Kenshiro HidoriChapter 1B free porn video

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Within months Kenshiro had built ten gun factories and was in the process of having gun makers trained. Recruiting peasant soldiers he gave them the guns, refusing to force his samurai to dishonor themselves in using firearms. This recruitment served a second purpose; the peasant soldiers increased the size of his army, giving him more manpower to work with and potentially draw from. These troop build ups caught the attention of many daimyos particularly Lord Nobunaga Oda. He too had sought Kenshiro when he had been a wandering ronin. When Kenshiro had chosen one of his rivals Lord Uesugi it had stung his pride. Now he had a whole new reason to attack the Uesugi clan. With Kenshiro leading them they were now more of a threat than under their last lord. Determined to gain leverage over his new rival he tried to find out Kenshiro's true family. Unfortunately for Kenshiro Fujiko whom he had saved years before had made an effort to learn his family name and had succeeded. Someone somewhere had mentioned Kenshiro's resemblance to a samurai of the Hidori line. Another chance meeting allowed her to meet a member of the Hidori family named Yoshi Hidori. Then she had no doubt that the two men were related. When Nobunaga Oda called her to him under the pretense of rewarding he rescuer Fujiko readily gave it.

Using his vast resources he began to search for the other members of the Hidori family. Kenshiro's spies warned him of Nobunaga's intentions. Using his knowledge of history he was able to track down each ninja clan sending messengers to each. He offered them the one thing they really wanted Nobunaga's head on a platter. Nobunaga Oda as Kenshiro remembered him in history had been known for exterminating ninja across Japan. Who knows how many ninja the daimyo had killed before his death. Now Kenshiro was offering to kill this trouble maker. He knew they would not wish to pass up the opportunity.

Kenshiro wanted to meet them at a neutral location and each group could bring an honor guard. After meeting face to face he made sure they understood the arrangement. They would save his family and help him against the other daimyos when he needed them, and he would deliver the head of Nobunaga Oda and protect them if their hiding places were revealed.

Both sides gained from the bargain. The ninja set out to find the members of the Hidori family in the area Kenshiro had indicated. The ninja were able to move unnoticed compared to Kenshiro's forces who would have been easily spotted. Kenshiro was not interested in tipping off his enemy to the ongoing rescue mission. If Nobunaga found out he would only force his people to move faster and he might get to Kenshiro's family first. Kenshiro simply could not risk that. He had given the ninja further instructions on how to bring his kinsmen to a safe haven where people would be ready to bring his family to him.

Yoshi Hidori had no idea why Nobunaga Oda was pursuing him and his household. His family had done nothing to personally anger the man as far as he knew. When he had questioned them about this they confirmed it. Yoshi had served some minor lord before his lord had been defeated in battle. Up until now they had been searching for a new lord to take them. Lord Oda had set a trap for Yoshi and his kin by offering them the chance to serve his clan. Having a bad feeling about this meeting Yoshi investigated. He still had influential friends serving other daimyos and they told him Lord Oda meant to capture his family. When Yoshi asked why the daimyo would do such a thing they said, "I honestly don't know." Lord Oda it seems was able to keep the actual reason itself secret for he was the only one who truly knew. Now on the run Yoshi sought a place of safety where he could hide his family. The Hidori family had suffered enough resent loss. Yoshi's eldest son and he had experienced a falling out. Samata had left with a group of Jesuit priests on their way to Rome. He had wanted to see Europe and on his return brought with him a European wife. Yoshi had admonished his son for disgracing their family and the two had not spoken since. While Yoshi had other children he had to take care of after the death of his wife Samata remained an open wound. Yoshi had never forgiven himself for chasing Samata away after his son had obviously sought his approval. Samata had lived in Nagasaki and had not answered his father's requests to return home and had refused to receive Yoshi himself. This went on until Samata and his wife were killed by Wako. Wako were pirates who patrolled the Japanese coast. Yoshi never had the chance to make amends for his mistake in judgment.

One night as Yoshi knew his pursuers must be closing in he received a shocking surprise. Awoken from his sleep by someone shaking his foot, he looked to see who it was. A ninja his dark clothes making him barely noticeable in the moonlight raised a finger to his lips indicating silence. Yoshi had insisted they camp in the forest so they could get rest for tomorrow's journey. The little ones looked like they were about to pass out. Most of the children were not much older than eight or nine years old.

