500 Time Revenge
- 2 years ago
- 40
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"Good evening listeners, this is Barbara Barnes, glad you could join us for the final installment of our interview with Joe Williams. In this segment he tell what the book has meant to him and how it changed his life, even leading him to find a new love."
"Sit back, enjoy, and thanks for listening."
"So, Joe, was it love at first sight?"
"No, but it was pretty close. My Maria was a breath of fresh air blown into my stale life."
I had commitments for the next several days and could only see Maria for lunches. She usually brought us something, but I did manage to take her out to another restaurant she always wanted to try. And I always got a really nice kiss at the end of lunch.
Then I had to go back out on the road. The publishers wanted me to go on an European tour, the book was really starting to take off overseas.
London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Paris, Munich, Rome, Madrid, Istanbul, Moscow, and a few more to be confirmed. Three months of constant interviews and appearances. I hated the whole idea.
I had two more weeks of domestic commitments, then two weeks off before I had to leave. I called Maria almost every night, I thought she might get tired of it, but on the days I didn't call she called me.
I stopped by the office on my way to somewhere else and surprised her for lunch. I was surprised by the intensity of her welcome.
"Joe! Honey, why didn't you tell me you were coming, I would have made you something. I must look a mess, it's been really hectic today. I--"
I shut her up the only way I knew how, I kissed her, long and hard.
"I missed you too, Maria. How are the kids? Tell the girls I've been practicing, I won't be as easy next time."
"Oh, the kids are fine, they want to know when you're coming back. How long are you going to stay this time?"
I had three days off, the kids were out of school, and I wanted to spend it with all of them. Maria didn't know it, but she had been temporarily assigned to me as a personal assistant. Best selling author pulling strings, management wanted me happy.
She didn't know whether to be happy or pissed. I was glad happy won out.
She insisted I come to her house for the evening. I was already packed.
The girls ripped me up in Scrabble again, but did admit it was a little harder than before.
We were all sitting around the kitchen table, ever notice how many important events in your life occur at the kitchen table or in your car? I had some surprises for all of them.
My opening came when they asked me how long I was going to stay.
"I've got three days, and your mother will be my personal assistant, which means she pretty much has to do what I say to keep her job. I've got six tickets to the Cubs game tomorrow. They're playing the Braves. Her first official duty is to find four more people to go with us, think she can handle that?"
Bedlam ensued. She alternated between irritated glances at me and the kids, but finally relented. The ride back to the motel was quiet. I didn't get a kiss.
The next morning was a little frosty.
"Don't ambush me with my kids again, ever. We don't know if we're going anywhere, it wouldn't be fair to get them used to you and then you up and disappear. It happened once since their father left and the aftermath wasn't pretty. So, if you've got any more surprises, tell me now and I'll make the final decision."
I apologized.
"Sorry, I just got carried away. I didn't think it was fair to try and take you away from them for three days, and this seemed like the best solution. I just wanted everybody to be happy."
Her smile was like the first thaw of spring. I decided to press my luck.
"Uh, as far as other activities, I didn't think it was fair to drag the girls to a baseball game without giving them something too. If we guys can force you to watch baseball, turnabout is fair play. Cassie said she was in the school orchestra and Tina is in marching band, so I sort of got tickets to the Chicago Symphony tomorrow night, with guest cellist Yo-Yo Ma. That should even the scales."
At first I thought she was pissed all over again, but she smiled.
"Don't tell them, I'll do it after the game. I have a sneaking suspicion you're trying to get to me through my kids. It's going to be a pain in the ass commuting back and forth, but we'll deal with it. If you have anything else to tell me, do it now."
"well, I thought about all the commuting, and kind of got you guys a suite in the hotel I'm staying at, look how much time we'll save, which means more time I can spend with you."
She whipped the car int a parking lot. I braced myself for the explosion, which surprisingly didn't come.
"Joe, how much did all this cost?"
"Cost? I have no idea. The publishers came up with all the tickets, and I booked the suite. Not as much as you think, probably. Oh, and we got Bobby and the Caddy for as long as we need it.
Please Maria, money isn't that big a deal."
"Just how much money do you have, Joe?"
"I don't really know, honest. Every time I talk to my accountant it changes. Last time I checked it was around three million, but my agent is close to closing the deal for the movie rights, and that will be another five or six, plus the royalties from the video and pay per view. And the paperback royalties, of course. He estimates I'll be worth about twelve to fifteen million by this time next year. Please don't tell anyone I told you this."
