Kenshiro HidoriChapter 1B
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Jonathan Furgeson was a disillusioned young noble. He had come to fight for the holy land believing it was his Christian duty. Now he wondered what part would God want in such senseless slaughter. People that had not caused any Christian peasant or knight harm were killed because of the color of their skin and where they lived. He wanted to return to his homeland of Scotland and forget this terrible war and the images that would be forever burned into his mind's eye. After a long and tiring trek across the desert they rested after setting camp. Awakening the next morning Jonathan dressed for battle. Two squires helped him put on his armor and helped him into the saddle, as his armor was very heavy and he had difficulty managing it on his own. Lifting his visor to allow better vision and cooling effect, his eyes squinted against the glare of his own plate armor underneath the burning desert sun. In the distance he could see an army of men coming towards them a dust cloud created in their wake. As they neared he saw the standards of the Saracens their enemy. Armed for battle he joined his own troops among the other Crusaders. The next few moments that followed were a blur in Jonathan's memory. He remembered only charging the enemy astride his horse. As the two sides clashed sword and spear struck shield and armor causing pain and blood flow. The first that would die that day fell during the initial contact as the two armies came crashing together like two great waves. Jonathan saw one rider charge forward only to be spitted on a Saracen spear and fall dieing from his horse. Jonathan also would have fallen in the first few moments not long after that man had not fortune intervened. Another spearman meaning to kill him stabbed at him from his right. Barely seeing it in time he tried to twist out of the weapon's path involuntarily jerking back on the reins. This sudden movement caused his horse's footing to slip in the loose sand. Horse and rider fell leaving Jonathan pinned underneath his steed helpless to defend himself. He saw the spear coming towards his face and Jonathan let out a silent prayer for absolution knowing this was the moment of his death, but the blow never fell. A long sword hacked the spear cleanly in two as it traveled towards its target. Another knight stepped into view smashing the Saracen in the jaw with the butt of his sword. The Saracen fell stunned only to be killed before he could recover as he was stabbed in the chest. Given the reprieve he needed Jonathan was able to struggle out from beneath his injured horse and gain his feet.
"Stay with me if you want to live young pup!" The stranger said dressed in shining plate armor unlike his own. Truly wanting to live Jonathan did just that never straying far from his rescuer. Each man guarded the other's back with Jonathan usually needing more protection out of the two of them. By the end of the battle Jonathan was exhausted and separated from his men. His body was bruised and battered making every movement a chore. Each breath was a painful gasp and nausea threatened to overwhelm him from the smell of the dead and dieing. Jonathan had only participated in skirmishes this was his first real battle. The sight of vultures picking at the flesh of the dead was an unwelcome sight and turned his stomach.
"You did well for your first time." The stranger said. "I didn't think so. I almost got killed so easily." Jonathan said. "That was how I knew it was your first time. Most of the good fighters realize after their first battle that we can die at any moment. You charged in foolish and oblivious to the danger around you. Lesson number 1: never get distracted or your enemy will take advantage of your weakness. It only takes a moment for an opening to present itself. My name is Kenshiro. What is your name?" Kenshiro said.
"Jonathan Furgeson a nobleman from Scotland." Jonathan said, "I have never heard such a name what land do you come from?" Lifting his visor and showing his face Kenshiro said, "I am from a land far to the east. Until recently I served my late lord King Frederick Barbarossa." Jonathan now recognized that Kenshiro was indeed wearing Teutonic armor as was common among the knights of the Holy Roman Empire. The only difference between him and the others was Kenshiro carried no shield. The long sword was the reason he didn't; made to be a two handed weapon a shield would merely prove cumbersome. An adaptable weapon the long sword could be used in a variety of ways: a stabbing weapon like a spear, a cutting weapon like a sword, or a blunt-edged weapon like a club or staff. Special gauntlets or gloves could be worn by the user allowing them to adapt to almost any real life situation. If the long sword had any drawbacks they were that it required plenty of room to use it properly, and as it was mentioned earlier you could not use a shield at the same time.
As Jonathan got to know the man he discovered that Kenshiro had fought on in his lord's memory, but was now heading home. "I have had enough of this war. It is being fought for the wrong reasons, and the Holy Roman Empire needs a new king. I must return to support him." Kenshiro said as they sat near his men and a roaring campfire. It was then that one of the teutons spoke, "Forgive my lord general for interrupting but why do you not claim leadership? Our king is dead and we have remained here so that we might serve you. Seek the mandate and we shall pledge our support. You have many nobles here who possess great influence. Even King Frederick respected you though you came from a foreign land and do not share our religion."
"Because like our late sovereign I detest the Pope's interference in our nation's politics Edward. While I can accept the Christian religion I refuse to accept that such a man speaks for God." Kenshiro said. "That is because once you set your mind to something your will is indomitable. I myself have witnessed the victories you have given our nation. Now we need a leader who rules from strength like our late King. Curse the waters that drowned him its depths! You are that King and I would gladly follow you anywhere!" Edward said kneeling. Kenshiro acknowledged that the thought of ruling such a great empire was pleasing as was the challenge of taking it and keeping it. "Why not? You will have your wish Edward. I will take the kingship for my own. Let the Pope think that he has a new dog that will obey his every command. He will soon find a wild wolf instead!" Kenshiro said with a laugh.
