Two Years On Tromer free porn video

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TWO YEARS ON TROMER I'd never heard of Tromer Island before my wife Carol came into the kitchen to tell me about a letter she'd received from one of her friends. We'd been married for two years and things hadn't been going so well lately. I'd been made redundant a month previously and we were dependent on my wife's income to pay our mortgage. Not that she was paid badly, as assistant to a plastic surgeon in private practice, she earned a good fifty percent more that me but that wasn't the point, I was quite embarrassed to be what she called her 'house husband'. Not that I minded the work, actually I found it a relaxing occupation, cooking, housework and laundry came easily to me. "They've got university funding to study the flora and fauna on the island and the behaviour of the Gulf Stream during global warming, the three of them are going to live there for two whole years." "Who's 'they' Carol?" I couldn't get terribly excited about their project. "Anna's written, you know, we used to share a dorm at university, and she's going with Frankie and Tina. She's written to say that they need a chemist with medical training to go with them, she want's to know what I'd say if a formal approach was made to me." "Two years!" I exclaimed. "You wouldn't leave me for two years, would you?" "No, I suppose not." She was suddenly quite deflated. "I've got her phone number on here, I'll give her a ring and tell her." I got on with the meal while I could hear speaking in the other room, but I couldn't make out what was being said. She walked back in, still with the phone in her hand. "Frank, I want you to think about this before you answer." She took a breath. "When I spoke to Anna, she's told me that they also have a budget to pay a cook/housekeeper to look after them. Would you be interested?" Well, as you can imagine, suddenly a very serious proposition opened up and the prospect of us not being parted threw a different light on the situation. Carol was trying to hide her excitement as she explained her idea. "We could rent this place out so that it covered our mortgage payments, so we'd have no living costs at all, the grant they're offering for me is nearly twice what I'm earning at the moment and you'd be paid about sixty percent of that. By the time we come back we'd be able to pay off the balance we've left owing on the house because we'd have nothing to spend our money on." The proposition was looking more attractive by the minute. Quite apart from the fact that Carol wanted to go, it made a great deal of financial sense. There had to be a catch. "What's the accommodation like, is it tents or something?" "No that was one of the things she was raving about, the island's uninhabited but a 'dot com' millionaire bought it because it's got a house on there and he thought it would make an ideal getaway, no wifi, no phones a complete retreat. Anyway, he extended and modernised the house, but when his wife found that she'd have to travel by helicopter, she said no way. So he's rented it out to the university that's organising the project. She's e-mailing me with some pictures." A few minutes later she returned with her laptop to show me what she'd sent. The place was a fully furnished palace. A note was sent with the mail to say that the builders who did the work have just been over to check it out and took a cleaning crew with them, so it was ready to move into, we could also use any of the food and drink left in the house. My main worry now was the amount of cleaning I'd have to do and I said so. "It's not really all that big, these agents' photos are always taken with wide angled lenses, it only has three bedrooms and two of the downstairs rooms will be taken over with our equipment and supplies for the job. It even has a swimming pool and the kitchen is supplied with a freezer room as well as a normal cool room, so if there's bad weather it doesn't matter if supplies are delayed." I thought she must have covered a lot of ground with Anna until I realised that she was reading from the screen. It had two generators and a back up, I noted. Actually, when we were given more information, I found that it also had wind and solar generators as well, electricity wasn't going to be a problem. There was a problem though, a big one. I'm always known as Frank, but my given name is Francis. The trouble was that on the various forms that came through it was spelt Frances, you see the difference. That one letter change made them assume that I was female. It was something didn't come to light while Carol was being interviewed and vetted as having competent nursing qualifications (they didn't bother interviewing the cook, apparently just checked me against criminal records) and we were almost ready to go. We'd even got one of the managers who was working on a local major building project to rent our house on a two year lease, and the rent was more than we were making in repayments for it. It was when our travel documents arrived that Carol spotted the mistake. She phoned Anna and after a couple of hours of panic, we made a plan. I wasn't happy, but I couldn't hang about while they re-did my application and did the checks that I knew took six to eight weeks, while the others went off. It sounded simple. I would go as a woman, just for the journeys there and back, mind, not the whole time. It may have sounded simple to the girls, they didn't have to suffer the humiliation of changing sex as far as the world was concerned, I had suffered all my school life from taunting from my classmates. Just because I was short and wasn't built like the proverbial brick building, didn't make me less of a man. Even getting clothes for me was difficult. Carol was actually bigger than me, so her clothes wouldn't fit but Anna, during the course of many phone conversations with my wife, said that quite a bit of their equipment budget hadn't been spent and the director in charge had told them to get foul weather gear and charge it. They didn't need it as they'd all been on these trips regularly and were already equipped. Anna got my measurements from Carol and we arranged to meet up at her flat the day before we travelled to make me over. Unhappy though I was, I couldn't see an alternative. We'd sold our car, it made no sense to keep it garaged for two years, so we paid a small fortune for a taxi up to Anna's place just south of London. We met there because the first leg was flying from Gatwick. We arrived in the afternoon and all the girls got me straight into makeover mode, I stood no chance, as well as Carol and Anna, there were Francine (Frankie) and Christina (Tina). The girls all decided that having a Frankie and a Frank on the trip was going to be too much, so wanted to know if I had another name. Well I was born Francis Evelyn Walker which of course, Carol came out with immediately. I pointed out that I was named after the author, Evelyn Waugh, that wrote 'Brideshead Revisited', a favourite book of my mother's, especially after it was filmed for television. That was it, I was Evelyn from then on. The first thing they did was to rub a depilation cream all over me. I objected to it being done round my 'bits' as Carol called them, but she took me into the bathroom and did it herself, telling me that I had to get into the part. My consolation was having a floral scented oil massaged into me, all over, that I did enjoy. For the first time since I had known her I learned that Carol's job sometimes involved helping transgender patients, so she knew exactly what to do. Much to my embarrassment, she pushed my testicles up into my body in a way that frightened me. "When you were an unborn baby, and perhaps for some time afterwards, your balls were up there." She told me. "It's called the inguinal canal and I didn't need to force them back, yours slid up almost on their own, it will give you a better look and make you feel different." She then very carefully squeezed a liquid out of a tube all over my penis, wrapping the empty scrotum round it. It was glue and it stuck almost immediately. Then she had me lie down on my back with my knees bent and apart, and I could feel more of the glue being spread on the area between my genitals and my arse. She called it my perineum and she pulled the package she had made with my bits down onto the glue in that area. "We don't have to have passports for this trip, but we'll have to go through the airport scanner, doing this will hide the extra bits you've got down here." I was satisfied with the explanation, if