The Constellation was well less than half full. The operator wouldn't have thought of letting the plane take off if it hadn't been for the wealthy businessman who insisted that he needed to get to Australia. I was also heading to Australia and counted myself lucky to learn of this flight. We were all spread out with a pair of seats to ourselves resting as we made the long flight from Hawaii. I hadn't taken notice of my fellow passengers other than the brusque man up front who was the reason this flight took off. I'd smiled at the flight attendant who was an attractive enough woman of indeterminate age. At 32 myself, if I had to guess, I'd say she was several years older.
The flight was fairly routine as the skies were mostly clear. Then a few hours in we were informed that we would be detouring to avoid a large storm that had cropped up in our path. The ride got bumpier and the passengers were more nervous as the plane shook and rattled. The pilot may have been trying to skirt the storm, but the storm was doing one hell of a job of finding us. A sudden drop in altitude shook us all. We were buckled in and more than a few were using airsickness bags. My stomach was in my throat as the plane pitched and rolled side to side. It was on that last lurch and drop that I sensed we were in real trouble. Then the attendant loudly told us to brace as she buckled into a seat somewhere behind me. The plane now felt like it was tearing itself to pieces as we continued losing altitude. There was a loud squealing sound, a crunching and...
I was awake, barely. Alive, I guessed. Rain splattered my face, water soaked my shoes and halfway up my legs. I tentatively felt around and moved my limbs. Everything seemed in place. Then I looked up and saw the dark sky, light rain still falling. That wasn't right. As I looked around; nothing seemed right. I was strapped in my seat facing at an upward angle. There was nothing above me. To my right was someone also strapped in their seat with their head at an awkward angle. Oh, fuck. The plane, the storm. Shit, we crashed. Somehow I'm alive, but others may not be. I called out,
"Hello? Anyone else." I heard a thin voice,
"Help, please. Oh my god." There was someone else. They needed help. I unclasped my belt and cautiously tried to stand. Holding the back of the seat I looked around. And all around was chaos. Luggage was strewn about. Reading material floated by rain continued to pelt me as the water rose from outside to fill the bottom of the cabin. The plane was nearly in two parts. I called out again.
"Raise your hand if you can. Or keep talking." From several rows in front of me, I saw a hand. The only problem was that the hand was in the other half of the plane and there was a three foot gap and who knew how much water between us. I struggled forward through the knee-deep water, passing bodies that weren't moving. At the gap, I judged my chances. There was ragged steel, exposed wires, and jagged pieces of plastic between my rubbery legs and the other side. The plane seemed to have settled on some kind of firm land but what was below us I couldn't tell. Then there was the continuing squeal of stressed metal. But someone was up there. They needed help. So I braced myself, calculated the distance, and jumped. I made it. Until my foot slipped and stretched out before me. Oh, fuck that hurt. Something had jabbed into my leg. I'd also overextending something. It hurt, but I was across. I carefully sloshed through the water until I came to the hand, now barely raised. The biggest issue seemed to be various pieces of luggage covering them. I removed what I could, the water in this half rising more swiftly and now up to the seat bottom. Clearing away the obstacles revealed a young woman, sobbing, waist-deep in water, begging for help,
"Please, got me out, please, please. Oh god, what happened, where are we, is everyone one ok?"
"Can you unbuckle yourself?"
"I, I can't move my left arm. Something fell on it. Can you?"
"OK, this might get personal." In the dark, in the rising water with debris all around I felt around under the water, touching the woman in ways I normally wouldn't until I found the buckle and released her. She put her right arm over my shoulder and let me lift her. "Are your legs ok?"
"I think so." She stood, her left arm held against her stomach. I looked around. There was no other movement. Then from the back of the plane,
"Hey back here. I'm back here. Who else is with me?"
"Me, Jerry Collins, and a young lady. Miss, what's your name?"
"Missy Granger."
"Missy Granger is ok, with you?" I had a vague recollection of hearing that name. I looked down at the woman leaning against me. She was pretty enough. Her hair was probably blond when it was dry and clean.
"She says she is."
"Ok good. I'm Sarah Benson the stewardess. You should get back here."
"Why? We can't see much and there's a gap in the plane and Miss Granger's arm is hurt."
"I have a life raft back here and supplies and a medical kit. And I'm trained in first aid. And from what I can see you may be in more danger up there."
"OK, can you help us get across?"
"I'll meet you." By the time I'd managed to lead Missy back to the gap, Sarah had bridged the gap with something solid I couldn't see. I handed Missy across and turned back.
"Where are you going, Mr. Collins?"
"Checking to see if anyone else can be helped." Whispering to shelter Missy from the news,
"It's a miracle three of us survived. We need to get off this mess as soon as possible. We could be under in no time."
"I'm going to look. You check your half as you go." Then I went back and yes it was a waste of time. There was nothing to be done for anyone. When I turned towards the back Sarah was checking on the last few. Missy was sitting in the seat Sarah had been in. I walked carefully through the rising water, over Sarah's makeshift bridge, and to the back. When I got there I asked an unanswerable question.
"What happened, where are we, how did we survive?" Sarah looked at me,
"I don't know. To any of those. Roger, he's our pilot, probably saw something looking like land and tried for it. We must be in shallower water. In a crash this bad, no one should have made it. Now we need to get out of here. There was a door near the back. We opened it and water flooded in. When it settled it was now waist-high. Sarah got the raft outside the door and inflated it. I carefully handed Missy out, then sent out any supplies I could find. I stepped out and paddled us away. We decided to move straight back from the tail of the plane, then waited for sunrise.
As the sun rose off to our right the wreckage became visible in front of us. The plane was cracked open like an egg, the tail settling into the bottom while the nose sank precariously. Missy whimpered in pain as I began paddling in the direction of some kind of landform behind us. Sarah looked through the supplies, satisfied that we had the first aid kit, and canned foods. She looked at me,
"You're still bleeding from that leg."
"I got jabbed by something when I jumped over the break."
"You should have put something across it." Thinking back to Sarah's bridge I hung my head in shame at not thinking of it.
"We all think differently in a crisis. You were quite foolish but very brave to check on everyone." I was going to brush that off when we heard a terrible noise as the front of the plane disappeared under the water. The tail end was dragged forward.
