Catherine s Punishment
- 4 years ago
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Catherine Dixon’s Punishment
By Jonnyboy
A Five part Story taken from certain events now reworked from the original by the Author who reserves copyright. This story is for the most part a work of fiction and should be viewed as such only by those over eighteen who view it as such and have no objection to the subjects of bondage/ bdsm/sexual slavery/voyeurism and emotional incest.
Synopsis: Oblivious as to their real motives after being told they wish to consider a career in teaching, a Beautiful forty two year old naively unaware of their actual intentions, reluctantly agrees to invite two of her son’s young friends into her home. A mistake resulting in a life changing experience:
. Prelude:
The large dimly lit windowless and lushly furnished room around which were dotted some thirty specially selected guests, contained only one entrance, a large currently locked oak door guarded from the outside by two large burly men. These guests, sitting comfortably at tables heaving with all manner of luxury food and drink whilst having their every need catered to had been invited for one reason only, that they were all either immensely wealthy and very discreet or trusted employees of these wealthy individual. Whilst some other doors led into special windowless chambers, used only a few times a year, the room’s main feature was a large circular revolving stage set into the centre of the lush room.
The temporarily motionless wooden stage was some ten feet in diameter and its main features were four upright and adjustable eight foot steel beams secured around its edges, the tops of which supported four solid oak cross beams and as with the wooden oak floor of the stage a large number of thick steel ring bolts were set into them.
For the time being heavy draped curtains hung from the circular stage and whilst they chatted amongst themselves a concertinaed temporary plastic tunnel shielded the back and forth movement of various people from the view of the assorted expectant guests.
The only other object of note in the room was a tall lectern standing at the rear of the room and upon which a tall businesslike man now climbed.
However behind the drapes and very aware that her punishment if caught doing so would be swift and brutal a tall statuesque blonde woman’s eyes moved carefully from side to side. But such were the confines of her almost naked secured body she could only manage to catch a glimpse of each of the women either side of her. Unlike the previous occupants, who had been placed on the edge of the stage in a triangle like shape, these women were held in a straight line across the centre of the stage and she could see that as with herself the ankles of both these women’s well spread high heeled feet were encased in leather cuffs secured to the ring bolts set into the wooden stage upon which they all stood. As with herself both women’s wrists were also encased in similar leather cuffs attached to ring bolts set into a wooden beam above their heads, spreading their arms uncomfortably wide apart above their heads whilst black rubber ball gags were secured around their mouths and necks, making any sound all but impossible .
The ‘assistants’ had earlier oiled and applied glitter dust to each woman’s naked body until they shimmered and glittered before applying expensive cosmetics to each woman’s beautiful face and after then brushing and styling the hair of each of them they were now fussing around all three women applying little final touches to their charges before leaving through the tunnel along with the Male assistants who had placed the three woman in position upon the stage,.
Each of the terrified women then nervously awaited their fate wearing no more than six inch heeled shoes, a wide black latex collar, the fronts of which curved upward to ensure each woman’s head remained upright and a shinny black latex garter belt, the shiny metal tabs of which secured their black lace topped seamed stockings.
As they did so the statuesque blonde would, if she had been able, apologised to each of her companions, especially the younger one to her right who’s own eyes had now turned toward those of the older woman in sheer terror but then, as the drapes around began slowly rising, from beyond the drapes she heard the voice of the man on the lectern and in fear of being discovered the younger woman cast her eyes straight before her once again
?Ladies and Gentleman? began the man on the lectern. ?We now come to the finale of what I am sure you will agree has been a most entertaining evening?
Around him many voices murmured agreement and approval whilst the Drapes continued to rise the stage began to slowly revolve and the lights darkened, leaving the room in total darkness before the before the Man at the lectern then continued.
?You are now about to view perhaps the most prestigious items ever offered in this Auction room, these items have over a period of time been collected at great cost
and no little patience and effort by one of our most respected members, they come as a job lot for that, as you will shortly learn, is where the true value of these objects lies?
Behind the curtain the three securely held horrified women were stunned to realised it they who the man was referring to and as the Drapes rose ever higher all three women tried without success to peer through the darkness, trying to spot these’ ‘Ladies and Gentlemen whilst the Stage slowly revolved around its own axis. Then, finally, the drapes were clear of the stage and to murmurs of approval leading up to a polite round of applause all three women were each illuminated by individual spotlights following them as the stage continued revolving around the audience.
?As you can se Ladies and Gentlemen these pieces are not the Asians, Africans, East Europeans or even the American items auctioned earlier for having been sourced a great effort from impeccable backgrounds and the fact that these well educated classic English Rose types have all worked in professions of the highest regard serves to greatly increase their value. One of the items is known to be a good Milk producer and along with the others would be good breeding Material if so required??.?I will come on to the provenance of these items shortly but before doing so I must inform you that the owner of these items has placed a very high reserve upon them and therefore when bidding begins I shall be looking for it to open at the three million dollar mark?
As the well secured shell shocked women listened in helpless dismay they stared into the gloom, unable to see a thing through the harsh spotlights played upon them. But for the audience it was a different matter altogether and they marvelled at just how well these ‘‘items’ had been so skilfully displayed. Aside from their collars garters and stockings, each woman’s nipples were adorned by solid gold rings connected by thin gold chains from the slightly drooping centre of which hung gold tags inscribed with details of their ownership. Each of the women’s labia’s had also been pierced and inserted with more gold rings and to these rings little gold padlocks held the women’s cunt lips firmly closed. With their shinning glittering bodies, their erotic imaginative gold body piercing and body jewellery whilst hanging suspended as they were, the total effect was stunning beyond words.
?As per the rules of our little club all three items have undergone extensive medial examinations and as well as being suitable for breeding all have been found to be fit , healthy and well able to undergo any for of punishment their knew owner sees fit to administer, the items have all been well trained in all forms of mental and sexual subservience toward Male?.and female of course and whilst he younger of the three items continues to show areas of defiance this should only serve to increase the attraction of owning such pieces.
?Before we move on to the provenance of these pieces I should mention they will be available on our usual ‘try before you buy’ option available to serious bidders who
post a notice of intent on our usual terms and due to the anticipated high demand each item will be presented individually for inspection in an Ante room for a maximum period of ten minutes at a rate of 1000 dollars per minute?
?Now I shall move on to the matter of the provenance of this collection????.No??No?.No???! The tall statuesque blonde tried to scream through her gag whilst frantically attempting to free her hands before suddenly, her hands were at last free of the leather cuffs and she could now bring her hands up to her mouth and remove the terrible rubber ball gag. Then she could and would tell them?.plead with them?..Yes, take me, I deserve to be sold as a Slave??I even want to be a slave???.but please?not????.? But as her fingers found her mouth she suddenly realised there was no gag and that she was not secured at and was in fact lying upon her back in her own bed!
It had in fact been yet another nightmare, the same recurring nightmare that seemed to be growing stronger and more vivid every time and stretching out her hand in the darkness to switch on a bedside lamp the Blonde realised that once again both herself and the bedclothes were soaking in her own sweat. ??????????????..
Part One
Two Years Earlier
Chapter 0ne:
?Ouch, please Sean...for Christ’s sake, it hurts too much, please, you’re going to kill me, please stop!? groaned the young schoolboy through tears of both pain and shame.
. Aside from the naked sixteen year old and his fully dressed classmates Sean Brady and his best friend Tom French the gymnasium changing rooms at Brent Church Grammar School for boys were deserted and stood by the changing room door to keep an eye out and to ensure they remained so.. The reason for the boy’s groaning was that Sean, holding one his hand behind his back, was with his other hand twisting his classmate’s naked balls and despite the boy’s fearful pleading, far from finished with his terrified and tearful victim.
?They say you can make people impotent for life if you squeeze their balls hard enough,? said Sean, Twisting the boy’s balls even harder and making him scream in agony. ?All you have to do for me to stop this is bring it into school for us, you were happy enough to brag to us about how you sat there and watched it so all you have to do now it with Tom and me?
?I can’t. It’s kept hidden,? pleaded the boy as his eyes filled with tears of both pain and shame.
Then Sean’s eyes were menacingly close to his face. ? Well, that’s your problem, if you don’t bring it to school, you’re going to get hurt a lot worse than this every day,? replied Sean and make his point twisted the poor lad’s balls even harder. The humiliated and tearful youngster felt as though he would have his budding manhood ripped from him at any moment.
Eventually of course there was only so much of Sean’s bullying he could take and knowing full well that even if they let him go today he would be getting more of the same every day from now on eventually replied.
?Ok, ok...I will bring it to school but you must promise you won’t go showing it to anybody else...and let me have it back the same day...please Sean!?
Looking forward with relish to the following day Sean smiled and replied.
?Oh course we will, after all, we don’t want anyone else to know about it do we Dan. It’ll be our little secret, just you and us but just be sure to bring it with you tomorrow you little piece of dog shit or you’ll really get to know what pain is next time?!..........................................................................................
In her bedroom prior to the arrival of her visitors Catherine Dixon viewed herself in her full length mirror and carefully pulled down on the soft cashmere jumper that seemed to cling to her voluptuous breasts before smoothing down her knee length skirt over equally shapely thighs.
Aware she looked pretty good for a forty something mother of two Catherine could not help but admire herself, the curves may have been more generous these days, but she also knew her body looked all the better for them and Catherine liked to dress up and was never one for ?jogging pants and sweatshirts?. She much preferred ?proper clothes? and ?proper lingerie? beneath. Although, in certain respects, she was given no choice in the matter and the thought of this raised a little smile with her.
Given the age of her expected visitors and the purpose of their visit Catherine wondered why she was even bothering for After all, these sixteen year olds would be far more interested in girls their own age than a married woman such as her but being a former Convent educated girl Catherine Dixon had from her first days at the
School been repeatedly instructed upon the importance of presenting herself in the best possible fashion and As always at the Convent School the harsh disciplinarian approach of the nuns ensured there were no shortage of beatings should the girls fail to heed their instructions.
Today she was for some reason feeling good and Catherine had decided on a rather daring set of powder blue half cup bra, matching thong and suspenders with a pair of seamed tan stockings under her blue jumper and a pleated white skirt but after checking her long luxurious blonde hair she again wondered vaguely why she was bothering. After all she was only expecting a visit from friends of her sixteen year old son who boys through her son Dan had asked if she would agree to offer them guidance on their ambition to both seek a career in the teaching profession.
Catherine herself had for a time been a math teacher at a private school for girls and she wondered if any advice she could give would be relevant these days. Still, with the somewhat strained relations she had with her son Dan over the past few weeks being able to help her son had been foremost in Catherine’s mind. Therefore she had reluctantly agreed to meet the two young boys on the first afternoon of the half term holidays but as that day had now arrived and as she checked the security of her stockings on her garter belt arrived Catherine again wondered what on earth she could tell them.
Then the doorbell was ringing, bringing?Catherine back to the present and as she descended the stairs in her white high heeled shoes after leaving her bedroom she heard the recently broken voice of her sixteen year old son In the hall as he studied his mother with obvious approval, ?Tom and Sean are in the lounge Mummy, I’m going out, I’ll see you later,? he told her with all the abandon of youth whilst looking at his mother in the rather anxious fashion he had been doing of late whilst leaving Catherine to wonder if her son thought that she was perhaps overdressed for such a meeting.
?Oh, well, okay then but be certain to be back by five Dan,? replied his Mother.
?Around seven or a little later,? said Dan, looking toward the lounge where the two boys sat before walking out the door, leaving his mother to introduce herself to his ‘friends’.
Catherine strode into the large lounge, delighted to see the two young boys immediately rising from their respective seats as she did so, pleased the youngsters seemed to be very well mannered young boys.
?Mrs. Dixon, how do you do, I’m Sean and this is Tom. It’s really good of you to see us like this,? began Sean. ?Especially as Dan told us you have such a busy and, err, disciplined life.?
Catherine noted Sean turn toward Tom as he said this and wondered why he needed to wink at him but putting the matter to one side and ever the good hostess Catherine Dixon played the part, after all her young guests were friends of her son and she should look after them. ?Well, it’s good to meet you both. Daniel told me you wanted to know as much as possible about the teaching profession. I’m not sure how much help I can be to you, but first, why don’t you both sit down and I shall make us all a nice pot of tea.?
?Sounds great Mrs. Dixon, but I’m sure you are going to be of great assistance to us both, the tea though would be most welcome,? said Sean. His comment was strangely unnerving Catherine a little as she turned toward the door. Behind her, Sean noted with young approval, the seams upon Catherine’s stockings as she turned toward the door and nodding toward Tom who, obviously enjoying the same spectacle both boys then followed Catherine toward the kitchen.
Busying herself with tea and biscuit’s, Catherine was surprised to suddenly find Tom, standing beside her.
?Here, let me take this, Mrs. Dixon,? said Tom, picking up the tea tray Catherine had prepared for them and once again Catherine marvelled at his good manners as she watched the young schoolboy carrying the tea tray back into the lounge.
?Well then,? began Catherine as soon as they were all seated with tea and biscuit’s at hand. ?As I told Dan I don’t know how much help I can be to you both given that my experiences?have been solely at an exclusive private school for girls. You see the syllabus is probably very different to any?you are likely to encounter?.
Both Sean and Tom were sat upon the large leather couch dominating that side of Catherine’s large lounge. Sean nodded to Tom who then answered Catherine.
?I think we understand what you are saying Mrs. Dixon but surely all syllabuses are constantly changing. I’m sure we all understand that but what Sean and I am far more interested in learning from you Mrs. Dixon would be the handling of pupils in a proper classroom environment. You know, the way one would handle errant pupils, in the matter of discipline, just how far would one have to go. Surely the question of deciding the correct punishment for a ?miscreant? is most important.?
Catherine had noticed that while speaking Tom had cast his eyes down toward her legs. Seeing his eye movement suddenly made her realize that when sitting down after handing around the teacups her skirt must have ridden up. To her dismay Catherine saw she was providing both youngsters with a generous view of her stocking clad thighs. Attempting to appear unflustered, Catherine pulled her white pleated skirt down toward her knees, only though for her face redden when finding both boys smiling at her when she lifted her eyes back to them!
Thoroughly taken aback by Tom’s line of questioning and still a little disturbed at having her thighs inspected by her son’s friends his mother found herself almost stammering her response.
?R...really boys, there is a world of difference between an exclusive school for girls and the type of state school you are probably likely to find in at first placement. I cannot see at all the point in even discussing matters such as those,? said Catherine, feeling more than a little anxious at the direction the conversation seemed to be heading.
Now it was Sean who took up the cudgel. ?Really, Mrs. Dixon?, he responded, keeping his sixteen year old voice low with attempted authority. ?Is it not undeniable that a teacher can only function properly when he...or she of course...has the attention and respect of the pupils?? By now Sean was no longer smiling at Catherine but, to her disquiet, was looking across the room at her with one raised eyebrow.
?Well, err, yes, I suppose so,? replied Catherine, feeling somewhat defensive and beginning to wish she had never agreed to see these two young boys.
?And, so?, continued Sean immediately. ?If the said pupil is either impertinent or disobedient toward the teacher, then that pupil must be punished, would you not agree Mrs. Dixon.?
Catherine could of course see the logic behind Sean’s thinking, but was taken aback by the severity of his argument, especially coming as it did from a young boy of her son’s age. Not for the first time Catherine Dixon, for varying reasons, felt uncomfortable in the company of these youngsters.
?Well, err yes, I suppose you’re right Sean, but as I have already said, I really cannot help you with that side of things but ‘d be happy to help If you’ve any other questions...on other subjects?? said Catherine before watching in surprise as Tom took a package from a briefcase he had bought along.
?Well, we have plenty of ideas of our own to discuss with you Mrs. Dixon, but first we have bought with us a err, training DVD, We would like you to explain to us the meaning behind it and then perhaps give us your thoughts as to its usefulness as a training aid.?
Before the surprised Catherine could even answer him, Tom was walking across the room toward the TV/DVD combo in the corner, but thinking she was now about to be on much firmer ground, Catherine told Tom she was quite happy to watch the DVD with them and comment as appropriate. She was soon rewarded by beaming smiles from both boys as she watched Tom insert the disc into the DVD player before returning to his seat upon the large sofa.
The TV screen came to life and after a short period of fuzz a woman appeared on the screen, slowly walking toward the camera. ?What the...of my God, what is...where did?? exclaimed Catherine Dixon Jumping up from her seat darted across the room toward the DVD player to stop and eject the disk but As Catherine bent down toward the machine she was suddenly stopped by four strong young arms taking hold of her and almost effortlessly the two youngsters walked Catherine backwards toward the
sofa. Shortly her legs came into contact with the sofa and Catherine found herself lowered to a sitting position as, on either side of her, Sean and Tom pulled her gently down between them.
?Please...,? the shocked Catherine Dixon stammered. ?Please boys, stop this, I don’t know where you got hold of that but for heaven sake take it out now!? she cried while vainly attempting to loosen the grip the boys had upon her arms.
But In response to her struggles Sean and Tom simply sat closer either side of Catherine so the three bodies were almost squashed together. On each side of Catherine, the boys then each linked one arm under hers, grasping and holding each of her hands, leaving Catherine trapped and immobile between them.
?Look you, you young monsters, if you don’t let go I shall call...?
?Oh yes, who will you call Mrs Dixon, we have all seen the DVD,? interrupted Sean, a reminder to Catherine, who then looked back at the TV screen in palpable horror as Sean continued. ?I suppose you could call Dan, let him watch it with us, would you like that??
?Oh no! Dear God, no!? whispered Caroline, absolutely mortified by the very idea of her son viewing this DVD.
?So behave yourself sit here and enjoy watching the DVD with us, Mrs. Dixon. And display no more naughtiness!?
?The woman on the DVD had now stopped before the camera, wearing a button down knee length dress, high heeled shoes and dark stockings. She held a large thick hardback heavy book in her small hands. ?Get the book on your head,? said a strong male voice over the DVD.
Without replying, the woman slowly and carefully placed the book upon her head, straightening her posture while doing so to balance the book before allowing her arms to hang by her side.
?Please...please...stop this, I’m not going to watch it!? stated Catherine Dixon, able only to move her head so completely trapped was she by the strong young arms holding her.
?But It’s only just started Mrs. Dixon,? replied Tom.
?And remember, you did agree to watch it with us, you must agree it’s an excellent training DVD, Mrs. Dixon.?
?Oh God,? sobbed Catherine, knowing she had no alternative but to sit there and watch.
?Now remove the dress,? ordered the same male voice.
Again, without replying, the woman obeyed. Slowly and cautiously, mindful of the heavy book balancing upon her head, she undid each button on the dress until the garment fell in two halves about her sides, revealing a delicious set of sheer black see through lingerie, bra, thong, stockings and suspenders upon her mature voluptuous body.
Carefully the woman managed to peel each side of her dress over and off of her shoulders until the garment fell to a loose heap around her ankles. Without smiling the woman looked back to the camera. ?Now loose the bra,? again the same male voice barked the order.
This time it seemed much more difficult for the woman and the heavy book wobbled a little as, complying with her instruction, she made to reach behind to locate her bra clasp.
Again and with great care the woman succeeded in carry out her given task before then crossing her arms diagonally over her large breasts. Slowly and deliberately she slipped the black bra straps over her shoulders and down her arms. Having done this she then allowed her arms to dangle once again at her sides. Slowly the sheer black bra fluttered down, falling away from her breasts before dropping off her body to meet the dress already by her feet.
The mature woman’s breasts were now in full view. Oh, how magnificent they were. Full, proud and erect and with no sign of any droop. They were a tanned and stunning 36C without a bikini line and topped off with large dark pink aureoles with huge hardened nipples.
Catherine looked in dismay at the DVD and then, to her horror saw that one of Tom’s hands had moved down and was now openly rubbing his crotch.
?Please...please boys...stop this now I promise I will keep this to myself, no one need know about it if you just leave now,? pleaded a sobbing Catherine whilst struggling to free herself from the grip of the two strong boys.
But Tom simply squeezed harder on Catherine’s hand while continuing to rub his crotch.
?Really Mrs. Dixon,? he told her.? You are being very disobedient. You can tell whomever you wish. Sean and I won’t stop you, but before you do so you are going to sit with us and watch until the end before we punish you for your rebellious attitude!? ‘
‘Catherine noticed Sean was also rubbing his own crotch. ?Punish me? Oh god, please, please, make them stop this,? sobbed Dan’s beautiful Mother her helpless misery.
The woman on the DVD now stood. Her hands by her side listening to the male voice telling her she must now remove her tiny black thong, a task that was to prove the most difficult of all if she were to keep the book balanced upon her head.
With obvious practice the woman, her breasts rising and falling delightfully, slipped fingers into the tiny waistband. Slowly, on both hips her fingers eased the tiny garment down as far as her arms could reach. Then, keeping her back ramrod straight, she lifted one knee, then the other, each time slipping the tiny thong further down her legs. Then disaster! The book began to wobble upon her head just as the woman lifted her second knee. No amount of correction could stop the wobble and eventually the heavy book slipped from her head toppled to the floor.
Now the woman stood all but naked, but minus the book.
?Well, you have failed to obey my instructions, have you not?? boomed the male voice.
?Yes Sir,? the woman said. Now she was facing the camera again. This time though with hands upon her head and her legs spread wide enough to display a well trimmed thatch of blonde pubic hair.
?And what happens when you disobey my instructions??
?I am punished Sir.?
?You agree you deserve to be punished?
?Yes Sir, I deserve my punishment.?
?So now you will bring me your implement of punishment in the correct manner.?
The naked woman then dropped to her hands and knees and?crawling across the room the camera followed her progress, giving a delicious view of her swaying buttocks before she halted by a coffee table. From this table she then took between her teeth a thin cane and holding it there while she placed her hands upon the coffee table, retaining her kneeling position. Looking down Catherine realised Sean was squeezing her hand tightly while he intently watched the DVD and could not help but observe an erection pushing firmly against his trousers while he continued to massage himself
Every continuing section of the DVD increased Catherine’s misery. Would they really make her ?explain the meaning of it?? She wondered, dreading the thought of having to do just that before these young monsters even more than watching the rest of the DVD. Then the camera was panning around to give a sideways on view of the woman leaning over the coffee table, in her kneeling position her lovely breasts hung delightfully straight down until the large nipples almost touched the table top.
Then the camera moved on to show the woman holding the cane in between her teeth before finally showing her stocking clad legs, the dark tops in contrast to her whiter thighs and her delicious naked bottom, firm and proud and then finally a glimpse of her blonde pubic hair courtesy of slightly parted legs.
Then the DVD showed a hand reaching down to remove the cane from between the woman’s teeth!
?So Mrs. Dixon?, said Tom to Daniel Dixon’s squirming humiliated Mother, ?Now we get to see her actual punishment.?
Catherine could find no answer; all she could do was pray this nightmare would soon be over and hope these young brutes would go once they had finished inflicting this misery and shame upon her.
The camera had moved again. Now it was showing the woman from behind, but at an angle allowing the viewer to view all of the woman’s lovely body. Especially interesting were the private parts at the junction of her legs and her body. Then the cane was touching her bottom.
?I shall be awarding the miscreant twelve strokes of the cane?, the male voice again. ?The miscreant will count each one aloud and then ask for her punishment to continue. After the punishment has been completed the miscreant shall express her thanks to me in the appropriate manner.?
Catherine suddenly began struggling violently and it took all four arms to hold her in place. ?Let me go!? she shouted at them. ?Let me go you horrible brutes. I won’t sit here and be forced to watch any more of this!?
?Really Mrs. Dixon, what a way to behave,? said Tom with all the severity his young years could muster while pausing the DVD with the remote control. ?We came hoping you would give us some advice, but, here we are, having to restrain you Mrs. Dixon. She really should be punished hard for this Sean, probably twenty four strokes of the cane!?
Tom then reached into his bag, producing a cane similar to that shown on the DVD.
?Oh my god no, NO!...please no,? pleaded Catherine.? I couldn’t take it, please don’t use that on me!?
?Well, it’s up to you Mrs. Dixon,?if you behave and apologise to us for your behaviour, we could perhaps reduce the severity of your forthcoming punishment, but only IF you behave yourself.?
?Oh God, okay. Please, I’m sorry, I shall be good, but please don’t whip me with that cane!?
?Well Tom, if Mrs. Dixon really does intend to behave herself she really should show us she means it, I really think she should remove her jumper for us!? said Sean.
?NO!? exclaimed Catherine. ?This is crazy, you cannot possibly expect me to do that, you are supposed to be my son’s friends for heavens sake!?, she cried.
?So then, the cane it shall be Tom and perhaps we should also go get Dan to join us, he can then count every single stroke of the cane upon his Mothers naughty bottom!? said Sean mockingly.
Sean’s threat was far too terrible to even contemplate and with no means of escaping these brutes Catherine admitted defeat for she knew there would be no way could she endure as many as twenty four strokes of that awful looking cane! ?Ok...ok then I’ll do it,? sobbed the mature blonde housewife
?That’s much more like it Mrs. Dixon, but you must promise to be a good girl, we shall then let go your arms just long enough for you to remove your jumper, but I must warn you now, any attempt to jump up will only mean extra strokes of the cane!? replied Sean, looking across Catherine’s shapely body at his best friend.
Knowing these boys were waiting for her answer Catherine took a long deep breath and in reply almost whispered ?Ok, ok. I promise.?
?Really? , Just exactly what is it that you promise Mrs. Dixon?? ask Tom, determined to extract every ounce of humiliation from Dan’s mother.
?I...I promise to be a...a good girl,? said Catherine miserably, totally mortified at having to tell these young boys that she would be a ?Good Girl.?
Sat between these two sixteen year old boys Catherine was wishing her heavy breathing would cease, thereby stopping her visibly large breasts from rising and falling in such a wanton fashion! Catherine realised that without her jumper her breasts would be almost completely exposed and that her nipples were only just covered by the flimsy material of her powder blue half cup bra. All of which would be gloriously exposed to the two young boys sitting either side of her, their arms and hands once again linked to hers.
After telling the boys she would be a ?good girl? Catherine was then told to stand in front of them and to slowly remove her jumper. Knowing she would never make it to the door before they caught her, dejectedly she slowly removed her jumper in full view of admiring eyes until she stood unhappily before them, her beautiful breasts encased in the powder blue bra rising and falling to their lustful admiration.
?Wow, really, you sure have an incredible pair of tits Mrs. Dixon, she really is as gorgeous as we thought she would be, isn’t she Sean??
As Sean nodded and voiced his agreement, Catherine didn’t know whether to be proud or angry at the boy’s complimentary appraisal of her breasts. An even closer appraisal when to her horror she was then forced to sit back between her lustful young tormentors again.
?I’m pleased you decided to behave for us Mrs. Dixon,? said Sean, making Catherine liken herself to a naughty child being rewarded. ?So taking her repentance in mind I think we should reduce Mrs. Dixon’s forthcoming punishment accordingly, should we not Tom??
Catherine was stunned. ?Her forthcoming punishment?? Surely they did not really intend to carry out their terrible threats to ?punish her.?
?Please, boys, I’ve done everything you asked of me and I promise I really won’t say a word to anyone?please? please don’t use that cane on me,? she sobbed, begging now.
?Oh, come on Mrs. Dixon, it’s not that bad, after all, you took a good twelve strokes on the DVD, did you not. Would you like me to carry on playing it for you, to remind you?? said Sean, while placing his other arm around Catherine’s shoulders. As Sean held her shoulder, his fingers were disconcertingly slipping Catherine’s bra strap from her shoulder down to her elbow.
?And, if you really do intend to keep your promise to be a good girl for us then we may even reduce the severity of your punishment ? interjected Tom.
?Yes, I agree Tom?, replied Sean, ?but only if the miscreant is far more respectful toward us by removing her skirt? so It’s up to Mrs. Dixon.?
