maria or her lawyer until I gave the word.

I called Ms. Garza and set a meeting without Maria or my lawyer. She seemed a bit uneasy.

"Look, if you think it's unethical don't do it. But I really think it's in her best interests to let me meet with you. If at any time you say stop, I'll leave immediately. Please Ms. Garza."

She finally agreed, saying she would have another lawyer present, just in case. I would have agreed to anything.

The next evening found me on the platform of the Grant City station. The memories were quite painful. A sedan pulled up, and a willowy blonde, pretty in a washed out kind of way, called my name.

"Mr Williams? I've come to take you to our office. My name is Whitney, Rebecca and I work together. She's tied up and couldn't come, so I agreed to fetch you."

It was silent in the car for a few minutes, when she suddenly spoke.

"I read your books. I wish they had been around ten years ago, it would have helped me a lot."

"I wish I had too, none of this would be happening now."

She didn't know how to respond so she didn't.

Rebecca reminded me a lot of Maria in mannerism and facial features. Physically though, they were both beautiful in different ways. Rebecca was a lot taller, and built well, not like the earth goddess shape Maria had, but I could imagine a lot of lustful thoughts were directed her way over the years. She wasn't married. I wondered why. Oh, well, not my business. I had my own relationship to save.

After the pleasantries and coffee was poured, I got right to it.

"Ms. Garza, I'll get right to the point. I had no idea my lawyer had presented her with the prenup. In her defense, she was looking out for my interests, but she did this without my permission.

I've corrected that error on her part. I've come up with a new proposal, one I hope your client finds acceptable. But to be clear here, there will be no negotiation. She either accepts it as is, or the marriage is off."

I could see the storm clouds gathering on her brow. I held my hand up as if to ward off her explosion.

"Ms. Garza, before you say anything, please read through the document. All I need out of you tonight is that you will show this to Maria, and that she will come to the meeting. Actually, as you will see in the paperwork, if she doesn't come, the relationship is over."

"I'll wait while you give them a once over, if you think you can get your client to live with that, set the meeting."

I sat quietly while she perused the document. At first her brow wrinkled, and she reread several pages before passing them on to Whitney. By the end she was smiling, and Whitney actually giggled twice. She was far more attractive when she smiled.

Finally she leaned back in her chair and looked at me through those cool eyes.

"Mr. Williams, Mr Williams, you are an incredibly deceptive man. No wonder you surprise everyone you meet. Oh, yes, when I found out who you were I pulled up every interview you ever did. Due diligence you know. The radio interviews were quite good."

She stood to shake my hand.

"I'll do my best to advise my client in the right decision. I'll call your lawyer and set the meeting. Don't be too hard on her, she's quite good, and did have your best interests at heart. I'm surprised she agreed to this."

I let the friendliness slip off my face.

"I didn't give her a choice, Ms. Garza. I threatened to destroy her if she didn't."

She actually flinched. Then she smiled that shark smile.

"Like I said, more to you than meets the eye. I'm glad you didn't decide to become a lawyer. See you soon, Mr. Williams."

Whitney was a lot friendlier on the trip back. She asked for and I promised her autographed copies of my books for her, and surprisingly, her ex husband and his new wife.

"I don't want them to end up like we did."

That must be some interesting history.

When we pulled up to the station, she had one more request.

"Could you please sign two for Rebecca? It might do her some good to read them."

The meeting was set for Friday afternoon. This time the kids met me at the station. They hugged me like I had been gone a year. Cassie couldn't stop crying.

"We thought we lost you, Dad. Please don't let this happen again."

I petted and fussed over her until she calmed down, and then the lawyer and I piled into the minivan for the meeting. The kids weren't allowed in, but swore they would be right outside when it was over.

Tina whispered to me as we got out.

"Please don't be too mean to her, Dad. She'll cry for awhile and smile for awhile. She's still a little shaky."

I promised.

Sara[my lawyer] and I went into the conference room. Rebecca and Maria were on one side, we sat on the other. Whitney was there too, she didn't need to be but told me she wouldn't miss it for the world. We sat without acknowledging each other.

"Mr. Williams" smiled Rebecca, "My client accepts the terms and conditions of the prenup, and promises to honor them faithfully. First, though, I think Ms. Jenkins has something to say."