Returning to the Holy Roman Empire Kenshiro gained the support he needed to gain the throne, and quickly stamped out any competition. The Pope was forced to accept him after he witnessed Kenshiro's baptism and the acceptance of his new Christian name: Demetrius Cristus. Giving his mandate the Pope crowned the new King Demetrius Cristus the second sovereign emperor in the history of the Holy Roman Empire. Demetrius and Jonathan and Demetrius had kept up the friendship that they had made during their travels back from the Holy Land. Jonathan was welcomed into Demetrius' home before he was crowned. Demetrius showed him all the sights of the land he had come to call home. When Jonathan's ship arrived to take him back to Scotland the two men parted ways promising to write.
It was a promise they both kept. Through letters the two men set up an arranged marriage between Demetrius and Jonathan's sister Sarah which would forever link their two families. The wedding happened the following spring. Sarah was dressed in a lovely wedding gown and Demetrius was dressed in chain armor bearing the emblem of the Teutonic Knights. Sarah was against the marriage and Demetrius could tell. On their wedding night Sarah expected to have to accept her duty and join him in the marriage bed but he never showed up. When she tried to find out why by asking her brother Jonathan in person he replied simply, "He knows you look down on him, and Demetrius will not accept such a wife. As far as he is concerned at the moment you are his wife in name only."
"What more does this barbarian want from me?" Sarah asked her brother in indignation. A look of anger flashed across Jonathan's face as he said, "Demetrius is an honorable man who was trusted by Emperor Frederick Barbossa and a man who also saved my life. You would do well to remember that sister especially since you will not find a more even handed man when it comes to women. If you treat him with respect he will return it." With that Jonathan stormed off leaving Sarah feeling guilty and foolish. Barely a day had passed and already she was making a mess of her marriage. It was just as her father had said, "You are a strong-willed woman and you will be lucky if any man will accept you and your head strong ideas." Taking her bow and a quiver of arrows she saddled her horse and rode out into the countryside the following day.
Demetrius did not abide brigands and made a point to have his troops patrolling the roads when they were not busy training. Not only did it make bandits hide it also kept his troops out of trouble. If you got in trouble you found your name on the patrol list back at the barracks. It was not a welcome prospect for most of the men, to leave the comfort of their barracks and patrol the open wilderness.
Sarah like everyone else could travel in relative safety. Finding the nearest forest she dismounted and removed the bow and quiver. Taking aim at the nearest tree she pulled back and released just missing the narrow trunk. "You should take more time when you aim. Besides that bow was not made for you." A voice said out of nowhere. Looking around Sarah said, "Whose there?" Stepping out from behind a larger tree to her right Demetrius came into the light. "Forgive me my lord husband but it was made for me. My father had it made before he died. I am simply out of practice." Sarah said. Demetrius himself was carrying a bow of strange design that she had never seen before. The bow seemed to be of a lighter wood and was far longer than her own. Offering it to her Demetrius said, "Try this one. It is well used but still strong. It will no doubt be easier on you due to its design." Taking it Sarah took aim again and fired this time striking the tree trunk as she found it easier on the pull back and release. "Amazing it seems almost made for me." Sarah said admiring it craftsmanship. "Good then keep it as a gift. It was made for a woman so it makes sense that one should use it again." Demetrius said.
"Forgive me sire but may I ask what woman owned the bow originally?" Sarah asked curious. As far she knew Demetrius had never married before. "It belonged to the Lady Fujiko Hidori who became a member of my clan. She was married to a man named Kenshiro Hidori who made it for her. The bow has sentimental value because of this. I have had it for many years and it has never failed me." Demetrius said. "I couldn't accept it." Sarah said trying to offer it back. "You won't accept it because it's not good enough, or because it is not from your country?" Demetrius said with a look of annoyance.
Regretting her foolishness in making it sound that way Sarah said, "Of course not but it was from a member of your clan and as you said it is dear to you." His brows furrowed as he said, "All the more reason for you to have it. You are my wife now and therefore a member of my house. If you don't want it then give it back." Reaching out his hand he moved to take it from her. Demetrius had quite frankly had enough of this foolishness. "That will not be necessary sire. I am honored by your gift and will treasure it always. Thank you for your generosity I am unworthy of it." Sarah said with a curtsy. "I never liked that gesture. In this society men do not show such respect to their women more often then not so I see little point in you doing it to me. Stand up straight please." Demetrius replied. Doing as she was told Sarah didn't know what to think. It was something she had been taught to do in such a situation and she was unsure of what to do now. Seeing how uncomfortable she was Demetrius said, "I find many customs of yours to be strange. If I were to show you mine I would imagine the same would be true, so I will make a pact with you: I will accept you curtsies if you will accept my bows. Is this satisfactory to you?" Sarah nodded saying, "Yes I suppose."
"Good then you should begin shooting from horseback as soon as possible if you are to participate in the hunt." Demetrius said. "The hunt my lord?" Sarah asked not following. "You hunted with you father when you were younger I fail to see the problem. You do not lack the needed experience." Demetrius said. "It's just not common place. I would not want to embarrass you." Sarah said unsure of herself. "Then I will help you practice. Meet me here at this time each day until the hunt. In time your skill with the bow will improve if you apply yourself. You already show promise with the weapon." Demetrius said pointing to the tree. "Thank you for your confidence in me but..." Sarah began before he pressed a finger to her lips silencing her. "It is one thing to have others doubt you, in that case you can use that to your advantage. However is quite another to doubt yourself, for in doing so you ensure your own failure. Without confidence in one's own ability you limit yourself and your potential." Demetrius said his face softening after he was finished his firm demeanor gone. Nodding Sarah said, "I think I understand."
