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None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of the storylines contain adult themes including sex. If you are underage or if this offends, then please go elsewhere. Some elements of this story are based on fact, the rest is fiction. Names have been changed to protect the 'guilty'. Forgiveness By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2004 Chapter 1 ? Old Enemies The phone rang. I answered it. It was my sister in law, Georgina, actually my late wife's sister. She had divorced her husband about a year ago which was not long after my wife had died. In reality we did not get on. Actually, it was because my wife and she had a bust up and I, of course, supported my wife and agreed with her reasons at the time. Going further back, though, we were all quite close and had the bust up not happened, who knows where we would have been today. Before I go on further, let me take you back a few years to give you some background to how certain events then were about to influence events now. About ten years ago, my wife caught me at my favourite pastime, cross- dressing. Initially there were the usual recriminations, tears and some of the other things usually associated with an event like this, like: "How long has this been going on?" "Where did you get these clothes?" "Are you gay?" "Do you intend to have a sex change?" And things like that. I told her I wasn't gay and tried to explain that it was a thing I liked to do and regarded it was fairly harmless. I didn't say it was a thing I had to do, which it was. This, I felt was taking things too far. Well after the initial shock was over, the atmosphere was certainly decidedly frosty but we seemed to come to some sort of understanding. At the time my wife was on good terms with her sister, even quite friendly and I was fairly sure she told Georgina about what she had just discovered about me, although nothing was ever said. Well our marriage survived with me promising not to dress again. But as you probably know, once a cross-dresser, always a cross-dresser although I didn't dress again for a considerable spell after my 'promise'. When I started cross-dressing again, as inevitably I would, it was kept very much in the closet. The bust up my wife had with her sister had nothing to do with these events. This happened a few years later and as for the details, I have no intention of going into here. So, back to the present, I was surprised by the voice on the other end of the telephone. Georgina asked if we could meet as she something very important to discuss. I was intrigued and asked her to explain but she wouldn't, only insisting we meet. Well I agreed and we decided to meet on a Friday evening at a 'neutral' venue, actually a hotel close to where Georgina lived. She was sitting at a table in the lounge bar when I walked in. Since we had not been on good terms, my greeting, to say the least, was a bit formal. However, I ordered some drinks and sat down to find out what all the mystery was about. She said, "I'd rather not talk about it here." "Why not?" "It's too important." "Where then?" "Let's finish our drinks and go back to my place." If Georgina had originally suggested we meet at her house, I would have probably said no, but since she had got me this close, it would be silly not to do as she suggested. Anyway, she looked fairly serious when I met her and I was not quite sure how to take it. So we finished our drinks, left the hotel, got into my car and I drove the short distance to Georgina's house with neither of us saying another word. We entered the house and the first thing was more drinks, stiff drinks. It was obvious she was leading up to something but was either too embarrassed to say it or else she was making a drama out of something likely to be rather trivial. To be honest, I was expecting the latter, but I was wrong. When the reason for the meeting eventually came out I was staggered. The best way to explain it is go through the conversation as it happened. It starts with my sister in law. "First, I want to apologise for my behaviour over the past few years." "Why now?" "I realise what a selfish cow I've been." "True." "I'd like to make a fresh start." "Fair enough." "I'd like to make a proposal." "What sort of proposal?" "Without beating about the bush, I would like you to come and stay with me?" "What!" "Like I said, I would like you to come and stay with me?" "Why would I want to do that, especially after all that's gone on?" "I want bygones to be bygones." "So you think you can wipe the slate clean, just like that?" "Can I make a confession?" "If you must." "Well, I've always loved you. When you first went out with my sister, I was so jealous it hurt and that jealousy has stayed with me throughout yours and my married lives. You could have had me at any time if you wanted. But now that things have changed, it was really now or never if I was ever going to confess this. You were the love of my life then and you're still the love of my life." "I can't believe this." "It's true." "I can't take this in." "I can assure you it is definitely true." "But do you think I feel the same about you?" "I don't know but I'm hoping there's something there and I think in the past there was." "But why this idea of sharing?" "Well, to be absolutely practical, if we did share, we could save a lot of money." "I suppose if you're being practical." "So, will you give it a try?" "No, I don't think so." "Okay. I thought you might say that. I haven't told you the whole story." "Go on." "When I said I loved you, that's true enough, but I've changed over the years in other ways." "I'm listening." "Well, I suppose I've always been slightly bisexual. When I was younger, I was only interested in men, sexually that is. But as I have got older, this has changed to being more interested in women." "So what's that got to do with me?" "Well, I know your big secret." "What are you getting at?" "Well, remember a few years ago, when you were caught?" "Oh, I see, it's going to be blackmail is it?" "No it's not like that at all. I want you to move in with me, not because you're being forced to, but because you want to, as my friend, my female friend, if you want to that is." At this point, you could have knocked me over with a feather. Yes, of course I was a cross-dresser. I was a cross-dresser when I was caught all these years ago and I'm a cross-dresser now. That was something that was never going to change. Since my wife had died, I can cross-dress whenever and as often as I want, which I do. Nowadays, I always keep my chest, legs and arms free of hair. I did realise, however, though that the future looked lonely as the possibility of a relationship with another woman who was at ease with their partner's cross-dressing habit would be nigh on impossible. To get back to the conversation with my sister in law, she continued, "Well?" "I don't know what to say." "Look, I've done some research and I know, once a cross-dresser always a cross-dresser and I know you're never going to change. So in many ways this suits me as well because despite all my feelings past and present, I'm still in love with you. So what I'm offering is for you to live the way you really want to and me to hopefully get the person I want as well. If, someday you want to take things even further, I'll support you all the way." "Can I have another drink, please?" "Of course." Georgina rose from her chair and went to prepare fresh drinks. I just sat there in a daze. I had no idea until now about her feelings for me or her feelings about her own sexuality, but I knew what