- 2 years ago
- 35
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The green foliage sped by as Bayonetta pressed down firmly on the accelerator of her Noble M12 GTO. It was a warm spring day and James, sitting in the passenger seat beside her, was basking in the sun and fresh air. It was the first time he'd been outside of Bayonetta's lair since he fell into her clutches and he was overjoyed to be out and stretching his legs.
He was even more thankful that he was not wearing the latex bondage suit that had become his second skin as Bayonetta's plaything. For two months now he had been bound in the sinister full body prison and constantly bathed in her cum as he sucked her off and took her massive cock up his ass more regularly than he would have thought humanly possible.
He was a slave; a sex slave. There was no other way to put it accurately. She had not tortured him or left any permanent scars or marks on his body to date, but the fact remained that he was a prisoner in her elaborate dungeon of a guest flat, and she demanded his sexual services roughly and frequently.
As the yellow sports car flew down the gravel country road, James thought about what an odd relationship he'd developed with the mysterious woman since becoming her personal slut. As the weeks had gone by, Bayonetta had become somewhat friendlier and warmer with him. Perhaps it was genuine affection or maybe it was simply because he performed his sexual duties well. Either way, he was getting perks now, and he was glad to have them.
She had bought him a Playstation 3 and a stack of games to keep him entertained when she wasn't there. He remained chained to her queen size waterbed at all times when she was absent, but she had installed a longer chain on his collar. Most of the apartment was still off limits to him, but now he could access not only the bathroom, but the entertainment center.
For the first month he had been allowed no sustenance except that which came from her thick, pulsating phallus. Eating nothing but her cum had caused him to lose weight quickly, and after his first month of captivity Bayonetta had begun providing him solid food, if only occasionally and always followed up the next day by a full enema. She insisted that his ass remain clean as a whistle at all times, as it was the personal sheath to her magnificent sword.
The perks were nice, and in recent weeks when she wasn't fucking him they often chatted as if they were a normal couple. When she wanted sex, however, Bayonetta was all business, and there was no acceptable response to any of her queries or commands but "Yes Mistress." Anything else resulted in a whipping or a beating with one of her endless supply of sex toys.
The night before, James had the opportunity to enjoy one of those rare solid meals. Bayonetta had a wonderful steak dinner catered, and when she had eaten her fill she gave the leftovers to her pet. Earlier today, he had been hustled into the bathroom and finally released from his tight, cum slick bondage for the first time in a week. She gave him his enema, ordered him to shave his body, and allowed him to take a wonderful hot shower.
Now, as they traveled deeper into the countryside, he found himself in a simple t-shirt and shorts, under which he was wearing a pair of Bayonetta's black silk panties. She didn't have any men's underwear on hand and she insisted that he looked better in panties anyway. The only other articles that adorned his body were his sneakers and the new collar that she had produced for just this occasion. It was purple leather and simply read "SLUT" on the front in bold white lettering. It fit snugly around his neck and had a long, thick leather leash attached to it.
Bayonetta was also dressed somewhat more simply than usual. She was wearing black track pants with white stripes and a white tank top with no bra. The shirt could barely contain her enormous breasts. Her black latex arm gloves ended halfway up her upper arms and her track pants concealed most of her thigh high latex leggings. The combination of fetish wear and casual wear was pretty odd, but it was a good bet she wasn't planning to keep the casual wear on.
"Did you enjoy that steak last night babe?"
"Yes mistress, it was delicious" he answered, genuinely grateful.
"Well you're going to earn it today, that's for sure."
James couldn't help noticing that her cock was jutting into the left thigh of her track pants, half erect and straining to be free against the mesh fabric. She was excited about something, but he had no idea what that was exactly.
"Where are we going again?" he asked, breaking the silence once more.
Bayonetta pulled the lollipop she'd been sucking from her mouth. "I told you yesterday, if the weather was right, today we were going to fulfill one of my all time sexual fantasies. Well, the weather is perfect and here we are!" She placed the lollipop back in her mouth and adjusted the wheel for an upcoming turn.
"Out in the middle of nowhere?" he asked skeptically.
She glanced over at him with raised eyebrows and smiled. "You'll see."