"You're right."
"You also selflessly went for this young lady. You saved her life." Now I felt better about myself. "You don't know who this is?"
"Missy Granger? No. Should I?"
"You don't watch many movies do you?"
"Or read the society pages."
"No, can't say I do."
"She's one of the 'exciting new actresses' as they say."
"Huh. Really? She's pretty enough."
"She also has a separated shoulder."
"Can you do anything for it?"
"With your help. Once she wakes up a bit." I continued paddling towards shore. It was farther than I thought. The plane must have come down near the edge of whatever shelf held this island. Which island I had no idea. There was another loud noise as we watched the tail lift in the air. Then a moment later there was no sign of the plane at all. Sarah, Missy, and I were floating somewhere in the south Pacific a mile or so from an unknown island, off course from our registered flight plan. That's when I saw the fins circling around back by the crash site. I began paddling faster.
We were getting near shore. Missy woke with a start, then screamed as her arm moved.
"OOOOHH damn, oh my arm. Where are we?" Sarah took over.
"We're safe. Jerry got you off the plane. We're almost on shore."
"The plane. Where's the plane?"
"It's...gone." She looked up with wide blue eyes. They darted from me to Sarah.
"Gone?" Sarah nodded. "And we're....?"
"The only survivors. And to answer your next question. We don't know where we are." Missy briefly sobbed, then stopped when the movement cause her shoulder to move. "Your shoulder is separated. When we get to land we'll reset it. You'll be ok. I have something here for the pain." Missy put her head back and waited. As I paddled I couldn't help but watch their conversation. Sarah, mature, intelligent, prepared for anything. Missy, young, used to having others do for her. But well, she was a knockout. Her wet clothes clung to her showing a perfect figure, her skin, though dirty and tear-streaked was flawless, and her legs, stretched out towards me in the raft, shapely and smooth.
The raft grounded itself in the sand. I helped Sarah and Missy out, then pulled the raft up to drier ground before joining them at a fallen tree. Looking around, the island seemed to be of a decent size, with an elevated cone in the center and trees that promised to hold coconuts. Sarah watched me looking around.
"We can explore later, but we need to fix her shoulder and get her medicated before she goes into shock. And I need to look at your leg." I merely nodded in agreement. Sarah took over. "Miss Granger, I need you to sit up. Let me look at your shoulder." I stood there helpless. Sarah looked up at me. "I have a good feeling about you Mr. Collins. You're going to behave yourself?"
"Yes. Of course. And can we stop being so formal? We may be here awhile. I'm Jerry, you're Sarah and this is Missy." Missy let out a small laugh which surprised Sarah and me,
"Geraldine. Geraldine Matsen. I hate that name." Sarah and I looked at each other. "So call me Missy." Now that that was settled, Sarah started giving instructions.
"Missy, I need to see what I'm doing. So I'm going to take your blouse off, then Mister, um Jerry will hold you. It's going to hurt."
"Mr. Jerry is going to hurt me?"
"No, Jerry is going to hold you. I may hurt you when I set your shoulder." It was a good thing Sarah made me promise to behave myself. When she removed Missy's shirt I saw why she was a star. Sure she was pretty, but what was under the blouse would make any red-blooded man take notice. Sarah looked down, then up at me. "Yes, now wrap your arms around her. Keep her steady." I put my arms around her narrow waist. Sarah 'humphed'. "Mr. Collins, there are millions of men who do watch movies and millions more who don't who would gladly take your place. So please move your arms higher up, hold on tight, and don't let go. I'm assuming that isn't offensive to you?"
"No!, ok, I just..." Sarah stared me down. I wrapped my arms across Missy's heavenly breasts, heaving softly in her brassiere. I locked my hands together,
"Hold on to them like she told you it's ok." Before that could register, Sarah pulled, Missy screamed, I held on for dear life. Sarah inspected her shoulder. Missy let out some very unladylike curses. "OK, you may now remove your hands." I sat back quickly as if I'd touched a hot flame. Sarah gave Missy something to relax her. I found a long enough stick to prop up the raft to give us some shade. We laid Missy down to rest then sat on the log to think about our situation.
"They teach you a lot."
"We're not just waitresses and eye candy. Now for you. We don't have any other clothes so I don't think you want me cutting these off. Strip down and let me see your leg." I did so as I listened to Sarah. As I dropped my pants I realized holding Missy's breasts had more of an effect than I realized. Sarah noticed. "Red-blooded. Now sit." I sat and stretched out my leg. I had a gash that had been kept clean in the salt water. Sarah knelt alongside my leg. By chance, it was the side where my cock generally goes. She ignored it and wiped my cut clean with alcohol. Then she took out some thread and a needle.
"They teach you this too?"
"No, I happen to be pretty good at mending clothes. Now bite down on something." I used some bark from the tree and did my best not to show the pain as Sarah stitched me up. When she was done she said, "Good boy." She glanced again at my cock. "Persistent." Then she went back to packing up. We both stripped down to underwear and laid out our clothes to dry. Sarah did have a nice figure of her own, even if it wasn't Hollywood starlet level. I was happy that at least I was fit and healthy.
"What does your training say to do?"
"We have no weapons other than scissors and a small knife. We have a small supply of canned foods. The only local food source is coconut and fish if we can catch any. We have no way of contacting the outside world. We need to hope they can determine our course. If we're lucky we're on an island they know about and maybe there are other people nearby. I think we can keep ourselves alive for a long time."
"That all sounds encouraging."
"On the other hand, we may meet animals or people who don't approve of our presence. In which case we become food for an animal and playthings for whoever finds us. Or we starve because you're a terrible fisherman."
"I like your first option better."
