Kenshiro HidoriChapter 7 free porn video

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Hanzo Hattori watched as his subordinates trained. Some practiced performing katas which were predesignated movements, while others trained with other students or fellow ninja. Hanzo's eyes roamed over them picking out weakness for areas to work on later. It also let him learn their progress in their training and what missions to take them on. As he wandered the training grounds he spied a lone figure, and recognized him immediately. It was Touken Futatsu or two swords as they called him. He had been given this name because he in fact carried to swords strapped to his back. How skilled Touken really was no one was sure. He chose to train alone never revealing the true extent of his skills. This unusual practice had almost caused Hanzo not to accept him as a student but he was glad that Touken had changed his mind. "Provide me with an opportunity and I will best any man here." Touken then a stranger to them had said. He had possessed no name that he was willing to give but Hanzo wanting to get rid of him had accepted the challenge personally, and was soundly defeated. Rising Hanzo hid the pain he was feeling after his defeat as he said, "You can already defeat me. Why do you want our training?" To which Touken replied, "Though I can already defeat any man you can teach me to defeat armies."

Hanzo now eager to see what the man could do accepted his service and was never disappointed. Who he truly was no one knew, but Hanzo guessed he was a ronin. His skill in samurai weapons was apparent Touken himself had defeated Hanzo with a sword. In fact many had tried afterwards but none had bested Touken. Before Touken Futatsu was very dangerous now he was a deadly weapon that Hanzo called on from time to time. Preferring the role of a lone ninja he would complete every task that was assigned to him with perfection. His mind was sharp and able paying attention to every detail and keeping track of it with his mind.

Hanzo recognized that Touken was a rarity. Few could master the combat art of the ninja but he had done that and more. Touken was a complete ninja due to the fact that he embraced all that they did, but he was the best at assassination. He did not like groups because he had to worry about what his companions would do. If there was to be any fault it would be with them and he did not like risking it. After the first few tries Hanzo let him go out alone and was impressed with the results. As he turned away to look at two ninjas practice throwing their shuriken Hanzo thought on this remembering how pleased he had been. With Touken he could indeed defeat armies without risking more of his other men. Turning back to where Touken had been kneeling he saw that he had vanished.

Frowning Hanzo approached the spot where he had been looking for him to find nothing as he looked around. "Did you need something sensei?" A voice came from behind him. Spinning around Hanzo's hand gripped a shuriken inside his training clothes as he whirled around to see Touken. Bowing Touken said, "Forgive me Master Hanzo I did not mean to startle you. Please forgive my rudeness. It is an unfortunate habit. Again my apologizes."

Breathing a sigh of relief Hanzo rose from his crouching position saying, "You are quite good at it. I am glad that I was never one of your targets." Hanzo's hand settled the throwing star back into its place. "If you were you would never have known." Touken replied in his usual cold manner. He was always to the point and rarely warm in his responses. Hanzo had always disliked this habit in Touken's speech as it sent a shiver up one's spine. "Yes, I suppose so. You have not spent as much time exercising as you normally do at this hour. Normally you go for a swim and a run. Is something on your mind?" Hanzo asked. Settling down on the ground Touken went back to dipping shuriken with poison held in a small bowl. The poison was made to kill any victim with in moments. Most of the ninja came to him because not only could he make the weapons but his hands were sure so there were fewer accidents when applying the poison thus far less accidental fatalities. Without looking up from his work Touken said, "I dislike the idea of being included in the group mission tomorrow night. Most of the men are young and inexperienced. They will make many mistakes do to this."

"That is why I included you. Your experience will offset theirs, and combat will be their truest test." Hanzo said. "You mean to weed out the weak ones." Touken said. "You are always so cynical and pessimistic Touken. You should learn to relax." Hanzo said. "When my target's samurai relax I am easily successful, why should I make their mistake? I will of course obey you orders master. I merely wished to voice my doubts." Touken said. Both men knew that was the end of the subject. Try as he might Hanzo could not fault Touken's judgement. He had been right many times in the past and it was wise to listen to him. Where he had gained the necessary experience to do this was another mystery, and many mysteries surrounded this man.