As one, the two lad lads stood and Catherine, her hands and arms trapped in theirs, was pulled up from the couch and positioned a little further away. Satisfied, the lads slumped back down again. ?Well, Mrs. Dixon one way or another that skirt is coming off, 24 or 18 it’s your choice? Sean told her.
Shamed and humiliated and with her large breasts heaving and falling to her rapid breathing Catherine stood before the two boys knowing she really had no option but to comply with them, especially when Sean began flexing that awful cane. Twelve light strokes from a loving husband was one thing, but the thought of 24 from these brutes was quite another.
?Okay?Okay .I’ll do it?but please don’t cane me!
?Remember Mrs. Dixon,? replied Sean with all the severity he could muster.? You are now on your honour, remove your skirt then place your hands upon your head and remember your failure to obey us will result in your punishment being doubled to 36 strokes!?
?Oh my God No? thought Catherine. Standing there in her white pleated skirt and powder blue bra she was truly stunned by Sean’s domineering attitude. She realized any disrespect from her would indeed result in a horrific thrashing. The thought of these young boys, her own son’s friends, doubling her punishment was too awful to even contemplate. So Catherine determined to win them both over and in doing so hopefully get them to reduce the threat of those18 strokes of the cane even further. But this also meant having to humiliate herself before these brutes by having to remove her skirt and in doing so reveal to them the undoubtedly sexy underwear she had unaccountably decided to wear for this meeting with them.
So, with a trembling sob, Catherine slowly unzipped the pleated skirt and eventually allowed it the fall into a pool of linen around her ankles. The two boys whistled in surprise and appreciation, both stunned that she was wearing a garter belt and the tiniest of thongs matching her powder blue bra along with tan stockings instead of the boring functional panty hose they had been expecting to find on her! Then the submissive within Catherine surfaced briefly and, almost arrogantly, she placed her hands upon her head as instructed, bizarrely, proud that these two young boys were so most certainly attracted to her, even at her age!
Sean and Tom were elated; neither boy really expected their strategy for subduing Catherine Dixon would prove to be so easily, if at all, achieved. As they sat and admired the lingerie clad mature beauty standing so submissively before them they looked at each other in ecstatic agreement that the first part of their plans for her were going so well.
In truth both boys had lusted after Catherine Dixon since first seeing her on parent’s day whilst she wandered around the school with her son Dan. With her long flowing blonde hair and wearing a light summer dress, her long slim legs tripping lightly across the school hall. To Tom and Sean Catherine Dixon was the height of mature female perfection, and to Sean especially, the perfect subject for a special sexual experiment he had been longing to attempt.
In fact neither Sean nor Tom were interested in giggling young girls their own age and saw Catherine Dixon as the ideal subject of their desire to sexually dominate an older woman. As a result they had deliberately befriended her son Dan. With Dan being younger and smaller than the two 16 year olds he readily took to them as friends and protectors, in the process naively telling his new friends all they wanted to know about his home life and parents.
Until that is Dan foolishly told his new friends about the DVD he had found while sneaking a look in his mother’s lingerie drawers. And of how it showed what he had long suspected, that his mother and father playing wicked games with canes and sexy clothes. Dan’s words had given Sean an instant erection. Day and night he lusted and masturbated over an image of Dan’s gorgeous mother. Now the stupid little fucker had given him just what he needed to make Dan’s mother crawl before him, as his very own slave bitch! All he had needed was to convince Tom of how easy it would all be, once they got hold of that DVD??.
Standing before Sean and Tom with her hands on her head, looking exquisite in her powder blue bra, thong, garters and tan stockings, Catherine Dixon tried to look anywhere but at the two young boys. Mortified, she heard Sean telling her to sit between them once again.
?Good Girl,? said Sean, patting the naked area of Catherine’s thigh above her stocking top. ?Now Tom, let’s watch Mrs. Dixon getting her punishment. It will show us more about just how she enjoys being punished?
Squeezed on the sofa between the two boys, Sean’s arm again encircled Catherine’s shoulders whilst both boys placed a hand upon each of her stocking tops. At least though, Catherine was able to place her hands over her thong covered crotch. Catherine watched in growing dismay as the TV screen lit up once again when Tom pressed the remote.
On the screen, a thin whippy cane descended upon the woman’s bottom. A gasp, then a little moan and her body was shaking to the sudden pain, but the woman remained bent over the coffee table. From the sofa Catherine, humiliatingly trapped half naked upon the by her young tormentors anxiously watched a red weal slowly appearing on her bottom before hearing herself saying. ?One Sir, thank you Sir, Would Sir be kind enough to cane this miscreant again!?
?Good Girl? replied the male voice.? You deserve your punishment Catherine do you not??
?Yes Sir, I deserve to be punished.?
Then once more the cane descended, this time though upon Catherine Dixon’s other bum cheek. Again she moaned, again she moved around on the coffee table, and again she thanked her husband and asked for another caning.
For Catherine the sight of her body in this all too familiar position was enough, for along with watching the DVD’s of herself, always came the wonderful hardening of her nipples and the incessant throbbing between her legs and even trapped as she was, Catherine was unable to prevent these very same stirrings as her body betrayed her, betraying her resolve not to submit to these two young monsters.
Looking down, Catherine was horrified to see her nipples growing erect and hard, pushing firmly against the thin cup of her bra. So much so, that, feeling Sean’s arm slip further around her shoulder until his hand dangled over the top of her breast and his fingers began lightly toying with the powder blue material of her bra. Catherine, in fear of her hard nipples being discovered by him, lifted a hand from her crotch, pushing his hand away from her breast, pleading with Sean.
?Please...please...don’t do that.?
But making it sound as if it were a conspiracy between them, Sean whispered into Catherine’s ear. ?I don’t know about Tom, but it’s up to you just how hard I cane you, Catherine.?
Again Sean placed his hand upon her breast, but this time, realising the hidden threat of his words Catherine allowed Sean’s fingers to delve deeper into the thin material of her bra until finding her rock hard nipple. Catherine gasped at his touch, but still mindful of Sean’s implied threat she was crushed again and her hand dropped back to join the other, still guarding her crotch, thus reluctantly allowing the young Sean complete freedom to explore her breasts.
Gently at first Sean began to massage the firm sizable bud. The DVD continued to display the beautiful Catherine Dixon’s punishment while the woman herself, breathing more heavily now, tried desperately but unsuccessfully to disregard the growing sensations within her created by Sean’s fingers upon her nipple.
?This is madness, this cannot be happening to me.? Catherine told herself as an all too familiar throbbing began between her legs. ?How did I let things get this far, how can I have just sit here, almost naked, between these two boys, forced to watch myself??
As the DVD showed Catherine asking for the final stroke of the cane to complete her punishment, both boys were stroking her milky thighs above her stocking tops, to where Catherine’s hands guarded her crotch. Sean had by now completely exposed one beautiful breast, after lowering both shoulder straps and one bra cup down and away from Catherine’s body he was casually cupping the firm exposed mature breast in his hand while continuing to work upon it’s nipple with his fingers.
Breathing very heavily now, Catherine’s emotions were now almost beyond control from their combined attentions. But as she fearfully awaited the conclusion of the DVD film the knowledge that the two boys would have already seen its entirety gave Catherine no comfort at all.
?Twelve Sir, thank you Sir, this miscreant was fully deserving of her punishment.? said a very breathless Catherine Dixon to her husband on the DVD film, her bottom, by now covered with red welt tram lines, caused by her caning, swayed deliciously upon the coffee table.
Catherine’s glorious ass cheeks stood out as the video suddenly panned in for a close-up. Thereby revealing for the two young boys either side of her, not only Catherine’s shapely bottom but the involuntary opening and closing of her firm cheeks. To her utter shame and the boys delight it also showed a very good view of her blonde covered cunt lips glistening with what could only be Catherine’s juices.
?So you should be Catherine, from now on you will wear only the underwear I decide upon, is that clear,? said the male voice on the DVD..
?Yes Sir,? Catherine replied meekly. ?May this humble miscreant now attempt to please you Sir??
?You may indeed,? was the reply. For a moment the camera seemed to revolve around the room, the very room the three of them now occupied, until a very large and very erect cock came into focus. Suddenly the lovely face of Catherine Dixon was inching toward the rampant phallus.
Watching this, Catherine was mortified, but despite pleading with her two captors to be let off from viewing her final filmed humiliations she was powerless to either prevent them watching its finale. And, to her bemusement she also could not even prevent herself from becoming more and more aroused by their treatment of her ensnared body.
For by now, having pulled her bra away completely, Sean’s hand and fingers were roaming freely over both Catherine’s breasts. Furthermore, having moved Catherine’s hands aside, the boys fingers were caressing the very edges of her love mound and continuously running up and down the thin material of her tiny thong and Catherine, despite all that was happening to her, was almost desperate for those young inquisitive fingers to slip inside her thong and thence slip within her throbbing and well soaked cunt!
Yet again Tom and Sean were watching the film enthralled as it showed Catherine Dixon place her hands upon her head once again and then lowered her head until her soft lips encircled just the very tip of her husband’s rampant erection. They watched as she slowly pushed forward so that his foreskin was gradually pushed back. Sean especially, viewed this foreplay with some delight, for it was he who had told Tom to forget the immature fumbling of girls their own age and help him find a ?proper woman.?
While, almost absently toying with Catherine’s rock hard nipples, Sean thought back to his delight at finding a collection of bondage and spanking magazines belonging to his own parents. He recalled the thumping within his chest while he viewed the photo images of women and some men even, in varying stages of bondage. And of how he was especially ?wowed? by the older but still very beautiful women in many of the magazines. From that day on, Sean had eagerly amassed all the information he could about this most exciting of sexual pastimes and vowed he would find for himself the woman of his desires. Even if doing so meant he had to use a little ?persuasion.? Not at all a problem for a boy feared throughout school for his size, strength and fighting ability.
Now, as he once again watched the very delicious Mrs. Dixon giving her husband the most erotic of blow jobs Sean congratulated himself on not rushing things today. As he had explained to Tom, their best weapon was to allow Mrs Dixon time to allow things to sink in gradually.
Sean knew both he and Tom could have, without much difficulty, fucked Mrs. Dixon before now. Even though they had the damaging DVD he had not told Catherine at any time that he could use it against her. Sean was resolute upon one very important thing, his obsession that the gorgeous Catherine Dixon was going to beg him to fuck her! After all, from this day onward little Dan’s mother was going to belong to him for a very long time to come!
Catherine was of course aware of none of Sean’s very real plans for her and although dejected as she indeed was at her current predicament, other than sexually she did not feel entirely endangered by these admittedly rather good looking youths. She was, she had to admit, even perversely enjoying the boy’s attentions, dreadful as the thought was.
Catherine was by now resigned to having to ?undergo? more of what had happened on the DVD as well as what was happening to her right no. she also expected some amount of caning before these boys finally left her house. In fact she by now fully realised that if a stop were not put to this very soon she may well find these boys were planning to subject her to far more than a humiliating caning in her underwear. For one awful moment Catherine wondered if she had the will power or even desire to prevent them from doing so. But unquestionably they must leave before Dan came home and discovered this awful scenario. Should she tell them Dan would be home at any minute pondered Catherine.
But as another wave of pleasure ran through her Catherine decided to leave these thoughts for the moment. The DVD was coming to its conclusion and giving a perfect view of Catherine’s undoubted erotic oral skills. Still with her hands on her head she kissed, licked and sucked every inch of her husband’s cock and hardened balls. In the background her husband could be heard groaning with pleasure while Catherine’s doe like eyes looked up toward him.
On the sofa, with her body seemingly controlling her mind, Catherine closed her eyes and surreptitiously tried to ease her aching cunt nearer the fingers that stroked her so expertly!
But with a smile, Sean, who despite his tender years prided himself upon his ability to read situations, fully understood Catherine’s actions. Nodding to Tom in silent agreement both lads abruptly slipped an index finger inside of Catherine’s tiny thong. There to find the soaking cunt lips of the mature beauty.
And with her eyes still closed and gasping at their sudden invasion, Catherine made no effort to foil them. Indeed, to her shame, she found she was unable to prevent herself from opening her legs a little wider to assist their entry. Her body awash with pleasure, Catherine, her eyes still closed, heard Sean telling her she must open those eyes, to look at the TV screen, pinching hard upon one nipple to accentuate his demand.
Obediently, Catherine did so, viewing herself on the TV screen as she was dropping hands from her head before taking hold of her husband’s throbbing cock with one hand while with the other, cupping and massaging his heavy balls. Keeping her lips on the very tip of the massive erection Catherine began pumping her husband cock into her mouth while continuing to massage his balls. Despite her awful predicament, Catherine’s excitement was growing, heightened further by watching her display on the TV while having her cunt lips lightly massaged by both boys. Shortly the TV screen showed Catherine’s head draw back a little from her husband’s cock, while, in the background, he could be heard moaning of animalistic pleasures.
Abruptly, on the sofa, Catherine herself was groaning, two fingers had slipped between her soaking cunt lips to enter her cunt itself. And, just as her husband’s cock began spurting long strands of juices toward Catherine’s open mouth, the combined index fingers of Sean and Tom began slowly pumping Catherine’s soaking love tunnel.
Her husband’s juices shot out, repeatedly landing on just about every inch of Catherine’s face, neck and hair as the wildly shuddering organ and balls released their pent up passion. Catherine herself was also groaning, writhing openly and wantonly on the sofa, uncaring of her erotic exhibition, her mind lost to the effects of the huge orgasm that was progressively intensifying within her.
Aware the DVD was coming to its end, Sean nodded toward Tom and, in unison the boys withdrew their fingers from within the writhing Catherine’s sopping wet cunt.
The effect upon Catherine was immediate. Having her wonderfully near orgasm so cruelly thwarted, she groaned with frustration. Her eyes turning toward Sean, who, while again pinching Catherine’s nipple, cruelly and, in his mature adult wisdom, told her, ?Oh no Mrs. Dixon, not yet, we’re not allowing you to cum until you have been awarded your punishment.? At the same time both boys were lifting a shocked Catherine by her arms from the sofa before standing back until the unresisting beauty stood a couple a feet away.
Looking down, Catherine both frustrated and humiliated by these two boys less than half her age, abruptly realized both her large firm breasts were hanging out from her powder blue half cup bra. The shoulder straps were loosely dangling by her elbows, and not just that, her tiny matching thong was covering practically nothing at all. Looking up she saw both boys smiling at the erotic display her dishevelled appearance now provided. Her immediate reaction was to pull the bra back over her breasts. After doing just that though, Catherine was stunned to see Sean flexing that brute of cane before her.
?Oh Dear Mrs. Dixon, have you learned nothing today,? he began. His words and
tone designed to humiliate Catherine, make her feel like a naughty child herself. ?We were kind enough to reduce your initial punishment of 24 strokes of this cane to just eighteen, but that was on the assumption that you would be a good girl for us. What do we find now, I really cannot recall giving Mrs. Dixon permission to cover herself do you Tom??
?Indeed not,? replied Tom, ?I really think, Sean, that this miscreant should now receive the full twenty four strokes we promised her.?
Taken aback at the young boy’s dominant attitude Catherine could only look down at the carpet, shoulders slumped, humiliated, just indeed, as Sean intended.
Stunned by Tom’s words and with no hope of escape, Catherine looked pleadingly toward Sean who remained flexing the dreadful cane. ?’m sorry,? she murmured, mortified by her capitulation.
?Maybe she should Tom, but let’s see if Mrs. Dixon would prefer just the eighteen by turning around and then removing both her bra and thong So Catherine, trapped by a very simple ploy Sean had thought of earlier, had been given a simple choice. More strokes of the cane or remove the last of her clothing.
Of course it was really no choice at all, for Catherine, was already almost naked. She realized she had been displaying herself fully, only moments earlier on the sofa, and enjoying it! More than that, she was still determined to win them over from even the eighteen strokes they had planned. Catherine knew what she must do, she only hoped her son Dan would not suddenly walk in to find his mother naked before his friends.
So Catherine Dixon turned her back on her tormentors. For a few moments she then remained motionless until eventually she reached both hands behind her back. Slowly unclasping her bra and gradually Catherine allowed the powder blue garment to sip from her breasts, down her stomach and from her arm until holding it with a single hand.
?Don’t let go of it yet Mrs. Dixon?, said Sean.
Finally, there was only Catherine’s tiny thong. Although not really that significant from where the boys stood, it was the only visible sign of anything on her body other than her garter belt and stockings. It only provided a thin strip of black elastic disappearing between her taught trim buttocks. Still, it was to Sean an essential element of his strategy, for, aside from her stockings and suspenders, Mrs. Dixon would now be naked. Of great importance was one critical fact, she had removed all her clothing herself! Whether she realized it then, Sean did not care, but she most certainly would, later.
Both boys watched lustfully while Catherine, bending forward and unknowingly giving them delicious glimpse of her wet cunt and bum crack, reached one hand down to slip the tiny blue thong down her legs and eventually over her feet.
?Keep it in your hand Mrs. Dixon, then turn around, pass the bra and thong to me and then put your hands on your head!? demanded Sean.
Of course, Catherine had fully expected to hear these words, none the less her heart pounded to the blow of actually hearing she must now turn and face these boys. Aside from doctors, only two men had ever seen her naked body, but now she was being told to display her nudity to her son’s teenage friends. Incredibly though, Catherine could not rid herself of the appallingly brazen feelings of anticipation and excitement these boys, and Sean especially, were continuously creating inside her.
?Wow!? exclaimed a very excited and smiling Tom.? Look at the tits on her Sean!?
?Mmmmm...You really are a beautiful woman Mrs. Dixon, you have obviously looked after your body, those tits are better than any young girl, and I see you really are a true blonde?, said Sean.
Blushing furiously Catherine could not but help but feel the same sense of pride she had earlier experienced. It had taken an enormous effort of will power on her part to turn and face to these friends of her son Dan almost completely naked.
But for some reason, her having been ?ordered? to do so, having been ?ordered? to place her hands upon her head, Catherine felt the responsibility for her actions had been taken from her. The 42 year old wife and mother became aware the throbbing between her legs had returned, brought about by the open admiration of her naked body displayed to these two young boys. Even so Catherine wasn’t about to make things easy for them for she had no desire to have them believe she was (?)easy meat(?) some sort of frustrated housewife who would willingly offer herself to friends of her son.
So Catherine stared frostily at Sean with an unspoken defiance in her eyes. These youths had so far tricked and stripped her, they had even threatened her son if she did not do as they wished. But Catherine had decided she was not going to make things that easy for Sean, for now she fully understood it was Sean from whom she had most to fear.
Catherine was dogged enough to at least test his resolve, to see who could most hold their nerve even though her defiance could result in an even harsher beating that they had already threatened a sixth sense told Catherine she had to test her adversary to the limit, only then would she capitulate to him.
But Sean Brady was holding her frosty stare and simply staring straight back at Catherine. His deep blue eyes were burning into hers as if transmitting to Catherine
Dixon that she now belonged to him and him alone, very soon Catherine was using every ounce of her resolve in her desperate attempt at retaining her defiant contact with steely blue eyes that seemed to be looking into her very soul. But eventually, inevitably her resolve began to waver for Sean’s hard eyes were conveying only brutality and authority, authority over her mind and body.
Catherine then realised then that this strong dominant young man was more than willing to hurt her and hurt her badly to achieve his depraved ambitions. The fact was he simultaneously terrified her whilst undeniably sexually exciting her. So the unspoken impasse was, perhaps as she had always known it would be, was eventually broken. Catherine, blushing deeply and thinking Sean was reading her mind, dropped her eyes to the floor in tacit admission of Sean’s unspoken declaration of his ownership of her. He was the victor.
But Sean was now in mood to let her off so lightly and decided to reinforce the aura of his domination over Catherine. So snapping his fingers to bring her eyes back to his own and without a word Sean jabbed his index finger down toward the Lounge carpet.
Catherine knew full well what he expected of her and that she would pay a heavy price should she show further defiance toward Sean. Slowly, with hands still on her head she dropped to her knees. Perhaps in a gesture of contrition, she even parted her legs slightly, giving Sean a good view of her carefully trimmed pubic mound and inner thighs, a gesture that obviously pleased Sean.
?I think we shall require of Mrs. Dixon just the eighteen strokes then. Tom, do you agree?? Said Sean while looking down into the kneeling Catherine’s eyes, eyes that now showed only despondency and defeat.
?Yes, seeing that she seems so much more obedient now Sean.?
My God,? thought Catherine.? These boys are now talking about me, not to me, as though?as though I am their property. Eighteen strokes of that cane, Oh my God, I must win them over, and I must be good for them!?
?Okay Mrs. Dixon no coffee table for you this time. For me you shall now lean over and place your head on the arm rest of the sofa. Over here with your arms at either side.? said Sean, patting the arm rest of the sofa with the cane.
?Oh God no,? thought Catherine, she had thought she would be made to bend over the coffee table as usual. So with a great deal of apprehension, but also obedience, the naked Catherine stepped across to where Sean had pointed with the cane. After some hesitancy, she finally leaned forward; fully aware she would soon be displaying herself as never before. Anxiously Catherine then lowered her head until her chin rested upon the arm rest before placing her arms either side of her head.
Behind her both Sean and Tom marvelled at the display the beautiful Catherine Dixon was now providing. Her back, almost flat leading on down to her beautifully taught delightful buttocks and long straight tapered legs. Beneath, Catherine’s breasts, hanging delightfully loose and free, were complimented by her long hard nipples she truly was a picture of ‘Sex on Legs’
It was a position Sean had thought long and hard about, much, much better than the coffee table arrangement from the DVD. Positioned as such, Catherine displayed her beauty to them completely. Only one thing was not right, so Sean, kneeling with his face almost touching Catherine’s bottom, managed to resist the temptation to kiss those wonderful bum cheeks before placing his cane just behind Catherine’s feet.
?You really do look very beautiful this way Mrs. Dixon, but now spread your legs until each foot touches either end of the cane I have placed behind your legs.?
Her head buried in mortification, Catherine was of course, fully aware that by doing so, her cunt would be openly displayed to them. Never before had she felt so exposed. What was the point of disobeying Sean, more strokes of the cane? So Catherine slowly spread her legs, feet and toes searching for edges of the cane she eventually found and then held her position. She was then rewarded by a little slap of her bum cheeks, but, by whom, she had no idea! The effect was enough to provide the boys with a wonderful view of Catherine’s, downy blonde covered cunt lips, glistening at them with her hot juices.
Fully aware both boys were openly viewing all her charms, Catherine could only lean on the sofas edge and suffer the further indignity of hearing Sean telling her, in a severe a manner as possible, ?You will of course remember you are be given 18 strokes of the cane for your rebellious attitude earlier Mrs. Dixon. Tom will be administering your first three strokes and then I shall take over. If, after being caned you move your hands or try to escape from your position, then a further six strokes will be added each time. Alternatively, good behaviour on your part could reduce your punishment. Also, you are to count aloud each stroke and then ask us by name for another, do you understand Mrs. Dixon??
Perhaps for the first time Catherine realized that these boys fully intended going ahead with their threats. She had hoped against hope they would eventually lose their nerve. But now, as Sean spoke to her as one would a naughty child, heaping humiliation upon humiliation onto her. Catherine knew she must answer and hope she could indeed be ?good,? whatever that meant.
?Y...oh God, yes I understand?, stammered Catherine, almost shaking with trepidation.
When it came, the first blow from the cane, administered by Tom was really not that bad. ?Thwack!? The cane landed upon Catherine’s left buttock, but Catherine,
despite letting out a cry of shock was, at least, content in the knowledge her husband’s blows were much more severe. If they were all like this, then even the full eighteen would not be so bad!
? cane me again...Tom,? stammered Catherine.
?Thwack!?? Tom caned her right buttock, this time perhaps even less severe than before and Catherine, thinking perhaps these boys were worried about laying the cane on her too severely. This time merely gasped at the sudden light pain and wriggled her bottom deliciously.
?Two...please cane me again Tom,? she said, more confidently this time.
?Thwack?!? Tom, this time gave Catherine a fearful whack of the thin bamboo right in the join of Catherine’s buttocks and even though he had motioned for Tom to lay this one on Catherine much harder, even he though was taken aback by its severity and Catherine could do nothing but cry out in pain and shock. Standing upright, her hands instinctively reached behind and rub her excruciatingly painful bum cheeks. Swinging around to them, unaware or uncaring of the erotic display her swinging tits gave them, Catherine pleaded. ?Oh dear God, that’s too hard... please boys, I can’t take it that hard... please don’t cane me anymore!?
Catherine’s pleas were answered by Sean cruelly telling her to bend over the sofa again or make things even worse for herself, that, if she did not do so then they would cane her where she stood, tits as well! So, sobbing in pain but knowing she had no option but to succumb to Sean’s threats Catherine eventually turned and bent over the sofa once more. This time though she was joined by Tom who, after placing his hands upon Catherine’s shoulders, now knelt sideways on the sofa. Facing Catherine with his thighs either side of her head, leaving Sean to explain to Catherine that Tom was going to ensure she did not jump up again; after all, her punishment was now 21 strokes!
Once again though Catherine pleaded with Sean, only to be cryptically told again that if she were to be a good girl,? then this would reduce her punishment.
Now it was Sean’s turn to wield the cane. The sixteen year old had prepared well for this moment. Aside from studying bondage books he even managed to successfully experiment upon one of the many local girls only too willing to be thought of as Sean’s girl. So Catherine waited, fearful of another too hard blow from that awful cane. But To her surprise, when it landed, the caning was far gentler than even Tom first blow. Not only that, but to her total surprise, after she had murmured, ?Four...please cane me again Sean,? Catherine felt the cool touch of Sean’s hand begin to slowly rub the area where the blow had landed.
Surprised by this development Catherine was taken aback, her husband had never remotely attempted to sooth her ass cheeks after caning her and she could not help but be thankful to Sean for this small, ?kindness.?
Thwack! Again, this time Sean caned Catherine upon her opposite bum cheek, maybe a little harder, but still fairly tolerable and again Catherine counted. ?Five...please cane me again Sean.? Before once more feeling Sean’s cooling touch upon her reddened bum cheeks, stoking, caressing giving Catherine a strange never before encountered tingling inside.
A little harder again and almost too quickly, Catherine called out the number six and asked for more. Disturbingly she was eager to feel Sean’s hands upon her tender skin again. He did not disappoint but this time Catherine felt his fingers stretching across her bum crack making her tingle and in unfamiliar pleasure. Catherine, her face down on the sofa edge was by now almost purring with pleasure at Sean’s undoubted skills.
The cane landed much harder, and just below Catherine’s buttocks. As Catherine squirmed and squealed on the sofa It took Tom to hold her down from this one but soon she could feel Sean’s hand soothing the blow and just managed to say the required number seven and ask him for more and found herself rewarded by Sean’s hand roaming further down, this time to the very edges of her glistening cunt lips, leaving Catherine, head buried in the sofa, quivering in the unfamiliar joint sensations of pleasure and pain.
Then Sean was telling Catherine each stroke would get progressively harder from now onward but she still had time to ?be good?.
Came the next stroke, this one harder as promised, and really not far from her limit’s, leaving Catherine, head buried in the sofa, and only just able to murmur the words, ?Eight...and please cane me again Sean,? wondering if she could possibly take the full amount. But Sean’s hand was once more soothing and caressing, but this time his fingers did explore all the way down to Catherine’s glistening honey pot cunt. Gasping, she felt two fingers slipping inside her and such was her pleasure she only just made out Sean’s words, who, after nodding to Tom, was telling her. ?Perhaps it’s time for you to suck on something Mrs. Dixon; it might help you forget the pain.?
Looking up from the sofa arm , right before her eyes, Tom’s hard young cock staring right at her and Catherine realized what Sean had actually intended when telling her to be ?Good. But with Sean’s fingers openly pumping her cunt Catherine purred in ecstasy to these unfamiliar sensations. As another wave of pleasure rolled over her, Catherine, almost without thought opened her mouth and leaning forward,
took Tom’s smallish youthful cock into its warm depths. Hearing the boy groaning with pleasure, she pushed back his foreskin with her lips tasting the warm pleasant saltiness of its youthful pre cum juices.
