Assassin No MoreChapter 10 Fire Drakes
- 4 years ago
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“Keep on ‘em, men! Do not let those Spanish dogs escape!”
Standing at the helm of his beloved ship, Sir Francis Drake sailed with the skills and determination befitting the most seasoned veteran of the British Navy. The Spanish galleon he now trailed was fast, faster than most, but was still no match for the legendary Golden Hind. As the winds remained in his favor, Drake was easily able to keep his ship directly on course, constantly gaining ground on the Spaniards. All the while, his men fired their cannons, peppering the water around the opposing ship with gunfire.
“Mr. Hawkins, report!” Drake called out, seeing their target slow.
“Direct hit, Captain!” John Hawkins replied. “Their rudder has been disabled. It shall not be long now!”
“Well done, First Mate!” Drake said with a smile. “I’ll bring us alongside; prepare the boarding party!”
“Aye sir!”
Now closing the distance between the two ships, Drake could now make out the name of the ship they pursued: Esperanza. He barked out orders to his crew, ensuring the broadside gunners were ready for the chaos that would certainly ensue in mere moments. Still, he was not worried; these were strong, intelligent men, and this was far from their first plunder. It was the primary means of employment for a privateer crew, after all. Now approaching the Esperanza, Drake prepared for the impact of their retaliation.
“FIRE!!!” he shouted to his men.
Almost simultaneously, the two ships fired upon each other, inflicting heavy damage with their broadside shots. Still, it became immediately clear that the Golden Hind possessed the superior firepower. As the Spaniards struggled to defend against the assault of gunfire, Drake’s elite men assembled on deck, grappling hooks at the ready. In near unison, the twelve sailors latched their hooks onto the opposing ship and swung over, taking the Spanish crew completely by surprise. While ten of the men began tearing into the sailors spread across the deck, two of Drake’s men made immediately for the Esperanza’s mast, beginning to slice into it with a two-person saw. After a minute or two, the structure began to creak and splinter, finally toppling down and landing partly on the Golden Hind, creating a bridge for Drake and the rest of his crew. The English poured onto the ship, restraining the downed Spaniards in record time. Finally, Sir Francis Drake himself boarded, approaching their prisoners.
“Greetings! I am Sir Francis Drake, loyal servant of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. Who among you is captain?”
“I. Captain Alejandro Montoya,” said a man of about thirty.
The man and his crew seemed petrified with terror, as Drake’s reputation was feared throughout the oceans of the world. After fifty-four years, he was easily the most successful privateer Queen Elizabeth had ever employed, which came as no surprise, considering the trouble he gave her navy in his days as a pirate. Still, Drake was not without a soul, and always prided himself on granting mercy to his beaten opponents.
“Greetings, Captain Montoya. I thank you for graciously allowing me permission to come aboard,” Drake said jovially, his crew laughing all the while.
“Cease your taunting, English scum,” Montoya seethed. “You are here to kill us, so be done with it. We go into the hands of God.” Montoya and most of his crew bowed their heads and traced the cross with their hands.
“Very well. Gentlemen, give ‘em the usual treatment!” Drake said to his crew. Before they could react, Alejandro Montoya and his men found themselves bound and their faces blinded by burlap sacks.
“Welcome to the Golden Hind, and my grand feast!” Drake said, removing the sack from Captain Montoya’s face.
“I ... do not understand?” the man stammered. He suddenly found himself cut free of his bonds and seated at a grand dining table with his top officers, a spread of succulent food adorning the table.
“Oh, my dear Captain Montoya, I may be a privateer bent on looting you of your treasure store, but we English remain civilized gentlemen, even to the Spanish,” Drake replied, taking a seat at the head of the table. “After all, I have no desire to murder my fellow Christians in cold blood, even if you are Catholic.” This elicited a murmur of laughter from Drake’s men guarding the room.
Smiling, Montoya replied, “That is exceedingly generous of you, El Draque.” Raising a glass, Montoya indicated to his men to do the same, which they reluctantly did. “I suppose I should thank you for granting my officers the courtesy of life, though I must also confirm the safety of the rest of my crew.”
“They are perfectly safe,” Drake answered. “They got a bit rowdy, so we had to lock them in the brig, but they are all unharmed ... well, at least the ones who survived our boarding, you understand.”
“Of course, of course. Occupational hazard.” Taking a sip of the delectable wine in front of him, Montoya realized now that Drake was indeed a man of exquisite taste. “Sir Francis Drake, what will you do now?” he asked. “We were followed not even a day prior by another of my countrymen’s ships. You know they will find us, sooner or later.”
“And that is our full intent, Captain Montoya,” Drake replied. “Once our feast has concluded, you and your crew shall be escorted back to the Esperanza. Obviously, you will be unable to travel anywhere, what with that unfortunate accident involving your mast, but your countrymen should easily find you before long. We shall leave you a week’s worth of food and supplies, just to be certain. Now, as for your treasure, it shall be returning to England with me, for it is being loaded onto my ship as we speak.”
“Once a pirate, always a pirate,” Montoya mused.
“Privateer, if you please,” Drake corrected him. “I am, of course, fully sanctioned by Her Majesty.” Standing from his chair, Drake slowly walked the length of the table towards his honored guest, seated at the foot. “Still, in all my years of sailing, I have long learned that, if a treasure is truly of the utmost importance ... it is to be kept on one’s person, not in some treasure vault. This, for instance.”
As Drake withdrew a piece of paper from his coat pocket, Montoya suddenly stood in anger. “Where did you get that?!”