There was in truth another reason that he was sending Touken and putting him in charge: Hanzo hoped his star pupil would replace him one day as head of their clan. With experience Touken could be molded into a great leader and lead their clan to many victories. The problem was Touken disliked leadership and preferred the shadows where he was at home. Hanzo found this entire concept dumbfounding. Most men would kill for power, Hanzo himself had been a witness to this, but Touken turned it down as if it were nothing, and only when pressed would he take it up. He was quite content to hold his current position in the clan as the best assassin. Who was this man and where did he come from? Hanzo Hattori found the mystery surrounding Touken to be deep and elusive. He had spent many years attempting to unravel Touken's secrets and only revealed bits and pieces. What he did know was aside from what the man told and showed him that Touken was unwilling to reveal anything he did not want others to know.

The night was quiet and one could hear the chirping of the insects and the sound of the breeze. It was a cold night and the guards manning the walls could see their own breath as it escaped into the night air leaving a trail behind. One had managed walk far from the others and had turned his back on the outside wall of the fortress. His mistake was Touken's gain, as the ninja pulled himself the last few feet over the wall. Creeping up behind the samurai he stabbed him just below base of his head in the back of the neck covering his mouth to silence any sound. The man stiffened dieing almost instantly without a struggle. Laying him down on the catwalk he motioned for two others to follow. Pointing at the other two guards who were unaware of them he made a motion to kill them. Two ninja armed with bows took careful aim and fired killing the two guards before they knew what happened. One had made a slight groan as he died and Touken froze and the other ninja followed suite. His ears searched for any warnings that they might have been discovered or another guard was approaching curious as to the sound. When minutes had passed and still nothing Touken started to move again carefully motioning others into position by using hand signals. Touken would remain in a supervisory position in this mission while the younger ninja actually carried it out. He had watched these men carefully during their training and knew most of their flaws. Only two men that Hanzo had added at the last minute because two of Touken's men had become sick did Touken not know. The problem was that one of them would perform the actual assassination of this minor lord while the other would shadow him in case he required assistance or to finish him if they failed to avoid capture. Touken could not change the plan and substitute these two because no one but him was up to the job, and because of that changing things would only invite a greater possibility of disaster.

With his men in place should something go wrong he signaled for the two men to enter the castle while the rest waited inside the courtyard for possible reinforcements. The guards inside were well trained and disciplined and would be hard to remove. Their master had kept the best near him leaving the rest outside. Touken watched as the ninja used their climbing claws, which were metal hooks or spikes designed to give greater traction as they scaled the wall. They were making good progress and reached the window next to the one where the daimyo was residing in no time. Using a special tool the ninja opened the window and climbed in, his companion followed close behind but forgot to actually close the window. Touken sucked in a breath in alarm. The other ninja close by heard it and followed his gaze and soon became equally alarmed. They all knew that detail was everything and that if someone happened to look up they would notice something like an open window when there should be a closed one.

As one samurai walked outside and was soon joined by two companions Touken held his breath watching them closely. At that moment his worst fears were realized as the lead samurai started to look up at the stars. Touken's men were too far away to kill all of them in time, and if they were moved they would lose their vantage points that were key to the plan against fighting off possible defenders. If he moved them his men would be quickly overwhelmed by the defenders, while if they stayed where they were they had a chance. Touken could only watch silently as the samurai's eyes looking for the moon hidden behind the clouds spied the open window. Quickly he began to shout the alarm for the samurai knew what the open window meant. Lights came on inside as the castle's inhabitants awoke at the man's shouts.

When samurai rushed outside the ninja sprang into action following their training. The ninja held nothing back using shuriken, and other projectiles they slowed the samurai charge grinding it to a halt with poisoned spike catraps that they tossed on the ground for good measure. The spiked balls penetrated the samurais' footwear killing them with the poison and clogging up the exits. Other ninja set fire to the castle further sowing confusion as the samurai had to deal with the flames. Touken saw the two ninja as they withdrew from the room they had entered one apparently wounded. The other man was carrying him when he looked up to see Touken as he appeared to from nowhere. Looking down Touken recognized that the wounded one was the man who had forgotten to close the window. To take the wounded ninja with them was too much of risk and invited their capture. He would only slow them down and Touken was not inclined to help someone who had been so foolish and had put the rest of them in danger. Taking a poisoned needle he sent it flying into the man's neck as his companion man still held him upright supporting his weight. Gripping his neck where the needle hit the man fell to the floor dieing.

