- 3 years ago
- 36
- 0
Drake got no real sleep that night. Every time he slipped into slumber his body would relax, and he’d put weight on his sore arms, waking him up again. He ended up watching the sun rise though the massive windows that faced out over the valley. He watched the silver dragon swoop and spiral over the land, then fly off into the distance.
The doors to the PR opened, and one of the household trainers walked in, dragging a slave behind him. He hauled the slave, a red head, into the side room, where he locked the slave in one of the cages.
They were the only people Drake saw all morning. His stomach gurgled and his thirst welled, but nobody came in. He daydreamed of going driving around in the Jeep, of going to parties, and eating and drinking real food. The welts from yesterday’s caning still hurt and any movement he made brought on new bouts of pain.
Drake had started dozing again when the doors opened. Mistress Raell strode in, back in her half dragon form.
Drake trembled from both muscle exhaustion and fear as the taloned feet clicked their way over the floor towards him.
Raell looked at the trembling slave before her. She could feel the fear that coiled through him, and she reveled in it. Every being with a brain feared her, and while in her friends and allies the fear annoyed her, in her slaves it brought a smile to her face.
Drake felt Mistress Raell unclip his arms, and as she released him he collapsed to the ground. He shuffled himself into the Dragon bow position, hoping she planned to feed and water him.
A clawed hand wrapped around his lower jaw, lifting his head up. Mistress Raell gestured him to kneel, and he obeyed. She looked him over, and it was all he could do to not collapse to the ground. He was utterly exhausted, and his whole body ached. Mistress Raell seemed to sense this, and snapped her fingers and pointed at the cell in the back.
‘Go and rest for a bit, pet. I’ll be back down in a bit to run through what you learned yesterday, and then we can finish off the wall and start on the next stage of your training.’
Drake slowly crawled over to the cell. His shoulders screamed with every movement, bringing tears to his eyes. He curled up in the cell, thankful for the pad at the bottom. He drifted off to the sleep of the truly exhausted, not even noticing that Mistress Raell had not closed the cell door.
Raell exited the room, annoyed at herself for leaving the slave tied up all night. However, she needed to get some work done- the giant plantation nor her numerous businesses could not run themselves- and eat lunch. Then she had a few arrangements to make for the party she was holding, and make sure her guest list was correct. Her thoughts turned to the next week, where a date of great importance arose.
The Goddess Day. A day every species, except humans, celebrated. The day had originated with her race, the dragons, celebrating the Silver Goddess Raill, who had created the dimensions and breathed life into her personal species. It was also Raell’s birthday. As a tribute to the Silver Goddess, Raell had been named after her. Silver dragons were rarely born, but a silver born on the Silver Day itself? That was unthought-of. Of course, after the Demon war, no dragons were left to celebrate the day with her.
Raell shrugged off the sad thought, not wanting a genocide from so long ago to put a damper on her day. She strode to her office and set about getting her work done. Lunch was brought to her- fruits native to her world along with a few choice cuts of meat. She ate then went over the party plans, double checking everything. Satisfied that her work was done, for now at least, she headed downstairs, making sure to stop in the kitchen first.
Drake subconsciously heard the doors open, and found himself awake. Unsure why, he turned to see Mistress Raell entering the PR. He bowed, cringing as his shoulders throbbed.
The smell of fresh bread and grilled chicken hit his nose. His mouth started to water, and it took a lot of concentration to not drool on the floor.
Raell set the bowl of food in front of the bowed slave, then placed another bowl- this one full of water- next to it.
‘Relax and eat, pet.’ She ordered, turning to go sit in one of the chairs in the room.
Drake took to the water first, thrilled when he realized Mistress Raell had enchanted it so that it would not empty. The food was delicious, and he even licked the bowl when he was done, not wanting to miss a drop of the dressing that had been on the chicken. Done, he looked around quietly, unsure what he was supposed to do.
Mistress Raell answered his questions, despite Drake not asking them out loud.
‘Go take the bowls back to the kitchen then come back down.’
Drake raced to obey, ignoring the pain his movement made. Upon return he started to kneel in front of his Mistress, awaiting orders.
‘Stand up. We’re going to do a run through of everything you learned yesterday and the day before.’ Mistress Raell said.
He spent the next hour getting her every whip, paddle, cane, flogger, or other tool she asked for. He did not get even one wrong, which he was proud of. He was getting the hang of it!