“From your coat pocket, of course. Fascinating document, I must say.”
“Give it back! That is for King Phillip’s eyes only!” Montoya’s officers rose to back him, but were quickly silenced by the sound of Drake’s guards drawing their swords.
“Not anymore,” Drake replied calmly with a grin. Placing the paper on the table and taking a seat next to Montoya, Drake began to inspect it, showing it to be a map of a portion of Brazil. “I do not pretend to be an expert in translating your Spanish language, but I have picked up just enough over the years. Of course, some words translate across all manner of tongues ... such as this.” Pointing at a spot on the map, it was accompanied by only two words.
El Dorado.
“You know not of which you speak,” Montoya sneered defiantly. “I believe you are too confident in your translation capabilities.”
“Really? Because, if I am not mistaken, this appears to be a map of the wilds of Brazil, leading to perhaps the greatest treasure the world has ever known: the mythical City of Gold.”
“Filthy English pig!” Montoya spat. “You are unworthy of El Dorado! We shall find it, for we are destined to rule this world! God Himself has decreed it!”
“Ah ... so you are saying that you have not yet found it?” Drake asked knowingly.
Montoya’s eyes went wide, his mouth wordlessly moving. He knew he had given away their secret mission, not just to an Englishman, but also to the best sailor in the entire world.
“You needn’t say anything more, my good boy,” Drake assured him. “It is now time for you and your crew to depart back to your ship. My first mate, John Hawkins, shall escort you.”
Sitting alone in his cabin, Francis excitedly worked in his journal, a small, leather-bound book. Though unassuming, he had carried it throughout all of his journeys and noted all of his most incredible discoveries within it. In truth, that book likely contained information on all of the most valuable secrets the world over, and it now included a map to the legendary El Dorado, sketched by Sir Francis Drake himself. As he continued to study the map, a knock came at his door.
As the door opened, a man near Drake’s age entered, similar in appearance, though more balding. “Good evening, Sir Francis.”
“Good evening, John. Are we away?”
“Indeed we are, the Spaniards are safely back on their ship ... or what’s left of it, anyway. Damn, we did a number on it!”
“Splendid! Now then, I think we should focus on this incredible discovery we have unearthed from Captain Montoya, don’t you?” Drake replied.
“Sir ... as much as I would love to, we have been given strict orders from Her Majesty. We are to return to England within a week’s time from now. I have already instructed the helmsman as such,” John replied tentatively.
“Are you daft, man?! We are on the verge of the discovery of a lifetime!” Drake replied, showing him the map. “It is all laid out for us!”
“Be that as it may, Francis, we are short on supplies, and a mission of this sort would certainly require Her Majesty’s permission. I wish to find El Dorado just as much as you do, but we must first return to England.”
“Meanwhile, those damned Spaniards remain one step ahead of us ... but you are correct. We will need Queen Elizabeth’s funding for an expedition of this magnitude. Very well, keep our heading the same.”
“Aye, sir. Goodnight, Francis,” John said, closing the door behind him as he left.
Alone once more, Francis sat alone with his thoughts, reminiscing to himself of his friend and cousin John Hawkins, likely the only man on Earth who could get away with speaking to Sir Francis Drake in such a manner without reproach. They had been friends for almost their entire lives, both growing up in Devon, England, and had started their first pirate crew together, Drake as Captain and Hawkins as First Mate. Since then, they had been inseparable. As he thought, Francis twirled his favorite silver ring between his fingers, as he frequently did. Though simple in appearance, it was one of his most treasured possessions, a gift from Her Majesty when he had returned from his circumnavigation of the globe in 1581, over fourteen years ago. On that great day, he had been knighted, and Queen Elizabeth had presented him with the ring, inscribed with his life’s motto: Sic Parvis Magna.
“Greatness from small beginnings,” Francis said with a grin. “Perhaps ... that greatness is finally within my grasp.”
“Certainly not, it is out of the question, Sir Francis!”
“Your Highness, do you realize what this is? What we are so close to uncovering?”
“Realize what?” Queen Elizabeth replied. “What true proof do you have other than a tiny map? For all we know, the Spaniards are playing us for fools, tempting us with the legend of El Dorado, hoping we shall spend our time and resources chasing that which does not exist.”
“El Dorado does exist,” Francis insisted. “I saw it in Captain Montoya’s eyes.”
“Which brings me to my second reason for denying your request. The Spanish fleet is in disarray, thanks in no small part to your efforts, Sir Francis. The Crown is eternally grateful to you for this. As such, King Philip is exceedingly close to acquiescing to our demands of territory and trade, in the hopes of forming a peace treaty. Such a peace would truly be the crowning achievement of my reign, forcing the Spanish to admit our superiority. I’ll not squander that legacy on the phantoms you would have me chase. This matter is closed, Sir Francis Drake.”
“I ... understand, Your Majesty.”
“I am glad,” Queen Elizabeth said, her tone softening. “I know we have had our differences through the years, and even still today. However, know that there is not a sailor in the world I trust more than you. I do have a mission for you, one of vital importance. You must sail to the New World, and assail the Spanish fortress of San Juan de Puerto Rico. It is one of their few remaining strongholds with ease of access to our burgeoning colonies, and driving them from that island would certainly back King Philip into a corner, forcing him to heed our demands. Attack them there, and push their ships southward. When you reach the coast of Panama, you will surely find a damaged ship that my spies have gotten word of. Plunder it if you can, but most importantly of all, send those Spaniards scurrying back to their holes like rats. Sir Francis Drake, the people of England are depending on you.”