Touken motioned for the other man to make his way to safety while he made certain the other ninja was dead. When he was satisfied that no secrets would be revealed from this man Touken joined the other man at the bottom of the wall making better time. Samurai now blocked their way and many moved to charge. Unsheathing both swords Touken hacked a path through them allowing both men to escape. The rest of the ninja were retreating according to the plan and the two men were alone. An arrow struck his companion in the shoulder as they finally reached the rest of the ninja. He ordered them to take the wounded man as he turned around to face the oncoming samurai taking arrows from the others he covered their escape launching arrow after arrow into the defenders as they charged up the stairs to meet him. When he had no more arrows he climbed over the side making his way quickly to the bottom. As he rushed away from the wall when he reached the ground safely, an arrow struck him in the back of his shoulder blade and Touken was forced to bite his lip as he continued his pace in agony. He tasted his own blood on his lips as he made it to the safety of the woods. Using their cover he hid for days as the samurai searched for him to no avail.

When they finally moved on to continue their search he pulled out the arrow, made a crude bandage with his torn clothes ripping them until they were in shatters and headed to the nearest monastery. Stealing clothes from their wash room at night he dressed himself in their garb before continuing on his way toward Edo. No longer would Touken formerly calling himself by the name Kenshiro Hidori be a member of the Iga ninja. He would make his way to his son and his grandson now that the opportunity had presented himself. Hanzo and the others would assume he was dead and Touken who would have to choose a new name, which would allow him to be able to find a new life. He eventually became a samurai teacher called Ishi Nabaoru. He was a hermit that lived in the mountains but came down from time to time in search of students for his school.

Sagami Hidori hearing of this new teacher and his skill in his chosen profession chose to seek him out. Riding in an entourage he made them wait outside as he entered the master's chambers alone. Ishi's back was turned to him as he knelt silently in prayer. When he was finished he spoke to the Shogun with his back still turned. "What does the lord Shogun seek here?" Ishi said. Behind him he heard only silence until after many moments Sagami replied, "How is it that I hear the voice of a ghost when I know the owner to be dead long ago?"

"Really? This ghost you speak of did you see the body of it's owner?" Ishi replied still not turning around. "No but it has been many years, and perhaps my senses have taken leave of me." Sagami said. Finally turning to face his son Ishi revealed himself saying, "I always taught you to trust your senses. You are not so old that they would fail you even now."

"How is this possible?" Sagami said staring at the man he had known as Kenshiro Hidori his father, and the former Shogun. "Does it matter? You still not have not asked the right question. Why would such a man be here after so long?" Ishi replied. Sagami's mind quickly grasped what Ishi was referring to as he said, "My father would only return for one reason: his family is in danger. The fact that you have chosen to hide your presence supports this. If I had not been searching for a teacher for my son I would have never have found you, but I suspect this was part of your design."

Smiling Ishi said, "It is my son. I have indeed returned to protect my family, but it is not you who is in danger but Kashigi your son. For now you may know that I had a guide on the great journey that first brought me to this time and your mother. I have visited many places along the timeline since, and returned when I too asked a question, but the answer was one I did not like. Though we were feared and respected and managed to keep our enemies in check your son will fail where we succeeded. With Kashigi's failure our line too will fail and the Hidori clan will be but a memory. You are my son and my first born. Though I have lived many lives and had many children I could never forget you."

Sagami and his father were more alike than they realized. "Forgive me father for I envy you. Long have I wished to see distant lands and to test myself as you no doubt have. Peace has weakened my line and it is true as you say, it is indeed faltering. My son has never known war. I am afraid we did our work too well. Not once has he ever seen a battle or known its pains. I protected him from such things not wishing him harm and before me you destroyed our clan's most powerful rivals leaving only weak ones when you left." Sagami said. "You did as most good fathers would and sought a better life for him. I imagine I would have contemplated doing the same. In reference to my success as a ruler we are both skilled in this area. I have heard the stories of the plots you have discovered and the enemies you had executed to keep the peace." Ishi said.