Looking around he saw his family being rounded up quietly. Following his first instinct he was preparing to attack sure that these ninja were his enemies. Then ninja stopped this in one movement handing the emblem of the Uesugi clan embroidered into a piece of cloth. Gesturing towards it the ninja then pointed at himself. Now Yoshi understood what was happening. The Uesugi clan had sent these ninja to rescue them. Why exactly Yoshi did not care. He now had a powerful daimyo who had gone out of his way to help him. Yoshi was not about to press what little luck he had. Gathering his things with the rest of his family Yoshi followed the ninja with the rest of his kin behind him. The ninja led them along a long trek to a monastery once there the leader of the ninja signaled for them to wait here before they disappeared. Monks carrying lanterns soon appeared motioning for them to enter the monastery. Inside the monks dressed them in the clothing of peasants. When they were finished dressing a monk brought them to a room where they found mats to sleep on. The same monk woke them up the next morning and they traveled with a group of the monks to the territory of the Uesugi clan, where they were handed over to a captain who escorted them to the capital city with his samurai.

Bathed and given fine clothing to wear they were brought to their own rooms to sleep in inside the castle. The following morning Natsumo brought Yoshi Hidori to Kenshiro. In the meeting room Yoshi was greeted warmly by Kenshiro as he knelt before him. Shocked by this action Yoshi asked, "Why does Lord Uesugi kneel before a guest in his own castle?"

"My late lord Kenshin Uesugi adopted me making me his successor. I now kneel before the head of my house. I am Kenshiro Hidori son of Samata Hidori. You are my liege lord and as your humble vassal and kin I offer you what is rightfully your; leadership of this clan and all of its territories." Helping Kenshiro up Yoshi embraced him with joy. "Long have I longed to see my son again. I thought I lost the last chance to make things right when he died now I have his son to cherish. I welcome you to my house and ask you lead the armies of our clan to victory." For Kenshiro the meeting was equally heartfelt. Yoshi Hidori was the mirror image of his grandfather. He even used the same gestures and speech. Kenshiro could hardly believe he had blessed with his own second chance. He had never been able to properly say goodbye to the man that had raised him. His grandfather had died so suddenly and had hid his cancer. Now he too had a second chance to do the right thing. "I thank you my lord for his trust and I humbly obey." Kenshiro said.

The Hidori clan took power announcing its legitimacy for the shogunate. The Hidori clan could trace its line back to a marriage with a member of the Yamato clan the ruling family of Japan. The Uesugi clan was folded into the Hidori clan as a whole those few unmarried of its members were married off to members of the Uesugi clan and Takeda. This further strengthened the three clans. Taking personal command of the army Kenshiro set about whipping it into shape. Lord Hidori gave him a free hand to do all that was necessary to protect their clan. Kenshiro bought cannon and firearms to arm his troops. His army was well trained, well armed and disciplined.

Nobunaga Oda seeing his plan had failed chose to sit back and watch what would happen next. The Hojo clan was the first to make a move. The new Hidori clan's territories bordered their own making them a real threat. Hojo sent an emissary to speak with a representative of the Hidori clan. Yoshi Hidori chose Kenshiro to be that representative at the meeting.

Meeting just inside the Hidori border Kenshiro received the Hojo embassy. He began by beginning the usual introductions and talking about the weather. This was a polite and well respected custom that was meant to show respect, but he was interrupted by the ambassador. Those of his own party stiffened even the Hojo captain in charge of his honor guard was shocked at the affront. To do such a thing was considered rude and caused embarrassment if not over looked. Controlling his emotions Kenshiro said, "Very well what does your lord seek?"

"My lord's army is greater than yours. He suggests your clan joins him as his vassals he will in turn spare you, and give your family a place of honor in his clan." The ambassador a small scarecrow looking man said. Scoffing Kenshiro replied, "By what right does your lord make such demand? Our army could grind yours to dust! Our clan has legitimacy and is well respected among the other clans by our name alone. We are known for our honor and loyalty even in the face of danger. Can you or you lord say the same? You come making empty threats for what purpose? If you sought us as an ally I would have brought it before my lord but I will not bring him this insult!"

Infuriated the ambassador said something that caused all his party to gasp, "You speak of honor my lord does not use ninja! I suspect your lord used them to save himself. Better to die by his own hand then to use such filth!" Kenshiro calmly sat there as if he were a mighty rock expressionless but strong. Everyone even his own people expected him to explode in rage but he did not. Without a hint of what he was about to do Kenshiro's sword sang from its sheath, and sliced off the ambassador's head in one quick motion. Shaking the blood from his blade he returned it to his sheath calmly as if nothing had happened. No one had been able to see the move coming or had time to stop it. By the time even one of the Hojo samurai grasped his sword the ambassador's head was already rolling in the sand. Pointing his finger at the head he said, "Wrap his head so that the captain make take it back to his lord. Remember this well captain. Any who insult my lord before me shall die! If your lord comes against this clan he is welcome to join this man." With that Kenshiro rose and turned his back on the Hojo embassy walking away.

