BarbaraChapter 28 free porn video

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Later that evening, when Joyce Collier came out to the edge of the ring and was caught and held in a spotlight, she was wearing a white halter top, a pair of white short shorts that featured her beautifully tanned legs and nothing else. Not only was she wearing no bra, she was not even wearing a bikini. Her feet were bare and her shoulder-length tawny hair was tied back in a ponytail and held with a big white bow.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Welcome to the circus! My name is Joyce Collier, here on loan from KNBC for this performance. Tonight we have another surprise for you: Last night we featured Andy Cartwright and Ken Clifford who will be back with us again tonight. However, tonight we proudly feature Tom and Bobbie Conroy, the most handsome husband-and-wife team in the world, along with our great cats. Let me introduce them to you. First, we have Prince..."

One after the other the cats came out, were introduced, bowed to the crowd and took up a position forming a circle in the center of the ring.

"Finally," Joyce announced, "Here is my friend, Rajah." Looking at him she said, "Are you going to give me a kiss tonight?"

She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed his soft fur and then positioned her cheek in front of his huge mouth. The audience, watching it in close-up on the Forum's huge closed-circuit television screens gasped as the animal kissed her, then opened its huge mouth, extended its tongue and licked her face.

"Isn't he neat!?" Joyce exclaimed happily.

Then she introduced Bobbie and Tom who came into the spotlight. Tom was wearing the smallest imaginable pair of white swim trunks. They were scarcely more than a cache sexe for his huge cock and balls. Bobbie was wearing the tiniest white bikini they had been able to find. It occasionally — but seldom — covered the top of her golden pubic hair. After extending their arms wide to acknowledge the welcome from the crowd, they took a few running steps and then, side-by-side, did a series of incredible handsprings that took them to the center of the arena.

While they were doing that, Andy and Ken came out and waited for the spotlight. They were dressed as they had been the night before: Ken was wearing only jockey shorts and Andy only a pair of white cotton panties with a tiny pink bow at each leg opening.

When the spotlight came back to her, Joyce introduced Andy and Ken to wild applause, but then explained that they would principally be assisting tonight. When the spotlight swung back to the center of the ring, the children each took a small trampoline and positioned them on opposite sides of the arena.

Joyce announced, "Bobbie and Tom need to limber up a bit first — sort of work the kinks out — and I think the cats need a little exercise, too. What do you all think?"

Bobbie grinned as the cats got on their feet and again led by Prince, followed Tom to the side of the big ring. Once there, Tom began to trot around the perimeter pacing the cats while Bobbie paced the sixth cat in line, Charles. Tom kept lengthening his stride until he and Bobbie were both running at a four-minute-mile pace. The perfection of their bodies and their running form was apparent to the spectators as they ran by.

After completing a full circuit, Joyce announced, "Bobbie and Tom, that's fine for you, but the tigers need some exercise, too. Why don't you let it out a little?

Bobbie gave a cheery wave of her hand and speeded up while Tom did, too. They were now correctly in position and each sprinted to a trampoline ahead of them took off, came down powerfully on the trampoline and were catapulted into the air. Once airborne, they did perfect double somersaults and came down with their feet perfectly planted on the back of a tiger: Tom on Prince and Bobbie on Charles. Prince seemed totally unaware of Tom's 220 pounds on his back, let alone the shock of his landing, despite Tom's best efforts to cushion it.

The instant the two had their feet planted, the tigers really began to run. Now they were bounding around the perimeter at nearly thirty miles per hour. Both Tom and Bobbie seemed completely unconcerned. After two circuits at full speed, when Bobbie approached one of the trampolines set at the center of the oval, she timed it perfectly.

Jumping off Charles, she landed hard with both feet on the trampoline and then used her great leg strength to shoot almost straight up in the air. She did a triple somersault with a twist, straightened out and landed perfectly with both feet together.

After extending her arms to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd Joyce announced, "She has to be good. Although I didn't announce it earlier, Bobbie teaches first grade and Andy and Ken are two of her pupils.

"After all, someone had to teach the children how to do it. She really is good, isn't she?"

Her remarks were greeted with redoubled cheers.