she was saying was logically correct. I had to consider what was the next step and its consequences. Too much water had passed under the bridge just to agree, although I knew deep within myself, there was something there. There always had been. Georgina returned with the drinks, I took the one offered to me and took a gulp. Again she said, "Well?" "I'll have to think about it." What an excuse. This was a delaying tactic on my part, and she knew it. So she started to tighten the screw. "Look, I'll make this as plain as I can. I want to see you as a woman, part time, full time, whatever you want, with me as your friend and hopefully someday, your lover. I want to see you wearing nice lingerie, in skirts or dresses, in stockings and high heels. Oh and by the way, my wedding dress is also waiting, just for you." Now, she was really pushing the right buttons. She had me, I knew it and she knew it. My answer came in a small voice, "Yes." She kissed me on the cheek and said, "You don't know how happy you've made me and I think you'll be happy too. In the meantime I think you should stay here tonight. You're in no state to drive home with all the drink you've had. So, tonight you can sleep in the spare room and just let's take things one step at a time." "That's fine by me." Georgina left the lounge for a few minutes saying she was just going to sort out the bed in the spare room and get me something to wear. When she returned, she said, "All ready." I got to my feet and made my way to bed and as I passed Georgina, she whispered, "Thank you." Lying on the bed was a long red satin nightdress and negligee. I need say no more as to what I wore in bed that night. Chapter 2 ? New Friends To go back a few steps, Georgina is not the sort of person you would call ultra feminine. In fact she might be described as slightly masculine. Some might even say slightly butch, but that's a way I would never describe her. Mind you, in all the years I have known her; I have very rarely seen her wear a skirt or dress. Actually, the only dress I've ever seen her wearing was her wedding dress on her wedding day. She always seems to wear trousers. This is perhaps where she tends to get her description of being slightly masculine. To top it all (pardon the pun) she wears her hair very short, again almost a male style. I suppose thinking about it, it was a bit of surprise when she produced the nightdress I wore that night, but she probably has lots more girly things. What you see on the outside may hide a completely different person underneath. When I appeared at breakfast next morning still in my newly acquired nightdress and negligee, Georgina was there in her nightwear, shorts and a tee-shirt. She asked me if I liked the nightdress. I replied I had and she went on to explain that it was a gift from her ex husband and it was not something she would have chosen herself and as far as she was concerned, it was mine now. I asked her if she liked it at all. She said no and that she had a few other things that were gifts she didn't care for and would pass them on to me, if I wanted. So my first assumption about the sort of underwear that Georgina might wear was wrong. She did not hide girly secrets under her outer fa?ade. The conversation eventually got round to what to do next. Georgina said, "After last night, do you still want to go on with this?" "Yes, but only if you're still keen?" I replied. "Of course and might I make a suggestion?" "Go on." "Why don't you go back to your place so that you can pick up some of you clothes, your girly clothes that is, come back here and spend the rest of the weekend together getting to know each other?" "I don't know if you know that I work from home nowadays so it could be a bit longer if you wish." "How long?" "It's up to you." "OK, how about a couple of weeks?" "Yes, that would be good." "Great, two weeks it is then." I had no idea what might have been a suitable period, anyway by letting Georgina make the decision as to how long I stay, she had effectively decided how long I stayed as my female self. I wasn't sure whether Georgina wanted to come with me so I asked, "Are you coming back with me?" "No I'm sorry I can't, I've some business I need to attend to, What I was thinking though, while you are at your place, why don't you dress as your alter ego and drive back here en femme?" "I don't know. I've never gone out dressed." "There's always a first time. Anyway you can wait until its dark before you drive back here. Oh, and by the way, you've never said what your female name is?" "Okay, it's about time I took this a step further and as you say, there's a first time for everything and my name is Andrea." Little did I know what was going through Georgina's head. As far as she was concerned she wanted me to take huge leaps. She was determined to get me into skirts and keep me that way from the start. But at this moment in time all I could see was a supportive person where many would call my "pastime" a perversion. "Let's go and get showered and dressed. I'm sure I can find you a clean pair of panties to wear." That's what happened and the panties produced for me were satin French knickers, another one of her gifts as Georgina explained. After dressing, including my newly acquired French knickers under my male clothes, I bade Georgina goodbye and drove back to my house. The thoughts going through my head included things like how brilliant it was I had found someone sympathetic to my needs and desires. All the animosities of the previous years seemed to have disappeared literally overnight. On arrival, my first thought was I must dress and become Andrea, my alter ego. I would dress first, have something to eat then pack some of Andrea's clothes for her return journey. By that time it should be beginning to get dark. So first the dressing. I thought, nothing flamboyant, something fairly modest but feminine. So I opted for one of my black skirts, about knee length, white top, black stockings, black high heels and the usual accessories, like my wig, a single string of pearls and my ladies wrist watch. I took another shave before applying my makeup. These days I was quite adept at applying my makeup quickly and effectively. I left the French knickers I had been gifted earlier but added a white bra along with my breastforms, a white suspender belt, black stockings and a white full slip before putting on my skirt and top. Lastly on went my shoes, I checked I looked reasonable in the mirror before my debut. This was also an opportunity to use my new handbag ? yes I had bought a handbag sometime ago. When I was going to use it I had no idea but it was one of those things bought on a whim, the logic being all women have handbags so I should have one as well. So in went my lipstick, compact and some tissues. I transferred my money and credit cards from my wallet into my new purse ? yes, I had one of these as well for the same reasoning as the handbag. I also put in my handbag some panty pads, the rest of the pack would also go in the things I was taking. You may ask, why did I need panty pads? Well, it's just one of those things. I tried them once and liked the feeling and the sense of security they gave me especially when wearing flimsy panties, I've just carried on. They also have some hygienic benefits as well and now Andrea wears them all the time. My now empty wallet would be packed with the rest of the things I was taking. There was no way I was going into this without some contingency. I was nervous, there was no denying it. Having dressed like this many times before, this was the first time someone else would see me apart