Kenshiro HidoriChapter 6 free porn video

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Kenshiro finds himself in China and comes to call himself by the name of Le Shen. Training in the ways of Wushu and other martial arts of the Shaolin temples he learned the ways of the Chinese fighting men, becoming adept in them. He learned to use the Pudao a Chinese weapon with a much larger blade than the naginata of Japan. Using his skill as smith he crafted the weapon so it was lighter but just as strong using the metals he made himself. Le Shen was interested in perfecting himself as a fighter and looked for the most able men to battle with wherever he could find them defeating everyone of them.

When news came of allied forces preparing to attack Dong Zhuo the tyrant at his capital Le Shen rode to meet them. At Tiger Trap Pass he caught up with both sides and watched what happened next. He saw many men fall though he did not know their names as they were strangers to him. His eyes were trained on Lu Bu a man that he had heard of by reputation. Many said that he was one of the greatest martial artists of all of China. Spurring his horse forward as another man fighting Lu Bu turned to flee, Le Shen intervened on the withdrawing man's behalf placing himself in harms way. Pulling up short Lu Bu called out, "Who is this man who dares to block my path?" Lu Bu said boisterously. "I am Le Shen a humble traveler who seeks to test his worth against the mighty Lu Bu. The other man has fled, but I have not. Why not fight me instead?" Le Shen called back. "You will pay for your interference young pup!" Lu Bu said charging forward brandishing his trident halberd that slain so many that day already. Lu Bu halberd had a long wooden shaft like a spear but with a trident tip at the end. Lu Bu was determined to kill this newcomer for his daring to interfere aiming his halberd Lu Bu's arm readied itself for the first stroke. Le Shen charged forward on his gray stallion meeting him with his Pudao after seeing Lu Bu spur his horse.

A great racket was heard as the two men clashed the power of their blows shaking them to the core. Like a two great hammers upon anvil they could be heard from far and wide as the two armies grew silent watching them. Both men fought hard bout after bout seeking to gain the advantage over the other. Lu Bu was unaccustomed to Le Shen's fighting style as it was unorthodox to him using moves he could not recognize, and had no ready defense for. As one point Le Shen's blade found its way through his guard forcing him to turn away to dodge it, but not before it nicked his left cheek producing a cut. Until that moment Lu Bu had held back not taking the newcomer seriously but the cut angered him and he put forth all of his effort. For a time Le Shen held him off as Lu Bu pushed him back but he could not hold him back forever. Twisting and turning he managed to avoid any fatal blow Lu Bu sought to finish him with but received a cut of his own to his shoulder weakening his defense, a final smashing blow with the end of Lu Bu's halberd sent Le Shen falling out of his saddle. Striking the ground he tried to shake away the cobwebs as Lu Bu charged forward determined to end his life.

Zhang Fei sworn brother of Liu Bei a hero of the fight against the Rebellion of the Yellow Scarves charged Lu Bu attacking with his ten-foot serpent halberd. His other sworn brother was Guan Yu who eagerly joined him adding his strength to his brother's against Lu Bu. He attacked Lu Bu's other flank with his heavy green dragon saber. They exchanged many bouts but Lu Bu held his ground against the two men. It was then that Liu Bei charged into the fray in an effort to aid his brothers attacking with his double swords. Three men now stood against the great Lu Bu and soon he became fatigued against the near constant onslaught. Both armies watched amazed at the skill of the four horsemen. Le Shen had managed to drag himself safely away with the help of his steed who offered him his reins pulling him away.

Lu Bu knew he could not hope to hold out forever and fiercely made a thrust for Liu Bei's face causing him to draw back. Using the opportunity he rode clear of his rivals making his escape. Spurring their horses the three brothers and the allied forces charged after Dong Zhuo's champion as he headed for the safety of the pass. The three brothers decided instead of continuing their pursuit after Lu Bu they would cut off the head of the snake itself and attack Dong Zhuo instead. Zhang Fei leading the way the allies attacked the pass itself with all the defenders. The defenders refused to allow them to enter raining down arrows and stones upon them. Yuan Shao leader of the allied forces seeing to return the Han royal family to its rightful place heard of this news and ordered Sun Jian another great hero to attack with his army. Sun Jian who had been denied supplies when he needed them against Hua Xiong who was later defeated by Guan Yu made his objection known to Yuan Shu who had listened to the words of a detractor who had suggested that Yuan Shu should not deliver the supplies so Sun Jian would not take all the glory. In effort to appease Sun Jian Yuan Shu put the adviser to death.

