Find Me? Forgive Me?Chapter 13 free porn video

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Sally was back. In many respects, our new life together from then on was idyllic. Sally appreciated every little thing we did together, even the mundane activities like shopping, cooking and washing up. She enthused over our meals.

It was for her the beginning of a new life mirroring that before Tony Mulhern. She was deeply touched that I had never closed our joint accounts until the divorce was started, and even then put the money in a reserved account awaiting the Court’s decision.

We went to friends’ houses and were feted by them as a success story. Sally wanted to do everything with me; it was as if she was afraid of parting from me, except when she needed to go to work. Martin and Elizabeth were ecstatic; they had dreamed of a reunion but had never expected it to happen.

For me life was good; I felt that everything was coming together nicely. Our life together was full of affection. There were all the usual touches, kisses and hugs as we passed each other, or sat together in an evening, and of course in bed. Those signs of love and affection made us feel close.


Except for one thing, and that thing being fairly central to married life, its absence nearly finished us as a couple.

Those in loving relationships know of that subtle change when loving affection and the caresses associated with it become overtly sexual – when lust climbs into bed with love as it were.

It’s so subtle that most people could not point to any change in behaviour, or any one moment, when it happens, but a little later it is obvious, as hands and fingers begin to excite rather than comfort, and organs begin to react in the time-honoured way: erections and lubrications take the stage. So they know then that the change has happened, and Sally knew early on when.

We had not attempted anything sexual for some days after Sally came back, and she did not seem to be making any overtures in that direction, so it was I who made that first transition. That was the moment – as my loving embrace became sexual, when she froze, and my kiss was fractured.

My fingers had strayed to her sex and had glided along it.

“Please, Caleb,” she said as her body posture told me all was not well. “Can we wait a bit longer for that?”

What could I say? Well, I could have said a lot, but instead I simply felt disappointment, agreed and we went to sleep.

After that, whenever I initiated the subtle change, there was always a rebuff and a myriad of reasons.

“I don’t think the time is right yet.”

“I don’t feel able to go that far yet.”

“Can’t we just cuddle?”

The only thing she didn’t use as a put-off was a headache. It led to our first row since she came back.

“I’m getting tired of this,” I said resentfully. “Why are you always putting me off when I want to touch you?”

“I’m sorry Caleb,” she replied, rather sharply I thought. “I just don’t feel right about it yet.”

“It’s always ‘yet’,” I grumbled. “You need to know I’m getting really frustrated. It can’t go on, love.”

“You men,” she snapped. “You think of nothing else, you’re all the same. So it’s frustrating you, ok, I’ll sleep in the guest room.”

That really knocked me back; it was an extreme reaction, and I reacted badly to it.

“Well,” I muttered. “You’d certainly be the one to know about other men.”

She stared wide eyed at me, and I could tell I had hurt her deeply. She was very angry, got out of bed and left the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Things were tense and silent the next morning. All signs of affection stopped and she left for work without waiting for a kiss. I felt she was getting all the emotional goodies from me, embraces and cuddles, and I was not getting any relief from my sexual frustration. We began living parallel lives. There was little conversation, most of our interchanges were about practical matters. There was a lot of silence.

I did make some attempts to talk about the news on the TV. Her replies were monosyllabic, evasive or she left the room.

Eventually I could stand it no longer.

“You won’t talk, you sleep in another room,” I said. “This is not right. You are denying an essential part of married life. Why are you cutting yourself off like this?”

“You don”t understand. It’s not easy for me after so long.”

“That’s not the reason, there’s something else and I can’t begin to understand unless you talk to me about it.”

“Oh, I can’t put it into words, but I just can’t do it,” she sighed and left the living room and did not appear again all that evening.

I tried to be patient, but after another week of nearly silent co-existence, even though it was no longer an angry silence, my patience ran out. After the evening meal, I asked her to sit down in the living room.

“Sally,” I said. “Things can’t go on like this. You don’t want to come near me, you sleep in another room. I’m not Bryn, but I’m getting the same treatment: all you are at the moment is a lodger. You won’t talk about it. I’ve been patient, but you should realise I can’t go on living like this. This is not how we were before you left, in fact it’s a travesty of it. Perhaps we were wrong to get back together. It’s not working, is it?”