"Perhaps but in the end you wouldn't. It was not meant as an insult father but you believe in sponsoring strength even in peace. You would have found a way to keep me ready for the inevitable." Sagami replied. "And such things have a price. How many children truly get to enjoy the sun's warm carefree without having to be aware of the shadow of night? Would you trade those years of fearless happiness for something else?" Ishi asked.

Shaking his head Sagami said, "Nay father, but I fear it is the cause of my son's future danger." Nodding Ishi said, "Indeed it is but I am here to change that. I am as young physically as when I met your mother, and I have learned many things since then. If the future will grant us the time we need my grandson may still be saved, and perhaps our line will continue after him. It is all that can be asked of us." When Sagami returned to Edo he returned alone for the moment. Ishi's plan was simple first he would come as the ninja Touken then he would come as the samurai Ishi. In effect Kashigi would have two teachers; the ninja and the samurai. Through both teachers he would learn the art of war and become a man able to become the next Shogun.

That night Touken entered the room of the young man as he slept. Placing a knife to his throat as he covered his mouth Touken saw his eyes open and look at him with fear for he was defenseless. "Many have died by my hand young samurai. Be glad that is not what brings me here tonight. Your father has asked for me to teach you the shadow arts of war. You will be my pupil and I will be your teacher. Together we make you ready to become the next Shogun if you have it in you. If not then perhaps it is best that I end your life soon for if you prove a failure you will die anyway. For now I will let you up. Cry out once and my blade will taste your blood. Consider this your first lesson in obedience and your first test in proving how intelligent you are." Touken said removing his hand and moving back a little so he was still within striking distance. Kashigi slowly stood up watching him closely. Nodding in approval Touken said, "Good you can follow directions. That is a start. Now go down the hall to your father's room after you have dressed and I will meet you there." Climbing out the window Touken left him. Getting dressed Kashigi did as he was told and made his way to his father's room. One of the guards outside opened the Shogun's door sliding it aside for him to enter, and closing it behind the young man. Inside Sagami sat in a seat while Touken knelt beside him as both watched Kashigi approach.

"I take it the two of you have met?" Sagami asked. "Yes father." Kashigi replied. "Good. From now on your nights shall be dedicated to Touken and his teachings, soon Master Ishi will arrive to take the majority of your days finishing your training as a samurai. You will obey both your teachers for that is my command to you. They will help prepare you for the dangers that lie in the future." Kashigi bowed and said, "I will obey my lord."

Kashigi had the remainder of the night to rest for his training began the next day. Master Ishi arrived in the early morning and was a forceful man. Whenever Kashigi made a mistake in his drills he would whack the young man with a wooden sword as punishment. Kashigi soon began to fear the falling of that sword and focused every thought on his studies clearing his mind of everything else. Sore and tired he returned to his room and slept, only to be awakened in the middle of the night by Touken. Touken's teaching style was different. Taking Kashigi far from the castle after sneaking him out he had the young man practice in the wilderness where they could be alone. When his pupil made a mistake he showed him what he did wrong and would provide him with useful suggestions on how to perform the action correctly. As time went on each master taught the Kashigi different aspects of war; from Ishi he learned how a samurai should behave and how they were suppose to fight on a battlefield promoting the concept of honor, pride, and Bushido. Touken on the other hand did not promote such concepts. "A samurai has their uses but a skilled ninja can win a war. A ninja fights to win. All other matters are secondary to this. Every aspect of who we are is based on this concept. Because of this the samurai require us because we can do what they are incapable of. Thus to understand us and our ways you must become one of us."

Obeying his father's will Kashigi trained to become a full-fledged ninja. Learning the lesson that the Shogun though he must appear to be the perfect samurai in truth must also use whatever tools he had available to him even warriors of the shadow. This was simply the truth and Kashigi came to accept this. In truth though he would never admit it to anyone even if he were allowed to, the young man enjoyed the freedom the ninja had and marveled at the skills he was learning. Touken as he watched was impressed with his progress and noticed something unusual. Though Kashigi appeared to apply himself with equal effort to both teachings he was far more skilled as a ninja.