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Amber Hahn 600 90000

Welcome to the bright side of Twitter! It's about time people realize that Twitter is more than political quarrels, bitching, feminism, and overall hate! Sometimes, it all comes down to a set of fine tits, and let me tell you, man, twitter.com/imamberhahn is a breath of fresh, bouncy, voluptuous air! This banging stunner is a star of solo shows, but I don't want you to think that the brunette is a softcore princess. This busty slut sucks, fuck, rides, and cums, and on top of it all, she is a...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Crossing the Boundaries

WARNING: Transgendered characters (under 18), adult themes, spanking. CROSSING THE BOUNDARIES Copyright Transfemme, 2003. All rights reserved. 1. "All right, that's IT, young man!!" Marion Hoskins was at the end of her tether. She'd had the worst day in recorded history and the last thing she needed was another screaming match with her son. The boy had been testing the limits for over a month now, and she'd finally decided it was time for some direct action. All she...

3 years ago
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Single Mom Step Sisters Visit

“Hey, Mr. Cee,” Rochelle answered her phone.“How you doin’, Ro,” her mother’s husband inquired.“I’m doing pretty good. And you?”“Can’t complain.”“What’s up? I know you don’t usually talk on the phone too much.”“Yeah. That’s the thing. You know I speak with my daughter about my financial planning, right?”“I’m with you so far.”“Well, we were talkin’ this mornin’ and she said that her and Kerene are going to Persopolis to watch the Mountain Lions play. They’re takin’ their new exchange student to...

2 years ago
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Lai Ch 01 Barb

‘Hi, Louis,’ I said brightly, carefully descending the three white carpeted steps of the sunken living room. ‘I’m so very excited for our date. Do you like it?’ I twirled around, displaying all of my stunning, provocatively attired figure. ‘I think that this is going to be a great weekend, Barb.’ He stood up off the black leather sofa, eyes devouring my alluring form. I walked over to him and placed my arms around his neck, my breasts deliberately pressed against his white shirt and my red...

1 year ago
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Sex for 1 Part 1

Note: 100% Fiction! One day in the staff room at Lockdale High Miss Way came to talk to Matt. She was fucking sexy, she was slim, pretty and her boobs were huge! Miss Way had a secret urge to have sex with Matt and she would do anything to do so. "Hi how are you Matt?" "Fine Rebecca, you?" "Good. Would you like to come to mine tonight?" "Yeah" Matt smiled, he wondered how tight Way's pussy was! "Meet me in the carpark at 3" Matt nodded and headed to his classroom. At lunch Miss Way headed for...

2 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 61

Steve Life around the park and S&S is going very well. The family was busy getting the kids through their current school year so they could be free of most classes while on the coming sailing adventure. Chuck is busy with some kind of intense investigation out in Omaha that has him tied up for a while. Mercy is acting worried, so whatever Chuck is doing has her concerned. Lisa and Mercy have been seen huddled together, obviously discussing what they know Chuck is involved in. The...

1 year ago
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Gay Gangbang By 6 Strangers 8211 Part 1

Hii, mera name raj hai me 19 saal ka average ladka hu. Me aise hi online gaysex chat pe bate karta rehta hu. Ye kahani shuru bhi isi se hui. Me ek din aise hi gaysex chat pe baat kar raha tha waha mujhe jeet name ka ladka mila. Humne takriban raat ke 10 baje se leke 2 baje tak bate ki. Usne mujhe bataya ki wo pehle bhi 1 ladke ko chod chuka hai. Mene bhi bataya ki mujhe bhi mere friend ne 5-6 baar choda hai usne kaha use koi problem nahi hai. Uss raat hamne ek dusre ke lund dekhe usne meri gand...

3 years ago
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Oops I was fucked by my brother and another guy Oops I fucked my brother part 4

After my first anal experience, my brother Tom and I began to have a closer relationship in all aspects. I kind of moved to his room as we started sleeping together every night. We would have sex constantly, and we would go around New York holding hands and kissing as if we were a couple.We agreed we could date other people, but Tom immediately broke up with Diane, his girlfriend at the time, as he felt really guilty about cheating on her. Of course, he didn't confess he had been unfaithful,...

1 year ago
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A little bit about me

A little about meMy name is Andrew Charles Elzi.I remarried five years ago, and for the most part it’s been a great marriage. What my wife doesn’t know about me is that I’ve been wearing her panties and bras since we’ve been together. I actually started wearing panties, bras, lingerie and high heels about fifteen years ago. I would wear my exwifes things all the time. I started buying my own lingerie and had several hiding places in the attic and basement for all of my sissy clothing. I would...

