Sexual Frustration Act 1768 - Punishment Of A Kink free porn video

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It seemed like a slow motion film, being frog-marched up the steps of the local office for the Ministry of Sexual Affairs, wearing only knickers and a pair of handcuffs, her attendant male had finally got her onto the second floor, where the Judges Chambers are situated.
There was a green light over one of the chambers and they had gone straight in. From the adjacent chamber, she could hear the dull thwacks of a cane being administered to bare flesh, followed by the moans of the recipient.
She now found herself in a small reception room containing one chair and a desk with a pile of forms on it. She watched in detached awe as the male filled in the “Kinkybitch failure” form, laying the information against her. Under particulars of failure the male had written:- 1. Failed to swallow my load on completion; 2. Having had her pee hole sucked into a vacuum pump she had released the vacuum by pissing into the suction tube without permission. It sounded so damning, and a double failure to boot; She had tried to explain that she had had a reflux reaction, and gagged just at the wrong moment, and the pee thing, she had just not been able to hold back any longer: But this had not changed anything in the eyes of the male now laying the failure information against her.
Under the question about evidence/witnesses etc the male had attached a micro mini DVD and appended the words “see attached DVD”. The male pressed a bell on the desk and a smartly dressed male secretarial type took the completed form and led her into the adjoining chamber, the male was told to wait. The door shut with an ominous clunk behind her. Two men immediately seized her and brought her before the Judge, a rotund bewigged man sat behind an enormous desk.
The Judge did not read the form, but merely asked her if she had read the completed form, she managed a small nod of assent; He turned the form over and asked her to sign as to the veracity of the form: With a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach she signed the form and then started to explain her mitigation, but the Judge would hear non of it.
The Judge commanded the two men to prepare her and to see that the legal preliminary punishment was carried out. She was taken into an adjoining room where there were another two men. She was lifted onto a hard wooden carpenters bench, her knickers and handcuffs removed, she was spreadeagled, one man on each limb holding her tight.
The secretarial type entered with the complainant male, she saw that he was holding a strap, rather like a barber’s strop; Panic gripped her as she suddenly realised what was about to happen to her – this was the dreaded legally required twenty lashes to be administered as hard as possible to the recalcitrant cunt, her cunt!
In terror she squirmed this way and that scratching her arse cheeks on the rough wood, but it was no use; She was positioned so that her arse overhung the edge of the bench causing her cunt to be exposed fully. The secretarial type approached and looked at her cunt. “This wont do, it must be shaved first” he had said. She kept a neatly trimmed light fluffy triangle of a pubic bush, which did not last long against the brisk strokes of the wet razor administered by the secretarial type. “Now she will get the full benefit of her punishment, and you, don’t fail in your duty to give her a hard cunt strapping” he added.
Her cunt twitched, there was a whoosh and a loud splat sound followed by the searing pain between her legs, she bucked and arched her back against the intimate onslaught that brought tears to her eyes and a dry hoarse scream.
The secretarial type said “This ones to be given the water treatment, I’ll start it now to shut her up”. A large funnel, not unlike such as used by motorists to fill a petrol tank, was forced into her mouth, and a litre and a half of cold tea was poured into the funnel. And then the affeared command had been given “Continue” – whoosh, splat and pain, she sweated, her breasts heaved and her cunt pulsated to the beat of her heart, she gagged and spluttered as the tea entered her stomach.
With five strokes to go the male had stopped and was feeling her cunt, she tried to pull back, but soon found herself impaled on his fingers, the male drew them out and to her dismay he held them up for all to see, and yes, there it was, the glistening of a wet cunt smeared along his digits.
She then endured six hard erect male members forcing their attentions on her, one after the other, until all present were satisfied. Her cunt now felt as sore inside as it did outside, she could feel the result of their emissions slowly ooze out of her and dribble down her arse cheeks to drip onto the floor. And again, without any further respite, the command was given “Continue”. She had hoped that the fucking was the end, alas no, her cunt had to receive the final five strokes. Spunk now splashed about in fine droplets as it was aerosoled away by the force of the beating; She screamed into the now empty funnel, nearly passing out.
Finally it was over, the complainant male and the secretarial type left. The four men had put her knickers back on and secured her to a whipping post. The Judge, now, entered reading the complainant male’s information form. He came over to the bound female, looked at and felt the KB mark on her breast, massaged her nipples. He pulled her knickers to one side and looked at the puffy red cunt, she could feel his breath, like a hot wind, caress the bruised flesh, he cupped her cunt in his left hand and clenched – she let out an unexpected gasp and gurgled. “Very good, the cunt strapping has been carried out correctly” he had said, and then let go of her cunt putting her knickers back in place.
The Judge told her she was to endure the split pear in her cunt, she wasn’t quite sure what this meant but it sounded painful and a tremor of fear ran up from her cunt to her brain, a sweat broke out all over her body, and, try as she might, she could not control the fear induced stream of piss that ran from her pee hole through her skimpy knickers and down her left leg.
The four pairs of strong male hands undid her from the whipping post and carried her over to the heavy wooden bench; One of the men pulled off her piss wet knickers and stuffed them into her mouth, she was laid face up with her legs pulled apart and raised to be tied to an overhead beam. Her cunt could not have been more exposed if she had held herself open.