During a free moment alone with Sagami as Ishi he commented on this. "Your son is becoming one of the most skilled ninja I have ever seen. His skill as a samurai is good but he is far superior as a ninja." Ishi said. "I find that puzzling since he was raised his whole life as a samurai's son." Sagami replied.

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I am in no way a “cutie”. I'm about six foot three and slightly chubby, not the 'bad' kind, the kind that adds character. I am not athletic and I have to wear glasses that everyone says make me look like a professor. I blushed a little bit as she smiled playfully at me, her eyes shifting down from my now cleany shaven face to my growing bugle in my crotch. “Er... Hello.” She giggled as she pushed into the booth with me, her ass pressing onto my lap. “I hope you don't mind me sitting...

3 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 11 Renee ZimmermanChapter 3

Renee did not expect there to be others present, when she arrived for dinner at the farm ... not people other than the Daltons. There were, though. Apparently this was a Christmas party, though Christmas was still almost a month away. There were half a dozen women there. Two of them she recognized as Jill and Christy, the women she and Bobby had fixed the drain for. Others, she had never seen before. All of them had brought something to contribute to the meal. Most of them brought children...

4 years ago
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PART 1The evening felt like it would never end. Harry was busy patrolling the halls of Hogwarts, a shiny ‘Head Boy’ badge attached to his robes.After winning the war, Harry decided to return to Hogwarts to complete his last year. He had been told he could skip it by the ministry, they would award him all of the NEWTs that he asked for. It had been a tempting thought, though then Harry knew that he wouldn’t have felt like he really earned his NEWTs. So, he decided to return to school.Ron didn’t....

2 years ago
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Book 1 Milady and the DragonChapter 8 The Dragon

Virlane stood outside his lair, he spread his wings and stretched, his neck arching, he flexed his talons and sighed with pleasure, he turned to watch Trink heading down the mountain path muttering about donkeys and his most treasured assets. Virlane entered his lair, prowling around, looking, touching, smelling, it was all there, just as he had left it, not that there had been any doubt, Dragons are just rather possessive about their hoards. He went into his study, touching his books that...

1 year ago
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Autobiography Of Private Life Part 3

The second day: I could wake up at 11am and as there was lunch time after an hour got up soon (although I didn’t want to as my entire body was having pain) got ready as soon as I could. I reached at dining hall on time and hugged my baby(my son not the professor) then we took lunch together, we spent some time to discuss about upcoming events and his role in those tasks before he went for practice. And I started to move towards my room. But I got a call from raj at the same time. RAJ: hey...

4 years ago
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Anna gets aed Part II

Hi everyone it’s me. Please be kind as once again I venture down an un tread story line. I realize the language is a lot more corse than I would usually use , but somehow it fits this story line, and yes there will be a part III and perhaps even part four in this series. I apologize to those who waited such a long time for me to finish this. Please read this to the end as the climax reaches it’s crescendo at the end of the story. I lay with my back against the...

1 year ago
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A Brunch Munch

“Oh My God; you bitch”, I exclaimed loudly, then added, “You bastard.” I needed to say both at once. I saw two things I hadn’t ever visualised together, my mum’s mouth and my boyfriend’s erect cock. I went down the stairs in Darren’s shirt. There had been a sudden extraordinarily sexy raunchiness that filled me when I decided spur of the moment to put on Darren’s shirt. It was the first time I had ever done it. My lover boy was downstairs in my kitchen, only in his boxers, getting...

3 years ago
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Photographs Ch 13

On Christmas Eve, Pedro went looking for Danny and found him crouched in the corner of the bed where it was shoved against two walls. His knees pressed against his chest and he held a glass of whiskey in his hand. The bottle of Jack Daniels rested against a pillow beside him. Danny hadn’t even bothered to place it on the nightstand. It didn’t take Pedro’s intelligence to figure out that Danny was drunk. ‘Hey, man, want to go to nochebuena with my family and then midnight mass? We’ll have a...

3 years ago
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There Wasnt Any Alternative 2

Norman: “Alright Catherine. Go into the ladies’ room and clean yourself up. You’ve got 10 minutes. I’ll be in my car. Don’t MAKE me come in here to get you!” He pulled his now limp and sticky cock from my mouth and put it away in his pants then went to his car. Still on my knees, I looked over at Damon. Catherine: “Damon, what happened to Paul?” Damon: “Damn man, this mother fucker is crazy! Don’t be talkin’ to me. If he sees….” Catherine: “Did they kill him?” Damon: “Naw man. He just...