from the time my late wife caught me. I said I would have something to eat, but really I was too nervous. I just nibbled at the sandwich I had made for myself. So next was packing some things together. I started with one suitcase but soon I needed two, because I listed of the things I actually packed. Much of my collection of panties, of various colours and styles, all frilly or lacy, nothing plain, because I don't own any plain panties. Two white, two black and one red under-wired bras all with lace trim. Also included was a soft cup bra which I wear under my nightdress which I call my sleep bra. Suspender belts to match the colour of my bras. A couple of my long satin nightdresses and matching negligees. Several pairs of tights (pantyhose) mainly black and several pairs of stockings, again mainly black. Although I wear stockings and suspenders most of the time, occasionally I wear pantyhose, especially the firm control style. A white corselette which again I like the support and control it offers. Various skirts in different lengths, styles and colours. Three dresses including my little black dress. Shoes became a problem because I like shoes and I've got lots, all high heeled but of different heights and styles. Apart from the pair I was wearing, I decided on a pair with a two inch heel and a pair of sandals with a three inch heel. Before I knew it, I was also including a pair of boots as well. The other stuff I packed included my makeup, perfume, toiletries and hair brushes. I also packed some adhesive for my breastforms. Although I don't normally stick them in place there have been the occasions when I've decided I want to be Andrea for a few days continuously and I've done this. I put in some male clothes as well, this was my contingency if things didn't work out. There was no saying at this point whether Georgina would like the female version of me. It may just being a passing fancy on her part and I might have to stay most of the time dressed as my male self. Last but not least, I packed my supply of panty pads. I thought I should have enough clothes, more than enough for my stay, but as they say a girl can't have too many clothes. Because I've always been an indoor cross-dresser, I didn't own a jacket or coat for going outside, even although I did own a handbag. This could work to my advantage since I had an excuse not to go outside. I know I was going to drive to Georgina's house as Andrea but I could get away with that. It was now getting dark, I looked out the window to see if there was anyone around, opened the front door and quickly put my luggage in the car. It was only then I really felt exposed as the cold air blew up under my skirt and around my stocking tops. I shivered, not from the cold, but from the pure and unexpected pleasure this gave me. However I could not dwell on this because I was feeling really vulnerable outside en femme, so back into the house I went to check everything was off that needed to be off, again checked to see if the coast was clear, out the front door and locking it behind me and into the relative safety of the car. Seat belt on, engine started and I was off. This was Andrea's first time in the car and it was exhilarating. There I was, a cross-dresser out for the first time and all people would see is a car driven by a woman. Chapter 3 ? New Start I enjoyed the drive as Andrea and hoped I would be able to it again. My greatest fear now was would Georgina like what she saw or would she find this one big joke and insult me accordingly. I stopped outside Georgina's house, switched off the engine and just sat there wondering what to do next. Georgina had heard the car, saw it was me returning and came out of her house towards me sitting in the car. She opened the driver's door; I was startled because I never saw her coming. She said, "Who have we here then?" When I saw it was her I was relieved to say the least. I said nothing. She said, "Come on, you can't sit here. Come inside and let me have a look at you." I carefully swung my legs out together, as any woman should do, and got out of the car. There was that feeling of vulnerability again and the cold air blowing up my skirt and around my stocking tops. However, this time I was not alone. Georgina said, "Quickly, come inside." This I did walking as quickly as I could in my high heels, hearing them click on the concrete. I would fetch my luggage in later. Once in the house and in the lounge, Georgina looked at me closely, went round me like an animal staking its prey and said nothing. I was beginning to worry, thinking she was going to laugh out loud or something. Instead she said, "You look good, in fact very good. If I didn't now better, I would say you were a woman." Almost imperceptibly Georgina then said, "This is going to be easier than I thought." I heard her say this and asked her what she meant by it. "Just that you're more like a woman than I realized and you can act like a woman as well. Your mannerisms are female when you're dressed like you are now, that's all." Eventually, after regaining my confidence about going outside, Georgina and I fetched my luggage from my car. There was a slightly sarcastic comment about the amount of luggage I had brought, but it was meant only in fun, I think. Georgina had made up the spare room for me. She had also made wardrobe space for my things. On the top of the bed was a cardboard box to which Georgina said it was full of the stuff her ex husband had bought for her to wear, but she had refused. So this stuff was brand new and unworn. Georgina asked me to have a look through the box and keep anything I fancied. I was being allowed to settle in gently, there being no pressure being put on me to rush into anything, thus the spare room. I was glad of this because there was still part of me holding back, not wanting to commit myself fully. Actually, Georgina left me to unpack and freshen up while she went about preparing a meal. I was fascinated by the possible contents of this cardboard box lying on my bed, so before I even unpacked, I tipped the contents of the box on to the bed. The treasure trove of girly things that greeted my eyes was delightful. The panties were French cut in white, black and red with lots of lace of lace trim. The bras matched the colour and the lace trim of the panties. To complete each set of matching bras and panties, there was a matching suspender belt. I found two basques, one white and one black. All this stuff was the best quality, much better than the things I owned, so I think you can guess, none of this stuff was going back in the cardboard box. It was going in my lingerie drawer. That was not all that I found. There were nightdresses, long and short and all satin material trimmed with lace. There were slips and stockings still in their original packaging. All of this was going the same way as my newly acquired bras, panties and suspender belts. So the entire contents of the cardboard box were now mine. As I said it was all good quality and all in all, Georgina's ex husband must have spent a great deal of money trying to get her to wear more feminine clothes with ultimately, no success. "I take you've found some things you like," Georgina said standing in the bedroom doorway. I had not heard her and was slightly startled when she spoke. "It looks like you've taken almost everything." "Well? yes." "Good, I'm glad all these things are going to someone who will appreciate them and of course wear them." "Thank you," was all I could say. I knew Georgina had now progressed further down the road to establishing a relationship between her and me and I was letting