“Yes, Your Highness. I shall not fail.”
One week later, Drake had arrived at his home in Plymouth, England. As his primary port to the Atlantic, it was the natural place for him to lay his head during the times he was not at sea. Those days would be spent rather quietly, reading books and spending time with his wife, Elizabeth. She was an exceedingly kind woman, and very quiet, though this conservative exterior belied the sharp intellect contained within. She was highly adept at debating all manner of philosophical topics with Francis, and though she was not as verbose as he typically was, she was no less successful in her assertions.
“You are leaving again soon, are you not?” she asked quietly, picking at the chicken on her plate.
With a small sigh, Francis replied, “Indeed.”
“Where are you off to this time?”
“The New World, once more. Her Majesty believes it is time to drive the Spanish from San Juan once and for all.”
Eying her husband longingly, Elizabeth asked, “And what does Sir Francis Drake believe?”
With a laugh, he answered, “Officially? I am her Majesty’s loyal servant.”
“And unofficially?”
“Her Majesty ... has denied my request of the true mission I must embark on.”
“What mission is that, Francis?”
“I cannot say,” he replied. “My entire crew and I have been sworn to silence, on pain of death, and all our records on the matter confiscated. Still, I must say that I am ... disappointed ... by her inflexibility.”
“Dear, are you alright?” Elizabeth asked, staring into Francis’ eyes. “You appear as though you have watched a loved one die.”
“I might as well have. As a reminder not to disagree so forcefully, Her Majesty has ... stripped the Golden Hind from me.”
“Can she do that?!”
“She is my queen, and my benefactor. It is her right. She will, of course, spare me the public shame, and state that my ship is to be moored at a place of honor in Deptford. Still, I have sailed on my beloved Golden Hind for the last time.”
“I am so very sorry, Francis,” Elizabeth said softly.
After momentarily choking back a tear, Francis brightened up. “But enough talk of unpleasantness. I depart tomorrow for the New World, and I should like very much to spend one last pleasant evening in the arms of my true love.”
“I will love that very much too. But please, Francis, you need not lie to me. I know very well that your true love ... shall always be your first love.”
Mary, Francis thought.
Elizabeth stood and walked over to her husband’s chair. Kissing his forehead sweetly, she said, “Forgive me, I did not mean to bring up more painful memories. I simply wish you to always know that I bear you no ill will for loving her so.”
“Thank you, my dear,” Francis replied, kissing her lips tenderly.
Taking her hand, he led her up the stairs to their bedchambers, dimly lit by a pair of candles in the windows. Elizabeth excused herself to her wardrobe, while Francis began to disrobe, tossing off his shirt, pants, and undergarments. As he waited for his wife, no doubt prettying herself up, Francis stood next to his mirror inspecting what he saw. For a man of fifty-four, he was still in excellent shape, thanks in no small part to his active life at sea. His body was quite muscular, primarily in the legs and arms, and his light brown hair had begun to show some streaks of grey around his temples. This, combined with his authoritative-looking beard gave him a look that could only be described as “commanding.”
Francis soon felt the presence of his wife approaching behind him. Elizabeth slid her arms around his waist, massaging his skin with her soft, supple hands. He turned as she did so, facing his wife and wrapping her in his arms. After several long moments, he stepped back to admire her lovely naked form. Though short, Elizabeth was wonderfully shaped, with curvy hips and beautifully firm breasts highlighting her petite frame. Her skin was white as snow, and her lips a natural shade of pink, even with no makeup. Kissing her tenderly, Francis gazed into her soft, brown eyes, framed by her raven hair, and could hardly believe that a woman of such beauty could be thirty-three years of age.
Elizabeth grinned at her husband’s admirations, kissing his hand sweetly as he took her in. Turning her back to him, she threw a sweet smile over her shoulder as she walked towards their bed, her glorious posterior jiggling with every step she took. Francis followed her, cupping her ass cheek playfully as she hopped onto the bed. As she rolled onto her back, Francis was right behind her, gently placing his weight on top of her, his hardening member pressing against her thigh.
“Why, Sir Francis, are you becoming aroused by me?” she asked in mock surprise.
“It is a symptom of life on the seas, my dear lady,” he played along. “I do not see beautiful women all that often, so opportunity must be taken when presented.”
“Oh, my! You think I am beautiful?”
Kissing her longingly, Francis finally replied, “No.” Seeing her confusion, he continued, “I know you to be ... divine.”
Elizabeth felt the familiar swooning her husband managed to send through her heart once more. “Ah ... my mother always warned me to be wary of silver-tongued sailors. But then, she also wanted me to become a nun, so what does that old girl know, God rest her soul.”
“I shall show you a silver tongue,” Francis said with a chuckle.
He immediately began to attack her neck, coating Elizabeth’s soft skin with his kisses. Beginning high, around her jawline, he slowly worked his way down to her shoulders, her upper chest, and finally to her breasts. She began to squirm as Francis began to tweak her hard nipples with his tongue, resulting in him gently pinning her arms to the bed by the wrists. This, in turn, only heightened her sensations and moans of pleasure. As Francis could begin to smell the delightful aroma of her womanhood becoming ready for him, he finally released her and aligned his face with hers once more.
“Ohhhhhh yesssss...” Francis hissed as he slipped his length into her beckoning tunnel.