Just as his best friend told him he would, Tom was getting his first ever ?blow job?. As Dan’s mother licked and sucked him, Tom marvelled yet again just how in control of Mrs. Dixon his mature dominant friend had become. He had really only half believed his friend telling him he was going to make Dan’s beautiful Mother his own personal property. After all, Sean was only sixteen for Christ’s sake, but now here he was, not just talking about ?owning? the mother of a schoolmate! This lovely creature, Dan’s mum, really was sucking his cock. And doing a great job of sucking it at that.
Tom was in pure heavenly bliss and, watching another, harder, blow from the cane land upon Mrs. Dixon’s quivering bottom. Again he held her shoulders tightly to prevent her from mouth from leaving his cock jumping up again. Much to Tom’s surprise Catherine Dixon’s mouth left his cock only briefly enough to count the number eight and ask Sean for another before submissively returning her lips to his trembling cock. Her mouth sucking greedily while Sean’s fingers roamed her body again and Tom could only hope he would be able to follow Sean’s instruction not to shoot his wad before Sean nodded his ascent.
Tom became aware that Catherine was now sucking him ever harder, as Sean’s caning of her continued. Delivering each blow harder in turn before returning his hands to Catherine’s buttocks and cunt he was taking the wriggling beauty her to the very edge of orgasm before each time withdrawing his fingers, leaving Catherine to feel both empty and frustrated. Clearly she was longing, like a heroin junkie, for the next fix, the ?Thwack? of the cane, knowing it would herald the return of the wonderful sensations Sean created with hands and fingers.
Catherine thought she had died and gone to heaven, such was Sean’s youthful expertise. So, when the twelfth caning ?Thwacked? against her burning bottom, Catherine, after struggling through her pain to count the number, was desolate when Sean made no attempt to soothe her bottom before rekindling the fire between her legs.
?Please...Sean,? whimpered Catherine. But Sean was enjoying toying with Catherine and asked her, ?Please what Mrs. Dixon??
?’re, your fingers...,? moaned Catherine before, abruptly, another ?Thwack!? left her writhing in pain with Tom only just able to hold her down after Catherine’s head left his cock, and crying out in pain.
Is this what you want Mrs. Dixon?,? asked Sean as his index finger teased the outline of Catherine’s cunt lips after she had just managed to count the number and ask for another. Then Sean pushed two fingers inside her and beamed with pleasure as copious amounts of milky juices gushed from within Catherine Dixon’s cunt. He could also feel the heat she generated, so near was she to orgasm.
?Oh god yes, that’s it please... Sean, please do it!,? cried Catherine prior to clasping her mouth over Tom’s cock once again. Cruelly Sean withdrew his fingers.
?No more fingers Mrs. Dixon, so what would you like me to do now!? he teased, one finger again teasing the area of Catherine’s cunt lips. Making her wriggle and squirm in a vain attempt at getting Sean to replace his fingers. Lost in a state of frenzied sexual excitement, never before in her life had Catherine encountered such feelings of sexual pleasure followed in equal measure by crushing frustration and momentarily withdrawing her lips from Tom’s cock she cried, pleading with Sean, ?Please it...just do it, Christ...please do it.?
In answer Sean simply gave Catherine another, lighter ?Thwack? of the cane.
?You have to ask me properly Catherine and explain what it is you want,? Sean almost whispered.
As Catherine recited the required number and asked for more, she realized that for the first time Sean had called her ?Catherine? and, when his fingers again so frustratingly outlined her cunt lips suddenly understood just what it was Sean had demanded of her. To do so, to give him the answer her body so cried out for so would, she realised, change her life irrevocably. But, for the first time for so many years this young Boy/Man had made her feel alive and completely sexually energized.
?Oh dear God...I’m so sorry... please forgive me.. please forgive me ? Prayed Catherine silently, hoping to God her Son would not suddenly change his mind and arrive home early and witness the even more terrible thing she was about to allow, no ask, even beg Sean to do to her.
?Please Sean...fuck me...please fuck me Sean?.for gods sake just fuck me!? Gasped Catherine, fully aware that in this unbelievably sexually charged atmosphere she had in a split second suddenly thrown away years of faithful fidelity and loyalty toward her husband and family.
Sean watched Catherine again clamp her mouth over Tom’s cock and beamed in pleasure, almost unable to believe that he had done it! That Catherine Dixon had asked, begged even for him, Sean Brady, her son’s sixteen years old so called friend to fuck her, well(.) Fuck he was most certainly going to do and in doing so give her the best fuck she had ever had
So While continuing intermittently to tease her cunt lips Sean withdrew from his trousers his most prized possession, his thick throbbing, nine inch cock that, although far too big for many teenage girls who had given him the confidence he needed to take on Catherine Dixon and to seal her fate as his very own property.
?Spread your legs Catherine.?
Catherine Dixon, while continuing to suck on Tom’s cock, obediently spread her long stocking clad legs a little wider. She did so hoping Sean would just get on with it and fuck her, for she so badly needed to feel a cock inside her. Suddenly Catherine’s cunt lips were being pushed aside and the biggest cock she had ever experienced began slowly pushing its way past her slick wet cunt lips.
Gasping at its incredible size, Catherine was thankful she was already so wet. Sure she would otherwise have not been able to take this huge monster but fraction by fraction Sean eased his way into her, filling Catherine as she had never been filled before, leaving her to wonder if it were possible for her cunt to actually take it all! But it felt oh so good!
Sean’s cock filled Catherine to the extent that she could feel its throbbing heat pulsing and pushing against her cunt walls, astonishing the mature beauty. Apart from a boyfriend when much younger, Catherine’s husband was the only man to put his cock inside her and although adequate it could in no way match the gigantic organ pulsing inside her now.
The huge cock inside her?was, for Catherine, the realization of so many secret fantasies, ?Oh my god it’s true, size does matter! This is fabulous!’ thought the mature mother wishing she could have only seen its size and felt and even tasted its enormous girth before he had entered her from the rear yet Catherine secretly consoled herself in the hope?yes hope she would get to do exactly that.
Finally Sean watched his huge cock bury it way into Catherine until his balls squashed against her buttocks, and boy, it felt so good!. Catherine Dixon was at last his, her cunt was now full of his manhood and she was, beyond doubt, his property now!. Leaning forward Sean gripped Catherine’s breasts, tweaking the nipples and slowly he eased out of her cunt a little, hearing Catherine, despite having her mouth over Tom’s cock, whimpering in pleasure.
Then just as slowly he carefully pushed into her again, knowing Catherine’s cunt needed time to adjust to the huge organ inside her. Soon though it became Catherine pushing against Sean until, eventually their joint efforts combined together and they really were as one with Catherine pushing back each time Sean moved into her.
Sean was desperate not to cum before Catherine and squeezing her large breasts and nipples looked on as Tom began bucking fiercely back and forth, driven to the edge of his own orgasm by Catherine’s skilful ministrations. Eventually the boy could hold out no more. Catherine tasting Tom’s pre come shoot into her mouth began sucking even more frenziedly , driven on to her own onrushing shattering climax bought about this wonderful colossal?organ mercilessly pumping her squishy hot cunt.
Sensing this whilst trying to hold himself back Sean reached forward into Catherine’s hair, pulling her mouth away from the groaning Tom’s cock.
?You’re mine now Mrs. belong to me...every piece of you, tits, arse, legs, cunt, all mine...all mine...whenever I want you. Tell me who you belong to...who owns you Catherine. TELL ME WHO OWNS YOU NOW!? demanded Sean.
?Oh my God...forgive me...I’m yours Sean...I’m your property, fuck me Sean, fuck me whenever you want me, YOU OWN ME NOW!? gasped Catherine as the first wave of a series of massive orgasms, the biggest and most wonderful she had ever experienced, washed over her. Catherine hurriedly returned to sucking Tom’s cock just as he, aided by his own hand began shooting his come juices. Catching great globs between her lips, swallowing greedily, all the while she was loudly moaning in ecstatic delirium as wave after wave of orgasms engulfed her.
Pleased beyond words with Catherine’s response to his demands Sean was not long in Cumming himself and was very soon shooting massive amounts of his hot seed into his ?property?. Slamming into Catherine with the ferocity of his orgasm until, with her mouth dripping Tom’s sperm and long strands of Sean’s juices oozing from her cunt Catherine Dixon curled her naked body in a ball upon her lounge sofa ?.
Two hours later, at seven o’clock, Catherine’s son Dan opened and then slammed the front door? loudly enough for anyone to hear.
?I’m home mum...are you okay, where are you??
?I’m fine darling, I’m Just having an early bath, give me half an hour then I’ll come down and cook you a great dinner!?, Dan’s mother called cheerfully down to him.
?It’s okay mum, there’s no hurry, you take your time, and I’ll be in my room watching TV.?
After making his way into the lounge, Dan walked across to the large bookcase that sat opposite the couch and TV. From its middle shelf Dan pulled away a couple of heavy books, revealing the video camera he had placed there earlier, just before the arrival of Sean and Tom.
It was still running on its extended record mode. Dan switched off the machine and made his way up to his bedroom, desperate to view the recording. Not having believed a single word of Sean’s protestation that all they wanted was to chat with his mother.? Why? he thought, should they have all the fun??
End of Part One
Part Two:
( Six weeks later)
Chapter one:
Catherine Dixon stood staring nervously across the large inlaid leather desk toward the big powerfully built man sitting in a huge leather swivel chair to her side, holding Catherine’s leash, stood Joan, wearing a leather skirt and jacket, , waiting for her charge to speak.
?Master Tony,? began Catherine eventually, ?It...It is my desire to demonstrate to you that I, Catherine Dixon...fully understand I am now a trained sex slave, ready to serve my Master and owner, Sean without question or hesitation.?
?Well, don’t just stand there Catherine,? said the middle aged man sternly.
Sean was sitting immediately behind Catherine sipping from a beer glass and, waiting for the exciting scenario to unfold. Sean smiled with satisfaction as his property, the 42 years old blonde mother of two, Mrs. Catherine Dixon, placed one stiletto heeled shoe upon a small wooden chair, before carefully lifting herself up onto the huge desk.
With equal care and with Tony’s ‘assistant’ Joan moving forward to allow Catherine’s leash more freedom, easing herself forward, Catherine crawled across the desk top before stopping when her knees were on the very edge of the desk’s leather inlay. Once there Catherine sat back until her curvy buttocks rested upon the back of her stiletto shoes. To complete the task given her by the man she now faced, Catherine raised her hands until, with interlocked fingers until they were clasping the back of her neck. Finally, and with no little will power Catherine raised her eyes until she looked again directly into those of the man who sat openly appraising her.
Comfortable with himself, his leather chair and the scene before him, Tony Weston leisurely studied the rather lovely mature blond kneeling submissively before him upon his office desk.
Only too aware of his close scrutiny, Catherine saw his eyes taking in every inch of the lingerie clad mature beauty, displayed as she now was, with her long blonde hair cascading over her shoulders and wearing only a pretty little pink and black set of satin lingerie. Her full attire consisted of a tiny thong, suspender belt, black seamed stockings and a quarter cup bra displaying her large breasts and hardened nipples to perfection. Catherine Dixon, even at the age of forty two, even if she was a little rounder these days, had retained much of her youthful beauty.
Seeing the man sitting before her so openly and explicitly studying her beauty, Catherine felt yet again, that oh so wonderful, tingle of illicit arousal. Arousal that seemed to start fires of desire within her with every new voyage of discovery her young Master and ?owner?, Sean, embarked them upon.
?Well ‘it’ is certainly very beautiful Sean. You appear also to have so far trained ‘it’ quite well!? Catherine now understood the large man, Tony, was talking about her, not too her. This would, as Sean had informed her, be quite normal in certain circumstances from now onward and seeing Tony rise from his chair, Catherine felt yet again that strange welcome tingling, even at those words.
Catherine’s lingerie was complimented by leather and chain body harness. From clips attached to a wide leather collar, vertically hung four thin strips of similar leather, each side of Caroline’s breasts, all joined to another strap, like a belt, and fastened around Caroline’s waist. Horizontally, thin stainless steel chains joined the leather straps, these hung just above and below Catherine’s breasts.
The overall effect of the lingerie and leather harness made the forty two years old mother look absolutely stunning. Tony, now standing, was unable to resist reaching out his hands and ?squaring? the leather and chains. Catherine fully understood that she was to keep hands behind her neck while she was inspected. Still, she only just managed to retain her position as little electric shocks of desire hit her when Tony’s fingers deliberately strayed over her breasts and nipples.
?Gorgeous? said Tony leaning closer to Catherine, ?Do you mind if I kiss her Sean?? ?No, not at all, I am your guest Tony, my property is your property,? replied Sean accepting that it would be just the first of many erotic encounters he would witness this evening between the very dominant Tony Weston, and his own property, Mrs. Catherine Dixon.
Catherine was totally lost in the enthrallment of this erotic conversation and watching Tony loop a finger into the ?D? ring set into the harness collar. Suddenly felt herself gently but firmly pulled toward him until, inevitably, their lips touched. At the same moment, she felt what would could only be Joan’s fingernail tracing a pattern over her cunt lips.
Had it really been just a few ago that the now seventeen years old Sean Brady had entered her home and irreversibly changing her life, perhaps forever, by introducing her to a world of Sexual awareness and fulfilment she had never before known or could even exist?. And all these astonishing sexual sensations had been created within her by a young man who was quite literally young enough to be her grandson!
For a moment Catherine’s thoughts turned to her husband, certainly she had been sexually excited by his caning of her but even so it had always been on his own terms. Catherine now realised he was simply punishing her for nothing more than being herself, a loving wife. And that those sessions only ever ended with her sucking him off, leaving her try her best to satisfy her own needs later in bed.
But these thoughts quickly departed as Tony’s tongue pushed resolutely between her lips. Catherine, without hesitation parted her own lips, welcoming into her mouth the hot tongue of this powerful man who so effortlessly controlled her??...
Chapter two:
When Sean and Tom had left her house that afternoon?Catherine immediately realised the enormity of what had happened, what she had in truth allowed to happen and terrible feelings of guilt were soon running through her.
After a series of unbelievable orgasms Catherine had of course, eventually come down to earth. After having been used sexually she had been then told to make them all a ?nice cup of tea? Catherine had then been required to served this to the fully dressed boys while she herself had been told to remain naked, then Having to kneel while Sean and Tom casually played with her nipples , Catherine to again feel that terrible yet so electrifying throbbing between her legs.
It had been Just before 6.30 when the boys had finally left her, not though before Sean had administered a short but thorough spanking of Catherine’s bottom. Then, as a ?reminder? that it was he, ?Sean Brady? who now ?owned? Mrs. Catherine Dixon. He twisted her nipples harshly and required her to her to repeat her willingness to obey him. As they left Sean explained that he would soon be in touch with her, via Dan!
Hurriedly, fearful the son in question would return at any moment, Catherine had cleared from the lounge any evidence remaining from the afternoon’s events. Her bra, thong, stockings and suspender belt along with her outer clothing were swept up and placed into the laundry basket. The Tea things were placed into the dishwasher and the lounge tidied. Then To her horror Catherine noticed what could only be ?juices? splattered over the sofa, quickly she wiped these as best she could before pouring herself a very large brandy, taking it upstairs to the bathroom.
Lying back in the steamy hot water, Catherine took a large gulp of the brandy, unable to believe what had just happened to her, in her very own home! Jesus, what should she do now? Who could she tell? She had even agreed with Sean that she, Catherine Dixon, 42 years old mother of two, was now the property of a sixteen years old boy, and a friend of her son to boot!? And now she had to live with the terrible knowledge she had allowed both these boys to fill her with their hot seed, one in her mouth, and the other in her, her cunt!
Suddenly she could hear the front door slamming and Dan’s voice calling her, asking if she were ok. Catherine took another sip of her brandy before, in a bright a voice a possible she had called back that she was indeed ok.
Despite the brandy, Catherine could still taste Tom’s cum juices in her mouth and her cunt ached from the pounding Sean’s huge cock had given her. Despite the terrible guilt she felt in allowing these dreadful events, Catherine could not but help recall how, whilst taken from behind, Sean’s cock had utterly and completely filled her as never before. So much so, that Catherine had felt a strange sense of emptiness and loss when Sean finally withdrew his monster cock from within her pulsing cunt. Although her husband was adequate, Catherine seldom if ever had an orgasm to his usual missionary position. Instead to she had usually masturbated herself after he had fallen asleep.
In truth, for a long time now, Catherine had longed for the events of the DVD to be repeated, but those games with her husband had stopped some time ago. These days, with her husband away on business most of the week, his weekend efforts were, at best, derisory.
Closing her eyes Catherine recalled, how, after he had withdrawn from her, Sean had effortlessly turned her around to face his still erect monster cock. She remembered also of how she had complied, without protest, to his demand she clean him off with her mouth. Never before had Catherine tasted her own juices from a man’s cock, but it had seemed such a natural act to clean her juice from Sean’s wonderful cock and Sean’s juices, combined with her own had tasted surprisingly good.
It must never ever happen again though decided Catherine, no one must ever know what had happened that afternoon. What if Dan was to discover just what his supposed friends had done to his own mother? He would be devastated and humiliated to learn his mother had been an, almost, compliant partner, caned upon her bare bottom before committing explicate sex acts with two sixteen year old boys! No, Catherine decided she must tell no one and must never ever let it happen again!
However whilst Catherine was making her decision, her incredulous son Dan was in fact in his own room with the door locked. For he was breathlessly viewing the video recording his camera had made earlier in the lounge. Clearly he was amazed at the events that unfolded after the initial pleasantries between his mother and his friends. And far from being devastated and humiliated, Dan was stunned but also very, very excited. With one hand continually fast forwarding the recording Dan used his other to first withdraw and then play with his own good sized cock. One that had long since grown hard in expectation, one that ejaculated to the vision of his mother being forced to strip by his pals then being told to display her fantastic body to them.
And Dan’s cock had immediately grown hard again, only to ejaculate time and again as the recording gave him a grandstand view of every inch of his mother’s almost naked body being fondled. Watching his mother caned by Tom and Sean and hearing her cries of both pain and pleasure were music to Dan’s ears. Then just as he was watching his mother sucking Tom before Sean’s huge cock took his mother from behind, he heard her shout up to him that is supper was on the table and would he please come down right away before it went cold!
Downstairs, Dan, sitting opposite his mother with yet another erection while they eat supper, could hardly believe his luck. He could not help but furtively glance across the dinner table toward Catherine whenever he could. Dan was astounded that his mother seemed so calm and collected. He was fascinated by the thought he now knew every detail of the breasts, nipples, cunt and buttocks currently concealed by the loose track suit his mother wore
Dan could hardly to complete his meal and return upstairs to his recording. But he was equally delighted to realise he could now sit there, familiar with every hitherto secret areas of her lovely body while his mother sat opposite, blithely oblivious that her own son had only minutes ago watched her sucking his friends cock. So Dan was smiling, almost laughing and Catherine, picking up on this, asked Dan why he was so happy tonight. ?Just happy to be with you Mum,? replied Dan, before inwardly adding ?and thinking of just how much more I am going to enjoy your company in future.
Content at least that Dan appeared to be happy with the world, Catherine, hoping he would not be asking her to meet Sean again, returned her son’s smile. But even as she did so Catherine knew it was be only for the sake of her family that it was best Sean Brady did not return to this house????.
Chapter three:
A few days later Sean Brady strode into a dimly lit bookshop situated just off the main shopping street. Slowly he began to peruse through the large stock of both new and second hand novels and magazines piled high upon the many shelves. Having read about this place after sneaking a look in his father’s den, Sean decided it would be a good a place as any to learn more about the exciting lifestyle he fully intended to pursue. Hopefully he could meet the shop’s owner, who was, if his father’s correspondence was to be believed, an acknowledged expert in the Sub/Dom scene.
Sean’s lasting impression of Catherine Dixon, aside from the obvious delight of fucking this beautiful mother of his schoolmate, was of her clearly stating that she, Catherine Dixon, was his property, to be fucked whenever he wished! Despite his all knowing attitude Sean had never really expected the mature almost haughty Mrs. Dixon to surrender to him as easily as she had. But, having done so, Sean was even more determined she would be forced to keep her word. Dan’s Mother was a prize he fully intended to nurture. Especially after Dan had cautiously approached him with a bombshell admission when eventually telling Sean he had actually recorded the whole session!
At first Sean had thought Dan intended to use the recording as some kind of hold over Sean and Tom. But Instead of this he had been astounded to hear Dan tell him that he, Dan, had actually enjoyed seeing his mother taken by Sean. Dan had then gone on to tell Sean that he was willing to help him in the future, providing Sean ensured Dan also had some fun, That he himself wanted to enjoy his Mother’s charms, albeit clandestinely !
Sean had shrugged his shoulders, thinking that if Dan was that perverted, then so what, he was himself. As for Tom, well he was not that bothered either way, he had had his fun! So Sean, after viewing and very much enjoying the recording, had indeed enlisted Dan. His tasks, he was told, was to report to Sean anything Sean wished to know about his mother. For Indeed there was much information Sean felt he yet needed about Dan’s mother and Dan would begin by covertly making a list of all his mother’s underwear, type, colour and sizes.
But Sean also wondered if perhaps Dan thought this was all just an extremely wicked boyish game, a bit of fun, little knowing his mother was in the first stages of being subjugated by Sean. To be reduced from the beautiful Mrs. Catherine Dixon, wife and mother of two approaching middle age, into a 100 per cent authentic sex slave. A slave who would without question obey, every demand made of her by her ?Master Sean?, and ?associates.? Whether Dan understood Sean’s intention or not though was a matter of indifference to him.
With this in mind Sean confidently approached the rather mousy middle aged woman behind the shop counter.? I’m looking for some master/slave stuff, something useful for reference purposes.? From behind the counter, the woman looked up at the much younger, much taller, good looking features of Sean Brady.
?Really,? she smirked ?and, even if I did have any books of THAT nature, are you old enough to read them, you look barely 18 to me.?
Sean, secretly pleased the little woman thought he was actually eighteen, decided not to take any prisoners with his reply, nothing chanced, nothing gained.
?Let say old enough to put you over my knee for a good sound spanking, but only with your Master’s permission of course!?
Behind the counter, Joan, the woman in question, blushed deeply, inwardly thrilled at the very this handsome young man would do that to her, before mumbling a reply that she would see what they had.
Upstairs, the little scenario had been witnessed by a large powerfully built man sitting behind an equally imposing leather inlaid desk. Tony Weston studying the TV monitor and listening to the conversation downstairs in the shop, smiled briefly and acknowledged that, even if he was very young, the lad in the shop had the looks and presence of, at the very least, a ?Master? in the making. One in his own mould, the lad could perhaps be both interesting and useful to him. For, he at 58 was getting no younger, even if his advancing years had so far failed to dim his own natural aura of dominance. So Tony pressed a button set into the huge desk and downstairs on the counter, a small red light flashed on and off. ?I think you may be more inclined to find what you want in our ?special? department, upstairs,? said Joan from behind her counter.
Cautiously following the woman’s directions Sean made his way toward the back of the bookstore and up a flight of thick carpeted stairs, there to find a door marked with the name ?Tony Weston.?
Shrugging his broad shoulders and knocking upon the door, Sean was greeted by the large figure of Tony himself saying, ?Well young fellow, that was quite an entrance you made downstairs, come on in and tell me exactly what you are looking for.? Uncertain as to the welcome he would receive, Sean was both relieved and pleased at Tony’s words and for some reason took an immediate liking to the much older man. And so, after some initial reluctance, Sean did indeed tell Tony just what he was looking to learn, and why he needed this knowledge.
Tony gradually viewed Sean with mounting respect. Assuming of course that Sean’s tale of caning his friends 42 years old mother was true of course.
?So, Sean, you seem to have done it all already, caning the woman and fucking her, isn’t that enough for you?? asked Tony after Sean had completed his narration of those recent events. It would be Sean’s answer to this question that would decide Tony’s further involvement with Sean.
?No Tony, you see, I told her that I am her owner now and I meant every word of it. Going back to when I first saw her, I knew then she was what I wanted. I want her be my own personal property and obey without question any demand I made of her, that everything she wore, thought or did, would be controlled by me.?
This indeed was the answer Tony had wanted to hear.? That’s quite a tall order for a young man such as yourself Sean, more so when your err, quarry concerned, is a 42 year old married mother of two!?
?To be honest Tony that is the real reason I came here, hoping you could teach me a few things!? grinned Sean.
?Yes indeed, so I can, and I would be happy to do so,? replied Tony. ?But you should understand there will be a price she must pay for my helping you, and you must be certain you are willing to see her pay that price!?
?If, at the end, Catherine, that’s her actual name Tony, is my own fully fledged sex slave, then would be very happy to Tony.?
?And her husband, what about him Sean?.
?Oh, she stays with her husband Tony; after all, someone has to pay the bills. But Catherine would allow him to fuck her only as and when, I decide!?
Tony could see in Sean a younger version of himself and liked what he saw.
?Then let’s start planning Sean, but first there is an apology to be made.? With that Tony pressed the button upon his desk. Speaking to the lady downstairs, Tony said, ?Lock up the shop and come upstairs.?
Shortly there came a soft knocking at the door, ?Enter,? said Tony.
Joan, the mousy woman from the shop downstairs entered the room stopping at the side of Tony’s desk, hands behind her back and head bowed.? You sent for me Master,? she said, to Sean’s surprise. ?Yes Joan, there is a matter of you embarrassing your Master, your language to my guest, Sean.?
?Then I apologize, to my Master and to Sean.?
?Not good enough Joan, you should be punished.?
?Joan blushed, but said nothing.
? Well Sean, you do indeed have my permission to punish Joan, who, although not my wife, is one of my slaves. You have my consent to demonstrate your skills upon her?
Sean smiled slowly. His quest for further knowledge could not have started better for him. Nodding his thanks to Tony, he then told Joan to face him and remove her button down dress.
Furtively she looked across at Tony whose face remained impassive, and then slowly, turning toward Sean, began, from the top, to unbutton her almost shapeless dress, an act she had practiced many time before. Finally, the last button and Joan was pulling the dress away from her body and off her shoulders. Eventually allowing the garment to fall to the floor, following which Joan placed her hands at the back of her neck, and while keeping her head held high, gazed down upon the thick carpet, awaiting further instructions.
Sean tried not to show his amazement, for Joan, despite first appearances had one hell of a body! Braless, her medium sized breasts were still firm and upright, leading down to nipples that needed to be as big as there were to hold the large gold nipple rings adorning them.
From those superb breasts, Sean looked down to see that Joan’s only lingerie consisted of a black satin suspender belt holding black seamed stockings, leaving uncovered a completely shaven pubic mound, tattooed with the words, ?Tony’s slave.?
Remembering the things he had previously learned, Sean turned toward Tony, ?My compliments upon such a well turned out slave Tony, may I now spank her??
Tony was very pleased his guest had learned already, the deference expected by a fellow Master. Nodded his assent and looked on in expectation as Sean told Joan to stand a few feet away from Tony’s desk, then to spread her legs before leaning forward to place her hands upon the desk. Then she must, Sean told her, look her Master, Tony, straight in the eyes.
Having not had much attention paid to her by her busy Master of late, Joan was surreptitiously pleased he had permitted this very good looking young man to spank her. Already she throbbed to the anticipation of Sean’s hands upon her bottom. Even a slave of many years standing, Joan was taken by surprise at the skill shown by Sean as he spanked every inch, every crevice of her bottom and upper thighs. Soon she was gasping, as every so often Sean placated her burning buttocks with soft sensual caresses. Rubbing his palms upon burning cheeks while very often, his fingers strayed down to her shaven cunt lips.
