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**Author’s Note: This was based off an old writing prompt. I’m not sure if I’m even going to continue this since I’m still focusing on other stories and want to do NaNoWriMo. But if you want me to continue to see where the story could go from here then comment below and I’ll put something together after I update some other stories on here. Thank you!


Some people are born with tragedy in their blood…

My name is Tessa. You know what Tessa means? ‘Reaper’. Should I blame my parents or Fate? I also have a skull birth mark on my right arm so that could have been why.

Death and destruction seemed to follow me where ever I went. You could call it survivor’s guilt or just plain egotism but death and destruction followed me like a bad BO. I was always involved in some way. Once in the 3rd grade my school bus crashed where I survived unscathed but others died or were severely injured.

Everyone in my 5th grade class got the measles except me. Some cheer leaders who made fun of me in Freshman year of High School fell from the human pyramid and broke something while I was watching them at the game (one girl Courtney broke her neck but lived).

A guy who asked me to senior prom had an aneurism on the dance floor after we kissed. You know. Crazy coincidental stuff like that.

Once there was a lice outbreak but I never got one little devil on my head. It wasn’t a plague of locusts or frogs or a river turning into blood but you could call them plagues of suburbia.

It could have started in the womb. I committed a horrible sin. I absorbed my twin sister before she could even fully form. Maybe that’s why my parents gave me my name…

Then after I was born when my parents were driving me home from the hospital a car hit us killing my father instantly. Miraculously I survived along with my mother but she was never the same. She lived with chronic pain for the rest of her life as well as psychotic paranoia that demons or the devil was after me.

My mother was once described as a joyful, energetic person who loved people but after the accident she became withdrawn, neurotic, and super religious. I mean seeing the Virgin Mary in a tortilla kind of religious.

A huge cross of a dying Jesus was in every room of our house or apartment. I would look at the dying Jesus and wonder what kind of sick, sadistic culture would worship a man in unending torture?

I once placed a cloth over it just to give Christ some privacy in his endless suffering. Mom beat my ass of course, saying I was disrespecting Jesus by covering him up. I thought I was giving him some amount of dignity since I was always fully clothed while he was half naked and bleeding.

But yes we moved around a lot. I never saw much of my blood relatives. I saw an uncle once and my grandparents came to visit but then mom would have an episode or they would get in an argument and we’d pack up and move again.

I thought the world was just nuts but at some point as you get older you start to wonder… Is it me? At first I was bothered by all these crazy things when I was a kid. What child wouldn’t?

You just get used to the tragedy. After a certain point you just accept you’re cursed. I had no idea how cursed I was until the day I got this strange magic tattoo on my arm…


My head was pounding as if someone took a hammer and nail to my skull. Or maybe I was hit by a bus after… what did I do after the bar last night? What day was it? I opened my eyes.

Everything before me was one bright blob. After a while my vision adjusted and I saw the familiar brown and burgundy palette on the carpet in the living room of my apartment. I guess I never made it to the couch.

My back ached, stiff from my passing out on the floor. I tried to sit up but the room began to spin. I felt sick. I needed to lie back down for a minute. The shades were open letting in the sunlight.

Either from the morning or afternoon I didn’t know. I shielded my eyes from the harsh light and that’s when I noticed it… Something was tattooed on my arm. It was quite beautiful in its simplicity: a trident going through a full circle then two straight lines.

‘What the hell…,’ I groaned. I rolled over finally able to stomach the idea of standing. I somehow made it to the bathroom, my stomach churning as I went like a raging sea.

I splashed some cold water on my face. The shock made me more aware of my surroundings. Unfortunately the minty green palette I had chosen for my bathroom was not helping my nausea.

I only had 3 drinks last night. There was some guy at the bar… Handsome guy. Damn… Panic seized my insides as I considered the possibility that I was ruffied then raped behind some dumpster but how did I get home?

I didn’t feel any pain in my vagina or my asshole but that didn’t mean he didn’t do anything. I took another look at my arm. The one with the strange tattoo on it to be sure I wasn’t imagining it. Some hangover hallucination. Sure enough there it was. Freshly applied.

At that point my stomach had had enough. I felt the contents of last night returning, a bulge inching up my throat at a fast pace. I ran for the toilet then spewed all the alcohol and chicken fries from last night.