Returning her eyes to the road, Bayonetta could feel her cock growing stiffer and longer against the silky confines of her pants. She pressed the gas even harder. She was already going seventy miles an hour, but she didn't care. She wanted to be there, NOW.
Ten minutes later Bayonetta spotted their destination and pulled into a small alcove by the side of the road. It looked like a spot for hikers to park for the day while they explored the area. There was a large brown sign painted with yellow letters that announced the entrance to a hiking trail and explained the rules and regulations for the nature preserve.
Bayonetta locked the car and grabbed his leash. "Let's go!" She headed for the trail, pulling him behind her as fast as she could get him to follow.
For the next fifteen minutes they followed the trail as Bayonetta marched along at a brisk pace, tugging James' leash the entire way. She was wearing nothing but sandals on her feet, but the terrain didn't seem to bother her in the slightest.
"There it is!" Bayonetta exclaimed suddenly and veered off the trail, pulling her boy toy behind her. They moved beyond the trees and into a clearing which then proceeded onto a grassy hillside. From the hill you could see for quite a distance, and this part of the park was mostly open plains with a river not too far in the distance. Oddly, the plains were not grassy like the hill and this part of the park was mostly bare land.
"Strip" Bayonetta ordered as she pulled off her tank-top and began removing her track pants.
James looked around, confused, but he took off his shirt, shorts and sneakers as instructed. "You mean we're there?"
"Almost" she replied with a grin.
James began to take off the silk black panties. "No, leave those on" she said as she yanked her track pants off her legs and tossed them aside. Her enormous ball sack plopped into view, gleaming in the early afternoon sun as her heavy penis unfurled in front of her; bobbing, hungry and at almost full attention.
Bayonetta licked her lips, admiring the view of her slut, completely nude aside from his girly underwear and purple collar. She climbed to the top of the hillside, pulling on his leash and pointing over the ridge. "See that? That's where we're going."
James moved up beside her to get a better view and as he did Bayonetta let go of his leash. "I don't see anything" he replied "It's mostly just flatland out there and—WHOA!"
There is a certain mixture of confusion and complete terror that one can only experience when they are not falling one moment, falling the next moment, and they had never anticipated falling at all. That is what James felt as he plummeted towards the ground and he had time for only one thought: 'This is going to hurt.'
Only it didn't hurt, or at least not badly. In fact, the only part of his body that was in real pain was his scrotum, as it had connected to the ground with a loud, wet smack.
James struggled to catch his breath and make sense of what had just happened. As his senses cleared, he realized he was already thigh deep in warm muck. Looking around he saw that he was near the center of what appeared to be a very large mud pit. The gunk was light brown, had the texture of pudding and the consistency of wet cement. Even as he analyzed his situation he was sinking deeper at an alarming pace, the warm, sucking goo encroaching on his sleek panties.
"Mistress? MISTRESS?!? HELP I'M SINKING!!!" He panicked as he continued to sink into the mire at a steady pace. 'Oh god, is this quicksand?!?' He tried to pull one of his legs free, but there was virtually no give and there was no bottom to push from either.
'Wait, I've read about quicksand before. The best way to escape is to float, right? You have to try and swim your way out. Ok... ' He leaned forward, hoping to grab something, anything; hoping that the muck in front of him wasn't as deep. As he groped forward in desperation, he succeeded only in sinking both of his arms into the creamy sludge past his elbows.
"BULLSEYE!" Bayonetta cheered, admiring the view from the edge of the pit. She had circled around the hillside and was now fisting her fully erect 16" sausage in long strokes as she watched him struggle in the mud.
James twisted his head, looking for her. "Mistress, help! I'm sinking!"
"I know" she replied "That's the idea ... You might want to stop struggling so much. That will only cause you to sink faster."
James tried to extract his arms from the mire but the strength in his midsection was fading fast and his hands weren't finding a bottom in the mud any better than his feet. He knew that Bayonetta was right, so he stayed still, forming a bridge over the muck with his body as best he could.
"Is this quicksand?" he asked over his shoulder.
"No, quicksand has much higher water content. You can usually float in quicksand. This is deep clay mud. This shit will suck you right to the bottom if you're not careful."
James' face was a mask of fear. "Well how deep is it?!?"
Bayonetta kicked off her sandals and began walking into the pit casually. "Twelve feet the last time it was measured. Could be deeper now..."