Elizabeth gasped in genuine surprise; with her husband often away at sea, she sometimes forgot just how much she loved feeling him inside of her. Spreading her legs a bit more, she gave him the room he needed to fully engulf his appendage within her. As he began to slowly thrust, her juices squished and seeped out of her entrance, filling the room with their scent.
“I love you ... Francis,” Elizabeth panted.
“And I you, Elizabeth.”
They made love for what seemed like years, each not wanting the night to end. As Francis grew weary, Elizabeth took her turn to straddle him, playfully running her fingers along his strong chest all the while. She began her pace slowly, just as he had with her, but soon found that she was unable to hold back her passions, and allowed them to break free. Elizabeth rode him like a woman possessed, for she knew not when they would be together again.
As her unbridled passions increased, Elizabeth removed herself from on top of Francis and began begging her husband to take her from behind. Francis had occasionally seen this side of his wife, but it never got old. She was a true lady for all the world to see, yet a complete temptress for his eyes only. Standing beside their bed, he bent her over and thrust his length back inside her slick tunnel. As he continued to love her, Francis had a perfect view of her magnificent backside, watching it jiggle every which way as his thrusting became more frenzied. Wrapping his hands around her slim waist, Francis began to pound her for everything he was worth, feeling his climax fast approaching. He plunged deep into her womanhood, his throbbing member near bursting, and finally thrust his last as he expelled his seed into her womb, their cries of pleasure echoing throughout the room.
Collapsing together on the bed, the couple lazily cuddled together throughout the night, dozing in and out of consciousness. Francis savored the warmth of Elizabeth’s supple skin, and she the strength of his powerful body. As the sun finally began to rise in the distance, she laid her head on his chest, sighing contentedly.
“You will have to leave soon,” she said softly.
“Yes,” he said with slight resignation.
“When ... will I see you again?”
Francis kissed his wife’s forehead, replying, “Elizabeth ... I do not believe we will see each other again. Though perhaps, you can expect some correspondence from our mutual friend, Mr. Francis James.”
“So ... you will do what you must, then?”
“Indeed. John is in agreement.”
“Then see it through, until it be thoroughly completed, my love. That yields the true glory, after all.”
Laughing, Francis replied, “You have been reading my writings again!”
“But of course! They are my greatest comfort while you are away.”
Rolling out of bed, Francis began to dress for the day, retrieving his sailor’s uniform from his wardrobe. The rest of his clothes were already onboard his new ship in the harbor.
“Francis, if we do not see each other again until we are beyond the gates of Heaven, I do wish you to know that I have but one regret. I ... am so sorry that I was unable to give you any heirs,” Elizabeth said from the bed.
Pausing, Francis gave her a warm smile. “Do not fret over it, my dear. After all, poor Mary was barren as well, God rest her soul. Perhaps it simply is not God’s will for my line to continue.” Sitting beside her, he continued, “Still, this does bring about an excellent point I wish to make. I wish for you to have no regrets from this day forward. If we are never reunited, my only desire for you is to find love once more, as I have with you. Promise me, Elizabeth.”
Smiling into her husband’s eyes, she replied, “I promise, Francis.”
The wind at his back, the spray of ocean water in his face; it was a true blessing for Sir Francis Drake to be back at sea. His new ship, the Pelican, was quite impressive, being named for the Golden Hind’s original name. It was nothing compared to its predecessor in his mind, but truthfully, Drake loved the sea itself far more than any individual ship.
“How does she feel, Captain?”
“Quite right, John, quite right,” Drake replied. “Even with our beloved Golden Hind moored, it is wonderful to be on the ocean once more.”
“Could not agree with ye more, Sir Francis,” John said, joining him at the bow of their galleon. Lowering his voice, he asked, “Are you certain of the plan? You believe it will work?”
“Without a doubt,” Francis replied with a grin. “I have arranged for false news reports to circulate through Europe of a supposed bout of Dysentery that I am battling. This, combined with the fierce resistance we will endure at San Juan will make reports of my demise exceedingly believable. Finally, look here.”
Francis showed John his favorite ring. Taking it in his hand, John now noticed that there were additional engravings next to Drake’s motto. “What are these numbers?” he asked.
“Nautical coordinates, off the coast of Panama,” Francis said. “Once my demise has been completed, those coordinates will be our hiding spot for anything we discover of value in our race against the Spaniards. Also, do you notice the remaining part of plain silver in the band?”
“I do.”
“Once we complete the deception, we shall engrave that section with the date after my supposed death, the beginning of my life anew.”
Shaking his head, John marveled at his friend’s cunning. “You are certainly a crafty old devil.”
“Am I? Then what does that make you?” Francis shot back in laughter.
“The devil’s spawn, most likely,” John conceded.
“You may well be right about that, my old friend.” Lowering his voice, Francis asked, “Now as to our other matter of business ... did you manage to procure it?”
Sighing, John replied, “It was quite a feat, and I had to go through much of my fortune to facilitate the necessary bribes, but ... here it is.” From within his jacket, he withdrew a small, leather journal, lifted from the secure archives of Queen Elizabeth herself.
“Excellent. Thank you very much, John,” Francis replied, taking his journal in hand. “Once we disappear from Her Majesty’s wandering eye, the treasure we find shall compensate you ten-fold, that I promise you.”
As they sailed on, Francis turned about in every direction, inspecting the fleet he now commanded. Twenty-seven ships strong, it would surely be more than enough to lay siege to any Spanish fortress. Of course, Sir Francis Drake had other plans...
