Kenshiro HidoriChapter 2 free porn video

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It was the custom of the Roman Empire to train a number of its citizens and inhabitants to be soldiers from all over the empire, including the conquered nations under its rule. Kenshiro Hidori had settled in Thebes at the time, and was chosen to join a group that was being formed from those that resided there. Though an able soldier Kenshiro proved to be more of a problem than the Romans had realized at first. Due to his lack of respect of the Roman conquerors and their rules, he had the habit of challenging others that offended him to duels despite protocol dictating otherwise. This was problem and was greatly magnified by the fact he did this indiscriminately regardless of rank and class. Most of the time the rest of the troops he might come in contact with Kenshiro backed out of the duel. The decision was largely due to common knowledge that it would probably end in their death. Unfortunately the son of a prominent Roman general chose not to believe this. The mistake in judgment cost him his life and when his father heard about it Kenshiro, who had taken on the name his Greek neighbors had given him Pysus Tiphonus was sold into slavery as punishment. Normally he would have been executed except for the circumstances. The young man had been a willing participant in the duel and an owner named Othen was looking for a skilled new gladiator. When he heard about Pysus' reputation he used all his influence with the local governor to secure his purchase.

Pysus found himself heading to the outskirts of Rome to a well respected gladiator school. Fighting and training as a gladiator Pysus truly enjoyed himself more than ever before in his entire life, training there he became more alive than he had ever felt. It was not the idea of participating in a blood sport that caused this reaction, but the challenge. Pysus for the first time was tested. On the battlefield one could fight as one wished to ensure survival. In training as a gladiator however skill was paramount and technique was far more important.

Pysus reveled in the experience as his physique became more toned and he perfected his skills. He did not complain if one of his instructors admonished him verbally or physically if he did not move quick enough which rarely happened. Eventually instead of chastising him they marveled at his improvement. Once Pysus had learned the sword and the dagger he wanted to learn the other weapons. His goal seemed be to master every weapon taught to the other gladiators.

Othen saw great potential in the young warrior. The crowd at his first arena bout cheered as he bested three other gladiators at once, an act almost unheard of in the history of the arena. Watching the same thing Othen saw something he had not realized. He thought the bout would prove a true challenge for Pysus, but it did not. Pysus like a reaper in the field was in his element. He was a different caliber of combatant then any of his foes. You might train a thousand gladiators and maybe if you were lucky you might have one like him. That was how rare he was and also hard to maintain. Most could be controlled by offering them beautiful women which Pysus enjoyed but would hardly entice his obedience. In the end it was his training that provided the solution as Othen came to discover. Pysus enjoyed learning knew fighting styles and weapons or using styles of fighting the crowd had never seen before that he already knew. At great expense Othen had acquired Pysus' strange looking sword. It was some sort of blade from the far east where Pysus was then called by another name had originally come from.

In the arena Pysus showed how it could prove deadly against a lightly armored opponent. In his first encounter he killed another gladiator as he charged drawing his sword from its sheath. In one quick yet graceful movement he beheaded the man while slightly sidestepping out of the way of his opponent's sword. For a few moments the audience sat in a state of shock. At first none could fathom what they had just seen. Then when they did there was a roar like thunder as they clapped and cheered. Pysus had to admit the effect was quite addictive. By his very nature Pysus was a man who could easily kill another combatant. He did not hesitate when the moment came or the time leading up to the moment. For him it was simply a way of living. As far as he was concerned it was just another battlefield though in his mind much cleaner then any he had seen.

Pysus had seen how the corpse of the dead could litter the ground here sand soaked it up so when you returned perhaps a day or two afterwards it seemed perfectly clean. Also it appeared to be quite fair even if you lost if the crowd liked you there was the chance to live another day.

This became the pattern of Pysus' life. Soon his name spread throughout the empire and many came to see him. One night as he trained Pysus noticed a strange woman watching him as he practiced. Tired and sweaty from hours of practice he tried to ignore her but it was no use. He could feel her eyes still on him. Annoyed he turned around he stared right back at her defiantly.

Turning to Othen Pysus' owner the woman said, "This one seems different from the others." Looking at Pysus from their position just inside the front gate Othen replied, "That is is Pysus. He has never truly been tamed." Julia's eyes grew wide with surprise as she asked, "This is the famous gladiator Pysus?"

Smiling with pride Othen said, "He is my lady. The finest gladiator I have ever seen in all my years of training. He came here already an excellent fighter. Now he is a superb one, a testament to skill and courage. Sadly one day he will leave."

"I'm afraid I don't understand." Julia said. Watching as Pysus returned to practicing with the gladius the roman sword Othen said, "His kind leave the arena in one of two ways either the crowd grants him their freedom or when he has killed enough his owner lets him go. The reason Pysus is so good is not simply his skill it's his spirit. You should have seen it. Pysus stood before three men each was armed with the gladius just like him. Every one expected him to back up into a defensive posture, but he didn't. The man attacked first throwing the other gladiators off balance. He slew one before the others knew what was happening. Only then did he take up the defensive which further confused his opponents. When one of them finally attacked he went into a roll slashing the man's thigh. The hobbled man fell forward under his own weight. The second tried to press his advantage, but found there was none as Pysus' sword came up to block his stab. Throwing a punch into the other man's groin he forced the other man back. In pain the other gladiator tried to fend him off but was soon slaughtered as he overstepped and was impaled on Pysus' sword. The surviving man was killed quickly and mercifully a stabbing wound that separated his spine just below the neck."

