500 AnniesChapter 4 free porn video

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"Good evening listeners, this is Barbara Barnes, glad you could join us for the final installment of our interview with Joe Williams. In this segment he tell what the book has meant to him and how it changed his life, even leading him to find a new love."

"Sit back, enjoy, and thanks for listening."


"So, Joe, was it love at first sight?"

"No, but it was pretty close. My Maria was a breath of fresh air blown into my stale life."


I had commitments for the next several days and could only see Maria for lunches. She usually brought us something, but I did manage to take her out to another restaurant she always wanted to try. And I always got a really nice kiss at the end of lunch.

Then I had to go back out on the road. The publishers wanted me to go on an European tour, the book was really starting to take off overseas.

London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Paris, Munich, Rome, Madrid, Istanbul, Moscow, and a few more to be confirmed. Three months of constant interviews and appearances. I hated the whole idea.

I had two more weeks of domestic commitments, then two weeks off before I had to leave. I called Maria almost every night, I thought she might get tired of it, but on the days I didn't call she called me.

I stopped by the office on my way to somewhere else and surprised her for lunch. I was surprised by the intensity of her welcome.

"Joe! Honey, why didn't you tell me you were coming, I would have made you something. I must look a mess, it's been really hectic today. I--"

I shut her up the only way I knew how, I kissed her, long and hard.

"I missed you too, Maria. How are the kids? Tell the girls I've been practicing, I won't be as easy next time."

"Oh, the kids are fine, they want to know when you're coming back. How long are you going to stay this time?"

I had three days off, the kids were out of school, and I wanted to spend it with all of them. Maria didn't know it, but she had been temporarily assigned to me as a personal assistant. Best selling author pulling strings, management wanted me happy.

She didn't know whether to be happy or pissed. I was glad happy won out.

She insisted I come to her house for the evening. I was already packed.

The girls ripped me up in Scrabble again, but did admit it was a little harder than before.

We were all sitting around the kitchen table, ever notice how many important events in your life occur at the kitchen table or in your car? I had some surprises for all of them.

My opening came when they asked me how long I was going to stay.

"I've got three days, and your mother will be my personal assistant, which means she pretty much has to do what I say to keep her job. I've got six tickets to the Cubs game tomorrow. They're playing the Braves. Her first official duty is to find four more people to go with us, think she can handle that?"

Bedlam ensued. She alternated between irritated glances at me and the kids, but finally relented. The ride back to the motel was quiet. I didn't get a kiss.

The next morning was a little frosty.

"Don't ambush me with my kids again, ever. We don't know if we're going anywhere, it wouldn't be fair to get them used to you and then you up and disappear. It happened once since their father left and the aftermath wasn't pretty. So, if you've got any more surprises, tell me now and I'll make the final decision."

I apologized.

"Sorry, I just got carried away. I didn't think it was fair to try and take you away from them for three days, and this seemed like the best solution. I just wanted everybody to be happy."

Her smile was like the first thaw of spring. I decided to press my luck.

"Uh, as far as other activities, I didn't think it was fair to drag the girls to a baseball game without giving them something too. If we guys can force you to watch baseball, turnabout is fair play. Cassie said she was in the school orchestra and Tina is in marching band, so I sort of got tickets to the Chicago Symphony tomorrow night, with guest cellist Yo-Yo Ma. That should even the scales."

At first I thought she was pissed all over again, but she smiled.

"Don't tell them, I'll do it after the game. I have a sneaking suspicion you're trying to get to me through my kids. It's going to be a pain in the ass commuting back and forth, but we'll deal with it. If you have anything else to tell me, do it now."

"well, I thought about all the commuting, and kind of got you guys a suite in the hotel I'm staying at, look how much time we'll save, which means more time I can spend with you."

She whipped the car int a parking lot. I braced myself for the explosion, which surprisingly didn't come.

"Joe, how much did all this cost?"

"Cost? I have no idea. The publishers came up with all the tickets, and I booked the suite. Not as much as you think, probably. Oh, and we got Bobby and the Caddy for as long as we need it.

Please Maria, money isn't that big a deal."

"Just how much money do you have, Joe?"

"I don't really know, honest. Every time I talk to my accountant it changes. Last time I checked it was around three million, but my agent is close to closing the deal for the movie rights, and that will be another five or six, plus the royalties from the video and pay per view. And the paperback royalties, of course. He estimates I'll be worth about twelve to fifteen million by this time next year. Please don't tell anyone I told you this."

The numbers stunned her into silence. Then she smiled.

"All right, but I'm telling you now, I plan to be very high maintenance."

I stuck my hand out.