“We’re hit! Damage report!” John bellowed.
“A direct broadside, sir,” a crewman responded. “Deck two, starboard side. I believe that ... the captain was on that level.”
“Oh, Christ! I’ll go and fetch him, just stay on the guns!” John ordered as he bounded down the stairs.
Though Drake’s fleet was an impressive show of English might, the Spanish had fought against the grizzled privateer for decades now, and were able to better anticipate his tactics. Thus, the siege at San Juan did not progress well for the English; most captains of the other ships believed that retreat was eminent.
“Captain?! Captain, are you here?!” John called out, reaching the lower deck.
“I am fine, John,” Drake replied, picking himself up from the floor. “Our fair Pelican, however, is not so fine.”
The pair immediately inspected the enormous hole now blown in the ship’s hull. Thankfully, the hit had been high enough that the ship did not risk taking on water, provided it evaded further damage.
“What are your orders, sir?”
Sighing, Francis replied, “Signal retreat.”
“Right.” Shouting up the stairs to the crew, John said, “Send word to the helmsman: we retreat at once!”
“John, I believe this broadside provides us the prime opportunity to put our plan into action, do you agree?” Francis mused.
“Francis, you are a bloody genius! Ok, are you ready?”
“I am. Do you have what we require?”
“Kept it on my person, ready at a moment’s notice,” John replied. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a pouch full of animal blood of some sort. Moving Francis to sit on the floor, John began to apply the blood to his limbs, giving him the appearance of sustaining a grave injury from the broadside. “Alright, that should do it. Now, let us get you to your cabin.”
Wrapping his arm around his shoulder, John drug Francis up the stairs and to the main deck. The crew were immediately worried for the captain, but they were waved off and instructed to continue with their duties. Along the way, Francis gave a few moans and groans of pain, further convincing the crew of his injuries. Finally arriving, John locked the door behind them and sat Francis in his desk chair.
“Well, well, you are one convincing actor, my friend!”
Chuckling, Francis replied, “It is necessary. As we retreat and pursue the small group of ships that escaped towards Panama, news will spread that the Pelican is heavily damaged and the legendary Sir Francis Drake may well be near death, battling his injuries and his worsening bout of Dysentery.”
“Very good, sir. Rest up. I shall keep the crew engaged and set our bearings.”
Returning to the deck, John informed the crew of the captain’s temporary incapacitation, and instructed the helmsman to bear south, chasing after the fleeing Spanish ships. The remaining ten ships of the fleet followed suit, though they were heavily damaged and had difficulty keeping up. For nearly four weeks they pursued the Spaniards, though never managing to catch up completely. Finally, as they neared Panama, a dense fog blanketed the seas as the fleet sailed into the night. Most of the ships slowed and clustered together in waiting for conditions to change, but the Pelican pressed on, as John Hawkins knew that this was the opportunity they had been waiting for.
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CrossdressingThis story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank TouchTheSky for taking the time to comment on this story. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. I didn’t expect a car to be stopped in my lane on the sharp corner of this narrow winding coastal road far above the ocean. I guess that was the idea. The almost new tires and ABS had done a...
*The final part of the story started with the Howling* With widened eyes Shintaro and Brit shook their heads in disapproval. ‘That’s suicide Ken,’ the mercenary protested, ‘You can’t just take them on by your own.’ ‘Baby you can’t do this alone,’ added the female scientist. ‘That’s a direct order Shintaro,’ Ken sternly told his subordinate. ‘Alright, I will take her back and I will return to either fight by your side or die with you.’ The mercenary helped Brittany to her feet and guided...
She was an utter bitch and spread rmours about people she ound a threat, now the tables have turned and she is the slave to her two victims and passed around like a commom whore amongst her family. First Sandra, Then her older brother then her father then her little brother. What will she do when nothing is in her...
It had all started innocently enough. Shane was a good looking guy, lean and fit with the frequent gym sessions. He didn't have a problem attracting the ladies but his lack of confidence meant that it never evolved beyond a friendly conversation. That'a why when he first met Tina at his brothers wedding it was remarkable that he got past first base. In fact it was love at first sight. He was twenty and she was twenty one. Over the next ten years they had two daughters together. The...
FetishClark walked briskly toward his desk; he was carrying a nervous energy. He didn't know why but when he woke up he had a gut feeling that today held something ominous in store for him. In his loose fitting button up shirt, and black slacks, only the trained eye would suspect what lay underneath, and topped off with a pair of thick glasses and pushover demeanor, none would guess that he, Clark Kent, was actually Superman. "Here ya go Smallville, and be there quicker this time, o.k.? Jimmy and I...
Joanna Wells, and her friend Cathy Calusa were walking through the shopping mall on a Saturday afternoon. They are both proud members of the Christian Disciplinary Sisterhood, which required them to be modest in their, dress, actions, and character. While they were both still in their teens, with Joanna being 17, and Cathy being 16, they were very mature for teenagers. Joanna with her hair cut in a nice very short, wavy perm, giving her the mature, strict disciplinarian look she loved so much....
It was really painful the first time I saw my wife with another man. I guess that I had known that something was going on for quite awhile but just didn't want to admit it. So I went along as though everything was fine. We had been married about three years and had move to New York City about 18 months ago. She was both pretty and cute. I adored her. She was about 5'5" long light brown hair, brown eyes and had a smile to die for. About 1120 pounds she had smallish breast curved hips and the...