After their meeting Li Jue attempted to form a secret alliance between Sun Jian and his master Dong Zhuo by offering him Dong Zhuo's daughter and uniting their two families. Sun Jian refused saying Dong Zhuo was a traitor and that he would be happy to wipe him and all the generations of his family from the earth for the empire. He told Li Jue to leave lest he risk his own death and Li Jue fled quickly from him returning to his master with the bad news. Soon afterwards Dong Zhou under the advice of his adviser Li Ru moved the capital to Changan, but not before stealing money from many of the local land owners and killing them under the guise of traitors.

Lu Bu was placed in the rear guard to protect them from pursuers. Cao Cao sought to attack Dong Zhou's army but was soon overwhelmed by superior numbers and the might of Lu Bu and his troops. Cao Cao and his generals were forced to retreat in the end and Dong Zhou and his vassals escaped.

Le Shen awoke in a tent with Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei looking over him. "The young hero is awake my brothers. How are you feeling?" Zhang Fei asked. Rising to a sitting position on his bed Le Shen said, "I am alive thanks to you." Chuckling Zhang Fei said, "Think nothing of it. You were brave to face him as you did." Zhang Fei was a large man who was both wider and taller than Le Shen. He had a bristling mustache and wide eyes. "I am Le Shen, and I am a man who does not forget his debts. I pledge that if you ever have need of my aid I will not hesitate to come." Le Shen said. Guan Yu a man with a long flowing beard stepped forward saying, "Forgive me honorable Le Shen but I could not help but notice that your Pudao is not your only weapon. You have a sword from Japan. From your features I would guess that that is indeed your homeland." Le Shen was not put off that Guan Yu had taken a look at his things as he replied, "Yes the samurai sword is the first weapon I learned to use. That sword has been with me for years and I still practice with it regularly."

"You are well versed in it?" Liu Bei asked. He too had a mustache but had the distinction of having large ears, his arms were also too were very long. Le Shen liked the three men and how polite they were being to him. "Yes I am." Le Shen answered. Thinking on this Liu Bei said, "Perhaps if you are up to it you could join my brothers and I in a friendly duel. We would be honored if you would join us." Testing his muscles as he stood up Le Shen judged that he was indeed fighting fit. "I believe I will be honored sirs. Please lead the way." Le Shen replied.

Squaring off Le Shen first faced Zhang Fei and his serpent halberd while Le Shen used his Pudao. The two men fought for many bouts while Liu Bei looked on judging their skills. When they had begun to sweat a little he stopped them. "Please good sirs rest for a while and enjoy some drink. I will return shortly." Liu Bei said. While they drank water and rested in the shade the three men talked learning much of each other's exploits. "May I ask Le Shen why did you fight Lu Bu? You are young and your skill is great. Why not wait awhile longer and improve your skills further?" Guan Yu asked. "I have fought against many men over the years and until now I had yet to find an equal. I have trained myself in effort to perfect my skill in combat. Since Lu Bu is considered the greatest warrior in all of China I thought it best to test myself against him to see if I could match him, unfortunately I was found lacking." Le Shen said honestly.

"Perhaps not my young friend." Liu Bei said appearing from behind a tent. Handing him two Chinese broad swords, with their curved blades Liu Bei said, "Try to use these." Taking the weapons Le Shen took his position. This time Liu Bei shouted, "Guan Yu, Zhang Fei attack!" Both men charged forward and Le Shen was forced to fight both at once. Weaving an intricate pattern with the two blades he defended himself well against both men. Finally Liu Bei himself joined the fray and Le Shen smoothly adjusted his movements not missing a step. Sweat poured off each man's brow. During one moment sweat poured into Zhang Fei's eye blinding him and distracting him for a second. Taking advantage of the moment Le Shen sent a spinning back kick that sent him flying backwards. As Zhang Fei hit the ground Le Shen pressed his attack landing thunderous blows on the two men facing him. Now on the defensive they were forced back. In a series of quick movements he disarmed Liu Bei and sent him sprawling as he struck him in the face with the flat of his blade. Guan Yu no longer holding back was now outmatched and was also disarmed. The four men were breathing hard and checked on each other's condition. "You fight well Le Shen. With two blades you are like a great storm destroying all in your path." Liu Bei said in admiration. "Bao Feng should be his name." Guan Yu agreed. Happy with his new name Le Shen said, "If I going am to be called a storm then I will need lightning and thunder to call upon." Going to the nearest smith he made himself two blades which he called Shan Dian which means lightning and Lei Sheng which means thunder. They were the two strongest blades he had ever forged. Then the four men practiced many more duels after that before Bao Feng left them. Parting as friends they called him brother and he them. Bao Feng would never forget his oath this he promised. Riding off he sought his own way saying that he would return when they had need of him.