I’m not a huge drinker. My room mate’s the partier. She’s a pro. Actually she’s a stripper paying her way through nurse school. (Ironically she dressed as a naughty nurse for work).

Lucky me I needed one right about now. Elena walked in just in time to catch me lying next to the toilet, holding onto the white porcelain as if it were a life saver and I was adrift at sea.

Oh no the sea… I hurled once more just as Elena came in to see what was the matter.

‘Jesus!’ Elena wasn’t used to seeing me hunched over a toilet. She instinctively held my black hair back as I had done for her many times. ‘Did you catch a stomach virus or something?’

I leaned over the toilet bowl, holding my throbbing head in my hand then groaned in short incomplete sentences, ‘Bar… Hot guy…’

‘You went with out me?’ Naomi sounded incredulous. I managed to look up and see she was still in uniform. Her D-Cup breasts stuffed into a white nurse halter top, white fish net stockings, a nurse cap with a red cross and a stethoscope hanging around her neck. Elena Cortez was the hottest Latina you could ever meet in a Philadelphia strip club. The most popular given her natural Ds.

If you put two of us side by side you would say Elena was the hottest. My breasts are slightly smaller than hers and my lips are not as luscious. I was plain next to her.

She had perfect bronzed cappuccino skin where I was pale, lustrous dark brown locks where my hair was like a dirty raven, not one pimple on her perfect face with it’s beautiful angles where I had freckles on round cheeks. Big chocolate brown eyes you could swim in where as my eyes were like mud pools.

Just when I thought there was nothing more in my body more fluids rose in my throat. Elena shook her head. A ringing started in my head that would not quit.

‘I’ll get you some ginger,’ she said as she made her way to the kitchen. ‘I can’t believe you partied without me!’

I heard the cabinets close and shut, the room spinning when she came back with a glass of water, ginger and some honey for flavor. ‘I’ve been begging you to let me get you drunk and you go out and do it without me?’

‘I only had three drinks…,’ I moaned. ‘I think…’

The drink was awful even with the honey.

‘Of what? Long Island Ice Teas? And what’s that tattoo? You said you would never get a tattoo ever!’

I looked at the strange tattoo on my right wrist.

‘Obviously I wasn’t sober,’ I retorted.

‘You need to stay away from hot guys at bars,’ Elena shook her head, her auburn curls bouncing as she did, ‘unless I’m with you. Looks like you need a supervisor.’

My cell phone rang. The vibration emanated from my back pocket. My stripper room mate took the liberty of taking the phone from me since I couldn’t move a muscle without getting motion sickness. Elena looked at the Caller ID and smiled impishly.

‘Oh it’s your boyfriend,’ she spoke coyly. ‘Sam Cavanaugh.’

‘Eww,’ I felt sick again. ‘He’s my step-brother.’

‘Wish I had a handsome black guy as my step-brother,’ Elena winked then she said something lewd in Spanish which I will not repeat because I have some amount of class.

Sam and I had known each other since we were 10 years old. His father took me in even after mom… well that’s later but what you need to know is Bill Cavanaugh is a nice guy mechanic who gave me some much needed structure. He made mom better, less strict, more calm but that was the calm before the shit storm…

‘Give it to me,’ I commanded irritably. Elena handed me the phone with her coy smile then went to go change for class.

‘Hey…,’ I groaned.

‘Yikes,’ Sam chuckled. ‘You sound like someone put you through the blender.’

‘She was partying all night!’ Elena called as she exited the bathroom. I threw a decorative green flower soap at her in retaliation. She only laughed as it missed her.

‘I think I went over board,’ I excused myself.

‘That happens,’ Sam chuckled. ‘You should have seen me during mid terms…’

For a while the strange tattoo problem went to the back of my mind until the next time.


Later that day some weird stuff began happening to me. Not so much as stuff as crazy almost real dreams. I didn’t bother to show up for classes. Being that I would only miss the beginning of my Fall Semester I wasn’t too worried about missing much work.

Elena helped me into bed leaving me some aspirin, water and a bucket. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was off to dreamland. I woke up on a stone altar in an old Greek Temple. Statues of Greek Gods and Goddesses glared down at me with their terrible eyes frozen in angry judgement. I was wearing a long pure white tunic dress that Greek women used to wear with a golden laurel belt.