The numbers stunned her into silence. Then she smiled.
"All right, but I'm telling you now, I plan to be very high maintenance."
I stuck my hand out.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me into a kiss. When she let loose she wiped the lipstick off my mouth and said "Deal!"
"Please don't be mad, or concerned about what this weekend costs. Whatever it is, it will be worth every dime to me. Let's just have a good time."
And we did just that.
The kids were over the moon. The guys were packed in no time, but the girls took forever. Clothes were decided on, then discarded. She finally put her foot down and told them we were leaving in ten minutes, with or without them.
As the days went by, I thought about all the fun times Annie and I had with AJ, then multiplied by a factor of three. That's how much fun I had.
The game was great. I sat in the middle with Maria, the guys sat beside me, the girls by her.
One of the drawbacks to being semi-famous is you get singled out a lot. I had on my old 'lucky' Braves hat, sitting in a sea of Cubs fans. I caught a lot of ribbing. It was capped off during the seventh inning stretch, when we appeared on the jumbotron and the announcer gave my name.
He made a joke about being misguided, but being in good company.
I think the crowd was more impressed with Maria in her tight Cubs jersey.
The Cubs lost. seven to four. I didn't rub it in, but wore my hat a little straighter.
Bobby knew a great little Italian place that was famous for the deep dish pies. It was a perfect end to the evening. Maria ordered two large with everything for Bobby to take home. She was already his friend, now she was his hero. I told him we probably wouldn't need him before noon tomorrow, so sleep in.
He dropped us at the hotel. We walked in, Maria on one arm and Cassie on the other, while Tina was between her two brothers. We passed a man with what was obviously his wife and two teenagers. Apparently they had been arguing because he pointed us out.
"See" he said loudly, "That's what families are supposed to be like."
We didn't say anything, but she gripped me a little tighter and the boys walked a little taller.
I got a tremendous goodnight kiss from Maria, and pecks on the cheek from the girls. The boys didn't know what to do, so I let them off the hook with a warning.
"Today was about guy stuff. Tomorrow is for the girls. So, whatever it is, don't whine. Suck it up and let them have their day."
That left them wondering.
Maria called me at eight the next morning.
"Get your butt down here. I've got four kids ready for breakfast and they won't start without you."
"Don't wait, order room service for us. Sausage, two eggs scrambled, whole wheat toast, and coffee for me. Let me talk to Cassie."
She didn't know why, but when I got her on the phone I told her to let the others know they could order anything and everything they wanted, and Mom wasn't allowed to complain. If she didn't like it she could take it up with me.
They had ordered a buffet spread, a little of everything. The boys were in sweats, the girls in pajamas, and Maria had on a short gown covered by an even shorter, silk robe. It was a good thing I was sitting down, it could have been really embarrassing.
"I seemed to be over dressed." I joked.
Tina answered me.
"When you said order anything we wanted, we realized we didn't have to get dressed. This is usually what we look like at breakfast."
Maria couldn't help but needling me a little.
"Well, honey, I'm sure no one wanted to see you wandering around in your boxers."
Cassie couldn't help it, it was too good to pass up.
"Oh, I don't know Mom, I bet I know one person who would like to see him in his boxers."
Maria choked on a bagel while the girls giggled and the boys grinned. She went bright red.
"Enough of that young lady. What shall we do today?"
I gave the girls their schedule for the day.
"Do not let your mother deviate from this. It's all taken care of, just enjoy. And your Mom is not to see it until after me and the boys are gone."
She was starting to get that tight look around her eyes. I pulled her into my lap.
"Be nice, or I'll have to get a new assistant. You'll have a good time, I promise. If you don't like it, feel free to cancel."
The girls had been reading the note.
"Noooo!" They both wailed when I told her she could cancel.
"This better be good."
She looked grim.
"Remember what you said about high maintenance?
That gave me the idea. You're going to be so high maintenance today it going to take a rocket mechanic to get it done. Enjoy."
The girls were looking at her with unshed tears, that morphed into whoops of laughter when she relaxed.
"What are you guys going to do today?"
I grinned.
"Don't you worry about that. We'll find something to amuse us. Now, let's enjoy breakfast."
I sat and ate while the banter and teasing flowed around me. The girls would kiss my cheek from time to time and whisper a question. It was driving Maria crazy. I loved it.