During his travels he found a small farm in a forest near a river. Once there he stopped to rest, and water his horse. There he met a young woman called Lin Jiang. She was a beautiful woman with blue eyes that matched the color of the river. Thinking him a brigand because there were many in these parts she warned him off. "I know how to defend myself so move along stranger." Lin Jiang said. "I have no quarrel with you good woman so why do you behave so rudely? Do you own the river that you should speak so? I will water my horse and then gather water for myself then move. Otherwise you need not be concerned with me. If I wished a quarrel you would be no match for me so do not threaten me." Bao Feng said.

Angered by his words and his presumption she attacked with her wooden staff charging forward and forcing him to unsheathe his own weapons. Dodging deftly this way and that Bao Feng dodged her swings and struck her legs with the flat of his swords causing them to smart. Lin Jiang was soon forced to hobble but did not give up. While feinting one way Bao Feng managed to get close as she swung widely now off-balance on her unsure legs and tripped her sending her to the ground. Pressing the point of one of his swords to her throat he signaled the fight was over. Looking at him with hatred in her eyes Lin Jiang said, "You have won your victory now get it over with." It took a moment for Bao Feng to realize that she believed he would rape her. Now her hostility made sense to him. No doubt that was why she had learned to use the staff in the first place as he had seen no men earlier that might come to her aid if attacked. "I have never raped a woman in all of my life and I do not plan to start now. You can get up if you promise not to attack me again." Bao Feng said. Her eyes narrowing with suspicion Lin Jiang agreed. Removing the point from her throat he slowly withdrew giving her space to regain her feet. "You fight well what is your name?" Bao Feng asked. "Why do you want to know?" Lin Jiang asked defiantly. "You have spirit. I admire that but do not test my patience. I have been more than reasonable. If you wish I can teach you to use a better weapon then the one you have now and even make it for you, but first I want your name." Bao Feng said his voice hardening. "It is Lin Jiang. Why would you train me?" Lin Jiang asked. "I see the glimmer of promise in your eyes and you have some skill. With time I could see you becoming a great warrior, if you have the discipline." Bao Feng. Lin Jiang eagerly accepted his offer and her training began.

Though Bao Feng had not been looking for a student he found an able one in his new pupil. As time went on Bao Feng's suspicions proved correct about her in reference to her being raped. It seemed that Lin Jiang had been an only child and when her father and mother died she was left alone to take care of their little farm. Because there was no settlement close to her she was mostly on her own fending for herself. On more than one occasion roving brigands had attacked her farm and raped her many times. Rather than be chased off Lin Jiang learned to fight them and managed to chase them off instead whenever they came to bother her. Unfortunately the damage had been done and she was now unable to physically have children and distrusted men in general particularly wandering men.

As she learned more and more becoming an able fighter Bao Feng graduated her to an actual metal bladed weapon instead of the wooden training one she had been using. Making her a naginata he judged it to be the best weapon for her; as it was both light and deadly in the right hands. Though she was a beautiful woman Bao Feng had not tried to pursue a relationship with her. Bao Feng had decided to focus on his martial arts and was not looking forward to losing another woman that he might come to deeply care for.

One morning he had felt the need to take a bath and had gone down to a secluded place along the river. Stripping down he had entered the water enjoying the feeling on his naked skin as he bathed. Rustling up on the shore caught his attention and he whirled around remembering his weapons were next to his clothes just at the edge of the grass. Standing on the shore was Lin Jiang. She smiled at him saying, "It seems you have left your things here on the shore." Setting the naginata he had given her she began to strip in front of him. "What are you doing?" Bao Feng said withdrawing further into the water. "What do think I am doing? It's hot and I want to take a bath, besides you don't strike me as the type who has never seen a naked woman before." Lin Jiang said stripping off the last of her clothes until she stood bare naked in front of him. Desperately he tried to focus on something other than her fine physique, but it was too late. His body was already responding to the peek he had been given already.

As he continued to try to calm himself he heard her slip into the water startling him as he glanced toward her. He knew then that he had made a mistake by doing this as he could no longer tear his eyes off of her. Though Lin Jiang blushed under his heated gaze she continued forward approaching him. At this point in the river the current was not that strong and the water came up to the top of her breasts. More of Bao Feng was exposed as he was taller than her. Lin Jiang stood about 5'2 and was much smaller in comparison. To the casual observer she seemed so delicate but Bao Feng knew that she had a hardness and a toughness he had never seen before in another woman. Her forcefulness even now was alluring to him. His desire for her grew stronger with each step she came closer to him. Bao Feng was no fool, he knew enough that she had done this on purpose if not simply taken advantage of a presented opportunity.

