Kenshiro HidoriChapter 4 free porn video

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After appearing in England Kenshiro wandered it until he came to the coast. Once there he joined the few fighting men who were willing to protect ships from Viking raiders. He had taken many of these jobs and at least half of the time encountered the enemy. Making a good account for himself many of the men on his current ship looked to him when the fighting started when they needed direction. During a storm his ship was swept off course losing a few men as they tried to steer her to the safety of the coast. It was then as the storm cleared that they saw a Viking sail. With barely any wind to fill their sail and give them speed they needed the Vikings using their oars soon began to overtake them.

The English captain soon called for all fighting men to prepare to repel boarders. Preparing to meet them Kenshiro grasped his samurai sword preparing himself for battle. The Vikings were usually lightly armored which was perfect for this weapon. He had not grown rusty in its use practicing whenever he could. Now he waited for the attack to come, feeling the adrenaline begin to pump through his veins. The first boarder was unlucky enough to appear right in front of him, as he climbed aboard the English ship. The flash of steel in the sunlight followed by a blood curdling scream began the battle. The first boarder fell into the water his hands cutoff at the wrist.

A second Viking roaring a battle cry charged Kenshiro. Sidestepping Kenshiro cut the man's sword arm off leaving him to die. The next Viking trying to finish off a wounded defender lost his head as he turned to see who was behind him. Picking up the wounded man he shook him away. "Would you prefer to die on your feet like a man or die on the ground like a dog?" Kenshiro asked him. Shoving the Viking's sword into his hand he shoved the dizzy man back into the fight. A huge man carrying a large broadsword swung for Kenshiro head. Ducking he watched as the Viking's sword got stuck in the mast that had been just behind him. Aiming he hacked off the nearest of the Viking's arms. Beginning to walk away looking for his next enemy he was surprised by a blow to the back of his head. Landing face first on the wooden planks of the ship Kenshiro shook away the cobwebs. Flipping over he saw the huge Viking coming towards him. Getting up he quickly Kenshiro buried his sword in the man's gut. Reaching out with his left hand the Viking grasped Kenshiro's throat choking him and lifting Kenshiro off the ground. Using his feet he slammed them into the Viking's stomach knocking the wind out of him. The Viking released his hold enough for Kenshiro to break free. As he hit the ground he sent another kick into the larger man's ankle. Grunting from the impact the Viking was still coming. Grabbing one of Kenshiro's feet the other man began to drag him toward him. Scrambling for purchase he kicked the man again in the face as he was bent over.

The Viking's head snapped back under the impact as he went down falling flat on his back. Trying to get up Kenshiro was blindsided again by a punch that landed right in his face. Sent flying he landed on his side blood flowing from his nose and his head ringing. Seeing his sword lying just out of reach he began to crawl for it. His fingertips barely touching it as he was pulled away by his enemy. Desperately he sent a flurry of kicks and punches into the other man catching him in the chest, the shoulders and finally the head. When the other man finally let go Kenshiro grasped his sword and began hacking at the other man. Even as he stood over the dieing Viking Kenshiro did not stop until he was sure the other man was dead. Gasping for breath he slipped into unconsciousness.

When he awoke Kenshiro was surrounded by Vikings on a Viking longboat in the middle of the sea. His hands and feet were tied so he could not move. His eyes and face hurt and he gritted his teeth against the pain refusing to show weakness in front of his enemies. Exhausted from his ordeal and seeing no immediate escape he went to sleep to conserve his energy. When he awoke again they were making landfall. After pulling their boat onto shore a number of the men grasped his hands and feet carrying him between them. How long they carried him like this Kenshiro did not know. What he was sure of was this was not England anymore. He was most likely being carried deeper into their country and was now at their mercy. Whether he lived or died depended what their leader decided, because that is where he figured they were taking him.

When they finally reached a village the Vikings set him down before a house at the far end of the village. A large man opened the door stepping out of the house. Craning his head Kenshiro tried to get a look at him before laying his head back down. Pulling out a knife the stranger cut Kenshiro's bounds. Speaking in a language Kenshiro did not understand the stranger spoke to the other Vikings at length. One of the others pointed at him and then at the stranger's door as if commanding him to go there. Getting up Kenshiro headed toward the door in front of him, seeing little point in resisting at that the moment. He was now in an unfamiliar land and winter was coming. The fact that he was now unarmed and they outnumbered him only helped encourage him not to try fighting his way out.

Upon entering the house the stranger began to speak to him in English after following him in, "My name is Thendel I am the leader of this village. They tell me you are a skilled fighter, especially in dealing with a beserker." Rubbing his wrists and ankles to get the blood flowing Kenshiro replied, "Your son fought very well. He almost succeeded in killing me. I will not underestimate one of your people again."

"What makes you think my son was among the men that attacked you?" Thendel asked. Standing straight Kenshiro answered, "There is a resemblance between the two of you around the eyes, and also you are of similar build and height."

"Very astute of you. You have a keen eye for detail." Thendel said. Shaking his head Kenshiro said, "Obviously not I failed to notice why he was dressed differently than the rest of my enemies. The others wore the average Viking clothing while he was bare-chested. In hindsight I believe it was because your son thought he didn't need any armor."

Curious Thendel asked, "And why is that?" Pulling a chair out he offered Kenshiro a seat. Kenshiro tired as he was took what was offered. "I did things to that man that would have most of the enemies I have faced fall down and not get up. At the very least the rest would have been stunned by some of them. Your son took everything I had and kept coming as if he were possessed. Never have I seen such fortitude and stamina. Every time I thought I had beaten him, your son would get up again. Never before have I ever been scared of one man." Kenshiro said.

"An honest answer to be sure." Thendel said, "I respect that. You are right he was my son. He was also the best fighter in the village and you beat him." Sighing Kenshiro said, "If you are planning to execute me you might as well get it over with. I expect you will want your revenge for your son's death."

Shaking his head Thendel said, "You misunderstand me stranger. You sent my son to Valhalla the place of the honored dead, where all who are slain in battle go. Among my people there is no better fate." Thinking it over Kenshiro replied, "Among the people of my birth in a land far to the east, we also consider dying in battle to be glorious. It has been some time since I have met a people much like those I left."