Then there was a white blinding light shining at the corner of my eye. I turned to see an ancient black amphora made of polished onyx with white light seeping from the cracks trying to escape but the jar was wrapped in chains held together by a large old pad lock with no key hole. Grotesque creatures and tortured souls were carved into the surface and it was calling to me in murmurs and whispers.

Common sense told me to stay away… but it was like the box and I were two magnets that were drawn to each other. My birthmark itched furiously. I thought if I scratched it enough I would tear the very skin off but then I heard a man’s voice.

‘It is your birth right,’ a voice told me. I turned to see a man I’ve never seen before wearing long black robes like the Satanists in music videos. He was pale and seemed to be in his late 30s but kinda hot with his penetrative clear sky blue eyes and jet black hair. He gave me a look that suggested he knew me though I’m sure we never met.

I suddenly felt very cold. I rubbed my arms trying to create some heat but to no avail. I did feel a warmth coming from the amphora. Like a bon fire, a beacon on a hill the box called to me. From it leaked a purple mist. I walked towards it feeling the cold trying to set into my bones.

I finally reached the jar. I wanted to open it. I needed to open it to see what was inside even though my conscience was telling me to leave it alone. Something evil lurked within the onyx pottery.

‘You are the Harbinger,’ the man said. ‘It is your destiny.’

The need devoured me on the inside. The fact that I didn’t have a key meant nothing. If I could just touch the amphora the storm inside me would lessen. Yet when I was about to try and pry the lid a hand pressed hard and fast against mine. I looked up and it was Sam with his hazel brown eyes.

‘Don’t do it,’ he said in a commanding voice I never heard him use before. That’s when I woke up. My head was still pounding but my pillow and hair were wet from my cold sweat with a feeling of dread twisting my stomach. I scratched at my strange birth mark trying to calm myself down.


I decided to brush it off. I’ve had worse hang over dreams. Some of them involved sex with my favorite actor (man or woman didn’t matter) but none were as clear and vivid as that one. Still I decided to blame it on the tequila.

I had to get to my Occult/Mythology Studies class. As boring as it sounds it’s actually quite fun. You learn about all the crazy shit people used to believe in or how much all religions have in common.

I missed my 3 classes yesterday but at least I made this one. I found Sam in the back of the class, his jacket on the seat next to him. Why he wanted to have a degree in Anthropology was beyond me. He was here on a Football scholarship. The best on the team. I just assumed he was one of those guys who had layers.

‘Hey,’ I whispered as I sat down slowly as the room was a bit shaky.

‘Hey, Johnny Depp,’ Sam chuckled as he touched my Top Gun sunglasses. ‘Still hung over?’

‘Shhhhh must you be so loud?’ I chided him. The class room was an amphitheater with a large screen.

‘You almost missed it,’ Sam whispered. A few girls turned around giving Sam the eye. His chocolate muscles tested the limits of his tight cotton sleeves. All he did was give them a slight polite nod.

‘When was the last time you had a girlfriend?’ I asked curiously.

‘What do I need a girlfriend for when I already have you and Elena to take care of me and nag me?’

‘Neither of us sleep with you,’ I added. Sam went suddenly quiet. His expression drawn in an emotion I couldn’t understand. He deserved a girlfriend. He was hot and nice which was a rare combination. I resolved to set him up before the semester was over.

‘Anyway…,’ I quickly changed the subject. ‘When’s the mystery professor going to grace us with his presence? Never even heard of the guy.’

As soon as I said it I got my answer and I when I saw him my heart nearly stopped.

‘Good morning, all,’ he had a British accent which made all the girls sit at attention creating a wetness in their loins.

But what caught me off guard was that he looked exactly like the guy in my weird Greek dream.

‘My name is Professor Jasper A. Martel and I’ll be your guide into the religions and culture of the Ancient World.’

All the girls shot ‘love me’ eyes while the guys glared daggers at the new handsome professor who would be their competition. He might as well have been Indiana Jones but more sophisticated looking and much more charismatic.

‘Tessa? You sure you shouldn’t be back in bed? You look like you’re about to puke.’

But I couldn’t hear Sam nor could I see anyone else in the room. Heat crawled up my spine and I scratched at my birthmark as my mystery tattoo hidden under my long sleeve prickled. I watched Professor Martel pacing and charming his new students.