"Why me?" Bao Feng asked looking into her eyes. "I have never met a man like you. One so concerned with honor and did not simply take what he wanted. Even now you want me but you hold yourself back. May I ask why? Is it because I cannot have children?" Lin Jiang replied. Shaking his head Bao Feng answered, "I have loved many women and lost them all. I am a wanderer Lin Jiang. My only desire is to challenge myself and perfect my skills. Would you love such a man? We do not share the same religion or beliefs what do we have in common?"

"Since when has a man or woman chosen who they will love? As for religion you have taught me much and I have accepted all. Teach me of your God so I would know him. I would stand by your side and love you as only a woman can. I may not be able to bear children but I can do that much. I am a warrior just as you are. I too wish to test myself, but I want more than that. I want you as well." Lin Jiang said. "I have many faults Lin Jiang." Bao Feng said.

"And I accept them all. I love you Bao Feng. I do not care where you come from or whatever name you call yourself by, only that you be with me and allow me to be with you. That is all I ask. Would you deny me this one wish?" Lin Jiang said looking into his eyes most earnestly. Though he had tried to deny it he had felt a growing love for her as well. He could no deny it as her heard Lin Jiang speak of her love for him. "Never." Bao Feng said pressing his lips to her's.

Bao Feng taught her all that he could of his religion and married her before God swearing to love and honor her. Lin Jiang replied with equal devotion making them man and wife. They spent the night together before setting out to wander the countryside as Bao Feng had done before. During their journey they heard about the happenings of Liu Bei. When Bao Feng learned that his friend and sworn brother had lost the city of Xuzhou he rushed to his aid. Yuan Shao was no longer the friend of Liu Bei and Bao Feng feared the worst.

His fears proved correct as Yuan Shu offered Lu Bu a rich reward to finish off Liu Bei. Lu Bu indeed attacked but Liu Bei proved too illusive for him escaping his grasp. When the promised money was not paid for making the attempt Lu Bu became very angry with Yuan Shu but could not attack him because he did not have enough troops. Under the counsel of one of his advisers he made peace with Liu Bei returning his captured family to him so that Liu Bei might prove a useful ally in the future. Bao Feng with his new wife Lin Jiang met the three brothers soon afterwards. "Greetings my friend it is good to see you again." Liu Bei said. "And who is this with you?" Zhang Fei said admiring the beautiful Lin Jiang.

"This is my wife Lin Jiang a skilled warrior and now my constant companion." Bao Feng said. Lin Jiang was welcomed into the group and they celebrated the reunion with much drink and music. With his friends safe Bao Feng was happy to be on his way and headed off down the road to seek his fortune. Part of him itched to fight Lu Bu once again and prove the better fighter but now was not the time. He would not risk an open war that would hurt his friends no matter his personal grievances or desires. Bao Feng heard later that hostilities had again broken out between Lu Bu and Liu Bei but Liu Bei and his forces had managed to escape yet again. The history between Liu Bei and Lu Bu became complicated as each conflict made them friend or enemy depending on the circumstances. Bao Feng kept track of the news but was no longer worried in his mind Lu Bu was the main danger to his friends and at the moment they were allies. Taking the time given to him he continued train and spend time with Lin Jiang. During their travels they came across two young boys who were orphan brothers. One was large like a mountain and as solid as a rock so Bao Feng called him Yan Shi. The second was of small build and stature but was quick and illusive as a fierce wind so he was named Kuang Feng. Though they began as his pupils Bao Feng and Lin Jiang raised them as their sons.

When at last war broke out again between Liu Bei and Lu Bu Bao Feng saw his chance to defeat his old foe and fulfill his promise. Arriving at Xuzhou he found Lu Bu on the battlefield against the armies of Cao Cao and Liu Bei. Sending the rest of his party to Liu Bei to aid him Bao Feng rode out to challenge Lu Bu. Upon seeing him Lu Bu called out, "So the pup has returned to fight yet again." Smiling as he brandished his two swords on top of his gray steed Bao Feng said, "The pup is gone now comes the storm." With that he charged Lu Bu who rushed to meet him. All sides watched the two warriors battle almost holding their breath in anticipation. For the first two bouts they clashed then broke passing one another galloping at full speed. On the third they came together and all watched the flash of steel as they pressed each other. As the combat grew heated sweat poured from their brows and their bodies ached as each gave all that they had. From the depths of his soul Bao Feng found new strength as he thought of all that he had learned attacked anew his spirit soaring as he continued to push himself. Lu Bu slowly began to falter for his body was much older than his rival's and now Bao Feng's skill seemed to match his. Time it seemed was now his worst enemy. Every feint he tried Bao Feng saw for what it was and reacted to it accordingly. Lu Bu had no tricks left and his arms were beginning to tire. Desperately he leapt at his enemy knocking them both to the ground. As he rolled to his feet Lu Bu soon realized his error. On horseback they were nearly equal but on the ground Bao Feng was in his depth. Bao Feng's attacks seemed to come from everywhere as he used every inch of his body as a weapon. Bruises formed on Lu Bu's body as he was battered by many blows. Soon the dull ache became a sharp pain that seemed to spread all over him. A final spinning back kick as he faltered snapped his head back with the force of it causing him to spit out broken teeth. Two blades sliced into his chest opening him up before a last stroke took his head off. Finally exhausted by the effort Bao Feng fell to the ground his body worn out, thus it was that the mighty Lu Bu died by the hand of Bao Feng. Later on when he awoke from his slumber he found Liu Bei and his brothers there along with his wife and children. "I had hoped that we would not meet like this again." Bao Feng said.