"You left to seek your fortune?" Thendel asked. Nodding Kenshiro said, "Something like that." Smiling Thendel said, "Well now you will fight with us. Since you took my son from me and deprived us of our best warrior you must take his place." Surprised at this Kenshiro asked, "Is this a usual custom among your people?"

"No it is not but then again you are far from usual. If my son had fallen under the sword of anyone else I might have said the other man was just lucky. In your case however you would have beaten him much more easily except for your ignorance. No one ever told you what a beserker could do that is for certain. If they had you strike me as a person who would have made sure to have finished the job the first time, as you eventually did in this case. We need good fighters like you and our village needs new sons and daughters. You are not required to marry our women for not all young males of this village do. Simply take on many of our customs and they will come with time. Take a captive for your wife if need be." Thendel said.

"I have never taken a woman unwillingly and will never do so as long as I breathe. Those who do so in my homeland are executed for such crimes." Kenshiro said. Understanding that point of view Thendel said, "I myself have never done so either but many do. This land is hard on our people but it makes us good fighters. Perhaps in time you will take a wife for yourself. A man in these times cannot go long without a woman. The constant threat of death brings out certain urges."

"If it comes to that I will take a willing wife for my religion also forbids me to do such a thing." Kenshiro said. "Then in that case may I offer my niece Elsa. No man has taken her as a wife." Thendel said. Curious Kenshiro asked, "Why not?"

"Her parents died and she has no dowry. She is not the prettiest among our women. Some say she is too withdrawn and shy. But I think she would make a fine wife for the right man." Thendel said glancing hopefully at Kenshiro. "You offer me a member of your family and you have not yet asked my name. This is indeed strange." Kenshiro commented. Chuckling Thendel said, "Of course I know your name. It is Kona'll for that is the name we have given you. Kona'll Ironhorse. You will live here under my roof until you can build a lodging of your own. What your old name was it doesn't matter. As you can now see you are no longer a stranger but are now one of us. I doubt you will receive a better welcome anywhere else particularly from former enemies." With that he left Kenshiro who was now to be called Kona'll alone. On the table was Kenshiro's sword along with the rest of his gear. Looking around he shrugged thinking, 'Perhaps he is right. Here I have food the option of gaining a wife and the life I always wanted and that is to be a fighter. Among these people my skills are highly prized. Even among the English I had few options on how I could live, here the options are endless. I can rise and fall by my own skill perhaps even become a leader among them.' With these thoughts Kona'll went to bed awakening to a fresh new morning.

Venturing into the dining room he was met by Thendel who was preparing a meal. Looking at the table Kona'll saw the places were already set. Sitting down at one of them Kona'll asked, "Do I get to choose my occupation? That is when we are not raiding coasts." Filling a bowl with broth he set it down before his guest saying, "Of course, what are your skills?" Taking a sip of broth and discovering it was quite tasty Kona'll said, "I am skilled in weapons making." Chuckling Thendel set his own bowl down before sitting. "Truly you are a blessing from Thor himself." Thendel said wiping the broth from his beard before continuing, "Your value to us increases day by day it seems. Yesterday I had a good fighter, today I have one who can make his own weapons. I have a notion that given time you will soon be a man of many skills and our village will never be the same without you. If this keeps up maybe we won't let you go to war. Perhaps you will be considered too valuable."

"Perhaps I should apprentice myself to your weapons smith first. Then I will learn the proper way to make your weapons." Kenshiro said. "That is just it we have none. To make our weapons we must go to the next village a day's journey from here. If you feel you can try to make our swords on your own that we would be happy to give you a chance. You could even borrow our blacksmith's anvil if you are up to it." Thendel said.

After breakfast Kona'll did just that. Borrowing some of the blacksmith's tools and his anvil he set about copying a Viking sword. After some time and toil he noticed a crowd forming. When he was finished Kona'll handed Thendel the sword he had made commenting, "I think I didn't get it just right it is much lighter and the color is different. While the original Viking sword was pale steel Kona'll's was multicolored across its surface. Grasping it Thendel took a few swings then speaking to one of the other men in the crowd he seemed to ask for something. The other man unsheathed his own sword and held it out straight appearing to wait for something. Take a big swing Thendel's sword cut right through the other one. Everyone stood mystified at what had just happened. "By Thor's hammer the blade's magic! It cut right through the other one as if it was nothing!" Thendel said. Scratching his head Kenshiro thought about it before saying, "It is hardly magic. I have managed to come across many techniques and tricks from weapon makers I have met in the past, and I have been practicing for some time. If you want I can teach the weapons smith in the next town to make such a blade. Shaking his head emphatically Thendel said, "No that will not be necessary. Every advantage we have must be kept secret. Who knows in the future trouble might arise between us and other villages nearby. Then they will have the same quality blades as we. May I ask you something?"

Shrugging Kona'll said, "Of course." Gently handing back the blade as if it were a great treasure Thendel said, "Can you make other armaments such as this? Even armor that would seem light as a feather?" Nodding as he now understood what Thendel was getting at Kona'll said, "If need be such skill has been present in my family for some time. When did you want me to start?" Translating the conversation to the crowd now leaning in to hear everything before turning back to Kona'll Thendel replied, "How about today? You can work in the smithery until noon then your combat training can begin." Not understanding Kona'll said, "But I already know how to fight." As he turned to leave Thendel said over his shoulder, "Not as a berserker you don't." When he tried to focus on the task at hand hammering out a new blade Kona'll couldn't help feeling he didn't like the sound of that. A few hours into his training Kona'll found out why. Being a berserker required Kona'll to do something he had never done before use his emotions in combat. The way he was raised and how he had fought in all his previous lives said that one needed to fight without emotion. Emotion clouded judgment and threw off a person's mental balance leaving them open to attacks. A good samurai attacked from a state of meditation with his mind and spirit clear and unhindered from the cares of life. Fear of death was pushed from his mind allowing him to focus on achieving victory for his lord and his clan. Now he was encouraged to build himself into frenzy before even going into combat. This was something that was difficult for him. Kona'll was all about control. Now they were telling him to give that up and it frightened him. Would he be able to get it back? Would the effect be irreversible? These questions weighed heavily on his mind.