She could feel a rough finger graze up and down her slit slowly parting the cunt lips, its owner commenting on her being a dirty wet bitch. She tried to clench her thighs together to stop the finger intruding further, but its owner took this as sign of sexual frustration, with one lunge he inserted two fingers right up to the knuckles and then pushed hard drawing another stifled gurgle from her stuffed mouth; The finger man continued with his ministrations using three then four fingers working her cunt to its maximum expansion, but, try his hardest, he could not dilate the cunt enough to get his whole fist in.
She heard one man say “show her the pear”. It was held over her head and she could see that it was indeed pear shaped, about seven inches long, split lengthways in the middle with a butterfly bolt where the stem should have been. The man wound the bolt and demonstrated how it forced the two halves apart. She noticed that it was made out of a dark coloured metal and both halves appeared to be hollow, as she could see small percolation holes about the bulbous ends. She grimaced and her cunt cried to itself, she tried very hard to use her stomach muscles to squeeze the fingers out of her cunt, the man said “No way, bitch, I gotta get it open to take that pear, when I withdraw it goes all the way in”
The man holding the pear showed her two bungs that were screwed flush to the bulbous ends of the pear. These he undid and made her watch as he filled the two hollows with granular rock salt and did the bungs back up again. “Now its ready to do its work and teach your cunt a lesson” he said.
Finger man withdrew and wiped his digits across her pouting breasts. Pear man approached between her legs and she wondered if the pear would even fit unparted never mind if they parted it; she didn’t have to wonder for long, The feel of hard cold steel against the entrance to her cunt told her that the enforced intrusion was about to begin.
She tried to clench her thighs, but to no avail, she willed her cunt to clam shut, but it could not, and so with a deliberate and slow pressure the pear was forced to slide into her vaginal passage. She stifled another scream through the acrid wet knickers and braced herself for the final onslaught.
The opening sphincter of her cunt puckered around the neck of the pear, until just the butterfly nut protruded obscenely. The bulbous part told her that she had never been so stuffed before, while the neck of her womb abutted the cold steel. Already she could feel a burning sensation as her cunt juices sought out the rock salt and brought it into contact with the delicate pink skin of her vaginal lining.
`The pear inserter gave her cunt an almost affectionate pat as if he was rewarding a dog; then he slowly began to turn the butterfly nut. One of the men said “Try putting a finger in her arse, when you can’t, you’ll know the pear is expanded good and tight”.
And so her puckered arse hole had to yield to a finger intrusion, it was unlubricated and painful, but he managed to squeeze it in. Inexorably the pear expanded crushing her vaginal wall against the arse invading finger, her mons veneris appeared to rise, and the arse invader was forced to withdraw. She thought to herself that this must be like giving birth only with no let up or pleasant outcome, her breasts heaved as she gasped for air and she tried to hold back the tears of pain only to fail.
The Judge came over to inspect his henchmen’s handiwork, gazed at her out spread cunt, stroked the engorged puffed out cunt lips, prodded her now stuck up pee hole, pinched her burgeoning clitoris and gave the butterfly just a little tweak of a further full turn. “Now she is right” he said. He took her nipples between thumb and forefinger, squeezed hard and pulled away leaving them to throb, and raising yet another squeal of displeasure from within the knicker stuffed mouth. “That’ll take her mind off the pain in her cunt” he said.
Her legs were released, she let them drop to the bench and tried to bring them together, but could not for the pain in her cunt. The knickers were taken out of her mouth, she gasped for air, but the pleasure was short lived as a penis shaped rubber gag was swiftly inserted and strapped about her head. Her knickers were slid over her legs and put back in their rightful place, no sooner were they pulled up tight that she released a torrent of piss through them soaking the bench and running onto the floor. One of the men smacked her cunt really hard, causing a squelchy sounding thud and said “That’s for messing up my floor – I gotta clean it now you dirty ungrateful bitch”
Her cunt lips were pulled forward to either side of her knickers and a large sack needle was forced through the thin delicate flesh of her labia. This was done low down and without ceremony, a padlock was then threaded through the needle holes and locked in place, effectively securing her knickers and ensuring that no one could withdraw the pear. This was done so quick that she barely had time to register the pain of this new infliction, but pain there was, she could not tell which was more excruciating – the burning salt in her over-expanded cunt tube, or the stinging of her piss on the new holes in her cunt lips.
They roughly stood her up and handcuffed her hands behind her back. The Judge then applied security tabs to the gag strap, the handcuffs, the butterfly nut and the cunt lip padlock. He placed a security tracking device collar about her left leg. She was told that if any of these security devices were in any way interfered with the consequences would be most dreadful. She was then forced, in previous like manner, to drink a further litre and a half of cold tea.
The Judge told her that she was now free to go, that she could return as soon as her knickers were completely dry but not within 24 hours. On her satisfactory and dry return, she would be released from her punishment. Also, that she must return in the same state of dress as she was now being released in. The door was opened and she was ushered out.
She tottered tentatively down the stairs, one step at a time, gravity did offer some relief to the entrance of her womb, other than this, there was only the searing agony between her legs, despite its expanded state, the pear chaffed at the puckered entrance to her cunt and pulled into the padlocked knickers, which in turn made the new piercings to her cunt lips cry out. Twenty minutes later she reached the bottom of the stairs and had to stop, a quivering sweating painful mess; And, she had a further mile and half to go across town to her apartment with a pear in her cunt, wearing only knickers and no money or method of hailing a taxi – a truly fearful prospect.
Women ignored her, men stopped and stared, some even touched and felt between her legs to ascertain the true nature of her distraught state. Her state of undress and the KB brand did, however, make it fairly obvious that this was a Kinkybitch undergoing some sort of punishment: In respect of which no one dare interfere and so no offers of help were forthcoming.
Her cunt juices were now working over time on the salt, she could feel a trickle of cunt brine intermingle with her sweat and run down both her legs. She made it about half way home to a small park, fortunately it was a warm day, she lay down on the grass pretending to be a naturist taking in the sun; But try as hard as she could she could not take her mind off the throbbing searing pain in her cunt and cunt lips – this was certainly a punishment not to be endured again.