He wore a smoky grey shirt and slacks and black shoes that were all too fine for a common college professor to wear. He must come from money. His shirt was also a bit tight. Tight enough that you could see he worked out a little. He was in his late 30s but his hair remained jet black.

‘Now I know your other professors like to get to know each students name before they start,’ Martel said with a dazzling smile. ‘But I like to get to know my students through out the semester. I see each of you has a brilliant mind and has a passion for understanding the nature of humanity…’

The rest of what he said I couldn’t remember. I was still in my dream with the devil onyx amphora with the dark voices. Suddenly the lights exploded in the room. First they flickered then the bulbs exploded along with the projector above Sam and me.

‘Watch o
ut!’ Sam didn’t give me much warning as he covered me with his whole body to protect me from the shards of glass and sparks. Everyone screamed in surprise then cried out in incoherent terror.

Sam’s hard body was hot against mine. I heard his calm breath on my neck and quickening heart beat in the darkness. I focused on those two things to settle myself.

‘You okay?’ Sam asked.

‘I’m glad you remembered your deodorant this morning but next time ease up on the Axe body spray,’ I was trying to break the tension with humor but Sam remained serious. Finally I said I was fine. Sam helped me up holding onto my hand a bit too long until I pulled it back awkwardly.

‘Relax, people,’ Professor Martel called out with absolute calm. ‘Your excitement for a new semester must have over loaded the power in the room… or the Dean skipped on the electric bill and the company wanted to get a message across.’

There was some nervous laughter in the room. A calm British voice always seems to make any crisis better. But then Martel looked to me and our eyes locked. Instead of showing fear, Professor Martel smiled.


The moment I opened my eyes, I knew things would be different. I hadn’t been to classes for 3 weeks. The leaves already changing their colors from emerald green to an array of reds, yellows, and oranges. Soon they’ll all be on the ground, a sickly brown being crunched under many students in a hurry to get to the next class or next wild party.

I kept having the same dream: Professor Jasper A. Martel in his black robes in the Greek Temple with the stone altar and the evil mystery jar. How did I know that it was evil? You don’t chain up a jar that whispers if it’s a nice one. I felt that if that jar were opened then the world would end.

I felt something stir beside me. I rolled over to see Jason twitching his nose. Sex was the best way to get over anything that was really bugging me.

Lately it was the only thing that made sense anymore. Jason’s green eyes fluttered open. He smiled as he noticed me watching him.

‘Good morning, beautiful…,’ Jason stretched and yawned. I smiled, the disturbing dream melting away as I admired Jason’s muscles become taut and flex with each stretch. I couldn’t help myself as I kissed him in response.

‘Ready for round… what are we up to?’ Jason pondered.

‘I believe it’s 4 in the afternoon on a Wednesday,’ I assured him. Jason rolled over to meet my gaze. His fingers traced down my arm to my hip. He brought me closer kissing me slowly.

‘Not that I didn’t like last night or the night before but shouldn’t you be in class, Tessa?’

‘Can’t a girl play hookie?’ I climbed on top of him pinning his arms back and going in for another kiss.

‘For you it just seems…’

‘Spontaneous…’ I kissed his neck.

‘Weird but sure,’ Jason shrugged. ‘Usually you’re all anal about this academic stuff.’ I ignored Jason’s dumb remarks until he made a comment about my mystery tattoo.

‘Hey did you become a Satanist or something?’

‘I’m an atheist,’ I muttered. ‘I don’t believe in God or the Devil.’

‘Do you remember where you got it because I would love to get ink like that.’

Jason had a tendency to undue all the work his well marbled body did by talking. I rolled off of Jason then climbed out of bed, my ardor dampened by this persistent line of questioning.

‘It’s nothing. I got drunk one night and just found it there. No big deal,’ I sighed.

‘Heard what happened in the new professor’s class,’ Jason laid back on my pillow, the blanket barely covering his junk.

‘Can we not discuss that, please,’ I was getting annoyed.

‘Why? Did you use your voodoo powers to make it happen?’ Jason teased. ‘Anything to do with your mom?’

‘My mom is in an asylum,’ I retorted as I shoved myself into my pants. ‘Far away from me. I couldn’t be happier.’

‘Oh wait isn’t it your birthday next week?’