With the hot sun beating down on the clay pit, she advanced into the muck, completely naked save for her latex arm gloves and latex leggings. She savored the feeling of her feet being fully immersed in the warm gunk before taking two big steps forward and sinking her legs up to the knee. The mud sucked and slurped at her legs as she slowly made her way toward James' exposed ass.
She scooped up some of the clay with her gloved hand and spread the muddy slime all over her glistening pole. "Jeanne was right ... natural lube is the best."
James had now sunk up to his chest and shoulders and was beginning to panic again.
"Relax!" Bayonetta called from behind him "Now that you're flat against the mud you have more surface area creating resistance. You won't sink as fast as long as you don't struggle."
She grunted as she used the full strength of her impressive thighs to wade further into the stubbornly thick clay. She was up to her hips now, her balls dragging through the muck and her cock just above the surface of the moist pit.
James suddenly realized the true danger they were in. "Wait, Mistress! What are you doing?!? You have a rope right? Something attached to the outside?!?"
Bayonetta finally slogged to just behind James' hovering asshole, her legs and hips settling into the sucking mud. She pulled his silk panties down, grabbed her cock and held it up to his pretty little pucker.
"I never work with a safety net babe. What would be the fun in that?"
Without hesitation she grabbed his hips and speared her clay lubed cock into his ass, burying a full 10 inches in the first thrust. Fighting through the pain of her sudden insertion, James made a mental note that he could add "mud" and "mortal danger" to the list of things that got Bayonetta off.
She established a moderate pace, opening him up with her thick salami as quickly as possible, her hips and ass making wet smacking sounds in the mud as she pounded his sissy ass.
"Mmmm, Mother Earth's very own bondage. You can't escape and she even set you up doggie style for me" she intoned huskily as she thrust into him. "Pretty impressive, eh slut?"
James tried to control his fear as he sank another inch into the mud. "Yes Mistress, but what if we can't..."
His words were cut off when she suddenly and deliberately buried all 16 inches balls deep in his ass. James cried out, his face dipping into the muck as she filled his ass completely.
"What's the matter? Worried that I might not be able to get us out? That's the THRILL, slut. That's why I'm hard as a lamppost and ripping you a wider asshole right now."
She emphasized those last words with a return to steady fucking; sliding her fat dick out a few inches and jamming it back in over and over. James' face was visibly red and he panted into the sludge, her assault coming too hard and too fast. His limbs tried to move; tried to react to the invasion of his most sensitive orifice, but they were locked in thick, sucking clay.
"You don't need to worry about any of that. Your only concern, as usual, is pleasuring my cock! If I want to fuck you into the mud until you drown in brown shit, that's what I'm going to do. If I want to keep shafting your lifeless body until it's full of clay and cum, I'll do that too! Now shut the fuck up, AND TAKE MY MUDDY COCK!"
Bayonetta began fucking him full speed, or at least as close to full speed as she could muster while being sucked into luscious clay. She pistoned 14 inches of her greasy fuck meat in and out of his ass as they continued to sink into the mire. Lost in the pleasure of his tight ass, she didn't notice or care how much farther they'd sank until the mud had risen above her cock and James' asshole had disappeared below the surface. She could feel her cock glide through the clay every time she withdrew from his ass and every time she launched back in.
"OH FUCK! OH FUCK!!! THIS IS THE BEST! THIS IS THE BEST!!!" she wailed as her climax rolled over her like a tidal wave. Her ejaculation was so powerful, it pushed her back several inches out of his ass. She plunged forward again, a tornado of semen blasting out of her staff and drowning his insides.
Hunter rolls off of me, landing in a panting heap by my side on the bed. I close my eyes, attempting to catch my breath, stretching my limbs as the last ripples of my orgasm subside. I sigh softly, curling into him, making a nest on his shoulder. His arm wraps loosely around my glistening naked body, his breathing slowing to a more normal pace. My still trembling hand hovers on his chest, and I can feel his heart, still racing.I can't believe how amazing our first time together really was....
Straight SexHe was even more thankful that he was not wearing the latex bondage suit that had become his second skin as Bayonetta’s plaything. For two months now he had been bound in the sinister full body prison and constantly bathed in her cum as he sucked her off and took her massive cock up his ass more regularly than he would have thought humanly possible. He was a slave; a sex slave. There was no other way to put it accurately. She had not tortured him or left any permanent scars or marks on his...