She burst into tears and ran out to the guest room. I sighed, did the chores and some office work before retiring early myself.

The next morning there was total silence at breakfast again, and Sally looked wretched, but there seemed nothing I could do. She left for work without a kiss or good-bye as was now usual.

Colette rang me at work.

“You’ve got problems, Caleb.” It was not a question.

“Sally been talking to you?” I said, and that was not really a question either.

“Well, she says she can’t talk to you.”

I thought about that.

“Yes, Colette,” I said flatly, “that’s true. I’ve tried to get her to explain, but she won’t or can’t.”

“Can’t,” she replied. “If it’s any help, she said it’s like an invisible hand stopping her.”

“Not much help that,” I said morosely, remembering the invisible hand stopping her from coming home. If she was reverting to hiding from me, why was she doing it now? I’d accepted her back – hell, I’d forgiven her!

“No,” she said, “but she said it’s not because she doesn’t want you. She’s heartbroken you’re in separate rooms.”

“It was she who left our bedroom,” I snapped. “I had no say in that.”

“Yes, yes,” she soothed. “She knows that, but she’s afraid that if she came back, you’d take it as a signal that she was ready to make love, and for some reason she can’t.”

“As I said,” I grumbled, “that’s not much help. It’s the ‘some reason’ I’ve got problems with. Really Colette, I’m at the end of my tether, I can’t go on like this in a silent house. She’s no more than a lodger. You’ve noticed we’ve not been out together for a while. I’m thinking we shouldn’t have got back together at all.”

“Oh, Caleb, don’t say that! Give her a little longer. All I will say is that later in our talk, when we’d left the bedroom matter behind, she said she felt unsure that you really had forgiven her, or could really forgive her after what she’s done. She feels that there’s a reserve there.”

“In me?”

“I suppose so, but perhaps it’s really in her.”

“There isn”t any reserve in me, Colette, and I have totally forgiven her. How do I get that through to her? I don’t think I can. It’s hopeless.”

“I don’t know,” she answered. “How do you get her to believe you? Words don’t seem to be enough. She’s talking about going back to her therapist. It’s this guilt thing.”

“Oh, yes,” she added. “And she said she feels like she’s got away with it: she’s got everything she wanted back, and she doesn’t deserve it.”

“If she’s got everything back she wanted from our relationship, she might as well go back to her flat and live alone, because that’s what it feels like. The way she is at the moment, I’d be better off without her. It’d certainly be less stress.”

“Go easy on her, she’s still fragile, very confused and riddled with guilt.”

I didn’t reply beyond a grunt, and we disconnected.

I sat for a long time, gradually coming to the conclusion that too much had happened, and that perhaps Sally’s feelings about us pointed to a divide that we couldn’t cross. I felt depressed, but knew that unless something new happened, it would be soon over between us. Then I recalled a comment Colette made – words might not be enough. I came to a decision. I would have to force things.

When I got home early from work that day, I did not make the evening meal as I usually would if I arrived first. I sat in the study and dwelt on my decision. It was time to tell her our new relationship would not work, and I was going to leave her. She could have the house. I felt defeated.

Then Sally arrived and walked into the house. She was wearing her business trouser suit. She smiled at me as she was passing the door to the study, but I looked back her blankly, so she stopped in the doorway puzzled, and looked around her.

“No dinner?” she asked. “We getting a takeaway?”

I simply said “We need to talk.”

Her face fell. Those four words meant an argument, and she knew the topic. I had brought it up often enough. She did not want to hear any more. “Caleb I don’t want–”

“Colette rang me today,” I said, cutting across her. “I learned more from her about your problems than I have from you. You told her more than you told me. That’s wrong, Sally, and it rather hurt my feelings, but no matter. It seems you can’t talk to me, and that’s serious.”

I must have looked dejected, for she looked concerned. I gestured to the door, “Why don’t you go and get changed, then come to the study.”

She stared at me for a long moment, as if trying to gauge my feelings, then sighed and left the doorway.

It was hot, so as I expected she came down in a light flowery sundress without tights. I had moved the desk out and now sat behind it.

She came in. “What is it Caleb?” she asked forlornly, obviously expecting the old argument.

“I think you know.” I said, dully.