In the meantime, Andy and Ken had brought out two sets of high-jump bars and positioned them flanking the center of the arena. Bobbie and Joyce joined them; what was coming required all four of them. Shifting from Prince to Rudy, Tom waited for Will to come alongside and then he continued to speed around the ring with one foot on the back of each tiger. When that was done, the remaining eight tigers took positions in a row in the center of the ring and sat down to watch. With the jump bars set two feet high and the sets ten feet apart, Tom told the tigers what he wanted them to do.

Coming around the end the two animals cut over when they reached the center and in a synchronized pace effortlessly leaped over the first bar, carried the intervening distance and then cleared the second. With the four people resetting the height of the bars and the spacing between them, they continued until they cleared a height of four feet and a horizontal distance of thirty-five feet.

There were gasps from the crowd as they saw the massive animals bunch their muscles and appear to compress their bodies. Leaping, they fully extended their bodies as their enormously powerful hindquarter muscles shot them into space. For his part, Tom was astounded at how smoothly and powerfully the animals ran and how easy the whole thing was for him.

When he landed, he told the animals what a wonderful thing they had done and how proud of them he was.

Back at her PA mike Joyce said, "Folks, on that last leap the bars were four feet high and the standards were thirty-five feet apart. Aren't these animals wonderful? Have you ever seen such incredibly powerful muscles at work? Aren't they just neat?"

The crowd responded with cheers. While Bobbie and the children removed the standards, Tom slowly made his way to the center of the arena, still on the tigers' backs. When they came to a stop, instead of Tom jumping off, they lay down in unison so he only had to step off.

When Tom got off, he signaled to Joyce who said, "For some reason there are people who think these cats are drugged. How a drugged cat can clear thirty-five feet, more than four feet in the air, I don't know, but I'm not an expert, either. The two tigers who just performed were Rudy and Will. Guys, let the people see the way big cats behave more often!"

With that the two cats jumped up so they were standing on their hind paws with their forepaws extended up towards the sky. With their massive claws extended they pawed the air and let out enormous roars that shook the huge auditorium. Then they calmly and quietly took their positions between Prince and Fred who had left an appropriate interval for them. The stark contrast between the wild screams and the subsequent docile behavior left the audience speechless.

"I hope you all got a good look at those claws," Joyce said. Then she added, "That reminds me: I'm going to have to give Rajah a manicure pretty soon." At her crack the audience howled with laughter and then cheered again.

Then Joyce said, "You know, we really are kind of concerned about people thinking that these are not wild animals. Honest, they are. But more than that, there is incredible teamwork here. Now we have an idea we want to try. Okay, guys. It's time to entertain the paying customers again."

Responding to instructions given by the four other people, the tigers paired off and took positions spaced evenly across the long axis of the Forum. There the pairs sat facing one another. Then Joyce said, "Okay, guys. Let's do it!"

At her order the great cats sat up, then sat on their haunches and raised their forepaws. Reaching out, each pair matched their forepaws, rested on the other, and began to rise, only ending when their bodies were fully extended to a height of over eight feet.

In their present position, coupled with the deliberateness of taking their extended positions, their musculature was revealed in a way that people normally couldn't see except through the use of ultra-slow-motion photography.

"Folks," Joyce said quietly over the PA system, "These are big cats! Although we didn't arrange to measure it, fully extended the way you see them now, they are reaching upward between eight and nine feet. Aren't they just beautiful?"

Again there was an enormous cheer.

Then Joyce said, "It's now my great pleasure to introduce the rest of Bobbie Conroy's first-grade class. She has certainly the smartest, and I'm sure the most handsome, group of young people in the world."

One after the other each of the children was introduced. All of them were wearing only their underwear shorts, too. By this time the tigers were again arranged in their circle in the center of the ring. After each child was introduced he or she ran to the center. There the Conroys, along with Andy and Ken, introduced them to each tiger in turn. When all the introductions had been made, the tigers lay down flat and a child got on the back of each one. Andy made sure to be on Prince, while Ken was on Sasha's back.

When each child was standing on the back of a tiger, the animals all smoothly and gracefully rose to their feet. While still in their circle, they moved to the edge of the arena floor and then started to walk around the perimeter. As they moved they began to accelerate. Soon they were running at nearly full speed, yet still maintaining their perfect circle.