The green foliage sped by as Bayonetta pressed down firmly on the accelerator of her Noble M12 GTO. It was a warm spring day and James, sitting in the passenger seat beside her, was basking in the sun and fresh air. It was the first time he'd been outside of Bayonetta's lair since he fell into her clutches and he was overjoyed to be out and stretching his legs. He was even more thankful that he was not wearing the latex bondage suit that had become his second skin as Bayonetta's...
I was 19 when I met Ken. I was still at Uni and I met him during a work placement at a large accounting firm in the city. I had just completed my first ever full scale audit of a medium sized business. I had essentially completed the audit on my own but I was closely supervised by one of the accountants there and he had double checked everything I had done.I had to attend a meeting with the client, more as part of my work experience than anything else. I wasn't really needed there because my...
KINK - Racial fetishism: Bondage Discipline Sadism Masochism/BDSMRaceplay & Racial Humiliation - Taboo - Interracial domination/submission - Physical/Psychological DegradationThe Turn On: Race play is considered on the edge of edgy sex. There are about as many ways to engage in BDSM as there are theories for why it arouses. It’s consensual and erotic. People find it erotic to act like they have complete control over another person (or pretending that they give up control). It also has its ...
the big man was just pulling out of me as i lay gasping on my belly when there was a peeping sound. it was his cell phone, and he answered it quietly as i rolled on my side and stretched a little. when he hung up, he leaned over me and kissed my shoulder. "A couple of friends are coming up. i want you to meet them, make nice. be a good girl for daddy," daddy. he didn't pull out the daddy kink often so that meant i was going to meet some of his friends who were into that who wanted to do me. i...
I laid there, waiting. I had sent the sexts, I had flirted and said I wanted it, and now he was on his way. I was a mix of emotions - nervous, excited, scared. We had slept together before, but not like this. We had never been able to fully explore our kinks.But now, tonight was the night. We talked about how much we wanted to fuck each other, and how much he wanted to fuck my feet. We talked about how I loved pain and to be dominated. We talked about sex toys and anal plugs. All of it. He was...
Hey guys, I'm Denny, a masculine soft-hearted Outed Gay,with a Homoflexable twist looking for my Soul-Mate. Am a retired professional looking to find a REAL LifeTime romantic love n friendship with a Versatile Outed Gay man, LadyBoy or T-Gurl. I'm a loyal, calm, very horny ole boy n enjoy guys whose sexuality radiates from within n are comfortable with who they are. It's important to talk, get to know one another n share our stories as I do enjoy hearing about your life's n your sexual...
Hey guys, I'm Denny, a masculine soft-hearted Outed Gay,with a Homoflexable twist looking for my Soul-Mate. Am a retired professional looking to find a REAL LifeTime romantic love n friendship with a Versatile Outed Gay man, LadyBoy or T-Gurl. I'm a loyal, calm, very horny ole boy n enjoy guys whose sexuality radiates from within n are comfortable with who they are. It's important to talk, get to know one another n share our stories as I do enjoy hearing about your life's n your sexual...
The house of kinks is almost as old as the oldest profession in the history of mankind, its creation was founded upon three unrefutable principles. 1- There will always be a market for the pleasure of the flesh and the house of kink always need to be in touch with the populace needs. 2- No House of Kinks manager should seek power at the detriment of the house's reputation, power will come naturally, the sex commodity always has and always will attract powerful individuals, use this to advance...
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Introduction: This story is a little different. Its told from the perspective of a fourteen year old girl whos curious about sex, and whos growing up very fast. There is a lot of sex in this story but it is not meant to be completely gratuitous, and is hopefully presented in a way that illustrates the themes that Ive introduced. This story covers only age fourteen. Lola has other stories to tell about her experiences at different ages. Many of her adventures are cautionary tales, and as such,...
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Hunter rolls off of me, landing in a panting heap by my side on the bed. I close my eyes, attempting to catch my breath, stretching my limbs as the last ripples of my orgasm subside. I sigh softly, curling into him, making a nest on his shoulder. His arm wraps loosely around my glistening naked body, his breathing slowing to a more normal pace. My still trembling hand hovers on his chest, and I can feel his heart, still racing. I can’t believe how amazing our first time together really was....