1 year ago
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Boarding School Sex TrainingChapter 6

Chapter 6-Rachel Learns to Suck a Cock Rachel was on her knees, her blouse pulled open, her tits hanging out of her bra. Her nipples were hard and swollen from the tugging and biting that Michael had inflicted on them. Her skirt was on the floor behind her, her panties pushed down below her knees, her socks and shoes still on, accenting her otherwise naked body. Her lips were wrapped around Michael’s cock, stretched tightly around the hard and erect instrument. Her saliva glistened on the cock...

4 years ago
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The Lawson Games Episode 1

The day I found out I’d been chosen for the Lawson games was the happiest day of my life. I’d been given a shot to have it all, and even if I didn’t win, I would still have a hell of a time. Let me explain: Bill Lawson and his wife, Natalie are a couple with tremendous wealth and unconventional tastes. Every Summer, at their lake house, they host the Lawson games, in which they invite three boys and three girls from the year’s graduating class aged 18 or older to compete for a million dollars....

2 years ago
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Sara and Ms Davies

?Hey, Sara, get over here! Customer!? Sara sighed. It had been only recently that she had moved to San Franciscofrom her small-time town in California , but she had a feeling that she wouldnever really fit in. The different people, the atmosphere ? it was provingto be all a little bit too much for this country girl. She looked over at herboss in her big, blue eyes. Mark was a great guy, if not a tad pushy duringbusy times. She did, however, feel safe with him ? she knew for a fact he wasgay,...

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Oh Whats This for

Chapter 1 About two years ago, the house next to us was sold after standing empty since we moved here a year earlier. Not only was it a happy occasion to finally have the house next door occupied, it was occupied by a very nice couple, near our age, that we've become quite friendly with. Logan and I soon met our new neighbors, Tucker and Angie Wills, and invited them over for a get-to-know-you supper and we all really seemed to get on well. We quickly became quite good friends, often...

2 years ago
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 22 The Rescue

The days passed with the four ACs huddled together a thousand feet above the ground as the rain continued to fall. The crews spent their time eating, drinking, visiting, and of course having sex multiple times. On the third day, the rain became lighter and finally that afternoon stopped altogether. The clouds drifted away and the sun came out making the air hot and extremely humid even at the AC's altitude.Yuri decided that the uniform worn would consist of only their scanty bikinis and...

4 years ago
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Shes an Easy Lover

This is my version of a sexy story, told to me by a high school friend, that never came to the happy ending it should have:Had 5 lbs of change saved up for the monthly clothes washing pulling the back right side pocket of my commando shorts. Was fishing through for them when a voice came from behind me."Scuse me young man, but I see you have a lot of coins there. I just ran out of quarters and I really need another 10 minutes drying time."My first reaction was that she was a pan handler...

1 year ago
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The Family Story Part II

The Family Story Part II As we got up to my room and I shut my door I looked back at my little sister to see she was not holding her clothes. This could only mean she left them in the middle of the living room. At this time I heard my parents coming in the front door. “What the fuck! Why didn’t you grab your clothes?” Knowing for sure they would find a pile of my sister’s clothes sitting in the middle of the room and she was up here naked, as I look over her beautiful once more. What...

3 years ago
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Power Chapter Twelve The Dance

A couple of weeks passed and the next LGBT Dance was held. This was something of a misnomer since there were few other dances held at Anthony, and everyone was welcome. The LGBT student association put on the dances. Alcohol was sold at the dance, but only upperclassmen could buy it. Freshmen got the upperclassmen to front for them, so everybody who wanted to drink was able to do so. Since the girls had been to the dance before we asked them what to wear. They said it didn’t matter. Nobody with...

1 year ago
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Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Virgin BrideEpilogue

Palmerston had secured a private compartment for Holmes and me on the return train to London. "Well, Watson, an unusual case," he smiled at me around his pipe. "Though not one that should probably ever see print in your infernal memoirs." "Very true, Holmes," I smiled ruefully. "Though I may still write it up for my own records." I considered the case silently for half a minute, enjoying the anticipation of reliving the experience in writing. "It was an interesting diversion for a...