"Now watch this," Joyce announced softly. I think you'll find it interesting ... and fun."

In unison, the children stepped from the back of one tiger to the next. They kept on going, while moving faster and faster, until the children were running around the tigers while the tigers ran around the ring. When the children slowed and finally stopped, they were back on their original animals.

In the meantime, Bobbie and Ken had repositioned the trampolines closer to the perimeter's edge. Now the tigers slowed until they were just trotting. Timing their approach perfectly, Tom and Bobbie sprinted to the trampolines, pounded down hard with their feet, shot into the air in perfectly coordinated somersaults and came down in the center of the formation of tigers with Tom on Sasha's back with Ken, while Bobbie was on Prince's back with Andy.

"Bobbie really isn't in such bad shape for a school teacher, is she?" Joyce mused over the PA system. "If she worked on it for a few years she might be able to do some basic gymnastic moves."

As the people laughed at her comment, Tom and Bobbie hoisted Ken and Andy up to their shoulders. As the tigers began to run again, the children just waved to the audience going by. At the conclusion, the other children left the floor, dressed and returned to their seats.

The final act for the first half was the pyramid of cats. This time, though, when it was completed, before taking his bow Prince stood up on his hind legs, clawed the air and roared. When he did, his forepaws were waving from about twenty-five feet above the floor. Coming down, he bowed followed by the pair below, the three below that, and so down to the base.

When they came down and began to take up positions in their circle, Joyce announced, "You're all familiar with the line, 'If you're nice to people they'll walk all over you?'

"Well, guess what? It applies to tigers, too. Last night it was relatively easy. The boys had hot dogs and all Andy and Ken had to do was find out if they wanted mustard, relish, and how much. Tonight? No such luck! This afternoon I was suckered into buying Rajah a pizza, so tonight they all have to have them. Would you believe it? No two want the same thing! It's true."

Just then a spotlight picked out a man in a Domino's Pizza uniform with a stack of boxes. He gave one box to Joyce and then carried the rest to the center of the ring where the animals were waiting. The man's eyes widened as Rajah came trotting towards him but then he relaxed as the tiger just passed him by to join Joyce.

Meantime, Andy and Ken had left the arena and now returned. Ken had two pails while Andy had one along with a stack of large water dishes. She put one down beside Joyce, filled it with lemonade, grinned, and then ran off to join Ken. While the Conroys and the children proceeded to feed the other nine, the spotlight was on Joyce with Rajah.

After he lay down, she sat down on the tanbark and leaned back against him. With her head resting on his, she took a piece of piping-hot pizza from the box and fed it to him. "Pepperoni and sausage with extra cheese, would you believe," she said into her lavaliere mike. "But he's really very nice, and he provides a very comfortable back rest."

Now most of the audience was focused on the huge television monitors which allowed them to see a close-up of Joyce's slender hand feeding pizza into the enormous mouth. When he finished the pizza — the audience howled when he gave Joyce a dirty look after she stole a bite — he drank his lemonade and then just looked at her with his head cocked.

"Now you have to pay for it," she said.

Rajah just grinned and lay on his back with his paws outstretched. "This is another thing these cats cannot or will not do, I'm told by the experts," Joyce commented dryly as she climbed on his belly and then stretched out between his legs.

She rested her cheek on his furry chest and commented, "This is heavenly! Rajah's chest and belly are covered with an incredibly soft pure-white fur that feels so great!" she exclaimed sleepily.

Then he closed his paws over her and just hugged her tightly. Joyce then spoke with her voice muffled because her wireless mic was between her chest and Rajah's. She said, "Girls, do you ever feel that your guy is an uncaring creep? That he cares nothing about your feelings? That he can't even keep you warm when you're chilly, as we women always are?

"If so, you need a guy like Raj, here. Yum!" The muffled voice was greeted with laughter from everyone.

"Okay, Raj," she said softly, "it's time to go back to work."

With that he spread his paws and Joyce got to her feet. The spotlight was still on her, as were the closed-circuit cameras. The TV screens caught the expression of puzzlement on her face perfectly. Then she brightened and said, "Isn't that nice! You're going to give me a ride to the center of the ring. Great."

Joyce climbed on top of the animal and sat straddling his shoulders. As soon as she was settled, he got to his feet. But, instead of heading towards the center to join the other tigers, he headed toward the perimeter and began to move faster.

