Kenshiro HidoriChapter 1B
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Kenshiro Hidori found himself in ancient Arabia during the time of Mohammed the Prophet. Kenshiro was respected by both his enemies and his allies as a man of honor and faith. As a result he was given the name Ubaid Asad which means "Faithful Lion". As the conflict between the Meccans and their allies against Mohammed's forces went on Kenshiro found himself in a personal conflict. While he disagreed with Mohammed's views this being the main reason for joining the Meccans he came to not respect the people of the city he was defending. All of them were idolaters which conflicted with the Jewish beliefs he had converted to. In his heart he knew that Mecca would lose this war and saw no reason to fight for the losing side when he himself did not believe in it or sworn fealty to those that lead it. Retiring from the army of Mecca he the left war behind and traveled into the desert.
Once there he devoted himself to God believing that his war-like days were behind him. Living as a hermit something unexpected happened. Some of the people of Mecca as well those from neighboring cities left their homes to seek out the hero who had stood against the Prophet Mohammed. Without realizing it Ubaid had allowed Mohammed's enemies to hold out longer than they would have, his image inspiring many to fight on. Always Ubaid had been in thick of battle slaying his enemies and holding his ground. Troops would rally around him gaining courage from his example. Those men he had led in those battles had guided these common folk to him hoping to serve him again. As much as he tried to refuse they made him not only their worldly leader but their spiritual one as well. They had been impressed by faith and fearlessness before every battle while other men cowered behind walls seeking safety he had stood as a rock unmoving against the elements. Guessing that if this was how these people felt that his enemies would soon chase after him he led his people far into the desert seeking aid from straggling Bedouin.
The Bedouin were the people of the desert. Raw and untamed they were fierce warriors who knew how to survive on the hot desert sands. Some of them also joined the growing "Ubaid" as the new tribe came to be called after naming themselves after their leader. Ubaid began to preach his own message to the Bedouin tribes who in turn spread it to the cities. He taught that there should be no enmity between the Arabs and Jews for they were descended from two sons who came from the same father. Each had been blessed in their own way for already the empire of the Arabs was growing.
Unfortunately not everyone liked what they heard in Ubaid Asad's message. Some of the followers of the now late Prophet saw this as affront to their teacher's teachings. Ubaid named Jerusalem as the holy city not Mecca. He said that Jerusalem was the city the Arabs should pay homage to not the city of Mohammed's birth. Now his enemies who had long sought his destruction now had the excuse they needed to wipe him from the face of the earth, and all who followed him. When they came they found that Ubaid Asad had made preparations for just such an occurrence. Skilled in metal work he had taught his craft to others of his tribe who had helped build armor for the Ubaid warriors. Light but stronger than the armor of the time it gave them a distinct advantage technologically. Now they had fine protection sown and hidden into their clothing that it helped protect them against blades and arrows. Under their leader's direction the Ubaid had become proficient at becoming highly mobile at a moment's notice. Everything in their life was designed on this facet allowing them to keep ahead of their enemy. For weeks Ubaid Asad used the landscape against his enemies, land that he now knew better than they did. When they finally managed to almost surround his people Ubaid Asad led his warriors and bloodied his enemy's nose and retreated before they could rally their forces. Heading for Jerusalem he sought refuge for his people.
As he neared the city of Jerusalem the inhabitants sent out a delegation to meet him hoping that he came in peace not in war. Ubaid Asad greeted them telling that surely his people's enemies would seek him out here, and it would best that his people move on so not to bring danger to Jerusalem. Upon hearing this news the leader of the city's forces asked that he aid them in forming a defense. "Your pursuers will lay waste to all who resist them and resist them we will. Like you we are their enemies and they will take the opportunity to conquer us. You have many fighters with you send those who cannot fight into our city. They will be safe behind the walls. If you will fight with us your people make seek refuge in the future here if they wish before they move on to new lands." The Jewish General said. Moved by the Jewish man's offer and seeing the advantage for both their peoples he agreed to the terms. Then for the first time in history Jews and Arabs stood side by side against a common foe. When the Caliph's troops arrived they found themselves fighting an enemy dug in before the city. The battle that followed left his army beaten and demoralized. Returning home to lick his wounds Khalid ibn-al-Walid the general of the Arab army swore vengeance against Ubaid Asad and his new allies. Omar himself who later came to power did not share his predecessor's view.
