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With the sun high in the sky, people are buzzing around the market place, trying to hurry and get their shopping done and get out of the sweltering heat. Venders are scurrying about trying to keep merchandise on the shelves. In all the hustle and bustle of a typical market day, there is movement that looks just a little too purposeful, weaving in and out from between the crowd, going behind and around stalls. He looks almost like a small blur to the lazy eye that just might happen to notice him. But he is anything but a blur. If you just happen to catch him sitting still, you will see that he is a young, lean, and fit little boy, no more than 6 years old. With just a pair of ratty torn shorts, long unkempt hair, and no shirt, he looks like just another street rat, but he knows better than that. He knows where he comes from. And that’s why he ran away.

As he moves, he keeps his eyes on the prize, a big juicy chunk of meat, hanging on the front of the butchers stall. ‘*this is going to be a tricky grab. He’s alert today*’ he thinks to himself. He goes around another vender and backs down an ally. He looks up at a rope dangling from a roof. He looks around to make sure there is nobody around then crotches low to the ground. He concentrates and small dragon wings sprout from his shoulder blades. He jumps as high as he can then starts flapping his under-developed wings as hard as he can, getting just enough extra height to reach up and grab the rope. He wraps his tiny fingers around it and starts pulling himself up, slowly getting to roof, rolling onto it and lies on his stomach for a minute. He pulls his wings back into himself and rolls his shoulders. ‘*still not used to that*’ he thinks as he gets up and runs to the other edge just over the butchers stall where the meat and his next meal are hanging.

As he peeks over the edge, he surveys the scene below. The butcher is standing in front of the stall helping customers with their purchases, various people are standing around the stall, and the market security guard is circling around for the third time. ‘*yeah, this is going to be tough*’ he thinks to himself as he backs away from the edge again.

He stands up and concentrates, delving into his mind, quieting the noises from everywhere, calming his mind and soul. As he thinks of his training, his skin slowly starts changing from tan human skin to liquid black scales, covering his whole body. As he takes a deep breath and opens his eyes, the transformation is complete. But he is still not ready. He closes his eyes again and concentrates again. His black scales slowly begin to brighten then change to many different colors. Eventually it looks like his hand has disappeared. Then his arm blends away, then his shoulder. Soon his whole body looks like he isn’t there. His scales have blended into the surroundings and reflect them, making him look invisible.

He opens his eyes again and looks around to make sure he still hasn’t been seen then walks over to the edge of the building again. He pops his neck in preparation and crotches down. He picks up a length of rope that he had left there the day before and ties it tight to the building then around his waist. He very slowly steps off the edge and lowers himself over the butchers stall. When he reaches the end of the rope, he is eye level with the hunk of meat he had his eye on. He turns his head and looks around to see if anyone has noticed him. He doesn’t see any out-of-the-ordinary movement from anyone to indicate that someone has seen him and there is no alarm from security.

Very slowly he reaches over and grips the tail end of the meat and lifts it up slightly. He pokes out a finger of his other hand and extends a claw and cuts the rope holding the meat. He cautiously keeps an eye on the crowd below him for any signs of being spotted. All of a sudden there is a loud bang and all the people in the crowd turn around and look to the other end of the market in time to see a little girl run out of sight holding a basket of apples and the vender running after her.

He takes this momentary distraction and quickly ties the meat to his waist and climbs up the rope and over the edge of the building. He unties himself from the rope and runs to the other side of the building, leaping to the next building roof. He keeps jumping from building to building, never slowing down for fear that someone did see him and is chasing after him. He comes to the last jump before he gets to his home and slows down a bit when he hears the sound of little feet pattering down the alley below him. He looks over the side and sees the same little girl with the basket of apples running along below him and around the corner out of sight. Then he hears what sounds like ten or twelve people running from the other end of the ally. He backs away just enough to be able to see but not be seen by the small crowd of people apparently chasing the girl.

‘*I have to help her*’ he thinks to himself as he looks at the roof of the building across the ally for a way to help stop the crowd. He spots a stack of 50 gallon barrels sitting right by the edge. He takes a few steps back then takes a running jump across to the other side. Then he runs up to the barrels and pushes hard. The barrels tip over and fall to the ground, completely blocking the ally. The people stop suddenly and he can hear their angry voices wondering where the barrels came from. He doesn’t dare look over the edge to see and turns around and runs to the other side of the building and looks over just in time to see the girl turn the corner and run right underneath him.