The boys got dressed and we left. I kissed her cheek at the door and told her to have a good time.
We were in a five star hotel, and they had a very nice spa. The girls got the full treatment, pedicures, manicures, massages, face and body treatments, everything they offered. Tina grabbed her Moms' phone and sent me a photo of her, green slime on her face, eyes covered with cucumbers, and a towel wrapped around her head. I kept it, texting back I was going to show it to anyone who wanted to see a picture of my girlfriend. Maria was NOT amused when she saw it but I refused to delete it.
Next came the beauty salon. They were teased, styled, made up and redone until they got the right look. They left with bags full of cosmetics and hair care products.
At twelve thirty Bobby delivered them to one of the most popular dining spots in Chicago, a tea room catering exclusively to women.
Next he took them to one of the most upscale ladies stores in town. I had made the arraingments, they were to each get two dresses, one for day wear and one formal. They were custom fitted for maximum effect. Plus 'foundation' garments.
The boys and I weren't just goofing off. First we went to a very nice menswear store and had two suits each tailored, with the instructions the more formal ones be done no later than three. The bill was more than I usually spent on clothing all year, but I had to admit, we really looked sharp.
Lunch at a popular Greek restaurant, then off to Wrigley field. We didn't stay for the game, but met most of the team while they took batting practice. The boys had their picture taken with players and a few of the coaches.
Miguel, or Mickey as he preferred to be called, got to shag a few fly balls while Antonio[Tony] got to catch for a couple of the relievers.
Sometimes it's good to be rich and famous.
I kept the boys until 5:30. Then we dressed in our new suits and went down to collect the girls for dinner. We did manage to get out hair cut, actually styled for the boys, so we were fairly presentable.
When we entered, we probably spent a good minute just staring at each other.
They were stunning, simply stunning. Maria had an upswept hair style, a dark green shimmering dress that fell jut below her knees, with a neckline that made you realize what was underneath. The girls were dressed basically the same, except for a more demure neckline and a slightly higher hem.
In a premonition of things to come, I realized I was going to have a lot of sleepless nights when they started dating.
We guys were all matched with black suits, all though each was just different enough to give us some individuality. We were a damned handsome family, and I was proud to be associated with them.
"My God! Maria, you and the girls look so beautiful, words can't do you justice."
The boys chipped in about what a MILF she was and how hot the girls looked.
They glowed under our praise, then proceeded to tell us what a handsome group of men we were.
We had one more surprise for the girls before we left. We had stopped at a jewelers, and bought matching diamond earrings for all three. The girls each got a locket with small diamonds, while Maria got a diamond pendant. They were speechless when we presented them.
Then the sniffles started, and they had to repair their make up before we left.
When we hit the lobby heads turned. I was never more proud.
The same was true for dinner. We kept getting looks, and when the girls went to the bathroom, another diner asked the girls if their dad was someone famous. Maria told me about it much later.
"He's a writer, you might have heard of him. Joe Williams? 500 Annies?" said Cassie, proudly.
Tina chipped in.
"Yeah, he's sort of famous, he was on 'Today' last week."
I wondered why I kept getting looks, but no one invaded our privacy.
The concert was amazing. I've never been a fan of classical music, but the pieces performed that night were inspiring. Plans had been made earlier, so when we back stage, the conductor and Yo Yo Ma were there to meet us. Cassie actually cried. Of course, pictures were taken.
There was an article in the Sun-Times the next day about the event, and a picture with Cassie and Yo YO Ma. She framed it.
The next day was Sunday, and Maria insisted we go to mass. I was born a Methodist, so I didn't know what to do, but followed along. We had on our new suits, and the girls had on the new dresses. They were just as beautiful, but in a more demure way.
We spent the day lazing around, going to a movie. They fought, the boys wanted an action, the girls wanted a romance. They both appealed to me, but I dodged it by telling them to let their mother to decide.
"Oh no. We've been catered to all weekend. Ask your fa--I mean Joe what he would like to see."
It was a little slip with big overtones. Silence ensued for just a second before I responded.
"Well, if I get to choose, we'll see them both. The romance first, then the action to wake us up. And no junk, you'll spoil your dinner."
Of course they got popcorn and drinks anyway, but no candy. Maria held my hand and snuggled during the weepy parts. I can't even tell you the name of what we saw, I couldn't focus on anything but her.