Yoshi Hidori called Kenshiro before him when he heard the news Kenshiro sent. "While I can understand your wanting to defend your lord's honor, this was not wise. Most of our people think you went mad as does the rest of Japan. " Yoshi said then pausing he seemed deep in thought before saying, "But you predicted that response didn't you? Now no one will dare question my honor for they fear you will cut them down. Another reason for this move is to invite Hojo to fight us. While I am sure you are quite capable of defeating him you have forgotten about our other enemy Lord Nobunaga Oda. I had hoped to make peace with Hojo but now I see this is not possible. Even if you had not killed his emissary he would still be coming after us. You have simply made him speed up his plans. Now we have no choice but to ally with Nobunaga now while we prepare our army for battle."

"I am not sure what you are referring to my lord. I merely made a man pay for his rudeness and insulting comments. It was my duty to do so. My army is already ready for war and can move at a moments notice. I like to prepare for the worst and already gave orders for them to do so." Kenshiro said with a bow. Smiling Yoshi said, "You are not a fool Kenshiro, so don't pretend to be. I know you planned this or at least saw the possibility even before you met the ambassador. You are too clever for your own good, but it is good you made preparations. Now you will be able to come with me to meet your bride."

"Bride my lord?" Kenshiro asked confused. Chuckling at the fact that he had managed to surprise his clever kinsmen Yoshi said, "Yes to secure the alliance you will marry a handmaiden who serves the Oda clan. Ironically she was the one that put me and most of my household in danger. Lord Oda used her affection for you to find out your family name." Rage barely concealed in his eyes Kenshiro said, "Fujiko."

Raising his eyebrows Yoshi said, "Ah, so you do know her. Yes she will be your bride. Fujiko Mitsuhide is a trusted handmaiden to Lady Oda and Nobunaga Oda insisted on her as the choice. I see no problem as she cannot do us any further harm." Biting back a retort Kenshiro held his peace but Yoshi had learned to read him. "You disagree?" Yoshi asked raising an eyebrow.

"With all due respect my lord, she nearly allowed Nobunaga to capture you!" Kenshiro said his frustration evident. "Unintentionally yes she did. She cares for you very much. Fujiko had hoped Lord Oda would do as he said he would and reward you for saving Lady Oda and her party. I am sure she has learned from her mistake and will not do so again. You have tied my hands Kenshiro. Now you must marry so our clan's flank will be secure. Later we can deal with Lord Oda and his crimes against our house, but for now neither side can afford a war with the other. He has other enemies to deal with just as we do. This marriage will bring safety to both our clans." Seeing that he was trapped by his own actions Kenshiro said, "Then I will marry this woman to further serve my clan, and its lord."

Lord Nobunaga traveled to the Hidori capital and was greeted with a banquet. Looking at his enemy Kenshiro longed to kill him right then and there but it would endanger his clan so silenced the impulse. Hiding behind a mask of politeness he greeted his rival as if nothing stood between them. He sensed by Lord Oda's demeanor that he too did not like the situation as well. That realization gave Kenshiro some comfort, knowing that he was not the only unwilling party. Throughout his wedding Kenshiro barely looked at his bride, showing only the necessary courtesies. That night he returned to his room alone leaving her in another in their new household. When Hojo gathered his forces to attack Kenshiro did not even say goodbye to her leaving his wife and riding off to meet his enemy. His hatred for Lord Oda, and his anger at Fujiko for her part in helping his enemy filling his thoughts.

The new peace treaty between Lord Oda and the Hidori clan allowed Kenshiro to concentrate more of his army's manpower on defeating Lord Hojo and his army. When the two armies began to maneuver Kenshiro refused to engage the enemy. The Hojo army had superior numbers at a ratio of four to one. To defeat his rival he would need superior position. For days it was a game of cat, and mouse as Hojo would try to do everything he could to attack Kenshiro. Hojo was denied each time as the smaller army seemed to be just out of reach. Kenshiro finally halted his forces on a group of hills, setting up his forces in a long line side by side. The center hill was covered with trees. Using this natural cover to maximum advantage he placed his infantry in the trees while splitting his cavalry, and firepower between the two other hills.