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1st Sex Story, here goes.The following is all true.I use a phone chatting app called 'Wechat' to find Chinese girls to sleep with.Wechat has a function that allows you to find people near you that also have wechat. From there you can chat with them and if they are intersted, you two can fuck. I have a very aggressive look so not a lot of girls contact me. But I always contact them.Only once did a girl contact me that was near me. Her name was Lulu. She was from Hong Kong. She left me a message...

4 years ago
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The Flowering A Memoir of a Fateful Day

My "Flowering" - A Memoir of a Special Day I am now twenty two years old and as is the custom, I am to write out a memoir of what my "Flowering Day", a year ago, meant to me. I will, of course, do so. So I have been told, so shall I do! Since the Great Realignment, which happened back in 2047, for the past 37 years, each young Unworthy, within three weeks, before or after their 21st birthday, must submit to the "Flowering" Ceremony. So I have been told, so shall I do! All...

2 years ago
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Devlins StoryChapter 44

Steve pulled up to the curb just before 10:00. "Did you call that one, or what?" Devlin asked Krissi as she hurried down the sidewalk. "One minute ahead of schedule." "Only thanks to Steve," Krissi said as she got out of the car. She was wearing a dark blue, knee-length dress with a high neck and long sleeves. It had a bit of lace at the throat and matching lace at her wrists. "If he hadn't kicked my butt out of bed we probably wouldn't have gotten here until noon." She glanced at...

3 years ago
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Lovely MILF for my taking

So, it was my senior year of football and I was excited to start. Not just for playing, but the football moms. Holy shit. Where I'm from there are some very attractive moms whose sons play on the team, and the majority of them are either divorced. Now, me being 18 and them being around 40 was a little out of the question for a relationship, but fucking was no problem in mine and their eyes. So, there was this one mom who was the queen of them all. Her name was Heather. She was the quarterback's...

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Ghost StoriesChapter 10

On the side of the street was a large open green field. Thirty meters from the pavement was a large bonfire, with a gathering of people. On the background was an old large decaying empty mansion. Josh and Reggie parked their cars by the pavement, near this open field where the bonfire was taking lace Josh: I take everything I said about this town back. Archie: Are they celebrating Halloween? Josie: I don't know if they are even wearing costumes. Archie: Josh what do you think is going...

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Rendezvous on the interweb

Gi had a message waiting for her when she got out of the shower. She had set herself online just before going in and this early in the day hadn’t really expected to get anything. So it was quite the nice little surprise to find someone waiting for her. Standing at the end of her bed she let her body begin to air dry as she flicked open the request. It was from DaveyCrockett09, one of her regulars, and easily one of the most fun to talk to. She had always enjoyed a bit of roleplay here and...

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Deflowering My Cute Student

Hello everybody, I am Minto. I am six ft tall, average physical structure. I am changing the names in this true story for obvious reason. It happened when I was 21 yrs old. I used to study in a public University. As my father died at my young age, my financial condition was not satisfactory at all. I was a private tutor for a ninth grader girl and a third grader boy. The girl’s name was Priya. Her father used to work as an engineer in a Middle Eastern country. He used to visit his family every...

2 years ago
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Family MattersChapter 3

Friday night was always family night in our house. I know lots of my friends saw Friday as date night, but for us Friday was sitting down around the table for a more formal meal. The work and school weeks were over and everything moved at a more leisurely pace. Later, we would usually play a board game, or my current favorite, cutthroat spades. I was in the kitchen, wearing an apron to protect my shirt and tie, helping Mom by cleaning up behind her, starting in on the washing the pots while...

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Jail Force Part 16 thru 18

Parts 16-18 By: Jimmy T Seay (m+/t oral forced enema jail) =========================================================================== Bruno was about to fuck the prettiest boy he had ever layed with. His cock was buried all the way inside the most handsome punk it had ever filled. His pubes rested against the private area of this sensual fuck boy's body. Bruno had nailed his first girl when he was 12. At 14, he discovered what fucking boys felt like when he was in...