And that's how it began. I did careful walks out from our main camp which we set up under the nearby trees. We figured out how to weave sleeping pads and fishing nets of a sort. I found a freshwater pond that seemed to be fed from below. After a week of sun and salt water, we were ready for a bath. We all went together as the risk of having our things stolen by unknown people was less than having one of us be discovered alone. I'd fashioned a spear of sorts to fish with and kept it around for defense. At the pond, the ladies whispered together, then asked me to join them. Our clothes were now almost in tatters anyway, so nudity was soon to be our fate as it was. Looking at the two women, Sarah with her midsized breasts losing the firmness of youth and Missy with her impossibly large firm breasts wading in the water, I quickly stripped down and dove in before they could see the effect they had on me. The water was cold and refreshing. We splashed and cleaned ourselves then waded over to the side to sit and dry off. I tried hiding my cock which was embarrassingly erect, but damn it, there was a movie star sitting naked across from me. Sarah spoke up first.
"Jerry, we wouldn't be safe as we are without you, and Missy might have gone down with the plane. We were talking, and we may be here a long time. So if it's ok with you, we would both like to be with you."
My head swiveled from one to the other. My other head was standing at attention. Missy crawled over to me,
"I've never properly thanked you for saving my life." Now she was sitting astride me. I did note that she wasn't a natural blond, but I didn't care at all. She settled herself on me and took me on a ride to someplace special. She leaned over and offered her breasts. Now I held on with permission as they rocked above me. I corraled one and sucked a large nipple into my mouth. Sucking and pulling at it as Missy's pussy pulled at my cock. It had been a while for both of us and just the spectacular view above me had me ready to go in no time. When she felt me moving against her Missy quickened her pace and milked me for all I had. Then she kissed me and thanked me for everything. Sarah had waded out into the water and was floating around giving us our space. Missy put her face near mine,
"I like to fuck. But you make sure Sarah gets as much, you hear?" Who would disagree? "Now, I need more. Get it up again and get behind me." She helped me, but I needed little coaxing. In a few more minutes I was ready. As instructed, I was behind Missy and fucking her hard as she demanded. Her tits were swinging as I slammed myself into her. I caressed her round ass and admired her smooth back as I held her hips, rocking my own sending my cock into her wet pussy. She was rubbing herself as I filled her and soon her cries were echoing across the pond. Sarah stood in the water and watched. When I'd cum to Missy's satisfaction, Sarah rejoined us.
"If he's that good, I can't wait." Missy smiled at me.
"MMM, if you're going to be shipwrecked, you could do a lot worse." We didn't bother to dress as we walked back to camp. Sarah looked down at my cock, soft but hanging, curving slightly towards the leg she'd fixed.
"If only I'd known, the night I fixed your leg."
And if I had to be shipwrecked, who could imagine a better situation. I was done for the night after Missy worked me over, but the next night I asked Sarah if she wanted to join me. We were all never far from each other, but we'd separated our sleeping areas and had a tiny bit of privacy. Sarah slid down to my mat.
"I know I'm not like Missy, thank you."
"No need. I appreciate both of you. We'd never have been organized and who knows I could have died from gangrene or something. And you fixed Missy's shoulder."
"I'd like to feel you on me, in me. I want to feel your strength. For now, I just want to feel like a woman." I laid Sarah back on the mat. I kissed her and teased her sun-bronzed skin. We now were working on all-over tans. I kissed her neck and shoulders and down to her soft breasts. I kissed around and between them, then circled in until I reached her nipples. Kissing and licking, teasing, sucking. Then back up. A deep passionate kiss as I entered her. She moved her legs aside, then up behind me as I began easy rocking, letting her feel my body against her, my cock, inside her. She moaned lowly, steadily as I pushed and pulled, in no rush, letting her feel appreciated and wanted. With a sudden shudder, she came, her hands grasping at my back as her hips thrust up to meet me. I continued slowly, easily, then with my own shudder, releasing myself into Sarah. Then I let more of my weight lean against her. Held her. Sarah slept on my mat that night.
In the morning we got up to see Missy warming leftover fish stew on the fire.
"Look at you two. So sexy. I wanted to jump in there between you." This was coming from a 5-7 blonde with a perfect face, D cup breasts, and an ass to die for. And a tight pussy that she said I could have whenever I wanted.
Sure there were times in the first several weeks that we sad forlornly wondering if we'd ever see those we left behind. Also, wondering when they might give up on seeing us. We never saw any indication that there was a search on. No ships on the horizon or planes in the air. For all we knew we were alone and forgotten on an uncharted island somewhere in the Pacific. Still, there was food, and the fishing was good. Turtles too. We had fresh water for drinking and bathing and we had each other for recreation. I'd gotten used to walking around with my cock swinging as the ladies casually strolled with tits shaking and everything else on display. Our skin was darker and at least Missy's hair was changing color as the blond grew out.
"You two are sworn to secrecy. If the world finds out I'm not a blond it's all over for me." I looked over at my younger lover, stretched out on the sand,
"Good thing you don't do nudies." She looked down at her bush that I could now tell had previously been cut shorter.
"Now who would want to see me in a nudie?" Her look said it all. I crawled to her and started by putting my tongue right on her slit, opening her, tasting her. She loved to have her pussy licked and teased in this way. I was more than happy to run my tongue up and down and over her clit until she cried out as her body shook. Sarah claimed no man had ever done that for her. Missy demanded that I get my face into Sarah's pussy immediately. I now had two devoted recipients.
We'd been on the island more than two months before we got around to the other side. I had wanted to be careful, staying within easy reach of our camp while extending our knowledge of our surroundings. The far side looked much like our side. The island was relatively circular. We were wandering along the beach looking out at nothing more than an endless ocean when Sarah put up her hand. Missy and I stopped. Sarah turned and put a finger to her lips and waved us forward. Either we'd completely circled the island and this was our camp, or there were signs that other people had been on the island. As we approached a spear landed and stuck in the sand several feet in front of us. We stopped, I raised my spear. I couldn't see anyone. Then we heard grunting noises from the trees. We backed away, out towards the water and away from whoever was in there. I tried,
"Come out. We mean no harm. We won't disturb your camp." Nothing. I put my spear down. The ladies gathered behind me. Then from out of the trees stepped a young man, a teen most likely. He held a spear and like us, he was naked. From behind me, I heard Missy,
"My god, he's gorgeous. And look at that cock." Since the spear was my first concern I had not looked to where Missy had. And damn this kid had something swinging between his legs.