"One cannot control everything around him. You have told me in your homeland some warriors fight from nothingness a void. Here the void is your rage. Harness it and learn to release it at the right moments and you will find yourself accomplishing things you never could before. When in the right mindset you can forget about pain and concentrate on surviving and killing your enemy. Now try again!" Thendel said shouting the last part. He was a hard taskmaster but a fair and knowledgeable one. Soon with pain sweat and blood Kona'll began to accept this new way of thinking. When he felt like his body could endure no more torment Thendel found a way to push him on past the breaking point Kona'll thought he had. When it was all finished Kona'll's body had grown much larger and his endurance had increased. Wielding his improved two-handed axe he smote his targets with mighty blows snarling like a bear. The axe Kona'll made was of a unique design. His axe blade had been copied from the memory of a Crusader's axe that he had seen in a book during his childhood in the modern world which seemed so long ago. The Crusader's axe was usually wielded by knights in the Crusades during the fourteenth century which made Kona'll's blade way ahead of its time. It had been specifically made to help pierce plate armor and dent metal shields which made it far superior to the current armor of the day, which was at best chain mail and the shields of this time period which was usually wood, perhaps lightly covered with a thin layer of metal for added protection. Kona'll took an iron band about a quarter inch thick and wrapped it along the length of the wooden shaft of the axe. This feature provided protection against a blade slicing straight through the wood. He also fitted an iron butt at the end of the shaft as a final bit of protection, it connected to the metal band like the one just below the axe head so it would not slip off. Wrapping bits of leather and fur between the winding iron band, he was able to grip the axe without tearing his hands to pieces or bruising them when Kona'll used the axe. Kona'll found an added bonus for these last two additions: He could use them as striking points against enemies cracking teeth and bones if aimed right. Many of the single women of the village wanted this young stud of a man with his rippling muscles and cocky smile, but Kona'll knew what he wanted; Elsa. He still remembered the night they had first met. It had been during the banquet celebrating Kona'll as a new berserker ready to do battle. Kona'll sought peace from the crowd feeling the bear growling inside of him. He hungered for release but there was none here among friends and allies. Walking in the snow he spotted a woman brushing a horse. Kona'll wondered why she was not with the other women at the banquet. Curious he approached her quietly from behind so as not to startle her, so he could get a closer look. Her blond hair was braided in pigtails and her face and arms were covered in dirt.

When an unlucky twig snapped hidden in the straw she turned startled. She had not heard Kona'll's approach and had not realized he had come so close to her. Seeing a bucket full of water Kona'll scooped up a handful of it before approaching her. Seeing her step back he approached her slowly in a non-threatening manner as one would treat a frightened animal. Gradually she saw he meant no harm but sunk into herself shy her eyes downcast. Taking a little bit of water he washed the dirt from her face revealing soft skin. Pleased with his work as he took more handfuls and finished cleaning her face, he saw another way to improve her beauty. Disliking the pigtails as he felt they made her look too girlish he removed the leather strips that bound them. Released her hair shown brightly in the moonlight, it hung freely just below her shoulders in a way that seemed delightful to him. Bending down he pressed his lips to hers. He found them to be as soft as they looked. At first the young woman seemed unsure how to react taking by surprise, then she gradually wrapped her arms around his neck. Breaking the kiss for a moment Kona'll asked looking into her deep blue eyes, "What is your name?" Smiling shyly she said in a small voice that he could barely hear, "Elsa." Immediately Kona'll backed away the words of Thendel returning. He recognized now they described this woman that he had just kissed and meant to bed. Nervous about being spotted he began looking about. On the porch he saw Thendel exit the meeting lodge heading this way. Sure that he had not been seen yet Kona'll needed to make a quick escape. Spotting an open window where the horse could stick his head out Kona'll dove through it towards the outside. Quickly pressing his back against the stall's outside wall he hid when Thendel entered the stall speaking to Elsa. "What are you doing out here? You should be inside enjoying yourself." Thendel said in a kindly voice. "But the men inside make fun of the way I look uncle." Elsa commented. "I am sure you'll find a man that finds you pretty like I do." Thendel said offering comfort, "In fact I thought I saw you with someone when I was standing at the porch."

Silently cursing himself for his stupidity Kona'll waited to be discovered. "No one was here uncle just me and this horse." Elsa lied. Taking a quick look around the stall he saw no man hiding. Sighing Thendel said, "Must be imagining things. At my age sometimes it happens from a lack of sleep or too much drink. I'll go back to the banquet. If you see Kona'll tell he is welcome to return home, he doesn't seem to like the crowd inside either." Thendel said. "I will uncle." Elsa said standing on her tippy-toes she kissed him on his cheek. Smiling he turned away and walked back to the banquet. Popping his head up when he believed the coast was clear Kona'll asked, "Is he gone?"

Looking over her shoulder Elsa said, "Yes he is gone. Why did you hide? It wouldn't have mattered to him what we were doing." Leaning inside the stall he kissed her again before saying, "Trust me fathers and uncles care about such things even if they say they don't. Especially if it is male attention while she is unwed."

"I never had attention from a young man before. Do you find me pretty?" Elsa asked looking earnestly into his eyes. "I find you beautiful." Kona'll said looking into hers. "You're just joking with me." Elsa said turning away not believing him. Gently grasping her shoulders he turned her around so Elsa now faced him, and pulled her to him so only the wooden barrier separated the lower half of their bodies. Kissing her his tongue parted her lips and entering her mouth. Elsa gasped as his tongue danced along the roof of her mouth and how good it made her feel. Her body seemed to melt into his as she was desperate for more. Elsa had never felt this way, never known what it felt like to be wanted by a man like this one wanted her. She wanted to give him all of herself to him, so he would know how much she treasured this feeling. For months she had watched Kona'll from afar hesitant to approach him like the other women of the village had. What did she have to offer? She who was pitied by most and ridiculed by the rest, and here he was the man of her dreams kissing her. Oh, how her heart leapt for joy at this knowledge. When she told Kona'll that she wanted him to come to her bed he was hesitant. "Are you sure?" Kona'll asked his eyes searching hers. Touching his face Elsa said, "Yes." Picking her up Kona'll carried her to her lodge the sounds of the banquet dim in the background. That night he was gentle and considerate as she lost her virginity slowing his movements until the pain went away. That night she basked in the feeling of what had just happened and stayed awake until the morning. He left her as the sun rose kissing her lips one last time before sneaking away.