"It sounds remarkable." Julia said looking at the gladiator before her in awe. "But true my lady. Pysus was a soldier once and had it not been for his defiance toward his roman superiors at the time he might have risen high in the roman ranks. It is a story that most roman soldiers know. In a duel he killed the son of a high ranking general. Though I imagine that general will soon retire he made sure to make Pysus pay for his son's death. That is why he is here now. Thankfully that defiance as cooled greatly since he arrived. It proved to be my only major difficulty with him. Now Pysus is a professional pure and simple. Too much pride has no place in the arena it makes a man stupid and off balance." Othen said.

"Tell me more about your star pupil." Julia said showing her interest with a smile. "Very well lady, notice his eyes." Othen said gesturing towards Pysus. Focusing her attention on his eyes she noticed something she had never seen. "They are slanted." Julia said surprised. "That's right Lady Julia. Pysus is not originally from Greece. I have made it a point to learn all I could about him. I even contacted his former commander. Pysus himself came from one of the lands to the far east. This explains much about his behavior and fighting style. Like our gladiators here his people encourage personal skill over teamwork. This makes them superior fighters one on one or even against a number of adversaries, but in the end in warrior such that would be defeated in the end because teamwork will eventually overcome them. Pysus when he arrived adapted himself to our fighting style which took time. This is a very valuable trait that few work to achieve. I submit to you that he has made it a point to learn much of our tactics from what few writings I can obtain for him." Othen said.

"He wants to rejoin the army." Julia said with sudden clarity on the subject. "Yes he does, despite what happened to him he wants to rejoin. I have seen many men in my life in and out of the arena. I can say honestly I have never seen a gladiator so determined to gain his freedom and return to fighting in an army. Usually they find some other more peaceful vocation. The more I learn of Pysus the more I am impressed. If he were given a chance I believe he could command the respect of many men, and make the enemies of Rome tremble." Othen said. "You believe in him that much?" Julia asked.

"Look at him lady, search his eyes and you will see the truth. Those are not the eyes of a slave but of a conqueror. One who is waiting for his opportunity." Othen said. Normally Julia would have discounted this as a gladiator owner's attempt to gain favor by offering her his finest fighter for her betting, but Othen had never struck her as that type of man. It was true his sage advice had helped her choose the fighter most likely to win many times and that very fighter usually won, but this was different. For the first time she could actually hear the excitement in his voice.

Julia decided it was time for her to meet this man. When she asked Othen if it was safe to do so he said, "Yes, Pysus has never attacked an unarmed person. However if you are carrying a weapon man or woman that is a different story. In his home country he was named Kenshiro Hidori a noble man and warrior. His honor code forbids him to attack someone that cannot possibly fight back he considers it shameful."

Bearing this in mind Julia approached Pysus. As she drew close though Pysus' back was to her he stopped and turned around. "What brings a noble woman to this place?" Pysus asked his eyes taking in her Roman clothing. Julia had to work to calm her body's reaction to this man. Sweat glistening on his massive muscles Pysus seemed larger than life. As he drew close Julia found she could not breathe. Julia tried desperately to direct her eye sight from his athletic form. "Is there a problem lady?" Pysus asked his face showing concern at her inability to breathe normally.

Finally breaking her eyes away she spoke her eyes directed downward. "I must be tired it was a long walk. I prefer not to be carried by a litter but my father has insisted on it recently. It has been a long time since I have had some exercise." Julia said trying to move to a stool setup near a building. Unfortunately her legs still a little weak collapsed under her. Pysus quickly moved to catch her lifting her up Pysus carried her to the stool setting her down. "It seems your body is indeed unaccustomed to it." Pysus said. As he drew close to take a better look at her condition Julia bent forward pressing her lips to his. Surprised by her own reaction she pulled away embarrassed she had taken advantage of the opportunity. Julia though quite attractive was not a great beauty. How could she think that she might have a chance with him?

Julia was about to be shocked again as Pysus pressed his lips to her's. Pulling her close he felt Julia melt in his arms. Pysus seemed reluctant to end their embrace. If Julia didn't feel weak in the knees before she definitely was now.

"I don't even know your name." Pysus said as they ended their kiss. Looking into his deep brown eyes Julia answered, "I am Julia Caesar daughter of Julius Caesar." Pysus recognized the name raising an eyebrow he said, "Your father would be very upset to find you talking to a common gladiator instead of his rival Pompeii whom you are betrothed to."

Julia saw that Pysus was full of surprises. Her father had kept their intended betrothal a secret. "How did know about that?" Julia asked trying to hide her shock. Smiling confidently Pysus replied, "I am not a fool Julia. Your father hopes by making Pompeii his son in law that it will make him his ally instead of his enemy. It makes sense politically for him for it would make a powerful enemy a useful ally. The problem it is doomed to fail. Pompeii like your father is a man of great ambition. Confrontation between the two is inevitable. One day they will meet on the battlefield against each other and one of them must fall. The winner shall be named Emperor of the Roman Empire."

"Would you back one of them or would you create your own army and fight against both?" Julia asked. Why she asked this question she did not know. "I would probably back your father but not before guarantying myself a respected place in the empire." Pysus said.

"What about your family?" Julia asked. This was an idea Pysus had never considered before. Granted he had tried to make time for his wife and child in his former life, but it had never been his focus. As Shogun this had been understandable. There were simply too many possible threats to watch. Now for the first time Pysus was forced to consider which one would be his focus family or the battlefield.

"I have no family. What relatives I might have are far to the east." Pysus said. "So you have no one to protect? No one to care for?" Julia asked. Most people in the senate and ruling body might have considered her father power hungry, but none could deny Julius Caesar had never sacrificed his family. When a rival had told him to divorce his wife or face political and perhaps personal destruction Julius had refused. In a way Pysus reminded Julia of her father's strength. There was that same caring look in his eyes much like her father's in those few moments father and daughter were alone. The only difference was Pysus had never truly been forced to make that decision.