It took two more days of waiting before Hojo realized that Kenshiro was not going to move. From his point of view he saw only his enemy's long range units along with cavalry supporting them. His scouts were fired on whenever they tried to find out where the infantry was. Hojo's guess was that they were behind the hill safe and out of sight. Kenshiro was mounted along with his hatamoto including Natsumo, on the right hill just in front of his units there. He watched as Hojo's army began its advance. Aiming the few cannons he had with him at the advancing enemy troops he ordered them to open fire. The thundering roar of his cannon fire was all the warning the enemy troops received before large balls of hot metal collided with their lines ripping huge gaps in them. The suddenness of the attack, and the screams of dying men drove panic into the hearts of Hojo's troops. Enemy officers struggled to keep their men from breaking, and running from this devastating hail.

With the drop of his upraised hand he gave the command for the drums to beat rhythm signaling the attack. His infantry rushed out of the woods roaring their battle cries. The already demoralized enemy was forced back by the sudden press. As a final blow Kenshiro led his cavalry and chased the Hojo army from the field. In the ensuing confusion Kenshiro spied Lord Hojo with his hatamoto. Spurring his horse he charged. One of the enemy bodyguards spotted a man charging towards them with a group of samurai on horseback trying desperately to keep up. Turning towards his master he yelled out a warning. Over the din of battle Lord Hojo and the rest of his bodyguard did not hear him. By the time he turned back around it was too late. His only warning was a roaring battle cry before the point of Kenshiro's spear pierced his throat. Jerking the point free Kenshiro urged his horse on. The other bodyguards who had not heard their comrade before he died, were caught by surprise as Kenshiro charged through them. Aiming his spear he stabbed Lord Hojo's horse in the side. Crying out in pain the horse toppled over after Kenshiro managed to jerk the point free. Hojo was thrown from his horse as it came crashing to the ground. Rolling to his feet Hojo watched as his men rushing quickly to aid their fallen lord barred Kenshiro from him. This was until Kenshiro's hatamoto caught up with him.

Under the steady press of the aggressors Hojo's men were pushed back. When a gap was made Kenshiro charged through. Unsheathing his sword Hojo prepared to defend himself. As Kenshiro made a stab for his chest Hojo cut through the shaft of the spear. Casting aside the remaining length Kenshiro dismounted when he was clear. Drawing both swords he was carrying, Kenshiro closed with Hojo determined to press an advantage. Making a few testing cuts at his opponent Kenshiro tried to feel for any weakness in Hojo's guard. Lord Hojo while well skilled Hojo favored his right leg. This was due to his fall from his horse. The bruised muscles refused to move correctly when he put his full weight on them. Charging towards Hojo's left Kenshiro made an attack with his short sword towards his rival's head. He quickly followed this with a cut with the other sword, towards the back of Lord Hojo's knee. Hojo managed to block the first cut, but fell victim to the second. To block Kenshiro's first attack he had been forced to put more weight on his injured left leg. When Kenshiro's sword connected he lost all balance. Toppling over he landed on his back blood flowing from the wound. Before Kenshiro could finish him off, he heard the clatter of hooves to his right. Diving out of the way he watched as a group of enemy samurai rescued their lord placing him on one of their horses. In a final effort Lord Hojo's hatamoto gave their lives to allow their master to escape. Admiring their sacrifice Kenshiro had them buried with full honors, sending their things what few they were that were not buried with them back to their families by messenger.

Lord Hojo and Kenshiro would never again come face to face, but each came to respect the other's abilities. They had four more battles against each other before a lucky arrow shot mortally wounded Lord Hojo. Taking his rival's territory Kenshiro treated Hojo's household well, at least those who had not yet committee seppuku. Thus did the Hojo clan survive if just barely.

When Kenshiro returned he began to study the art of sword making. It was a passion of his and spent much of his free time practicing the art. Finding a skilled sword smith he became greatly involved in it spending as little time as he could with his wife Fujiko who was still sleeping in a separate room. Natsumo his best friend did not like how Kenshiro was behaving. He watched as Fujiko did all she could think of to please a husband who ignored her. As time went on Natsumo witnessed its negative effects. Fujiko was crushed that the man she had longed for so long to meet now seemed to hate her. At her wedding Fujiko had expected that same man that had rescued her years before, but this man showed her a cold indifference. She guessed it had to do with her past actions concerning his family and her relationship to her former lord's wife. Try as she might Fujiko couldn't seem to distance herself from these things. In the eyes of her husband she was the enemy. Despair and loneliness gripped her heart choking away her joy. Fujiko began to eat less and less until her once fine figure disappeared, replacing it with the body of a thin sickly woman. Natsumo seeing this had now had enough. Approaching Kenshiro on horseback while they were hunting pheasant He said, "I have been through many dangers with you. You are an honorable man, and it has been my pleasure to serve with you in the past. Recently however you have not acted so honorably. Your wife has done her best to serve her new lord and husband, yet you have refused to see her efforts. I realize you hate Lord Oda for threatening your family, but her part in it was unintentional. You punish her for a crime she never committed, because you do not trust her. Now her soul is hollow, and she is dieing inside. If you will not go to her, and right this wrong then I am ashamed to call you my friend."