She grabbed my hand and pulled me into a kiss. When she let loose she wiped the lipstick off my mouth and said "Deal!"

"Please don't be mad, or concerned about what this weekend costs. Whatever it is, it will be worth every dime to me. Let's just have a good time."

And we did just that.

The kids were over the moon. The guys were packed in no time, but the girls took forever. Clothes were decided on, then discarded. She finally put her foot down and told them we were leaving in ten minutes, with or without them.

As the days went by, I thought about all the fun times Annie and I had with AJ, then multiplied by a factor of three. That's how much fun I had.

The game was great. I sat in the middle with Maria, the guys sat beside me, the girls by her.

One of the drawbacks to being semi-famous is you get singled out a lot. I had on my old 'lucky' Braves hat, sitting in a sea of Cubs fans. I caught a lot of ribbing. It was capped off during the seventh inning stretch, when we appeared on the jumbotron and the announcer gave my name.

He made a joke about being misguided, but being in good company.

I think the crowd was more impressed with Maria in her tight Cubs jersey.

The Cubs lost. seven to four. I didn't rub it in, but wore my hat a little straighter.

Bobby knew a great little Italian place that was famous for the deep dish pies. It was a perfect end to the evening. Maria ordered two large with everything for Bobby to take home. She was already his friend, now she was his hero. I told him we probably wouldn't need him before noon tomorrow, so sleep in.

He dropped us at the hotel. We walked in, Maria on one arm and Cassie on the other, while Tina was between her two brothers. We passed a man with what was obviously his wife and two teenagers. Apparently they had been arguing because he pointed us out.

"See" he said loudly, "That's what families are supposed to be like."

We didn't say anything, but she gripped me a little tighter and the boys walked a little taller.

I got a tremendous goodnight kiss from Maria, and pecks on the cheek from the girls. The boys didn't know what to do, so I let them off the hook with a warning.

"Today was about guy stuff. Tomorrow is for the girls. So, whatever it is, don't whine. Suck it up and let them have their day."

That left them wondering.


Maria called me at eight the next morning.

"Get your butt down here. I've got four kids ready for breakfast and they won't start without you."

"Don't wait, order room service for us. Sausage, two eggs scrambled, whole wheat toast, and coffee for me. Let me talk to Cassie."

She didn't know why, but when I got her on the phone I told her to let the others know they could order anything and everything they wanted, and Mom wasn't allowed to complain. If she didn't like it she could take it up with me.

They had ordered a buffet spread, a little of everything. The boys were in sweats, the girls in pajamas, and Maria had on a short gown covered by an even shorter, silk robe. It was a good thing I was sitting down, it could have been really embarrassing.

"I seemed to be over dressed." I joked.

Tina answered me.

"When you said order anything we wanted, we realized we didn't have to get dressed. This is usually what we look like at breakfast."

Maria couldn't help but needling me a little.

"Well, honey, I'm sure no one wanted to see you wandering around in your boxers."

Cassie couldn't help it, it was too good to pass up.

"Oh, I don't know Mom, I bet I know one person who would like to see him in his boxers."

Maria choked on a bagel while the girls giggled and the boys grinned. She went bright red.

"Enough of that young lady. What shall we do today?"

I gave the girls their schedule for the day.

"Do not let your mother deviate from this. It's all taken care of, just enjoy. And your Mom is not to see it until after me and the boys are gone."

She was starting to get that tight look around her eyes. I pulled her into my lap.

"Be nice, or I'll have to get a new assistant. You'll have a good time, I promise. If you don't like it, feel free to cancel."

The girls had been reading the note.

"Noooo!" They both wailed when I told her she could cancel.

"This better be good."

She looked grim.

"Remember what you said about high maintenance?

That gave me the idea. You're going to be so high maintenance today it going to take a rocket mechanic to get it done. Enjoy."

The girls were looking at her with unshed tears, that morphed into whoops of laughter when she relaxed.

"What are you guys going to do today?"

I grinned.

"Don't you worry about that. We'll find something to amuse us. Now, let's enjoy breakfast."

I sat and ate while the banter and teasing flowed around me. The girls would kiss my cheek from time to time and whisper a question. It was driving Maria crazy. I loved it.

The boys got dressed and we left. I kissed her cheek at the door and told her to have a good time.

We were in a five star hotel, and they had a very nice spa. The girls got the full treatment, pedicures, manicures, massages, face and body treatments, everything they offered. Tina grabbed her Moms' phone and sent me a photo of her, green slime on her face, eyes covered with cucumbers, and a towel wrapped around her head. I kept it, texting back I was going to show it to anyone who wanted to see a picture of my girlfriend. Maria was NOT amused when she saw it but I refused to delete it.