"Where do you think you're going, young man?" Joyce demanded. Now there was some minor static because of her rapid motion. "I'm not in this show! I'm just a moonlighting TV reporter ... Now come on!" she exclaimed with a note of fear in her voice as Rajah was now running at nearly full speed.

Then he slowed and turned his head. "You're crazy, young man!" she exclaimed. "There is absolutely no way you can get me to stand on your back!"

Then the camera caught a look of chagrin on her face as she said, "Rajah, you wouldn't dare..."

Then looking fearful she said more slowly, "You would, wouldn't you."

At that she knelt on his back and then stood up. As soon as she was upright, Rajah was running again, but at top speed this time.

"Darling Rajah," she said, trying sugar instead of threats, "I'm only a reporter. I can hardly stand up in heels. I can't stand on a running animal!"

At that point Rajah was at the corner of the Forum. But instead of continuing in his circle, he cut inside and headed at full speed for the circle of other tigers with the Conroys and the children standing inside. It was about twenty feet in diameter measured from the tails of the tigers all of whom were facing the center.

Joyce was still pretending to be fearful and screamed, "Help!" just as Rajah took off in a great leap with her still standing on his back. He landed absorbing the shock, while Joyce just bent her knees slightly to maintain her balance. Rajah slowed and turned his head to look up at her.

"Darling, that was unbelievable!" she cried, now out of her fearful rôle-playing.

"Folks, what do you think of my little boy? Isn't he neat?" she cried. There was a standing ovation as she was carried into the center of the tiger's ring where Rajah lay down so she could step off.

Unclipping the mike from Joyce's shirt, Bobbie said, "Folks, could we have a big hand for Joyce Collier? Isn't she a trouper, though."

Looking at Joyce she asked, "How did you know you could do it, honey? You never even rehearsed it."

Taking the mike and reclipping it to her shirt she replied, "Bobbie, I didn't know that I could, but I was a great tomboy when I was growing up. I had forgotten until this minute what great fun it was!"

Then Joyce went up to Rajah who was now sitting in his usual position in the tigers' circle. Putting her arms around his neck she gave him another kiss. But this time Rajah raised his right paw, put it around her waist and pulled her to him tightly. She kissed him softly and murmured, "And I love you very much, too."

Same as Barbara
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African Casting is an awesome African porn site that features exclusively chocolate babes with the juiciest booties that are determined to prove to the world that you ain’t got to be white to make it in the adult industry. While it’s pretty much of a casting based on a false promise that the white dude is an agent on African Casting looking for black babes to be models, I can tell you that the scenes are nothing like the porn you have watched before.It's definitely pure bliss made even more...

Premium Black Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 8

I stop at the gift shop and am thrilled to find that they do indeed stock corsages. I pick up two. Alex and Beth were both ready and waiting when I get to the room. My only suit was laid out and pressed. "Thanks!" I hop in the shower and wash as fast as I can. But while I'm in there, a thought occurs to me. I come out still drying. "I've been a complete dick today haven't I?" "It's cool." Alex shrugs, "You the Dom." "Stop that." I hate it when he says stuff like that. "Look,...

3 years ago
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Exposing my wife at a pubic beach

This happened a couple of years ago, but it is still one of my favorite days.My wife and I went to the beach to relax away from the k**s. Now my wife is a sexy full figured woman. She is a little prudish about her body, mostly because she feels that she isn’t sexy, but I keep having to chase off guys when we go out for drinks and I have to use the restroom.So I tried to talk her into wearing her sexy two-piece bathing suit that I bought for her, but she insisted in wearing her two piece that...

2 years ago
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Walker Between the WorldsChapter 22

I was surprised at the quickness with which events proceeded, once the challenge had been laid. The news swirled through the rest of the clan and in the face of it, the group of hunters took on an eerie calm, as they took the news in and then quickly went about their business. I had my share of the grass runner to take care of before it went into the clan smoker, and I meant to grill up some of the back ribs tonight for my own meal, and perhaps I would share it with someone. Tak the Spear...