In the weeks that followed a change came over Elsa that everyone began to notice. Paying attention to her appearance Elsa's dresses were far nicer and her skin was clean when she was not working. Her hair was let down and her face seemed to glow with joy. Others began to notice especially the men of the village. Now many of the single men were caught staring at this beautiful flower that had now come into full bloom. Kona'll would often sneak her behind some lodge or out into the country to steal a kiss when no one was watching. They kept their love secret so none knew the source of this change. Before going off to his first battle Elsa and Kona'll married. Kona'll left returning after helping to win a great victory against King Alfred's forces in England. Appearing to have a keen mind for tactics he was given a command of a group of warriors. Using them well he raided up and down the English coastline pillaging and plundering wherever he went. Kona'll took little for himself giving most to his men under the condition there would be no rape or murder of the innocents. "Kill any who take up arms against you but leave the rest. You have enough gold now to buy all the women and drink you need." Kona'll said. Cheering their leader his men happily obeyed. It was true Kona'll always managed to find them plenty of plunder to carry home with him. Among the Vikings he gained great glory and reputation. Soon he was able to lead large war parties farther inland than before. When England itself lacked the plunder his followers wanted he turned his attention to the Welsh. There he could pressure their kings to provide the Vikings with money for not attacking them. He had already seen Welsh coins making their way into England. Some of the money he took was evidence of that. Now it was time to gain power and influence and to do that Kona'll needed a steady flow of cash.

Sailing his army to Wales he made landfall with the armies of his allies following his command. Raiding the whole of Wales his armies soon became rich with plunder. It was at that time a new idea occurred to Kona'll instead of just plundering he would do what he had not been able to do as Pysus in his previous life: Conquer the entire British isles. Kona'll decided the best and fastest way to do it was to make peace with at least one of the Welsh Kings and use him or them to aid in his conquests. Sending a message to the most powerful king in the area Hywel Dda Kona'll said, "I grow tired of simply plundering. I wish to conquer England itself. Aid me and you shall be spared. Do not and I shall make you regret it."

After receiving the message King Hywel did not like the idea of having a Viking war leader as a permanent neighbor. At first he ignored the Viking's demands and the plundering continued. His neighbors came to him saying, "We have heard that these Vikings wish to attack England and are only staying here because you will not aid them. Now you will aid them, for we are tired of seeing our villages burn and our crops destroyed. Make peace with this man so he will leave us be or we will turn against you for our troubles." Hywel decided he must do something quickly otherwise he would be attacked by his neighbors as well. Saying that he would meet Kona'll just outside of Stonehenge to parley with him, Hywel sent assassins instead telling his enemy he would meet him alone. Kona'll who never completely trusted his enemies waited nearby and watched the assassins take their places. Seeing now that Hywel had broken their parley Kona'll prepared a trap of his own. Ordering a few his men to quietly circle the hill at nightfall when they were supposed to meet Kona'll went armed with his axe. As he entered one part of Stonehenge his men began to shout loudly scaring the assassins from their hiding places. Kona'll cut them down one by one. When all lay dead he severed off each of their heads carrying them by their hair. Shaking off his blood soaked axe he left the ancient ruins. Placing the heads into two baskets he sent one to each of Hywel's closest neighbors and another to the farthest. With the heads he sent them a message saying, "I sought an alliance with your neighbor King Hywel Dda against England. Instead of honoring a meeting under the protection of parley, he sought to murder me as when I came alone as he requested. These heads are from some of my would-be assassins. Now I will burn your villages to the ground until there is nothing left."

The other Welsh king's desperate to be left alone replied quickly saying, "We have asked our neighbor to make peace with you so we would not be brought into your conflict. To prove we are not with him will aid you against this coward. All we ask is that you spare our nations if we acknowledge you as our leader." Accepting these terms Kona'll added their armies to his marching on Hywel who was still unaware that his enemy was still alive.

When he saw the banners of the other Welsh kings accompanying the battle standards of the Vikings a chill ran up his spine. That night his enemy camped in front of his castle as if challenging him to come out. The next morning Owain Hywel's son led their army out to fight the combined enemy forces. Owain fought valiantly but soon his army faced the danger of being surrounded and obliterated. Trying to save his men he ordered them to return to the castle but Hywel fearing for his own life locked the gates. Calling to his father to let them in Owain was struck by an arrow. Turning to fight he killed two more Vikings before three more arrows brought him down. In the aftermath when his forces had breached the walls with siege weapons he had ordered constructed, Kona'll found Owain gasping for breath before the gates. He had managed to pull himself off to the side and prop himself up against the city's outer wall. Looking at Kona'll he asked, "Are you the leader of this army?" Kona'll nodded saying, "Stay still someone will be over to care for you soon." Shaking his head Owain said, "My life... is... leaving me. Please... spare my wife... and children. I... beg... of... you." To this Kona'll said, "I swear so long as they do not take arms against me or my line I will spare their lives." When he was finished saying those words Owain died. Ordering for the body to be carried away in honor into the city Kona'll headed towards the palace.