not with her doing it. She handed me three tablets. "Take these, they'll stop you getting hard for a couple of days, you don't want to tear at that adhesive, do you?" It sounded painful, so I took them. Having done all the very personal stuff, we rejoined the others with me just wearing a pair of panties. Tina pounced on me with a pair of very realistic breasts and glued them to my chest, I was told I now sported a thirty four 'C' bust. Then, dressed only in a bra and panties, I was sat down while Anna put my longish hair into rollers and Frankie glued false nails onto my fingers sticking out a good half inch beyond the natural length. The rollers pulled painfully at my hair in places but when I complained I was told that as a woman I'd just have to live with a little discomfort, then she put something that smelled revolting on my hair and covered it with what looked like a plastic bag. I was told it would take a few minutes for it to 'go off', so in the meantime Carol pierced my ears, putting two studs in each, then plucked my rather shaggy eyebrows into thin, high lines, while Tina painted my finger and toenails a bright glossy red. They took me back to the bathroom and rinsed the chemical off the rollers, then back to the bedroom to have a bigger plastic bag on it, connected to a hair drier. I could hardly hear what was being said, but I gathered that they were going to use a long lasting make up on my face, so that I didn't have to redo anything, perhaps if it got in need of it at the airport, for example. I thought that was being very helpful at the time. They spent ages painting the make up on my face, I could track the different areas as they dealt with them, but I wasn't allowed to see the results until they had finished. I was staggered. Looking back at me from the mirror was a face I couldn't recognise and for a moment I was embarrassed to be sat there in just my bra. My hair was a mass of curls, my eyes had long black lashes and made to look enormous with the eyeliner and mauve eye shadow, and my lips, well if you'll excuse me if I tell you that immediately the words 'cock sucker' came to my mind. They were full and a bright glistening red, matching my nails. I knew I had thick lips, but they'd never been highlighted that way before. I was then given in a cream and white lace blouse and Frankie helped me to put on a pair of pantyhose, showing me how to roll them. Anna gave me a red tartan skirt to step into which only came to about mid thigh. "Isn't this a bit short?" I complained. "We wanted to make you feel different in as many ways as possible," she told me "you've got to be careful to sit and stand up in a feminine way and being conscious that you may show your panties any minute, will help you do that." "Anyway, you've got great legs Evelyn" Frankie added, giving me a pair of three inch high heeled red sandals. I was pretty wobbly on these to start with, and the girls insisted that I spent ages walking round the flat until I got used to them. In best part of an hour my legs were aching and they finally agreed that I was walking as well as any woman. I was just about to sit down when Carol got one of my arms, Anna the other and I was given a short jacket to put on and a small handbag to carry. "Come on girl, we're going to hit the town for our last night in civilisation for two years." Anna told me. First of all I nearly told them that I couldn't go out dressed as a woman, and when I realised the silliness of that, after all I was being dressed to go out like it, just tomorrow, not that night. Then I did tell them that my feet hurt too much, but that was dismissed straight away. Them all telling me how they'd had to put up with it for years, so I should be able to one night. First we went to a pub with live music and then on to a club. It wasn't until I been there for some time I realised that it was a club for gays and I realised that Frankie and Tina were an item. Am I stupid, or what? By the time we got home I was exhausted and went straight to bed when I realised that Anna and Carol were going to have a 'do you remember when?' time and I had nothing to contribute. At least I was fairly fresh in the morning, unlike the others who had to consume several coffees before they became human again. A truck arrived at ten, a load of scientific and other equipment was already on board and our suitcases and bags were added, a taxi then arrived and we travelled in convoy to the airport. As Carol had said, we were x-ray checked before we were allowed onto the restricted area round the various aircraft, and we were guided to ours by a man who said he was the co-pilot. I thought this extremely odd until I realised that we were travelling in a charter flight. We joined the aircraft just as the cargo hold was being locked up. This leg of our journey took us to Wick, in the north of Scotland, where we were met by a rep from the helicopter company and taken for lunch while all our baggage was transferred. He told us that when we landed we should move right away from the helicopter as the pilot wouldn't be stopping the engines. Apparently the landing area was so restricted that the aircraft had to be able to get off the ground quickly in an emergency. He'd been to the island a couple of times with the contractors that had worked there, and told us there was a tractor unit with a substantial trailer and the handlers travelling with us would put everything on that. Getting it to the house and offloading was going to be our problem. He told us that our monthly re-supply would be done by a much smaller helicopter, but we would have the same routine as far as off loading was concerned, so we should be careful to park the tractor in the same position as we would find it that day. Today the helicopter in question turned out to be a huge Chinook, the one with rotors both at the front and rear, so there was plenty of room for us, our baggage and four men who would unload. For the first time I was acutely aware of at least two of the men staring at me. I was sure they'd seen through my disguise until Carol whispered in my ear. "You're a hit with these hunky men, which one will you go out with when they ask you?" I pulled a face in reply, but while it made me feel better about not being unmasked, so to speak, I was now not happy I was a figure of lust from the wrong sex. The noise in the craft was much more than the aircraft we had arrived in and conversation difficult. It was some time before we sighted Tromer Island for the first time. It was a bit bigger than I had envisaged but was rugged in its beauty. The island was about a mile and a half square in area, fairly flat but on top of cliffs several hundred feet high all the way round. It was easy to see why access to our home for the next two years was so difficult but at least from a distance the house looked inviting. The landing was a quite exciting affair. Amid all the noise and wind of the downdraft, we hurried off the rear ramp then stood back and watched as all the baggage was unloaded. The helicopter landed on what was presumably a circular, purpose built pad of concrete. A separate concrete road led from one side of it, up to the house and on it was parked a strange vehicle. I was expecting a farm tractor, but this was more like a small but powerful four by four cross country vehicle with six seats and extra large wheels. The trailer hitched to it was quite large and I then saw that the road made a loop round the landing pad, obviating the need to reverse the trailer to have it return to the house. The men finished unloading what now seemed a huge pile of supplies and equipment, gave us a farewell wave, the ramp closed and with a tremendous roar and a hurricane of wind the big machine took off. As it became smaller in the distance and the noise dropped to only that of the wind and waves in the distance, I suddenly wondered if we'd done the right thing. We seemed very much alone and extremely isolated. Carol's three friends had done this sort of thing before, but we hadn't. Still, there was nothing for it, Anna jumped into the driving seat of our buggy and we set off up the concrete track to the house. She explained that the track had been laid by troops during the second world war, but the helipad had been a recent addition. At the house we saw that the track had a new section that went to the side where there was a huge garage. The area was big enough to be able to turn the vehicle inside and also used as storage space for non-perishables and sure enough, the wall of the house side was covered in shelving units, a number of them