Joanne s Summer Job Joanne witnesses the caning of her boyfriend
- 3 years ago
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For the first time in her seven years at St Katherine’s School, Joanne Wilson was in trouble. Serious trouble. Even worse than that was the fact that she knew it and knew what was coming her way in a short while.
For the first time in her school career, the straight A-Grade student was sitting on the chairs that were lined up against the wall in reception, directly facing the offices of the Head Mistress and her two Deputy Head Mistresses. Joanne had over-stepped her authority and, two days later, here she was, nervously waiting for Ms Storey, the Deputy Head Mistress in charge of behaviour at St Katherine’s.
Joanne Wilson had beaten herself up over what she had done for the past two days but had never expected it to result in her being summoned to Ms Storey’s office. As part of her role as Head Girl, which she had held proudly during that final year at the school, she was responsible for representing the school at functions, giving the odd speech or two, showing a good example to her peers as well as administering corporal punishment to students who got sent to her by their teachers.
Although reluctant to do this at first, as the weeks rolled on, Joanne admitted to herself and to her closest friends, that this was a part of the job that she was really getting into. Whereas she had begun her reign as Head Girl in September, preferring to give naughty students an afterschool detention for their poor behaviour, now in June, and near the end of her time at the school, she was only too willing to administer corporal punishment to modify their behaviour.
It saved her precious time seen as she really needed every hour to revise for her upcoming exams. A detention would last at least thirty minutes to an hour in some cases – a spanking and caning would only take a maximum of twenty.
It was her enjoyment of administering severe spankings to her fellow students that had marked Joanne down as a legendary Head Girl at St Katherine’s. Fellow students gossiped about their punishments if they had been sent to her room and most agreed that she was the hardest hitting Head Girl or Prefect St Katherine’s had ever witnessed.
However, here she was, neatly turned out in her school uniform, sitting on those blue padded chairs, outside Ms Storey’s office, just like many naughty students who had been sent to her for punishment. Joanne had always smiled at the poor unfortunates sitting there, waiting, when she passed, knowing what was in store for them.
“Fucking Melissa Chambers.” She cursed silently to herself as she waited, watching teachers and students hurry around reception and then disappearing to wherever they were going.
Melissa Chambers was in Miss Manson’s Year 13 form class. She was a month younger than Joanne, but they were both now eighteen years old. Unlike Joanne, who concentrated on her studies and was very mature for her age, Melissa had continued to be a challenge for her teachers in terms of her behaviour and lack of effort.
She had been threatened with being asked to leave St Katherine’s Sixth Form before Christmas, but her parents had pleaded with both Ms Storey and Mrs Carey, the Head of Sixth Form, for Melissa to stay. It was beyond comprehension that they had allowed her to stay, Joanne thought. Despite having to sign a behaviour contract, Melissa had simply reverted to doing nothing. She never handed in her work and didn’t follow the instructions of staff without making a fuss or a scene out of it.
Joanne had punished her four times that year. Two detentions that had been more of a punishment for her than they had been for the annoying Melissa and two doses of corporal punishment, the final one of which, had landed Joanne on that padded chair in reception. Added to that, Melissa had been punished numerous times by both Mrs Carey, who hated administering corporal punishment, especially to her Sixth Formers, who she tried to treat as young adults.
Joanne had laughed when she had found out that her Head of School, Helen Carey had slippered Melissa on her bottom for an incident in a Chemistry lesson. Ms Storey had also disciplined the naughty Sixth Former in her office on more than one occasion for repeated reports of Melissa’s poor attitude and behaviour.
Joanne had never managed to fully find out what Jasmine Storey had done to the young lady but guessed it involved her prized American-style wooden paddle and her collection of school canes, which she proudly displayed in a basket next to her desk. Whatever she had done, it had kept Melissa Chambers’ mouth shut for a week or so after the event.
The Head Girl then thought about the event that had brought her here. That second dose of corporal punishment for Melissa. She had arrived at Joanne’s room with a note (which she had obviously read on the way!) from her Maths teacher, Miss Coulson, and that nasty attitude that she had. Joanne had taken the note from her, read it and then told the girl that she would be punished.
Everything was fine. Melissa reluctantly accepted it, lifted her skirt and took her regulation white school knickers down. Joanne had taken her over her knee and slapped her bottom hard, admittedly, as hard as she physically could. Still, Melissa seemed fine. Joanne Wilson gave her twelve with the slipper and at this point, Melissa began to mouth off at her. How she didn’t care. How Joanne was a kinky slut. How she probably did this to her boyfriend.
That had made her snap. The Head Girl was bigger and stronger than skinny Melissa and it took no real effort to grab hold of her, push her across the desk and hold her down. She picked up the extra heavy school strap that was lying on the table and beat Melissa Chambers until the girl finally stopped the tirade of insults.
Joanne had no idea how many strokes she wrapped out but remembered that eventually, Melissa became subdued and just lay there, giving out the occasional moan and groan. Joanne had finished the punishment with a caning, which she delivered as hard as she could, intending to really drive her message home. Partly for insulting her and the relationship she had with her long-time boyfriend, partly because she hated Melissa and partly because she had been sent by sweet and lovely young Maths teacher, Laura Coulson, who Joanne liked very much
Once she was satisfied that Melissa Chambers had been punished sufficiently, she had allowed the girl to dress, sort out her appearance and sent her on her way. She had felt good about it and smiled as she thought about mouthy Melissa trying to sit down in class that afternoon.
She thought no more about it until Miss Manson, the History Mistress, had appeared in her room two mornings later and informed her about Melissa’s complaint against the Head Girl. Joanne hated Miss Manson for what she had made her do to her boyfriend Peter a few weeks previously but tried to act calm.
A complaint from Melissa wouldn’t be taken seriously, surely? However, Pauline Manson informed her that she was to go and see Ms Storey immediately in her office. She was sure that she saw Pauline Manson smile at the thought – Joanne Wilson, straight A-Grade student, Head Girl, never been given even so much as a detention, was the next name on her list to be punished.
Joanne continued cursing herself in silence when she looked up and noticed that Ms Storey was standing right there in front of her. She began to play with her hands and knew that this was it.
“Joanne, come with me to my room please.”
Jasmine Storey had already turned and walked the short distance to her office and by the time Joanne Wilson had got to her feet the door was open and Ms Storey had disappeared inside.
Joanne walked as quickly as her shaking legs would allow and was soon standing in front of the Deputy Head Mistress’ desk. Jasmine was already sitting in her leather chair behind her desk.
“Close the door and come and sit down.” Ms Storey pointed to her visitor’s chair with her right hand and returned to reading a piece of paper.
The Head Girl obeyed and turned around, closing the door as quietly as she could behind her. She then turned back and walked the short distance to Jasmine’s desk, pulled out the chair and sat down carefully. She looked over at the Deputy Head Mistress, who continued reading from the sheet, not saying a word.
This made Joanne Wilson even more nervous, but she waited patiently for Ms. Storey to finish and then turn her full attention to her. After a few more moments of silence, Jasmine Storey placed the A4 sheet on her desk and finally looked at the Head Girl. She exhaled heavily – never in her fifteen years of teaching had she ever had to use corporal punishment on the Head Girl.