it happen. My reasoning was here was someone who was actively encouraging my cross-dressing by supplying me with more female clothing. I got the impression as well, she wanted me to take it even further, to what extent, I had no idea at this time. Georgina continued, "Dinner's ready." I replied, "Should I change?" "Only if you want to change into another skirt or dress. You're fine as you are." Just for a moment she hesitated and responded further with a tirade I was not expecting, "I hope you weren't thinking for one minute you were going to change back into men's clothes, were you? While you're here, you're Andrea and that's the way it stays. There's no place for a man here." Well I wasn't expecting that but it just confirmed what I thought earlier, Georgina wanted me as a woman. To cover my tracks, of course, I replied, "I meant change into a dress." "Sorry," Georgina said. Even if I had thought about changing back to my male self, there was no way I was going to admit it, was I? Just like a woman, you could say. The meal was simple, we ate and we chatted about nothing in particular. I felt Georgina was trying to change the subject on to weightier matters but at this time I was in no mood and (pardon the pun) skirted round the issue. The only thing I was interested in was when Georgina asked my opinion of the stuff that had been left in my room for me to wear if I wanted. She already knew my answer. Georgina said that was not all the things she had been given in an attempt to make her more girly. There were some dresses, skirts and blouses which were mine if I wanted. Without even seeing them, I replied in the affirmative. Georgina also teased me saying, once again, her wedding dress was waiting for me to wear. After the meal, we tidied up, had coffee and a couple of brandies and it was late. Georgina, again made no advances or put me under any pressure to create a relationship which still suited me. We made our way to our respective bedrooms, I changed in my long red satin nightdress and I presumed Georgina changed into her unflattering shorts and tee-shirt. Chapter 4 ? New Days Before I appeared before Georgina the next morning, I made sure I looked reasonably feminine. That meant having a close shave. This I did and although I resented it, I had to do it especially when I was in femme mode. It just had to be done. I brushed my hair, gave my self a dab of perfume, slipped on my negligee and made my way to the kitchen. Georgina was there already and greeted me with "Good morning Andrea, sleep well?" "Yes, thank you." "I have a few things planned for today, so I hope you're going to wear something pretty." "Why?" "Well, I like you looking feminine." "You're not joking, I hope?" feeling just a little unsure. "No, on the contrary, when I saw you for the first time as Andrea, I thought it really suited you. Perhaps you should have been born as Andrea. The bottom line is, I like you looking that way and I really would like you to stay that way all the time." So this is where I stood ? as long as I was here with Georgina, I was Andrea and that was that. Personally this suited me because, the longer I was in female clothes, the better. So I got ready for the new day as Andrea by showering and getting dressed. Today, I decided to wear a fairly thin dress, essentially black with a gold pattern. The skirt of the dress was straight and came down to mid calf. The dress top was sleeveless and zipped up the back so I would also wear my white cardigan. Underwear all in black, bra, lace panties, suspender belt, black stockings and my black high heeled sandals were chosen to complete my outfit. The usual accessories were added, watch, jewellery including rings, necklace and earrings. As I looked in the full length mirror, and because the daylight was behind me, I realised that this dress I was wearing was almost see-through. "Oh oh," I thought to myself, "Better so something about this." So it was off with the dress, locate my black full slip, on with the slip and finally, back on with the dress again. "That's better," I now thought, looking at myself in the mirror. There was no point in giving people the wrong idea. I spent my usual amount of time getting my makeup just right and finished it all off with some of my favourite perfume. Georgina was full of complements when she saw me. I realised now Andrea was full time. The idea that I could dress as Andrea occasionally if I wanted when she first suggested I moved in was a myth. However I was enjoying myself too much as Andrea, being able to dress all girly with someone's complete approval, I couldn't see the signs. Georgina was dressed in her usual manner, trousers and a shirt and with her short hair and small bust; she was looking more like a man each day. She didn't need to wear a bra because she has very little 'up top' and that's what she did. Now that we were both ready, she said, "Right, let's get going." "Get going where?" I responded rather alarmed. "Out of course." "What do you mean out? I can't go out like this, not in daylight." "Of course you can. You would think you were a vampire or something, the way you're talking." "You know what I mean." "Look, don't be afraid. All I was thinking was we could go out in my car for a drive and allow you to get used to being Andrea, even outside. You don't even need to get out of the car, not until you get a bit more confidence, that is. When you're ready, we could go for a walk but only in places where it is really quiet to start with." "Well I suppose that might be all right," not actually hearing the last three words that Georgina had said. "You have to get used to being Andrea." "Why?" "Because you need to and want to." It was a warm day, for the time of year and when I was coaxed out, I was so full of apprehension, even going from the front door to Georgina's car. There were people around, but no one gave any notice. This boosted my confidence a little. The next stop was a wooded park. There we took a walk and again no one took any notice. The thing I took notice of was the feeling of the gentle breeze up my dress and around my stocking tops. You just don't get a feeling like that wearing trousers. So it seemed I gave the impression to the world around me I was a woman. I was never 'read' once in all our excursions outside. I think I was now about ready to face the world as Andrea with confidence. This pleased me enormously. So the days of my two week stay passed with Georgina and every day my desire to stay as Andrea was getting stronger and stronger. Throughout my stay, Georgina never once put any pressure on me sexually. It was as if she was trying to get me to be confident and comfortable in my new role as Andrea. Usually in the evening when we had dinner, we would talk, usually generalities, over a bottle of wine. Up to that point we hadn't really brought up anything about the future, where we should go and what we should do. So, it was inevitable that one evening talk of the future would be brought up. It was one of those conversations I hadn't really relished starting. Georgina took the initiative on this occasion and once we got started, it became easier to say what we were thinking. So that night we talked and talked, about ourselves, about each other, about our hopes and dreams. It became clear to me how Georgina had loved me for all these years and now the way I presented myself as Andrea renewed this love in an even stronger way. For my part, the animosity that had built up over the years was gone and now that spark of something that had lain dormant had been rekindled. I knew this was the place I had to be and I was with