"Let's stay focused." I stepped forward with my hands up. "Hello. English? No harm." He scowled and grunted at me. Shit, this might be difficult. Sarah tried hello in several languages for which she had basic greetings. Nothing. I stepped forward again. He was looking me up and down, then I saw his eyes drawn to the ladies. Hmm. Time for another tact. "Any volunteers to move in front and try to make friends?" Sarah volunteered,
"I'll do it." She stepped forward and spoke kindly to the kid. Her soothing voice settled him, then he broke into tears. She waved him forward. He walked to her and let her take him in her arms. Missy suggested,
"Maybe he thinks you're his mother." Sarah looked at us over his shoulder, she mouthed, "fuck you." Now Missy and I moved closer. We showed ourselves to be no danger so he led us to his camp. There we saw that he'd made similar living quarters to ours. Then a little further out we saw an area enclosed by rocks. As we walked closer we saw,
"Are those bones?", Missy asked. I stepped closer and saw the skulls. Bleached from the sun, but definitely human. The kid pointed to the skeletons, then to himself, then to me and Sarah.
"I think he's saying those are adults like Sarah and me," Sarah added,
"His parents?"
"Oh shit, maybe. How long has he been here alone?" I asked,
"If he is alone?"
"Hmm, if there were more I think they would have found us. Him by himself, maybe he doesn't go far." The boy was looking from one to the other as we spoke. He can't have been here that long or he'd have been too young to survive. I tried something else, pointing to myself, "Jerry", then to the women in turn, "Missy, Sarah." Then I pointed at him. He pointed to himself,
"Petey." So he could speak. Had he forgotten how? Then he pointed at Missy, "Missy." OK, he wasn't stupid either. Sarah laughed,
"I think he likes Missy. Oh my god, Missy." He was looking at Missy. And his cock was growing. I couldn't blame him. It took me a while not to get a boner every time I saw her naked. He obviously hadn't had a chance to learn basic etiquette because he was now stroking his prodigious cock. Missy had her head on Sarah's should,
"Oh fuck he's wanking that thing." And wank it he did, laughing happily as he jerked off and stared at Missy. Only when he'd shot a long thick stream off into the sand did he sigh in relief and let his cock go. We had no words to explain that that wasn't done in polite company. He brought us to his little hut and offered us some fish. Sarah and I sat talking as the kid babbled to Missy, showing her tools he'd devised and offering her berries he'd gathered.
"How long do you think he's been here? How old can he be?" Sarah looked at me,
"I'm trying to recall other flights that may have been lost in the past few years. I wonder if his parents survived for a while or were lost in the crash. He seems to have lost his speech, but maybe understands a little of what we say. He's certainly old enough to have certain needs." She nudged me and I looked over to see him touching Missy on her shoulder. Almost petting her. Then when he took a handful of her breast she jumped back,
"Hey!" I put up my hand,
"NO, Petey!" I whispered to Sarah, "Go along, nod yes, then no." Sarah nodded yes, I cupped her breast, and she smiled. Then Sarah shook her head. I pulled my hand away as if I'd touched fire, as she scowled. Petey looked at Missy, who shook her head no. He pouted and sat by himself, jiggling his balls. Missy looked at us,
"I feel bad for him. He hasn't had anyone with him in who knows how long. But, there have to be limits." Sarah agreed,
"Though I'm half tempted to throw him one so he'll stop playing with himself." I sighed. This was going to be a complication. Do we bring Petey into our group or leave him isolated? Do we show him our camp? Then he pointed at us and put his hands by his head, closing his eyes for a moment. I drew a little map in the sand pointed at Petey and made a dot on one side, then pointed at us and made one on the other. I pointed out towards the ocean and made a motion with my hand about going around. He smiled at me, then drew a wiggly line right across the circle from his dot to ours. He indicated, pointing to his eyes that he'd seen us. He was waving his hands up and down,
"I think he means he saw us splashing in the water." I think Sarah was right. We all made splashing motions and he nodded his head. Then gave a big sigh and smiled. "I think he liked watching us." Then he pointed at me and Sarah, then me and Missy. When he started pumping his hips and touching his cock we realized what else he'd seen. "OK, yeah. We haven't been as private as we thought." When he pointed at himself then at Missy, then made the same hip movement while eagerly nodding his head we clearly got the picture. He was smiling and tilting his head towards Missy. She was sitting there with her mouth open,
"He's asking to fuck me? Kind of bold, no?" Sarah agreed,
"Yes, but he doesn't know he needs to buy you dinner first."
"Hey. I'm NOT easy."
"Just teasing Missy. He is kinda cute and well, you know." Missy looked over at Petey.
"I'll say. But I don't know." I broke up this topic by suggesting we head back to our camp. I made motions that the three of us were walking back around to our side. Petey pointed at himself. Then at all of us. Then he made the walking motion I had. We all looked at each other and shrugged. I nodded yes. He happily jumped up and gathered a few things. When we started walking he made sure he was right next to Missy. Sarah and I walked together behind them so we could keep an eye on them. He was about the same height as Missy and watching their two beautiful bodies together was invigorating. Sarah, walking close to me,
"Aren't they something else?" When Missy let Petey take her hand I nodded in agreement.
At our camp, we made space for Petey. He ran off into the woods and returned with a bowl of berries. We'd seen these before but hadn't known if they were safe. As Petey happily shoveled down a handful we figured he's already proven they are and we certainly could use the fruits in our diet. We shared what fish we had then started a fire and sat around. We started by getting him to repeat our names. He said his earlier and had a number of grunts and sounds he made but he'd seemed to forget his language. When he made a point of pointing around a circle including himself and all of us while nodding his head, we all nodded. Then we saw tears on his face at the same time he smiled at us. He had new people. Friends. Or a family. Maybe we shouldn't have, or maybe it was inevitable. Sarah came to me in the night. Maybe it was watching those two young bodies in all their naked glory. Sarah crawled in next to me.
"Jerry, I'm so in need right now. I couldn't wait."
"I know how you feel." We kissed. Then Sarah threw he leg over me, then the comfortable feeling of my cock slipping up into her pussy. She was wet and ready and was smooth and comfortable. Slow rocking on me, her body near mine. As we settled into the steady rhythm of our mating I heard a noise and looked over to see Petey sitting there watching. He was stroking his sizable cock. "We have an audience."