“Well, Joanne I must admit that I do not really know what to do about this complaint that I have received.” Ms. Storey picked up her piece of paper once again and held it out in front of her.
She continued. “Tell me about the punishment you gave Melissa Chambers on Monday.”
Joanne Wilson immediately broke down in tears and within seconds, was crying uncontrollably. The only thing she managed to say, in between the sniffs, tears and sobs, was, “I’m sorry, Miss.”
Jasmine took a deep breath before getting to her feet and walking around to the opposite side of her desk where Joanne was seated. She sat on the edge of the desk, inches away from the sobbing schoolgirl and reached over for a box of tissues which she kept on her desk. She held them out and smiled as Joanne Wilson pulled a couple out and blew her nose. Ms. Storey waited patiently and eventually the girl calmed herself down and tried to re-gather her composure. The Deputy Head Mistress said nothing and waited.
“I’m sorry, Ms. Storey.” Joanne looked up at her. “I didn’t mean to punish Melissa so much, but she just kept pushing me.” The Head Girl looked down at her black shoes and waited.
“Tell me about it, young lady.” Jasmine Storey said softly.
Joanne paused and wiped her eyes and nose with the tissue and looked at Jasmine.
“Melissa got sent to me by Miss Coulson.” She paused and tried to relax.
“She had been caught throwing glue in class and then had argued with Miss.” Joanne took a deep breath before continuing.
“Miss Coulson had sent her to me and due to her behaviour, I decided that she’d have to have corporal punishment administered to her.” The Head Girl paused and began to play with the damp tissue in her hand.
“And then what happened, young lady?” Jasmine asked sternly.
Joanne shook her head and continued. “Well, it was her fourth time in my room and she had been given two detentions that obviously hadn’t worked and the last time I had spanked and used the clothes brush on her. I decided that I’d give her a longer punishment this time, using my hand, clothes brush, slipper and senior cane, Miss.”
“And then what?” Ms. Storey continued staring at Joanne.
“I asked her to lift her skirt and lower her knickers and put her over my lap for a hand spanking.” Joanne Wilson paused and thought for a second.
“I probably hit her pretty hard, but she didn’t say a word, so I gave her the slipper, but she became abusive.” The Head Girl stopped and looked straight into Jasmine Storey’s eyes.
“I lost my temper and forced her over my desk where I used the school strap on her – I’m sorry, Miss.” The tears started forming in her eyes once more.
Ms. Storey paused and waited for the younger girl to calm herself.
“I don’t know how many times I hit her with the strap and then I caned her.” Joanne placed her hands on her knees.
“I gave her twelve with the senior cane, Miss.” She wiped her nose once more.
“I didn’t give her any more than that and then sent her back to class.” Joanne suddenly realised why she was summoned to Ms. Storey’s room and blurted out,
“God. I never went and got Miss McKenna to clean her up and see that she was okay.” Her mouth was wide open, and she started to breathe heavily.
“I’m so sorry, Miss.” She said almost pleadingly.
Jasmine took a deep breath and continued to stare at the girl. “Mmmm. If only it was that simple, young lady,”
Joanne’s mind was racing. God, what else could it be? “I don’t understand, Miss. What have I done?” Her eyes began to fill with tears once again.
The young Deputy Head Mistress explained the situation to her.
“Well, Melissa accepted the punishment, but, then for some reason, seems to have taken exception to it and told her Form Mistress.” Jasmine Storey got up from where she was sitting on the edge of her desk and walked back behind her desk.
“Miss Manson got her to write a statement.” She held up the A4 sheet in her right hand and watched as the Head Girl shook her head in disbelief.
“She brought it to me and on inspecting Melissa’s bottom I do conclude that what she has said is true and that you have over-stepped the mark, young lady.” Ms. Storey shook her head.
“I’m sorry, Ms. Storey – what’s going to happen to me, Miss?” Joanne Wilson began to panic at the prospect of losing her position as Head Girl at St Katherine’s, or even worse, exclusion from school.
Jasmine liked Joanne Wilson and felt sorry for the girl and the position she now found herself in. The young Deputy Head Mistress knew that she would have to punish her and make an example of her for over-stepping her authority and would show her how painful a dose of corporal punishment could be. She removed her navy jacket and placed it on the back of her leather chair and thought for a moment.
“Well, you only have a few weeks left until you go on study leave and so exclusion would do us no favours. Added to that, I do not wish for my Head Girl to suffer that in the last few weeks at school.” She placed her hands on her desk in front of her.
“Even if her behaviour almost certainly merits it!” Ms. Storey raised her voice, almost causing Joanne to jump out of the chair.
“However, you have an impeccable record and up until this incident, have been a credit to the school.” The young Deputy Head Mistress walked around to stand next to where Joanne was sitting.
“So, I suggest you are punished for your behaviour by me and then we will forget this whole sorry matter and you can then concentrate on your exams. Would you accept that, Joanne?” Jasmine was standing so close to the Head Girl that any closer and she’d practically be sitting on her lap. The smell of her perfume was delicious and discreet, but it was all that Joanne Wilson could focus on at that moment.
“Punished, Miss?” Joanne asked meekly.
“A severe dose of corporal punishment, which I shall administer and then we will say no more about this matter. It won’t go in the Punishment Record or, more importantly, appear on your school record.” Ms. Storey then turned and bent down at the edge of her desk. A second later, she brought a thin school cane into Joanne’s view and swished it through the air, for effect.
“So, Joanne. What do you think? A punishment or permanent exclusion?”
'What a choice,' Joanne thought. Exclusion would be embarrassing and humiliating for her family too. This was all down to that bitch, Miss Manson. Not only had she forced Joanne to cane her innocent boyfriend, Peter, a few weeks before, now she had used that stupid girl, Melissa Chambers, to get her punished too. She vowed that she’d get revenge on that old witch if it was the last thing she ever did. Eventually, she took a deep breath and looked the Deputy Head Mistress defiantly in the eye.
“I’ll take your punishment, Ms. Storey.” She exhaled heavily. “I don’t want to embarrass the school or my family, Miss.”
Jasmine Storey nodded and smiled a reluctant smile.
“Right then young lady. We need to choose a witness to your punishment, so who would you like to be present with you?” For some reasonm she could feel herself becoming turned on. That had never really happened before as she was about to punish a naughty student.
“A witness, Miss?” Joanne Wilson was confused.
“It can be anyone – a teacher, form tutor, fellow student in your year group – even the admin staff, if you like.” The young teacher looked at the eighteen-year-old who thought to herself for a few moments before answering.
“I’d like Miss Mulligan, my form tutor to witness it please Miss.” The Head Girl began to sweat as she realised what was going to happen to her.
“Right then. I shall go and find Miss Mulligan. I guess she’ll be with the Junior Choir this morning and she will watch your punishment.” Jasmine Storey placed the cane back in her basket and walked to her office door.
“Joanne, while I fetch Miss Mulligan I expect you to strip absolutely naked – place your clothes on the table over there and then wait, in that corner, facing the wall.” The Deputy Head Mistress indicated with her right hand.