4 years ago
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Andersonville 11 The God Slayer

There we were, two girls having lunch on a cool, April day - only that wasn't the case at all. Neither of us was who we really once were and only one of us was a girl. At least that's what I kept telling myself. As I began my second year as a citizen of Andersonville, there were times I regretted my decision to be turned back into Linda Anderson. It wasn't that I hated my life; I just didn't feel natural living as a woman. In all fairness, I most likely would have felt as...

1 year ago
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African Gangbanged Bride

The first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 18 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Ben. We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel bar, Ben, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 43 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etcetera. It was very warm, no, very HOT. So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft up between my legs and...

1 year ago
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First Expirences

A usual Wednesday night at the local bar joint that I work at, sat only a few of my close friends. My 20th birthday was just around the corner, so of course we were having some drinks. Jen, a new worker and old aquantince was also there. We all started testing out some new shots and celebrating my birthday which was only 4 hours away. Playing shot for shot and silly beer games we were soon a bit tipsy. Finally, midnight, I'd just turn 20. Going around the bar giving all my friends hugs and...

3 years ago
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The coffee at this restaurant was said to be good, and it might be for someone used to the usual American coffee. I am from Europe, and I am used to GOOD coffee. My favorite is Mocha Java, the coffee I brew at home. Most visitors gladly accept the mini carafe of hot water I serve them with their cup of coffee so they can dilute the taste and the color.But Freddie and I were not here for the coffee. We had just met at the hardware store and decided to share what was new in our lives. He was...

Wife Lovers
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Loved it

He slowly stopped kissing me and turned me around. Using his teeth to claw off my white, lacy bra. He went lower and tugged my thong down to my ankles. He then spread my buttcheeks and dug in. He tounge fucked me in the ass and it felt very good. My pussy was getting wetter and i started rubbing my clit. I turned around and started to stroke his dick, feeling him harden in my hands. I went onto my knees and slowly teased him by licking his cock softly. I then went hardcore and he deep-throated...

2 years ago
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First Realm Tham Phong Ahns StoryChapter 2

It’s been a few weeks since Ki Jung left Dong Kyu, but she keeps in touch with the Trio regularly. Which Phong Ahn appreciates. It’s not the same being one of the Masters of Martial Arts at Jade Academy, rather than a student. Phong Ahn, Min Joon, and Chanming are all taking turns teaching one week on, two weeks off. On their off weeks, they tend to personal business, go out hunting and adventuring, and study and practice the skills required for achieving First Dan. Phong Ahn and Chanming...

3 years ago
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Shaynas LifeChapter 6 I Finally Lose My Cherry

My intention in writing this tale is not to detail every sexual experience I have had, but to concentrate on those events that were either first-times for me or significant in forming who I am today. So in that light, I will just summarize my last two years of high school: Junior year - boys dated - 3 serious relationships - 0 hand jobs given - approximately 10-12 blow jobs given - 5 (some of the hand jobs ended up as bj.s, so there is some overlap. I wasn't as much of a slut as it seems....

1 year ago
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SonInLaw Gets His Fantasy

For years I have been sexually attracted to my mother-in-law. When I first married her daughter 20 years ago I was a salesman on the road in her area. I began stopping in for lunch and then I asked if it was okay to take a nap in the basement. My mother-in-law said I could use the bedroom upstairs, I told her that it was cooler in the basement and she wouldn't have to tip toe around worrying about waking me. The first time I went downstairs I asked her to call me in thirty minutes if I wasn't...

1 year ago
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In Her GenesChapter 13 Resentment

The weekend in Yosemite never materialized since Mel had to visit a director on location in Arizona. It went on from there. After two weeks, Mel did not even apologize anymore. If he was lucky she told him when she'd be back from wherever she was going, if not he would spend days without hearing from her. It was a painful process for David, but after four weeks he had to accept that the fairy tale was over. Mel was back to being an actress and David increasingly felt like somebody who had...

4 years ago
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                         - Everlong -Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Don't rape people in real life,don't kidnap them and don't stick needles into them against theirwill.She's lying on a bed, naked, arms and legs spread. Coils of rope bindher hands and wrists to the posts of the bed. It is warm, almost hotin this windowless cellar, lit by countless candles of red and whiteon the floor, on shelves on the wall. Her body is stretched, her firmbreasts riding high, her skin golden in the...

1 year ago
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The Ept Test

I know most of us have regrets in life and like me often think about them but know there is nothing we can do about them. My life is filled with good and bad times. I often wonder which outweigh the other. I had a great childhood, three sisters and two brothers. Sure we fought a lot but that's what siblings do. High school was ok but nothing special for me. I changed schools a couple of times so never got involved in extracurricular activities. I started college and met a girl my freshman...