He jumps down right behind her as she keeps running. The sound of him landing makes her jump and stop in her tracks. She turns around and looks at him with a scared look on her face. ‘Please don’t hurt me. I’m just hungry and needed to eat.’ she says in a cracking scared voice.

He laughs and points to the meat hanging from his waist. ‘I’m not going to hurt you. I just stole this too. I’m just like you.’

Her face lightens up as she realizes he isn’t after her. ‘You stole that just now?’

‘Yeah, right when you stole those’ he says as he points to the apples. ‘Do you have a place to stay?’

She shakes her head, ‘no…..I sleep where ever I can……’ her eyes start to tear up.

He holds out his hand, ‘My name is Drake and I have a place to stay right around the corner here if you want to come with me. We can even share food if you want something more than just apples.’

Her face lights up as she takes his hand and shakes it. She smiles, ‘I’m Seraphina’

He holds her hand and starts walking towards his home, ‘come on, I’ll show you your new home.’

She follows him as he walks around a corner and down another ally, around another corner and up to a wall with a square piece of plywood covering a small hole. As he bends down to lift the board away, she scans her surroundings for potential traps. He nods his head towards the hole as he crawls through it, indicating her to follow. She looks around one last time then follows him through the hole.

As she emerges out the other side, she sees what can only amount to a small shack hastily thrown together. The walls were made from various materials and multiple sizes. The floor had mismatched rugs and carpets strewn about to make a somewhat clean surface to walk on. There was a sheet of plywood sitting on four blocks, making a small table with two more blocks on either side to be used as chairs.

To any normal person, this would be a dump and not worth keeping, but to her, this was a mansion. Her smile grew bigger as she watched him take the food and spread it out on the makeshift table, motioning to one of the blocks as he sat on the other one. She walked over and sat down, her stomach starting to growl as she hadn’t eaten a full meal in days.

Drake took the meat he stole and cut it into multiple different sections. Then he takes two in his hand as he looked up at her, ‘Umm, this might f
reak you out, but I’m not a normal boy.’

As he said this, he heated up his hand till it was glowing red hot, effectively grilling the meat in his hand. She watched in awe but didn’t seem as surprised as he thought she might be. He finished cooking the meat then the set the hot steak in front of her, the smell reaching her nose as she inhaled, causing her stomach to growl even louder.

She looked at him as she grabbing the meat and took a big bite out of it, not even wincing or flinching at the heat radiating off it. He just sat there, watching her, wondering why she wasn’t affected by the heat. He shrugs it off and figures he’d ask her later as he gnaws into his meat like a lion into a freshly killed gazelle.

They both sit there in silence as they enjoy the feast in front of them. After they finish, drake puts the leftover food away in a box and slides it out of the way.

‘I only have the one bed, so you can take it and I’ll sleep on the floor’ he says to her as he stands up and wipes his hands on his clothes.

‘No, no, please, it’s your bed, you sleep on it, I’ll sleep on the floor’ she protests as he brushes a spot on the floor for him to sleep on.

‘Oh please, I’m not a barbarian. You sleep on the bed till I can get you another bed. Don’t worry. I actually like the floor better some nights.’

She tries not to start crying from his generosity. ‘Thank you’ she says as she gets up and walks over to what some would call several small and flat pillows just thrown on the floor, but again, to her, it might as well have been a luxurious king size bed. She lays down on it and sighs happily, having a full stomach for the first time in a long time and having a nice and comfortable place to sleep. She turns to look at him as he lays down on the floor and smiles softly at him, ‘Goodnight’.

He looks back at her and smiles back, ‘Good night Seraphina’ as he closes his eyes and falls asleep.

She looks at him for a couple more minutes then slowly drifts to sleep, thinking about what this new friendship could mean for her future.

15 years later……….

His claws dig into the roof tops as he sprints along them. It’s another sunny and hot day in the market. Just like that day a long time ago. A lot has changed since then as he takes a flying leap across an alley that would have been too big for him to jump over back then. He grins as he easily clears it and glances back at the gap. Then he’s looking ahead at his new target.