Sean had told Joan she would be getting 24 spanks for her insolence earlier, but it was on the 18th spank that she exploded in an orgasm. Unable to prevent it any longer, the fervour building within her, Joan gasped and cried out, her eyes fixed to Tony, slumping upon the desk, almost oblivious to her continuing spanking,. After which Joan slid to her knees in front of the desk near Sean’s feet.
Sean was pleased to hear Tony telling him his technique was excellent. That he had allowed a slave to orgasm without his prior consent, therefore he must make the slave make amends for her audacity. So crawling on hands and knees to where Sean now stood Joan’s hands then reached up to the belt of his slacks.
.?Please may I pleasure you, Master,? said Joan, looking up into Sean’s eyes.
Sean in turn, more than pleased with this turn of events, nodded his accent.
Still naked and on widely spread knees Joan then began a well practiced routine of first loosening the belt, then reaching down to undo his shoe laces before easing Sean’s shoes from each foot, then his socks. Reaching up Joan then pulled down the fly zipper on his slacks before easing his slacks and underpants down his legs before removing them completely. Thus leaving the incredulous Sean, naked from the waist down with his huge cock erect and throbbing.
Joan too, was incredulous, taken aback by the sight of Sean’s monster cock she vowed to give its young owner something to really remember her by and proceeded to give Sean the full repertoire of her cock sucking skills.
And indeed she did just than. After first lovingly stroked the monster as if to ensure it was real. Joan then pushed back the foreskin and proceeded to kiss and blow upon its throbbing head. All the while her fingers toyed with and stroked every part of Sean’s, cock, balls and upper thighs. Sean groaned with pleasure when Joan took his whole nine inches into her mouth and throat. She sucked him hard, moving her mouth up and down over his cock while her tongue played havoc with his senses. Liking what she could taste and realizing this was a very clean young man, Joan, with amazing dexterity, bent and twisted her body until, to Sean’s surprise; she was now facing his buttocks.
His surprise grew and initially he resisted when Joan, placing a hand on each buttock pried them apart. Then sensing Joan’s tongue pushing between his crack, Sean relented, thankful he always showered well. Shortly, Sean experienced for the first time, a woman’s tongue pushing into his anus. And boy did it feel so good! More so when Joan, her face pushed right into the crack of Sean’s buttocks, brought her hands back around and with one hand tickle and scratch his balls. At the same time Joan’s other hand masturbated his cock, stroking back and forth in unison with each thrust of her tongue into Sean’s anus.
Sean had been given head before, usually young girls fumbling around after he had practically forced it upon them, but not yet by Catherine Dixon. Only Tom had had that experience. However, thought Sean, this must be as good as it gets. His mind’s eye saw Catherine behind him, like it or not, she must learn how to do this for him!
With his Legs now trembling to the twin pleasures Joan was providing, Sean wondered just how long he could hold out before Joan’s masturbating hand sent his come juice spurting across the room. But As if sensing Sean’s dilemma Joan withdrew her tongue from a rather disappointed Sean’s Anus. She then made her way back under his legs to face him once again. This time though her mouth went straight over the huge throbbing erection before reaching behind Sean pulling his buttocks apart and inserting one index finger into his now well lubricated anus. Sean moaned in ecstasy, even more so when Joan’s other index finger gently scratched the skin tissue between his anus and balls.
The fledging Master could hold out no longer, heaving and moaning, his body was rigid in ecstasy. Sean cried out ?oh my God.? before sending stream after stream of hot juices straight down Joan’s willing throat as she kept her mouth firmly glued to his wildly throbbing cock. Even so, Joan’s mouth and throat were unable to contain all of Sean’s gushing juices and a steady stream of cum erupted from between her lips before running silkily down her chin.
Eventually Joan almost reluctantly withdrew her mouth from Sean’s deflating, but still enormous cock. Looking up to his eyes, the naked woman kneeling before him slowly ran a finger up over her chin, gathering a great long of Sean’s semen in the process. Smiling up at him, she placed the finger in her mouth, then repeated the process, hungrily ensuring every last drop of Sean’s juices were collected and devoured. Then she set about the task of dressing Sean, reversing the earlier process before, still naked herself, kneeling at Tony’s side.
?Jeez Tony, that was unbelievable!? exclaimed Sean, bringing a smile to Joan’s lips. ?I wish Joan could teach Catherine how to do that!? he added before, slightly discomforted he realized Joan had not been party to their earlier conversation and knew nothing of Catherine or of Sean’s intentions toward her.
?Oh, she can, and will if that’s what you want Sean, Joan here can indeed be her instructor, and will enjoy the task. You see, although a slave, Joan can also switch, be a dominant that is, especially to other women!? Sean thought life was getting better and better and, after a few sessions with Tony and some more ministrations from Joan, Sean was ready for the next stage of the subjugation of Catherine Dixon.
Chapter four:
That weekend, with her guilt and insecurity as great as ever Catherine welcomed her husband home from yet another interminable business trip with as much fuss as she could possibly make by Cooking special candle lit meals, opening wine, dressing specially, all the things she could do she did do, short of confessing all, to make it up to her husband. But To Catherine’s dismay her husband had confessed to being so tired after his week’s exertions that he could hardly stay awake. Indeed, upon going up to bed he had made only a derisory token effort at fucking Catherine in the usual missionary position before falling fast asleep.
Lying there, in the darkness, Catherine’s fingers moved down to soothe her throbbing love button, recalling when her husband had been inside her and trying hard not to, Catherine could not help visualizing it Sean’s huge cock that was slowly fucking her. Despite telling herself she would never allow it to happen again, Catherine had, every time Dan walked into the house, wondered if today he would be the bearer of Sean’s message. But each time Catherine was unable to suppress a quiver of frustration when Dan had said nothing.
Indeed, during the intervening couple of weeks, particularly when in bed on her own, Catherine had for masturbated herself with a clear vision of Sean’s huge cock. She had visions of her lips around its girth after he had punished her, spanked and caned her. To her utter astonishment Catherine had even fantasized that Sean was whipping her while she herself was bound and gagged, just as in those books she had so excitingly read with her husband years ago.
But afterward the always returned and Catherine pledged she would keep to her vow not to allow Sean in the house again but even so the fantasies always returned and they were growing stronger every time.
So it was then that whilst eating a midweek supper across the table from his mother Dan casually informed his Mother he had seen Sean that day, stating that Sean had asked Dan to remind his mother that ?as agreed? he would be round the following afternoon at 3pm.
So stunned was Catherine she almost dropped the coffee cup she was holding at hearing Dan’s message. unaware of Dan’s complicity Catherine feverishly attempted to think of a suitable reply, ?Oh...oh you know Dan, I...I had completely forgotten about that.?
And Dan, fully aware no such meeting had been mentioned to her by Sean hid his smile very well, nonchalantly adding that Tom had lost interest in a teaching career and that Sean would arrive on his own.
Suddenly it came to Catherine.? Well then Dan, in that case, as its half term, I think it best if you were here to keep Sean Company.?
But stroking his growing cock under the table Dan replied. ?Sorry Mum, I’ve got football practice tomorrow, and I’ve no interest in the teaching profession, so it’s just you and Sean. Boring I guess Mum but at least Sean told me he had really enjoyed his first visit.?
?Oh my God,? thought a stunned Catherine ?how do I get out of this?? After weeks of masturbating herself to Sean’s image she was now trembling inwardly. Whatever happens she told herself, she must not allow Sean into the house, but whilst reasoning it would be quite easy to tell Sean her husband was at home all this week Catherine was totally unaware her own son had told Sean his father was, yet again, away all week on business.
Catherine was also unaware that Dan, after a couples of weeks spent furtively and very enjoyably rummaging through his Mothers closets and drawers had by now provided Sean with a comprehensive list of his mother’s underwear, her sizes, colours and types. And for good measure Dan had also made a note some of her more racy dresses!
From the moment she awoke the following day Catherine was on edge. All night she had seen nothing but images of herself and Sean, either being punished by him, or having to suck his giant whilst being bound hand and foot!
Even Dan noticed how nervous his mother appeared to be at breakfast and gently chided her that she really did look tired today. Suggesting to her that perhaps a long soak in the bath would make her feel better.
But Catherine had decided that some work in the garden may help her think over her dilemma and with a few hours to go before Sean’s dreaded arrival busied herself in the garden, working hard until she was covered in grime and sweat. Then looking at her watch and seeing it was 2 o’clock, an hour before Sean was due and always priding herself upon her appearance Catherine thought it best, even if her visitor was to get short shrift from her, to at least look halfway presentable. She would, she decided, have a bath and then dress in something cleaner before Sean arrived.
Seeing her son packing his sports bag, quickly brushing his cheek with her lips Catherine informed Dan she was about to take a quick bath and freshen up after her labours in the garden. Dan, always excited by any contact with his mother, felt his cock stirring as he looked at his watch, 2.10 pm.
?Well, I’m off now Mum, got to go to football practice, you remember??
Absently, , while taking the stairs up to her bathroom Catherine told Dan she did indeed remember this. Then whilst bathing Catherine rehearsed exactly what she must tell Sean when he arrived. Whatever else, she decided; she would tell him her husband was home that day and simply not allow him into the house.
Hurriedly drying herself Catherine pulled her long blonde hair back into a pony tail before putting on an everyday white bra and matching panties. A clean pair of blue jeans and white cotton blouse completed her dressing. Dressing up today was not a very good idea after the last time! Vanity held sway though, she could never appear before anyone without her makeup and so Catherine spent five minutes before the mirror on lipstick, eye shadow and pencil, after which, looking firmly into the mirror she repeated her resolve. Whatever, she must not allow Sean into the house...for Catherine realized that if she were to do so, then...then...she must not allow herself to even contemplate the idea!
Yet again checking her watch Catherine realised it was now two forty and deciding she had time to make herself a cup of coffee slipped a pair of mules on her feet before heading downstairs.
Chapter five:
?Oh my God?...was Catherine’s first amazed reaction at seeing Sean standing in her kitchen, his hands behind his back and staring angrily at her.
?How...God you frightened me did you get in here,? she managed to splutter, apprehensive, confused and not a little frightened at the way Sean was staring at her with such a furious expression.
?Dan? I arrived early, and Dan said you would not mind me waiting downstairs while you had your bath.?
?Oh.? Was all Catherine could manage to say. Things were not going at all to plan for her. Puzzled and worried by his demeanour she tried to be more incisive. ?But...but I really don’t think...Sean that you should take fir granted.? ...but Catherine found herself interrupted by Sean who told her.
?It would appear you don’t think often enough Catherine,? he told her, holding his head even higher. Catherine, for the moment dumbstruck, nervously watched Sean irritably eye her from tip to toe.
?What...what on earth is the matter Sean,? she asked hoping to pacify him before getting him to leave.
?That Catherine, is a question to ask yourself, if in future you greet your Master and Owner dressed in that manner, your punishment will be far more severe than that I intend for you now,? said Sean, his manner and voice leaving no doubt as to his annoyance.
Sean’s slowly allowed his arms to come round from behind his back and Catherine was horrified to see the riding crop Sean had been shielding from her. She began trembling inwardly as he unhurriedly slapped the looped end into his open palm.
Knowing it was now impossible now for her to claim her husband was at home and fearfully eyeing Sean’s riding crop Catherine could only bluster. ?Oh my God, don’t...please Sean, this can’t happen, please, you shouldn’t be here, I really do think you should leave now, please...think about what would happen if my husband were to walk in here right now!?
?This has nothing to do with your husband Catherine. This is just between me and you and we don’t want anyone to spoil it for us, the only thing that matters is what I want! And you belong to me now Catherine, no one else, you’re my property. I tell you what you can and cannot do, what you wear, where you go!?
?But...please’s so wrong ...You can’t possibly expect me to just, just...?
But Catherine was cut off in mid sentence, stunned by the swiftness with which Sean had stepped toward her. Suddenly he grabbed her white cotton blouse in both hands and ripped the garment apart, sending buttons flying everywhere.
?Now go back upstairs and take off that garbage you are wearing. In ten minutes when I come up to your bedroom you will be kneeling, hands on your head, on your bed, fully made up and dressed in your red satin bra, thong and suspenders together with black seamed stockings and heels. And Catherine, from this moment onward you will no longer call me Sean, you will refer to me at all times as...Master.?
To further make his point, Sean quickly placed the looped end of his horse whip upon the cheek of the now visibly trembling Catherine and, told her. ?No more nonsense Catherine, not another word, or I’ll make it very much worse for you!?
?Oh God...Oh God?, mumbled Catherine, terrified by Sean’s underlying threat toward her. None the less, she was unable to suppress those illicit, thrilling feelings inside and that like it or not, part of her was excited by the idea that she was now the ?property? of this young boy!
Seeing no compassion in Sean steely eyes, Catherine slowly turned on her heels before making her way upstairs. Inwardly she was cursing her son for allowing Sean into the house, thus allowing Sean to crush her resistance before she’d even had the chance to defy him. But Catherine was also aware yet again, of how quickly she had become aroused by both thoughts by just the very presence of the young Sean Brady.
With Catherine by now upstairs in her bedroom Sean strolled into her kitchen and closed the door before opening the back door to admit Dan
.?Jeez Sean, I hope you aren’t going to hurt my mum too much with that thing,? whispered Dan after seeing the cruel looking riding crop Sean was holding.
?You are in this as deep as it gets Dan; it’s too late to start having second thoughts. It was too late the moment you handed me that video recording so don’t go all girly on me, Anyway, it’s part of your Mum’s training from now on and your she will soon learn the benefit’s to be had from a good whipping Dan.?
?Her training?,? Queried Dan, not at all certain he was on the same wavelength as Sean.
?Oh yes Dan, I will be training your mother to be my personal sex slave, so you had best get used to the idea. Anyway, as I told you, help me and you will get to enjoy some of your mum as well.?
Dan was not at all sure he understood just what Sean had in mind for his mother, but was none the less so excited by the recent events he could feel his cock hardening yet again at Sean’s words.? Of Course I will Sean, after all I let you in the house while mum was in the bath didn’t I??
?Sure, but she had the cheek to greet me wearing a pair of jeans, so I’ve sent her upstairs to change into a set of red satin lingerie from your list, she’s got ten minutes before I go up to her bedroom Dan after that you can come up but be careful, hide in a cupboard or something in your own room!?
But Sean decided against telling Dan his mother’s ?training? as Tony had suggested, would begin by humiliating Catherine in her own home by beating and fucking her in her own bedroom where hopefully she will be looking at photos of herself and her husband!
Upstairs in her bedroom and unaware of the conversation downstairs, Catherine sat before her dressing table mirror studying her torn blouse and struggling to come to terms with what Sean had just told her. Asking herself how she could possibly allow a sixteen year old boy to tell her, a middle class, 42 years old married mother of two, what she could and could not do, where she could go, what she would wear, and to boot, call him ?Master.?
The whole thing really should be laughable, but her torn blouse and thoughts of the riding crop, in his hand, downstairs, not to mention his previous visit, told Catherine otherwise. Certainly, the manner in which Sean had brushed aside her argument about her husband told her just how serious the young boy was about this. Staring at a nearby telephone Catherine wondered if she should simply call her husband or the Police, her sister Vicky even and tell them?tell them what?that a few weeks ago she had taken part in what could only be described as an orgy of controlled sexual violence with two young boys. Now one of them was back for ‘seconds’ but she wasn’t at all sure it was such thing so would you mind removing him thank you very much.
Catherine found herself almost smiling at the absurdity of the idea! The fact was that she had been alternately dreading and relishing Sean’s intended visit since Dan had mentioned to her But now he was here and recalling how she had masturbated herself to the vision of that very idea, Catherine could not but help become more than a little aroused at the idea of herself being ?controlled? again by Sean in this manner and the simple fact was that Sean could overpower her any time he wished, that any show of defiance from her would probably be brutally snuffed out by him.
?But if he thinks I’m just going to roll over and do as I’m told he can think again. Perhaps I should even turn the tables and cane on Sean!?
Besides, she thought, it’s just a bit of fun for him, he will soon get bored with me, move on and find a girl his own age. Still, considering all the attention her husband had given her of late, or rather lack of it, why should she not have a bit of harmless fun and then end it, before anyone gets hurt! Although the very idea should be anathema to her the fact was she had already betrayed her husband and family with Sean Brady and his friend and to try and end it now could well result in a terrible can of worms being opened for her.
So, hastily, Catherine reached into her dressing table drawer and produced the set of red underwear Sean had told her to change into. As she did she was suddenly wondering just how he had known about her different lingerie. After all, on that fateful first encounter she had worn her powder blue set.
Catherine could only file this thought away along with the nagging question of just where Sean, and his friend Tom, had obtained the DVD of her husband caning her. Had Sean been in her bedroom before?, if so how he got into the house? But Glancing at her watch Catherine hastily stripped her torn blouse, jeans, t-shirt, bra and pants, being surprised to note that 5 minutes had already passed since Sean’s ordered her upstairs to change as though she were a naughty little girl!.
Shortly, Catherine was studying herself in a full length mirror and very much liking what she saw. Dressed as she was in a red satin half cup bra and tiny thong with a matching suspender belt, black stockings and black high heeled shoes, Catherine, realised she looked, and bizarrely felt, fantastic for her age. Brushing her luxurious long blonde hair, Catherine felt strangely light hearted. After all, here was a very good looking young boy who so obviously desired her and, to boot, had somehow discovered her secret desire to be dominated.
Catherine almost jumped onto her bed and decided to greet Sean, kneeling on her bed with hands on head. But before anything else happened she would insist they agree on certain ground rules if they were to continue with this kind of fun, the first of must be no fun and games in her own bedroom, to do so would most certainly serve only to deepen her betrayal of her husband. Then suddenly hearing footsteps on the stairs Catherine’s nerves almost got the better of her. ‘Oh my God he really is coming up here’
Recalling Dan’s directions an elated Sean stood smiling in the doorway of that very same bedroom with a small grip and the riding crop as he perused the fantastic sight of the gorgeous Catherine obediently kneeling upon her bed with hands upon head, wearing the red satin lingerie as Sean had demanded. Leisurely Sean stepped inside Catherine’s bedroom and closed the door before stepping across the soft white carpet toward the bed.
?Well it looks like you are enjoying what you see Sean?, said Catherine, thus making her first mistake and when no reply was forthcoming from the still smiling Sean she then made another. ?Sean, if we really are to have a little afternoon fun, now and again then we must first set some ground rules?
. As if in agreement with Catherine the smiling Sean walked around her bed before finally standing behind her kneeling body.
?You really are very beautiful?, said Sean eventually.? Put your hands behind your back please Catherine.?
Pleased with Sean’s reaction, and with the pleasant tone in which his request was made, Catherine did indeed put her hands behind her back. Before clasping them together, but, to her surprise, in no time at all, Sean had slipped the easy fit handcuffs, provided by Tony, over Catherine’s slim wrists.
?Sean, I’m not sure this is a good idea?, was Catherine’s reaction while trying unsuccessfully to slip the cuffs from her wrists.
?Sean,!? Catherine tried again after her words were met with silence. ?Look, I really don’t mind us playing games like this, but not in my bedroom, and before we do anything else we must set some ground rules. For instance I think downstairs would be a better pllaaaa...?
Unable to finish her sentence Catherine suddenly found a soft red rubber ball pushed between her lips into her mouth. As Sean completed fitting the ball gag, by buckling the black leather strap behind her head, she could only mumble incoherent protests against the soft latex rubber. And Catherine could do nothing but protest incoherently into the ball gag when Sean placed a padded black leather collar, complete with a link chain ?lead? around her neck.
?If you will not refer to your owner properly Catherine then it’s best you don’t speak at all until you have learned to respect your Master!?
The kneeling position Catherine had adopted on her bed made it extremely difficult for her to turn toward Sean. She could only just turn her head toward him. When she did turn it was only to have her photo taken by the digital camera he held. Catherine mouthed a muffled protest in the ball gag as Sean hauled her backward by her collar lead until she was lying upon the bed. With cuffed wrists behind her back she could only look pleadingly to Sean who was taking further photos of the semi naked Catherine.
Then putting the camera to one side and taking Catherine’s lead in his hand, Sean sat beside his bound and gagged beauty on the bed, one hand gently stroking her breasts through her red half cup bra. Catherine had never previously experienced this strange new sensation of being bound and gagged. But still she attempted to remove the handcuffs while trying to push the red rubber ball from her mouth. She was though, unsuccessful with either and finally stopped altogether, her body lifting in shock. For as she lay there trying to escape Sean flicked the riding crop over her bare thighs, telling Catherine to keep still.
?The only ?ground rules? are the ones you’re Master lays down Catherine,? began Sean, resuming his toying of her breasts. ?And they are quite simple to remember because you only do as I tell you, whenever I tell you Catherine? Oh my, what have we here??
Catherine could only look on in mortification when pulling the red bra cup off of one breast Sean saw just how aroused her nipple had become and she could only moan in both pleasure and embarrassment when Sean lowered his head toward her breast, gently biting and kissing each of her nipples in turn.
?And you think we should not be playing in your bedroom Catherine? Okay then let’s go on a tour upstairs and find some other places to play shall we and Oh, by the way, as you are gagged you can just nod your head for yes and shake your head for no, when I ask you a question although you can also try to say yes and no, understand??
Half-heartedly Catherine nodded her head in compliance, managing to mumble ?Bress? as a ?Yes? through the ball gag.
?Good Girl,? said Sean jumping up of the bed, tugging Catherine’s lead. With some difficulty Catherine eventually managed to pull herself off the bed toward a standing position only to find Sean pulling her by her lead again, this time standing Catherine before the full length bedroom mirror and telling her to part her legs.
?Look at yourself Catherine, see how desirable you are bound, gagged and wearing your Master’s collar.?
Almost instinctively Catherine parted her legs whilst looking into the mirror and in doing so did indeed scrutinize herself, even turning sideways on to view the cold steel handcuffs and was amazed by the way the addition of the red ball gag, handcuffs and leather collar seemed to compliment her red satin lingerie. Catherine realised she really did look and feel more desirable and realised her whole demeanour was now one of innocent vulnerability in her unfamiliar bondage.
?You really were born to be A slave Catherine it just needs to be brought out of you and I’m going to do just that!?, said Sean while slipping the fingers of one hand inside her tiny red thong, the index finger easily slipping between her very well lubricated cunt lips.
?All it requires is training,? Sean told confused, gasping forty two year old blonde mother standing there before the mirror in her bondage, while Sean’s finger explored her soaking love channel.
Catherine’s emotions were in absolute turmoil. Was he correct? Was this young man really her Master and was she indeed a born slave? How could she he accept such a notion, she was old enough to be his Mother, a married woman with a husband and children none the less Catherine had to admit that at very moment she looked as felt like a slave and was unable to deny that right then she wanted nothing more than this strong young Man to take her anyway he chose!
Then All too soon Catherine was once again being led by her lead this time though out of her bedroom and along the upstairs landing before Sean led them into the room next to her own bedroom. ?This appears to be a guest room Catherine, am I right?? asked Sean, surveying a neat and tidy bedroom complete with pine furniture and double bed.
?Bress,? mumbled Catherine while nodding her head.
?So it would be a good place for us to play then Catherine??
?Mmmmm, maybe but I don’t think we shall use this room? Sean told a surprised Catherine before tugging upon her lead again and her out of the guest room and into the room opposite, but this time though having to pull harder on the lead to get her inside the room.
?Well, this looks as though it’s your daughters room Catherine, as she is away at UNI we could play in her room.?
But Catherine was shaking her head furiously, ?mow...mow...mow?, she mumbled in an attempt to say No whilst nervously watching Sean seating himself on the edge on her daughter Caroline’s bed, horrified by the thought that Sean may actually fuck her on her own daughter’s bed!
?You’re not so keen on the idea then Catherine?? said Sean pulling firmly upon her leash to leave Catherine with no option but to sit on the bed beside him.
?Shame about that Catherine, you have just failed your first exam!?
Abruptly Sean reached behind Catherine and his fingers released her bra catch before pulling the whole garment away, spilling out her generous firm breasts before A mystified Catherine uneasily saw Sean pulling from his pocket a pair of what could only be some form of clamps connected by a long thin metal chain before, to her dismay, Sean was taking one of her nipples between thumb and forefinger, pulling hard to stretch it.
?For failing your first lesson Catherine,? Sean told whilst holding one opened clamp up to her shocked eyes before holding it over her nipple and slowly allowing the spring loaded clamp to close. Suddenly Catherine was panting, shaking her head against the sudden pain in her nipple. ?Mow...mow...mow...?
?Don’t worry Catherine your nipples will soon to the pain, the clamps are not even set to fully close,? Sean told her while repeating the process with her other nipple as the despondent squirming blonde beauty stared down in pained consternation at the awful implements of pain now adorning each nipple.
?You only have yourself to blame Catherine we could have had some fun in here?still let’s go find another room.? ????..
Chapter six
Having watched Sean make his way upstairs Dan had carefully followed him a few moments later before pausing momentarily outside his mother’s bedroom from within which Dan could hear his mother’s voice, saying something about ?afternoon fun? and ?ground rules? smiling at his mother’s wantonness and speculating just what those ?afternoon games? meant Dan, wondering why Sean had told him to hide himself in there, had then walked into his own bedroom,. Still hide he would and before long Dan stood inside his huge closet, knowing the louvered doors would give him good all round vision aside from the doorway.
A few minutes later and obviously quite near to him Dan could her what must be Sean’s voice together with occasional muffled grunts he assumed must be coming from his mother. Puzzled, he could still only wait in the closet for fear of being spotted by his mother. Then, Sean much clearer now was saying ?Okay Catherine, let’s go in here, perhaps you think this would be a better room for us to play in??
Mystified as to why he hear no response from his mother, almost recklessly Dan began pushing slightly on the closet door to get a view of his bedroom doorway and was able then to see Sean, walking into his room.
Dan noticed Sean had one hand clutching a small hold all. In The other, Jeez!, Sean’s other hand had hold of a kind of dog leash, ?Oh my, Jeez. Oh holy shit, look at this!? thought Dan finally able to see his mother, wearing Sean’s specified red lingerie but with her tits Dan could see his mothers bra hanging loose at her waist, and that she was handcuffed, not only that but she had a red ball gag in her mouth, explaining to Dan her muffled grunting.
Dan then saw the other end of the leash was attached to some kind of leather collar fastened around her neck. Then ? oh Jeez, Sean? exclaimed Dan silently, ?It’s what I’ve always dreamed of, but I never thought I’d get to see , my own almost naked mother, gagged and handcuffed. Christ almighty, where did you get those clamps to put on her tits!?
As soon as Sean had taken her leash, leading her out of her daughter’s bedroom, Catherine knew exactly whose room they would enter next. Even though the initial pain of those awful nipple clamps her had grown more bearable, she fully realized further, ?disobedience? on her part would in all probability result in yet more pain. But even as she was led into Dan’s room, Catherine found the very thought of Sean ?playing? with her, in her son’s bedroom, to be totally shameful. Not only that but what if Dan were to come home early then come straight upstairs to his room and find his mother, in all probability totally naked, gagged and handcuffed being either whipped or fucked or even perhaps both at once, on his own bed, by his friend Sean!
Previously the idea of Sean punishing and probably fucking her in her own bedroom had been unthinkable but now it appeared to be more acceptable to Catherine if she were not now to be taken downstairs. Catherine knew In that in reality she was powerless to prevent Sean from doing anything anywhere he wished with her. Worse did she really want to prevent him? If she were not gagged, she could see herself begging her Master to punish her elsewhere? Yes, she could, but gagged as she was this was not an option.
Catherine’s only comforts were twofold, first was her acceptance that by being cuffed and gagged as she could not be held responsible for any decisions or action made by him and that Her immediate future lay in the hands of this young man Sean. Whatever happened now was up to her ?Master?, a man/boy possessing an extraordinary ability to effortlessly dominate the previously independent minded housewife and mother Catherine saw herself to be. Secondly Catherine found comfort in her certainty that Sean would not allow himself or others to do her real harm save for the forthcoming chastisement she already accepted as being inevitable, perhaps even justified. But Catherine’s thoughts were then interrupted by Sean, asking her if this were Dan’s room.