Next came the beauty salon. They were teased, styled, made up and redone until they got the right look. They left with bags full of cosmetics and hair care products.

At twelve thirty Bobby delivered them to one of the most popular dining spots in Chicago, a tea room catering exclusively to women.

Next he took them to one of the most upscale ladies stores in town. I had made the arraingments, they were to each get two dresses, one for day wear and one formal. They were custom fitted for maximum effect. Plus 'foundation' garments.

The boys and I weren't just goofing off. First we went to a very nice menswear store and had two suits each tailored, with the instructions the more formal ones be done no later than three. The bill was more than I usually spent on clothing all year, but I had to admit, we really looked sharp.

Lunch at a popular Greek restaurant, then off to Wrigley field. We didn't stay for the game, but met most of the team while they took batting practice. The boys had their picture taken with players and a few of the coaches.

Miguel, or Mickey as he preferred to be called, got to shag a few fly balls while Antonio[Tony] got to catch for a couple of the relievers.

Sometimes it's good to be rich and famous.


I kept the boys until 5:30. Then we dressed in our new suits and went down to collect the girls for dinner. We did manage to get out hair cut, actually styled for the boys, so we were fairly presentable.

When we entered, we probably spent a good minute just staring at each other.

They were stunning, simply stunning. Maria had an upswept hair style, a dark green shimmering dress that fell jut below her knees, with a neckline that made you realize what was underneath. The girls were dressed basically the same, except for a more demure neckline and a slightly higher hem.

In a premonition of things to come, I realized I was going to have a lot of sleepless nights when they started dating.

We guys were all matched with black suits, all though each was just different enough to give us some individuality. We were a damned handsome family, and I was proud to be associated with them.

"My God! Maria, you and the girls look so beautiful, words can't do you justice."

The boys chipped in about what a MILF she was and how hot the girls looked.

They glowed under our praise, then proceeded to tell us what a handsome group of men we were.

We had one more surprise for the girls before we left. We had stopped at a jewelers, and bought matching diamond earrings for all three. The girls each got a locket with small diamonds, while Maria got a diamond pendant. They were speechless when we presented them.

Then the sniffles started, and they had to repair their make up before we left.

When we hit the lobby heads turned. I was never more proud.

The same was true for dinner. We kept getting looks, and when the girls went to the bathroom, another diner asked the girls if their dad was someone famous. Maria told me about it much later.

"He's a writer, you might have heard of him. Joe Williams? 500 Annies?" said Cassie, proudly.

Tina chipped in.

"Yeah, he's sort of famous, he was on 'Today' last week."

I wondered why I kept getting looks, but no one invaded our privacy.

The concert was amazing. I've never been a fan of classical music, but the pieces performed that night were inspiring. Plans had been made earlier, so when we back stage, the conductor and Yo Yo Ma were there to meet us. Cassie actually cried. Of course, pictures were taken.

There was an article in the Sun-Times the next day about the event, and a picture with Cassie and Yo YO Ma. She framed it.

The next day was Sunday, and Maria insisted we go to mass. I was born a Methodist, so I didn't know what to do, but followed along. We had on our new suits, and the girls had on the new dresses. They were just as beautiful, but in a more demure way.

We spent the day lazing around, going to a movie. They fought, the boys wanted an action, the girls wanted a romance. They both appealed to me, but I dodged it by telling them to let their mother to decide.

"Oh no. We've been catered to all weekend. Ask your fa--I mean Joe what he would like to see."

It was a little slip with big overtones. Silence ensued for just a second before I responded.

"Well, if I get to choose, we'll see them both. The romance first, then the action to wake us up. And no junk, you'll spoil your dinner."

Of course they got popcorn and drinks anyway, but no candy. Maria held my hand and snuggled during the weepy parts. I can't even tell you the name of what we saw, I couldn't focus on anything but her.

After dinner and a game of Scrabble, it was time for bed. We were all sad, they had to go back home, and I had to go on the road.


It was a bittersweet ride I had back up to my room. Being with Maria and her kids reminded me of so much that I missed in my life. I loved AJ with all my heart and soul, but I was sure if I had been given the chance, there would have been more than enough for a few others.

I hadn't been in my room more than thirty minutes when there was a knock on my door. Maria swept in when I opened it, with an odd expression on her face.

"The kids suggested I come up here to say goodnight. They also suggested I stay around to say good morning."

I didn't know what to say. It didn't matter, she rambled on.

"I keep forgetting they're not babies anymore. I'm pretty sure Mickey is sexually active, I found a pack of condoms in his room. Even the girls urged me to come up. God, what kind of an example am I giving them?"