Omar saw great potential between Ubaid Asad and himself. For too long he believed they had remained unnecessary enemies. With the Ubaid as an ally he could conquer new territory far quicker and with far less loss of life to his people. The Ubaid had experienced very few casualties thanks to their equipment and tactics. An army of horsemen and camel riders they could strike and retreat at will causing great confusion among their enemies as Omar could attest after seeing it himself. Sending envoys to the Ubaid he offered peace between the two sides and an offer of an alliance. Ubaid Asad readily accepted the idea after he made sure the offer was genuine. Omar leading his troops into Syria was accompanied by the Ubaid who acted as a rear guard, having left the rest of their people who could not fight outside of Jerusalem for safety. Omar and Ubaid Asad became good friends and respected each other's integrity and faithfulness to their own religions. Many nights the two men had theological discussions hoping to convert the other to their beliefs but only finding it to be in vain in the end. Both men would often be heard to say, "My friend is a good man. I hope to win his soul for God so we may see each other in heaven again." This amazed most who served them including Khalid ibn-al-Walid, who had not forgotten his defeat at Jerusalem. He did not trust Ubaid Asad and wanted nothing to do with him. Omar himself forbid Khalid ibn-al-Walid from causing trouble with their new ally or any of his people.
When Omar's army was checked by a more numerous force of Byzantines at Ajnadain Ubaid Asad led his troops against the enemy attacking them. Attacking and retreating they inflicted great casualties among the Byzantines who had never seen anything like it. When a weak point presented itself in the Byzantine line Ubaid Asad led the charge and smashed through it. Wheeling about he attacked the enemy from the rear while Omar's troops attacked the front. Panicked by the sudden turn of events the enemy troops broke and ran their once solid ranks disintegrating. Giving chase the Ubaid hounded their every step until Omar who could no longer keep up with his slower moving army asked them to stop so his troops could rest. Though not liking the idea of losing his quarry while he had them on the run, Ubaid Asad heeded Omar's request and turned back to his ally's camp.
When the rest of the Arab army arrived led by Khalid ibn-al-Walid they continued. Khalid ibn-al-Walid had led his men in a forced march to aid Omar against a superior foe not knowing the battle had already been won. Together the three generals rallied their troops and pursued the fleeing Byzantine army. They caught up with their enemy at Pella routing them there as well. Pressing on to Damascus the allied army was confronted by a Byzantine garrison inside the city. While laying siege to the city the Byzantine emperor sent a force to relieve and reinforce the city's defenders. Discovering this army's approach from their scouts Khalid ibn-al-Walid had a brilliant idea to use this information to their advantage. All together the allied armies headed out as if to meet the attacking force. When the Byzantine garrison encouraged by this sight left the protection of their city walls to attack their enemy's rear Khalid ibn-al-Walid led the allied army and attacked the garrison troops defeating them. Wheeling about again they also obliterated the relieving force before returning to besieging Damascus. The city fell to them not long afterward seeing no point in fighting on. Breaking off from the main force Ubaid Asad, lead his army to attack the enemy supply lines and distract their reinforcements. This forced the Byzantines to spread their armies more thinly as they tried to fight the main Arab army and the Ubaid. Conquered populations often were split between supporting the religion of Islam and Ubaid Asad's beliefs. Some of them even chose to join the Ubaid anxious to join the fighting force that was reeking such havoc on the Byzantine troops. The end result was that the army of Omar I conquered land far quicker than they would have with much less resistance.