"Good, that is much better. You are arrogant and stubborn at times but I can be that way also. For this relationship to work we must have mutual respect, that is why I made that pact with you. I do not believe a woman is only a servant to her husband's whim. You have your own mind, simply use it. I will listen to your council as I would any man's. Learn well and apply yourself you will have my ear, understand?" Demetrius said.
During her practice sessions Sarah and Demetrius spent a lot of time together alone. Each began after a time to gain a mutual respect for one another just as Demetrius had wanted, as they learned what they had in common instead of paying to much attention to their differences. Both looked forward to the hunt seeing it as a way to test their skills and prove their mettle.
When the time came Sarah was ready. Demetrius watched as the boar burst forth from the brush, she bent back her bow sighted down the arrow and released letting it fly. The arrow flew straight and true heavily wounding the boar. It traveled for a few yards before finally being overcome by its grievous wound.
Falling down it was unable to get up again as tried once before falling down again. Charging in at full gallop Demetrius finished it with a thrust of his spear ending its suffering. That night in a banquet set outdoors Demetrius and many others celebrated Sarah's kill and fine marksmanship giving her the place of honor. He led toast after toast in her honor, and Sarah smiled basking in the glow of their adoration.
That night husband and wife came together as they both wanted to consummate their marriage at long last. Sarah adored her new husband and how different her spouse was from other men she had met. First were the physical differences his eyes and skin tone darker than European men gave him an exotic quality, and Demetrius kept himself in great shape something that whenever she thought of their lovemaking made her blush. His knowledge in that area was well-versed, perhaps equal to his combat skills. She had never heard of the techniques used in their coupling.
Seeing him move through drills or as he sparred was amazing. Demetrius' movements were lightning fast and hard to follow and his attacks hit their mark with deadly accuracy. When she watched he would often flash her a smile making eye contact before and after each of his practice sessions. Sarah admired his confidence and wished she had even half his ability. She struggled to see further progress but he was always encouraging giving her the advice she needed to focus.
The more she learned about him the she was impressed by his values and his sense of right and wrong. Demetrius was a man of deep conscience he was comfortable in stepping out of the mold even if it made him many enemies. His changes in the society and political structure of the Holy Roman Empire were a perfect example of this. At first Demetrius' changes to the domestic infrastructure of the empire angered the nobles as they did not like disturbing the traditional way of doing things not seeing the reason for it, but after awhile they started to see that they now received more money to fill their treasuries and quickly withdrew their complainants happy with the changes. Even the poorer and less influential nobles found that they received new titles under the new system as county lines were made dividing the Holy Roman Empire into much smaller pieces. Each county would be ruled by a minor noble and their family and the nobles ruling these counties were each given the title of County Magistrate or Lord or in some cases Ladies. The poorer nobles took their new titles and money without complaint happy at the change. The minor nobles now reported to the higher ranking nobles giving them the money they were due, and in turn sending the rest excluding their own rightful portion and what was needed to support their county to the royal treasury. While all the nobles received more money they were encouraged by the Emperor to support their vassals which they did trusting in their ruler's judgment. Demetrius institution of a census and creating a Library of Records allowed his nobles to keep better track of how many vassals they actually ruled. Local offices were placed in each county in order to make sure the records were kept more accurate. Each office had their own library to keep the original copies and sent the rest to the capital by messenger. The entire process and his nobles support brought about more production and happier vassals as even their living conditions began to change for the better at least a little.
Under Emperor Demetrius' direction the new County Magistrates began building and training organized militias of their own to protect their county. The higher ranking lords would still be in charge of the regular army garrisons. Those cities and towns under the influence of those nobles provided what they could to support the militias. They were anxious to do this because not only did the militia provide good jobs for those that needed them, thus further stimulating the economy but the militia also provided extra security that was more readily available. Now instead of sending for help from the closest regular garrison miles away that might not reach them in time, the peasants had their own much closer made from fellow peasants who had the same interests as theirs. Smaller militias could even combine to form a standing army if the need ever arose for such a thing. This greatly helped to promote county pride and those that lived in that county felt safer and more connected to their neighbors now that they were willing and able to fight brigands and other undesirables who attacked their homes by facing them together.
Demetrius didn't stop there. He setup town and city councils so that his people would have a voice in their new government and so he could better provide for their needs from their own mouths. Soon the people in one voice declared that they wanted the brigand problem ended once and for all. Eager to do just that Demetrius began to make preparations.
Using the regular army to replace the militia he brought the militia to a place near the capital. Once there he personally oversaw their training. When the time came that he believed they were ready Demetrius sent out a proclamation throughout the land saying, "I am about to hunt down the lawless bands of men who have plagued our land for too long. I offer this one chance for them to lay down their arms and peacefully enter lawful society. If there are any who choose to refuse this chance at amnesty know that any that do not die in battle shall be judged in a military tribunal that I shall organize. There they will face charges of being an invading army or forces threatening the sovereignty of our great nation and as a result shall face the death sentence as an enemy of the state who have committed atrocities against its people."