Raell chuckled slightly at her newest pet’s thoughts. He was kneeling in front of her, awaiting orders. She reached forward and ran her fingers through his scruffy hair, simultaneously healing the muscle aches from a night of standing. She left the cane welts, however, deciding that a full healing would delete the effect of yesterday’s punishment.
‘Thank you, Mistress.’
Drake did not know what possessed him to thank her, but as he felt the pain fade away he did. She kept running her fingers through his hair, humming softly. Reaching down, she undid the bit and bridle still on his head. Drake blinked- he’d forgotten about it completely, not even noticing it when he had eaten.
‘Okay, Drake. The final section on that wall is electronic stuff. Get this right and we’ll move on.’
She had him fetch cattle prods, shock collars, Tasers, and different shock boxes. With every item he got wrong Mistress Raell would shock him five times with a smaller shocker. He learned to fear the soft hum of the device while it charged, whimpering every time he got an object wrong. To his relief Mistress Raell had less electronic gear than she had of the whips, paddles, and crops. He got the feeling she didn’t actually like electricity, but did not ask her about it.
Finally, Raell was satisfied Drake knew every object on the wall. She got up, tired of sitting in the chair. She looked over her newest pet, admiring the bronzed skin, rippling muscles, and honeyed brown hair. He was gorgeous, a true work of art, or he would be once all that extra hair was removed. Reaching down she took a handful of the long brown hair and pulled his head up, forcing him to look at her. He shuddered softly under her steady gaze.
Drake kept his eyes straight while she looked him over, but the second she released his hair he dropped his eyes. He was conscious of his nudity and the plug still in his ass. Mistress Raell gestured him to stand up, and he obeyed.
Raell wasn’t one for body hair, and none of her house pets were allowed it. Walking over to where she had set it before, she collected the tool used to remove it and handed to him.
‘This wand removes unwanted hair. Here in the house that means all of your body hair, from legs to armpits. It removed the hairs by pulling them out same as a wax would, but without the mess. There are a bunch of these downstairs in the shower room- I’d recommend including a go over with the wand as part of your morning shower.’
‘Yes, Mistress.’
‘I’m going out for a bit. Shower, shave, then go upstairs and wait in my room.’
‘Yes, Mistress.’
Drake had no doubt she was going flying- she’d
been fidgety all afternoon and the massive windows and op
en rooms had giving him the impression that the dragon was a being of open places, not confining buildings. As he walked he heard a joyful roar outside, which brought a smile to his lips.
Heading downstairs, Drake walked bowlegged due to the plug still in his ass. She’d wanted him to shave completely, but the harness and plug would make it difficult to get every ass hair. He wondered what she’d do if she found a hair.
He walked into the open shower room, collecting soap and shaver as he went. He’d left the other one upstairs in its place on the wall. He soaped and scrubbed, then looked over the waxing wand. It looked like a white flat rectangle with a handle attached. A switch was built into the handle.
Flipping the switch, he could feel the device hum much like an electric razor would. Testing it, he passed it over his leg. He yelped as the wand ripped out each hair it passed over, leaving him with a bare pink patch on his leg.
Gritting his teeth Drake ripped off another patch of hair, watching it swirl down the drain. He finished that leg, making sure to go over it again twice to get any rogue hairs. The other leg was easier now that he knew what to expect. Drake stared at his dick, trying to picture how bad the removal of his public hair was going to be.
He took a deep breath and passed the wand over.
‘GRruuuuhhhhhhh!!’ He moaned.
The pain throbbed, but to his surprise he found that he slightly enjoyed it. Too much time as a slave, he thought to himself. A few more passes with the wand removed all of his pubic hair, leaving him bare and pink. Drake eyed the wand, trying to think how he’d manage to wax his ass.
‘It’s easier if either someone else does it or you sit on the floor and do it yourself.’
Drake looked up as Aubrey walked in.
‘How’d you know what I was thinking?’ he asked.
Aubrey smiled. ‘We’ve all been where you are now, trying to figure out how to remove all the ‘unwanted’ hair.’
‘Oh, yeah. Thanks.’
Drake turned and sat down, spreading his legs to allow the wand access to his ass. He gritted his teeth against the uncomfortable twinges as the wand pulled out all the hair within its range.
Drake passed the wand over multiple times, hoping he’d gotten every hair. He stood back up and waxed his chest and armpits. Those were the worst he decided. The hair in his pits was much more densely clumped than anywhere else, including his groin, and the wand simply pulled all the hair out at once.