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His dick twitched as his mind filled with images of the driving lessons, since they always ended with Sarah taking his cock deep inside her tight little cunt. His teen daughter's appetite for his dick was insatiable and he was enjoying every minute of it. But he had had to work today and so he would have to wait until tomorrow to feel the sweet rapture that was his daughter's pussy, squeezing the cum from his shaft. As he walked up to the front door, he took a deep breath, not sure if he...

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Julias Fun

Julia’s funIt was over a month after our cabin destruction before I heard from Julia again.I prowled the same message board, continued to show myself masturbating on Chaturbate on an irregular basis. A somewhat predictable mix of British MILF’s, older men masturbating while their wives were asleep, genuine gay admirers and young women looking for daddy populated my porn chat world.When Julia did reappear…it was by way of a modest photo posted to fet life……a picture of herself in a plaid...

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A wife has a sextoy party with her girlfriends and her husband walks in on the fun

My wife and I are in our early 30’s. It’s not often that we have time alone, so when the kids had the opportunity to be sent to their grandparents we jumped at the chance. An entire weekend without the teens meant not only peace and quiet but also meant that my wife could finally have a sex toy party. See, my wife works with a group of younger women who are into having these in-depth detailed conversations about love/life/sex and somehow the topic of sex toys had been introduced....

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Personal Secretary Cum Sugar Baby

Hi all, it is good to be back in the writing space. This time it’s about my personal secretary. Thank you for the amazing response to my previous story. If you haven’t read it yet, you can read it . Coming to today’s story. After I left the corporate world, I decided to start a business of my own. Having enough knowledge and expertise in the software domain, I decided to set up my own company. Since I was always interested in doing it big, I set up branches at Hyderabad and Bangalore. Since it...

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Young love and my first orgasm

One of the boys in our neighborhood asked me out to the movies one Saturday night and he wanted to sit up the back. I was happy to sit anywhere with him as I liked him and he was always nice to me and held my hand and had tried to kiss me. After the lights went down we watched the movie for a while then he put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I didn’t resist and put my head on his shoulder and a minute or two later he bent over and kissed me. It was wonderful and I let him kiss me for...

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Private Veronica Leal Debuts With DP And Squirting

In Private Specials, Extreme Belles we have the pleasure of introducing you to the incredible Veronica Leal, a hot Colombian Latina with beautiful natural tits who has come for the fuck of her life in a threesome with Lutroo and Charlie Dean. Veronica starts blindfolded and gets a cock in her mouth before being surprised by a second and soon she is getting the fuck she craves. Watch this gorgeous beauty in action as she enjoys a breath-taking debut filled with anal, DP, squirting and finishing...

1 year ago
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Paid in full

During our poker games the guys had told me how I was a lucky guy to have a woman that looks like crystal. The last trip she made bringing drinks the guys watched her all around the… During our poker games the guys had told me how I was a lucky guy to have a woman that looks like crystal. The last trip she made bringing drinks the guys watched her all around the table. So when she left I folded my hand and followed her to the living room. I asked her if she saw the guys checking her out...

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My First Julie Experience

Julie and I had been dating for a little while and usually we were hundreds a miles apart, but tonight Julie had been visiting her friend, Suzanne, who lived in the same town as I did. Even though it was late I wasn't surprised by her phone call. We would talk at all hours of the night because my job was not a normal 8-5 job. This time something had upset her, however, and she wanted to talk. So who was I to say 'no.' When I arrived, she met me at the door in her nightgown... not even...

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The Perfect SolutionChapter 30 The Sounds of Silence

Erik numbly allowed Christine to pull him to the front door of the small house. The pain quickly grew to an unbearable crescendo within his head. He stumbled and placed his free hand to his forehead. His near fall broke the spell that held Christine in its thrall. She turned to him and as she noticed his pallor, she cried out. "Oh! Erik! Are you unwell? Here stop, please, sit." She led him to a bench next to the front door of the house and helped him to sit there. "What is wrong with...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 285

Sisters Celebrate their 100th Birthday Twin sisters in an Irish Nursing Home were turning one hundred years old. The editor of the local newspaper told a photographer to get over there and take pictures of the two 100 year old twins. One of the twins was hard of hearing and the other could hear quite well. Once the photographer arrived he asked the sisters to sit on the sofa. The deaf sister said to her twin, "WHAT DID HE SAY?" "WE GOTTA SIT OVER THERE ON THE SOFA!", said the other....