A number of bandits took the offer of amnesty not only as a chance to erase old crimes and get a fresh start but to avoid the defeat and punishment they knew was coming. Their fellow citizens welcomed them back into society not harassing them as per the Emperor's instructions issued to make the transition as smooth as possible, and to make sure that the former criminals did not return to their old lives. Thanks to these measures the former bandits took on productive jobs and did their best to distinguish themselves and prove that they had changed not seeing a future in their old lives. Those however who chose to defy the Emperor Demetrius found him a terrible enemy and a man of his word. Leading an army of militia himself the Emperor defeated the bandits who had been forced to band together if they had hoped to survive the coming battle. As he had said he would Demetrius had each of the survivors tried in his newly appointed tribunal. They were all found guilty in a court of law as there was plenty of evidence against them and were summarily executed. If any bandits managed to escape capture in the first place they did so by leaving the Holy Roman Empire once and for all never to return knowing only trial and death awaited them there. The people celebrated their victory and their Emperor's leadership. Demetrius declared the day of the victory a holiday for all the citizens of the empire.
Determined to have peace and a time of learning and great discovery Demetrius refused to support the Crusades in any way saving people and resources from a fight he didn't believe in. Not only did he not support any noble or European power who did so he also refused to allow any Crusading force or army to pass through his lands or use his nation's ships to go to the Holy Lands in support of any invasion. He made the Holy Roman Empire a safe haven from religious persecution trying any citizen caught attacking or harassing any none Christian. His informants found any infraction whether they were reported by the new police forces, militias, fellow citizens or by none of these groups at all. Soon the people of the Empire took for granted that if they broke the laws that protected people of different belief they would be caught and rightfully so. It did not take long before the differences between one's religion were not a serious problem for any of the people. If any had any negative thoughts about their fellows they kept them to themselves choosing not to speak them aloud.
When this change was implemented Demetrius was again not content to leave things as they were. In open defiance of the Pope Demetrius sent a peace treaty to Salahadin for the purposes of non-aggression and trade. Salahadin accepted the gracious offer knowing that he would never again have to face the fury of the Teutonic Knights led by their new emperor in battle so long as Emperor Demetrius ruled. Demetrius used the opportunity now that open cultural exchange was possible to invite the greatest minds from Christian and none Christians in both Europe and the Holy Hands to study and work in his new university. Many great minds came accepting his invitation adding their knowledge to their adopted nation providing it with new technologies, both in every day life and technologies that could be used in military applications.
Demetrius immediately set about using his surplus of funds to devise ways of applying this knowledge for practical use. Guns, cannon, and not to mention other explosives made their way into the new technologies he had access to as he continued to spread his search for scholars and inventors from anywhere he could find. Some of his inventors came from as far away as Asia. Living in safety and provided the resources they needed to invent these gifted people gave him a decided advantage over his neighbors. To protect his nation's technology and its secrets Demetrius created a anti-insurgency and intelligence organization designed to hunt down spies and watch for potential traitors inside his borders.
In effect as these changes took place the Holy Roman Empire became stronger and stronger and kept that power inside its borders. Sarah noticed that Demetrius was very interested in any outside interference in his citizens' lives particularly the Jews. Since he was once one of them at least in belief before converting this was not hard for her to understand. She imagined that they would always hold a special place in his mind and his heart for whatever reason.
A particular incident of outside interference seemed to warrant his personal involvement when it was brought to his attention. A young priest by the name of Stephen spoke up on behalf of a Jewish merchant being persecuted by an Inquisitor. How the old man had managed to gain the Inquisitor's attention or be targeted was not his concern what Stephen did and the Inquisitor's response was. Stephen had spoken up knowing that he himself would be made the next target of the Inquisitor's religious fervor. When the Inquisitor had him arrested by the guards that accompanied him and tried to take Stephen back to Rome for trial the Inquisitor instead found himself arrested and brought to the capital as he traveling was on the road.
Brought into the audience chamber the Inquisitor name Herrera was confused as to what was going on. Sarah sat beside her husband on a throne equal to his own watching the whole ordeal. Both of them were dressed in full royal regalia including their crowns something Demetrius rarely wore unless he believed it was necessary. Sarah watched and listened in silence as her husband questioned Herrera and Stephen about the altercation.
"This is a church matter. I don't see why we even have to discuss this here." Herrera complained. Ignoring him Demetrius turned to Stephen who seemed so humble and plain in comparison to Herrera in his fine clothes. Demetrius asked Stephen, "Did you understand that this man would insist on you're being punished for your interference?"
"I did my lord. I accept the consequences of my actions and whatever punishment that is to come as a result of them." Stephen replied his face so calm and serene. Demetrius had seen that face before in his years in Japan. It was worn by a man who had accepted his death and no longer feared it. He had rarely seen it since then and was intrigued to see it now. In all the other cases it had been warriors that had demonstrated this trait in his experience not a priest who had probably never faced death on a battlefield. Curious Demetrius wanted to know more. "Even if it would mean torture and even the loss of your life?" Demetrius asked testing him so he could hear what Stephen actually thought. "Forgive me my lord Emperor as the honorable Inquisitor Herrera has said it is a church matter and there is no need for you to trouble yourself." Stephen said refusing to answer. Demetrius refused to let him off so easy. "I have one more question for you. Why would you risk your life for someone who may never accept the Christian faith?" Demetrius asked.