The cold tea started to do its work, she lay there, legs apart, openly and liberally pissing herself.
To add to her woes the park warden was watching this display, at the sound of his movement she opened her eyes and saw him standing over her with a cane at the ready. “Pissing in public, three on each breast and six on the arse should cover it” he said. She had tried to explain that she was already in sufficient pain and did not need any more. The park warden either did not understand her muffled protestations or was oblivious to her discomfort. He placed a foot on her belly to hold her down and then it came in six rapid swishes across her breasts, long red wheals instantly raised themselves in a criss-cross pattern about her breasts, two really painful ones had gone straight over the tops of her nipples. He turned her over, put his foot in the small of her back and administered six to her arse cheeks, again long wheals raised themselves. Tears freely flowed from her eyes.
Three hours later and without any further serious mishap, she made it to her apartment and, with the help of the old lady concierge, she was able to gain entry and run a bath. She retired to bed, but, needless to say, she could not sleep – the pain between her legs was just too great a distraction.
She wondered if her dilated and distended cunt tube would ever return to its normal size, and what permanent damage was the continued exposure to rock salt causing; The roughly made holes in her cunt lips would, no doubt, leave some scarring, even the park warden’s caning was deep and vicious and would probably leave long term marks; Her pussy lips, still puffed and red from their strapping, stretched over her knickers, certainly looked as if they would not shrink back to their normal size.
She cried first on the left side and then on the right side, she continued to cry and toss from one side to the other; The cunt brine persisted in seeping out between her legs, and she liberally released the piss tea. The piss and brine now sought out the stripes on her arse and added a new dimension of stinging pain to her life. The morning came and she got up a sodden sweaty mess, rinsed herself in the, now cold, bath water. She, then, sat on the floor, spread her legs and aimed a fan blower at her wet knickered cunt.
Midday came and went, the cunt brine continued to ooze from her stretched out pussy hole and she needed to piss again, Would her knickers ever get dry? What if she could not get them dry before the Ministry of Sexual Affairs shut at 5 o’clock? – this looming horror soon became reality and she had to prepare herself for another night of excruciating and burning pain in her cunt tube.
The following morning she noticed that the cunt brine had stopped discharging and after an hour in front of the fan she was ready, with the help of the concierge, to get a taxi and present herself before the Judge in Chambers.
By midday she was mincing her way up the stairs of the local office for the Ministry of Sexual Affairs, but to her chagrin on reaching the second floor all the Judges’ Chambers showed red lights, she was forced to take a seat and wait, she kept her legs apart to ensure a good circulation of drying air, and wondered if her bladder could be controlled over the unknown wait time.
She heard a single long piercing scream come from behind the shut doors followed by a short lived commotion and another scream. Then, thirty minutes late a stunning tall red head was ushered out of the Judges’ Chambers; The acrid smell of burning flesh filled the air, tears ran down the red head’s face and splashed onto her exposed heaving marble like breasts: Both breasts now had an abnormally large KB mark deeply seared into them, and undoubtedly her arse would have been subject to a signatory branding. This had reminded her of her own branding not six months earlier. The flustered and distressed red head ran down the stairs, and the welcome green light came on.
She minced her way into the reception room, was greeted by the secretarial type and taken straight into the chamber. Two of the Judge’s henchmen were already in the chamber putting the branding equipment away. She was seized and man handled onto the wooden bench, her legs spread and tied above her to the wooden beam. One of the men ran his hands over the raised black and blue wheals on her breasts “Someone’s been a naughty girl”, he said. He pinched her sore nipples and she involuntarily squirmed her arse against the rough wood grazing the cane marks on her arse cheeks – combined effect was a howl of pain and tears welled up in her eyes.
The other man stood between her legs and examined the padlock holding her cunt lips about her knickers, he pulled at it drawing the knickers tight onto her raised clitoris, with his other hand he felt all round her knickers, he prodded at the butterfly nut sticking out of her puckered and stretched cunt hole. He commented on the now dry yellow stain, he bent down and smelt her, he drew her knickers to one side and exposed her tightly clenched anal sphincter; He tried in vain to push a finger into her arse hole, but it would not yield “Pear kept you tight then – I’ll let the Judge know you have returned dry with security seals intact”, he said.
The arse fingerer went off and came back a few minutes later “She is to be kept dry, we’ll have to plug her just in case” he said to the other man. A two inch long rubber plug with a dumbbell like end was shown to her, “It’s for your own good, you don’t want to get wet down there, now do you? And, anyway, we’ve been told to keep you dry” He said.
They pulled her knickers up her legs as far as the padlock would allow her cunt lips to stretch, with her cunt lips fingerd apart her pee hole was now fully exposed and ready to be plugged. The rubber plug felt like a red hot poker going into her, to get the dumbbell end in took a lot of pushing, but finally the little hole closed tight about the thin part of the dumbbell: to the relief of her cunt lips, her knickers were pulled back in place and she settled down to the new pain throbbing in her pee hole.
It was nearly two hours before the Judge came in, she was now bursting for a piss and glad of the rubber pee hole plug. The Judge inspected all the security seals, roughly felt all round her knickers to establish dryness. He said “Well you have satisfied the rigours of your punishment, but tell me how did you come by all these wheals?”
The penis gag was removed from her head and mouth and she was able to recount the mishap with the park warden. “Stout fellow, good man, knows how to keep order, he should be rewarded”. Said the Judge. “I’m a busy man, I’ll let my men finish off. Here is a certificate exempting your cunt from any unwanted use for a period of a week. Good day and don’t come back, because it will be a lot worse next time”. And with that, the Judge turned and left the chamber.
The padlock was removed, her cunt lips shrunk back like two dead slugs caught in the sun. Permanent lock titanium rings were fitted, one in each cunt lip hole – this she had not been prepared for. Then, very slowly and deliberately, the butterfly nut was unwound, she could feel the split pear close in on itself, and yet her vaginal tube seemed to remain in its expanded condition. The pear came out with a loud plopping sound, and she instantly felt an inrush of cool air all the way up inside her cunt.
One of the men, using a torch, peered inside her outstretched cunt, put a finger in and felt round. Other than the pressure of his finger, she could feel nothing, her cunt was now numb to any further discomfort. “The rock salt has done its work, your cunt will be a bit rubbery and scarred, some feeling will come back and it should tighten up nicely”, he had said as if to offer succour to her confused brain.