That was it. My skull became a burning itch I wanted to scratch. I had enough. I picked up Jason’s skinny jeans then threw them violently at his face crying, ‘Get out!’

‘What’s you’re problem?’ Jason protested. But I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I sat on my toilet seat with only my jeans and a simple bra on, holding my head in my hands listening to Jason get dressed then leave.

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Prepare yourself to be awestruck and aroused by Marilyn Crystal’s incredible body and blowjob skills in today’s sensual Only Blowjob premium porn scene. If you haven’t seen this Ukranian glamour pornstar in action, we might suggest that you watch this one at home because watching this one at the office could create some awkwardness being that you’re bound to have a big boner after watching this total babe in action. There is no body more bangin’ than...

2 years ago
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From Boyscout Badges to Notches Pt2

I had found it difficult to fall asleep, given all that had transpired. It wasn't the average night, nor was it going to be an average day when I woke up. At some point, I had finally fallen asleep, and instead of having dreams of things that weren't real, I dreamt of her meeting me in the kitchen, and having her pull down and take off my briefs: of her soft, gentle hands running up and down me, and all those sensations that only a woman can give you. I relived the moment those luscious lips...

3 years ago
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Richs Valentines Day Gift

I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls night out and I...

4 years ago
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Mother And I 8211 Part V

This is the fifth part of my love saga with my mother. July 19 – Part 2 After some time, I had a good bath and came down downstairs wearing only a small towel. It was around 10 am.Mother was waiting for me at the breakfast table. She wore a sexy sari with blouse, but no bra. Her hair was nicely tangled up. “So, you are not wearing anything. Can I ask why”? She queried. “I don’t see any need of wearing any clothes today.” I quipped, as I gulped down a glass of garlic juice. “But you see its...

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Dick Pic Cock Sucking Club Gay PT2

Over the next six months I had visited Big Tony D's house Six more times. I really started getting into sucking his cock, and he really enjoyed it. The last time I was there he was in a particularly horny mood. About an hour before I was supposed to be there this time he texted me:T: "when you get here come on in down to the basement. The wife is gone."M: "ok, see you soon."I got there at the time he told me, let myself in and headed to the basement. I called out hello but he didn't respond. I...

1 year ago
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Misty Peaks

Matt grumbled quietly to himself. How much longer would it be? he thought. The FBI agent had been assigned to Misty Peaks to investigate something about a missing scientist. The problem was, the town seemed to be way out in the middle of nowhere. The dark-haired man had been driving for three hours, and night was falling. Being a field agent, Matt had to keep himself in good shape, and he stood a hair under six feet tall, though neither of those would stop his boredness as he continued down the...

3 years ago
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A visit from uncle

?I have told you many times before, you must control the urge. You are out of control, always begging for more than you deserve. You are a very bad girl indeed; touching yourself under the table, in the gym shower, and while we have company.  Have I not taught you better than that; do you not understand who is in charge? Take your pants and panties down to your knees let me see that cunt.I shamefully looked down at the ground as I lowered my pants and panties to my knees.  ?You should be...

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Space Farm

this story I found years ago on ADULT EMPIRE Yes it's was a 3D Porn Story the pictures are great but I not seen the story for awhile and so I do hope you find the 3D One better but here goes anyway! Space Farm Chapter one Leila and Carol were saying goodbye to their mother as her small carrier gained altitude and headed to the closest bazaar to bring provisions. The three women were part of a small group of ranchers that settled in the seventh planet of the Dogada system. The local species of...

2 years ago
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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 2

For a short while the Jays, to use the nickname Jayde and Jake had adopted, did as he promised and quietened down. However, over a couple of weeks or so the volume crept back up. No chance meetings on the stairs provided an easy opportunity for me to mention the subject again. Friends were sympathetic, but had no practical suggestions. Smiles described them as 'those two noisy birds roosting upstairs, ' and suggested firing a shotgun loaded with blanks at them. Witty, but as I pointed out,...