already with tins and boxes on. We each carried two heavy cool boxes each then had to go back for more as our first job was to freeze most of their contents. We carried sacks of potatoes, carrots, and one of mixed other root vegetables and another three boxes contained items like tomatoes and salad items for the cool larder, before Frankie and Tina brought along some containing wine and spirits. Then we couldn't wait any longer, with the most urgent job done, we took ourselves on a tour of the property. It was amazing. It was all decorated and furnished in the most expensive fashion that I had ever seen, let alone lived in. Everything that we would need seemed already to be there, including large screen televisions in almost every room already set up for satellite reception. Of the three bedrooms, two were double and one single, even the beds were made up. The swimming pool was something else. I'd been expecting like an oversize plunge pool, but it was thirty metres long and eight wide, with a selection of diving boards. The contents were sea water, for cleanliness, and in a shower/changing room was a locker with maintenance instructions including for pumping water either from or back into the sea. At one end of the pool room was a bar, equipped with plastic glasses, and a large and unexpected stock of beer, wines and spirits. I was immediately taken with the kitchen's range of toys for me to play with. There were even machines for peeling and chipping potatoes and noted a range of kitchen and 'hostess' aprons hanging in a cupboard. I got started and about forty minutes later we'd had an aperitif and were sat down to steak, chips and peas, followed by an apple pie that I knocked up. I was delighted when the girls all thanked me for taking the job. Less pleased when I noticed they were all shortening my new name to just Eve, but I let it go as everyone was in such a good mood. After dinner in a formal dining room we did a bit more unloading, mainly our personal cases and bags. That was when the trouble started. My one and only suitcase was missing. We all searched through the rest of the items left on the trailer and there was no sign. The only option was a selection of clothes that they had bought for my transformation. As they had a great deal for the budget Frankie and Tina had gone overboard and there were two good sized boxes of the things they had bought for me to chose from. Tina had it in mind that once I was done with them, she would have them to take over as we were the same size. "Oh, it's not the end of the world Eve," even Carol was calling me that, "its only us here and at least you'll have the make up to go with the clothes." Carol then suggested that I kept a diary of our stay on the island and I readily agreed, I'd done something similar on several holidays and we'd had fun looking back on them "I think its rather nice for to be all girls together." Said Frankie, "you'll be able to write what it's like to be a girl!" "Yes, you're a real sport." Tina agreed and so did Anna. "Mind you," Tina commented, laughing "I'm looking forward to seeing you in a couple of the things I bought, they were for fancy dress, and I know what turns Frankie on." We'd had a few after dinner drinks by that time so Anna suggested a swim. "One big advantage of us all being girls," Frankie said to my obvious embarrassment "we can skinny dip." That I hadn't reckoned on. We went through to the pool and we all striped off and dived in. The salt water was warm and it wasn't long before someone had found a large beach ball that we threw around. I think the tablet that Carol had given me was starting to wear off as it wasn't long before my pecker was trying to escape his confines. If the water had been colder perhaps there wouldn't have been a problem, but that adhesive was really strong and I was getting seriously turned on. Fortunately we all agreed that it had been a long day today and we would turn in early. Once we were dried off and in our bedroom, Carol said that she wanted to talk seriously to me. "I saw you wincing down in the pool, your thingy wanted to get hard didn't it?" After some cross examination, I've never been able resist interrogation by my wife, I had to admit that it wasn't just her that I found attractive. With only skirts to wear, it's inevitable that sooner or later I'd be tenting them. "At least until we all settle down I want to save you the embarrassment, I'm sure after a while it won't be needed." She had me bend over and gave me a bloody great syringe full of something. "Ow, that hurt." I complained. "Don't be upset, it's just a little prick to give you a little prick." "Couldn't you have just unstuck me for tonight?" I heard myself whining. "It won't do you any harm to practice a little self denial for a change." She laughed. "That goes two ways you know." I told her with a grin. She threw me a baby doll nightie to put on which I did and joined her in bed. "Not necessarily." She replied. "You can pay a penance for being turned on by my friends and get between my legs." She pushed my head down under the bedclothes and guided me to where she wanted me. I've never been able to deny my gorgeous wife anything and it wasn't long before I felt her tension then relax. With no indication she was done I repeated my ministrations for a second, then a third time before she lifted my chin. "That was marvellous darling." She told me, turned over and went to sleep. I may have not felt myself try to get hard, but that didn't mean that I didn't go to sleep very frustrated. We had discussed timings for meals, so I had to get up half an hour before the others to get dressed and have it more or less ready for when they got to the breakfast room, a smaller dining room off the kitchen. They needed to usually start at eight thirty every day they were working, so they wanted breakfast from seven forty five. That meant me getting up at six forty five each day, which gave me an hour to get ready, wake myself up with coffee, and get the bulk of the breakfasts ready. I would just have eggs to fry if they wanted them, at the last minute. Lunch they wanted at one and dinner around seven. This was just for the first week when all they would be doing was unpacking equipment, setting it up and calibrating it. They would start next week actually doing what they were here for. Monday was the first of June and that would mark the start of our two years, at the end we would be here for another week, finishing up and packing, so the two years would actually be two years two weeks to be accurate. From Monday they would tend to work more in shifts and they would enter on a big board in the kitchen; when they were working, where they were (for safety reasons) and what time they wanted to eat. I didn't really understand a lot of what they were doing, but I did learn that one of the fun things was using a thing like a cannon to fire a float out into the sea twice weekly. These things would have temperature and other measuring devices on their undersides, and they radioed readings back to the island. It was reasoned that in several weeks' time they would eventually be picked up by ships following their GPS positions, somewhere in the Arctic. Things went well the first week. I was given some of the clothes bought for me by Tina and hung them in our wardrobe. Whatever injection Carol had given me certainly worked, I suddenly thought, after about four days, that I hadn't got randy once, not comforting but more comfortable, if you see what I mean. She made a regular day each week when she would give me a booster and at the same time she removed my falsies, cleaned them and stuck them back on, together with checking the glue down below. Monday the following week I had to get up at five to get breakfast for Frankie and Tina, Carol and Anna didn't want theirs until nine. They had agreed to pair up the obvious way for working, as the loving couple wanted to work and have free time together. Needless to say, I wasn't popular with Carol, who woke up at the sound of my alarm three hours before she needed to get up. Everyone had lunch at one, but then the early risers wanted dinner at five, so they could have an early night, whereas the other two wanted it at eight thirty as they didn't finish until eight. The alternating weeks it was turn about for the shifts. It was obvious, at least when it was pointed out to me, that we couldn't continue with me disturbing Carol's sleep, either early morning or late at night. We had an adult conversation about it and the obvious solution was for me to move into the single room and Anna