“Do you understand, Miss Wilson?” Jasmine had her hand on the door handle and was slowly opening her door.
“Yes, Miss.” Joanne replied and stood up as Jasmine left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.
The Head Girl walked slowly over to the large table in the corner of the room and removed her black school blazer, which she folded neatly and placed on the table in front of her. She then undid her tie and unbuttoned her light blue school blouse. She folded it up and placed it on top of her blazer. She then bent down and removed her shoes and socks, which she placed under the table. Reluctantly, she unzipped her black school skirt and allowed it to slip to the floor. Joanne picked it up and folded it up, placing it on top of the growing pile of clothes.
Nervously, she reached behind her back and undid her bra which she removed and placed on the pile on the table. Finally, she slipped both hands down the sides of her knickers and slowly pulled them down, carefully stepping out of them. She folded them and placed them on the table. Although there was no sign of Ms. Storey and Miss Mulligan, Joanne walked over to the corner and pushed her nose against the wall, placing her hands on her head and waited for the office door to open.
She stood facing the wall for what seemed like an age to her. In reality, it was no more than ten minutes. The silence in the room was suddenly broken by the ear-piercing sound of the alarm that signalled the end of morning registration and the beginning of first lesson. Still, no sign of Ms. Storey and Joanne waited, facing the wall with her hands on her head. The noise outside grew as crowds of students made their way to their lessons and it took a few minutes for this stop.
Joanne found that her legs were shaking with nerves and she worried that she may even wet herself as she felt the pressure in her bladder growing. She was just about to turn around when the office door opened. Ms. Storey had arrived and obviously had Miss Mulligan with her. Joanne Wilson resisted the temptation to turn around and look, instead concentrating on the light blue painted wall in front of her. Subconsciously, her hands pushed deeper into her head as she waited. The door closed gently behind her.
“Right, Miss Mulligan – why don’t you take a seat on the sofa here and we’ll get this over with.” Ms. Storey paused, looking at the girl standing naked, facing her wall, before walking behind her desk.
Joanne closed her eyes and behind her, the young Form Mistress, and Head of Music at St Katherine’s, Rebecca Mulligan, sat down on the sofa that was to the right-hand side of the office door. The Deputy Head Mistress walked past Joanne and unlocked a tall cupboard beside the window. Joanne continued standing there in silence but knew that Jasmine was selecting the implements that she would be using on her bottom. It seemed like an age as Ms. Storey carefully selected the implements she wanted and placed them gently and neatly on her desk. She then began to study the contents of the basket that was beside her desk. She picked up several canes, one after the other, swishing them repeatedly, until she found the right one for the punishment she was about to administer.
Out of Joanne’s sight, her 25-year-old Form Mistress, Rebecca Mulligan sat on the sofa, feeling very uncomfortable. She was lucky to have a small Year Thirteen form class. It was almost unheard of that a relatively new teacher would be given such a class, but Jasmine Storey had decided that it would be best for her, what with having to organise orchestras, choirs and everything else musical at the school. The school was well regarded in town for its music and performances and it was felt that the young Miss would benefit from having a Form class which would not take much looking after. They were young, maturing adults, after all. Rebecca had administered very rare spankings to students lower down the school, but she could only remember doing this twice in her near two years at St Katherine’s. She had felt awkward doing it and it had probably hurt her hand more than it had hurt the bottoms of the two students who she had punished.
She got on very well with her Form class, who really were no trouble at all. Rebecca treated them like adults and in turn, the students liked Rebecca. Her class included the nicest students in the Sixth Form, including the Head Girl, who had helped Rebecca with anything she was unsure about. She had also ensured that any students who had misbehaved, or upset her Form Mistress, paid a very heavy price in her room. And now, here she was, about to watch Joanne, who was a lovely, kind, sweet girl, being severely punished for doing her job. Rebecca Mulligan began to fidget nervously as she thought about why the Head Girl was here, standing naked, facing the wall with her hands on her head. Miss Mulligan had never taught Melissa Chambers, but had heard all the gossip about her in Year Team meetings over the months. She had deserved a good hiding, and in Rebecca’s view, Joanne had done the right thing by beating her severely.
The young music teacher looked at the floor, anywhere but at poor Joanne, who was standing perfectly still in silence. She ironed the creases from her knee-length black skirt, adjusted her pink, long-sleeved blouse, moved towards biting the fingernails on her left hand – but opting instead for running her left hand through her shoulder-length light brown hair. Finally, she looked over at Ms. Storey, who moved the visitor’s chair into the centre of the room, directly in between her desk and where Rebecca was sat on the sofa.
'Shit!' Rebecca Mulligan thought. 'I’m going to see and hear absolutely everything.' She exhaled deeply.
“Right, young lady. Turn around, take your hands off your head and come and stand here.” Jasmine said softly, but in a tone that left poor Joanne Wilson in no doubt that she was going to receive a serious punishment.
Joanne slowly removed her hands from her head and turned around. She first saw that Rebecca was there. Her young Form Mistress looked upset but said and did nothing, instead staring at Ms. Storey. The Head Girl walked over to where Jasmine was standing. She was pointing with her left hand and Joanne walked over to where she indicated and stood there. She wanted to place her hands over her private parts as it was embarrassing having them on show but figured that she would get told off and forced herself to stand to attention, with her hands down at her sides.
The Deputy Head Mistress stood staring at the Head Girl, not saying a word. They were approximately the same height and she had to admit that Joanne Wilson was a good-looking girl. Jasmine Storey sat down on the chair, continuing to stare at Joanne. She placed her hands on her skirt and ironed out any creases that appeared on her long, navy skirt. She could feel that she was becoming aroused from the situation, her large breasts were pushing against her lemon-coloured satin blouse and her nipples were so obviously erect.
“I will ask you again, young lady. Are you willing to accept the punishment I am about to give you for your bad behaviour on Monday?” Jasmine looked up at Joanne, who was obviously nervous but then found herself looking more at the girl’s perfectly formed breasts and then down further to the little clump of neatly presented pubic hair above her vagina.
“Yes, Ms. Storey. I’ll accept your punishment for my bad behaviour, Miss.” Joanne Wilson turned around to look at Rebecca, who was looking at the door and not looking at Joanne Wilson at all.
“Very well, Miss Wilson.” The Deputy Head Mistress sat back in the high-backed chair and spread her legs even so slightly.
“You will receive a hand spanking, the slipper, MY school strap and then the cane.” Jasmine Storey emphasized the “my” strap, to indicate that it was the heaviest one available and was going to be much worse that the single-layer strap that Mrs Carey had presented to Joanne when she had been appointed Head Girl.
“I will not award you a certain number of strokes – seeing as you did not do this to poor Melissa. It will be up to me exactly how many you receive.” She paused. “Is that clear, girl?” She explained what was going to happen in the same tone that she would use with any other naughty students who were foolish enough to get sent to her office.
Joanne could see that the implements were already neatly laid out – probably in the order they were going to be used – on Jasmine’s desk behind her.