the person who I was meant to be with. We made plans for the future. The suggestion about me moving in permanently was raised. This time I had no apprehension about moving in because this had several advantages namely; Georgina owned her house whereas I rented mine, having sold up when my wife died. So all I had to do was give the landlord the agreed period of notice and I was out. We agreed I would start the ball rolling on this in the morning. I knew I would have to revert back to being Andrew while I moved my stuff out, but I considered that a small price to pay. And so it was done. I gave my landlord the necessary notice to quit and after a few trips back and forth to Georgina's place, I had moved in. All of this activity was done in the guise of Andrew on the outside at least because I always wore women's underwear. In fact as part of the move, I threw out all of my male underwear so now I had to wear panties all the time. Whenever I returned to my new home for the night during the move, I always reverted quickly back to Andrea. The deed was done; my new address had been given out to all that needed to know. I was still to be addressed as Andrew because right at that moment in time it was far too complicated to tell people that I had suddenly changed my name to Andrea. But Andrea I was now because I was back in skirts and dresses much to my relief. Although I had packed and moved all my male clothes, all that happened to them was they were put into plastic bags and dumped in the garage. All my female clothes were hung in my wardrobe or put into drawers. Chapter 5 ? Dinner for Two Tonight Georgina said she would like me to wear something special for dinner. I responded by saying she knew all the clothes I had, so it would have to be something from that. Apparently not, Georgina still had a few things from her past she had given to me when I arrived. She disappeared for a few moments and when she returned, she asked me to try on the dress that was now lying on my bed. This dress Georgina produced for me was in blue satin and what is apparently called a cheongsam, which is essentially a Chinese style dress. It was made of silk and was absolutely gorgeous to the touch. It was essentially the same length as the dress I had been wearing earlier in the day, but this dress was tighter and more restrictive to movement. To complement it, Georgina suggested I wear a basque from my newly acquired underwear collection, which I did. Beautiful underwear like this deserved beautiful stockings. Again from my newly acquired collection, I found the sheerest, silkiest pair of black stockings with seams and lace tops. So with the restriction imposed by the tightness of my dress and the care I needed with walking in my high heeled sandals, I was in seventh heaven. Georgina left me admiring myself saying she had to change before dinner. I just mumbled something in acknowledgement. When I saw Georgina after she had changed, she looked more like a man than a woman. It looked like she was wearing a man's shirt and trousers, but I thought it was probably a plain ladies shirt. But, when I looked a bit closer at the shirt, I noticed by the way the buttons fastened, it was indeed a man's shirt. I said nothing. I was in no position to say anything considering the way I was dressed. Georgina ushered me into the dining room where she held back the chair for me to sit before she poured me a glass of wine. It was almost as if she was acting like the perfect gentleman. She served me dinner, topped up my wine glass, in fact treated me like a lady. After the meal she insisted I went through to the lounge and made myself comfortable while she tidied up in the kitchen. I usually helped her with these chores. Anyway, I did as she suggested and made myself comfortable on the settee. After finishing in the kitchen, Georgina came through into the lounge and sat down beside me. She put her right arm around me and drew me closer to her and before I knew it she was kissing me squarely on the lips. I was surprised to say the least but not resistant to her advances. We kissed deeply and passionately. With her free left hand, Georgina took my right hand and guided it over her crotch. She brought my hand down on to her crotch and suddenly I felt something long and hard between her legs. My first reaction was to pull my hand away but Georgina guided it back to the spot. Gingerly I let my hand rest on this hard, alien object hidden in Georgina's trousers. Georgina broke our kissing session and whispered in my ear, "Why don't you open the package and see the gift inside?" So, with a shaking hand, I slowly unzipped Georgina's trousers thinking just for a moment that Georgina might actually be a man, but when the object was revealed as it poked out the mans boxer shorts she was also wearing, I saw was made of rubber. She was wearing a strap on dildo. In fact as I discovered later, she was wearing a double headed dildo strap and one end was already up inside her. I was somewhat apprehensive at what was likely to happen but at the same time, very excited. Georgina whispered to me again, "Why don't you kiss your new friend?" With her right arm, which was already round my shoulder, she guided my head down to her crotch and the head of the dildo. Let's be honest, I didn't need much persuasion to kiss its tip and start to put my lips around it. Physically I was a slightly awkward position, so I rolled off the settee, on to my knees and positioned between Georgina's legs, now I could really worship my new friend. I was on my knees and had just started by kissing this new found thing between Georgina's legs when she said, "Are you a virgin?" Not really understanding what she was saying, I replied rather indignantly, "No, of course not." This was not what she was meaning, of course. She repeated the question, but this time making it clear what she meant. "Are you a virgin, as a woman?" I felt myself blushing realising precisely what she now meant. Replying in a small voice, I said, "Yes." "Well," Georgina said, "a woman of your age should not be a virgin. I think it's time I did something about it." I knew now exactly what she meant and although apprehensive, I knew I had to go through with what might come because I was feeling more and more feminine and this was a rite of passage. Georgina put her hand under my chin and lifted my head and said, "Come with me." She rose from the settee, fastened her trousers and put a hand out for me to take. I rose to my feet awkwardly and followed her, hand in hand to her bedroom. She stopped at the bottom of the bed, turned me to face her, put her hands on my shoulders beckoning me down on to my knees. I knew exactly what I must do. I unfastened her trousers and let them fall to the ground. She kicked off the shoes she was wearing and removed her trousers completely. Georgina now stood in boxer shorts and a shirt with her new cock poking out from the flies of her boxers. I on the other hand was in a tight dress, feeling extremely feminine and on my knees becoming more submissive as every minute went by. Georgina sat on the end of the bed and I took the dildo fully in my mouth and began to suck. My movements on the dildo were having a profound effect on Georgina as the part of the dildo inside her was moving up and down. You could almost say, if she was a man getting his cock sucked, this would be the reaction. She came within a few minutes. I was in danger of coming as well as my male part was reacting to the erotic nature of the scene we found ourselves in. When she had recovered sufficiently, she again put her hand under my chin to lift my mouth