Back then he had just been a scrawny little kid just trying to survive by stealing from merchants. But if you saw him now, you wouldn’t think this was the same kid. No, he is a man now, 20 years old in human years. Tall, lean, and muscular. All from years of working out and conditioning his body. Easily six foot five inches tall, short jet black hair, shiny blue-green eyes darting back and forth, scanning his surroundings as he keeps leaping from building from building.

As he reaches the edge of a certain building, he suddenly stops in his tracks and looks down. There it is, the exact same meat stand just years before he was stealing from. He giggles softly as he steps off the edge and quietly lands behind the fat old guy manning the stand. He grins again and slowly sneaks forward behind the man. He thinks to himself, ‘*Today is the day*’ as he extends his claws and sneaks right behind the merchant, a certain glint in his eye.

He lifts his arms and gets ready to bring his claws down into the old man’s neck as he hears, ‘you know Drake, that has never worked before, what makes you think that will work now?’

The old man turns his head and smiles as drake drops his arms and laughs heartily. ‘How do you always know, old man?’

‘It comes with experience young one. You’ll learn some day. Now here, take over while I take I have a seat and drink some water. I’m parched.’ He steps away from the front of the stand and walks back to his straw chair in the back as Drake walks up to the front and greets the person looking at the many varieties of meats and vegetables on display. The man looks up and flashes a warm smile at Drake, ‘well hello drake, I didn’t see you there. How are you today?’

Drake smiles back, ‘I’m doing really well doctor, thanks for asking. How are the children?’

The doctor picks up a bundle of bananas and inspects them, ‘They are wonderful, at the playground with their mother right now so I thought I would do a little shopping while they are out’ he puts the bananas in the wicker basket on his arm and keeps looking at the rest of the selection.

Drake keeps a mental tab of what he puts in his basket so he can charge him after he is done, ‘I was thinking that I would show them the wings someday soon, what do you think about that? Do you think they could handle that?’ he asks the doctor as he extends his black dragon wings out to full length and flaps them softly.

The doctor looks up from the big slab of brisket in front of him and looks drake’s wings and nods his head, ‘I believe they are ready for it, yes. I think they will get a kick out of it.’ He keeps smiling and grabs the meat and places it in the basket as well, ‘So, how much do I owe you for all this?’ he shows the basket to drake.

Drake calculates the value in his head, ‘That would be ten and a quarter sir.’

The doctor pulls the money out and hands him twelve, ‘Keep the change son, you deserve it’ he winks as he turns around and walks off.

Drake yells out after him, ‘Thank you sir, have a good day!’ then he turns around and looks at the old man. ‘You ok over there?’

The man smiles softly and nods, ‘I’m great Drake. I’m just impressed with how far you’ve come in the past few years. You seem to be fitting in with all of us humans quite well, considering you’re not one.’

‘Well, it was hard at first when everyone found out that I was really a dragon with some shifting properties, but once people got used to it, they started learning the real me. And yes, it has gotten easier. Thanks to you.’ He laughs and tosses an apple at him. The old man catches it and bites into it.

‘Oh, I haven’t done that much, I just gave you a job. Oh, by the way, where is Seraphina? I thought she was supposed to be here today to help out.’

‘Oh, she had something she had to take care of first then she’ll be here’ Drake says as he turns back around and starts helping another customer.

(On the edge of town, next to a small flowing creek)

Seraphina lies out on the soft grass under the big oak tree, looking up at the bright blue sky. She smells the various flowers around her and smiles brightly, enjoying the quiet peaceful tranquility outside of the busy city. She wishes she could stay out here forever. She glances over and sees a catfish surface in the creek, gulp down a poor dragonfly then dip back under the water. She closes her eyes and takes slow deep breaths, feeling a calm relaxation take over her body………

(A few hours later)

‘Seraphina, Seraphina’ Drake gently shakes her shoulders, trying to wake her up ‘Seraphina, wake up’

She slowly opens her eyes and looks up at him, yawns and stretches, ‘oh damn, what happened?’