“Yes, Miss.” Joanne Wilson replied in almost a whisper.
The Deputy Head Mistress raised both hands from her lap and took a deep breath, her impressive breasts moving up and down underneath her expensive-looking blouse.
“Place yourself over my lap, young lady and place your hands on the floor.” Ms. Storey shuffled on the chair until she was comfortable and watched Joanne lower herself slowly, and awkwardly, over her lap. The 18-year-old placed her hands on the carpeted floor and looked to her right-hand side, where she could see Rebecca. If she concentrated on something, it would help her get through the punishment.
The next thing she felt was Ms. Storey’s surprisingly large right hand on her bare bottom. Her left hand was placed firmly on Joanne’s back and the experienced Deputy Head Mistress began to gently rub her warm hand across Joanne Wilson’s cold bottom. The sensation was lovely, and she felt the pressure in her bladder growing again.
'Please don’t wet yourself,' She thought to herself as her bottom continued to be rubbed.
Jasmine Storey said nothing, instead concentrating on the relatively large, but perfectly formed, bottom before her. Joanne had quite fleshy buttocks and Jasmine decided that she would slap her legs too. Her right hand wandered down, across the backs of Joanne’s legs and her thighs. Ms. Storey continued rubbing Joanne’s exposed buttocks and thighs for a moment before deciding that it was time to begin. Out of sight of Joanne Wilson, she raised her right hand, high in the air, paused for a second before bringing it crashing down hard, on the very centre of the bottom lying, vulnerable, across her knee.
It landed with a loud “slap!” and Joanne Wilson’s buttocks wobbled as they adjusted to what had just happened. The Head Girl gasped but managed to stop herself bringing her hand up to try and protect her bottom. She bit gently into her tongue to stop herself shouting out. Unintentionally, she opened her legs a little wider, allowing Ms. Storey to see her exposed pussy. The Deputy Head Mistress noticed and brought her hand crashing down once more, landing a heavy “slap!” on the girl’s right bum cheek. Again, Joanne showed little reaction.
Over the next ten minutes or so, Jasmine Storey turned the white, pale bottom, lying in front of her, into a red and pink masterpiece. It was burning hot to the touch as she slapped slow and hard, then rapid-fire slapping left and right buttocks alternatively. She also went to work on Joanne’s delicate thighs and legs, leaving noticeable red hand prints high on the girl’s thighs. To her credit, Joanne Wilson took it well. She was crying, and her sobs were only audible when Jasmine paused to regather her composure. She wasn’t shouting out, as many students did in this position, and remained in position for most of the punishment – only having to be pulled closer into Jasmine’s skirt and blouse on one occasion.
Once the Deputy Head Mistress had decided that the first element of the punishment had been administered sufficiently, she paused, returning her left hand to Joanne’s lower back. Ms. Storey reached behind her and picked up the size 11 slipper which, had seen much use over her years as a teacher. She readjusted her position on the chair and gently tapped the large slipper on Joanne’s bottom. She did this for a moment before raising it high in the air and bringing it down as fast as she could, smiling as it landed in between the Head Girl’s right buttock and thigh. 'This would really hurt her,' Jasmine thought and paused as Joanne squirmed and let out a muffled scream.
“Ow!” She thought about using her hand to cover her bottom, but soon thought better of it and a succession of smacks with the large slipper reigned down on the delicate area between buttocks and thighs.
Jasmine Storey said nothing as she administered forty smacks with the heavy slipper. She admired how well Joanne, a girl who had never experienced corporal punishment in her life, was taking it. Ms. Storey was working up a sweat and thought to herself how glad she was that she worked out regularly at the gym – she had a reputation to maintain as the hardest, nastiest teacher at St Katherine’s and always worried that the super-fit, Head of Girls’ PE, Miss Leonie MacKintosh, punished harder than her.
After she was satisfied, Jasmine placed the slipper down on the floor and gave Joanne Wilson a few moments to re-gather her composure. Ms. Storey felt her knee becoming damp and decided that she needed to get the girl over her desk instead.
“Get up, girl.” She exhaled heavily. “Go and bend right over the table over there.”
Joanne Wilson struggled to her feet and despite the urge to rub her red-hot bottom, she instead looked over at Rebecca Mulligan, who was now staring at Jasmine. She had obviously been watching the punishment. She walked awkwardly, and slowly to the large wooden table where her clothes were neatly piled.
“Bend right over, young lady!” Ms. Storey commanded sternly.
The Head Girl obeyed without question and pushed herself right over, resting her head on her arms. The Deputy Head Mistress got to her feet, picked up the slipper, which she placed back on her desk. She picked up the strap and cane in her right hand and looked over at Rebecca, who was staring at her, open-mouthed.
“I think twelve strokes with my strap and then twelve with the nursery cane will be sufficient, don’t you, Miss Mulligan?” Jasmine Storey asked her.
Rebecca was in her own world and took a few moments to answer the question.
“Oh, definitely Miss. I think that Joanne has learned her lesson and won’t be in any further trouble,” she said, relieved.
“Yes. Between us, I’ll use the thinnest cane and at least we can say you have been caned. You will have some nice red lines to prove it too.” She made her way over to the table where Joanne was lying over and stood to the girl’s left side.
Joanne said nothing as Ms. Storey laid her heavy leather strap across the centre of her red and swollen bottom. She tapped her for a few moments until she was happy with where it would land and placed her left foot about eighteen inches in front of her right, also placing her left hand on her left hip for balance. She drew it back over her right shoulder and paused, before bringing the strap whistling through the air, until it landed with a loud Crack! on Joanne’s bottom.
The girl tensed and struggled but Jasmine waited and eventually she was back in her original position.
The tears were flowing and Jasmine and Rebecca could clearly hear Joanne crying and sobbing. Ms. Storey carried on regardless.
The Deputy Head Mistress paused briefly to check the bottom lying helplessly in front of her touching it. It was burning hot and two small cuts had appeared on the girl’s right buttock. Her thighs were a mixture of deep red from the slipper and her hand, and in places, bruises had already started to turn a dark colour. She inhaled deeply and resumed her position for the final two strokes with the strap, which she brought crashing down on Joanne Wilson’s left buttock.
Ms. Storey looked at her tan-coloured strap. It was bloodied and would need to be cleaned after she had finished with Joanne Wilson. By this time, Rebecca Mulligan was sitting on the edge of the sofa fascinated by what she was witnessing.
“Just the cane to go, young lady.” Jasmine Storey announced in a soft, more caring tone of voice.”
“We’re nearly there, Joanne, you’ve done really well – much better than most of those naughty boys I see pretty much every other day.” She laughed.
“Thank you, Miss.” Joanne sniffed and buried her head into her arms and continued to bite her tongue gently.
“Twelve strokes with the cane and then we’re finished.”
She walked back to her desk and placed the strap on the right-hand side. Jasmine then walked back to the table where Joanne was and picked up the thin, whippy nursery cane. She flexed it in her hands and then swished it through the air.