off her cock. She stood up and beckoned me to stand up, kissed me on the lips and undid my dress. My dress fell to the floor and I stood there in my basque, panties and black stockings. She eased my panties down. I stepped out of them as well as kicking off my high heeled sandals. She had me lie in my back while she rolled on a condom followed by a generous application of lubricant on to her cock. Crawling on to the bed, Georgina pushed my legs apart and hooked her arms underneath each one. As she came close, she pushed my legs up further until she lay between my them and her cock lined up to its intended target .A gentle push, a sharp pain on my part and it was home. The pain subsided, I felt filled, I felt fulfilled. I felt I was becoming a proper woman at long last. So we had consummated our relationship and Andrea was no longer a virgin. I was now invited to share Georgina's bed which I did from then on but I always had to wear the most feminine nightwear. I wasn't complaining. Chapter 6 ? The Wedding Dress From what I remembered, Georgina's wedding dress was cream in colour and had a straight skirt. When she showed it to me, I was indeed correct. Georgina said that the dress, that apart from fittings, had been worn once, that once being her wedding day, cleaned and put into storage till now. She wanted me to try it on. First she wanted me to try it on to see if it fitted, so I took off my skirt, top and slip. I now stood wearing a black bra, black lace panties, a black suspender belt and black stockings. I was about to suggest, I change my underwear and stockings but Georgina said no, this was just a fitting. Yes, it did fit, but it was tight around the waist, I thought it might have to let out a little but Georgina said no. She said she had the remedy, I didn't know what at that time. Georgina being satisfied with the fitting said, "Tonight I would like you to wear my, I mean your wedding dress. I have all the accessories including the special underwear you will need." "Why?" "It's a surprise, all I will say is it is a form of promise." Now I was really intrigued. In the early evening, Georgina suggested it was time to get ready, so to start with, I had a shower and a shave. My breastforms were stuck on, so they were in effect a part of my body. On completion, I slipped on my dressing gown and went into our bedroom. On entry I saw that Georgina had hung the wedding dress on the wardrobe door and laid out the special underwear. I now saw what was meant by the special underwear. It was a white boned corset complete with suspenders along with white bridal panties, white bridal stockings and white shoes. Georgina asked me to slip off my dressing gown ? so now I looked like a woman with a penis, a she-male if you like. Georgina handed me a strange looking garment made of latex and was flesh toned. The front of this garment looked like a woman's vagina. That is exactly what this was ? a false vagina. I put it on and guided my penis into the correct position. When it was on it was quite a good match to my skin tone and if you didn't look too close, I looked like a naked woman. "So, what do you think?" Georgina said. "I like it," I replied. "Good, let's get the rest of you dressed." My ensemble was to be that of a bride. First it was the panties, white bridal panties with lashings of lace followed by the corset. I realised that's why Georgina wasn't too worried about the fit of the dress. If the dress was a bit tight then, after I had been laced into what was now before me, the dress would fit just fine. And laced in I was. It was tight, I could hardly breathe, but with my breastforms nestling nicely in the bra cups of the corset, I now had a nice womanly figure. There was no way I could bend so Georgina had to put my white bridal stockings on me by rolling them gently up my legs and clipping them to the suspender straps. The final touch was a frilly garter rolled up my leg. Makeup was next and this was something I could do and do well. It was the underskirt for the dress next followed by the dress itself. I stood and stepped into this divine item as Georgina pulled it up, first over my legs and then up and over my body. I slipped my arms through and Georgina started to fasten the buttons on the rear. This dress fitted me now. I stepped into the white shoes which by magic also fitted me. I sat by the dressing table while Georgina fixed my hair, head dress and veil. I was ready. I was a bride. I stood and looked at myself in the full length mirror. I was in heaven. Georgina left me admiring myself saying it was her turn to get ready. She appeared about a half hour later, dressed to all intents and purposes like a man in formal attire. I looked at her and said, "I presume it is George then?" "Yes," she replied. So there we had it, I was the bride and George (Georgina) was the groom for what, I wasn't quite sure. I was led into the lounge where Georgina said, "I feel I would like to make some form of commitment to ourselves with our type of relationship, if you agree, that is." "Is this really necessary?" I responded. "Yes, I think it is and I would like to do this." "Then we shall." This ceremony, if you could call it that, turned out to be nothing really formal. We said a few words to each other stating our commitment to each other and that was about it. I think it was an excuse by Georgina to get me into her wedding dress, or my wedding dress, as she put it. She had already said as much. The last thing Georgina did at the end of this mock wedding really floored me. She handed me an envelope and said, "I have a gift for you, a gift to seal our commitment to each other." "But I have nothing for you," I replied. "By accepting this, you will have given me the gift I want." Now I was intrigued. What was in this envelope, Georgina had just handed to me? Georgina said, "Before you open the envelope, I must explain something about the contents. If you accept this, then I will know our relationship is strong and secure." Now I was really intrigued. What on earth was in this envelope? There was only one way to find out. I ripped open the envelope and removed the piece of paper inside. It was a letter from a private hospital. It said in this letter the feminization procedures for the person named, which was me, was approved subject to consultation, medical examination and other tests. This was the last thing I expected. I knew Georgina was keen on me being as female as possible, but this completely threw me. To be honest, I was not sure how to react. One part of me was saying no, this is going too far. Another part of me was saying yes, because it is the ambition of women like me to have a nice pair of breasts, real breasts. "Please say yes," pleaded Georgina. Chapter 7 ? Today I open my eyes slowly; I am in a bed. The light from the window is too bright making me screw up my eyes. I feel half asleep, groggy and as my eyes get used to the bright light, I see a figure sitting by my bed, out of focus, eventually becoming clear. It is Georgina. She sees I am waking and says quietly, "Don't try to speak, just yet." Georgina turns her head away from me and says in a louder voice, "Nurse, she's awake." "Where am I?" "What has happened?" "Why does my chest feel heavy?" "Have I been in an accident or something with this reference to nurse?" "Who is she? I'm a he." Then it begins to come back. Now I remember. Yes I am in hospital and I'm coming round from surgery. Now I have to ask myself another set of questions. "What are my new breasts like?" "Will I pass as a woman without any problems? Because that is what I came here to become." The End