"I can't stop now, Jerry. Let him watch."
"That's not all he's doing."
"Eww, but fuck it, I need you." We continued, now less concerned about making noise. Petey watched intently and stroked himself. With a low moan, Sarah came and I was close behind. As she lay on me coming down from her orgasm she gasped as a rope of cum hit her ass. "Oh fuck, he came on me!"
"I don't think he meant to. That flew a long way."
"I don't know how I feel about being some kid's dirty movie." She apparently wasn't too concerned as she lay on me with Petey's cum dripping down her ass cheek.
In the morning Missy woke to find Petey lying next to her but not touching. She looked over to see me sitting up, Sarah alongside me sleeping on her stomach. Despite having shot a load on Sarah the previous night Petey was sleeping soundly with his cock nearly full hard. Missy sat there, her perfect tits hanging in front of her looking down at Petey.
"Tell you the truth Jerry, I don't know how long I can resist that."
"It's up to you. He watched Sarah and me last night. His social graces may be lacking, but it seems he understands yes and no."
"I hope I'd be doing the right thing."
"You do realize how many his age would give up anything to be in his spot right now."
"I try not to think of that. You really haven't seen any of my films?"
"No sorry."
"Not even the posters?" She told me a title. Then another.
"Oh, I've seen that one. That's you?"
"Yeah. As if my tits aren't big enough, the posters emphasize them."
"Maybe why I didn't recognize you." She pushed out her chest making them stand out impossibly far. "Oh, now I do!" We shared a laugh which may have helped our sleeping friends to awaken. Sarah turned over with sleepy eyes.
"I definitely need to hit the pond today. Did Jerry tell you, your friend there shot a load on my ass?" Missy exclaimed,
"He what?" I explained,
"Purely an accident I think. He was pleasuring himself watching us and it went off like a rocket." Missy looked down again at the twitching cock which was coming more to attention as Petey woke from his sound sleep. He opened his eyes, saw Missy, and sighed. Maybe he thought he'd been dreaming. He smiled at Missy nodded his head yes and pointed at his cock.
"I do believe he's giving me permission." Sarah and I sat waiting to see what would happen. Sarah asked,
"Do you want privacy?"
"No, not until I'm sure how he behaves." So we sat and watched. I noticed my own cock reacting to the situation. Missy reached over and lifted Petey's cock in her hand. Her one hand barely covered half of it and her fingers didn't touch as they wrapped around it. "Nope, I've never held one this big." Petey was nodding eagerly as Missy began sliding her hand up and down his cock. He reached his hand out, then stopped and looked questioningly at Missy. She grinned and nodded. That was all Petey needed as he lifted and caressed her tit. He played with her nipple, pulling and squeezing it. She let out a low moan and began stroking harder on Petey's cock. He was grunting and making noises as she worked her hand up and down faster as he groped her tits and made sounds of pleasure. Watching this Sarah reached over and gave me a much-needed tug. I had nothing to compare to Petey, but I'd been keeping two women happy for over two months now. Sarah's hand could wrap around mine and with her fist closed on my cock the head and some more still showed. She stroked me in time to Missy's work on Petey. I sighed in appreciation as Petey grunted and howled as Missy twisted and turned her hand around his cock. then his grunts turned to a series of sounds as he tensed, shooting streams of cum into the air as Missy milked him, emptying him while she smiled watching her work be rewarded. I soon added my own poor follow up, then I kissed Sarah in thanks. Petey, seeing this turned his head towards Missy and puckered his lips in a cute approximation of what he'd seen.
"OK, boy, bring it in." Missy pulled his head closer and met his lips with hers. He kissed her lips then her face. She giggled and brought him back to her mouth. When she pushed back and sat up, she declared, "He may not have experience, but he sure is eager to learn."
We put together some breakfast then I signaled to Petey that we'd like to follow him up into the hills. I was curious to see what was out there that we may have missed. I walked with him so that I could ask questions, such as it was, and also to give Missy a break from his attentions. I could hear her describing in detail to Sarah, how his cock felt in her hand,
"I'm telling you, Sarah, it's powerful. He has no idea what he's got there. You can feel it throbbing and I could barely hold it."
"So you're telling me you're going to let him?"
"Fuck me? Oh hell yes. The poor kid hardly knows what he's doing but just the thought of all that, it had me.."
"Squishy? Me too."
"Squishy, ha, good word. So you too?"
"Oh sure. But let's not forget Jerry."
"You sure didn't last night."
"Mmm, it's nice to sleep with a man afterward."
"You're a nice couple."
"And here I had a personal rule against fraternizing with passengers."
"How about pilots?"
"Only one or two. It is kind of lonely out there."
"Hmm. Who knew an uncharted island is where we'd find the most satisfaction."
Petey showed us a couple of areas with safe berries and trees with fruit on them. We'd still rely on fish as there was no other wildlife. Up higher on the cone of what I hoped was a dormant volcano we got above the trees and could look out in all directions. Petey pointed out his camp and then showed how he was able to first spot us. He made a motion to show he saw the plane come down. I pointed to him and made a plane motion. He shook his head and indicated they floated like on a boat. I asked if he saw planes overhead. He shrugged, not understanding my concept. On the way back down we went by the pond. It was bath time, which basically meant jumping in and washing off the salty sweat and sand. Sarah and I were back on shore when we watched Missy swim over towards Petey. She circled him, then came up behind, reaching around to slide her hand along the cock that was floating in the water. She stood behind him kissing his neck, letting her hands roam down the front of his body. He turned to face her, offering his lips then pausing to look at Missy with his hands just short of her breasts. Missy made a motion up and down her body, then pointed at Petey and nodded. She was ok with him touching her anywhere. Petey kissed her again. She stopped him then opened her mouth and let her tongue, run along his lips. He got the idea and opened his mouth. Then they were locked together, tongues entwined as he cupped and held her ass, she did the same. They kissed and caressed, then Missy put her arms around his neck and boosted herself up, her legs wrapped around his back. He held her up, kissing her as one hand held on and the other reached into the water. Petey's eyes shot open, Missy screamed, "OH fuck!" Then he smiled as she buried her head in his neck as she sank a bit lower into the water. She held tight with her legs, he held her up by the ass, Missy's only comments were, "oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Ohhhhhhhhh." Petey was lifting Missy and letting her settle then lifting and down. She cried out, cursed some more, begged for more, shivered, and shook as Petey's cock impaled her and satisfied her, and filled her. I saw Petey begin to waver, his knees getting weak, Missy holding on, then one last thrust and he held her to him. "Oh god, oh fuck, yesss, unnngh." He lifted her and set her down, she slumped against him, and he held her to him. Then he picked up Missy in his arms and carried her to us, laying her down gently to rest. His cock softly swaying. Sarah asked,
"Missy, if that was one third as good as it looked I envy you." Missy lay staring at the blue sky.