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Vishi Czarina of GrokChapter 6

The following day the Olliphanti led the three naked (except for the ever-present collars) women to "Pleasure World", an adult theme park where exhibitions as well as participatory activities were available for those with the price of admission. The guests were taken by monorail through several native alien environments where the most unusual and erotic mating rituals in the galaxy could be observed. Sometimes special arrangements were made for inter species mating, always a great crowd...

4 years ago
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Married Chinese Woman From My Commuter Train

Another TRUE story from my on going adventures:I noticed Rose and her husband on my train on several occasions,we would get on the same train car in the morning. She was late 40's attractively slim with no outstanding physical features such as big tits or extra nice ass etc but in general a nice figure and she dressed fashionably well . I began to stalk her on the train with the precision of a sexual predator hungry for prey. I would make sure I would stand next to her on the train while her...

2 years ago
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My 1st BBW Experience6

        I just finished cutting my neighbor Mrs Robinson grass. She's 57. She looks good too for her age. 5'8 180 pounds. Her husband died from lung cancer 2 years ago. One of her kids stays about 2 hours away. The other 2 live out of state. So I help Mrs Robinson out when I can.                      I was riding my lawnmower out of Mrs Robinson's driveway. A black Nissan Altima with dark tinted windows stopped blocking my exit. The front passenger window rolls down. Excuse me sir. I hate...

3 years ago
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Mommy Fucked The Driver

Hello friends I am Smruti from some state and I am 19 years old and doing +3 some University and we live at 3BHK flat in a push locality and my father was no more so now I live with my hot mom and with our driver because we are very rich in our locality so we have a luxurious car so we have a driver and if someone want my mom picture and then friends you can email me my mail id is Now let’s describe about my mom she was so beautiful lady in our apartment and she was 37 years old and she was...

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Nelson Enterprises Bill Nelson The Morning After

Nelson Enterprises - Bill Nelson - the morning after. Sorry to take so many weeks but I've worked hard on this story and the edits. I hope it shows. Returning to Bill Nelson's story, we find Bill waking Saturday morning and learning what a grueling routine his female drill sergeant has planned for him to trim down for the Ball. Barb has already taken off to play basketball with the guys but Bill will learn that it takes hard work to be a successful lady of leisure and Barb was...

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PornWorld Anissa Kate Ania Kinski Busty Babes Anissa Kate And Ania Kinski Ditch Boxing Lesson For Threesome With Fitness Coach

Raven haired hotties Anissa Kate and Ania Kinski are in the locker room waiting for their boxing lesson when they realise they can’t their hands off each others big tits. They pass the time by fingering and toying a glass dildo together when they hear their trainer outside and quickly fix themselves up to start their joint lesson. Their fitness coach, Jay starts them off with a warm up and while they take a drinks break, Ania accidentally spills water down Anissa’s white cropped...

4 years ago
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Legendary Takeover

You were walking on the street dissapointed. You recently lost your job. Your girlfriend cheated on you and you were now homeless. You didnt have much to go on in your life. But still you were determined to live your life and make it better for yourself. Filled with new determination you walk across the street and before you had a chance to get away, you got run over by a car as your vision went black. When you regain your senses you realize that your on grass and you could hear voices. You...

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Sorting out Part 4 Ruths Party

NOTE: I have been amazed at the nice reviews from Parts 1, 2, and 3. This is proving to be a great way to finally get all these events out and onto paper and it feels good to do it. But I want to be sure readers know that these are true stories that have occurred during 35+ years of cross dressing. I'll finish this one if readers want me to. Sorting Out - Part 4: Ruth's New Year's Party 1975. It had been more than 4 years since I had been outside the house, fully dressed as a...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 4

I looked on with astonishment as Jeff and Elizabeth hugged each other closely. I knew from the funeral that they had known each other. Jeff also made that clear in his invitation to the White House and by his speech at the awards ceremony. I hadn't realized how close they were, though. I had been married to Elizabeth for twenty-three years, so I knew her better than most people. I recognized signs that the others likely missed. The closeness with which she hugged him, the laying of her...

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Eds New Life Original versionChapter 15

I wake before Sandra and start a long slow fuck. After about three minutes she stirs and I tip her head to kiss her. She relaxes into the kiss, I go into tongue suck out mode and trigger her orgasm. I’m enjoying the feel this when Marie shoves her finger in my arse, causing my orgasm as she says, “From now on, if I don’t get your morning woody, it better be a bloody quick fuck for who does. Understand me, mister?” I nod acknowledgement as I fill Sandra with my sperm, saying, “All you had to...