'Not as impressive as my dragon cane,' she thought to herself. She ought to have used her thick, senior dragon cane as Joanne was in the Senior School and had done something so serious, but Jasmine Storey had decided that her Head Girl had been punished enough. She tapped the cane across the centre of the severely-punished bottom lying there, in front of her, at her mercy. She quickly raised the thin cane above her head and watched it as it landed with a satisfying Whip! right in the centre of the Head Girl’s bottom. Miss Storey was not going to draw this out any more than she needed to, besides which, she had a meeting in about forty minutes’ time and would have to clean her office up.
Joanne Wilson, despite crying uncontrollably, took her punishment well. The Deputy Head Mistress paused and inspected the bottom in front of her, bending down to get a close look. Sure enough, the girl had six neat, thin red lines from the cane to add to the bruises and swellings from the other implements.
“Six more strokes, Sweetie.” Jasmine tutted loudly as she realised what she had said. Her act of being all tough and no-nonsense had failed her. She smiled as she raised the cane once again.
She paused once again and looked at Rebecca Mulligan, who was now standing next to the chair in front of Ms. Storey’s desk. Jasmine smiled at her.
“Now, young lady. As you are aware, the last strokes are always the hardest, so that you will remember them.” She saw Joanne’s legs straighten up and her bottom tense.
Ms. Storey walked over to her desk and placed the bloodied cane down beside her strap, before walking back over to the table where Joanne Wilson was lying. She gave her a moment and when she saw that the girl had calmed herself and was breathing normally placed her hand on the Head Girl’s bottom.
“Well done, young lady. That’s it dealt with.” The Deputy Head Mistress felt droplets of sweat falling from her armpits and into the satin blouse she was wearing.
“Hang on there and I’ll go and fetch Miss McKenna to clean you up, dear.” Miss Storey touched Joanne Wilson’s bottom once more before turning and leaving her office, closing the door quietly behind her.
Rebecca Mulligan stood watching Joanne Wilson for a moment. The Head Girl remained face down over the wooden table, still giving the occasional sob and sniffle. She really liked Joanne and felt sorry for her having to be punished for doing, what was, after all, her job. The young music teacher walked over to the table and stood inches away from Joanne Wilson’s bottom. Miss Mulligan was shocked at the state of her bottom and could only imagine the pain and discomfort that the 18-year-old was feeling at that moment. She looked over her shoulder, and, assumed that Ms. Storey would be gone for a few moments, moved to Joanne’s left side and began stroking her long, red hair gently. The girl looked to her left and saw Rebecca smiling at her.
“I’m sorry for getting in trouble, Miss.” Joanne said quietly.
Rebecca smiled and bent down closer to her. “It’s okay, beautiful – we all know that it isn’t your fault.”
She then leaned in closer and kissed the Head Girl gently on her forehead, before stroking her back gently with her right hand. Rebecca wanted to do much more but suddenly heard footsteps outside and moved away, pretending to look at the implements that had been left on Jasmine’s desk.
The door opened, and the Deputy Head Mistress walked in, followed by the diminutive school nurse, Mia McKenna. Jasmine Storey walked over to her desk, opened the top drawer and brought out some anti-bacterial wipes with which, she began cleaning the blood from her implements. Mia busied herself cleaning up the bloodied and cut bottom in front of her, gently applying cream and plasters to Joanne’s cuts and bruises. Once she was done, she picked up her first aid kit and placed the rubbish from the plasters in the waste paper bin under Jasmine’s desk. She smiled at Jasmine, who nodded at her as she left the room, followed by Rebecca.
Shortly afterwards, Joanne was fully clothed and calmed down. The Deputy Head Mistress sent her on her way and she quickly made her way along the corridor to her room. She collapsed onto the sofa and began to cry. After a while, she stopped and headed to the bathroom where she sorted her hair and her make up as well as making sure that her appearance was immaculate.
At break time, she caught up with Peter, who had found out about what had happened to her that morning. He led her by her hand to her room and closed the door behind them, wasting no time in throwing his strong arms around her and holding her until the alarm went to signal the beginning of the third lesson of the day.
“Got to go, gorgeous, but I’ll see you in Miss Wilcox’s lesson this afternoon.” He said, kissing her softly on the lips.
Joanne Wilson had another free period before lunch and spent the time looking in the mirror at the marks that were evident if she lifted her skirt. She would be sitting uncomfortably for days after this and was thinking about how she could hide the fact from her parents when she got home that evening. After the initial shock of her punishment had passed, the Head Girl decided that she would spend the final weeks at St Katherine’s School trying to get Miss Manson in trouble. She was an old, vindictive woman and deserved everything hopefully coming her way.
Joanne’s seventeen-year-old sister, Gabrielle, arrived home just after 4.30 that Saturday afternoon. She was happy. She had enjoyed spending time with her friends in town, doing some last-minute Christmas shopping and just relaxing for a change. Once she had locked the front door behind her, Gabby Wilson laid her shopping bags down in the hallway and walked into the front room, where her mother and older sister were watching television. The young woman smiled and sat down on the sofa next to...
SpankingJoanne’s seventeen-year-old sister, Gabrielle, arrived home just after 4.30 that Saturday afternoon. She was happy. She had enjoyed spending time with her friends in town, doing some last-minute Christmas shopping and just relaxing for a change. Once she had locked the front door behind her, Gabby Wilson laid her shopping bags down in the hallway and walked into the front room, where her mother and older sister were watching television. The young woman smiled and sat down on the sofa next to...
SpankingCopyright © 2003-2004 TheCaddy. All rights reserved. Joanne sat at her desk thinking about the fun, sex filed weekend she had just enjoyed. Her boyfriend of three years, Paul had convinced her to experiment with a third person in their already exciting sex life. She had never been with another woman before and had resisted Paul's suggestions for months. Paul was very attractive at six feet tall and two hundred and twenty pounds without an ounce of fat on his strong muscular body. Joanne had...
Dianne, Ellie, Daniel and Aron were at the heliport waiting for Joanne. The Helicopter arrived and Joanne looked at Daniel's and Ellie's nakedness with embarrassment and confusion. Dianne informed her of the ship's rules and after a few awkward moments she hugged Daniel, being careful not to move too close to his body. She did the same to Ellie and thanked her for looking after her son. Daniel introduced his mother to Aron. Dianne saw the puzzled look on Joanne's face and told her that...
In The Park – Part oneThis is a continuation of the exhibitionist adventures of Andrea and Mike as depicted in the 'Carried Away' story which appeared earlier this year. The story is kind of long and it is divided into two parts. I would appreciate all comments.I hope you enjoy the story.Andrea had become increasingly curious about exhibitionism since her experience at the beach with her husband. She surfed a lot of web sites and eventually came upon some personal ads. She ended up e-mailing...
It was lengthy but gratifying day… Joanne’s graduation signified four years of hard work with an actual social life mixed in. “Four years and an architecture major! We’re so proud of you,” Joanne’s father said to her. “Thanks, Dad. Don’t embarrass me.” He snaps a picture of her as she her two other girlfriends lean up against her. He sprinted off to take pictures of others celebrating her graduation day. Joanne continued to talk among her...