?We think you’re hiding a secret,? Vladimir says, pulling up a stool. ?Why don’t you just tell us, so there won’t be any surprises later??I?I don’t? Please?Vladimir sat heavily upon the stool and gnawed coarsely at the toothpick between his yellowing teeth. The woman standing before him, buckled to a single wooden beam and blindfolded under the hot glow of a single lamp, was beautiful, even in her frantic state.?My dear,? Anton grinned patiently, stepping in closer, holding the woman’s driver’s...
Lisa regained consciousness in great pain. Her wrists were pulled high above her head, holding her weight off the ground. Her shoulders screamed in agony as they felt as if they were being pulled from their sockets, one was already dislocated, though she was unaware of that, simply feeling the immense pain. Her legs were off the ground, and tied wide apart, her ankles hurting with the restraints, and her thighs aching as they were pulled wide by more ropes tied to her knees.Any movement from...
Red squirmed uncomfortably in herchair, in the headmasters office. Tiny beads of sweat formed at her brow.In front of her Mr. Brown, head teacher of St Michaels Private High Schoolpoured over her notes. "Well Ms. Jones, I expected betterbehaviour from you. I should fire you on the spot but I'm not going to. You willbe made to endure the upmost humiliation for your actions." Red could do littlemore than hang her head in shame. Mr. Brown pressed a button on his intercome,uttered...
“I’m really fucked up….” she slurred. The drink I had fixed her was doing the job, she was nearly out. As I looked at her plump body I thought back on the better part of the past year. We had been getting together at least once a month at hotels and occasionally her dumpy rental house to get high and fuck. She had seen one of my fake profiles on Tinder and commented on my dick pics. She shared a photo of her pussy lips open like a butterfly and her big soft-looking tits - and I agreed...
This is the story of a girl named Allie who happened to have the misfortune of being out at the public pool in a bikini on the day I was released from prison. I decided right then what I was going to do to her and followed her home. She was probably around 15 and very cute, and I watched her every day for a week getting to know her schedule. When I felt that I had watched her enough I decided to act on my urges. I became more excited as Allie ran from me. She bolted from the kitchen when I...
It had to happen; it was only a matter of time. The warning bells have been there — Jees, like forever. It's all to do with drink, you see. Specifically, the effect of a heavy night's drinking the following morning. It makes me randy as hell. So randy that sometimes it hurts. My mind becomes ruled by tostesterone, and any rational thought that's required appears to be handled by that dangling thing between my legs. It is not a good condition to be in. But this morning ... hey, shit, Jesus...
Bill was still standing by the car. Helena thanked Bill for his assistance and getting Ben on to the scene. “You are a good friend, Can you take us back home shortly?” “No problems, I’m quite today.” replied Bill Looking at the time seeing it was 11.30am, she walked into the house and saw the ladies chatting, Helena asked “Would you like to continue the chat over some lunch ladies, my shout? Lets go to the Hilton, shall we?” Suzanne replied “Yes please.” looking at her. Mrs Jones replied....
Drake looked around the small cell, and sighed to himself. He curled up on the floor of the cell, shivering softly in the cool air. ‘How am I supposed to wake up at the right time tomorrow?’ He asked himself quietly. ‘Oh hey kid!’ Drake looked up into the bright grin of Cody. ‘Hey Cody.’ ‘You okay Drake?’ ‘Yeah man. Just tired. I’m also trying to figure out how I’m supposed to wake up at a set time tomorrow.’ Cody entered the cell and sat down next to him. ‘As for the need for an...
Drake got no real sleep that night. Every time he slipped into slumber his body would relax, and he’d put weight on his sore arms, waking him up again. He ended up watching the sun rise though the massive windows that faced out over the valley. He watched the silver dragon swoop and spiral over the land, then fly off into the distance. The doors to the PR opened, and one of the household trainers walked in, dragging a slave behind him. He hauled the slave, a red head, into the side room,...
Raell looked down at her slave. ‘Are you special? I’m sorry, did you not learn from many a previous experience that you are NOT special?’ Drake trembled, remembering the first time his ass had been plugged. ‘Yes, Mistress! I am sorry, Mistress. It’s just that Aubrey acted like it. He kept giving me cold looks and acted really stuffy.’ ‘You are the newest house slave, and because of this you will be spending lots of time with me, learning new skills. He and others are just jealous of that...
Raell strode down the stairs, headed to the Punishment Room. She was using a bone left over from lunch to pick the small chunks of flesh out from her teeth. Lunch had consisted of two Angus cows that had quickly vanished between her massive jaws. Satisfied she had gotten all the tidbits, she crunched the bone up between her teeth. She was in her dragonoid form, with a human build but with the wings, tail, hands, and legs of her natural form. She also stood a clear two feet taller, around 7′....
*** Author’s note. This intro to this chapter is mostly story building. This is so that the powers Raell and future character have makes sense. I am limiting the background information, but if you want more information, message me. Thanks!*** Drake stayed curled up, sobbing softly, for a few more minutes. He was filled with self-pity, wishing to have his old life back, wishing to not have to eat and drink like an animal, wishing he could just wear some clothes. He’d never thought he would miss...
Come morning Drake felt like he was part of the wooden post. He didn’t even know how he was still standing. He heard the sound of boots walking towards him, but couldn’t move to see who it was. The person untied his connection to the pole. Drake tried to turn, but his legs collapsed under him as he did. ‘Whumpffff…’ He moaned. Someone guided a water bottle to his mouth and Drake drank greedily. ‘Easy there, don’t choke.’ A voice murmured. Once the bottle was empty another was pored over...