After dinner and a game of Scrabble, it was time for bed. We were all sad, they had to go back home, and I had to go on the road.
It was a bittersweet ride I had back up to my room. Being with Maria and her kids reminded me of so much that I missed in my life. I loved AJ with all my heart and soul, but I was sure if I had been given the chance, there would have been more than enough for a few others.
I hadn't been in my room more than thirty minutes when there was a knock on my door. Maria swept in when I opened it, with an odd expression on her face.
"The kids suggested I come up here to say goodnight. They also suggested I stay around to say good morning."
I didn't know what to say. It didn't matter, she rambled on.
"I keep forgetting they're not babies anymore. I'm pretty sure Mickey is sexually active, I found a pack of condoms in his room. Even the girls urged me to come up. God, what kind of an example am I giving them?"
She looked me dead in the eye.
"But I wanted to come, really, really badly. I haven't felt these emotions since I first married their father, I didn't think I ever would again."
She was crying now.
"Please don't hurt me, Joe, don't hurt them. We deserve happiness, don't we?"
I swept her into my arms and onto my lap.
"You deserve everything I have in my power to give you, to give them. We've only been seeing each other for less than a month, but you're all I think about. I'll be in a hotel room watching something and think about talking with the boys about it. I practice Scrabble and think about the girls."
"But the worst is when I lay down at night, wishing you were with me to talk about the day, to hold in my arms, to be able to love you."
Damn it, now I was crying.
She was listening, and had stopped snuffling.
The smile she gave me was small, soft, and secretive, and I wish I had a picture of it. Doesn't matter, I can shut my eyes at any time and see it plain as day. I'm sure I would until the day I die.
"I knew" she said softly, "I knew you were the one. I knew it when you met my kids."
She stood up and took my hand, leading to the bed.
"I want to show you something, something you paid for today.
She slipped the loose top off, revealing a black lace bra that barely contained her magnificent breasts. She slipped out of her pants, revealing a matching thong. She twirled around.
"Think you made a good investment?" she said in a smoky voice.
I couldn't breath, literally. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
"Look, it's French, see the name on the label?"
She undid the front clasp of the bra, and they sprang free. Time and children had taken their toll, but the slight sag made them more alluring.
I was having trouble thinking, I don't think any blood at all was getting to my brain.
"Want to take the rest off for me?"
I was more than willing. As I slipped the thong off her firm bottom, I thanked every deity known to man for this opportunity.
I was out of my clothes in no time, thanks to enthusiastic help.
I lay her on the bed, determined to kiss every square inch of her body. Flipping her over, I nuzzled her neck, licked and nibbled her ears, trailing kisses down her spine.
When I reached her ass, I spent time kissing every part, leaving nothing untouched. She was starting to wiggle and moan, but I kept on, kissing down her thighs, the valley between, and nibbling the back of her knees. I could smell her smoky sweet scent of arousal, getting glimpses of moisture as I worked my way down. She nearly jumped off the bed when I kissed her ankles.
"Oh, Joe, Joe, what are you doing to me. I can't stand much more."
I turned her back over and started my slow, sensuous journey back up. I kissed the tops of her feet, nibbled on her knees, and started on her thighs. Her legs parted slightly of their own accord and I licked and nibbled all the way up to what the French call 'The Gates Of Heaven'.
She had a full bush[going to have to change that]. Her outer lips were swollen and slick, her clit sticking out like a little pearl. I swirled my tongue around the nub unexpectedly, and she shrieked, bucking wildly.
She grabbed my head and pulled it up.
"No, honey, not that, get up here and love me."
I tormented her some more. Instead of doing what she asked I continued my slow ascension, kissing her lower belly, working my way up to those magnificent mounds.
I practically worshiped them, kissing and nipping in small concentric circles until I reached the nipples. By them she was moaning and thrashing, but I locked my lips on first one and then the other, pulling and teasing with tongue and fingers. They were large and long, I found out later she breastfed all her children, and she said the twins really took a toll on them.
It didn't seem to make them any less sensitive.
I bit her neck slightly, kissed her cheeks and eyes as she shook her head from side to side, trying to capture my mouth. I wouldn't kiss her until I was ready, she was almost begging.
When our lips finally met, it was just long enough to form a seal for our tongues, sending them dancing and twirling back and forth. She was actually arching upwards, thrusting. She finally broke the kiss.