3 years ago
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Albert 2

Albert was a good talker and he had me feeling relaxed and chilled by the time we reached his home.....he invited me in and gave me a drink as he sat at his kitchen table. I was excited at being with him and new things would turn sexy soon.....Albert talked and asked questions as he slowly rubbed his crutch through his trousers I was getting a stiffy on myself and Albert noticed so he reached out and placed a hand on my bottom pulling me to him '' How about you and me having some more fun'' he...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 6 Developments

Back at Uni for the start of second semester, it was a mix of déjà vu (the introductory lectures for Computing I and the programming clinic) brand new things (the three subjects I was taking this term), and more of the same (back into the thesis project). This was now the third semester I had given the introductory Computing I lecture; I had it all down pretty pat. We had a large number of students wanting to do the Programming Clinic; I am sure most of them heard from the second year...

3 years ago
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XHamster BBC

Well we finally did it. We met a young man from Xhamster and he was a great guy to be with. He is a 48 y/o man black with a nice 8 inch cock. He contacted us and asked if we were really into meeting. We said yes after getting to know a person we would love to meet. He and I sent countless numbers of messages on this site and finally agreed to meet. He came to the house as we requested he was a bit nervous and we sat and talked for a while like we always do. Then he and the wife shared a bowl...

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I awoke early the next morning with the sensation of my cock being sucked. I opened my sleep fogged eyes and saw Matthew's bobbing head slowly coming into focus. I exhaled a deep sigh. He was a great cocksucker. Standing nearby was Kayla looking a little less forelorn than last night. Her fingers were absentmindedly stroking her little pink slit. She smiiled down at me before settling down on my face. The sweet perfume of her cunt overwhelmed me as she began to ride my face. I eagerly licked...

2 years ago
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A Time of Conquest and ChallengeChapter 3 Duck Duck Goose

For what started out looking like an easy Damsel to rescue, this was turning out to be a very long chase. Jon Tumble moved from town to town it seemed daily. As I followed along after him there were usually some unhappy people who wanted to find him too. A few seemed to think I might be a friend of his and needed to be persuaded otherwise. I spent over a month looking in different taverns or inns before my first break. I had given up waiting for other gamblers to tell me and was now talking...

2 years ago
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Condemnation RedemptionChapter 16 Brentwood Tennessee

When our temporary sojourn was over, we returned and I dropped her off at the apartment that she had rented as her ‘Nashville’ residence when she was still technically with the Adam’s scion. I hoped that soon, even before we married, that she would join me in my house where we could start our life together. But first, Aurora had to return to Chicago to tidy up the odds and ends of her PhD. She also needed to talk to her parents about finally planning her wedding; but not with the man who had...

2 years ago
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Hot and sexy bhabhi

Aaj aap ko meri aur bhabhi ki khani likh raha hu, mera nama Jagdish hai main 27 saal ka hu aur 5feet 5inch hu aur Deihi main yehta hu. Yeah undino ki baat hai jab main 25 saal ka tha aur main apni sister ki saadhi main apney ghar gaya tha. Saadhi main sab relative aya huey they. Merey mama ney mujey bhabhi say intruduce karya ki yeah Dhani bhaiya (papa key dost ka beta) ki wife hai. Bhabhi ka naam Rajshri aur who 29 saal ki sawli raang ki thi per sexy figure thi, bhabhi ki height 5feet 4inch...

2 years ago
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Antique Shopping

Antique Shopping By [email protected] am a 35-year-old traveling salesman who travels most of the year. I am single and live in a townhouse, so I don't have to worry about getting home at a certain time. My work requires me to travel several states, so I go through a lot of small towns.Sometimes I like to stop an antique stores. After a busy day of business meetings, it is nice to see the old stuff that brings back memories. When there is a bargain, I like to bring it home with me.I...

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Payal Gayi Baj 8211 Part III

Hi Friends mein Payal apke samne hazir hu apni agey ki kahani apke samne batane ke liye.Jese ki aap meri baki kahanio me padh chuke hai “Payal gayi baj-I aur Payal gayi baj-II” me. Jinhone na padha ho padh lijiyega. Ab hum log mein mera chota bhai aur dad tauji(Uncle) ke yaha shift ho gaye the uncle ke sath kaam karne lage the aura b mein sabki randi ban chuki thi dad,uncle,bhai(Anuj) aur dono cousin(Amit & Sumit)….or agey badhne se phele bata du ye kahani sach hai na ki koi kalpnic gatha. Ghar...