Khalid ibn-al-Walid did not like the freedom the Ubaid were being given in attacking whoever they wished. He believed that Ubaid Asad should report to him and Omar I before attacking so they could coordinate their efforts. As in the Battle of Ajnadain the Muslim forces had to rush to catch up with Ubaid Asad and his army who was always leading. When the Persian Empire sought to strike first it was the Ubaid who met them keeping them busy until Omar I could catch up with his troops. After a few key battles the Persians were forced to retreat to their own lands. Soon Syria fell to the allied armies as the Byzantines were forced to withdraw what few troops they had left there.
Eager to finish the conquests Omar I desired Ubaid Asad led the charge again into Persia. The Persian Empire fell under their combined might and again a new territory was added to the growing Arab empire. Omar I pleased with the Ubaid's efforts offered them the chance to rest and gather their strength while his army forged ahead into Egypt taking on the Byzantines again. Taking the opportunity Ubaid Asad recruited all who wished to join his army bringing his armies strength to 10,000 strong. After they were properly rested and the new recruits trained in the Ubaid's tactics they moved to join up with the main army. They made it in time to act as a rear guard, while the Muslim army took on the Byzantines defeating them and capturing Egypt. These events went on until the Muslims conquered the last nations who did not sue for peace in the east.
Ubaid Asad led his army back to Jerusalem to gather up his people and take a long needed rest. The families of troops followed behind as best as they could. The Ubaid were now a mighty nation of people in their own right, they were made up of Arabs, Jews and Persians not counting Ubaid Asad himself. Taking leave of his allies in Jerusalem Ubaid Asad led the full number of his people into Arabia settling there. Omar I looked well on his friend and would often invite him to the capital of Mecca where they would discuss many things. Alas this time of peace was not to last forever as Omar I was assassinated on the steps of a Mosque where muslims held their religious services. The new Caliph thought as Khalid ibn-al-Walid did, that Ubaid Asad was a danger to the Caliph's rule. The fact that the man had proven such an able enemy and ally in the past proved that to him. Khalid ibn-al-Walid having never forgotten his defeat at Jerusalem, and the oath he took then was more then happy to carry out his orders of destroying the Ubaid. Seeking escape from his pursuers Ubaid Asad led his people into Northern Africa.
During their travels the Ubaid came to settle on the outskirts of the Axumite Kingdom. Both fearing them and seeing an opportunity in securing them as an ally the king offered an alliance with them. To Ubaid Asad himself the King offered his daughter Andromeda who was sixteen. Ubaid Asad did not like the idea of marrying a "child" as he considered her. Most of his people as well the Axumites did not consider this very unususual, as a number of young girls were married to grown men much younger to ensure similar alliances and vice a versa. The Axumite King assured Ubaid Asad that his son would come to rule his grandfather's kingdom. Weighing his people's needs above his own wishes Ubaid Asad consented to the marriage, but refused to take her to his bed. Giving Andromeda her own tent he left her to the teachings of the other women of his tribe. At first she resisted spoiled by royal pampering and arrogant in front of the other women. When Ubaid Asad heard of this he immediately took action. Whenever she balked in doing the work of the other women and they complained to him he would take her over his knee in plain sight and spank her. Eventually she learned to mind her manners and her tongue. When she turned eighteen Ubaid Asad took her into his tent. Andromeda was unsure on how to react to him at first. Up until now he had been a distant figure who had been the source of disciplining her. Now she found him to be a patient husband who was gentle with her even during lovemaking. Soon a transformation took place in Andromeda's demeanor no longer did she do what was proper for fear of being punished, but instead she did it to honor the husband who treated her so well. Andromeda became the picture of good wife showing humility before God, honest, and hard working. All were amazed by this transformation except Ubaid Asad himself. He had often wished he could have made things easier, but now he saw he had done the right thing. These new experiences had enabled Andromeda to grow as a person. Ubaid Asad admired her beauty and keen mind. Andromeda was tall with fair soft skin and black hair that hung just below her shoulders. While Kenshiro was shorter than her his build was much larger while her's was slender. Ubaid Asad often delighted in the look into her eyes as they took in what was around her. They seemed so filled with life and were truly windows to her soul. During this time some of the African tribes joined the Ubaid's number further bolstering their forces.