The following day I was at home again when the doorbell rang, so I went to see who was there. To my surprise, the slender Joanne was standing on my doorstep. I invited her in, and took her into the lounge. “I’m surprised to see you back so soon Joanne,” I said to her, “Where’s your friend?”“I don’t know, probably doing her homework right now,” Joanne replied, “she doesn’t know that I am here though, so I would appreciate it if you kept it from her, if you should see her Steve.”“Of course, of...
As Betty recounted the events of her last tryst with Bill, Joanne’s mind wandered. Images of him swam in her head. Those images were clipped from afternoons he’d spent at her pool with Sarah, her daughter. Evenings he’d stayed for dinner. And then there were the memories of Sarah’s moans and cries as Bill fucked her senseless in her bedroom. The bedroom next to Joanne’s. Joanne couldn’t hear every breath they took. But she heard enough to know that Bill was nearly insatiable. Bill had...
She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Mike had to get to work, a fuck was out of the question. As she showered she loved the feeling as she slipped a moist finger inside her. Should she pleasure herself now or later? As horny as she was feeling she decided to wait and let the feeling build up, knowing that her climax would be stronger. It was a warm day and she chose a black bra that gave her big tits plenty of uplift, a t shirt and short skirt. Amazingly she left her...
With hardly a seconds pause, his hands were on her breasts, mauling and squeezing them before capturing her pierced nipple by the ring and steadily but firmly pulling up and away from her body. Joanne grunted deep in her throat as a mini orgasm rocked her senses with its unexpected arrival. Her eyes flew wide open and she moaned as the wave of pleasure took her by surprise. Her hips bucked once, hard, as if searching for penetration by a thick long cock. Like the one that the masked man now...
JOANNE By Lorna E. Black CHAPTER 1 MEETING John and Jenny were two people that were very much alike. They were the same age, about the same height and had similar temperaments. In fact you could say they were the ideal couple, but there was only one thing, neither knew each other. As well as that, both were single, and extremely shy, or so that was how the world perceived them. Although they had never met, things were about to change because there were other people with plans for...
Joanne looked helplessly in the mirror at her thick bushed crotch. Never in her wildest dreams had she figured something like this would happen to her. It started about three months ago after she started working out at the health club. Now as she looked back on it she couldn't believe she had been so stupid! Like a lot of first timers she had literally thrown herself into her workouts. When the desired results were a little slow in coming, well she decided to take a short cut and use some oral...
LesbianJim and Joanne had met approximately a year ago and they hit it off from the start. Their sex life was great but tonight Jim had something special planned for Joanne. She had often told him of some of her fantasies that she had, tonight he was going to fulfill one of her most exotic fantasies. Jim had already picked out what she would be wearing tonight when they met for dinner, she would be wearing a black evening gown with a slit to mid thigh. Under the evening gown she would be wearing a...
Chapter Three The Seduction After dinner I helped Carole put everything in the dishwasher and then she took my hand and we went back to the living room. As I sat down she went to get our glasses of wine. As she sat down she moved closer to me. I was wondering what would happen although I had a very good knowledge. She placed her hand on my knee and looked at me; she took her glass of wine and raised it. "Well Joanne here is to our first dinner together, it was very pleasant being...
Joanne spent the whole day fretting about tonight. She must have been sick at least twice and could not settle into anything. She spent two hours getting ready and was still not happy. I told her that she looked sensational. I gave her a glass of wine to settle her nerves, but she looked terribly anxious. Joanne always gets like this before meets and I just have to manage it as best I can.After packing some sexy clothes into a bag we finally we headed out to the hotel in Coventry. We checked...
In my story "Two hands are better than one" I told about how I helped out Joanne with her essay and ended up getting a beautiful hand relief from her - not as a thank you - but to take my mind off her so that I could concentrate on the work.I hoped that would be the start of something between us but it was not. She continued to treat me almost like her little boy and had such a motherly way about her it was hard to insist that I really wanted something romantic.One night I was at her place and...
MasturbationKelly is my wife’s best friend, but could I get her into bed?My wife, Joanne, and her best friend, Kelly, met in college and have remained friends for five years. Joanne is a sultry brunette, but Kelly is a gorgeous blue-eyed blonde that I wanted terribly from the moment we met.Kelly and her husband, Jack, came down from New York to Florida for a visit this summer and I could hardly keep my eyes off of Kelly. Her long blonde hair and blue eyes were driving me crazy! But we’d just met, so I knew...
Last summer, Joanne and I planned our beach vacation in the Mediterranean. We were excited heading to Spain to experience the more open culture compared to the US. We arrived on a Sunday afternoon, checked into our apartment at the waterfront and started to get ready for the beach. Joanne stripped off naked, her wonderful 19 year old body made me almost crazy. I love her B cup tits and pierced nipples. She jumped under the shower to shave her body. She first cleanly shaved her pussy completely...
Being Joanne by Meryl Davids "Hi", "Hi back", I said, I'd just got back from work, I hated office work, but we needed the money, for when we got married. Jane was a Nurse. I worked at a bank. I used to work as a Nurse, and loved every minute of it, Jane was just about burned out and wanted to get a Nurse managers job, to get her away from direct patient care. I had joked with her that we should swop jobs, "yeah sure", was all she said. I couldn't help the clearly...
Once again I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. Without those two wonderful people I don't think I would still be posting. As always I must also add that I can't leave a story alone. I could well have added some cock-ups after they have seen it and before it gets posted. Well we must keep the GPs happy. The alarm function on my phone went off at 8 AM and that galvanised me into action. I jumped out of bed,...
Paula and Joanne Chapter 1 - Caught red-handed As many times before, I went around my friends Paul's house on the home from school. We had the house to ourselves and were up in Paul's room looking at a girlie magazine we had acquired. The model we were looking at was wearing black lacy undies and Paul said "Julia has some lingerie similar to those, do you want to see it, John?" Julia was Paul's sister, at sixteen a year older than both of us, and she was a real looker and, unknown...
Life was tough at the moment for an 18 year old. Jobs were hard to find and keep, and I was desperate to earn an income and not be reliant on handouts from the government. Then I got a job, not the flashest of ones, it was selling and installing water efficient showerheads. I had to go door to door and try to interest the householder. They were reasonably priced and I had some success. It was a Friday morning and I was about to leave home to scope out a new suburb in my city when my mum...
Prologue: Joanne has just confessed to her best friend Amy that she has taken steroids and the her clit has grown to many times it's normal size. After a quick suck session before school to calm the fire in Joanne's pussy, the two girls are nabbed by Sister Rachel, the high school principal. Our story picks up as the two girls enter the school a half hour late for class......... Amy and Joanne ran up the steps of Holy Redeemer Catholic School and quickly headed off down the corridor to their...
LesbianPrologue: Joanne has just confessed to her Amy that she has taken steroids and the her clit has grown to many times it's normal size. After a quick suck session before school to calm the fire in Joanne's pussy, the two girls are nabbed by Sister Rachel, the high school principal. To the stunned amazement of both girls the old nun ushers them into her back office where she sucks Joanne to an incredible climax while Amy masturbates like a banshee while watching all the action. The girls think...