‘You fell asleep. You’ve been out here for a while. I was wondering why you never showed up earlier so I came looking for you.’ He extends his hand to help her up. She takes it and stands up gracefully.

‘Well, I hope I didn’t worry you too much, don’t want you actually missing me or anything’ she chuckles and slaps his shoulder.

‘Ha ha, very funny. Come on, dinners almost ready.’ He starts walking back towards the city as he talks back at her over his shoulder. ‘I thought you had to take care of something.’

She laughs at him, ‘I did, I wanted to come out here by myself and relax a little. Is that so bad?’

He chuckles, ‘No, it’s not bad, I just know you as someone who likes to keep her word’ he looks back at her and sticks his tongue out at h
er playfully. She grins and repeats the same action back at him. This is their typical game between the two of them. Playful banter back and forth. They have been close friends since the day they met, so close in fact everyone thought they were brother and sister up until they found out his secret of being a dragon. Not that he a problem with that. He enjoyed his life now that everyone knew. It made it easier to go out into public. He no longer had to steal food to survive. Everyone in town helped both of them out.

She shrugs and giggles, ‘Maybe’ as she brushes past him and runs up the path back to the city. He chuckles and chases after her. They both reach the city about the same time, laughing like lifelong friends do. They both push through the throngs of people gathered at the main entrance, typical for a Saturday. They lose sight of each other as they push through the crowd, each coming out at separate points on the other side.

Drake looks back and forth, searching for her but can’t see her. So he pops his wings out and flies up a little to see over the crowd, still searching for her. He notices strands of bright blonde hair snap down the alley and he grins, ‘So you want to play that game?’ as he floats over the crowd towards the alley. As soon as he turns the corner, he stops suddenly as he sees three males surrounding the prone body of Natalia.

‘What’s going on here?’ he yells as he slowly approaches the males.

One snaps around, holding a small blade in his hand and waves it in front of himself at Drake. ‘Stay back, dragon. This has nothing to do with you.’ The other two turn around at this point facing Drake, both also holding blades.

Drake takes a small step back then crouches low and extends his razor sharp claws, snarling at them, ‘She is my best friend. You better believe this involves me.’

The first male laughs evilly then jumps forward, slashing with his small blade right at drake’s chest. Drake ducks lower then swings an upper cut at his jaw, instantly shattering it and causing the male to drop his knife and stagger backwards, holding his broken jaw. Then Drake turns towards the two remaining males, flashing his fangs. ‘You still have a choice. Leave now and never come back.’

They look at each other then back at him, flashing evil smiles. ‘We have the advantage though, why would we run?’ they snicker as they spread out, one on either side of drake, twirling the knives around flashily. Drake shakes his head and crouches again, preparing for the impending fight. The second male lunges at Drakes head while the third dives for his lower back, both wanting to end this quickly. As soon as they move, Drake jumps up and twists his body sideways, effectively making them both miss him completely. Then on his way down, he grasps both of their heads, bringing them together hard, giving them an emergency meeting of the minds. The echo of skull on skull flows through the alley as they both slump to the ground, unconscious.

Drake runs over to Natalia and kneels down next to her, checking her pulse. Seeing that she’s ok and just unconscious, he carefully picks her up and walks out of the ally, yelling, ‘Someone fetch the doctor, she’s been hurt!’

Several people scurry off to look for the doctor as more come over and look at her. A few minutes later, the doctor comes running up. ‘What happened?’ he asks as he checks her out for serious injury.

‘Three men attacked her in the ally back there. I stopped them before they could do anything very serious. Is she going to be ok, doc?’ drake asks with an edge of concern in his voice.

‘Yes, she will be just fine drake. It was just a bump on the head. She just needs some rest. Take her home carefully and see that she’s comfortable.’

A few people walk down the alley to find the three men as drake walked off to take her home. Whispers and rumors started floating around about the dangers surrounding the city as it was found out that the three men were from another city not far from this one. But what no one realized at that particular time was the true intentions behind the person……or thing that hired the three men.

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love respect kindness

I couldn't believe my luck when I first saw you. The way you smiled at me I knew right there and then that you had a hold of me I couldn't take my eyes of you. I wanted and needed to feel your touch to kiss and hold you. I was to shy to scared to let you see this feeling I had for you. my mind was playing tricks on me I noticed u looking at me was my mind doing it again. I had given my self hope I truly believed I was going to be happy then it happened.I told you how I felt and at first you...