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I know this will probably cover a fews different fetishes. I got caught by my cousin, but I was watching her. I was 14 years old at the time and she was 16. We were at our family summer home in Wisconsin, and one night, being the insomniac I am, I couldn't sleep. I started reading a book, and after awhile I had to get up and go to the washroom. As I walked down the hall I heard something. Something I never heard before. I didn't think anything of it, but on my way back to my room I noticed the...
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My name is Lola and everyone tells me that I'm beautiful, and maybe they're right, I'm not sure really. I have high cheekbones and I don't need to wear makeup to be pretty. So far my skin is dewy and soft, and my eyes are really big and dark blue, and my hair is shiny and dark brown, and falls just below my shoulders. I have a straight nose and a long neck and I'm thin with nice tits, huge really, and a tear drop shaped, firm ass that looks amazing with a thong wrapped around it or...
cock sucking – cock licking – crotch licking – ball licking – curious male – curious older male – sweet cumCURIOUS WM, 30 looking for first time oral experience from another man. All calls answered. 4257You've seen the ads. Maybe you even thought about answering one. Maybe you did. I saw this ad and was drawn to it. It was so simple. A curious guy wants to find someone to satisfy his need to know what it would be like to have a man give him head. He may have had oral sex from a woman but he...
Some say that Curiosity killed the cat or in this case could it kill a marriage? As they sat eating dinner, she noticed that he was staring thoughtfully at her. She waited since she thought he was just gathering his thoughts before speaking. But he didn't speak. He just stared at her for a few more moments then resumed eating; chatting casually as though the moment never occurred. Dawn was puzzled just a bit because she had been so sure that Mike had something on his mind that he wanted to...
Introduction: A girl who has been raised by her brother, get curious. Pretext January 23, 1996: She was born. My sister, Lilian. At first it was hard to adjust to my parents paying more attention to her, but I got used to it. I was five at the time, but I had started school and wasnt too concerned with anything at that time. Looking back, my parents always preferred my sister over me, but that didnt stop us from being close as we grew up together. My name is Steven and I have medium toned...
I can remember the summer of 2009 very well, why you ask? Well it was the summer when I took ‘Curious’; yes, ok strange name, albeit a nick-name … but what a lady! I guess she was around mid-thirties dark hair good-looking babe!; anyway I lived next door to her, and first saw her from a gap in the adjoining fence … my story beginsI was mowing the lawn one midweek afternoon when, after some 45 minutes of mowing I sat down on the chair on the decking, even though I had the CD player on, I could...
It was Jonathan who suggested the name. Gavin furrowed his brow. “We’re not really a league, though, are we? We’re a trio?” “I like it,” said Peter, not looking up from his textbook, which lay open on Jonathan’s kitchen table. “Has a nice ring to it. ‘The League of Bi-Curious Gentlemen.’ Stately.” “Not that we’re really bi-curious at this point,” said Gavin. “I think we’re beyond curious.” “Bi-fascinated?” Jonathan suggested, and they all grinned at each other. It had been three weeks since...
BisexualWell I am Michelle's husband Rob my wife is so bi curiousness she start pouring juices from her sweet pussy.well I work out of town alot for my job and I gave my wife all rights to cheat only if its a woman. Her pictures are in my profile if you like to see all her sexiness. Ok now with the story her and her friend work out together every wife would go to Jen house to workout.well they always work out in Jen master bedroom .they got through with there work out and Jen says I got to...
I sat at my desk drinking the same old boring cup of coffee, wearing the same old boring clothes, doing the same old work, when I realized I was living the same old boring life. I had been single for over 6 months and hadn’t been on a date. I hadn’t had sex in over 9. I was long overdue. The problem wasn’t me, I was attractive enough I suppose. I have long black hair, hazel almost golden eyes, large firm breasts, and a round ass. The problem was, the men that asked me out didn’t seem to strick...