Drake ran the wand over his body one more time, double checking he had gotten every hair. He placed the wand back where he’d found it, toweled off, and with a nod at Aubrey he headed upstairs.
Drake headed upstairs, taking one of the hidden staircases. He entered her bedroom, surprised to see Slade hunched over next to the desk. The bigger man shot Drake a glare but otherwise did not move.
‘Um. Hey? Where do I sit to wait?’
‘Next to me.’ Slade quietly answered, still not moving a muscle.
Drake realized Slade must be ‘locked’ or ordered to not move whatsoever. He wondered why the dark haired slave had such animosity towards him, but decided to not ask. He kneeled down next to him, sitting and waiting for Mistress Raell’s return.
The two men waited for little over an hour.
Drake’s back muscles twitched and trembled, and he had lost feeling in his lower legs.
‘Slowly flex your muscles.’
Drake jerked to look at Slade. He was looking sideways at Drake, having noticed the boy’s trembling.
‘Trust me, it helps with the trembling and lack of feeling.’
‘Thanks? Um, why help me? You obviously don’t like me.’
Slade smiled coldly.
‘You are training to be one of us. It’s only right I give you the same advice the guys before me told me.’
‘One of us? One of what? House slaves?’
Slade laughed.
‘No, Drake. One of Mistress Raell’s personal slaves. House slaves are trained by other trainers. Only personal slaves are trained by Mistress Raell.’
The duo sat quietly, Slade waiting and Drake thinking. Drake could feel fear once again coiling up in his stomach. Personal slave to the dragon? What had happened the slaves before Slade?
Drake flinched as the door to the room opened.
Mistress Raell strode in. Drake was relieved she was in all human form, with no talons or tail to be seen. She ignored the two slaves, instead tending to some papers on her desk. Drake followed Slade’s advice and slowly flexed different muscles in his body, surprised when it did help relieve the trembling and lack of sensation. He enjoyed the tensing and then the slow release of the tender muscle. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the same tiny movement going on under Slade’s skin. Both men waited for their mistress to turn her attention to them.
Raell could feel the tension in the two slaves bowed over next to her desk. She ruffled and moved papers around, enjoying the quiet patience of Slade and the coiled nervousness of Drake. She looked out the window at the setting sun, thinking back on a time when the view would have been full of massive glittering dragons. She sighed and turned to look at the two men.
‘Relax, Slade.’
The dark haired man visibly unlocked, his toned body softening. He remained bowed, however, awaiting further orders. Mistress Raell got up and walked over to her bed, where she flopped over. Sitting up, she extended the massive silver wings out, stretching them.
‘Slade, back rub please. Drake, get over here and watch him, you’ll be learning this skill next.’
The two men got up. Slade sat behind his mistress, carefully running his hands up and down her back, tracing the tight muscles under her skin. He wished she would remove her top and lay face down on the bed so that he could get more contact with Mistress Raell and so he could admire her. He started putting pressure against her back, rubbing out the tightness in each of her powerful flight muscles and other back muscles. He was tempted to run a hand down the sleek silver wing only inches from his fingertips, but he did not dare to do so without permission.
Drake watched the bigger man’s hands. He massaged in a select pattern Drake was sure mirrored the muscles under the dragon’s shirt. Drake watched intently, following the swirling motions. His own fingers hungered to replace Slade’s, much to Drake’s surprise.
Raell relaxed, enjoying the massage. She gestured for Slade to stop.
‘Drake, take Slade’s place. Slade, watch and guide him.’
Drake watched Slade’s jaw flex but he got up and allowed Drake to take his place. Drake placed trembling fingers on his mistress’s back, trying to emulate Slade’s movements.
‘Press harder, and move your hands smoother.’
Slade guided Drake, trying to point out where each major muscle ran. Mistress Raell hummed, the stood up. She undid her shirt, undoing the hidden zippers in the back that allowed her wings to be extended. Drake lowered his eyes, waiting on her to finish undressing. Instead she simply lay on her stomach on the bed, her wings extended on either side.
‘Try now.’ Came her command.
The two men each took a side. They worked together, Slade guiding Drake. Drake could clearly see each muscle in her back, as well as where back turned to wing. He rubbed out knots, loving the feeling of the silky skin beneath his fingers. The dragoness hummed, clearly enjoying their ministrations.
The two men massaged until the dragon got back up, putting her shirt back on.