Ubaid scouts reported the short reprieve from the Muslim forces was over again they were marching to catch up with their enemy. Deciding he needed to put more than just land between him and his pursuers Ubaid Asad looked to sea to north. Moving his people they headed farther into the north of Africa towards the coast. Securing ships by either buying them or capturing them he sent his people to the coast of Spain following afterwards himself.
When all had made landfall the Visigoths seeing a possible threat to their power attacked. They found that the now 20,000 armed Ubaid warriors led by Ubaid Asad were far more dangerous than they reckoned for. Though they were greatly outnumbered the battle-hardened Ubaid, used the tactics that time and time again had served them well winning victory after victory. Soon the Visigoths were on the run and Ubaid Asad saw opportunity to gain allies. The people of the land who had sent sons to be enslaved as fighting men of the Visigoth army for their protection were easily encouraged to offer assistance to the Ubaid. Ubaid Asad had ensured this by ordering that only Visigoth settlements would be attacked leaving the native population alone. This proved easy as the Visigoths chose to live separate from the people they had conquered. Raising an army of their own the natives fought alongside Ubaid Asad as he welcomed their assistance. Together they managed to stamp out the last of the Visigoth resistance in the countryside. The Visigoths now unsupported had to surrender or be chased from Spain. The Visigoth's last defense was in the city of Toledo. Not wanting to suffer massive casualties in besieging the city by normal means Ubaid Asad came up with a new plan. Gathering building materials he created walls of his own surrounding the city. The walls were formed in a circle around Toledo and were made of whatever could be found. Guards patrolled the walls as Ubaid Asad had massive catapults built. This process took many months while Toledo was cutoff from any possible resupply. Once the Catapults were built they launched huge boulders at the city during the day and tied together oil jars that had been lit before being released at night. The jars would light up the sky before falling on the rooftops of the enemy catching them on fire. During the day the defenders had to worry about being crushed to death by rocks and during the night they had to stay up and put out the fires as they began to spread. The devastation was demoralizing to the inhabitants as well as the defenders. After ten days of this the city quickly surrendered and the Visigoths were forced to vacate it.
Leaving the Spanish to their own devices Ubaid Asad settled his people in the land now finally safe. Andromeda soon bore him two daughters and a son. The two girls' names were Desta and Fana. The boy's name was Ismael. Ubaid Asad enjoyed spending time with his children and wife as an escape from his daily responsibilities. The newly chosen Spanish King sent word to the Ubaid Asad welcoming him to the capital in Toledo. Accepting the invitation Ubaid Asad left with an honor guard to meet the new king. Like the Axumite king the Spanish ruler wanted to marry his daughter to Ubaid Asad. When he said he would think it over and left it was Andromeda who convinced him to accept. "We were forced to leave Africa and my father's lands because your enemies feared you. Men who fight with you one moment turn against you the next because you are a threat to them. By taking this King's daughter into your house you can ensure a lasting alliance and the safety of your kin and people." Andromeda said speaking words of wisdom. "But I have never taken more than one wife. The same is true of many of my ancestors." Ubaid Asad replied still uncomfortable with the idea. "She is eighteen unlike me when we were married. That is one thing that you will not have to worry about. Second many of the people you lead have more than two wives so it is not so strange. Think of it, while our son comes to rule the Axumite Kingdom after my father another son could rule Spain. If you have only girls with your new wife then it will be your grandson." Andromeda said. Surprised by her reaction Ubaid Asad asked, "You would not be jealous of the attention I would be giving her?" Laughing Andromeda answered, "Am I not your first wife? Is not my son destined to not only rule the Axumite Kingdom but the Ubaid nation as well? Let her have Spain my son's kingdom will be greater. As for you, did you not love me first? Below our shared God I am first in your heart let her take third place." Marveling at her confidence and lack of jealousy he agreed to her council. Isabella and Ubaid Asad were soon married solidifying the alliance between Spain and his people. Isabella was a beautiful woman with light brown skin and black hair. Isabella was much shorter than Andromeda and was very different in personality. While Andromeda was generally humble in her demeanor Isabella rarely spoke without encouragement. Her timid demeanor often frustrated Ubaid Asad as he had to always be careful with her even in the area of love making as she would easily scare and grow quiet. He always knew when she was uncomfortable as her eyes would turn downcast staring at the earth at her feet and her shoulders would hunch over. Though he tried to build up her confidence it seemed to have no effect and he soon gave up on the idea. As time went on the Ubaid grew still greater in number. Now Spanish and Visigoth people had joined their ranks raising the Ubaid fighting force to 25,000. With the birth of his son Frederick Ubaid saw that the time had come for him to return to Africa now with two allies backing him and the opportunity to roam free unopposed. Crossing the sea yet again they settled in Morocco for a time to rest far from the armies of their enemies.