She looked me dead in the eye.

"But I wanted to come, really, really badly. I haven't felt these emotions since I first married their father, I didn't think I ever would again."

She was crying now.

"Please don't hurt me, Joe, don't hurt them. We deserve happiness, don't we?"

I swept her into my arms and onto my lap.

"You deserve everything I have in my power to give you, to give them. We've only been seeing each other for less than a month, but you're all I think about. I'll be in a hotel room watching something and think about talking with the boys about it. I practice Scrabble and think about the girls."

"But the worst is when I lay down at night, wishing you were with me to talk about the day, to hold in my arms, to be able to love you."

Damn it, now I was crying.

She was listening, and had stopped snuffling.

The smile she gave me was small, soft, and secretive, and I wish I had a picture of it. Doesn't matter, I can shut my eyes at any time and see it plain as day. I'm sure I would until the day I die.

"I knew" she said softly, "I knew you were the one. I knew it when you met my kids."

She stood up and took my hand, leading to the bed.

"I want to show you something, something you paid for today.

She slipped the loose top off, revealing a black lace bra that barely contained her magnificent breasts. She slipped out of her pants, revealing a matching thong. She twirled around.

"Think you made a good investment?" she said in a smoky voice.

I couldn't breath, literally. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

"Look, it's French, see the name on the label?"

She undid the front clasp of the bra, and they sprang free. Time and children had taken their toll, but the slight sag made them more alluring.

I was having trouble thinking, I don't think any blood at all was getting to my brain.

"Want to take the rest off for me?"

I was more than willing. As I slipped the thong off her firm bottom, I thanked every deity known to man for this opportunity.

I was out of my clothes in no time, thanks to enthusiastic help.

I lay her on the bed, determined to kiss every square inch of her body. Flipping her over, I nuzzled her neck, licked and nibbled her ears, trailing kisses down her spine.

When I reached her ass, I spent time kissing every part, leaving nothing untouched. She was starting to wiggle and moan, but I kept on, kissing down her thighs, the valley between, and nibbling the back of her knees. I could smell her smoky sweet scent of arousal, getting glimpses of moisture as I worked my way down. She nearly jumped off the bed when I kissed her ankles.

"Oh, Joe, Joe, what are you doing to me. I can't stand much more."

I turned her back over and started my slow, sensuous journey back up. I kissed the tops of her feet, nibbled on her knees, and started on her thighs. Her legs parted slightly of their own accord and I licked and nibbled all the way up to what the French call 'The Gates Of Heaven'.

She had a full bush[going to have to change that]. Her outer lips were swollen and slick, her clit sticking out like a little pearl. I swirled my tongue around the nub unexpectedly, and she shrieked, bucking wildly.

She grabbed my head and pulled it up.

"No, honey, not that, get up here and love me."

I tormented her some more. Instead of doing what she asked I continued my slow ascension, kissing her lower belly, working my way up to those magnificent mounds.

I practically worshiped them, kissing and nipping in small concentric circles until I reached the nipples. By them she was moaning and thrashing, but I locked my lips on first one and then the other, pulling and teasing with tongue and fingers. They were large and long, I found out later she breastfed all her children, and she said the twins really took a toll on them.

It didn't seem to make them any less sensitive.

I bit her neck slightly, kissed her cheeks and eyes as she shook her head from side to side, trying to capture my mouth. I wouldn't kiss her until I was ready, she was almost begging.

When our lips finally met, it was just long enough to form a seal for our tongues, sending them dancing and twirling back and forth. She was actually arching upwards, thrusting. She finally broke the kiss.

"Now, damn it, now. Make me yours!"

She was dripping so access was easy, I slipped all the way in with one long thrust, as she moaned in pleasure. I began a slow, steady rhythm, followed by a few quick and hard thrusts, before slowing down again. She moaned, she gasped, she demanded. Her first climax was tremendous, screaming to the world her intentions. Her second was smaller, but almost as intense.

When she got close she got vocal.

"I'm gonna come, Joe! Come with me baby, please!"

She was bucking and pounding, almost throwing me off. I couldn't hold it any longer, exploding with a force I didn't think possible. She got there just before me.

I collapsed beside her, gasping. This woman was going to kill me, I thought, what a way to go.

She cried, which I didn't understand. I don't think she was sad, so I just held her and let her cry it out. She fell asleep in my arms.

I woke up about three a.m., trying to understand what I was feeling. She was spooned up against me, pressing her hips back and forth into me. I was already erect, and with a little adjustment I slipped right in. We enjoyed a long slow session. only speeding up when the need for release was too great. We immediately slipped back into slumbers.