4 years ago
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Have a Nice Day Beautiful

A very heartfelt Thank You to Erik Thread for his fabulous editing. His skills make your reading pleasure better. * There was an unusual stillness to the day that Gail had not expected. The bay in front of her was glassy-smooth with barely a ripple moving across the water. Occasionally a fish jumped from the water, no more than a sudden burst of energy and so quickly gone back under the surface you didn’t notice except for the sound of the splash, unless you were looking at that exact spot in...

3 years ago
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A New World Of Fantasy 8211 Part 1

I am Rohit (33) and my wife is Abhilesha (32). We are married since the past 3 years and have an amazing raunchy sex life (that’s how we like it). Coming to the story: So finally we get to smoke at night in our balcony on our 3rd floor of the apartment. Since past 6 months, we had new neighbours on the same floor, a family of 3 (husband, wife and daughter) had moved in next to our flat. Our balconies were adjacent to each other separated by a distance of roughly 20 feet. If someone peeped from...

2 years ago
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MackChapter 09

On the second and fourth Saturday afternoon of each month Mack is at the Queanbeyan Archery Club using one of their bows to stay in practice. He’s very good and most of the club members appreciate his skill, even if his style is different. A few aren’t so happy because they feel the only real way to use a bow is the way Miss Rowe uses a bow. Mack is at the Archery Club with Tanya and the Thomas kids on the second Saturday in March. They’ve come to watch him at work with a bow before going to...

3 years ago
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I Spent the Night with my Neighbor Kassey

Here’s my fantasy story about a real sexy woman named Kassey.My name is Denny and I’m to Jodi. We live in Knoxville, Tennessee in a quiet residential neighborhood. Next door to my right are my neighbors Kassey and Jim. We’ve known each other for about five years now and had become good friends. But there’s a problem. I have been fantasizing about fucking Kassey from the second I first met her. I mean I spent countless hours stroking my cock thinking about what Kassey’s D-cup tits look...

1 year ago
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A Naughty Evening Part Six

I sat in the cab really pissed off that Mark could even suggest that he wanted me to dance. He was telling me that I could make five thousand dollars in one evening. I really didn’t think I could ever do that. I’d love to make five thousand dollars, but what would he expect me to do next? I loved my stepbrother and I have enjoyed everything we’ve done, but to dance in front of strangers is just pushing it a bit. I closed my eyes and was just thinking about things. The cab driver finally pulled...

1 year ago
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Was It A Dream

I nervously paced back and forth in my home waiting for the escort that I had called for while constantly checking my breath to see if it smelled good as well as my body. I felt like taking another shower but was worried that the escort would arrive while I was in the shower. As I continued to pace, I wondered what she would look like, hoping that she was as attractive as her profile picture. As I dried my hands for the fifth time, there was a knock on the front door. I opened the door and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Frilly Pink Nightmare A Predators Punishment

"It's how we survive. How we improve." His voice was a cold droning between her ears, a probing of her patience. She tightened her smile, ran one hand through her greying hair. He watched the rain decorate the glass wall behind her, shining from the lights of the skyline beyond. Stomach cold and tight with anticipation, he steeled his singing nerves and continued with his speech as he had so many times before. "A predator is built to recognize weakness. It's their design....

3 years ago
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Why I am a divorced man

I an a true bisexual, I find both men and women equally appealing and I can't imagine giving up one for the other.I've been in many long-term relationships with women, some as a live-in partner and one I actually married. None knew of my bisexuality but these relationships all ended because I craved cock, and even though I tried to be faithful I eventually went looking for a guy. Only one of these women actually caught me having gay sex... My wife.This is the story of when she caught me in the...

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DevilsFilm Whitney Wright The Confrontation

Rich has been telling his friend Damien he needs to start standing up to these women he marries. Every woman he has been with has run him over and left tire marks on his soul. And once again Damien is being brow beaten by his dominant and sexy wife Whitney Wright. She bosses him around and treats him like dirt. After a strong heart to heart Rich feels he has set Damien straight and in fact Damien does stand up to his wife. For about ten seconds where she mentally smashes his balls up into paste...