"I have no one but myself. All my life I have served the needs of other men and my own ambition. At times I will turn aside to aid loved ones, but mostly I seek to show my worth." Pysus replied his heart lay bare. Reaching out Julia grasped his hands saying, "If it one thing I have learned in my short time in the world, it is that you must have something greater than yourself to believe in. For me it is family. How does it help to conqueror entire nations with no one to share it with? When you die what will you leave behind? Will it be ashes or a new beautiful life? For me Pysus that is children. A child's memory is more detailed and long lasting than any scroll or printed manuscript. What is more their living memory can be passed down. When centuries have past they will call you their kin and will be honored to be your descendants. What is greater legacy is there in the whole world?"

Julia words gripped Pysus' soul and held him fast. Never had he considered such things. "Would you marry a gladiator a slave?" Pysus asked a strange new hope rising in his heart. Perhaps here was an opportunity to try something new, a challenge that would test his very mettle. How he desired this woman and wanted her to be his wife. "I would marry you Pysus and whatever name you choose to call yourself. For in truth you are the most fascinating man I have ever met. What I have I seen of you and heard spoken from your lips already has caught my attention and I cannot look away. I must see the great things you will accomplish, and if at all possible take part in them." Julia said.

Drawing her close Pysus replied, "And so you shall." As he pressed his lips to hers Julia was at peace for finally she had found a husband that would strive to be a great father. Thus it was that Pysus Tiphonus also named Kenshiro Hidori came to be married to Julia Caesar. There wedding was small and including only a few close friends Julius himself did not come to see them wed.

Immediately heading off to join his new father-in-law and his army Pysus was followed by Julia. Pysus knew that Caesar was not impressed with his reputation in the arena. He saw him as an upstart foreigner. Pysus had gained citizenship and with his wife's help bought enough rank to command his own army. Raising a Greek, Jew, and Macedonian army he moved to join Caesar.

Once in Gaul he set about making a name for himself. Pysus and his army quickly gained great renown in a series of victories. Even Caesar was forced to recognize this new force aided him greatly in his conquests. Pysus was free with the gold his men captured giving each their share keeping little for himself. The Macedonians and Greeks loved their commander for there was nothing he would not do for them. Macedonians, Greeks and Jews all over the empire hailed him as their hero.

The reason why his army were so successful was that Pysus had chosen the finest men first. Unlike the Roman's who were usually chosen from ordinary men, Pysus chose to first draft Olympian athletes even a few gladiators molding them into well trained units he taught them to fight like Romans. Milking the strength of the Greeks he revived the Hoplites: foot soldiers in heavy armor. With the Macedonians he brought back their cavalry. The Jews he mixed in with the rest treating them as equals.

As the victories of his son-in-law began to mount Caesar decided it was high time that the two men met. Pysus was not what Julius Caesar expected as Pysus entered Caesar's tent. Dressed in the armor of a common cavalryman of Thebes before they were conquered by the Romans he stood out from the other generals. What was more unlike other generals he rarely took his armor off. Pysus' hair was cut short to just above the shoulders his muscular form put other generals to shame.

"You called for me Caesar?" Pysus asked. Turning away from the map laying on table in the middle of the tent Caesar smiled saying, "You are proving to be one of my most valuable supporters in this conquest."

"Thank you sir I was not aware you thought of me well." Pysus said. Nodding Caesar replied, "I must admit I was not in favor of my daughter's marriage with you. But after seeing the results of your army I am very impressed."

"Well Caesar now that I have gained your favor may I ask for your assistance on a matter?" Pysus said. "Of course by all means Pysus." Caesar said not fully understanding what he meant as he offered him a seat. "In our last battle my second in command fell to an enemy arrow. I do not think it would be wise to again engage the enemy without a replacement for him." Pysus said.

"I have a few Roman officers in mind." Caesar said. "I mean no disrespect Caesar but I believe it would be best if the officer were not Roman. My troops in general are not Roman and prefer a person who is not Roman to lead them." Pysus said.

"Yes, I believe I see your point. Very well, another officer comes to mind that might suit you. His name is Baruch he is a Jew. A promising young cavalry officer he is due for advancement, unfortunately not all my countrymen think of foreigners very highly." Caesar replied. "If he carries your seal of approval I would be happy to have him." Pysus said.

"Excellent, I'll have him sent to you. Now I have another matter to discuss." Caesar said. Bowing Pysus replied, "By all means Caesar." Moving back to the map Caesar motioned him forward. Taking a look at it Pysus heard Caesar say, "At this rate we will soon conquer Gaul. After that I have a new conquest to consider. Britain is close enough that with a few ships we can sail there and land. Our forces will converge and decimate them."

"Forgive me noble Caesar but should we not instead attempt to attack from the north and south?" Pysus said pointing to the map, "If you land your forces to the south I can come in from the north. Our enemies would find themselves trapped between to great armies with nowhere to run. If trouble should arise you can easily escape by the ships that would bring us there."

"Retreat, why?" Caesar asked in disbelief. "I am simply being cautious. If a revolt should arise among the Gauls or the Britans prove too difficult to subdue it does not hurt to have a plan of escape. It does not mean we will ever use it. I am confident that in a relatively short time Britain can be conquered. Especially with the Great Caesar to see it through." Pysus said.

Looking over the map Caesar saw little problem with the plan. He had also noticed that Pysus was making a noticeable effort to feed his ego. This did not match the behavior he had been told Pysus had displayed before becoming a gladiator. His former commander had described him saying that he was man who rarely offered a compliment. Caesar hid a smile as thought of how much Pysus had learned in such a short time. He had begun to think politically. No doubt Julia had helped him prepare for a meeting with his father-in-law.