3 years ago
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You Cant Be Mad Forever

Ian glared at the male directly across the table from him as they ate their supper together in the pub, his gaze full of rage. They were tucked away in a dimly lit corner to avoid being bothered by the general public, smiling and talking with each other in a place just for themselves. Well, at least, most of them were smiling and talking. The whole group of close, 20ish-year-old friends had finally gotten a time where their free days seemed to line up perfectly, and too the opportunity by...

1 year ago
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Angels Week Of Religious Breeding Sunday Ce

I woke up and saw the morning light coming through the window. With a groan, I rolled onto my side, burying my head under the covers. But it was all for naught, as I heard momma cry out from the hall way, saying "Come on Angel. You'll be late for church." I sighed. With a deep sense of regret, I pushed the covers down below my waist, exposing my torso to the much cooler air temperature. My nipples suddenly exploded, just like they always do when I get chilled....or very aroused. Maybe this fine...

1 year ago
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Rent A Dreads Jamaican Blacken

I am a normal, everyday housewife, with a husband who loves me and a beautiful daughter. My nameis Megan, and I still look very good at thirty-two years old, being five feet and five inches tall andweighing one hundred and twenty-five pounds, with shoulder-length, natural blond hair and sparklinggreen eyes. My husband, Ed, is thirty-five years old and works as an editor for a book publishinghouse in New York City, and he always tells me how pretty and sexy I am. I am trim and fit from frequent...

4 years ago
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Out of Africabyhappenstance©I was in the kitchen preparing dinner when my husband called me from his office and said he would be coming home early as he had something important to tell me.Worried that it might be bad news, I asked him to tell me right away whatever it was but he calmed me down and said, "Don't worry, it's not bad news," and with that he hung up.By the time he came back from the office, I, along with my 18-year-old son and 19-year-old daughter, were nervously waiting for him in...

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The Birthday Party

Background:Cathy and Derick Rostron married a few years after each had completed college. Cathy was 24 at the time, Derick was 26. After 16 years of marriage, the Rostron's have two c***dren, Martha 15 and Larry 10. Cathy is the executive secretary for a large law firm with four younger secretaries reporting to her. Derick is computer programmer who holds a senior position with a large electronics firm.Their very close friends, Jane and Ray Sheppard, live across the street, two houses down the...

4 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 105

Milt and Mary drifted off to sleep, cuddled in each others arms. This second time had been, for both of them,absolutely FANTASTIC. Both decided that more of the same was in order. However, a nap was needed after such a strenuous coupling. Although Mary liked 'em on the large side, like Mike, Jerry, and Pete, Milt was more than enough to satisfy her needs. She had only had one TRULY big dick, and she remembered it well. Joe, her son-in-law, Paula's husband had filled her more than anything...

2 years ago
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Seduction of Shanti Indian girl is seduced by we

Danny drove the love of his life to the airport and watched her board the plane with her friends. The two were very much in love, destined to be married. All the same, the next time he laid eyes on her would be after another man's cock frequented her pussy more than a few times.Shanti was one of the most beautiful women that you would ever meet. She's a West Indian girl, with gorgeous brown skin, long luxurious black hair, and a perfect face. Her body was a knockout – 32-23-35. You couldn't ask...

4 years ago
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Feeling Fruity

This is a confessional by a friend who wants to remain anonymous. The story is hers, but the words chosen to tell it are mostly mine. Her name isn’t Emma, but that’s what I’m going to call her. She’s a grown woman of 27, with a young son and happily separated from the boy’s father. The father is still around and their relationship is much stronger now that they’re not living together, have got some ‘space’ and have stopped having sex. Emma doesn’t want him back; he doesn’t want her back and...

3 years ago
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How Long I Waited

The closer I got, the more excited I became. It had been 3 years sense I had been home and I couldn’t wait to see all my family and friends, especially Rob. The more I thought about him the more anxious I became. Let me take you back, then you’ll understand. —– I was adopted at the age of 13 to a wonderful family in Moulton, Alabama. If you don’t know where that is, it’s in the northern part, near Tennessee. They lived on a small farm that was like stepping backwards in time. Of all my years...

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My Sisters

My sisters: Jill is 24, tall, slender, brunette, dark brown eyes, wears her hair very long and straight; she's got beautiful mid-sized but pointed tits and large puffy nipples. She has a tattoo on the small of her back and one around her navel. She may not be hot in a 'centerfold' sense, but all of my friends think she's the hottest girl in town. They're probably right. She's smart, in college, and has a very serious relationship going with another student. Jenna is 18, short dirty blonde hair,...