Love Stories
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The Runeswords

The Orion sector, Rito III, 3158 GST (Galactic Standard Time) Reginald Ravensblade, Harpist of Time, sat idly watching the roulette wheel spin as the small gold ball travelled around in the opposite direction waiting to find its home. He was in the Maytag Casino, the largest, most prestigious gaming establishment on Rito III, a pleasure planet known for its gaming establishments. Reg had been on the planet for a week and had just finished his latest quest, another task where time had been...

1 year ago
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Pandemoniums WakeChapter 11

Ferro finally got confirmation of his room assignment after being sent back down to the warehouse level where he had left Quiyo. Apparently the patriarch had no more need for an interpreter. He was in the midst of firing up more power sources for the massive pieces of equipment when his computer beeped with a message. After watching the telltales shift from red to yellow and finally to green status, Ferro retrieved his mail. He had a deck number and a room. The message said nothing about who...

3 years ago
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The Eastern European Lady ass fucked Pt 1

It all started when she and her friends started work in my factory, i had never met women from eastern europe befor and i have got to say they was stunning like models with tand skin and they had come here to work in a dusty old factory, you would never have seen a woman of my own country who looked like that in a factory like mine i couldnt take my eyes off them well nor could any of the other men in the factory.It was a few weeks for me to pluck up the caurage to attept to speak to them ...

2 years ago
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Amys Never Ever

I was escorted into the room blindfolded, guided by a familiar hand through what I sensed to be a very large crowd.  While I walked, countless hands touched me as I navigated a human gauntlet before being stopped and turned. Someone moved closer to me from behind and placed their hands on my hips, pausing momentarily before continuing and gently lifting my sundress. I raised my arms above my head to allow its removal, revealing for everyone present that it was my only garment. A deep voice...

Group Sex
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Aprils Fool

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. I groaned, reaching a hand out from under my blanket and slapped the button on top of my alarm. With a heavy groan I pulled myself out from the covers and staggered over to the bathroom. Another dull, boring, tedious day, I thought to myself as I looked in the mirror. My eyes went wide. I felt the long brown hair that fell past my shoulders. I raised a hand to my smooth hairless cheeks. And I placed a hand on my breasts. "No... no way..." I...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Mia Kay 29975

Mia Kay is hanging out at her friend’s house waiting for her friend to get home, but Mia finds out that her friend isn’t coming home anytime soon. Mia really doesn’t want to drive back in traffic so she decides to hang out with her friend’s brother until traffic dies down. After talking, Mia tells her friend’s brother that she can use some kissing lessons. Her friend’s brother is hesitant to help at first but eventually gives in and kisses Mia. It...

2 years ago
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My Luck With My Relative

Hello ISS reader… I am Vikas(name changed).. I am 23 years old, just completed my college.. I am 5’10.. Fair.. Good body.. 6inch dick…. Me Indian sex stories ka regular reader hun.. Sach me iss ka bhot badha hat hai iss incident k piche for all the idea…. The lady in this story is my jija’s bhabhi.. Name shashi(name changed).. She is 35 of age.. Very attractive lady with nice assets… 34c.32.36… I love her ass shape so good…. Coming to story…. Mene jb pehle bar unko dekha tha aj se 3 saal pehle...

3 years ago
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Raj Ki Kahani 8211 Part II

Hi friends Rahul is back again with a new story, mail me after reading this story at so here i start my story this story carries a person as raj aur uss ki chachi jis kaa naam aasha hai. aap maan le ke mai raj hu kahani aase shuru hoote hai ki mai aapne graduation ke baad aage ke padai karne delhi jaataa hu aur wha jakar mujhe bohoot he gaaandi gandi baate karne wale dost milte hai aur wo log saab ke saab aapne gf ko mooka milne par jaake choodte hai. Mere bhi kae baar ikacha hue keee mai bhi...