"Now, damn it, now. Make me yours!"
She was dripping so access was easy, I slipped all the way in with one long thrust, as she moaned in pleasure. I began a slow, steady rhythm, followed by a few quick and hard thrusts, before slowing down again. She moaned, she gasped, she demanded. Her first climax was tremendous, screaming to the world her intentions. Her second was smaller, but almost as intense.
When she got close she got vocal.
"I'm gonna come, Joe! Come with me baby, please!"
She was bucking and pounding, almost throwing me off. I couldn't hold it any longer, exploding with a force I didn't think possible. She got there just before me.
I collapsed beside her, gasping. This woman was going to kill me, I thought, what a way to go.
She cried, which I didn't understand. I don't think she was sad, so I just held her and let her cry it out. She fell asleep in my arms.
I woke up about three a.m., trying to understand what I was feeling. She was spooned up against me, pressing her hips back and forth into me. I was already erect, and with a little adjustment I slipped right in. We enjoyed a long slow session. only speeding up when the need for release was too great. We immediately slipped back into slumbers.
At seven thirty she woke me up with a warm washcloth, bathing me gently into an erection.
"Good, you're awake" She giggled.
"Lie back honey, I'm going to do the work this time."
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But the tigers come at night With their voices soft as thunder As they tear your hope apart And they turn your dream to shame – I Dreamed a Dream, Les Misérables A week and a half later, Zach found himself sitting in O'Malley's again. This time he was the one waiting to meet someone. He'd received a request from a local private investigator, Matt Wylde. Wylde had said he was working a case and needed to ask him a few questions. He'd offered to buy him dinner and a few drinks to...
23 rd December the annual works night out. 3 directors off the company myself being one. 5 lads who work for us ages between 19 and 38. I was the youngest director at 41, so always stayed out later than the other 2. The night had been good fun , lots of shots, cocktails , pints of every strong larger possible. It was around 3pm, a few of the lads had left. Shaun 25, Lee 22 and myself was left. Both had girlfriends but that hadn’t bothered them all night getting numbers , pulling girls all night...
My husband and I had been out for lunch at the Moutere Hills Vineyard. On our way in to Nelson we talked about what we would do for the rest of the day. Shopping for lingerie was high on my list. I rarely have time to shop for myself, teenage c***dren usually want something.We parked and started to walk around the streets looking for a boutique store. The shops were very busy. I spotted a little recycle designer clothing store as my husband spotted a hunting and fishing store. We agreed to meet...
Gloryhole fantasy part 2This is still all fantasy, and follows on from my earlier fantasyMy wife phoned me at work and asked what time I would be home. I told her that I should be there by 7, and she told me that would be ok, but I couldn’t be any earlier. I got home at 7pm and my wife greeted and told me to go upstairs to our bedroom and strip off, and place my cock through the gloryhole. I didn’t say anything and just followed her instructions …. I could hear voices in the lounge so wondered...
Two hours later, the show opened, revealing Sammy to the crowd once again. She faintly heard the artist addressing them. "Welcome to the second weekend of my exhibition! It's nice to see so many familiar faces returning! I expected something like this might happen, so I took care to update the main display with a number of new features. Feel free to play around as much as you'd like, I've put some explanations down in the corner, but come and find me if you have and specific questions....
It all started the summer after my 7th birthday! My father was in the military and was deployed and mom was a nurse and worked lots of hours. I did have 2 sisters that were 9 and 10 yrs older than me and were never around so I was watched by my 16 yr old Cousin John. I would be dropped off at his house at 7 am every morning and was picked up by 8 pm every night. The first few weeks were just average nothing happend would get there do the normal thing then get a bath and be ready for bed when my...
It was a rainy dreary day in the Pacific Northwest and I was in my favorite coffeehouse working on one of my poetical prose, a lost art of the 15th and 16th century. When this young woman came in that I guessed to be a university student, yet she dressed with class. A tight white sweater, short skirt that showed off her long tanned shapely legs (my weakness.) I looked her over as she stood in line and she looked me over where I sat with a mischievous smile on her full lips. Then I looked at the...
Have you watched the videos here? Sure, some of them are fake, clearly staged, and have no connection with reality. But there's one aspect to many porn vids that is absolutely authentic:Ever notice how, even when the woman initiates sex, she always ends up under the man's control?This is not coincidental, gentlemen. Whether you realize it or not, hard cock, has an enormous amount of power over us! As women, we don't like to admit this (that would be telling, after all), but when you're in our...