Introduction: This is the continuing story of Lola who is still a very curious girl. This one is considerably shorter than the first story, I Am Curious (Fourteen). Hope you enjoy reading it! I AM CURIOUS (Eighteen) When I turned eighteen I knew I needed to get out of town. I am a curious girl and I was frankly bored. Id quit school shortly after turning sixteen and spent two years partying, sleeping late, and fucking just about everyone in the area. I didnt have a job and didnt want one, and...
A story I wrote a few years ago and posted on Literotica. It's about 10% reality but mostly fantasy. Sorry it's so long - it was originally posted in 3 parts. Hope you like it.I was 26 years old, and living in an apartment, just getting my career going after spending time in graduate school. I had always considered myself straight. I was never what you'd calla "babe magnet" and I was never real good at picking up women, but I wouldn't say I was sexually deprived either. Through several one...
Hello guys. This is my true story about my curiousity how great anal sex feels like.Im a straight male and having a GF. really happy with my GF. we always fuck. we fuck 2 times a day. always horny and love about sex. 2 or 3 years ago i watched trans porn. When i watch it i admit the trans girl is very hot, sexy, and beauty and watch it continuously day by day. Yes Im erect when see trans have a sex with a guy. after that i see a crossdresser. they dressed like a girl, act like a girl and they...
“Wait, before we start we have to get some soda!” Tony yelled. “Hmm.. Ok, yeah, it is movie time right?” I went into the kitchen poured each of us a cup of orange soda. As I was about to finish filling up the second I heard Tony yell, “Popcorn too!” I accepted the request, grabbing a bag and putting it in the microwave. While that cooked I grabbed the soda and carried it into the kitchen. Half way there the microwave went beeping and Tony rushed off the couch and ran past me towards the...
''its ok , its normal to be curious touch it''i did even knew him, he was a black guy doing the same bus run as i do most night this time i coudnt believe how hard he was in his pants looking at me as he do most night as i tried to act like i dont knowhe stood up and sat in my row with me''touch it dont be shy''''its normal to be curious just try boy''i endup holding his bbc under his pants the whole way home and left before anything could happenbut he left too''where you...
This was going to be another one of those boring nights. Home alone with nothing to do and no one available to hang out. All you had left to do is sit at home and watch tv, play video games, and masturbate. The last one is something that you'd rather not put out there, but it undeniably happens every time. As a straight man, you'll generally find some hot female nudes or porn to jack off too, by sometimes you'll get turned on by other things. It's always easier to find other horny guys online...
BisexualI took my time dressing, wanting to maximize my "assests" as much as possible. When I hunted, I made sure my trap was set with the perfect bait. I wanted to catch the best specimen of prey possible and to do so, you need good bait. Checking my reflection, I decided I definitely had good bait. I was dressed in an exquisitely tight black halter dress that hugged my ample rear and large chest. My tits were practically spilling out of the dress. The length was perfect as well. It was...
We moved out, my younger sister, my mom, and myself. It was difficult at first not having dad around but I quickly got used to it. I was always more attached to my mom anyways. It was my little sister that seemed to be having a harder time, asking for dad much more often than I thought about him. Soon she got used to him not being around too and it was like it was just the three of us. We moved into a small 2 bedroom apartment. Just a tiny kitchen, a living room, a hallway with a bathroom on...
Layla loved summer: the hot sun, the sandy beaches and the soccer season.Layla was 21 years old and had just finished her second year of college on a soccer scholarship.To pad her resume and because she loved soccer, Layla had volunteered to coach one of the girl's advanced training camps.Layla was a jock in every sense of the word. She was tall, slim, small breasted, 34b, and had long tanned legs. Her blonde hair was always in a ponytail and her eyes were a hypnotic aqua blue.She was also a...
"D" was my college freshman roommate. D was tall, lean, very good looking, and D was also a black guy with smooth dark brown skin. I'm white and one of the few white males out there with no racial baggage messing up my head. Which D and all my other black friends picked up on immediately.D and I both had girlfriends but on this Friday evening we were both on our own. Our girlfriends both were away for the weekend.D liked to walk around our suite in the nude. Whenever it was the easiest thing to...
Amber breathed out and then sucked in as much air as she could. The sensation from the cyber skin vibrator tapping at her anus was slowly driving her mad with pleasure. Her girlfriend of five years, Marie knelt behind her caressing her ass cheeks and pussy. Amber felt the toy slide in an inch, and she gasped as it stretched her a bit more than what was comfortable. It was bigger than the previous one and Marie had promised to be gentle with her. She always was and Amber loved her for it. Her...