2 years ago
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Tarak Mehata Ka Hot Chasma Part 3

Hi friends me sandy fir se me meri sex story kaa agla part like aaya hu aap ke samje.. Aap ko bohat intzar karna padaa isliye me mafi chahataa hu.. Aap logone mere pahale 2 part ko achaa responce mila is liye me aap logokaa sukurgujar hu spacly dadar ki bohat sari gujati aunty se mene baat ki hai unhe meri story bohat achi lagi. Aap log mujw aaise hi repy karte rahiye me aap loko ke lkye naye naye story aur exprience share karungaa.. Meri sabhi se darkwast hai lls mujse koi kisikaa no naa...

4 years ago
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Things Happen For A Reason Ch 06

It was a damn strange feeling to walk into your own apartment and not recognize a thing, Luke thought as he glanced around the tiny place with a sense of déjà vu. He’d had this same feeling when Sarah had taken him home a couple of months ago. This place had none of the warmth or feeling Sarah’s home had, he had to admit. There was hardly any furniture and he had made no attempt to decorate the place whatsoever. The landlord had said Luke never seemed to be around much since he’d rented it...

3 years ago
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Idle Cunts Are the Devils ToolsChapter 12

Cherry was immersed. Immersed in her sister and nephew’s visit. Personally, I thought Cherry had been close to totally falling apart when her sister and nephew had first appeared at the door. It’s one thing to know something is going to happen in the future and quite another to have that scary thing dropped in your lap. Big bad bitch Samantha was far away now. In her place was respectful, contrite Cherry who had been literally poked and forced to act in ways totally alien to Samantha’s usual...

3 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 08

Please start with Chapter 1 or you won’t know what’s going on. My most heartfelt thanks to John who’s editing prevented me from looking stupid! ***** Fresh from her first waxing and lesbian encounter, Mei was flush with a guilty satisfaction. At quarter past nine she got in the taxi, same driver, and texted: ‘On my way… you’re going to like the new me!’ ‘Can’t wait to see it. Hungry?’ ‘Starving.’ She knew that she’d have to come clean to him at some point, accept the punishment and hope...

4 years ago
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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 5 Building Viviersquos Family

In the morning, Vivie woke with two warm bodies cuddled, one on each side. Parenting was a skill she’d need to learn, but this awakening was very nice and a welcome introduction. When she felt stirring, she nudged the pair to full awareness, and herded them into the ensuite to share a shower. The twins, accustomed to sharing a bathroom for morning ablutions, took Vivie’s presence in stride. The three-person shower proved interesting and stimulating. By the time they were out and dry, Vivie...

2 years ago
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Finding BalancePart 5

Game 7 was a non-league game with Chester County's West Brandywine High School. They had a decent team last year, but most of their starters graduated. They only had two seniors on the team. The starting quarterback was a sophomore. Our defense completely confused the quarterback. He threw three interceptions in the game. Our defense dominated. They also forced two fumbles. The offense hardly needed to work up a sweat. The final was score 34-21 Wolverines. The team was going out for a movie...

3 years ago
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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 28

Helen awoke early, feeling restless. She lay for a moment, thinking about Sandy and last night's declaration. "Did I really say that? Did I mean it?" Not sure she was ready to face that, she got up and took another shower, washing her hair and setting the drier down just as the phone rang. It was Johannes. "Hi, glad you're up. I didn't wake you?... Good. I've ordered breakfast here in my room. Can you come soon?" "Yes, I'm just out of the shower. I just have to put some clothes...

4 years ago
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Its A Shame About Duncan

I hadn’t intended to cheat on Duncan. Well, okay, yeah, I obviously did mean to cheat on Duncan. But prior to arriving in France, I’d never thought myself capable of it, mostly because it seemed unlikely that Evan Dando and I would ever meet.For the record, let it be known that I tried stoically to abstain - but against love and lust, stoicism rarely stands a chance. And Duncan did introduce us, so really, it was his fault.The truth shall be my judge, and I can say with total honesty that when...

4 years ago
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Married But Not To Each Other 8211 Tales Of A Wild Couple

Hi, my name is Jay, the male in this story and Piyu is the heroine of this story. We are both married, but not to each other. She is working and so am I. I am 36 and so is she. We met on one of the social networking sites, met in real and have had great times. We love each other a lot, but this story is not about our love, but our lust. Yes we very proudly say that we are in lust with each other. We are both good looking though nothing exceptional. She is slim small boobs, big nipples and nice...