The tracking collar was removed from her leg, the handcuffs were removed, and all that remained was the pee hole plug. “You are not going to piss yourself when this comes out, are you?” she was asked. She pleaded to have it done in the adjoining loo, just in case, knowing full well that she was actually bursting to relieve herself. Ergo, the man accompanied her to the loo, she stood over the pan pulled her knickers to one side and the man pulled out the pee hole plug, almost prolapsing the delicate little tube. The relief was only tempered by the stinging of piss as it passed over the fine hair like tears of the semi-prolapse.
She was given a paper shift to wear, but it did very little to cover her modesty, it barely overhung her arse cheeks and left her breasts three quarters exposed. She left the building with a gait, that she thought was how someone who had been riding would have to adopt after being a week in the saddle. She hailed a taxi and convinced the driver that she had money at home to pay the fare.
However, the taxi driver did not take her straight home, they had not gone but a hundred yards when he declared that, her scantily clad predicament and KB breast brand had aroused his manhood into an erect state, and he needed his legal entitlement to erect dick relief. Ten minutes later she found herself on the outskirts of town in a secluded track running through a little copse.
She produced her exemption certificate, the taxi driver read it and pointed out that it only made it i*****l for him to use her cunt, he then said that she could suck his dick for a bit before taking it in the arse.
She said, “I see from your taxi driver licence that you are only twenty eight years old, so you are only entitled to erect dick relief, which is at my discretion. You are entitled to oral sex by law, but I will finish you off by hand”.
The taxi driver was not best pleased and said “Oh a cocky little cunt who knows the law then, we’ll see about that”.
He got in the back of the taxi, she took his erect dick in her hand and slowly worked her mouth over it; He forced his left hand between her legs and started to pull at her new cunt lip rings, with his other hand he tried to finger her arsehole. She withdrew his dick from her mouth and told him to stop what he was doing; He slapped her face, slapped her sore breasts and said, “No little tart like you is telling me what I can or can’t do – so shut the fuck up”.
Before she knew it she was on her back and he was between her legs, forcing his dick past her knickers into the awaiting cavernous cunt hole. It slid into her love tube all too easily and wrought screams of pain from her, he held her hands tight with one of his hands while his other hand explored her arsehole. “I’ll need two fingers in there just to tighten up this loose cunt of yours, or would you rather I fucked you in the arse?”
As it turned out she had to endure both holes being unmercilessly rodgered until he came in her arse. As a parting gift he stubbed his cigarette out in her arsehole, threw her out of the taxi and drove off.
Some c***dren, out on a conker hunt, had found her huddled up and sobbing beside the track. The oldest, a lad of some ten years, lived nearby and invited her back to his house: There a benign old gentleman, the lad’s grandfather, found her a town coat and made her tea. The police and a medical practitioner were called, she had remembered the taxi licence number, statements and swabs were taken and the police then took her home.
At home, she fixed herself a light meal served with a bottle of Montrachet, half way through the second bottle she felt sufficient courage to brave a bath. And, yes, for the first few seconds it did require braving; There was very little of her body that did not sting on first coming into contact with the hot water. Once acclimatised to the water she managed to lie back and relax.
She lightly soaped and sponged all her body paying particular attention to the raised wheals about her arse and breasts. She fluffed the water between her legs, sending mini tsunamis into the depths of her cunt; She carefully cleaned around the piercing holes and idly fingered her new labial rings.
She was not sure if the fitting of the rings was part of her punishment or merely a temporary fitting to ensure the piercing holes remained open. She had heard about piercings being used as punishment, but no comment had been made about them in the Judge’s Chambers; Did she have to sport them or could she take them out? In the end she decided they looked rather attractive and, even in her pained state, she could appreciate them having a certain sexual potential, if not a downright exciting advantage, so she decide they would stay.
The following morning she received a phone call from the police saying that they had arrested the taxi driver who was now held in the public stocks awaiting formal identification, she was to be collected by the police and taken to the public stocks at eleven o’clock that forenoon. She quickly showered and dressed, taking care to ensure that her KB breast brand was fully exposed - didn’t want any more trouble - and was ready in time for her police transport.
A large crowd had gathered at the public stocks, and was being controlled by the constables of the sheriff’s department, the whole affair now being a judicial proceeding. The man was not actually in the stocks, but in the pillory that accompanied the stocks in any well equipped town; And yes he was definitely the man who had abused her, he was stood, totally naked, with his head and hands firmly taken through the holes and his legs attached to a spreader bar.
A Judge, dressed in his full red regalia and wig, accompanied by the Sheriff of the Shire were let through the crowd. She was ordered to go with them, and the trio stood facing the taxi driver. The Judge confirmed with the Sheriff that the body fluid samples from the Kinkybitch did indeed match those taken from the accused. She formally identified the accused and the Sheriff read out the proclamation:-
“We, the people’s representatives, having examined all the evidence, find you, the accused, guilty of the following charges - Anal ****, Vaginal ****, Sexual interference and Contempt for the order of a Judge in Chambers”
The Judge now pronounced sentence:-
“You are a menace to women and have put yourself outside the protection of the sexual frustration laws, it is my duty to see to it that you never cause harm to another. Therefore, I sentence you to be punished as follows:- For vaginal ****, Your penis will be whipped with a scourge until it is no more; For anal ****, your rectum will be cauterised by the insertion of a red hot poker to a depth of six inches; For unlawful sexual interference, you will have your testicles crushed by bricking; For contempt of one of my fellow judges’ orders you will be blinded in both eyes; And you will pay £50,000 in compensation. Let all who are gathered here know that the judiciary will not tolerate this sort of behaviour, and that this sentence be a cautionary lesson to any who think they are above the law. Do you have anything to say before sentence is carried out?”
The man in the pillory could only mumble incoherently, but he did manage to piss and shit himself. The Sheriff ordered his constables to proceed with the punishment. The man was duly and exactingly punished, he was then released from the pillory and left for his family to collect.