LesbianWe moved out, my younger sister, my mom, and myself. It was difficult at first not having dad around but I quickly got used to it. I was always more attached to my mom anyways. It was my little sister that seemed to be having a harder time, asking for dad much more often than I thought about him. Soon she got used to him not being around too and it was like it was just the three of us. We moved into a small 2 bedroom apartment. Just a tiny kitchen, a living room, a hallway with a bathroom on...
“Oh, oh, slowly Marie, slowly.” “I’m sorry, it’s just that you look so fucking sexy.” Amber knew she did, and she was proud of it. Ever since she was in her late teens and had finally grown into a woman, people had always commented on her hourglass figure, piercing blue eyes and her raven black hair. Not that she was a bitch about it, but she knew she was hot like shit and enjoyed the attention. Marie was also a very attractive woman. Being five years older than Amber made her thirty and she...
Cora, short for Corinne, 14 years old, was weeding the garden with her older brother Dave, 16. They were nude, enjoying the warm day. This was a common occurrence since they’d grown up in a nudist family. Following along behind him with both on their hands and knees picking weeds, she saw his soft penis and testicles hanging down and that prompted a question. “Hey Davey, what’s the big deal about sex? There are so many references to it everywhere.” He stopped and looked back at her, then...
As a basically straight married man who has had a curiousity for man to man action for years, I would look at pictures on the net and read stories of other guys experimenting with other men. I would jerk off to the thoughts of being with another guy in the same room or sitting next to me. Sometimes fingering myself as I would J/O and I loved the sensation that it gave me when I finally came. I began to have all kinds of fantasies about this and what it would be like to have a another guy fuck...
As a basically straight married man who has had a curiousity for man to man action for years, I would look at pictures on the net and read stories of other guys experimenting with other men. I would jerk off to the thoughts of being with another guy in the same room or sitting next to me. Sometimes fingering myself as I would J/O and I loved the sensation that it gave me when I finally came. I began to have all kinds of fantasies about this and what it would be like to have a another guy fuck...
BisexualWhen I turned eighteen I knew I needed to get out of town. I am a curious girl and I was frankly bored. I'd quit school shortly after turning sixteen and spent two years partying, sleeping late, and fucking just about everyone in the area. I didn't have a job and didn't want one, and I guess I was lucky my parents let me hang out like that, but of course my dad really had no choice but to let me. If he ever did forget, I just looked at his groin and he shut the fuck up right away. ...
The husband has been out of the picture for a long time now. Only you and your son in his early twenties live together and the nights can be lonely. Recently you cannot help but notice your son, now much more grown, getting out of the shower with just his boxers on as his muscles seem to catch your eye. Every time you try to act like you are not looking, however recently you cannot help it as the both of you talk to each other in full on conversations while he stands in front of you almost...
IncestAwesome Ariel and virgin Vanessa visit us in Amsterdam for a free consult and answers to their curious questions. Both brunette beauties can come as often as they want, but each has her setback: Ariel is as shy as dry, when she has sex, while Vanessa is still a virgin, who can't decide how to switch from masturbation and tools to the real thing.We first invite Ariel for Carnival long weekend. And secretly book Vanessa as well for next day. Ariel comes first.In this tasty sexy short series, we...
A Requiem of My DreamsFor the readers who have followed the Curious Adventures of Teaganella Presents, from the beginning, then you know what happened in the last episode. And for the ones who read the Babysitter, part I and II, those two stories are more fiction about myself, yet with the non-fiction influence of my older sister and the lifestyle I witnessed in our house. I must make it clear that whatever happened in the Babysitter series, did not happen to me. What happened in the last...
slut boy – cunt boy – cock sucker – ball licker – naughty slut – curious – bi-curious"Karl, can you pickup the dry cleaning today?""What, dear?""Aren't you listening? You seem distracted.""It's nothing, dear. What did you say?""I need you to pick up the dry cleaning today, can you do that?""Of course, dear. I'll get it this morning after I do the breakfast dishes and make the beds." We've been sleeping in separate beds in separate rooms for some time now because she says I snore, maybe that's...