Catherine looked pleadingly to Sean and then down to those awful nipple clamps while nodding her head to his question, mumbling her ?bress?, and hoping this show of obedience would earn her their removal but As though second guessing her, Sean told a horrified Catherine she had not yet earned the right to have them removed before then she was to undergo a little, ?chastisement and reward training? while they were in Dan’s bedroom. ?????????
Having many times seen his mother bound gagged and stripped in his wet dream fantasies Dan could hardly contain his elation at the real thing was actually happening and to boot in his own bedroom!. There were so many things he yearned to do with his own mother, but for now he would have to be patient and view events from his closet, unless, as he fervently hoped, Sean had other ideas for at that very moment the object of so many of Dan’s fantasies s was actually facing him. This was no DVD, His Mother’s almost naked body was now real life, His gorgeous bound and gagged mother really was standing facing him within a couple of feet of his closet with her wonderful cunt hidden only by the tiny scrap of material constituting her thong and her wonderful tits topped by those viscous looking clamps on her nipples!.
Carefully and quietly as possible Dan pulled down his zipper and released a throbbing pulsing erection that threatened to boil over at any moment before Sean, who for Dan’s benefit, then made a show of unclipping the shoulder straps of Catherine’s bra, allowing him to now completely remove the red satin garment thus displaying to Dan his Mothers nipple clamped breasts in all there glory before leading her over to his bed Sean and telling Dan’s horror-struck mother that she was now about to be ?chastised? upon Dan’s bed!
Producing a rubber blindfold and fitting the stretchy latex over her eyes Sean told Catherine she needed only to know she was to be punished in her son’s bedroom but she did not have to see the room while being punished!
Watching Sean supervise his almost naked mother’s imminent chastisement sent pangs of envy through Dan whilst Sean made the still handcuffed Catherine kneel upon his bed with her face buried deep in Dan’s pillows with her still clamped nipples dangling upon his sheets before, to his delight silently motioning Dan to come out from within the closet.
Joyously Dan hastily covered his erection and silently padded his way across to where Sean stood holding his riding crop. He stood immediately behind Catherine, whose wonderful firm round ass, although swaying slightly, stood high and proud. The thin black elastic of her tiny thong had long since made its ways into the cleft of the ass cheeks and now only partially concealing her cunt lips and rose bud anus.
With His eyes yes glued to his mother’s more or less visible cunt lips Dan listened in increasing delight when Sean told Catherine ?his slave? was about to be punished for her repeated disobedience during the afternoon that She must nod her head if she agreed with her ?Master? that she deserved her punishment, otherwise she should shake her head if she denied her punishment was warranted!.
After a short pause Dan looked on in astonishment for his mother was actually nodding her head to signify she did indeed believe her punishment to be warranted.
?Good Girl,? said Sean, reaching forward to tenderly stroke Catherine’s by then trembling ass cheeks. Dan could hardly contain himself, almost unable to believe just how composed and collected Sean appeared when telling his Mother she was to be given twelve strokes of the riding crop, four on each of her buttocks and four upon her back!
Aware that whatever her reply this was going to happen Catherine decided she would indeed accept her punishment, but on the very edge of excited sexual anticipation Catherine now understood she really had been calculatingly disobedient toward Sean by greeting him as she had, in her blouse and jeans!
In viewing Sean’s apparently expert whipping of his mother Dan was amazed that even after three cruel blows to each of her bum cheeks and despite some howling into her gag and swaying of her bottom his Mother managed to retain her position on his bed. For his part Sean had reprised his earlier visit by smoothing and caressing Catherine’s buttocks between each stroke, His fingers wandering down to her glistening cunt lips, causing Dan’s Mother to shudder in undoubted sexual exhilaration.
Pain along with pleasure the key, Tony had told him and So Sean completed Catherine’s punishment with four strokes on her back, this time she really did howl garbled obscenities about Sean into her gag but in turn Sean remained impassive, simply telling Catherine she should thank him for not increasing her punishment for yet more disobedience!
It was then that Sean, by way of his recently gained knowledge knelt before Catherine’s raised bottom and Dan looked on hungrily as Sean pulled aside the thin elastic covering his mother’s anus and inner part of her cunt lips before prizing her buttocks apart with both hands and run his tongue from the very base of those cunt lips all the way up to Catherine’s rose bud anus but Sean found he had to keep a firm grip on her buttocks as Catherine attempted to deny this strange and hitherto unknown invasion of her most intimate of body areas. But Sean was not to be denied and swiftly removing Catherine’s tiny thong casting it aside his tongue was soon probing deep into Catherine’s tight hot and very delicious anus which he realized had quite obviously been well washed and even perfumed!. With its tightness Sean thought his slave could be a virgin there and was thrilled to know that he would eventually be fucking his slave in a place no man had been before!
The previously unknown feeling of a tongue probing her anus was fast becoming an out of this world experience for Catherine and after her initial reflex reaction she accepted Sean’s ability to keep her bum cheeks prized apart and whilst feeling pleased and relieved she had thoroughly washed herself there she quickly accepted the inevitable and very soon became accustomed to her Master’s hot tongue probing deep inside her anus. Even missing it’s probing when Sean pulled it from her to lap and caresses her cunt lips.
Meanwhile Dan was watching his mother’s gyrations with ever increasing desire. Amazed and thrilled that his mother was getting off on Sean’s probing tongue in her anus and with his cock at boiling point in desperation he nudged Sean, making gestures with his tongue.
Thinking for a moment Sean decided that as far as he was concerned Dan would never be allowed to fuck his own mother, at least not while he was there. So Dan would just have to dream on. But Sean also knew he also ?owed? Dan and so, pulling away from Catherine, he ran his finger up and down the very wet area of her cunt lips and anus, motioning to Dan that he was do the same.
Dan at least tried to simply stroke his mother’s cunt lips with his finger, but desire soon got the better of him and Sean could really only look on after Dan decided he also would explore every part of his mother’s hitherto secret organs. With Catherine as wet as she was, Dan’s fingers had no difficulty in entering and exploring both her cunt and anus and to his great delight his mother, gyrating her body to yet more incredible sensations, soon began groaning in ecstasy, naively unaware it was her own son Dan whose bending, twisting, index finger was alternately burying itself to the hilt inside her cunt and Anus.
Finally, fearful that Dan would go too far and attempt to fuck his mother, Sean signalled enough. This only after Dan had produced and openly masturbated his twitching cock while continuing his finger exploration of his mother’s anus and cunt. But before Sean was able to move him away, Dan’s cock had exploded; his excitement had been just too much. Thus leaving Sean partly annoyed and partly humoured as Dan rubbed his fingers, heavy with huge globs of his semen, over his mother’s cunt and anus, already slick with her own juices, before quietly finding his way back into the closet.
Unaware that it had been Dan rubbing the semen from his cock into her cunt and Anus Catherine, was cruelly left on the verge of a huge orgasm as she was Helped by Sean from Dan’s bed into a standing position and to have her blindfold removed. From the closet, Dan saw his mother, blinking her eyes as her blindfold was removed and seemingly looking straight at him.
Thinking his Mother had seen him Dan almost panicked But then Sean was telling his Catherine she had taken her ?punishment? well, and that he was proud of her. But that now she would be taken to her own bedroom where she would thank her ?Master? properly if she wanted her nipple clamps removed. ?And? Sean had said ?You know you deserved to be punished in Dan’s bedroom, don’t you Catherine??
Catherine was surprised to find herself actually nod her head and mumbling ?bress.? Her first thoughts at having been led onto Dan’s bedroom had been one of total humiliation at the thought of being ?punished? in her son’s bedroom by his schoolmate. But after being blindfolded, Catherine’s initial was thoughts were gradually replaced, as her ?punishment? began.
Replaced by the terrible illicit thought that her ?punishment? was actually being witnessed by Dan, Incredibly these thoughts had served only to heighten Catherine’s arousal, and to her disappointment at being left on the verge of orgasm. Catherine was appalled she should even consider these things about her sixteen years old son, but her continuing sense of strong sexual arousal was only increased by the terrible realization that she had almost achieved an orgasm to visions of her own son witnessing his mother’s subjugation. So much so that Catherine felt she did indeed deserve any punishment her young ?Master? had given her.
But just as quickly, Catherine dismissed these thoughts about her son. It was crazy beyond belief she should ever believe Dan capable of such things. No, it was, Catherine told herself, her out of control sexually charged mind that had created a terrible fantasy she must never again allow to surface in her subconscious mind.
By then Sean looking with slight concern at Catherine’s nipples, squashed by the clamps they were by now blue/purple in colour. Any feeling, and of course pain, in her nipples had long since gone, their blood supply having been cut off, but from Tony, Sean had learned this was to be only a temporary phenomenon.
After the departure of Sean and his mother Dan stepped out from his closet. With his cock already hard again he felt somewhat disappointed when realizing that, unbelievably, he had been quite prepared and indeed, had hoped to illicitly fuck his own beautiful mother had Sean not stopped him from doing so. Then Dan spotted his mother’s bra lying next to her tiny red thong on the bedroom carpet and picked them up. When he did he could not help but notice the thong was soaked with what could only be his mother’s juices. Smiling, Dan then lay down on his bed sniffed his mother’s juices on the thong then wrapped the thin satin material around his cock. Lying face down to where his mother’s own face had been only moments before Dan begin to and masturbate enthusiastically to the memory of what he had done to his mother. Comforted by the knowledge he had at least remembered to switch his video camera to ?record.? Dan was very soon spurting hot semen into his mother’s thong.
Chapter seven:
After having been led by Sean back into her own bedroom Catherine resigned herself to the inevitable, that their ?tour? of her house would end here, in her own bedroom, despite all her earlier thoughts and protestations.
After again placed by Sean before her full length mirror Catherine, for the first time, was able to properly view the evil looking clamps adorning her nipples and was horrified to see the dark blue/red colour they now assumed but then Sean was pushing down by her shoulders, telling Catherine she would now kneel before her Master.
Complying with his demand Catherine allowed herself to be guided into the position Sean required of her on her knees before him, very close to, and sideways to her full length mirror still handcuffed and gagged and it was no real surprise to her when Sean then stood directly in front of Catherine, his groin level with her face, leisurely removing his clothes.!.
Never having been in such a situation before Catherine was astonished by the incredible eroticism of being able to view her own bound and gagged, nipple clamped body whilst simultaneously Sean’s muscled young torso slowly emerged from his clothing. Eventually Sean’s swollen groin was only a couple of inches from Catherine’s full lips and all that remained between himself and Catharine was the tiny black thong Sean had purchased especially for the occasion.
Sensing the very sexual aroma permeating from Sean’s body and without hesitation or urging Catherine found she was leaning forward slightly?until her cheek was touching and nuzzling Sean’s huge semi flaccid cock within his thong whilst At the same time her eyes looked up to his, her unspoken question quite obvious.
?You have to ask Catherine, and in the correct manner,? she was told while Sean reached behind her head. Loosening but not removing her ball gag Sean then slipped the ball from between Catherine’s lips.
?Please...Master...please, may I suck your cock?? Catherine found herself answering and without a trace of embarrassment for by then the sexual tension in her own Bedroom could have been cut with a knife!
Slipping his huge, semi flaccid nine inch cock from its confining thong Sean simply nodded his head toward Catherine who For her part was gazing in awe at Sean’s huge young manhood and involuntary licking her lips in anticipation, marvelling at its youthful beauty whilst recalling the many times she had fantasized about once again taking it in her mouth.
Wasting no time Catherine’s tongue emerged from her mouth to lick and taste before slipping her lips over its end, pushing back it’s foreskin to reveal Sean’s silky, purple head, holding it there in her mouth as she felt its power grow between her lips before pushing her mouth further down it’s shaft and staying there while it grew huge inside her, its sheer size almost making her gag but even so, with its sheer power, size and youthful cleanliness Catherine wished she could stay like forever!
How Catherine wished her hands were free and able to lovingly caress Sean’s monster cock but with her mouth full of Sean’s now erect cock Catherine though did her best, using every skill she had learned over the years to pleasure her Master’s cock whilst Sean, delighted with Catherine’s submissive attitude and obvious oral skills compared them to those of Joan back in Tony’s office. Even allowing for the fact Catherine’s hands were still ?cuffed?, Sean believed she would certainly benefit from the ?lessons? Joan in her ?Mistress? guise fully intended to give Catherine.
But Catherine’s labours were certainly good enough to bring Sean to the edge of orgasm and It was with some reluctance but also immense anticipation that Sean withdrew his throbbing cock from deep within Catherine’s throat; leaving her feeling concerned she may have somehow disappointed Sean.
But very Soon Catherine found herself half led, half carried to her own bed, the bed she shared with her husband, the bed she had vowed she would not allow Sean to take her on but gone now were any such virtuous ideas, she was, she knew, in no position to even attempt to deter Sean. Even if she really wanted to avoid being taken on her own bed she could not object for Sean was positioning her in her now familiar kneeling position and Catherine’s wildly throbbing cunt told it’s very own story.
The naked Sean looked down upon Catherine Dixon, his ?property?, with immense satisfaction. He had, he knew, been fully prepared to forcefully subjugate Catherine today and had just that and was even a little frustrated that she had put up only token resistance to his demands. Still, mused Sean, while adjusting her handcuffed wrists, she has yet to suffer her final humiliation.
With that thought in mind Sean leaned forward until the head of his rampant cock touched Catherine’s cunt lips and His arms encircled her large almost pendulous breasts, each hand taking and weighing her firm mature globes while his fingers toyed with Catherine’s clamped nipples. ?Are you ready for your Master, Catherine?? asked Sean as his cock slipped a little further between her soaking cunt lips.
?Oh God yes...please...fuck me Master,? replied the near delirious Catherine, all thoughts of guilt over of her husband, son and daughter had vanished from her mind, replaced now by sheer wanton lustful excitement. .
And so Sean did just that, slipping his fully erect nine inches deep into Catherine’s welcoming womb.
?Oh my God, it’s so’s so big...Master...fuck me, fuck me Master!? Enthused Catherine as Sean began slowly pumping in and out of her hot wet welcoming cunt.
Aware Dan would undoubtedly be watching his mother’s fucking. Sean prepared himself for his final onslaught. Gradually easing back he maintained his grip on Catherine’s nipple clamps, easing them back and forth until Catherine was gasping in both pleasure and pain. Then withdrawing from her completely Sean lifted his body slightly until his cock touched the very entrance of Catherine’s tiny rosebud anus, still slick with her own and Dan’s juices.
Sudden realization dawned on Catherine. ?Oh my God...not there...please Sean...Master...not there...anything but that...I’ve never...oh my God!? ??..Sean’s cock had suddenly pushed and penetrated the first resistance of Catherine’s sphincter and it’s giant head was now pushing through that tiny ring. Catherine, trapped as she was, handcuffed and with Sean’s arms encircling her, could go nowhere, and could offer no resistance.
?Ooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww! Oh God...ooooooooowwwwwwwww!? screamed Catherine.
?Oh!...please...please... Master...please take it’s too big...I can’t take it... its too big...please take it out Master,? screamed Catherine.
Sean simply told Catherine to scream all she wished, it was, he said, good for her to scream.
Little by little, further and further Sean pushed his huge cock into the screaming Catherine’s anus, she was, he decided, going to take every little millimetre.
?Mmmmmmmmmmmm, nearly there, just a little more,? he told a sobbing tearful Catherine, never before experiencing anal sex. Catherine had indeed thought about it and read about it but in truth the very idea had always revolted her, but now her virgin anus had been deeply penetrated by the biggest cock she had ever seen. The pain, indescribable as it was, was nothing compared with utter degradation of having a sixteen year old boy’s cock raping her virgin anus, in her own bedroom, before her family photos.
Eventually Sean had buried his monster cock to the hilt deep inside Catherine’s anus. For a while as the victor, Sean simply remained there, listening implacably to Catherine’s now somewhat quietly muted sobbing. ?Your ass is mine Catherine, your anus belongs to me; you must understand every part of you belongs to me, your Master, your owner.?
‘Take her out of her comfort zone, control her, ‘that had been Tony’s advice.
Eventually Sean slowly drew halfway back until he was delighted to see the tight puckered anus surrounding his throbbing manhood whilst the totally humiliated Catherine sobbed more quietly as her anus gradually growing more accustomed it’s giant invader.
?You will have to get used to this Catherine, so start by gripping my cock with your anus.
?Oh God no...,? pleaded the sobbing tearful Catherine, but in reality knowing she would do what her young Master demanded of her.
Sean was elated for Catherine’s sphincter was suddenly gripping his cock and it felt just fantastic! he too had been an ?anal virgin,? but with Catherine’s anus gripping his throbbing, twitching cock, Sean decided that this really was made for him. Catherine, he decided, would just have to learn to enjoy it for he had just crushed Catherine’s last remaining resistance demanding her final surrender and this beautiful woman, Dan’s Mother, was now his, his to do with as he pleased.
?Okay Catherine, you can relax your ass,? and indeed Catherine did indeed, relax her anal muscle.
?Good Girl Catherine, I am going to fuck your ass now and you are going to move with me, you understand??
?Oh God...but it’s so big Master!. But I’ll try Master!.....yes...Master.?????????..
Gripping his own yet again rock hard cock whilst also holding his mother’s bra and thong in his fingers Dan looked on in excited frustration as Sean buried his cock into his mother’s anus.
Dan realized that what he had witnessed was in reality the anal rape of his mother. But somehow that just made it made it all the more exciting for him; if only he were doing that to her while she was blindfolded. Dan’s fingers gripping his own, yet again, rock hard cock and lovingly wandered over his mother’s thong still wet with his semen and her juices and the germ of an idea began formulating in his young mind???????..
With Catherine’s nipple clamps still in his fingers Sean began a slow rhythmic pumping of Catherine’s anus who although still sobbing quietly at the shame and humiliation none the less did as Sean had ordered and began to move her body in time to Sean’s own slow rhythm, pushing back as Sean pushed into her Ass and vice versa.
In between his thrusts Sean even managed to issue Catherine a series of orders.
That Catherine’s would put in storage her long dresses and skirts, she must now wear them no longer then 3 inches above the knee. Catherine’s bra must always be visible through her blouse or dress, she must always wear stockings and heels, and her hair was to be ?curlier.? Catherine was told she was to be left with a cell phone that she was to follow any text instruction the cell phone gave her.
Finally and with his pumping of her anus ever fiercer Sean told Catherine she must obey these instructions without fail, for he would know if she had not complied with them and her undoubted punishment would begin with her ?public humiliation!?
Violently, Sean thrust harder than ever, plunging his huge cock deeper and deeper filling Catherine’s anus and the victor stayed there deep within Catherine’s anus, his power uncontested! ?You understand what I’m telling you Catherine? Tell me!?
Catherine, bewildered and shocked by Sean’s demands of her, realized that coupled to him as she was her hitherto sacrosanct anus had been overwhelmed by his strong manhood and that Sean did indeed now ?own? her.
Then Catherine was astonished to feel the huge cock growing ever larger inside her and to her utter surprise, she realized Sean’s monster cock was also massaging the lining of her cunt wall and that her own body was responding to her anal rape and to he amazement Catherine found was surging toward both an anal and cunt orgasm, more so when Sean’s fingers left one of her Breasts to begin massaging her clitoris.
?Oh ...oh God, yes...I understand Master...!? Gasped Catherine lost in throes of painful yet joyous ecstatic elation.
Marvelling at achieving his objective of fucking Catherine’s anus, and elated her body was even responding to his thrusts, Sean realized he could not last out much longer, such was his pleasure. Deciding the time was now right; Sean’s fingers squeezed open and then removed the clover nipple clamps.
Then Catherine became aware of Sean removing her nipple clamps. For a moment she felt nothing for her nipples had long since become totally numb with a lack of blood supply. But Then Sean’s fingers began gently massaging the now black/blue buds and the blood supply, cut off for so long by the clamps, suddenly came rushing back into Catherine’s nipples. And as the blood rushed back into Catherine’s nipples so the pain hit her, an indescribable sickening, all consuming pain in her breasts she had never before experienced or imagined possible.
Catherine screamed, screamed longer and louder than ever before, making Sean thankful the large detached house was some way from the next property, still though, he pumped his huge cock in and out of Catherine’s anus while continuing to manipulate her painful nipples.
Eventually though Catherine’s screams turned more to moans of pleasure, realizing the incredible pain had subsided, gone, to be replaced by the most wonderful onrushing orgasm she had ever experienced as the erogenous zone that was her nipples came alive with the return of their blood supply. In short, Catherine’s nipples were now along with her cunt and even her Anus throbbing in pleasure to the piston like pumping of her anus by Sean’s huge cock, then all these emotions suddenly combined and Catherine’s moans turned to screams again, but these were screams of delirious pleasure.
?What are you???demanded Sean, his own orgasm very close.
?Ooh God...I’m a slave...oh god Yes...A slave!?
?Who do you belong to, who owns you??
?Ohhhhhhhh...oh my God...You own me...I’m your slave .Master!? Cried Catherine as never before experienced multiple orgasms swept through her body and Sean’s cock began ejaculating its hot semen deep into her bowels, filling her, consuming her as never before!
Chapter eight:
Catherine Dixon’s lovely body stirred upon her large double bed as she gradually came awake and slowly opening her eyes Catherine began to recall the events that had led to her deep exhausted sleep, telling herself she must get up and take a bath before her son Dan came home from his football practice. Her eyes strayed to the bedside clock and she was shocked to see it telling her it was now 7.30pm, two hours since Sean had left her, and, ?Oh God, Dan must be home by now, what on earth would he think of me, sleeping away the afternoon.?
Stretching her aching, sexually abused body, Catherine vividly recalled the afternoon’s events but When her mind pictured herself being led into Dan’s room With mounting concern Catherine suddenly recalled Sean removing her bra and thong while in there. ?Oh Lord, what if Dan found them?? All of a sudden Catherine knew she would not relax until, one way or the other; she had retrieved her red satin underwear.
As she hastily threw back the bedclothes Sean had tucked her into before he had left, Catherine noticed her bedroom door was open and quickly threw a silk dressing gown around her naked body and realizing also that she still wore her red suspender belt and black stockings.
Hurriedly Catherine looked around her bedroom but could see no clothing of any description lying around. Quickly dashing across to her bedroom door and gazing left and right, Catherine could see or hear nothing. Would Dan be in his room? Anxiously, with her heart thumping in her chest Catherine made her way along the landing toward Dan’s room But his own door though was closed.
Recalling that Sean had led her by her collar and lead from Dan’s room Catherine was certain it would not have been her who had closed the door.
Tentatively Catherine knocked on the door. ?Dan...Are you in there, darling??
Upon hearing his Mother’s footsteps a smiling Dan Lay on his bed and turned off his TV monitor. He had pushed his erection to one side and zipped up his jeans as if expecting his mother to knock on his door, which, indeed he had! Leisurely he pushed his mother’s thong deeper into his jeans pocket.
?Sure Mum, come on in? Dan replied cheerfully.
Catherine, fearful the next few moments could perhaps ruin their relationship irreparably hesitated for a moment or two and then pushed slowly on Dan’s bedroom door.
?Hi Mum, did you have a good nap? You left your door open so I couldn’t help but notice.?
Catherine was aware of her son looking closely at her dressing gown and black stockings while he spoke and wondered for a moment if he suspected something. But to her horror she then saw her bra; it was lying on the carpet just under Dan’s bed, almost hidden by his oversized bedspread. Somewhat relived Catherine assumed her thong must also be under Dan’s bed and that Dan, too busy with his video games, had simply not noticed his mother’s underwear beneath his bed.
?Yes, thank you Darling, I had such an awful headache, after, err, earlier, so I thought a lay down would help but I must have dozed off,? replied Catherine, her spirit’s lifted a little, although she still had to find an opportunity to retrieve her underwear.
?Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Mum, I hope it’s better now. Sean hasn’t been too demanding of your Mum, I hope. I met him on my way home and he was telling me he was really enjoying his visit’s, that you were showing him so many things.?
Catherine was too intent on her bra and thong to notice Dan’s deliberate innuendoes. She did, however feel a little uncomfortable at the way her son continued to gaze at her breasts and pulled her dressing gown tighter, unaware that in doing so she was now giving Dan a great display of nipples that for some reason were once again rock hard and pushing against her thin dressing gown.
?No, not at all, Sean and I had a very good discussion Dan; I expect he may come again next week. It just gave me a headache that’s all, Darling, but it’s much better now. In fact, I think I shall take a long hot bath and then make us both a nice hot supper.?
?Okay Mom, you do that?.hey. Do you want me go make a coffee for you? ?
?That would be great darling,? replied Catherine, seizing the opportunity to retrieve her underwear. So Dan rose from his bed to go downstairs to make his mother’s coffee, but not before taking the opportunity to kiss his mother’s cheek. Marvelling at how good she smelt Dan assumed it had to be the aroma of sex, his mother’s sex, Sean’s sex and of course his own sex! After waiting a moment Catherine then dashed over to where her bra lay under Dan’s bed and collected the garment but frustrated at being unable to find her tiny thong she scrabbled around under her son’s bed in desperation but of her thong there was no trace.
Catherine could only hope the tiny garment had not fallen into Dan’s hands and walked back to her bedroom and on into the bathroom before running herself a bath. Hearing Dan telling her he had bought up her coffee she was suddenly nervous. Her little boy, she knew, was growing up fast, his hormones were changing and some of her friends had told her tales of finding their own underwear, soiled with semen, hidden in their son’s bedrooms. That may well explain it but if Dan had seen and removed her thong from his bedroom floor then he would certainly have wondered why his mother’s lingerie was in his bedroom. Catherine could only think of telling Dan she may have dropped some laundry on his floor, a singularly lame excuse, but it would have to do.
?Hey, got your coffee mum it’s on your dressing table, hey, you got a new cell phone Mum, looks cool.?
Belatedly remembering Sean had left the cell phone for her future ?instructions.? Catherine hastily told Dan she had indeed treated herself to the cell phone. Saddened by thoughts of how many more times she would now be forced ?to cover up? her indiscretions Catherine dragged her aching body into the steamy water and as she sank deep into the relaxing soap suds, once again the awful sense of betrayal toward her family washed over her.
As she soothed her aching body Catherine tried to analyze and compartment her feelings.
For the first time in her life she was being led down a pathway of wonderful sexual awakening. Everything seemed calculated to cumulate with her total submission toward Sean, okay, even to the extent of his ‘ownership’ of her mind and body. Despite the obvious sensations of sexual euphoria she had experienced during both of Sean’s visits, all of Catherine’s that the illicit sexual venture she seemed to be prepared to embark upon was so very wrong.
So who could she now turn to for advice? Catherine knew she really should have told her husband after that first instance. But she had made no immediate complaint, not to anyone, so how could she approach him now. ?Oh hello darling, while you were away I was caned by two of Dan’s friends, they fucked me and then one of them came back another time and this time I was handcuffed and gagged while being anally raped!.?
Catherine almost giggled to herself at this thought and knew she would at best be ridiculed and at worst he would suspect her of leading the boy on. So, soaping her still soft and lovely skin Catherine wondered if she should confide in Dan. Could she tell him that Sean had made inappropriate ?advances? toward her and perhaps she should then ask Dan to inform Sean he was no longer welcome in her house? But the difficulty there, contemplated Catherine, was that Dan had returned to see her fast asleep in her bedroom on his return, hardly an option she would have taken had she really been the victim of his friend’s abuse.
And why go to his room and chat with him dressed in her dressing gown when her black stockings and bare breasts would have been quite obvious to him and then tell him Sean would probably be coming over again next week. And What if her fantasy vision of Dan witnessing his mother’s punishment had in fact, been the reality?.