At seven thirty she woke me up with a warm washcloth, bathing me gently into an erection.

"Good, you're awake" She giggled.

"Lie back honey, I'm going to do the work this time."

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Back in his quarters, Captain Varian had himself bathed, shaved and massaged by his slave girls. There were half a dozen of them... all taken captive on various expeditions, all personal gifts of Princess Alexena. Not one of them was more than twenty years old. Each was exceedingly pretty, with a ripe young figure to match such excellent looks.`I deserve these little luxuries´, the Captain said to himself, as he watched the naked beauties hurrying hither and thither about his apartment to do...

2 years ago
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Die Klassenfahrt

Die Schüler der Jahrgangsstufe 13 des Gymnasiums in Frankfurt gingen im vergangenen Sommer auf Klassenfahrt. Einige Monate später begannen für sie die Abiturprüfungen. Bevor die stressigen Prüfungsvorbereitungen losgingen, wollten die Schüler noch einmal für kurze Zeit dem Stress entfliehen und Party machen. Die Jahrgangsstufe 13 setzte sich aus 32 Schülerinnen und 30 Schülern zusammen. Alle Mädchen und Jungen waren bereits 18 Jahre alt oder älter. Da die Schüler aus unterschiedlichen sozialen...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 26 Captain Parslows Confession

A few days after challenging Braxton-Clark to a duel I was in my quarters, writing the letters which would be sent should I not survive the meeting, and I assessed my chances of doing so as slim to negligible. There was a knock on my door, and Surgeon Major Armityge entered at my invitation. "You know that each week I visit the hospice where Captain Parslow is being nursed?" He asked. I nodded; it was due to the generosity of Lord Brownlow that Parslow had been removed from the charnel...

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A Winters Night

NOTE: This is a FICTIONAL story. By the time I turned eighteen. I had talked with friends about oral sex and wanted to try it. The only problem was the boys in my class were so immature. I wanted a man. Now, you have to understand that I didn't purposefully seek out my father at this point. Instead, the thought happened to occur to me sometime later. My father was rather handsome for his then forty-seven years. I inherited his deep blue eyes and trim frame. Lucky for him, I also inherited my...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Wife Hot Sister

By: Yrrej007 Hi friends. My name is John and I am from central Kerala. This is an experience with my SIL (Sister in Law) my wife younger sister. This incident happened 3 months back. About my SIL she is now 27 years with 36 34 36. She is fair and sexy. From the time is got married I always had a crush on her. I tried many possible ways to seduce her but all in vain. But she was very open to me and me wife with discussing all about her first night and things of sex in her marriage life. She had...

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DaughterSwap Kara Faux The Stretch And Swap

The new year has come, starting Audrey and Kara on their goal to get in better shape. Everyday they go for a run around the neighborhood and do some yoga after. They are usually on their own for this, but today both their dads had the day of from work and were just chilling at home. The girls noticed their dads peeking at their stretches from the corridor, and they decided to invite them over to maybe assist. These papas switched daughters and began to stretch them out. One of them even popped...

3 years ago
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sibling love

first= your name last= sister's name I've been 18 for almost three months now. Well that's not the whole truth i guess. My sister and I have been 18 for almost three whole months. Doe and I were born within 15 minutes of each other. It's kind of funny how much we look alike even though we aren't the same gender. We are about the same height, though I'm a good deal more muscular than she is. We have the same eyes and hair, and our faces have the same high cheekbones and long chin. But that is...

2 years ago
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Bad Teacher Chapter One The Plan

I muttered to myself a bit and rolled my eyes, but made sure to do so without being seen; I didn’t want to get drawn into an argument that the bitch would win by trumping in with some attack on my “obvious chauvinism” or, her favorite, veiled threats referencing the fact that grading in a politics class is based mostly on essays, and essay-grading is completely subjective. Besides, I knew that come Monday, grading papers would be the least of her worries. I nodded to my accomplices as the...

1 year ago
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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 8a

Intemperance and their manager, Pauline Kingsley, now knew why National Records management had been so lackadaisical about the submission date for new songs for the next album. It hadn't been out of any concern for the health and well-being of the band or its members, nor had it been because they thought the band would produce better if they had a nice vacation prior to the composition process. No, National had kept nicely in character when they'd pushed the submission deadline back to...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 30 Biff Number Four Aftermath

Friday, April 8, 2005 (Continued) and a look forward. [I'll jump ahead to describe the aftermath of the latest jock stupidity. I won't bother describing the rest of the crap that went on regarding Biff#4. Especially with the school's strong encouragement that the police do so, Biff#4 was arrested, charged and convicted. Most importantly for Julia and me, he was also expelled, so there was one less violent moron in school. By the time I graduated in just over a year - I had no doubt I'd...