Raell strode into the pen. She glanced at the bowl and noted that it was in fact completely clean. She then looked at the older slave. He was kneeled, trembling, on his knees. The source of all her attention was coughing up the water he had swallowed the second she had burst in. She went and sat on the kneeling slave. Drake watched Raell sit on Riley, unsure of what she wanted. He had cleaned the bowl like she wanted. ‘Come here, pet.’ Raell ordered. Drake obeyed, the throbbing stripes on...
The two men slept badly, dreaming of screams and groans. Drake twitched on the sandy ground, imagining the scaled whip snapping and tearing through his skin once again. He woke up with a start, panicking and hyperventilating. He laid on the ground, trying to calm his breathing down. He looked over at Riley, who was twitching in the throes of his own nightmares. The sun was just rising, and the arena was quiet, besides the occasional snort from one of the large pens. Drake watched as a female...
Drake was exhausted. His whole body throbbed, and every muscle felt like jello. He’d been herded back with all the other slaves to the smaller sleeping pens. He’d wondered if he was supposed to go back to his original pen as they walked past it, but the trainers made no move to put him back in. Once back he looked around the pen he had been put in. There were around 25 guys in his pen. He watched the same female trainer as before come around with the feedbag carrying slaves. Drake sat on the...
Drake grinned at his parents, and at the military black jeep sitting in their yard. ‘Happy Birthday, son.’ His dad said, throwing the keys to him. ‘Take it out for a spin!’ His mother chirped. Drake obliged, grinning even wider as the engine purred to life. He backed out of the driveway and sped down the road. He hit the back-country highway, wanting to test out the new car. He raced down the road, twisting and turning. He laughed out loud, reveling in the wind coursing through his dark...
Drake glared at the woman looking him over like he was a slab of meat and not a human being. He then noticed the collar in her other hand, and hissed. He knew she was going to offer him the apple only if he put on the collar. The idea disgusted him. He would never subjugate himself to this bitch. She could hurt him all she wanted to- he’d never submit. She smiled at him, as if she was reading him mind. ‘Come here.’ She ordered. Drake just turned his back to her. He had enough water- he...
Drake switched between putting his weight on his arms and on his toes. Both were unbearable but by switching he gave one or the other a little relief. It had been a few hours since Raell had left, and the sun was fully up in the sky. The three men waited, hungry and hot, for the return of their mistress. It was past noon when Raell once again made her appearance in the barn. Drake adopted the submissive expression of the other two slaves-no, men he mentally chided himself. He desperately...
With the sun high in the sky, people are buzzing around the market place, trying to hurry and get their shopping done and get out of the sweltering heat. Venders are scurrying about trying to keep merchandise on the shelves. In all the hustle and bustle of a typical market day, there is movement that looks just a little too purposeful, weaving in and out from between the crowd, going behind and around stalls. He looks almost like a small blur to the lazy eye that just might happen to notice...
Drake woke up to the command ‘Out.’ He looked around, not sure what was going on. Once again the command was given, and this time he realized Raell was out of the wagon and they were standing in front of a massive house. He got up, but Raell was already walking away, his ties in her hand. Drake was yanked out of the wagon, right onto his scraped chest and hands. He yelled, but scrambled up. He didn’t want to get dragged any more than he already had. He followed her around the house and to a...
Drake helped the other personal and house slaves clean up. His leash bounced against his chest, a reminder of Mistress Raell’s order for him to come upstairs after the dining room was clean. The captured slaves were cut free and shepherded down to the Cave. Drake noticed most of the house slaves snuck scraps of the dinner food, which had consisted of a roasted hog and various fruit and vegetable dishes. He didn’t blame them- the meal had been delicious. Drake finished stacking a bunch of...
Hi, girlfriends. I hope you're having a fun and wonderful day. This audio for all my sexy girlfriends out there. The ones that sometimes enjoy fantasizing, and playing with themselves. What inspired me to write this, is the new 10 inch monster dildo that just came in the mail. I've never had one this massive, and didn't think I would ever be able to take it inside. However, I thought that if I was excited enough, I might be able to take it all in, and made it my personal goal. So I...
Come evening Drake awoke from his dozing by the nearby bellowing of one of the male… trainers? Drake got up to see what was going on. One of the men was pulling a slightly build boy through the arena. Drake figured the boy was around his own age. He was struggling, his face etched in a snarl, but he couldn’t free his sandy blonde hair from the bigger man’s grip. ‘Let’s make something clear here lads! We do not tolerate rebellions. We have more than enough ways to handle a rebellion, and Raell...
Drakes eyes fixed her on the floor. Unable to move she looked on the floor. His eyes wandered over her body. She was kneeling, naked except her heels and her short skirt, on the hard floor. Her hands and legs spread from her body, her knees on the floor, the legs pointing away from her center. Goose bumps all over her skin made her shiver. Slowly he walked around her, pausing sometimes, admiring her from different angles. He didn't touch her, yet. This just made her more crazy. She wanted...
“I want those launch codes!” “Never Drake, I would rather die than hand you the keys to our arsenal.” The two sets of eyes watched the laptop screen intently. Watching the first edit of a new Napoleon Drake episode together had become something of a ritual for Dylan and Heather. The show was a hit in 13 countries. The Austen Animation team had trebled in order to keep up with the demand for episodes. There was now even talk of a feature length movie version, and yet the pair maintained the same...