Neither could Catherine entirely dismiss the worrying notion that Dan was in some way a party to Sean’s objectives toward his mother. After all, there were still the nagging questions regarding Sean and his friend Tom for Catherine still did not understand how they had obtained the DVD of her husband caning her and her subsequent sucking of his cock.
No the thought Dan may well have been masturbating into her own probably wet underwear meant Catherine could not confide in her son either. Then there were her friends, oh God no, the embarrassment, the humiliation. She would be the talk of the neighbourhood. In five minutes flat. So Catherine also had to dismiss that option.
Then Catherine’s thoughts turned to her sister Victoria. Although her sister was a few years older than her Catherine and Vicky were very close. Indeed aside from having totally differing hair colours with Vicky’s being Jet black to her own Blonde they were facially very similar and whilst Vicky was a little fuller in both Breasts and hips she had the same shapely thighs and legs as Catherine. Indeed many was the occasion when the sisters were to be found trying each others clothes and even their racier lingerie for size. Only the previous week Vicky had been in Catherine’s bedroom trying on a little black dress she wanted to borrow from Catherine.
But Catherine was aware that her sister had serious man problems of her own and now felt reluctant to confide in her. And Victoria Preston was a well known ‘man eater’ and would more as like upset the apple cart by rushing in feet first and all hell would soon break loose. And if she did decide to go along with all of Sean’s demands then Vicky could very well turn out to be a bigger problem than the, admittedly enjoyable one, she had now.
So Catherine eventually decided that for the moment she was on her own and realised that both her mind and body were fighting a losing and probably feeble battle in a futile attempt to deny Sean his obvious objective, that of complete and utter control over her no matter what.
Despite her earlier resolve not to even allow Sean into her house thanks to Dan Catherine had been unable to prevent him from doing so. Worse was she found herself totally unequipped to prevent the sixteen year old boy/man from using her. He had used A woman almost three times his age as a sexual plaything, used for his own gratification. Catherine had sensed Sean’s triumph when his huge cock had penetrated the very depths her hitherto virgin anus an unspoken means of demonstrating his control over her. It was his way of showing the terrible power he now held over her.
But lying there in her bath try as she may Catherine was unable to prevent images of Sean, dressed or naked, subjecting her body to immeasurable amounts of both pain and pleasure from flashing before her eyes, no matter how hard she tried deny she knew she had enjoyed every illicit moment of both her humiliation and the sex, despite the fact she had in effect been anally raped by Sean. Catherine knew it was wrong, every part of her well ordered middle class being told her it was so very wrong!
Only at the weekend, with her husband home did Catherine find some solace in other areas as she cleaned, cooked and generally tried her best to recreate her previous family bonding. Even then, over those couple of days Catherine could think of very little other Sean’s treatment of her on that Wednesday afternoon. With her every such thought, she recalled over and again how he had quite simply conquered her body and mind. So yet again the all too familiar throbbing of her cunt would begin and Catherine would take from its hiding place, the cell phone Sean had given her, only to feel disappointed there was no text message for her.
But come the weekend her husband, exhausted as usual from his week of business travels, hardly noticed just how much effort Catherine made toward him, her special dresses, her makeup and the meal on the Saturday evening with Dan out of the house when Catherine finally managed to get her husband, after a bottle of wine, upstairs in their bedroom.
Catherine had devoted all her energy in her feverish attempts to rekindle the old spark between them. Everything she did was all in the hope she may somehow drive from her mind the now constant visions of Sean Brady’ invading her anus with his huge cock. Hoping, praying even that she could, via her husband of so many years, somehow make herself come to her senses. Despite her husband trying his best, albeit in the usual missionary position and Catherine, like some crazed junkie desperate for a hit, could see not her beloved husband but Sean’s muscular young body before her, pumping her, telling her she was his property and his alone.
Even when her husband eventually ejaculated inside her unfulfilled cunt Catherine was astonished to find herself wondering how often in future Sean would allow her to fuck her own husband. Quickly though, she dismissed the absurdity of such thinking, she was a loving married forty two year old mother of two. She loved her family and her husband; she was not the plaything of a young boy.
But that night a sleepless Catherine tossed and turned in her bed, her mind ablaze with images of the sixteen years old Sean Brady whipping her naked, bound and gagged body before forcing her to take the whole of his massive organ into her mouth until it was thrusting against to back of her throat! ???????????????..
Chapter nine:
With his wealthy parents owning a string of electronics shops Sean had no difficulty in providing Dan with two tiny state of the art wireless ?spy cams? .In future Dan was to record everything his mother did in her bedroom. He would view the recordings every day and immediately inform Sean of anything unusual or interesting on the recordings.
Just as Sean had expected him to be Dan was exceedingly taken with idea of recording his mother’s actions in her bedroom and agreed to Sean’s demand without hesitation. It had though, not been until the Sunday morning, when his parents had gone to the golf club together for drinks that Dan had the opportunity to place the devices in such a fashion and area they would be of best use. One being in Catherine’s bedroom and the other in her bathroom facing her Bath and that evening, with the spy cam receiver in his room connected to a TV channel, Dan had been able to view his mother, in her bathroom, actually trimming her pubic hair before taking her bath.
Watching his mother soaping her wonderful breasts had made masturbate fiercely. However he was disappointed to see his mother, after drying herself, pulling a long nightdress over that gorgeous body. Looking at the spy cam in the bedroom when both his mother and father were in bed Dan was equally disappointed when both bedside lamps were almost immediately turned off. However he would, as instructed, report these scenes to Sean as instructed.
Over the weekend Catherine finally made her momentous decision and on the Monday morning after both her husband and Dan had left the house she scattered the entire contents of her wardrobe over her huge bed. Taking two suitcases from a closet Catherine sifted through each garment, throwing into the cases any skirt or dress that fell below the knee. Those that remained she could take up from the hem until they were the required three inches above the knee.
From another case Catherine produced a selection of skirts and dresses not worn for years. Many of these were ?mini? skirts and dresses and these she placed in her wardrobe along with those she would have to shorten. Vaguely Catherine wondered just how she, a middle aged woman, would appear to family and friends in her new look of hemlines well above the knee. Well, at least she had the legs to carry it off, she mused.
Next her tops, Blouses, jumpers and others were selected and placed in order of merit. Those that would show her bra underneath her top took priority, then those she could wear without a bra but would show off her nipples. The first two she placed in drawers, all others in suitcases. Finally Catherine cleared out from her lingerie collection any bras and knickers without matching suspender belts, these again went into storage, but Catherine decided she also needed some more stockings.
Returning home late that afternoon Dan read a note from his mother telling him she had gone shopping and after consuming the snack Catherine had left him rushed upstairs to his room and tuned his two TV monitors into their special channels before pulling a special recording device’s from beneath his pillow.
Sensors on the spy cams in his mother’s bed room had triggered the recording device and Dan was soon viewing recordings of his mother ruthlessly sorting her clothes and lingerie so picking up his own phone Dan was soon ringing Sean’s cell phone.
?Well,? said Sean when answering, always happy to keep Dan guessing his moods. ?What’s your Mum been up to, Dan??
When Dan told him his mother had been sorting out all her clothes and lingerie a smiling Sean knew he was now ready to begin the next phase of Mrs. Dixon’s slave training!
In fact Catherine had not been so full of excited anticipation for years. Returning from her shopping trip Dan quickly concluded his call to Sean when she shouted a cheerful, ?hello Dan, darling,? toward her Sons bedroom whilst striding into her own room. In her hands were bags containing new lingerie and stockings purchased earlier in town. Two daring sets of lingerie, each with half cup bra and thong, together with a wonderful PVC Basque she had been unable to resist, despite the disapproving looks from the young shop assistant. All these Catherine spread out on the bed and Dan viewing his mother walking into her bathroom, thought he had better add these to his list and report back to Sean
But Just as Catherine was about to take her bath she took the cell phone from its hiding place and partly thrilled and partly apprehensive she noticed the text message symbol flashing. ?You R 2 report for training ‘Young’s bookshop’, lower high street. 12.50 pm wed. Browse books, wait. Wear pink set under black skirt/ white blouse. Reply U will obey Master X.?
Taking the cell phone into her bathroom was Catherine confused. Why would Sean want her to wait in a bookshop for him? She had never heard of or been to ?Young’s Bookshop? and the lower high street was not the smartest area of town. Still though Catherine was excited that at last Sean had made contact, even if rather obtusely. Would she, Catherine asked herself; have the nerve to obey Sean? But the answer to that question was obvious!.
In his room Dan looked on excitedly as his mother stripped off. First removing the rather short skirt she wore before removing what had to be a see through white blouse, leaving Dan to drool over that lovely set of powder blue lingerie she had worn for the visit of Tom and Sean. Dan’s cock twitched excitedly as his blissfully unawares mother performed her ?strip show? just for him.
Shortly, the second monitor showed his voluptuous naked mother stepping into her bath totally unaware that aside from when sitting out of vision on her toilet her every movement, was being monitored by her own son and whilst she relaxed in her bath with her lovely Breasts and nipples floating above the waterline Dan was soon once more playing with his ever hardening cock.
Chapter 10
Upon finding the less than salubrious Lower High Street almost deserted Catherine had easily managed to find a parking space almost opposite ?Young’s Bookshop?.
For a minute or two she anxiously studied the shop’s rather shabby frontage wondering yet again why Sean had told her to be here at 12.50pm. Indeed, why on earth did she text back to say she would be here for even after Catherine had ?blitzed? her clothing on Monday feelings of guilt and her inbred sense of what is right and what is wrong were never far away and Catherine’s whole morning had been spent in nervous excited anticipation twinned with self recrimination but these thoughts struggled to overcome Catherine’s yearning to be sexually subjugated, controlled, and dominated and so that morning, Catherine convinced herself there really could be no alternative that if she did not obey Sean’s instructions then sooner or later her body would, undoubtedly suffer at his hands.
But Catherine’s thoughts were interrupted as she became aware a couple of scruffily dressed young lads no more than sixteen or seventeen years old were peering into her car pointing laughing and causing Catherine to glance down to see how far her short black skirt had ridden up her legs while she sat in the driving position and worse, that the tops of her black stockings were clearly visible to the scruffy youths. Discomfited by their pointing and laughing Catherine hurriedly pulled her skirt down her legs as far as possible. But the young lads still remained by her car pointing and laughing, leaving Catherine to feel trapped inside and unwilling to get out of the vehicle, fearing the unwanted attentions of the young lads in the deserted street.
Eventually though, after looking at her watch to see the time was now 12.50, and for some reason fearful of being late, Catherine decided that instead of driving away she would get out of the car and make a dash for it across the road. But as if they knew what she was planning the moment Catherine opened the driver’s door, the young lads were there, holding it open for her. Both of them were gazing down to the erotic display Catharine provided for in her hurried attempt to get out from her car her stocking tops, red suspender tabs and an expanse of white thigh were all clearly visible to those young covetous eyes but Catherine soon found things getting even worse as one of the lads told the other. ?Hey man, Look at this, look at the great pair of tits on it? causing Catherine to belatedly remember her red bra was clearly visible under her almost transparent white blouse.
Attempting to show as much modesty as she could muster Catherine finally managed to stand upright with her back to the youths and after managing to lock her car with the remote, then attempted to bypass the two boys but were having none of it!.
?What are you darling, another model for him over there?,? said one, his young face riddled with acne spots ? why bother with him darling let’s get back in your car and you can give us both a good blow job!,? said the other with an evil grin on his face
Oblivious as to the meaning of the spotty boy’s question and horrified by the others boys demand Catherine told them she did not know what he was talking about and would they please leave her alone, otherwise she would call for help.
?Well, well, I reckon old Tony has gone and got himself a real posh bird, all la de da.?
?Well, posh as you are darling a good looking bird like you should be a model even if you are a bit older than most of them over there,? was the spotty youth’s reply.
To which the bemused and embarrassed Catherine, replying they were very much mistaken, tried to push her way past them but the spotty lad stood behind her suddenly put his hand up under her skirt and managed to grasp and pull the waistband of Catherine’s tiny thong. . In desperation and seeing no help would be forthcoming in the deserted street Catherine attempted to pull away from them before realizing she was now trapped between the two youths and that she would be ripping off her own lingerie by doing so.
?Please...please let me go,? she whimpered, terrified the spotty youth was about to rip her thong off her body completely.
?Not until you hold this,? said spotty and suddenly his hand was upon Catherine’s wrist and in abject horror Catherine looked down to see her hand hovering over a very erect cock the boy must have slipped out from within his jeans.
?Hold it, jerk me off, and then you can go,? he demanded of her, ?Otherwise you get back in the car...only this time with us!?
Never in her life had Catherine faced such an appalling predicament, in broad daylight, in the middle of the street, being told to masturbate a young boy! Worse still, the other youth, pushing her up hard against his spotty friend, was now running his own hands under Catherine’s skirt from her thighs to her hips.
Catherine’s dilemma was clear, either ?jerk off? the spotty youth or be forced back into her own car, with them, and then?
?Oh God,? Catherine whispered softly but then gripped the boy’s cock and much to the boys delight Slowly, with disgust and indignity clear on her face, Catherine moved her fingers back and forward on the not overlarge young cock. ?That’s it bitch, jerk me off, hold it harder and cup my balls with your other hand.?
Suddenly Catherine was astonished to find she was actually complying with the horrid boys demand and had slipped her free hand inside the boys jeans to find stroke and cup his balls while continuing to rub his twitching cock whilst the other youth’s hands continued to stroke her inner thighs, her buttocks and to her dismay find their way inside her thong.
Catherine could also feel something else and it suddenly dawned upon her that the now all too familiar tingle of excitement deep in her groin and the awful reality was that somehow, bizarrely , she was actually enjoying this humiliation. Of course it could not last for the spotty youth and soon Catherine felt the youngster’s cock twitching uncontrollably in her fingers, followed shortly by spurts of his warm semen over her palm and fingers.
?Don’t let go until I tell you? ordered the spotty youth, leaving the humiliated Catherine, her fingers covered in his semen, to hold onto the spurting cock.
?Mmmmm, that was great,? said spotty.? Now lick your fingers clean then you can do the same for my pal.?
But this was all too much for Catherine and letting out a scream she stumbled across the road to the bookshop, rubbing sticky fingers onto her skirt, before hurriedly pushing her way past the door just as the two boys laughingly looked up toward an upper floor window where Sean and Tony stood before then Tony gestured down that they should now stand by the shop window.
Once inside the apparent safety of the bookshop, the frightened, flustered and embarrassed blonde housewife, letting out a huge sigh of relief, looked across to where Joan stood behind her counter.
?Oh my Lord,? began Catherine as Joan looked up at her from her counter. ?Those young boys, out there, I thought, Oh God, they were just so horrible!?
Joan though, looking at Catherine with a puzzled expression, merely replied they were just bored locals, pay them no notice.
Despite her seeming reassurance, Catherine looked out of the bookshops window to see those same two young brute’s waving, gesturing for her to come back outside, then, oh God! One of them was actually waving his cock at her!
?So then, what can I do for you??
Startled by Joan’s sudden question Catherine looked back at Joan in bewilderment. Surely this rather plain looking middle aged woman with her hair in a schoolmistress’s bun could see she needed refuge from those thugs out there!
?I, err, well, I am just browsing to get away from those monsters thank you,? replied Catherine, after all, this was a bookshop.
But Catherine became even more concerned for her own welfare when hearing Joan telling her.
?Well, that’s okay, but I’m afraid the time is almost one o’clock and we are about to close for lunch, I really must ask you to leave if you are not about to make a purchase.?
Dismayed by these words, Catherine looked out the shop window; but those thugs were still there, still crudely gesticulating toward her.
?But, but, those boys, they are still outside, surely you can see I need your hep here!? But the woman simply waved her had dismissively and replied
?They are just harmless lads looking for a bit of fun, that’s all, now unless you have other business, I must ask you to leave,? interjected Joan forcefully, walking toward the door.
?But...but I, I have, have to meet someone here,? replied Catherine in desperation.
?Look? if you are expected, why did you not say so, just tell me who you are, and why you are here? otherwise? said Joan, gesturing toward the door.
?Oh...My name is, err Catherine, and err...well, I was asked to be here at 12.50.?
?Okay Catherine, at least I we have got that much out of you, but who you are supposed to be meeting and for is the reason for your visit,? replied Joan, looking exasperated by now.
Catherine was stunned by the ease in which this woman, at least 5 inches shorter than herself and with, seemly, a distinctly ?old maid? dress sense, intimidated her.
?I?well?Err...err Sean Brady,? she mumbled. ?Oh yes, Sean,? replied Joan making her way back behind her counter, looking down ward as if perhaps studying a diary. ?Mmmmmmmm,? right, now, what did you say was your name??
Looking across to Catherine as one would a recalcitrant child, Joan patiently asked. ? I need Your full name please.?
?Oh, err, Catherine Dixon.? Again Joan gazed down to the counter and her imaginary diary.
?And would that be Miss or Mrs. Dixon??
?Oh...err...Mrs.,? replied Catherine very sheepishly.
?That’s better, now wasn’t so hard, was it Mrs. Dixon, now, if you’ll tell me exactly why you are here I shall be able to lock up the shop.?
Catherine had nowhere to go or hide and realized she could either tell this horrible woman why she was here or face those horrible boys again.
So Catherine could only whisper shamefacedly. ?I err, well Err, Training?I think.?
After again looking down to her nonexistent diary Joan looked back up to Catherine.
?Now we seem to be getting somewhere at last Mrs. Dixon, now then, please tell me if I have got this right?. You are Mrs. Catherine Dixon; you are forty two years old and a married mother of two children. Now then Mrs. Dixon, It say’s here that you are Sean Brady’s personal property and are here to begin your training to be an obedient sex slave, is that correct??
If there and then a hole in the ground had opened up Catherine would have jumped straight in, if there had not been those horrible brutes outside. If, if, if. But with her blushing face reddened in shame and humiliation and dismayed at how easily this mousy looking woman had managed to intimidate and humiliate her Catherine knew she had no option but to nod her head weakly and mumble, ?Yes?
Chapter 11
?Oh my lord,? exclaimed Catherine Dixon. Never in her life had she seen, heard of or even read about a sight such as the one greeting her as she followed Joan through the doorway.
After locking and bolting the door in the shop Joan had beckoned a highly embarrassed but none the less relieved Catherine to follow her Through a storeroom then up one flight of carpeted stairs, past other doors, one marked, Catherine had noticed, ?Tony Weston.? Others marked ?General Office.? Somehow these everyday signs helped Catherine regain a sense of normality after the rather disturbing events both in the street and upon meeting Joan.
Then it was up another flight of stairs, these though were of bare wood and then along a short corridor until finally, after opening another door, Joan stood back, urging Catherine through. Catherine’s exclamation was well founded. Walking through the doorway, a large room, its brick walls alternately painted black and deep red had opened up before Catherine’s astonished eyes. Large spotlights, on the very high ceiling starkly illuminated all manner of bondage equipment set around the room and walls. Bondage cross’s, padded benches and frames were surrounded by all manner of whips, cuffs, leads, harness’s and gags hanging from the walls. A huge black, metal cage hung inches above the carpeted floor, suspended by a thick rope led through a block pulley device leading eventually to a winch set into the wall.
What really overwhelmed Catherine was the spectacle in the centre of the large ?playroom?. There a completely naked woman was suspended upside down in a very widely spread ?X? position. Her leather cuffed wrists were secured via metal clasps to a wide spreader bar hauled up until her wrists could be attached to bolts set into the floor and ankles. The woman who Catherine assumed to be in her late twenties had also been gagged with padded leather bar pulled between her lips, secured at the back of her head by black leather straps.
Catherine found herself unable to take her eyes from the woman. This was the most incredibly erotic sight she had ever witnessed. Who was she? Why was the woman there? Then it hit her, ?Oh my lord,? who could have placed her there? But most of all Catherine was wondering how it would feel if she herself were there, naked, available to anyone who may be there.
Brushing past Catherine, Joan walked over to the naked suspended woman where her hand reached up and stroked her inner thigh from knee to her very exposed pubic mound. ?This,? began Joan, now simply caressing the woman’s mound, ?is the bosses secretary, her work of late has not been up to the standards he requires Catherine, therefore he has decided she should be punished!?
Catherine could hardly believe her ears, how on earth could this ?boss? do such a thing? But...but, oh God it was so exciting to see!
In fact, the ?secretary? was one of the models, bondage models Tony hired for his rather ?underground? publications. She had been placed there by both Tony and a very willing Sean only minutes before Catherine had arrived, simply so that Catherine could view the woman and wish that woman was herself.
?Stand over here Catherine,? her thoughts were interrupted by Joan’s request/order. Dutifully a speechless Catherine obeyed, soon to find herself positioned a few feet from the metal cage.
?Place your hands upon your head Catherine,? said Joan, standing directly before her.
Instinctively Catherine obeyed her command, even, without thinking, parting her legs a little while doing do.
?Good, I think young Master Sean has chosen well, you are a real beauty Catherine, now listen closely. From now onward you will call me ?Mistress? nothing more, nothing less, you understand??
Although perplexed as to the purpose of all this, Catherine did though nod her head in understanding and say, ?Yes.?
Joan folded her arms and stepped a little closer to Catherine.
?Oh Dear, I do hope you are not going to be difficult Catherine, now, let’s start again, you shall from now onwards address me only as ?Mistress? is that understood Catherine??
?Yes Mistress,? replied Catherine, surprised at how easily the word ?Mistress? had slipped from her lips.
?That’s better Catherine, I have no wish to punish you...just yet, but believe me I shall do so if you either disobey me or fail to show me proper respect, understand??
?Yes Mistress,? replied Catherine, her eyes glued to the suspended model, her mind now turmoil of emotions. She was very excited by the comments of Joan but also wondering when Sean would arrive. That consideration though was soon to be answered.
?Master Sean has decided that I am to instigate your training. As you can see Catherine we have all the facilities needed to both delight you when you please me and to punish you for any disobedience. The pecking order here is very simple Catherine, you are at the bottom, while the boss, Tony, at the top, is all powerful. You must never speak to him unless you are told to Catherine. When you meet him you must always kneel down before him and, as you are now, place your hands on your head, part your legs, and lower your eyes to the floor, is that understood??
?Yes Mistress,? replied Catherine, her excitement was growing and she was trying to picture in her mind just what the boss ?Tony,? would look like when she did eventually meet him.
?Good, now then, aside from when your owner Master Sean is present, I am next in the chain. Although I am a slave myself, I am, unlike you Catherine, Tony’s fully trained personal slave and it has been decided by your owner and Tony that I am to be your Mistress. You have many things to learn Catherine; much of it will be from me.?
Catherine became aware the door opening and glancing across to it, she was astonished to see the spotty youth whose cock she had be forced to masturbate in the street striding nonchalantly into the ?Playroom.? In fact this was Tony’s ?gofer.? A young lad whose sexual inclinations leaned very much toward the humiliation of older women and who had repeatedly begged Tony for a position in his ?bookshop? no matter how little or nonexistent A salary given him
With hands still on her head Catherine was on the verge of dashing through the door until her ?Mistress? Joan told her, ?And Kevin, who you have already met, completes the pecking order for you Catherine. He is Tony’s assistant as such and you will comply with any instruction he may give you in the absence of Tony, Sean or me. However, he is not allowed free ?access? to you Catherine and you also need to know that out front he was only following the boss’s orders, is that clear??
The thought of having to comply with instructions given her by ?Kevin? was thoroughly repugnant to Catherine. But given her ?Mistress’s? assurance about ?access? to her, she thought it better not to protest about his presence. So Trying not to look at the smirking, evil looking Kevin Catherine replied meekly, ?Yes Mistress.?
The whole scenario, the suspended woman, Catherine her hands on head with Joan standing before her and Kevin who now sat smirking on a leather bench a couple of feet from Catherine was being viewed via various monitors upstairs in Tony’s office by both Tony and Sean.
Sean’s earlier anxiety at the possibly of Catherine embarrassing him before Tony by not turning up at his bookshop had been dispelled by Dan earlier telling Sean on the cell phone that his mother was at that moment dressing herself in her pink satin lingerie, a black skirt and transparent white blouse and Sean now gazed at the monitors with unconcealed delight. He had done it!. Dan’s ‘reward? had been an invitation to the bookshop and even now was viewing his mother’s initial ?training? through monitors set in a small office next to Tony’s, his hand never far from his twitching cock.
Sean was triumphant his Slave Mrs. Catherine Dixon was actually here, She really was his! Her very presence in Tony’s dungeon, told him so. Sean had fully realized his previous conquests of Catherine had been in her own home where she had been unguarded and vulnerable to his demands of her. However, by coming here, even running the gauntlet of the challenge they had set up in the street outside the shop but the fantastic fact was that in obeying his instructions to the letter Catherine Dixon was almost certainly acknowledging that she now saw herself, despite her husband and children as being his property, Sean Brady’s very first Slave!
Sean felt indebted to the older man beside him for his advice and help and of course the use of these fabulous facilities, even though as Tony had informed him, there would be a price to pay but Sean did not care what Tony’s price may be, Catherine Dixon was his property now but there was no ?love? involved on his part and In fact, when fully trained he planned to use her as a professional BDSM Slave, beaten and fucked by whoever could afford her, provided there was plenty of money in it for him of course. Even her own husband’s access to her would be limited by Sean who was looking forward to enjoying every single moment of Catherine Dixon’s training, whether it be by himself, Tony, Joan or even the spotty rat faced Kevin??????????..
Joan was speaking again and Catherine was suddenly aware of piped music coming from speakers fixed to the walls, ?Good, now that’s settled I want to see more of you Catherine, you shall begin by removing your blouse.?
Of course Catherine had fully expected sooner or later that she would be removing her clothes but, seeing the smirking spotty face of Kevin leering at her, made it very hard for Catherine to obey Joan’s instruction.
Only, after Joan had noticed her hesitation and told her that Kevin would be very happy to rip the blouse from her body did Catherine drop her hands, and, to the soft music, unbutton the garment and eventually summon enough nerve to remove it completely.
?Hand it to Kevin,? Joan told her, leaving Catherine to humiliatingly step forward and hand her blouse to the smirking Kevin. For his part Kevin was openly rubbing his cock through his jeans while his eyes feasted upon Catherine’s large firm breasts, barley concealed by her red satin bra.
?Nice tits Mrs. Dixon, Christ she really is something Joan, let’s see her cunt,? said Kevin , adding to Catherine’s uneasiness and humiliation.
?Be patient Kevin,? replied Joan, ?Okay Catherine, now remove your skirt. You will do so by loosening it sufficiently for you to be able to return your hands to your head and then wriggle your hips until the skirt falls down. You must learn to do this Catherine as it is a mandatory requirement when stripping for a Master, or indeed myself,? said Joan.
Catherine desperately wished that Sean would walk through the door to rescue and reassure her, but assumed his absence must be some kind of obedience test for her. Despite the resentment she felt toward the smirking Kevin, and the fact she had never in her adult life stripped off before another woman, let alone a spotty horrible youth such as Kevin only added to Catherine’s discomfiture. None the less she slowly unzipped her short skirt before replacing her hands upon her head.
Chapter eleven:
With the soft piped music in the background and swaying her hips from side to side, Catherine Dixon was performing her first ever strip to music.
Deliberately ignoring Kevin and keeping eyes upon the suspended woman in the centre of the room Catherine’s swaying hips eventually allowed her skirt to fall into a pool of material around her feet, revealing to Joan, Kevin and of course the two men watching from Tony’s office plus her son Dan, her tiny pink thong barely concealing her now throbbing pubic mound, her matching garter belt and black seamed stockings that served only to enhance the shapeliness of her long legs.
?Pick up your skirt Catherine and hand it to Kevin,? said Joan after a long pause , ensuring Catherine had to repeat the embarrassing process of handing her clothing to the horrible youth who continued to rub his crotch even as he took Catherine’s skirt from her hand. But somehow Catherine managed to feel a sense of pride at hearing Kevin’s soft appreciative whistling as she handed him her skirt before Joan was then telling her to turn her back on them and to reach behind and unclasp her bra and to then hold the cups in her hands before turning back toward them and slowly allow her bra to fall away from her breasts and again hand it to the waiting leering Kevin.