2 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 14

Cassie had calmed her libido with only marginal success by the time the limo pulled up in front of the house of Debby Radson, the mother of Susan Radson, one of the two girls that had been so horribly enslaved by Melissa. Despite Cassie's self-control, her sex still felt warm and willing, and walking only inflamed it. Cassie did not pause to collect herself. She was as ready as she would ever be, and Jason was counting on her. She would not forget the flood of relief on his face when she...

1 year ago
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Twilight Jasper Alice

Author's Note: The characters of this story are based on the hit vampire novel/movie series Twilight. This novel was written by Stephanie Meyers and has a strong fan base (mostly females and even some males). I am a fan of any vampire literature of any concept, regardless if it is a love story or a normal horror story or even social arte farte or sci fi. As for why I wrote this story was because I liked some of the characters in it. Not Edward and Bella, but other characters. The story...

3 years ago
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On the Job Training

It was the end of my first day as Mr. Decker's personal assistant. I was nervous, and I really needed this job. He'd given me several files to email to a client, which I did, but somehow the client was claiming that he hadn't received them. Mr. Decker had asked me to wait a few minutes after work, and I was terrified that I was going to be fired. Finally, he called me in, shutting the door behind me. "Karen, as this is your first day, I'm going to be lenient with you. I had Maggie re-send the...

1 year ago
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Softly Softly The Piano Man

She hadn’t been touched for a long time. Sure, there were hugs from friends, kisses on the cheek in greeting at parties, massages at the spa, playfights with her roommate. But the hurt of her marriage, her shattered trust, had drawn a protective mantle around her that now she seemed powerless to shed, and she would not get close to a man. She met plenty, was invited for drinks or dinner by a few. She always said no. She laughed with the regulars in her local bar, and often it turned to flirting...

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Chris And Jessica Have Fun With Debbie

I’m going to tell you a very interesting story about a vacation we took with my wife’s father and his girlfriend. We went to Puerto Vallarta in Mexico. My father-in-law insisted on paying and wanted to treat us. My parents were kind enough to watch our children for the week. My wife and I haven't been on vacation without them in years. I was hoping to talk my wife, Jessica into being a little spontaneous on our vacation. Jessica sometimes could be very timid, when it comes to sex. I was going...

Group Sex
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The Threesome

Andrew had been looking forward to seeing Janet at her home tonight. Thirty-four-year-old Andrew met thirty-two-year-old Janet at the gym and they had got on well since.Andrew had found Janet to have the kind of "strict no nonsense you will do as I say" tone of voice that he found so erotic. He knew that was because, for as much of his adult life as he could remember, he wanted to be dominated by every woman that he met.It was almost fortuitous that Janet was the type of woman who enjoyed...

2 years ago
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This story is true and it happend not so long agoOne night i was laid in bed after a hard day at work, just about to go to to sleep, and my moblie starts ringing it was Katie a friend for school.Me: hi katie Katie: Can i talk to you (crying)Me: whats wrong, why u crying Katie: me and Rob split up Me: whats happened?Katie: he cheated on me, can i come over?Me: ye sure give me a text when your near. 5 mins later Katie sends me a txt I am Outside x. I opened the door Katie looked hot, she was...

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With A Little Help From My Friends Part 4

With a little help from my friends part 4 by Reality Check "Sweetie, Tess faxed our invitation...Look whos here to meet us!" Denise said as she walked her over to where Peter and a friend of his were waiting. "PETER!" Nikki said running over to him and giving him a hug... "Nikki, I dont know if you met Denise, shes a friend of Tess'es who got in a few days ago. Denise, this is my friend Malcolm. Malcolm this is Nicole and this is her sister Tori. Nikki, now who are these...

2 years ago
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The Way To Freedom

Being fired is never fun. For me, it was much worse, as I felt my kevlar patch intimately attached to my pussy. The only key has become unreachable, left in the lab of a wound-up company. Rachel was in similar trouble. Both our men were out of town, so having sex wasn’t an immediate possibility anyway. But our long-term prospects were no good. Will we become un-fucked old maids, abandoned by our boyfriends, isolated, childless and sour?Apart from such dark thoughts, wearing the patch was quite...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Football players senior year gift

I was out walking, thinking about everything that was going on in school. It was a busy road so passing cars diddent scare me much, infill one pulled over behind me. I turned around when I hear a deep voice call my name, it was the school football coach, mr. Johnson. I was suprised when he said, "well hi there! Would you like a ride home? I've been meaning to talk to your parents!" to which I of course aggreed to get in the car. But after a minute or so of driving, we ended up at school. He...