"I want to stay here forever and be fucked by that boy. I'll feed him berries and he can take me all day." I smiled over at Sarah,
"Looks like you're stuck with me." She patted my arm,
"That'll do just fine. Thanks." I suppose he was assuming the previous offer was still in effect as Petey lay next to Missy and proceeded to inspect her body, paying particular attention to her lovely tits, but also the soft skin of her stomach, he long shapely legs, and the mysteries of her nether regions. Missy could only sigh, contented.
That night Sarah slept with me. We whispered and laughed to ourselves because from the sounds of it Missy and Petey were going at it most of the night.
"Jerry, I swear that's the fourth time."
"I remember being his age. But I wasn't with a movie star."
"It is a bit of a turn-on. Can I convince you to have another go at a stewardess?"
"A sexy stewardess. Mmm, hmm." I rolled over on top and enjoyed the warm embrace of my good friend Sarah. I might not be able to go often and long like Petey, but I could give her what I had and she seemed happy. As we lay there in the afterglow she let her fingers dance over my chest.
"You ever think we might go home someday."
"Sometimes. But then I remember I'm living in paradise and what more do I need?"
"Mmm, nice answer. If a boat did suddenly show up, and we were back in the States wearing clothes and all, would you still want to be with me?" Hmm, a direct question. I thought a moment, then raised myself on an elbow so I could look Sarah in the eye.
"Yes. I could spend every day with you here, like this, or at home, as the real world does." Now she hugged me to her and kissed me like a lover does.
"I don't mind. Just so you know."
"Don't mind what?" She tilted her head.
"While we're here. You and Missy. I'm not jealous."
"I think Missy found someone who better fits her needs."
"Just sayin'."
"You want a shot at Petey and his magic wand?"
"I might. Just to see."
"Hmm. Sounds fair." We slept to the ocean breaking on the beach and Missy rhythmically grunting, "ungh, ungh, ungh" as Petey thrust himself into her."
In the morning I woke to Sarah laying against me, one leg thrown over my body, her arm across my chest. I was surprised to see Missy up and wandering about.
"Missy, you ok?" She laughed, then gave me a crooked grin.
"Oh, I'm fine. I said it was all his and he used it. For hours and hours. I'm surprised I can walk. He's like a jackhammer, pounding, pounding, pounding away. It's all energy and no subtlety. Ah, but it was good." I slipped out from under Sarah and walked down to the water with Missy.
"We may be here for an unknown length of time all together. Sarah and I talked. We're ok with any kind of arrangement. Think about your needs."
"After last night I might want to share. I get the feeling Petey's not going to get bored with it any time soon. Maybe I can introduce him to blowjobs. Oh, and could you teach him how to eat pussy?"
"Haha." We turned to see Petey walking toward us. I waited to see his reaction. Jealous maybe, possessive? He looked at us, pointed to the bright sky, and smiled with his hands open wide. Then he pointed at me and Missy and made the thrusting motion. And smiled. I guess he was all for sharing. Or maybe he was happy I shared. I didn't know. We would have to work on speech. Missy hugged me, then pulled Petey into her embrace. She pointed up and down her body and shook her head no, then moved her hand across the sky to the west. I think he understood. He rolled his shoulders and shrugged.
"Seems he understands. Anyway, my pussy needs a rest."
We settled in. We all realized Petey had been on the island some number of years. We could be also. We settled down mostly as two couples with occasional swaps for fun. Each time I was in awe that I was actually fucking Missy Granger. Each time Sarah would later comment that she couldn't believe Petey's stamina and need. Missy told me often how grateful she was that I'd saved her life. Then she'd show me, those glorious tits hitting my face as she rode my cock. One day at the pond I called Missy and Petey over. Then I showed him on Sarah how to properly lick pussy. He looked on amazed then turned to where Missy had spread her legs. Sarah said,
"Just keep going Jerry, ah fuck yeah. I'll let you know how he's doing." Petey dove in with his usual desire and energy and soon had Missy screeching to the heavens. When Sarah come down from her own Petey began pointing and indicating that he wanted to try Sarah and I should do Missy. He didn't have to twist my arm as I licked at her luscious pussy, sucking her juices and pulling at her clit. My tongue dove into her and found the spots she needed, raising to a new crescendo before begging me to stop. Sarah was panting and cumming and panting and finally said, "oh fuck me." Petey quickly moved up and pushed his thick member into her, "oh, fucking hell." Missy told me,
"Bring yours over here and go easy." I mounted Missy and enjoyed the look of pleasure on her face as she lay her head back, her mouth in a small O as I watch her tits shake with each slow push. When Petey and I had joined them in satisfying orgasm we lay on the side of the pond enjoying the shade of the trees. That's when we heard the plane. It circled overhead, low over the island. We waved but I'm not sure they could see us with the trees. We ran down to the beach as it circled, dipped its wing, and flew away.
We'd been seen. I was sure of it. It had been months but someone was looking. Petey seemed confused. Now we also wondered. What happens to Petey? Here he's someone. Part of our group. Skilled in food acquisition and tool making. Back home he'd be an illiterate, barely able to communicate. Also, we needed clothes. I didn't care, Sarah was indifferent and certainly Petey didn't care, though his appearance might shock those with delicate ideas. It was Missy who said,
"I can't be seen nude. Part of the whole allure is the hint of sex and what's beneath. You guys I don't mind." Our old clothes were tatters and had been used as scraps for various needs. Sarah made hand motions to Petey,
"Clothes." She used her hands to cover her private parts and indicated it would need to go all around. Petey nodded. He ran off. It was a couple of hours later when he returned from his old camp with a suitcase. It may not have been open for years. He handed it to me with a tear in his eye. I looked from Petey to Sarah,
"Are you going to open it?"