When the Caliph of the Arab empire heard of his return he raised an army and sent it against the Ubaid. Khalid ibn-al-Walid had been demoted because the Caliph feared any general with great influence leading the army. Rather than retiring Khalid ibn-al-Walid had chosen to fight as a common soldier. When Ubaid Asad heard that a Muslim army was approaching rather than waiting he chose to meet it, and since his old rival was not leading the enemy army the new commander knew little about his enemy. Sending a message before setting out to the King of Axum, Ubaid Asad asked that he honor the alliance that they had made and aid the Ubaid in attacking their enemy. Upon receiving the message the King, not wanting to make enemies of either side chose to send out reinforcements but did not have them perform a forced march to meet up with the Ubaid which would take more time. Not seeing his reinforcements on the eve of battle Ubaid Asad was forced to attack without them. The fight was bloody and hard neither side giving way to the other. The initial surprise had given the Ubaid the advantage but Khalid ibn-al-Walid's example had managed to rally the Muslim troops so they reformed and continued to fight. Changing tactics Ubaid Asad led a charge where Khalid ibn-al-Walid stood. The two men's swords clashed time and time again, but it was Ubaid Asad who came out the winner. After seeing their great hero fall the Muslim resistance dissipated and the Ubaid swept them from the field. Victory belonged to Ubaid Asad and his troops but at great cost to themselves. For the first time they had lost thousands of their own troops. Though their enemy had suffered far more the effect was greater on the Ubaid who had far fewer. When the reinforcements arrived far too late obviously at a comfortable march, for they did not look as tired as they should. Even if they had begun their forced march a few days late they should have arrived in time.
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JULIE'S TRIUMPH Julie smiled at Everett over the candle lit dinner at Morton's Steak House.The grizzled, former Foreign Service officer, now an export magnate, caughtJulie's eye and smiled right back. His brown, tanned hand traveledacross the steak tartare and, reaching Julie's small fingers with their Frenchmanicure, squeezed them gently. Julie really liked Everett, and thoughthe seemed malleable. Most men were fairly malleable in Julie's hands;she was your traditional big-busted, full lipped...
Hi, everyone. I have been following ISS since last 8 years. have been a huge fan of ISS and am gonna share my real life experience. I am glad I got to write a story finally. Since this is my first story please ignore any mistake. But do send your lovely feedback. I am an average boy, 5’8″ height, with an average built body, I like meeting new people and visiting new places. Speaking of female complicity. Women go to the bathroom together, shop together, touch up her makeup while chatting on...
It was Friday afternoon and the office party was that evening. My young 22 year old secretary was joining us that evening and i had been flirting with her for weeks. She was returning the flirting with a stunning size 12 body but with a large set of boobs supple arse that just perfectly sets out from her body with brunette hair just passed her shoulder. She had come dressed to impress with a short pencil skirt half way down her thigh stockings with a low cut top and the edge of her red bra just...
512 swappsies Geralds`s storyHe needn`t have worried, she had been sitting on the bench waiting for the rest of the passenger to evaporate, expecting, like natural selection that ‘her stud of the week’ would be the last remnant, the last, very lost looking soul. She advanced towards him a rare beauty dripping sex from every pore a tall blonde, with an hourglass figure all legs and tits, with a smile like a dream! Gerald could not believe his eyes, she was a stunner, and knowing his mate Ernest...