move in with Carol, then they would be getting up and going to bed at the same times. They'd been room mates at university, so it wasn't as if they'd never had to put up with it before. Now I was settled and had more wardrobe space, Tina moved all the clothes she had bought into my new room. We laughed as she pointed out the fancy dress costumes she had bought, there were no less than three French maids' uniforms in black, pink and white, all with the full trimmings, including corsets and some wicked looking heels. Because of my long days Carol suggested that I lay down each afternoon, once I had cleared up the lunch things. I told her that I couldn't usually sleep like that, but she said that she had brought some MP3 recordings explicitly for relaxation, and I should play them when I went to bed. As well as televisions in the bedrooms, we all had good quality sound systems and I played the first recording the next afternoon. I went out like a light, feeling a hundred percent refreshed for the rest of the day. On the Sunday after the first full four weeks of work, Anna, as project leader called a meeting for lunchtime and told everyone to put aside four hours for a review of their findings. As a large amount of their work was actually classified, she asked me if I could just serve and clear away the food and have my meal after they had finished. It was just after that when Frankie suggested I play a joke on them. I got most of the meal on the go then met Frankie in my bedroom. She helped me get into one of the costumes. It was hard work, tightening the corset but she managed to get my waist down enough to fit the dress. I chose the black one as I thought that looked the most realistic for a maid, it came complete, as did the others, with matching colour fishnet tights, those shoes with five inch heels which locked on and a little cap that had black trailing ribbons down my back. The dress had crinolines sewn into it and a little white, heart shaped, hostess apron that tied round my waist to match. She pointed out that she would have to undo my corset anyway, so she would hang onto the keys for the shoes for safe keeping. Frankie went off to join the others in the dining room while I did the finishing touches to the meal. At exactly one o'clock I pushed the serving trolley into the dining room and heard everyone cry with pleasure. "That's a wonderful uniform Eve." "You look so good in it." "You're as gorgeous now as your food." They couldn't have been more appreciative. They couldn't get over having a maid serve their food and when I came back eventually to take away the debris of cheese and biscuits, Anna asked me to wait a minute. "As project leader, Eve, I want to congratulate you on the way you look after us, but today has been exceptional, even by your standards. Thank you so much for cheering us up so much when we are working so hard. The only thing I regret is that you don't have more of those uniforms, so that you could wear them every day." Of course, I had to point out that I did have more, and if they all wanted me to, I could wear them each day. I did point out that they weren't awfully comfortable, but if they wanted it, I would do it. This brought and affectionate round of applause and heartfelt thanks. I'm still not sure why I agreed so enthusiastically, but the die was cast and I had to live up to my promise. Doing their laundry was the most uncomfortable job in the tight uniforms, but I got used to it. After that first day, Tina left the shoe keys with me, she told me she trusted me not to keep slipping them on and off, it would wear them out too quickly, she told me. I didn't understand why, but I was sure all the ladies here knew what was best for me. The next day after that meeting was the first drop of supplies. I was glad they didn't want me to go to collect them, I don't think I could have managed that tractor with these heels. I was glad of the fresh vegetables though, I'd been mainly using tinned or frozen for two weeks, although they weren't too bad. Of the two rooms downstairs that had been taken over for their work, one was more or less the domain of Carol. As well as a fairly sophisticated chemistry lab it was her 'surgery' where she kept her medical equipment. One of the items that had been brought over was an examination chair. Carol explained to me that with three women here to look after, her knowledge of obstetrics would almost certainly be needed. As it was, it was me that was sat in the chair, raising my legs onto two arms for the purpose, while she examined and re-stuck my 'bits'. When asked I had to say that they hadn't been troubling me at all. I did wonder why, but decided it was one less thing for me to think about. I had quite enough, planning and cooking meals, cleaning and laundry, if it wasn't for my afternoon naps, I think I would have been exhausted. The only thing I did mention, as she had asked, was that my chest seemed either itchy or very sensitive a lot of the time and had been for weeks. She told me that it was perfectly normal with falsies, and she would see about getting me new ones when she could and in the meantime she washed and refitted the originals. I did ask her how she was sleeping without me to disturb her. She told me that it was much better, but it struck me that she actually looked more tired, most of the time. The first supplies included two more complete outfits for me, another in black and one in lavender, so Tina took all the clothes I had used previously to pack away for her to wear after the project was over. I could hardly begrudge her. Life fell into a pattern on the island. Supplies arrived, subject to weather, on the second Monday of each month and it was part of my job to make sure that I kept a track of what we used for the housekeeping. Food of course was the main thing, but it including keeping re-ordering cleaning materials and things like toilet rolls, shampoos, etc.. I lost weight, I just couldn't eat as much while I was wearing a corset, which was pretty much all the time so the uniforms became more comfortable and I got used to the shoes. Actually I became less happy about walking in bare feet, I think my tendons adjusted to the heel height. When Christmas was on the horizon we all placed orders for gifts for each other, I couldn't be very imaginative and ordered a very expensive necklace, bracelet and earring set for Carol and attach? cases with make up in for each of the others. The organisers asked us to place separate orders for presents, so they could be marked and avoid being opened either by the wrong person or ahead of time. As it happened bad weather delayed our re-supply and it wasn't until Christmas eve that it arrived. That meant hectic work to put up some decorations and carry on with our normal work load in the few hours we had left. We managed it though and I cooked a goose for the big day which everyone enjoyed. They re-did my make up so it looked fresh and bright, and I got jewellery, earrings, necklace with 'Eve' in gold, as well as creams and bath oils to make my skin nice and soft. We had televisions, as I said, but none of us watched much except they all sat down to watch the traditional Queen's speech and a few other things while I cleaned up the kitchen. They still had some readings of instruments and a few other things to do, but by and large they all tried to keep it to essentials over Christmas and the New Year. It was too cold at this time of the year to stay outside longer than necessary but it didn't make any difference to me as I was busy indoors most of my waking hours. From the start of the year I was asked to bring the girls breakfast in bed each morning. It didn't make much difference to me, so I agreed. It did seem odd to see Carol in bed with Anna every morning but my place was the other bedroom, not in that one. It did cross my mind occasionally that there was something wrong, seeing them in each other's arms if they weren't awake when I arrived, and I noted they had both taken to sleeping in the nude, the same as Frankie and Tina. With the next supply drop came an order from the university. They had noted that junior staff members were getting too familiar with those that were highly qualified. All departments had to introduce a new system of discipline. Senior members of staff must in future be referred to by their surnames or if given names were used to preface them with Mr, Ms, Sir or Madam. Frankie told me about the memo but said they didn't like the idea of me using surnames, but if I was just happy to call each of them madam and then when refering to