LesbianAfter we returned from the beach, Joanne was so hornet again that she demanded me to fuck her ass really hard. We slipped into our apartment and got naked. Her hole was still well oil so that I dint have a problem to enter her ass with my rock hard dick. I pumped her asshole hard, pulled out and sprayed all over her ass right when she climaxed and squirted really hard.The next morning we got ready for the beach again. We both shaved and put on our swim wear. This time Joanne put a one piece...
Written by and copyright 1999 Admiral Cartwright, a pseudonym. It is intended solely for the entertainment of its audience. Any publication, reproduction, retransmission or other use of the descriptions and accounts herein without the express written consent of Major League Baseball is prohibited. Unless, of course, you ask the author first (Email address provided below). Distribution of this material or of any predecessor(s) for profit and/or with this information abridged shall constitute a...
It was my sister, 'wake up sleepy head' she said gigeling. 'Whats so funny' i said laughing They gigled some more and then pointed to my trousers. I had a huge hard on. It was boulging through my jeans. I blushed and tried to pretend it wasn't there by pulling my t-shirt down over it. They then started teasing me trying to pull my top of. I struggled and went for theres but just then my mum came through, we all quickly sat down pretending we were talking. 'Go and say bye to...
Unser zuletzt Geschriebenes wurde abgelehnt, mit der Begründung: enthält echte Erlebnisse. Die Regeln haben wir nie im Detail gelesen, nur, was in der Überschrift steht, also keine Gewalt, nichts, was unter 18 betrifft und kein K9. Haben wir uns natürlich dran gehalten. Umso überraschender also die Ablehnung, da wir von dieser Regel bzgl. echter Erlebnisse nicht wussten, und wir eigentlich genau davon schreiben. Aber vielleicht lag es daran, dass es in Englisch war und dabei möglicherweise...
Group SexIn First Time Spanking Part 3, I left off the narrative with Joanne and I cuddling up naked in my bedroom at my parent’s house. I was eighteen years old at the time and Joanne was probably in her late 30’s. One of the first things she said to me was that she had a son about my age. As I also previously mentioned, Joanne was a tall, statuesque, shapely blonde, about six feet tall. I was also six feet tall but she was definitely bigger than me. I fell asleep in her arms following the rough sex I...
MILFJoAnne had the fresh scrubbed complexion of a teenager. Her soft brown hair looked equally good in a pageboy, a ponytail or pigtails. She had the nice tight body of a high school cheerleader and at twenty-two she looked like the All-American girl next door. She did not resemble in any way, shape, manner, or form what she really was - an absolute slut. She had been one since she was eighteen when, high on beer following a football game, she had allowed five guys to take her cherry. Everyone in...
What is the weirdest sex I have had, I thought about is for all of thirty seconds, the night Joanne slipped inside me, on a forced stopover.Now before you cry Lesbian or Bi-Sexual, you would be wrong, because Joanne was neither, she was a transsexual, something I did not know at the time, nor was she, him about to admit to, especially since I had offered to share my hotel room and not leave her stranded without.We both worked for the same airline, which I shall not mention, due to legal...
Paula and Joanne Chapter 2 - The week-end, Friday night part 1 After the first night as Paula and Joanne, the rest of the week at school seems to take forever to pass. I wear Mrs Emery's lacy black knickers on the day we don't have gym or sports. Paul is also wearing girls panties that day, a pair that Julia has given him. Eventually Friday evening arrives and after dropping off my school stuff at home, I pop round to Karen and Tina's as arranged. Only Tina, who is still in her...
Paula and Joanne Suggest previous Chapters are read first Chapter 3 - The week-end, Friday night part 2 As we stood in the mall, the other girls ribbing me about Matt being my new boyfriend, Mrs Emery's mobile phone rings. At the end of the call, she explains that it was her work & she needs to go into her office immediately for about an hour. Julia tells her not to worry about us, we can catch the bus home. She starts reluctantly but all bar Paula & I chip in saying we...
Chapter Two The Preparation & The Discovery I went into my house still amazed at what I had the privilege of learning. My neighbor was just like me a transvestite, this was somewhat quite special. I slowly made my way to my Mother's bedroom (yes I slept in her bed when she was away) and slowly removed my outer garments, keeping on my lingerie. I donned a satin nightgown and after removing part of my make-up slipped between the soft sheets and fell asleep. All through the...
This is a true story. The names are changed to protect everybody.I have been married for over twenty years. My wife has a sister, Joanne, who is slim and pretty good looking. She is married and has two k**s.I have played softball every summer for years. My wife never comes to the games, but I invited Joanne to come. She gave me a look and said, "Maybe- we'll see." Now you have to understand that Joanne has wanted to ball me for many years, not because I am movie-star hot, but just because...
I was relaxing in my apartment after the departure of Ginny (Ms Virginia Elsworthy - my current high school French teacher) from her overnight stay with me. I'd sent her on the way with a pussy full of cum after having fucked her at the doorway before she left. I was startled by my phone ringing, answering it I discovered that it was Karen Williams. She sounded very bubbly when she spoke "Ginny was absolutely glowing this morning ... and she tasted divine too...". "What!" I exclaimed...
This is actually a Romance, you may not think it is from the beginning but I needed to set the tone and history as vividly as I could. The woman does get the man in the end so it’s a Romance. ***** Like most people I believed, truly believed I had the best marriage. Beth and I grew up across the street from each other, we walked to school and then high school together, hell even the kids in high school didn’t bother asking Beth out, to all of them she was my girlfriend. As we grew up and...
I was home in Melbourne looking over Craigslist seeing what was on for offer. I enjoy pussy and cock so was looking at all the sections and then came across t4m.So had a look and found a advert for a mid 30's tranny wanting a guy to come over for some fun.Now I've enjoyed watching shemale porn and so sent a message. It wasn't too long that I got a response from Joanne.Anyway getting to the chase. I rang the doorbell and I was met by a very attractive woman. She introduced herself as Joanne.We...
Recently, JoAnne was in a pensive mood, having just returned from another night giving blowjobs to Johns at a downtown corner, as she has been doing for almost 7 years now. I could tell she was pensive, because she seemed distracted as she sucked my dick in the living room, as I watched early morning TV. She ALWAYS sucks me before heading off to bed. Anyway, I asked her what she was thinking of. “Hmmm?” she asked me, her mouth not leaving my cock. “You look distracted,” I told her. “Hmm hmm,”...
Group SexI was awakened at eight A.M. by the ringing of the phone extension in my room. It was Joanne Dunleavy calling. "You told him you don't remember kissing me? Ellen Merchant's thirteenth birthday party? You took me over by the hedge on the side of her house and kissed me three times. I slapped you when you tried to feel me up, after." As soon as she mentioned the hedge and the slap, I laughed. I'd had my hand on her butt while we'd kissed the second and third times. It was only when I'd...
My date with Joanne went well, for the most part, on Wednesday. I say for the most part, because we ended up not having that test drive we'd both agreed on. Instead, my grandmother, mother and sister monopolized all Joanne's time from the minute she came to our home until five minutes before she left at ten o'clock that evening. Those last five minutes were when I was walking her out to her car. She looked great when I first saw her, tanned and relaxed. Her breasts were a bit bigger than...