Security officer Mike Mancini brings blonde suspects Braylin Bailey and Hyley Winters to the backroom for some questioning. They deny the accusations so Officer Mancini submits them to a strip search in which he finds them wearing stolen bikinis. Once completely naked, they’re instructed to bend over the desk so that Officer Mancini can perform a deep cavity search. Braylin is worried about getting in trouble, so Hyley makes a deal with Officer Mancini, if they both comply with his every...
xmoviesforyouI work in a large office staffed with close to twenty people. Most of them are women and except for one or two all are married. Happily, I would guess since none of them seems the least bit inclined towards the odd sexual lesion in the janitor's closet. I really can't blame them. That closet smells bad. Julie came into my office on Monday. She handed me her papers stating she was to be my new secretary. Mrs. Jenkins had finally retired after thirty years. Her replacement was young, nice to...
Kenshin glanced up as he heard Kaoru give an irritable sigh. Her training with Yahiko was over for the day and the three of them had sat down for lunch, but it didn't take years learning how to read an opponent's expression to tell she was upset. "Oro... Miss Kaoru?" he asked tentatively, as Yahiko munched away at his rice and fish. "What?" she snapped, glaring at him. "Is something troubling you?" She frowned and turned away, her ponytail swinging in his direction. "Do you...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010 There was a knock on the door. Jake sensed Gil and Jason. He let them in and offered them drinks. After they were served, they sat in the living room. “What’s this about, Jake?” Gil asked. “I’ve got a proposition for you. But before I tell you, you have to agree to keep it secret. What we talk about goes no further. Agreed?” “Okay,” Gil said. “Jason?” “Sure.” “Okay, here’s the deal. Carol wants to have sex with you.” Gil looked over at Jason in surprise. “Isn’t...
DAYS TWENTY to TWENTY - EIGHT STAR –Day 20 - The Valley After getting back to the mansion last night, following our really nice supper at the country club that I now own, I sat down in my bedroom and went through the rest of the folders Jack McCrum had given me. I find that sleeping on a problem always helps, and I've got a clearer idea of what needs doing this morning. Leaving Jeff's Home Consumer Store on one side, because I can't do anything about that problem until Monday, I...
Then I got the visit that I most wanted to get. I had to talk to her. She showed up the day after Mister Paskin. I wondered how much she already knew. Not much I figured. Like it was with Blake when he visited, the first minutes were just us staring at each other, but unlike with Blake her tears were flowing. Well, I could relate, mine would be too, sooner or later. I broke the silence this time. “You okay?” I said. “Hell no,” she said. “How could I be okay, knowing what you are doing for...
Later that evening, when Joyce Collier came out to the edge of the ring and was caught and held in a spotlight, she was wearing a white halter top, a pair of white short shorts that featured her beautifully tanned legs and nothing else. Not only was she wearing no bra, she was not even wearing a bikini. Her feet were bare and her shoulder-length tawny hair was tied back in a ponytail and held with a big white bow. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Welcome to the circus!...
Ester Jackson was still struggling and begging me not to fuck her. Her legs were spread and she was completely at my mercy. My cock started its way into her cunt. "Nooooooooooo, don't... do... this..." and then "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" as I plunged in to the hilt. I moved her hands from behind her to over her head. I loved to do this since it thrust her exposed her breasts out and made them so accessible to my hands, tongue and mouth. "Jesus... James... you... have... to... stop. Don't......
I was working for a maintenance company that specialized in Air Conditioning. The boss sent my to a clients house w/ these words, "she's one of my best clients, she owns half this town, be very nice to her, whatever the problem is-fix it. A lady in her mid sixties w/ short grey hair answered the door. She was wearing an expensive sweat suit. The whole house "reeked" of money. You could tell that in her younger days she must have been a looker, she wasn't that bad now. A little heavy, a few...
Hi dosto, mera naam aditya hai, aur main gurgaon me job karta hun. Ye kahani meri aur mere pados wali bhabhi ki hai. Bhabhi to naam ki hai vo asal me to sex ki goddess hai. Bhabhi ka naam akansha hai aur unki shadi ko 2 saal hue hai, unki figure 34-24-32 hai, Lambi height aur ek alag hi attitude hai unka. Ab story pe aata hun. Baat yaha se shuru hui ki jab meri job gurgaon ki ek mnc me lagi to maine gurgaon me hi ek ghar lene ka socha. hum 2 dosto ne milke Gurgaon ke saste area me ghar liya...