With this being far a far more humiliating task of than that of removing her blouse and shirt Catherine hesitated realising was make or break time for her. But there was no where to hide and no where to run to and the stern look in Joan’s eyes, together with Kevin’s menacing stare booked any argument and so Catherine slowly turned away from them and raising her hands up behind her back she unclasped her Red satin bra before crossing her arms over her large breasts to holding the shoulder straps..
After another short hesitation and in a display of erotica that caused that watching Dan, Sean and even Tony to purr in delight, with her hands cupping her breasts Catherine turned back toward Joan and Kevin, her face a vivid red and whilst trying not to look at Kevin, Catherine concentrated again on the suspended woman and allowed her crossed hands to slip slowly down her large breasts, and with them, her pink satin bra. Catherine’s humiliation increased tenfold when being again told to hand her garment to Kevin but this time the horrible youth held his outstretched hand low to one side, forcing Catherine to bend both forward and down thus ensuring her firm breasts topped with her large pink nipples hung from her body directly in front of the almost drooling Kevin as he eventually held her proffered bra.
?Mmmmm,? Said Joan after Catherine when resumed her hands on head position, this time all but naked. ?You really have looked after that body Catherine, what a fantastic pair of tits and great legs too?. I can see now why your Master decided to take possession of you!?
‘Take Possession of you’ Words which once again enveloped Catherine in a bizarre sense of pride, no woman had ever spoken to her in such terms and, almost without realizing she was doing so, Catherine was replying. ?Thank you Mistress,? as Joan stepped much closer.
?Good girl Catherine.?????..
Chapter twelve
?Well Sean Catherine’s a real cracker for her age and she’s going to be a great addition to my stable of models. Most of my readers love to see a real classy middle aged bitch in bondage and of course there is the matter of the ?personal photo shoots? we hold now and again. A lot of money is made from punters there, especially as she comes free of charge,? said Tony, while both he and Sean studied the beautiful near naked body of Catherine Dixon strung up and hanging from a wide spreader bar.
Sean had assumed Tony would simply use Catherine as a fucktoy but now realised that the ?price to pay? for Tony’s help in the subjugation and training of Catherine was to be in Tony using Catherine as an unpaid bondage model after her training and perhaps even more
Tony had taken Sean ?under his wing during the past few weeks and openly informed Sean of his intention of eventually taking a back seat in the operation. As a result Sean had informed his Mother and Father he may now look to a career in ?publishing.? and now spent a lot of his spare time here in Tony’s office learning more than he ever thought possible about the Sub/Dom, BSDM and S&M scenes and had quickly realized he himself was also being trained, and trained to be much more than a ?Master.?
So Sean cared not one jot about Tony using Catherine as another bondage model for his ?underground? photo shoot magazine and private photo shoots complete the ?special sexual extras? afterward. Indeed these would serve only to accelerate what they had now. Having turned seventeen it had become Sean’s ultimate objective to eventually take over from Tony and have his own ?stable? of slaves. And Mrs. Catherine Dixon together with Joan, both oblivious to Sean’s intentions of course, would be among the first slaves in his stable
While watching an excited Kevin secure a ball gag behind Catherine’s head Sean pondered on how best to use Dan in the future. for despite Dan’s obvious desire and his pleadings to Sean that he be allowed to, in Dan’s words, ‘play’ with his mother, Sean found could not agree to that.
But Sean also thought that from time to time Catherine would need to be reminded of her new position in life and saw no reason why her own son should not administer to his mother the occasional ?chastisement beating? when required. Although, upon reflection it would perhaps, for the time being at least be better for Sean to have Dan’s mother continue to be unaware of her son’s activities. More so perhaps after Dan had provided Sean with a DVD showing both his Mother and Dan’s Aunt Victoria, Catherine’s sister, apparently trying on each other’s clothes in Catherine’s bedroom.
Despite Dan telling Sean his Aunt Victoria at 45 was a bit older than his Mother, she was none the less a real stunner on the DVD Her hair, almost black, was cut short rather than long as with Catherine’s blonde hair, but her face was still young and relativity unlined. Clearly, as was shown on the DVD dressed in a black bra and silk French knickers Victoria still possessed a body to die for with huge firm breasts leading down to full hips below a very trim waistline and equally trim legs.
Sean’s stroke of luck regarding Victoria came when Dan informed him Victoria, whose house was a few miles from his, was recently divorced from her husband. In addition rumour had it that Victoria had had a series of affairs with younger men. Perfect! Sean’s cock twitched at the prospect of having both sisters tied together, facing each other while he whipped them both. He saw no reason why, whilst continuing to train her sister Catherine, he should not develop the strategy for Victoria’s submission in short, Dan’s young malicious mind had devised and thereby provided Sean with a third slave for his ?stable.?
In fact, the DVD had been a bigger bonus for Dan for along with his Mother his Aunt Victoria had long been another subject of his youthful fantasies. It had been the idea of Sean and himself fucking her had that came into his head once again when toying with his Mother’s thong after witnessing her anal rape by Sean.
Dan thought his raven haired aunt ?Vicky? to be every bit as beautiful as his Mother and with the help of the spy cams hidden in his mother’s room he had now discovered just how beautiful when his TV monitors had showed Vicky stripping naked before dressing herself in his Mother’s underwear. So there and then Dan decided he would provide a DVD of Victoria Preston for Sean along with his ideas. Already he had copied the spare set of keys to Victoria’s house kept by his Mother. If Sean were to go along with him then it would mean he Dan, would again be well rewarded, and the reward he sought most, was both his own Mother and his Aunt submitting to him????????????????
Meanwhile, in the ?playroom?, Sean looked on as Joan stepped close to Catherine and the nail of her index finger began tracing a line along the waistband of Catherine’s tiny thong.
?Your thong Catherine, is never removed by yourself, only your ?Masters or Mistress ever removes it.
Catherine gasped audibly, Joan’s index finger was tracing a line around the small triangle of pink satin barely concealing Catherine’s mound and causing little sparks of electricity to run through her body as she was touched for the first time by another woman. That though was nothing compared to the hammering of Catherine’s heartbeat as Joan’s index finger slid beneath the satin triangle to lightly scratch her pubic mound. At any other time Catherine would have feared for her health as her heartbeat wild into overdrive when Joan’s fingertip slid between her soaking wet cunt lips.
?Oh Yes Catherine, you certainly are ready for your training!?
Joan nodded to Kevin who then moved across to the suspended ?secretary? and Catherine looked on in amazement while Kevin unclipped the hooks clipping her wrist cuffs to the bolts set into the carpet. Then he was pulling a padded leather bench under the woman’s body, simultaneously lifting her body while pulling the bench under her. This effort left the upper half of the ?secretary’s? body lying upon the bench and so engrossed was Catherine, she barely noticed the matching wrist cuffs Joan now attached to her own wrists as she watched Kevin walk across to the wall where, using a large winch, he lowered the spreader bar secured to her ankle cuffs until the ?secretary’s? legs were about horizontal.
Although now aware of Joan clipping the leather cuffs together behind her back Catherine was too engrossed in watching Kevin unclip each of the woman’s ankle cuffs from the wide metal spreader bar before gently lowering each leg in turn until the ?secretary? was simply lying upon the padded leather bench.
When though Joan knelt before her and placed leather anklet’s on her legs, Catherine most certainly did worry a little but after completing her task and still kneeling before Catherine,
Joan then eased aside the tiny triangle of satin covering Catherine’s mound before sliding her tongue between Catherine’s very wet cunt lips to find her little button of pleasure and where Catherine had previously found even the very thought of another woman doing such a thing to her totally repulsive, the actuality was the most erotic and incredible of sensations. As Joan flicked her knowing tongue over her throbbing bud it made her body shudder in pure ecstasy, but all too soon it was over and Joan was once more standing before Catherine, leaving her shocked to the core when telling her. ?You taste good Catherine, but that was just to give you an idea of what you will be doing for your Mistress shortly!?
After assisting the ?secretary? to rise to her feet Kevin removed her ball gag before giving her a meaty slap on each buttock. It was then that Kevin, ball gag in hand, turned toward Catherine, who herself was dismayed to see Joan following the naked ?secretary? from the ?playroom.?
Made helpless by having her wrists cuffed behind her back, Catherine could do nothing to prevent Kevin from standing far too close behind her and placing the still wet ball gag between her own lips. Then to Catherine’s alarm his hands dropped to her breasts and began tweaking her nipples.
?Well, well, well, your nipples are getting hard, you thought you’d seen the last of me didn’t you, you snooty bitch,? whispered Kevin. Feeling his hot breath in Catherine’s ear caused her to shudder in wide eyed fear and abhorrence. ?Well, Mrs. Snooty Knickers you’ve already had my come juice on your hands but next time though you’ll be drinking it from my cock in your mouth!?
All Catherine could do was shake her head and mumble denials into her gag as Kevin, Still tweaking her nipples and watched now in the office by Joan as well as the two men marched Catherine the short distance across the room to a slightly suspended large metal cage. Producing a padlock key, Kevin, unlocked the hinged iron door, which in reality formed one complete side of a cage whose dimensions were around 3x3 feet and some 7 feet high.
?This is where you go now, snooty knickers,? Kevin told Catherine, none to gently pushing her inside. ?And mind you place your feet onto the bars on the floor.? Looking down while being guided into the cage, Catherine could see the ?floor? was in fact just another series of bars and was careful to place her feet over them.
Worse was to for follow, for Catherine as Kevin unclipped her wrist cuffs, lifting each of her arms before re-clipping the wrist cuffs to metal rings welded near the top bars of her cage. This arrangement left Catherine almost hanging on tiptoe inside the cage.
Finally, kneeling, Kevin pulling each of Catherine’s legs apart, clipped each anklet to corresponding rings set into the floor of the cage. The effect was to leave Catherine, already almost naked, completely vulnerable and really having to stand on her toes to ease the pressure on her arms.
Stepping back, Kevin, surveying his handiwork, was delighted to see the look of pure alarm upon Catherine’s beautiful face. Although he had specifically been told not to, Kevin, knowing his back was to the camera, and therefore shielding him, was unable to resist putting his hand into the cage and inside Catherine’s tiny thong, his fingers slipping between the horrified woman’s cunt lips, masturbating her.
Venomously, Kevin, almost spitting the words, told Catherine. ?You tell anybody about our little game and I’ll come round to your house, beat the fucking shit out of you and then fuck that posh ass!, you understand me Mrs. Oh so posh fucking cunt lips!??
The terrified Catherine, grimacing against Kevin’s unwanted and painful invasion of her most intimate of areas, furiously nodded her head in agreement with him. She would not, she knew, even tell Sean. Catherine had no desire whatsoever to get on the wrong side of this horrible spotty, dirty brute of a boy, and would be more than happy to remain silent. Not realizing that by her very silence, Catherine was merely leaving herself open to certain further abuses by the hideous Kevin. As Kevin held no fondness whatsoever for Sean, regarding him an upstart who had taken, what Kevin’s saw to be his own rightful place in the hierarchy of the more underground, of Tony’s operations. Eventually Kevin withdrew his dirty fingers from within the terrified Catherine’s cunt. ?You enjoyed that didn’t you Mrs. Oh so fucking posh Dixon, you love me fucking you with my fingers don’t you??
Frightened to the extreme by Kevin, Catherine, grunting into her gag, humiliatingly nodded her head vigorously in agreement with him.
Seemingly satisfied, Kevin strode across the room to an electrical control panel. There he stood, glaring longingly at the near naked mature beauty in the cage until the playroom door swung open.
Astonishingly, Catherine realized she had met him only twice, and on each occasion had been abused by him, but when Sean strode through the door, Catherine, after her abuse from Kevin, had never in her life been so pleased to see anybody! Her eyes pleading with her young Master, Catherine wanted nothing more than for him to hold her, reassure her and be with her. Behind Sean, Tony purposefully entered the playroom and Catherine’s eyes were drawn toward his large powerful, middle aged frame.
Briefly Tony’s eyes met hers before Catherine quickly lowered her gaze, partly in remembrance of Joan’s instruction but more because of her immediate feeling of deference toward this man. She could feel the intimidation radiating from his cold grey eyes as he gazed toward her, before nodding briefly toward Kevin.
By the switch panel Kevin pressed a couple of buttons, a motor began to whir and suddenly the cage, to Catherine’s amazement, the floor she was now looking at was left behind and her cage being slowly lifted by a motorized cables. Up and up went Catherine until the metal cage, it’s floor now almost 5 feet above the carpet stopped just beneath a strong wooden beam.
Shortly after a shudder of metal, rocking the cage from side to side, the cage was moving again. This time it moved sideways, along the beam to the very spot where the secretary had been suspended earlier. Now from her surreptitious gaze Catherine could see, Tony and Sean were standing, with Joan respectfully a few feet behind them.
And as the cage continued it’s slow but inevitable journey, Catherine realized she was actually being ?delivered? to them. She was the ?Bird in a gilded cage? if you will. At least she was an almost naked mature mother of two facing her inevitable journey of total capitulation toward both these men.
Finally the motor stopped whirring; the cage shuddered to a stop and, eyes averted, Mrs. Catherine Dixon, standing, bound and gagged in her cage, awaited with heart hammering anticipation. She would soon discover what her young Master, Sean and the man she would soon learn to call ?Master Tony? had planned for her. Abruptly the motor whirred into life once again, the cage and it’s beautiful content lowered until it’s base was again, only inches above the carpet. Catherine was well aware of the ?Master Tony’s scrutiny of her body. In fear she made sure her eyes were glued to her shoes as she finally heard the deep authorise voice of Tony.
?Well Sean, you’ve chosen well, she’s a real cracker, in great shape for her age, great breasts and perfect nipples, good legs too, has she been shaved yet??
Catherine could scarcely believe her ears, this man was talking about her as if she were a, a, oh God,!
?No Tony, not yet,? replied Sean, ?I thought you may wish to inspect her first.?
Already looking down, Catherine watched with almost detached fascination as Tony slipped a large hand between the bars of her cage, gripped her tiny red thong and, seemingly without effort, ripped the triangle of satin from her body. With this motion he was removing Catherine’s last vestige of modesty, his fingers soon stroking the soft blonde downy hair covering Catherine’s pubic mound and leaving her emotions in tatters.
So wrong, yet so good. So immoral, yet so exciting. So absolutely humiliating, yet so inevitably thrilling, were Catherine’s jumbled thoughts.
?Nice cunt hair but it has to go, a good slave should be clean shaven Sean. See to it Joan. What about marking her Sean??
Now it was Sean’s hand sliding between the bars of Catherine’s cage, and just as she had on the previous occasions her pulse thumped even harder in her rib cage when his fingers gently stroked, pulled and squeezed both nipples.
?I thought one nipple ring to begin with Tony and then add another after she has been fully trained, maybe even a cunt ring if we feel she deserves one?
Sean’s words struck her like a thunderbolt ?nipple ring?..cunt ring!? Oh my lord! He surely can’t be serious. Catherine wanted to tell Sean there was no way she would have her nipple or labia pierced, how on earth could she, She was a middle aged Mother for goodness sake, with a husband at home...sometimes! but Catherine dared not even raise her eyes to Sean or Tony, let alone attempt denial through her gag.
?What about her husband Sean, what will he say?? Ask Tony.
?The slave can make noises about a mid life crisis, wanting to rebel, that sort of thing. She can tell him she’s searching for her youth again. I will also limit his access to her, allow him to fuck her just now and again, never in her ass though Tony, that’s mine alone.
Here Tony smiled for the first time.? Well, Sean she’s certainly found her youth but I bet she never expected it to be in your clutches at this point in her life though! It’s time I had a chat with her though, would you mind Sean, after all she is your property, but we have our agreement to consider.?
?Be my guest Tony.?, replied Sean with a beaming smile
Everything regarding the future of Mrs. Catherine Dixon had already been agreed between Tony and Sean and all this was pure theatre laid on for her benefit and the shocked and apprehensive, yet strangely energised Catherine who could hardly believe what she was hearing took it all in of course about the piercing, her body, her future, all of it discussed by a total stranger and the young man she had been forced to regard as being her ‘owner’. And for the life of her Catherine couldn’t understand why instead of anger she felt a certain pride and instead of humiliation and terror her feelings were of sexual excitement and anticipation.
?Look at me,? said Tony, an apprehensive Catherine looked up at Tony, but was soon fighting the immediate impulse to look away from his cold grey eyes. Eyes that seemed to look right though hers and onto into her very soul.
Tony slid a hand between the bars again. Cupping Catherine’s chin in strong fingers, he told her, ?You really are a beautiful woman Catherine, for a woman your age your body is perfect in every way. Your Master has done well to find you Catherine. You are now his property. While you are here Catherine, you will be taught many things, some you will enjoy, others you may not, but you no longer have any say in your future, that is for your Master to decide, do you understand Catherine??
Catherine heard Tony’s words in a daze of apprehension; once again she was being told she was now effectively ?owned? by Sean. How could this be, he was so young, she was a married woman more than twice his age. So mesmerized and subjugated was Catherine by Tony’s cold grey eyes, she would have agreed with anything Tony demanded of her. Such was the combination of fear and respect she
felt for both Tony, and of course, her ?owner? Sean. So, when Tony released Catherine’s chin, she simply nodded her head toward him, keeping her fearful eyes glued to his.
?That’s a good girl Catherine,? continued Tony, ?If you disobey or displease your Master’s while you are here Catherine, I shall punish you myself and whip you until you beg for mercy, understood??
Once again Catherine nodded her understanding. Where, perhaps only minutes ago, part of Catherine still thought of this as a very wicked but enjoyable game she herself could end at any time. However, on hearing Tony’s words Catherine now knew otherwise. She was spiralling downward, in ever decreasing circles. She was spiralling into a web of depravity spun around her by Sean and Tony. A web Catherine had neither the will power, nor, in truth, desire to break free from.
Tony nodded to Sean, and then turned toward Joan. ?Shave her; then give her training in the art of sucking cock properly. She can experiment on yourself and Kevin. Then give her some obedience training. When she’s ready give her one of the small gold nipple rings then bring her before me when you think she’s ready Joan.
Both Joan and of course Kevin were more than happy to carry out Tony’s instructions but In her cage Catherine, was dismayed to see both Sean and Tony abruptly turn from her and stride out of the playroom. She could also see the spotty evil face of Kevin looking at her with a viciously cruel smile.
Arriving home to see his mother’s car parked on the driveway, Dan slipped into the house and after removing his shoes then made his way noiselessly upstairs to his room where he quickly set about switching on his TV monitors.
There, in her bedroom his mother having already stripped from her blouse and bra was removing her black skirt and soon minus her shredded thong Catherine stood almost naked, before her mirror and bought one hand up to her right breast and through the monitor and with his cock rock hard yet again Dan looked on in fascination as his Mother toyed with the small gold nipple ring that had earlier been slid into her freshly pierced nipple as he recalled the earlier events in the ?Bookshop?.
Breathlessly, Dan had watched as Kevin, his hands managing to explore just every part of his Mother’s body, release his Mother from the cage before Joan then directed Kevin to attach Catherine, by the leather cuffs she still wore, to a waist high leather padded trolley. The end of the trolley was hinged up at a 45 degree angle and was propping up Catherine’s head and shoulders, thus allowing her to clearly view what to come next before Kevin then lowered a wide metal spreader bar and
Clipped Catherine’s anklet’s to its ends. Finally the spreader bar was raised via a winch until Catherine’s legs were held, spread wide apart, just above her horizontal body on the trolley.
Under the gaze of the leering Kevin, Joan began washing and foaming Catherine’s naked pubis, the height of Catherine’s suspended legs, allowing her to soap and foam the area around the hugely embarrassed Catherine’s anus?.
From the office a fascinated Dan looked on in as his Mother’s pubis was carefully shaved by Joan. He noted with amusement every change of expression upon his Mother’s face and could clearly see not only her obvious embarrassment at another woman touching her most intimate of areas but also his Mother’s expression of pure pleasure as Joan combined her shaving skills with delicate explorations of both Catherine’s orifices. Eventually Joan completed her task and after drying Catherine’s pubic area and anus with soft fluffy towels began stroking her now baby smooth pubic mound and much to Catherine’s consternation even allowed Kevin to do the same before finally rubbing a soothing cream into the shaven area.
The, after having been cuffed and caged once more Joan’s next step was to show a surprised and somewhat jealous Catherine a DVD of herself sucking Sean’s rampant cock. On the DVD Joan was using all her undoubted skills when sucking, licking and lightly biting every part of his cock, balls, thighs and of course his anus. ?Watch and learn carefully Catherine. You will do exactly the same as I am doing only you must do it to Kevin. If I think you have not learned or remembered every trick you see me performing on Sean, you will do it over and over again with Kevin’s cock and anus!?
Catherine was of course appalled at the thought of sucking the horrible brute’s cock at all and in fear of having to repeat her odious task vowed she would remember all that Joan told her and all her actions on the film.
Unfortunately for Dan the TV monitor did not reach the DVD screen and was unable to see Joan in action on Sean but after a frustratingly long wait he eventual saw Joan remove his Mother’s gag and watched her crawl on hands and knees to where Kevin, smiling evilly, now stood looking up to his eyes as instructed Catherine asked him if she may be allowed to suck his cock.
Kevin of course was only too delighted to allow Catherine to do so but Kevin was a street boy and instantly recognized the fear in Catherine’s eyes. As soon as her soft lips took his throbbing cock Kevin decided that Sean would very soon be sharing the gorgeous Mrs. Dixon with him, that This would not be the last time this posh bitch sucked him off. In fact the next time he saw her he fully intended to take his leather belt to Mrs. Oh so posh Catherine Dixon and beat her until she begged him to fuck her in the ass!
So once again Dan was watching his own Mother sucking the cock of another boy not much older than himself and his frustration grew as Catherine, mindful of Joan’s implied threat, remembered to replicate every act of Joan’s performance upon Sean, even to the extent of pushing her tongue deep into his not particularly clean anus. Despite the fact that she was nauseated by the taste and smell of Kevin’s hole she kept her tongue in there, as Joan had demanded, for a good two minutes, thinking all the while she must surely be about to vomit all over him.
Mercifully though for Catherine, Kevin was far too excited by this attention to last too long. And pulling on his own cock Dan could only look on in increasing frustration when Catherine had drawn back a couple inches from Kevin’s jerking pulsating cock Kevin emptied his balls into his Mother’s wide open mouth,. Finally, when he was spent, Catherine took him into her mouth once again, sucking him clean before pulling back and pushing back the foreskin of Kevin’s deflating cock before Catherine licked all over the purple head until no trace of his juices remained. As she did this Dan came himself, spurting hot come juices into a waiting handkerchief.
Mercifully for Catherine Joan was satisfied with her performance upon Kevin and much to the youth’s disgust was even telling her she could rest assured that her Master’s anus tasted far better than Kevin’s,. However, remembering his earlier decision when the bitch had taken his cock in her mouth he just smiled evilly and looked across to Catherine who upon seeing Kevin’s eyes, felt a cold chill run through her, as if his eyes conveyed to the fearful Catherine those very same thoughts.
Upstairs though Dan was completely unaware of this byplay and was soon watching his Mother’s wrist and ankle cuffs strapped by Kevin onto an X shaped wooden frame bondage cross. The effect was to leave Dan’s Mother naked and vulnerable to whatever Joan had in mind and It was not long coming when, after taking from a hook on the wall a leather ?cat o’ nine tails? Joan showed it to the gagged Catherine, asking her if she had ever been whipped by one.
Catherine shook her head furiously, she had not, and if she were able would tell Joan she had no desire to whipped by one now...until of course she remembered Tony’s last words to her about ?obedience training.? In fact, in the hands of a woman, who knows just where it hurts most, the ?Cat? can be a most fearsome weapon. Conversely a woman would also know just where it can excite and inflame her desire. So Catherine was treated to a mixture of both pain and excitement. With alternate light and then heavy strokes of the ?Cat? upon her body Joan worked her over like the expert she was. Catherine grimacing and sighing as her thighs, breasts, stomach and pubic area all received Joan’s attention. Finally, Joan was slowly and softly alternating between Catherine’s nipples and cunt lips, almost caressing each area with the soft leather tails.
Dan looked on in amazement as his Mother, throwing back her head, began sighing and gasping at the sheer pleasure Joan was creating within her. Then finally, after judging the time was just right, Joan administered the ?coupe de grace? by casting the whip aside and inserting four of her small fingers deep inside Catherine’s wet and welcoming cunt. Then Joan was pulling the gag from Catherine’s mouth and placing her lips onto hers. Indeed, Catherine’s response was immediate, not only did
she respond by pushing her tongue deep into Joan’s mouth, but was soon, also shuddering in ecstasy toward the huge climax Joan’s knowing fingers were creating inside her cunt. Soon Catherine experienced for the first time another woman bringing her to orgasm as she thrashed about as best she could on the bondage cross.
When it was over Joan was whispering into Catherine’s ear. ?Now show me your obedience, show me what you have learned today Catherine.? before stepping away from the bondage cross. Then Joan removed her own dress, leaving her naked save for a black leather garter belt and matching stockings and then she nodded toward Kevin to release Catherine.
Kevin was always delighted to see the ?real? Joan. She had a great body under those drab clothes and he would have gladly fucked both women there and then but Kevin knew full well that Joan was Tony’s personal property. Having been informed by Tony, when taken on, that if he were to as much touch Joan without his permission then Tony would give Kevin the hiding of a lifetime. And having seen the powerful Tony doing just that to another lad Kevin had no wish to experience it for himself and so he simply released Catherine from the bondage cross before on Joan’s instructions, he strolled out of the ?playroom?, shutting the door behind him.
Standing with her back to the wooden cross Catherine gazed in awe at Joan, stunned at how the seemingly ?mousy? woman in the bookshop was now transformed into a stunning near naked middle aged beauty standing expectantly with hands on hip, before her. To Catherine, at that moment Joan was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen with her slim stocking clad legs leading up to strong but slim thighs a flat stomach and firm medium size breasts with huge nipples. Even more stunning For Catherine was the sight of a gold ring on each of those large nipples together with a tattoo with the legend? Tony’s slave? on her pubic mound. Suddenly, despite Sean’s ownership of her, Catharine felt a bizarre sense of envy toward Joan and of her position as Tony’s own slave. Then, with her son Dan watching intently through the monitors, Catherine sunk to her knees and crawled across the floor until she knelt directly before Joan.
Staring in awe at the woman who had just given her so much pleasure Catherine suddenly found the right thing to say. ?Please Mistress, may this trainee slave be allowed to worship your body?? Pleased with Catherine and pleased that her Master Tony would be happy with herself Joan gently stroked Catherine’s blonde tresses and told her that indeed she may indeed do just that.
For Catherine, who then placed both hands behind Joan and onto the back of her thighs, this entirely new experience really was a challenge. Should she perform in the same way as she had with the vile Kevin, albeit with a different target? Would Joan be angry if she probed her tongue inside her anus? Catherine decided to follow her instincts and pulling herself forward via Joan’s thighs began to lovingly caress Joan’s inner thighs with her tongue a in slow circular motion before frustratingly for her now very excited Mistress Slowly moving upward until teasing the very edge of Joan’s cunt lips before. Catherine then began the whole process over again until finally her hot probing tongue slid between her Mistresses now very wet cunt lips.
,Agonizingly for Joan, the tongue was then gone and Catherine was easing and twisting her body until she was under Joan’s parted legs and facing her Mistress’s buttocks before her hands were spreading those bum cheeks apart. Catherine was in seventh heaven as her tongue then probed the entrance of her Mistress’s anus. Unlike Kevin’s, it tasted so good and as whole new world of pleasure opened up before her Catherine took full advantage by probing and pressing her greedy tongue deep into her Mistress’s receptive anus whilst, still managing to hold her buttocks apart, fingering Joan’s throbbing cunt lips.