She stood opposite me across the desk even though there was a chair next to her. I wondered why she chose to stand. Perhaps she didn’t intend to stay. She stared at my face and looked worried. She made as if to speak but I was already talking.

“As I said, Colette rang me today. and after talking to her, I reluctantly realised that we have reached an impasse. Time after time I’ve told you I’ve long since forgiven you completely, but either you refuse to believe it, or can’t accept it. The result is that I’m now in the same position as Bryn Price, as I’ve said before, you are a lodger here: you’ve taken to sleeping in the other bedroom all the time, as you did with him.

“In fact I’m worse off than Price, because you were running back to him, and – don’t deny it – you would have been in his bed that same night, wouldn’t you?”

She now looked more worried and uncomfortable, and was casting about for an honest reply, I was sure, but I continued.

“So it seems you want all the benefits of living here: you want to be back in your own home and close to your friends, but I wonder where I fit in, if at all. Every time I ask you to become a true wife again, you make excuses. You even cut off the hugs and kisses when I complained, and left our bed, to make sure we couldn’t have sex. You don’t talk to me. This is not married life, Sally, and I won’t stand the frustration any more.

“It’s an insult to me, a deep insult. What did I ever do to deserve this? You are frustrating me beyond my capacity to stand it,” I went on. “I can’t live like this.”

She leaned forward, and made as if to speak again, but my gesture silenced her. She fidgeted a little where she stood.

“You told Colleen there was something stopping you. Like a hand pushing you away from me. Well, you would know all about that wouldn’t you? You had months of that in Wales. You told her there was some reserve in me, but there isn’t. It’s all in you and it’s not going away.

“I’ve told you again and again, I’ve forgiven you. That life is over, past and gone. I’ve even found to my surprise that I can trust you completely,” I went on, my voice becoming even softer. “And that’s when you’re now behaving as if you have another lover and don’t need me at all!”

She jumped, “Caleb that’s not–

“That’s what I’m saying: I’m certain you’ve not got a lover – I really do trust you, and I accept the reasons why you were doing what you did, and why you left, all of that. But it’s hopeless. You know you’re forgiven, you know you are trusted, but you won’t accept it or come back to me as a true wife.

“So sadly, I’m beginning to think – no, I’ve accepted, that it will never happen. We will never be truly husband and wife again, and so I think it’s over between us, Sally. Or rather it never really started again for us, not fully, not freely.

“I didn’t go through hell for over a year on your account to get to this. I think we should part. Since you are apparently completely happy living here like this, you can have the house. I’m moving out.”

She sucked in a frightened breath. “No, Caleb, please!” She leant over the desk towards me, an anguished look on her face. “I can’t face that.”

“Then you need to find a way to get over this, you’re the one causing the problem. You said you’re thinking of going back to Masters, but there’s been enough talking, and talking isn’t going to solve it this time. I’ve already got over what you did, but you’ve got to find a way to get over it, and come back to me. But what can you do – I mean what are you able to do? Nothing. So I’m going.”

Now she looked very afraid, indeed terrified. I remembered Colette had said Sally had felt everything had gone her way since she returned, and she felt unworthy of any of it. She told her she didn’t deserve any of it. Well, things weren’t going her way any more. I could see the shock in her eyes at this sudden, for her, development, the life now facing her...

She sank into the nearby chair and sagged. There was long silence as she gazed into space. Then I saw a look of understanding crossing her face. I had ground to a halt, my body mirrored hers, I felt defeated as well. I looked and felt thoroughly vanquished. We had failed.

Then she stood, turned and began to leave the room. Was she running again?

“What–?” I began.

“I know,” she said. I saw a determined light in her eyes, as if she’d found an answer. She didn’t share what she ‘knew’ but walked rapidly out of the door.

“Where are you going?” I called after her retreating back, but she did not answer and I heard her climbing the stairs. What should I do now? I wondered, but I did not get a chance to do anything as she immediately came quickly down again.

She held one of her leather belts in front of her, like an offering, in her hands.

“Caleb, I know now what must be done. I love you so much it hurts, and it hurts even more that I can’t give myself to you. It’s because I am guilty and I’ve not been punished. Thanks to Catherine Masters I just understood something about myself and perhaps it will set me free to be your wife again. Oh God, I hope so; I couldn’t bear to be separated from you again.