2 years ago
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A Minnie Halloween

A Minnie Halloween My girlfriend's company was having a Halloween party and it was to be a Disney themed costume party so about one week before the party we went to the suggested store that was supposed to have a large variety of Disney themed costumes. Carla and I looked around at many costumes sleeping beauty and Prince Charming peter pan and tinker bell, Beauty and the beast and we finally came across Mickey and Minnie, Clara became excited with these costumes and told the...

2 years ago
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MayLing the Litle Chinese American part 2

Chapter 7 That night they both told Lilly how she came to him and started at his dojo. All the training that May has gone through, which was far more that what Lilly had guessed. She told May she was proud of all she had learned and that she needed to slow down a bit before she hurt herself and May agreed. It was late and they both decided to stay at Bryans since he offered them the bed. In the room May wasn't thinking and went to a droor and pulled out to nightgowns and threw one...

2 years ago
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She walked towards me, her high heels clacking on the floor. I looked up from my book. I took a sharp intake of breath. The heels were accompanied by stockings, a wispy thong and a push up bra that was almost containing her full tits. I watched her walk towards me, a smile played around the corners of her mouth. I opened my mouth to speak but, she stopped me by placing a finger on my lips. She stood in front of me and reached down and pulled open the zip of my jeans. She reached inside and...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Ryan Falls In Love Ch1

Introduction: Ryan invites Stacey on a date. A quick message before I start: This is my first story, and its quite late so I might make a few errors. Ill try make spelling as accurate as possible but If it isnt, please dont flame me for that as I wrote this on NotePad. Lol. :). (FYI: Im from England, We start Highschool at 11 and college at 16 in England.) ————————————————————————————————————————————— I am Ryan, I live in England with my mother and have one brother named Damon, and a sister...

2 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 27

Denise sat in her living room, trying to collect herself. Tom. He’d made love to her — no, he’d fucked her, skilfully, but it wasn’t making love. So he’d fucked her and then he’d left. Denise walked slowly, a little carefully, up the stairs to her room. She put on her bathrobe, and sat on the edge of the bed. Denise began to cry, softly at first, then with increasingly loud and violent sobs, as she threw herself onto her bed, grabbing a pillow and howling into it. Her mother hadn’t raised...

3 years ago
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My sister in law

I think like a lot of people I have read about have a thing for there sister in law.Mine is a few years older than me but Jesus is she fit.whenever the two sister mention going on holiday the only thing I can think about is her getting her tits out on the beach, and what a great pair they are too.I wear really dark sunglasses so I can sit and watch her topless and she watches me too as I found out last holiday as I was sitting opposite her i thought I would pull my cock to the side of my...

1 year ago
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The User Ch 14

Since he and his partner had cleared up several of the cases they’d been working on, Tim had a bit of free time. He told his boss what he’d stumbled onto and asked permission to spend a little time working on it. ‘How much time do you figure you’ll need, Tim?’ detective captain Alex Martin asked. ‘No more than a day, if that,’ Tim replied. ‘I’ve got a plan that should get Juan to give me the information I need.’ ‘How, exactly, do you plan to do that?’ Alex asked. ‘This Perez kid sounds like...

4 years ago
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Susan's steps into voluntary sexual slavery at an unknown Master PETER is a long story to tell well.Susan's story is not new: we are back in the second half of the eighties in old wood-port quarters.Susan's story in her words is well written in her wording but it badly lacked paragraphing & livelyness."Susan's story needs experienced editing", I stated in my comment under the first part of eight here.Susan's story may need a couple of dozen short well written installments best with matching...

4 years ago
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The Mysterious Stranger

Mam and I have lived alone ever since Da died. I remember that day almost twenty five years ago as it were yesterday; there was a terrible storm and Da was outside fixing the tarpaulins covering the hay bales when a freak gust of wind uprooted the ancient oak tree beside the barn. Da was crushed under timbers from the barn and died a few hours later in hospital from his internal injuries. No one knew how old the oak tree was; it had been a feature of the farm for as long as anyone could...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 03 Part 2

by Fidget Chapter 3: Perfect Secretary (Part 2) Alani continued to carry out her secretarial tasks with perfect efficiency, a picture of professionalism with just the right amount of subtle sex appeal in her practiced, elegant movements. A casual onlooker wouldn't think twice about the scene, except perhaps to appreciate the softly swelling curves shown off to perfection by Alani's tastefully revealing blouse and skirt, and they certainly wouldn't have any reason to suspect that a perfect...