"Tell me something Pysus and speak truthfully what would you do if the only thing that stood between you, and ruling an empire were a few rivals? What would you do?" Caesar asked. "Simple, I would crush them." Pysus said. Caesar began to laugh at this response until he saw the look on Pysus' face. "You're serious." Caesar said barely able to hide how surprised he was by this response. "Of course. You of all people have seen what I am capable of." Pysus said. As Caesar thought about the young man's answer he did not doubt it. Caesar began to wonder if Pysus considered him a rival. Fighting such a man might prove too costly more so than Caesar was prepared to deal with.

Recalling one story a trusted officer had told him about an instance when a larger group of Gauls attacked Pysus and his personal guard. Instead of fleeing like anyone would have expected when facing certain death Pysus charged. Slaughtering most of his enemies in a matter moments first with the bow he carried in his saddle, afterwards with his sword. He was like a wolf among sheep or a reaper in a field of wheat. The survivors fled in terror hoping not to join their comrades in death. Such a man was dangerous indeed Caesar thought.

Few could know the mind of Caesar a proud man he hid his emotions well, but not well enough for Pysus. As Kenshiro Hidori the samurai he had seen many such men. The key was to look for the signs each man gave that told their emotional state. Through this acquired skill Pysus saw Caesar's fear, and moved to ease it. "I would never consider you a rival Caesar. Rather you might yet be a fine teacher, and a good ally. Besides we are now family you and I. Your daughter is my wife and that will forever bind our destinies together." Pysus said.

"Men of great vision and strength can do many things when their strength combined few can stop them." Caesar said. To further insure future peace between them Caesar and Pysus made a pact. Caesar would never attack Pysus and Pysus would never attack Caesar. Both knew that if the pact were ever broken the other man would destroy them either by his own doing or softening him up for the next rival to finish him. In the following days each added their strength to the other. Even when Julia died giving birth to Titus Quietus Tiphonus both men stopped their conquest only to pay their proper respects to her. Though Pysus mourned her passing most of all he had a son now. A child he was determined to provide a great future for. Leaving the child in Rome where he would be safe under the watchful eye of his grandmother Caesar's wife, Pysus returned to join Caesar in attacking Britainia.

During the first part of their conquest Caesar's forces faced great losses from the Britons chariots. Pysus himself had found them to be a great irritation and took steps to eliminate them. Leading a small group of cavalry Pysus simulated a scouting party acting as a forward observer for his army. The Britons seeing his standard saw the opportunity to kill an enemy general and took it. Thinking he was an overconfident conqueror they sent forth in their chariots to chase him down. Retreating Pysus and his men took the long way around back towards where their enemy had last reported his army, as if he did not know the lay of the land. This was a common problem for the invaders as they did not generally know the short cuts the native peoples did.

Fleeing into the woods Pysus waited until they drew close. Then he ordered one of horsemen with a bow to fire a flaming arrow as the signal. Infantry hidden in the woods charged the chariots while a larger cavalry force circled in from the rear. They had remained hidden behind one of the nearby hills waiting for the signal. The ambush decimated the Britons' chariots never again would they prove a significant threat to Pysus or Caesar. Pysus then moved his forces forward virtually unhindered.

Facing two overwhelming forces the Britons were defeated. Caesar with the assistance of Pysus who always gave Caesar the glory gained fame for Rome. When revolts arose in Gaul each army left a garrison behind and crossed the channel to meet the rebels. Trouncing the rebels they set about touring Gaul, while from the south came news of Caesar's enemies in the senate had begun conspiring against him. Slowly he made his way towards Italy not rushing to meet the confrontation that was brewing. Taking care of matters of state and gathering support he continued on his journey south.

Caesar not wanting civil war took steps to diffuse the growing unrest in Rome. Members of the Senate illegally gave Pompeii power against Caesar as a precaution should he refuse their following order. Sending a message to Caesar who was camped to the North of Rome they gave him a date to give up his office. The date given would force him out office before the next election. It was the final blow in a series of political maneuvers to oust Caesar from any chance at power in the Roman government. Seeing war as a forgone conclusion he with Pysus in close support moved to the Rubicon. Mark Anthony and Quintus Cassius Longinus joined Caesar before they crossed the small stream. From there the two men Caesar learned the details of what had transpired. Using this information Caesar tried to give himself some moral high ground by saying that his enemies had not supported the rights of the Tribunes guaranteed in the government. Taking a short time to think of his next move and make preparations Caesar and his supporters crossed the Rubicon. Caesar quickly took Ariminum a major coastal city in Italy. This was part of a plan to help scare his enemies. Pompey immediately left Rome in a short time afterward citizens in the countryside overran the city. Most of the senate and Consul fled Rome. After this Pompey and Caesar sent messages to each other trying to negotiate, but when the senate made clear they had little respect for Caesar he sent out Mark Anthony and his troops and capture three more cities. Caesar was making clear he was serious.

As more men flocked to Caesar's banner the Consuls hearing of this news fled without taking the treasury. As more of Caesar's soldiers arrived he prepared to meet the first real resistance from Domitius Aenobarbus. This was the man the Consuls had chosen to replace Caesar in Gaul. Domitius had a sizeable force given to him by Pompey. Pysus had chosen to simply support Caesar each of these confrontations trusting in Caesar's military genius and wanting to keep this mainly a Roman affair. Domitius tried to send a number of his troops to burn a bridge to slow Caesar. His men were beaten back into the nearby city by Caesar's scouts. The local countryside allowed the chance to pin down Caesar's forces so Domitius sent word to Pompeii asking for help. While this was happening Caesar gained even more troops. Pysus chose now to pull back his force so they could still support Caesar but make it more difficult for Domitius and Pompeii to locate them. This made it look like Pysus was leaving Caesar behind as if he were not needed. Pompeii sent word to Domitius refusing to send aide and that he had foolishly trapped himself. Pompeii was now trying to find where Pysus' army had disappeared to before he made his move. Caesar tried to use non-violent means convince the local magistrates that they were fighting on the wrong side as he lay siege to the town Domitius was defending. The town quickly surrendered and Domitius was captured.