"Again forgive me for my rudeness my liege but many said that you would not convert, but were they not proven wrong? From what I can see you are a man seeking after God as we all should. My own reason is simply this: For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that all might enter the kingdom of Heaven. It does not say in the Bible that we should persecute other men for their beliefs, but instead embrace them with the love of God. Though the man I defended may or may not believe it, we have the same worth in the eyes of God our creator, and holy father. Jewish or Christian we are his creations no matter what we believe in. I would not see an innocent man suffer while I could stop it no matter what it may cost me." Stephen said. Demetrius nodded at this secretly admiring his conviction. In these dark times such an individual was a miracle in itself. In Demetrius' opinion it was God's way of showing that he was still here and he still cared about his creations. Now it was time to turn his attention to the inquisitor and the source of the problem.
"Inquisitor Herrera you have persecuted a non-Christian perfectly aware of the laws here against such a thing. How do you plead?" Demetrius asked looking at him. "I answer only to God and to Rome not any earthly ruler. You have no power over me." Herrera said indignantly causing the Emperor's eyes to narrow dangerously as he fixed him with a cold stared that bored through him.
"By the same power I used to bring you here I can also use to take your life, so watch your tongue." Demetrius said with steely emphasis watching Herrera gulp in fear. "As far as I am concerned this young priest has chosen to serve God by offering his life out of love for another person, and for God's glory. He has done this despite the risk to himself while you have chosen to judge a stranger and sentence him to death. Does it not say in the Bible "Judge not yest ye be judged"? However you judge another of his creations in the form of humans that is how God shall judge you. Return to your master in Rome, and tell your Lord Pope this: None of his servants shall enter the Holy Roman Empire to stir up any further trouble. If they should enter from this day forward they will obey the laws of this land or be subject to our punishments. If they come in peace they shall be welcomed in peace, but there will be no more Inquisition in any of the lands that I rule. Offenders will be thrown in prison with the other common criminals until I see fit to release them. I spare you now though I should make an example of you so that the Pope may have a human voice speak that which I will send him in a letter." Demetrius said, "Stephen Vonberge step forward." Confused Stephen did as he was told. "Is it your only wish to serve the Lord our God faithfully?" Demetrius asked. "Yes sire it is." Stephen responded.
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“Is that sexy?” Mark wasn’t getting it. “There are different kinds of sexy,” Sean tried to explain. “There’s beautiful, like your mum, and there’s Lara.” “They’re relatively extreme examples, of each type,” murmured Freddie. “Oh,” said Mark, still not getting it. “Lara is hot in bed,” smiled June. “Active and athletic and exciting. Very reactive, so she’s very rewarding to do it with, if you like your sex to be vigorous. That’s what we just saw. Even for a woman it’s rewarding. Licking...
I usually troll for new girls at the neighborhood swimming pool. I'm proud of my body and it usually works. I'm not a Mr. Olympia but I have tight abs and a lean body.I met a cute little girl that had just moved to California with her brother. They rented an apartment together and found work nearby. She waited tables and he worked at the grocery store.Kelly was really cute, brunette, 5'6" and 110 lbs. I hadn't seen her naked yet but I could tell by her tiny bikini. she had a great body. Joe was...
SPOILER ALERT: This list includes ages at the beginning of this part if they are significant or at the time the character is introduced. It also includes new cast members who join the story line over the seven years this part covers. This will include the formation of additional casa as well as births and adoptions. For the first time, the cast list includes years in the dates of birth and death dates. In general, you might want to just use it for reference rather than reading straight...
I stayed with my Aunt & Uncle In Northern Illinois for a few months while trying to get my life in order after doing 3 years in the Army. Although moving into a brand new, big buck Condo, the water heater, located in a corner of 2 open walls, froze up. So…no hot water. It was a very exclusive neighborhood, and had a nicely equipped clubhouse. Indoor/outdoor pool, sauna…all of the goodies. My Uncle & I went down to take a swim. It was -26F, so It seemed to be a really good idea at the time....
This story is about when Teddy and Lance meets! Like I said in my other stories, these events I write about are all true. I try to write detail information as it happens to me and I hope that you are enjoying Naughty Nikki’s life stories!! Tired! Thirsty and hungry! I sat in the TV room wondering what mischief I was going to encounter today. I wanted to go out to the Jamacian restaurant for some spicy food since that is what I was craving. I went upstairs to my bedroom and made preparations to...
April Reid is a sultry redhead, thrown off her game by the new ginger at school. Being the redhead has always been Aprils thing. How is she gonna stand out now if shes not the hot ginger in class? She tries on a few hats and considers dying her hair but feels discouraged when she realizes that she it costs more than she can afford. Shes at her ropes end when her brothers friend, Cody, shows up. He asks whats wrong and when she tells him, he suggests that she just dye it. She tells him she cant...
xmoviesforyou(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Sister Submission By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Carmelita Campo The tears wouldn't stop coming. Everything was all so screwed up. I was screwed up. I should have loved fucking Clint's dick. Or at least wanted to do it more than licking my sister's, or another girl's, pussy. I was straight. I had to be. My sister stalked off, my cheek stinging from her slap, from the disappointment in...
Chapter 21: Jordan's Revenge Dee Dee and Cleo raced back through the corridors of the Island. They arrived back in the quarters where the four girls had spent the night together, just after Rhiannon had finished 'gifting' Jordan. What Dee Dee and Cleo saw was a sight they were totally unprepared for. Barocca was lying on the bed, with a terrified look on her face. Surrounding Barocca were five identical copies of Jordan. Each girl was naked, with a raging, two-foot hard-on. Dee Dee...