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Frustration 3 Characters

Frustration By TwoSpiritsTG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoy the story please leave a review. It's the only way I can get feedback from readers, since all the "reads" statistic does is give me an idea of how many people found it, not necessarily who liked it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This story does not have a central plot to tie all the transformations together, just detailed...

4 years ago
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TUP 16 Televised punishment

Trumped Up Punishments 16 – Charlotte’s ordeal: Televised punishmentCharlotte woke up after a restless night. She was known as the school rebel, and had been due to be punished at a punishment assembly open to the paying public the night before. Fortunately proceedings had been delayed – two boys had been severely punished, and to top it all, had been arrested just as their ordeal appeared to be over. Their case had been expedited for trial, but they would have another two weeks at least to...

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New Catherine Dixons Punishment

Catherine Dixon’s Punishment                              By Jonnyboy      A Five part Story taken from certain events now reworked from the original by the Author who reserves copyright.    This story is for the most part a work of fiction and should be viewed as such only by those over eighteen who view it as such and have no objection to the subjects of bondage/ bdsm/sexual slavery/voyeurism and emotional incest.        Synopsis:  Oblivious as to their real motives after being told they...

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Punishment 2015

Punishment 2015 Stephen "It couldn't be… and yet for a brief moment I thought it was. Thegirl I had dreamed about…the girl that had figured in my every eroticfantasy. At school she had been head girl; three years above me and probably a millionlight years away from ever looking my way. Head girls don't talk to lowly 5 th .Graders, I wonder if in fact if they ever see them? Not that I am not worthy of a look. Even though I would never say it throughmodesty, I am good looking although only five...

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Friday Afternoon Punishment

The first four or so weeks at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College had flown by for the new Head Mistress, Amelia Marks. The slim, dark-haired lady had not administered a punishment since the Upper School assembly on that first day when the usually well-behaved Fiona Nicholls had been caught by the new Head Mistress using her mobile phone as she was outlining the changes that had been implemented, and that would affect, every girl at the exclusive fee-paying school. The Year Twelve girl had received...

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Punishment Dress

In the span of history, until relatively recently, a beating was given across the bare flesh, and dress had a significance limited to the procedures and drama of its removal. Before the great change, the chances were that a victim would be crudely stripped and flogged without more ado, but, if dress played any part at all, it was as an agent of humiliation rather than as a layer of protection: a soldier was the more shamed by being stripped of his full-dress uniform, and, by the same token,...

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Lesleys Requested Punishment

Emma was looking forward to Lesley arriving at her house. Her mum and older sister were out all day which left the house empty for her to give Lesley the punishment she had asked for at the punishment area.Emma who was eighteen-years-old had enjoyed punishing the thieves the other day and after the initial surprise was looking forward to disciplining Lesley who had asked to be punished by her. Today as it was the weekend and very hot she was wearing a pink vest top with a bare midriff, with...

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A Punishment Too Far Head Girl Joanne Faces The Consequences

For the first time in her seven years at St Katherine’s School, Joanne Wilson was in trouble. Serious trouble. Even worse than that was the fact that she knew it and knew what was coming her way in a short while.For the first time in her school career, the straight A-Grade student was sitting on the chairs that were lined up against the wall in reception, directly facing the offices of the Head Mistress and her two Deputy Head Mistresses. Joanne had over-stepped her authority and, two days...

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Punishment 2

Punishment 2 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - Karen's visit Maria opened the door of her flat and, almost silently, strode into the hallway, closely followed by her best friend Karen. Maria draped the jacket of her business suit, together with her handbag, over a hallway chair and stepped out of her smart, patent, red, high-heeled court shoes. Immediately at her back, Karen similary placed her jacket over a hallway chair and, as both of them quietly made their way towards the...

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Punishment Mistress

The Punishment Mistress [F/M noncons institution, spank, milking]"No... No," he moaned aloud, to no one in particular, because he knew that the punishment mistress would take no heed of his protest. "Please, no," he said, louder, this time addressed to the punishment mistress. Part of his fear was his total vulnerability. He knew that there would be no escaping the severe strapping that he had been sentenced to for the week's misdeeds at the institution. He was totally naked, bent over a heavy...