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Fun with sister and friend

Dear Friends I wish all of ISS readers. And I am Raju from Hyderabad. I am very happy to narrate my Incest sexy stories heare.My and my friend Nitesh were very close friends. We are hearing everything.Including sexy matures also. Several times we are changed our girlfriends. And both love ISS stories.Exspeciolly Incest stories. This incident happened ten years back. One day Nitesh proposal me have a fun with our sister suji.she is 23 years old. I am not surprised. Because I know One day this...

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The Wishmaker A Dark Fairy Tale

The Wish Maker: A Dark Fairy Tale By Mother Kali Once in a land far away, there lived an extremely old woman who was called, not very imaginatively, "The Old Mother." This old lady lived by herself in a cottage at the very edge of the known world. She had been alive longer than even she could remember. Her face was as brown as tanned leather and deeply lined from all the time she spent in the sun. She was stooped and a little shriveled with age. She wore a plain black dress...

2 years ago
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Mother Son india

Rajiv was only 19 years old. Rajiv's father name was Dipak and rich businessman in city. His mother Rupa was the house wife. Rupa was 39 years old now. She was a modern up-to-date free lady, regularly visit to clubs and gim. Rupa like to dress very conservatively. She understood the modern concept of sex and liked it better. Her husband Dipak was busy most of the time with his business, cannot give much time to his wife. Rupa was happy, but her sexual life was far from what she desires. As a...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e12 Kaye 38 former teacher from York

Series 3, Episode 12: Kaye It’s picture postcard, travelogue time again as we take in a montage of the historical town of York. The old wall that wraps around the city center, the train museum celebrating the earliest days of steam, and finally the Jorvik Viking Centre, a museum celebrating the historical attacks on the city by the Viking hordes from over the North Sea. We’re in the museum on the pretense of shooting a documentary about barbarians. We’re watching a slim woman, approaching...

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The Little Purple Dress Part III

The water in the tub was beginning to get a little cool, so we got out and dried off. I dried your back and you did mine. Of course, there was a little friendly play with private parts as we dried off, but it was fun and we laughed at each other. When we were as dry as we were going to get I took our wine glasses to the kitchen for a refill while you headed to the bedroom to find something appropriate to wear. I suggested that nothing would be appropriate, but you insisted that at least a...

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Cult of SexualityPart 4

The next morning, Steven prepared to go to work. He told me that he worked as an electronics salesman, but was going to quit his job. It was 7am and the others were still either sleeping or had already left for work. He told me he’d be back around 6pm. I was missing him already. “Does that mean I won’t see you all day?” I asked. “I’m afraid so,” he replied. “But I want to want to have sex with you,” I said as I stroked his middle finger. “I can’t fuck you all day,” he said smiling. “I really...

Straight Sex
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My husband handed me a little slip of paper almost as soon as we took our coats off and sat down. The paper just said "bra", which was easy enough, but we hadn't even ordered yet. There wasn't really anyone seated near us. I could slip my bra off pretty easily, but I didn't want the waitress to show up at the wrong time.So I stood up, and took my bag with me. The bathrooms were on the other side of the restaurant. He had waved a twenty at the waitress while we were being seated, and asked...

1 year ago
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Neighbours part 8

I was working from home one Friday when Sarah breezed in and said “Hi Tom, are you busy?” “Hi Sarah, not really seen you since your party, how are you doing? Shouldn’t you be at school today?” “No it’s OK, the school is shut today so we get extra time off. Thanks for coming to my party, didn’t you think it was great? Everyone there just for me and trying to make my party so good for me!” It was then, looking into those sparkling wide eyes that I was reminded again just how young Sarah...

4 years ago
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Dr Riley

He had fantasized about his patients before. Being a good looking doctor in a small town had its privileges, after all. His favorites were the innocent ones—sweet, firm, with untouched bodies that would be oh so responsive. But his prize was Lorelai. He had been her family doctor for years. Lorelai had a shy disposition, but her face always held a sweet smile for him. She’d come to him for regular check-ups over the years, as well as the occasional injury from her various...

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I had known Harriet for a few months, every since I took early retirement and moved to this beautiful, remote, rural spot in North Florida. She had a trailer too, but it was much larger and nicer than mine and situated on a piece of property that must have been at least double my five acres. She had been a casual acquaintance, as neighbors often are, until she had a problem with her car and I offered to take her somewhere if she needed. She took me up on it one Thursday and had me drop her at...

2 years ago
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My Son RichardChapter 5

“Hey Beautiful, ready to go shopping?” Practically woke me up. Pulling myself together, I said, “How was the movie, kids?” “It was so romantic,” Jeri said. “I cried all the way through it.” “It is that,” I said standing up, as I saw Jeri heading upstairs. Richard came over to me, and said, in a hushed tone, “Mom, I had seen it before, but I knew that my sister hadn’t. She hugged me during the entire movie, I could barely move. In case you were worried, nothing happened, except for a...

2 years ago
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Please Give me Something to Remember you by greatest generationChapter 5

Mary worried about Laura Cross when she told her that she was going to a doctor’s appointment the day before. When she asked Laura if she was okay the young girl was reticent to tell her what was wrong. When she came back from the doctor’s office, she had something on her mind. She inquired again but Laura told her everything was all right. But she recognized there was something that she hadn’t noticed before about the naive girl from Iowa. It was a touch of sophistication, something she had...