2 years ago
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My First Sex With Receptionist 8211 Part II

Koolboy ka Bhopal Se salam.MAin hattakatta ghabru jawan hu kyunki mujhe games ka saukh hai. My height is 5’8. My email id : This is the2 part of my story “My First Sex With Receptionist”. Hope you all like it. I am waiting for your responses. Please send responses on and any girl or auntie want to  make friendship or relation with me please mail on my email id: Jaisa ki aapne meri pehali story mai pada hi hoga ki amrita ke saath sex karne ke baad hum dono nange hi ek saath so gaye. Mai uske...

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1993Chapter 5 Vacation is over

No matter how I tried, I could not find out what Mrs. Collingsworth had meant when she asked when I was going to receive my reward. She'd made it sound mysterious, and Suzanne did nothing to clear it up for me. "I don't know. It must be something the investors are planning." Wanda, whose mother was one of the investors, claimed she didn't know anything either. "Don't you think I'd tell you if I knew something, Sammy? My mother never talks to me about what is discussed at those...

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FantasyPart 2 Richard is to Cat as Henry is to Mouse

"The little present you sent arrived. So you enjoyed seducing my wife. But you told me she was a bitch. Is that what made it so much fun, you fucker? Are you going to cut her loose now that you've had your fun? I want to talk to her. Now, you asshole!" A message to Richard, sent to voice mail again. Words sent out to nowhere. God, he was good. So goddamned good. Jesus fucking Christ. So good. How could a man born of woman turn her in those few minutes on the phone, turn a woman who...

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Janette Joins Our Bubble

I drop the groceries on the mud-room floor, take off my mask, and wash my hands in the laundry basin. I feel gross. I'm leaning over the sink lost in silent reverie when Maia says hi the first time.Cough "HI."I jump, startled, and turn around to greet my wife of six months. As soon as I see her, all the angst fades and I smile. She's wearing a short, bright yellow T-shirt dress that complements her smooth caramel skin and contrasts her short black hair. She's barefoot, and I notice her freshly...

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Danni TylerChapter 16

"I think you're in a unique position," Dr. Wayland said. She tilted her head and looked at Danielle. "Other people have studied how the ordinary person lives, but you're the first one who's wanted to do so in a multi-faceted way." "Multi-faceted? Danielle asked. "What do you mean?" It was a week after the trip to Westport, and Danielle had been struck by two things: the amount of seafood that was in the restaurants, there wasn't nearly as much as she'd expected for a fishing...

5 months ago
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My boyfriend and I have sex on the bus

“About 45 minutes until we’re home Scott” I told him as we sat on the upper deck of the bus. “Ok thanks Emma” he replied. We’d just been visiting… “About 45 minutes until we’re home Scott” I told him as we sat on the upper deck of the bus. “Ok thanks Emma” he replied. We’d just been visiting my grandmother who was delighted that we had visited. She liked Scott who I had been dating for about three years. I was...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 11 Going to Vegas

The miles went by quickly. One hundred and forty miles later, Ken saw a sign welcoming them to Hurricane City, Utah. Ken reached over and slapped Ted's arm, waking him up. "Hey, Ted, wake up." Ted jerked away. "Yeah, Ken? What you need?" Looking around he saw buildings and civilization. With a yawn, he asked, "Where are we?" With a glance at Ted, Ken replied, "We just entered Hurricane City. Look for a restaurant. We'll stop for a stretch, get something to eat and use the...

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Baxter Savage All Hallows Eve Carving More Than Pumpkins CAW 85

Tagged: cannibalism, murder, death, cooking Introduction: Baxter Savage, a serial killer seeking to right the wrongs in his past kills for peace of mind, to put at ease his morose ponderings and possibly manage the guilt he feels. It's a short story, so be warned. Baxter Savage: All Hallows Eve, Carving More Than Pumpkins - CAW 8.5 To derive a sense of pleasure from the screams, as blood curdling and fearful as you could possibly imagine, a mass of flesh lay in a crumpled...

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Growing UpChapter 10

Monday morning dawned early, and I got out of bed full of anticipation. It was my wedding day. Tina and Sherry had gone over to their parent's house on Sunday afternoon. Supposedly, it was bad luck for the bride and the groom to see each other on the day of the wedding, at least before she was taking that long walk down the aisle to finally become my bride. The wedding rehearsal, and the dinner that followed, had both gone very well. I finally had a chance to meet my four groom's men. They...