3 years ago
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THE Harem Tales 4 We Gotta Get Outta This PlaceChapter 11 Saturday Night At The Movies

As promised, Lolli and Helva were about to get their lessons in human sexuality. It would not be even close to exhaustive on the subject, but Michael and his family hoped to give the eagerly awaiting Tuull AIs enough information - and examples - to identify abusive behaviors. The family’s preteens and pre-adults had just as eagerly volunteered to demonstrate permitted (and some hoped prohibited) behaviors for those not yet fourteen. In preparation, Misty, accompanied by the Owen twins, shyly...

2 years ago
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Enough Is Enough a New Life

Honey can you get me another car — mine isn't as good as Mary Ann's. Dad get me a faster computer — the one I have is slow and the new games need a faster computer now. Daddy I need a new dress to wear to the winter formal — the one I have I have worn twice now. I have had it, no more taking care of other people and their problems. It is all that I have done since I was a little kid. Well not really, I was big kid for my age (5'5" 175 pounds at 9 years old) and every time I...

4 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 5

cabin tents rented for $25 a day trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50 John Boyd 28yrs old Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old. Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom) Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife make Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant deputy Angie Davenport Marion davenport Angyie’s mom Clyde Summers suicide victim Edward Gaines suicide victim while serving time with John Max...

3 years ago
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The Night Shift1

It was a typical Tuesday night. Liza breezed through the door, a typical bright grin on her face as she sashayed into the office. She was in her mid-twenties, barely 5ft tall, weighing 120lbs, with a voluptuous hour-glass figure. Her long, wavy, brown hair hung halfway down her back, streaked with blond highlights. She wore a tight-fitting, buttoned-up white shirt, her white D cup bra vaguely visible beneath it. Her ample cleavage peeked out of the shirt, the cross on a silver necklace...

1 year ago
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Meri Bholi Girlfriend Part 4

Hello friends. Main Ayush fir se hazir hu kahani ke agle part ke saath. Ye meri kahani ka agla part hai. Ye bhi real incidents par based hai. To ladkon apna lund apne haath mein le ke aur ladkiyan apni ungli apni chut mein daal ke taiyaar ho jaiye. Ek aur dhamakedar kahani ke liye. Agle din jab Vaani ki nind khuli to room mein koi nahi tha aur uske pure badan pe muth hi muth tha. Chaaro taraf tripods pe fone lage hue the. Woh himmat kar ke uthi aur 1 fone tripod se nikaala. Vaani: Videos...

3 years ago
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Mixed MessagesChapter 17

I could not suppress the smile that I had been holding back. Penny jumped up and leaned over to wrap her arms around me, hugging me as she began to cry in relief. Kelly ran over to Dad and jumped into his lap and hugged him with tears in her eyes as well. Dad had that 'what-the-hell-is-this-all-about' look for a second. He could not understand our outright expressions of joy at his response. He asked soberly as we settled down, "Okay, so now you have shown me that you have discovered your...

1 year ago
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Loving The Closest A Son And Mother Part 8211 4

Hello All, Hope you enjoyed earlier parts of the story. Please keep encouraging me through your emails, comments, and suggestions. Write me at ‘ Eagerly waiting for your responses. Now the story- Next night was not like other nights of my life. It was something different, something magical. As the day before my entire day went in the waiting for the night. Night for the fulfillment of my craving, night for the fulfillment of my desire, night for my love, a night which could change the entire...

2 years ago
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The Legend

It was a typical, ordinary night for young Mason; dropping by the local bar and ordering his tall glass of beer before going straight home. Tonight, turned out to be a different occasion. His lady, of a few months, called it quits without giving him any kind of warning. One little text from her was enough to send him into a state of depression. He tried sharing his story with Bob the bartender, but it turned out he had his own problems of the female kind.Mason ordered one more before calling it...

1 year ago
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A Surprising Day Indeed

***This story is a work of fiction. My name is Sam. I’m 24 y/o and have a pretty athletic body. I’m 6’3” and have shaggy black hair. I’ve got a pretty nice cock, not quite 7” and fairly thick. I’ve never gotten any complaints. On the weekdays I drive medical supplies to various hospitals. My girlfriend’s name is Andrea and we’ve been dating for a few months. I’ve had my share of ladies and sexual encounters, but nothing serious. With Andrea, however, I think I’d really like to stay with her....