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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 2

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 2 Sunday morning came with the sun shining and the birds chirping. Edna was already up. She had a lot to do to this morning. She was fully dressed in a typical navy blue business jacket, matching skirt, white silk blouse and low heeled shoes. She always felt high heels were for the young and the vain, and she was no longer either having celebrated a 55th birthday a few months ago. This was what she usually wore back when she was working every day at...

1 year ago
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Tempest of LiesChapter 38

The room which served as the parlor for High Lord Bortho seemed confining despite its owner's great wealth and love of large, expansive chambers. Indeed, in this case, its own opulence was its undoing. Rich tapestries and beautiful paintings marched high along the walls, their edges almost touching one another. Before them stood statues and carvings composed of every material from wood to stone to metal. Arranged before them were vases, gourds, goblets, and other small treasures, sitting...

3 years ago
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Right now i want us to walk down the hallway to your hotel room door. You unlock the door and let me in past you. You come in, lock the door from inside, turn around to face me. I grin at you, grinning at the fact that we both know why we're here. You walk over to me and touch my face, moving a lock of hair out of my face, very gently.... And suddenly you grab my hair and roughly pull it back, making me gasp in surprise. You hold it back tightly and firm, and move closer to my body. I am...

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day with joey

Joey was a good friend of mine. We had dated for a while, fooled around a bit, but nothing serious. It was a hot day in the summer, and I was home alone, bored, so I decided to call him up to come swimming. He, too, was hot and bored, so he told me hed grab his suit and then ride his bike over to my house. When I got off the phone with him, I found myself thinking about when we went out. As I said before, we didnt get far, but we did do a bit more then just tongue. I found myself getting wet....

2 years ago
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The Third Wish part 6 of 8

Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Don't read if you are younger than 18 years old or not legally allowed to read adult material and all the usual disclaimers. Text in brackets [like this] is translated from barely decipherable lisp. Chapter 6: The Return I waited. And waited. The guilt bore down on me more and more. I wanted to cry. I wanted to hide. I wanted to see my family again. I wanted to disappear. So many conflicting emotions washed over...

2 years ago
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Kadhala Illa Kaamama

This is my first story so you should send feedback ()..College mudichu 1 year aachu velaiyum kedaikala kadala poda ponnum kedaikala… Ok nalla thought y namba chat panna kudathunu.. Facebook open panna na solra hi mattum than chat box la iruku eva kita irunthum reply kanum.. Strangers chat ponen anga patha orae pasanga..Enna da idhu yosika tamil lx chat.Com nu onu kedaichuthu list la. Anga ponen..Anga pooramae pasanga edachu ponnu kedaikuma nu yengi poi irunthen( kaanji poi iruken maari!) Oru...

3 years ago
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A Virgin Boys Bus Ride

A Virgin boys bus ride Hi all ISS readers, I am regular reader of ISS I liked lot of the stories that u guys write… …… its fun reading them. So I will like to write stories to it are a hobby of mine …… I am Arya, this real story of mine so Pls Enjoy my story and give reply at Let me introduce myself properly before I narrate my stories. I love beautiful women’s bodies especially the once in saris .I like older women I don’t know the reason why but I like them there curvatures bodies and...

4 years ago
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Introduction: The Things I Do For My Beautiful And Wonderful Girlfriend Nikki Pat says: Soooo convenient Nikki says: Well I managed to do a couple of things too Nikki says: You know.. Pat says: Oh? Nikki says: Mhm Nikki says: Got over feeling bad about it being my mums computer Pat says: LOL Nikki says: Lol Pat says: Got over it huh Nikki says: Like 4 Nikki says: Lol Nikki says: Yeah Pat says: 4 Pat says: Sigh Nikki says: Lol Pat says: 4 I didnt cause Nikki says: Ahha Nikki says: Thats true Im...