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Lost at Sea Book 2 DriftersChapter 8

The island of Barcola was primarily Nivalese. The inhabitants had managed to repel a mainland occupation a half-century prior by pulling the majority of their people into the mountains and fighting a brutal guerrilla war against the colonizing forces. In the narrow mountain passes, the mainlanders’ usual tactics of shielded firing lines and phalanx-style close combat were completely useless. The colonists tried to starve out the natives, but the lush tropical mountain provided everything the...

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Santa Fe

The door bell rang. David had been sitting in an easy chair, reading a mystery novel. It was after ten at night, and he thought that someone being at the door was really unusual. In addition to it being late, he was in a vacation house and normally no one would be there. He got up from his chair and went quietly to the door. He noticed that both the dead-bolt and the chain were locked, just as he had left them when he got there the previous day. He carefully looked through the peephole to the...

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AllGirlMassage Alison Rey Jade Kush Best Friends Forever

Alison Rey and Jade Kush are two best friends trying to remain connected, even though life is pulling them apart. They don’t have the same interests they used to, so it’s harder to bond. It doesn’t help that Jade’s been so busy with cheerleading practice lately, which leaves her feeling sore and tired all the time. Fortunately, Jade’s able to squeeze in some time to grab a coffee after an upcoming cheerleading practice, which fills them both with excitement. After...

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Naughty School Nurse Part Two

Naughty School Nurse - Part TwoBy billy69boyAfter the last school bell rang, I sat in my office wondering what might happen next. I had earlier spoken to one of my best friends about Nicole's situation, and she had agreed to help me evaluate Nicole and the issue of reporting her parents to the authorities due to their extreme treatment of her. Coach Gilchrist was more than just my friend. I must admit: we had several occasions where we had our own lesbian sexual trysts.I heard a tap at my...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 160 More Shopping Excellent

Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued) When things settled down a little, Julia said, "I can change the subject for you, because there's a little shopping we need to do. Now would be a good time to do it." I said, "But isn't the Liaison Meeting due to start at 1:00? There's no way you can get any shopping done in two hours, especially - and this is very important - because we have to have lunch before the Liaisons arrive." "Don't worry. I know exactly what we're buying and which store...

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The Judgment of SGT J A Short Introduction

I would like to thank everyone for your emails thanking me for sharing my life story “Swinging in the Neighborhood” with you all. In telling my story I never thought I would get the response I did; especially from fellow vets. It was just not from Vietnam veterans but from vets who had served recently in Iraq, Afghanistan and some places I did not even know we were involved. Most were thanking me for showing them that there were others like themselves. They thought they alone walked this...

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Fucking My Beautiful Maid

I was in Uttar pradesh after my job in Rajasthan in marketing job. My landlord arranged a middle age maid servant. I may like to make an eye on the young and middle age women . The lady was having a daughter and she was having a bihari husband. She too had a daughter from the bihari man whom they call babu. Some days the daughter used to come for work when her mother is not ok. She must be about 32 years old. It was a Sunday or so and I was in the house. The daughter, let us call rani 18 yrs ,...

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Biwi Ki Hawas

Mera naam rahul hai ye lagbhag 2 saal purani baat hai mai ek bade company me general manager ki naukri karta tha mere mata pita ne mere saadi k liye ladki dekhna suru kar diya tha unhone meri saadi ek sundar ladki naam avani se saadi karai dekhne me ekdam sudaul badan 36” ki chhati chharhara badan aur bahut hi sundar maine suhagraat ko use 5 baar Choda usne bhi mera pura saath diya aise hi 3-4 mahine gujre ek din meri biwi ne kaha ki mujhe blue film dekhna hai mai achambhit ho gaya phir bhi...

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Daddys Plaything The Beginning Part 1

Daddy’s Plaything. Part One I had finally broken his resistance and Daddy now accepted that I was his, body and soul, to use anyway he wanted and to act out his deepest sexual fantasies for him. I can not even imagine how frustrating it must have been for him, living all those years with a wife who considered sex as a duty, the price she had to pay for the security of marriage. We had sat down together, me sat cuddled on his knee with his strong hands gently caressing me, and discussed the...

4 years ago
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HomebodiesChapter 5

Dizza Yankeur, aka “Yank”, the cultural anthropologist from the civilian science department, was fifty-seven metric years old and had two PhDs to her credit. Still in her first career when most humans her age were well established in second careers, she had arrived at CVS the previous day hoping to arrange some escorted trips to the northern border region where California, Oregon and the high desert of Nevada came together. She was interested in this particular region of the North American...