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The Punishment chapters 29 Epilog

THE PUNISHMENT A man is unjustly accused of rape. His trial ends in a hung jury. To correct this "miscarriage of justice," a coven of witches punishes him by turning him into a girl and raping him multiple times, and then enacts spells forcing him to become a prostitute, while still remaining a man inside. But s/he manages to build a life with dignity and purpose, and eventually with love and happiness. Warning ... Contains limited descriptions of violence and rape. Table of...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Four A Necessary Punishment

Zoe Vanssen sat on the leather sofa outside the Head Mistress’ office and fidgeted with her hands. She knew that she was really going to get it for what she had done in town that previous Saturday morning. The girl with the long dark hair shuffled around uneasily on the sofa as she waited to be called into Miss Marks’ office to explain her behaviour. Conduct that was unbecoming an Alannah Lawrence girl and also conduct that would probably earn her an exclusion from the prestigious school. The...

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Jennys Punishment Letter The Return Visit

Jenny entered the school secretary’s office holding her Punishment Form. The 42 year old knew the words off by heart, those her Mum had written just two days ago. The request is for 18 strokes of the cane and the reason was simply caught lying. Jenny’s Mum had berated her and Jenny had promised it was the very last time but no matter what Jenny said her Mum filed out the Form, handed it to her daughter, and whilst she was still in the room phoned Mrs. Denver’s office, spoke to Charlotte, and...

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Jennys Punishment Letter The Return Visit

Jenny entered the school secretary’s office holding her Punishment Form. The 42 year old knew the words off by heart, those her Mum had written just two days ago. The request is for 18 strokes of the cane and the reason was simply caught lying. Jenny’s Mum had berated her and Jenny had promised it was the very last time but no matter what Jenny said her Mum filed out the Form, handed it to her daughter, and whilst she was still in the room phoned Mrs. Denver’s office, spoke to Charlotte, and...

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Peters Punishment

Peter's Punishment ? by: Patti Remick Prologue/Part 1 10 year old peter has been a total little brat again! Mommy has really had it with me this time. She is going to punish me and She knows exactly how She will do it! It all starts as She says to me, "Now I have repeatedly warned you about this behavior of yours. I am sick and tired of it and now Mommy is going to punish you real good, you little brat." Mommy then says to me with a wicked look in Her eyes and a smirk on...

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The Punishment Prologue to Chapter 8

THE PUNISHMENT A man is unjustly accused of rape. His trial ends in a hung jury. To correct this "miscarriage of justice," a coven of witches punishes him by turning him into a girl and raping him multiple times, and then enacts spells forcing him to become a prostitute, while still remaining a man inside. But s/he manages to build a life with dignity and purpose, and eventually with love and happiness. Table of Contents Prologue 1. North Western Texas State College 2....

5 years ago
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Alices Crime and Punishment

Alice’s Crime and Punishment Synopsis After losing her temper, Alice is sentenced to a whipping for assault. Her father, the local vicar, disgusted with her behaviour, ensures she has the harshest treatment and a lengthy work rehab programme in a subject she won’t like.Alice’s Crime and Punishment by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking Punishment If you are underage or offended by such...

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Femdom Punishment Ideas

By Mistress Kylie,This post contains all of the ideas I have been able to come up with or find on the internet for female-dominant, male-submissive scenes…You’ll probably notice that a lot of the ideas are designed for use over many days and are associated with orgasm control. This theme emerged over time because orgasm control is so effective at heightening male desire. We use this list in a very simple framework when setting up scenes. First she picks one or more of the ideas below (either by...

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Catherines Punishment

Cathy Dixon looked into her full length bedroom mirror, pulling down on the soft cashmere jumper that seemed to cling to her v  ??????????????????????????????? Catherine?s Punishment? ??????????? A? Forty something mum is forced to submit to her schoolboy son?s friends????????????????????????   ?Ouch, please Sean?..for Christ?s sake, it hurts too much, please, you?re going to kill me, please stop! Groaned the young schoolboy through tears of pain and shame.  The Gymnasium changing...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Twelve Miss Marks Final Punishment

Lauren Dickson packed her things into her sports bag before checking that she had everything and turning her attention to her handbag. She smiled as she found her mobile phone and car keys which were lying under her collection of cards, makeup, tissues and other items. She closed the zip on the bag and placed it over her right shoulder. Lauren picked up her sports bag in her right hand and walked out of the staff changing room, turning and locking the door with her key. The young PE Mistress...

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Ninas Post HR Punishment

Nina had to stand on the bus the whole way home from work because her bottom was stinging so much to risk sitting down and gasping as she squirmed around on one of the seats as it went over any bumps in the road. She also had to be careful when taking hold of any of the handgrips because her hands were also stinging from being caned. On the other hand, she was giving a lot of thought to what was said by Mrs Lawson. She knew the points were well made and that there were plenty of areas where she...

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Punishment 1

Punishment 1 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - The blonde It had all happened the previous weekend when he had been out with a fellow college student, who had invited him to his brother's stag night. Not a hardened drinker, Jim had quickly gotten pissed and found himself separated from the others, in a large bar with what seemed like hundreds of strangers. He had intended to phone his live-in girlfriend of 1 year, Maria, and tell her he was drunk and would be heading home soon, but...

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Punishment Stephen "It couldn't be... and yet for a brief moment I thought it was. The girl I had dreamed about...the girl that had figured in my every erotic fantasy. At school she had been head girl; three years above me and probably a million light years away from ever looking my way. Head girls don't talk to lowly 5th. Graders, I wonder if in fact if they ever see them? Not that I am not worthy of a look. Even though I would never say it through modesty, I am good looking although only...