Once there he found Angharad Owain's wife and King Hywel waiting. When Angharad saw the body of her husband she broke down in tears rushing towards him. While she cried over his body Kona'll eyes went to the King. Pointing at the body Kona'll asked, "This is your son?" Nodding Hywel was gripped with fear of this large man whom he had thought dead until that moment. "You leave your own son to the mercy of your enemy, so he can die at his own gates locked out from safety. This man fought with honor and when he saw certain defeat tried to save his men making himself a target. Now like the men who fought alongside him your son is dead." Kona'll said shaking with fury and bloodlust. Looking to one of his men Kona'll said, "Arm the king!" At first the Viking hesitated then saw the look in Kona'll eyes quickly rushed to do his bidding. Returning with a Saxon shield and sword he handed them to King Hywel quickly getting out of the way. "Trying to kill me was bad enough when I sought to make peace with you, but to kill your own flesh and blood makes it a crime to let you live. Defend yourself coward! For I have come to take your head!" Kona'll said. Snarling and growling Kona'll attacked swinging his axe. Trying to block Hywel put up his shield which was made of wood covered with a thin layer of metal. Kona'll axe smashed it into kindling, the impact shattering Hywel's arm. Howling in pain he did not see the blow that followed. Using his momentum whirling around again Kona'll's axe embedded itself into the king's chest. The sound of ribs breaking and Hywel's shuddering breathe as he died could be heard by all present. Jerking his blade free he hacked off Hywel's head telling his warriors to place it on a pike, and hang it from the castle wall for all to see.

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Apart from pressing my boob on Rahul’s upper arm and his pressing my thigh, we could not engage in any erotic stuff, since the bus was crowded. Rahul assured me on the second leg of the journey bus would be sparsely crowded and we could sit in the back seats and that I could ride him. I smiled to myself at the idea of sitting in his lap with his dick buried inside my pussy and let the bumpy bus ride take care of the necessary up and down movements. (I was not wearing panty and my pajama...

1 year ago
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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part II

It was my turn to look up now and see someone watching. Sue was smiling as she got up and I looked up to see why. Paulo was watching us from the doorway. He smiled at me. “Lunch is ready guys.”Sue sat up and began to clear up cum on her hands and fingers with her tongue. I was used to seeing her doing this after masturbating me but I wasn’t sure about Paulo as he walked over to us.“I’ve never known a woman enjoy cum the way your wife does Rick,” he told me with a smile as he stroked her hair....

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 368

I HOPE THIS BRINGS A CHUCKLE!! A neat summary of some of the quaint things that affect us today... LIFE IN TODAY’S WORLD!! - 2019: Stay away from negative people. - 2020: Stay away from positive people. - The world has turned upside down. Old folks are sneaking out of the house, and their kids are yelling at them to stay indoors! - You think it’s bad now? In 20 years our country will be run by people home-schooled by day drinkers. - This virus has done what no woman has been able to do...

3 years ago
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When Mistakes Happen Chapter 3

April's bottom was still stinging from her bare bottom six strokes of the cane as she walked up the path to Becky's house. April was staying at Becky's whilst her mum was away for the month on business. Today though Becky and her mum were away overnight leaving April with Becky's older sister, nineteen-year-old Clara.April was still in her school uniform and gave her bottom a final rub before ringing the doorbell.Clara opened the door and smiled at April. She had always liked April and even...

2 years ago
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A Birthday Present for Lisa

As we’ve talked about before Lisa and I have always had a fantasy about her being fucked by a black man and it finally happened in an exciting adventure in the sleeper of a big truck.   After the experience with that black trucker my wife talked about it all the time and how exciting it was for her.   Lisa loved the guy that had sex with her but in all the excitement she forgot to ask his name or anything about him so that made her a little depressed.   Luckily for me I remembered...

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First Nude Beach Adventure

My husband (Roger) and I are not swingers, but we are exhibitionists. He loves to show me off to other men, especially at the beach. We live in Europe, so he insists on me going topless and wearing only a tiny thong to sunbathe in. My husband likes to see the effect I have on other men.This is a true story that took place on the beautiful Greek island of Skiathos. I am a little nervous writing this, as my husband does not know the whole story, and he is an avid reader on this site. I have...

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Had Sex With My Friend

Hi Indian sex stories readers. I’m a regular reader of the stories here and now I have one and would like to share with you guys. Hope you like it. This is Kiran from hyderabad. This is my first and long story, so please excuse me for any mistakes.Please leave your feedback at I’m 27 years old, working in a mnc in hyderabad. About me, I am a fair and normal built guy with height 5.11 inches and with good asset as of my age(don’t want to describe sizes although its in good size and shape). This...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Katrina Jade Fill My Cavities

Masseuse Katrina Jade has an ulterior motive for bringing her ebony friend Ricky Johnson to the spa. She knows that Ricky’s father is a dentist, and she has cavities in her teeth, but no dental insurance to fill them. At first Ricky feels used, but she swears it’s not like that. She offers him the house specialty NURU massage. Ricky is game and still wants to hang out with her for real. Katrina disrobes in the shower room, pleasing Ricky with the sight of her full breasts and sexy...

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Freshman year first quarter

When I surveyed my list of colleges that I had been accepted to, the only thing on my mind was getting as far away from home as possible. My father hated me. I hated my father.. I had zero friends that wanted to be around me after I came out senior year. All that shit about people coming to accept who you are was total bull. Then again, maybe I hadn't given them enough time. So I headed north to a little college in Vermont where I knew no one. I was going to start fresh and state...

1 year ago
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Romancing Tania

Tania woke up to a loud thump. She sat bolt upright in her bed. It was dark in her room and her eyes were unfocused yet, but she thought the clock said 7:15pm. When did she fall asleep? She really couldn’t remember. Looking off the end of her bed, there appeared to be a yellow glow outside her door, particularly toward the living room. She reached up and rubbed her eyes again. She focused on the glow. It was uncharacteristically quiet. Where were her children? What was this about? Could she be...

2 years ago
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Satin panties in the bushes

Phil is one of those neighborhood k**s you just plain like having around. He's polite, kind, helpful and simply put, a great guy. I guess “k**” is not quite the right word. He's 25 and lives just behind us and one house away. His mom is Marisa and was 16 when she had him. She raised him with the help of her parents until she got married a few years later. Her husband is not Phil's dad but they are very close. There are four other k**s in the family.. the youngest being twins at around...

4 years ago
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The Au Pair is in NEED of being PUT IN HER PLACE

Hanna felt quite lucky landing employment with the Thorn famíly. She'd heard horror stories from other au pairs before she even arrived, but the Thorns were as nice as they came. Especially Mr. Thorn, he took to Hanna immediately. "Call me Bill" he told her with a big, warming smile. He hugged her and said "Welcome to our humble home". Mrs. Thorn was also nice, but reserved. "Megan" she said smiling as she shook her hand. Megan was the quiet type. Polite but straight forward. Hanna felt...