Hoping to abandon Italy and continue this war in the east while his legions stationed in Spain held off Caesar, Pompeii moved to Dyrrhachium with the Consuls and most of his army. Pompeii was easily outnumbered by Caesar's army alone not to mention Pysus' army. Caesar again tried to talk things out with Pompeii but he refused. Continuing to move forward Caesar tried to trap Pompeii in a harbor, but Pompeii escaped after brilliantly delaying Caesar in taking Brundisium. Caesar marched to Spain with Pysus acting as the rearguard to attack a leaderless force there. First stopping in Rome to gain money to support his army he continued on his march.

On the way he stopped again at Massilia which had not only gone over to Pompeii side but also was capable of defending itself. Pysus helped Caesar build twelve ships in thirty days on the Rhone River. After his army did some fighting in the nearby passes in the mountains Caesar placed Decimus Brutus in command of the siege. Caesar sped towards Spain with only nine hundred cavalrymen to guard him. Caesar a great tactician won against the Spanish army with little bloodshed. In the end Pompeii's generals surrendered after he cut off their supply lines. Eventually even Marcos Varro the last resistance in Spain was forced to surrender. Spain now belonged to Caesar. Returning to Rome he restored what he had taken from the treasury. Moving about his conquered territories Caesar secured his holdings. When he received news that he was named dictator of the Roman Empire Pysus congratulated him.

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MenagerieChapter 22

Ryan was standing by the stairs and took my hand to help me on board the plane. “Dale is going to be our pilot for the first leg, but I’m sure you knew that. He insists on being in the cockpit every time we fly this plane. Once I button up back here, and make sure your seat belt is secured, I’ll let him know. We will be in the air in about five minutes.” I smiled and kissed his cheek before taking my seat in back next to Faith. I fastened my seat belt as Ryan closed and secured the door. As...

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best friend has anal sex with wife to be

Two months before my marriage to my wife my best friend fucked her ass. My wife one night while drunk told me the story of her and Donny having sex 15 years ago .She told me this story while we were talking about things we regretted doing in our lives. She said well, I have a story for you. But I don't regret it. Why, how was the sex we had on our honeymoon? It was awesome. Why? Did I promise you anal sex on the honeymoon? Yes and we had anal every night and not since. Why is that I asked?...

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She caught me writing stories

This story is for you Jamie,my wife Rhonda and I have been friends with you for years.Ever since you moved into my parents old house we became closer. So now that you know I write stories like this I might as well write one describing what happened yesterday. Since Jamie was single again she seemed to be always calling on me when there was a problem or a repair that was needed. So yesterday was no different when she called in the morning to come over. I wasn't expecting what really went down....

3 years ago
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Meri pyari dost ki chudai

Dosto mera na sameer hai , mai bangalore ka rahne wala hu , mai ek mnc company mai kaam karta hu , ye baat aajse tin sal pehle ki hai meri office mai mere sath kam karti thi , bahut dino se sath mai kam karti thi magar humari baat nahi hoti thi , ek din mera pas aakar mujhe hi bola maine bhi hi bola , phir usne bola mera naam neelam, hai or maine suna hai aapka increment hua hai party nahi doge.phir maine kaha ha bhai jarur dunga kyon nahi , maine kaha normal day mai to possible hai nahi so...

4 years ago
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Cattlemans LamentChapter 4

Molly woke, shivering. There was a horse blanket draped over her upper torso, which helped, but her legs were cold and her feet leaden. The fire had died down, and the two logs smoked, above red embers. She levered herself up on one elbow and looked around. The boy was right beside her, covered with another horse blanket. She was between him and the fire. ‘He must be freezing, ‘ she thought, but his breath came softly and steadily from under his hat. She reached out and threw several sticks...

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Gloryhole Jobs In Many Situations

*some of these stories will have to do with the POV of the person getting their cock hand/blow/footjobbed, some of the stories will simply have a greater emphasis on just describing the cock getting hand/blow/footjobbed by itself In an alternate reality, men can insert their cocks anywhere, at any time so that they can be massaged or rubbed by a woman's feet. They do not have to be naked - men can get footjobs even when they're fully clothed. It is an entirely normal thing for cocks to appear...

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How The Big City Changed Me Part 4

How the Big City Changed Me (part 4) By Chiara It had been quite an evening. After our quiet walk back to our place, Paul helped me bring my new clothes to my room. He asked if I needed help with them and I declined his offer. I got my new pajama set on and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I tied my hair back and removed my makeup. When I was done I went to turn off the lights and found Paul sitting in the living room. He looked at me and asked, "Have you seen yourself...

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The Cruise Ch 02

Carter had a fitful night’s sleep. He always did in a hotel. Whether it was because he had to be up and ready by a certain time or the fact it wasn’t his bed, he didn’t know. It always upset Jess that he tossed and turned when they weren’t at home., This one was no exception. It also didn’t help that he wasn’t going to be able to talk to Kallie for the time he was gone. He was up way earlier than he needed to be but he knew if he stayed in bed he’d wake Jess up. She was FAR from a morning...

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Revenge Fuck

Spencer woke from his sleep naked with the scent of alcohol and pussy on his lips. He wondered if last night's activities were a dream. Spencer grumbled, turned over of his right side, and was about to fade back into dreamland when he felt his bed shift and a woman moaned right next to him. He slowly turned over to his left and saw what he thought he had dreamed. Sasha, a 5'6" black goddess that made guys drool at work. With her 35D breasts, slim 24 inch waist, and 36 inch hips and ass combo,...