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Diya Being A Long Hair Actress 8211 Part 1 Movie Name 8211 Act One

Introduction With her short stature of just above 5ft and not so slim body, Diya always wanted to be a model. She always dreamt herself crowned a beauty queen. She was a teen when Aishwarya rai and Susmitha Sen both crowned the beauty queens. Being from village of Coorg, the same place where Aishwarya Rai was born, made up her mind to become a model or an actress at least. Being a village in the interiors, she did not have any access to good photographers or even studios. Luckily the only...

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Altered Fates Punishment

Altered Fates: Punishment By Morpheus I stopped in front of the building and stared at it for several seconds, my gut clenched nervously, which it did every time that I came there. The building was a 4 story brownstone...though it was only something on one of those floors that I was interested in. My name was Edward Combs, an average looking man of 32, standing at 5 foot 11 and with an average job. I was also a widower. A burst of guilt washed through me at that, as it did...

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SaMs Place Chapter 04 of 15 A Punishment and a Demotion

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

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PE Department Punishment Miss Downeys Story Chapter Five

Neither Lindsay Pinkham nor Laura Galley were shocked when their Form Mistress, Helen Downey had read out their names from the list that morning. Both eighteen-year-old sixth formers knew that they were due a punishment for not having their PE kit the previous day.Both girls had deliberately “forgotten” their kit as they hated what they were doing in PE. Gymnastics just wasn’t their thing. Laura Galley, the short, quiet girl who had missed out on being Head Girl to Kim Campbell wanted to be a...

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The FreshmanChapter 35 Tiffanys Third Punishment

As the summer progressed, Cecilia realized that she was destined to become much closer to Tiffany Walker and Cynthia Lee than to Kimberly. The reason was the lives of Tiffany and Cynthia were similar to Cecilia's life, while Kim's life was very different. Tiffany and Cynthia were single and continued to be very American in their outlooks, while Kim was much more Danubian in her thinking, only a year away from becoming sworn in as a public official, and nearly two years into her marriage...

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A Typical Punishment at the FCI

Correction Officer Joanne Wilson had enjoyed her summer job so far. She had been working at the Female Correction Institute for two months and had succeeded in keeping the true nature of her full-time job a secret from her boyfriend Peter. Just as her boss, Karen Savage, had been advised, Joanne was a natural when it came to administering judicial-level punishments and had picked up the various aspects of the job quicker than most people.Despite her initial doubts, the twenty-year-old ex-Head...

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Moms Unique Punishment Reimagined

Mom's Unique Punishment, Re-imagined Original story and concept by Suejrz, 2005 Fan "remix" by tealights, 2020 Synopsis: When Danny Exner gets caught shoplifting, it's the last straw for his mom, who resorts to a unique punishment to curb his bad behavior. If Danny can't learn to behave, maybe Danielle can... either way, it's going to be a long summer. Author's Note: Suejrz's original MUP series was one of my favorite stories on Fictionmania back when I was in college and I...

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Charlottes Punishment Letter

This is the third story in the current series about Mrs Denver. She has disciplined three adults, as well as giving 42-year-old Jenny Howe her second punishment. Charlotte goes home so her Mum can discipline her again and sign her Punishment Letter. It doesn’t go as smoothly as Charlotte had hoped. 25 year old Charlotte Thomson and 39 year old Kelly Hall were both rubbing their bottoms as they walked away from the Academy, each with their Punishment Letter in their hand. Jenny stayed at the...

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The Dress Punishment

The Dress Punishment Katie Leone Being in the principal's office is never a good place to be, especially after you get caught doing something wrong. It makes you feel kind of nervous when you're sitting there waiting for the man in charge to come back in when you know he's getting all the dirt on you that he could. All I can do is sit here and look at the wood panel walls and watch the second hand of the clock move slowly. "Tick, tick, tick," the...

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Double Punishment DP

She watched as her daughter slowly undressed   Double Punishment January, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada If you have ever lived in a country where winter lasts six months every year you will understands that from October to March or April you can?t go out without freezing your ass off. One of the worst things to be in these parts of the world is a teenager who has to spend her vacation indoors because she doesn?t have a car. Eighteen year old Brandy Simpson stood in her room next to...

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Miss Mansons Memories That First AfterSchool Punishment Lucys Point Of View

Tuesday, October 20th, 1990. Just over eighteen and a half years after the event.I stared blankly at the TV. I really wasn’t focusing on the programme. In fact, I only had it on that Tuesday evening for some background noise. My husband was working a night shift and I was just relaxing after putting our three young children to bed, before heading up to bed myself later that evening. I had no idea how long I had been watching the programme for but suddenly found myself being shaken from my dream...

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Silks Final Punishment

Introduction: This is the last part of Silks punishment. There is more to come of what happens before this but here is the last Part for now. Enjoy, comment and rate As I said, there is more to come on this. This is the last part that begins with Anger. I will be adding all this in as the weeks go by so read, comment and rate. And about all enjoy. Please inform me of mistakes too… Faith Michaels… ******************** Since Silk went out with Becker of her own free will, slept with Jason and...

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The Punishment Game

THE PUNISHMENT GAME by Cuirnoir The train would enter Paddington Station about ninety minutes late. An inauspicious start to my return home after my first term at University. I had timed my arrival so that my mother, who had offered to pick me up, did not have to hang around for too long in central London after work. Since we had quarrelled before my departure in October, I was anxious to avoid irritating her at the very beginning of the vacation. I had texted her, and she took the...