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With Gordon lying in hospital, life took on its expected hectic pace during the next weeks. I had two sets of clients to handle. Jenny and Nicola worked their socks off re-arranging my appointments, and Nicola, who had a law degree, helped with conveyancing and research. However, the extra interviews and paper work only I could do, meant I was in the office by seven each morning and didn’t leave until my self-imposed deadline of ten at night. Day after day the routine went on, and it was...

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Bolt of LoveChapter 3 Forgiveness

On the Sunday night, Liz finally got hold of Josh. Neither Josh nor any of Tess' family had come to church, highly unusual for Tess' family. When church had finished, she'd called both of them, and left messages. She'd been very busy in the afternoon, and it was just after dinner that she finally found out that Josh was up at his parent's farm. His mother put him on. "Hi Josh." "Hello". Liz couldn't believe how flat Josh's voice was. "Josh, what's wrong?" "Tess." He went...

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A Guy and his 20 Unforgiven

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As soon as the evil Jinn that had attacked them had exploded, Rashala collapsed in Jake's arms though the glow was still around her. Looking at Gen and Rosalinda Jake was worried, he'd had seen this type of glow before and both times it wasn't exactly connected to a good thing. "We need to get...

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"I loved you." he softly whispered into my ear, his wet lips grazing my ear every syllable. I let my bangs cover my eyes just in case I teared up. "Caleb, I'm sorry, I love you. It was one time I swear." My throat catching on his name. "I believe you, but every time I touch you, I picture Paul touching you first." I took a deep breath, hearing the hurt in his voice. Despite my guilt, the sound of Paul's name made me really wet. I loved Caleb, I really did. But Paul just made my...

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It was late one night, but it’s late every night, pretty close to Christmas I was home alone. I was watching TV when my cell phone went off. It was a girl from school I knew. Her name was Alexis, she was a little shorter than me, weighs 110, her hair is straight, long and black with a streak of blond, was a B size bra and a huge, round, firm ass. I was surprised she was texting me since we hated each other. She used me to get her ex mad, and then called it off with me. So I got her back...

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Chapter 28 Arch Angel Gabriel Forgives Me

After the burdens of learning family heritage truths, William's abandonment and Paul's debasement, it took time to put my shattered self-image back together. Often, I would break down and cry. Instead of being gregarious, I became reclusive. Seeing me so, hubby worried I was having a midlife crisis. I was, due to knowing too much; too much about myself.With Paul’s debasement, I’d learned the dark side of who my secret puppet shadow was. I’d learned about Mom's past; my older brother was the...

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ForgiveChapter 8 Scum Uncovered

Paul drove me to my house even though I’d only started to drink. I was glad I wasn’t drunk and had my wits about me. I was devastated with guilt for what I already put Beth through if Paul was right and she had been drugged. When I got home, I ran through my broken front door and grabbed Beth as we both cried tears of sorrow, of love, of guilt, of forgiveness, of comfort—we had a lot to cry about. Beth and I sat on the couch muttering words of regret and forgiveness as we kissed. Melody...

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The following is a short, romantic, non-erotic story that when I started it I thought it would be a quick stroke piece, but the more I wove the characters in my mind the more I saw this as something that was just simply sweet. I hope you like this tiny light read. ~ Red * The house was quiet, the calm before the storm, some would say. For Natalie and Brian though it was more of a controlled silence. It was only the two of them, tomorrow though things would be different. The house would be...

1 year ago
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Forgiveness Is the Sweetest Revenge

My night's sleep was interrupted at 5 a.m. by the couple next door. Their bed's headboard was banging against my wall; the mattress was squeaking rapidly, and the woman was screaming, "Oh, yes, fuck me!! Fuck me harder! Oh!!! Oh, my God!!! Don't stop!!!" This went on for half an hour. It got me so damn horny, I felt like beating off; but I decided to save it for my wife when she got home. I waited for them to finish because I was enjoying the thought of her getting a royal fucking,...

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Forgiveness Is the Sweetest Revenge

Introduction: Cuckoled husband gets his quiet revenge My wife is a Captain in the Marine Corps, stationed at Parris Island, S.C. Im a sales rep for Hallmark Greeting Cards. My job entails a lot of travel throughout the Southeastern states. Recently, I finished early with my accounts in Savannah, GA, so I thought Id stop at Hilton Head Island for a day of golf since my wife was on weekend duty. I got a room at the Red Roof Inn and joined a threesome for 18 holes. I had a nice dinner and a few...