them to someone else to say Ms Tina or Ms Carol, and so on. I appreciated the special treatment, although I didn't see the point of it way out here where we were. Ms Anna told me that she didn't want to put the memo into effect, so she had thrown it away, but if I didn't mind complying with it she said, that would be great. I thought it was quite funny having to call my wife 'madam' or Ms Carol, but I didn't see it made much difference. I still knew all their dirty underwear from when I laundered them! Talking of Ms Carol, she was still giving me the injections every week, I wondered sometimes what they were for. By the time that spring came round, we were all working very hard. Of course my job was easier than theirs but to make up I had longer hours. I found that apart from my rest for an hour or two in the afternoons, I was working from the time I got up at five in the morning to after I had cleaned up the kitchen after dinner, usually about ten but sometimes, if they were having an evening meeting, I was required to stay up later to serve their drinks and so on. It think it was round about the time of our anniversary of arriving on the island that Ms Carol told me that she was afraid that they were all getting rather stressed. I asked if there was anything I could do. "Yes, there is something Eve," she told me, "I think we are all suffering because of a lack of sexual release, and I wanted to know if you can remember how you used to relax me at night. It wasn't sex, but it was the next best thing, kissing me down there." Well of course I remembered, but I was a little surprised that she would want to do it to her now, but as I understood it, she wanted me to do it to whichever of them needed it. I didn't mind, but I wondered if they would be a little embarrassed in front of me. "Don't worry about that Eve, after all you see them with nothing on a lot of the time, especially round the pool." That was true of course, but Ms Carol asked me in the living room where the others could overhear and I heard a certain amount of nervous laughter coming from them. "Don't forget to use all your little tricks on them, will you Eve?" I assured her that as always, I'll do my best every time. After that I was often asked to join either one or two of them in their beds to relax them, sometimes at odd times of the day which gave me even less time to do my own work. At least I knew I was being helpful. As the anniversary of out arrival drew near, Ms Francine warned me that it was possible that someone really important would be arriving from the university, without any warning. They wanted to make sure that whoever it was could see that I was treating them all with the respect due. She told me that they were getting really hot on those things and suggested that whenever I entered or left their presence I gave a little curtsey and I could also acknowledge any instructions the same way. The reason for this, she told me was so that it minimised the distraction they had while doing their work. It was a real pain in the backside, as far as they were concerned, but she supposed we had better start doing it so that when the bigwig turned up, we would be used to it and so wouldn't make a mistake. She kindly spent quite a long time working with me to perfect my curtsey. It took a little while but eventually she was so pleased with me she thanked me profoundly. I did notice that for quite a while afterwards, whoever I curtseyed to tended to give a nervous little laugh, I thought that was sweet of them to be embarrassed, but I really didn't mind doing it. As it happened whoever it was never did visit and eventually we all forgot that they had ever said they would, but it seemed right for me to continue to curtsey, I'd got so used to it. Oh, I nearly forgot to mention that when my birthday came round I had lots of lovely oresents. The only things I wasn't sure about were the extra high heels that came with all my coloured uniforms. They suggested that I wore black uniforms during the day, then after my rest I put a coloured one on with the higher heels, Ms Christina told me that not only would it make the evening meal more formal, I would look sexier if one of them fancied me in bed. We all laughed at that. At first the six inch heels took some getting used to, but just like my others, it wasn't long before I could walk normally in them. That second summer seemed to pass incredibly swiftly and before we knew it we were preparing for our last Chistmas here. In a way the mistresses thought it a bit sad, but I must admit that it was such a lot of work that I wouldn't have minded it all ending sooner. By the time the days started to lenghten they were discussing what we should all do once we returned to civilisation, I would have liked to contribute, but of course in my position I had to keep quiet and let the cleverer people decide. After a lot of discussion they all settled on getting hold of a large building they could use to open an hotel. They would then all semi- retire on the proceeds of this project. I wasn't over keen, as I imagined that a lot of work would fall on the hotel maid, me. But Ms Carol explained that it probably wouldn't be as much as here, as most people would have there meals at regular times and I wouldn't have any more laundry to do as they would have a service to launder all the bed linen. "After all Eve, you deserve a lighter load once we're away from here as well." I thought that was very sweet of Ms Carol and I did an extra low curtsey to show my appreciation. For the next two or three supply drops they had details of various places for sale included and they poured over them, eventually settling on one which they asked to have surveyed. It was then all settled subject to them seeing the property when we were lifted back to the mainland, they all kept their fingers crossed that it would still be available. That last re-supply delivered a whole fistfull of papers that Ms Carol asked me to sign. "Don't forget to sign the way you used to with your real name." She told me. It was just as well or I would have signed 'Eve' but with her nudge I remembered that the way I signed the forms to come over here was 'Evelyn'. She gave a quick look at some of them, then rushed them back to the pilot so they could return on the same helicopter and there would be no delay. I did ask Ms Carol what I was signing, but she told me that it was nothing important enough for me to worry about, so I didn't. The following week when Ms Carol examined me, she told me I didn't need the same medicine as I'd been taking. She had me strip off completely and unstuck my 'bits' down below as usual, but she didn't re-stick them and then she then removed my falsies. They were only a half inch thick at the thickest part, under them I had my own real breasts. She got a mirror to show me my 'bits'. My penis was almost not there and behind it was my empty scrotum, a crumpled remnant of what I seemed to remember. "Aren't you beautiful?" She asked me. I supposed I was if Ms Carol thought so. "I'm sorry Eve," she sounded a bit sad "but I've got some bad news for you. I'm afraid I'm in love with Anna and as soon as we get back, we're going to get married. I know it's not for a couple of weeks yet but I wanted you to get used to the idea. I didn't want to be cruel, after all I was your wife, so I thought I would give you an alternative lifestyle as far removed as possible from the old one. Anyway I like having you around and this way we need never part. When we get back, all us girls are going to pool resources and buy a large house for us all to live in and open as an hotel. We all want you to join us but first of all we want you to become an almost complete woman. I've arranged with my old boss and he's agreed to do it. She told me all this but I didn't understand what she was saying. I thought that once we got back home I would be her husband again, now she was talking about this hotel and me being a woman. It was all too complicated for me to think about. Anyway, with all the packing up to do we were all especially busy over the last week, but the fact that we were all going to stay together helped with the sadness the Mistresses felt at leaving our home for so long. The trip back was the reverse of the travelling we did to get there. We had a little less things to bring back as left over stores and non- perishable provisions we heard were going to be used by the next group posted there. Ms Christina gave me the same clothes to wear back as I had used on the way. What a difference though, I was so much thinner now than when we