"I'm almost afraid. I have a feeling..."
"It's his parents' things."
"Yes." With a deep breath, I pulled the buttons in each direction so the clasps popped up. I lifted the lid. Inside were clothes, in surprisingly good shape, if a bit musty. I held up a jacket and slacks. Blouses and skirts. Nylons and other bits of lady's undergarments. Missy came over to have a look.
"We may just be able to be presentable." I looked over at Petey who was sitting with his own thoughts. Here we were picking through his dead parents' clothes. At the bottom of the case was a folder. Travel documents. They had been on a small boat going from one island in French Polynesia to another. Apparently, they had been lost at sea. Then the names. Arthur Bentley, Alice Bentley, Peter Bentley. When I said his name out loud Petey grinned. Then he said,
"Dad-dy, Momma, Petey." I looked from the papers to our friend and back again.
"He was 8 when the boat left port." Sarah,
"Oh jeez." Missy asked cautiously,
"Please tell me he's at least..."
"He's been here that long?"
"I'm guessing someone else was with him, maybe both, for some of that time?" There wasn't much more in the suitcase. More had probably been lost at sea. We gathered up the clothes, then gathered around Petey. He laid his head on Missy's shoulder and had himself a good cry. Maybe the first he'd had in ages. Sarah and I talked it through. Our best assumption was that he'd lost speech in his time alone with his grief and loneliness. He was obviously intelligent to survive, though lucky that he was on an island with no predators. We carried the suitcase back to our camp and decided who would wear what. We had enough to be decent. Then Sarah dug around in the first aid kit. She held up a bottle for Missy to see.
"What's that?"
"Hydrogen peroxide." Sarah pointed at Missy's hair. "It won't be perfect but your hair has lightened in the sun."
"You're a genius." Now Sarah pointed at Missy's bush,
"Only we'll know the truth. Let's wait until we have an idea about rescue. We may need this yet."
It was two days later when a plane flew overhead and dropped a package. It contained some foodstuff, a battery-powered short wave radio, instructions and a note.
--- Help is on the way. No place to land on island. Naval ship is in the vicinity. Please contact with info. ---
We set up the radio and following the instructions managed to get a faint signal. Moving it around we were able to improve and could hear a voice on the other side.
"State your name and how you arrived." I started, thinking I could give it to Sarah when we got to flight info.
"This is Jerry Collins. I was a passenger on Flight 472 out of Honolulu."
"We lost that flight. But there were survivors?"
"Two others."
"Just three survivors?"
"Yes. The plane went under the water. I got out with flight attendant Sarah Benson and a Missy Granger."
"Missy Granger survived?"
"Yes, she is alive and well." I heard him cover the receiver and yell out, 'Hey guys, Missy Granger is alive!', I looked at my companions. "Well, at least they're happy about you." Missy shrugged her shoulders.
"So just three."
"Well, there is one more. A teen who was living on the island alone. He doesn't speak but we have his parents' suitcase. His name is Peter Bentley."
"You found the Bentleys! They've been gone for years."
"Both parents died sometime after they were marooned. Peter is here with us."
"Wow, what a story. OK, so there's a US Navy ship on the way. Maybe two days. Wait until they find out they're rescuing Missy Granger. They may get there faster."
"OK, thanks."
"We'll be monitoring this location if you have any needs."
"No, thanks for the food. Maybe clean clothes for us. We're down to scraps."
"Missy Granger is naked on the island? The Navy will be there shortly."
"Be nice. Out." I turned to the others. "Seems I must have missed out on some good movies. You're quite the news story." Sarah laughed,
"I told you." We walked back to camp. We sat holding hands realizing our time together was coming to an end. A return to civilization and all that meant was truly in our future. For Sarah, Missy, and me that was a reasonable idea. We worried about Petey. Missy suggested,
"I know a lot of people who do good things. Maybe I could get him a tutor and a specialist to help him. He's been away but surely he'll remember some of what the regular world is like." Sarah suggested,
"You have to be away, doing movies. He could stay with us when you need to be away." Us? Missy caught it too.
"You?" As she pointed at the both of us. Sarah took my arm.
"Jerry's going to propose to me when we get back to the US." I am? Yes, I guess I did have that thought. Missy leaned over and hugged us both.
"So, um, since it's not official yet, can I have him one more night? For old time's sake?" Sarah nodded.
"Actually, once we're married he will be entirely faithful, except for the magnificent Missy Granger." Missy held out her hand,
"Jerry Collins, once more for old time's sake and promises of the future." Damn, I was the luckiest man alive. I lay on the mat with Missy astride me. She put her arms up behind her head, causing her wondrous breasts to hang out above me, then began an undulating motion with her hips. This made for the most amazing feelings on my cock as her pussy moved along me, drawing me in and using me for pleasure. Missy was putting on a show as much as fucking me. Her body was on display. Every curve, all of her above me dancing on my cock, entertaining and pleasuring. She rolled her hips, causing me to touch her everywhere inside. I was mesmerized by her movements, sultry, and sensuous. And there I was Jerry the salesman, enjoying the pleasures of one of the most famous women of our time, certainly one of the most beautiful. Even if her hair had lost its luster and her skin was darkened from the sun. Still she was smooth and sexy and ohhhh she was riding me. Using me. Sharing herself with me. She began to moan, from deep in her throat, almost a growl. Her hand reached down to help herself along. Moving on me, rubbing herself. Her head back, her mouth open, deep guttural sounds, then a sharp exhalation. Then her hands were on my chest and her body moving fast, forcing my cock in and out, demanding I do my bit. I'd been along for the ride, now I rolled her over. She spread her legs up and wide, I plunged my cock into her and began hard forceful thrusts. Her response was a series, of "yes, yes, yes" as I plowed into her willing myself over the edge, my cum again spurting into this sexy young woman. When I was spent, I lay beside her and promised,
"I'll never forget that one. Thanks."