“Magic sex session, when can we do it again,” they both asked as I departed satiated. I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. And I love having sex with an audience. “When was the last time you had sex?,” Maria asks in a soft voice with two fingertips on my neck as I admire the latest hairdo she has...
Hi to all the ladies and the gentlemen on the ISS. I am a regular reader of the ISS, and this time I’d like to share one of my experience, and would like to get your reviews and comments on my email, which is: – Now getting back to the story, my name is N. Singh (name changed) I am 25 yes old, have a athletic body, but gained a few kgs these days as joined the business and have to sit the whole day. I live in a small town of Rajasthan known as “the city of lakes & palaces” yes your right its...
As written by me in my last episode (No. 34) of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY, my husband was successfully obtained a big order for his organisation and was away at Bangalore for two days on the project. I would have gone to Goa if he was to remain away for a longer period the matter was of only for two days. I have returned from the market after buying some house hold materials and purchased materials were lying on the back seat of my car. It was afternoon and my watch showing 2.30 PM. I have parked...
I was home alone when I heard the door bell ring. I answered the door and there stood Lori. She was a neighborhood girl who was a friend of my daughter, Ginnie. I told her Ginnie wasn't home right now but she was welcome to come in and wait, I was expecting Ginnie home soon. Lori decided to come inside. Lori was eighteen and was wearing a tight top and shorts. I could see her tits poking through the material. Lori's boobs were small but she seemed somewhat excited. Her nipples were hard and I...
Erotic Adventures of Sexy British Super-Spy Jane Bond The next morning, British spy Jane Bond awakened to find a soft beam of the morning’s first glimmer of sunlight gently streaming through her hotel room window, and her new lover, Wendy Warmcox, lying with her beautiful backside facing Jane. Jane propped herself up in a half-sitting, half-lying position, peering over Wendy’s perfect globes of 40-inch breasts, watching them softly rise and fall with Wendy’s every sleeping breath. Wendy’s...
This is a bit of an experiment for me. I'm going to write this story with your help! Every day I'm planning on adding a chapter to a branch that garners the most up-votes and does not already have a continuation. So click that thumb ☝️ at the bottom of the chapter to choose the right path for the character! Customize! Pick name(s) for yourself by clicking customize on the right, and editing fields. Theme Warning! There will be some dark themes explored, stories will contain a whole bunch of...
Hey I'm Krystal. I am now 18 years old. Im 5 feet 6 inches, 40 D, black layered hair, and green eyes. I and going to tell you about my life. Let's start off with my first sexual experience.It was a few years ago. It was amazing if I do say so myself. I was at a frieds house and her brother was there and I had the biggest crush on him. I actually remember one time staying the night and he was asleep in the living room and I kissed him while he was asleep. It actually was a dare by my friends....
‘So how do you like the view?’ Jayne asked as Jon pulled the curtains back and looked out the window at the skyline of Toronto. It was late afternoon on a clear bright spring day and the wonderful view of Lake Ontario served as a perfect backdrop for the city. ‘Impressive,’ Jon admitted as he surveyed the teeming metropolis, an exciting city to be with an exciting woman for the first time. It was their first trip away together and since they both loved the theatre, what better place to visit...
Not my parents separated when I was a junior in high school. Not my father moved out soon after and it was just not my mother and me. I am an only c***d. They divorced 6 months later.I’ve always been attracted to not my mother. She’s 5’0, shoulder length brown hair, a BBW, very curvy with 34DD breasts (yes, I checked one of her bras back then), a full fleshy ass and wide hips. At the time of this story, I was 6’2, in athletic shape with a larger than average penis (per the stats I have read...
Mandy and Rick came to stay the following weekend this time on the Saturday. We took them out to a local pub for tea which helped us all to relax. Back home, we sat down together in the lounge. As we had agreed between us, Sylvie kicked off the conversation. “Look,” she said, “I know you two are close and that both of you would like the relationship to be even closer.” Both Rick and Mandy blushed at this stage. “Mandy asked me to explain to her about sex and how you get pregnant and how to...