3 years ago
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Star Trek Voyager Parody XXX Style

Sex Trek: Voyeur (A Sexual Parody of Star Trek Voyager) by Miss names have been changed slightly for copyright infringement avoidance.) ==================================================Captains Log Star date 9801.01 It has been several years since we’ve made our trek back home to the Alpha Quadrant. The crew’s morale lately has been low and I must say something is going to have to be done to boost it soon, or we’re going to be in trouble. People are reporting late for their...

4 years ago
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Island Slut

Island Slut With a TwistWhile I was living in the Virgin Islands (and being an absolute whore) there were quite a few interesting twists and turns. There were also some things that were traded or bartered at times. One of the nicer ones was ‘ride for sex’ by one of our favorite MiniMoke drivers, Georges.When I used him I’d always paid. I noticed, after a few trips with the girls, that we never paid – they never paid. Molly was nice enough to wise me up one day; I’d arrived where we were meeting...

3 years ago
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Torched Cherry

Xavier was away studying in college which was just fine by him because he and his stepmother just didn't get along. Now he was coming home from Miami for the holidays. I never took well to Xavier, he was a bit effeminate though naively I never suspected he was gay. His personality rubbed us all the wrong way, nothing was ever good enough for him. The food was always too cold or too hot and his elitist attitude made it hard to warm up to him. But the thing that pissed me off the...

4 years ago
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Leanne An Innocent Massage

Leanne is a stunning slim girl with medium length brown hair and the most amazing brown eyes! Today she's wearing a shortish black dress (just above the knees) and black tights. Her hair is up and tied back revealing a very sensual neckline. Leanne is an absolutely beautiful girl... intelligent, caring, funny plus the sort you would NEVER tire of being with and one that you'd fall madly in love with and want to keep and protect forever... a gorgeous smile and an infectious laugh... they don't...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The old man in the bus stop

It was early morning 06:35 to be exact, and in the middle of Winter, minus 20C, so how he even managed to get it hard, was a wonder, but shooting onto my coat, well that was pretty fucked up, but I knew who he was, even the smell of his semen, yes I was that kind of girl.I was at junior secondary, which was 30km from where I stayed, and it took an hour by bus, hence my early rise and long bus journey. I came to the same bus stop every morning at the same time, and yes he started showing up, but...

1 year ago
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Devil or Angel

Devil or Angel By Morpheus Everything happened so fast that I didn't know what was going on, only that my whole world suddenly exploded into chaos. A billion images flashed through my mind at once, assaulting every one of my senses simultaneously. Then in an instant, the infinite amount of pain that I'd barely been able to register was gone, along with everything else. I had no idea how long I was there, or even if there was a there. Time had no meaning... I had no meaning. I...

1 year ago
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A Hotwife Gets That Irresistible Urge

I like to tour around on this website once in awhile, catch up on the latest hot stories, and maybe find someone interesting to chat with. Most of the stories get me extremely stimulated, and I enjoy playing with my pussy as well as my super realistic eight-inch rubber friend as I’m reading or chatting.The other day I happened to be on-line and was enticed to begin a chat with a nice and polite gentleman member. It got pretty hot as we compared a few past experiences. He’d tried a little cock...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 21 East Isle

I cannot describe the relief I felt when I realized what that cloud meant. We had just shy of fifty ships out here carrying more than eight thousand men, and every one of them was going to die of thirst if I fucked up my navigation and we couldn’t find our way home again. Now, that wasn’t a problem. A lot of them may well die in combat here in the Isles, but they had a chance now. Our fleet was still all strung out, a couple hundred miles from end to end. We needed to get all the commanders...

2 years ago
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Son Flirts With His Mom Along With His Best Friend 8211 Part II

Hello Friends, this is Shravan from Bangalore. The following new story is completely a fiction and it’s not related to real life. I hope you will like it and please do send your feedbacks to This story is the continuation of my previous Fiction story with the same title, where I have written a fantasy story in which my friend and I seduce my mom Arundathi and fuck her together. Now enjoy the Continuation after fucking my mom along with my best friend Ravi, we three enjoyed sexes many more...


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