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New StartChapter 14

I managed to persuade them to let me go home after three more days and of course Frank provided the transport, I was tired, very tired, I'd suddenly had enough of the life I'd been leading, the violence, the killings, the threats, the never ending looking over my shoulder, in other words I wanted out! On our first night together at home, we just sat in the garden, me and Katie and talked, all she'd known since we became lovers had been violence and I'd decided that enough was...

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EAGERTO My cock started to stir in my pants as soon as she opened the door. I wanted to have her the moment I saw her. Not that she was all that great to look at or anything — great enough though: mid to late thirties, a woman’s figure – not some skinny k**’s bod with no know-how, not fat either — ordinary I guess. But one look and I knew she had it, and knew howto use it She gave me a bit of a look too as she asked me in. And there was enough in the look to get me good an’ hard right there...

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My Sister gets me to Show Her Part 02

by Vanessa Evans Part 2 Alice woke me by using my morning woody for what it was designed for and I accused her of being a nymphomaniac which she didn’t deny. It was late morning when we finally finished in the bathroom, Alice still having some of my cum seeping out of her. It was a quick breakfast then a rushed setting the stage for a repeat performance. Alice had just laid out on the lounger when I told her that I was a little concerned about the weather because it wasn’t as good as the...

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EuroTeenErotica Mina An Anal Tutoring Appointment

Who doesn’t love seeing a hot teen starring in naughty schoolgirl anal? We know what our Euro Teen Erotica members like, and we’ve got Latvian lust bomb Mina to deliver your fantasy. Watch the brunette babe seduce Lutro in the livingroom in this 4K premium porn exclusive donning just a barely-there uniform which reveals her dewy shaved pussy and bald butthole beneath her mini-skirt. After the all-natural temptress makes a move on her teacher he schools her on hardcore anal sex and...

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I Found My sister Stripping Ch 01

A pounding noise reverberates through the room, waking me from pleasant dreams. Opening my eyes, wondering who might be at the door, I realized that the pounding was coming from within my own skull, and I groan. Apparently I wasn't alone, because my groan was echoed by other voices.In shock, I look around and find three other women in my bed, one of them is... This is too much for my extremely hung-over mind to fathom, and oblivion takes me.* * *I had just turned 18 a week ago, and my...

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The Nanny Diaires An Evening Just The Three Of Us

Jerome turned the corner into their subdivision; the windshield wipers were barely keeping up with the downpour that had started right as they left the cocktail party. He pulled into the spacious three-car garage, parking his Jag next to Joan’s BMW convertible. The Jeep belonging to their nanny, Amber, was at the far end.“Well, that was a nice evening. Too much university bullshit, but I think I made some progress on the grant proposal.” He smiled at Joan, who he knew had borne the brunt of the...

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Auntie Marilyn

originally submitted 8 years ago by retired user eremiti Marilyn Goodge studied herself carefully in the mirror. "Am I getting old," she mused as she stroked her face, studying her high cheekbones with the close scrutiny that only a very beautiful woman could do. She was still a knock-out and she knew it, it was just that earlier on that day she had witnessed something which had shocked her profoundly and had caused her, for the first time, to wonder if she was getting old.The voluptuous 35...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 06

The television droned baseball play-by-play as Police Chief Morris stared out the rain streaked window. His fingers absently traced over the swollen belly of his wife, Annie. ‘Willie, if you’re not going to pay attention to the game, then pay attention to me.’ He smiled down at her. Smiles didn’t come naturally, but she could make him with just one word, ‘Willie’. ‘That’s better. You almost look happy to be here.’ ‘I’ve never been happier.’ It was true. Funny how this second marriage...

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Heir to the Throne

The birth of her first child couldn’t have been any better. Actually. According to newspaper reports by the boulevard press Duchess Kate gave birth to her son completely without palliative painkillers in a natural way. Of course they couldn’t keep it as a secret: While the 31 year-old Kate flew with her famous husband, also 31 years old, and the new born heir to the throne to her parent’s estate to escape from the media attention each and every newspaper was publishing details of the...

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Stretch you out and fill you up

Getting back from dinner we hit the door locked in a kiss. Eyes glued to each other as we trade places with our tongues. The taste of wine still on our lips only fuels the passion. Carelessly tearing the clothes from our bodies, and leaving a trail to the bedroom as we get ready for some hard core sex. No foreplay tonight. No, loving, and tenderness this evening.   My cock is already hard before I bend you over the end of the bed. Your pussy not quite ready, but that doesn’t stop me. I can...

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