It was a few years ago and my team made it to the Super Bowl. With great anticipation, I made big plans for the day. Several friends came over, the wives retired to one part of the house, to watch chick flicks in our home theater. The guys had to make do with only a Fifty-inch screen in my man cave. The game was dreadful, total blow out and not in a good way. My team left the field totally emasculated. Everyone left but my best friend, Jim. The two of us stayed to the bitter end. We watched the...
(Four years ago) By August of the following year, Alex had finished her Ph.D. The University Trustees, the President of the University, the Chair of the Computer Science Department, one R.J. Ambuster, and all the faculty of the CS department agreed that she didn't need to submit a disertation, her body of work would be enough. Only eight months from start to finish was an amazingly short time for a Ph.D., but she was exceptional. Nobody knew why exactly, but they were convinced that she...
Hi ISS..I am Akki regular reader of this sites.i wish to tel you my first sex experience. This was true incident of ma life. Am now 25 but this incident happened when I was 21. I was going from Bangalore to jamnagar and unfortunately I didn’t get my reservation confirmed and thought that was the worst thing ever possible considering that I had to go all the way to jamnagar. I never had any idea of the luck I was going to have. The journey on the konkan coast till Pune was uneventful and I did...
A TEACHER'S PAST - A DIVERSION FOR KERRI If Tim couldn't have the sexy teacher for himself, he would make sure to humiliate her. His stomach quivered with the thought of a final conquest when he, Sky, would fuck Kerri without her consent but that was a long way down the road. He felt compelled to degrade Kerri to a point where she would be his devoted subject and his evil mind worked feverishly to come up with the perfect plans. Tim suspected that Kerri would eventually discover Sky's...
Suzie was a totally changed woman. At forty she was a prim, proper, helpful wife of a clergyman, and a sort of agony aunt for the community. At forty one however, Suzie had become, if not cock hungry, at least very willing to take the generous amount of cock that came her way. Mostly Thursdays and Fridays, when Jason, her vicar husband, stayed in another of the three parishes he covered. Just over two months ago, Ambrose, her husband's bishop, had entered her sex life and increased it quite a...
MILFTo begin with, growing up I was that short, skinny, scrawny kid that everybody picked on. Even in my late teen years I was only five feet tall and weighed approximately a hundred pound and even that was on a good day. So needless to say, I didn’t have a lot of dates, and sex was only something I read about in books, or if I was lucky enough to ‘find’ one…an adult magazine. Usually I bought those cheesy magazines like True Detective or something similar. You know the type, the ones with the...
FetishIn the late 60’s when I was 16 years old I lived in upstate New York. My dad got transferred by his company to Miami. It was a big promotion for him so he didn’t want to turn it down. We were three k**s in the f****y. There was little s****r my big s****r who was three years younger than me and me. I was in my first year of high school and did not want to leave my friends behind to start in a new school in Miami. It took a lot of convincing but with the help of my grandparents I was able to...
It's been quiet this week, not much to post this time.It started the same as always, I got a text from my neighbours wife not long after my partner left for work and went round. We all spoke (me, A my neighbour and J his wife) a few times after our last get together and I was told unless stated otherwise I wasn't to wear and panties or lingerie since J wanted to dress me. As I walked inside J was waiting for me. She was standing in her work clothes, a typical office outfit, white shirt, jacket...
Three hours later... I lay next to a sleeping, snoring Juliette Charbonneau, her sweaty skin caressing mine every single time that I stretched or turned. I gazed upon her beauty more than once, stealing glances as if taboo, mostly because I wanted to take in the full scope of her allure and log it in my memory. We weren’t just naked. We were intimate, vulnerable, locked into each other’s embrace as we snuggled in her bed in her sleeping compartment of our passenger train. “Oh, God, lover,...
By the time Janel collected herself and, brought her seething emotions under control, her blackmailer was gone. He’d no sooner finished with her than he’d cleaned himself up with a damp towel and dressed, standing in front of the mirror to tuck in his shirt and knot his tie. Janel lay naked on the bed with the spread pulled over her, trying to collect herself and think of something to say that might somehow redeem herself—in her eyes at least, if not in his—but absolutely nothing came to mind,...
“You should come with us to Todoba for the Winter.” She gushes over him while we eat a roasted onion potato soup. “You would love it! The seaside is wonderfully warm then.” “Would you take a swim with me then?” He asks knowing full well Rachel would never scandalize herself so publicly. She giggles and it makes the hairs on my back raise. “You’ve gotten just as bad as they say…” She scolds playfully. I’m not hungry anymore. “You don’t know that half of it.” He laughs loudly. I jerk up...
My grandmother owned a few rental properties when I was younger. By the time I was 16, I was responsible for the lawn maintenance, flower beds, etc, at her properties. She paid me, and it got me away from my mom, which Grandma knew was a good thing. She just didn't know how good it became ... I was very active then. At 5'7”, I carried 150 lbs on my frame, and it was mostly muscle. Well, muscle and boobs. Even then, I was a solid 36 D. Long blonde hair, a good tan from working outside all...
TabooEver since my dad and mum divorced, I had grown closer to my mum. We spent a lot of time together, shopping, cooking, vacationing we were use to seeing eachother naked or walking around in our underwear. I guess I became the friend my dad never was to her. Mum taught me about the birds and the bees, and I found myself better prepared when I started puberty. But preparation could only do so much for me, at 13 I found myself becoming a man. I masturbated for the first time in my bedroom,...