‘Not bad, pet.’ She ran a hand across Drake’s jaw, then patted his cheek. She didn’t look at Slade, and Drake saw the jealous look Slade gave him.
‘Go get dinner you two. After that Drake go to the PR, Slade go about your normal duties.’
‘Yes, Mistress.’ The two men chorused.
Raell swept out of the room, headed down to go get dinner. The two slave followed a minut
e after, going to the kitchen to eat.
Slade went to join Aubrey and a handful of other slaves eating together. Drake snagged a dog bowl and some oatmeal. He added canned peaches and quickly devoured the whole thing.
‘Easy kid.’
Drake looked up at a strawberry blonde, who was smiling down at him.
‘Don’t choke on the gruel- it’s not that tasty.’
As if on cue Drake choked, and after coughing the offending flake up, he smiled back at the man.
‘I’m Cody. What do they call you?’
‘You are new?’
Drake nodded, having eaten another scoop of the oatmeal.
‘Sweet. House slave?’
‘Um… No, I think. Slade said that since Mistress Raell is training me that I’m going to be a personal slave.’
‘Well even better! Welcome to the ranks, Drake!’
Cody grinned at him again, then sauntered back over to Slade and Aubrey’s group.
Drake finished eating and headed downstairs. He still walked a little bowlegged due to the buttplug, but found he was pretty used to it.
He approached the same wooden platform, going over everything he’d learned the last few days. He suddenly paused in his metal review, recalling the broken faces he’d seen in the pens back at the training farm. He remembered his vow to rebel, forgotten in the stress and change of his transfer to the mansion. With the memory came the thought of the various punishments he’d seen Raell merit out in the PR. His feelings were mixed- on one hand he did not want to become the dragon’s newest bitch, but on the other hand none of her personal slaves seemed ‘broken’ in the way the other slaves he’d met were. If anything, they seemed to enjoy their lives.
Drake was mentally debating himself when Mistress Raell walked in.
‘Relax.’ She ordered.
Drake did not get up from his bow, but he straightened up and watched the dragoness as she swept around the room. She went and grabbed a handful of straps and what looked like a dildo. Drake swallowed, both afraid and aroused at the idea of what he thought was about to happen.
‘You’ve finished basic tool training. Time for step two- strap-on training.’
Mistress Raell snapped her fingers and pointed at a padded metal sawhorse. The gesture was the same as an order for Drake to go over to the device.
Obeying, Drake stood next to it. Mistress Raell grabbed his collar and yanked him to the end of the sawhorse, then shoved him on his belly on it. His hands were clipped together under it, and his collar was clipped to the bench. Drake could feel the blood rushing to his groin. He’d dreamed of having a woman fuck his ass, as was slightly excited that it seemed that was about to happen.
Drake’s Y-Strap was undone, and the horsetail buttplug was removed. Drake moaned softly as it slid out.
‘You like that, boy?’
‘Yes, Mistress Raell.’
Raell laughed softly. She was always happy when she found out that one of her pets enjoyed an ass fucking. The majority had to be taught to enjoy it.
She approached his head, allowing him to eye the big black dildo set in her harness. She smiled down at him, flashing the elongated canines.
‘Next lesson, pet. How to suck a cock and then take it in the ass.’
She rubbed the strap-on’s tip across his face, then around his lips. She tapped it against his mouth, and Drake opened his mouth. Under him his dick swelled, oozing precum. She slid the tip in his mouth, and Drake sucked, wetting the rubber surface down.
‘Better wet it down well, slave. You are providing your own lube.’
Drake shoved his neck against his collar, trying to get more of the dildo in his mouth. Mistress Raell complied, thrusting her hips against his head. Drake choked on the dick, drooling madly. He licked up and down its length, making sure the surface was as wet as possible. He thought back to when Zack had fucked his face, but a deep thrust by Mistress Raell brought him back to the present.
He choked again, and the dick slid out of his mouth.
‘Ready, pet?’
‘Yes please, Mistress.’
‘Please? You must really want it, Drake.’
‘Yes, Mistress. Please fuck me.’
The bell laugh sounded again, and she walked around him. Drake shuddered as the dildo rubbed down his crack, circling his asshole. It pushed into him, sliding in easily due to the constant stretching from the buttplugs.
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Breaking And Entering By Mary Beth Sanford Copyright © 2020 Mary Beth Sanford All rights reserved. This story or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means--electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise. Mary Beth Sanford First Draft Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious...