If anyone had asked Zack, he would have told them he couldn't recall ever being happier with his life. Life on the island was interesting and exciting, as well as relaxing. After their defeat of the pirates, the native men now viewed the two sailors as something between a deity and their chieftain of war. However, best of all was his relationship with Nani whom he found to be an excellent companion while his friendship with Destand continued to grow. Overall, life was treating the two...
Author’s Note: ‘Dangerous Dealings’ (DD) is a one-off story, serving as a prequel to a series of full-length novels featuring Heather Hunter. Because she was only six years old in 1988, Heather does not appear in DD, but some of the characters that do appear become major players alongside her. Please be forewarned: DD only contains a small amount of sex, and it is ‘straight’ at that. I realize this submission is very different to anything I have offered previously but do value feedback from...
Hey guys, Prithvi here. This is my fourth story with a girl I met in my town in a local café. We soon became very close friends and shared similar kinky fantasies. I hope you liked my other stories also (first time with girlfriend). Be sure to check it out and mail me with responses. – I met this girl at a local café. I was there with my friends and she was with hers. She was sitting across the table and was facing me. Our eyes met a few times and then after some time she gave a slight smile....
John didn’t have much time for women. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, but working as a surgeon in one of the busiest hospitals downtown didn’t give him much time for that sort of thing. He was an ok looking guy, and liked to flirt with girls- usually the pretty nurses at work- but it never seemed to lead anywhere. Never had the time to. It was a shame that the only person to experience his big curved cock was his own right hand usually. He had a great sex life at college, and knew his way...
Wrists shackled tight to her ankles ~ they were red and raw from her pulling and tugging. Each time the strap had landed, she had strained against them ~ heaving, with the strength of her arched back against the restraints as the pain of each blow rocketed through her. She had not uttered a sound, yet her screams echoed through her brain ~ the agony tearing at her resolve ~ trying to shatter her order of silence. Her skin dripped with sweat and her back convulsed with each attempt to draw a...
KissWhen I Was High School No One Knew I Was Gay .I Knew Because I Would Always Have These DreamS About My Classmates.One Day I Was In Class When I Was About 14 I Needed To Pee Very Badly SoI Asked The Teacher To Go And She Said Yes But To Return Quickly Or I Would Be In alot Of Trouble .I Hurried To The bathroom And Quickly Took A Piss ,WhenI Was About To Leave I Heard Moaning Coming From A Stall So Stopped Dead In My tracks And Sure Enough I Could Hear Moans Of Pleasure Echoing Through The...
This is a story that goes way back, during my school days, when I was a horny little shit. There was a good reason for my high sex drive, other than puberty hitting me hard. I had a pretty decent-looking girlfriend who let me lose my virginity to her. It was during the confusing times that I was too keen on losing my virginity, and I was successful. Maybe this story for another time. Now I had a major maid fetish since I was a kid, what with all those dangling tits and ass while they sweat it...
For the long Saturday afternoon that she was going to spend with Russell Clayton, Jenny Craig put on a long black cotton dress that fit her snugly all the way down, with a thin black scarf around her head. The dress reached almost to her black shoes, and the only reason that she really had room to walk was that it was slit up the side and overlapped, so that she was still covered to about mid-calf almost all the time, even though the real opening was above the bottom of her panties. ...
I don’t actually think that anyone is to blame for what happened. Not even me. Maybe if I had been raised differently ... well, who knows? My parents were extremely devout Catholics. We seemed to go to church all the damned time. They wouldn’t have put it quite that way. In our home the answer to every question was to be found in the bible. I went to all girl Catholic schools from pre-school through my senior year of high school. As a result of that cloistered education I knew nothing of...
Hello all, This story is about my horny sex experience with my hot maid servant. As people normally write before going about sharing their experience, I would also like to state that this is a real story. And I mean real, by all possible means. Let me go about explaining things to every single detail that I can remember of. Because, this was one awesome experience that gives me unstoppable hard-ons even now when I think of it. I will have to go way back in time to early 2012 when I first met...
Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...
HumorMy Brother, My Sister – Part I By Michele Nylons Note : This story is completely fictional! I wrote this story originally under the title “Be Careful In the Park” about an older crossdresser who meets a street gang in a park and gets more than she bargained for. There was no incest in the original version. I like this version better as it includes all my peccadillos: incest, crossdressing, nylon fetish, and forced sex. A warning to those who find those subjects not to their taste. My God! I was...
IncestWhile driving to the party, Allie sat in the back seat. She felt like the spare tire of the group. Although her and Kate secretly had a thing going, Kate had made it clear that she was in love with Daniel and didn’t want him to know. So as they kissed and giggled with each other in the front seat Allie just stared off into space. Since coming to college she had opened up sexually. She had a couple reliable sex buddies but none of them were guys she would want to spend any time with other than...
“Yes, I must admit. It is the second best feeling I have ever felt, Mel!” With that said she dropped all the way down, and I immediately came inside her! “I’m sorry, I am so sorry Mel! Will you ever forgive me?” “Don’t worry lover boy, I’ve done some reading too. It doesn’t matter how quick the first one is, it’s the second one!” I got hold of her, flipped her on her back, which caused her to growl at me, and I began to thrust hard, deep, and fast. “Ooooh, Paul ... keep it going, Baby, I...
Rachel was due back this week. Caroline and I couldn't wait. Caroline was nice but her mother had been my fantasy since I was 15, or maybe even younger. She was enrolling on campus as a transfer student. We were going to live in a house she had rented off campus. As I walked down campus road, Caroline joined men and wrapped her arm around my waist. "I spoke to mom last night." "What did Rachel say?" Caroline grinned and said. "To tell you that she stopped the pill and she is going...
Session 48: “What do you know about Marcie’s father?” “He’s a professor. Spends a lot of time in his study. Looks sad, most of the time.” “Has Marcie ever spoken much about him?” “Yeah. She was pissed when he wouldn’t let her come to Spring Break.” “Why do you think he wouldn’t let her?” “I think he was just looking out for her.” “Do you think he’s a good father?” “Yeah.” “Why?” “Marcie told me. Not in those exact words, but I always got the sense he was a good guy.” “Anything...
At the time of this story, my wife, Laura, and I lived in Tacoma , Washington , and we both enjoyed hiking in the Cascade Mountains . Laura’s hobby is wildlife photography, and we often took overnight hikes at higher elevations, so we would be in the mountains at sunrise to take photos of wildlife not normally seen during the day. We understd the dangers in the mountains, and always took the necessary survival equipment, just in case of an emergency. Fierce storms can develop in a matter of...
Cuckoldit was about 3 pm when i started to get redy to see my master.around 4 pm i was walking towards his door in the hotel. i knocked and helet me in i smiled and he gripped my obiece body and pulled it close i smiled and whispered - im here master- i started to kiss him passionetly then i mooved away- lie on the bed-i ordered. then i started to undress in a very sexy way] [i saw it turned him on so i came to him on the bed and as i kissed his warm and sweet lips i undid the buttons in his shirt...
As I was about to refill the glass, I heard the sound of the doorbell that caused me to curse. I waited for a few moments, trying to decide whether to or ignore whoever had chosen to disturb my peace at that time of the night. In truth, I'd already much decided, given the conditions outside; I'd to answer when the chimes sounded for a second time. Placing my drink on the other side of the table, I made my way towards the door. Although I could see the outline shape of my evening visitor, I...
Introduction: Mr. Thomas has always wanted the youngest girl in the Evans family. His sights set on her for years, watching her growing. Now, he has her, and can do whatever he pleases… Chapter One: Capturing An Angel She was so flawless. So sweet, youthful, innocent. Watching her from afar for years, he knew he would do anything to own her. Some call it obsession, if he was ever obsessed with anything, he supposed it would be her. The only problem? She was just barely 13. He had yearned for...