Quickie SexThe room filled with applause as Dylan switched off the widescreen tv. “That, my friends, is us at our best. I'm so proud of all of you.” Napoleon Drake was a triumph. Dylan had been sceptical about the concept of a megalomaniac duck bent on world domination. But Austen Animation was a risk taking company and it didn't take him long to realise that this show was destined to be a hit. It was goofy enough for kids to love it, and with a darkly satirical sub text for adults. ----- The security...
Quickie SexRosalia found the dog right around mid-afternoon a couple miles past the iron scorpion. The studio was in the garage stall of an old service station. The doors were open and the space was full of scrap metal and half-finished sculptures. Everything smelled like burnt iron. It was a hundred and five but he was leaning over welding one chunk of scrap to another. She didn’t want to shout over the hiss of the torch so she waited in the wide-open doorway in front of her car. Before long she ran out...
Love StoriesAbout 18 months after my last visit to Amsterdam I made the short trip once more. This time I travelled alone. I managed to get flights and 2 nights in a cheap hotel for £70 all in. The cost wasn't my main concern though. Ever since my experience at the gay cinema last time I'd been eager to revisit.I exited Centraal Station at around 10am. Having visited the city a few times already I knew how to get to my hotel without a map. I made my way along Damrak and cut inside to the red light district...
“I want those launch codes!” “Never Drake, I would rather die than hand you the keys to our arsenal.” The two sets of eyes watched the laptop screen intently. Watching the first edit of a new Napoleon Drake episode together had become something of a ritual for Dylan and Heather. The show was a hit in 13 countries. The Austen Animation team had trebled in order to keep up with the demand for episodes. There was now even talk of a feature length movie version, and yet the pair maintained the...
The room filled with applause as Dylan switched off the widescreen tv. “That, my friends, is us at our best. I’m so proud of all of you.” Napoleon Drake was a triumph. Dylan had been sceptical about the concept of a megalomaniac duck bent on world domination. But Austen Animation was a risk taking company and it didn’t take him long to realise that this show was destined to be a hit. It was goofy enough for kids to love it, and with a darkly satirical sub text for adults. —– The security...
Bryce and I continued our nightly rendezvous' for a week, when we found out our parents were going to Hawaii for a week for a second honeymoon. When we found out the news, we were very excited, and almost couldn't contain it. Each night of the last week that we had made love, it was like the first night replaying - only better. Our parents left early that Thursday morning so they could catch their flight out of town. I woke up around seven that morning to Bryce slowly massaging my breasts. He...
IncestI sat on his lap and there was an unmistakable feeling nestling between my cheeks, I knew what it was, but it felt exciting, even though I was meant to be ignorant about such matters, the feelings were too powerful, and the waves of erotic thoughts, swept though my immature mind, as powerful as the spasmodic urges emanating form my crotch, I could feel my own heat and wetness in response to his erection, lying several layers of clothing, away from my own, I squirmed and ground down on it, I...
The white long sleeved blouse felt smooth against her skin and as she raised her hand to ring the bell, she experienced a moment of doubt. This was the day before her wedding and Jane had spent weeks preparing for her special day. Everything was in order, the flowers, the caterers, the reception, and that dress, it had all been meticulously planned and more than once she had considered throwing the whole thing in. Geoff didn’t seem too fussed over the preparations, no matter what she proposed...
LesbianChapter 3 She walks out of the shower room and I stand there amazed. “What a nympho” I think to myself with a small smile creeping up my lips. This is going to be fun. The school day passes in dribs and drabs until finally I’m released and manage to hop on a bus to return home. I open the front door to the sound of shouting and smashing. I run into the kitchen to see Becky hurling a plate at Dad accusing him of cheating “HOW COULD YOU!!” she screams “IN OUR BED!! THE BED WE SHARE...
Things with my husband had gone from bad to worse. He had even started having nights away from home. Did he have a fancy woman somewhere? I did wonder. But he did not. Quite by chance, a friend whom I went to school with saw him in a little country pub. His companion was a delightful young man and after a while, they left together.I then knew for certain why we had separate bedrooms. I was twenty-seven, childless, unloved, and paraded at various social functions as if I were a prized peacock. I...
Incest“Look I would rather die than marry Archie Cuthbole,” Cousin Emily said forcibly after dinner one evening. “Em, you have no fortune, you have little choice,” I explained in my “big Brother” role, “He is a worthy suitor.” “He is decrepit and disgusting, I should rather be a street walking whore than marry him!” she snapped. “For gods sake talk sense girl,” father insisted, “You’re my ward now John has disappeared with that tart and your mother has returned to Northumbria, and if I say you’ll...
“I didn’t realize you two knew each other,” Aaron mutters.He’s been giving me the cold shoulder all morning. I hadn’t pieced it together, until I remembered Tobias telling me not to put up the sound block. “I’ve known him longer than I’ve known anybody,” I defend myself. “Show me,” Aaron says. I take Aaron’s hand, allowing him into my thoughts. “I raised that boy into a vampire,” I tell Aaron as images flash from my thoughts into his. “He was dying when I first met him. He was in a war, and...
SupernaturalIntroduction: A Different kind of Love. – English is not my native language, so mistakes can happen. Sorry in advance. If you like the story, have suggestions for improvements or are willing to proof-read (or just read it in advance to tell me if it sucks) a possible new part, please let me know! – Votes and comments are my main fuel for writing exclusively for this site (write in English is hard as fuck!), so if you like and want more, please support! – Hope you enjoy reading as much as I...