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BDSMI am not entirely proud of what I did, but put yourself in my shoes for a minute and maybe you shall understand. See, I have been working overtime at the managerial aspects of my work lately, so my sleep schedule is completely broken. But at least that night I am getting a nice, relaxing sleep. It is the first one I had had for weeks, in fact. Or at least, it would have been, were it not for the fact that I was rudely jolted out of sleep by a sudden, loud crash coming from downstairs. Here is...
11. Accelerated Reform "Your mental make-ups are the contents of your everyday thinking; they carry a charge that can either transform, reform or destroy you. Watch your thoughts, they determine your life!" -- Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes ***** Rodriguez made his way to Ray's rooms. He half expected Barker to be dressed in feminine clothes but was not completely disappointed to find his captive in another feminine track-suit. "Good morning Miss...
My best friend from the group was a girl named Eva. She’s two years older than me and we met when we were little. She’s always been a beautiful girl; purely Irish with blonde hair and a thicker, but not fat, build. She was also always the troublemaker of the group – the first to come up with a stupid idea like borrowing her mom’s car without a license, wandering off around town without telling our parents, and doing all sorts of things that got me in trouble. As we grew older and entered high...
It was a rainy day in November, I was sitting down in front of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked thanks to my best friend john who sent them to me by e-mail, John and another friend Rowan were calling around to hang Out at my house, my parents were away for the weekend so the only ones at home were Sarah and me, Sarah was my 15-year-old sister 3 years younger than me and it was my job to “baby-sit” her for the weekend even though she was old...
Drake woke up to the command ‘Out.’ He looked around, not sure what was going on. Once again the command was given, and this time he realized Raell was out of the wagon and they were standing in front of a massive house. He got up, but Raell was already walking away, his ties in her hand. Drake was yanked out of the wagon, right onto his scraped chest and hands. He yelled, but scrambled up. He didn’t want to get dragged any more than he already had. He followed her around the house and to a...
So There I was at a very good friends Wedding Reception, and was having a pretty decent time as well. I was contemplating leaving when, Elaine I very refined Lady that I had met earlier in the very long morning, Approached me withan Extremely Beautiful Young lady, somewhat less refined than herself. Who she introduced to me as her Daughter Raylynn, I replied Wow ! What a Beautiful Name for such a Beautiful Young Lady, as I shook her hand she said why thank you.You two have a lot in common...
Ranma never liked rainy days. Well, you simply have to hate rain when even slight contact with the cold water turns you into girl. All because of that cursed Chinese lake. Aware of that, Ranma already turned himself into girl before leaving the Tendo Dojo and dressed girl school uniform. Running fast, she jumped into the city bus that was just about to leave bus stop. But for a martial artist it wasn't a problem to reach and sneak inside. Sadly, the rain was so intensive that she was...
Clarissa studied the younger version of her Dan with a knowing eye. "Dan, I think DJ is in love with Cami," she said, her voice just loud enough for the two men to hear. DJ felt the flush that settled in his cheeks under her gaze. He looked from Clarissa's tear stained cheeks and up to the questioningly look from his father. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and nodded. "Yeah, I'm in love with her. But she doesn't know and if I don't get her back then I won't be able to tell...
Annabelle's Introduction The following tale centers around a sixteen year old girl by the name of Annabelle Flint. An unusual name, but she was far from that being a very respectful teen, that saw only the brighter sides to life despite her many woes to the contrary. For her the first thirteen years of her life had felt like a dream, that sadly came crashing back down to reality when her parents who had been secretly fighting for many years finally divorced. The thirteen year old Annabelle...
I remember the day it all began as if it were just yesterday. It was nine in the morning when I met my first period students. There were ten students in all, a total of five boys and five girls. All of them were sophomores and seniors, ranging from the ages of sixteen to seventeen. I looked my students over as most teachers do when we meet them for the first time. I saw rebels, jocks, boys and girls of all shapes sizes. One attractive blue eyed red haird girl stood out from the...
This is a partial rewrite of a story that I wrote about 2 years ago. Breaking the Curse By Morpheus "Curse it." Prince Caiden growled, pulling a bandage on his arm, disgusted by the sight of blood that soaked through. It wasn't the blood that disgusted him, just the fact that it was his own. And that it shouldn't have been. "He cheated." Caiden growled, glaring around his empty room. Just a short while earlier, Caiden had been sparring in the castle courtyard with one of the...