2 years ago
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Roommates With Benefits Snowed In

Since our first rendezvous eight months ago, Jayson and I have grown a lot closer. We found every opportunity to sneak in quickies and a few slices of afternoon delights. My career has begun to really take off at the magazine I work at. I scored a few high-profile interviews and was even featured as a cover girl, netting me a ticket into the world of being a minor celebrity in the Greater Chicago area and a book deal. Jayson’s business has grown to include a clientele of local artists and small...

4 years ago
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Foreign Spices Part 3 of 3

Three months later… How did she end up like this? Nara lay on the bed alone trying to remain calm. So many thoughts and conflicting emotions rattling through her head…how did she let it get to this point? She had come to the hotel room to talk, only to talk then say good-bye. That was it. That’s what she had told herself. She wasn’t even supposed to step into the room. So how was it that within a few minutes she was now not only inside the room but lying on the bed, nude, with her clothes in...

2 years ago
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The Hundred Year PlanChapter 18

Hirano just smiled, and took another step forward. Bonnie gently squeezed the trigger of the 9 mm. Hirano had a pleasingly surprised look on his face as he crumpled to the mat. Bonnie dropped the gun, and ran to where Al was laying on the mat. She pressed a finger to the artery in his neck, feeling for a pulse. The pulse was strong, and regular. Bonnie went over and checked Hirano. He was dead. Definitely dead. She went back to Al and gently turned him over until he was on his back. He...

3 years ago
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Fit for the Emperor

[This is an erotic body modification fantasy inspired by the old Chinese practice of foot binding. It is 100% fantasy and not intended as a historical or cultural treatise of any kind. All characters in all my work are 18 years of age or over.]Fit for the Emperorby Ben FannIt was still nearly dark when May's eyes fluttered open. Today was a big day, a milestone in her life, she hoped, and she was too excited to sleep. But she had to wait patiently until the designated waking hour, as she was...

3 years ago
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Tricking Sylvia

Sylvia awoke with a warm glow after lasts nights games. She could still feel the after effects in her pussy and breasts which tingled with the pleasure they had experinced. Her wrists and ankles felt warm from the fabric and velcro cuffs which encircled them. She loved the feeling of vulnerability and helpless they engendered, especailly when peter attached them to the easily adjustable restraints on the bed. Yes she too had found her own darker side and loved it! Nothing compared with the...

1 year ago
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Annie Goes Skiing

Annie glanced in the mirror one last time as she exited out the door with her boyfriend Jeff. She secretly wondered how badly this woolen head wrap thing was messing with her new hair cut. Annie was a firm believer in that old adage ‘It’s not what you do, it’s how you look doing it’ and once had those very words displayed rather unapologetically on a small plaque in her office. “You’ll look fine Annie,” Jeff assured her. “What are you a mind reader? “You’re not that hard to figure out...

4 years ago
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Sailing Lessons Pt 2

She started down the ladder and then looked back to see if I was coming. I started after her. As I stepped down into the cabin, Audrey was in the galley at the bottom of the stairs, searching through her backpack. She turned around as I reached the bottom of the stairs, which put her nose to nose with me. She looked me right in the eye and smiled.“That was really close.”“Yeah,” I said, “That might have been a little embarrassing.” (That was an understatement.)She leaned forward and gave me a...

2 years ago
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We did not know we were two

This is part of my sister’s as well as my autobiography, abridged description of a long sex life. Before we get metamorphosed into lovers, we were loving friends. We did everything together, even we read the same book together. But she was growing up, I too. We have 4 year’s difference in age. Earlier I never looked at her as a girl. Things between us began to change when one day we were viewing a photo album. During viewing it, I realized that something was happening to me. I was under a quite...

3 years ago
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Eating Cum

I LOVE eating cum! I eat my own pretty much everyday, and whenever I blow a guy I prefer he shoots in my mouth! Cum is like pussy, it all tastes a little different, but it all has that distinct flavour to it! I am fortunate enough to have found a regular fuck buddy that loves feeding me his cum! I met Kyle online and he's married, has a couple k**s and has only been with one other guy besides me, his cousin and him used to fool around when they were younger. Now when I met Kyle he was shy, a...