Chapter 1 I guess, first, I need to tell you something about my mother. Now, all I have to do is figure where to start. So, let’s see, my mom. Well, she’s blond, no, not natural, good figure which probably mostly means big boobs, what would be considered a ‘hot ticket’ in a man’s world. My mom was not shy around men. She was flirty and loved to party. My father divorced her when I was three and he came home early. Do I need to explain? Thought not. I really don’t see or hear from him much...
Saturday Evening She lifts her leg from the water, stroking it gently with her forefingers, feeling the softness of her skin. Before the ‘play-weekend’ started, she made sure she shaved her legs including the tender bits that mattered, she wanted nothing to get in the way of her and her pleasure – and off course her husband. She knows how hot it gets him when he touches her legs and they are smooth as silk. It’s been about an hour since she got into the bath, and after filling up twice with...
Miss Anna Stockton had been working at the University Library for the past 15 years. She was in her early 40’s, had brown hair, brown eyes which were normally hidden by her glasses, and always dressed very conservatively which did not reveal much of her attractive figure. Her supervisor was Miss Penobscott, an older woman in her mid-sixties who seemed frigid to Anna. Anna was beginning to dread that she might grow old and become a woman just like Miss Penobscott. Anna had led a pretty...
So in the summer of 1994, I decided to move to a small town called Alcolu, South Carolina, where a man lived who was in his early 40’s and he seemed like everything I could ever want. He said he had work lined up for me which was great. He was very romantic in his letters and phone conversations and my heart was a’flutter. My parents were concerned about whether or not it was the right decision, but despite that, they threw me a going away party with all my family and friends there to...
All of us collectively operated on autopilot over the next few days. Gina, with her public-relations background, somewhat reluctantly accepted the role of family spokesman for the media. At one point, the media identified her as “the wife of the deceased firefighter’s sister.” This resulted in, of all things, the loonies from Westboro Baptist Church announcing their intention to picket the funeral to thank God for killing firefighters as, I suppose, punishment for R.J.’s failure to disown his...
Kidnap"You know that when you kidnap for ransom, youhave to be prepared, if they don't pay. It's nodifferent when it's a political kidnaping. If theydon't release the prisoners, bad things happen. Somake the bad things happen, and video tape thehappenings, so they know they have to respond toour demands. Do it, now."Z went into the room where the girl was. She lay,crying, on the concrete floor, her hands and feetbound, her school uniform soiled, for it had beentwo days since she had...
“What! He just disappeared! What!” said Rodney. “Yes, I went into the back to get something. When I came back, he was gone. It was my fault I guess,” she said. She had a sheepish look about her. “Claire? Is there something else?” he said. “Maybe, she squeaked. We, I, suggested that we needed to be careful about confusing the baby. I suggested that the baby call him by his name for the time being. Just for the time being, Rodney, I swear, I didn’t mean to hurt the guy. Honest,” she...
Chapter Six: Alicia paced the floor of her bedroom, listening to the muffled sound of the piano music coming from downstairs. Her nervous excitement was so great that she had trouble thinking. She knew she ought to take a shower, then dress and make up the bed. She'd have to change the sheets. A puddle of Ricky's cum had formed under her crotch as she'd lain under him while he'd slept. Burn the old sheet and pad, then put on new ones, she decided. ...
"Mom, do you think we can take a trip and go some place where nobody knows us? You know, where we could actually go on a date?" I smiled at the thought. "Robert, you are so cute," I said as I felt my pulse quicken at the very notion of traveling as a couple with my stepson. "I think I would like that. Let me see what I can do. I have four days off over the fourth of July. Maybe we could go someplace then." I started an internet search to find some romantic options for my young lover and I to...
TabooFrom a comfortable chair near the side of her bed, Melissa watched the antics of her two slaves with amusement, her lips curled into a wicked smile. Susan's naked body shivered, her skin glistening with perspiration. Her breath came as rapid gasps and wet grunts, her face buried in the wet pussy of the girl that lay spread under her. As she licked at the musky, steaming cunt, it made her own arousal spike such that her pussy ached for release as well. Susan's knees were splayed out to...