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my girls asshole

i am with my girlfriend six months and she is bi. she has a great body and firm breasts!! one thing that i did not like was her asshole.. it was hairy and i said to her that i did not like it and she said it was to awkward to shae that area and she asked me would i do it!!!! i asked her would she get her female friend to do it and let me watch!!!she was hesitant at first but then she quite liked the idea!! a weekend came and her bisexual girlfriend came over … i popped the bottles of wine...

2 years ago
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Living Dolls The Directors CutChapter 2

Mom raised an eyebrow when she saw me eating breakfast with two lovely girls, but she also couldn't resist smiling. "Mom, this is Julie Pinsky," Karen said. "Julie, this is Jason's real mom, and my second mom, Dana Thompson." "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Thompson," Julie said. "We were just thinking about who Julie ought to go to the prom with," Karen said. "How about Gordon?" Mom said as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "Gordon Ackerman?" I asked, a little puzzled. "Gordon...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Jazmin Luv Penelope Kay Tell Me A Bedtime Story Step Sister

Penelope Kay and her friend Jazmin Luv are hanging out in Penelope’s new digs, discussing how Penelope likes living with her new stepmom and stepbrother. Their conversation is interrupted with her stepbrother, Van Wylde comes to sit by them. The girls exchange text messages before telling Van that they’re in charge and he needs to brush his teeth and get ready for bed so they can go out. They try to put Van to bed, but even after Penelope reads him a bedtime story he’s not...

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Heavy TrafficChapter 10

The one-hour time change allowed Sean and Amanda to arrive at the airport in Tennessee only minutes after their departure from Atlanta. Sean had previously arranged for a car and driver to meet them, so within five minutes of Jeannie Sexton opening the door of the aircraft for them, they were seated in the back of the car heading out of the airport. Sean had advised their pilot to check into the Wallace hotel property adjacent to the airport, where a room was reserved for her. He would...

3 years ago
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Das Schwngerungsritual

Der Club / Übertragung aus dem englischen – Autor General X Ordus Orbis, der Orden des Kreises soll schon im Alten Rom gegründet worden sein. Das Ordenskennzeichen war seine Geheimhaltung und Widerstandsfähigkeit, die ihn den Niedergang der Zivilisation überleben ließ. Die Versammlungen sind auch heutzutage geheimnisvoll, zurückgezogen und exklusiv. Seine Existenz war nur den Mitgliedern und denen bekannt, deren Lebensaufgabe im Dienst darin war. Diejenigen, von denen bekannt wurde, dass sie...

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Grandpas Sexual Supremacy Part 6

I woke up late the next morning. I was satisfied from last night and in no hurry. But I had a morning wood that had to be taken care of. I wanted to go and insert it into my mom’s mouth. But that would not be possible while Dad was at home. He did not go to work as it was my last day at the house, and he wanted to see me off. The other option was Aunt. Even though I still had not had sex with her, I was sure she would not resist. Maybe I could even fuck her in front of Uncle. That would be too...

2 years ago
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My Sisters Girlfriend Part 2

I must have slept well into the middle of the morning before I awoke to find sunlight flooding my room. It took me a while to wonder whether everything that happened last night was just a dream, but I eventually concluded that it had actually happened. I got dressed quickly and hurried downstairs for some breakfast. When I got to the kitchen, I found Kelly sat alone at the kitchen table. Today, she was wearing a long white lace top through which I could see her white bra, and seemed to be...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 15 I Am Faithful To My Team

Elizabeth Grey - Part 15: I am faithful to my team. By Carmenica Diaz We had arranged to meet the next morning for brunch to discuss our plans and, as usual, I was running slightly late, so the others were already at a table. I had taken time to ring my mother, Sylvia and Janet to let them know what happened when I revealed myself to my friends. 'Your friends sound like marvellous people.' 'Yes, Mum, they do and they are. I'm very lucky.' 'So are they,...

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Another holiday with Tata

Another holiday with TataA few months passed and Tata was still feeling fresh in the memory, still wondering where she was and if she was well, and if she had truthfully enjoyed the week on the boat. Logging onto his email he noticed an unusual email address and was about to delete it as spam, but something inside suggested he should open it, and when he did he was ecstatic. It was Tata.My note had eventually found her; it had taken nearly three months to travel from Odessa to her home village,...

4 years ago
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Sex With Junior After Party

Hi, friends, my name is Jay and I am from Hyderabad city. My email account, my age is 20 and my height is 5 feet 11 inches body is well maintained and my cock size is 6.3 inches long and 2.5 inches thick and I am B.Tech 3rd year student in Hyderabad only. Shall we begin with the sex story? Any mistakes, please forgive me. Without waiting let’s start the sex story. This sex story happens one year back at that time I am studying 2nd year. I am waiting for juniors. New the heroine of the story...

3 years ago
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Gamer GoddessChapter 5

The meeting went well. The numbers guys had done their due diligence, and the price was right. I liked the product and their IP. Couple of nice patents. Dan, my best friend since childhood gave it his full approval. We closed the deal. My biggest yet. This would one would hurt if it didn't work out. "You going to fly back tonight?" Dan asked afterward. "Want to grab a drink? Celebrate?" "Maybe another time." He gave me a knowing grin. "You're going to go play with CherryBomb,...

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QUEST A Middle Earth story

The dark lord Sauron had been defeated by the alliance of Men and Elves on the slopes of Mount Doom. The ring of power had been cut from his hand by Isildur after Sauron had killed his father, the King of Gondor. All evil could have been eradicated that day, but the heart of men is weak, the ring corrupted Isildur and the ring lived on. Isildur was ambushed by orcs and killed. The ring was lost once again. You had heard this story many times before, you had been one of the ones tasked to find...

2 years ago
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Parking Garage

I had been waiting for just the right time and this seemed like it. You were so turned on after our bathroom activities I think you would have done just about anything I asked. I had you drive back to the house. That way I could run my fingers through your hair and rub your thighs and anything else I could do to keep you turned on. I wanted to be able to wring your juices from your boxers when I got the off of you. I think I was doing a good job. I then reclined my seat and pulled down my...