VoyeurBrief Encounter (Train Blowjob)The floods in England this week, as well as this video, remind me of a great experience I had back in January 2003 while on a train trip from Amsterdam to Koln.The morning air was bitterly cold as I headed from my hotel in Damrak to the train station. It was a week into the new year and the skies above were ominous. Locals warned tourists to be careful of roof tiles falling onto pavements in the wind. There were menacing clouds curling fast in the air of a low...
I’d been on the road for over three weeks, always staying in motels. I’m an IT trouble shooter with a big part of Oregon to cover. It was Halloween and as a large Hen Party was assembling in the lounge bar of my hotel, I decided to walk into town to a topless bar I’d visited before called The Palace. In times gone by it had probably been a spit-and-sawdust beer hall. In 2020 it was a noisy disco cocktail bar, with table service provided by gorgeous topless waitresses, many big-breasted. Mine...
SeductionCooking time! Today I opened up the water chestnuts, and put them and a little bit of the cheese sauce in the other can of soup. Sounds disgusting, but it was really good, especially the water chestnuts. I'm craving fresh food and they're as close as it gets. I don't know if water chestnuts spoil quicky ... I have never even been clear on what water chestnuts are ... But I am going to try to stretch them a couple days. Sorry if this seems boring, it's my little life, what's left of...
This is a continuation of Parts 1-15 of "Taking the Plunge with Daddy." You don't have to read those first, but I think this will be much deeper if you do. Note: no real steamy sex in this chapter, as we introduce the next phase in their relationship. It's coming though..... -------------------------------------- I dressed soon after he left, leaving my cage on, and I departed the hotel suite, but not before scouring it for anything I might be leaving behind - so many little...
Working Girl 6 By Susan Brown Kindly edited by Angel O'Hare I was still sitting on the bed, half an hour later. I was in shock. I still could not believe what I said to that effing creep, Davis. I had actually batted my eyelids at him like a call girl on heat. OK, if he was a hunking male with a body to die for, a face to match and muscles in the right places, but Davis! He was the original creepy and dirty old man. Then I realised what I had just thought and I broke out into...
Occasionally I have to go to London for a meeting, I always arrange for it to finish around lunchtime, so I can head off to my favourite gay bar for a few drinks and then onto a sauna for some fun.yesterday the meeting dragged on and on, and I found I was getting hornier as the minutes passed. Eventually we finished late afternoon, and I decided that I'd go straight to the sauna as I was so horny.... I was already oozing precum!the sauna is a couple of stops away on the underground, and I...
"OH FUCK ... WHAT TIME IS IT?" Sven's anxious voice quickly roused me out of a deep sleep. I let my eyes open partway and through the soft light drifting in around the drapes, I saw him leaning over to look at the alarm clock beside the bed. "SHIT!" he exclaimed as he hurriedly threw back the sheets and hopped out of bed. "Wh ... what's wrong?" Kurt asked in a groggy voice from the other bed. "I forgot to set the alarm. I'm scheduled to take Rogue for a walk-through first thing...
Reagan Foxx has a hard working boyfriend that takes care of her so she doesn’t have to work. She likes to stay home all day and relax but lately she’s been getting real horny while Manuel’s away. Reagan will play with herself when she’s in the shower, then make herself breakfast and play with herself again and sometimes she’ll get horny while she’s reading magazines and play with herself again! As it starts getting later in the day and closer to when Manuel gets home Reagan puts on sexy...
xmoviesforyouSunday, March 31, 2002 I saw that Sue Ellen had turned out the pool lights; it was a little after midnight now. I almost missed seeing her, Sue Ellen was sitting by herself on a picnic table; only a stray gleam of light from the kitchen revealed her. I walked up and she smiled. "It's a pretty evening," Sue Ellen said quietly. "I get this feeling that you aren't enjoying this as much as some," I replied to her softly. She laughed and punched me lightly on the arm. "Some I could...
Aunty ka doodh Hello dosto umeed ha ap sab thek thak hogy. Mera nam Waqas changed name ha aur meri age 23 years ha height 5.8 n normal fit body ha. Main aksar desi sex stories parhata hu to socha kiu na main b apna real experience ap sy share karu. Ye bat aj sy aik saal pehle ki ha jab main Lahore main rehta tha main daily subha regularly Jinnah bagh jata tha running karny. Waha main daily aik aunty jiska nam maryam ko daikhta uska jism bht e sexy aur kici b larky ko bohat jaldi hot kar dainy...