3 years ago
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The Fuck Box another fantasy

The Fuck Box, another fantasyBlimey, just saw this video on xhamster: an amazing invention. It got me thinking what I would like to do with my wife in one of these. In my fantasy my wife is getting more open to try things. One evening I ask her if she is happy to fulfil one of my fantasies. She is not sure as she knows how extreme some of my fantasies are. I take a gamble and tell her that if we play a game...

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Velda the Reluctant VampireChapter 2

The young man that Velda had met on the subway train was called Donald. He had stained her dress with his human seeds that had seeped through his trousers with the amazing force of human creativity. She knew that even if he had planted his seeds deep inside her thirsty vagina it was highly unlikely and perhaps physically impossible for him to impregnate her. After all, she was almost four hundred years old now and her memory had never registered the event of a full-blooded Vampire ever...

2 years ago
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MomSwap Mellanie Monroe Ms Visual The Underwear Thieves

Mellanie instructs her stepson Diego to stop wasting his time on his podcast and instead fold the laundry. Diego and his friend Rico start sorting through the laundry when Rico finds Mellanie’s underwear and starts sniffing it! Diego is taken aback at first but when Rico tells him about how much money they could make selling them online, the boys are determined to steal all of their stepmothers’ underwear! Mellanie and Ms Visual find out what they’re up to and decide to swap the boys and teach...

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Awakenings Ch 18

Mel said, "Okay enough poetry, back to your date. Trent was lying on the bed. You were on your stomach between his legs playing with his cock. It was growing." "Yes it was and when I started kissing and licking it again it grew even faster." "I'll bet it did." Amy was chuckling. "Once Trent was fully erect I sucked him for a minute or two and then I slipped down and started licking his balls." "I'll bet he loved that." As she said that, Mel gave my cock a gentle squeeze. "He did, but he liked...

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Cherrys Punishment

Cherry heard the click of the shower go on. It took all of her will power to stay on the sofa. Three weeks ago she had caught sight of her daughter's best friend Denise, who was living with them for the summer, lathering up her young eighteen year old athletic body through the slightly ajar bathroom door. She knew at the time she should have turned away but she could not stop herself from staring and comparing. There was the obvious age difference, Cherry was forty two to Denise's eighteen....

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Marina Fun

We woke up the next morning. She said she had a headache. I thought, I wonder why? She asked if I had a " Good time." I told her I did. I joked and told her that cum sometimes cures a headache. She said " I have never heard that but I am willing to try". My cock was soft, but she put it in her mouth and started sucking. It was getting harder by the second. I had to reach and play with her tits. I was pumping my shaft into her mouth. I could feel the pressure building. I let go of her...

4 years ago
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Sex With Mami

Sex with my mami… Hello friends this is sexy guy I am reading iss since 3 yrs and am posting my story with my mami that happen when I was 18..mail me your response to I will wait for your response.. To sidhe story pe aate hain.. Hamare dur ke cousin ki shadi thi aur huma sabhi us shadi mein gaye hue the . shadi mein kai relartive aaye the aur meri jan pehchan kai logon se hui jo humse bade the aur jinhe main kai salon se nahin mila tha . unmein se hamari bhi thi jinki ek sal pehle shadi hui...

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Forced Lactation Ch4

After Jennifer has showered and put on fresh lingerie and hose, she went with Alicia and Myrna to what they called the Great Hall...They passed an open door just down the passageway from the room where Jennifer had her session and looking in she saw the woman Linda sitting on the bed cradling an older man's head at her breast...He looked to be in his sixties, was naked, and his rampant sex gave testament to his own arousal...Alicia and Myrna had stopped with her and were watching...

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Subway series 4 Whos Sorry Now

This story should give you a clear understanding of how I experienced Japan. I'm sorry about that. But that's the Japan I saw. I make no claims that it's a complete picture. Quite the opposite, in fact. Japan is a wonderful land full of picturesque vistas, fascinating history and friendly people. All the guidebooks say so. You won't be reading about that Japan today. Sorry about that. Almost all that I saw of Japan, aside from the lights of Tokyo as I arrived (I had an aisle seat on...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 10Chapter 23

She slowly exhaled. "Bobbi and David know most of this story and they are my checks if I am lying or leave a false impression." I looked at David. His poker face was on. Natoomah said, "My original name was Sophia Brown, with a nickname of Sophie. My parents have a farm in the area of Perth and my father is the current leader there. I turned fifteen less than a month ago. Before that birthday, I had become sexually experienced with more than one different guy. I liked it. When Duck came...

4 years ago
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Woman Of My Dreams

My divorce was finalized about 6 months later. After that I started dating a few women here and there. I was being rather picky in my pursuit of the ideal mate for me to spend the rest of my life with. I vowed that I would not settle for a woman that was not a perfect fit, just because I was lonely and desperate. I resorted to Internet dating sites, with which I did not have overwhelming success. There is nothing spectacular about me; I am average in most ways. I do work out a few times a week...

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Friendship Interrupted

The biggest mistake of my life was keeping a secret from Jen. We were young and talked very seriously about what we wanted out of life. That’s the way we were, we could talk to each other about anything. It didn’t matter how intimate, we could just talk about it. I’m Ben, and that was how it was, Ben and Jen, friends for life. Just one time, I held it in, I should have talked with her. There has never been anyone since Jen that I could confide in so completely. We became pals in the third...

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The Blue Flame of Love

Abby looked down at Ted, reveling in the sight of the top of his head between her legs, and what his tongue was doing to her vagina and clitoris. The angels of love saw her smile and heard her praises.“Ted, you’re so fucking good at that.” Her hips undulated to his ministrations.“You taste so exquisite my love and a little later I’ll be plowing you with my cock, if that won’t hurt the twins.”“Oh god, yes, Ted. You’d god damn better fill my pussy. I’ll be filling your mouth soon and then after a...