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A video shot In The Crack is arguably a whole lot better than one shot from outside of that enticing fleshy crevasse. It isn’t fucking rocket science: close-up shots of damn near anything just look better than ones taken from afar. That’s why humanity has invested so much time, energy, and money building advanced telescopes to get better looks at all those celestial bodies floating out there in space instead of staring into the sky with our bare eyes. It’s why your sister takes selfies with the...

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Leland Turner sat in his office grading essays from his spring semester American Lit class. Most of the work was pretty dismal with muddled thinking or just poor writing, but one essay stood out. This student had caught Mr. Turner’s attention with her sharp mind and talented writing skills. She had also caught his attention with her stunning beauty and bubbly personality. Her name was Antoinee (An-TWON-ay), but everyone just called her Sweeter. Mr. Turner had no idea where the nickname came...

2 years ago
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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 10 Family Reunion

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 10 Family Reunion Mandy has to deal with some outstanding family matters SATURDAY was going to be a busy day. Mandy had to go shopping for a few more things she needed for school, and she was also expecting someone from a company called Telestellar to visit and show her how to work and program the automated devices in the apartment. Emma...

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My First threesome Part 2

After Ray's step-mother put make-up on me and fixed my already long hair she had me looking like a young sissy boy, that's saying a lot because I was 23 at the time. She then had me slip out of the outfit Ray had given and put me in a red throng and matching garter belt and bra. She had me wear black seamed stocking to make me look like a real slut. She then told me that she had to get ready for Ray's father Bob to get home and that I was to go down to Ray's room and sit with him until...

2 years ago
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Two Sisters and a HorseChapter 6

Pam stroked Gypsy's back. His coat glistened. "Easy boy," she said. Her body was tingling and the juices oozed from her virgin pussy. "Oh, Pam," Gloria gasped. "Clean me up with your mouth, please." Pam moaned, her knees weakening. She forgot about Gypsy, allowing him to feed as she went to her naked sister. She licked her lips, dropped to the hay-strewn ground and leered at Gloria's pussy. "Stop gawking and eat me." Gloria humped up, rolled her hips lewdly, the pony's cum...

3 years ago
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Our Makeshift BDSM Dungeon Part 2

My wife and I enjoyed our shopping outings at the adult store, conveniently located a mere 2 miles away, with other shops within a reasonable drive. It was to the point now that she did not even wait for me to accompany her, she was happy to shop alone. My wife had a knockout body to start with.....a statuesque figure of 6 feet, 165 lbs. and a full, firm 38DD chest. A pure delight viewing her in sexy lingerie, or even nude, she upped the stakes in her slave attire. In a harness or any other...

2 years ago
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Didir Bibahitoh Bandhobi Keh Chudhlam Didir Bieh Teh

Hi ami krish kolkatai thaki age 25 ami ek jon computer hardware engineer ami amar prothom sex experience tah share korchi apnader sahtheh r setah holo amar didi r bandhobi jar naam soma ami didi bollei dakhtam prothomeh kintu ahkhon seh amar sex partner r tar figure tah bolleh di 28-30-38 ehbar asol gotnahtah bolli ami prothomeh soma keh khubh sonman kortam karon amar didi r bandhobi r woh der barir sahtheh amader khubh bhalo somporkoh chilloh prothom amar moneh wor protti chintah dharonatah...

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Little Arab Buttercup part three

My little Arab buttercup, Aisha, had been married to me for over a year now. I found work with a civilian contractor for the military. My technical and computer training in the army gave me the knowledge and experience they needed there in Silicon Valley. We were living about thirty minutes away from my job. Aisha preferred to be called Annie now. She was completely westernized in every way. She always spoke English, and had become fluent. She was so fluent that she had started writing in...

1 year ago
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Daddy and Son How Todd and Joey Got started

A dad is a dominant and self-assured older man (generally 35 and older) with a strong sexual drive, high level of experience, tremendous energy, stamina, and prowess. A dad is an in charge man, a leader, and a teacher, but does not take advantage of his son and lover. A son is generally a much younger (under 30) submissive and is energetic, honest, highly sexually driven and motivated looking to learn sexually from a powerful experienced older partner and dominant man. Each of them accepts...