1 year ago
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I Love To Suck Cock

I love sucking cock.There are exceptions, sure. If you're one of those guys for whom personal hygiene is a matter of no real importance, you might be one of those exceptions. That said, I haven't run into too many of those exceptions - thank you, God! (Or Eros, or whoever it is that governs interactions between cocksuckers and the cocks they suck).To return to the point... I love sucking cock. I love unveiling a cock for the first time - the length, the thickness, is it straight or does it...

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Lindas Surgery and the Aftermath

Linda, as usual, was fucking everyone that even acted like they wanted some of her pussy. She worked full-time as a seamstress for a nationally known company, and would, on weekends, help her friend at her day spa, usually getting 4 or 5 customers in an evening.She had not been feeling as well as usual, so went to a doctor for him to check her out. He was a Family Practice physician, and felt a knot in her groin, so referred her to another doctor, who WAS a surgeon, who also examined her, and...

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my real last night

hello, here I'll tell my evening yesterday.At approximately 19:30, a friend came to see me after a day's shopping, is a longtime shows me who are buying it in his bag, but I do see a pocket.I ask therefore that lurks inside!she said nothing. the evening and continues to invite him to eat.after the meal she said "thank you for I'll show you my last purchase"dress was sexy, fishnet tights, corset and thong.I said "WAW ca area has very sexy"she replied "yes but I have no man therefore...

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 13

Rachael topped up the gas tanks, gasoline vapors filling the air. I finished loading our gear into a small utility trailer, strapped them down, and hooked it up to my ATV. We were ready. The sun was rising, casting light obliquely over the land, topographical shadows slowly fading, the morning undulations flattening. I checked the weatherproof GPS. It was functioning well with new batteries. In my back pocket I had a folded paper map. Technology has a habit of failing at the wrong moment...

4 years ago
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Hardware HarmonyChapter 14 Once Upon a Time

I realized as we sat there that we had finally made physical contact with each other. Both of us had recovered from her earlier melt-down and could once again carry on a conversation like old friends. She didn’t show any signs of being anxious to leave, so we continued to talk, trying to connect once more I suppose. I spent some time filling in the blanks on my activities for the years that she was away. I told her of my brief relationship with Rhonda Carter, but nothing more than vague...

3 years ago
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My InitiationPart 1

I thought it would be easy to complete the initiation I had to do. All I had to do was to sneak into the girls rooms of a particular sorority and get a pair of panties that belonged to that girl. I had to go through the window, get the panties of the girl or girls depending on how many were in that room, label who it belonged to, and get back out before getting caught. Then I had to get the panties of the dorm mother. There were six of us and we were given one week to complete the initiation...

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The Bimbotech Xmas Special A Present For St Nick

A Present for St. Nick On the night before Xmas on floor 32 Tittiefuck was painting her fingernails blue, All the clients were nestled in mindfucker beds While visions of bimbohood danced in their heads. When up on the roof top there came such a clatter Tittie sprang to her heels to see what was the matter She giggled and wiggled and climbed up the stair Proceeded, of course, by her tremendous pair. The air was quite chilly there on the rooftop And in response, both of her nipples...

2 years ago
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My Summer WifeChapter 2

“Oh, God, Robert, this is fucking sweeeettttt!” Kelly exclaimed as I hammered her fine pussy with my hard cock a third time since breakfast, which counted for a fourth time that day. “Think of how great it is for me, then!” I groaned as I drove deeper inside her twat on the next stroke. “Adultery never felt better, if you ask me!” Kelly told me, the mirror in the vanity showing that she bit her lower lip with excitement as I pounded her. “Have you done this before?” I teased her, making...

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TimeslipChapter 2

After talking with Jessica and Jenny for a while, discussion petered out so they said that they would visit me tomorrow. Billy, the other patient in the ward had regained conscious but was still very ill from the anaesthetic. I could feel his constant worry about his loss of income and how it would affect his home loan, there was a chance they could loose every thing they had put into renovating the house. I was still feeling a little out of sorts so I just closed my eyes and relaxed still...

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Your Mother The Queen

You were first conceived when your mother was only sixteen years of age. As with most royal brides, your mother's courting was not entirely consensual. In fact, she was once a peasant girl, until the king found lust in his eyes and simply bought her for a large sum of gold from her family. Over the past twenty years, she has grown into a voluptuous, surprisingly young woman, with her body alone attracting the gaze of many young nobles from distant kingdoms. However, your mother is still young....

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Cursed to Corrupt

Author's Note: Since beginning this story, CHYOA has added a conditional/game functionality very close to what I've imagined while writing this. Each choice you make as Marnie to assist or resist Uhazral has consequences that make it harder or easier to resist him next time. Ultimately, this could lead to Marnie vanquishing Uhazral, to the demon conquering Earth, or some other ending. I am currently re-vamping this story to use the conditional variables feature, but it's not ready for use...

1 year ago
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ManoJob Liz Jordan Paint Me Twice

Don’t let Liz Jordan fool you. Behind that innocent, college-girl look she’s got going, Liz is a true freak. A real cum slut. Here’s how it went down almost the very second she stepped on to Billy Watson’s set: “Billy! You know how much I love a big load on my face! Why only Mr. POV? Doesn’t he have some sort of friend he brings around from time to time?” Of course he does, my dear…so Billy made a couple calls, then started rolling camera. Liz has...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 15 Back to Normal

August 7, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio The Summer was rapidly disappearing and there were but two weeks before I moved to McKinley. Once my dad had calmed down, the Summer had returned to normal. It was almost as if everything was in a holding pattern, where each week had followed a simple pattern. I worked at the hardware store, went to the dojo, had dinner with Tasha on Wednesday, a date with Emmy on Friday, and the usual triple date on Saturday. Liz was still grounded, but Emmy was allowed to...