arrived. Then something strange happened when we got back to Gatwick Airport to the south of London. After we got off the plane, a group of men came over, and two of them guided me away from my Mistresses. I was taken into a building off to one side of the main one and into a small room with comfortable armchairs, a coffee machine but I noticed cameras mounted round the ceiling. While I sat down the door opened and a another man and a woman entered, I quickly recognised one of them as Bill Childs, someone I went o school with. "Hello Frank, do you remember me?" "Err.. Yes Sir, err.. Mr Bill isn't it?" I was completely thrown, him calling me Frank and all. When did my name change? I couldn't remember. "Frank, I'm a lawyer now, a solicitor, and now I've come to represent you. Do you understand? I'm on your side." "I think so Sir." I was wary, why did I need someone on my side? "These men and the lady here are detectives and they want to ask you some questions." I nodded. "Hello Frank, my name's George, George Tanner and I'm a detective inspector, can you tell me when you wanted to change sex?" "Err, I don't think I have Sir, can you ask Ms Carol? She knows more about it than I do." It was an inspiration to realise that Ms Carol would be able to answer these people better than me. "When did you first dress in skirts and things?" The man called George asked. I had to think about that, when was the first time, then I remembered. "It was when the university said that I was female because they spelt my name Francis with an 'e' instead of an 'i' Sir. I had to pretend so that I could go with the others Sir." "Why did you carry on wearing dresses?" I liked the policeman, he smiled at me and told me to call him George not Sir. "But I can't do that Sir, I have to show respect to my betters." He smiled again and I continued. "It was my luggage Sir, it was lost on the journey." "Did you listen to any recordings while you were on the island Frank?" All these questions were giving me a headache. I had to think back. "Oh, you mean the music I listened to in the afternoon to help me relax Sir." "That's right, now can you remember if there was anything else on them?" "I don't think so Sir." Then I suddenly remembered. "Oh, you mean the woman who asked me if I was asleep, I only heard her a couple of times, it was mostly music Sir." "Did your wife, Ms Carol give you any medicines while you were there?" "Only my weekly boosters, they were jabs Sir, but I don't remember any tablets except maybe once of twice Sir" "Frank, do you want me to call you Frank or something else?" It was Mr Bill asked this. "Well my name's really Evelyn, but mostly I'm called Eve Sir, sometimes just 'girl' Sir." "What do you want me to call you?" For someone on my side he was trying to confuse me. "Whatever you want to Sir." Ha! I threw it back to him, he could decide. "Well perhaps for the moment we should call you Eve, listen Eve, the next person to come in is s doctor and his nurse, we are all going to leave while he examine you, then we'll come back in. OK?" "Yes Sir." Why did they need to examine me, I've had the very best medical supervision for two years now. I just let them do it. When the doctor came in with his nurse, the nurse first of all asked if she could help me undress. "It's not so difficult since I stopped wearing corsets Madam." I told her and took my things off myself. The man squeezed my breasts first and asked me how long I'd had them. "I don't know Sir, for a while they were covered by my falsies Sir, can you ask Ms Carol? She knows all about them Sir." The, much to my embarrassment, he spent some time prodding and pulling my 'bits' down below. "Did you notice when you didn't have any erections Eve?" He asked. "No sir, but I didn't want them to embarrass the Mistresses on the island Sir, so I suppose it was as soon as we got there Sir." "Thank you very much Eve, you may get dressed now." The nurse helped me a bit and soon I was decent. While I was putting my clothes back on I could hear the doctor talking to the men and woman outside, but I couldn't hear what was being said and it wasn't long before the nurse left and the others came back. "Eve," Mr Bill looked very serious, "I have to tell you what has happened but first of all the reason we've all got involved. Your wife, Carol, used a solicitor that knows me and you a little bit. When your wife filed for divorce she also had your signed consent to give her everything, your house, the contents of your bank accounts, even the payments made into it by the university. Your signature was witnessed by two other women on the island, Anna and Christina, but because it was so unusual they looked carefully at it, then had your bank send specimens of your signature. They worked out that you had signed 'Evelyn Walker' not the Frank Walker that you should have signed. Then one of the people in the office decided to look up the social websites of all the women with you. One of them, someone called Francine, had a lot of detail going back from before you went to the island, detailing exactly how and why they were going to emasculate you. She updated it nearly every week, presumably she thought that no one would connect her to you in any other way, she wasn't one who witnessed your signature. Do you understand how serious this is?" "Have I done something wrong Sir?" I was worried that the university had complained. "As far as I can tell, nothing whatsoever Eve." It was the nice policeman that answered. They spent some time discussing where I should go, and eventually Mr Bill made a phone call but went outside for most of it. When he came back he told the others that it was all arranged. I was worried where the others were going, but the woman there spoke for the first time that I shouldn't worry, they were going to be looked after. I was taken by Mr Bill back to near where I lived and then on to a lovely house in the country. We were met at the door by another doctor and I was taken upstairs and shown my room. "Sir, can you tell me when my uniforms will arrive? I don't want to get these clothes dirty, they don't belong to me Sir." I was told not to worry, that everything was being taken care of. The doctor told me his name was Michael and he was the same level as me so we could call each other by out given names. I supposed in that case it was alright. * * * * * All the above was taken mainly from my diary, with just the odd tweak for it to make sense. Looking back I can't help admire Carol for the thorough way in which she brainwashed me. I do not admire her genuinely held belief that I would want to be a virtual slave to the four women. I don't really think that deep down she believed it, even if I was brainwashed, otherwise why would it have been necessary to take all my money and assets? It didn't do any of them any good though. There were two main charges, with lots of other smaller ones. They were based around assault on my person, and slavery. Carol got her divorce but not on the terms she had chosen. I was the one who ended up with just about all the assets of the other four. I also sued the university for lack of supervision on their project and what with everything, I ended up a wealthy woman. Yes, woman. After my wife's treatment of me, there was never a chance to bring my body back to being male, it took many months of therapy before I could even consider the final operation, although eventually I had to accept that it was better than the alternative. I could never bring myself to fancy men, but there were opportunities for me to meet other ladies to socialise with but never one with whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life. It was about five years later that I had a note from Tina, asking if she could meet up with me and I agreed. She wanted to apologise, and right from the start I realised that she had been the least nasty to me, the reason she had a rather lower prison term to serve than the others. Having told her that I accepted her apology I nevertheless told her that I didn't want to see her again. After all that time I got bored with my sedentary lifestyle and although I didn't need to work, I moved to a picturesque village in the extreme South West where I bought a small hotel. I employed a chef but every now and then we had a gourmet night when I cooked while he helped and it turned a profitable business into a very profitable one. Just recently I've been seeing the woman who runs the local tourism office, and you never know, perhaps we will end up together. Two things I don't do. I employ people to do the cleaning and laundry.