Love Stories
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Awakening Her Desires

It had been a shock to her system, that first experience. She had reacted with fury and embarrassment at first.. Then with mounting excitement and finally almost unadulterated pleasure. But later at home, thinking of it, it had really only seemed like a deliciously naughty game. An unreal kind of fantasy...her first ever spanking, in the woods last summer at the company Christmas picnic. Charlotte had not considered then that it might lead to her current position. Which was bent over the...

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Power Bump

Great, the power is out again. What is the point of living in the city if the power goes out more here than it did on the ranch? Which I don’t miss the ranch, at least it was quiet there but then again it was boring. But with the power out, the neighborhood becomes silent, dark and peaceful.Going through the camping gear I found the lantern, with dead batteries, of course. Phone battery is sitting at 15% so that will also be dead soon. Thankfully I keep the flashlights near the bed and can...

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Charlie Work

Charlie tried not to mix business with pleasure. The combination never seemed to pan out for him in his short 26 years. Tonight was an exception. He had an hour to kill before the pick-up so why not indulge? Especially when the results were this good. Maria was working her magic and Carla was relaxed on the couch with glazed eyes and a mindless smile. Charlie grabbed Maria's neck to show he was enjoying her hard work. A blow job was still a job, after all. This was nothing new...

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Scarletts Ride Part 1 of 4

If you have ever transferred into a college, far from home, you know what it was like for me in my junior year at Rowan College. Anyway, I was sitting on my dorm bed, looking at the big pile of Chad's crap on the bed across from me, and contemplating his last words ("don't touch my shit there, studmuffin.") and the difference in our size (about two hundred pounds). I desperately wanted to take a leak on Chad's stuff, set it on fire and just leave forever. Both brave and cowardly in...

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KennedyChapter 2 Kennedys Renaissance

Kennedy tried to contain her excitement, but when you are eight, nearly nine, excitement is huge and the container is small. Mr. Glastonbury was wearing a friar's robe, something that had raised a few eyebrows when they stopped for gas. Kennedy had thought about getting out of the car herself and seeing what people thought of her Robin Hood costume, but decided that there was too much chance that they would laugh. Now, though, they were in the mountains and it was a nice day; the air was...

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My Muslim GF and her mom

This story is based upon my recollection of true events. I’m Sam 24years old I had Muslim girlfriend .she was from UK. Her family moved over to India when she was very young. When my girlfriend (Sherbanu) introduced me to her mother (Rani) and I fancied her straight away. She’s is 45 and in really good shape. As they where from abroad they don’t mind there girl having Hindu friend Initially, I was afraid to let my feelings be known because Rani’s husband is rather old fashioned and could barely...

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The Raid

The raids had always happened. The humans would attack and the elves would drive them back, but this time was different this time the raid was just a diversion. When the humans attacked, a small group stole into the capital city of Al-Ranen and made off with the current lords daughter. There were four in the group that raided, the muscle Johnny, the assassin Clair, the archer Jenny, and the leader Hank. Utilizing the skills of each the job went off without a hitch. The four of them made off...

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A moment in Taos

I recall another meet I had with another dresser who happened to live in Taos NM. Again I met her on-line and after exchanging a few e-mails we planned to meet. At that point in time I was like an hour and a half away from there. She offered to meet at her place and she told me to text her when I got closer. But I had somewhat of a dilemma. Since the drive was going to take a while, I was debating whether I should dress first or find a place closer to change. I’ve only been to Taos like one...

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From Heaven Ch 04

As we were eating breakfast, the phone rang, and Tim leaned over to pick up the handset. ‘Hello?’ A smile spread over his face. ‘Hi, darling. Are you OK?’ He switched the phone to speaker, and I heard a familiar voice. ‘Hi, Dad, I’m fine.’ There was a brief hesitation. ‘I didn’t call yesterday, I thought you might not really want to talk…’ ‘Thanks, darling,’ replied Tim. ‘It was OK. Actually, I’ve got some news. You remember Ariel?’ For a moment there was silence, then a hesitant voice....

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CherryPimps Eliza Ibarra Loves Sucking That Cock

Eliza Ibarra and Tommy Pistol had one hot night out but the real fucking fun is only just about to start now! Tommy worships on Eliza’s cute little toes knowing just how much it turns her on as he sucks each one! Eliza can barely contain herself and needs to get that hard cock deep into her throat! Tommy is surprised by how quick she deep throats him and goes to town face fucking her just like she wants! He rails that wet pussy from behind and lets her bounce those tits on top as she...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Six

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Six Darla Does Mother Proud By Suzie Q Haff I was awakened before dawn by Jana sliding in to my bed and cuddling up to me. I glanced at the clock on my stereo and it said 4:30 AM. She held me close but gently. She kissed my shoulder several times and drifted off to sleep. I fell asleep again listening to that woodpecker. Mom came in at eight AM and woke us. Alexis was in her robe shaking us: "Well what do we have here, sisters at arms?" Jana yawns: "I...

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Empyrian Ch510

[Author's Note: Please make sure to read Empyrian Prologue 1-4 before reading these chapters] CHAPTER 5 The guards eventually came and got him. They made him get up and gave him an outfit to wear that one might expect to find in a military prison. Cotton top, and matching cotton pants with an elastic waistband all in a muted khaki brown. They led him out of the ward and down hall after hall to a small room where he spent several hours chained to a table and interrogated. He was...

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In the Shadows

In the darkness we appear to be one, but your closer inspection would reveal two bodies entwined, clad in black rubber. Silent and motionless except for gentle breathing, you could be mistaken for believing that we were asleep. But to those who understand, who have experienced, such situations, there is an unmistakeable edge of anticipation.We both lie on our sides, she facing away from me with her back pressed lightly against me. My arms wrap around her, encircling her, longing to crush her;...