4 years ago
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The Daring Naughty Sleepover 7

Summary - Cindy and Stacy have a date. Previous Chapter Summary - Cindy and Stacy start their new job cleaning Mr. Wilson’s home. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's...

3 years ago
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Innocent Girl Made Whore For A Night After Bleaching

Hello guys, this is my second story in ISS. I use ISS only to post my stories. My first story was in ‘Office/ Teacher’ section with title ‘Revenge of my HR’. Hope you liked it. This is my second encounter in my life which is as below: I am Sonu. 26 years guy, very fair and handsome. But always horny. I am working in Bangalore in an IT company. On one weekend, we friends planned to go to a pub. It was a long time that we didn’t go there. So wanted a nice night life to hang out as well as to get...

2 years ago
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KateChapter 7

"I really liked your grandparents," said Andrew almost unnecessarily. "They clearly love you to bits. I took to your grandfather immediately. He's warm, amusing and fun." Katrina chuckled. "But Gran keeps him on a pretty tight rein." "Of which he takes little if any notice." "He'd never knowingly upset her." "I'm sure but, by gum, she may not be very tall but she is a strong woman." "And a very loving one." "Absolutely. I've fallen for her." "O-oh?" she...

2 years ago
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The Tiny Trailer

Jerry Joe (JJ) and Brenda Lou were siblings, or at least that is what their mother said. Other relatives, knowing the mother’s promiscuous tendencies would only go as far as half-siblings. The two, with Brenda being ten months older, had taken JJ’s old wreck of a car to the big city, population twenty thousand, to seek their fortune. That had immediately proved elusive with the only employment being half-time jobs at fast food emporiums. At least taking home cooked but unsold food at closing...

1 year ago
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BadTeensPunished Avi Love Cute To Be A Slut

Teen Avi Love is in bed reading when her stepdad Kyle Mason asks her to leave the door unlocked for a handyman who will be coming by later that day. Knowing that she needs money, Avi dresses in her slutty best to flirt with the handyman in the hope that he will give her money. When he arrives, she wanders downstairs and tries to get his attention by making up housework that allows her to bend over and show off her short shorts with no panties. When the handyman ignores her advances, she pulls...

2 years ago
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My Friday Night in Tenerife

My evening at Ken and Karen’s BBQ was rushing by and before the end of it I needed to resolve the conundrum that offers from Dave and Ken had caused me. Ken wanted me to have sex with his much younger wife, Karen because he liked to eat her pussy straight after she'd fucked another man. Dave, on the other hand, had asked me to double up his wife, Claire. DP was, apparently, something Claire had fixated on recently and they thought I was the ideal candidate for their first experience. Dave and...

3 years ago
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George And Lisa Discover 8216The Plan8217

George was huffing back home on his bicycle after an exciting and confusing afternoon with his girlfriend Lisa. As usual, George had spent a few hours at Lisa’s house after school. This had become a routine for them in the past several months. They would talk of the day’s events; who was doing what around the neighborhood or at school. Sometimes they would sit on the sofa, watching a movie or program on TV. Today was different. Today there was something else in the air. George could...

4 years ago
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Radiator Springs A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 11 The Highway

Everybody has their stories about traveling on The Highway, and they're all worth listening to. That's because every one of them is different. No one ever seems to take the same journey as anyone else, even when seeking the same destination. And while some segments are so plain and deserted as to not even be worth mention, others are memorable beyond belief. Here's my list of the ones I'll never forget. The first place that really threw me was our fourth segment where we drove into a...

2 years ago
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Vixen 2

The busy sound of phones ringing and papers shuffling filled the precinct as a lulling background noise that every officer and detective had grown accustomed to. Despite the drug addict that had to be dragged through the office to his awaited cell in handcuffs and eventually shown the effects of a stun gun, today seemed lazily uneventful. Dane sat at his desk in the center of the sluggish haze, tapping a pen to his lower lip with his feet resting next to his sleek desktop computer...

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