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An abrasive train whistle cuts through your gentle sleep. As you groggily open your eyes, you see the familiar antique decor of your private train compartment. The bench across from you is empty. You sigh: it's been a while since you've had any kind of company, human or otherwise. Hopefully, those administrative privileges and the sexual endurance pill the park gave you will remedy that problem. As you turn and peer out of the crystal window, a small town slides into view: Sweetwater. It looks...

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Wetwoman QA

Originally I used to blog and used the site to link to my now defunct blog. I found trying to blog and respond to people too demanding. I also had some concerns about career sensitive issues. I enjoy occasional visits here and a handful of friendships based on sexual interests. Yes; that began coincidentally or accidentally really. I happened to have had sex outdoors with my husband and to have been observed by a rather sweet elderly man who was walking on the same footpath. He was a widower...

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Wetwoman phone vibrator

For a number of years I have used phone vibrators. Originally gifts from my husband which enabled him to excite me when our work took us away from each other.We live in the countryside and I can wear one in our large garden or when I walk on the footpaths which cross the lane in which we live and cross our neighbour farms.The vibrator is a bullet shaped one and is connected to a small phone linked unit which clips to clothing or a stocking top. Use of a mobile phone triggers about 20 seconds of...

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Westworld April 3, 2028 "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEO of Future Global, Malcom Sanders." The lights in the conference hall dimmed and a spotlight appeared on a man dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a Hawaiian aloha shirt as he walked across the stage. After an initial robust round of applause the attendees fell silent. Malcom Sanders was the latest Silicon Valley technology wizard that had quickly established himself far above his competitors in recent years....

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I settled down on the bus, taking out my phone. I scrolled through my downloaded files and clicked on the file marked anthros. My mother had sent me the file after all, something about learning 5he tools of me uncles trade. " Anthros will be your primary source of income as a rancher. Unlike their cousins the beasts meat selling isn't an option so byproducts are your primary source of income milk mostly from mammalian female anthros though there are some more specialized products, such as eggs...

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Catwomans Treat

Copyright© -- All rights reserved. "What are you doing?" Kelly asked her twin sister Kathy. Kathy tossed her long brown hair back, adjusted her extremely short red dress and smiled. "What does it look like I'm doing?" "I know you're not going out with that jerk Mark." "What if I am?" "Kathy! You have a wonderful boyfriend, how could you do that to him?" "Look, Chris and I are good together, but let's face it, we've been together too long. Besides, Mark and I are just...

2 years ago
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Hitwoman in LoveChapter 2

Angie the hit-woman retired the moment she married the cop with the biggest dick she had ever encountered. Her flirtation with genderless living came to a screeching halt as soon as he knocked on her wet and ready female door to confirm his desire to show her the way to full female satisfaction. Nine months after they sealed the deal with “around the world” finality, the young lovers separated their personal life from their professional life once and for all when young Angelo was born on the...

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Lisanna Craig was lounging in her mansion on a Friday Night. She had just slipped on a fleecy nightgown and was enjoying a glass of wine while she stroked her cat and read a paper. She had made the headlines again in her superheroine persona, Knightwoman. She had prevented the nefarious Clownman and his henchwoman Jenny Jester from robbing the first national bank of Renisance City. She smiled at the picture of her in a superhuman pose as the two villains where lead away in a van. "Sometimes I...

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What can we find on Adult Work besides UK escorts? Well, this is just in: it is possible to do other things besides just masturbate all day long on the internet. Like what, you ask? Well, you don’t have to always watch porn every time you’re horny, you know. Sometimes you could try to make your own! Or maybe you could browse escorts in your area, see if you can’t land yourself some real-life pussy. I’m sure your hand would appreciate the break anyway. Or you could get real old-school with it...

Escort Sites
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Scat World! There are no two ways about it; scat porn is degenerated, weird, and repulsive. And that is me being nice. This is no genre for ‘normal’ people if at all you could term people who jerk off to porn normal. As a matter of fact, if you are reading this review while having lunch, my apologies for ruining your meal. The shit I’m about to talk about is messy and gross, and if I’m, to be honest, I don’t understand how y’all sick fucks get turned on by the sight of chicks shitting all over...

Scat Porn Sites
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Have you ever wished for an adult social network that you could go to just to enjoy some nice content and have a friendly chat with people and maybe a dirty chat or two with a girl here and there? I know that there have been many attempts to make something like this, but most of those end up being niche sites for some kind of kink. If you’re looking for a broad website that acts like a general adult social network, it’s pretty much impossible to find something like that. However, you can hit...

Reddit NSFW List
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What’s the deal with Pissy Network? Is it a message board for bitchy Karens to air their daily grievances about not being the center of the world, or maybe it’s a cable channel devoted only to the most furious of angry dudes? Come on—why the hell would I be talking about that kind of bullshit around here? If there’s one thing I love, it’s something to jerk off to, and sometimes that goes well with a refreshing eruption of is a network of premium piss porn paysites all...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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AdultWork Phone Sex

As a porn enthusiast, I have seen too much to know that everybody has their favorite mode of smut consumption. Most people, myself included, have a favorite porn tube that somehow seems to always have what they are craving. Others have a preferred photo galleries archive, and others porn games they wouldn’t go a day without playing. Sometimes, dudes even have an ideal VR site. However, there are those days when even your bookmarked videos get you off. Usually, you are craving something more...

Phone Sex Sites
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It was a cold, wet, miserable Tuesday in November last year and I got asked to take the place of a work colleague at a networking event.To say I'm not a big fan of these sorts of things is an understatement, but I liked the guy who asked so to help him out I agreed to go.As I walked into the venue a hot girl was stood outside smoking. I thought "if she's going in here I can live with this". Sure enough she followed me in and I immediately started chatting to her. She was already tipsy and very...

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Network Adaption

Jenny put on a brave smile. How do I get myself in these things? she asked herself. It was too late to back out now. She'd wanted to work here, and she'd stayed, even when she'd found out what was going on. And because she'd stayed, she knew this was going to happen. She unhooked her bra and put it with her blouse. Then she lay back on the cot. She could see her mother on the next cot, and how her mother's legs wrapped around Mr. Graham's legs as they did it. She'd read all of the...