I’ve been in the MBA program at the downtown campus about 6 months now. On a whim a bought a lottery ticket when the jackpot hit several million. To my total surprise I won several million, the pot was split three ways.The next night I went to class and after it was over I was approached by a few of my friends, I even realized I had a few new ones . “What are you going to do now” Jim asked“Well I already quit my job. But I want to finish my education. Once the check clears and My advisor has...
Lauren threw herself into the role of insatiable slut, and went to Gruthsorik for a tentacle fuck every day, sometimes even twice in one day. It wasn't long at all before she was taking two tentacles each in both her ass and her now-bare pussy, and loving every moment of it. She took an extreme liking to the monster's cum, using her hands to scoop it off her body and into her mouth, even sometimes licking it off the floor. At night Lauren slept snuggled close to the demon, often in a tight...
Of Zushi's group of eight, the five boys walked barefooted in the shallow water of the river, less than a meter from the river's banks, where the three girls followed at the same pace. Zax turned his Soul Sense On and Off every ten minutes as if it was a light switch. If there were Earth's Cores in the river, his Soul Sense only enabled him to tell where they were not. One positive thing, which evolved from this tedious repetitiveness, was that little by little Zax got more used to the...
Chuck and his partners haven’t been too happy with their employee Aryana Amitista’s performance. While her colleagues close sales within two or three months, it has been taking her nearly half a year! Aryana explains that this is because she puts the client first, not the profits, and though this may come off as soft, Chuck realizes the benefits of her business strategy. Aryana tells Chuck she can show him how naughty she can be, and opens her blouse to reveal her big fake boobs!...
xmoviesforyouMy Mom was in the living room looking angry when I got home. She told me to sit down and then held her hand out, showing me something. At first I was puzzled then I realised what I was looking at.It was a pregnancy test!She snarled that she was pregnant and what did I know about it. Of course I denied knowing anything about it. She referred back to that fateful night and said that something must have happened as she’d found herself naked in bed with her clothes neatly folded on a chair when...
Karen My best friend’s sister I had always had a crush on Karen and was always trying to get a look down her shirt or up her short skirt when I was over at Bill’s house. I was 15 years old when I first meet her and from that day on I knew that one day I would see her naked body and hopeful get to use my man hood on her. Karen was 4 years older than me , but always treated me like I was special , She was so bubbly and smiled all the time . She would hug me whenever she saw me and I was always...
With just days before the Labor Day weekend, the date that was set to bring Megan and Jason into their circle of sex, Kathy knew the time was right. The effects of the pill she had been taking were now out of her system and her body quite regulated, and keeping close tabs on Megan's period, she also was primed. Kathy and Jim sat the twins down and explained the new relationship they had with Derrick and Karen, and inquired if they too would like to be a part of it. Megan was thrilled that...
Sriram Iyer had dreams of moving and working in the USA since he was young. He grew up in a conservative Brahmin household and only studied while growing up with no social life. His hard work paid off when he was able to get engineering seat at IIT Madras and succeeded well getting his degree. He applied for colleges in the USA for masters and was able to get a good college in New Jersey, USA. He worked hard finished his masters and got an IT job in North Carolina, USA. When he started his job...
"Hey baby I'm home" you said as you walked into you apartment. The building wasnt much, just an old converted motel that you and your girlfriend Kay had scraped enough money together from your menial, part time jobs to afford. "Hey babe I'm in the shower" you hear coming from the bathroom on the back. "I'll be out in a sec" You walk to the fridge and grab a beer, resting on the couch as you sip it, trying to let the stress of the day at work melt away. Your look around the apartment and notice...
I’m a 46 year old, 5’10” tall, blue eye, brown hair, mother of three and who works very hard to keep my body in shape. Who for years have been very curious about having sex with another woman but never had the nerve to act on it, until a couple of years ago. We hadn’t been back to our home town for several years. So my husband and I decided it was time to load up the kids and travel to Long Island for vacation. We had a good time visiting with family and old friends. I was sitting at my in-laws...
LesbianA huge roar comes from the 500 screaming fans packed into a nightclub in London. The band strike up one final cord and the lights go out. “Great show Avril,” says one of the backstage crew “Awesome mate,” Avril’s lead guitarist says patting her on the back as he hands over his guitar. “Fucking brilliant,” shouts out her drummer who takes a swig of water then goes off to find a female groupie to fuck. “Thanks guys,” Avril replies with her cute smile, “Gotta go get changed now.” Avril walks away...
Hi all just letting you know that the fantasy come true I caught up with an old friend we met by chance at a bar when I was drinking looking for some fun. We got chatting talking about the old days I noticed the ring on his finger where was talking about his wife he was out having a drink they had a fight a day or so ago and have barely talked since she is away at her mother's so he's drowning in sorrows and of course I am a good girl that just wants to give him a shoulder and a ear to talk...
Donnie (Donnie Rock) arrives home from work and is greeted by his beautiful young wife (Scarlett Alexis) who is still in “pleasant-mode”. Donnie tests his Magic Remote by switching Alexis back to “bitch-mode” and sure enough, her relentless nagging begins. Donnie can’t keep this to himself any longer and decides to let his best buddy (Lucky Fate) in on the secret. When his buddy arrives, Donnie commands Scarlett to put on an arousing masturbation show and allows Lucky to “taste” his wife. And…...
xmoviesforyouSandy looked up from the books broken open on her desk. One hand with spread fingers pressed down two books open at the same time. The books were new and revolting against staying open. Her other hand had a pencil poised in her hand. The way she held the pencil had always seemed awkward to everyone. It was like a fist with the pencil butt going straight into the air."Honey, you have been studying all day on your birthday. Let me talk to my daughter for at least five minutes to wish her happy...