4 years ago
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Rough Trade

Before you start…this is quite a long story, but please have patience. Thanks. Cindy’s ice blue eyes stare deep into mine, a rock solid, unflinching gaze. I get the impression she is not going to deliver good news. “Rob, I won’t hold back, you’re a dear friend and I care about you. I think your accounts are a wreck, and your projected figures for the next year do not inspire confidence at all. If I am brutally honest, your business might not even be around for that long anyway.” Talk...

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Tina Gets Caught

If I didn’t get my left and right confused it probably never would have happened. I’ve always been that way. I have to imagine myself writing, or something like that, to get it straight. Sometimes I don’t think about it that much and I get it wrong. Today was one of those days. Brenda had asked me to go back to her place and get her free movie tickets. We had planned to go to the movies, since she had been given free tickets, but when we arrived we found that the tickets were not in her pocket...

3 years ago
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Everybody Comes To HollywoodChapter 3 Double Vision

Today was the biggest day of my life. Today was the day MY movie was finally going to be on the big screen for the entire world to see. It was a balmy late June evening, just the right temperature for Hollywood starlets to wear the skimpiest of revealing dresses. Our limo pulled up to the curb, and I was immediately dazzled by the bright strobing lights of hundreds of cameras flashing in my face as I stepped out. Schooling my face to wipe away any traces of nervousness, I turned to assist my...

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Riding Mr Parker

Steve Parker had been teaching school for 7 years. His job teaching English as James Polk High school was not too bad, it paid enough for his lifestyle, the benefits were good, and he was looking forward to an early retirement at age 52. At 29 years old the fact that the best part of his life was thinking about retirement in 23 more years never seemed to strike him as odd. Steve was six feet tall, dark haired handsome and in good shape. Some of the young male teachers had problems with girl’s...

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Maid Becomes Cum Slut

This story goes back 8 years when I was a bachelor living with other roommates in Hyderabad. My roommates used to leave for work early whereas I used to leave for office at around 11 or so. We had the good fortune of hiring a maid who lived a bit far from our rented apartment. She used to come to our place at around 9:30 and often times I was the only one at home at that time. Our maid, Shanti, was a middle aged lady. She had a very lean figure but was heavy at the right places. She didn’t have...

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The Glass Ceiling

The Glass Ceiling By sissy_babs The phone on Beth's desk rang with just one ring. She knew it was internal and probably Gary, her new boss. She cringed a bit as she reached for the phone. It was hard for her to think of him as the new Vice-President of Marketing. After all she had been with the firm a year longer than Gary. She was responsible for bringing in more revenue and she had more experience and more education. What she didn't have was a penis. She knew that was the only...

1 year ago
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Concupiscent CongregationChapter 12 Possible Pregnancy and Hooker Training

The Reverend James J. Gillis was relaxing alone in his private inner sanctum. It was late afternoon and he'd been relaxing for almost two hours. That's two hours and a whole bunch of ounces of his relaxation juice, his Courvoisier. Actually JJ was proud of the way he'd managed for the past five weeks to control his increasingly unruly libido. After his young houseguest Anita had once again seduced him he had taken a hard line with her. One time during that period he and Bonnie had...

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Naked Wet DaughterChapter 4

The next afternoon, Barbara and her brother, Greg, were alone in the sun room. They were both naked and had been lying together on the large air mattress, working on their tans. Now and then they had exchanged a tongue-kiss and fondled each other. Greg's hands rubbed his sister's moistening pussy, and the young girl's hands moved over the boy's hardening cock. But that was as far as they had gone, and by now, Barbara was desperate for a good fuck. When Greg got up and moved to the bar to...

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Sissyjoe The Beginning

The Beginning A Story by Sissyjoe Mom doesn't know it, but I wear my toenails quite long and always paint them a shiny dark red color. My breasts have begun growing since I was eleven and I now fill a 34b cup to the brim! My nipples are very swollen and puffy and sometimes it's quite difficult to hide them beneath my clothes! I was quite chaffed when Mom let me have both my ears pierced thrice when I asked her. My blonde hair is shoulder-length and...

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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 7

She was walking along the beach, admiring the lights dancing across the northern horizon. This was Lisa's first official day of freedom. She had teleported here yesterday afternoon from her home on the opposite coast, choosing a random spot on the West Coast to push herself back into the physical universe. She watched and listened for most of the first evening and then realized, as others left for their homes, that she didn't have a place to stay yet. So, like hundreds of other homeless...

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My Married SlutsChapter 3

“So, you got a thing for my ass, do you?” Heather teased me, knowing full well that I did. “But of course, though you already knew that. Nicky’s ass is not so bad, either,” I noted, making her blush. “Yeah, tell me about it. It tastes great!” Heather confessed. “And yours is pretty sweet, as he said. The only shame is that we can’t have four of us to a bed, by getting my husband to change his mind. Of course, if he ever did, then we’d have to rearrange some things, I guess. Some contracts...