1 year ago
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Live cam sites are always an amazing venue for all people who are looking for something fresh outside of the regular porn videos that we see every day. I would know, I’ve seen so much porn that I can’t stress enough how much real-time connections make the experience better. Then again, I’ve been with so many bitches in real life that even that is getting stale. But this review ain’t about that! Today, we’re talking about the free live sex cam site Streamate.comLive sex cam girls numbered in the...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 24 Encouraging News

Our company was really blossoming. We set up the office in the wing of our house and had installed phone lines and high speed computer internet access. The wing consisted of four rooms that gave us offices that we could assign on a task basis. One of the rooms was bigger than the rest so Cathy and Alex could work together designing and building prototypes of the scanners. It was cute the way that Cathy would slap Alex's wrist when he tried to pick up a soldering iron and mess with one of the...

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You Are Young

You are young, son of mine "You are young, son of mine, " his dear mother said, "But well taught to keep yourself neat; Yet your hair hangs down way under your head Would cutting it be too much of a feat?" "When at school", the son tossed his hair with a flick, " 'Short back and sides' was made the house rule, Now that I mix with an intelligent clique By them long hair is deemed cool." "You are young, son of mine, " her voice was quite clear, "Brought up as a quite normal...

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EvilAngel Karma RX First DoubleAnal

Glam dirty blonde Karma Rx wears a sexy country get-up: straw hat, cowboy boots, check top showing deep cleavage and tiny jean cut-offs that can’t cover her curvy rear. The busty, tattooed stunner flaunts her fabulous assets by a horse corral and in a barn, the living embodiment of a farmer’s daughter joke. Sure enough, studs Mick Blue and Markus Dupree catch her masturbating. She kneels between thick, uncut boners for blowjobs. Karma takes one big cock in the pussy as the other...

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Hidden Heritage II The ScholarsChapter 15

There was one thing that had made me feel very relieved. The official acceptance letter the twins had gotten for me - or the University pass as it was called among the students - made it possible for me just to appear at any lectures I wanted to attend - except Magic, of course. Even though all the students should have had the same right, the truth was that the professors wanted to select their students and collect some benefits (in cash), whenever possible. Not too openly, of course. With my...

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Morning dominance

Anne was my first real girlfriend, I've had girlfriends before but never anything serious or more than a summer love, I still lived at home with my parents and in the weekends Anne would sleep over. Those always were fun weekends with explorative fidgeting under the covers and because we were going steady for a while the exploration went a bit further every time, it didn't have the awkwardness of a one time fling. Anne had dark hair, shoulder length, a cute face with ditto smile and brown eyes,...

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Glory Hole Discovery

Chapter 1 – The DiscoveryIt started as a fairly normal trip to New York with my wife, Stacy, tagging along. I travel a lot in my job and so spend a lot of time there, among other major cities. Of them all, New York is our favorite, so from time to time, she'll travel with me when I make the trip. Since I have to work while there, she generally shops and relaxes while I'm at work and then we get to spend the evenings together enjoying the city. We've been married almost 25 years and love each...

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it was the beginning of a great i have mary ellen and erin walton taking turns sucking my 10" dick down clean to my balls and then licking the balls while they are down there....I finally had to stop them before i blew my i had something in mind that i wanting to will be first Mary Ellen...she lay down and spread her legs and me with a razor and shaving cream proceed to shave her pussy bare...i looked over and looked at erin who was really going at it with...

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Castles Made of Sand

ONE: A SIMPLE FAVOUR Sleep. Sleep is good. The warm, comfortable, soft cocoon of my own bed wrapping around me like a world apart. No cold. No noise except for the blood in my ears. I don’t know how long I’d been like that. It could have been days. Safe in the dark. Silent and whole. But the earthquake blast of the door opening. But the lights exploding on. But the rough, uncut voice of my father shredding my ear canal, ‘You been smokin’ them marijuana cigarettes, Boy?’ His breath reeked...

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XVideos POV

Ah, POV porn, the crown jewel of feeling like you’re the one sticking the dick into a pornstar. I remember many times when I went over to POV porn for a good time, and I didn’t want to go out. Don’t get me wrong, scoring sex with hot chicks is like my specialty, but sometimes I don’t feel like going to a bar or a club, and picking out a girl, then getting her a drink and all that bullshit. Sometimes I just want to relax, sit back, and start jerking off like a real gentleman! And what better way...

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