?Keep it there,? gasped Joan, who with Catherine’s tongue probing deeper into her anus than she herself had ever experienced was by now in the throes of a real ?anal orgasm.? Catherine was, she decided, a real find and looked forward to much more of this!
What Dan was unable to witness was his naked Mother later being led out of the playroom by Joan and downstairs to Tony’s large office, occupied now only by Sean sat comfortably in a large leather lounge chair.
After having been led inside the office by her collar and lead and upon seeing Sean for only the second time that day, Catherine was excited. After the thrill of ?worshiping? Mistress Joan and the degradation of having to ?service? the dreadful Kevin She wanted nothing more than to throw herself into the arms of the young man she now willingly regarded to be her Master and ?owner.? Just in time though Catherine remembered the training she had been given by Joan earlier. Lowering herself until kneeling upon spread knees, Catherine placed her hands behind her head, looking downward.
Sean was quietly ecstatic. Catherine Dixon really did seem to be the ?natural.? Tony had told him she was after watching the DVD of the first ?sessions? with Sean.
?Your slave awaits you Master Sean,? said Joan, while still holding Catherine’s lead.
?Come and sit on my lap, Catherine? said Sean.
Only too happy with the idea, Catherine crawled across toward her Master. Then lifting her easily in his strong young arms, placed Catherine’s bottom upon one knee and began toying with her still rock hard nipples with fingers of one hand. At the same time he was showing Catherine the delicate little Gold nipple ring he had chosen for her with the other.
?This is to symbolize my ownership of you Catherine.?
With her pulse quickening Catherine had totally forgotten the earlier conversation between Tony and Sean about her ?nipple ring.?, now upon seeing the very item Sean intended to have placed in her nipple, her earlier feelings of how unfeasible this would be for her came flooding back. Turning her head toward Sean, Catherine began, ?But...Master, it...oh dear, how could I possibly have that done to me??
Just then the office door was opening and through it strode a tall well built man carrying what seemed to be doctors Gladstone bag. A man, who’s most distinguishing feature, was the abundance of rings on his nose, ears and lips. Catherine stared open mouthed at the newcomer.
?This, Catherine, is the ?Ringmaster.? He is going to pierce your nipple and insert your new ring, how and if you display it to your family is your own problem? added Sean to the incredulous Catherine.
So much had happened to Catherine in the last few weeks, even more so in the last few hours, but now she faces perhaps her hardest decision yet. She could, she knew, gather up her clothes, if she could find then, and walk out of this office. She also knew that it would probably be for the first and last time. Sean, her Master, her owner, would not, Catherine thought, attempt to stop her. Still her worry was she may either lose her adorned young Master altogether or be punished forcefully, maybe by the horrible young brute Kevin until she accepted the inevitable.
?Will it hurt Master?? was Catherine’s eventual response.
?No Catherine, besides, I have a way of helping you over it,? he replied. Sean then lifted Catherine from his knee and, to her surprise and huge pleasure, gently lowered the mature blonde beauty onto the huge erect cock he had just removed from his trousers. Then sighing with pleasure, Catherine felt Sean’s massive cock burying itself deeper and deeper inside her until it seemed to devour her completely.
Gone were the indignities suffered at the hands and cock, of Kevin. Catherine was now content just to sit there with her Master’s cock deep within her and watch the ?Ringmaster’s? fingers take her right nipple and gently coax it to erection. Not at all a difficult task considering the position Catherine was already in as Sean’s cock
seemed to be growing ever larger within her. Next he was spraying Catherine’s nipple with a local anaesthetics, afterward pinching Catherine’s nipple, asking her if she could feel pain.
When a relieved Catherine, fighting a growing orgasm, replied she could not. Catherine then looked on, almost in detachment, as the ?Ringmaster?, holding a cork against her nipple with one hand, slowly pushed a large needle taken from a sterile packing, painlessly through the nipple until it slid into the cork.
There, in the attentive Catherine’s nipple, the needle remained while the ?Ringmaster? took the little gold ball from Sean’s selected ring before dipping both ring and ball into a sterile solution. This for Catherine was a surreal, almost out of body experience. A never imagined or dreamed of scenario of being gently fucked by her Master’s enormous cock while watching a complete stranger holding her nipple. Then him withdrawing from it the large needle he had inserted. Almost immediately this was followed by his skilfully inserting of the small gold ring into the hole they had left in her nipple. With amazing dexterity for such a large man, the ?Ringmaster? clipped the tiny gold ball back onto the ring to complete its circle of gold. Then after dabbing Catherine’s newly pierced, slightly blooded nipple with a swab the ?Ringmaster? applied an antiseptic spray to the Catherine’s nipple.
Now sitting at home before her bedroom mirror whilst Dan continued his ?spy cam? monitoring of her Catherine held her right breast and closely examined it’s new adornment. The tiny gold ring, she decided, really did suit her large nipple. Somehow, despite the soreness she now felt it seemed so ?right? to have her Master’s mark of ownership of her in this way.
Catherine felt a shiver of pleasure run through when recalling how her Master had exploded inside her just minutes after the ?Ringmaster? had completed his task. She continued to be amazed at how she had felt so wilfully erotic in the office, not feeling the slightest embarrassment as, with both the Ringmaster and Joan looking on, she had cried out in pleasure whilst Sean bounced her up and down upon his enormous erection.
The only downside for Catherine was the ?Ringmaster? telling her not only that she must spray her nipple three times daily with the antiseptic and to sleep wearing a bra to give her nipple ring time to adjust to her nipple, ?playing? as he had called it, must be curtailed for a least two weeks. It would prove be a very long and frustrating two weeks for the recently sexual energised Catherine Dixon but two weeks which Sean Brady intended to put to very good use indeed!
End of Part Two
Only at the weekend, with her husband finally at home, would Catherine find some rest-bite from from constant thoughts of ‘her new young master’ as she cleaned, cooked and generally tried her best to recreate her previous family bonding. Even so, over those couple of days, Catherine could still think of very little other Sean’s treatment of her on that Wednesday afternoon. With her every such thought recalling over and again how he had quite simply conquered her body and mind and so yet...
Chapter 8 Kate and Catherine Girl on Girl My devious plan for Kate and Catherine was finally coming together ! The young black men had been well satisfied earlier at my wife Kate's expense, and I had made sure she was wearing only the charcoal panties as I had made her remove everything else and give the pink and gray outfit to these men as souvenirs before we left! I marched her out of the motel room down the stairs with several black men watching and into the parking lot...
After our trip to see Bertie (Henry VII), Agnes and I took a break. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that we had limits on our sexual escapades, but we probably didn’t have Bertie’s zeal for sex twenty-four hours a day. That man’s sexual appetites were inexhaustible.Agnes and I regained our happy domesticity and spent blissful days in each other’s company. I spent some time at my computer doing research for our next trip while Agnes continued her studies of the Grimoire. She hoped someday to be...
HistoricalCatherine wasn’t drunk, but she wasn’t particularly sober either, just ... happy ... Somehow, she had left the party with Jerry, Peter, Leon and Trig. They were all a year older than her, but it was a fairly small school, and they-the pupils-all knew each other. They had all been at a mutual friend’s birthday party and had raided the parents drinks cabinet when no-one had been watching. It had been a thrill, more exciting than the birthday games organised by the parents. The more drunken they...
36-year-old Catherine Bell, beautiful co-star of the popular TV series J.A.G. was flat on her back in her bed, legs spread wide, and heels hooked behind her husband Adam Beson's ass as he pumped his hard cock in her tight wet pussy, he was propped on his arms over her watching her beautiful face flushed with desire as she built towards her climax, they both shone with a sheen of sweat from the sexual exertions they had already been though. Slorp, slap, slursh, his shiny cock going in and out...
“Good morning mother, how did things go with your visitor yesterday, I’m sorry I didn’t get home before she left although Annie Day seemed to be a nice enough lady when I met her at Auntie Vicky’s after my football practice” Dan Dixon enquired of his all but naked mother when taking a seat across the breakfast table from his Mother Catherine. Sore and aching from the brutal sexual assault she’d suffered the previous afternoon at the hands of the very woman her son Dan was now almost...
Introduction: Catherines Excellent Adventure Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 6 Catherines excellent adventure Catherine wanted to leave the parking lot right now, worried that her boss might see her with these two black men!. Her boss was an older successful business man of some sort of mixed ethnic South African race. But to look at him you would never know it. He was rumored to have made a small fortune and had been involved in the illicit diamond an ivory trade of the black...
The phone was ringing and Catherine walked into the kitchen to answer it. "Hello," she said."Hi Catherine, its Jane from next door," Jane was talking a mile a minute as usual. "I just spoke to the man at the glass shop and they will be out on Monday to fix your door, sorry they couldn't do it any sooner, but they are booked today and don't work weekends, and the bill will come right to me so you don't have to worry about anything. Again I am so sorry about all of this."Yesterday afternoon...
Chapter 6 Catherine's excellent adventure Catherine wanted to leave the parking lot right now, worried that her boss might see her with these two black men!. Her boss was an older successful business man of some sort of mixed ethnic South African race. But to look at him you would never know it. He was rumored to have made a small fortune and had been involved in the illicit diamond an ivory trade of the black market in South Africa and had immigrated to this country as a young...
After the incredible shock of receiving those disgusting photos, Victoria Preston was check the post every morning, certain she would find another large brown envelope awaiting her. With the 8 x 4 photos Having been sent to her with not the slightest explanation as to why, Victoria’s uncertainty and anxiety increased tenfold as the days went by still without discovering how someone managed to take those disgusting photos, now securely hidden in her bedroom, the scene of her defilement. So...
Even with men, Lucius always sensed a frisson when the prisoner was stripped for the lash. That was the moment at which their vulnerability was revealed, when their defences were removed and they were left defenceless. With a woman, of course, there was something overtly sexual about it, and on the rare occasions it was a young, attractive woman, the courtyard behind the fort would be packed. But this was something else. Catherine was beautiful and rich and a noble. She was fearsomely...
“You don’t think you went a little over the top with Mum do you Trevor? Asked Claire Taylor of her boyfriend when cuddling up to him in bed that night, after having stood by watching Trevor not only beating her Mother until Karen Taylor was genuinely begging for mercy, but afterward sexually using and humiliating her in a display of almost sadistic sexual domination Claire Taylor had not previously thought Trevor to be capable of. Not that Claire had been overly concerned over the suffering...
Later that week: Having followed Tony’s advice, Sean had told Kevin Smith that after he left her house he was to keep track of Victoria Prestons every movement in and out of her house over the next three days and to follow her if necessary before reporting back to Sean and Tony. An idea which very much appealed to Kevin’s innate sense of perversion and although told by Sean to remain in in his battered old car some distance away from Vicky’s house, unaware he was in fact going to observe...
The two weeks spent without hearing from her young ‘Master’ Sean Brady seemed to last an eternity to Catherine Dixon, for having been administered by an expert, Catherine’s piercing had gone well and the slight soreness in her nipple had disappeared after only a few days. So To her pleasant surprise, m Catherine was soon proudly moving the small gold ring around her healed nipple with ease, astonished at just how much more sensitive her nipple had now become. Indeed it appeared to Catherine...
I met Catherine when I was 16 and she was 14. She had a high school crush on me, a shy, skinny boy who she had seen playing basketball in her neighborhood park. We were introduced by a mutual friend, and spent a few hours that first day just talking on the swings, until her mother called her in for dinner. Catherine was a beautiful girl, with deep brown eyes, dark brown hair, and an hourglass figure even at her tender age. Though we dated for a few months, we never went farther than kissing...
Straight SexCatherine peed and went in her room calling her sister back. Telling her she was so sorry she had missed her calls as she had left her phone on the charger and been outside. She felt so guilty when Kate asked her how her son was and that he had not returned her calls either. Her mine was racing telling her older sister that her son was already asleep. Her and Kate talked about thirty minutes and Cat was feeling so ashamed oh herself for sucking her nephew's big cock. Her sister's son, she had...
The argument between the student and his teacher was certainly enough to severely annoy the teacher, as had the insults he’d thrown in her direction, accusing her of being nothing but an old slut in need of a good fuck, so much so, that the slap to the face the teacher had then given her student had been enough to send the previously rowdy classroom into a stunned silence. A silence which led to the teacher diverting her attention away from the stunned student she’d just slapped and toward...
Catherine Dixon stood staring nervously across the large inlaid leather desk toward the big powerfully built man sitting in a huge leather swivel chair to her side, holding Catherine’s leash, stood Joan, wearing a leather skirt and jacket, waiting for her charge to speak. “Master Tony,”began Catherine eventually, It ... It is my desire to ... to demonstrate to you that I, Catherine Dixon ... fully understand I am now a trained sex slave, ready to serve my Master and owner, Sean without...
Catherine was a guest lecturer at a small, southern, community college. She had been in town for just under three weeks. Her lecture on that fateful day had lasted a little longer than usual. On top of that, her students had asked many more questions than they normally would have. By the time she left the classroom it was getting late. She hoped she hadn’t missed her ride. To add insult to injury, Catherine’s friend, Sandy, who usually picked her up, had failed to arrive that evening. It was...
Love StoriesCatherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...
Catherine was terrified. She’d been on her regular morning run when a city maintenance van blocked part of the street and most of the running path ahead of her. Catherine swung to the right, intending to run past. Too late, she saw the open door on the side of the van and the two men in stocking masks. One of them jumped in front of her and pinned her arms while the second man slapped a cloth over her face. Within seconds, she was unconscious. Now, Catherine was in a chair with her eyes...
catherine&rick by samandrewsCatherine could hear the shower running just as she threw on her robe. It was 8:25. Bob must have slept in as he was usually out of the house by 8:00. She quickly remembered that Bob and his buddy Rick had been out last night for a few beers at the game and she had been asleep when he came home so it must have been late. She could hear movements in the shower and as she did she got a naughty gleam in her eye. She went over to her lingerie chest and picked out a...
Catherine was a guest lecturer at a small, southern, community college. She had been in town for just under three weeks. Her lecture that day had lasted a little longer than usual. Then, the students had many more questions than they normally did. Now, it, was getting late. She hoped she hadn’t missed her ride. To add insult to injury, Catherine’s friend, Sandy, who usually picked her up, had failed to arrive that evening. It was Sandy who had arranged for the guest lecturing position at the...
catherine&rick by samandrews Catherine could hear the shower running just as she threw on her robe. It was 8:25. Bob must have slept in as he was usually out of the house by 8:00. She quickly remembered that Bob and his buddy Rick had been out last night for a few beers at the game and she had been asl**p when he came home so it must have been late. She could hear movements in the shower and as she did she got a naughty gleam in her eye. She went over to her lingerie chest and picked out a...
Victoria Preston Aware her ‘work schedule’ meant his Aunt Vicky had a free day, although by now quite used to her nephew Dan coming and going as he wished, Victoria Preston was none the less surprised and alarmed to see to see her nephew Dan confidently striding into her bedroom the morning after his Mother had ‘entertained’ Annie Day. In fact fresh from being on the receiving end of a great blow job from his Mother Catherine, Dan was carrying out the request of Annie Day that he check up...
Slowly opening her tired eyes In the darkness of her lounge when surfacing from a deep sleep, the first thing Victoria Preston became aware of was the dreadful pounding behind her eyes accompanying the worst headache she could recall in years. After managing to reach out and switch in the table lamp side the sofa and then Looking at her watch Vicky was amazed to see the time was 2am. “Oh my god ... I feel like shit ... what’s happened?” she asked herself when after realising she wasn’t...
Having had sex on three consecutive days, Emily and Adam did not have any sexual contact in the next two although there was a little bit of mild flirting when they were in the car together.Emily had telephoned her friend Catherine Phillipson to tell her about the wonderful sex she was getting from her twenty-two-year-old chauffeur and to suggest that Catherine might like to join her and Adam for an afternoon of sexual adventures. Catherine, like Emily, was equally happy having sex with males or...
ThreesomesApologies to regular readers for the delay. ... Although quite naturally missing her young baby child Peter, Catherine Dixon was at least content in the knowledge her son was by now in the strong caring hands of the otherwise fearsome Olga up at the Manor House of Peter Harris, the grandfather of her youngest son and now apparently half a world away, after having left the running of his ‘Business’ in the hands of his teenage son David Harris, along with Sean Brady. Sean Brady, whom...
Introduction: This is a continuing story about two older women one willing and submissive and the other who at first resists being used and abused by blacks and then lusts for them! Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 3 I have returned to the safety of the viewing room and clean up once again! My cock is still rock hard and I have trouble getting it back into my pants. I have pleasured or been pleasured four times in less that two hrs this is a record for me! Again I plop down into...
Breakfast time at the Dixon household the following morning was a quiet affair, where Mother, daughter and Son all appeared to be lost in thought. As indeed they were, and although shortly having to leave for what his Mother assumed to be his day at College, Dan was unable to resist furtive glances at both His Mother and Sister Caroline, both of whom he’d witnessed first hand in the ‘Bookshop’ the previous day. Although Sean hadnt allowed him to observe what Dan assumed to be His sister’s...
Catherine's Black Submission byblackandwhitewriter©Roy drove his huge cock deep into Catherine's sopping wet cunt, her moans filling the air. They'd been at it for almost an hour and she'd had four intense orgasms. Once again, her breathing picked up, longer and faster, as she neared yet another climax. Sure enough, with a few more of Roy's powerful strokes, Catherine exploded for a fifth time, her screams signaling complete satisfaction...and near exhaustion.Roy was a handsome black man and...
Catherine and Joey laid out for about a half hour and then Catherine turned over on her belly asking Joey to spray suntan lotion on her back. She untied her top to get a even tan telling him to behave as he agreed to spray her back.Joey cock was oozing pre cum as he stared at her tight firm ass. Spraying her back, ass, and legs. Moving to the front so he would have a perfect view he poured his whole glass of ice water on her back.Cat screamed from the cold shock coming to a sitting position in...
Chapter 3 I have returned to the safety of the viewing room and clean up once again! My cock is still rock hard and I have trouble getting it back into my pants. I have pleasured or been pleasured four times in less that two hrs this is a record for me! Again I plop down into one of the comfortable viewing chairs. It is hard to watch both women, even though the monitors are state of the art split screen, it is like a diehard sports enthusiasts that has two TVs on at the same...
She stood at the window staring out at the city lights, her arms wrapped around her, her mind fixing on the city lights in the distance. She didn’t hear him come up behind her, but then she felt his breath on her neck followed by soft light kisses. ‘You smell so sweet honey,’ he said in a very soft voice. She shivered as he kissed her, and felt her body responding to her touch. Her mind raced. She felt the confusion of loving to be kissed and hating it too. She loved the feeling of excitement...
For the first time since her divorce Victoria Preston was wishing she still had a husband, or live in lover. Having Just days ago been subjected to the most sexual abuse that she would have believed possible and at the hands of a total stranger at that, a stranger complete with a horrific leather mask, who had beaten and sexually humiliated her, in full view that awful woman Joan and of course her nemesis Sean Brady. Now just an hour ago Sean had simply walked into her home and doing so with...
“We’ll that was fun the other night Caroline, your mother sure is one hell of a fuck, hey what do you think, you reckon we’ve done the job on the bitch, I reckon the kid will be mine not my brother’s, not that it matters when we only want to milk your mums tits” With Caroline Dixon kneeling naked upon her Masters office desk performing her duties as a living naked ‘centrepiece’ upon his desk, as was so often the case during his business meetings, Peter Harris had left the office with his...
Like I said before my lust for this woman is almost as intense as it is for my wife Kate , and this perverse display of Catherine naked and helpless with black hands all over her has easily taken over my senses. I am riveted, as I watch this unexpected turn of events in Awe! My wildest fucking dreams about Catherine are about to come true!... This torture device is one that has been used in this and other dungeons numerous occasions and consists of four chains that are hanging from the...
Carrying a tray laden with Coffee and breakfast things up to her bedroom, wearing nothing other than a leather collar and leash, wasn’t an experience Annie Day had previously participated in at 9 in the morning and certainly not at the same time on the dot every morning, in fact until a few months ago such an exercise was something Annie would never have dreamed of. Certainly not before having her home and her very existence taken over by Olga, the burly East European dominant Lesbian. In...
It had all started with the unusually cold night that in the tiled bathroom had felt a lot colder that it had made her nipples slightly more sensitive when she had begun removing her clothes, stepping into the hot bath, she had felt quite relaxed, and secured. Going back to what her friend had taught her do you, you slide a finger inside, find the clit, and focus on it. She had spent quite some time with her finger in her vagina before she finally found it, giving an usual amount of pleasure...
Lady Catherine Hines sat in her chair as Miss Braxton, a woman in her 40s, brushed her long brunette hair. It extended to the small of her back. Catherine was dressed in her night gown. Miss Braxton always brushed her hair before Catherine retired to her bed. "You appear downhearted, Lady Catherine. Did you not enjoy the party? You appeared happy while socializing with your friends." "I alsways enjoy my time with my friends but do you observe how Father does not allow me to socialize with...
Although seemingly each of them were deep in thought, in reality Catherine Dixon and her son Dan were if fact just too embarrassed to speak during the journey home from the party, in fact the trip had been completed in strained silence, until once indoors Mother and son retired to their respective bedrooms. There each to ponder upon that evenings momentous events. Soothing her beaten and battered body in a hot bath, Catherine’s emotions were in turmoil, for although there could have been no...
Caroline Dixon: If Caroline Dixon had won her own battle with her Mother for the attention and affections of their ‘owner’ Peter Harris when at his large country Manor House, the situation in the Dixon Household when Caroline paid a rare visit could be described as being a no contest between Mother and Daughter. For thanks to Dan’s edict that his Mother adopt a minuscule dress dress code about the house when he arrived home and when serving his meals, Catherine Dixon was wearing no more...
Catherine was a guest lecturer at a small, southern, community college. She had been in town for just under three weeks. Her lecture on that fateful day had lasted a little longer than usual. On top of that, her students had asked many more questions than they normally would have asked. This pleased Catherine because it indicated they were paying attention. However, by the time she left the classroom it was getting late. She hoped she hadn't missed her ride. To add insult to injury,...
Catherine Makes A Change By Petricia She stood in the doorway and gazed at it as she had done countless times before. Gleaming stainless steel, black lacquer, soft black leather, chrome buckles. It was beautiful, a work of art. It was hideous, evil, cold- a thing to be feared and reviled. It dominated the room, as it dominated her thoughts, and holding the promise of something so sinister it made her quiver to think about it. The device was Catherine’s own creation, a product of her...
The sun was slipping toward the western horizon by the time we made it to the cottage. Our route had taken us a long way out of the city, along winding country roads, up into the wild hills. From there, we had reached the single-track road which followed the shores of the lake for a further dozen miles, before it turned into an almost-impassable track. Half a mile of thick forest rolled past, until the ancient, wooden cottage came into sight. It's broad, heavy eaves seemed to press the entire...
BDSMThe Countless reply texts to whoever had sent her the first dreadful text message instructing Victoria Preston to check her emails, resulted in not one single reply, or text of any kind from that ‘unknown number’ Likewise Vicky’s every attempt at sending a reply email to the perverted scumbags behind the horrified nerve jangling 45 minute long video film they’d somehow compiled of Vicky’s horrific sexual debasement at the hands and bodies of unknown abusers had been returned as being sent to...
“And just where the fuck have you been?” In fact Trevor knew full well where his girlfriend Claire Taylor had been all afternoon, but he wasn’t about to allow himself to look a mug again, having already been made to look a fool when left outside the house of Annie Day by Kevin Smith, who’d then disappeared to who knows where along with with Claire’s mother Karen. “Why are you shouting at me Trevor, I’m not your property and I don’t have to tell you where I am every minute of the day!”...
Comfortably reclining in the large antique leather chair behind his huge antique oak desk, the imposing figure of Peter Harris gazed with huge satisfaction and no little pride at the two almost identical women, both with hands were clasped together behind their Blonde heads. Peter’s huge desk, upon which on its two far corners, Catherine Dixon and her daughter Caroline, each adorned with large identical nipple rings, gazed down toward the surface of the huge desk, each wearing only a...
Finally having the house to herself after the departure of her son Dan and the young girl Sharon, Catherine Dixon was at long last able to take a long hot soak in her bath, but more importantly a private bath and to reflect upon her feelings, not only of how she’d yet again been sexually used and abused by both her son and his strange new girlfriend, but of how Dan had taken another giant step toward sexually owning his own Mother. For where he’d previously been satisfied sexually...
Having completed an all too rare shopping expedition with her daughter Caroline, and now concluding lunch with coffee, Catherine Dixon was now having to fend of some increasingly difficult questions from her daughter. Certainly Catherine had been delighted to hear her daughter praising her new hairstyle and that with a new sparkle in her eyes and a far more glamorous manner of dressing, her Mother looked ‘more attractive than ever’ these days. “It’s almost as if you’ve taken a lover Mum”...
Len was a happy, easy going man in his early forties. He worked hard and provided well for his wife. His marriage of six years had settled into a pattern of work, socializing with a steady circle of friends, and predictable, although quite satisfying, sex. A recent move to a different part of town had promised to stir things up a bit though, and it wasn’t a bad thing, he reasoned; Perhaps life has become just a little too settled. The move had been suggested by his wife, Catherine, who he sat...
SwingerCatherine Bell and her male co-star, Larry, were acting in a made-for-TV film that was going to include a sexual interlude between the two of them. This was several years ago before Catherine became famous with her work on JAG. The script contained quite a bit of very provocative sexual acting and one scene that transcended anything that Catherine ever did before or since in her career in front of the camera. The actual scene came about 2/3 of the way through the film when Catherine and Larry...
Saturday, May 29, 1971 The rain was beating a steady tattoo on the metal roof of the Lodge when I woke up. My bladder was telling me to get up. But the rest of me wanted to stay under the covers, and listen to the rain until I drifted back to sleep. Of course, my bladder won. I scanned for the family as I walked down the hall to the communal showers, noting they were all asleep. With the warm water of the shower beating down on me, I began to scan the ranch. Mable was in the kitchen at...
To many I have a perfect life. A family, a loving wife, 2.4 children and even the bounding Labrador. So why would I want to go and risk it all?Her name was Catherine. She was born and grew up in rural France and, though she'd lived and worked in the UK for the last fifteen years, since moving over here with her French husband, her English was still spoken with a sexy and unmistakeable French accent. She was a petite blonde woman, some eight years my junior in her early thirties, with a short,...
CheatingHer name was Catherine. She was born and grew up in rural France, and though she'd lived and worked in the UK for the last fifteen years, since moving over here with her French husband, her English was still spoken with a sexy and unmistakeable French accent. She was a petite blonde woman, some eight years my junior in her early thirties, with a short, trendy 'Pixie' hair cut to go with her cute elfin-like features. She also happened to be my secretary.I 'inherited' Catherine when I joined the...
The least fun part about being an agent out here in Hollywood is having to do damage control when some sort of bad press happens to one of your clients. They say that any news is good news, but I have to disagree. Sometimes a celebrity can do something so stupid that it damages their career for the rest of their life. That is of course, if you let it happen. I was faced with one of those situations now and my mind was racing as I tried to grasp what to do. Sitting in front of me in tears was...
As the kids grew so did how close they liked to be. They sat next to each other on the bus when they started school, had the same teachers, and even had desks next to each other. This kept on all the way through high school. Then they just started driving together and took turns on who was driver and who wasn’t. Many people joked the two of them actually seemed like a couple and that was one of the deciding factors in what occurred on their eighteenth birthday. The day they became much...
Kate and I were friends for about 10 years before we got together, we like many couples had come from poor choice's in relationships. We had lived across the street from each other, she was single at the time and a big flirt! I told her once I used to jack off fantasizing about her, I made this comment on our first date and we have been together ever since!. She is 47,yrs old now 5' 7” tall, has shoulder length light brown hair with blond high lights and I would say she has an average...