"Mmm, I rather enjoyed it myself. And I do owe you my life. Never forget that." From the other side of the camp, we heard the unmistakable sounds of Sarah being fucked good and hard by Petey's big cock. "Are you going to miss him?"
"Not if I can help it. He'll see the smartest people and get the best education. And he can stay with me as long as he wants."
It was almost two days until we saw the ship off the coast. It needed to stay well out in deep water. After a bit, we saw a smaller boat making its way over the lighter blue waters towards us. We had no need for anything we'd used on the island, but we gathered everything thinking that they might want to return it to its natural state. I had called again to let them know that there were remains to be properly gathered and transported. We were now dressed appropriately. Sarah had used the peroxide to lighten Missy's hair. Despite all that, she looked less like a starlet and more like the queen of a tropical island. When the sailors arrived they were all business, until they met Missy. These tough young men were star-struck. Missy turned on the charm and thanked the brave men for rescuing us. The leader of the group met with me to confirm our reports. I told them the general direction the plane had been when it went under. He confirmed there is a shelf there and that it was probably in fairly deep water. He promised to send a crew to clean up the two sides and to respectfully gather the remains of the Bentley's.
"You know, that kid is pretty rich now. He's the sole heir to his father's estate."
"Really? Wow. He is going to need help adjusting. He's pretty remarkable to have survived here alone." Sarah had joined us. I added, "How did you find us? I'm assuming this island is uncharted?"
"Oh, we know about it. But it was thought to be uninhabited and with no harbor, not of much use. We had a general idea of where the plane had gone, but it's a big ocean. We had spotter planes scouting. What caught our pilot's attention; he took a photo and brought it to our base. There was a nude woman sunbathing. He circled around to be sure."
"That was me. I would appreciate getting the photos back." I turned to look at Sarah. I was sure she hadn't been laying out like that. Missy did though. She looked at me. I got it.
"Yes of course Ma'am. When we heard who was here, well you know what they were hoping."
"No, that's not Missy Granger. Sorry. Just an old stewardess." He looked at Sarah.
"OK. The photo wasn't that clear. But it proved someone was here."
Now satisfied we were transported to the ship. We were met by cheering sailors. OK, maybe Missy was met by cheering sailors. We were along for the ride. Petey stayed close to us but didn't seem concerned. We were shown newspapers with the story of our recovery. Sarah and I were limited to names in the story. And happy family who thought we were lost. The big news of course was the safe recovery of Missy Granger. Surprisingly there was almost as much space given to the recovery of the long-lost heir of Arthur Bentley.
As planned Sarah and I soon married. Sarah gave up flying and worked in an office in LA. I picked up my sales career but now worked mostly from an office. The idea of coming home each night to Sarah appealed to me. We were happy with our renewed anonymity and the private pleasures of each other. We followed the career of Missy in the papers and I became a bigger fan of the movies, especially those starring a particular blonde star. Petey's story garnered great interest and as he regained his ability to communicate he was able to tell his story in a series of articles in Life magazine. Sarah agreed that he looked quite handsome on Missy's arm at her movie premieres.
We got lost in our daily routines and years passed almost without notice. Then as we neared my birthday in 1961 Sarah informed me that she had something special planned. Dinner and a night at an elegant Beverly Hills hotel. We dressed our best and enjoyed what was an extravagant dinner for us. Then Sarah handed me the room key and said she'd be right up. I took the elevator to an upper floor. When I opened the door I saw a beautiful suite with a spectacular view. But that all paled to the sight when I turned to the sound by the bedroom. I turned and at first, I didn't recognize her. 5-7, blond, in a black negligee, leaning against the door frame. My only reaction was,
"You haven't forgotten me, have you? I've never forgotten you." Now the straps slid off her shoulders and I was treated to a sight many men dream of but few have seen. Once again Missy Granger was standing before me, nude, beckoning me to her bed. First, we fucked. Then we had a drink and caught up on events. Missy was happy with all Petey, now Peter, had accomplished and more than happy with the way he fulfilled her physically.
"He's still so good. There's only one other man I want to share my bed with." She held out her hand. I took it and followed her. Now instead of palm leaves and sand, there was silk and luxury. Rather than sunburned and dry, there was soft and smooth. Rather than the crash of waves, there was the low hum of Missy's satisfaction as I hovered over her slowly letting my cock enter her. She smiled, "Thank you, Jerry. You're always welcome here." We made love deep into the night. Me, Jerry Collins, and Missy Granger, star of the silver screen and fantasy girl of men everywhere. Then we slept together once more.
With the early morning sun sneaking through the shades I asked,
"So Sarah set this up?"
"Mmm hmm. She called me. Thought it would be a nice surprise for your birthday. And I'd missed you."
"Me? You missed me? You've got so much. All the stars and parties and Peter."
"You're probably tired of me saying this. But I wouldn't have anything if you'd decided to save yourself. I'd have gone off the edge with the plane, drowning in a most horrible way. And then I got to know you over months. How resourceful you are and, well, you treated me like a regular person. Shit, you hadn't even seen my movies! It made me want you more."
"But Sarah."
"Sarah deserves everything you and she have together. And right now she's probably wishing she'd gotten some sleep. She's in a room down the hall, no doubt having Peter for the 4th or 5th time." I lay there thinking about our lives together. Now permanently entwined. "And one more thing. You and Sarah have never published any articles or a book detailing ALL that happened on the island. You could have made money, a lot of money for a tell-all book. Sarah even said it was her they saw nude from the plane."
"It would do her less harm."
"It's just who you two are. But I have an offer. I want to option the story for a movie. It will be "based on" a true story. More adventure, less sex, but probably a decent amount of skin. I'll give them cleavage and bare stomach and legs to drool over. It will make a lot of money. Peter will provide financial backing. We want to share profits with you and Sarah. It'll set you up for life."
Despite my efforts at self-control I couldn't help the welling in my eyes. I hugged Missy to me. In another world, we'd never have spoken. We were from entirely different places and social strata. Then fate threw us together. Missy pushed me back, then mounted me. My tears turned to smiles as I felt her pussy envelop me.