Jason Becomes Joanne By: Joanne Marie Andrews [email protected] Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a woman, I hated being a man. Woman we're so much more elegant, more slender, and of course beautiful. And finally I had my chance to experience womanhood. I had just finished highschool, and was going to take a year off before going off to college. My parents took this opportunity to take their dream "around the world" trip. They had saved up for this...
As soon as I arrived at the headquarters building for the Dunleavy Holding Company, I was issued a visitor's badge and escorted up to the top floor. Miss Sheridan, Mr. Dunleavy's personal assistant met me in the foyer, and walked me back to her office. She was a woman of indeterminate age, somewhere in her forties or fifties I'd have guessed. She was very thin and had her hair up in a tight bun. I could see no evidence of any make up on her face. Her dress was not of the latest fashion,...
Any thoughts that JoAnne was going to let up significantly would never be entertained by anyone who knew her and how much she loved having her mouth fucked. Uncle Charlie and I quickly decided that, with four girls now working, at least for the remainder of this day (another 10 hours or so until midnight), we’d keep up the same torrid pace with JoAnne, and send any other Mason’s who wanted to be seen faster to Nadine, Kaitlin and Claire, letting the men choose as much as possible. Poor Claire...
Group SexThe revenge of Joanne Feldman - Part I by Martyna. (c) 2013 This was the most important day on Peter's Moore life. Although he still didn't know it will be also his last. Peter was staying in a cheap hotel room in Berlin together with the US federal agent Brett Curtis. In a few hours they will leave to the Berlin Tegel airport where they would board a plane to Amsterdam and from there another plane to the US. Peter loved his life in Germany and initially he wasn't planning on...
I'm only just learning a very valuable lesson - that we should try to share our wives and girlfriends. Open relationships without the hang-ups of sexual jealousy. Fucking openly and honestly. It took me a long time to figure out when I was at college and still a virgin at 19-years-old why it was only after my so-called girlfriend Joanne had been fucked by an older, married man that our own relationship finally took off after months of agonising waiting for her body. I still remember going round...
In my story ‘Two hands are better than one’ I told about how I helped out Joanne with her essay and ended up getting a beautiful hand relief from her – not as a thank you – but to take my mind off her so that I could concentrate on the work. I hoped that would be the start of something between us but it was not. She continued to treat me almost like her little boy and had such a motherly way about her it was hard to insist that I really wanted something romantic. One night I was at her place...
It was a Tuesday morning, mid-August, and again I found myself bored. What to do. We didn’t have the luxury of a house phone (something that you don’t really hear of nowadays anyway) at that time,so to contact me mates we had to call around for them.. I was in the living room watching TV when me sister shouted that she was off out with me mam to see a Jackie who was one of me mam’s friends whom daughter Joanne was a friend of our Tracey’s. I asked if they were gonna be long and as they left me...
JOANNE SLAM - A LIFETIME OF CROSSDRESSING…..Almost!!!I have been doing this for a long time, cross dressing and my wanton ways with my transvestite fetish, my feelings of bi-sexuality and the thoughts of being “The Nasty Looking Slut” when I would look at porn magazines. This was in the late 60s and early 70’s mind you so I was seeing very cool, I thought anyway, looking back now it was that vintage lingerie and under-garments style and as a teenager it was most likely finding these kinds of...
I know a truly gorgeous girl. Her name is JoAnne G. She has long, silky, light brown hair; it’s virtually blonde, you see. She has such gorgeous deep brown eyes and the sweetest ever face. Hers is a smile that’ll melt your heart and warm up any place. Her breasts are small. She’s slight and slim; but her bum sure gets some looks. She wears the nicest, tightest jeans, every day she works. Yes… JoAnne is a working girl; a full-time prostitute. She’s almost famous in our town. Her mouth’s an...
Erotic PoetryIt had been a chance meeting between Mrs Dawson and Lucy Thomas at a book reading club. Janet Dawson was the headmistress at the sixth form college for girls that Lucy Thomas had attended. Lucy was the head girl and head prefect.Janet Dawson was now forty-five years old, and Lucy was twenty-two-years old.Having met at the book club and got on well, they went for a drink together one evening and were now back at Janets’ house having another drink and an increasingly friendly chat.It was during...
SpankingJoanne decided to treat herself and had heard of this massage parlour across town where the services could be very special!! She telephoned and booked herself in for the full body massage which, in other salons is usually back, head, legs and arms – not quite a full body but she’d heard this place could be different depending which masseuse you got. She arrived in plenty of time and stripped and wrapped the bath towel provided around her and sat in the waiting room just flicking magazines....
The advert was simple.'Retired Deputy Headmistress seeks naughty 'boys' for punishment. The Headmaster may be called upon for those in need of severe treatment.'A brief exchange of emails and a date was arranged. It was a good hour’s drive, and on arrival, I was bemused to find that it was indeed the old school house where the headmaster would have lived when the school had been open.An attractive lady in her late sixties, I guess, answered the door. This turned out to be Miss Dean, the...
The advert was simple.Retired Deputy Headmistress seeks naughty 'boys' for punishment. The Headmaster may be called upon for those in need of severe treatment.A brief exchange of emails and a date was arranged. It was a good hour’s drive, and on arrival, I was bemused to find that it was indeed the old school house where the headmaster would have lived when the school had been open.An attractive lady in her late sixties, I guess, answered the door. This turned out to be Miss Dean, the...
BDSMThe Theory of Toon Physics By: Lyrissa "And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes today's lecture. I know that maybe about half of you were even listening and of those maybe fifty percent understood what I said, but the exam is next week nevertheless," Professor Brown said to the class at large. There was a subdued groaning and mumbling among the students as they started gathering up their phones, pads, sketchbooks and whatever else they had scattered around their seat during the...
It was a lazy summer evening and the sun was just disappearing from the horizon. The Medway town cottage glistened in its last playful rays. The air was humid and hot, heavy with dust, and not a single movement in the air could be felt for the last several hours. Even the trees around seemed silenced. Joanne streched her beautiful legs on the sofa. She was lying there for the past several hours, reading a book. Shorts and the upper part of an old swimming suit were covering her slender body....
I heard nothing further from any of the Dunleavy's for another week. I had started putting the whole idea of an arranged marriage out of my mind. I was eating a late breakfast, after going out with some friends the evening before, when I heard the telephone ringing. My sister had answered it, and I heard her calling down the stairs for me to pick up the phone. "Mr. Twain, this is Constance Sheridan, calling for Mr. Dunleavy. He was hoping you might spare him an hour, this coming Wednesday....
DAY TWENTY "Lieutenant Moroni! I want you to go and supervise the release of Prisoner Schwartz. Your investigation of the wreck must be postponed until later. Take Brown with you!" Once the couple were away from eagle-eyed Angela's jealous gaze they made up for the hours they had been apart. Then they continued on the short and by now familiar walk to the other side. They walked arm in arm and paused frequently to embrace and kiss. "I'm pretty poor officer material, darling Frieda."...