Breaking My Record By: Breanne and Michael Alexander I guess I should probably introduce myself. Some of you know me. Some of you don’t. If you’ve ever read Michael Alexander’s ?Silver Locke?, ?Heart of Ice?, or ?The Museum of Inquisition?, you’ve probably met the character that’s based on me. If you’ve ever read Michael’s Blog, (www.michaelalexanderstories.blogspot.com), or his website (www.michaelalexanderstories.com), then you’ve probably read most of my previous daily assignments. Hope...
Introduction: Cain Wanted to join a fraternity, but didnt expect such a warm welcome!! Please leave relevant comments or else I will get them deleted!!! Stop putting adverts up on my stories!!! Breaking Cain. Chapter 1: The Break In The house was dark, the only sounds around, was the soft repetitive click of the clock quietly ticking away. The house was still and everyone was obviously sleeping. It was a winters day and it was 4 in the morning, no one is gonna be out of third bed unless they...
In continuation of my previous story, Years pass by, my brother shifted to Saudi Arabia for a job. A few years later, I also joined him and was working with him. My father passed away at a relatively early age, he was 52. My sister got married in our home country. My mom started living with us in Saudi Arabia for the most part of the year. She was just spending a couple of months back home with my sister each year. I was obviously spending more time with my mom. She was lonely as well and of...
IncestBreaking Point 1. Caught No battle plan survives contact with the enemy. Colin Powell ***** The sky was as black as the dead of night, instead of about 6 pm on a sub-equatorial mid-winter evening. The unseasonal El-Nino inspired storm had come inland at hurricane speed, thrusting the landscape into an eerie, sodden twilight. The worst of the storm had already passed, having drenched the area and sent tree branches and other forms of airborne debris across the site. As he...
Breaking the Routine by Tgaby Saturday Prologue It was a cold and blustery November day when Maya finally found the nameless little store on 75th street. There was nothing on the front to indicate that it was a store at all, but she knew this was the place the moment she saw it. She'd heard rumors of its existence through the wives' grapevine, usually mentioned in hushed tones as having helped with couples therapy in a peculiar way. Nobody she had asked would give her any details...
She had to admire their tenacity while gave her shoulders a few slow rotations loosening the stiffness them. After what they did to sector 7 she had no problem drilling anyone that wore a uniform for Shinra. They had labeled her entire team of freedom fighters as terrorists and pinned the collapse on them. Fresh outrage seethed through her, she was worried that she was going to start enjoying this if they kept it up. When she heard them gently sliding the metal bar from...
(Act One) “ Man was made from not but a grain of sand and his companion and savior made of marrow and blood.” -- Old Saying Marshall, Minnesota The soft hills of rolling grass and farmland during the early spring year was nothing short of amazing. The sky half covered in clouds let the air kiss the skin with cool lips. The smell of the night’s embrace of rainfall was a welcomed treat. A silver sly smile cut into the sky shining the plains in a heavy blue hue. The soil of the...
Breaking Susan She was all attitude when I first saw her, attractive, poised, and arrogant. Her name was Susan and she was the executive secretary in the office of a construction company I worked for. She worked for her daddy of course, was spoiled, and beautiful. She was always dressed perfectly with skirts just a little too short, and a little too tight. She enjoyed the stares from the scores of office engineers and especially the laborers and foreman employed by her father. Showing her...
When the skies turn cloudy on a cold november day, theres not much left for a boy in his late teens like myself to do, which is why I was sitting down infront of my computer. Sitting down infront of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked, that is. I had my best friend, John, to thank for those images - He was always fond of emailing the very best he could find to me. Earlier in the day John and another friend, Rowan, had called to see if they could...
Drake helped the other personal and house slaves clean up. His leash bounced against his chest, a reminder of Mistress Raell’s order for him to come upstairs after the dining room was clean. The captured slaves were cut free and shepherded down to the Cave. Drake noticed most of the house slaves snuck scraps of the dinner food, which had consisted of a roasted hog and various fruit and vegetable dishes. He didn’t blame them- the meal had been delicious. Drake finished stacking a bunch of...
‘Jane.’ Hearing my name over the intercom for the past 2 weeks in that sexy British accent had me in a permanent state of arousal. I couldn’t deny it to myself anymore how much I wanted to fuck my boss. James Caldwell is the stuff of legends if I were Shakespearean at all I would compose sonnets to his perfection. It’s bad enough I started keeping a journal on my encounters with him. Pathetic I know. ‘Yes, Mr. Caldwell?’ ‘Come in here, now!’ I didn’t even bother to answer with a quick yes...