It’s easy to understand why our latest MILF wants to mix things up a little to get out of her customer service day job, but we can sure see why Ophelia is really good at it, she’s a pleaser. Though she may come off as the quiet type at first, when you get to know her like our man Jake, you’ll see she has a tight little pussy and a huge sexual appetite that needs to be fed. She’s been masturbating for as long as she can remember, and she’ll be getting off to know you’re getting off to her, ah...
xmoviesforyouHi My friends, this is Dev from Bangalore. I am 30, I do work in a prestigious organization and I do go for lots of walking and keep myself fit. I do find time in reading the stories and have fun with it, just like you guys do. This is a great site to express yourself and your greatest moments..I would like to make it crisp and short. I am gonna narrate an incident of my life happened recently while I was at South. You can mail me at with your comments and feedbacks . I would love to read...
Let me start out by giving you some background. Bob Stevens is a 67-year-old man who lost his wife of 48 years two years ago to cancer. Bob is 6 feet tall and weighs 380 lbs. He wasn’t always like this, only after the crippling arthritis hit his knees and hips. Before that, he was a slim 200 lbs. and very active. Then about the time he reached 55 he had to slow down due to arthritis. Not eating healthy and a lack of exercise lent to some of his weight gain. Then 2 years ago, Karen, his lovely...
I am Priya I live in Mumbai I have a curvy body every man around me just want to use my 32-28-34 size body and I liked it. I was a slut in my college I used to fuck every man with good size of cock without knowing their names. After finishing my college family forced me to get marrage since my family was in poverty . I got married a rich man naveen he liked me for my sexy looks At the time before marriage I was fucking the three friends of my husband ,I was moaning a lot without fear. Mean time...
MILFAndrea had invited her favorite side cock Tim over for sunning swimming and sex. She told me Saturday morning that she had invited him over and for me to stay out of their way. I asked if I had to leave for the day. She said no but don't interfere with them. I said OK. I was just putting away the pool cleaning equipment when I heard the patio door slide open. From the garden shed I watched Andrea and Tim walk to the pool. She was wearing a tiny yellow thong bikini bottom and that's all. Her...
SAMANTHA’S NEW LIFE: CHAPTER THIRTEEN: PACK BITCH FUNThey were congregated at the front of the small ranch-style house. The house was a 70’s era brick and stucco construction, single story house set in the valley between Mica Mountain and Reiley Peak. The house is on the Mica Mountain slope that rises out of the valley where in the spring a nice running river is located. It dries up to a comparative trickle much of the rest of the year. Although nearly due east of Tucson, the roads require a...
I walked into work on Monday morning and noticed a new sign posted on the bulletin board. It advertised a 7 day contest with the chance to win $60,000. At the time I was working for minimum wage, so the chance to win that kind of money instantly caught my attention. The contest was listed as open to all store associates between the ages of 18-29. Everyone was able to enter, but only 6 participants would be chosen. The sign didn’t give many details about the actual contest other than that it was...
Meri bhabhi kafi gori ,lambi air modern hai.Baat us samay ki hai jab mere bhaiya ki nayi nayi sadi hui thi ,mai uss samay 14 sal ka tha ,mai hamesha bhabhi ke saath laga rhta tha ,bhabhi se ajeeb ajeeb sawal puchta tha ,,mai 16 sal ka hua to mai kafi lamba ho gya lagbhag 5″ 10″ ,meri class ki ladkiyan bhi mughse bahot baate karne lagi ,ek din mai bhabhi ke saath hi caram khel raha tha bhabhi me bola ki tum to kafi smart hote jaa rhw ho ,gf mil ya nhi .To maine bola bhabhi kyu mazak kar rhi hai...
This incident happened a couple of years back when both myself and my wife were visiting an Ashram in Pune. This Ashram, though people misunderstand as a sexual haven is more of a spiritual and solemn place. You will also come across people who are there only for sex too.At that time we were just about a few days into our marriage. I was about 26 years of age and she was 22. Both of us are good looking and physical fit. Myself about 6’tall athletic and she was 5’7″ slim in excellent shape. I...
Hi guys my name is Neha Koul and I’m 25 years of age and my husband is a software Eng. in a MNC and I’m a software Eng as well and we live in Bangalore. I’m 5 foot 4″ and have a very fair skin tone and we are having great time in Bangalore. My parents and my elder brother (unmarried) who is 26 years old live in New Delhi. I visit my parents during June every year. This year my husband and I planned to visit my parents together. We reached New Delhi in the afternoon and my brother came to...
Sally was back. In many respects, our new life together from then on was idyllic. Sally appreciated every little thing we did together, even the mundane activities like shopping, cooking and washing up. She enthused over our meals. It was for her the beginning of a new life mirroring that before Tony Mulhern. She was deeply touched that I had never closed our joint accounts until the divorce was started, and even then put the money in a reserved account awaiting the Court’s decision. We...
My husband Steve describes me as a very pretty shoulder-length redheaded MILF, I am in my early thirtys, 5’4”, with natural 34F breasts with sensitive pinkish-brown nipples, a nice round silky smooth bum and a tight partially shaved pussy. My husband loves to create all kinds of sexual encounters with me as the center of attention. I have been in many situations with girls, boys and big groupd.. He even had me perform like a prostitute at a downtown Manchester hotel once. I have really...