2 years ago
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Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held…forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...

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When my older sister got dumped

One day I was home alone in my room doing my homework when I heard the door slam. Jen went quickly past my room. I could hear he crying loudly. She went into her room and slammed the door. I could still hear her crying. After a couple minutes I had to go check on her. I slowly opened her door. "Jen, are you OK?" "That son of a bitch, Nick. I caught him making out with Jessica. He had her big fat ugly tits out sucking on them. I'm never going to speak to him again." Then...

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masturbation bet with the neighbor

A few years ago I had a neighbor who was a huge Jets fan. She was always talking about what a great team they had (even though their record was pretty mediocre at the time). She was also pretty adventurous in a slutty kind of way. She liked to sit by the pool in a bikini, laying on her stomach with the straps off to get an even tan, and if she caught someone attractive looking at her she would always give them a quick "accidental" glimpse of her tits when she re-tied to get up and swim.She had...

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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 17

Trapped and Trained Ch. 17Walking back into the suite, I felt the cold air blowing on my wet skin, causing shivers to flow through my entire body and goosebumps to pop up. Also, another undesirable effect occurred as I felt my nipples become hard as rocks underneath my bikini, which was a detail that did not go unnoticed by Vivian. As soon as the door was closed behind us, I heard the shower running, meaning that Mitch was awake. I felt her presence behind me and then her hands running up my...

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My GF MsPriyanka

I was in Xll standard, was good in Studies, never had any GF, One fine day, there was announcement in College that if anybody wants to participate in Cricket Team they can fill the Necessary Form. I thought to join and filled the form, and Joined the College Cricket team. After 3 months there was a inter college competition of cricket, in which I was one of the Player who got Selected as a Batsman/Fielder, It was a twenty Over match, and I was the opening Batsman, I scored 32 runs in 27 Balls...

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New Start pt2 new job

I was in the middle of putting away stores when my pager bleeped with a message telling me apartment 12 had a blocked sink in the bathroom, so l finished the job l was doing and went to 12, l knocked then heard a woman telling me to come in, l went inside and got on with unblocking the sink. Things were going well when the woman called to ask if l would help her to the toilet as she needed to pee, all this wasn’t new to me as it was one of the jobs l did while working in the hospital. I...

3 years ago
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The Office

She knocked on the door to his office, while adjusting her plaid skirt. Nervous, she bit down on her ruby red lips, and straightened her white blouse, the one that fit her just so. “Hey there, what can I help you with?” he said with a smile. “Well, I have a big presentation coming up and I could use some help” she bit down harder. “Sure, grab a seat… . why don’t you read me what you have already”. She sauntered in and took the seat at the edge of his desk. She crossed her legs slowly,...

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The Model

The ModelThis story began with a recent photo shoot, followed by a night out. It was a night I wasn’t going to forget about anytime soon, so let me start at the beginning. I’m a 32 year old photographer and I love my job. A few weeks ago I was asked to shoot a model for an advertising agency. I took the commission, and on the day of the shoot, the model turned up and we got started. Damn that model was terrible. No pose, no game.She was obviously gorgeous, as nearly all models are. She was...

Straight Sex
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A Walk Around the Lake Chapter 13

That evening, they had decided they never wanted to be apart.  He knew what he wanted.  He wanted to marry her, to take her back to Texas with him, to live on the ranch, and to be his wife.  He deserved a love like this, one where his wife loved him, as much as he loved her.  Now, he wondered, if she wanted the same thing.  She had said she did, but now, he was fraught with dread, that she might say no, when he proposed to her.    He looked at her, sleeping peacefully nestled into the crook...

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Morgans CurseChapter 3

The rest of the drive to San Diego was long and uneventful. I planned to stay in Rudy's body until after I'd finished my recon, as it would actually be harder for Merlin to detect me in this body than in a female one radiating Power all over the astral spectrum. While Mr. Wulf did say he'd just been reborn, I know much better than to trust that Merlin will be unguarded. Mouse had made sure his frat boys did well in Vegas (nothing boosts pride like a good winning streak at a casino), so...

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Worshipping Miki

I can only hope my own short appreciation speech in Japanese had been half so fluent. I was sitting with one of the school administrators and asked if he knew what the valedictorian planned to major in. When he told me business administration it gave me further food for thought. There was a reception afterward and again, the valedictorian’s flawless beauty captivated me completely. She left her parents and came to introduce herself and greet me personally. She was gracious and charming and I...

3 years ago
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More Than Recruiting

I was on a plane, headed to my latest recruitment assignment. I was working for a company that had joined a program to recruit soldiers whom were finishing up with their military services and were going to be looking for jobs. My job was to meet with the soldiers and hopefully recruit them to our expanding company. If everything worked out successfully, we would be expanding new branches in four different cities across the country and hopefully more from there. I enjoyed the job because it let...

1 year ago
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Finally son made me happy

Note : This story is completely fictional! Things have been started since his first year in college. His wild love floated me very often. I can imagine he has inherited this libido from me. After all he is my lovely son and born out from my womb. I got separated from my husband when my elder son was on 18. He was weaker in sex and at after couple of years he became completely unable. In fact he divorced me with settling all separation benefits. During my marriage life, I used to have sex...

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Im a Beast Ch 04

This story is dedicated to all of the girls that tried to keep their virginity and their boyfriend, to all of the wives that tried to keep their mate sated and faithful. Now I add Techsan to the dedication. He edited about a fifth of this story and read the remaining parts that I had finished. He said, ‘I like what you’ve done with the story so far and am looking forward to see where it goes.’ I feel driven to live up to his expectations and I hope I succeed. The world is a poorer place...

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