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None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of the storylines contain adult themes including sex. If you are underage or if this offends, then please go elsewhere. Some elements of this story are based on fact, the...

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Shadowsblade Betrayal and forgiveness

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without! In this part: Rohanna is betrayed and hurt by a person close to her.....but at its end....redemption and forgiveness ---------------------------------------------------------------- As I sat in my room pondering on staying here at Whateley OR if I was going to leave Whateley, OR worse! me jailed or stuck in ARC! Sunday February 18 4:45 am Outskirts of Boston A small chancery of the church A small...

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Forgiveness part one

Forgiveness Leah's Story. By Kyorii. Part 1. This is a stand-alone story in two parts and can be read as such, however to gain full enjoyment from it I would recommend that you read 'The Model maker' and its Prequel 'Trish' first to gain a greater insight as to the past of some of the characters, I hope that you enjoy the story. Chapter 01 Brother. A young woman is sitting at a...

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Finders fee

Danny Andern is dead. He was once the fat cat COO of a Wall Street investment firm. He was also an incorrigible, reckless, fraud. He made millions at the expense of the Western world - all of which he fecklessly squandered on the pleasures of life: drugs, alcohol, women. When the feds finally crippled his business, he had little friends - and even less wealth - to protect him. After pissing away his remaining assets on cheap thrills, Danny found himself living in a van down by the river. Too...

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Findng my way Femdom Cuckold Swinging Creamp

If you like my stories, please subscribe, follow and send a friend request! K----->M (kmclooney)Mike and I had spent the evening with friends having a few drinks at our favorite local bar. It was just an ordinary Saturday night, only, most of our friends tapped out early and it wasn't even midnight yet. When our friend Bill told us that he was headed home to enjoy a few beers on his back porch while the weather was still nice. I remarked that his idea sounded better than sitting in a bar and...

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Findest Du Mich Zu Dick

For some reason, Sophie had always been drawn to Asian men. Growing up in a small town, there were none around, but that didn't stop her from fantasizing. Spending hours watching K-dramas and Japanese anime, she grew to love Asia even more. When college finally rolled around, she decided she wanted to go to a university in Tokyo. Needless to say, her parents weren't thrilled with her packing up and moving around the world. A college in the US was what they wanted, but nothing could stop her....

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FindxpartnerHow To See Ur Friend Naked Pics

People, ever found a small glance of your findxpartner friends bosom while she bent low to choose something up?Ever wanted you could have seen more? Of course..If you have a companion who has relationship a magnificent looker, you would be inclined to imagine about your buddy's attractive time frame undressed too.We want to see it more than ever. But more often than not, possibilities will come banging on your entrance if you can just understand to be on the lookout at the right time.Spending a...

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Findeth a Good Thing

This one of the stories I thought I'd lost when my disk crashed a few months back. I'd just finished it the night before the crash, which was very annoying. As it turned out, I had a printed copy about two versions earlier that was marked up and I also found several fragments as I picked through what I could on the disk. So the story that follows is not exactly the story it would have been had I posted it those few months back. If nothing else it's longer. The usual...

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Pathfinder The Trio

Pathfinder: The Trio Author's note: I've been playing pathfinder in the chat room, and it inspired me to make an adventure of my own ... They were known simply as "the Trio". No one in the little town knew what had brought three such different women together, but they seemed more than capable of handling themselves, and were willing to help the town out against some local bandits - for a price, of course. First, there was small Besh, the gnome sorceress, whose familiar Max...

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Pathfinder The Trio Cave Conversations

Pathfinder: The Trio - Cave Conversations Author's note: Since this is a sequel to "The Trio", you might want to read that one first, if you havent already. Goruza led the way towards the cave, with Emerald behind her leading Champ, her mule, on which Besh (and Max) sat. Finally, they reached the lip of the cave, and entered into it. "It's bigger than I expected," Besh remarked as she jumped off Champ, temporarily dislocating Max in the process. "We should explore it, so we...