2 years ago
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Immer diese jungen Hhner

Dies ist eine kleine Geschichtensammlung über meine kleine Tochter und ihre viel zu geilen Freundinnen, die es mir ab und zu verdammt schwer machen nicht noch irgendwann hinter gittern zu landen... Ich selber heisse Ralph, bin 54 Jahre alt und lebe mit meiner 18-jährigen blonden Tochter Nicole zusammen in unserer geräumigen Bude in Frankfurt. Schon früher fiel mir auf wie die Gören heutzutage aussehen, wie sie mittlerweile bereits so früh wie möglich ins Fitnesstudio gehen um ihre jungen Körper...

3 years ago
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Mere Boss Ki Biwi In Pune

Hello -this rohit fir ek bar aaya hun aapke samne nayi real story lekar.Aap to jante he ki me kitna jolly n kamina hun sex ke bare me . Aisa he meri engg khatam ho gyi . So ab me pune city me aaya hun . Fir job search krne ke bad muje ek aachi job mili.Wo kafi badi n aachi compny he To muje junior ki post pe rakha tha n mere ek senoir he mr ………. Patel. Me unki under training kr rha hun. Waise wo young nhi lagte bt umra kam hi he. Wo bhot acche insaan he acch cooperate krte he.Aise he meri life...

3 years ago
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Dont Go Breaking My HeartChapter 6

I found and pulled up to a Motel 6, telling Joanie to stay in the car. "What's going on Jerry?" my sis asked as I got back in the car. "I got us a room for the night and told them we would be leaving very early in the morning." "So?" she said. "I only got it for the night, I knew the kid I was talking to and I said I had a girl I needed some 'alone time' with." "So he thinks you got a call girl?" she said with that wonderful giggle. "Yup!" She sang, "Call me—Don't be...

3 years ago
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The missing piece

Can you please comment after reading this as this is my first time on here? This story is about me having my first time with the boy I could never be with. He was about 6’2′, big brown eyes, a killer smile, and a six pack. As for me I’m about 5’4′, tiny waist , medium size ass, 38D cup breast. I rolled over and looked at the clock. Wow it was already 3:00 am. Then my phone started ringing and I knew it was him. I opened the window and he climbed in without making a sound. He was drenched from...

1 year ago
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A Beautiful Story Redux

In the cold light of day, I wondered if I might have been too hasty in moving Connie back in so soon after our fuck session at the party the previous night. Even though we had been divorced 16 months, the pain of her betrayal was still fresh. Her reasons, or should that be excuses, hadn’t changed. I was still working long hours and still had to travel on a regular basis. How could I be sure that she wouldn’t get “lonely” again and make another “poor choice.” The fact was I couldn’t. If I was...

2 years ago
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FascinationGawaine Caldwater RossWords? ?1688? ?I’ve always loved young women’s feet.? ?I think in my last lifetime I was a Chinese nobleman who had a harem of women with? ‘?lotus?’ ?feet.? ?I know that in real life such girls had their feet painfully bound and sometimes broken to achieve the desired look.? ?That part has nothing to do with my fetish.? ?I lust after healthy feet and shoes.? ?Even so,? ?it’s a puzzle.? ?A Freudian would make some glib remark about the toes being phallic.?...

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Dream Came True After 7 Years 8211 Part I

Hi Friends…..This is my first post on the website. After reading many stories from different authors that consisted fictional, imagined, assumed & real experiences, I thought finally I would share my personal experiences with all the readers of this website and get feedback on I am looking forward to receive genuine, decent & appropriate feedback from Females/Couples in and around (Mumbai Preferably if you planning for real meet/conversation only after exchanging general chat on yahoo/gtalk) &...

3 years ago
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StepDaddy CHAPTER 2

Had he dreamt it all? He looked over at Sandra who was still asleep, snoring loudly. In the morning lit room he could see her mouth hanging open and an exposed nipple peeking out through the middle of her bra. Even still, Sandra was beautiful. Kevin smiled at her and looked over at the clock. Damn it was almost noon. He hopped up and used the bathroom to wash up and shave. He had an important engagement with contractors at 1:30 and traffic was always terrible. Today he dressed in a casual grey...

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