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Lindseys Story Pt 2

The next day at work, Lindsey’s friends commented on how much they had liked Alexis and hoped she would join them again. They said they would be happy to have her go clubbing with them some time as well. Karen gave Lindsey a wink and asked if the ride home to Alexis’s was fun. Lindsey felt her face turn red and said it was just fine. The other girls laughed and she felt herself getting even redder.  Karen patted Lindsey on the back and said, “It’s ok hun. There’s nothing to be embarrassed...

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Pharaohs Willing Slave

Carrying a bowl of figs on his fingertips, Mikha’El strutted up the palace’s columned hallways with his chest raised and a grin stretched across his black-beaded face. His sandy-brown arms, bulging with muscles, gleamed from the oils he had smeared to polish them. Ever since he earned himself the rank of house slave, taking him away from the sweltering and scarring toil of brick-making, he bubbled with gratitude. Not only did Mikha’El have his god Yahweh to thank for his good fortune, he also...

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Potential Part 23

On another note, have any of you ever noticed music references? I do this often. When you read this chapter, see how many you recognize. There aren't always obvious. I might quote lyrics, I might use the name of a song in the text of the story, or I might name an artist. Tell me what you notice. For the people who helped proofread this chapter, and gave input, you know who you are, thank you. Potential by Bistander Chapter 23 Who's in Control? When...

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Ajnabi Bhabhi Ke Saath Rat Bhar Sex Kiya

Hello friends, story start karne se pehle me apko apne bare me batata hu. mera name shahid he me rajkot ka rehne wala hu, meri age 23 he, or hieght 5.8 he dikhne me handsom hu. Ye meri pehli kahani he or ye kahani mere life ki sachi kahani he umid karta hu aap sabko jarur pasand ayegi aap muje apni comment bhej sakte he mera mail id he. Mujhe Mumbai jana pada business client se milne ke liye to meri sunday morning ki flight thi, jab me Mumbai pauncha to mujhe airport pe lene ke liye client ki...

1 year ago
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My first time at an adult theater

For those of us who grew up sexually before the advent of the internet, our only avenue to porn was either from magazines, stag films and/or theaters that ran XXX movies. My story is about the first time I went to one pf those theaters that were showing XXX movies.It was a Friday night and three of my friends and I decided to go see a porn movie. The theaters in our city that ran XXX movies were mainly located in the more seedier parts of the city so if one wanted to go to one of these theaters...

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Icecream And Threesome

Hi readers, ye kahani ap sab ke liye khaskar unke liye jinhe ice-cream aur chudai bahut pasand hai. Sunday ka din hai aur tum apni building ke andar ja rahi ho tumhare hath me packet hai jisme ice cream aur cold drink hai. Tumhe entrance par Deepika mil jati hai aur vo tumse puchti hai “kya baat party hai kya koi ?” tum na me sir hilati ho”nahi ye to vese hi bacho ka dil kar raha tha aur garmi bhi hai aj to…” phir vo kehti hai “chalo baith kar gappe marte hai.” magar tumhara kuch aur hi plan...

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Sexual Interaction

Hi this Adi here, I m recent reader of Indian sex stories and I came to know through web site. I m a mechanical engineer working for MNC in Mumbai handing services for entire Maharashtra. I often travel out of Mumbai and have travelled all across India. Here in this web site I could read so many sex stories their experiences so I could not resist myself by sharing my sex experiences. Here is the one of the experience I would like to share with you. About my nature I m shy for outside world by I...

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Altered Fates What are friends for

"Altered Fates: What are friends for?" - By Flyover State. Synopsis: Tiffany and Ryan are best friends. As young kids, the two girls meet Tyler, a kid new to the neighborhood. Now in high school, Tiffany and Tyler are dating. Ryan's love for Tiffany has grown more than sisterly, and she knows it won't be reciprocated. Follow Tyler, as Ryan brings her plan to fruition, and the aftermath of his choices thereafter. Multiple changes occur (other characters) age regression,...

1 year ago
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Encounter at the Restaurant

Encounter at the Restaurant.Damian and Sasha are travelling together from the west to the east of Australia. Damian is driving and Sasha is a young girl of twenty or so he picked up as a hitchhiker. They have been travelling together for the whole day and have pulled into a Road House for dinner and a stay overnight.They booked into the Road House in separate rooms for the night. “I'll see you in the restaurant about seven for dinner. It will give us a chance to get a shower and change,” said...

4 years ago
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Being More than Friends

______ Paula was 21, her friend Doc, who she'd been friends with since Highschool was 22. He'd always thought about her as more of a friend, than a partner. She however, had always been interested in him. When she decided college wasn't for her right then, she rented a small but nice apartment in Philidelphia, thinking she could make it better in the city than in her hometown, Berlin, New Jersey. When she realized that the place needed some work, she knew Doc was always good...

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