1 year ago
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Pathfinder The Trio Two plus one equals

Pathfinder: The Trio: Two plus one equals... Author's note; Guess my muse wasnt quite done with this yet... The next morning, Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah had a bite of breakfast, then searched the cave more. While they looked around Milah told them about how the axe beaks had come into the cave through a tunnel that came out in the fields nearby. "Whoever made this place was pretty busy. I didn't get a chance to do any exploring, but i saw several tunnels while I...

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Pathfinder The Trio Side quest

Pathfinder: The Trio: Side quest (Author's note: you should probably read the previous stories first) It was a new morning in the large town of Fiddler's Vale, and three recent arrivals debate their next move. Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah sat at a small table in the dining area of the inn they had come to the night before, talking as they ate breakfast. Emerald asked Milah, "You've been in this town, where do we go for help in rescuing Besh?" "Well, since it...

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Pathfinder The Trio A trio becomes a quartet plus one

Pathfinder: The Trio: A trio becomes a quartet (plus one) Author's note: Yep, I'm still doing this one. But this might be the last, I dont know. The four adventurers followed the river upstream, slowly gaining elevation as they did so. As the day waned, Goruza and Emerald allowed Star and Champ to graze, while Milah sent her wolf Ajax off into the woods to hunt, and Tamarie went to the river to catch some fish for supper. After everyone had been fed, they began to look for a...

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Pathfinder The siege of Fiddlers Vale

Pathfinder: The Siege of Fiddler's Vale. In loving memory of crazypagangurl, aka Tiffani, who was a great help in getting this one started. Prologue Sometimes, bad things just come out of nowhere. But sometimes, there is a warning. And riding hard towards the town of Fiddler's Vale, a warning is coming... Early in the morning, the gate guards saw three people riding towards the gate. One was tall, and her blindingly white hair could be spotted at a distance as she rode....

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Efindums Complete Short Story Anthology

The Bet I'm down by three points and it's getting tougher and tough to shoot. He's all over me and I'm wearing out. I should never have made this bet with him. He is fast. I can't catch him fairly. I try to get in his way but get bowled over every time. I thought my endurance was high, but he's tapping into reserves that I haven't tapped in years and he's not even looking winded. I can barely stand yet he's barely breaking a sweat. Sometimes I envy him, but tonight I hate his...

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To start with, I would like to say in my defense that the first time I saw "IT", I was running late. I'd just run out of gas, and I really didn't have time to go sight-seeing through some farmer's foul smelling, dark and gloomy barn. Okay, for those of you that must know, "IT" was the rear end of an old, big, black Mercedes. The key point was that's all you could see in the darkened stall, just a big ol' rusty black trunk! However, the way my friend Dan acted you'd have thought he'd...

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Finders FeeChapter 2

Initially I planned to stop on the way home and let them shop for clothing and necessities. You bought a slave with nothing but the tunic on their backs and the little paper slippers they were given, but it was obvious to even an insensitive bastard like me that Tiernay was in no condition to go anywhere. All she did was cry, hold onto Dubois' arm and follow her like a dog on a leash when we moved. It was a decent tube ride back to my place so I herded them into the first unoccupied car at...

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Finders FeeChapter 3

The closest Mars gets to Earth is about ninety million klicks (that's kilometers for the non-military) and since we haven't yet been able to circumvent that pesky speed limit that light travels, that means it takes at least ten minutes to get a message there and back, if the response is instantaneous. We were at about double that distance right then so it would be at least a twenty-minute round trip for the radio beams to take the wonderful news there and back. It doesn't make for an easy...

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Finders FeeChapter 4

After we finished I cleaned up and put everything away. What a laugh! Here I was finally a slave owner three times over and I was still doing all the work! They were sitting around in the common area talking about what they should tell their parents when I finished. In fact we did it right there. Sharon controlled the camera so all they had to do was say what they wanted and she put it in the correct message and after the girls gave her the addresses sent them. Aren't AIs wonderful? "So...

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Finders FeeChapter 5

"I'm bored," I heard from somewhere behind me. I was working in my office at the time tending to a few of the projects I had started before I'd fallen into this brilliant scam with the girls. I suppose I could have postponed them or even quit them altogether but I'd taken them in good faith and I really hate not finishing what I started. Besides I really didn't expect even a generous finder's fee for returning the girls would make me independently wealthy; I'd hoped to live far too...

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