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Big Girls on Campus

You step up to the door of the Beta Beta Lamda sorority, invitation to their party in your hand. You'd been given it by Lucy, a girl who you know, are friends with, and have flirted shamelessly with for some time. She's a very big and chubby black girl you very much like, but have never had the guts to ask out. You know she'll be here, as a member of the sorority. Word around campus is that the letters of the sorority stand for Big Beautiful Ladies, and indeed all of the members are large and...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 1 : THE HOLIDAY OF A LIFETIME? It was supposed to the holiday of lifetime.... My name is, or rather was, Peter Diamond. I was holidaying with my wife Sally and our very good and extremely wealthy friends, Henry and Charlotte James, on their rather plush yacht. We had sailed into the Pacific Ocean in search of excitement and adventure and were all having such a wonderful time out in the vast ocean, spotting little islands, some inhabited, but mostly not. We spent the time...

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Wild and Wilder

... They towered over me. 5 masters, 1 boy... Wearing their tough leather jackets and chaps. Their huge dicks swinging free. And not much good in mind. The lessons Tony had taught me earlier came in handy now. I looked up as Jeff pushed his huge throbbing cock in my mouth. I took him... I took it all! And the others cheered, as Jeff plowed my face, talking very dirty to me. Then Damian did. Cody, Tony, and Cliff followed. And I was loving it ...- A continuation of:...

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CHAPTER SEVEN: AM I SUBMISSIVE?Funny how perception can be so misleading. Both Wichita and Tucson are in the Southeastern quadrants of their respective states and between the two states is only three other states and just the narrow panhandle section of Texas, at that. But, this is a big country and the total trip driving was about 17 and a half hours. With our late start the previous day due to finishing up with the police, we still had almost 11 hours of driving from Amarillo, TX to finally...

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Summer Intern

I am an accountant that works out of his home, I have lived in the same house now for 6 years with my wife of fifteen years, who works in the city for a law firm. My next door neighbors the Smiths (Janet and Greg) are good people and have two grown c***dren and one more daughter ready to go to University this fall. Greg mentioned to me his daughter was going to school this year to become a business major, asked if I had any advice or wisdom for her. I told him I had a better idea, she could...

3 years ago
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Husband Caught on xHamster

Hi my name is Sherry and my husband is Steve and this is our story.Steve started spending a lot of time on the net and I became curious as to what he was doing. I had good reason since a friend of mine had caught her husband having an affair using his computer.I was trying figure out what do when I found out about spy cameras that could easily keep track of what he was doing. I set my trap and waited to see what would happen.I watched some of video and could see that he was out on x-hamster. He...

2 years ago
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Wife offered to young students

We were on holiday in Italy and staying in a cheap hotel; a small family run place with maybe 30 rooms. The guy on the front desk was a young first year student on a holiday job. He seemed to have a wide range of duties; basically doing everything. After checking in the boy showed us to a big old fashioned room an showed us the facilities. It was already a bit late and we decided to go out for some drinks. My 30 year old slim, gorgeous girlfriend wore a short skirt, tight top and no underwear....

2 years ago
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I Swallowed

I "swallow" during my first bisexual experience. I was eighteen and it was with a much older man. I'd been fantasizing about sucking a man’s cock for ages. I'd seen a couple of porn magazines with women sucking cocks and I thought a man’s cock was the most beautiful thing and the women all seemed to want to get that cum in their mouths. The though and the pictures made me so horny.I met a man while I was playing hooky from school. It was my senior year and my grades were good enough for me to...

Oral Sex
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this is a true story about having sex with my mom. im 38 and i grew up in rochester hills michigan. my parents divorced when iwas 8 yrs old and i went to live with my mom.my mom would walk around naked when she got out of the shower and while she got ready. and i noticed her! shes 5ft 2in,big boobs,wide hips,and a hairy pussy.she had a guy over one night and i woke up to piss or whatever and saw my mom naked in the living room so i hid and watched her have sex. i knew when she was gonna have...

1 year ago
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Wife forced to cheat

My name is Sharon I have been married for over sixteen years to a beautiful man named Carter. We have been married for so long that it is almost impossible to remember what we were like when we met. In school I was short, stocky with big tits. I wore a 34 E and had a big ass. My hair was just past my shoulders and dark brown. I loved to wear booty short to make my ass look better. We were high school sweethearts. We got married a few months after graduation. For the first couple of years it was...

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complicated seduction part V

Hi to all..my dear hot cock sucking girls and bhabhis and my cunt licking male friends , thanxs for all the admiration, responses and support from so many people, I never thought that my story would be like by so many people.. I never thought that I would get so many responses from the female admirers as well, and this is due to the love and support of all the people that I am back with the last and final part of my story. I have personally mailed the last part to many people as per their...