2 years ago
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Twos Perfect Three is Incredible

Widowed by a drunken driver five years earlier, I’d thought my opportunities of this kind were lost for good, then . . . I met Shelly. Though ten-years her senior, my life-long diligence, keeping in shape and eating right, was amply rewarded. We’d been introduced by a mutual friend who recognized our shared need for each other; and so I found myself on this sunny afternoon the recipient of incredible pleasure. Shelly is twenty-six, petit at 5-foot, four-inches, and her auburn hair usually...

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Catwoman prowling

2 years back for Haloween I was dressed slutty as usual. My costume for that year was Cat Woman. A tight body suit held with a clasp behind my neck, a zip on my ass to keep it tight around my waist and criss-cross strands that exposed my back and abs. Boots, mask, whip, the works. The tight body suit complemented my tiny frame to show every one that I had no fat on me. My girlfriends and I were partying at a swanky downtown hotel night club. We showed up at the party around midnight. We were...

4 years ago
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Catwoman prowling

2 years back for Haloween I was dressed slutty as usual. My costume for that year was Cat Woman. A tight body suit held with a clasp behind my neck, a zip on my ass to keep it tight around my waist and criss-cross strands that exposed my back and abs. Boots, mask, whip, the works. The tight body suit complemented my tiny frame to show every one that I had no fat on me. My girlfriends and I were partying at a swanky downtown hotel night club. We showed up at the party around midnight. We were...

Straight Sex
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Catwoman Controlled

The following story is a fantasy and has nothing to do with real life – except that in real life people have fantasies, at least I do. If you like the story please let me know. My addy is [email protected]. If you don't like the story because of its content, just stop reading. If you don't like the way it is written, let me know. I'm always trying to learn.Btw there is more where this came from, the story obviously isn't complete.Paying the Price 1. Bad news "The professor is out...

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Twos Perfect Three is Incredible

Introduction: This fictional story is again based on things that have happened. Wish they could all be true. I would welcome your input in a PM. I sat forward on the edge of the pool, my feet dangling in the clear water. My hands behind me, I leaned back with my eyes closed enjoying the sensation of the warm mouth sliding smoothly along the full length of my engorged cock. Theres nothing better than a blow-job at the end of stressful day to ease ones cares away. Widowed by a drunken driver...

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Twos company fives orgy

I am a 24 year old guy, fair, about 5 foot 8 in tall, of average build with a 6 in cock. But, what makes me not so average is that three gorgeous women fuck me every once in a while. Gorgeous does not even begin to describe these women. I do not know if they are hot enough to melt steel but they certainly get me as hard as steel! What’s more, they know exactly what to do with a nice hard piece of meat, and very few Indian women know that. Kavita and Mili are both 25, 34-28-36, and have mouths...

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Twos Company Threes An Orgy

“What are you smiling like a doofus for?” my friend Jasmine asked.I looked up from my phone. “Huh? Nothing, no reason,” I said, putting my phone face down on my bed.“Okay, so this Odysseus guy is a real dick, right? Can we all agree on that?” my friend Courtney asked as she scribbled notes into her binder.“What are you talking about? He’s the hero of the story,” Jasmine said.“Hero? How is he the hero? He pretends to sleep while his army gets murdered by a raging cyclops. Like, wake everyone up...

Group Sex
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Twos Company Part 2

I welcome all comments, both positive and negative aswell as any ideas and thoughts for stories. If you wish to email me direct please do so on [email protected] Back by popular demand, this is a fantasy story of a 16 year old twin brother and sister. Both are sexually inexperienced and keen to learn and who better to learn with that your sibling. Two’s Company – Part 2 “Oh, baby, I need to cum now, ooh, I'm so close!” Ian groaned. Sally sucked harder, and then...

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Twos Company

I welcome all comments, both positive and negative aswell as any ideas and thoughts for stories. If you wish to email me direct please do so on [email protected] This is a fantasy story of a 16 year old twin brother and sister. Both are sexually inexperienced and keen to learn and who better to learn with that your sibling. Especially when one of them has a very unique skill. Two’s Company Sally skipped up the path to her house and having fished the door key from...

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Twos Company

Part One The day out. …Three’s a crowd, but four is… well read on and make your own mind up. But, please don’t ask me what I think, I’m still coming down and can’t think straight yet. Erotica; Probably the best exhibition or show in London of the year. Usually held around the middle of November, when it is cold and miserable out, but the heat in the Grand Hall; Olympia, near Earls Court, South West London, goes off the scale. I had managed to get two of the hottest tickets in...

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Twos Company

It started out as just a regular celebratory night of drinking, for a friend’s 21st birthday. His girlfriend was out of the country, he was bored and he’d just turned 21. What else could we do but go into the town and have some drinks together, just the three of us? Of course, in typical fashion, birthday boy was late by an hour, or so, before casually sauntering into the restaurant, as we sat waiting near the door. We’d already had a couple of drinks. I hadn’t really been too upset, I’ll be...

4 years ago
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Twos Company Threes A Party

Two’s Company, Three’s a Party I was lying naked in bed on a Friday morning, just beginning to awaken from a rather difficult night, when I thought I heard a muted sound coming from the kitchen. I decided to ignore the occurrence, thinking it was merely the product of an overactive imagination, when at that moment, she burst into my bedroom with a huge grin on her face. "Hiya Danny! I was in the neighborhood, and after I knocked and got no answer, I used my key," she explained with a broad...

Group Sex
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Twos Company

Two’s company…….Part OneThe day out.…Three’s a crowd, but four is… well read on and make your own mind up. But, please don’t ask me what I think, I’m still coming down and can’t think straight yet.Erotica; Probably the best exhibition or show in London of the year. Usually held around the middle of November, when it is cold and miserable out, but the heat in the Grand Hall; Olympia, near Earls Court, South West London, goes off the scale.I had managed to get two of the hottest tickets in town....

Group Sex
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Twos Company

“That one. Now.” Adam looked over to his left, past the boozers shouting obscenities at the TV. She sure was pretty. Her tight blouse presented an ample amount of cleavage. Adam could tell she enjoyed the attention though. Her smile wasn’t merely a pleasantry, but instead a coy tease for the gawkers. And boy, were there gawkers. He took a swig of his half-empty beer. Cold. Nice and cold. “I don’t know Neil, there may be too many witnesses.” Adam held an uncertainty. Scanning the room he saw...

1 year ago
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Twos Company

Part One The day out. Three's a crowd, but four is... well read on and make your own mind up. But, please don't ask me what I think, I'm still coming down and can't think straight yet. Erotica. Probably the best exhibition or show in London of the year. Usually held around the middle of November, when it is cold and miserable out, but the heat in the Grand Hall; Olympia, near Earls Court, South West London goes off the scale. I had managed to get two of the hottest tickets in town. You...

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