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Ninas Punishment Letter Spanking

Nina was at least glad that the time to go home had come but knew she had one last difficult task to do. Having tidied up her desk, she stood up, making sure as she had always done since being spanked earlier that her dress did not ride up so far that her red legs would be easily seen by those behind her. She managed it, and then looked across at Miss Millie, took a deep breath, and, as her bottom was still stinging from the spanking, she walked over to her boss. Millie looked up as Nina stood...

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Judiths Punishment

Chapter 1 Judith ConcedesSir Jolyon Lattimore reached into the inside pocket of his pinstriped Savile Row suit and took out a gold ballpoint pen which he handed to Judith. “What if I choose not to sign?” asked the young woman as she took the pen from him, a note of defiance in her voice. Sir Jolyon paused for a moment before answering. “Well, whether or not you sign is entirely your decision but should you choose not to sign you will leave me with no alternative other than to fire you on the...

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My Punishment Essay

My Punishment By Satinmaid ([email protected]) Mistress Lisa had cause to punish me recently. I have been living as her woman for the past six years and since that day six years ago when she sprung this on me, I have been utterly forbidden from wearing any form of trousers whatsoever. I am not allowed to wear women's slacks, hotpants, girl's shorts, clam diggers, leggings, skorts or even women's pyjamas. Obviously I am also not allowed boxer shorts, as I am forbidden from ANY...

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Miss Mansons Memories That First After School Punishment

“Lucy Cardwell.” Pauline Manson smiled to herself as she sat in her armchair by the fire on that dark, cold, winter’s afternoon in January.That was the name of the tall, slim girl with the long, flowing black hair that she had been thinking about that day.She involuntarily shuffled around on her comfortable chair, feeling a twinge of excitement as she thought back to 1971. It had been her probationary year as a young teacher and she had met the lovely Lucy Cardwell, who had been the first girl...

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Silks Final Punishment

Faith Michaels... ******************** Since Silk went out with Becker of her own free will, slept with Jason and gave Donny a blowjob, which she purposely allowed Michael to catch her doing it just to prove she could have other men if she so choose, Michael felt that a punishment to strictly address this attitude was in order. Sending the other three away for the night Michael lined up something that he was sure would get Silk’s attention and make her never want another man again. He...

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Michelle Part 6 Punishment

My only wonder was whether Michelle had similarly set a trap for me, since she knew that the house was monitored by my computer system. Regardless, I told her I had a two-day conference and that I would fly out early the next morning. I allowed her to sleep in, for her sake, I said, and drove myself to the airport. I did take a flight, but only a lesson with a friend of mine who was still trying to help me get enough hours to complete my license requirements. When we landed we went to...

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Ninas Tennis Weekend Punishment Part 2

The following morning things returned to normal, as they always seemed to after Nina had to be disciplined. Forgotten was Mrs K’s decision to let Lexie cane Nina, as was Mrs K’s spanking and six more strokes of the cane she had to give Nina last night as the usual and so rightly given repeat punishment the naughty teenage acting forty-one-year-old always got if disciplined by anyone during the day. Of course, as with any punishment, whilst they both returned to the loving and respectful...

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Jennys Punishment Letter

Jenny sat on a seat in the hallway clutching her Punishment Letter. She was still stinging from the punishment already given to her by the dominant Headmistress. Now, as her Mum was away, Mrs Denver was going to deal with her, just one hour after punishing her. She was exhilarated and pensive at the same time, still tensing her thighs and giving herself a series of mini orgasms. She still managed a wicked smile as she watched Charlotte and Kelly Hall leave the Academy, both rubbing their...

1 year ago
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An Even Worse Punishment

Maya loves being spanked, but that means it takes cruelty to punish her. Being a child celebrity isn't easy, most of the time. Thankfully, Aaron made enough money to retire at 17 and decided to call it quits on the whole “working” part of being famous, however, he still indulged himself on the carefree part of it. Living in an apartment in his adult brother's name away from his parents, Aaron enjoyed a lavish lifestyle amidst still going to school. On top of being rich, Aaron was...

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Punishment 6

Punishment 6 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - Expectation of a gentleman caller After Maria had taken Jim into her bedroom and repaired his tear-ravaged make-up, she had taken him in a gentle but tight embrace for a few minutes, all the while cooing softly in his ear that he had nothing to worry about and that she and Karen would take care of everything. Despite the punishment that the two girls were putting him through, a punishment that seemed to be continually shredding not only...

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The Worst Punishment

Being a child celebrity isn't easy, most of the time. Thankfully, Aaron made enough money to retire at 17 and decided to call it quits on the whole “working” part of being famous, however, he still indulged himself on the carefree part of it. Living in an apartment in his adult brother's name away from his parents, Aaron enjoyed a lavish lifestyle amidst still going to school.On top of being rich, Aaron was famous enough to make pulling girls from his high school easier than ever. He...

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Satanic MirrorPunishment for Adultery

SynopsisFor those with ‘the gift of seeing’, the mirror takes them into a dark satanic world of pain and sex. Dianne finds she has that gift. For the background to this story read Satanic Mirror-Its Acquisition. This time she is caned for committing adultery and trained to become a pleasure lady.Satanic Mirror: Punishment for Adulteryby obohoboWarningsThe text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking, If you are underage or offended by...

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Wife Becomes an Actress Act 2

Act 2: The Tuesday before our opening night, we had a dress rehearsal. We ran through it perfectly. Ben was a gentleman. Never did he touch me in anyway other than professionally. When we finished, Sandra threw a little party for everyone and we toasted to our opening night. Titan was happy that everything was on the up and up. He was also very happy that he benefited every night with the wild lovemaking that we had, and that helped him deal with the play. The play was rated adult and no one...

Wife Lovers

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