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Picked up in the DIY store

The wife and I were looking for some shelving at a local DIY store, when this young man caught my eye, strange I thought. As we looked around the store, it took us around 20 minutes and then we decided to leave, on our way out he came up and slipped a piece of paper into my hand, when I got home it read ‘If you fancy meeting up text me’.I must admit I was intrigued. A couple of months later he was still on my mind so I text him. ‘You doing anything tonight?’ about ten minutes later I received a...

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Friends wife Andrea Chapter 2

Monday morning soon came and I was standing at Gareths door waiting for an answer.I heard Andrea shout down good morning to me as I walked through to the kitchen while Gareth put the kettle on and told me to chill out for 20 minutes while he drove the k**s to school as Andrea did not drive.I made my coffee and went outside the patio door for a cigarette planning the week ahead thinking to myself.I heard Andrea come up behind me and she put her arms around me from behind, kissed my neck and said...

4 years ago
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The Awakening

The Awakening We pulled into Julia's Fathers (David's) place about 4 in the afternoon having taken off work a little early. I had brought some tools as we were going to their lakehouse to fix the sprinkler system and take some things to a donation site, mostly clothes and kitchen stuff. Julia's parents were now divorced and the house there would be sold. Her mother had been staying there till things were finalized, and it was in pretty good shape as we had gone down a couple of...

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Our little secret

As I sat in the lounge with Aunt stood in front of me in her underwear, and listening to her explain that everything would be fine and not to worry, I hadn’t realised that time had passed quickly as I looked at the clock on the fireplace shelf, crikey I blurted, its 12.30pm, if I don’t leave soon Mother will be wondering where I’ve got to,I think I should just get dressed and leave now I said.Oh nonsense “Brian” declared Aunt Sheila, and besides your trousers and ‘Y’ fronts are in the washing...

3 years ago
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Sleight of Hand5 Caretakers

Days in Hades and nights in Paradise stretched on for months. I was working at physical therapy six or more hours a day. I was working in the store four hours a day where I practiced sleight of hand. I graduated from wheelchair to walker to crutches. Lisa worked right alongside me. Every exercise I did, she did twice. She was determined that she would be as fit as was required for an excursion on Chaos. When I was working at Shannara, Lisa took instruction in self-defense and Tai Chi. Not to...

2 years ago
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Please do me a favor

My friend Isabel  a Spanish  called me on that day, saying she had a problem and needed my assistance. She then gave me an account or her story,  with details of her problem, on the phone: she had gone on a trip for a few days and,  on having returned home,  she dug in her purse for the apartment keys, even  pockets, everywhere; the apartment keys were gone. She possibly had lost them. She lived alone in her place, so nobody would open from inside. The only way out of this would be to get a new...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Kay Lovely Kay Tries to Tame a Monster

Kay Lovely was hanging out at the pool, showing off her amazing body, waiting for her monster cock to arrive. Dwayne Foxxx was the hero of the hour. When she saw the big bulge in his bathing suite she could tell his dick would be enormous. She took it out. And it was! Giant! Bigger than her arm. Bigger than her face. Only 5% of it fit in her mouth. She had to use all her throat to make at most 80% disappear. Then she fucked him. Or more like, he fucked her. He fucked her good. Real good. Left!...

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Same Time Tommorow Night

This story begins with James. James; a semi-built young man that's always well mannered. James was slender, tall had dark hair and dark eyes. He graduated with honors at his local university and went to law school. There he became a respected law clerk and eventually opened his own practice. But even after all of that; one would say that James life is a little boring from time to time. He wasn't into going out and never really had a steady girlfriend. Before you ask, he was not a virgin... he...

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Maid To Be Submissive Part 2

Fiona stepped forward, leaning in close so I could smell her sweet perfume. Her large breasts pressed against my chest, making my lingerie rub softly across my skin. My penis grew harder and my body trembled against hers.“Do you want to please me?" She said, in a serious tone."Yes, Miss Fiona, all I want to do is please you!" I replied eagerly."Good because I'm going to make you do whatever I want from now on. Let me be clear about this. From this moment forward you are not a man. You're my...

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camping with my aunt

My aunt is recently divorced and needed a break so I took her tent camping with me . She is very beautiful with very tiny tits and has a very sweet ass. I invited her to come with me for a week long camp and she was very excited. When we got there it was getting dark and started to rain by time we set up the tent we were soaked I could clearly see her big brown nipples through her with shirt this start making my cock hard .We were cold and got out of our wet clothes in the dark tent and I...

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