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Neighborhood Mom

John was looking out of the den window at his neighbor across the street and once more thought that she had the best body of any girl or woman he had ever seen. John was seventeen, a high school junior, co-captain of the swim team, 6’2”, 170lbs, with brown hair and eyes and raging hormones! John had begun masturbating at fourteen and was now stroking his cock five to six times a day. Living with his parents and twenty-year-old sister, it was no easy task to find a way to stroke his member...

3 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 31

“Derrick?” Shelby questioned a few moments after Jan and Ellen had shut down to rest. “Is anything wrong Shelby?” Derrick asked after hearing the hesitation in Shelby’s voice. “No, it’s not so much as anything is wrong though I do have a question.” Shelby again hesitantly said. “You know that you can ask me anything Shelby.” Derrick informed her. “I was wondering, now that almost all of the boxes we found are regenerated. The time is almost upon us for Lucy’s return. Derrick, she risked...

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Jessicas Dangerous Obsession Addicted to Rape

by Millie Dynamite Jessica applied her make up carefully. As she administered the final touches, she looked in the mirror studying. Jessica saw her curly platinum blonde hair around a face that was beginning to show her age. She could not believe she was 35 years old. Her blue eyes were no longer as bright as they once were, looking mostly sad. She scanned her body standing up she saw her ass still looking good the slight role around her tummy was a constant reminder she had a weight...

2 years ago
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A Good Ole Boy Whisky Farm Fucking

Brandy and Comfort are like two peas in a pod. The two grew up together in a small city on the east coast. It was three weeks before they were to go their separate ways and off to college. They decided the best way to depart before college was to take a little trip down south. They wanted to see if they could experience some southern hospitality for once in their lives. The girls packed up their luggage, jumped in Brandy’s pink convertible, and headed down south y’all. While traveling the girls...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 6 Hacked Again

Thoughts If you are fortunate enough to be one of the few people I'll ever share this narrative with, you may note what appears to be an inconsistency. I promise you it is not. On more than a couple occasions I will have commented - as I do here - that I'm having a supreme experience of my existence. In each case I am speaking with complete accuracy to the best of my knowledge and abilities at the time. That I may have found more headroom in the future to experience events to a greater...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 23 Thems The Breaks

August – Year 1 A few weeks later on Friday night, I was in the bar to sing a little karaoke and socialize with my wives and friends. Bosco and the guys in the Club welcomed me warmly, as usual, and Erin made me one of her special White Erins. Lynn was sitting with Dara and some of her friends and I was sitting with Mark. Erin came over and leaned over the bar, showing off her wonderful tits. I just elbowed Mark and stared down the front of her shirt and smiled. Erin popped me upside the...

4 years ago
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Taken By Cousins Together On A Hot Sunny Day

This true event happened a few years back when I was just turned 18. I had a lot of curiosity about sex like virgin girls of this age and it was a favorite topic of discussion in free time. One of the girls (Kavita), would sometimes bring some pictures of semi and full naked guys either alone or in action with a girl. All this would make us all so very horny. We all had a fascination for cock. Studying in an all girls college there was a little opportunity. However, often there would be boys...

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My Exwife back in the late 70s

My Ex-wife back in the mid 70's. One of my Ex-wife’s and my friend would stop by and visit from time to time when in town. His name was Jerry. Jerry was the kind of guy that didn’t have a steady girlfriend. So Jerry would always be hitting on all the girls. Jerry would use every trick in the book and ever ploy and angle he could to get close to all the girls. Jerry would love to stop bye and break out some crystal or a little smoke and some booze. Jerry liked stopping by our house because of my...

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wild halloween night

WILD Halloween PARTY EVERFirst sorry everyone it’s been a several month since I been here was busy with my life. Anyway Halloween comes once a year and we all wear custom and I know personally lots of guys like to wear female custom. I am cross-dress and love Halloween, this Halloween was wild first ever wild Halloween party I ever been too. It was black party nothing but black guys and very few white guys but lots of white, Asian and black shemale was their and soon I walk in lots of black...

2 years ago
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Pehla Aur Akhiri

Main ek student hoon. Main ek achhe engineering college main padhta hoon. Ye kissa mere saath tab hua jab main chhuttiya lekar apne ghar ik passenger train se ja raha tha. Waise muze ladko se koi lagaw nahi hai. Matlab main koi gay nahi hoon par main jab bhi ghar akela hota tha tab muze mombatti,screw driver inse apni gaand marwane bahot maja ata tha. Main ek bar gay sex try jarur karna chahta tha. Aur ye chance muze is train main mil gaya. Hua yun ke ye jo passenger train hain wo ek station...

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