It's time. You've been waiting a very long time for this moment and it's finally come. You, John, 19 years old, are going to rape your sister Ashley. Why, you ask? Because she's a huge bitch and deserves it. Hidden under her cute appearance is actually a twisted demon living only to torture you. Ever since you were children, she'd constantly be lying about you to your parents so you would get in trouble. She would steal your things for herself and spread rumors about you so you would never be...
I wasn’t supposed to be there night. I was supposed to be at home, in my bedroom studying for a test I had the next week. So, how did I get there? Jordie. Jordie is my best friend in the whole world, and she is the one that dragged me out to the new club opening. Apparently, it had been the talk of the town for a year, but according to her I live in such a deep, dark, hidden hole full of old books that I would never know if something new came along. To be perfectly honest, she was kinda right...
Love StoriesMy name is Evans, for the past 5 years I have had the greatest youth minister at my church, I just graduated and I’ve ruined my friendship with him forever.When Tom, our Youth minister, first arrived at our church he brought along his beautiful wife, Susan. I must admit I had an instant crush on her. She’s so genuine, kind, and loving, everything a man could want in a personality. She is about 5’7” tall, long black hair, hazel eyes and a gorgeous body. Since then she has had two k**s but...
I've been babysitting for the longest time. Every weekend, I have a job and have made enough money to buy a car. I've been babysitting for the Jackson's for about two years now. They hired me overnight and will be paying me three hundred dollars.I'm so excited to go over there tonight. The best part of babysitting over there, is their gorgeous son named Jack. I wasn't sure if he'd be home, but I was hoping he might be. I've had a crush on him for the longest time. He's so incredibly handsome.I...
Again, from Literotica...The original title forced First- Ch. 2 I retain copyright, blah, blah, blah...--------------------------------------------------------------------forced First- Ch. 2This is a continuation of my story… This is the truth, as best as I can remember it…The hot summer day was rejuvenating. Out of school, not yet having to go to college, the days were my own. I spent most of that Sunday in my room, coming out only to eat and use the bathroom. My mind reeled as I relived...
I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door opening. My vision blurry but I could make out the people who came in. They were Kianna and Tonet; Janice stood by the door.I sat up, Emily was still lying next to me. I pull up my blanket, trying to hide my tired cock."We have to go, we still got finals tomorrow." Kianna said. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, then she looked into my eyes and smiled. She gave me a kiss on the lips. A little of our saliva stretched out as we parted lips."It was fun....
The first time I got Sammy into bed was one of the most awesome experiences of my life. She was 19 years old and very naïve and vulnerable – precisely my M.O. and I decided I was going to have her within moments of meeting her.I was 22 years old and had been a perpetually failing student for three years. For me, campus life wasn't about going to class, it was about getting wasted and fucking young girls. Sammy was in her first year of university when I first spotted her and she had no idea what...
The entire story is a fiction, all characters are fictions. The story contains lot of forced sex scenes, people who are not okay with that, don’t read the story. Please excuse the typos and the grammatical errors. Feedback to For those who haven’t read the first part, please search “Breaking Hema” in the seach bar of IndianSexStories. It had been a month since Swami started fucking his maid Hema, every day and night he used her mouth and cunt in every way possible, he had a couple of quickies...
Hi My name is Suvin. I am from mangalore. To brief about myself I am 23years old. 5’10 tall, 72kg. And I was the most handsome guy in our batch. Most of the girls like my dimple and well fit body. My dick is 5.8 inch long. I am a be 2014 passed out graduate. My company has 2 branches in k’taka. One is in b’lore and another is in mangalore. So 15 days I work in blore rest 15 days in mlore. As u all know mlore ladies are pretty and sexy. Interested teen girls and aunties from mangalore and coorg...
Breaking Girls by Hype...WARNING! This is a work of fiction, blah blah blah... You must be of legal age in your own damn country to read it. I wrote it so don't copy it.Prologue:-We've got tail coming up to the V.I.P. floor Tommy.-Great, I'll send a welcoming committee for a toast.Sisters Lillian and Erika were excited, they'd met a couple of girls from school at The Moon, an after hours club which they'd been hanging at for a few hours. The girls were older, by a grade or two, and the fact...