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MAU 5K Chapter 5

Chapter 5 I pondered on a new transformation. What new form could I make myself into? I put my hand on the pad, and conjured up an image of one, hot, slender, Asian girl, with small tits. I made her 4 foot 10 inches tall, with long straight black hair that flowed down to her waist. I just love puffy nipples, so her areolas were dark and puffy, with long nipples. The breasts were about an A cup. I made her waist slender, but her hips were a little wider than normal to give her an hour...

2 years ago
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His Best Friends DaughterPart II Consummation

His Best Friend’s Daughter-Part II: Consummation When we last left John he had arrived at his best friend’s private villa in Alcudia, Majorca. His good friend Patrick’s sixteen-year-old daughter Gabby had subjected John to days and days of teasing and flirtatious play leading up to this family get-away. Patrick and his stunning wife Katherine, together with the beguiling efforts of Gabby, had enticed John to join them for the holiday since they had an available guesthouse. John was lying on the...

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A Good Cuckold

A Good Cuckold StoryFuck me harder was they cry and her pussy was filled with hard juicy cock all I could do was watch in admiration as my girlfriend was fucked hard by big cock while my pathetic excuse for a cock only got as hard as it can.I t had all started a few weeks previous when my girlfriend gave me the news I had been dreading that I could not satisfy her needs and she had been looking and getting it elsewhere. It came as no surprise to me and all I could say was I did not blame her...

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The Way Back Ch 10

Part the last. Congratulations if you’ve persevered to the end. Thanks to all who have taken the trouble to comment. It has been most encouraging and good to know so many enjoyed it. Once again apologies for typos. Family life is still preventing me from proof reading the third and final time before posting. It will be some time before I can post another tale. FORTY-SIX I did not sleep well that night. It was too warm. Most British homes do not have air-conditioning, our summers are simply...

4 years ago
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Our Unspoken Desire 8211 Part 2

So we booked a hotel. Made up some excuses for our parents. The journey from the mountain to the hotel was tongue-tied. The only time we talked was when I bought some snacks for later. It’s a popular tourist destination. Thus finding a good hotel was not that difficult. The rain started pouring in as soon as we reached the hotel. Cloudy sky created an illusion of dusk. We both looked at each other with a smile on our face. We both realized that we were fortunate enough to not get caught up in...

2 years ago
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I Made The Popular Girl My Pain Slave 3

I can feel that my cock is hard and pressing against her ass, she moves and spreads her legs giving me easy access to her pussy. I lie there for a moment trying to figure out if she is asleep or not because even though I did a lot of things to her yesterday I’m not entirely comfortable fucking a sleeping girl. I still can’t tell if she is awake so I decide to try and find out for sure, I reach down grab my cock and reposition it so it resting on her thigh against her pussy. I hear her take a...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Andreina De Luxe Anal Fuck During Office Hours

New face Andreina De Luxe is a kinky one! The sexy brunette with gorgeous brown eyes and a seductive look shares an office with Cristian. While he’s working on his computer, the horny Latina grabs an anal plug from her purse and slides it right up her backdoor! The curvy Columbian bombshell starts fingering her shaved pussy when her Italian coworker notices those moans of pleasure. He sneaks up behind her and observes that absolutely mind-blowing bombshell masturbating in her office...

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The newspaper advertisement Part 3

The newspaper advertisement(Part 3)ForewordHello dear readers.My story "Die Zeitungsannonce" now appears with its 3rd part.Parts 1 and 2 previously appeared on in November and December 2018.If you do not already know Nadine's story, you may want to read the first two parts first, because then you're probably in a better position to delve into the third part of the story.I wish all others much fun and lust while reading.The author.IntroductionThis story tells the dark, sexual...

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Bec3 It Aint Over Til Its OverChapter 4 Friday Morning November 26th

I woke up suddenly – I don’t remember why. I think I might have been dreaming but I don’t remember the dream. I lay there and looked up at the ceiling. Suddenly, I was filled with panic. It was the wrong ceiling. I’d never seen it before in my life. I had no idea where I was. I’d gone to sleep in my bedroom and woken up somewhere else? What happened? Where was I? It’s always been something that scares me – going to sleep in one place and waking up in another with no explanation as to how I...

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Whole Lotta Love

The early 1970s were probably the last days of sexual innocence. I don't mean that we were sexually innocent, far from it. The pill was still fairly new and exciting. A girl could fuck who she wanted, when she wanted, without sweating a lot of heavy stuff like pregnancy or fatal diseases. You might get crabs, you might get a case of the clap but, nobody had heard of HIV and friendly sex was cool. A "do your own thing as long as you don't hurt anyone else" attitude was in the air. With all the...

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All tied up and no place to go Part 2

All tied up (and no place to go) Part 2 of 2 – by Rod Houston With unexpected pleasure, you feel him once again caressing and fondling your breasts. Playing with your nipples, lightly rolling them around with fingertips and then squeezing them gently between his fingers. Cupping and holding them, squeezing them in his hands. Playing with your nipples. Finally you feel warm breath and his warm moist tongue lightly licking them. First one and then the other. Your skin has turned into chicken...

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Beautifully shaped ass

I woke up to the sound of the rain beating against my window. I lazily looked at the bedside clock and realized there was still two hours left till I had to wake up and get ready for work at six. I tried to go back to sleep but that flimsy lady called "sleep"eluded me for about twenty minutes. Realizing that I could not stay awake until daybreak, I decided to do something productive with my time. I reached out my right hand and groped my wife's ass. She was fast ***** judging by her snore. I...

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Taming of the ShrewChapter 3

The buzzing of the alarm clock startled Trevor who had always awoken to music. But his confusion didn't compare to Sue's. Casually shutting the alarm and stretching, her leg bumped into Trevor's. Sue's shriek preceded her panicked roll to the left, followed by her body clumsily falling to the floor with a thump. As she fell she grabbed for anything, dragging the blanket with her. It covered her like a snow drift. Frantically kicking and flaying her arms, she escaped from the blanket, and...

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