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MomsTeachSex Lilly Bell Ryan Keely What A Man Wants

Lusty Lilly Bell has had a crush on her family’s older friend, Will Pounder, ever since she was old enough to start liking boys. Recently, Will has begun to reciprocate the attraction. It’s clear as day that there’s something up between Lilly and Will, even when they think they’re being subtle. They get away with their flirtation when Lilly spies on Will getting out of the shower. Later, though, when Lilly hops onto the counter in a miniskirt and spreads her thighs so...

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There is something about that striped blouse and dark skirt together that makes me want to do things to you. Bad things. Real bad things. You come home from work in that combo and I can’t believe how fast I’ve gotten hard. Now it’s your turn to submit. No mercy! You walk toward me with a slightly tired looking smile of greeting and I say ‘Stop. Get down on all fours. NOW!’ You look a little taken aback but you obey immediately. A deal is a deal and you always keep your word. ‘Crawl to me –...

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DevilsFilm Vina Sky Office AssIstants

Will Pounder checks in with his assistant, Vina Sky, about what his day is like. Vina is extremely organized and hard-working, by far the best assistant Will has ever had. As Vina tells Will about all his upcoming appointments, reminding Will about various work and personal obligations, he can’t help thinking about how grateful he is to have her. In fact, he doesn’t know WHAT he would do without her. But what Will DOES know is how to show his appreciation for Vina’s tireless...

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The Brain in the Jar

The Brain in the Jar by Erin Tyler I remember a couple faces, and a name -- "Brianna" -- but that's it. Without context, I have no idea who they were, or who she was, or even if she's one of them. I remember I was born in Philadelphia, but then I moved somewhere when I was very young, and I can't remember where. I remember riding a bicycle, and thinking I rode it a lot, and the feel of a hard plastic tube slung across my back and a tight shirt around my torso. My feet would pump...

2 years ago
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Kenny Ch 0607

Chapter 6 After the excitement of the attempted break in, Ken’s life at the lodge settled into a routine. Ken started each day with morning exercises. After that he would do the landscaping. Every day he expanded the cleared areas by a little more. The lodge occupied a little less than 5 acres just south of Point Lobos on Hwy 1. On Hwy 1 meant that you entered the half mile of curvy driveway on the Hwy. The neighbor to the south was a winery, and the one to the north grew apples and peaches...

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The Consequences and Rewards of Playing HookyChapter 3 New School

"Shotgun!" yelled Brett Nilsen to his twin brother, after their friend Derek's car pulled up to the curb. "Looks like somebody beat you to it," laughed Tom Nilsen. "Who's in the car with him?" asked Brett. "Damn! It's that bitch, Sandra Turner! She's been dragging him out for the past few weekends. Looks like he's going to be her school bus now." complained Tom. "Well, at least the view is nice," observed his brother. "True," he agreed, as the sound of Derek's horn...

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Come what may

You have just completed your six years of medical education and after celebrating your 24th birthday with your University friends, now entering two years of clinical education. The international environment is littered with conflicts, from the recent occupation of Taiwan by China, the collapse of North Korean regime, renewed hostilities between Russia and the United States and a fracturing European Union to name but a few. Japan has abandoned it's passive military constitution and is actively...

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Flossies RevengeChapter 39

During the next six months, Nathan decided that, rather than go back to Catfish Hollow, he would just mail money. This time he only sent two hundred dollars to each family, and opened a pass book account at a local bank for each of the three remaining members of the group. Each account got three hundred and seventy-one dollars deposited in it, the share from the sale of the fifty coins they’d brought back. In the letters he sent with the money, he told each of his friends what their pass book...

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Expect Me When You See MeChapter 3

On the way back to Sally’s office, I quizzed Pat about what he saw concerning my wife. He was hesitant to tell me about her sexual encounters except to say that none of it looked consensual. His opinion was a combination of blackmail, fear and, maybe, drugs. “Mick, I have seen some shit in my line of work, and your wife is in deep trouble. I don’t know how she got there, or why, but she is in something deep and needs help.” “Pat, that is why I am not divorcing her ... yet. I need to know...

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GreeniesChapter 9C

Mermaid had no one in the official position of executive officer. There simply were not enough officers to go around for that designation. The closest that they had was Lieutenant Sugiyoto, the navigation and tracking officer, who filled the role if it was needed by virtue of being second in command. "Green light on all exterior doors, Brett," he said now, checking a panel on his display. "Thanks, Sugi," Brett said absently, looking at his own display board. He was now sitting in the...

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Sex Slave To My Best Friend

Sex Slave To My Best Friend Hi. My name is Bethany and when I turned twelve years old my best friend Tammy told me that I was going to become her sex slave. I did not understand the full meaning of the word. I had heard about sex in school, Mom had had the talk with me, and Tammy had shown me how to masturbate. However, when she told me that I was to become her sex slave, I did not hesitate to ask what I had to do. She told me that all I had to do was follow her instructions to the...

1 year ago
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Awesome Threesome With A Couple

Hello, readers of ISS, this is Rajesh (closet cd) from Hyderabad. Now coming to the incident the couple I actually met them online via mail. They read my previous stories and they built interest in me. So one day I got a mail from them saying that Couple: -hi Rajesh I have read your story on ISS we are a couple and we are interested in you. If you are ok then let us know we will discuss it After receiving this message I initially didn’t respond to them after couple of days I messaged them Me: –...

3 years ago
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To Trap a Different BeaverChapter 4

"So, what exactly happened with Pamela and you? Rumors are buzzing around the ship, but I want to know straight from the source," Consuela asked Jack, not that it mattered much. She expected to get along with him pretty well, whatever his reply. It was an hour before supper the same night, and most of the exhausted concubines had been napping all afternoon. "Oh, she decided that she wanted to be an unofficial co-sponsor with us. How does that sound, babe? Any plans for tonight, by the...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Makes A Discovery

strapon – turned gay – ass fuck – femdom – male anal sex – feminized She came in holding papers I recognized as the one I ripped from my ex’s diary describing our sexual exploits in great detail.She waved them in the air with one hand on her hip, “Why would you keep this from me?” I didn’t respond.After a few awkward moments of silence a smile broke across her face. She wagged her finer at me in mock severity saying, “You’ve been a bad boy (punctuated with a girlish giggle) and I want to know...

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